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Authorities arrested at least 2,839 soldiers as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed that those responsible “will pay a heavy price for their treason.” After the bloodiest challenge to his 13-year autocratic rule, Erdogan urged his backers to stay on the streets to prevent a possible “flare-up” of Friday’s chaos in the strategic NATO member of 80 million people. The chaos came amid a period of political turmoil in Turkey that critics blame on Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule. Staying in power by switching from being Prime Minister to President, Erdogan has shaken up the Government, cracked down on dissidents, restricted the news media and renewed fighting with Kurdish rebels. The uprising appears not to have been backed by the most senior ranks of the military, and Turkey’s main Opposition parties quickly condemned the attempted overthrow of the Government. General Umit Dundar said the plotters were mainly officers from the Air Force, the military police and the armored units. With at least 2,839 soldiers already detained in a relentless round-up over the coup plot, the authorities blamed the conspiracy on Erdogan’s arch enemy, the US-based moderate cleric Fethullah Gulen. Erdogan has often accused the cleric and his supporters of attempting to overthrow the Government. Gulen lives in exile in Pennsylvania and promotes a philosophy that blends a mystical form of Islam with staunch advocacy of democracy, education, science and interfaith dialogue. Gulen, however, said A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78 n a day of dramatic developith Uttarakhand Chief ISaturday ments, the Congress on WMinister Harish Rawat turned the tables on allegedly remaining “evasive” the BJP by finally replacing its Chief Minister Nabam Tuki, a move that led to the return of its rebels back to its fold and paved the way for a Congress Government in Arunachal Pradesh with a brute majority. Interestingly, it was the Congress leadership’s refusal to remove Tuki as the Chief Minister in the first place that had led to a revolt in the party and its subsequent loss of power in the State. Pema Khandu, the son of former Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu, who lost his life in a plane crash in 2011, is the Congress’ Chief Ministerial designate now. Claiming the support of 46 MLAs, including two Independents, Khandu staked claim to form the Government. during two rounds of questioning in connection with a Preliminary Enquiry (PE) relating to a sting video case involving alleged bribery, the CBI is planning to convert it into a regular case for seeking his “custodial interrogation”. The sting case relates to alleged bribery and bribe proposal through purported negotiation with middlemen to strike a deal with the dissident Congress MLAs and a Minister to seek favourable voting in the State Assembly in March 2016. According to internal agency documents accessed by The Pioneer, Rawat, prime accused in the case, was evasive during questioning on May 24 and June 7 and custodial interrogation is required to proceed further in the prosecution. Turn to Page 4 1A84578BC>AH>5 _aTeX^dbR^d_b (%) CWTUXabcR^d_bcPVTSX] CdaZThRP\TX] (%fWT]cWT \X[XcPahbdRRTbbUd[[hd]bTPcTS cWT6^eTa]\T]cP\XSWXVW cT]bX^]X]cWTR^d]cah (& ) CWT\X[XcPahPVPX]^dbcTS cWTCdaZXbW6^eTa]\T]cX] (& CWTR^d_U^[[^fTS\^]cWb^U eX^[T]RTP]Sd]aTbcX]cWT R^d]cahCWXbR^d_fPb R^]bXSTaTScWT°R^d_Qh \T\^aP]Sd\± (') 0UcTacWT (& R^d_SXS [Xcc[Tc^WTP[CdaZTh³bd]aTbcP]S _^[XcXRP[cdaQd[T]RTcWT\X[XcPah PVPX]STRXSTSc^PccT\_cPR^d_ X] ('CWTR^d_fPbRPaaXTS ^dcX]BT_cT\QTa^UcWPchTPa P]ScWT\X[XcPahbTXiTSR^]ca^[ ((&) FWX[T]^c^UUXRXP[[hPR^d_ cWTCdaZXbW\X[XcPahX] ((& XbbdTSbTeTaP[aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b c^cWTCdaZXbW6^eTa]\T]c CWT6^eTa]\T]c³b^][h RW^XRTfPbc^PRRT_ccW^bT aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b 30IRU&0V¶KHOSWRVHFXUH,QGLD 2^]VbRdcc[Tb19?´b DeZ_X+43:dVV\d 4R]]dW`cSVeeVc4V_ecVDeReVcV]ReZ`_de` \^eTQhRWP]VX]V Tfde`UZR]XcZ]]Z_X T`f_eVcTYR]]V_XVde`Z_eVc_R]dVTfcZej W^abTbX]\XSbcaTP\ `W9RcZdYCRhRe 0=D?B70A<0?=BQ 6DF070C8=4F34;78 he condemned “in the strongest terms, the attempted military coup in Turkey” and sharply rejected any responsibility for the attempted coup. “Government should be won through a process of free and fair elections, not force… As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt. I categorically deny such accusations,” he added. Turks woke up early on Saturday to television pictures showing dozens of soldiers surrendering after the apparent failure of the coup, some with their hands above their head, others forced to the ground in the streets. “The situation is completely under control,” Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said outside his Ankara offices, flanked by Turkey’s top general who had himself been taken hostage by the plotters. Turn to Page 4 Related reports on P7 ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXD]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWP]SBcPcTb 2WXTU<X]XbcTabPaaXeTPccWT cW8]cTaBcPcT2^d]RX[<TTcX]VPcAPbWcaP_PcX1WPeP] ^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 ?=BQ =4F34;78 rime Minister Narendra P Modi on Saturday sought the cooperation and consensus of all Chief Ministers for the overall development of the country, delivery in governance to the common man and better Centre-State relations. Addressing the Inter-State Council meeting, convened after a gap of 10 years, the Prime Minister also sought the Chief Ministers’ collective cooperation in Intelligence sharing and action to counter the challenges to internal security. Modi said internal security cannot be strengthened until and unless States and the Centre focus on sharing Intelligence. “We have to remain alert and updated always,” he said while stressing for “stern actions” on issues related to internal security. Chief Ministers of all States, Lieutenant Governors of Union Territories and 17 Union Ministers are members of the Inter-State Council. Modi highlighted the increase in State’s share of central taxes with the acceptance of the 14th Finance Commission’s recommendations and more revenue to States through coal block auctions even as he pointed out that States could have an additional C1,600 crore for themselves this year if they reduced consumption of kerosene by 25 per cent. He also talked about efforts to ensure release C40,000-crore CAMPA funds for States. 8]SXP]bcdST]cbUX[\ RaTfbPUTX]CdaZTh ?=BQ =4F34;78 bout 148 Indian school A students and 38 officials left stranded in Turkey found help coming their way after the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) responded to a video message posted by one of the athletes from Tamil Nadu and ensured they are kept safe. A Bengali film crew present on a shooting assignment in Turkey :D:DT]RZ^d?ZTV 20?BD;4 ?0:B>280;<438082>= ReeRT\,&YV]U :8;;435>A³7>=>DA´ Nice: The ISIS on Saturday claimed that Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who barreled his truck into a crowd in the French resort city of Nice killing over 84 on July 14, was a “soldier” of the group. The French police have arrested five people, including Bouhlel’s estranged wife, in the case. The claim, circulated on social media by a news outlet affiliated with the ISIS, didn’t name the 31-year-old Tunisian, but the statement quoting an ISIS security member said the man was following calls from the group to target citizens of countries fighting it. The veracity of the group’s claim couldn’t be determined, but French officials didn’t dispute it. AP @aacf]VUDeReVdUV^R_U e`T]Za8`gVc_`cd¶hZ_Xd ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Chief Ministers of T Opposition-ruled States on Saturday took on the Centre on issues ranging from political to financial at the Inter-State Council meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But then, successive Governments at the Centre pulling the strings through the Governors came in for special criticism by them. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar criticised the Centre for too is reported to be safe. The crew of 30-35 Indians comprises West Bengal IT Minister Bratya Basu, who is a theatre and film personality also. Fresh from the successful evacuation of 149 Indian nationals from the war-torn South Sudan, MEA officials were quickly alerted about the presence of Indian school students and officials in Turkey. Turn to Page 4 the non-transparency in appointment of Governors and called for the abolition of the gubernatorial post itself. Kumar said the existing federal democratic structure does not warrant continuance of post of Governor. If it is not possible to do away with the constitutional post, the discretionary powers that go with it be curtailed, Nitish said, adding the Chief Minister of a state should have a role in the appointment and removal of the Governor. 8b[P\PQPS) ?^_d[Pab^RXP[\TSXP RT[TQaXch@P]STT[1P[^RWP[b^P \^ST[P]SPRc^afPbbcaP]V[TS c^STPcWQhWTaQa^cWTaX]hTc P]^cWTa°W^]^daZX[[X]V±X] ?PZXbcP]_^[XRTbPXS^] BPcdaSPh 2A>0C80==0C8>=0; 2><<8CBBD82834 =Tf3T[WX)0""hTPa^[S 2a^PcXP]]PcX^]P[P[[TVTS[h R^\\XccTSbdXRXSTPcPW^cT[X] B^dcW3T[WX³b<PWX_P[_daPaTP _^[XRTbPXS^]BPcdaSPh=T]PS :aTb^YPfW^f^aZTSPcPbRW^^[ X]2a^PcXPXbQT[XTeTSc^ WPeTb[XcWXbfaXbcfXcWPbWPaS^U PfX]S^fPccWTW^cT[WTfPb bcPhX]VR[^bTc^cWT8]SXaP 6P]SWX8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^ac A08=C7A>FB34;78 CA05582>DC>5640A =Tf3T[WX) 3T[WX^]BPcdaSPh fXc]TbbTSWTPehcaPUUXRYP\bfXcW fPcTa[^VVX]V^]bTeTaP[Qdbh X]cTabTRcX^]b[TPeX]V\^c^aXbcb bcdRZ^]cWTbcaTTcbCWT<TC ST_Pac\T]cbPXScWPcBPUSPaYd]V ^QbTaePc^ahaTR^aSTS#"#\\ ^UaPX]UP[[cX[['"P\7^fTeTa Wd\XSXch[TeT[bW^cd_P]SfPb aTR^aSTSPc _TaRT]c :8;;438=:0B7<8A E8>;4=242DA54F>= BaX]PVPa) >]T_Tab^]fPb^] BPcdaSPhZX[[TSX]R[PbWTb QTcfTT]bTRdaXch_Tab^]]T[P]S _a^cTbcTabfW^PccPRZTSP_^[XRT _^bcX]:d_fPaPPb_a^cTbcb fTaTWT[SX]b^\T_Pacb^UcWT RdaUTfQ^d]SEP[[ThfWTaT"( _Tab^]bWPeTSXTSP]S^eTa " [TUcX]YdaTSX]cWTeX^[T]RT bX]RT[PbcfTTZ VT]TaP[! 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % D9@HE:>6 7+(27+(56,'( F8C7<44=0:B78A0> 5ZdXfdeZ_X]jf_YRaaV_Z_X 7KHILQDOHRI6$5(*$0$3$WRQLJKWZLOOVHHWRSILYHILQDOLVWV².XVKDO 3DXO-DSJUHHW%DMZD5XSDOL-DJJD-\RWLFD7DQJULDQG6DFKLQ.XPDU² VLQJLQJGXHWVZLWKWKHLUIDYRXULWHVLQJHUV6$1*((7$<$'$9 WDONVWRWKHP DERXWZKDWWKH\WDNHEDFNIURPWKHVKRZ 3$5,726+.,027+, :?D:DE6?E 7@:3=6 T or those without the fantastic means or professional requirements that sustain gloF betrotters, interest in keeping abreast of the global scenario can be quenched enough by national and international media and occasional interaction with foreign nationals. Considering aspects like philosophy, politics and commerce, one may form a less erroneous picture of what’s abuzz and what’s not by scanning the mainstream media along with the alternative media and the openly anti-establishment bodies- many of whom appear to be intent on floating ‘conspiracy theories’ or whatever that is required to counter the general view of the ‘establishment’ just for the heck of it or as part of a planned market strategy. In some time an observer might comprehend how capitalism directs communist governance, how totalitarianism is at times disguised as democracy and how the profit motive fantastically unites even mutually opposed ideologies. The current global scenario in general appears to be in a state of flux with the actions of natural and human-made forces presenting an image akin to the stereotypical ‘good against evil’ tale. The global media speaks of battles killing multitudes including non-combatants, attempts to influence or erase cultures, communities and environment, religious and other fanatics with blood lust, progressive developments with responsible citizens ensuring elected or appointed public servants do the needful, communities and nations rising above tragedies coming to terms with their past and present. Armed attacks by individuals and organisations differentiated by packaging and jargon have for some time now been part of routine life in parts of the globe though recent years have seen a surge in armed attacks apparently motivated by religious and cultural factors even in the developed nations considered to be secure and better equipped to tackle such threats. The outrage expressed and demands made by opposing sides often reveal obstinate inability to actually learn from past experiences and take proper action. Regarding the recent terror attacks, it may seem like a disproportionate generalisation to call it comeuppance for the now developed societies which have a history of perpetuating unimaginably worse killings, torture, crimes and unethical practices in diplomacy and business affairs compared to current scenario. Not that people should face vengeance for the crimes of those ancestors who were often marauding invaders colonizing nativeinhabited lands gradually through the business of warfare and aggressive marketing. However, rest assured that we in Uttarakhand and beyond too will soon face consequences of the persistent follies that are either ignored or exacerbated especially in ‘developmental’ activities affecting the environment, culture and composition of society. The advent of rainfall in Uttarakhand has already killed dozens of people and hundreds of domesticated animals in landslides, flash floods and varied accidents. In many such cases, it is starkly evident that little if any has been learnt by the authorities and society in general from the June 2013 disaster which had claimed the lives of thousands of visitors from across the nation and abroad in addition to the locals. This year while villagers died in floods in the mountains, others continued encroaching along the banks of Rispana and Bindal rivers in Dehradun. Some cite disasters this season in Pithoragarh, Chamoli and Uttarkashi, stating that the establishment, not learning from past errors, has continued - even stepped up unscientific and unnecessary construction and schemes as if to prod Nature saying “…remember the place where raging flood waters had swept away heavy vehicles like paper boats? Well, we have laid foundation for a multi-storeyed parking at a spot not far from that site - let’s see what Nature does now. Oh and yes, in the area sanctified by proximity to the Kedarnath shrine where calamity had killed multitudes, we have arranged for thousands of people to stay overnight also laying foundation for a meditation and discourse centre in a place where the ‘unenthusiastic’ prefer the serenity and majesty of Shiva amidst the Himalayas and simplicity of the native culture.” Whatever such compulsive skeptics state, the politicians, officials and dealers –depending on political and personal status—hone their skills, extol or lambast developmental claims and go about their business as if nothing has changed. Some consider this a progressive attitude while others identify it as the tendency to ignore or exacerbate follies till the preventable becomes unavoidable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gV`_Rd`_X 8C62E8C2?5>2DE: Z_X+GZgV\@SVc`ZCZeVZdY 5VdY^f\Y2WeRSDYZgURdR_Z FcgRdYZCRfeV]R CReVU+# "! t is an insult to the reviewer to actually waste newsprint and words on this limp, below the belt blow from the ‘Masti’ franchise. For, it is neither great, nor grand nor masti in any sense of the term. In fact, it is so amoebic that it defies any kind of structure whatsoever. Add to that, an over two-hour rising of the male parts wrestling with tables, cushions and cold pads to come out of bondage. But then, the effort is so limp that it does not even qualify as porn. The makers could be booked for sexual retardation of the most offensive kind had there been a law to catch such misadventures. Just to let you know that it is a Balaji film, there is what one of the OTT char- I acters says “a lot of bhootyapa”, what with a boobs-popping virgin aatmaa dying to, well, just do it! And the three sexually muscled buffoons, or so we thought, are always there to oblige. Masti to Grand Masti to Great Grand Masti is a perfect example of bad to worse to worst. There is no other explanation to this wannabe romp in the bed by three married men unable to do it with their wives but wanting to do it all the time. A depraved, uncooked and humourless take on infidelity (attempted) with such forced double entendres that you feel sex is a game played in a mental asylum. For those who want to see steel glasses expanding on viagra, tables rising on male parts, friends sucking butts and women turning into beasts of burden, with their chests falling out of their bodies, you are most welcome to buy the tickets for this misguided missile. ´DXUcX_gXQcWYfU^ ]U`Ubc`USdYfUµ hey sing like rockstars, know their music and bring a twist to the performance when on stage. The top five singers of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa have won the hearts of the viewers, hence each is a winner. Ahead of its finale at 7pm tonight on ZEE TV, the five finalists will rock the stage by singing duets with their favourite singers. While Kushal Paul will be seen performing on badtameez dil and bang bang with Benny Dayal, Jugpreet Bajwa and Rupali Jagga will perform on main tera hero and wajah tum hi ho with Armaan Malik. Kailash Kher fan Sachin Kumar will impress everyone by singing mangal mangal and teri deewani with Kher and Jyotica Tangri will sizzle on stage with Sukhwinder Singh, singing babydoll, ghani baawri and saiyyan saiyyan. The show has been a stepping stone for many into Bollywood. Looking back on the Sa Re Ga Ma Pa journey, Sachin says: “From meeting veteran singers and learning from the jury, it has been a great learning experience. I will take back a lot of memories from this show like the time when I sang ;A)BPRWX]:d\Pa9h^cXZPCP]VaX9PV_aTTc1PYfPAd_P[X9PVVPP]S:dbWP[?Pd[ arziya and Pritamda hugged me. Asha Bhosle complimented me by saying ‘apko aise logon ko gawana chaiye’ when I sang songs. In fact, she taught Asha Bhosle pursue music was to spread love and peace. dance steps when the singer had come on Any illness can be cured with music,” the 21tujhse naraaz nahi zindagi.” year-old says, adding that his dream is to The 23-year-old has reached where he the show. Rupali Jagga has been learning singing open a music therapy school. is today due to sheer determination and hard For 17-year-old Kushal Paul, one of the work and now dreams to sing in Bollywood from age 7 and used to sing bhajans in temples with her mother. Before coming to the strongest claimants to the title, coming to Sa and gift a house to his parents. Jyotica Tangri (23), who won the max- show, she used to perform at corporate Re Ga Ma Pa was his mother’s dream. He started learning singing at age 3 and has won imum chartbuster titles on the show, start- events. For Rupali, the best moment was when two reality shows earlier. ed her music journey at age 6 and was a “I was preparing to realise my mother’s struggling singer in Mumbai before getting Neha Kakkar gifted her a diamond ring as selected for the show. She got an opportu- a good luck charm. “We performed a duet and my dream for a long time. At 13, I had nity to sing for a Punjabi film Vaishakhi, star- on sunny sunny and ladki beautiful. It won the reality show Star of Bengal and startring Jimmy Shergill. She sees the show as a turned special when Neha took out her ring ed performing at events and concerts. At 16, and gave it to me,” Rupali says. She bagged I won Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Bangla and got my platform to realise her dream. first playback song for the Bengali movie The “One of my best performances was when an offer from Mika to go on a world tour. For Jagpreet Bajwa, the moment Salman Play. When this show came, I was confident I dedicated the song chitthi na koi sandesh to my late father. My mom also came to the Khan came to the sets to see his rehearsal I would get selected. Through the show, I show that day and it turned out to be an his life changed for good. “He told me that learnt vocal grooming, the right way to do emotional moment for everyone. That per- ‘my mother and I are a big fan of yours and riyaz and perform on stage. It has been a formance is close to my heart,” says Tangri we look forward to your performance.’ I great learning experience,” Kushal whose forte lies in singing Asha Bhosle learnt a lot from the contestants. My aim to tells you. C4;;HC0;4 A8C7E8: 370=90=8cP[Zbc^?A0:A8C8 A>HPQ^dcWXb]TfbW^f^]7Xbc^ahCE ' Q Tell us about your new show Man vs Job. The show is about one man taking up extremely difficult and odd jobs that people from our country staying in far flung areas do on a daily basis. It’s about my entire journey with them, living like them and with them and doing the work they do. For instance, you’ll see me doing crocodile farming. Then I also learnt how people in Sunderbans collect honey in extremely risky conditions but staying with them and going out to collect it. I stayed in their huts and even got a special permission to go into the restricted areas. Q What part of it are you looking forward to the most? I’ll get to visit all these places in the rural hinterland that I would normally miss out on. Like when we went to the Sunderbans, we didn’t go to Kolkata, which is usually the limit of our travels. Q After your first-hand experience with these people and their jobs, what are your thoughts? These are very important jobs but they are not appreciated enough. While in Sunderbans, I found out that these honey collectors literally fight for their lives so that people like us can have one bottle of honey. Not only do they bear the bee sting, but having the Royal Bengal Tiger is a very real danger. In the jungle, you are nothing more than food for these animals. Q Do you have a new perspective on life now? Definitely! We take our lives for granted and keep cribbing about tiny things. But when you see these people, you start respecting your own life and thank God for it. Q You’ve been more into hosting and less into acting…. I will definitely be back in acting when I find a good script. It doesn’t matter to me if it is TV, films or even web. Q You’ve also appeared in a short film... Ya, that was years back. The film did very well in the film festival circuit and went to Cannes, etc. I wouldn’t mind doing a short film again. Q What are your thoughts on the current content on TV? I believe, to each their own. ´:eTWUcQbUVe^gYcU dQ\U^dUTU^TUQbY^Wµ ?A0:A8C8A>Hb_TPZbc^C74A4B0E8B8=C8=PR^]cTbcP]c^]BcPa F^a[S´b<PbcTaRWTU0dbcaP[XPfW^b_X[[bcWTQTP]b^]VTccX]VP bTR^]SbW^cPccWTcXc[T QYou’re back on the show. H2E49K:?528:8F=K2C92: X]SPVXQaX]Vbh^dcWT^__^acd]Xchc^aT[XeTcWT \PVXR ^U IX]SPVX 6d[iPa 7PX ^] 9d[h & P]S !#! %Ua^\!"_\^]fPaSCWTbW^fXb QPRZ Qh _^_d[Pa ST\P]S Pb P _Pac ^U cWT 5PfPS UTbcXeP[ CW^bTfW^WPeTbcX[[]^cbTT]cWTbTaXP[WTaT³b P] ^__^acd]Xch c^ bTT Xc C7^bT fW^ WPeT bTT] Xc P]S [^eTS Xc cWXb Xb cX\T c^ fPcRW cWT aTad] CWT bTaXP[ Xb PQ^dc :PbWPU P VXa[ Ua^\ P \XSS[T R[Pbb UP\X[hfW^bTUPcWTaWPS[TUcWTa\^cWTafXcWcWaTT SPdVWcTab c^ \Paah P]^cWTa f^\P] c^ WPeT \P[T RWX[SBWTWPbc^UPRT\P]hRWP[[T]VTbfWT]bWT Y^X]bP]T[XcTd]XeTabXchCWTbc^ahT\_WPbXiTb^] P] T]R^d]cTa QTcfTT] WTa P]S IPa^^] 9d]PXS P Q^hUa^\P]T[XcTUP\X[hP]SW^fcWTXabc^ahV^Tb Ua^\TgcaT\TSXb[XZTc^UP[[X]VX][^eT I 8C2?57:?2=6 People complain about the content being regressive, etc but it’s still working and getting what the makers want. I am not someone who can comment or judge if the content is good or bad. As long as the content is entertaining, it doesn’t matter if it’s regressive, aggressive or anything else. Q You’re the heartthrob of TV. How do you handle the attention? I am, obviously, very happy about it. This is a part and parcel of being in this line of work and it’s something I’ve always craved for. Q Have you had any memorable fan experiences? Sometimes fans go over the top. Once I was performing in South Africa. After the performance, there was this girl who wanted to talk to me and she got really aggressive and pulled me into the crowd. That was a surreal, movie-like experience. But some fans have also done awfully sweet things like naming a star after me, sending me a guitar, etc. Q In school, you were overweight. Ever feel afraid of going back to that size, now that you are so fit and on TV? I weighed 113 kg in school. I hope I don’t slip back into it. So I keep a check on what I eat and exercise. I train in acrobatics, kickboxing, dancing (of course), etc apart from the regular gym. How does it feel? It’s very exciting. I am a big fan of the show since the first season, so I knew that there will be a second chance. I was determined to make the most of it. That’s why, after elimination, I didn’t go back home to Vancouver, Canada but stayed in Sydney and honed my skills. QWhom did you train with- in the hiatus? There was Reynold from last season. I spent a couple of days with him. Then there was Ava from one of the previous seasons. I also approached a few restaurants and they let me learn things in their kitchen. er is there in the kitchen with you and he is someone who understands you so well. QYou’ve been on TV before, as a soap actress in the 90s. How is it different this time? The two experiences are different from each other, there is absolutely no comparison. As an actor, you are pretending to be someone else. On Masterchef, you can’t be anyone other than yourself. There is so much pressure in the competition and what you see on the screen is totally raw. QAny plans of going back to Theory and actually working under a chef are two completely different things. Doing work handson with them is a great confidence booster. You get to learn so many techniques. ;92=2<5:<99=2;22*7C@>;F=J$! 2PcRWcWT_aT\XTaTT_Xb^ST^U9WP[PZ3XZWW[P9PP BTPb^](^]2^[^abPc _\^]9d[h"! % CWTT_Xb^STfX[[\PaZcWTCESTQdc^U9PR`dT[X]T 5Ta]P]STiPbPYdSVTBWTY^X]b:PaP]9^WPaP]S RW^aT^VaP_WTa6P]TbW7TVST to cook for a legend, who would that be? Heston Blumenthal has always been my favourite guest on the show. I know it’s impossible to decide beforehand what I would like to cook for him as there are always a lot of rules when he comes in. But I would definitely go for something fun, whimsical and colourful. Heston is iconic for playing with his food. QYou spent time away from your family. How did you manage to keep going? I was away for almost six months. But I told myself that I must make the most of my sacrifice. I didn’t want to waste the time spent away from my family. It helped that they supported me and encouraged me to keep going. QWas there any change the second time around in the kitchen? For sure. When I was gone, the others were still learning so much. So I had to work that much harder while on the outside. I am more confident now. Initially, I was too emotional about it. Now, I am having fun. QWhy didn’t you opt for Masterchef Canada? Australia has been my home. I lived here for 31 years before I got married and moved away. Plus, for me, Masterchef Australia will always remain the original version of the show. Q You were competing against your brother Jimmy… Jimmy and I have been apart for long since he stays in Singapore now. So, it’s great that we got to spend so much time together. Also, it was great knowing that your broth- QIf you had the opportunity QDesserts or savouries — what’s your strength? Right now, it’s desserts. They usually have so many elements and I feel I have a good hold of the kind of flavours that go together. QWhat all did you learn? 0Rc^ab EPad] 3WPfP] P]S 9PR`dT[X]T 5Ta]P]STi fX[[P[b^QTYdSVX]V9WP[PZ3XZW[P9PfX[[bXii[T^] cWTVaP]SUX]P[T^UB^H^dCWX]ZH^d2P]3P]RT P]SP]]^d]RTcWTfX]]Ta^dc^UcWTUX]P[Xbcb0[XbWP 1TWadP:P[_XcP:PRWa^^CPad]=XWP[P]XP]S0ahP] ?PcaP CWT cf^ fX[[ VXeT P _^fTa_PRZTS _TaU^a\P]RT ^] cWT cXc[T caPRZ ^U cWTXa d_R^\X]V \^eXT3XbW^^\2PcRWcWTTeT]cc^]XVWcPc')"_\ ^]CE comments that have been the most supportive and uplifting. He is quite understanding as well. Q Why acting? I have actually always kept my acting options open. Even in Vancouver, I keep doing a little bit on and off. QWhom do you consider as your biggest competitor in Masterchef? I always felt Matt Sinclair is someone to watch out for. He is such a great cook and capable of doing great things. QYour favourite judge. That’s a hard one as they’re all so great. But I would say Matt Preston. For me, it’s his do you think Masterchef Australia is more popular than the other versions? It is because of relationships. People are not pushing to compete in a hateful way. Rather we try to help each other grow and strengthen each other. The show also shows the food in a way that you can understand the recipes. The recipes are also on the website for other home cooks to try. QDo the judges also con- tribute to the popularity of the show? Matt Preston, Gary Mehigan and George Colambaris are the perfect trio for judging a show like this. They are fun, wise, talented and endearing. 3ULQWHGDQGSXEOLVKHGE\$MLW6LQKDIRUDQGRQEHKDOIRI&0<.3ULQWHFK/WG))5DMSXU5RDG'HKUDGXQ7HO7HOHID[DQGSULQWHGDW$PDU8MDOD3XEOLFDWLRQV/WG6KHG1R&3DWHO1DJDU&R2SHUDWLYH,QGXVWULDO$UHD'HKUDGXQ8WWDUDNKDQG(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD$,5685&+$5*(RI 5H(DVW&DOFXWWD5DQFKL%KXEDQHVZDU1RUWK/HK:HVW0XPEDL$KPHGDEDG6RXWK%DQJDORUH&KHQQDL&HQWUDO.KDMXUDKR'HOKL 7HOHSKRQHV)D[/XFNQRZ2IILFHWK)ORRU6DKDUD6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH)DL]DEDG5RDG/XFNQRZ7HOHSKRQHV c^f]WP[[" 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % 4>dVV\d4V_ecR]RZUe`cV]`TReV%!!gZ]]RXVdeYcVReV_VUSjcRZ_d 5DZDWUDLVHVUHKDELOLWDWLRQLVVXHDW,QWHU6WDWH&RXQFLOPHHWDW'HOKL ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q 347A03D= hief Minister Harish Rawat C reiterated that over 400 villages situated in disasterprone areas need to be relocated immediately as the rains are going to make them more and more vulnerable. He asked the Union Government to support the rehabilitation process. He raised the issue while addressing 11th meeting of the Inter-State Council in Rashtrapati Bhawan on Saturday. He also appealed to the Centre to help Doppler radar being installed at the earliest. “In recent heavy rain and cloud burst State has received huge loss in terms of human and animal lives and properties. Heavy rains are continuing in the State and will continue further. As per the estimation, the State has incurred loss to the tune of C2,000 crore. To get financial relief, the state government has submitted a proposal to the Centre as well,” CM said. Invoking the Planning Commission’s recommendation for a unified institution to address the problem of the north-eastern States, CM said there is a need to create institutional framework for the betterment of Himalayan states too. He demanded the Centre’s financial support for the establishment of quality upgradation and training centre in higher education. Mentioning the recommendation of Punchhi Commission, Rawat said that constitution’s tri-level Panchayat system is fulfilling the people’s expectation and regional development as well. For the village and the district Panchayat, a dual system had been amended, he said. Claiming that Uttarakhand’s literacy rate is higher, he said that the Panchayat's five- year term to understand the work and execute it by the elected representatives is enough. This is why the State Government is not in favour of reservation for the posts, he said. and place is for two terms. “In Uttarkahand, district magistrate is member of district planning committee. As the size of the districts here is small the DMs have been executing their DPC work efficiently. Under this circumstances, there is no need to create separate administrative structure, he said. He said that the deployment of Central forces without taking the states into confidence is against the basic concept of the Constitution. “If this happens there are chances of their misuse. We thus think that the existing system should be maintained,” he said. He also opined against Environment, Ecology and Climate change, now on concurrent list, being merged in the Union list. The status quo should be maintained, he stressed. “Planning Commission has recommended that backward states should be given more Central assistance. We need it badly. All the hilly, border and newly born states need the Central assistance for physical and human resource development. Stressing on planned expenditure, he suggested that there is need to give flexibility in planned estimation. As estimation is being made at least six months ahead of the new financial year the execution cost tends to increase aside from affecting time. Invoking the Gadgil formula, CM said that the States’ shares should be increased by phases. Mentioning that the state having huge forested area, he said Uttarakhand is making immense contribution in maintaining national eco system. He said that the State-a vulnerable one because of the vagaries of nature-has formed State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) on the pattern of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). They have also constituted State Disaster 2WXTU<X]XbcTa7PaXbWAPfPcXbX]cTaPRcX]VfXcW?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXP]SD]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VW^]cWT bXST[X]Tb^UcWT cW\TTcX]V^UcWT8]cTaBcPcT2^d]RX[X]=Tf3T[WX^]BPcdaSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Management Authority (SDMA), CM said. To get more appropriate weather forecast, the State Government has provided land for the establishment of Doppler radar, he said, while adding that the Centre should expedite the execution of the much-needed project. “Natural calamity intensi- ty is year after year due to climate change and State Government has identified 400 such villages, which are situation in disater prone areas, and State has made plan for its rehabilitation and we can execute on ground with the financial help of union Government. Uttarakhand is sensitive in terms of minor crime and human trafficking as it shares international and inter-state boundaries,” CM said. In view of tough geographical condition of the State, it should be given relief on standard norms along with additional budget, he further said. For the creation of infra- structure for the rehabilitation of the poor and the destitute ,the Centre should give special assistance to the State. Informing about the progress of the Aadhar Card, CM said that Uttarakhand has been providing grant and direct benefit electronically. State Government is providing e-life certificates and seven lakh pensioners are being benefitted. Under Right to Service Act-2011 public service is being provided online in a time bound manner. “We are providing public ser vice through Deobhoomi Jan Seva at Nyay Panchayat level,” he said. To impart quality education, the state had developed a system for regular evaluation. “We have established parent teacher association at each school and even parents are being given representation in school management committees. Children’s health club are being established at the schools so that the students’ health can be monitored. To ensure overall development, we have been including yoga education in school curriculum. There is need to establish Skill promotion and training centre so that the youth can be given training as per the State’s requirement. This would help them to make contribution in nation devel- opment,” he said. “Aware as we are of the importance of Uttarakhand sharing international boundaries, we have established Subsidiary Multi Agency Centre (SMAC) control room which have been exchanging information between union and states as well. To deal with terrorist activity, the state has established 15 Anti-Terrorist Cell (ATC) and one Anti terrorist squad (ATS) commando company. To deal with internal security, we have established special operation task force in seven places of six districts. For the police modernisation, the Centre has reduced its contribution and it has affected in the creation of infrastructure for police. Although this year 90:10 pattern is being followed the Centre should allocate more and more budget given the State’s resource crunch, CM said. Regarding the operation of CCTNS, CM said that Uttarakhand stands in the front runner state category. Besides, the state adopted police reform by following the Supreme Court’s order. “Now police establishment committee, state and district police complaint authority, police welfare bureau and state police board have been constituted,” CM said. FXST]TS2WPa3WP\a^PSbcda]X]VPRRXST]c_a^]Ti^]Tb 2^]cX]d^dbThT^]6P]VP´bfPcTa[TeT[ '^dc^U $bcaP]STS fPcTa_^[XRT\^c^aQ^PcbZT_caTPSh :P]fPaXPbQa^dVWcc^bPUTch ?=BQ 347A03D= ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q 347A03D= he Ganga’s level in is learnt that over 150 Kanwarias have been stranded between THaridwar is 95 centimetres and Gangotri because two bridges were damaged below the warning level, and IduetGomukh to heavy rain on Friday in which 80 of them have been the State Government is keepbrought safely to Gangotri. Rescue operation is on to bring them back. Although district administration claimed that they are safe. However, a rescue team has been sent to evacuate them. Notably, the distance between Gangotri and Gomukh is 18 kms. They were reportedly stuck at Chidbasa which is nine kms from Gangotri. Meanwhile a temporary bridge is being put into place by the rescue team to evacuate the trapped pilgrims. As per reports received, the process of putting the bridge into use would be completed by Sunday. However, things depend on the intensity of the rains, said those engaged in the work. They said they could not assure whether the road would open during the ongoing season. Meanwhile, to rescue the stranded, NDRF, Revenue and Forest teams have been rushed. ?=BQ 347A03D= C har Dham roads, which are being widened, have become more accident-prone as incessant rains continuing since Friday are bringing down huge debris on to the National Highway. As the weather department said that there would be no let-up in rains till Monday the officials have been put on high alert. Badrinath and Kedarnath routes have been closed at Chopta due to landslide on Saturday. Chamoli district administration said that as a precautionary measure they had stopped the traffic some at safer places so as to ensure that the pilgrims could be safe. In Uttarakashi, the Pilot Baba Ashram was reportedly washed away in rain on Saturday. On way to Kedarnath shrine, vehicular movement has remained stalled between Sonprayag and Gaurikund for the past four days while Kailash EYZd¶deYVeZ^V :e¶deYV ^R]V<`V]dZ_XZ_X\``` A0378:0=06A0C7Q 70A83F0A L ove is in the air these days. With the mango season at its peak, songs of Koel (cuckoo bird) fill the air. The shy nature of Koel and its secretive behaviour has kept this bird away from eyes of researchers. It often led to the myth that it is the female Koel whose songs lure us. If you thought ‘koel gaati hai’, give it a rethink as actually it is ‘koel gaata hai.’ Scientists say that during the breeding season which lasts from April to September, the male bird sings to woo the female bird. Professor Dinesh Bhatt, a noted bird scientist of Gurukul Kangri University of Haridwar, who is Asia representative in bird communication research, says, “Koel is very vocal during the breeding season and more often it is heard by its calls rather than being seen. Female Koel merely produces shrill kik-kik-kik, a call which is neither melodious nor continuous. It is the male that sings the familiar song kooo-ooo.” Heading a team of researchers, Bhatt has been engaged in studying the vocalisation behaviour of Asian Koel for the past six years. Bhatt told The Pioneer, “It is strange that people usually think of the Koel as a melodious and complex singer. There are many other avian species such as magpie robin, brahmini myna, pied bush whose voice is much more melodious that koel and produce a large variety of acoustic signals. This has been revealed by spectrographic analysis in laboratory.” It is worth mentioning here that the avian diversity and bioacoustics laboratory developed by Dinesh Bhatt at Gurukul is the one and only laboratory in India that is dedicated to the bird communication research. After monitoring 126 nests of the house crow, scientists observed that the breeding period of the Koel strictly depends on the breeding cycle of its host- the house crow. It has only a single breeding season of about four months from late April to early August. It forms the pair during third or fourth week of April and pair once formed remains together for the duration of breeding season. The pair of Koel performs secret courtship behaviour mostly inside the dense bushes. Bhatt who has taken several video shots of this remarkably ¯B0=C>B7103>=834?DCH B42A4C0AH38B0BC4A<0=064<4=C said that 151 roads under PMGSY were affected till July 15. “We have re-opened 57 out of 143 roads closed on Friday. The process of reopening the rest of the roads is in progress. In all, 237 roads were blocked out of which 205 roads are in the rural areas. State’s national highway and char dham routes are open,” he said. Information about roads are available in pwd.uk.gov.in. Badoni further said that to assess the damage caused by incessant rains, they were collecting information from all the districts. “PWD has reopened 1,004 out of 1,155 affected roads and the work of reopening the rest is continuing. PWD has submitted estimate of C105.72 crore to the State Government,” he added. It is learnt that in 1,185 villages, electricity lines were affected due to landslides and except Lathi village all villages electricity lines have been restored. UPCL has spent C1.67 crore in the restoration of the lines, Badoni informed. In Pithoragarh and other districts, 87 potable water pipelines were damaged. However, all of them have been repaired. Jal Sansthan has restored 555 out of 559 temporarily, Badoni said, adding that C12.89 crore estimate for its permanent restoration has been submitted before his office. For temporary resumption department has submitted estimate of C2.06 crore to the State Government, he added. Mansarovar Yatra remained stalled for the past six days. As the weather department is not in a position to assure that the rain would stop the district administrations are most unlikely to take chances as far as reopening of the stalled roads is concerned. In Rudraprayag, Alaknanda and Mandakini rivers are flowing in full spate, it is learnt. Subsequently, the footfall of pilgrims has been coming down. The number of pilgrims presently stands at 1400 in Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri taken together. In Kumaon region too, things are grim. Roads have been closed due to landslide at three places between Tanakpur and Tawaghat. Munsyari-madkot-Jauljivi road in Pithoragarh district was also closed. Besides, a wooden bridge, which was connecting 13 villages, has been washed away in Munsyari region, deepening the rain-induced transport crisis. 6dadZd[:P]VaX ePabXch_a^UTbb^a P[b^bPhbXc´b]^c UT\P[T:^T[Qdc \P[TfW^WPbP \T[^SX^dbe^XRT 0bbT\Q[hB_TPZTaX]PdVdaPcTb :P]fPaXPRP\_Pc3T[WXD?Q^aSTa BCD34=CBA4027 B27>>;58=3 7>;830H=>C824 5>A70A4;054BC ?=BQ 347A03D= 3TWaPSd]) 0bcWTBcPcT 6^eTa]\T]cWPSP]]^d]RTS _dQ[XRW^[XSPhU^aBPcdaSPh^][PcT 5aXSPhTeT]X]Vc^WT[_cWT_T^_[T RT[TQaPcT7PaT[PUTbcXeP[fWXRW QTVX]bX]cWT\^]cW^UBWaPeP] cWTbcdST]cb^U\^bc^UcWT bRW^^[bUPRTSca^dQ[TPbcWTh fTaT]^cX]U^a\TSQTU^aTWP]S CWThcda]TSd_PccWTbRW^^[bPc cWTdbdP[cX\TQaPeX]VcWTaPX]b CWTXa^]hXbcWPccW^dVW\^bc^U cWTbRW^^[bPaTRWPaVX]VcWTXa _PaT]cbU^acWTR^\_dcTa TSdRPcX^]^UcWTXafPaSbUa^\ R[Pbb^]TcWTbRW^^[PdcW^aXcXTb UT[[f^TUd[[hbW^ac^UPePX[X]V X]U^a\PcX^]SXbbT\X]PcX^] UPRX[XcXTbeXPcWTc^^[b^U\^STa] cTRW]^[^Vh1TbXSTbXccWa^fbP `dTbcX^]\PaZ^]cWTTUUXRXT]Rh^U cWTBcPcT6^eTa]\T]c^UUXRXP[b fW^cT]Sc^cPZTSTRXbX^]b\dRW [PcTX]cWTSPhCWT_PaT]cbPaT P]]^hTSCWThbPhcWPcWPScWTh STRXSTScWX]VbPQXcTPa[XTacWTXa fPaSbf^d[SWPeTQTT]b_PaTS cWTca^dQ[T^UV^X]Vc^cWT bRW^^[bX]cWT\^a]X]VfXcWcWT X]RTbbP]caPX]^]3^^] 2P\QaXSVTBRW^^[fWTaT_PaT]cb bcPacTSSa^__X]VcWTXaRWX[SaT] bX]RT&"P\SXS]^c_a^eXSTcWT W^[XSPhX]U^a\PcX^]TPa[XTaCWT _PaT]cbP]ScWTXafPaSbfTaT bda_aXbTSfWT]cWThfTaT X]U^a\TS^]BPcdaSPh\^a]X]V cWPccWTbRW^^[fPbR[^bTSU^acWT SPhQhcWT^aSTa^UcWT PS\X]XbcaPcX^] EYVcVRcV^R_j`eYVcRgZR_daVTZVddfTYRd ^RXaZVc`SZ_ScRY^Z_Z^j_RaZVUSfdYhY`dV g`ZTVZd^fTY^`cV^V]`UZ`fdeYRe\`V]R_U ac`UfTVR]RcXVgRcZVej`WRT`fdeZTdZX_R]d 502C58;4) CWT0bXP]:^T[4dSh]P\hbbR^[^_PRTP XbP[PaVT#$R\[^]V cPX[TSRdRZ^^^UPaQ^aTP[]PcdaT CWT\P[TXbV[^bbhQ[dXbWQ[PRZfXcWP_P[TVaTT]QX[[P]SRaX\b^] ThTbCWTUT\P[TXbQa^f]XbWfXcWfWXcTb_^cb^]cWTQ^Sh :^T[³bbWh]PcdaTbTRaTcXeTQTWPeX^da[PaVTW^\TaP]VTbP]S PQbT]RT^UP]Tbcc^U^Rdb\PZTcWTQaTTSX]VbcdSXTb^UcWT0bXP]:^T[ eTahSXUUXRd[c CWTW^dbTRa^fWPbP]X]bcX]Rcc^SXb[XZTcWT0bXP]:^T[X]cWT eXRX]Xch^UXcb]Tbc0bb^^]PbP:^T[XbbXVWcTSX]cWTeXRX]Xch^UcWT ]TbcX]VcaTTcWT]TbcX]VRa^fbV^PUcTaXcX]PaTSaPVT secret moments, reveals that the courtship in Koel consists of the male chasing the female and the chase often ends up in the ing close tabs on the developments. The District Emergency Operation Centre (DEOC) and State Emergency Operation Centre (SEOC) Dehradun have been getting reports on an hourly basis while flood posts have been made active. Patrolling has been intensified on the low catchment areas too. To meet any exigency, six water police teams and five motor boat/Rafts have been kept on stand-by mode Meanwhile, in Bastadi of Pithoragarh district, where villages were submerged under debris following cloud burst, SDM Didihaat has been doing survey to assess the quantum of loss. Arrangements of relief assistance are being made in the relief camps. Two medical team led by chief medical officer is treating the disaster affected people. Besides, vaccination is being administered on the animals at temporary hospital. Deputy Secretary Disaster Management Santosh Badoni FTWPeTaT^_T]TS$&^dc^U #"a^PSb R[^bTS^]5aXSPhCWT_a^RTbb^UaT^_T]X]V cWTaTbc^UcWTa^PSbXbX]_a^VaTbb8]P[[ !"&a^PSbfTaTQ[^RZTS^dc^UfWXRW!$ a^PSbPaTX]cWTadaP[PaTPbBcPcT´b]PcX^]P[ WXVWfPhP]SRWPaSWP\a^dcTbPaT^_T] 8]U^a\PcX^]PQ^dca^PSbPaTPePX[PQ[TX] _fSdZV^eX] female surrendering to him in the branch of a tree. Thereafter she is fed with the fruit by the male before the act of copulation. U ttarakhand Vidhan Sabha Speaker Govind Singh Kunjwal and his counterpart in Delhi Goyal jointly inaugurated the camp set up at Delhi-UP border by Shiv Kanwar Samiti here in SIDCUL bypass, Transport association Bahadarabad on Saturday. District administration is expecting more than 3.5 crore Kanwarias this year. Keeping this in view, they have made foolproof arrangement to take the challenge facing them. Kunjwal said that Kanwarias’ number has been increasing year after year and organising such camp is a pious work. He appealed to them to maintain communal harmony and cooperate with the administration. “All the arrangements have been made for your convenience. They travel on foot at least 200 kms. Such camps would therefore provide space for short stay and snacks will re- energise them so that they can complete their journey within the time frame. Welcoming the guest is long tradition of Uttarkahand and we should maintain such tradition. Our effort is to provide more and more comfort to them during their short stay in the State,” the Speaker of Uttarakhand said. Delhi Assembly Speaker Goyal said that helping Kanwarias are obligation of the society. They travel a fairly long distance along with the holy Ganga water and in course of this, they come across a lot of problems. Providing them with short stay and snacks to freshen them would go a long way by way of a noble gesture, Goyal said. He asked Kunjwal to make arrangement of Ambulance and doctors here so that the sick Kanwarias are given prompt medical treatment during their journey. In response, Kunjwal assured that he would do everything to ensure that the pilgrims are provided with medical facility while they are in Uttarakhand. ]PcX^]# 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % :?E6CDE2E64@F?4:=>66E 9RcjR_RSV_VWZeVUC%%&TcWc`^2RUYRRc EXaQWPSaPQPcbU^aVaTT] R^]bTaePcX^]fP]cb ?=BQ =4F34;78 270=3860A7 and malpractices that are generally associated, we are trying to make provisions for winding up of societies as a part of this portal”, the Chief Minister added. A adhaar-linked Direct Benefit Transfer route for the disbursal of various social welfare benefits and subsidies has resulted in net saving of about C445 crore to the Haryana Government and succeeded in weeding out more than 9.7 lakh fake and ineligible beneficiaries under various schemes in the State. This came out in the meeting of the inter-State Council in New Delhi on Saturday which was convened after a gap of 10 years. The meeting was presided over by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The State Government is estimated to have saved about C133 crore in terms of kerosene subsidy with six lakh fake and ineligible beneficiaries being deleted under the Aadhaarbased Direct Benefits Transfer scheme. As many as 2.2 lakh duplicate ration cards were also identified and cancelled through this process. Similarly, the Government saved C201 crore in terms of disbursal of various social security pensions with the deletion of names of 1.5 lakh ineligible beneficiaries. The number of applications for post-matric scholarships has seen a decline of 40 per cent due to strict investigation after joining with B:8;;8=6C74H>DC7 7PahP]PdaVTb2T]caTc^bP]RcX^] 8]SXPATbTaeT<PWX[P1PccP[X^] ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Mahila Battalion for dealing with female agitators and has also sought financial and technical support for modernisation of the police force. The demands were made by Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar at the meeting of the Inter-State Council in New Delhi. The Chief Minister said that the Government has adopted a transparent policy for recruitment of constables to inspectors. The process is on for recruitment of 5,000 General Duty male constables, 1,000 constables under ex-service- men category and 1,000 women constables. As a result of this recruitment, the percentage of women in police would increase from six to eight and thereafter, within a year, we shall increase this percentage to ten. He said most of the agitators include large number of women, make it difficult for the male police to handle them. “The Central Government may consider sanctioning India Reserve Mahila Battalion for law and order duties in Haryana”, the Chief Minister demanded. Referring to cyber crime, he said the State was in the process of establishing a State Level Cyber Crime Branch in Gurgaon which would have specially trained experts to crack such cases. competencies at primary level. Teachers have been equipped with grade level pedagogy techniques and we have also developed new text books for classes I-V in all subjects”, Khattar said. “We have drawn up State higher education plan to identify challenges and making strategies to address one core issue. To improve the quality of teaching in colleges, faculty development programmes are being organised regularly. While Science, Engineering and Technology education will push the frontiers of cutting edge research in Haryana, it is also envisaged that Haryana would emerge as the hub of liberal arts and humanities education”, the Chief Minister added. hattar said the Haryana aryana has urged the Government is committed HCentral Government to K to skilling the youth to make sanction one India Reserve Aadhaar. This led to savings of C110 crore. “The State Government started implementation of various schemes through DBT last year, and now we plan to bring as many as 73 schemes worth C5,916.07 crore in 15 departments under DBT”, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said in the meeting. He said, “Haryana is one of the top ranking States in the country with Aadhaar enrolment of 109 per cent in the above 18 years category. This provides a robust platform to meaningfully use Aadhaar as an identifier for benefits management and delivery of citizen services”. The Chief MInister said that Haryana had pioneered Aadhaar integrated birth enrolment adopted by the Registrar General of India as a part of the civil registration system. The outcome is that Aadhaar appears on the birth certificate of children. “We have launched a focused drive to get the children in the 0-5 age group enrolled under Aadhaar within the next 3 months”, the Chief Minister. Khattar said that to enhance investor-friendliness of the State, a single window portal has been launched. It is now possible for business entities and body corporates to leverage the same. One of the significant outcomes of this initiative is online registration of societies. “Besides ease in the registration process, matters related to compliance have also been duly addressed. With a view to mitigating the misuse them employable, producing industry-specific manpower, bringing about overall change in the education system while focusing on vocationalisation and universalisation of education at elementary level, and improving higher education. “We promote vocational training, skill-based education and entrepreneurship through increase in public spending, innovative private financing and promoting relevant and broad-based skill as per the requirement of our growing economy”, the Chief Minister said. The Chief Minister said that dedicated post-graduate and research centres and new courses were being introduced to fulfil district-specific knowledge and human capital requirement of industries as well as the society. “We have further started Learning Enhancement Programme for classes I-V targeting improved grade level Q^]dbU^aWX[[BcPcTb ?=BQ =4F34;78B78<;0 imachal Chief Minister H Virbhadra Singh on Saturday urged the Central Government to grant green bonus to the hill States in lieu of environmental services provided by them. Speaking at a meeting of the Inter-State Council (ISC) here, he said green bonus should be provided regularly to the hill States as an opportunity cost in terms of the area. “It will be a big incentive to the hill States as well as a right step towards environment protection and sustainable development,” he added. He also asked the Central Government to consider the request to provide subsided helicopter services in the State so that all parts of the State remain connected throughout the year. The Chief Minister also batted to utilise wasteland for creating infrastructure for essential economic activities like road infrastructure and power projects. “There has been inordinate delay in granting permissions for critical infrastructure projects under the Forest Conservation Act. The relaxation should be given to the States to grant approvals,” he said. Virbhadra Singh also said the State is facing a serious challenge and future possibility of spillover of terrorism from the adjoining districts of Jammu & Kashmir to the Chamba and Lahaul-Spiti districts. “We request the Centre to support us in containing the terror activities by giving more grants,” he added. Himachal Pradesh’s economy is highly dependent on tourism, besides hydroelectric power and horticulture. BdZWQXadaVTb2T]caTc^VXeT\^aT_^fTac^BcPcTb ?=BQ =4F34;78 270=3860A7 unjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh P Badal on Saturday stressed on the devolution of more powers to States even as he maintained the Centre was usurping the rights and authority of the States in violation of the spirit and even the specific provisions of the Constitution and reducing them to the status of mere beggars. Touching the important aspects of Center-State relations at the 11th Inter State Council meeting held in New Delhi, the Deputy Chief Minister said cutting across party lines there was a wide- Efc\VjW`Z] From Page 1 During a night where power was in the balance, large crowds of flag-waving supporters of Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) defied orders of a curfew and marching out onto the streets to block the attempt to overthrow the regime. In images broadcast on CNN-Turk, dozens of soldiers walked among tanks with their hands held up, surrendering to Government forces. Discarded gear was strewn on the ground. Some flag-waving people climbed onto the tanks. And Erdogan used his Twitter feed to urge people onto the streets to ensure no further challenges to his power. “We should keep on owning the streets tonight no matter at what stage (the coup attempt is) because a new flare-up could take place at any moment,” he said. As the dust settled on a dramatic and chaotic night, TV pictures today showed extensive damage to the parliament building in Ankara that was bombed by rebel jets. Yesterday’s putsch bid began with rebel F-16 jets screaming low over rooftops in Ankara, soldiers and tanks taking to the streets and multiple explosions throughout the night in the capital as well as the biggest city Istanbul. Rebel troops also moved to block the two bridges across the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, culminating in a stand-off with an angry crowd. As protesters poured onto the streets, an AFP photographer saw troops open fire on people gathered near one of the bridges, leaving dozens wounded. spread consensus that the trend towards centralisation of authority was still continuing. He emphasised that States should be given much greater operational freedom to choose and finance development priSoldiers also shot at protesters angrily denouncing the coup bid at Istanbul’s Taksim Square, injuring several. There was chaos in Istanbul as angry crowds jeered the passing tanks, with smaller numbers welcoming the troops. “The people are afraid of a military Government,” a 38-year-old man who gave his name as Dogan told AFP. “Most of them have been in military service, they know what a military government would mean.” Turkish army F-16s launched air strikes against tanks stationed by coup backers outside the presidential palace in Ankara. Regular explosions could be heard from the AFP office situated near the complex. Erdogan, who flew back from the holiday resort of Marmaris to a triumphant welcome from supporters at Ataturk Airport, denounced the coup attempt as “treachery”. “They will pay a heavy price for this act of treason,” Erdogan said. “We will not leave our country to occupiers.” Turkey’s once-powerful military has long considered itself the guardian of the secular state founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923. It has staged three coups since 1960 and forced out an Islamic government in 1997. Turkey detained a member of the country’s top court, local media reported. Alparslan Altan, one of 17 judges on the constitutional court, was taken into custody, the private NTV television reported, without specifying what he was accused of. Earlier, the judicial authorities said that some 2,745 judges across the country would be dismissed in the wake of the coup. orities of their people. “The most dangerous exhibition of this tendency is seen in how the centre has been quietly shifting subjects from the State List to the Concurrent List and from the Concurrent to the Union List which amounts to constitutional rampage”, he added. Deputy CM suggested that for matters in ‘concurrent lists’, due weightage should be given to the opinion of the State Government and on ‘Central list’ matters, consultation of effected States should be taken. He suggested that the post of Governor should not be kept vacant for more than a month at a time. On the crucial river waters issue, Badal said the Punjab had already suffered gross injustice in the matter of allocation of Ravi-Beas waters as the purposes of Beas Project were not kept in view while deciding the allocations. He said there has been tremendous decline in the ground water level in Punjab which was a direct consequence of inter-basin transfer of water to nonriparian States. Citing another glaring example of injustice with Punjab in the meeting he elaborated that while reorganising Punjab not only large Punjabi speaking area was given to Haryana, but also its capital city was not made part of the State. He said Punjab would be the only State in the world whose capital city is not part of the State. Badal said “We have been consistently demanding the inclusion of Chandigarh and other Punjabi speaking areas in Punjab which have been kept out of the State. The injustice does not end here, even the decision of maintaining of 60:40 ratio in posting of officers to Chandigarh from Punjab and Haryana is being violated continuously”. He emphasised that till Chandigarh to be transferred to Punjab, at least the sanctity of already decide ratio should be maintained in all departments/categories of employees. He argued that the formula and yardstick adopted for allocation of share in Central funds collected from a particular State should be recast in a manner that encourages growth, development, performance and efficiency. He emphasised that Punjab needs special assistance for diversification of crops since the existing pattern has reached stagnation. The Deputy CM stressed that the State Government has adopted a zero tolerance policy to curb the menace of drugs and three-pronged policy for combating drug trafficking has been implemented whereas the anti-national and anti-Punjab forces to gain political mileage were trying to label every Punjabi as a drug addict. Badal pleaded that deployment of BSF in border districts should be brought on par with the deployment of force in J&K sector atleast till State assembly elections scheduled for Februar yMarch 2017. Besides this, Punjab may be included as a category-A STATE for financial assistance at 90:10 Centre-State sharing basis on the pattern of J&K and eight North-Eastern States under the Modernisation of State Police Forces Scheme. Batting for the royalty on river waters and foodgrains he demanded that State Government should be com- pensated for the loss due to introduction of GST as the Punjab would be in a loss of approximately C2000 crore on account of subsumation of purchase tax. Besides this, centrally sponsored schemes should not be ‘one size fits all’ but should be State specific and be 100% funded by the Central Government. Thanking Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for effecting recent increase in the devolution of funds from the Center to the States from 32 per cent to 42 per cent, Badal demanded that this share should be atleast 50 per cent to enable the States to achieve more economic prosperity. 5PX[TSP]cX4aS^VP]R^d_\PhY^[cFTbc 6b_]@ @QWU! ! =i_g^Xe^SXYcdXQdY^ dXUS_]Y^WiUQbcDeb[UiYc \Y[U\id_RUXQfUUfU^]_bU Qg[gQbT\igYdXdXUGUcd ?^dXUVQSU_VYddXU UfU^dcY^Deb[UiQbU_^\i_V QSQTU]YSY^dUbUcdd_9^TYQ IUdYVgU`b_RUdXUceRZUSd TUU`\igUQbU\Y[U\id_VY^T c_]UTYcS_^SUbdY^W `QbQ\\U\c DXU]_cdY]`_bdQ^dd_ ]i]Y^TYcdXUWb_gY^W QWWbUccYfU^Ucc_VdXU]UTYQ Y^`b_]_dY^WgXQdYdcUUcQc dXU\YRUbQ\b_edUd_cQ\fQdY_^ V_bQ\\S_e^dbYUcdXQdcUU[cd_ RbUQ[gYdXdXU\YRUbQ\ S_^cU^cec GXQdgUQbUgYd^UccY^W YcQ^UgV_b]_VYTU_\_WYSQ\ Y]`UbYQ\Yc]`b_]_dUT QWWbUccYfU\iRidXU]UTYQ ]QiRUgYdXc_]U TU^YQR\UXU\`Vb_]Ydc Y^dU\\YWU^SUQWU^SYUcY^ Q\\YQ^SUgYdXTYcQVVUSdUT Y^dU\\USdeQ\cY^dXU S_^SUb^UTS_e^dbYUcd_ UYdXUb_ecd_bSedT_g^d_ cYjUcdb_^W\UQTUbcgYdX ^QdY_^Q\Ycd_bYU^dQdY_^c 9V5bT_WQ^XQc cicdU]QdYSQ\\iTY\edUTdXU 1ddQdeb[S_^cU^cecdXQdXQc `bUfQY\UTY^Deb[UicY^SUdXU S_\\Q`cU_VdXU?dd_]Q^ 5]`YbUYdYc^_d\UQcd RUSQecUXUXQc`_`e\Qb ce``_bdV_bXYcTUfYQdY_^ 2ed`_`e\Qbce``_bd cUU]cd_RUQ]QddUb_V\UQcd S_^cUaeU^SUV_bdX_cU GUcdUb^Y^cdYdedY_^cdXQdQbU TbYfU^RiQcdb_^W YTU_\_WYSQ\QWU^TQ GUgYd^UccUTYdY^dXU Qbb_WQ^dbUQSdY_^d_dXU `_`e\Qbe`bYcY^WY^dXUE; QWQY^cd]U]RUbcXY`_VdXU 5E1^TgUQbUgYd^UccY^WYd QWQY^Y^dXUQddU]`dcd_ `Y\\_biQ^TTUcdQRY\YcU 5bT_WQ^ DXU3_\TGQbgQcg_^ RidXUGUcdRUSQecUdXU Q``QbQdSXY[cdXQd W_fUb^UTdXUC_fYUdR\_S gUbUS_^dU]`de_ec_VdXU `_`e\QbgY\\>_gYdcUU]cYd YcdXUdeb^_VGUcdUb^ \YRUbQ\Yc]d_dXbecdQ]_TU\ _VSXQ^WUdXQdT_Uc^µd dQ[UY^d_QSS_e^dgXQddXU `U_`\UgQ^d1bUdXUbU U]UbWY^W`QbQ\\U\cY^9^TYQ gUSQ^TUdUSd/ 8]SXP]bcdST]cb DeZ_X+43:dVV\d UX[\RaTfbPUTX] From Page 1 From Page 1 The video message by one of the athletes, Tamil Selvi, said, “There are no problems where we are which is Trabzon. We have to go to Ankara on July 18 and then to Istanbul to board the flight to Delhi. We appeal to the Indian Government to help us return safe.” Trabzon is over 700 km far from capital Ankara. This apart, the agency is planning Rawat’s custodial interrogation based on the “forensic evidence clearly pointing to his involvement in the sting video”. Since Rawat is a sitting Chief Minister, intervention from the PMO and Union Home Ministry too has been sought, top sources said. Apart from the forensic evidence, the CBI has also recorded the statements of four witnesses in the case, including that of principal witness Umesh Kumar, CEO of Samachar Plus television channel and it’s Managing Director Amitabh Agnihotry. The two other witnesses are Sumit Saxena and Deepak Rana. The sting was conducted by Samachar Plus and the CD was released on March 26 this year. Sources said Rawat has been summoned for question- F^\T]SP]RX]V^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U7PaT[PUTbcXeP[X]cWT\^]cW^UBWaPeP]X]3TWaPSd]^]BPcdaSPh ing again on Tuesday. The CBI had registered the PE on April 20, 2016 following request from the State Government under the President’s rule. When the Harish Rawat Government was restored following an order from the Supreme Court, the State Government sought to scrap the PE registered by the CBI. However, the Uttarakhand High Court rejected the request for quashing the PE. Officials said a serving CM can be arrested in a corruption case without prior sanction from the Governor. Two days before Rawat was to face the vote of confidence on March 28, rebel Congress MLAs led by former Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna alleged that they were offered bribe by Rawat for support during the floor test in the Assembly and released a video of a “sting” operation purportedly showing Rawat negotiating with middlemen. ?aPbWP]c1PS^]X8?X^]TTa >R_ZWVde`c`h+<V[cZcVRUje` µdVV\Ra`]`XjRYf_UcVUeZ^Vd¶ ?=BQ 270=3860A7 am Aadmi Party (AAP) national converner Arvind A Kejriwal will do whatever it takes to gratify the Sikh sangat, aggrieved with the party for its manifesto fiasco. Kejriwal may be seen serving langar and even polishing shoes at the Joda Ghar, during his visit to Darbar Sahib on July 18. Asserting that the party was ready to seek apology a hundred times for its fault, Aam Aadmi Party State convener Suchha Singh Chhotepur on Saturday said that it will be up to Kejriwal, how would he like to seek apology from the Guru.” Accusing the SAD-BJP alliance of infringing the rights of Panchayati Raj system, AAP said the Badal Government was forcing its dictates on panchayats on the issue of development. Addressing a Press conference in Chandigarh, AAP State Convenor Sucha Singh Chhotepur and Spokesman Sukhpal Singh Khaira said that Akalis have ruined the basic Panchayati Raj System, which was one of the basic strength of Indian democracy. “Panchayats are being forced to work like ‘Puppets’ on the instructions of Akali Jathedars”, said Chhotepur adding that Panchayats were left with virtually zero percent role in the rural development as every decision was being taken by the ‘Political Bosses” and funds were also being distributed according to their wish. Chhotepur said that it is ‘murder’ of democracy, as funds allocated for rural development were being spent in a way that some particular persons were benefited and supporters of opposition parties were being denied any development. Terming the arrests of Sant Samaj leaders to be a violation of human rights, Chhotepur said that Badals were behaving like “Dictators” to snub the democratic voice of People. Showing documents pertaining to 39 Panchayats of Dhilwan block, Khaira claimed that grants of C25 crore were being distributed and 50 percent of such funds were embezzled by the Akali Jathedars. Khaira said that the party was taking legal opinion on the issue and he would soon file a writ petition in Punjab & Haryana High Court. [P]S\PaZ$ 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % 2Sf`jVU4`_XdVe e`afe8`ge`_^Re ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 uoyed by the restoration of its State Governments in B Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand by the Supreme Court, the Congress is all set to corner the Government and the BJP in particular in both the houses of Parliament on the issue. Top Congress leaders met party chief Sonia Gandhi and her deputy Rahul Gandhi on Saturday to chalk out their strategy on crucial issues, including the GST bill for the upcoming Monsoon Session. To break the ice over the crucial GST Bill, the Government has reached out to Congress to seek its support for the passage of GST bill pending for a long time and has sought the principal opposition party's support on the issue. Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan too has also convened an all-party meeting on Sunday evening for support of all parties for smooth functioning of Parliament. The meeting held at the residence of Sonia Gandhi was attended among others by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad, party's deputy leader in upper house Anand Sharma and chief whip in Lok Sabha Jyotiraditya Scindia. Leader of Congress in Lok Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge and chief whip in Rajya Sabha Satyavrat Chaturvedi are also likely to be present at the meeting. The top party leaders are learnt to have discussed the party's stand on various issues . On the latest stand of Congress following Centre's peace leaf to the Opposition +&DOORZV6ZDP\WR VXEPLWIUHVKSOHDIRU +HUDOGGRFXPHQWV ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he trial court on Saturday T permitted BJP leader Subramanian Swamy to file fresh application seeking Government documents and accounts of Congress in the National Herald case. Congress leaders argued that as the Delhi High Court had quashed the order of the trial court summoning the documents, it should return. Magistrate Lovleen ordered to return the documents, posting the next hearing of the case on August 20. Swamy contended that there was no such direction in the order from High Court to return the documents. Congress leader's advocates RS Cheema, Ramesh Gupta and Rebeca John argued that as the earlier order was set aside by High Court the documents kept in trial court should be returned. "There is no way I can be restricted from getting these copies of document again. I will file a complete application for summoning of documents. The order of high court does not say that these documents should be returned. The high court says I can move fresh application. I will move application for summoning of documents as permitted by high court," he said, asking the lawyers to move to Supreme Court, if not satisfied with the High Court order. Cheema said that in pursuance to the trial court's order, some documents were summoned and they were taken on record but now after the High Court's order, these documents cannot be kept on record. Intervening on the cross arguments between Swamy and Congress lawyers, the Magistrate posted the case to August 20. Swamy was represented by advocates Ishkaran Bhandari, Yatinder Chaudhary and Dilip Kumar. On July 12, the High Court had set aside the trial court's orders holding that they were passed without hearing the opposite side and it violated the "principle of natural justice". Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, party leaders Motilal Vora, Oscar Fernandez, Suman Dubey, Sam Pitroda and Young Indian Pvt Ltd (YI) are accused in the case filed by Swamy. with regard to the GST Bill, leaders stuck to three important issues due to which the deadlocked has arisen. Party leaders also discussed the meetings of senior Cabinet Ministers with Congress leaders and anticipated that Centre will relent on the issue of cap of final limit of 18 percent paving the passage of the Bill. "We have explained the logic of our reasoning to BJP. We have also said that these are not non solvable issue. There are six or seven other issues, we will highlight to the government to consider which important issues for people of India and they should be considered with an open mind and not with a closed one. We hope better sense will prevail and they will come back with a solution that is acceptable to all of us," AICC chief spokesman Randeep Surjewala said in a Press statement later. he Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PASS) T convener Hardik Patel on Saturday filed undertaking before a local court in Ahmedabad that he would not indulge in any activity which disturb law and order situation in the State. The 23-year-old Patidar leader walked out of Lajpore jail in Surat on Friday evening after he was granted conditional bail by Gujarat High Court. As per the high court order Hardik will have to stay out of Gujarat for next six month and another three months from his home town Viramgam. The HC however, allowed him to visit Viramgam to collect his belonging on Saturday. In his undertaking he admitted that during his exile, he would stay at Udaipur in neighbouring Rajasthan. He however clarified that the proquota agitation would continue in peacefully. Meanwhile Hardik received hero’s welcome by his family members and supporters in his hometown Viramgam. Riding atop of an SUV vehicle, he marched to his home with thousands of supporters. His close associate said that Hardik returned to his home after 13 long months and of these he spent nine months in jail. Viramgam MLA Tejashree Patel (Congress) was among those who received the PAAS convener. Sources in PAAS said that on Sunday Hardik would visit his native village Chandranagar near Viramgam and also attend several roadshows in North Gujarat on his way to Udaipur where he would stay for next six months. ?=BQ =4F34;78 A fter shunting her out of the HRD Ministry, Smriti Irani was on Saturday dropped as a special invitee from crucial Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs (CCPA) too. Irani's successor in the Human Resources Development Ministry Prakash Javadekar was elevated as a member from special invitee. In the recent Cabinet reshuffle, Irani was shifted from the HRD Ministry to Textiles. Rajiv Pratap Rudy, who has been divested of his Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs portfolio, too has been dropped as a special invitee and replaced by S S Ahluwalia who is now the junior minister in the Ministry. Newly-inducted Minister of State in the Law Ministry P P T he dance of death continued in Kashmir Valley on the eighth consecutive day as another protester was shot dead by security forces in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Saturday afternoon. The Valley continued to remain under strict curfew but protesters violated the restrictions at several places leading to clashes and use of force to quell demonstrations. The authorities seized local newspapers in the morning before distribution compelling the newspaper editors and owners to stop the publication for the next three days. Some newspapers have decided to run online editions even as the authorities have imposed curbs on mobile telephony and internet. Sources said that Showkat Ahmed Malik, 25, was killed and two others were injured when intense clashes erupted at Hutmulla village in north Kashmir’s Kupwara. “While dealing with the situation three people were injured. One of them later on succumbed to his injuries,” a police spokesman said. Reports of clashes between the protesters and security forces poured in from other parts of the valley. The authorities had announced to continue imposition of curfew in the valley for the second consecutive day. The restrictions are likely to continue for three more days. The separatists have called for shutdown till June 18 evening fol- ?=BQ =4F34;78 I n a major seizure, the CBI on Saturday claimed to have recovered about C 1 cr in cash from the residence of the then Development Commissioner, Special Economic Zone, Surat during searches conducted after registering a disproportionate assets case against him. CBI sources said a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act had been registered against Vijay Kumar Narayan Shewale, now posted as Development Commissioner, Mangalore SEZ, and his wife for allegedly possessing assets disproportionate to their known sources of income. "It was alleged that the public servant had acquired disproportionate assets to the tune of C 5.26 crore (approx) in his own name as well as in the name of his family members, including his wife, daughter and son. The alleged assets i n c l u d e residential/business/agricultural premises," a CBI spokesperson said. Searches were conducted at seven premises in Mangalore, Mumbai, Malegaon and Nashik which led to the recovery of several documents relating to the acquisition of properties and cash to the tune of C99.60 lakh from the residence of the public servant, besides C94.99 lakh from the office of a private firm at Andheri, Mumbai, the agency said. "300 gms (approx) of gold jewellery and 900 gms (approx) of silver coins were recovered from a bank locker in the name of his wife," it added. C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs on Saturday said the two Indians abducted last month from Benue State of Nigeria have been released and will be shortly brought to the country. "Mangapudi Srinivas and Kaushal Anish Sharma, who were kidnapped in the morning of June 29 from an area called Boko, near Makurdi in Benue state of Nigeria, were released on Saturday morning at 1030 hrs IST," said MEA spokesperson Vikas Swarup. "Both have spoken to their families. Sharma's wife profusely thanked the External Affairs Minister for ensuring safe release. She also thanked the Ministry and the Mission for keeping the family informed of developments almost on daily basis," Swarup added. Srinivas hails from Andhra Pradesh and his colleague Sharma is from Karnataka. Both had started from their residential quarters in a car to Dangote Cement Plc Plant. On reaching a traffic signal, a group of armed men barged into the car and abducted them at gun point. PNS Even at his hometown Hardik reiterated to continue pro-quota Patidar agitation in peaceful manner. The young Patidar leader only spent 20odd minutes with his parents and sister. He prayed at a shrine in his house and headed to next leg of his series in Saurashtra. In 48-hours after his release from jail, Hardik is expected to travel 2100 km within Gujarat and attend road shows in Saurashtra and North Gujarat to meet maximum number of his supporters. As for Hardik, he continued to maintain that the stir would now continue with new rigour and would remain apolitical. On being asked whether he would join Aam Aadmi Party, whose leader Ashutosh was in Ahmedabad on late Friday night but could not meet, Hardik said “it is a rumour”. in a case of cheque bouncing filed against him by the Airports Authority of India (AAI). The 63rd metropolitan magistrate AA Laulkar issued an NBW against Mallya, after the latter failed to appear before the court despite the court having issued final summons against him on May 7. The Magistrate was hearing two applications filed by AAI against M/s Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) and six others, including Mallya, in connection with the bouncing of two cheques collectively worth Rs 107 crore. The Mallya-headed now-defunct KFA had issued cheques of Rs 50 crore and Rs 57 crore to AAI some time in 2012. However, both the cheques had bounced. Saturday’s was the third NBW issued against Mallya by an Indian Court in recent months. Earlier on March 13, a Hyderabad court had issued an NBW against Mallya in connection with alleged dishonour of a cheque of Rs 50 lakh to GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd. Subsequently, a PMLA court in lowed by observance of “black day” on Tuesday in accordance to a call from Pakistan government. Police said during intervening night mob equipped with iron rods, stones, bricks attacked and torched the guard residential shed at Wullar Vintage Park in north Kashmir’s Bandipore district. The authorities also clamped on the media and stopped publication and distribution of local newspapers. During the midnight raids on various printing presses, the Police seized master copies and platesof all the local Urdu and English dailies published from here. The newspapers that had been printed were seized. Later local journalists held a protest demonstration condemning the official curbs. Mumbai issued an NBW against Mallya on April 18 in the IDBI loan fraud-cummoney laundering case. Earlier this year, Mallya had sought and obtained permanent exemption from appearing in the cheque bouncing case filed in Mumbai court. However, after Mallya quietly left the country on March 2 amid reports about his airline having defaulted on repayment of over Rs 9,000 crore to the banks, the AAI moved the metropolitan court in suburban Andheri, challenging the permanent exemption granted to him by the court and sought issuance of an NBW against him. Mallya has been evading summons by courts ever since he clandestinely left the country on March 2 for the United Kingdom, where he is currently fWXRW\PZTbXc \P]SPc^ah^]cWT ^UUT]STac^P__TPa QTU^aTcWT2^dacfXcWX] "SPhb^UcWT _dQ[XRPcX^]^U _a^R[P\PcX^] based. The first of the three NBWs issued against Mallya by a Hyderabad on March 13 did not produce desired results. Following up on an NBW issued by it against Mallya in the IDBI loan fraud-cummoney laundering case earlier on April 18, the Mumbai-based PMLA declared the debttrapped businessman a “proclaimed offender” on June 14. The court declared Mallya a “proclaimed offender” under section 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), which makes it mandatory on the offender to appear before the Court within 30 days of the publication of proclamation. On June 29, the PMLA court directed Mallya to appear before it on July 29 on the ground that he had “absconded” and was “concealing” him- PMLA court in the court room no. 16 at 11 am on July 29. Meanwhile, given that Britain has declined to deport Mallya to India, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is planning to invoke the IndiaUnited Kingdom Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) to extradite Mallya from Britain. The ED is investigating the overall financial structure of the now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines and is also looking into any payment of kickbacks to secure 950 crore loan from the IDBI Bank. The ED’s contention is that the latter had “siphoned off ” Rs 430 crore from the loan taken by now defunct-Kingfisher Airline to purchase properties abroad. The ED is looking into the “proceeds of crime” that would have been generated using the slush funds of the alleged loan fraud. The agency is also investigating if some of this amount was sent abroad illegally. It is also looking for details of overseas and domestic assets of Mallya and his company officials, in coordination with central security agencies and the CBI. 2:@\UQTUbcTYcSecc;QcX]YbfY_\U^SU <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D olatile situation across different parts of Kashmir V valley Saturday brought core group of the state BJP leadership under one roof where they stock of the current situation in the State and chalked out its strategy as PDP leadership has already started raising voices while questioning the 'surgical operation' in which Hizbul Mujahideen Commander Burhan Wani was killed in Kokernag area of Anantnag on July 8. Two senior PDP leaders including Member Parliament Muzaffar Hussain Beg and state Education Minister Naeem Akhtar had earlier raised doubts over the manner in which the entire operation was conducted apparently without the knowledge of Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti who is also holding charge of the <RdY^ZccV^RZ_deV_dV"ac`eVdeVc\Z]]VU :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A Chaudhary has also been made a special invitee. Najma Heptulla, the Minority Affairs Minister who had resigned from the Union Cabinet earlier this week, is no more a member of the panel. Ravi Shankar Prasad, the new Law Minister, replaces his predecessor D V Sadananda Gowda in the panel. The CCPA, headed by Home Minister Rajnath Singh, is mandated to recommend the dates of Parliament sessions. It has 11 members, including three special invitees. Other members are Union ministers Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, M Venkaiah Naidu, Ram Vilas Paswan and Ananth Kumar. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi is another special invitee, a fresh list issued by the Cabinet Secretariat said. Cf^8]SXP]b ?3HZddfVURXRZ_deGZ[Rj>R]]jR PQSdRcTSX] CWTR^dacSTR[PaTS self to avoid arrest. In a proclamation pub<P[[hPP±_a^R[PX\TS =XVTaXP lished through a newspaper Mumbai metropolitan ^UUT]STa²d]STabTRcX^] advertisement, Special Judge P court on Saturday issued A '!^UcWT2aX\X]P[ R Bhavake had directed Mallya non-bailable warrant aT[TPbTS)<40 a(NBW) against Vijay Mallya, ?a^RTSdaT2^ST2a?2 to remain present before the 7PaSXZUX[Tbd]STacPZX]VX]R^dacU^[[^fX]VWXbaT[TPbT ?=BQ 60=378=060A *RYWVFUDSV,UDQL¶V 218bTXiTbC Ra Ua^\4R^]^\XR VWDWXVDV&&3$ I^]T32´baTbXST]RT VSHFLDOLQYLWHH The authorities have asked the newspaper owners to stop publication for three days. The internet and mobile networks continues to remain suspended for the seventh straight day. The authorities also halted cable television operation but it resumed later in the evening. The situation worsened in Kashmir valley on July 9, a day after security forces shot dead Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani in south Kashmir’s Kokernag pocket. As many as 43 civilians and a policeman have died in the flare-up over 3,100 persons, including 1,500 security force personnel have been injured in these clashes. Many people with grievous pellet injuries are at the verge of losing eyesight. Home Department. MoS PMO Dr Jitendra Singh, Deputy Chief Minister Prof Nirmal Singh, BJP National Vice President Avinash Rai Khanna, state BJP Chief Sat Paul Sharma, MPs Jugal Kishore and Shamsher SIngh Manhas and organisation secretary Ashok Kaul attended the meeting here in Jammu. Section of PDP leaders in Kashmir valley have been busy spreading the word that different parts of kashmir valley witnessing heavy stone pelting because people are angry with PDP's opportunistic alliance with BJP and blaming BJP led central govt for using excessive force against the protesters. During the meeting the BJP leaders also took stock of the propaganda unleashed by the establishment in Pak by rallying behind protestors in Kashmir valley and announcing their emotional support to the ongoing 'freedom' movement. Later talking to the media persons Dr Jitendra Singh also adopted a tough posture while snubbing Pakistan in clear words. "There is no Kashmir problem. It has been made clear on all the fronts. There is no issue of Kashmir between Indian and Pakistan and we are not ready to accept it. "...It was way back in 1994 that Indian Parliament passed an unanimous resolution stating that if at all there is any outstanding issue, it is how to retrieve part of J&K which remains under illegal occupation of Pakistan," the Minister of State in the PMO told reporters here. Reacting to Pakistan's statement describing slain terrorist Wani as "martyr", Singh said, "Regardless of how anyone describes anybody, as far as India is concerned it has reiterated more than once that 5aT]RWf^\P]ZX[[b\X]^aSPdVWcTa bT[UX]6^P]QTPRWeX[[PVT Panaji: In a gruesome incident, a French woman killed her adopted minor daughter and then committed suicide by slitting her throat, allegedly due to stress, in the coastal village of Anjuna in North Goa, which is known for its rave parties and nightlife. According to the police, who discovered the bodies of 45-year-old Sevorine Martin Dumand Figerre and her seven-year-old minor daughter on Saturday morning, a suicide note allegedly left behind by the deceased suggested being under tremendous stress, which couldbjave led to the fatal act. "We were called by her husband from France who had complained that his wife was 0RR^aSX]Vc^cWT_^[XRT fW^SXbR^eTaTScWT Q^SXTb^U#$hTPa^[S BTe^aX]T<PacX]3d\P]S 5XVTaaTP]SWTabTeT] hTPa^[S\X]^aSPdVWcTa ^]BPcdaSPh\^a]X]VP bdXRXST]^cTP[[TVTS[h[TUc QTWX]SQhcWTSTRTPbTS picking his calls. When we opened the door using force we found the two bodies," Police Sub Inspector Vijaynath Kavlekar told The Pioneer. The official also said that bodies had been sent to a government hospital for post mortem, which he said, would be conducted after the husband arrives from France next week. PNS there is an approach of zero tolerance towards terrorism." "Pakistan has always been fishing in the troubled waters of Jehlum," he added. He hit out at Pakistan for raking up the Kashmir issue and said there is no room for any foreign interference from Pakistan or any other country in the internal affairs of India. "Pakistan, which is raking up the Kashmir issue and human rights issues, should care about human rights violations taking place in Balochistan, Baltistan and PoK," he said. "I think Indian society and the people of Jammu and Kashmir are now awakened enough to understand the designs and therefore, there is nothing that can derail the development journey which has been started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi across the country, including J&K," Singh said. 8=1A845 2180AA4BCB2>A?>AC04 05508AB3610=B0; =Tf3T[WX)CWT2T]caP[1daTPd ^U8]eTbcXVPcX^]218^] BPcdaSPhP__aTWT]STS3XaTRc^a 6T]TaP[2^a_^aPcT0UUPXab1: 1P]bP[P]PSSXcX^]P[bTRaTcPah aP]ZTS^UUXRTaX]<X]Xbcah^U 2^a_^aPcT0UUPXabX] R^]]TRcX^]fXcWP]P[[TVTS QaXQTahRPbT^UAb([PZW 1P]bP[P[^]VfXcWP_aXePcT _Tab^]EXbWfPSTT_1P]bP[ fTaT]PQQTSUa^\PW^cT[fWX[T QaXQTfPbP[[TVTS[hQTX]V TgRWP]VTSU^abW^fX]VUPe^dab c^P_aXePcTUXa\PVT]Rh b^daRTbbPXSCWTb^daRTbbPXS cWTSd^WPeTQTT]STcPX]TS P]S\PhQTU^a\P[[hPaaTbcTS X]SdTR^dabTC $#[PZWfPb aTR^eTaTSSdaX]VbTPaRWTbPc bXg[^RPcX^]bX]R^]]TRcX^]fXcW cWTRPbT1P]bP[BT]X^a 0S\X]XbcaPcXeT6aPST^UUXRTa^U 8]SXP]2^a_^aPcT;PfBTaeXRT 82;BfPb_a^\^cTSc^cWT _^bc^U3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[^U 2^a_^aPcT0UUPXab3620[Pbc hTPa ?08=43>E4A1>>: 2>=CA>E4ABH)0;E0 =Tf3T[WX)ETcTaP]2^]VaTbb [TPSTa<PaVPaTc0[eP^] BPcdaSPhbPXSbWTfPb_PX]TS c^bTTPccT\_cbc^RaTPcT R^]ca^eTabXTb^eTaWTaQ^^Z ²2^daPVTP]S2^\\Xc\T]c PbbTacX]VbWTWPb]^cPccPRZTS _PachRWXTUB^]XP6P]SWXX]Xc CWTQ^^ZXbbX\_[hcWTbc^ah^U \h[XUTUa^\ (#!c^! # STcPX[X]VXcbcaXP[bP]ScaXd\_Wb 8cfPb\TP]cc^bW^fW^fP f^\P]P\X]^aXchUa^\P b\P[[c^f]\XSS[TR[PbbUP\X[h VaTfd_P]SbdaeXeTSX]cWT cdaQd[T]c_^[XcXRb^UWTacX\Tb fXcW^dccWTQPRZX]V^U\^]Th _^fTa^aQdbX]Tbb[^QQXTb 0[ePbPXSX]PbcPcT\T]c0[eP bPXSbWTWPb]^cPccPRZTScWT 2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]cX]cWTQ^^Z U^afW^\8WPeTcWTVaTPcTbc aTb_TRcP]SPUUTRcX^]^acWT 2^]VaTbb?PachU^afWXRW8 WPeTf^aZTSU^a^eTa#$hTPab ?A0:0B790E034:0AC> 54;828C0C4BCD34=CB =Tf3T[WX)7d\P]ATb^daRTb 3TeT[^_\T]c7A3<X]XbcTa ?aPZPbW9PePSTZPafX[[^] Bd]SPhUT[XRXcPcTPVa^d_^U bcdST]cbfW^STb_XcTR^\X]V Ua^\d]STa_aXeX[TVTS QPRZVa^d]SbR^aTSWXVW\PaZb P]SbTRdaTSPS\XbbX^]X]c^_ 3T[WXR^[[TVTb0RR^aSX]Vc^P 7A3<X]Xbcahb_^ZTb\P]cWT TeT]cXbPX\TSPcbT]SX]VcWT \TbbPVTcWPccWT7A3 <X]XbcTabU^RdbXb^] bd__^acX]VP[[bTRcX^]bX]cWT _dabdXc^U`dP[XchTSdRPcX^] B^^]PUcTacPZX]VRWPaVT^UcWT 7A3<X]XbcahTPa[XTacWXb \^]cW9PePSTZPaWPS W^]^daTSWXbcTPRWTab A>C0AH2;D12>=3D2CB 8=BC0;;0C8>=24A4<>=H =Tf3T[WX)A^cPah2[dQ^U <PhdaEXWPa[PbcfTTZ R^]SdRcTS8]bcP[[PcX^] 2TaT\^]hU^aT[TRcX]VA^cPaXP] 208]SaP3Te=PaPhP]PbcWT ?aTbXST]c^UcWTR[dQCWT RTaT\^]hfXc]TbbTScWT _aTbT]RT^UBWPaPc9PX]3XbcaXRc 6^eTa]^aPbcWT2WXTU6dTbc*= :1WPaVPeP2WPXa\P] 8]bcP[[PcX^]*0bWXbW0VPafP[ <PbcTa^U2TaT\^]h 8]bcP[[PcX^]*BTRaTcPah20EXYPh :d\Pa20APY]TTbW6d_cP CaTPbdaTaP]SDbWP\^cWTa^U 8]SaP3Te=PaPhP]P\^]V ^cWTab f^a[S% 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % 2EE6>AE654@FA@G6C3FEEFC<6J4@?E:?F6DE@3@:= FDZ_gZeVdEfc\Vje` acVdV_eR_j8f]V_ T`faVgZUV_TV 05?Q ;DG4<1>DA6 <833;440BC0;;84B A0;;H1478=34A3>60= 2[X]c^]RP[[bU^a ecretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday that the SUnited States will assist Turkey RP[\X]R^d]cah in the investigation of a failed coup and invited Ankara to share any evidence it has against a US-based opposition figure Fethullah Gulen. Speaking in Luxembourg, Kerry said Washington had not yet received a formal extradition bid for the expatriate cleric, but added: “We fully anticipate that there will be questions raised about Mr Gulen.” Gulen, a reclusive Islamic preacher with a worldwide following who is regularly accused of a behind the scenes role in Turkish politics, lives in a tiny town in the Pocono Mountains of the US State of Pennsylvania. He has been accused by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of being behind the Thursday’s boody coup attempt, although he has denied any role and condemned the miliary uprising “in the strongest terms.” Kerry who spoke late yesterday to his Turkish opposite number Mevlut Cavusoglu by telephone, said, “We haven’t received any request with respect to Mr Gulen. Washington: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Saturday expressed concern over the coup attempt in Turkey and called for calm in the country. “I am following the fastmoving developments in Turkey tonight with great concern,” Clinton said in a statement. “We should all urge calm and respect for laws, institutions, and basic human rights and freedoms — and support for the democratically elected civilian Government,” she said. PTI “And obviously we invited the Government of Turkey as we always do to present us with any legitimate evidence that withstands scrutiny and the United States will accept that and look at it and make judgments about it appropriately.” And, standing alongside Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn outside the country’s Foreign Ministry, he added, “I’m confident that there will be some discussion about that.” ?T^_[T_a^cTbcPVPX]bccWTR^d_fPeT PCdaZXbWU[PV^]c^_^UcWT \^]d\T]cX]CPZbX\b`dPaT8bcP]Qd[ ^]BPcdaSPh 0? 1aXcXbWRXcXiT]bPSeXbTSc^bcPhX]S^^ab AR\T`_UV^_dT`faSZU ²CdaZXbW\X[XcPahR^_cTa[P]Sb London: British nationals in Turkey are being “strongly” advised to stay indoors after 161 people died in a failed military coup in the country, the UK Foreign Office said on Saturday. UK foreign secretary Boris Johnson tweeted that he was “very concerned” by the events in Turkey and said the British Embassy was “monitoring the situation closely”. AR\d`TZR]^VUZRTV]VScZej 2WX]PQTVX]b 3R]`TY\Z]]VUW`cµY`_`fc¶ \X[XcPahTgTaRXbTb Islamabad: Pakistan’s social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch was killed allegedly by her broth- P\XSB2BcT]bX^]b er in Multan in Punjab province, becoming the latest victim of “honour killings” that plague the country. The 26-year-old actorcum-model was killed in central district of Multan on Friday night, police said on Saturday. Police said apparently she was killed by her brother named Wasim, who has fled after the incident. “She was suffocated to death by strangulation. It seems to be a case of honour killing but we are probing it,” district police chief Azhar Akram said. Her real name was Fouzia Azeem but she chose Qandeel Baloch as her pseudonym after stepping into modelling. She had received threats from her family to quit modeling and her provocative appearances on social media. Her brother had been threatening her over her Facebook posts and videos, said police. PTI Doha: Turkey’s regional allies on Saturday condemned a deadly but foiled coup attempt by a faction of the army against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s rule. Key regional powers Iran and Israel, which have both had strained relationships with Erdogan’s Government, condemned the putsch that began late last night. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif spoke with his Turkish counterpart three times since the crisis began. On Twitter, he hailed the Turkish people’s “defence of democracy & their elected Government” which he said “proves that coups have no place in our region and are doomed to fail.” “Deeply concerned about the crisis in Turkey,” Zarif tweeted late Friday. “Stability, democracy & safety of Turkish people are paramount. Unity & prudence are imperative.” AFP Beijing: Amid the South China Sea tensions, Chinese military on Saturday kicked off large scale military exercises pressing troops from the five theatre commands of the People’s Liberation A r m y (PLA) simulating real battle conditions. The military drills which began yesterday will last will last until September and aimed to boost the military’s “transregional” capabilities, state run Xinhua news agency reported. A report on July 14 said the exercises will be held at Zhurihe training base in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. PTI More than 2.5 million Britons visit Turkey every year. “The situation now appears quieter in Istanbul, and the bridges across the Bosphorus are re-opening. But there are reports of tank fire and small arms fire in Ankara. Some flights to airports in Turkey are being diverted or cancelled,” the latest advice from the Foreign Office reads. PTI Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday condemned a botched coup bid by Turkish army and expressed Pakistan’s ‘abiding interest’ in a democratic, peaceful and stable Turkey. “I strongly condemn the attempt to undermine democracy by a failed coup in the brotherly country of Turkey. We deeply admire the resolve of the brave and resilient Turkish people, who stood up against the forces of darkness and anarchy to express their support and commitment to democracy,” he said in a statement. PTI X]6aTTRT'aT`dTbcPbh[d\³ Alexandroupoli (Greece): A Turkish military helicopter landed in Greece on Saturday carrying eight men seeking asylum after a coup bid, Greek police said. The Black Hawk helicopter landed after sending a distress signal to authorities at the airport in Alexandroupolis in the country’s north. Seven of those on board were in military uniform and all are believed to have been involved in the attempted putsch, ERT TV said. AFP D=4B2>bdb_T]Sb Xcbf^a[SWTaXcPVT \TTcX]VX]8bcP]Qd[ Paris: UNESCO suspended its world heritage meeting in Istanbul on Saturday in the wake of Turkey’s attempted military coup, the organisation said. “The 40th session of the World Heritage Committee is suspended until further notice,” the Paris-based body said in a statement on its website. Soldiers and tanks took to the streets late on Friday and multiple explosions rang out throughout the night in Ankara and Istanbul, the two biggest cities of the strategic NATO member of 80 million people. The meeting, which began last Sunday, was deciding whether to give world heritage protection to 29 sites across the world. The most headline-grabbing of its discussions centred on whether it would list some of the Swiss-born architect Le Corbusier’s most iconic modernist buildings. A decision had been expected tomorrow. UNESCO has twice rejected previous bids to give its protection to Le Corbusier’s utilitarian concrete buildings, which had a huge impact on urban planning across the planet. Seventeen of his projects, stretching from La Cite Radieuse housing project in Marseille, France, to the city of Chandigarh in northern India, which he laid out, were being considered. AFP 8Y\\QbiTeRc@U^SU :D:DT]RZ^d?ZTV^RddRTcVRd ´TYfYcYfU]_cdUhdbU]Uµ 7cR_TV^f]]ddVTfcZejWRZ]Z_Xd CVafS]ZTR_dYRZ]YZ^Rd Rac`gV_T`_dVcgReZgV 05?Q =824 he Islamic State (ISIS) group claimed responsiT bility on Saturday for an attack BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= I f you had any doubts about (Donald) Trump sticking with his dangerous plan for America, say hello to his VP pick,” remarked presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, soon after her Republican rival announced that Indiana Governor Mike Pence will be his running mate. In a series of tweets, Clinton attacked Pence, calling him a “Donald Trump with a different haircut” and someone who would be a “potential disaster for America”. In sharp contrast, Republicans hailed Pence as a “proven conservative”. Saying Pence comes from the “heart of the conservative movement”, House Speaker Paul Ryan declared: “I can think of no better choice for our vicepresidential candidate”. Trump’s former rival Senator Marco Rubio called Pence a “great pick”. Clinton put out a campaign video that branded Pence as someone “bad for immigrants” and included a clip of his arguing that “Americans don’t want comprehensive immigration reform”. Pence himself said in an interview to Fox News that he is “very supportive of Donald Trump’s call to temporarily suspend immigration from countries where terrorists represent a threat to the United States”. He had earlier disapproved of Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US, even calling it an “offensive and unconstitutional” proposal. in which a Tunisian drove a truck through a crowd in Nice, killing 84, prompting hard questions in France over security failures. In a statement via its Amaq news service, ISIS said one of its “soldiers” carried out the attack on Thursday night “in response to calls to target nations of coalition states that are fighting (ISIS)”. Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31, smashed a 19-tonne truck into crowd of people in the Riviera city who were celebrating Bastille Day — France’s national day. Police said he had no known connection to jehadist groups. French President Francois Hollande met with his defence and security chiefs and cabinet ministers as criticism from the opposition and media mounted over security failings after the third major attack in France in 18 months. “If we are at war, as the Government tells us, then the currency of war is intelligence, learning from experience, analysing failures and victories,” wrote Yann Marec in an editorial for the southern region’s Midi Libre newspaper. He was one of several call- ?T^_[TVPcWTaPcP\PZTbWXUc\T\^aXP[c^W^]^dacWTeXRcX\b^UP]PccPRZ]TPacWT PaTPfWTaTPcadRZ\^fTSS^f]aTeT[TabX]=XRTb^dcWTa]5aP]RT 0? $:83B10CC;8=65>A;8E4B #?4>?;48=2DBC>3H =XRT) 5XeTRWX[SaT]fTaTUXVWcX]V U^acWTXa[XeTbPUcTacWTcadRZPccPRZ X]=XRTX]R[dSX]VP]d]XST]cXUXTS 'hTPa^[SQ^hfW^Xb_^bbXQ[hP U^aTXV]TaPW^b_XcP[b_^ZTbf^\P] bPXS^]BPcdaSPh CWTRWX[SaT]fTaTQTX]VcaTPcTSPc cWT5^]SPcX^];T]eP[_PTSXPcaXR W^b_XcP[X]cWT5aT]RWAXeXTaPRXch fWTaTPCd]XbXP]Sa^eTPcadRZ cWa^dVWP1PbcX[[TSPhRa^fS^] CWdabSPhZX[[X]V'# 05? ?PaXb) 5^da\T]QT[XTeTSc^QT [X]ZTSc^cWTCd]XbXP]fW^ZX[[TS '#_T^_[TfWT]WTSa^eTPcadRZ X]c^P1PbcX[[T3PhRa^fSX]=XRT fTaTPaaTbcTS^eTa]XVWc^] BPcdaSPhPYdSXRXP[b^daRTbPXS >]T^UcWT\T]QTX]VWT[SfPb PaaTbcTShTbcTaSPhP]ScWaTT ^cWTab^]BPcdaSPh\^a]X]VcWT b^daRTPSSTSCWTSaXeTa³b TbcaP]VTSfXUTXbP[b^QTX]VWT[S Qh_^[XRT 05? 5A0=240CC02:4A³E>;0C8;4´=>947038BC;8=:B =XRT) CWT\P]aTb_^]bXQ[TU^acda]X]VP]XVWc^URT[TQaPcX^]X]c^^]T^U RPa]PVTX]cWTbTPbXSTRXch^U=XRTfPbP_TcchRaX\X]P[fW^WPS]³cQTT] ^]cWTaPSPa^U5aT]RW8]cT[[XVT]RTBTaeXRTbQTU^aTcWTPccPRZ CWT8b[P\XRBcPcT8B8B Va^d_R[PX\TS<^WP\TS;PW^dPXTY1^dW[T[PbP °b^[SXTa±^]BPcdaSPhQdcfWPcXbZ]^f]b^UPaPQ^dc1^dW[T[bdVVTbcb Pca^dQ[TSP]Vah\P]fXcW[Xcc[TX]cTaTbcX]8b[P\ 0? ing for action, and not merely “the same old solemn declara- tions” from the Government, as Le Figaro daily said. 7P__hR^fb\PhVXeT \^aT]dcaXcX^db\X[Z Washington: Happier cows may give more calcium-rich milk, according to a new study which could lead to a better understanding of how to improve the health of dairy animals, and keep the milk flowing. Daily infusions with a chemical commonly associated with feelings of happiness were shown to increase calcium levels in the blood of Holstein cows and the milk of Jersey cows that had just given birth. Demand is high for milk rich in calcium: there is more calcium in the human body than any other mineral, and dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt are primary sources of calcium. Hypocalcaemia is considered a major health event in the life of a cow. The risk of this disease is particularly high immediately before and after cows give birth. It is associated with immunological and digestive problems, decreased pregnancy rates and longer intervals between pregnancies. PTI C74A4B0A4<>E4B 0=>C74A20<4A>= BD??>AC4A0B<8= ;^]S^]) 1aXcXbW?aX\T<X]XbcTa CWTaTbP<PhWPb\PST\^aT RWP]VTbc^cWT6^eTa]\T]c aT\^eX]VP]^cWTaZThbd__^acTa^U _aTSTRTbb^a3PeXS2P\Ta^]Ua^\ \X]XbcTaXP[aP]Zb3^f]X]VBcaTTc bPXS0acb<X]XbcTa4SEPXiThP UaXT]S^U2P\Ta^]WPb[TUccWT 6^eTa]\T]cA^b0[c\P]] 2P\Ta^]³b<X]XbcTaU^a?T]bX^]b WPbP[b^QTT]SXb\XbbTSCWT bWdUU[TXbX]XcbU^dacWSPh^] BPcdaSPhPb<PhUX[[b^dcYd]X^a \X]XbcTaXP[aP]Zb 0? \^]ThfXbT& 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % >R]]jRTRdV+5CER]]`hdSR_\Vcd¶ a]VR`_]ZWeZ_X`WT`ca`cReVgVZ] ?C8Q 14=60;DAD I n a setback to Vijay Mallya, the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) on Saturday allowed consortium of bankers’ interlocutory application on lifting of corporate veil to pierce the protection against personal liability enjoyed by individuals controlling Kingfisher Finvest, a holding company of the beleaguered liquor baron. It also directed spirit maker Diageo Plc to deposit with the tribunal the remaining $35 million of the $75-million 'sweetheart deal’ with Mallya. DRT also dismissed the interlocutory application (IA) filed by Dutch beer major Heineken, seeking impleadment in the Mallya case to enjoy Right of First Refusal (ROFR) over UBL shares. Bankers had filed the IA seek- ing lifting of corporate veil to pierce the protection against personal liablity enjoyed by individuals controlling Kingfisher Finvest. The doctrine of Lifting of Corporate Veil means disregarding the corporate personality and looking behind the persons controlling the company. Heineken had filed an application seeking to be impleaded in the case to enjoy ROFR over UBL shares. Heineken has some presumptive rights on UBL shares held and owned by Mallya. ROFR is a contractual term between shareholders, usually included in Articles of Association. If a shareholder wishes to dispose shares that are subject to ROFR, it must first be offered to those other shareholders who have its benefit. Passing orders on yet another IA by Diageo Plc, DRT Presiding Officer CR Benakanahalli directed the company to ‘attach’ the remaining $35 million of the $75 million sweatheart deal amount with it, in case any transaction takes place as per the agreement between Mallya and Diageo Plc and its two other subsidiaries. Diageo Plc had filed an Interlocutory Application seeking vacating of the DRT’s March 7 order. DRT had barred Mallya from withdrawing $75 million exit payment from Diageo till disposal of the case over the loan default by Kingfisher Airlines. It had restrained Diageo and United Spirits Limited,owned by the UKbased firm, from temporarily disbursing the amount to Mallya, who worked out the deal under a severance package. But $40 million of the $75 million package deal had already been disbursed, following which the bankers consortium had sought directions from DRT to attach the amount before it. On a DRT directive, Diageo Plc and its two subsidiaries submitted details of the deal, in which bankers figured out that $40 million of the $75 million was parked in an account by Mallya in New York-based JP Morgan Bank. On May 17, DRT had directed the bank not to disburse to Mallya $40 million and asked it to ‘attach’ (submit) before it, statements of accounts held by Mallya in the bank. Diageo Holdings Netherlands had also filed an IA, seeking vacating of DRTs March 7 order. *DGNDULYLVLWV7HVOD 0RWRUVLQYLWHVSODQ IRUHQWU\LQWR,QGLD ?C8 Q B0=5A0=28B2> T esla Motors on Saturday said that India will ‘definitely’ be a market for their next generation low-cost sustainable model-3, with the Union Road and Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari asking the iconic company to outline their proposals for entry into the Indian market. During a visit to the Tesla factory here, Gadkari offered to promote joint ventures between the global leaders in electric car manufacturing and the Indian automobile companies with a view to introducing pollution-free road transport in India, especially commercial and public motor vehicles. In his interaction with senior company officials, Gadkari proposed to the Tesla senior executives to make India their Asia manufacturing hub and offered land near major Indian ports to facilitate export of their vehicles to South and South East Asian countries. 2Q^[e^Y_^dXbUQdU^cd_]Q[U ' TUVQe\dUbcµ^Q]U`eR\YS ?C8Q 07<430103 ll-India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) on A Saturday threatened to make public the names of top 7,000 wilful corporate loan defaulters who have defrauded around C70,000 crore. The union also demanded filing criminal cases against these defaulters. AIBEA General Secretary CH Venkatachalam also said around 10 lakh employees and officials would go on a one-day strike, called by nine unions on July 29 to oppose what he calls the ‘anti-people banking reforms being pushed by the Government’. “Wilful defaulters have taken loans for some purpose but have diverted and misused the money. There are around 7,000 big companies who are wilful defaulters and they owe C70,000 crore to the system. We will reveal their names in a few days,” Venkatachalam said here. He accused the Government of going soft on these big defaulters saying, “We believe the Government is soft on wilful defaulters. We want to know why no criminal action is taken against them, but only civil suits are being filed against them?” He called upon the Government to declare wilful defaults as criminal offence and take criminal action and recover the money by confiscating their properties. “Because the money belongs to the public and not the Government or the banks,” he said. Venkatachalam also called for setting up fast-track debt recovery tribunals to resolve the big loan defaults so that the money is recovered fast. “Restructuring a default loan instead of categorising it as a bad loan is a fraud and cheating the public,” he added. jca^l 94=EVTYRaa`Z_ed_Vh4@@ X?W^]TbP[Tbc^Sa^_PbBP\bd]VSXVbWTT[b NEW DELHI: IT services com- to accelerate growth in the core pany HCL Technologies on Saturday said its President, Infrastructure Services, C Vijay Kumar will take on additional responsibility as Chief Operating Officer. “A role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) has been established business. C Vijay Kumar, currently President, Infrastructure Services will take on this additional responsibility and continue to report to Anant Gupta, President & CEO,” HCL Tech said in a statement. PTI NEW YORK: Soon after technology giant Apple reported its first-ever quarterly drop in iPhone sales in April, a new report has found that ‘the outlook for iPhone demand keeps getting murkier’ as other leading smartphone brands like Samsung make inroads in the market. The number of iPhone units sold would tumble 12 per cent from 2015 and the upcoming iPhone 7 would be ‘a marginal cycle at best’, New York Post reported, quoting a Wall Street analyst on Friday. Recently, retail data insights and consulting business Kantar Retail reported that Samsung's Galaxy 7 line of smartphones grabbed 16 per cent of total sales in the US during the three months ended May 31, exceeding the 14.6 per cent of sales for the iPhone 6s. As the momentum of the 6s has slowed down, investors are worried about iPhone 7 that the device might not be a significant upgrade. Mark Moskowitz of Barclays forecast that this year's iPhone unit sales would total 203.7 million down from 231.5 million last year. IANS FXcWV^[SbWX]X]V]TgcQ^]S XbbdTf^acWfWX[TbPhb3Pb ◆ &+$1*(2)1$0( ◆ I, Bodh Kumari D/o Sh. Vasudev Sharma R/o RZ/E50, New Roshanpura, Najafgarh, New Delhi110043 have changed the name of my son from Suzain Alam to Saurav Sharma for all purposes. PD(7276)A NEW DELHI: The Finance Ministry has said following t he upt a ke for gol d i n recent months the upcoming issue of Gold Bond Scheme from Monday will prove to be a worthy investment for resident Indians. “Next tranche of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme to open from July 18-22. Excellent opportunity to invest and benefit from gold price appreciation,” Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das tweeted on Saturday. “Gold Bond Scheme: Innovative savings instrument for all sections. Attractive substitute for purchase of physical gold as a mode of savings,” the secretary added. In recent months, gold prices have surged from C30,000 per 10 grams (24 carat) to C31,500 per 10 grams now. It was around C33,000 a DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SAFETY GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI 8th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Shanker Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110 001 www.foodsafety.delhigovt.nic.in Toll Free No. 1800113921 PUBLIC NOTICE # 1 Food Safety and Standard Act 2006 read with Food Safety and Standard (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations 2011 prohibits the use of Carbide Gas in ripening of fruits. If any person sells or has in his premises for sale, fruits which have been artificially ripened by use of Carbide Gas is punishable with: (i) In case of no injury, imprisonment up to 6 months and also fine up to Rupees One Lakh . (ii) In case of non grievous injury, imprisonment up to 1 year and also fine up to Rupees Three Lakh . (iii) In case of grievous injury, imprisonment up to 6 years and also fine up to Rupees Five Lakh . (iv) In case of death, life imprisonment and also fine up to Rupees Ten Lakh . PUBLIC NOTICE # 2 Food Safety and Standard Act 2006 read with Food Safety and Standard (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sale) Regulations 2011 prohibits the use of common salt (unless iodized) for direct human consumption. If any person sells or have in his premises for sale, the common salt (unless iodized) for direct human consumption, the same is punishable with a penalty up to Rupees five lakh. Swachh Khana Sehat Ka Khajana Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them PUBLIC NOTICE # 3 Fruits and vegetables used for eating-cooking in everyday life may have Pesticide Residue hidden on their surface, which are not visible from the naked eye. The toxic chemicals present in these pesticides may cause harm to your health. Ways and means to minimize pesticide residue from fruits and vegetables before eating-cooking:General Methods Specialized methods Q Wash in clean running or drinking water and dry with Q Soak fruits and vegetables for 5 to 10 minutes in a clean cloth or paper towel water diluted with vinegar followed by thorough rinsing. Q Scrub carrots, potatoes, turnips, etc. with a soft brush or Q Wash vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, cloth towel for 5 to 10 seconds and rinse with slightly cabbage etc. with hot water containing 2% common salt. warm water. Q Discard outer layer of leafy vegetables like cabbage etc. Q Wash vegetables like carrot, brinjal etc. with 1% tamarind solution before washing Q Peel fruits like mangoes, pears, kiwis and vegetables like Q Dipping in ozonated water helps in reduction of pesticide residues. gourds, loofah and cucumber before chopping them. Q Vegetables and some fruits which are consumed along Q Prepare any one of the following solutions and spray on with peel should be soaked in water for ½ hour to 1 hour fruit and vegetables leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and then and rinsed thoroughly before use. wash well with fresh water. Q Boiled the vegetables for One minute. then wash in (i) 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 Tbsp. baking soda, 1 cup of water clean running water. (ii) 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 Tbps. white vinegar, 1 cup of water (iii) 1/4th cup vinegar, 2 Tbps. Salt, Q Soak vegetables and fruits for 30 minutes in a large bowl of water with any one of above solutions and then wash in fresh water. Q For particularly waxy fruits and vegetables spray a mixture of 1 cup water, ½ cup vinegar, 1Tbps. baking soda and a dash of grapefruit seed extract and leave for an hour, rinse them, then consume them. Make it a Habit Wash fruits-vegetables before use Mail your complaints at www.foodsafety.delhigovt.nic.in Issued in Public Interest DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SAFETY Government of NCT of Delhi 8th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110 001 Toll Free No. 1800113921 DIP/Shabdarth/1143/16-17 fortnight back. As regards the price, the Reserve Bank of India has already notified the same. “The issue price of the Sovereign Gold Bond has been fixed at C3,119 per gram of gold. The rate has been fixed on the basis of simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity for the week July 11-15, 2016 as published by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association,” the Central Bank said. “Applications for the bond will be accepted from July 18, 2016 to July 22, 2016. The bonds will be issued on August 5, 2016,” the Finance Ministry statement said recently. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had in last year’s Union Budget announced developing the Sovereign Gold Bond, as a measure to contain demand for the metal in physical form. IANS 0b_Pac^U2BAX]XcXPcXeT^U=C?23PSaXPc^cP[^U ($]^cTQ^^Zb bRW^^[QPVbP]S $Q[PRZQ^PaSbfTaT WP]STS^eTac^"&_aX\PahP]SYd]X^aWXVWbRW^^[bX]eX[[PVTbU^a"!# bcdST]cb]TPaQh_^fTabcPcX^]66<3PSaX 3TQPbXbBPaZPaWP]STS^eTabRW^^[QPVb]^cTQ^^ZbP]SQ[PRZQ^PaSbc^cWT_aX\PahP]SYd]X^aWXVWbRW^^[b^U ]TPaQheX[[PVTbX]P_a^VaP\\T^aVP]XbTSPc=C?23PSaX^]cWT[Pbc5aXSPh?aTbXST]c9PVaXcXBP\PY:PbcdaXBPaZPa 2<>3a?=BX]VW6<><2^P[0[^ZT6d_cP6<<PX]cT]P]RTA=?P]STh06<6Pb=TZXAP\06< 7A3a0:3P]V1B061=PVPa<P]^Y:d\PaETa\PP]SbT]X^a^UUXRXP[bP[b^VaPRTScWT^RRPbX^] >aXT]cP[1P]Z^U2^\\TaRTd]STaXcb2BAX]XcXPcXeTS^]PcTS2^\_dcTab1^^Zb1T]RWTbP]S^cWTadcX[XchXcT\bU^acWT QT]TUXc^U_^^aP]S]TTShbcdST]cb^U3XehP2WPhPCadbc=Tf3T[WX>]cWT^RRPbX^]P]TeT]cfPb^aVP]XbTSPccWTXa2T]caT X]BWPW_da9Pc=Tf3T[WXc^S^]PcTcWTbTXcT\bc^d]STa_aXeX[TVTSbcdST]cbBTT]^]cWT^RRPbX^]PaT?PS\P2WPdWP] ?aTbXST]cBPcWhPePcWXAPX1EXRT?aTbXST]cP]S^cWTa\T\QTab^U³9PVadcXPb^RXP[eT]cdaTQh>aXT]cP[1P]Z5P\X[h 0VaX<X])B_TTS d_caP]bUTaaX]V ^UPVaXcTRWc^ [P]SUa^\[PQ ?C8Q =4F34;78 griculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh on Saturday A called upon farm scientists to speed up efforts to transfer technologies from the lab to the grassroots level in an effort to double farmers’ income in the next five years. Addressing the 88th Foundation Day of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) here, Singh said, “Our Government has targeted doubling farmers’ income by 2022. We will focus on not only agriculture but allied sectors to achieve this goal.” Stating that integrated farming is solution for raising farmers’ income, the minister said the government will promote this in 101 ICAR institutes spread across the country and showcase farmers its benefits. “A family can save up to C3 lakh a year by doing integrated farming,” he said. Emphasising on the role of technology in raising the farm output, the minister said, “We have to speed up efforts to transfer the technology from lab to land. I urge all scientists and institutes to focus on this and ensure marketing of new products in a big way.” He also said allied activities like poultry, fishery and dairy will be the focus area for supplementing the farm income. Three Ministers of state for agriculture Parshottam Rupala, SS Ahluwalia and Sudarshan Bhagat, and ICAR Director General Trilochan Mohapatra were present. These Ministers also gave away 2016 ICAR awards in 19 categories to 119 scientists, farmers and journalists. It may be noted that the award ceremony saw some lack of staff coordination and preparedness, with officials scrambling to find the recipients concerned for their awards. CWTD]X^]<X]XbcTa^U0VaXRd[cdaTP]S5Pa\TabFT[UPaTAPSWP<^WP]BX]VW^]BPcdaSPhX]PdVdaPcTScWT''cW 5^d]SPcX^]3PhP]S0]]dP[0fPaS5d]RcX^]^UcWT8]SXP]2^d]RX[^U0VaXRd[cdaP[ATbTPaRWWT[SPcEXVhP] 1WPfP]X]=Tf3T[WXCWT<X]XbcTab^UBcPcTU^a0VaXRd[cdaTP]S5Pa\TabFT[UPaTBB0W[dfP[XP?adbW^ccP\ Ad_P[PP]SBdSTabWP]1WPVPcfTaTP[b^_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^]0d]X`dTUTPcdaT^UcWTUd]RcX^]fPbcWPcPQ^dc &UPa\TabfTaTP[b^X]eXcTSP]SP]X]cTaPRcXeTbTbbX^]fXcWcWT^UUXRXP[bP]SaTbTPaRWTabfPbP[b^WT[S =;2\PZTbPWd\Q[TQTVX]]X]V^UXcb2BAPRcXeXcXTbX]cWTBcPcT^U>SXbWPQhSXbcaXQdcX]VUaTTWhVXT]XRU^^SP]SfPcTac^ cWTeXbXcX]V_X[VaX\bSdaX]VcWTW^[hAPcWHPcaP ^U;^aS9PVP]]PcWPc?daX>SXbWP^]cWT[Pbc5aXSPh 8]SXP]T]caT_aT]TdabbW^d[ScPZTPSeP]cPVT^UcWT[^fR^bc\P]_^fTaPePX[PQ[TX]8]SXPc^_a^SdRT`dP[XchcTgcX[TP]S^cWTa_a^SdRcb Pc[^fR^bcP]SR^\_TcTfXcW2WX]PX]cWT\P]dUPRcdaX]VbTRc^a2WP]RT[[^a^UE8CD]XeTabXchET[[^aT3a6EXbfP]PcWP]bPXSWTaT^] BPcdaSPh?aTbXSX]V^eTacWTX]PdVdaP[Ud]RcX^]^UE8C5PbWX^]8]bcXcdcT^UCTRW]^[^VhE58CP]SX]PdVdaPcX]VcWT0RPST\XR1[^RZ88 PccWTE8C2WT]]PX2P\_db3aEXbfP]PcWP]bPXScWPccWTcTgcX[TbTRc^aPRR^d]cbU^a _TaRT]c^UcWT8]SXP]Tg_^acbBX]RT8]SXPWPb PVaTPcSXeTabXchX]cTa\b^UfTPeX]VP]ScTgcX[T\PcTaXP[bXcXbeTahP__a^_aXPcTcWPccWTE8CWPb[Pd]RWTSE58C8]SXPb\PaZTcbXiTX] cWTcTgcX[TbTRc^afWXRWXbRdaaT]c[hDB 'QX[[X^]XbTg_TRcTSc^V^d_c^DB!!"QX[[X^]X]!!3XaTRc^a=PcX^]P[8]bcXcdcT^U 5PbWX^]CTRW]^[^Vh2WT]]PX3a0]XcP<PQT[<P]^WPaR^]VaPcd[PcTS3aEXbfP]PcWP]U^aWXbeXbX^]X][Pd]RWX]VE58C<3:6 3T]X\;cS2^X\QPc^aTBaXaP\d[d1P[PZaXbW]P]VPeTPfPhRPbW_aXiTb^]QTWP[U^UE8Cc^cWT?[dbCf^c^__TabX]bXgfTPeTa UP\X[XTb^U:P]RWTT_daP\SXbcaXRc0bbXbcP]cEXRT?aTbXST]cE8C:PSWP\QPaXBEXbfP]PcWP]bPXScWPccWTcTgcX[TX]SdbcahXbPDB QX[[X^]fWXRW_a^eXSTST\_[^h\T]cc^#$\X[[X^]_T^_[TP]SR^]caXQdcTSc^ #_TaRT]c^U8]SXPbc^cP[X]SdbcaXP[^dc_dc b_^ac' 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D;H &! % A26D3@A2??2D62=A=2J@77DA=246 BY_R_e^TT_eR\UcTe_RUQdC_edX;_bUQ^`QYb&#&$&$QcX_cdcd__[# \UQT ³>]R^dacRWT\Xbcah fPbVaTPcfXcW?PTb´ ?C8Q 270=3860A7 L eander Paes and Rohan Bopanna outclassed the Korean pair of Seong Chan Hong and Hong Chung in straight sets to guide India to the Davis World Group Play-offs as the hosts took an unassailable 3-0 lead in the Asia|Oceania Group I tie here on Saturday. The Indian pair did not even need its A game in trouncing the visitors 63 6-4-6-4 in just one hour and 41 minutes at the grass courts of Chandigarh Club. Saketh Myneni and Ramkumar Ramanathan had won their respective singles yesterday to hand India a 2-0 cushion. The reluctant partners for the Rio Olympics did not face any competition from the Koreans in what is their only competitive match together before the Games. Even as the Koreans managed to break Paes in the third set, they did not present any challenge to the Indians. But it was a treat for the fans, little more than a thousand, to watch the Indian pair cruise to the win under overcast and friendly conditions. Teaming up for the fifth time at the Davis Cup, it was their third win. Before this they had won against Serbia (2014) and Kazakhstan (2007) and lost to Uzbekistan (2012) and Czech Republic (2015). Captain Anand Amritraj would be delighted to see that his idea of playing on the grass worked for his side. In the inconsequential reverse singles, Myneni will face Seong Chan Hong and Ramkumar will take on Yong-Kyu Lim on Sunday. India's rivals in the World Group Play-offs in September will be either China or Uzbekistan, who led 2-1 at the end of day two of their tie. Since the rain stayed away yesterday and this morning, the court played much better on Saturday, offering good bounce. Sending down two double faults in the opening game was the only blem- ?C8Q 270=3860A7 eander Paes is not exactly his close friend by any stretch of imagination but Rohan Bopanna insists L that they have a "great on-court chemistry", which ish for Bopanna, who kept tormenting Chung and Hong with his booming serves in the range of 200kms\hour throughout the match. He fired nine out of the 12 aces that India hit today. The vintage deft touch of Paes too was on display as the veteran hit many unreachable drop shots. Age might have slowed him down a bit but he still has the best hands in the country. And the Koreans got a taste of Paes' master class. Such was the domination of Indians that together they lost only 17 points CWT8]SXP]_PXaSXS ]^cTeT]]TTSXcb0 VP\TX]ca^d]RX]V cWTeXbXc^ab%"%# %#X]Ydbc^]TW^da P]S# \X]dcTbPc cWTVaPbbR^dacb^U 2WP]SXVPaW2[dQ AP^]XR7P[T_^dc^U>[h\_XRb 05?Q ?0A8B Fa^]Vc^\PZTUP[bT P[[TVPcX^]b)AXcdc^78 to his left and made return and the Koreans failed to pick up the low volley on the court. That mini lead stayed with the Indians and Bopanna again served out the set. They broke left-handed Chung in the first game of the third set to set the tone. Bopanna saved a break chance in the fourth before Paes dropped serve in the sixth. But the home players immediately broke back and sealed the tie in the 10th game. )UDQFHOHDG&]HFK <XRZT[b^][TPSb fXcWV^^SV^[U ?C8Q =4F34;78 0?Q CA8=42 U imbledon doubles champions Nicolas Mahut and W Pierre-Hugues Herbert had to nceremoniously dumped from the Rio Olympics squad last week, a crestfallen Ritu Rani has hit back at Hockey India selectors and dismissed the allegations of poor attitude and performance levelled against her as false and baseless. "The news came as a shock to me. I had no issues of fitness or attitude at all. No explanation was given to me properly as to why I have been dropped," said Rani, who who was instrumental in guiding the Indian women's team to seal an Olympic berth after a 36-year hiatus. "I didn't leave any training or camps, I got engaged when the camp was on a break." The 24-year-old Rani pointed out that although Sardar Singh is also facing issues off the field he has received better support from Hockey India. Sardar Singh lost his captaincy to PR Sreejesh as a result of his dip in form in recent times. "It's wrong to make false allegations. I don't think I will be able to watch the Olympic matches on TV," Ritu added, while breaking down on live television. W imbledon runner-up Milos Raonic and women's world number five Simona Halep dealt the Olympics tennis tournament a double body blow when they pulled out of Rio, citing health fears over the Zika virus. Raonic, the world number seven from Canada who was defeated by Andy Murray in Sunday's Wimbledon final, said he had taken the decision "with a heavy heart". Halep, the 2014 French Open runner-up, said she too was concerned over the Zika virus and did not want to damage her hopes of having a family when she retires from playing. "It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing my withdrawal from participation in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games," the 25year-old Raonic announced on his Facebook page. "After much deliberation with my family and coaches, I am making this decision for a variety of health concerns including the uncertainty around Zika virus. "This was a difficult, personal choice and I do not wish for it to impact the decision of any other athlete heading to the Games." Halep, 24, also took to Facebook to announce her withdrawal, just hours after the International Tennis Federation (ITF) had published its final list of confirmed entries for the Olympics which get underway in Rio on August 5. "I regret to announce that I have decided I will not compete in the Olympic Games. The rea- on their serve. Out of 17, 10 they lost only in the third set, maybe because they got a little complacent. In the first set the Indians took lead when they broke Hong in the eighth game. Leander Paes found a volley winner to earn two chances for the side and Rohan Bopanna finished it with another winner. Bopanna served out the set in the next, finishing it with an ace, his sixth. They broke Hong in the third game of the second set when Paes ran enabled them to make a short work of Koreans Hong Chung and Seong Chan Hong, here on Saturday. Bopanna and Paes overwhelmed the Korean pair of Hong Chung and Seong Chan Hong 6-3, 6-4 ,6-4 in the doubles encounter to seal the tie for India. "Chemistry was great. If it wasn't good, we could not have got such convincing win. We did not push much and just made sure that we come out strong," Bopanna said at the post-match media conference. Veteran Paes, however did not take any questions on Olympics saying they should not be asked about the Games always. "We have won in three sets. We are playing well. It has been a great season for us. We are sharp. Even if the competition was tough, we could have raised the level of our game," the 43-year-old winner of 18 Grand Slam titles, said. Asked about the easy win, Paes said even if they had better rivals, they were well-equipped to shift gears. "The left-right combination is always tricky. The lefty (Chung) was very crafty. He got some good angles. The righty (Hong) was a bit slow. He played a tough match yesterday. We had more gears to go up (if required)," he said. Paes was all praise for Ramkumar Ramanathan and Saketh Myneni, who overcame tough conditions to give India a 2-0 lead on Friday. "Ram came out and handled the pressure well. They did an excellent job under the conditions. The court was damp, soggy. It became a dog-fight, it was about fitness and mind. Lim is an Army man and we knew he's not going to stop until he falls down and that is exactly what happened." fight hard to defeat Lukas Rosol and Radek Stepanek 6-1, 3-6, 63, 4-6, 6-4 to give France a 2-1 lead over the Czech Republic in the Davis Cup quarterfinals on Saturday. A week after beating Julien Benneteau and Edouard RogerVasselin in straight sets to clinch the their first Wimbledon title, Mahut and Herbert needed five sets on the indoor hard court for a victory that puts France one win away from a Davis Cup SF. Amid increased security following the deadly attack in the French city of Nice, Mahut closed it out with an overhead volley on the first match point in the eastern Czech city of Trinec. In Sunday's first reverse singles, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga can 0?Q CA>>= he way Rory McIlroy is hitting the ball, he doesn't feel as though he should be T eight shots behind 36-hole leader Phil clinch the best-of-five series with a victory over Jiri Vesely. If he fails, the tie will be decided in the final reverse singles with Rosol facing Lucas Pouille. On Friday, Rosol prevailed after almost four hours over Tsonga 6-4, 3-6, 4-6, 7-6 (8), 64 to put the Czechs 1-0 ahead before Pouille made a victorious Davis Cup debut for France by beating Vesely 7-6 (2), 6-4, 7-5 to level the tie at 1-1. On the Czech pair, Rosol replaced originally named Adam Pavlasek who had a back problem, and struggled with his serve. HYV_7VUVcVcdXVdefcVe`fTYVU>ZckRdYVRce =4F34;78)He is inarguably the great- son for my decision is the concern regarding the danger posed by the Zika virus," wrote Halep. "After several talks with doctors and my family, I concluded that the risks are too high for my career and for my health, especially as a woman. "Family is much too important for me and I can't risk not being able to have one of my own after my career in tennis is over." John Isner of the United States, Austria's Dominic Thiem, Australian duo Bernard Tomic ome people run only when they are in a rush. Some run for weight loss and Sfitness. But for some, running is recreation, a way to forget their problems and enjoy a good dash. In the last category comes ARUN BHARDWAJ for whom running is life. The 47-year-old runner is one of the first internationally acclaimed endurance racers from India. In 2009, he won the 567 km George Archer 6-day race in South Africa. In 2012, he set a new record as India's only ultra-marathoner to complete a run from Kargil to Kanyakumari. In 2011, he became the only Indian finisher at the ‘Badwater ultra-marathon’, dubbed as the toughest race in the world. The Delhiite shares his experiences on the road with SUNDAY PIONEER QHow did running happen to you? I started running when I was 30 years old. Before that I was just like any other ordinary man. I used to be sick all the time when I was in school. I never played any sport in my school and never thought would become India’s sole ultra- and Nick Kyrgios as well as Spanish veteran Feliciano Lopez have all opted, for various reasons, not to take part in the Olympics. Italy's former French Open champion Francesca Schiavone has turned down the opportunity while Maria Sharapova and Victoria Azarenka will also be missing. Eccentric Latvian player Ernests Gulbis described the Rio event as "tennis tourism" as the Olympics do not offer either prize money or ranking points. est tennis player of all time but what makes Roger Federer, a reverred sportsperson, a legend is his "warmth and care" for colleagues, which even touched Indian tennis ace Sania Mirza's life on a couple of occasions. In her autobiography 'Ace against Odds', Mirza mentions about two separate incidents when the 17-time Grand Slam singles champion inquired about her well-being after she was dragged into unnecessary controversies, and a hilarious episode involving her best friend and the Swiss. In 2008, a case was registered against Sania for allegedly disre- specting Indian national flag with her feet up in the players' box while watching teammate Bopanna play. Sania recalls in her book: "When the case was filed against me for alleged disrespect to the national flag, Roger Federer was among first to inquire about the situation and wel- fare when I reached Melbourne for the Australian Open." That was not the only time Federer inquired about Sania's wellbeing, as he did the same after the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai. Sania writes: "He (Federer) also surprised me many months later with a message of concern when Mumbai was tragically struck by terrorist attacks on Nov 26, 2008. I think this is what makes Roger very special because apart from being a legend, a genius and the greatest ever exponent of his craft, he remains warm, caring, accessible, untouched by fame, and a thorough gentleman." PTI Mickelson in the British Open. Blame that on the weather. McIlroy's side of the draw got the worst of it over the opening two rounds at Royal Troon. Two years ago at Royal Liverpool, he was on the good side of the draw. McIlroy had a four-shot lead after two rounds and sailed to victory. So after coming in from the rain and wind — particularly one 90minute stretch on the back nine — he was not surprised at how the leaderboard looked. Nor was he about to complain. Not too loudly, anyway. "It's The Open C hampionship," McIlroy said. "Some draws go your way and some draws don't. The last Open I played, I got the good end of the draw and good things happened that week. Then this year, it's not so much. But I'm not going to let being on the wrong side ruin my mood or ruin my week. I feel like I've played very well and that gives me optimism going into the weekend." The nature of links golf, and this championship, is getting the good side of the tee times. Mickelson was soaked when he walked off the course, though he managed to get in eight holes Friday morning before the rain arrived. He had three birdies by then, didn't make his first bogey until the 30th hole of this championship and shot a 2-under 69. µ,UXQNPIURPKRPHWRRIILFHGDLO\ marathoner. I remember from class 2 to B.Com, every year I used to get Malaria. My bodyweight in Class 12 was 37 kg. At 28, I got married. The following year, At 29, I became a father. When my daughter. was 1.5 years old, I started running. I started questioning my life. I tried my hand at chess and power lifting before considering a career in running. I then decided to run a stretch from Haridwar to Baghpat, which measured a staggering 180km, within 24 hours. That instant, I knew I had found the sport I wanted to commit myself entirely to. I completed the run in 23.25 hours. QWord about ‘The Great India Run’? This event will help people test their endurance and understand that nothing is impossible if you have the will. The event will help them take inspiration from ultra runners. They will know how if one has the will, even a 1480 km journey feels short. Roads will be a challenge as smoke and noise on highways will make the race difficult. Moreover, monsoon has made the race tougher as there is a rise in humidity and it's difficult to control the body temperature in such weather. QWhy do you run? I want to show my fellow Indians, mainly youth, how an ordinary man can conquer pain, ignore the intolerable screaming of muscles and nerves from the body being pushed to the limits and controlling it through his mind. Running is not expensive and anyone can do it anywhere. It requires less inputs for great output. QWhat does success mean to you? For me, success means to be able to inspire someone. You should be satisfied. Success doesn’t mean that you live in a fancy house, have variety of sports and luxury cars in your garage. Successful people will always compete with other successful people. QWhere do you work, designation and reside? I work in Ministry of defence in the administrator department. Currently, I reside in Dwarka sector 19 and distance to my office from my home is 25kms. QTell us about your diet and training schedule. The diet is not as critical as we make it to be, especially for events like An ultra marathon. Being a vegetarian, I've never had any issues about not having any meat protein in my diet. I don’t eat eggs or bread as they contain fat and carbohydrates. I don’t touch aerated drinks, tea or coffee. I remember when I was in Africa for a marathon, the food in the canteen was non-vegetarian and I had to find sources of rice, beans, vegetables and fruits from outside to compensate my diet. Supplements are overrated. I've never needed them to up the ante during a race. A well rounded homemade diet is enough to supply you with sufficient energy for your run. I train mostly at night between 2am and 5am. Everyday I run to my office which is nearly 25 km from where I reside. 'The Great India Run' will be flagged off by Sports Minister Vijay Goel and former World Championship bronze medallist Anju Bobby George at the India Gate here on Sunday. The race will finish on 6th August in Mumbai. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U :e\i!'" !& 8cWX]ZcWPccWXb ]^cX^]^USTRT]RhXb SXbP__TPaX]VUa^\ ^dab^RXTchfWTaT R^]U[XRcbPaT\PST f^abT^]RX]T\P P]S^]cT[TeXbX^] °7T[T]<XaaT] 5 A > < 4`cV`W`fcViZdeV_TV 7d\P]bSTbRT]STSUa^\PUT\P[T U^a\]P\TS<Xc^RW^]SaXP[4eT bPhb?d[XciTafX]]X]VPdcW^aP]S ^]R^[^VXbcBXSSWPacWP<dZWTaYTT C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 D`]gZ_XR^R[`c^jdeVcj 0]X]bXVWcX]c^fWPcXbQTX]VRP[[TS =0B0´bc^dVWTbc\XbbX^]CWT9d]^ 9d_XcTa_a^QT\XVWcTg_[PX]fWPc Xbd]STacWT_[P]Tc´bbc^a\R[^dSb CVUVg`\Vd^ZdTYZVW B^\T_T^_[TPaT[XZT[hc^QT\^aT aTQT[[X^dbd_^]bTTX]VcWTR^[^daaTS cWTaTQhSTQd]ZX]V_aTeX^dbcWT^aXTb cWPcaTST]R^daPVTSR^\_[XP]RT 8]SXPWPbP]TUUTaeTbRT]c]dR[TPaX]SdbcaXP[QPbTa^Qdbc[TVP[P]SaTVd[Pc^ahbhbcT\U^aTg_^acR^]ca^[R^\\Xc\T]cc^]^]_a^[XUTaPcX^] P]SfX[[X]V]Tbbc^f^aZfXcWcWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[R^\\d]Xchc^UXVWc_a^[XUTaPcX^]8UcWXbS^Tb]³c`dP[XUhdbU^a=B6\T\QTabWX_fWPcS^Tb. 'HFRQVWUXFWLQJ ,QGD·V1GRFWULQH I A098E= =0H0= n recent weeks, India’s engagement with the nuclear world grabbed the limelight because of its campaign for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The media was in action, and so were the decision-makers. Though the intensity of discussions has toned down now, the issues relating to India’s NSG membership in particular and the Indian nuclear policy in general keep surfacing now and then. These discussions and the position of the current Government remind us that though a country cannot keep its policy static, it also has to keep the basic policy moorings intact. Like any Government committed to pushing a vibrant and effective policy, the current one has been walking a tight nuclear rope. It has been adopting a policy to balance its national and international interests from the very beginning. It has also been pursuing a policy of balancing continuity and change. This balanced strand runs through the Indian nuclear policy. D859>9D91<I51BC When India became independent in 1947, the shadow of the nuclear bombings of two Japanese cities — Hiroshima and Nagasaki — loomed large. All tall leaders of the Indian freedom movement had already condemned the incident. The challenge for the new Government of independent India was to an imaginative nuclear 8=38070B0 chart course for the nation. It had to =>58ABCDB4 balance promotion of peaceful of nuclear science and advo=5DAD;4* use cacy for nuclear disarmament. India championed a pragmat8CF8;;>=;H concept of nuclear disarmaA4C0;80C48C icment. Independent India continF8;;0;B>=>C ued the 1946 policy of the British opposition to all kinds of DB4=D2;40A India’s weapons of mass destruction. F40?>=B Indian Government officials conto make statements in 0608=BC=>= tinued favour of nuclear disarmament. =D2;40A India also realised the need for interim measures before F40?>=B some nuclear disarmament, better 2>D=CA84B known as nuclear non-proliferathe contemporary world. C74=D2;40A tionInin1951, the then Prime 1DCC>=F8;; Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his policy of Standstill 148=C74 announced agreement. This idea is consid70=3B>5C74 ered the predecessor of the ?>;8C820; Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty which concluded in ;4034AB78? (CTBT), 1996, but has not yet become operational because of its nonratification by a few key countries, such as the US and China. This treaty bans nuclear tests. For a predominant section of the world, the backbone of nonproliferation is provided by the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). India was quite active for the conclusion of the treaty in the 1960s, and had, in fact, even given a proposal for it. However, instead of the Indian proposal, the then dominant powers chose to work on the Irish resolution for negotiations of the NPT. India found problems with the treaty and never joined it. CWTfaXcTaXbPBT]X^aATbTPaRW India’s balanced approach is always 0bb^RXPcTPc83B0=Tf3T[WX visible in dealing with this treaty. It P]Sb_TRXP[XbTbX]]dR[TPa did not join because the terms of XbbdTbP]STg_^acR^]ca^[b the treaty did not suit its national interests, but it never tried to wreck it. Indian officials have reiterated this on several occasions. !)'$@51356E<5H@<?C9?> In May 1974, the then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, decided to conduct a Peaceful Nuclear Explosion (PNE). This was an established global practice of the nuclear age for undertaking a range of peaceful nuclear programmes. Like other countries, India also conducted the explosion for mining and earth-moving operations. However, the advent of the NPT created some conceptual problems. Some countries said there was no difference between PNE and “other types of explosions”. This position implied that the country that conducted a PNE automatically became a nuclear weapon country. So, the Indian PNE was considered a de facto nuclear weapon test. The Indian Government resented this changed interpretation of the PNE. It reminded the world of India’s consistent affirmation that such experimentation was “its inherent right to use nuclear explosion technology for peaceful purposes”. The then foreign minister, Sardar Swaran Singh, stated: “The present experiment is important because it represents our resolve to develop our indigenous resources for energy for the benefit of our people through own efforts.” He also asserted that “in performing this scientific test, India has not violated any of her international obligations”. Actually, that PNE took place more than 100 metres underground. India is an initial signatory of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water, also known as Partial Test Ban Treaty or Limited Test Ban Treaty. The treaty was opened for signature in August 1963. India not only signed it but also ratified the treaty in 1963. The treaty does not ban underground test, so the Indian test was not illegal. A large number of developing countries supported the Indian effort. However, India tried to prevent it from becoming an issue between the developed and developing countries. It despatched its envoys to the US, Canada, and many other countries of the then existing capitalist and socialist blocs. The countries seemed to have appreciated the Indian position. 6?B=1D9?>?6>C7 Even if the world appreciated the Indian position on the PNE, a few countries decided to establish a group of suppliers, seemingly to curb countries like Pakistan, which had signed nuclear cooperation agreements with countries like France, which were outside the NPT. Established in 1975, this group was called the London Suppliers Group or London Club. Later, it was renamed as the NSG. The NSG came to complement another group called the Zangger Committee, which derived its mandate from Article III.2 of the NPT. The Zangger Committee is a faithful inter- preter of the ambiguous language of the treaty. The NPT prohibited development of nuclear weapons by non-nuclear weapons states, but permitted them nuclear commerce for peaceful programmes. As is well known, the NPT recognises only those countries as nuclear states which had developed nuclear weapons before January 1, 1967. Any other country, despite possession of nuclear weapons, is treated as a nonnuclear weapons state. The treaty imposes differential obligations for non-nuclear weapons states. A non-nuclear weapons state is supposed to sign a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for verification. The safeguard system is supposed to prevent diversion of an item supplied for peaceful use to military purpose, or more specifically, nuclear weapons development. As some countries like France were outside the NPT, the NSG was designed as an alternative control framework. This body was essentially to engage non-NPT states. The National Security Decision Memorandum 255 signed by the then US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, on June 3, 1974, advised: “(1) Establishing agreed international guidelines, preferably based on US practice, to ensure the physical security of weapons useable and highly toxic materials whether internationally transferred or indigenously produced; (2) reaching some common principles regarding the supply of sensitive enrichment technology or equipment; (3) avoiding or applying stricter terms for supply in situations where special hazards could be present; and (4) encouraging, where appropriate, multinational enrichment, fuel fabrication and reprocessing facilities.” However, these were preliminary points for discussion with like-minded countries, and the memorandum clearly indicated that changes may occur in due course. Although efforts of select countries resulted in the formation of the NSG, it remained dormant throughout the Cold War. Interestingly, even when it was dormant, its members kept increasing. After the end of the Cold War, the NSG became more comprehensive as it put stringent inspection as a condition for supply of a nuclear item, and adopted two lists, including a dual use list. The NSG dual use list means an item may be used for both purposes: Nuclear and non-nuclear. Otherwise, a dual use item refers to useful for both military and non-military purposes. In the 1990s, the NSG, which was created to include non-NPT countries into the control framework, added adherence of the NPT as one of the factors for its membership. This led to a lot of confusion. This was quite evident when India’s case for NSG membership was being discussed in June 2016. Anti-Indian forces tried to twist this, with some countries like China projecting as if adherence of the NPT was an essential condition. //a# ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U ?0=38C90F070A;0;=47AD 0=378B30D67C4A8=38A0 F4A4A46D;0AE8B8C>AB >5?0A0=C74F0;860;88= 270=3=827>F:>;334;78 BKK@ :e\i!'" !& =eSXRUi_^TRUY^WQ^ e`cSQ\UbUcdQebQ^d E^YdUT3_VVUU8_ecU E38 Y^3_^^QeWXd @\QSUV_b]_cdYcQ XQbR_eb_V]U]_bYUc VY\dUbY^WdXU^_cdQ\WYQ_V dXUS_^dU]`\QdYfU`Qcd gbYdUc1>1>I1 2?B7?819> 0ZPbW:P[aP<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^aD27 78BC>AH>=0?;0CC4A I n 1902, Lala Hansraj Kalra, a liquor baron with ventures in Sialkot, Lahore and Delhi, established retail wine shop and bars at the time of the World War II for American soldiers. He perceived Delhi’s Connaught Place as a fashionable avenue for prosperous business. Back then, there were a few English companies selling high-end bakery items, accessories, draperies, licensed guns, photo studios etc. Kalra visualised CP as the place that could bring people from diverse backgrounds — politicians, artists, families, writers — together. And thus he set up the historical, cosmopolitan restaurant United Coffee House (UCH) in 1942; in the colonial era. In the 1970s — in the postcolonial era — Deepak Roy and Ashok Dhobra met at UCH for the first time and started a casual conversation. Today, in 2016 too, they have kept the tradition alive for 40 years and still catch up over coffee almost every day! “I live alone and feel out of place at other eateries. I assume people would just be astonished to see a fragile, old man in a corner all alone. Here, the staff refers to me as dada; they are warm and welcoming. All of us are fond of the food and ambience here,” says Dhobra. While Dhobra comes all the way from Gurgaon to CP (a distance of over 30 kilometres), Roy comes from Jangpura. Both recollect how they had met at the restaurant, they had found a third person who was sitting there all alone. They asked him to join them, which he did, and soon after a few more men from their age group followed suit. Thus, gradually, they came to form their informal club of sorts, meeting at UCH almost every day; otherwise, at least five days a week. Dhobra jokes how his ‘club members’ have started to joke that if he is an animal lover — he feeds street dogs every day — he should resist non-vegetarian food. All of them assemble to discuss everything under the sun over the seamless cups of tea and coffee that the restaurant is popular for. What it is also known for are these little anecdotes that have shaped so many personal histories in Delhi. Much beyond being an upscale restaurant, UCH for most is a harbour of memories filtering the nos- talgia of the contemplative past. Today in the post-modern era, the restaurant also bears testimony to contemporary concerns and celebrations. Visitors share their feedback with the servers about how they proposed to their spouses there, got their family there to celebrate their first salary, and so much more. Prithviraj and Raj Kapoor were said to be much fond of it as well. Server Sandeep Singh has been working at the restaurant for two and a half years. He works for eight hours every day and says, “I notice that Indians mostly like to order multi-cuisines and most of them come with their families. The foreigners, on the other hand, like continental. But yes, most foreigners surprise us when they already seem convinced about what they want to have without a thorough scrutiny of the menu. They know the popular dishes and come solely to test UCH for themselves.” Almost 75 years ago when UCH was incepted, it was a savoury shop. Today it has a global menu with over 400 dishes including a repertoire of diverse cuisines — regional Indian, Mediterranean, Asian, Continental, European and Western. Akash Kalra, Lala Hansraj Kalra’s grandson and the current Managing Director of UCH, says: “It was actually set up to provide space for intimate rendezvous in a relaxed ambience. This could be made palpable by way of oriental designing and décor. Hence, we have a Victorian décor. The restaurant was designed by a US architect, who had spent his life in England and understood the times of Renaissance, Rembrandt and the Victorian period. Some of the logos which are on the tapestries and the emblems were designed and patented for UCH by him.” UCH has also been exclusive over the years. After decades of being a solo outlet, another branch was launched in Punjabi Bagh only in 1999. Kalra states, “What we have at CP cannot be replicated. It’s a landmark in itself and has continued to be so all these years. Although now, we are venturing into a new mall module for UCH as soon we will have an outlet at an upcoming mall in Noida. Also, now the plans for UCH is to go pan-India and begin with cities like Mumbai and 2WTTbTQP[[b ?D=44C:D:A49070B 144=8CB>?4A0C8>=B <0=064A5>AC74?0BC >=40=3070;5H40A 74A420;;B²>5C4=F4 70E41A8C8B7C>DA8BCB F7>2><474A4C> A4E8B8C<4<>A84B >5D27C70CC748A 6A0=3?0A4=CBF7> ;8E438=8=3803DA8=6 C742>;>=80;C8<4B B70A43F8C7C74<³ Kolkata, which too have a colonial past, as they would identify with the UCH story.” With its aesthetic tapestries, antique clock, and a grand, extremely beautiful chandelier at the centre, the restaurant looks ravishing as it welcomes its diverse customers — Indians, Mongolians, Caucasians, and so on. Puneet Kukreja has been its operations manager for the past one and a half year. He recalls, “Often we have British tourists who come here to revisit memories of UCH that their grandparents, who lived in India during the colonial times, shared with them.” At the same time, what the restaurant cannot escape is that its chic reputation and upscale prices, which the elite fancy, could also discourage the layman. The middle class and student population, for instance, might have to reconsider their decision of feasting at the restaurant. Kalra disagrees, “UCH has a balanced menu pricing and engineering which suits every pocket and offers economic options too. It is an experiential destination for all age groups and classes. We also have a feedback form filled by them to analyse what visitors like. That also helps us build their memories like a first date, first anniversary, mother and daughter after shopping, business meetings, family dinners, etc. We’ve been witness to three generations of families that have been visiting us since 2WXRZT]0´[P:XTe our inception. Our service has been specially designed to let our customers experience the food, ambience and music and take back memories or relive their time spent at UCH.” UCH also claims to have breakfast options which fit every pocket; like, the meal in a bowl and combos apt for students. The menu has been specially curated Kalra and his staffers seem to be enamoured by his culinary knowledge and inclinations. Kukreja :P[P9PP\ adds, “All our departments — purchase, finance, HR — undergo regular, thorough checks as well. We also make sure our staffers receive adequate food and bar training.” However, another very noticeable aspect about the restaurant is that there is no woman staff member there. Kalra clarifies, “Actually, we do keep employing part time female employees but not for permanent employment as we close post midnight and it’s not quite suitable for women in many situations.” Head Chef Manish Dutt Sharma, who C^\Pc^UXbW has a stellar background in the field, says every day he makes a variety of cuisines because the place is almost always filled with customers. The tomato fish, cheese balls, and chicken a’la kiev are some of the most popular items on the menu. The restaurant’s a’la kiev precedes its reputation and is an instant recommendation from any regular visitor you would ask. Although, ask chef Sharma about the recipe and he will only smile politely, shunning all requests to reveal his special ingredients! Prod a bit further and he offers a sneak peek, “We try experimenting during the offseason period. That’s May-June because of the heat. Say, we try the tomato fish with basil or garlic instead. We regularly check online for reviews. It’s overwhelming when customers come to us and click selfies with us. I work for around 15 hours every day and it is overwhelming to see the tremendous response we get.” The chefs are also sent for training to learn new concepts and techniques and implement it at UCH. Unfortunately, we live in turbulent times filled with cynicism, loathing and violence. A series of attacks on civilians all across the world recently — Orlando, Dhaka, Dallas, Istanbul and so on. However discomforting it sounds, UCH being a historical marker and such a favourite among Delhiites, more so since it’s located in CP — the centre of the Capital — it also makes UCH a considerable target for such unsettling and barbaric acts. So what kind of security measures does the restaurant have to face such situations? Kalra says, “We take such concerns seriously and the team remains absolutely alert and conscious of the surroundings. There are closely monitored CCTV cameras and we have a staff of over 100 efficient people working at the restaurant.” Kukreja adds, “Right from the moment visitors enter the restaurant, we also maintain eye contact with all of them. We are always vigilant.” The team says it has developed functional training and development process in place to maintain the affection they receive from their visitors. They unanimously agree that their aspiration is to carry the ethos of this historical and socio-cultural landmark with pride. P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ 5 A > < ?0 6 4 C hina is a late entrant, so it may be unaware of the contexts of many decisions taken earlier. Old export control countries, especially original or founding members, reject that NPT adherence is a strict criteria for NSG membership. >E3<51B9>491 In the 1990s, India struggled with the non-proliferation regimes and their champions. The CTBT was also concluded and opened for signature. The NPT countries, which had given commitment to nuclear disarmament under Article VI of the treaty, were refusing to disarm. The treaty got an indefinite extension, thus, some countries acquired the right to possess nuclear weapon as long as they wanted. Worse, a non-NPT country like Pakistan was receiving support from NPT members. The clandestine proliferation network had its tentacles all over. Faced with the difficult situation, the Indian strategic community debated the changed security environment in the country. The Indian Government was caught in a peculiar dilemma; it had to reorient its principles. Now India had to balance between its national and international security approaches. It conducted a test of its nuclear device in May 1998. After that, India made efforts to clarify that the change in its policy did not mean the end of old goals and principles; it continued to sup- 'HFRQVWUXFWLQJ ,QGLD¶V1GRFWULQH port nuclear disarmament. That India’s nuclear weapons policy is not offensive or aggressive was demonstrated through its nuclear doctrine. First, it has a No First Use (NFU) rule, which means if any other country uses nuclear weapons against it, only then it will retaliate. Second, it will not use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear weapons countries. Third, it will have a policy of credible minimum nuclear deterrence. This means it will rely on deterrence for its security, and the nuclear force structure of the country will be just enough. It will not unnecessarily accumulate nuclear weapons. Fourth, it will have a robust command and control system. The nuclear button will be in the hands of the political leadership. Now, the debate is whether India should review and restructure its nuclear doctrine. The debate is valid. Although the Indian nuclear doctrine is not Pakistan-specific or South Asiacentric, deterring nuclear Pakistan is one of the components of its strategy. The Indian nuclear signalling is feeble, which is making it difficult to tackle Pakistani onslaughts. The Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government had categorically supported the need for review of the nuclear doctrine. A section of the retired diplomatic community is apparently hindering restructuring of the doctrine. This section took advantage of the confusion in the present political and ideological set-up and infiltrated into various influential think-tanks, also misleading the Government and the people. These elements need to be identified and isolated if the country and its people are to be secured. 9>4919>17<?21<>?B45B Even if sanctions were imposed on it, India adopted a policy of engagement, not confrontation. There were several rounds of talks between Jaswant Singh and Strobe Talbott. These talks made India adopt a positive outlook towards non-proliferation and export controls. Interestingly, the poorly drafted press release of India’s nuclear doctrine released in 2003 mentions export control as a part of its nuclear doctrine. True, it was ridiculous, yet export control has become a part of India’s nuclear policy. Because of its impeccable credentials supported by its robust export control policy, India got exemptions in the NSG guidelines in 2008. This enabled India to enter global nuclear commerce. India’s membership of the NSG will facilitate its entry into a body which was created because of its PNE, though other countries were the targets of the regime. India, a victim of the NSG, may become its partner if the membership issue is resolved. India is fully eligible to become a member of the NSG. It has an effervescent nuclear industrial base, robust legal and regulatory system for export control, commitment to non-proliferation, and the willingness to work with the international community to fight proliferation. So far, it has only duties as it adopted the guidelines and the lists of the NSG for the 2008 exemptions, but has no role in the decision-making process, for which the time has come. The Indian diplomacy may have to reformulate its strategy. It is wrong to state that the Disarmament and International Security Affairs (DISA) division of the Ministry of External Affairs has not performed well. The division has a great team consisting of a career diplomat like Amandeep Singh Gill; a customs official, Arvind Madhavan, who has won accolades all over the world for his methodical approach to strategic trade control, and as someone from the Secretariat services with command over India’s export control rules and regulations. In the past, too, the team had a highly credible leader in D Bala Venkatesh Varma. The team worked hard; possibly strategising at the top went wrong. Now, it may be rectified, and the membership drive may get a new vigour. Of course, it may have to shed the image of ignoring forces other than the American. Quite evidently, India is incrementally evolving its nuclear policy to adjust to the changing security environment and nuclear dynamics. It needs to continue on this vigilant path. The question is whether India’s balanced policy follows an automatic course? The answer is complex. After the Pokhran test, the Vajpayee Government submitted a document chronicling India’s nuclear policy. It had a shloka from the Gita that means: “Action is a process to reach a goal; action may reflect tumult but when measured and focussed, will yield its objective of stability and peace.” Soon, India’s policy will usher the world into an era of peace, prosperity and stability. The ongoing furore will also hopefully settle for good. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U F74=74F0B=³CFA8C8=6 01>DC7D=6AH>A?70=B>A 6AD<?H<8B4AB270A;4B 382:4=B4=9>H4370=68=6 >DC0CC74?0A8B<>A6D4 >KKGO :e\i!'" !& CWXbQ^^ZXbP fX]S^fc^CP\X[ =PSdP]SXcb[XcTaPcdaT P]SR^]cPX]bb^\T ST[XVWcUd[bc^aXTb P[cW^dVWcWT caP]b[PcX^]UP[cTab faXcTb:D<0A 274;;0??0= <_cdQ^TV_e^TY^dbQ^c\QdY_^ S hort story, in whichever language it may be, is the most popular literary medium in the world. The story could be told with the help of small canvas and minimum number of words, characters and events. The reader gets to know details of the culture, tradition, and kind of people belonging to an alien land if he continues to read short stories from that particular country. Events, whether they be big or small, could be told as a short story. No wonder, some of the best short stories in world literature are more interesting than some of the best novels ever written. I do remember how one of my Tamil friends burst out weeping when I read out the Malayalam short story Veedu Nashtappetta Kutti (The child who lost his home) authored by T Padmanabhan. That’s the power of a short story! It is capable of transcending the barriers of language provided the subject and characters have a commonality. The Tamil Story: Through The Times, Through The Tides (Edited by Dilip Kumar and Translated by Subashree Krishnaswamy) is trying to present the non-Tamil readers an anthology of some of the best short stories written in Tamil since the last century. It has 88 beautiful stories authored by some of the all time greats in Tamil languages. One need not be a novelist or poet to create a classical work. There are so many short story writers whose works continue to entertain and enthrall readers decades after the authors bade farewell to this world. The likes of Somerset Maugham, O Henry, Maupassant, Roald Dahl stay fresh and ever green in our hearts thanks to the scintillating short stories born out of their pens. Way back in the 1980s, Doordarshan, the country’s public broadcaster, had aired a series named Darpan, telefilms made out of short stories published in different languages in the country. The series, I remember, was widely watched like the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. Some of the short stories were made into successful feature films. Appunni, a Malayalam movie directed by Sathyan Anthikkadu, was based on a short story with the same title authored by VKN, Kerala’s master story-teller. It turned out to be a big hit thanks to the content and presentation. In this collection, a story authored by Tiruchi-born Va Ve Su Iyer, described as a revolutionary nationalist and close associate of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, sets the tone of the collection of stories. Peepul Tree by the Tank written by Iyer in 1915 tells the readers about influence of wealth in human relations. The theme of the story remains fresh even today. There are stories by Kalki, CN Annadurai (former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu), Subramania Bharati, Ashokamithran, Jayakanthan, Neela Padmanabhan, Sivasankari, Vasanthi, Jeyamohan, and of course Perumal Murugan. These stories are the readers’ window to Tamil Nadu. Taking a digression from the book, I would like to lead the readers to an incident which happened in Kollam recently. There was a Puttingal fire mishap in Kerala in April 2016 which saw 111 people getting charred to death during a competitive fireworks display. The charred body of one of the victims was handed over to his relations who performed the last rites as per the Hindu custom. After four or five days, the grieving relations of the victim were summoned to the police station where they were shocked to see the live person whom they had cremated the other day. It turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. Now it is for the readers to read Subbayyar, the 1921 short story authored by Selvakesavarayar! The characters and DbeUdQ\UcVb_] 3_^cdQ^dYQ A094B73DCC0cT[[bP_^XV]P]cbc^ahX]WXbQ^^ZBTR^]SA^QX] T\_[^hX]VPbch[TbdXcTSc^cadTP]STe^RPcXeT]PaaPcXeTb4gRTa_c) Y ogesh?’ His voice was as soothing as his fear and the crouching figure in the corner was as bare as clarity. Before he could say anything else, it began to crawl away with its creepiness in tow. Sami did not move until the dark chimera had withdrawn completely into another room. The kitchen was a refuge into which Sami disappeared with his fear, fatigue and famishment. The soothing blue flame of the gas chulha warmed him and the untouched food. He laid the table for himself, encouraged by the aroma, dispelling the dismal air. Life is livable with or without disaster was his motto and he zoomed in on his food with this thought when he was accosted by Yogesh, appearing out of nowhere like an annotation of the next episode. Apprehension has a taste. Its bulky morsel refused to go down Sami’s badly cramped throat when he was greeted in the most normal of manners. ‘Hello Mr. Shaun!’ Melodrama can never be a remedy. Sami attempted adding to it by answering the greeting. ‘Hello.’ Yogesh’s articulate shadow crept up on the opposite chair. ‘Would you like to eat?’ A thin echo of his voice returned to him, sucking all other sounds of the room. ‘I’ll get you a plate.’ And seeking tenuous diversion in that, he jumped out of his seat and brought him a plate. The globe lifted itself on its keel as Yogesh sat down at the other end of the table and pulled the plate in front of him. He would prevail over the soup. He would subjugate the stew. He would sustain what Sami prayed to dispel. He looked almost enlightened, possessed with a completely new idea. ‘How are you feeling Mr. Samuel Shaun?’ He served himself, almost abetting the food to come to him. ‘I am fine. How are you today?’ Sami studied the conflict of expressions on Yogesh’s face. ‘I am very D64@?5C@3:? CR[VdY5feeR ARcecZUXVC#** pleased.’ He sensed a touch of trouble. ‘With what?’ Yogesh answered that with only a smile which nurtured further worries. ‘So, how come you decide to have dinner with me tonight?’ He felt like a captive before his question was answered. ‘Who knows, maybe, it is your last night….’ Yogesh’s smile widened with his words. Sami would have squealed at this but for the food in his mouth. The brothers-in-law blocked each other’s thoughts with a stare. One blank with the amount of shock in it. The other, fresh. Fresh with new insight. Yogesh completed his statement. ‘….with me.’ ‘Oh!’ And Sami swallowed the already long lost morsel in his mouth and became meditatively clumsy for the rest of the dinner and considered clearing the table as quickly as possible while Yogesh sat, watching Sami sweat it out. Yogesh continued to sit at the dining table, sharpening the spotlight on himself while Sami made preparations for another night of, hopefully, uneventful sleep. He was already behind his schedule of remote dreams and rusty snores and told Yogesh, the facilitator of darkness, to switch off the lights when he went to bed. ‘The lights are already off.’ Yogesh nodded at the good deal of black ink now queued up in the wings. And so the history of that house in Lal Kothi began to blend with the fiction of Yogesh that night. Sami would be unfit to forget it as long as he would live in it. Sleep flattened him immediately on his bed and the mind’s spotlights were lit and the curtain lifted on the stage of the final drama even as an incognito band of several creatures began to play their muses’ vessels. Nimble shades of no acclamation appeared and pretended a resemblance to something else. The dysphoria of woes was their tale. Their songs interfaced with the sounds of bleakness. And they were arrayed in the vintage costumes of long neglected learning. Like that of death. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. The implications thawed the deep sleep into thin substance. When the last act unfolded, wits turned to witlessness with insinuations of petrification, delivered in gibberish idioms and metaphors. Night divided itself. The hour struck like conditioned enlightenment. Sami’s eyes opened and a long scream froze in his throat. Hovering over him was a polished countenance, carved out of rubbery night. A pair of soapy eyes, shone in their center like shots of melting wax. ‘Yogesh!’ Sami’s clammy whisper was like a cue because the very picture of adverse fate, vanished immediately like a swindler’s trick. He swung out of the bed and switched on the light and went to the little room. Yogesh was fast asleep. ‘Yogesh! Yogesh!!’ He called out softly. There was no response. He returned to his bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. His body craved more sleep but the eyes would not close. CWTfaXcTaXbPcTPRWTa^U4]V[XbW E96E2>:=DE@CJ 5Z]Za<f^RcDfSRdYcVV <cZdY_RdhR^j HVde]R_UC(** locations may differ. But what was written in 1921 has come true in 2016. A mind-boggling coincidence. As far as this book is concerned, it would have emerged as a ‘Festival of Short Stories’. However, one could argue that the translation could have been better to justify the project. Had the translator been more incisive about the authors and their works, the output would have been different. Though I am not competent to tell about the quality of the translation, please go through the passages of Subbayyar, one of the stories: “To take you to the flower pots and beds, small pathways two to three spans wide lead from the main paths. For the morning and evening visitors to sit on so that they can enjoy the breeze and the scenery are benches and planks here and there under the shade of the trees… “Within shouting distance of that place is the bandstand on a platform. Around the platform is a pathway, one foot in height. Surrounding the pathway, an iron fence. To enter, on four sides are six-feet-wide gates with iron railings. On which grow creepers of Rangoon jasmine, champaka flowers and kaakkanam, forming a canopy. Around them, a big pathway. “In the year of Dhathu (1876) and before, how the people in the province of Chennai suffered without rains, many don’t know today. “People from out of town could only visit the zoo during the day with their families. Because other than that nothing special would happen in the northern half… Plenty came to admire the natural good looks of many.” The same is the case with Police Feast by Kalki: “Kandasami was usually never in such dire straits. His smart brain always looked for other ways to earn money if something failed. How our finance ministers get into a tizzy, worrying about how they will balance the accounts if the remove the taxes. “If you asked for his advice after he downed a cup of coffee, his brain could solve any fiscal problem, however tricky it might be. But if there was no cup of coffee, his brain would go on strike.” What has happened is that, amidst the carefully selected stories, an amateurish translation has affected the coherence of some of the great literary treasures in Tamil literature. In spite of Shashi Tharoor describing in his blurb that the book is a meticulously crafted, skillfully translated collection, one may still not be sure of whether it can live up to expectations. &LW\RIOLJKWUHIOHFWHG CWXbQ^^ZXbP_Tab^]P[cPZT^]cWTRXch^U1T]PaTbP]SYdgcP_^bTbcWT caPSXcX^]P[fXcWcWTVaX\aTP[Xch^UcWT_aTbT]cfaXcTbA027=09>B78 M andira Ghosh’s Benares The Sacred City In Verses and Hymns creates images of Kashi, the oldest and holiest city of the Hindus. Numerous books have been written about Benares but Ghosh’s book projects her personal take on this ancient city; a city which is an important part of the historic and religious subconscious of all Indians. She juxtaposes the traditional with the grim reality of the present. But at the end transcends all as she combines the earthly with spirituality, death with dignity, and every other thing that she observes is translated into images and verses. Her love for Lord Shiva and the city is profound. It is illustrated in poems like Shiva Linga, Durga in the Cosmos and Shiva, but she is also acutely aware of human failings and unhesitatingly describes the filth and suffering she observes. The book is fascinating as it covers many hues of the city. As she steps out from the airport, she looks for the cornfields but instead comes across constructions. In the midst of a modern and a traditional city she looks for parikrama and writes Cosmic Walk. Readers familiar with her earlier works will understand how deep-rooted Shaivism is in her psyche. Standing on the river bank and contemplating on the creative, preservative and destructive aspects of Lord Shiva and Shaivism, her mind gets filled with profound metaphysical thoughts. Hindus want to have moksha or liberation from suffering and from the material world and they believe that by going to Benares, they will get it. In the poem Steps, she says: ‘Once a transparent body/Now maligned by sin/Of sinners, who refuse to learn/But take comfortable dips/To wash dirt of all previous births.’ Also, in another poem, she says: ‘The City of Shiva turns into a conflict zone/When luminous Linga loses light/When he turns into stone/Not only a piece of stone.’ The river plays a dominant role in the book. So do women. Women according to the poet, “are instruments of creation, water is the elixir of life, that flows into the rivers, fire burns all and again water extinguishes fire. Women at the ghats watch both processes of creation and destruction as the dual faces/forces of energy.” But she also sometimes gets critical as she observes that the river and ghats reveal filth and grime: ‘Half-burnt bodies on the pyre/Speak of inhuman torture and/Smell of ordinary incense along with odour/Wash the body of the river once crystal clear.’ But then there are poems such as River of Sorrow and That of Joy. Images of the city proliferate: ‘An immortal city/Never dies/The streets are revered/As the river/Lanes and by lanes/Supposed to be divine/Halfburnt bodies, pathetic sight/Death came in plastic sheets/Quacks had earlier tried/To save his life.’ Ghosh talks about the women she observes. Widows come to Kashi to seek deliverance and their silent suffering is portrayed in the poem Still. The poet is extremely sensitive to condition of women, especially the widows; she says: ‘Still tears/Of widowed women/Her reflective grey hair/Shaken by wind and attitude/Broken by 36?2C6D >R_UZcR8Y`dY DYfSYZC$*& sand/Still their voices are still.’ In Death at the Ghats, she says: ‘Why calm wind suddenly decides to lash/On a candid afternoon, going slow/Death was distant/Demure appearance of a/Dying widow/Deep breath stopped in death/Leaves sway/Discuss death.’ However,the book is not entirely sorrowful. There are subtle nuances that highlight the vibrant life of the city. Referring to the syncretic culture of Benares, she says in Thatheri Bazaar: Muslim weavers weave zari/As the Hindu brides smile. Or, in Gyan Bapi: Near the Kashi Viswanath temple/Near present sanctum sanctorum/Shiva’s ride Nandi facing the Masjid/Is it possible?’ Shiva reigns supreme in Benares. But in a lighter vein, she writes about the Benares Hindu University in BHU: ‘Girls cycle giggling through campus/On the coffee table fumes froze/Boys and girls discuss Ritusambhara’ This book is a rare combination of spiritual and scientific thoughts, material and metaphysical, ancient and contemporary, religion and sometimes denial of it. The poet’s language is modern and full of allusions. There are references to Shiva, the Kashi Visvanath temple, Dashashwamedh Ghat, Manmandir Ghat and the observatory on the same ghat, the Sankat Mochan Hanuman temple and other well-known landmarks of Benares. To bring together facts and imagination is a daunting task and Mandira Ghosh has successfully and ably done a very complicated task. Poetic insights and nuances are brought out very well: ‘Windows are today closed/Roads and alleys wait for monsoon/Mud mingled in the water azure/Angry Ganges may submerge her banks Production of the book is delightful with pictures of various sites in Benares, the river and the ghats. The author has a wide range of interests — history, archaeology and science and these enter in her poems (Excavations at Akatha, Civilisation, Manmandir Ghat) too. Ghosh, a post-graduate in English Literature is presently the treasurer of the Poetry Society (India). Her work has reached a point where science meets philosophy, literature and all arts. A multi-dimensional personality and an extremely disciplined writer, she is also a novelist, researcher, critic, thinker and philosopher. 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He was an investor of sorts and by all accounts an amiable man with no vices. The only occasion he made a fuss, according to family lore recounted by my grandmother’s elder sister, was when he was served tea in a chipped cup at a relative’s house. Apparently, he was fond of the fine things in life, including fine China, something that was rarely heard of, and less seen, in Mymensingh households in what was then referred to as ‘East Bengal’. He died, possibly of heart ailment, even before he entered his forties, leaving behind a widow and five children of whom my father, barely into his teens, was the eldest. Decades later, all that remained of my grandfather was a framed faded sepia photograph on a wall in my grandmother’s room. Twice a year, on his birth and death anniversaries, the glass would be wiped clean, the frame dusted. A tuberose garland would adorn the photograph which would have made an excellent visual for the cover of Rabindranath Tagore’s celebrated novel Gora. An extended family ensured my grandmother and her children lived in comfort. If they grieved, it was for a man who had left far too soon than he should have. My grandmother’s father, Shirish Kabiraj, still fondly remembered by the thinning generation of Bengalis born in the 1930s and 1940s who grew up in Dhaka, was a wealthy and well-known practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine who lavished both money and affection on his children. Before long, another event was to turn their lives upside down and leave them at the not-so-tender mercies of fate. Mohammed Ali Jinnah kept his word and extracted a terrible price for the follies of the Congress leadership. India’s independence and the creation of Pakistan fetched neither joy nor hope for Bengali Hindus on the other side of Padma. Overnight they became strangers in their own land, unwanted and undesired by both Bengali Muslims and the Bihari Muslims who came pouring in to populate the eastern part of Jinnah’s motheaten Pakistan. Fleeing murderous hordes screaming Allah-o-Akbar was no doubt a memorable but an extremely frightening experience. My grandmother sought and found shelter in a ramshackle family house near Kolkata; the protective umbrella of her large extended family was gone, swept away by the hurricane of partition. Circumstances forced the kind-hearted to look away — nobody had enough for themselves, leave alone to share with others. The refugee was an object of pity at best and ridicule at worst. Those who came in from the west were fortunate — they received large doses of resettlement assistance. Proximity with Delhi helped. But those who came in from the east were left to fester in refugee camps that later became refugee colonies and are now known as Kolkata’s southern suburbs. A cousin of my grandfather, employed with what was then a British-owned boxwallah firm in Kolkata, stepped forward to stand by my grandmother and her children. He helped her deal with financial issues, oversaw the education — such as it was for refugees barely able to keep body and soul together — of my father and his siblings. Later, he found them, and the man their sister was to marry, appropriate jobs in the firm where he worked. And so it was that three brothers and their brother-in-law found themselves working in the same company. For my father and his brothers and sister, he was “Khoka Kaku”; for us, the children of the family, he was simply “Dadu”, the grandfather we never had. He was loved and revered by all. A staunch Brahmo Samaji, he retired to Santiniketan where he built a house that was christened ‘Krishnakali’. In those days, that was enough for an address. If you wrote a letter, you had to simply write ‘Krishnakali, Purva Palli, Santiniketan, Bolpur, West Bengal’ on the envelope. His sister, Nilima Sen, the accomplished Rabindra Sangeet singer, lived in house called ‘Sonajhuri’, named after a flower that grows abundantly in Bolpur. A Sonajhuri creeper draped the entrance; when in full bloom it was an amazing sight. The other thing I remember of that shaded house was the small lotus pond where hundreds of butterflies and dragonflies would hover over the mauve flowers of the Bengal water lilly, shanpla, during the monsoon and autumn months. ‘Krishnakali’ had a sprawling garden with scores of mango, guava and jackfruit trees. Across the road lay paddy fields beyond which ran metre-gauge railway tracks. Every few hours a train would chug by, its steam engine belching smoke. Watching BXccX]V^]cWT eTaP]SPW^U ³:aXbW]PZP[Xh^d R^d[SbTTcWT \^]b^^]R[^dSb VPcWTaX]VX]cWT [PcTPUcTa]^^]bZh 5XabccWThf^d[S [PiX[ha^[[X] cda]X]VcWT_P[T Q[dTbZhVaTh CWT]cWThf^d[S bdSST][hQTVX]c^ adbWX]*[PaVTX]Zh Q[dTQ[PRZR[^dSb f^d[SSPaZT]cWT bZhfXcWX]\X]dcTb Satyajit Ray’s Pather Panchali while in high school I was reminded of those trains framed by lush green paddy. Amartya Sen, who, I am told, is related to the Gupta clan in some manner (all Badyis are, my editor at The Statesman, Sunanda K Datta-Ray, would say half-jokingly) would occasionally drop in for tea, invariably served on the red cement floored verandah, and regale us with stories. The famous (those who faced his wrath would disagree) DM Sen was a frequent visitor. Unsmilingly stern with elders, he was rather nice with us children. His wife, my father’s prim and proper aunt in starched handloom cotton saree, wore socks with slippers in summer. In Jamshedpur, where the blue collared working class thought dimly of the white collared, there would have been hoots of laughter. Everybody was extremely polite, spoke softly in chaste Bangla or BBC accented English, smiled at each other. Nobody (except Dadu) ever laughed, no jokes were cracked, frivolities were abhorred. The wondrous curing powers of homoeopathy were discussed, as were the many interpretations of the Upanishads, after exchanging the latest news about offspring studying or teaching in foreign universities. Snobbery, often inverted, came effortlessly to them. It was all very Tagorean. Very Brahmo. Very exclusive in a certain way. Many years later I discovered that some of my relatives had written wills endowing handsome amounts of money for those of my generation who would pursue a career in academics, remain a true Brahmo, and not marry outside the faith. I think every potential beneficiary found himself or herself dis- qualified. Quite a bit of money lies forgotten somewhere, as do houses that have been long abandoned. Sitting in a cane chair on the verandah of ‘Krishnakali’ you could see the monsoon clouds gathering in the late afternoon sky. First they would lazily roll in, turning the pale blue sky grey. Then they would suddenly begin to rush in; large inky blue-black clouds would darken the sky within minutes. At that magical moment between the gathering of the clouds and their bursting into rain the egrets in the paddy fields would take flight, presenting a fascinating study of white birds against a black backdrop, captured in many Bengal water colours. Soon it would begin to rain, first large drops then a fine, sharp, seemingly incessant downpour. The red earth of Birbhum would turn into a rust-coloured mush. Dragonflies would take cover beneath shimmering leaves and drenched birds would shuffle on the branches of the trees, looking miserably pitiful. From somewhere would waft in the lines of Tagore’s song, “Bahu juger opar hotey Ashaadh elo…” The gathering gloom of a wet evening, the moist air laden with the smell of rajanigandha, firangipani, hasnuhana and kadam blossoms, would fetch with itself a strange, haunting melancholy. Every time it rains in the hinterland of western Uttar Pradesh, where I now live, virtually on the edge of urban civilisation, I am reminded of monsoon in Santiniketan. Memories come flooding in, along with the melancholy. (The writer is a current affairs analyst based in NCR) Photo courtesy: Subhrajit Bhattacharya 5 4 4 3 1 0 2 : 3ebY_ecdgYcdd_ ZUXQTY^4XQ[Q Reader response to Swapan Dasgupta’s column, Usual Suspects, published on July 10: Stand united: The deadly attack on a Dhaka cafe is shocking. As per reports, militants killed those who could not recite verses from the Quran. This proves the fact that terror is directly linked with religion. No religion is bad, but using it for propaganda is wrong. Terrorists’ activities are spreading all over the world. They are calling themselves jihadis and are killing innocent people. The true concept of jihad in Islam is not to be against other communities, groups or religions but against ones own selfish nature, vices and shortcomings in order to fight evil, injustice inequality, illiteracy and ignorance. Nowhere does the Quran allow killing of human beings. It is for the Muslims to come forward, along with others, and fight terrorism. The only solution to end terrorism is to destroy all terrorist camps and kill terrorist instantly whatsoever religion they belong to. M Kumar Islamist power: There is one school of thought that says that Islam is all about power, and not salvation. The Quran, in numerous verses, preaches to achieve that power (convert or kill). And so some Muslims vie among themselves to fulfil the Quran’s mandate which they view as having sanctioned the killing of non-believers. Bharati JQ[Yb>QY[`bUQSXUcXQdU 9^TYQ^cdQdUSQ`Yde\QdUc Reader response to Kanchan Gupta’s column, Coffee Break, published on July 10: Upholding rationality: A meaningful Government cannot be run by religious tenets. One religious group cannot and should not force a Government to run according to its religious beliefs. Rationality must have its rightful place. Venkataraman Fight terrorism: Universal terrorism has a religion — Islam. It covers most countries and continents except South America. Why do we shy from calling a spade a spade. We should fight terrorism once and for all. A uniform civil code is the need of hour. Ashok Mehta Zakir Naik is a scholar and is also a qualified medical doctor who talks with facts. Misguided people are a result of the failings of our Government, not of his sermons. The tradegy is that people like Zakir Nair are leading to a lot of people from all religions embracing Islam. JDS Expose Zakir: Hindus must be blamed for capitulating what the likes of Zakir Naik preach. We seem to live in stupor and blindly vote for parties who created votebanks. Even worse is that we seem to mix our faith with others and know very little about our own faith, culture and real history. We need an awakening. Zakirs only objective is to mislead people and convert them to Islam by any means. He needs to be exposed for what he really is. Sunil Misguided people: I am a Sikh and I am unbiased towards any religion. I am very sure that all those who spew venom have neither read the Old Testiment, or the Quran, or the Vedas, or the Mahabharata. State capitulation: When the state capitulates and such festering sores surface, shouldn’t one wonder that perhaps we have been too tolerant in overlooking at the Uniform Civil Code in our appeasement of minorities on the basis of their personal laws that as artifacts from history, allows one community to govern themselves withing the dominion of a nation? If there is a need to act, it is now. Ashish Rai ce^TQi C74A48B064=4C8238B40B4 20;;43C74;0A>=BH=3A><4 C70CA4BD;CB8=B7>ACBC0CDA4 ;>=64A;8544G?42C0=2H 0=3=40A8<<D=8CHC> 20=24A0=338014C4B ]QWQjY^U >=?G>KJA :e\i!'" !& ,Q0D\DZDWL&RQJUHVVVHHV RQO\FKDQFHRIVXUYLYDOLQ83 bd]SPh Vd_bWd_ 70A8B70=:0AEH0B I n Uttar Pradesh, hopes of the Congress are rising with the increasing problems of Mayawati. Many BSP leaders are leaving the party and, sources say, if this makes Mayawati weak, she will easily become ready to tie up with the Congress. For the past many years, Congress leaders have been trying to forge an alliance with the BSP. Some say the Congress has given two proposals to the BSP: One is to go into a pre-poll alliance in UP and Punjab, and the other is for seat adjustments, like in West Bengal. However, BSP leaders are not ready for either. They are apprehensive that if they go with the Congress, they might face a situation like the Left did in West Bengal. That is why BSP leaders are opposing any alliance with the Congress. At the same time, there is chaos within the party; many OBC, Dalit and Brahmin leaders have left the BSP, and this is worrying Mayawati. The BJP’s aggressive politics for Dalit votes is also said to have rattled Maya. That is why the Congress is of the view that at last Mayawati might be ready for seat adjustment. But if she doesn’t extend her hand for an alliance, the Congress will have the sole option to go with the JDU, and Apna Dal’s Krishna Patel faction. F7>´B8=A07D;´BC40<. ongress Vice-President Rahul C Gandhi is finally forming his own team. Sources say that for the past few 1B?[TPSTabPaT P__aTWT]bXeTcWPcXUcWTh V^fXcWcWT2^]VaTbb cWTh\XVWcUPRTP bXcdPcX^][XZTcWT;TUcSXS X]FTbc1T]VP[B^cWTh PaT^__^bX]VP[[XP]RT fXcWcWT2^]VaTbb0c cWTbP\TcX\TcWTaTXb RWP^bfXcWX]cWT_Pach* \P]h>123P[XcP]S 1aPW\X][TPSTabWPeT [TUccWT1B?P]ScWXbXb f^aahX]V<PhPfPcX I n The Gene (Penguin Random House), you have written about your family’s association with psychological challenges, which surely must have been difficult for you to write about. Did you find something new and unsettling about yourself while chronicling your family history; like, say, a psychological genetic test? Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a psychological genetic test. With schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, there is no single gene. There are multiple genes, and they all interact with chance and environmental triggers, which ultimately cause the disorder. It has been six years since The Emperor of All Maladies released. How has the general understanding of cancer changed since then? How has oncology progressed over the years as well? These last six years have seen enormous progress in the field of oncology. Every day there are promising breakthroughs. We now have completely new drugs, new treatment regimens and a new genetic understanding of cancer. For example, immunotherapy — the ability to use the immune system against cancer — has been a particularly important breakthrough. Can we look forward to an effective elimination of cancer in the near future? We certainly will be able to prevent many cancers, learn to treat weeks, he has been meeting party leaders in a bid to judge their capabilities and organisational skills. It is said that Rahul will give more than 50 per cent representation to backwards, Dalits, tribals, and minorities. Women, too, will get more representation. There were many senior women leaders in Sonia’s team, such as Ambika Soni, Mohsina Kidwai, Renuka Chaudhary, and Sheila Dikshit. While none of them might find a place in Rahul’s team, filmstars Khushboo and Nagma are apparently on his list. Apart from them, Meenakshi Natarajan; MP from Bihar, Ranjeet Ranjan; MP from Assam, Sushmita Deb; party spokesperson from Mumbai, Priyanka Chaturvedi; Delhi’s Ragini Naik; and MP from West Bengal, Mausam Noor, are also on Rahul’s list. Rahul has already met leaders from several States. On one hand, he is working for the solution to end infighting in the State units of the party, and on the other, he is discussing names from the States that will be included in the central organisation. As per the party tradition, these names are decided from Delhi, but Rahul is trying to change that. 270=64B8=2>=6A4BB here are speculations that changes T would be made in the Congress Parliamentary leadership as well as its organisation. These changes could be implemented as early as in the Monsoon Session, which starts from July 18. It is being said that there are very few members of the party in the Lok Sabha and the leadership is also not very aggressive. The general perception is that when either Sonia or Rahul are present in the House, the MPs are aggressive, but in their absence, leaders either sit mum or simply leave. The party’s leader in the Lok Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge, is usually busy with Karnataka politics. Capt Amarinder Singh, his deputy, concentrates on Punjab politics. In the last session, he was hardly seen once or twice. So, maximum responsibilities are with the party’s chief whip, Jyotiraditya Scindia. He alone takes care of the House. The young MPs of the party, such as Gaurav Gogoi, Ranjeet Ranjan and Sushmita Deb, actively support him. So, Scindia could be given a promotion and may be made the deputy leader in the Lok Sabha. But some say he can be made party President in MP. If that happens, Kantilal Bhuria, who has come to the Lok Sabha after wining MP byelections, might be made the deputy leader. MP from Haryana, Deepender Singh Hooda, could be made the chief whip in the Lok Sabha. =4F<8=8BCA84B8=BC0C4B T here was a time when there were around 100 ministers in UP. Even Lalu Prasad Yadav had extended his council of ministers to 90. At that time, many new and bizarre ministries were created to accommodate more and more people. Later, a cap was put on the number of ministers; in the case of unicameral legislature, the number of ministers should be 15 per cent of the total number, and in case of bi-cameral legislature, the number should be 10 per cent of the total strength of both Houses. That’s when the number of ministers became limited everywhere. So, no bizarre ministries were created. But now at least in two States, new ministries are being formed — in MP and Telangana. CM of MP, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, has announced a Happiness Ministry, which will work to lessen the tension of people and make them happy by including them in social and cultural activities. On the other hand, CM of Telangana, K Chandrashekar Rao, has created the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, giving his son KT Rama Rao its charge. Normally, external affairs, telecommunication, defence, and Railway are ministries of the Central Government. There is no use of these ministries in States. But a large number of people from Telangana, especially from Hyderabad, stay abroad and that’s why the CM has taken this initiative. As per data, almost 50,000 professionals from Hyderabad are green card holders in the US. One of the objectives of this ministry is to ease the process of foreign investment for Telangana. 7>?45>A6BC18;; his time managers of the BJP and Central Government are hopeful T that the Congress will support the GST Bill. The Congress has given a signal that it will not be adamant on its impractical proposal that insists on including the GST rate in the Constitution amendment. Congress leaders are aware that if they stick to this demand, then every time there is an increase or decrease in the GST rate, they will have to go for an amendment in Constitution with 2/3rd majority. However, the party might not compromise on the issue of increase in rights of States. The BJP sources say that if the Congress agrees to take one step back, the Central Government will also try to compromise, so that the GST Bill can be passed in the Monsoon Session. If the Government gets the Bill passed without putting GST rate into the Constitution Amendment Bill, it will be a great achievement. But getting the Bill passed largely depends on the Congress and Left parties, the CPM and CPI. The Government is not giving much importance to the Left, but is majorly focussing on Congress leaders. If the Congress agrees, then its leaders will automatically persuade the Left. That’s because right now there is a perfect relationship between the Congress and CPM General Secretary Sitaram Yechury. :49A8F0;´B?0C4;?>;8C82B ardik Patel has got relief from the Gujarat High Court in the Visnagar H rioting case, but has to leave the State for the next six months. Now everybody is waiting for his next political move. Arvind Kejriwal, who is an expert in cashing in on every opportunity, is now eyeing Hardik for political gains. Recently, during his Gujarat visit, Kejriwal was all praise for him. But Hardik is of no use to him right now. Next year, Assembly Elections are scheduled in Gujarat and then Hardik will be of use for the AAP chief. Sources in the party say Kejriwal wants a CM candidate from Hardik, so AAP can fight on his/her name. But before that, UP elections will be held and the fight has started over 7-8 per cent Kurmi votes. People are saying that UP can be the first destination for Hardik outside Gujarat. Sources say that in UP, he could extend support to the JDU. Some JDU leaders are in close contact with Hardik and might join hands soon. Nitish Kumar had also once supported Hardik. One of the close Patel leaders of Nitish says that in 2019, the CM of Bihar will use Hardik’s clout, and it will start right from UP elections. F74=F8;;9E<93D<4A64. VM, the party of Jharkhand’s former Jmerged CM Babulal Marandi, has still not with the JDU. For the past few months, leaders of both parties have been singing the tune of a merger. But for one or the other reason, it is being deferred. It was being said before the Rajya Sabha elections that Marandi was demanding a seat in the Upper House. Probably, this could have been the reason for deferring the merger. It has been almost a month since then, but the tie-up is yet to happen. Though this is also true that there is a cordial relationship between Marandi and Nitish, and the former might participate in Bihar CM’s rally whenever it is organised in Jharkhand. Many leaders of the JDU are apprehensive that just like the RJD, Samajwadi Party, RLD and INLD, the merger with JVM might not take place at all. Even Kamal Morarka’s Samajwadi Janata Party has not been merged with the JDU. In the past one and a half year, Nitish has worked on more than half a dozen probable alliances, but not even a single one has reached finality. Nevertheless, leaders of the JDU and JVM are hopeful. There are still three years to go for elections in Jharkhand and there is no hurry after all. E964@C6 @7@FC6I:DE6?46 7PbcWTVT]TX]U[dT]RTSWXbc^ahbRXT]RTP]ScTRW]^[^Vh^aWPeTcWThX]U[dT]RTScWT VT]TX]bcTPS.8cf^aZbQ^cWfPhbBXSSWPacWP<dZWTaYTTcT[[b0=0=H0 1>A6>708= some cancers, and hopefully even cure some cancers. It’s going to be a battle fought on all and many fronts. I’m not sure we can completely eliminate cancer from human history since cancer exploits normal processes in the body. However, I am sure we can drastically reduce the burden of cancer. 8c´bcT\_cX]Vc^ cWX]Z^UTe^[dcX^] PbP[X]TPaSXPVaP\ P]Sb^Xc´bcT\_cX]V c^cahc^aP]ZP[[ P_TbP]SWd\P]b P[^]VP[X]TPVT 0RcdP[[hTe^[dcX^] Xb\^aTR^\_[Tg8U fTcaPRTQPRZ^da [X]TPVTbX]cX\TfT PaaXeTPcPUT\P[T Ua^\fW^\P[[^da [X]TPVTbPa^bT If the theory of human evolution from ape to Neanderthals to man is a fallacy, what in your opinion sustained this theory for so long? It’s tempting to think of evolution as a linear diagram, and so it’s tempting to try to rank all apes and humans along a lineage. Actually evolution is more complex. Apes, Neanderthals and humans share common ancestors. It’s more like branches of a tree. Some humans — especially Europeans — contain some Neanderthal DNA because their ancestors cross-bred with Neanderthals centuries ago. we trace back our lineages in time, we arrive at a female from whom all our lineages arose. She is not the ‘first woman’, or the only woman who lived in her time. But she is a person that all our lineages happen to trace back to. Who was Mitochondrial Eve? Thank you for asking about her. It’s really an astonishing idea. If How can our understanding of race misguide us? The old categories of race tend to underestimate the level of genetic diversity that exists within a particular race. There’s more intra-racial diversity than interracial diversity for most humans. ‘Race’ as a concept is flawed. Is there a homosexual gene? No, there is no such single homosexual gene. However, we know from many studies that genes can have a powerful influence on sexual orientation. How much do our genes impact our political and religious inclinations? We do not know the answer to this, but identical twins that have been separated at birth often tend to share political and religious inclinations. It’s likely that there is some influence of genes on these factors although chance, environment and upbringing also clearly play a role. The gene is the core of all existence. Has it influenced history, science and technology, or have they influenced it? Actually, I would say it works both ways and they have played integral roles in shaping each other. What about chronicling — cancer, gene — fascinates you? What will your next subject be? I am not sure what it is that drew me to chronicle these subjects. For now, I am thinking about writing science fiction since I have always been attracted to writing about the future. P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U C74=8=90B>5C>30H70E4 C0:4=>=050A<>A414=86= A>;4>5C>DA8B<0<10BB03>AB 0B90?0=0CC4<?CBC>4G?;>8C 06;>10;2A0I45>AC74< <>=8206A03H aTeTP[bW^f=PbP³b9d]^9d_XcTa_a^QTR^d[SQTPQ^dcc^b^[eTcWT b^[PabhbcT\³bQXVVTbc\hbcTah^UP[[¯fWPc[XTbQT]TPcWcWT_[P]Tc³bbc^a\R[^dSb EJPANJ=PEKJ=H :e\i!'" !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 EZ^SVc]R\VZ_H``Uj2]]V_¶d%)eYWZ]^ J ustin Timberlake is the latest major addition to the growing cast of Woody Allen’s next film, which Kate Winslet will star in. It was announced recently that they’ll be joined by James Belushi and Juno Temple. As with all of Allen’s recent films, plot details on his 48th feature are being kept largely under wraps. All that’s known is that it takes place in 1950s’ New York and that shooting is due to begin this fall. Allen’s last film, Cafe Society, premiered to mostly favourable reviews on the opening night of Cannes. The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw called Allen’s tribute to golden-age Hollywood “amiable, if insubstantial”. Additionally, Allen is almost near completing his first-ever television show: An untitled six-episode series he wrote and directed for Amazon starring himself, Miley Cyrus and Elaine May. It will premiere exclusively on Amazon Prime Video later this year. The 80-year-old filmmaker found himself once again at the centre of controversy at the Cannes film festival 9D=> 0B?024 BD82834 <8BB8>= I t is, say experts, the hardest thing Nasa has ever attempted. Little wonder, then, that the cheers of its jubilant scientists reverberated around the world recently as spacecraft Juno arrived in the Jovian system after an epic five year, 1.8 billion mile, journey. ‘Welcome to Jupiter,’ said mission control commentator Jennifer Delavan as, in the background, researchers jumped up and down, hugging and clapping. It was a scene that made me smile. Back in November 2014, I experienced the same feeling of elation after robot probe Philae — a project I had worked with colleagues on for almost 20 years — finally landed on a comet, after detaching from the Rosetta satellite. I was overcome with emotion, and footage of my excitement went viral online (I said the word ‘fantastic’ about 50 times). I’m not embarrassed to say that it was one of the best days of my life — on par with having my son. Juno is a space suicide mission like no other. Indeed, it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster — the craft even had the courtesy to arrive at Jupiter on Independence Day. It’s mission? To solve the mystery of what lies beneath the planet’s swirling storm clouds. We might be able to see it from Earth with the naked eye, but scientists know relatively little about this vast gas giant, which produces the most spectacular aurora in the solar system. We know that 1,000 Earths could fit across its equator and that it takes 12 years to go round the sun. We know that the main bulk of the planet is composed of hydrogen and helium. Everything else is pretty much up for grabs. Once it arrived at the Jovian system on July 4, Juno — the first craft to travel this deep into space using only solar power — had to carry out several complex manoeuvres. Not only did it have to withstand the planet’s intense radiation field, the £890million probe also needed to survive intense turbulence and dodge space debris. Like its neighbour Saturn, Jupiter is surrounded by a ring of dust and rock. As Juno’s chief scientist said: “It’s a monster, it’s unforgiving, it’s relentless. It’s spinning around so fast. Its gravity is like a giant sling shot, slinging rocks, dust, electrons, whole comets. Anything that gets close to it becomes its weapon.” No wonder then that others simply describe it as the “biggest, baddest planet in the solar system”. But the plucky little Juno probe, which launched from Cape Canaveral on August 5, 2011, survived and plunged into an orbit that circles Jupiter pole-to-pole. Its mission is designed to last at least 20 months and during that time, Juno — named after the Roman goddess and wife of Jupiter — will circle the planet 37 times. Beneath its titanium outer shell, lie nine sensitive instruments, designed to do what no craft has achieved before: Peer into the Jupiter’s heart. It will fly 2,600 miles above the cloud tops — 3,000 miles closer to the surface than any other mission has ever achieved. Of course, this isn’t the first time scientists have tried to get close to our largest planet. Just over 40 years ago, Nasa’s Pioneer 10 flew past Jupiter at a distance of 81,000 miles, and took the first close-up images. They showed us that the planet’s striped appearance — visible from the ground through telescopes — is probably caused by weather systems. It also recorded Jupiter’s great red spot, an enormous vortex of high pressure that appears like a storm and spreads out to three-and-a-half times the Earth’s diameter. Most importantly, that mission hinted at the strength of Jupiter’s invisible magnetosphere — the vast magnetic field that surrounds it, full of charged particles from the sun, nearby planets and cosmic radiation. Researchers have since theorised that there must be a solid body beneath Jupiter’s storm clouds in order to create this magnetosphere — so big that, if visible, it would appear the size of two full moons in the sky from Earth. Six years after Pioneer 10 came, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, which recorded active volcanism on the planet’s innermost moon, Io, and took pictures of its smallest moon, Europa, that suggested it has an icy surface with an ocean beneath. Then, between 1995 and 2003, the Galileo orbiter mapped the planet. Then the probe, designed to enter Jupiter’s atmosphere, burned up within an hour of release — as the temperature and pressure grew too great. And so now our hopes rest on Juno. The craft will go closer, for longer, than any other of Jupiter’s visitors and its colour camera, nicknamed the JunoCam, will snap close-ups of clouds and polar regions. While the on-board instruments will refine what little we know about its composition, which has higher amounts of sulphur, nitrogen and noble gases than expected from a planet basically formed from gases left over after the sun’s cre- in May, following repeated allegations from his son Ronan Farrow — which were firmly denied by the filmmaker — that he abused his daughter Dylan. Timberlake next appears on the big screen in DreamWork’s Trolls, while Juno Temple just recently concluded her run on HBO’s Vinyl, which was cancelled. Belushi heads the upcoming thriller The Whole Truth, co-starring Renee Zellweger and Keanu Reeves. µ:¶^X`Z_Xe`SVcVa]RTVURd3`fc_V¶ A 9D?8C4A8B0 <>=BC4A*8C³B D=5>A68E8=68C³B A4;4=C;4BB8C³B B?8==8=60A>D=3B> 50BC8CB6A0E8CH8B ;8:40680=CB;8=6 B7>CB;8=68=6 A>2:B3DBC 4;42CA>=B2><4CB 0=HC78=6C70C 64CB2;>B4C>8C 142><4B8CBF40?>= ation. Which will bring us closer to answering the question: How and where was Jupiter formed? Current theories suggest it started closer to the sun, moving outwards to its current position over a period of a few million years. All may soon be revealed. Juno will also investigate Jupiter’s weather systems, with a view to applying what we learn to our understanding of the Earth’s own weather. However, Juno’s most important observations will be focussed on the magnetosphere. Since the Voyager missions, it has been known that the Saturn-like ring around Jupiter is formed by sulphur dioxide released by volcanism on the moon Io. The planet’s magnetic field traps dust from Io and accelerates it, producing the intense radiation for which Jupiter is notorious. Thanks to the improved data from Juno, this simplified picture will now be redrawn, allowing us to understand more completely the formation and behaviour of Jupiter’s shimmering aurorae — it frequently puts on a display of fireworks that crowns the poles of the planet. Of course, nothing is certain and Juno still faces huge challenges. The Jovian system is one of the harshest environments in space and threats from radiation and high-velocity debris are constant. What’s more, in August, the Nasa team will endeavour to perform another tricky manoeuvre to place the craft even closer to the planet’s surface. And all this before, eventually, the craft succumbs to Jupiter’s intense radiation and plunges deep into the atmosphere to avoid colliding with its moons. But, should all go according to plan, this could finally be the mission that provides the insights we scientists crave — a new discovery about the origins of the solar system. It may not be as sexy as putting a man on the moon, but it’s something I believe we should care as deeply about. At a time when the country is critically short of engineers, especially female ones, it’s heartening to see so many opportunities to inspire students with a love of science. And it’s vital we continue to see those pictures of overexcited researchers jumping up and down, cheering and crying at the culmination of their hard work. If that doesn’t entice the next generation of space boffins, I don’t know what will. CWTfaXcTaXb?a^UTbb^a^U_[P]TcPahP]S b_PRTbRXT]RTPccWT>_T]D]XeTabXch CWT3PX[hCT[TVaP_W ctor Matt Damon has declared himself unconcerned about the prospect of being replaced in the action franchise with which he’s become synonymous. Speaking in South Korea ahead of the premiere of the fifth Jason Bourne film, Damon declared himself “totally fine” with someone new taking over the role. “I’m definitely going to be replaced some day by some new young Jason Bourne,” he said. “That happens to everybody and they reboot these things, and that’s totally fine.” Damon, now 45, said he found the action sequences more taxing than he had at 29, when shooting the first Bourne film. “It’s difficult when you’re 45 compared to when you’re 29, but you still have to run as fast as you can. That part was a challenge, but to get to revisit the people was wonderful. But I said, let’s smell the roses and appreciate that we get to be here together, and make sure we have fun.” In 2012, an attempt was made to continue the franchise with Jeremy Renner and Tony Gilroy replacing Damon and Greengrass. But The Bourne Legacy only made marginally more than the 2002 original, and about half the total of 2007’s The Bourne Ultimatum. Damon’s remarks come as debate still rages over casting for the next James Bond, despite Daniel Craig not having officially thrown in the towel. 6W^bcQdbcTab WcR_TYZdVe`SVµV_U]Vdd¶ T he reviews for Paul Feig’s female-fronted reboot of Ghostbusters were broadly positive, with UK critics cheerleading slightly harder for the film than their peers across the pond. Not that these — nor even the box office — look likely to affect the chances of the remake spawning a series. At the premiere in Los Angeles, producer Amy Pascal, former CEO of Sony Pictures, told the Hollywood Reporter: “It’s going to be endless. People are going to love this movie so much that they’re going to demand more and more.” Current Sony head Tom Rothman was similarly robust about the film’s prospects, saying the flood of negativity around its production acted as good publicity. “All that stuff has been great. The movie is a comedy, an entertaining comedy, but it is also now a real important part of the social conversation and you don’t usually get to do both of those things.” The depths of the film’s engagement with the debate it triggered was revealed after stars Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy confirmed a scene in the film was tweaked to directly address the online backlash to the project. > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 B0=3B2D;?CDA4>501DBCH <4A<0833A0FB2><?;08=CB A busty mermaid sculpted from sand and placed outside a popular Cape Cod restaurant is raising eyebrows and triggering complaints. The town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, and the local Chamber of Commerce say they fielded complaints from locals about the exaggerated proportions of the mermaid’s chest. Yarmouth’s police department took down photos of the sculpture from its Facebook page after residents said they found the work of art offensive. The mermaid clad in a clamshell bikini is one of 41 sand sculptures placed around town as part of the annual Yarmouth Summer Celebration. Salty’s restaurant owner Raymond Roy told the Cape Cod Times he’s surprised at the fuss. Roy says the mermaid isn’t nude and shouldn’t be censored. 0? >D27 20=0380=<0=DB4B 3A>=4C>F0G78B;46708A Quebec man found a way to work his aerial drone into his grooming routine by using the device to wax his leg hair. David Freiheit recorded himself applying a Nair wax strip to his leg after fitting the strip with some wire. Freiheit then launched his drone, which was connected to the wire in the wax strip with some rope. The drone gets a good headstart from the slack on the rope before successfully yanking the wax strip — and Freiheit’s leg hair. “For the first time in the history of humankind, someone has used a drone to wax their legs” he wrote. “I only did one strip, but the venture was a smashing success.” Guardian. “We will display them at our store before giving our customers a sample taste,” auction-winner Takamaru Konishi told the BBC. The grapes were grown in Ishikawa prefecture and confirmed to meet the qualifications necessary to be classified as a Ruby Roman, weighing .7 ounces and containing a sugar content of at least 18 per cent. “I am so happy and I am honoured,” Konishi said. “These are truly Ruby Roman gems.” Fruit often sell at high prices in Japan and are considered high-ranking gifts similar to vintage wine. Melons can be particularly expensive, as a pair was sold for more than $12,000 at auction in 2015. AD1HA><0=6A0?4BB4;;5>A 0C90?0=4B40D2C8>= 834=C820;CF8=B68E418AC7 >=B0<430H0CB0<4C8<4 A D?8 D?8 bunch of grapes sold for a record dentical twin sisters have given birth Ationprice of nearly $11,000 at an auc- Ion the same day, at the same time, in in Japan. The 30 Ruby Roman their respective time zones. Today.com grapes sold for 1.1m yen ($10,938) or about $350 for each ping pong ball sized grape, according to The reports Sarah Mariuz and Leah Rodgers delivered their babies at 1.18 am. last Thursday. Rodgers’ son, Reid Joseph, was born first, on Mountain time in Denver. An hour later, Mariuz delivered her daughter, Samantha Lynne, on Pacific time in La Jolla, California. The 35-year-old sisters hadn’t planned to be pregnant at the same time but ended up with due dates just four days apart. The sisters and their babies are doing well. Today.com reports that the families are trying to work out a time to visit each other. HPW^^ <0=4<4A64B5A><BD8C20B4 0CBF8CI4A;0=3CA08=BC0C8>= nearly 6-foot tall man was caught on a surveillance camera emerging from A a suitcase at a train station in Switzerland. Video shot by a Swiss border guard and shared by AllNews247 shows the man’s hand sticking out from the suitcase before officers arrive to fully unzip the bag. CNN reports that the man was from Eritrea and had packed himself into the suitcase to cross the border from Italy into Switzerland. The man, who was one of about 3,400 migrants attempting to enter Switzerland’s Ticino region, was ultimately sent back to Italy. D?8 A42>A35>A<>BC;0BB> C4G0BB:8?B8=0<8=DC4 A rodeo performer claimed the Guinness World Record for most lasso Texas skips in a minute. Javier Escamilla completed the feat by performing the difficult lasso technique, which involves jumping through a swinging lasso multiple times while keeping the rope in motion, 100 times in one minute while appearing on NBC’s Today show. “The record right now is 80, and I want to do 100 if I can,” he said during the show’s Supreme Summer Week segment. “The Texas Skip is the hardest part of trick roping in Mexico.” Escamilla began performing when he was four years old and has toured Mexico and Europe with his Trick Rope Show, Hermanos Escamilla. Based in Wisconsin, his fantastic rope skills have allowed him to participate in the Antonio Aguilar Equestrian Show, an NBA half-time show for the Timberwolves, as well as perform workshops for students eager to learn his talent. D?8 <0H>AB7DCB>55824B 05C4A<0BB0AA4BCB he Mayor of a small town outside Naples had to shut Tdown most municipal offices after police arrested 23 of his staff in the latest revelations of absenteeism in Italy’s public sector. Police arrested around half of the employees in the town hall offices of Boscotrecase following weekslong investigation which they said revealed 200 cases of absenteeism involving 30 people. Staff were filmed clocking in and then leaving to go about their personal business or using multiple swipe cards to register absent colleagues, in scenes which have become familiar after numerous similar scandals. 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The process requires continuous and dedicated practice, which culminates in yog. As yog starts and ends at the Guru’s feet, in this article I will emphasise upon the energy, which we call the ‘Guru’. After that I will explain the significance of discipline in the process of awakening. Be it yog sadhna or tantra sadhna, the Guru is considered supreme; his glory is anant (unending), akhand (expansive). Guru is the ultimate, for it is said that no shastra, no tapasaya, no mantra, no form or appearance, no God or japa is superior to the Guru. By performance of sadhna of the Guru alone can one become siddha in all the other modes of sadhna. As the path of yog is one of experience and not of the intellect, it requires a force — a guiding light to take you through those experiences. No book, no lecture, or discourse or any other means can give you those experiences; only a Guru can, because a Guru is not a physical being. One should not make the mistake of identifying the Guru with a physical form. When one looks at the different images of mother Goddess, however different in appearance each image looks, T it is the same force that is embodied in those images. Similarly, the Guru, although for each one of us appears in different physical forms, is the embodiment of the one, supreme Guru. When you embark on the path of sadhna, it is like venturing into an all-new territory, something similar to entering an expansive jungle, (as the path of sadhna is a path of austerities). The jungle is dense and full of fierce animals; it is deep and dark and there is no path carved out to walk upon. And if that doesn’t deter you from moving ahead, the need of a guide arises. Once you have made up your mind to move further, you have taken your first step. As you go ahead, you find a stream flowing in front of you and you need to cross the stream. As you are wondering what to do, how to do it, you see a boatman bring his boat through the mighty current of the river. You feel the boatman can take you across, so you get into the boat and request the boatman to carry you across to the other bank. The boatman takes you through and you reach your first camp, the other shore. Now you wonder what to do. There are many paths in front of you, each one seems good, but you don’t know where it will take you. You have two choices now — either you make your own choice based on your limited intellect, or you ask the boatman, who, of course knows the jungle and the various paths where each one goes, and he knows you, he natural question which arises from the title is: Why should we try to be peaceful? Because being peaceful has many advantages, and this is an understatement. If one is not peaceful, he has real trouble in store for him. But for that we must learn to enjoy peace. Everyone is trying to enjoy in his own ways. We look for the tastiest food but if we are not careful in what we eat, we end up with health problems, not enjoyment. What about drinking merrily in search of happiness? Not only is this route very expensive but one ends up with many problems, and some of them can be quite serious. People spend a good percentage of their savings in travelling for fun. It is nice but how long does it last? One will not easily get agitated. What do we see every day? Violence is becoming a norm, not an exception. Never mind terrorists, who are wrecking havoc; even a common man loses temper quite easily. One will not get depressed easily. WHO is predicting a 60 per cent rate of depression by 2050. Is that not a scary prospect? One will enjoy health benefits by being peaceful rather than get suffering trying to enjoy life in the wrong ways. The quality of life will be high. Ultimately, our success should be judged by this factor alone. Poor quality of life means that we have failed. A peaceful person is well placed to do quality work, ?4>?;43410C4 >=C742>=24?C >56DADB><4 9D36478<1H 78B?7HB820; 0??40A0=24* C74H3>=³CF0=C C>0224?C0<0= F7>8=C74 ;8C4A0;B4=B48B =>C01A07<0= what are your capacities and limitations. Based on this, he can guide you in a better way. Blinded by your ego, you may think you have come this far yourself and you can go further also. This is where you make a mistake. This story portrays the journey of a sadhak when he takes on to the path of sadhna and the role of the Guru. The boatman is his first Guru because he aids his first step, he knows the sadhak’s limitations and capabilities. He knows his background and the path that is most suitable for him and he takes him through. It is the result of the good karmas of all previous lifetimes that the gate of the being’s good fortune opens and he meets his Guru, who is the Guru of all, none other than Lord Shiva, the ultimate Guru, appears in front of his eyes. As a rule, that fortune doesn’t arise unless preceded by the germ of intense sadhna, performed in previous births. And very often it happens that even if a great saint, the very incarnation of Lord Shiva, appears in front of an unfortunate being, he is so completely blinded by ignorance or ego that he takes him to be an ordinary man and looks for only faults in him. Whereas, if a being has acquired a store of religious merits in the form of positive karmas generated in the previous births, love as singleminded devotion at the feet of the Guru are his natural qualities. He would never lose the chance of meeting and recognising that it is the same Lord, the Guru of the world who has appeared in front of him. Nowadays people debate about the concept of the Guru. There are people who start judging the Guru by his physical appearance; they dislike accepting a man who in the literal sense is not a brahman. As in their opinion, mantra is mere alphabets, so in their judgment the Guru is a mere man. In Yogini Tantra it is said, “It is because the supreme Guru appears in the body of the human Guru that shastras relate the greatness of the latter.” If it were only the physical body of a Guru that is taken into account as ‘Guru’, the formula and the aim of sadhna for every Guru would differ according to the appearance of the individual Guru. For this reason, shastras clearly state that for those who think of the Guru as mere man and identify him with his physical attributes, they can never be liberated. Therefore, one must be careful when one decides to embark on the journey of sadhna. It is advised to take time to decide whom you are calling your Guru because once you do that even the slightest disregard results in losing the fortune collected over all the previous lifetimes. Guru mahima is anant, akhand — it is not possible to sum up even a fraction of it in limited time and space. In the next issue I will attempt to explain deeper and subtler layers of this great force. CWTfaXcTaXbcWTVdXSX]V [XVWc^U3WhP]5^d]SPcX^] A senior Indian executive and CEO of a big MNC died after a massive cardiac arrest in Mumbai recently. He was only 42 and a regular gym buff. In fact, he died after a gym workout. What killed this young and healthy executive is a question that begs an answer. The executive was active in sports, a fitness freak and a long-distance runner also. It so happened that after his workout, he collapsed and was taken to the hospital where he was declared brought dead. The cause of the sudden death was a massive heart attack. This incident once again is a grim reminder to the corporate India to mend its ways or rather mind its ways. Of late, a new fashion is catching up with Indian executives — overdoing. Overdoing almost everything. Overdoing work. Overdoing workouts. Overdoing parties. Overdoing entertainment. Just everything except one. And that one thing is vital — sleep. But the point is that if you overdo so many things, how can you sleep? Exactly and this is what is happening. The results are disastrous. But people don’t realise this. Rather, they do not get time to realise because by the time you realise, you are dead. These days people very proudly proclaim to be workaholics, which means they are obsessed with work. Rather, inebriated with work. This condition is given a name ‘Karoshi’ in Japanese management literature, that means death due to over work. Interestingly, these days Karoshi is also the name of a series of puzzle platformer games in which the goal is to die. The term ‘Karoshi’ was coined in the late Seventies to refer to a large number of Japanese people who got strokes and heart attacks due to overwork. It is time the menace is recognised in India because the social costs of family disruption that these young deaths may carry are far more than the economic gains that accumulate to the corporations and individuals. What to do? Going back to the case of the young executive mentioned above; it is important to note that all his activities forced him to cut short on sleep. Sleep is crucial and has significant impact on human physiology. Sleeping for less than the required seven to eight hours has serious health implications. It increases the risk for high blood pressure. Not getting proper sleep increases flow of toxic secretions in the body, damaging many vital organs. The greatest advantage of sleep is that it keeps stress away for all those hours you sleep, providing resilience to the body to cope with future stress that is inevitable. Senior cardiologists advise sleep for a variety of reasons; the most vital one being giving your heart a time to have peace. Not just the heart, sleep gives peace to the mind also. Without doubt, then, sleep strengthens the two most vital organs of human beings — the heart and the mind. It is important for the executive to understand this and take a call. Sleep well. Sleep is precious and even the best of the salaries cannot buy it. Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that conventional wisdom suggests that a good sleep is a very dear thing and those who get it are fortunate. Wake up, Mr Executive, and start sleeping well before it is too late. CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ 5^Z_i`UQSUV_bRUY^W`UQSUVe\ AT\T\QTaU^aP_TPRTUd[_Tab^]QTX]VP[^]TXb_[TPbdaPQ[TfWX[TPSXbcdaQTS_Tab^] UTT[b[^]T[hX]PbX\X[PabXcdPcX^]FWPcfX[[h^dfP]cc^QTPbZb098C:D<0A18B7=>8 which helps one advance in life. Peacefulness rubs on others as misery affects those near. One is unlikely to make costly mistakes. And one is in a good position to connect with God, which guarantees God’s help in whatever we need and what we need to protect. Now let us see how people in different walks of life are seeking enjoyment besides what has been mentioned earlier. I will take the first example of a businessman. He is seeking profit in order to enjoy life. Does it pan out like this? No, to begin with making profit is not that easy, and even if one manages it, this only whets one’s appetite for more profit in a never-ending search. In both cases, ie in case of making loss and diversifying the business, there is no peace. The next example is of a careerist. Like the businessman, he is focused on advancing his career. Now a good percentage in the private industry are job-hopping like in the West. And every new job has its own challenges. Where does peace get a chance? The third example is of a sportsperson, who like the careerist sees nothing except excelling in his chosen field. His mind is forever seeking ideas which could make him better. And sky is the limit as far as ambition goes. Very few wish to retire even after they have gone past their prime. Why? They cannot imagine that life can be enjoyable outside sports. The fourth example is that of a politician. This one has no place for peace in his life. Till death, most politicians are trying to advance themselves. Yes, a few retire gracefully and enjoy life. Doctors are no better. They are wedded to practising till death, if health permits. I could go on but I am sure readers have grasped what I am trying to convey. By the way, becoming peaceful is not such an impossibility. Just sit in a park and soak in the scenery. Nature is beautiful if one cares to look at it. Lie in the bed and think of all the pleasant things which have happened in your life, especially those which you did not expect. Sit in a train and marvel at the varieties nature has in store. Dream of a nice future, which of course should be based on real possibilities rather than on fantasy. Think how you can help someone in need. And put some food in a designated place for birds and peacefully enjoy their chirping. I enjoy peace by looking at a photo of God surrounded by flowers. Remember, for a peaceful person being alone is pleasurable while a disturbed person feels lonely in a similar situation. What will you want to be? Aren’t we all forced into situations where we have to spend time alone, and sometime quite long hours? Why condemn yourself by not trying to enjoy peace? 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U <>BC20=24A80=B;>E4 78BC>AH0=30A4 50B28=0C43F8C7C74 1468==8=6>5C78=6B¯ 74A0;3AH0=24BCAH4C2 P=NKP :e\i!'" !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!! 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( 5TQ ' <PSWd:^cXhPXbPcPa^cRPaSaTPSTab_XaXcdP[WTP[TaP]S5^d]STa<BWTiPX\8]bcXcdcT^UCPa^c3XeX]PcX^]2^]cPRcSTcPX[b)\PSWd/X]SXPcPa^cR^\fffX]SXPcPa^cR^\<)('&"!'""" 0BCA>BC@4 170A0C17DB70=?03<034> I n the Indian religious tradition, we have a date dedicated in the annular calendar for all that is worth venerable. On these occasions, we religiously dwell upon and seek grace in a prayer mode of such virtues as would be identified with the symbolism referred to. For, it prepares you to conduct intelligently. But human memory is short. Engaged in the usual mill of life, we often lose track of the fundamentals of life, as if one would have outgrown their limits. So has such a provision been made in our annular calendar to refresh our memories at regular periodic interval. In the above spirit, full moon day of Hindu month Ashada is marked as Guru Purnima, which falls this year on August 19. On this solemn occasion, the disciples reaffirm their faith in guru and pay gratitude seeking his grace. Reposing faith in guru does not mean submitting to his body-mind organism, rather the virtues he epitomises. Here again, seeking guru’s grace does not mean that he would play a magical wand to enlighten his disciples. Guru first shows the way. He then leads the disciples to work upon their limitations of mind themselves, and helps unfold full human potential, most part of *XUXVHUYHVDVWRUFKEHDUHURIOLIH which is otherwise lying dormant. Mind it, human potential is immense, which if fully unfolded, will know no limits. But to be beneficiary of guru’s grace, the disciple has to be receptive enough to fully absorb the lessons imparted, and pursue them in right earnest with full faith. Why so much of importance to guru? Be it known that the word ‘guru’ is made out of two root syllables ‘gu’ and ‘ru’, respectively meaning darkness and light. It implies that the one who could shed light (wisdom) to dispel darkness (ignorance) would qualify to become a guru. Seen in practical terms, the one having himself realised and become conversant with the truth underlying the existential dynamics of the manifest world, would fit into that role. This, however, would be possible only when he gets well tuned to the cosmic intelligence and transcended the sense of relative perception. In the process, guru becomes conversant with the dynamics of life in holistic terms – operative both at gross and subtle levels. He then puts them into practice himself in real terms, thus presenting himself as a living example. Only such persons are worth motivating people imbibe his virtues, and hence the importance of a Guru. The question now is: Why man, the most empowered creature in this universe can’t unfold his full potential in his own right? Why does he need guidance of a guru? The problem arises because man is a thinking being. And mind has a fertile ground which remains active even if one would be apparently idling. It keeps breeding thoughts unabated out of one’s own imagination, and keeps mulling over them. This is over and above those excited by the seed-thoughts inlaid with mind, as well as those under influence of the outer world. This way, mind remains loaded with a massive motley crowd of thoughts and feelings, ordinarily difficult to contend with ease. Some of the thoughts out of that very massive crowd, as well as feelings in response to external stimuli, translate into action. Not all thoughts translate into action. But every action on the part of a being is necessarily preceded by a thought. Ostensibly then, thinking and feeling would hold the key to all actions on our part. Evidently, the character, content, and intent of the thought and feeling will define the qual- ity of our efforts and thereby fruits thereof, we become due for. What if the thought-crowd occupying the mind becomes unruly, which invariably remains the case with most of us? Consequently, mind becomes restive. It then begins aimlessly wandering and usually gets lost in the unwieldy thought crowd, as it loses its sense of direction and thereby control. In the melee, mind loses the alert necessary to invoke one’s faculty of discrimination on account of attention deficiency, and with obvious consequences. It, therefore, becomes incumbent upon us to reign in our unruly mind, but for which it would not be possible to excite such well meaning thoughts as could us lead us towards the right course due. The irony, however, is that a disorderly mind caught up in a dense jungle of thoughts, by itself cannot find a way out. Here comes the role of a guru, who helps you restore orderliness of mind. With these words I pay my gratitude to my revered guru. 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