Chandigarh - The Pioneer
Chandigarh - The Pioneer
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While three persons were arrested on Sunday while waiting at the Bulandshahr bus stand, police have detained 20 suspects till now in the case for questioning. Battling Opposition charges of jungle raj and collapse of the law and order machinery in the State, the Chief Minister tried to send a strong message across the board by placing under suspension Bulandshahr SSP Vaibhav Krishna, SP (City), Ram Mohan Singh, CO Himanshu Gaurav, Inspector Ramesen Singh, Patrolling Officer Rustam Singh and Constable Anurag Singh. The Station House Officer of the Kotwali Dehat has already been suspended. Akhilesh Yadav is likely to meet the family of the victims too. Akhilesh’s fury over the heinous crime created a flutter in the police department and DGP Javeed Ahmad sent special teams to ensure the arrest of the criminals. Principal Secretary (Home) Devashish Panda and ADG (Law and Order) Daljit Chaudhary have N T 1TU^aTWXbbdb_T]bX^]BB?EPXQWPe:aXbW]PbPXS°FTWPeT XST]cXUXTScWT\PX]Rd[_aXccWa^dVW_XRcdaTb7TQT[^]Vbc^P ]^\PSXRcaXQTBC5cTP\bWPeTQTT]ST_dcTSP]S[^RPcX^]b^U cWTPRRdbTSWPeTQTT]caPRTS?^[XRTcTP\bPaTR^]SdRcX]V \PbbXeTaPXSbc^]PQcWT\XbRaTP]cb± T CWTUP\X[hcWPcfPb caPeT[X]VUa^\=^XSPc^ BWPWYPWP]_dafPb fPh[PXSQha^QQTab[PcT ^]5aXSPh[PcT]XVWc^] =7( ]TPa3^bc_da EX[[PVT T CWT"%hTPa^[S f^\P]P]SWTa #hTPa ^[SSPdVWcTafTaT_d[[TS ^dc^UcWTRPaP]S VP]VaP_TSX]P]TPaQh UXT[SU^a]TPa[hcWaTT W^dab 1LJKWPDUH RQ1+ also rushed to Bulandshahr to oversee the probe. Before his suspension, SSP Vaibhav Krishna said, “We have identified the main culprit through pictures. He belongs to a nomadic tribe. STF teams have been deputed and locations of the accused have been traced. Police teams are conducting massive raids to nab the miscreants.” The family that was traveling from Noida to Shahjahanpur was waylaid by robbers late on Friday late night on NH 91 near Dostpur Village. The 36-year-old woman and her 14-year-old daughter were pulled out of the car and gangraped in a T 6XeX]VcWT\^Sdb^_TaP]SX^U cWTa^QQTab_^[XRT^UUXRTa3P[YXcBX]VW bPXSa^QQTabU[d]VP]Xa^]a^SPccWTRPaX]fWXRWcWTUP\X[h fPbcaPeT[[X]V T °FWT]cWTSaXeTa bc^__TScWTRPac^RWTRZ U^aSP\PVTcWTRaX\X]P[b bdaa^d]STScWTRPaP]S PccPRZTScWTUP\X[hCWTh U^aRTScWTUP\X[hc^SaXeT cWTRPaX]c^cWT]TPaQh UXT[SbSaPVVTScWT\^dc ^UXcP]ScXTSd_cWT\P[T \T\QTabCWTh VP]VaP_TScWTf^\P] P]ScWTh^d]VVXa[U^acWT ]TgccWaTTW^dabP]S[PcTa c^^ZcWTXaRPbWYTfT[[Tah \^QX[T_W^]TbP]SU[TS± nearby field for nearly three hours. Giving the modus operandi of the robbers, police officer Daljit Singh said robbers flung an iron rod at the car in which the family was travelling. “When the driver stopped the car to check for damage, the criminals surrounded the car and attacked the family. They forced the family to drive the car into the nearby fields, dragged them out of it and tied up the male members. They gangraped the woman and the young girl for the next three hours and later took their cash, jewellery, mobile phones and fled.” The terrified family spent the night hiding in the fields as their car was stuck in the mud. In the morning one of the men reached the nearest police station and reported the matter. Reacting to the heinous incident, BSP chief Mayawati said, “The SP Government and the party chief owe an explanation to the people. Can they restore the lost honour of women and girls in such traumatic and horrendous crimes?” She alleged that there was ‘jungle raj’ in UP and criminal elements were ruling the roost. She said that such incidents of heinous crimes bear testimony to the rapid deterioration in law and order in the State. Continued on Page 4 ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXU[PVb^UU³Ad]U^aAX^´Pc=PcX^]P[bcPSXd\X]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh B_^acb<X]XbcTaEXYPh6^T[XbP[b^bTT] ?C8 8QDSURWHVWHUVXFFXPEV 2B:DWR__Z_XT`^^f_R] VWRNHV'DOLWV¶DJLWDWLRQ WZcVe`]fcV>fd]Z^j`feY 5R]Ze]VRUVcde` Y`]UµARUjRecR¶Wc`^ 2Y^VURSRUe`F_R Wc`^2fX&e`"& 0\Xa^U0[@PTSPX]8]SXP] BdQR^]cX]T]cD\PaTVVb ^]<db[X\bc^PccPRZ6^ec X]bcXcdcX^]b^UUXRXP[b =0H0=30E4Q B010A<0C8 07<430103 A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78 s Dalits held a massive protest A in Ahmedabad on Sunday against public flogging of their he Al-Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent T (AQIS) is seeking to augment its recruitment drive in India by capitalising community members in Una over skinning a dead cow, a young man from the community, who consumed pesticide during a protest in Saurashtra, died in a hospital. Twenty-seven-year-old Yogesh Sarikhd was one of the two dozen people, who attempted suicide in Saurashtra to register their outrage over humiliation of their community members by cow vigilantes. Despite cloudy weather and waterlogging at at Acher ST Depot Ground in Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, nearly 10,000 people assembled at the venue. The Dalit leaders wanted to organise the rally in the proximity of Ahmedabad District Collector’s office, but they got permission to hold it at Sabarmati only. Around 30 different Dalit organisations operating from across the State have come together under on a slew of controversy affecting the Muslim community in India. “After compelling Muslims of India to convert to Hinduism… after forcing them to recite Band-e-Mataram… after prohibiting slaughtering cows… matters have reached a stage wherein Muslims are compelled to speak clear disbelief. A hafiz (memoriser) of Quran is being forced to accept the land of idols and temples as a Goddess worthy of worship,” Maulana Asim Umar, the amir of AQIS said in his latest statement released online. He further exhorted Muslim youth to 0_^[XRT\P]ZTT_bPeXVX[PbWd]SaTSb^U3P[Xcb_a^cTbcX]0W\TSPQPS^]Bd]SPh 0? join jehadi and attack Government instia platform — Una Dalit Atyachar Dalit issues. The padyatra would tutions and senior functionaries manning Ladat Samiti — not only to protest start on August 5 and reach Una them, including IAS and IPS officers. atrocities on Dalits at Una but also on the Independence Day. ExUmar also claimed that India is a land to raise plethora of other issues Gujarat cadre IPS officer Rahul of Muslims saying, “Forget the idea that related to their community. Sharma announced that he would India is of Hindus: whenever they want, At the mega rally, Dalit lead- not only lead Padyatra but also they can drive us out. Trust in the Power ers decided to hold a ‘Padyatra’ hoist national flag at Una on of Allah. This is the land of Allah; not of from Ahmedabad to Una in order August 15. the idols of Brahmans. You have ruled this to create awareness on various Continued on Page 4 land for centuries, then why this weakness 5^aVTccWTXSTPcWPc8]SXPXb ^U7X]Sdb)fWT]TeTacWTh fP]ccWThRP]SaXeTdb^dc CadbcX]cWT_^fTa^U0[[PW CWXbXbcWT[P]S^U0[[PW*]^c ^UcWTXS^[b^U1aPW\P]b H^dWPeTad[TScWXb[P]SU^a RT]cdaXTbcWT]fWhcWXb fTPZ]Tbbc^SPh.FWhcWXb WT[_[Tbb]TbbP]Sb[PeTah. 2WX]TbT?;0 RPaaXTS ^dcPTaXP[aTRRTQTU^aT 2WP\^[XcaP]bVaTbbX^] ?C8Q =4F34;78 head of its transgression A in Barahoti area in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, Chinese today? Why this helplessness and slavery?” He further said, “History has been repeating itself; and it will again! Holding a spear in his hand at the Conquest of Makkah, the Messenger of Allah was smashing the idols with his hands and declaring ‘Truth has arrived, and falsehood has perished’. And his devotees have been reviving his Sunnah by destroying the idol of Somnath.” Continued on Page 4 People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had conducted a reconnaissance mission using high class aircraft armed with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) which provides broad-area imaging at high resolutions. According to official sources, ‘TupolovTu 153M’ aircraft of Chinese PLA had carried out two to three sorties earlier this year in the middle sector falling in the areas of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Piecing together intelligence gathered from various sources in the aftermath of Barahoti transgression, officials in the know said that at least three sorties of the aircraft, which is designed by the Chinese companies on the basis of technology from the erstwhile USSR, was carried out in last three months. The aircraft flies at an altitude of above 40,000 feet and can go up to 60,000 feet to avoid detection by radars and can click pictures and other cyber and communication signatures at that height. It has an SAR which can provide high-resolution pictures even in inclement weather or in night time. The systems take advantage of the longrange propagation characteristics of radar signals and the complex information processing capability of modern digital electronics to provide high resolution imagery. Continued on Page 4 ?`hA`\V^`_8`ecZT\dhR_eVU TcZ^Z_R]dZ_e`FD a`]ZTVdeReZ`_ 6DIGDUMXQJ+RVSLWDOJLIWVWRGGOHUVWKHLUYRLFH ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= arents of speech and hearP ing impaired children need not worry about the future of he latest to join the T Pokemon Go craze is the US police but for a serious purpose — to nab wanted criminals. A post on Virginia’s Smithfield Police Department’s Facebook page says Ditto, a purple, smiling blob of a Pokemon, is hanging out in the station’s processing room. A list of “random citizens eligible for this rare opportunity” was also posted. The catch is that the “random citizens” all have outstanding warrants. The whimsical post has a serious purpose, said Sgt Bryan Miller, a patrol sergeant and administrator of the Smithfield police Facebook page. First, to engage with the community, and second, to perhaps get some leads on people wanted for charges ranging from trespassing to grand larceny. “I had no idea it was going to be this big,” he was quoted as saying by The Virginian-Pilot. The widely popular location-based augmented reality game Pokemon Go has been all the rage since the game’s debut a couple of weeks ago. Players use their smartphones to seek and capture cartoon creatures on streets, in parks and other places. Miller thought about it as he was preparing to post a list of eight people who have outstanding warrants in Smithfield as of July 12. Being a small town, Miller said it is fortunately a short list “I have a sense of humour,” said Miller, who also plays Pokemon Go. He also saw another police department had tried something similar, Miller said. This is not the first such instance since Pokemon Go was released. Continued on Page 4 ?A8H0=:0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 their young ones anymore as the Capital’s Safdarjung Hospital has now started doing cochlear implant surgery absolutely free for underprivileged patients. While the surgery is also being done at other Government-run hospitals like AIIMS and RML its cost is prohibitive. Dr AK Rai, Medical Superintendent and ENT surgeon, Safdarjung Hospital told The Pioneer, “The hospital has collaborated with a Delhibased NGO, which will pay for the cochlear implant as it costs F8C7C7474;?>50==6>C747>B?8C0;8B 2>=3D2C8=62>27;40A8<?;0=CBDA64AH 01B>;DC4;H5A445>AD=34A?A8E8;4643?0C84=CB anything between Rs 6 to Rs 10 lakh. The hospital will do the surgery for free.” Dr Gul Motwani, Head of ENT Department, Safdarjung Hospital, said, “For poor patients the surgery is free. So far, we have conducted five such operations on toddlers.” This initiative has given a new lease of life to four-yearold, Bhumika, who was born with a speech and hearing disorder. The toddler who underwent a cochlear implant surgery at Safdarjung Hospital recently has now begun responding to sounds, is beginning to speak and is even going to a playschool. Bhumika’s parents are over the moon as they could not afford the costly treatment for their child and had given up all hope of their daughter ever leading a normal life. Bhumika’s mother Babita told The Pioneer, “I never thought that my daughter would be able to live life like other kids. Now, she has joined a playschool. And she actively responds to the sounds around her. “She is even learning to speak. She says words like ‘ka’, ‘ki’, ‘ma’…I can’t express how badly I have been waiting to 1Wd\XZPfXcWWTa_PaT]cb hear my daughter call me ma.” Safdarjung Hospital has conducted four other cochlear implant surgeries since January this year. According to doctors, the treatment is focused on one to three-year-old children as this is the crucial stage when the toddlers begin to speak. Since, there is no awareness among parents they ignore early symptoms of speech and hearing impairment. Continued on Page 4 ]^acW! 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % >1D9?>1<=1>EC3B9@D=9CC9?>I?:>1 9A8`geTReR]`XfVd`gVc `_V]R\Y^R_fdTcZaed ?=BQ B78<;0 imachal Pradesh Government has catalogued over one lakh manuscripts as part of the National Manuscript Mission Yojna which aims to preserve old languages and dialects. The State Government has catalogued 1,26,000 manuscripts at the Manuscript Resource Centre, set up under the National Manuscript Mission Yojna, said a spokesman of the State Government here, adding that last year alone 13,500 manuscripts were collected and catalogued. To preserve old languages and dialects, the State Government catalogued 1,26,000 manuscripts at the Manuscript Resource Centre set up under the National Manuscript Mission Yojna, the spokesman said. For this, the Government has set up an 11-member record management committee to look H CWTf^aZU^a RPcP[^VdX]V^U \P]dbRaX_cb bcPacTSX]cWT BcPcTX]!!" <^bc^UcWT \P]dbRaX_cb fTaTR^[[TRcTS Ua^\BXa\Pda :P]VaP:d[[d P]SD]P SXbcaXRcb after the archaeological works and preserve cultural ethos. A department of Art, Language and Culture has also been set up to implement schemes and programmes for preserving the rich culture and traditions, the statement said. To preserve rare scripts from extinction, a training centre of Pabuchi script has been started in Nahan town which provides training to five students every year. FYbRXQTbQd_\Qicd_^U V_b`_gUbceRcdQdY_^ ?=BQ B78<;0 imachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh H will lay the foundation stone for a C235-crore power substation at Lahal in Chamba district on Monday. The Himachal Pradesh Government was committed to development of far-flung areas in the State, an official spokesperson said. As part of efforts to accelerate development, Singh would undertake a three-day visit to Chamba and inaugurate developmental projects there, the spokesperson said. He said to facilitate transmission of power for the upcoming hydroelectric projects in the Ravi basin, Singh would lay the foundation stone for 33/220/400 KV substation worth C235 crore at Lahal in Bharmour valley This would add 630 MVA capacities to the existing system and would achieve commercial operations in June 2018, he added. The spokesperson said other steps were being taken to meet the power demand of the valley and improve the voltage profile in the area. The Chief Minister left for Chamba from Dharamshala on Sunday by road as his helicopter couldn’t take off from Shimla due to bad weather. To encourage the writers and litterateurs, the State Government organised various events such as Lal Chand Prarthi Jayanti, Pahari Gandhi Baba Kanshiram Jayanti and Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Jayanti. Such activities go a long way in the conservation of culture, traditions and ‘pahari’ dialects in Himachal Pradesh, he said. The National Mission for Manuscripts works with the help of 57 manuscript resource centres across the country and the Himachal Academy of Arts, Culture and Languages in Shimla is one such centre. The work for cataloguing of manuscripts started in the State in 2002-03. Most of the manuscripts were collected from Sirmaur, Kangra, Kullu and Una districts. Officials said most of the manuscripts are written in Devnagri, Tankri, Sharda (all prevalent in the hills), Gurmukhi, Bhoti and Persian scripts. DFFXVHGLQ FRSDEGXFWLRQ FDVHDUUHVWHG ?=BQ 6DA60>= hree men allegedly T involved in the abduction of Haryana Police Inspector Surender Phogat in June have been arrested. Acting on a tip, the Gurgaon Crime Branch arrested Aabid (22), Khalid (19) and Hayum (28) at Rozka Meo near Sohna in Gurgaon district, said police officers. The three are members of a gang involved in cases of theft and loot in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, the police added. Gang leader Islamuddin, a resident of Punhana in Mewat district, and three others were arrested by Delhi Police earlier this week. Another man involved in Phogat’s abduction, Khalid Alimeo, was arrested on July 23 after a brief gun fight. Phogat, chief of Sector 29 Police Station here, was abducted on June 30 by four men who later dumped him in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh after taking away his cash, mobile phone and car. :RUOG%UHDVWIHHGLQJ 8=1A845 :HHNWREHREVHUYHG WKURXJKRXW+DU\DQD 70AH0=0C>7>;3?7>C>6A0?7822><?4C8C8>= 2WP]SXVPaW) CWTBP\ePSB^RXTch^U7PahP]P8]U^a\PcX^]?dQ[XR AT[PcX^]bP]S;P]VdPVTb3T_Pac\T]cfX[[^aVP]XbTPR^\_TcXcX^]^U _W^c^VaP_Wb^]SXUUTaT]cPb_TRcb^U[XUTP]SRd[cdaT^U7PahP]PPb fT[[PbSTeT[^_\T]c^UX]UaPbcadRcdaTCWT_W^c^VaP_WbR^d[SQT bdQ\XccTS^]SXUUTaT]cc^_XRbX]R[dSX]V2d[cdaTC^daXb\^U7PahP]P 8]SdbcaXP[6a^fcWX]7PahP]PF^\T]4\_^fTa\T]cX]7PahP]P ;XUTBch[TX]adaP[P]SdaQP]PaTPb^U7PahP]P4\^cX^]P[ST_XRcX^]b [XZTWP__X]TbbbdRRTbb8]UaPbcadRcdaTa^PSbQaXSVTbP]SQdX[SX]V X]7PahP]PCaPSXcX^]P[P]S\^STa]V[X\_bTb^U7PahP]P5TbcXeP[b ^U7PahP]PP]SH^dcWP]SB_^acbX]7PahP]P0[[cWT_W^c^VaP_Wb bW^d[SQTX]bXiT^U !g $X]RWTbP]SbT[UPccTbcTSP]SbW^d[SQT bT]cX]23PbY_VUX[TP]S^]T\PX[XSWa_W^c^R^\_TcXcX^] ! %/V\PX[R^\0[[T]caXTb\dbcPRR^\_P]hcWT_aTbRaXQTSU^a\ P]S_W^c^VaP_WCWTbTbW^d[SaTPRWcWTBP\fPS>UUXRTB2>!" BTRc^a&<PSWhP<PaVQh0dVdbc" ?=BQ 270=3860A7 ar yana Government H would observe world breastfeeding week throughout the State from August 1 to 7, on the theme “Breastfeeding: A Key to Sustainable Development”. The State Women and Child Development Minister, Kavita Jain, said district programme officers had been directed to generate awareness among the people on various vital issues by organising awareness generation camps, exhibitions, workshops, rallies and publicity campaigns in each district during this period. Universities and Health Department and Food and Nutrition Board units will also been associated with these programmes, she said. Giving details of programmes to be organised during the week, she said that daylong orientation workshops on “Breastfeeding: A Key to Sustainable Development” would be organised at district B284=244G7818C8>=°60;0GH! %74;3 level and block level on August 1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, various programmes would be organised at village level from August 3 to 6. On August 7, prabhat pheri would be carried out and an exhibition and an exhibition would be organised at Anganwadi centres. Also, a quiz competition would be held the same day for teenaged girls and rural women on nutrition, health and diet of children, she added. HVV\]`_X:_e¶]>Z_[RcWRZcT`_T]fUVd ?=BQ B78<;0 he week-long International Minjar fair of Chamba conT cluded on Sunday amidst jubilation as Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, who was tied Minjar (silken tassel, symbolising top blossoms of maize plant) and adorned in a colourful turban participated in a colourful traditional Shobha Yatra (procession) of the historic fair. The procession started from the Akhand Chandi Palace and passed through the main bazar, wherein thousands of people from all over the district dressed in their traditional and colourful attire participated. The procession was led by Lord Raghuvir, the principal deity of the town, who was carried in a beautifully decorated palanquin and accompanied with Chadi (insignia) of local gods and goddesses. The people from all over the district and other neighbouring states queued up on both sides of the road to have glimpse of the elegant display. The procession finally culminated at Manjari Garden where traditional ‘Kunjari Malhar’ was sung and the Chief Minister immersed the Minjar and coconuts in river Ravi. The Chief Minister also presided over the closing ceremony of traditional ‘Chinj’ (wrestling) competitions of both men and women at the historic Chaugan and present- transparency in implementation of the ‘Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana’, Haryana Government on Sunday claimed the selection of insurance companies for implementation of the scheme had been done in a completely transparent and fair manner. The bids were invited from the insurance companies through the e-tendering system. Only those insurance companies empanelled by the Government of India, were eligible to participate in the bidding process, said a spokesman of the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department. He said the premium payable to the insurance companies in Haryana was one of the lowest in the country. Therefore, there was no question of favouring any insurance company by the State Government, he added. Under the Yojana, the maximum premium payable by the farmer is only two per cent of sum insured in case of Kharif crops, 1.5 per cent in BWX\[P)7X\PRWP[2WXTU<X]XbcTaEXaQWPSaPBX]VWWPb\^da]TScWT ST\XbT^UY^da]P[XbcBWaPfP]CWPZdafW^SXTSX]Pa^PS\XbWP_X] 3WPa\_daPaTP^U<P]SXSXbcaXRcEXaQWPSaPBX]VWWPbTg_aTbbTS STT_bh\_PcWXTbfXcWcWTQTaTPeTSUP\X[h\T\QTabP]S_aPhTSc^ cWT0[\XVWchc^VXeT_TPRTc^cWTST_PacTSb^d[8]U^a\PcX^]P]S ?dQ[XRAT[PcX^]b<X]XbcTa<dZTbW0V]XW^caXP]S3XaTRc^a 8]U^a\PcX^]P]S?dQ[XRAT[PcX^]b3X]TbW<P[W^caPWPeTP[b^ Tg_aTbbTSVaXTU^eTacWTX]RXST]cP]S_aPhTSU^acWT_TPRTc^cWT ST_PacTSb^d[ ?>>A0=3C0;4=C43BCD34=CB7>=>DA43 2WP]SXVPaW) BXgcTT]_^^aP]ScP[T]cTSbcdST]cb^U1WPX9PXcPYTT 5^d]SPcX^]fW^R[TPaTS94488CP]S^cWTaTgP\X]PcX^]bfTaT W^]^daTSQhaTcXaTS9dbcXRTBBB^SWX?d]YPQP]S7PahP]P7XVW 2^dacP]S1PQP8`QP[BX]VW^U1PSdBPWXQCadbcB^[P]PcPUd]RcX^] WT[SPcBaX6aP]cWBPWXQ1WPfP]BTRc^a!'WTaTCWTbTbcdST]cb QT[^]VTSc^UP\X[XTbfXcWP]X]R^\T[TbbcWP]C!_Ta\^]cW BXgfTaTRWX[SaT]^UfXS^fbP]^cWTa]X]T^U[P]S[Tbb[PQ^daTabP]S ^cWTabPaT^Ub\P[[UPa\TabCWThfTaTUa^\cWTX]cTaX^ab^U?d]YPQ P]SfTaTbRW^^[TSW^dbTSP]SR^PRWTSUaTTQh1WPX9PXcPYTT 5^d]SPcX^]U^acf^hTPabBXgbcdST]cbX]R[dSX]VcWaTTVXa[bRaPRZTS cWT88C0SeP]RTSCTbc 2WP]SXVPaW) BP]c=XaP]ZPaX<XbbX^]^]Bd]SPh^aVP]XbTSb_TRXP[ <PWX[PBP\PVP\c^T]R^daPVTXcbf^\T]STe^cTTb_PacXRd[Pa[hcWT h^dcWc^QTccTad]STabcP]ScWT<XbbX^]³b_WX[^b^_WhP]Sc^cPZTXc U^afPaSX]cWT]TfbXcdPcX^]RaTPcTSQhbdSST]ST\XbT^U=XaP]ZPaX 1PQP7PaSTeBX]VW<XbbX^]³b2WP]SXVPaWbP]h^YPZ<^WX]STaBX]VW c^[ScWPccWTBP\PVP\fPbPccT]STSQhcW^dbP]Sb^Uf^\T] STe^cTTbX]3T[WXfWXRWfPb\PaZTSQhb_TTRWTbb^]VbP]SbZXcb c^WXVW[XVWcePaX^dbPb_TRcb^U<XbbX^]³bXST^[^Vh =0A432>´B "C7=0C´;2>=E4=C8>=>=0D6 (! ed the prizes to the winners of the various competitions. It was for the first time that the women from outside the state participated in the wrestling competition during Minjar. A colourful Dandaras dance (Tribal dance) of Bharmour region was also performed at Chamba Chaugan. Earlier, the Chief Minister inaugurated C10.38 crore new block of Regional Hospital, Chamba with additional 100 bed facility. He also inaugurated Steel Trust Bridge over Rathiar Khud on Bhanera-Kolka road completed with an outlay of C2.19 crore and C1.46 crore lift irrigation supply scheme Sungal in Gram Panchayat Sungal which will benefit Naun, Koh and Sungal villages besides other nearby habitations. He also launched the second phase of ‘One District One Police Station project’ (ODPS), for which Chamba Sadar Police Station has been selected. The Chief Minister launched the first stage in March, 2013 at Regional Forensic laborator y Dharamsala. Later in the evening, Virbhadra Singh visited the exhibitions set up by various government departments and NGOs. He also presided over the cultural evening of eight days long International Minjar Fair, where he was honoured by the Chairman Minjar Mela Committee and Deputy Commissioner, Chamba Sudesh Mokhta. The Chief Minister also released the Minjar Souvenir on the occasion. 9RcjR_Rac`a`dVd"('* 8]bdaP]RTR^\_P]XTbbT[TRcTS 2_XR_hRUZTV_ecVd X]UPXa\P]]Ta)7PahP]P6^ec nder fire from the Opposition and farmers’ U organisations for not ensuring 2<<>DA=B34<8B4>59>DA=0;8BC =8A0=:0A8<078;0B0=CB0<060<74;3 @=61C1<29=1I?:1>1C385=5 ?=BQ 270=3860A7 ?P]RWZd[P) 7^[h2WX[SBRW^^[^aVP]XbTSPBRXT]RT4gWXQXcX^] ²6P[Pgh! %³c^RT[TQaPcTcWTbRXT]cXUXRX]]^ePcX^]b^UcWTXaQdSSX]V bcPabUa^\2[PbbTb c^ CWTTeT]cfPbX]PdVdaPcTSQh0bW^Z =P]SP5^a\Ta?aX]RX_P[^U30E2^[[TVT2WP]SXVPaWCWTh^d]V bRXT]cXbcbbW^fRPbTScWTXacP[T]ccWa^dVWePaX^dbUdcdaXbcXR\^ST[b cWT_a^\X]T]cP\^]VcWT\QTX]VEPRdd\5[dbWFPcTa?daXUXTa dbX]V2^a]2^Qb7hSaPd[XR2XchETacXRP[<d[cX;PhTa5Pa\X]VTcR B_TPZX]V^]cWT^RRPbX^]3a=P]SPP__[PdSTScWTcTPRWTabP]ScWT bcdST]cbU^aTgRT[[T]c_aTbT]cPcX^]P]ScWTcaT\T]S^dbTUU^acc^_dc d_bdRWPV^^SbW^fCWT_PaT]cbTg_aTbbTScWTXaY^hP]S R^]VaPcd[PcTScWTbcPUUP]ScWTbcdST]cbU^aST\^]bcaPcX]VWXVW[TeT[ ^UcWT\^ST[b case of Rabi crops and five per cent in case of commercial and horticulture crops. This is the lowest premium among all crop insurance schemes implemented in the country. The remaining premium would be paid by the State Government and Central Government as subsidy. Besides, the State Government has also decided to take only two per cent premium from farmers for cotton crop and the remaining three per cent of the farmer share would be paid by the State Government over and above its normal share, said the spokesman. He said that the sum insured in respect of various crops has been increased under the Fasal Bima Yojana and made equal to the amount of crop loan. In the earlier schemes, the premium payable by the farmer was quite high and, therefore, the sum insured was reduced to keep the premium low. The scheme covers the damage caused to the crops by inundation apart from hailstorm and post harvest losses to crops by unseasonal rains for the first time, said the spokesman adding that the 2WP]SXVPaW) 7PahP]P6^eTa]\T]c WPbbT]cP_a^_^bP[c^cWT2T]caP[ 6^eTa]\T]cU^a^_T]X]V &%( 0]VP]fPSXRT]caTbP]S''\X]X 0]VP]fPSXRT]caTbX]cWTBcPcTX] PSSXcX^]c^cWTTgXbcX]V!$(%! 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In this series, a ‘Safe Phaco Workshop’ was held in which about 66 Phaco Trained Eye Specialists, working in various government hospitals of the state, participated, said the state principal secretary health Vini Mahajan on Sunday. Mahajan said that National Programme of Control of Blindness (NPCB) is being implemented in Punjab as per guidelines of Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. “Punjab is one of the few states in which the facility of stitch less surger y by Phacoemulsification is available in all district hospitals. Small Incision Stich less Cataract Surgery is being performed, where Phaco Machine is not available,” she said. More than 60 Ophthalmologists have received training in last five years for various sub-specialties like Small Incision Cataract Surger y, Phaco Surgery, Squint Surgery and Medical Vitreo-Retina, she said, adding that the state of the art eye equipment have been provided in government Medical Colleges and Civil Hospitals of Punjab and more are being procured in the current year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·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acW" 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % 4`_X^R_ZWVde`Sj@Te"e`W`Tfd`_f_V^a]`j^V_eVUf " !'@E>:121CC5=2<I5<53D9?> 7KHVDFULILFHPDGHE\WKH%KDJDW 6LQJKDQGKLVYLVLRQZRXOGEH LQFRUSRUDWHGLQWKHSDUW\PDQLIHVWR ?=BQ 270=3860A7BA8 270<:0DAB0781A>?0A he Punjab Congress on Sunday claimed that it would release its party manifesto for 2017 State Assembly polls on October 1 with a roadmap for the new Punjab. “The Congress will present a vision for the youth, unemployment, education and health sector, improving fiscal deficit and more opportunities for the new industry to invest in Punjab,” said Congress leader and former Finance Minister Manpreet Badal. Manpreet, addressing a T public meeting organised by Leader of Opposition Charanjit Singh Channi at Sri Chamkaur Sahib, said the sacrifice made by the Bhagat Singh and his vision would be incorporated in the party manifesto. “The Congress will give a roadmap for the creation of new Punjab with timebound commitment to the people of Punjab,” said Manpreet, adding that unemployment was a major issue, which needed to be redressed immediately. He said the Congress party would form the next Government in Punjab in the coming Vidhan Sabha elections under the leadership of Capt Amarinder Singh. Indian Youth Congress president Raja Amarinder Singh Warring said today, youth had forgotten the supreme sacrifice made by Shaheed Udham Singh. “The youth of Punjab has to fight the Badals just like Shaheed Udham Singh fought against Britishers,” he said. He said today, the Badals were registering false cases against the innocent Congressmen who raise their voice against them under Section 307. “The people of Punjab will have to initiate Jang-e-Azadi against this Badal regime,” he said. Targeting Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Warring said the people should not get befooled by false promises which these people were showing to the voters of Punjab. “Today, this party has miserably failed in Delhi. In the last two years, there has not &RQJWHDUVLQWR6XNKELU¶VµWDOO FODLPV¶RQSRZHUJHQHUDWLRQ ?=BQ 270=3860A7 he Punjab Congress on Sunday came down heaviT ly on Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal for misleading the public by making tall claims of development in the electricity generation and distribution in the State. Senior Congress leader and party chief spokesperson Sunil Jakhar teared into Sukhbir’s claims of providing “cheapest” electricity by presenting facts and figures. He said electricity tariff rates in Punjab were higher compared to its neighbouring States of Haryana and Chandigarh. “The data shown by Sukhbir on electricity sector recently to highlight the achievement of Punjab Government is completely false and misleading,” said Jakhar. Taking Sukhbir head on, Jakhar said while in Punjab, consumers had to pay C4.52 per 100 units, in Chandigarh, it was C2.55 and C2.70 in Haryana. He said Sukhbir was showing “half-truth”, and he would bring forth the entire truth in three installments. He said the power rates for industrial sector were much higher in Punjab as compared to other States. Jakhar alleged the three private sector Thermal Plants in the State were not running efficiently and the Punjab Government had been forcing the people of the State to pay higher electricity charges to make up the losses of these Thermal Plants. He asked Sukhbir why a payment of C1656 crore, that was C5.08 per unit, were made to the private company owning Talwandi Sabo thermal plant when it was decided that power would be bought at the rate of C2.36 per unit, as stated by Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal on the floor of the Vidhan Sabha on June 29, 2012. Similar was the case of Rajpura thermal plant, said he and added the Government signed a power purchase agreement to buy power at the rate of C2.89 per unit, but in 2015, 72817 lakh units were bought by paying them C3,042 crore, that was C4.18 were paid for per unit. Apprehending a big scam, Jakhar said State’s thermal plants were producing 17,000 lakh units before setting up of these private thermal plants, which has now reduced to 7,200 lakh units. He further alleged the SAD leaders in districts and villages were indulging in blatant electricity theft which accounts for about 32 per cent of total electricity theft. “Maximum power theft is in the constituencies of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, Sukhbir Badal, Adeish Partap Singh Kairon, Sikander Singh Maluka and Anil Joshi...Either the Government is totally failed in checking this theft or Government is giving them the patronage,” said Jakhar. Jakhar added average distribution losses in Punjab were 12.71 per cent, while in Malout division, it is 38.29 per cent, 32.29 pecent in Badal village, Kairon’s constituency Patti has 35 per cent, Maluka’s constituency Rampura Phull has 29 per cent, and Sukhbir’s segment Jalalabad has 29 per cent. Anil Joshi’s constituency has 24 percent losses while in Ludhiana, where there are maximum industrial units, it is two to four percent and 10 percent in Patiala, he pointed, hinting at whether ruling leaders are supporting this theft. been a single job generation in Delhi, (Arvind) Kejriwal himself is enjoying all the perks, which he initially promised not to take,” he said. Even more than 12 MLAs of AAP are already facing trials in different cases, said Warring adding that what kind of administration and vision would they give to the people of Punjab. Kapurthala MLA and senior leader Rana Gurjit Singh asked the voters of Sri Chamkaur Sahib that the people of this constituency had elected a very dynamic leader twice. He asked the voters to reelect Channi against this time so that the development of this constituency starts. Claiming the Badals have deliberately ignored development in this constituency, Channi said all the roads leading to the constituency were in bad shape. 00?bTcc^P]]^d]RTUXabc[Xbc^URP]SXSPcTb ?=BQ 270=3860A7 o set the ball rolling for T 2017 Punjab polls, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is all geared up to announce its first list of 23 candidates. The resurgent AAP will soon make its first list public once it receive the final nod from the party’s Political Affairs Committee (PAC), headed by national convener and Delhi Chief Minister Ar vind Kejriwal. Party’s Faridkot MP Prof Sadhu Singh Sangrur MP Bhagwant Mann are PAC’s members. AAP volunteers have recommended nearly 500 names of the probable from $OVRWRKDYH VSHFLDO LQYHVWLJDWLRQ XQLWVWRSUREH GLIIHUHQWFULPHV ?=B Q 270=3860A7 its aim to bring qualitative in police investigaItionnreforms process, Punjab Bureau of Investigations will soon have separate cadre at Sub-Division level, besides special investigation units to probe different crimes. Announcing this, Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal said establishing a separate cadre for investigation wing at Sub Division level would be a reality on Punjab Day this year. “Bureau would see the light of the day soon as the State Cabinet has gave in-principle approval for the creation of 16,035 posts for the State police which includes 5249 posts for the PBI,” he said in a meeting with the senior officers of the Home and Police Departments. Sukhbir, who also holds the Home portfolio, deliberated upon the modalities of the PBI on separation of different cadres at Sub-division and BdZWQXabPXScWT1daTPdWPSP[aTPShQTT]TbcPQ[XbWTSd]STa cWTbd_TaeXbX^]^U3XaTRc^aRd\036?PcWTPS`dPacTabfXcW 386[TeT[^UUXRTac^QTX]RWPaVTPcaP]VT[TeT[ headquarters level. To establish a separate cadre of the Bureau, he asked the Home Department to lay down conditions for the recruitment of specialised police personnel under various categories having extraordinary skills in legal affairs, forensics, IT and financial matters. Sukhbir said the Bureau had already been established under the supervision of Director-cum-ADGP at headquarters with DIG level officer to be in-charge at range level. 8fcfXcR^efc_de`8fcf[R^+9``UR unjab Revenue Minister Bikarm Singh Majithia on Sunday said the State Government’s decision to make Majitha a new sub-division “is a step towards providing all Government services to people near their door steps”. Punjab Cabinet, in its meeting on Friday under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, has given approval to make a SubDivision. Majithia, Majitha MLA, thanked Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal for increasing the status of sub-Tehsil Majitha to sub-division that too on the historic martyrdom day of great freedom fighter Shaheed Udham Singh. He said this long lasting demand of the people of this area had been fulfilled which was being ignored by earlier Governments from last 50 years. “Now Majitha will now have one permanent post of SDM and Tehsildar besides other Government officers which will provide Government services to the people of 93 villages of Kanaungo Circles of Majitha, Kathunangal and Pakhar which include 31 patwar circles at their door steps whereas earlier people had to travel to Amritsar for these services,” he said. He said this would also create more direct and indirect job opportunities for youth of the area and all segments of the society would benefit in a big way from this development. Majithia said that Majitha city, which has been developed as model city, will now achieve more heights of prosperity and development. “Before 2007, people started migrating from Majitha, but now the scene has totally changed with development of the city made by AkaliBJP Government and now people prefer to stay here and are flourishing their businesses here,” he said. P *RYHUQPHQWDV µQRQSHUIRUPHU¶ ?=BQ 270=3860A7 ormer Har yana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh F Hooda on Sunday termed the Manohar Lal Khattar Government as a “non-performer”. The senior Congress leader while talking to the mediapersons said the latest example of State Government’s apathy was Gurgaon where the choked drains and potholed roads earned a shame for the whole State. “This is a “non-performing” Government and it believes in cutting the ribbons and changing the names of cities. Had the Government been serious, the Gurgaon drains may not have choked and resulted in a massive traf- fic jam,” alleged Hooda. “The Congress Government had planned Dwarka Expressway to join the national highway to reduce the traffic jams on Gurgaon roads. The construction work of this 18 km long road was nearing completion when BJP Government was formed. But the BJP Government failed to complete the remaining 10 per cent work on this road,” he alleged. Taking a dig at BJP led Haryana Government he said Khattar Government changed Gurgaon’s name to Gurugram which now appeared to be Gurujam. Eyeing investment for the state, the government had called the state as ‘Happening Haryana’ but it has become ‘mishappening Haryana’ now, said he. Referring to the cases registered against him, Hooda 5^dbiWQdUY^d_8QbiQ^Qd_RU^Q]UT QVdUbCXQXUUTETXQ]CY^WX ?=BQ 270=3860A7 aryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal has H announced that one of the 28 gates at the entry points into the State would be named after to mark the Golden Jubilee of the state. Besides, one chowk each in every town in western and northern Haryana would be named after the illustrious revolutionary, said the Chief Minister while speaking at a public meeting on the occasion of the 76th martyrdom day of Shaheed Udham Singh. Highlighting the sacrifices made by revolutionaries like Shaheed Udham Singh, the Chief Minister urged the people to rise above religious and regional divide and work for the development of Haryana by following the concept of 1TbXSTb^]TRW^fZ TPRWX]TeTahc^f] X]fTbcTa]P]S ]^acWTa]7PahP]P f^d[SQT]P\TS PUcTacWTX[[dbcaX^db aTe^[dcX^]Pah ‘Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek’. He said that the families of martyrs would be honoured during the Golden Jubilee year and their statues would be The screening committee, which met early morning on Sunday, included AAP’s national spokesperson and state affairs’ inc h a r g e S a nj ay S i n g h , S a n g r u r M P B h a g w a nt Mann, Faridkot MP Prof Sadhu Singh, Punjab convener Su c h a Singh Chhotepur and national organization building secretary Durgesh Pathak, to deliberate on the names forwarded by the campaign committee. During the meeting, the screening committee kept utmost care of the fact that the probables must have a clean track record. The screening committee, after weighing various pros and cons of the names recommended by the campaign committee, has shortlisted nearly 130 names, on a n av e r a g e f i v e t o s e v e n f rom e a c h c on stituency, before forwarding the same with its remarks to the PAC. Spokesperson said that the PAC would soon take a final decision on the names of the candidates of 23 assembly s e g m e nt s . “Thereafter, the party is likely to make the announcement of candidates immediately,” added the spokesperson. ?18c^WPeTbT_PaPcTRPSaTPcBdQ3XeXbX^][TeT[b^^] 0DMLWKLDKDLOV 0DMLWKD¶V6XE 'LYLVLRQWDJ 7HUPV.KDWWDU ?=B Q <098C700<A8CB0A 23 Assembly segments after gauging their track record in public life and their months of dedicated work for the party as well as for the people of Punjab, said party’s official spokesperson. The spokesperson said the names recommended by AAP’s volunteers were thereafter sent to the 16member Punjab Election Campaign Committee for deliberations in the meeting held on Saturday evening in Chandigarh. The campaign committee has already forwarded the list of recommendations to the AAP’s screening committee of Punjab. installed throughout the state. Besides, a statue of Shaheed Udham Singh would be installed at the memorial being developed in Ambala, and the Ayodhya Chowk on the Shahabad-Barada Road would be renamed as Shaheed Udham Singh Chowk. Earlier, the Chief Minister, along with the Himachal Pradesh Governor, Acharya Dev Vrat and his Cabinet Ministers paid floral tributes to Shaheed Udham Singh. The Chief Minister also inaugurated three projects developed at the cost of C24 crore. These include a polytechnic college built at the cost of C17 crore in Umri village, block development and panchayat officer office at Ismailabad which cost C1 crore and C5.05-crore community health centre at Jhansa. said that this government is busy registering false cases against opponents. Slamming the Haryana Government, he said that the BJP has failed to deliver on its poll promises. Hooda also criticised the State Government for its plan to rejuvenate Saraswati river and urged the State Government to generate employment opportunities for youth on the eve of golden jubilee year of state. On being asked about Congress leader Capt. Ajay Yadav, who announced to quit the party blaming him, Hooda said nobody takes Capt. Yadav seriously as he keeps on changing his statements. About State Government’s plans to celebrate golden jubilee year of Haryana, Hooda said during the all party meeting, he has suggested the Government to establish statue of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In the districts, the SSPs and the Commissioners of Police would perform the duty of incharge and the DSP (Investigation) would be in charge at the Sub-Divisional level. Asking State DGP Suresh Arora to create a fully professional legal and forensic experts team to be deployed in the field besides specialised focus on manpower of gazetted officers and non-gazetted officers, Sukhbir also batted for the investigators and detectives to be fully equipped with the lat- est gadgets in order to enable them to collect samples of blood, fingerprints etc for the purpose of proper investigation and evidence. He revealed the PBI would have special investigation units, comprising of homicide units, crime against women and child unit, cyber crime unit, economic offences unit, special crimes unit and anti-human trafficking unit. A total of 174 teams would be formed at homicide unit level whereas 152 teams would be formed in crime against 8`gee`Y`]Uac`XcR^^Vd &RQJUHVV Re"$%aZ]XcZ^RXVdZeVd DGYLVHV$$3 ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Sudha, the Chief Minister announced C20 crore for the aryana Government has development of third new decided to organise pro- administrative block in grammes on a grand scale at 134 Thanesar and C50 lakh for of the pilgrimage sites in Kurukshetra, improvement Karnal, Kaithal, Jind and Dronacharya Stadium. He also announced conPanipat during the International ‘Gita Jayanti Samaroh’ this year. struction of the Swaran Jayanti Besides, a tourist package sports facility complex at would be rolled out to develop Kurukshetra where sports-relatthese sites as tourism destina- ed facilities would be provided. These would t i o n s , announced ´79D1:1I1>D9C1=1B?8µ include gymnasium, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal at indoor hall, training room, a meeting with officers held here dressing room, player data cento review different schemes and tre, audio-visual centre, hostel for players, rest house, office, projects in Kurukshetra. He said programmes would sports nutrition centre and be organised by the Kurukshetra sports energy centre. He also issued directions to Vikas Board at pilgrimage spots that fell within the boundaries establish a ‘gaushala’ on 25 acres of 48 kms. Besides, museums, in Kurukshetra to tackle the libraries and other such projects problem of stray cattle. The Chief Minister also would be set up at the shrines directed the officers to prepare to give a boost to tourism. Accepting the demands for the International ‘Gita made Thanesar MLA, Subhash Jayanti Samaroh’. H =?81==54B169C#&D8451D81>>9F5BC1BI .RWOD6XOWDQYLOODJHUVUHPHPEHU OHJHQGDU\VLQJHUSD\ULFKWULEXWH ?=BQ 270=3860A7 egendary playback singer Mohammed Rafi’s native L village Kotla Sultan in Amritsar, Punjab remembered him on his 36th death anniversary on Sunday, with scores paying a tribute to him. On the occasion, a function was organized in the village. “A number of people and Rafi sahib’s fans thronged to pay tribute. He was the best singer of all times and even 36 years after his death, he lives on eternally. His songs today are as popular as they were when he was alive,” Jagjit, Mohd Rafi’s fan, said. Singing competitions were organized in the village for the women and children unit with 150 teams in total at cyber crime unit level. Giving more details, Sukhbir said that a Special Task Force (STF) would also be formed to tackle effectively the menace of organized crime. To strengthen the intelligence cadre, he informed that 781 new posts have been created having 11 DSPs, 24 inspectors, 66 SIs, 64 ASIs, 116 head constables and 500 constables. He asked the home department to finalize the recruitment conditions for this cadre and the intelligence personnel should be a graduate from recognized university and additionally have IT degree in BSc, BTech, BE, BCA or PGDCA. Sukhbir also informed that 4425 additional posts including ADCP/SP, ACP/DSP, Inspector, SI, ASI, head constable and constables have also been approved to provide best and efficient security services to the public in Ludhiana, Amritsar and SAS Nagar which are the famous business, religious and industrial centres. Besides, 4,000 constables and 750 constable drivers would also be recruited to strengthen the recently launched Rapid Rural Police Response Scheme in the State. children each year to pay tributes to the singer. Rafi was born in Kotla Sultan, which is about 30 kms from Amritsar. Born on December 24, 1924, Rafi died in Mumbai on July 31, 1980 following a massive heart-attack. The first public performance of Rafi, who began singing by chanting the notes that a ‘fakir’ sung in his village, came as a teenager, when he was allowed to sing at a concert featuring the legendary KL Saigal. The singer later went on to lend his voice to Bollywood megastars including Amitabh Bachchan, Shammi Kapoor, Dharmendra, Dev Anand and Rishi Kapoor in his career as a successful playback artist. He had numerous hit songs to his credit including several duets with famous playback singers Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle. Working with music directors like OP Nayyar, Laxmikant Pyarelal and RD Burman, Rafi delivered some evergreen hits including “Yeh duniya yeh mehfil”, “Chura liya hai tumne”, “O haseena”, “Tum jo mil gaye ho” and “Aaj mausam bada beimaan”. He was honoured with the Padma Shri in 1967. QRWWRZRUU\ DERXWSDUW\ ?=BQ 270=3860A7 unjab Congress on Sunday asked the Aam Aadmi P Party (AAP) spokesperson Sukhpal Singh Khaira not to worry about the Congress and pose the leadership questions to his own leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and not State Congress president Capt Amarinder Singh. “We, in the Congress, know what role suits whom the best, you better worry about the party you are staying with for the time being,” said party’s State vice-president Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa. “Or was it just a case of a misplaced query as you actually wanted to ask this question to Kejriwal and in the thought process instead mentioned Capt Amarinder, who does not seem to be going out of your mind till now,” Randhawa taunted Khaira. “And let me assure you that Capt Amarinder for certain is going to be the Chief Minister of Punjab after 2017 elections and as regards the role of the Leader of Opposition, you should better ask about it to Kejriwal, who, you must realise, is now your new master and is desperately aspiring for a role in Punjab,” he told the AAP spokesperson. R andhawa reminded Khaira that not long ago, rather less than a year ago, when Capt Amarinder was appointed the PPCC president, he (Khaira) was first to welcome it and assert that this was the best thing to have happened to the Congress. “And probably that may be the reason you continue to show your concern about Capt Amarinder, as they say old habits die hard”, he told Khaira. ]PcX^]# 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % 4`_XcVddW]Rjd>`UZ`W_` 2GLVKDXUJHV&HQWUHWR dj^aReYjW`c5R]ZedZ_8f[ HQJDJH632VLQUO\V ?=BQ 270=3860A7 unjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC) president Capt Amarinder Singh on Sunday wondered as to how come Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not have a single word of sympathy for the Dalit boys, who were beaten blue in his home State Gujarat recently, during his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address to the nation. Taking a jibe at Modi saying that South Africa visit was like a “teerth-yatra” (pilgrimage) for him as he had an opportunity to meet the people who struggled for equality, Capt Amarinder suggested to him, “You better take another ‘teerthyatra’ to Una town in your home State and meet those Dalit boys and others, who are not only struggling, but continue to suffer every day of their life.” “As they say, charity begins P RIVXVSHFWV KHOG66363 From Page 1 Demanding strict action against the culprits, Mayawati said that action should be taken against policemen for laxity as well. She alleged that laxity has become all-pervasive in UP Police due to rampant casteism promoted by the SP Government. Hitting out at the Akhilesh Yadav Government, Union Minister Mahesh Sharma said, “When will this end? It shows that the SP Government has collapsed on every front. They cannot save the honour of a mother, a daughter. It is shameful and they should step down.” State BJP chief Keshav Prasad Maurya demanded the resignation of Akhilesh Yadav and said that the incident has proved that law and order has collapsed in the State. “It is unbelievable that the incident occurred merely two km from Bulandshahr city and the family was held hostage for four hours and the women were raped at gun-point. It’s a slap on the face of police administration, which makes tall claims of ensuring safety of people,” he said. BJP MP from Bulandshahr Bhola Singh said, “It is a sad and painful incident. My sympathies are with the family. I have spoken to the police and the administration. Those guilty should be handed out stringent punished.” “When a woman accompanied by her family is not safe, how would women travelling alone be safe? Under the SP’s rule, even the streets are not safe, let alone the highways. In villages, girls and women cannot go out of homes... it’s goonda raj,” he added. Describing the incident as “chilling”, “barbaric” and one that has “shocked human conscience”, the State Congress said that the SP Government must take decisive action. “The gangrape is heartrending, it’s shocking. The way a woman and her daughter were raped in front of the male members of the family is indeed traumatic.” at home and it does not suit anyone better than you in the current circumstances since this is happening in your home state, Gujarat, which you ruled for 12 years and which eventually propelled you to the position that you currently hold,” he added. Capt Amarinder said Modi wanted every Indian to celebrate the Independence Day ceremoniously. “That every Indian is already doing for the last 69 years and nobody needs to be reminded about that,” he said, while asking, “But, what about those who are feeling frightened and threatened like those Dalit boys of Gujarat, and with them many millions more.” Capt Amarinder told Modi either he was ignorant about what is happening inside the country or he was deliberately chose not to condemn the series of incidents of atrocities on Dalits “for the reasons best known to you...otherwise, how could one ignore such an important issue that has shaken the conscience of the nation that too in the recent past”. Congress Deputy Leader in the Lok Sabha said while the PM talked about innovating technology, he should also have talked about “innovating and liberating the sectarian and parochial mindsets which do not see fellow human beings as humans”. “Culture of innovation and entrepreneurship is good but what about the culture of tolerance and harmony which we seem to be losing fast thanks to your silence about the violence by vigilante groups who have unleashed a reign of terror on Dalits and minorities”, he told the PM while referring to his aim of building up “culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country”. ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A ith Maoists active in various districts of Odisha, W the State Government has approached the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to engage Special Police Officers (SPOs) in the trains passing through these districts. Some of the areas of Koraput, Sundargarh, Balangir, Bargarh, Nuapada, Jharsuguda, Rayagada, Kalahandi and some of the other Leftwing Extremist (LWE)-affected districts through which trains are moving need more protection due to threat of security of the Indian Railways. Considering that the Railway Protection Force (RPF) is not adequately equipped to face the Maoist menace, the State Government has sent a proposal to the MHA for engagement of SPOs in railways like in other States affected by Maoists. Recently, the MHA has approved a proposal of the Government of West Bengal to deploy SPOs in the interest of railway passengers and properties. Secondly, the services of the SPOs can be utilised for collection of intelligence as approved for the West Bengal General Railway Police (GRP), said sources. Many superfast and express trains are moving without escort services due to shortage of GRP personnel. More and more new trains are being introduced and there is little commensurate increase in GRP strength. There are approximately 250 trains plying daily in Odisha covering 1,701 km. There are hardly 900 GRP personnel to handle such a huge movement of railways. Recently, the Commandant General of Home Guards of the Odisha Government allotted 510 Home Guards to manage routine matters in railways. However, this arrangement is not adequate; so, an increase in the strength of GRP personnel and deployment of SPOs are needed looking at the threat perception on railways from the Maoists. Odisha needs strengthening of the GRP system and, accordingly, more GRP police stations and two more police districts for railways are needed, which requires sanction of the MHA, said sources. Escort parties are needed to be accommodated in AC compartments to sit near VIP travellers, said the sources. 5O\WUDFNVWXQLQWRGHDWKWUDSVLQ-KDUNKDQG !'STPcWb aTVXbcTaTSX] bTeT]\^]cWb ?=BQ 30;C>=60=9 he railway tracks between Barwadeeh railway juncT tion and Japla railway station under Dhanbad/ Moghulsarai divisions have earned a bad name. Under this stretch desperate peoples with problems of different kinds are choosing to jump-off on the tracks only to get run over by moving trains. Residents of Daltonganj have not forgotten as to how a renowned surgeon Mohan Prasad of this place was found dead on the railway tracks in Ranchi railway station in the early months of this year. Such deliberate getting run over has gone up in the first 7 months of this year in Palamu. Till July 30 this year 28 lives have been lost on the railway tracks between Barwadeeh railway junction and Japla railway station. This distance comes under Daltonganj GRP. There are more deaths on tracks beyond this Daltonganj GRP range that is between Barwadeeh railway junction and Japla railway station. Sources said most of the deaths are suicides. Some are deaths caused by hitting of the trains. Some are plain run over on account of terrible negligence on the part of the person negotiating the railway tracks. And the run over victims are those who have ear plugs, talking on cell phones or are over confident that their legs will be swifter than wheels etc. Station superintendent (SS) Daltonganj railway station AK Tiwary who joined as SS only this July 1 said, "I am just at my wits end as to why people come to the tracks to get themselves beheaded by train. Our railway traffic inspector A K Sinha has posted an appeal on his 'Facebook' asking people to keep safe from the railway tracks and not to lose life at all on the tracks." Traffic inspector AK Sinha said, "If the crew of the engine of a train spots any one on the railway track 800 meters away the crew hoots and hoots to warn the person to be away from the tracks but if the person is determined to lose life on the tracks the crew can not do any thing. Engine crew pays high respect to man and animal both and care for their lives but in situation where a person is hell bent to commit suicide the engine crew finds itself helpless." Emergency breaking is done but in extra ordinary situation and not where such a determined act is to be done by a person to get away from this world said Sinha then, "It will be difficult for us to run any train on the tracks." Out of 28 deaths, four have been reported in July, five in June, six in May, two in April, three in March, five in February and three in January during 2016 confirmed Sinha. All these deaths on the railway tracks have occurred or made to happen by the person in day time. Easing out in morning near railway tracks is one of the major causes of deaths on tracks. Brother of a news photographer recently died in such a condition on the tracks in Daltonganj. An angry husband got his head off on the track by a train in broad day light. Railway officials are mooting the idea to launch a drive across the villages lying near the railway lines against such losses of lives on the tracks. There are houses situated right across the railway lines and here the vulnerability to come under wheels of the trains is very high. 2´VPaWQTccX]VQXV^]QdX[SX]VUX[\_a^SdRcX^]X]UaP BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA he Chhattisgarh Government is now betting big on promoting film industry by planning to develop worldclass film production infrastructure in the State. On Saturday, Chief Minister Raman Singh met a delegation of Chhattisgarh Film industry artistes and technicians at his official residence here who expressed gratitude towards the Government recently deciding to form the 'Chhattisgarh State Film Development Corporation'. The delegation comprised Prakash Awasti, Rajesh Awasti, Ashish Shandre, Siddarth Rajput, Ravi Sahu, Pushpendra Singh, Alka Chandrakar, Anikruti Chauhan, Pushpanjali Sharma and several other artistes were also present. Notably, The Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA) has earmarked 46.49 hectares of land for developing a Film City, officials stated. On February 15 this year, 2B:DWR__Z_XT`^^f_R] From Page 1 “Whether you take India as idol or the cow…whether you call the land of disbelief and paganism a goddess…regardless of whom you choose to prostrate to, the Muslims’ forehead bow down in front of his Lord. Whatever the idol may be, it would be rejected,” he further said. “…You are over 350 million in India. You have the best land of India. Your localities are in every province of the country. Even if you come out carrying merely knives and swords 8QDSURWHVWHU From Page 1 Dalits present at the rally also pledged they would not remove carcasses lying on streets. They also demanded arm licences for self-defence in order to avoid Una like atrocities on them in future. Dalit leader and lawyer Jignesh Mevani demanded that culprits in the Una case should be punished under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. According to Mevani sweepers or Safai Kamdars working with local bodies should be given the benefits of sixth pay commission. Special courts must be set up for the speedy disposal of atrocity cases, he added. Though the rally was described as non-political by organisers, political tint was clearly visible during the protest. Mevani, who has 2WWPccXbVPaW5X[\X]SdbcahPacXbcTb\TTc2WXTU<X]XbcTaAP\P]BX]VW Chief Minister Raman Singh had held a discussion with noted film producer Subhash Ghai in Mumbai regarding scope of film production, setting up of a Film City and Film Institute in Chhattisgarh. It may be recalled that Naya Raipur is also among five other cities in the country chosen as ‘Demonstration Cities’ for the Centre’s ambitious Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP). The final five cities participating as 'Demonstration Cities' under SUTP are Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Mysore (Karnataka), Naya Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad (Maharashtra). ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Detailed project profiles were prepared by all cities with the assistance of the SUTP Consultants and then endorsed by the SUTP Steering Committee to be included to SUTP as ‘City Demonstration Projects’, officials stated. NRDA to cite an example is also going for an ‘Intelligent Rain Water Drainage System’ fixed with indicators to send alert before water logging or flood situation with option for automatic valve opening system, officials stated. It plans of developing a project comprising IT-enabled systems to manage a host of utilities using stateof-art technology. emerged as face of Dalit protest, is associated with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s political outfit Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Former IPS officer turned practicing lawyer Rahul Sharma had taken on the previous State Government lead by then Chief Minister Narendra Modi. He took early retirement a year back. Earlier this year the State Home Department had slapped on him a show-cause notice for departmental misconduct and keeping with him crucial CDs related to the 2002 Gujarat riot cases. Moreover, the presence of at least three local Muslim leaders at the rally was eyecatching. Meanwhile, the Samajik Samrasata Manch - an arm of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-has called a meeting at Una in which religious leaders will participate. 6DIGDUMXQJ+RVSLWDO From Page 1 By the time they reconcile to the fact that there may be a problem and get in touch with doctors the child is already five to six-years-old. While the surgery can be done at any age, doctors say it gives best results when conducted at an early age. Dr Tilak Raj Singh, Senior ENT Consultant, who conducted the surgery on the young ones said, “The younger the patient, the better the results. In other countries, before the birth of the baby doctors screen the foetus to know about its ENT status, which is lacking in India.” From now on, Safdarjung Hospital will screen the baby in the womb to know if there is any complication, said Dr Singh. Soon after the surgery, these kids undergo speech therapy and rehabilitation to help them respond positively to the sounds around them. “For those who haven’t heard anything since birth, it can be an overwhelming experience and it takes time to respond properly to sound. Within three to four months of the surgery the child starts to say a few words and by the time the child reaches five years of age, he/she starts to speak and hear fully and can live a normal life. Therefore, speech therapy counseling is given to them. Family support is most important,” said Dr Abhay Kumar Singh, ENT Consultant, Safdarjung Hospital. As per World Health Organisation data about 60 million people in India are suffering from hearing disorder and need cochlear implant surgery. 2WX]TbT?;0 RPaaXTS^dc From Page 1 The information about the flight was shared during exchanges with foreign intelligence agencies, the sources said. At least 20 to 25 Chinese troops had entered into the demilitarised area in Barahoti pastures in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand earlier this month, besides flying its helicopters in the Indian air space for over five minutes. The sources said that an T then -- history bears witness - Hindus cannot withstand you… They (Hindus) only satisfy you with their mouths... issuing statements… by claiming that India is a secular state... by deceiving you through the Constitution...Its Constitution grants equal rights to all. If a Muslim is caught slaughtering a cow, he is executed biblically; but for slaughtering Muslims, Modi is rewarded with reign of Delhi. Those are equal rights. In its Constitution, beasts are more valuable than Muslims.” Indian civilian team was sent back by Chinese PLA troops, who claimed it to be their land and recognised it as ‘WuJe’. A Chinese helicopter hovered over the ground for nearly five minutes before returning to its side. It was apprehended that it could have carried out aerial photography of the area during its reconnaissance mission. The chopper was identified as Zhiba series of attack helicopter of the PLA. ?`hA`\V^`_8` From Page 1 Two weeks ago, police in New Hampshire did the same but with a Charizard — another sought after Pokemon. While it is unlikely any of the “lucky” few named in either post will actually come forward, police have actually already caught one criminal thanks to Pokemon Go. A man in Detroit cycled to his local police station, which was also a gym in the game, to play. Unfortunately for him, police officers recognised him as someone with an arrest warrant. ³8FX[[BdaeXeT´ °0]T\^cX^]P[caXQdcTc^D´ZWP]S´bf^\T] 90B:8A0=27>?A0Q 347A03D= enu Sanon is a doctor who has spent a long time residV ing in Mussoorie and working among the hill folks. She is also a great poet and writes soulsearching verse. Over the years, she has proved that medicine and poetry can be wondrously woven into one’s life and can spread happiness among others. “I Will Survive”, her latest collection of poems , bears testimony to this. It is a unique lyrical tribute to the indomitable spirit of the rural hill women of Garhwal. Through her songs in English, Dr.Venu Sanon has captured the finer and lesser known facts of these womens’ lives and in an equally beautiful manner ,Dr.Sunil Sanon (Venu’s hus- band) has translated these touching poems into Hindi. This has made this volume of verse indeed splendid. In his foreword to this poetry collection, S.S.Sandhu writes “The essence of Venu’s poems has been remarkably translated into Hindi verse by Dr.Sunil Sanon ,who in his own right, has dedicated his life time to serve the people of Uttarakhand ….He has sensitively and intuitively put Venu’s thoughts into words ,for they have both walked down the same path of service and love.” He could not have put it in a better way. It is the shared journey of this doctor couple living in the hill region that has made this work possible. Their deep insight into the lives of the hill people ,developed slowly and over long years, has made Dr.Venu Sanon express her feelings about them in such exquisite poetry.Various activities in which these women are engaged in different seasons of the year have been captured in Venu’s verse. The time of the kaphal , the exquisite little red fruit of the hills,the phase of the ‘the harvest of peas”, the ripening of walnuts, grazing the sheep. In the poem titled “Friends”, Dr.Venu describes the dreams of the young hill girls who are walking along their grazing goats , One addresses the other , her friend, and says “ our goats graze contented ,the sun still waits to set ,Don’t go as yet, sister!...This fair that you went to ,on that distant mountain there ,What all did you see? Tell me fast! ….were there merchants with calico ,the colours of spring?And glass bangles in baskets ,our feminine hearts to win ?Balloon sellers , snake charmers , henna packets for sale …Tell me about it sister ! Stay awhile”. This has been translated aptly by Dr. Sunil Sanon as “ Char chuki’n bakriyan chhak kar, sooraj abhi chhipa nahin..behan ruk ja ,ghar na ja…bata mujhe ,door uss pahad ke mele mein,toone kya dekha?bata toh zara..basant ke mele mein ,Holi ke rang liye ,kaise who saudagr thhee /Tokriyon mein saji rangeen churian kya iss mele mein milti thhi?Bikte the kya gubbaare aur mehndi ke packet ?Ruk ja behan batakar ja..kya sapera bhi aaya thha?” Dr Venu Sanon’s poetry has great depth and breadth of vision. It appeals to the heart as well as the mind.The sorrows and joys , the pain and struggle of these hill women has been a part of the life of the Sanon’s.They have been closely linked to it while watching the day to day life of their patients and others.Many a rural hill woman may have shared her woes with them.Deep philosophy resides at the heart of these poems ,19 in all. The concluding poem “I Will Survive” tells us the story of a girl child, who is the sixth girl born to her parents, “the sixth in succession –a row of unwanted chances at life..we were destined to be born ..scouring, mopping ,washing ;simple strength fanning the glowing embers of life…and then hope whispered “This too shall pass..” It was enough for me to survive”. The courage and resilience of these women, young and old, could not have been described better. In the preface to the book, Venu writes,” This book is a tribute to the women of Garhwal ,the unknown mothers who for centuries have kept the forests preserved ,the fields green, the waters cascading and the culture salutations to this Shakti!” Venu’s poetry on the hill women is a must read for all those who value poetry and appreciate the strength of the sturdy women of the Garhwal hills. It is a tribute that has been written from the heart and from the soul. Dr.sunil Sanon’s Hindi translation has enriched the work greatly.Altogether, an inspiring creation. ]PcX^]$ 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % <0==:8100C µFD6E649?@=@8JE@D@=G6AC@3=6>D¶ 2^d]cahbW^d[SRT[TQaPcTcWT &$cWP]]XeTabPah^U@dXc8]SXP <^eT\T]c^]0dV'bPhb<^SX ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 rime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday urged the P young generation for invention and use of technological solutions in daily life problems. In his monthly radio talk — ‘Mann Ki Baat’, Modi also asked doctors in private sector to devote time on maternity related issues. During the 34-minute broadcast, Prime Minister also talked about a number of other subjects, including the Indian participation in the Rio Olympics, upcoming Independence day celebrations, his recent visit to South Africa and passage of a Bill by Parliament that will unlock over C40,000 crore to States for afforestation. “India is going through many problems. We encounter problems in daily life. Now, we will have to look for technological solutions,” Modi said. Exhorting youth to go for research to find technological solutions to such problems, Modi referred to the ‘Atal Innovation Mission’ (AIM) through which the Government intends to create an ecosystem of innovation, experiment and entrepreneurship and generate jobs. “If we have to prepare next generation innovators, we will have to connect our children with the AIM. That is why, the Central Government has taken the initiative of Atal Tinkering Labs,” he said. Whichever school establishes these labs, it will get C10 lakh and an equal amount for maintenance of these labs for five years, the Prime Minister said. Noting that innovation is directly linked to ‘Incubation Centre’, he said under the Atal Incubation Centre programme, the Government plans to earmark a “big amount” of C10 crore. Inviting youth to do research and invent solutions through technology to the problems they see, the Prime Minister referred to the ‘Atal Grand Challenges’ and said, “the Government of India wants to reward technology that is developed to address our problems.” Talking about health sce- nario, PM urged gynaecologists, who do not work in Government hospitals, to devote one day for this purpose, saying lakhs of such doctors are required. Talking about the floods that have hit some parts of the country, Modi said, “sometime back, we were concerned about drought but now we are enjoying the rains and there are reports about floods. The State Governments and the Centre are working closely, making all efforts to help the flood-affected people.” He began his programme with reference to the Rio Olympics and asked people to create a campaign to encourage India’s participants in this mega sporting event. Underlining that participation in the games is more important than winning of losing, he asked the countrymen to extend their wishes to the Indian participants. “For transmitting your messages of good wishes, the Prime Minster of the country is ready to become a postman,” he said. Turning to the upcoming 70th Independence Day celebrations, Modi said the country should also celebrate the 75th anniversary of Quit India Movement on August 8. He asked the countrymen to celebrate these events like a festival by creating an atmosphere of nationalism. “This should not remain a Government function but a celebration of the countrymen. Like a Diwali, it should be our own festival,” he said hoping that people will send pictures filled with nationalism to his App. Prime Minister invited suggestions from the people for inclusion in his speech. “You may be having something which you would want to be told to the nation from the Red Fort. “I invite you to write to me whatever feelings you have, what you feel that as your representative, as your ‘pradhan sevak’, I should say from the Red Fort... Give suggestions, give advice, give new ideas. I will try to convey those to all the countrymen...,” the Prime Minister said. 6BC1X[[c^R[TPaD__Ta ³0PSWPPaaT`dXaTSU^a ^][X]TSadV_daRWPbT´ 7^dbT]TgcfTTZ. ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ope fly high that the crucial GST Constitutional H Amendment Bill could be taken up this week, but the Government has not listed the Bill in Rajya Sabha for Monday or Tuesday indicating that some contentious issues between the Centre and Opposition Congress remains to be addressed. Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Anand Sharma told The Pioneer that barring an unexpected hitch, it is a done deal next week. “The Bill will in all likelihood will clear the Upper House,” Sharma said. A senior Cabinet Minister confirmed that the talks between the Government and the Congress were progressing in the right direction. The Bill, approved by the Lok Sabha in May 2015, got stuck in the Rajya Sabha, where the ruling BJP does not have a majority. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Friday, in a state- ment on Government business in Rajya Sabha, had said the GST Bill will be taken up for consideration and passage beginning the week August 1. A Government source said that Bill will be listed for consideration in the Upper House anytime this week but before Thursday. The Centre claimed to end the stalemate after no less than seven rounds of discussions. The Congress gave up its demand for including in the Constitution a cap of 18 per cent on the GST rate and the Government agreed to address its concerns for an independent mechanism for dispute resolution. Ahead of Rajya Sabha considering the biggest indirect tax reform measure since independence, the Government has met a key Opposition demand of scrapping 1 per cent additional tax on inter-state movement of goods. It has also agreed to compensate States for any revenue losses for five years. Sharma said that the Congress is no longer insisting on 18 per cent as the GST rate at this stage as the rates will be determined eventually by the proposed GST Council. The second Congress demand was for an independent dispute resolution mechanism headed by a High Court judge, and not the GST Council proposed by the Centre. Sharma said the Government gave a commitment to strengthen the Bill’s provision on the Council. In Bengaluru, Home Minister Rajnath Singh expressed confidence over getting the long-pending GST Bill passed in Parliament. “We are getting constitution amended for GST on which discussions have been on since long...Since Congress’ time. I am confident that we will do those amendments and pass the GST,” Singh said. “Due to lot of structural and procedural changes that we have brought in and due to foreign direct investments, also by integrating certain new things to our economic system we can proudly say that India is today the fastest growing economy in the world,” he said on the sidelines of a function. ?=B Q =Tf3T[WX WT3adV2^]ca^[[Ta6T]TaP[^U8]SXP3268d]STacWTD]X^] C7TP[cW<X]XbcahXb_[P]]X]Vc^\PZTXc\P]SPc^ahU^acWT QdhTabc^_a^eXSTSTcPX[b[XZT0PSWPPa]d\QTaU^a^][X]T _daRWPbT^USadVbCWT\^eTPX\bc^RdaQ\XbdbTP]ST]bdaT bPUTch^USadVbQTX]Vb^[ScWa^dVW_^acP[b °FXcWcWTPSeT]c^UT_WPa\PRhcWTaTXbP]TTSc^P\T]ScWT 3adVbP]S2^b\TcXRb0Rc (#PbXcS^Tb]^cSXUUTaT]cXPcT QTcfTT]^UU[X]TP]S^][X]T_WPa\PRXTbCWT6^eTa]\T]cXb bTXiTS^UcWTXbbdTP]SXbf^aZX]Vc^fPaSbP\T]SX]VcWT TgXbcX]V[Pfc^STeT[^_PUaP\Tf^aZfWTaTcWTR^]bd\TabPaT QT]TUXccTS±bPXS:10VVPafP[0SSXcX^]P[BTRaTcPah5^^SP]S 3adVb7TP[cW<X]Xbcah 7TPSSTScWPc[X]ZX]VP_Tab^]³b0PSWPa]d\QTafXcWT_WPa\PRh f^d[ST]bdaTR^aaTRc]Tbb^U_Tab^]bTTZX]V\TSXRX]Tb 0VVPafP[fPbb_TPZX]VPcP]TeT]cPUcTa[Pd]RWX]VPaT_^acPcP bTbbX^]^]²4_WPa\PRhX]8]SXP¯ ;Pbc<X[T0RRTbb^U <TSXRX]Tb³^aVP]XbTSQh58228aTRT]c[h 0UTf\^]cWbQPRZcWT<X]XbcahWPScT\_^aPaX[hQP]]TSbP[T ^USadVb^][X]TX]eXTf^UR^\_[PX]cb^UX[[TVP[PRcXeXcXTbcWa^dVW cWTbhbcT\7^fTeTafXcW^][X]T_^acP[bR^\X]VWP]ShU^aP bTRcX^]^UdbTab[XZTT[STabP]SSXbPQ[TScWT3268WPSbTcd_P _P]T[c^bdVVTbcfPhbc^_[dVVP_bX]cWT^][X]TbP[T^USadVb 0VVPafP[PVaTTScWPcT_WPa\PRhf^d[SP[[^fTPbhPePX[PQX[Xch ^USadVbPcP[[W^dab7^fTeTacWTaTfTaTR^]RTa]bfXcW aTb_TRcc^[TVXcX\PRh^UT_WPa\PRXTb_PcXT]cb³bPUTchP]S _aXePRh\XbdbT^UT_WPa\PRhP]SPSeTabTTUUTRc^]aTcPX[Tab QdbX]Tbb7TbPXScWPccWTaTfPbP]TTSc^RaTPcTT_WPa\PRh VdXST[X]TbfWXRWP[[^f_a^_TacaPRZX]V^UbP[Tb^USadVb PdcWT]cXRXch^U^][X]T_WPa\PRXbcbP]S_aTbRaX_cX^]bSTcPX[b^U _PcXT]cbcWTaTQhWT[_X]VX]aTSdRX]VSadVPQdbTP]S R^d]cTaUTXcX]V 6A0?4E8=4 -XVWLFHIRU-. hief Justice of India TS Thakur has brought the focus on Jammu & Kashmir as never C before. Belonging to the State, Justice Thakur has taken the State head on by his recent decision to allow civil and criminal cases to be transferred in and out of the Jammu & Kashmir despite an existing law to the contrary. Another instance came when a Bench headed by the CJI issued notice to the State Government on a PIL questioning the practice of doling out minority benefits to Muslims who constitute a majority in the State. The CJI also ordered a status report on the curfew imposed in Kashmir Valley to ensure citizens are not made to suffer in any way. 8QLWHGLQFKLFNHQ easting on eggs and chicken came handy as a qualification for F law officers in the Supreme Court to appear in a PIL for improving the health and hygiene of egg-laying hens. When the Court sent for a law officer representing the Centre, the CJI TS Thakur asked the petitioner’s counsel KK Venugopal, “Whom do you want, a vegetarian or a non vegetarian law officer”. Venugopal said, “I am a strict non vegetarian”. It so happened that for the Centre, too, a strict non-vegetarian Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Maninder Singh appeared. The Bench remarked, “What concern can we expect from vegetarians as this issue concerns non-vegetarians more”. 8QFDQQ\IHOLQHSDVVLRQ n Indian Forest Officer from AService Uttarakhand cadre, TR Bijulal, created waves on the Global Tiger Day (July 29) with his tale of saving the big c a t s . Bijulal, who is DFO Nainital, released his “Mission Tiger” on the occasion. And guess what his Mission was all about? It was a full length feature film penned by the officer himself. The story is based on his real life experiences as a forest officer and his tryst with tigers in the process. “My film is a tribute to this charismatic species, aimed at spreading awareness for its conservation,” he says. 8R^]XRP]SRWPaXb\PcXR fX[S[XUTb_TRXTbd]STa cWaTPc^UTgcX]RcX^] <>DB7D<810BDQ =4F 34;78 any of our iconic and charismatic wild life M species are now threatened with extinction. As per a latest study, nearly 59 per cent of the world’s biggest mammalian carnivore animals and 60 per cent of the largest herbivores, are now listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species. The study titled “Saving the World’s Terrestrial Megafauna”, written by 43 wildlife experts from six continents appears in the latest edition of BioScience published by American Institute Of Biological Sciences. It covers a gamut of species from the from the not so known — the scimitar-horned oryx, to more familiar species including tigers, lions, gorillas and rhinoceroses. (Mega fauna refer to large terrestrial carnivores, exceeding 15 kilograms and large herbivores of more than 100 kilograms). The Conservation biologists called for a worldwide strategy to prevent their extinction citing threats like hunting, habitat loss and population growth as causes behind their imminent extinction. For the Indian co-author of the study, Varun R Goswami, human-wildlife conflict is a serious existing threat for many species. “With simultaneous loss of wildlife habitat and expansion of human populations and agriculture, negative interactions between people and wildlife are bound to rise.” For wide-ranging mega fauna like elephants and tigers, we need landscape-scale con- servation strategies, taking into account the increasing interface between wildlife and people, he adds. Goswami is also the Senior Scientific Consultant, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), India Program. These large species under threat play critical roles in their respective ecosystems providing a suite of vital ecosystem services as ecological engineers, dispersing seeds and nutrients across vast areas, he adds. Dr Elizabeth Bennett, Vice President of Species Conservation in WCS and another co-author on the study says, “Perhaps the biggest threat for many species is direct hunting driven by a demand for meat, pets, and body parts for traditional medicines and ornaments.” The study further points out that certain megafauna face the threat of obscurity. The loss of elephants worldwide to poachers in pursuit of ivory is well-known and is the focus of extensive efforts to shut down this trade, but many species are at risk from many similar threats but are so poorly known that effective conservation efforts to save them are difficult. The paper includes a 13part declaration that highlights the need to acknowledge the threatened status of many large mammals and the vital ecological roles they play. The declaration also cites the importance of integrating the efforts of scientists and funding agencies in developing countries where many species occur; the need for a new global framework to conserve megafauna; and the moral obligation of saving the world’s biggest mammal species. )LVWLFXIIVRYHUZKDW" peculations are rife over the Sfisticuffs between DMK MP Tiruchi Siva (62) and AIADMK MP Sasikala Pushpa (40) on Saturday at Delhi airport. The MPs from rival parties were close friends, Recently their “close” photos also appeared in public domain. A Google search of both MPs’ names will reveal their close friendship. Grapevine has it that the friendly photos of them were recently leaked by certain staffers of Siva, leading to Pushpa’s anger. ´7DONVDUH RQ«µ sked about the time frame A for the constitution of the much delayed new team of BJP president Amit Shah, a Union Minister said “talks are on”. To this a scribe retorted, “This is turning like a GST Bill with consensus eluding most of the time”. )HZWDNHUV ith 18 out of the 26 Cabinet members yet to adopt any village in the second phase W of the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY), the Government has planned a novel way to improved the adoption rate. The Government will now come out with a progress report on the scheme next month to identify the “culprits”. The scheme which was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in October 2014 has now entered its second phase and the last date for selection of the village was January 31. All 795 MPs, including 543 from Lok Sabha and 252 from Rajya Sabha, must develop 3 villages each by 2019. 2OGZLQHROGERWWOH he reappointment of AK Mital as Chairman Railway Board (CRB) for a period of two T years came as big relief for Railway Ministry. Amid speculations that someone from outside the railway ambit could also be appointed to the coveted post, some aspirants for the CRB post had gone planting stories threatening resignation if any “outsider” is appointed. While names of several senior railway officers including that of CMD Air India Ashwani Lohani were doing the rounds, the PMO scotched all the gossips with an unexpected re-appointment of Mital. An officer of Indian Railway Store Service, Mital had sought extension claiming he was supervising several important projects including Bullet Train and High Speeds Corridors. 4`_XcVddReeRT\d ARccZ\Rc`gVcYZd cV^Rc\`_2R^Zc 0a\h2WXTU3P[QXaBX]VW_PhX]VcaXQdcTb c^cf^0a\hYPfP]bBT_^hEXbWP[ 2WPdSWPahP]SBT_^h1PQ[^^PUcTacWTXa \^acP[aT\PX]bfTaTQa^dVWcPc05B ?P[P\X]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPhCWTcf^ YPfP]bfTaTZX[[TSX]P]T]R^d]cTafXcW cWT\X[XcP]cbX]=^fVP\bTRc^aP[^]V cWT;X]T^U2^]ca^[X]9P\\dP]S :PbW\Xa´b:d_fPaPSXbcaXRc ?C8 BD?A4<42>DACEBBD?A4<42>DAC 0_TgR^dacX]cP]V[T^eTa³bT]X^a´PSe^RPcTcPV 01A070<C7><0BQ =4F34;78 a classic case of Supreme versus Supreme Court. IInt’sCourt a matter relating to designation as senior advocates, a Bench headed by Chief Justice of India TS Thakur, which is hearing a PIL on the same issue, received an affidavit on behalf of the Supreme Court Registrar telling him to stay off the matter as designation of seniors is an administrative matter over which the judges cannot sit in review. The affidavit has created an interesting situation for the CJI who will have to decide whether he needs to go with the petitioners before him or the institution which he heads. The petitioner in this case, senior advocate Indira Jaising too has not taken this affidavit kindly as she intends to file a counter response to know at whose instruction such a response was filed in the case. The affidavit filed by Nisha Bhardwaj, Registrar of the Supreme Court of India said, “The decision o the Full Court of the Supreme Court to confer or not to confer senior designation on any Advocate is a decision taken on the administrative side of this Court and, therefore, cannot be a subject matter of judicial review”. Since February 11, 2014, the full strength of the Supreme Court judges decides who is to be made a Senior Advocate by a secret ballot. Jaising’s petition wanted to bring transparency into this system after she raised doubts over certain recent designations where lawyers who had no standing at the bar made it to the list of Senior Advocates while others who were professionally competent and enjoyed good reputation at the Bar lost out in the race. Realising the seriousness of the matter, the Court even sought assistance of the Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi on behalf of the Centre and Supreme Court Bar Association President Dushyant Dave. In the past, the A-G after consulting the Bar representatives proposed suggestions to ensure that the process of choosing a Senior Advocate does not attract suspicion. The affidavit by the Supreme Court also dismissed the apprehensions of the petitioner on recent designations as “hearsay” and in “bad taste”. Normally, Courts on the judicial side would not interfere or probe into the merits of exercise of discretion by an author- ity or institution as it is not a forum to hear appeals from the decisions of the authority,” said the affidavit. As per Section 16(2) of the Advocates Act 1961, both Supreme Court and High Courts have administrative powers to designate Senior Advocates. But the process adopted by Courts can differ. For instance, High Courts of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Allahabad employ secret ballot similar to Supreme Court. Even a judge can propose a candidate. But in order for the candidate to be selected it must be certified by four other judges before being put to vote before the Full Bench. Selection is based on professional integrity, competence, and reputation at the bar and preferably having 20 years standing in the profession. B0HB78B9>18BC>?A>C42C8=380 5A><4GC4A=0;066A4BB>AB ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q Dfc[VhR]RR]]VXVU =4F34;78 eYReARccZ\RcYRd ongress on Sunday ³f_\_`hZ_X]j´ attacked Defence Minister Via`dVUeYV Manohar Parrikar over his jibe against actor Aamir Khan, T`_daZcRTjeYc`fXY accusing BJP and RSS of “conhYZTY3;AaV`a]V certed conspiracy” to hound Dalits, minorities, writers, eRcXVeVUeYV`_]Z_V actors and whoever dissents T`^aR_jS``\VU against the Narendra Modi `cUVcdR_UTR_TV]]VU Government. “Shameful that eYV^Z_afcdfR_TV`W @manoharparrikar threatens RT`_daZcRTje` ‘teaching a lesson’ to ‘actors’, instead of training his guns V_dfcVeYRe2R^Zc elsewhere,” Congress <YR_hRdcV^`gVURd spokesperson Randeep S Surjewala said in a statement. ZedScR_UR^SRddRU`c C Congress said it was a “shocking revelation” by Parrikar and showed that BJP and RSS supporters actively disrupted and sabotaged an online trading company on Aamir Khan issue. “Scandalous,” he tweeted questioning whether Parrikar’s job is to protect India from external aggressors like Pakistan or threaten fellow countrymen. “@manoharparrikar’s statement proves a concerted conspiracy to curb all dissent, hound Dalits & Minorities. Can this be the ‘Raj Dharma’?,” he tweeted. Surjewala alleged that Parrikar has “unknowingly” exposed the conspiracy through which BJP people targeted the online company, booked orders and cancelled in pursuance of a conspiracy to ensure that Aamir Khan was removed as its brand ambassador. He said the incident “now established that there is a concerted conspiracy against poor, the Dalits, the minorities, artists, actors and anybody who dissents against Modi Government”. Parrikar had reportedly said anyone speaking against the country must be “taught a lesson” and had referred to alleged anti-national sloganeering at JNU earlier this year and remarks by an “actor” who “had said that his wife wants to live out of India”. Aamir Khan had last year spoken about a “sense of insecurity” resulting from increasing intolerance in the country, and mentioned his wife Kiran Rao’s apprehensions about the future of their child in India. According to Parrikar, when the actor made the statement last year, many people had protested against his remark and even uninstalled the mobile application of an online shopping site he was associated with, while the firm had also pulled out the advertisement featuring him. ]PcX^]% 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % DeRjZ_XZ_?52E5Ae`deVafaWZXYeW`cdaVTZR]deRefde`2A ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 he Telugu Desam Party, an ally of the BJP, has rejected the Centre’s stand that the Special Category Status cannot be granted to Andhra Pradesh but decided to remain a part of the National Democratic Alliance. The decision was taken at an emergency meeting of TDP MPs and senior party leaders in Vijayawada on Sunday, chaired by the party’s national president and AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu. The meeting decided to mount the pressure on Narendra Modi-led NDA Government to make it fulfil all the promises made in the AP State Reorganisation Act. Terming the Special Category Status “a life and death issue for the State”, Naidu said that that TDP will never compromise on the interest of the State. The meeting was called in the backdrop of mounting pressure from a united Opposition, which has called for a Statewide strike on Tuesday to protest against Centre’s stand. After the meeting, Chandrababu told the media that the people were disappointed and unhappy with the stand of the Centre. However, he said, that the TDP would remain part of the alliance. “The meeting decided that the party will abide by the alliance Dharma”, he said adding that he will soon meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “We will decided our future course of action depending upon his response,” Naidu said. “We will tell the Prime Minister where Andhra Pradesh stands today compared to the neighbouring States,” Naidu said. Naidu said that the stand taken by Finance Minister Arun Jaitely on the demand for special category status was “unacceptable” for the TDP. “As a party which supported the bifurcation of the State, don’t T ● CWT_T^_[TfTaTSXbP__^X]cTSP]Sd]WP__hfXcWcWTbcP]S^U cWT2T]caT7^fTeTaC3?f^d[SaT\PX]_Pac^UcWTP[[XP]RT ● BcP]ScPZT]QhcWT5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa0ad]9PXcT[h^]cWT ST\P]SU^ab_TRXP[RPcTV^ahbcPcdbfPb°d]PRRT_cPQ[T±U^a cWTC3? :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 ven as the week-long standoff between the Dalits and E caste Hindus at Vedaranyam in Nagapattinam district over holding of the annual festival in the Sree Bhadrakali Amman Koil Temple continued unabated, the district administration late Saturday night declared that the festival which was to begin on August 8 has been cancelled. “In order to maintain law and order in the area, the district administration has decided to cancel the Bhadrakali Amman Temple festival. Let the issue be sorted out by the Court,” S Palanisamy, district collector, Nagapattinam told the media after the three-hour long peace meeting convened by Tamil Nadu Minister OS Manian failed to sort out the issue. “We told the authorities that if we are denied the right to conduct a day’s festival, the 200 Dalit families in the village would embrace Islam. There is no meaning in continuing to suffer the humiliation and discrimination by the caste Hindus,” said Ramani, a local Dalit leader who took part in the peace meeting. The impasse arose following the stance of the caste Hindus that the Dalits would not be allowed to hold a day’s festival during the annual temple festival. Though Rama Ravi Kumar, general secretary of Hindu Makkal Katchi, a political outfit, has been camping at Vedaranyam since the news broke out, he could not make much leeway in his discussions with the Dalit leaders. “A solution is possible and we are working for it. A meeting between leaders of the communities have been convened fro Sunday evening and we are confident of resolving the differences. The officials have not been helpful,” said Ravi Kumar. ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 ● CWTB2B°P[XUTP]SSTPcWXbbdTU^acWTBcPcT±C3?fX[[]TeTa R^\_a^\XbT^]cWTX]cTaTbc^UcWTBcPcT you have a responsibility to rescue the State,” he asked the BJP. Naidu reminded the Centre that the people of Andhra Pradesh had come out on the streets to oppose the bifurcation. “Due to the bifurcation, Andhra Pradesh has suffered injustice and humiliation,” he added. The fresh crisis, putting a question mark on the future of TDP-BJP alliance was sparked off last week after a Private Member Bill moved by the Congress member in the Rajya Sabha KVP Ramachandra Rao forced a discussion on the demand of special category status for Andhra Pradesh following the bifurcation of the State. In reply to the debate, Jaitley categorically rejected the demand of SCS citing the 14th Finance Commission recommendations. But offered all possible help in stabilising AP economy. “The SCS issue has nothing to do with the 14th Finance Commission,” Naidu said, adding that future of the State depends on the special status. Naidu said that in his meeting with the Prime Minister, he would raise the issue of injustices with AP during last two years, fulfilling the promises made in the State Reorganisation Act and the SCS. He reminded the BJP that its own leaders were in the forefront in demanding special status for AP during the debate in Parliament over Andhra Pradesh bifurcation and even Representatives of Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamat, who rushed to the village following SOS messages sent by the Dalits, said they would stand by the latter in any emergencies. “Though they wanted to convert to Islam, we restrained them from taking hasty decision and asked them to learn the basics of Islam before taking any drastic action,” said Mohammed Yousuf Shamsu Lluha, president, managing committee, TNTJ. He said six families have been already converted to Islam while others are undergoing crash lessons in Quran. In a related development, Mannargudi Shendalangaara Sampathkumara Ramanuja Jeeyar, head of the Ramanuja Jeeyar Mutt, a Vaishnavite organisation, had made a sporting offer to the Dalit families. “We will convert all the Dalits into Sree Vaishnavism, which will elevate them to the apex position in caste hierarchy. Once they are converted into Sree Vaishnavites, they have to live by the laws formulated by Ramanujacharya, the first person in the country who stood against casteism and untouchability,” said the Mutt head. The Dalit unrest is spreading to other places in Tamil Nadu. Saturday saw Dalits staging a march to Draupadi Amman Koil in Villupuram district following the refusal of caste Hindus to the Dalits to stage the temple festival. The temple has been locked for the time being. Independent observers are of the view that the discontentment among the Dalits is because of one-up-man ship played between Hindu Munnani and Hindu Makkal Katchi, organisations which are loggerheads at each other. The BJP, for its part, has asked the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa to take immediate action to resolve the Dalit issue. Interestingly, the intelligence wing, said it was yet to find out the real forces behind the agitation though it is reported that VCK, the Dalit outfit is spearheading the agitation. stalled the proceedings to press their demand. “When the Congress Government offered special status for five years, the BJP demanded it for 10 years. Now they have their own Government at the Centre and we are asking them to fulfil their promise,” Naidu added. Naidu said that the five crore people of Andhra Pradesh had supported the BJP to come to power at the Centre in the hope that they will undo the damage done by the Congress. “But during last two years the Centre continuously ignored their sufferings”. Criticising Opposition’s call for strike on August 2, Naidu said that some parties were trying to mislead the people and create law and order problems. “Instead of Andhra Pradesh, they should agitate in New Delhi to bring pressure on the Centre,” Naidu said. He urged the Opposition parties to adopt novel methods of protest like cleaning the roads and working harder instead of causing difficulties to the common people by calling bandh. Even several other TDP leaders including three MPs have come out with strong worded statements against the BJP saying, “breaking ties was a matter of minutes”. TDP MP from Vijayawada K Srinivas said, “If withdrawing from the Union Government helps the cause of the State, we are ready for it. What is going to happen if we lose two Ministers’ post in the its ally the BJP or the NDA Government at this stage. There are numerous factors weighing with the national TDP president and AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu to keep sailing in Modi boat. Top of the list is the fact that Naidu has no bargaining chip as the BJP enjoys a comfortable majority on its own in the Lok Sabha and has many other allies to support. “It is true that the TDP withdrawing support is not going to make any difference and the Government is not going to collapse”, admitted a senior party leader. Secondly Naidu needs a friendly Government at the Centre as SCS was not the only issue facing his Government. He needs the backing of the Centre on various other fronts ranging from the construction of the new capital Amaravati and the mega irrigation project in Polavaram which has been accorded a national status. AP was also facing a yawning revenue gap after the bifurcation in 2014 and need generous helping hand from the Centre till its economy gets stabilised. On the political front, Naidu regime can face a lot of difficulties if the BJP turns hostile and hits the road while the other Opposition parties were already breathing down his neck. While the TDP leaders were unwilling to come on record with regards to the future course of action, many of them privately confided that the time was not ripe for any drastic decision. “There is a lot of time for the next elections and we can take a decision to end the ties anytime before the next elections”, one of them said. “Breaking ties wit the BJP has become inevitable. But the final decision rests with Chandrababu”, said TDP MP JC Diwakar Reddy. Minister Arun Jaitely. It has given a big stick to the Opposition parties, special Naidu’s bête noire YS Jaganmohan Reddy forcing the TDP to toughen its own act. The most dramatic fall out of the latest turn of events and the spat between the TDP and its ally the BJP was that the Congress has got a fresh opening to return to the political stage in AP. The party has been able to send a clear message that it was working hard to get the promise of SCS fulfilled and forcing the NDA Government to keep the promise. While the TDP was trying its best to lay the blame at Congress’ door by recalling that it was Congress-led UPA, which had bifurcated the State, other parties — including the YSRCP — have started pointing out that the UPA Government had sent a draft Ordinance to the President to give SCS to Andhra Pradesh among other sops but it could not be promulgated as the general elections were announced. The Congress leadership was trying to take credit by pointing out that it was Congress MP KVP Ramachandra Rao who brought pressure on Modi Government by moving a Private Bill in the House. Observers feel that the current crisis can help the party resurrect itself after it was wiped out totally in 2014 polls. ume and fret it might but the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) F is unlikely to break the ties with ● 8]WXb\TTcX]VfXcWcWT?aX\T<X]XbcTaWTf^d[SaPXbTcWT XbbdT^UX]YdbcXRTbfXcW0?SdaX]V[Pbccf^hTPabUd[UX[[X]VcWT _a^\XbTb\PSTX]cWTBcPcTAT^aVP]XbPcX^]0RcP]ScWTB2B CT\_[TUTbcXeP[)3P[Xcb PSP\P]cPbPVXcPcX^] b_aTPSbX]CP\X[=PSd 5TbcXeP[bd__^bTS c^QTVX]Ua^\ 0dVdbc'WPb QTT]RP]RT[[TS FWhC3?RP]]^cQaTPZ 0?19?[TPSTab\PX]cPX]bcdSXTS cXTbfXcW19?Pc2T]caT bX[T]RTPc0\XcBWPWbQTWTbc =083DB?40: Union Cabinet.” Rajahmahendravaram MP Murli Mohan, a close confidante of Naidu was more forthright. “I am ready to sacrifice my Lok Sabha seat and resign in the interest of the State”. TDP MP from Anantapur JC Diwakar Reddy has gone to the extent of saying Naidu was the “main foe” of Narendra Modi. Expressing resentment over Centre’s refusal on SCS, he said, “in present circumstance it is not correct policy to continue ties with the BJP,” he said. TDP MLC Budda Venkanna said that breaking relations with the BJP will be better for the TDP. “Modi has a grudge against Naidu because latter had criticised Modi’s handling of post Godhra riots”, he said. Since 2014 the TDP was an ally of the BJP in Andhra Pradesh and is also part of the NDA Government with its two Ministers in the Modi Cabinet. While P Ashok Gajapati Raju is the Minister for Civil Vviation, SY Chowdary is junior Minister for Science and Technology. However, for the first time the party and its MPs have started talking tough and dropping hints that withdrawal from the coalition was not ruled out over the special category status. Though even earlier several Ministers of Modi Government said no to SCS to Andhra Pradesh, this time the uproar has been unprecedented as the rejection of the demand has come so clearly from no less a person than the Finance 6WXG\ILUVWSD\ODWHU,,7. V QHZZD\WRUDLVHIXQGV ?C8Q :70A06?DAF1 aced with budgetary cuts from the Central Government, IIT Kharagpur F has found a new way to raise funds through a “Learn-Earn-Return Fund” scheme, where students will get a fee waiver if they pledge to donate money after getting a job. Launched from this new academic session, the scheme will help students to learn without burden and shape their career to earn and give back to their alma mater. “We have asked the students to give a minimum of C10,000 per year after they get jobs. Even if 30,000 of our alumni give the minimum amount then we will raise C30 crore a year. If the alum- ni starts contributing then we will be able to build a new model. Even the Harvard University gets 60 per cent of its budget from alumni,” IIT-Kgp Director Partha Pratim Chakrabarti said. He said higher education in India is expensive and the Government has to shell out C6 lakh every student per year. Recently the Government had increased the annual fees for undergraduate courses from existing C90,000 to C2 lakh, a rise of 122 per cent, from the upcoming academic session. The budgetary allocation of IITs have already been slashed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development which has asked the premier institutes to raise funds on their own. CR[_ReYT`_WZUV_e`W8DE aRddRXVZ_eYZddVddZ`_ :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD s the NDA Government making all efforts A to get the long pending Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill passed, Union Home he Trinamool Congress leadership has not denied T reports that Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has plans to campaign for the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab in the next year’s Assembly elections. Banerjee who had made clear her national ambitions after returning to power in Bengal for the second time with thumping majority is known to have expressed her desire to go national: by addressing a mammoth rally in Tripura to begin with and then moving over to Punjab for Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP. “Aap Bulayenge to hum jayenge (If AAP calls us we will go)” said a senior Trinamool Congress leader but added quickly “everything depends upon our Chief Minister’s other preoccupations and the situation at that point in time.” he reports that Telugu Desam President N T Chandrababu Naidu was mighty angry with the Centre over the issue of Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah were keeping a close eye on the unfolding situation in Vijayawada. While Chandrababu was holding consultations with the party MPs and senior leaders, Amit Shah was in constant touch with his party’s leaders in Andhra Pradesh. BJP sources said that Amit Shah asked the BJP leaders to exercise restraint and not to publicly react to Chandrababu Naidu’s criticism of the BJP. Party sources said that the Prime Minister sought the details of what all Naidu and party MPs said. He also discussed the matter with Amit Shah some corrective measures will be taken soon. “Till then the party leaders have been asked by Amit Shah not to comment,” said a senior BJP leader. But before Shah’s diktat came into force, senior BJP leader of AP and former Minister D Purandeswari had fired a salvo on her brother-inlaw Chandrababu Naidu. “The Centre was ready to offer any help the State wants and it was for the Chief Minister to approach the Union Government for it”, she said. On the financial help for the new capital city, Purandeswari said that the State should first submit the master plan and detailed project report before seeking the help. C3?<?BC>?A>C4BC >DCB834?0A;80<4=CC>30H 7hSTaPQPS) 8]PR[^bTSS^^a \TTcX]VC3?_aTbXST]c 2WP]SaPQPQd=PXSdPbZTScWT _Pach<?bc^QTR^\TPVVaTbbXeT X]Q^cWcWT7^dbTb^U?Pa[XP\T]c fWT]TeTacWTXbbdTbaT[PcTSc^ cWTBcPcTbX]cTaTbcR^\Td_ 0RR^aSX]Vc^b^daRTb=PXSdc^[S cWT<?bcWPccWT_PachfX[[ P__a^PRWcWTXbbdT^U[TPeX]VcWT =307TPbZTScWT_Pach[TPSTab c^ST\^RaPcXRP[[hUXVWcU^acWT BcPcTbX]cTaTbcfWX[T^QbTaeX]V cWTR^P[XcX^]3WPa\P0]hfPh fTWPeTfPXcTSU^acf^hTPab 7T]RTU^acW[TcdbUXabcTSdRPcTcWT _T^_[TPQ^dc^daTUU^acbPbfT[[ PbcWTUPRccWPccWT19?Xb]^c S^X]VP]hcWX]V±b^daRTb`d^cTS =PXSdPbbPhX]V°>][hPUcTacWPc fTfX[[VaPSdP[[hP__a^PRWcWT XbbdT^U`dXccX]VcWTP[[XP]RT± Cf^C3?<X]XbcTab0bW^Z 6PYP_PcXAPYdP]S0B2W^fSPah c^[ScWT<?bcWPcR^\_PaTSc^ cWT\XcfX[[QT\^aTU^aRTUd[XUcWT <?baPXbTcWTXae^XRTX] ?Pa[XP\T]c0b_TacWT]Tf bcaPcTVhC3?<?bfX[[bcPVTPbXc X]_a^cTbcPc6P]SWXbcPcdT^] ?Pa[XP\T]c_aT\XbTb^]<^]SPh BP\TcX\T_PachfX[[bTTZP] P__^X]c\T]c^UcWT?<0[^]V fXcW=PXSd_Pach<X]XbcTab<?b P]S^cWTa[TPSTabfX[[\TTccWT ?<CT[dVd3TbP\<?b\TTcX]V fXc]TbbTSWTPcTSSXbRdbbX^]b P]SPc[TPbccf^<?b^UUTaTSc^ aTbXV]Ua^\?Pa[XP\T]c0UTf <?bPbZTS=PXSdfWPcfX[[QTcWT R^dabT^UPRcX^]X]RPbTcWT?< S^Tb]^caTb_^]S_^bXcXeT[hWT bPXScWPcWTfX[[QTX]c^dRWfXcW cWT<?bP]SVdXSTcWT\ DbY`ebQY^Rb_QT WQeWUbQY\gQi]Q`+ \Y^[d_2µTUcX\QYT Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday in a function in Bengaluru expressed confidence over getting GST Bill passed in this session of Parliament. He said, “We are getting Constitution amended for GST on which discussions have been on since Congress' time. I am confident that we will do those amendments and pass the GST.” “Due to lot of structural and procedural changes that we have brought in and due to foreign direct investments, also by integrating certain new things to our economic system we can proudly say that India is today the fastest growing economy in the world,” he said, addressing ‘Karnataka Raju Kshatriya Samavesha’ function here. <P\PcPc^UXVWcU^a00?X]?d]YPQ³P_]TPP_´X]CaX_daP B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 ?=BQ 7H34A0103 Banerjee who is known for her close chemistry with Kejriwal is likely to meet her Delhi counterpart in Italy where both the leaders have been invited to attend Mother Teresa’s beatification ceremony. On why she is planning to campaign in Punjab where BJP and theCongress are two major contenders-and both were her allies at certain point of timea top Trinamool leader said “things have been made clear by her in the recent party rally on July 21” when she spoke about a “non-BJP, nonCongress secular front comprising regional parties.” Bengal CM is also known to have said that there are a lot of things common things between Bengal and Punjab. She also claimed to comprehend the Punjabi sentiments better than many others because “there are many Punjabis in Bengal.” BTRdaXch_Tab^]cPZX]VcWT_XRcdaT^U]TfCaX_daPBd]SPaX4g_aTbbUa^\0VPacP[Pc^ =Tf3T[WXSdaX]VXcbU[PV^UURTaT\^]hPc0VPacP[PaPX[fPhbcPcX^]X]CaX_daP^] Bd]SPh ?C8 ?C8Q 060AC0;0 ripura entered the broad gauge railway map of the T country on Sunday with Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu flagging off the Agartala-New Delhi ‘Tripura Sundari Express’. The foundation stone for the much awaited railway track to link Agartala to Akhoura in Bangladesh was jointly laid at the programme by Prabhu and his Bangladeshi counterpart Md Mujibul Haque. ‘Tripura Sundari Express’ will run once a week on Sundays and will reach New Delhi in 47 hours after travelling via Guwahati-New Jalpaiguri. C968 crore was spent for Agartala-Delhi rail link. Addressing the gathering, Prabhu said a regular train service between Agartala and Kolkata would be started next month. A08=B5;>>3BFA42:70E>2 " <P[SPeX[[PVTbWXc W^dbTbfPbWTSPfPh ?C8Q <0;30F1 round 100 houses were washed away on Sunday A due to erosion in river Ganga near Farakka barrage while 31 villages were submerged in flood waters of Fullara river affecting 22,000 people in Malda district, officials said. Additional District Magistrate (Land Reforms) Kanchan Chowdhury said 100 odd houses of Birnagar locality in Kaliachak III block were lost in the Ganga in a sudden erosion this morning. The river breached a two km stretch of an embankment and took just an hour to destroy the area in which those houses were standing. However, there is no report of any casualty or injury and the affected people were given relief. Around 1,000 families of Sarkartola, Meinatola and Chinabazar villages are now in distress as the Ganga is almost at their doors, Chowdhury said. BJP MLA Swadhin Kumar Sarkar will be shifting elsewhere as his house is located only five metre away from where the edge of the Ganga now lies after the erosion at Birnagar. Sarkar, who had demolished his house to retrieve building materials for re-use, said he turned ill after finding the river so close in the morning. The present condition is due to late starting of anti-erosion work in the area, he said. North Bengal Development Minister Rabindranath Ghosh who visited the spot, however, claimed the Farakka Barrage authorities had locked gate no. 1 on Saturday leading to this incident. He said he will inform the Centre about this through the state government. DZefReZ`_h`cdV_dZ_3ZYRc 80=BQ ?0C=0 he flood situation in Bihar worsened on Sunday, with T many rivers breaching their banks and affecting hundreds of thousands of people, officials said. More than 2.6 million people have been hit by the floods in the State including half a million who have been displaced across 12 districts, the officials said. Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav visited the flood affected Supaul district on Sunday and said: “We are fully prepared to provide relief and rescue the affected people.” Senior officials said relief and rescue operations were going on in full swing. He said the flood situation was grim in some districts following rising water level in rivers. The Government has deployed 587 personnel of the National Disaster Response Force and the State disaster response force in the worst hit 0f^\P]fXcWWTaRWX[SaT]PcPU[^^SWXceX[[PVTX]:PcXWPaSXbcaXRc^U1XWPa^] Bd]SPh areas. A Water Resources Department official said 2,034 villages had been affected by the floods. Of the five lakh people displaced till Sunday, nearly 2.50 lakh are living in different shelters. “Thousands have taken shelter in higher areas, on national highways and in schools and other buildings,” an official said. The Government has set up 412 relief camps and deployed ?C8 1,019 boats in relief and rescue work. The worst hit districts are Purnea, Kishanganj, Araria, Darbhanga, Madhepura, Katihar, Supaul and Saharsa. Unconfirmed reports say at least 28 people, including women and children, have perished in the floods. The authorities have asked people living in low-lying areas to move to higher ground. =8=43848=7>DB4 2>;;0?B48=C70=4 <D<108C70=4) 8]RTbbP]caPX] [PbWX]V<d\QPXP]S]TXVWQ^daX]V SXbcaXRcb^UCWP]TP]S?P[VWPa^] Bd]SPhcWaTf]^a\P[[XUT^dc^U VTPaTeT]Pb]X]T_T^_[TfTaT ZX[[TSX]PQdX[SX]VR^[[P_bTX] 1WXfP]SXc^f]P\XScWTWTPeh S^f]_^daCWTbdQdaQP]caPX]b R^]bXSTaTS²[XUT[X]T^USPX[h R^\\dcTabX]<d\QPXP]S PSY^X]X]VPaTPbfTaTPUUTRcTSSdT c^cWTWTPehaPX]QdcfXcW\PY^a ^UUXRTbaT\PX]X]VR[^bTS^] Bd]SPhcWTX\_PRcfPb[Tbb=X]T _T^_[TX]R[dSX]VU^daRWX[SaT]P]S cWaTTf^\T]fTaTZX[[TSP]S ^cWTabX]YdaTSfWT]PaTbXST]cXP[ QdX[SX]VR^[[P_bTSX]1WXfP]SX c^f]^UCWP]TP\XSWTPehaPX] CWTcf^bc^aThbcadRcdaTW^dbX]V &c^'UP\X[XTbPc6PXQX=PVPa d]STaBWP]cX=PVPa_^[XRTbcPcX^] [X\XcbRaPbWTSPa^d]S("P\ 1WXfP]SXcTWbX[SPaEPXbWP[X ;P\QPcTbPXS1TbXSTb !_T^_[T X]R[dSX]VcWaTTRWX[SaT]P]Scf^ f^\T]fTaTbcaP]STSPcPc^daXbc b_^cQTWX]SPW^dbX]VR^\_[Tg^] 6W^SQd]STaa^PSX]CWP]TSdTc^ P]^eTaU[^fX]V]d[[PW0]B>BfPb bT]cc^cWTSXbPbcTa\P]PVT\T]c f^a[S& 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % ?0:7>=>DA:8;;8=6 >jURfXYeVcT`^^ZeeVU dfZTZUV+7ReYVc 5PcWTa^U?PZ^aXVX]1aXcXbWf^\P] WPSTPa[XTaR[PX\TScWPcbWTWPSSXTS ^URPaSXPRPaaTbc ?C8Q ;07>A4 hile the husband of a Pakistani-origin British W woman claims his wife was killed by her parents for converting to Shia Islam, her father has retracted from his earlier statement now saying she had committed suicide. “My daughter, Samia, 28, has committed suicide,” said Chaudhry Shahid who earlier had claimed that Samia died of cardiac arrest. Shahid changed his statement before a fourmember police investigation team. Earlier, Shahid had insisted that his daughter did not commit suicide as she suffered a fatal heart-attack and died without receiving medical aid. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has constituted a new team to investigate the matter. Samia, from Dhok Pandori village, Jehlum, had come to Pakistan from Dubai over two weeks ago to see her ailing father and was allegedly murdered on July 20. Syed Mukhtar Kazim, second husband of Samia, told police her wife had been killed by her family members for marrying against the will of her parents. “My wife converted to Shia–my sect-before wedding which had irked her parents,” Kazim said, calling upon the UK and Pakistani Governments to ensure justice is done. Police have registered the case against five accused, including Samia’s father, mother, sister, cousin, and her exhusband. According to the autopsy 7DOLEDQNLOOHG FRSVLQGD\VVD\ $IJDQRIILFLDOV ?C8Q :0=3070A 05670=8BC0= aliban attacks on a district in the southern province of T Helmand province killed at least 24 police officers since past two days, an Afghan official said on Sunday. Kareem Atal, the director of Helmand’s provincial council, said that battles between Government forces and militants have been raging in the Kanashin district since late Friday, when the Taliban took control. The fighting has spread north to other districts, where militants are targeting checkpoints and have killed at least seven policemen, he said. The police and Government compounds in the Nad Ali district have been surrounded by insurgents, Atal said. Taliban fighters are also trying to close key highways across the province. Atal said that the police who are also fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan’s relentless insurgency had received no help or backup from other branches of the security forces, including the army. The fall of Kanashin and the subsequent threats to other districts were the result of a “lack of coordination among Afghan forces,” Atal said, adding “The Afghan national army is not doing their job.” Atal’s deputy Abdul Majeed Akhonzada earlier said that the Taliban were now in control of 60 per cent of Helmand province, after about six months of fighting. Helmand is a key opium producing and smuggling region. About 90 per cent of the world’s heroin is produced from Helmand opium, which is largely controlled by the Taliban for funding their war. Elsewhere, in northern Jawzjan province, an official described “tough fighting” after hundreds of insurgent fighters attacked the Qush Tepa district. The Governor’s spokesman Mohammad Reza Ghafoori said Afghan security forces were waiting for airstrike backup. He said the insurgents' ranks included Pakistanis, Uzbeks and Chechens. Four Afghan security forces personnel have been killed, and another three wounded, he said. report, Samia had marks on her neck, suggesting she had been strangled. Kazim and Samia, both British-Pakistani dual citizens, had been married for two years and were living in Dubai. A beauty therapist from Bradford, Samia had previously been married to her first cousin Shakil but the couple parted ways after divorce in May 2014. She then married Kazim of Taxila in September 2014 and both started living in Dubai. Kazim claimed in the FIR that Samia had been killed by her family who refused to accept their relationship because he belonged to the Shia sect. Her murder came over a week after social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch was strangled by her brother in a socalled ‘honour killing’ which caused an international uproar forcing the Pakistani government to announce strict action against those involved in her murder. 8]SXP]P\^]V$ PaaTbcTSX]=T_P[ U^aSadVcaPUUXRZX]V ?C8Q :0C7<0=3D n Indian national was among five people arrested A in Nepal in a drug racket in which 472 kgs of drug-making chemicals were seized. Dilip Pandut, 35, a resident of Raxaul, Bihar was arrested along with four others, police here said. 472 kg of raw materials and precursor chemical that are used in manufacturing Pseudoephedrine have been seized. It is a highly sophisticated narcotic drug that has a high demand in Asian markets including, India, China, Thailand and Malaysia. These raw materials are sufficient to manufacture 71 kgs of Pseudoephedrine worth about USD 12 million, said Jaya Bahadur Chand, Deputy Inspector General of Police at the Narcotic Control Bureau of Nepal Police. The raw materials are brought from Switzerland, and after mixing it in Nepal the narcotics produced are exported to India, China, Malaysia and Thailand, at high prices, police said. These drug-making raw materials were being trafficked in disguise of medicines. However, the police busted the racket on the basis of a tip-off. The five arrestees have been taken into custody on five-day judicial remand from Kathmandu District Court for further investigation. "((QPQhRa^R^SX[TbbTXiTSX]2WX]P ?C8Q 14898=6 1STbWQPRWT[^abUPRTPRR^\\^SPcX^]RaXbXbP\XScTaa^acWaTPc ?C8Q 370:0 achelors in Bangladesh are finding it hard to find B accommodation with landlords declining to rent out houses to them in the wake of extra security vigil due to the increased terror threat, prompting police to clarify that there is no directive against bachelor tenants. “The main thing we want the landlords to do is to keep all information regarding their tenants, we have issued no directive barring them to rent out their houses to bachelors or serve them notice to vacate the houses,” Dhaka Metropolitan Police's deputy commissioner Madudur Rahman told a news conference. “It is entirely the prerogative of landlords who should be their tenants, we just want to ensure security of all,” he said. The police clarification came as media reports stated that that a number of landlords served notices to bachelor tenants, particularly who were living in groups in rented houses, or declined to rent out ?C8Q 94ADB0;4< major terror attack in Pakistan was on Sunday A foiled, with security forces rime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said P his Government was looking into support from European nations for groups engaged in what he described as antiIsrael activities, specifically mentioning France. Speaking at the start of a Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said an inquiry had “found support from European countries, including France, for several organisations that engage in incitement, call for a boycott of Israel and do not recognise the State of Israel’s right to exist.” “We will complete the inquiry and submit the findings to the French Government,” Netanyahu said, without identifying any organisation. Israeli officials have regularly condemned support by foreign Governments for leftwing NGOs critical of the country’s policies towards the Palestinians. In mid-July, Israel’s Parliament adopted a law seen as targeting left-wing groups critical of the Government by forcing NGOs that receive most of their funding from foreign states to declare it. Netanyahu also appeared to make reference to France's announcement on Friday that it would consider a temporary ban on foreign financing of mosques following a series of jihadist attacks. “We are also disturbed by such donations to organisations ?<1T]YP\X]=TcP]hPWd^_T]bcWT fTTZ[h2PQX]Tc\TTcX]VPcWXb 9TadbP[T\^UUXRT^]Bd]SPh ?C8 that deny the State of Israel's right to exist,” he said. Israel has been faced with a boycott movement over its nearly 50-year occupation of the West Bank. Some, however, accuse the movement of anti-Semitism. Violence since October has killed at least 218 Palestinians and 34 Israelis. Most of the Palestinians killed were carrying out knife, gun or car-ramming attacks, Israeli authorities say. Others were shot dead during clashes and protests, while some were killed in Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip. Many analysts say Palestinian frustration with Israeli occupation and settlement-building in the West Bank, the complete lack of progress in peace efforts and their own fractured leadership have fed the unrest. Israel says incitement by Palestinian leaders and media is a leading cause of the violence. APYP_PZbPU[PhTSU^ad]b^[eTS \XbbX]V_Tab^]bRPbTb Colombo: Sri Lanka’s foreign Minister has said that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s Government failed to investigate cases of people who went missing during the threedecade civil war. Mangala Samaraweera in his statement accused Rajapaksa of going back on an agreement he had with the UN soon after the war with the LTTE ended in 2009. “This was also evident when he and UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon agreed to an accountability process in their 2009 Joint Communique, which was later made into a formal commitment to the international community,” Samaraweera said. Rajapaksa had claimed that the current Government was betraying the country’s security forces through the legislation on the Office of Missing Persons (OMP) to probe the cases of missing people. “It is your failure to investigate these allegations and if they are true punish the few miscreants in high positions who may have acted unprofessionally and thereby clear the name of the armed forces as an institution, that is the true betrayal of the armed forces,” Samaraweera said. The OMP is a truth-seeking investigative agency and it does not make judgements on disputes, he said. In fact, the legislation states that “the findings of the OMP shall not give rise to any criminal or civil liability,” he said. Its primary function is to establish whether a missing person is dead or alive and, if they are dead, discover when, how and where they died. The OMP will require technical expertise that is not available in Sri Lanka, Samaraweera argued. “Any Sri Lankan citizen going missing is a tragedy. It is the Government’s duty to investigate and determine the fate of any of its citizens who are missing,” he said. The purpose of having an exclusion of the Right of Information Act is to ensure that those who know the fate of missing or disappeared persons can transmit that information without fear. PTI B?08=A4B2D4B## <86A0=CBCAH8=6C> 2A>BB<438=!1>0CB 2WX]Pb]dZT_^fTaP\QXcX^]bbPX[X]VX]c^ca^dQ[TSfPcTab <PSaXS) B_PX]³b\PaXcX\TaTbRdT bTaeXRTbPhbXcWPbaTbRdTS## \XVaP]cbPccT\_cX]Vc^Ra^bbcWT <TSXcTaaP]TP]BTPRaP\\TSX]c^ cf^b\P[[Q^Pcb8cR^[[TRcTS!$ \XVaP]cbQTU^aTSPf]^]Bd]SPh Ua^\^]TQ^PcP]S (^cWTab W^dab[PcTaUa^\PbTR^]SRaPUc =^RPbdP[cXTbfTaTaT_^acTS8c bPhbRP_cPX]b^U_PbbX]VeTbbT[b aT_^acTScWT\XVaP]cb P__a^PRWX]VB_PX]³bb^dcWTPbc R^Pbc^eTa]XVWcCWTB_P]XbWATS 2a^bbbPhbcW^bTPQ^PaSQ^cW aTbRdTSeTbbT[bWPeTQTT] TgP\X]TSPccWT_^ac^U0[\TaXP P]SPaTd]WdacCWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ >aVP]XbPcX^]U^a<XVaPcX^]bPhb B_PX]aTRTXeTSPQ^dc"'$ \XVaP]cbeXPbTPRa^bbX]VbP]S aTbRdTbX]! $>cWTabbTTZ Pbh[d\X]B_PX]eXPXcb=^acW 0UaXRP]T]R[PeTb<T[X[[PP]S 2TdcP ?C8Q 14898=6 hina’s ambitions to become a pioneer in nuclear energy C are sailing into troubled waters. Two State-owned companies plan to develop floating nuclear reactors, a technology engineers have been considering since the 1970s for use by oil rigs or island communities. Beijing is racing Russia, which started developing its own in 2007, to get a unit into commercial operation. In China’s case, the achievement would be tempered by concern its reactors might be sent into harm’s way to support oil exploration in the South China Sea, where Beijing faces conflicting territorial claims by neighbours including Vietnam and the Philippines. Chinese news reports say plans call for deploying 20 reactors there, though neither developer has mentioned the area. Tensions ratcheted up after a UN arbitration panel ruled July 12 that Beijing’s claim to most of the sea has no legal basis. Beijing rejected the decision in a case brought by the Philippines and announced it would hold war games in the area, where its military has built artificial islands. The floating reactor plans reflect Beijing’s determination to create profitable technologies in fields from energy to mobile phones and to curb growing reliance on imported oil and gas, which communist leaders see as a security risk. China is the most active builder of nuclear power plants, with 32 reactors in operation, 22 under construction and more planned. It relies heavily on US, French and Russian technology medium schools and rural madrassas appeared to the perpetrators of the attacks. Several of the perpetrators of the Dhaka’s Holey Artisan restaurant and the Shalakia attacks were students of costly private universities at home and abroad. The regulatory University Grants Commission (UGC), in a related development, today formed a three-member committee to monitor all public and private colleges along with universities across the country for any militant activity. &\X[XcP]cbZX[[TSX]?PZXbcP] \PY^acTaa^aPccPRZQXSU^X[TS baby Siamese crocodiles, most probably trafficked from neighbouring Vietnam, State media reported on Sunday. The crocodiles were found in a rented house in Dongxing City on Friday when police were collecting home registration information, the border police detachment of Fangchenggang, which administers Dongxing said. The crocodiles, each around 25 centimeters long, were about 15 days old. They were very likely trafficked from Vietnam, the Siamese crocodiles are a critically endangered species native to Southeast Asia. Their skin is used as a raw material for luxury leather products in the international market. It is illegal in China to raise them without a license or to trade and traffic the species. Police issued the directive several months ago after Islamist militants were found to have setup their hideouts at rented houses as ordinary tenants. The Kalyanpur raid was carried out as part of an intensified nationwide security clampdown following the July 1 terrorist attack at a Dhaka cafe and assault on an Eid congregation at northern Sholakia six days later. Missing youths hailing from both the affluent and poor families and studying in posh western-style English =TcP]hPWdRaXcXRXbTb 4da^_TP]²bd__^ac U^aP]cX8baPT[Va^d_b police said. Siamese crocodiles are a protected species in China. The police saw three men, who appeared to be nervous, carrying goods in front of the house, so they approached to question them. Two suspects escaped by truck while the other, who tried to flee from the back door of the house, was caught, State-run Xinhua news agency reported. In January, 70 frozen wild Siamese crocodiles were seized from a seafood truck in Fangchenggang. order police in south China's Guangxi Zhuang B autonomous region seized 399 their houses to unmarried youths. A sense of panic has gripped landlords after a security raid on July 26 killed nine militants who were living in group at a rented apartment in Dhaka’s Kalyanpur area. After the raid, part of the single biggest anti-terrorist security clampdown in the country, police re-issued a previous directive reminding an earlier mandatory provision to submit the detailed tenant information to the nearest police station. but is developing its own. The latest initiatives are led by China General Nuclear Power Group and China National Nuclear Corp. Both have research or consulting agreements with Westinghouse Electric Co. And France's EDF and Areva, but say their floating plants will use homegrown technology. “They are keen to develop that because they have a lot of oil drilling everywhere in the South China Sea and overseas as well,” said Luk Bing-lam, an engineering professor at the City University of Hong Kong who has worked with a CGN subsidiary on unrelated projects. “The Chinese strategy is to ensure the energy supply for the country,” said Luk. “Oil drilling needs energy, and with that supply, they could speed up operations.” Russia's first floating commercial reactor, the Academician Lomonosov, is due to be delivered in 2018, but the project has suffered repeated delays. The Russians have yet to announce a commercial customer. Russia has been “aiming to launch this idea for over two decades by pitching the reactor as a plug-and-play option for fairly remote communities,” said Mark Hibbs, an expert on nuclear policy for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in an email. Russia’s target market was Indonesia and its far-flung islands, Hibbs said. That prompted concern about control over nuclear materials, leading to a recommendation Russia operate the reactor and take back used fuel. ?C8Q ;07>A4 killing seven militants who were plotting to target key Government installations in Punjab province, the latest in a series of similar assaults. According to the CounterTerrorism Department (CTD) of Punjab Police, it had received information that around 10 to 12 militants were planning to attack sensitive installations and buildings of law enforcement agencies here. “A CTD team along with police commandos raided a house in Chak Char Rasala Sheikhupura district some 50 km from Lahore in early hours today. The team asked them to surrender,” the CTD said. “But instead they opened fire on the raiding team which returned the fire, killing seven militants on the spot. The remaining three managed to flee,” it said. Explosives, hand grenades, kalashnikovs a large quantity of bullets, three motorcycles and maps of sensitive buildings have been recovered from their hideout. The CTD has shifted the bodies to a mortuary for autopsy and the outfit to which the militants belonged is yet to be ascertained. On July 23, five Taliban militants who were plotting to attack Government installations and personnel of law enforcement agencies were killed in an encounter by security forces in Punjab province. At least six militants were killed on July 13 in a shootout with police in Punjab's Okara city. In April, the Pakistan Army launched a targeted operation against militants in the province, days after a deadly attack in Lahore in which at least 70 people were killed and over 200 injured when a suicide bomb ripped through a crowded park in Lahore where Christians were celebrating Easter. @WWZTZR]d+"UVRU$Y`daZeR]ZdVU Z_2fdeZ_dY``eZ_X ?C8Q 0DBC8= shooting in a crowded entertainment district of A downtown Austin, on Sunday, set off a chaotic scene, leaving one woman dead and three others wounded and police searching for a suspect. Austin Police Chief of Staff Brian Manley says police received reports of gunshots in the crowded entertainment area shortly after 2 am (local time). Police arrived to find a chaotic scene and five people shot. Manley says a suspect began firing into the crowd after an initial disturbance. He said woman was pronounced dead at the scene, and three other women were taken to University Medical Center Brackenridge with gunshot wounds. Officials described those transported to the hospital as serious, but said their wounds were not considered life-threatening. Manley said another victim declined to be transported to the hospital. “It was a very chaotic scene,” Manley said. "A lot of people running in different directions with all the gunshots coming out.” He said officials are trying to determine who the suspects are, and he did not rule out that a suspect might be one of the people transported to the hospital. Police originally reported an active shooter scene in the area, but Manley said two separate incidents caused the confusion. He said there was another confrontation in a nearby parking garage and that a shot was fired there. A man was transported to the hospital after that confrontation, but his condition was not immediately known. ^_X]X^]' 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ EYVDV_R>?DR]]ZR_TV 7LHXSPD\QRWPHDQPXFKLQWKH%0&SROO WT\TTcX]VQTcfTT]<PWPaPbWcaP=PeP]Xa\P]BT]P<=BRWXTUAPYCWPRZTaPh P]SBWXeBT]P_aTbXST]cDSSWPeCWPRZTaPh^]5aXSPhfX[[QaX]V\^aTSP\ PVTc^cWTP[aTPShUaPVX[TaT[PcX^]bWX_^UcWT[PccTafXcWcWT19?5^abdaT cWT<=B\PhVTcPUPRT[XUcQhY^X]X]VWP]SbfXcWcWTBWXeBT]PPbXcXbUPbc [^bX]VXcbUXaTUXVWcX]V_^[XcXRP[QaP]SX]<PWPaPbWcaP_^[XcXRbX]aTRT]cSPhb0b 1aXWP]\d\QPX<d]XRX_P[2^a_^aPcX^]1<2T[TRcX^]XbeXcP[U^acWTBWXeBT]P P]SXcXbX]UPRccWTRT]caTVa^d]SUa^\fWTaTcWT]PcXeXbc_PachR^]ca^[bcWT[TeTab ^U_^fTaQ^cWX]]PcX^]P[P]S[^RP[_^[[bb^XcfX[[dbTXcbUd[[\XVWcc^faTbccWT R^]ca^[^UcWT[^RP[Q^ShUa^\P]h_PachfWXRWTeTaXc\PhQT1dcfWT]XcR^\Tb c^cWTP[[XP]RTfXcWcWT<=BXUXcaTP[[h\PcTaXP[XbTbBWXeBT]P\Ph]^cVTcP]h X\\TSXPcT_^[XcXRP[QT]TUXcPb<=BWPSf^]Ydbc^]TbTPcX]cWT[Pbc0bbT\Q[h T[TRcX^]X]cWTBcPcTX]P7^dbT^U!''bTPcbCWdbbT]bX]VcWTbWaX]ZX]Vb_PRT ^U<=BcWTBWXeBT]P\PhUdacWTa[^bTXcbe^cTbWPaTQTRPdbTXc\PhR^]UdbT Xcbe^cTabX]cWT\^bc_aTbcXVX^db1<2_^[[fWTaTX][^RP[XbbdTb\XVWc_[PhcWT b_^X[b_^acXU]^cWP]S[TSRPaTUd[[h0[b^cWTaTP[XV]\T]c^UcWTbd__^acTabP]S bh\_PcWXbTab^U^]RTd]SXeXSTSBWXeBT]P\Ph]^cQTTPbhPccWT\^\T]cCWT SXeXSTQTcfTT]cWTcf^R^dbX]bPaTfXST^_T]P]ScWXb\Ph_dc\P]h^UcWTXa R^]UXSP]c³b_^[XcXRP[UdcdaTPcaXbZ 9dbcU^acWTbPRZ^UR[X__X]VcWT fX]Vb^UcWT19?XUcWTBT]PXb\PZ X]VP]P[[XP]RTfXcWcWT<=BXcfX[[]^c QT^U\dRWWT[_c^cWT_Pach8cXbfT[[ d]STabc^^S cWPc cWT BT]P RWXTU Xb d]STa_aTbbdaTUa^\WXb_Pach[TPSTab P]SRPSaTbU^aQaTPZX]VPfPhUa^\cWT RdaaT]c R^P[XcX^] fXcW cWT 19?[TS 3TeT]SaP 5PS]PeXb 6^eTa]\T]c U^a chX]Vd_fXcWWXbTbcaP]VTSR^dbX]5^a BT]PXcXbPQXccTabfTTcR^P[XcX^]fXcW cWT QXV Qa^cWTa 19? 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CWTP]bfTaX]P[[RPbTbQ^X[bS^f]c^)?^^adaQP]_[P]]X]V?aXePcTSTeT[ ^_TabS^]³cRPaTU^aSaPX]bP]SbTfPVTbhbcT\bfWX[TT]cXaTbTcc[T\T]cbWPeT QTT]QdX[c^]RPcRW\T]cPaTPbP]SU[^^S_[PX]b<PY^adaQP]X]UaPbcadRcdaT_a^ YTRcbWPeTQTT]aPXbTSfXcW^dcP]hR^]RTa]U^acWTaTVX^]³b]PcdaP[VaPSXT]c^a XcbTgXbcX]VfPcTa\P]PVT\T]cbhbcT\b8]bW^accWT]PcdaP[PQX[Xch^UP]PaTP c^STP[fXcWfPcTaU[^fbWPbQTT]W^aaXQ[hR^\_a^\XbTS0SSc^cWXbcWT_aTb bdaTb^UdaQP]XbPcX^]cWTR^]bT`dT]RTb^UR[X\PcTRWP]VTP]ScWTRWP^bbcT\ \X]VUa^\P\d[cX_[XRXch^UdaQP]Q^SXTbWP]S[X]VfPcTaXbbdTbP]SfTWPeTP eTaXcPQ[TSXbPbcTa^]^daWP]Sb ; 7KHURDGWR,QGLD¶V HFRQRPLFPLUDFOH 10;18A?D=9 3XbRaTSXcX]V_PcWQaTPZTabP]S_TaU^a\Tab[XZT?E=PaPbX\WP^AP^P]S<P]\^WP]BX]VWfX[[^][hQaX]V SXbPbcTac^cWT2^]VaTbbcWTVaP]S^[S_PachfWXRWXbP[aTPShShX]Vd]STacWTQdaST]^UcWT6P]SWXUP\X[h ay back in 1991, when the then Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao and his hand-picked Union Finance Minister Manmohan Singh decided to unleash economic reforms and dismantle the Nehruvian economic model, they hit two birds with one stone. On the one hand, the duo freed the entrepreneurial potential of the people and fast-tracked the Indian economy. On the other hand, they gave an opportunity to the Hindus to prove themselves. Until then, ‘secular’ economists (both the Right and the Left), blamed the Hindu religion for India’s poverty and termed India’s low growth as ‘Hindu rate of growth’. India was indeed a rich country and it’s share in the global gross domestic product (GDP) stood at 33 per cent, same as China’s, till the 16th century. With the British take over, local talent and industry was strangulated. By 1947, our country was at the bottom and poverty became it’s signature tune. With the departure of the British, the rule of aliens ended and the alienated stepped into their shoes. India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who was in awe of the Soviet Union’s rapid industrialisation, had little faith in Indians and, hence, introduced centralised economy. The result was disastrous. The post-1980 generation would not even know what it was to live in an era where from daily supply of milk to motor cars, one had to stand in a long queue. A plane journey, even domestic, was a luxury. Since there was only one domestic airline, even if you could afford getting a seat, was a privilege. A residential telephone out of turn from a 10-year wait meant knocking at the doors of an MP, each of whom had a quota of 15 connections per year. It was an economy of shortages and a country where most of the ordinary, hardworking and honest citizens were forced to be a part of ‘black market’ operations and thus turn into criminals. This needs elaboration. From sugar to cement, there was always a ‘quota’ and to avail it, one had to get a ‘permit’, a ‘license’ or an ‘approval’ from an appropriate authority. Needless to say, these were available mostly at a price, to be paid under the W table. Ordinary citizens had to bribe the authorities to manage their day-to-day miserable lives. So, most people were either bribe-givers or bribe-takers! But what was the explanation for this sorry state of affairs? The establishment was too dishonest to accept that it’s socialist model had flopped. It needed a scapegoat. Therefore, in 1978, Raj Krishna coined the term ‘Hindu rate of growth’ to describe India’s miserable economic performance. He attributed the country’s problems to it’s Hindu religion - it’s outlook of fatalism and contentedness. The then World Bank Chairman, Robert McNamara used this term frequently. Then a miracle happened. The Soviet Union collapsed. With that, the biggest fraud of history was exposed. Behind the iron curtain of communist ‘utopia’, there was a hell - an economy of shortages, sans human rights and dignity. The Soviet regime was corrupt to the core and ruthlessly oppressive. 9^TYQYc_^U_VdXU U]UbWU^d]Qb[UdcQ^TYdc bUQ\\ifQ\YTd_XQfUbQ\\YUc Y^Y]`_bdQ^d]Qb[UdcQ^T U]UbWU^d]Qb[Udc F_\[cgQWU^=_d_bc`_bd R_cc °:_cd3Q`Yd_ 85C742>=6A4BB8B D=01;4C>CA8<8CB B08;BC>C74F8=3 D=34AC74?A4B4=C ;4034AB78?C74 ?0ACH70BC>1;0<4 8CB4;5;8:48C3838= (( (("F74=8C 3A>??43C74 =47ADE80= B>280;8B<C>B0E4 C742>D=CAH5A>< 10=:AD?C2H India, a fellow traveler of the Soviet Union since independence, too was in deep trouble. By 1991, it’s foreign exchange reserves had dropped dangerously low. The country had no money to pay for a fortnight of imports. India was forced to suffer the humiliation of pawning it’s gold to meet it’s international obligations. It is at this crucial juncture that Rao took over as the Prime Minister and picked Singh, a technocrat till then, as his Finance Minister. Between the two of them they dismantled the socialist framework which had chained the enterprising Indians. They initiated reforms in the system and unleashed suppressed potential of Indians. Rest is history. The GDP today has touched two trillion dollars, 2,000 from just about 273 billion in 1991, that is almost eight times and per capita income is almost 15 times in terms of current and 12 times in constant prices. The era of shortages is over and the B>D=318C4 9dgQcfUbiTQe^dY^Wd_ [^_gdXQd9Q]W_Y^Wd_RU gQdSXUTRi]Y\\Y_^c_V fYUgUbc9TYT^d[^_g X_gd_TUQ\gYdXdXQd world is looking at India as a promising economy. For the first five years, from 1991-1996, Singh was the Finance Minister. For the penultimate 10 years of this quarter century of reforms, he was the Prime Minister. From being the ‘father’ of the so-called radical and beneficial reforms under the Congress’s leadership in 15 out of the 25 year bloc, Singh and the party should be the dominant celebrants — and rightly for the quarter century that transformed the country. Then, why are they not talking about their achievements? Why is there no mention about Rao? Not even in the Congress’ agenda? Not even a salute to his memory? And why is Singh silently sulking after his 10-year stint as the Prime Minister of India? In fact, it is almost as it happens in Sherlock Holmes novel. The key question in the mystery is why is the dog not barking? Following 2009 elections, scams after scams eroded the Congress’s credibility. Whatever the then Opposition, the BJP said, was fully confirmed when the highest court of the land cancelled the series of licenses the Government headed by Singh had given, both in the 2G telecom spectrum and in the allocation of coal blocks. Under pressure of exposure, the Congress Government had to scrap the contract given to the tainted Italian firm for the helicopter purchase for the defence forces. Of course, the party could publicly display its cussedness at its humiliation by refusing to cooperate with the succeeding Government. Whether it will bring back its credibility with the public or much less get the public power, whether in Uttar Pradesh or elsewhere, is for the party to mull over. In the emerging digital age if the Congress is unable to trim its sails to the wind under its present dynamic leadership, the grand old party has to blame itself like it did in economic policy in the 1990-1993 period when it dropped the Nehruvian socialism to save the country from bankruptcy and recovered some political ground as well for itself. For that to happen it needs a new leadership rising from the ground not brewed up at 10, Janpath. Indications unfortunately are that it is not happening which is pushing the party to the dustbin of history on its own steam. I_e[^_ggXQd/9fU RUU^^YSUd_XUb8Y\\Qbi 3\Y^d_^RedQVdUbdXQd `UbV_b]Q^SU\Qcd^YWXd9 T_^dXQfUd_RU c_^YSUQ^i]_bU EC`bUcYTU^dYQ\^_]Y^UU °4_^Q\TDbe]` 1Sd_b °:QSaeU\Y^U6Ub^Q^TUj ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A D_gUbY^W`Ubc_^Q\Ydi Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Voice of the rebellion” (July 30). Eminent litterateur and social activist Mahasweta Devi has left behind a formidable literary legacy that focused on the lives of the marginalised community. She was a towering personality and an excellent writer. She will be remembered as one of the greatest Indian women writers of our times. Mahasweta Devi used literature as a means to bring social change. She will be remembered as an out standing writer of her time and one of the foremost voice among her contemporaries. Ramesh G Jethwani Bangalore @b_dUSdY^WSXY\TbU^ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Children aren’t workers” (July 29). It is the responsibility of the state to protect those who can’t protect themselves. Children come under the category of ‘dependents’ until they achieve adulthood, therefore, to employ children, who are already dependent upon others, is both unjust and unwise. >RYRdhVeR5VgZfdVUaV_ e`ScVR\TRdeVSRccZVcd C WXb aTUTab c^ cWT TSXc^aXP[ °E^XRT ^U cWT aTQT[[X^]± 9d[h " 5^a <PWPbfTcP3TeX[XcTaPcdaTP]S_^[XcXRbfTaTX]bT_PaPQ[TBWTSXS ]^c[TcWTa²]PcX^]P[Xb\³VTccWTQTccTa^UWTac^YdbcXUhcWTbcPcTP]S bcadRcdaP[eX^[T]RTPVPX]bccWTX\_^eTaXbWTS_T^_[T8]cWTbcadVV[T^U cWT\TTZfXcWcWT\XVWchbWTbXSTSfXcWcWT\TTZfXcWbX]V[T\X]S TSSTcTa\X]PcX^];XZTDA0]P]cWP\dacWhbWTdbTScWT_^fTa^UWTa _T]c^QaTPZS^f]RPbcTQPaaXTab 0bPaPSXRP[Wd\P]XbcbWTfPb^__^bTSc^P[[R^]SXcX^]bX]fWXRW Wd\P]bPaTcaTPcTSPb[TbbcWP]Wd\P]5^aWTaX]YdbcXRTfPbc^QT aTRcXUXTSP]S]^caPcX^]P[XbTSFXcWbWPa_ThTbP]SQaPeT\X]SbWTSXS fWPcP]^aVP]XRfaXcTafXcWPb^RXP[R^]bRXT]RTbW^d[SS^0faXcTafXcW R^\\^]c^dRWbWTaT_aTbT]cTScWTd]STa_aXeX[TVTSP]S_PX]cTScWTXa _[XVWcX]f^aSbc^RPcP[hbTRWP]VTCWTQTbccaXQdcTcWPcfTRP]_Phc^ WTaXbc^RWP\_X^]cWTRPdbT^UcWTfTPZP]Sed[]TaPQ[TPbbWTSXS 63PeXS<X[c^] <PadcWP]R^ST By keeping them away from schools and technical institutes, we are only snatching away their future. In industries, manual physical labour has always been the domain of adults. Arduous labour, as done in industries, will limit their mental and physical development. Moreover, the industrial workplace, comprised by adults, would also open the risk of sexual abuse. Gaurav Singhal Rewari @b_WbUccYfU]_fU Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Cracking the glass celling” (July 29). The editorial has rightly treated US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a controversial figure. She brushed aside her husband’s misconduct because it made sense for her own professional goals. Besides, her record as the US Secretary of State too called for major criticism. Yet, one should not grudge. The US has taken a progressive step by putting a woman at the helm. President Barack Obama became the first black President of the US. It is a welcome step that the the world’s oldest and most powerful democracy has shown the same progressive spirit with respect to a woman candidate. Let us now wait for the final outcome. PN Saxena Via email CUddY^WUhQ]`\U Sir — This refers to the brain stormer, “Pawar without power” (July 28). Verily speaking, three politicians — Najma Heptullah, GM Siddeshwara and Sharad Pawar — stepped down from their posts because of the recommendations of the Lodha panel report which put a 70-year age cap on politicians as well as cricket administrators in the country. These politicians, unlike their counterparts, did not resist to comply with the panel’s recommendations. They showed profound reverence for the apex court’s judgement. Thus, their willingness to quit needs some appreciatory comments so that others may follow the suit and leave ground for the young ones in their community. Azhar A Khan Rampur BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D CWTbTRdaXchU^aRTbfTaT]^cPfPaT^U FP]Xb_aTbT]RTSdaX]VcWTaPXSPcWXb WXST^dcX]fWXRWWTfPbZX[[TS °9P\\d:PbW\Xa2WXTU<X]XbcTa <471>>10<D5C8 4ZgZ]ZejVc`UZ_XZ_afS]ZT]ZWV 58ABC 2>;D<= CWTbTRdaXchU^aRTbZ]TffW^fPbX]bXST P]ScWThd]STac^^ZcWTXaY^QPUcTacPZX]V TeTahcWX]VX]c^R^]bXSTaPcX^] °9P\\d:PbW\Xa19?RWXTU B0CB70A<0 6FH==43H4A ?`7cR_TVZd_¶eRe hRc>c9`]]R_UV 1B?[TPSTabWX_WPbT]bdaTSPWdVT[^bb^URaTSXQX[Xch^UcWT1PWdYP]BP\PY?PachP]SWdaccWTbcPcdaT^U<PhPfPcXcWa^dVWXcb XaaTb_^]bXQ[TWP]S[X]V^UcWT3PhPbWP]ZPaBX]VWT_Xb^STfWXRW^cWTafXbTfPbP]d]Tg_TRcTSQ^]dbWP]STS^eTaQhaXeP[19? 8UcWT5aT]RWPaTPcfPaPcW^\TcWT]PaTcWThPcfPa fXcW5aT]RW<db[X\b.CWXbXb_aTRXbT[hcWTR^]R[dbX^] cWPccWT8b[P\XRBcPcTfP]cbcWT5aT]RW_T^_[Tc^aTPRW daR^d]cahXbPcfPa±bPXS5aT]RW?aTbXST]c5aP]R^Xb7^[[P]ST PUcTaP_aXTbcfPb\daSTaTS]TPaA^dT]X]Ua^]c^UWXbR^]VaT VPcX^]Qhcf^PccPRZTabfW^R[PX\TSc^QTbTaeX]VcWT8b[P\XR 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d]XeTabXch_^[XcXRb Qdcb^\T[PRd]PT X]TSdRPcX^]WPb _aPRcXRP[[h\PaaTS WXbRPaTTaX] _^[XcXRb t was a rare occasion when the entire Parliament of India stood in unison and condemned the use of derogatory language used against the BSP leader Mayawati by Dayashankar Singh, one of the now-sacked Vice-Presidents of the UP state Unit of the BJP. In spite of unconditional regrets expressed in the Parliament by the BJP leadership, Mayawati did not miss the chance of attacking the BJP at the end of the debate in Rajya Sabha. This was pure politics in which only Votes matter and no weightage is given to civil behavior, social responsibilities and code of ethics. Dispassionately viewed, one could recall no other instance of such a swift action as the BJP achieved in removing Dayashankar from his party post, and subsequently, also from the party itself. It may be futile to expect adherence to a value-based approach from those who created a place for themselves in public life solely on the basis of caste politics, its combinations and through exploitation of religious divide in the name of secularism of their own definition. Every well-meaning citizen felt a sense of relief when Dayashankar was sacked. They also approved the action of the Uttar Pradesh Government in lodging a FIR against the accused, who inflicted greater damage on BJP by avoiding arrest for several days. He could have created a chance for his revival had he surrendered immediately and owned the indiscretion in a true spirit of repentance. Such an expectation may well be called illusionary in the existing climate of erosion of moral, ethical and humanistic values in politics of the day. If India was practicing the democratic values and principles as were seen and interpreted some 56 years ago, a couple of BSP men and women would also have I been behind bars. However, even that is no solution The BSP decided to take maximum advantage of the opportunity provided to them on platter by their main political rival in Uttar Pradesh. The party, and its leadership, burnt midnight oils and next day there were furious demonstrations in all the places wherever BSP could muster numbers. It turned out to be an exercise in creating social dissensions, enhancing caste prejudices and in lowering the levels of the political discourse. The BSP volunteers were demonstrating against humiliation inflicted on their leader, which they very rightly claimed was an insult inflicted on fifty percent of the population, but forgot that it included the mother, wife and daughter of Dayashankar also. They had committed no crime, exercised no indiscretion or insulted bahenji in any way! All the demonstrators were probably instructed particularly to hurl derogatory slogans humiliating the women folks of one family. Unpardonable level of arrogance was visible to one and all, and uncouth behavior unleashed in these demonstrations against the family of the accused transgressed every contour of civilized behavior. People hung their head in shame when Naseemuddin Siddiqui, the trusted lieutenant of BSP Supremo even wanted the girl child of 12 years of age be presented before him: pesh kiya jay! In UP every one understands the import of this sentence and I could not locate even one person, including staunch supporters of bahenji, who approved usage of this repulsive phrase by Naseemuddin Siddiqui, a former minister and a political leader. One wonders whether Siddiqui is also in the queue of potential deserters from the Party as many are keen to fol- low the path shown by the likes of Swami Prasad Maurya and RK Chaudhari. Siddiqui has rather dexterously, and successfully, erased all the public sympathy that had drifted towards Mayawati courtesy Dayashankar Singh! Mayawati and her Party has to suffer the wrath from every quarter in UP, and that would be in spite of efforts to play the Dalit card. Dalits like everyone else respect women and children of their opponents. How such basic cultural traditions could get ignored in the strategy formulation of the so-called ‘seasoned’ politicians? The language used by the BSP leadership through this entire episode speaks volumes of the lowering of civility in political leadership. Is Siddiqui naïve enough not to realize that he has humiliated every father, every mother by his crass reference to a young child? The anger and anguish generated amongst every section of society in UP could best be gauged in remote villages of UP where a daughter, irrespective of her caste, creed or religion, is the daughter of the village! In spite of all known and hidden attempts to create social dissensions, politicians have not succeeded in erasing this culture as yet. Media may not have either time or inclination, but those who know the socio-cultural dynamics of UP could indeed vouchsafe how much damage Siddiqui and subsequent statements of Mayawati accusing the wife, daughter and mother of Daya Shankar Singh have done to the BSP. Apart from strategic failures in handling a situation, both the BJP and BSP need to review their cadre development strategies. Every party depends on the young to win elections but the bigger expectations are emergence of leadership from the grassroots levels that could take the ideology to the masses. Every party 5LFKLQGDWDSRRULQLQIRUPDWLRQ CWT 6^eTa]\T]c³b ^_cX\XbcXR 63? UXVdaTb WPeT QTT] aT_TPcTS[h RaXcXRXbTS U^a ]^c R^aaTRc[h aTU[TRcX]V cWT TR^]^\hBdRWRaXcXRXb\S^Tb]^ccPZTX]c^PRR^d]ccWTR^\_[TgXcXTb^UR^\_dcX]V]PcX^]P[[TeT[bcPcXbcXRb uddenly, in recent months, the importance of decisions backed by data has taken centre-stage in the democratic governance of India. Especially during the last six months, Indian media, civil society and academia have pondered about Government statistics more than ever. It’s not that the data generated by the Government has not been analysed, discussed and deliberated by the stakeholders in the past but the extent of offence and frequent re-surfacing of the issue has been unprecedented. It began with the Indian growth rate of 7.6 per cent in 2015-16, the highest in the current series with 2011-12 as the base year. Several journalists wrote on this issue and argued that it smelt like a fish sold by Ordralfabetix. Of course, the reasons put forward by them was full of economic theory S based dipsticks. During the course of analyses many concepts like big data, open data and data quality were put forth. Many of the pieces published on this matter went on to conclude that the growth figure is ostensibly due to prestidigitation. Many domain experts, however, presented the intricacies of GDP calculations and cautioned the readers to appreciate that growth figures shall be handled with great care. GDP is an important economic concept and is used to measure economic growth or contraction (yearly changes in GDP), labour productivity (GDP/ total labour hours) and living standards (GDP/capita). There are, however, a number of theoretical and methodological problems involved in its calculation which require resolution before useful comparisons can be made between economies and over time. Many GDP estimates published by national statistical offices and in international databases are compromises lying between best practice and available resources which limits the utility and accuracy of the data. The quality of GDP statistics published by national statistical offices and those contained in international databases such as those published by the World Bank are impacted by a number of general problems which limit their effective use. These are: The limited resources of national statistics offices, the failure to update base years regularly, the use of outdated standards of national income accounting, the degree to which the shadow economy (including informal activities) is measured, the measurement of the Government and financial sectors and Government’s deliberate interference. The creation of statistical data can be seen as a process of successive refinements, from the gathering of crude figures to the compilation of information adapted to specific purposes or problem areas. Statistical data production certainly differs from production of more standardised commodities in a number of ways. The cost of collection varies significantly depending on the technique employed. Overall costs and the cost structure vary significantly from one survey to the other, depending on the number of questions, techniques, respondent climate, processing techniques and presentation format. The increasing concern about the privacy and integrity of individuals has led to new problems and higher costs in the data collection and compilation process. It tends to cause duplication of inputs, and forbid observations to be combined into integrated descriptions, except when specified a priori. Data registration in computerised systems, and compilation or reuse of primary observations in such systems is regulated in the Data Act. Issues relating to confidentiality and integrity are particularly pronounced for data on physical individuals in relation to statistics work. In India, most large scale surveys are conducted without any statutory back-up, except in the case of Annual Survey of Industry which is performed under the force of Collection of Statistics Act. Data measurement, therefore, in such large scale surveys are mostly voluntary and based on fiduciary principle. In India, it is thus argued that we are rich in data but poor in information. The criticism of India’s has a Youth Wing or a Student Wing. Why should they not be trained adequately to grow up as responsible citizens imbued with basic values of democracy, social behavior and comprehension of the party’s ideology? Dayashankar Singh rose from the University politics onwards, but some lacunae in education and training has practically marred his career in politics. One particular word; inappropriate and condemnable, that he uttered shall always weigh heavily on him throughout life! The challenge that emerges from various quarters, including the episode under context, is that of the manner India looks after and prepares its future generations. Yes, education system has a responsibility but the domain extends far beyond the formal schooling. Children and young persons need role models, the Icons! Where are they? What do they learn from the live telecast of the business in Both Houses of the parliament? How many of our leaders are even familiar with what Gandhi Ji had said: “My life is my message”! They demand more and more privileges but equally swiftly, ignore their duties towards the young of India. For a cohesive, caste-less social structure that practices religious amity, we need to prepare people, which are best described by Gandhi Ji when he quoted Professor Huxley in ‘Hind Swaraj’ in 1909: “That man I think has a liberal education…..whose mind is stored with a knowledge of the fundamental truths of nature… who has learnt to hate all vileness and to respect others as himself ”. These are simple words, not beyond the comprehension of anyone. These can pave the way for a far enlightened political environment in the country. Even the “Know-Alls” in political life could pause over, for a change! WKLQN QRZ ?0=:09:?B7A4H0B:0A growth numbers has dented the country’s hard-earned reputation, says RB Barman, the newly-appointed chairperson of National Statistical Commission. He says the Government has a transparent system of compiling statistics and officers are known for professionalism. The complexities of GDP estimation have many underlined issues including data constraints. National accounting has many complexities and requires huge effort and resources to get relevant and quality data on time. Merely because some perceptional bias in the GDP has been created it is unfair to doubt the entire Indian statistical system. In the words of Jerven, a change in the structure of funding for statistical offices is needed. We need not only more funding, but funding that is geared towards reliable, frequently disseminated surveys. F T[XeTP]SQaTPcWTf^aSb 8cfPbQ^^ZbcWPc\PST \TUTT[cWPc_TaWP_b8fPb ]^cR^\_[TcT[hP[^]TCWThR^d[S QTW^]TbcfXcW\TP]S8fXcW cWT\ATPSX]Vh^daf^aSbfWPc h^dfa^cTW^fh^dfTaT[^]T[h b^\TcX\TbP]SPUaPXSQdc P[fPhbQaPeT*cWTfPhh^dbPf cWTf^a[SXcbR^[^abP]ScTgcdaTb P]Sb^d]Sb8UT[c°8UT[ccWT fPhh^dcW^dVWcW^_TSUT[c SaTP\c8SaTP\TSfWPch^d SaTP\TSfP]cTSfWPch^d fP]cTS°P]ScWT]8aTP[XbTS cWPccad[h8YdbcfP]cTSh^d °2PbbP]SaP2[PaT 2[^RZf^aZ?aX]RT \^]Th 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % CWT6^eTa]\T]c_[P]bc^ ST[XQTaPcT^]cWTXbbdT^U \TaVX]VcWT4?R^\_P]XTbP]S ^X[\PaZTcX]VUXa\bX]cWT_dQ[XR bTRc^a <8=8BC4A5>A?4CA>;4D< 0=3=0CDA0;60B 370A<4=3A0?A0370= 2EJJ 6B?= 7?FD <PZX]V4cWP]^[Ua^\QX^\PbbfX[[ P[b^RaTPcTcaT\T]S^dbST\P]S U^aUPa\fPbcT?TaWP_bP[[aXRT bcaPfVT]TaPcTSUa^\cWT_PSSh Va^fX]VSXbcaXRc^U1WP]SPaP fWXRWXbZ]^f]PbcWT³aXRTQ^f[´ ^UEXSPaQWPRP]QTdbTSX] \PZX]VTcWP]^[0c_aTbT]ccWT T]cXaTfPbcTXbQTX]VQda]cPfPh D=8>=<8=8BC4A=8C8=603:0A8 >R]]jRUVR]dScZ_X5ZRXV`f_UVcDVSZ]V_d =4F34;78) In a fresh trouble for Diageo, markets regulator Sebi is mulling directing the British liquor giant to make additional payment to United Spirits’ minority shareholders from whom it had acquired shares under an open offer in 2013 to compensate them for some ‘preferential’ treatment to the erstwhile promoter Vijay Mallya. Diageo contests this demand and plans to file an appeal. However, the regulatory sources said that Sebi is prima facie of the view that the interest of the minority investors was compromised because of non-disclosure of certain deals including about some loan guarantees that Diageo had entered into with Vijay Mallya while acquiring his controlling stake in United Spirits Ltd (USL). Years after signing the multi-billion dollar takeover transaction with Mallya, Diageo is facing regulatory troubles on multiple fronts and is also at the loggerheads with the embattled businessman himself despite a $75-million sweetheart deal it offered him earlier this year. While Sebi and various other agencies are already probing Mallya and his various group companies for multiple regulatory lapses and defaults, the market’s regulator sent a further notice to Diageo last month regarding the open offer it had made as part of the original USL transaction in November 2012. The takeover norms require the acquirer to make an open offer to purchase 26 per cent from the minority shareholders of a listed company at a price at least at par with the same paid to the majority shareholders or the promoters. &RXFKHVWRMHW0DOO\DDVVHWVWR JRXQGHUKDPPHUIRU CFURUH <D<108)As the lenders and tax authorities cool their heels for Vijay Mallya to return to India, they will put under hammer next month assets worth over C700 crore of the embattled businessman’s long-defunct Kingfisher Airlines. The items waiting for the right bidders are plenty -- the erstwhile headquarters Kingfisher House near airport here; cars and office furniture; Mallya’s plush personal jet along with everything inside that include cushy couches and even a bathrobe; Kingfisher Villa in Goa famous for parties hosted by Mallya; and numerous brands and trademarks including the famed ‘Fly with Good Times’. This would be the second try by the lenders and tax authorities at auction of these assets as part of their efforts to recover thousands of crores worth outstanding dues, after the earlier attempt for each of these properties proved to be a damp squib. Mallya’s personal jet is being put under hammer by the service tax department, while other properties will be auctioned by the lenders whose dues from long-grounded Kingfisher Airlines have ballooned to over C9,000 crore including penal interest. For almost all the properties, the reserve price has been marked down after the earlier attempts failed to attract bidders. The 17-bank consortium, led by the State Bank of India, is re-auctioning Kingfisher House in Mumbai and the airlines’ trademarks and brands, including the ‘Kingfisher’ logo. On August 4, the lenders will re-auction Kingfisher House, the erstwhile headquar- ters of the airline, at a lower reserve price of C135 crore. In the initial attempt in March to sell the property with a built-up area of over 17,000 sq ft in plush Vile Parle area near domestic airport here, not a single bidder came forward at the then reserve price of C150 crore. Banks have also put up some of the movable secured assets worth C13.70 lakh lying at Kingfisher House for sale. These assets will be auctioned separately on August 25 by SBI Cap Trustee, which possesses these assets on behalf of the lenders. The items on sale would include eight cars -ToyotaInnova, Honda City, Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla, among others. The reserve price of each car has been set differently in the range of C90,000-2.50 lakh. These items will be sold on individual basis and not below the reserve price, according to a public notice put up by SBI Cap Trustee. In another second attempt, banks will auction brands and trademarks of Kingfisher Airlines including the Kingfisher logo as also the once-famous tagline ‘Fly the Good Times’ on August 25. The other trademarks on sale included Flying Models, Funliner, Fly Kingfisher and Flying Bird Device. The reserve price for auction of brands and trademarks has also been reduced to C330.03 crore from C366.70 crore earlier. In the heydays of Mallyaled group, the Kingfisher brand itself was valued at over C4,000 crore by Grant Thornton when the airline was at its peak. ?C8 The latest notice from Sebi was triggered because of the disclosure of the so-called Watson transaction, under which a Diageo entity had provided guarantee to Watson Ltd, a company affiliated with Mallya. Diageo Holdings Netherlands BV had issued a conditional backstop guarantee to Standard Chartered Bank pursuant to a guarantee commitment agreement. “The guarantee was in respect of the liabilities of Watson Ltd (Watson), a company affiliated with Vijay Mallya under a $135 million (92 million pounds) facility from Standard Chartered,” Diageo said in a regulatory filing. Sebi issued a notice to Diageo on June 16, 2016 that if there is any net liability incurred by Diageo on account of the Watson backstop guarantee, such liability would be considered to be part of the price paid for the acquisition of USL shares to Mallya’s UB Group under their share purchase agreement. In that case, additional equivalent payments would be required to be made to those shareholders (though representing only 0.04 per cent of the shares in USL) who tendered in the open offer made as part of the Original USL Transaction, Sebi has informed Diageo. On its part, Diageo said it “is clear that the Watson backstop guarantee arrangements were not part of the price paid or agreed to be paid for any USL shares under the Original USL Transaction and therefore believes the decision in the Sebi notice to be misconceived and wrong in law and it is taking steps to appeal it”.Diageo further said the company is “unable to assess if the notices or enquiries referred to above will result in enforcement action or, if this were to transpire, to quantify meaningfully the possible loss or range of loss, if any, to which any such action might give rise if determined against Diageo or USL.” Both Diageo and USL have received various notices from Indian regulatory authorities, including the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Serious Fraud Investigation Office, National Stock Exchange, Income Tax Department, Enforcement Directorate, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Bengaluru police, Central Excise Intelligence and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Diageo said it is “cooperating fully with the authorities in relation to these matters” and USL has also reported its internal inquiry reports, including *RYWRSHQWRGHOLEHUDWLQJRQ PHUJHURIRLOILUPV3UDGKDQ :>;:0C0)Government is open to deliberating on the issue of mega merger of state-owned oil firms for creating a behemoth, Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said. “The Government plans to deliberate on the issue of merging the E&P companies and oil marketing firms in the public sector,” the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas told the news agency. The state-owned oil companies are IOC, BPCL, HPCL, ONGC and OIL. He said with crude oil prices falling, the profits and margins of state-owned E&P (exploration and production) firms ONGC and Oil India were getting eroded. “Both ONGC and OIL are taking a hit on profits. The issue had been recently flagged by a director of one of the PSUs that it was in interest of the E&P firms to get merged with the oil marketing companies. “There is nothing wrong in 1^cW>=62P]S>8;PaTcPZX]VPWXc^] _a^UXcbCWTXbbdTWPSQTT]aTRT]c[h U[PVVTSQhPSXaTRc^a^U^]T^UcWT?BDb cWPcXcfPbX]X]cTaTbc^UcWT4?UXa\bc^ VTc\TaVTSfXcWcWT^X[\PaZTcX]V R^\_P]XTbCWTaTXb]^cWX]Vfa^]VX] SXbRdbbX]VcWTXbbdTfXcWX]cWT\X]Xbcah bPXS?aPSWP] discussing the issue within the ministry,” he said. Regarding the mega refinery on the west coast, he said the process of land acquisition is yet to begin. The proposed west coast mega refinery would come up in Maharashtra with a capacity of 60 million tonnes (in two phases). Pradhan said an SPV involving IOC, BPCL and HPCL has been formed for the project. “The exact equity pattern, quantum of land required and the total investment required is to be decided by the promot- ers,” Pradhan said. To a query, the minister said he did not foresee any problem regarding land acquisition for the project. Asked about the Government’s response to private sector Reliance seeking subsidy for LPG distribution, Pradhan said, “We are giving subsidised LPG through PSUs only because they are assigned to do that. Subsidy is involved in the issue”. Pradhan said he would be going to the UK for a roadshow in September as the Indian PSUs had bid for small fields (oil and gas) in that country. ?C8 AVec`]acZTVTfeSj C"%# ]ZecVUZVdV] SjC#!"R]ZecV ?=BQ =4F34;78 etrol price was on Sunday cut by C1.42 a P litre and diesel by C2.01 per litre, the third reduction in rates this month on global cues. Petrol will cost C61.09 a litre in Delhi from midnight tonight as compared to C62.51 a litre currently, said Indian Oil Corp, the nation’s largest fuel retailer. Similarly, diesel will cost C52.27 per litre as against C54.28 currently. This is the third reduction in rates this month. Petrol price was last cut by C2.25 a litre on July 16. Diesel rate on that date was reduced by C0.42 a litre. Prior to that petrol price was cut by 89 paise a litre and diesel by 49 paise on July 1. Prior to the reductions in July, rates had been hiked on four occasions since May 1. 8.WRXVHDLGEXGJHWWRSXVKWUDGHGHDOV ?C8Q ;>=3>= ritain is planning to use its 11 billion pound aid budB get to bolster trade deals with countries in a post-Brexit push, according to a media report. Britain’s newly-appointed Indian-origin minister for international development, Priti Patel, will be leading this policy initiative, according to The Sunday Telegraph. “Britain’s international aid commitments mean it gets fantastic access to foreign leaders all round the world. We can leverage existing relationships to strike trade deals. The Depar tment for International Development (Df id) can be used to improve Britain’s standing in the world. It will be a completely fresh way of looking at Britain’s aid budget,” the newspaper quoted a political source as saying. Patel has repor tedly already held meetings with Liam Fox, the new UK International Trade Secretary, to discuss how they can use Britain’s foreign aid budget to bolster trade deals. Britain is committed to spend around 0.7 per cent of GDP on foreign aid but India had ceased to be a recipient country in December 2015, when the India-UK aid relationship was modified into one of project-based “technical assistance”. “Successfully leaving the European Union will require a more outward-looking Britain than ever before, deepening our international partnerships to secure our place in the world by supporting economic prosperity, stability and security overseas. “That’s why my department will be working across government, with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the new Department for International Trade, the Home Office and others,” Patel had said in her statement when she took charge of her new portfolio earlier this month. She had been among the leading voices campaiging for Britain to leave the EU in the June 23 referendum. those about suspected diversion of funds by the erstwhile promoters, to the relevant authorities. Diageo and USL had also received notices from Sebi requesting information, which they said have been provided to the regulator. In its submissions, Diageo has maintained that the Watson backstop guarantee arrangements and the matters relating to Mallya’s exit deal in February this year were not subject of any earlier pact with the Indian businessman. Recently, USL disclosed fund diversions and improper transactions to the tune of C1,225.3 crore involving entities related to Mallya following an additional inquiry which was instituted to plug gaps found in an initial internal probe launched in April 2015. In May 2013, Diageo became controlling shareholder in USL with 25.02 per cent stake after completion of a C3,134.56 crore open offer. Mallya, who is in the UK for many months, has been declared as a ‘wilful defaulter’ by lenders for non-payment of loans worth over C9,000 crore by his nowdefunct Kingfisher. In February, Mallya struck a ‘sweetheart deal’ with USL under which he is to get more than C500-crore payout to leave the company besides being absolved of any ‘personal liability’ at that time. With respect to alleged fund diversions from USL, Sebi has already sought help from its counterparts in the US and the UK. The transactions occurred during the review period covered by the additional inquiry - from October 2010 to July 2014 -- although certain transactions appear to have been initiated in years prior to the review period, USL had said. ?C8 'HFLVLRQPDNLQJPD\ EHWKHILUVW FDVXDOW\LQWRS HPSW\WHOHFRPPLQLVWU\ <0=>9608A>;0 t is a crisis that could have been easily avoided. Next Imonth Telecom Commission (TC) would be almost empty. There would not be any member in the highest decision making body in the telecom sector except its chairman JS Deepak, who is also the secretary of the department of telecommunications (DoT). This crisis is not limited to TC. The ministry has five PSUs under it. These are - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL), ITI Ltd, Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Consultants India Ltd (TCIL) and Bharat Broadband Network Ltd (BBNL). All of them are working without either permanent Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) or Director (finance), the two most important positions in any PSU. Let us begin with the TC. Until last month, two positions were lying vacant in TC - that of member (Production) and member (Technology). On 30th July, member (Finance) Annie Moraes also retired. So NK Yadav, member (Services) remains to be the only member in the Telecom Commission besides its Deepak. Yadav is also slated to retire in August. If one goes by the pace at which the process of filling these positions is going on, one can safely assume that Deepak will be the only member left in the TC in September. What adds to the problem is that the positions of advisor (operations) and advisor (technology) are lying vacant in the ministry. PK Mittal, a deputy director general (DDG) responsible for auction of spectrum, will also retire in August. There are no full-time CMDs in BBNL and TCIL, two important PSUs under the ministry. BBNL is responsible for implementing national optical fibre network (NOFN). USO Fund administrator Sanjay Singh has been given additional charge of BBNL CMD. In TCIL, its member (finance) AK Gupta has been given additional charge of CMD. There is no director (planning) in BBNL. ITI Ltd does not have any full time CMD for a long time. Its director (marking) P K Gupta has been given additional charge as its CMD. Similarly, BSNL does not have a full time director (finance) for last couple of years. However, its saving grace is that the director (finance) Sujata Ray who is looking after as director (finance) is an Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service officer. With so many top positions lying vacant in the telecom ministry and its PSUs, decision making may be a casualty. It is clear that there is some basic administrative problem. It has increased in last two years. It needs to be tackled at the level of the minister Manoj Sinha, otherwise performance of the ministry would suffer. (The writer is a Senior Journalist) $XWRPDWLRQWRUHSODFHODNKVRI HQWU\PLGOHYHO,7H[HFVVD\V3DL 7H34A0103) Increasing automation would shave off 10 per cent of incremental jobs in India’s IT sector each year even as half of middle-level managers would also bear the brunt in the era of artificial intelligence, says industry veteran TV Mohandas Pai. “I think in the IT sector, may be 10 per cent minimum of incremental jobs that are created will disappear. That means every year if they do (create) 2 to 2.5 lakh jobs, 25,000-50,000 jobs will disappear,” said the former CFO and HR Head at Infosys. According to him, middlelevel managers account for 10 per cent – or 450,000 people – of the 4.5 million (45 lakh) strong IT industry in India. Half of them (2,25,000) would lose jobs over the next one decade as their work would get automated. “There are today lots of people (middle-level managers) earning between C30 lakh and C 70 lakh (per annum). Half of them will lose their jobs in the next ten years,” Pai told the news agency in an interview. The tech investor said the new breed of IT engineers should have better skills and deep technical knowledge, adding, prospects for those having just a bachelors degree (B. Tech) are going to be less and less in IT. Stressing that IT hiring would become more and more specialised with companies looking for higher and greater levels of expertise, Pai said he would recommend the aspirants to do masters (post-graduation). “An ordinary B.Tech is like 10th standard today because you have to go ahead for the next 30 year,” the chairman of Manipal Global Education said.”For lower-level jobs (entr y-level), hiring will keepreducing by 10 per cent =`\DRSYRe`eR\V fa5VSeCVT`gVcj 3Z]]e`URj ,70LQUHYLVHVZRUNRQHQFU\SWLRQ SROLF\VHHNVLQGXVWU\YLHZV =4F34;78)The Government is scheduled to move in the Lok Sabha Monday an amended bill to strengthen the debt recovery laws with an objective to improve the ease of doing business in the country. Introduced in the Lok Sabha in May, the bill seeks to amend four legislations -S ecuritisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (Sarfaesi) Act, 2002, the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and the Depositories Act, 1996. ?C8 =4F34;78)Less than a year after public backlash forced withdrawal of the controversial draft National Encryption policy, Government has restarted the work on drafting the blueprint, asking industry bodies for suggestions. The Ministry of Electronics and IT recently wrote to leading industry associations including Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), Association of Unified Telecom Service Providers of India (AUSPI), and Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) seeking their opinions and inputs that will facilitate a “robust and secure” encryption policy, sources said. The ministry has given the associations a deadline of August every year. Ordinary graduates who are trained to go up the ladder will have less prospects. Out of the total number of people hired, fresher level doing ordinary work, there will be 10-15 per cent reduction in the category year-byyear,” he said. But there will be 10-15 per cent increase in the category of masters (post-graduates) and skilled people because there is a great need for that, added Pai, a prominent angel investor. He said automation, machine-learning (artificial intelligence) and robotics would create a new kind of specialised workforce. “People who have got skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning and new coding languages like Python, Android and those in mobile area would do very well in the next five years,” he pointed out. Only 2 lakh-2.5 lakh IT engineers out of the total 6.5 1, for sending their feedback, and said they would be invited for a more detailed discussion in the meeting of an Expert Committee. However, associations such as COAI and AUSPI have asked the Ministry to bring out a specific discussion paper on the issue. “We have written to them asking for more information on the proposed framework. Banks have a different encryption standard, Telecom Department has a different encryption standard... We need a consistent Government approach on encryption,” Rajan S Mathews, director general of COAI told the news agency. When contacted, ISPAI President, Rajesh Chharia said the reworked encryption policy, lakh who come to the market every year get jobs in their chosen field. “Many of the engineers who come out of bad colleges.. there are good jobs like Ola and Uber waiting for them. I am not joking. In Bengaluru, many of the software engineers are giving up their jobs and driving Ola and Uber and making more money. It’s much more lucrative. Why work for 14 hours a day (in an IT company) and earn (only) C3.5 lakh (per annum), when you can earn Rs six lakh to C7 lakh (per year) driving a car?” he said. The Head of Aarin Capital Partners said Indian IT companies are ahead of the curve as far as automation is concerned and “they are winning the battle.” “Five of the top 10 globally competitive (IT) service c omp an i e s are In d i an ,” added Pai. ?C8 should be in sync with changes in technology. “As per the proposed policy framework, the capability to encrypt and decrypt data should be within Government. We will seek more time for giving our suggestions. The policy framework should be made after comprehensive discussions with all stakeholders,” Chharia added. Last September, the government had issued the draft of National Encryption Policy, which proposed to mandate storage of every message sent by people -- be it through WhatsApp, SMS, email or any such service -- in plain text format for 90 days, and to made available on demand to security agencies. ?C8 \^]Th 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % µ8DEe`SVdZ^a]VhZeY"RUUZeZ`_R]eRicV^`gR]¶ $JHQWVFDQFKDUJHXSWR =4F 34;78) With the Government dropping the contentious 1 per cent additional inter-state tax, the proposed national sales tax or the GST stands simplified with aberrations removed, said tax experts. Ahead of Rajya Sabha considering the biggest indirect tax reform measure since independence, the Government has met a key opposition demand of scrapping 1 per cent additional tax on interstate movement of goods. It has also agreed to compensate states for any revenue losses for five years. “The tax process/system under GST would stand simplified with the Government’s decision to do away with 1 per cent additional tax on interstate supplies. “...Tax would have resulted in a cascading tax on interstate supplies, resulting in an otherwise not so pure GST and would have also driven companies to consider the same while making warehousing/logistics decisions,” said Mahesh Jaising, Partner, BMR & Associates LLP. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) seeks to replace a slew of Centre taxes and levies in 29 states, transforming the nation into a customs union. Analysts believe the GST could boost India’s economic growth by up to 2 percentage points. Sachin Menon Partner and Head, Indirect Tax at KPMG, said the changes made in the GST Bill shows the commitment of the Government to introduce GST. “Hope our representatives put the nation first, behave responsibly to pass the GST bill,” he said. The Bill is listed for consideration in the Upper House this week. PwC Partner (Indirect Tax) Anita Rastogi said the proposed 1 per cent tax was not in line with the key concepts of GST, as the levy would have been a cost in the entire supply chain at various supply incidences. “Hence its removal is a welcome decision”. Nitish Sharma, partner, Nangia & Co said the doing away with additional tax is favourable step towards removing impediment in the credit chain and would certainly simplify the tax process. M S Mani, Senior Director –Indirect Tax, Deloitte Haskins 'LHVHOEDQVFUDSSDJHSURJUDPPH WRERRVWQHZYHKLFOHVDOHV,&5$ =4F 34;78) The ban on registration of old diesel vehicles in Delhi-NCR and the proposed vehicle fleet modernisation programme could lead to around 3 per cent additional sales of new passenger vehicles over the next two years, rating agency ICRA has said. Besides, the development could also lead to 3 per cent incremental sales in the two wheeler segment and additional sales of around 6-7 per cent in the commercial vehicle vertical. ICRA Ltd Senior VP Subrata Ray said the impact of the scrappage programme could be limited owing to moderate level of incentive (8-12 per cent) being offered. The resale value of 11-plus old vehicles may be higher than the proposed rebate in the scrappage programme, as the resale value of some of the key car models older than 11 years range between 8-15 per cent in the second-hand market, he added. “However, the program may become useful for owners of old diesel vehicles, especially in the wake of recent ban in DelhiNCR and other states like Kerala and Chhattisgarh. As market value of older diesel vehicles fall, the scrappage policy may become attractive for customer segments like taxi owners and old trucks,” Ray said. The population of vehicles older than 11 years plying on Indian roads is estimated to be around 25 million. “If around 5 per cent owners across vehicle categories decide to avail the incentive program, the policy could provide 3 per cent additional sales in the passenger vehicle and two wheeler segment and 6-7 per cent in the commercial vehicle segment over next two years,” Ray said. Last month, NGT had ordered the de-registration of all diesel vehicles which are above 10 years old and also petrol vehicles which are over 15 years old in Delhi-NCR. Besides, fast tracking the implementation of BS-VI norms, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways recently published a concept note on voluntary-vehicle modernisation programme that aims to promote replacement of old vehicles and thereby bring down vehicular emissions and improve fuel efficiency. ?C8 & Sells LLP said the decision to do away with the 1 per cent tax proposed earlier to compensate the manufacturing states will remove a major aberration in the GST value chain. Further the statement that states would be compensated for revenue losses for five years would go a long way in addressing their concerns on a very crucial aspect of the GST process, he said. On flaws in the GST Bill, Jaising said the industry has been making representations to do away the band that the states would be able notify GST rates. “The draft GST bill does continue to mention about the possibility of GST council enabling ‘bands’ being notified. Bands will result in different GST rates in different states, which though expected to be nominal, will impact a uniform pricing by companies across country and will thereby dilute the concept of a harmonised single national market,” he said. He said the April 1, 2017, deadline for roll out of GST 6Rc_Z_Xdac`XcVdd `_8DE3Z]]\VjW`c ^Rc\VedeYZdhVV\ =4F34;78)The next batch of quarterly earnings and progress on the muchawaited GST Bill would set the trend for stock market this week, say experts. “Next batch of June corporate results, progress of monsoon rains, sentiments in global markets will set the market trend this week. Investors will continue to watch developments on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) constitutional amendment bill in Parliament,” said Vijay Singhania, FounderDirector, Trade Smart Online. Also, auto stocks will remain in focus this week. These companies will start unveiling monthly sales volume data for June, he added. Moreover, on macroeconomic data front, PMI data on manufacturing and services sector would also influence trading. ?C8 seems to be “extremely aggressive” given that the industry, specifically service sector, still is in the process of completely understanding the implications of GST and needs to undertake a host of next steps for a meaningful implementation, including on the IT side. However, PwC’s Rastogi said “should Rajya Sabha passes the Constitution Amendment Bill in current Monsoon session, then the possibility of GST being applicable from April 1, seems to be more realistic”. Stating that sales tax/VAT on liquor and petroleum has been one of the largest contributors to VAT revenue to states, Jaising hoped these products would be added into the GST net, in the near future. “While the non-inclusion of petroleum and liquor appears to be in the best interest of the state’s revenues, the petroleum/liquor companies may incur GST for the business operations which would be a sunk cost to such companies, the burden of which is ultimately pushed to consumers,” he said. ?C8 ndian industry expects growth in sales and profIitability to pick up by the yearend on the back of a rise in consumer demand buoyed by good monsoons, said Assocham on Sunday, citing its Bizcon survey. “As many as 65.5 per cent of the companies covered under the June series of Bizcon said they expect the macroeconomic parameters to look up by December 2016,” said a statement issued by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham). “The survey tells us how things would look up in the next six months, mainly on the back of uptick in consumer demand helped by good monsoon. If consumer prices ease after the monsoon plays out, =4F34;78)Having announced capital infusion of C22,915 crore in PSU banks, the Finance Ministry has asked them to submit plans for raising resources through markets, including public offers and sale of noncore assets. “With the infusion, the financial strength of the banks will get a boost. This can be then leveraged by the banks to raise funds from the markets which is looking up,” sources said. Banks were advised to submit funds raising from market at a meeting of chief financial officers of public sector banks (PSBs) with senior finance ministry officials to discuss the capital allocation recently. Under Indradhanush roadmap announced by the ministry last year, the Government will infuse C70,000 crore in PSBs over 4 years while they will have to raise a further C1.1 lakh crore from the markets to meet their capital requirements in line charges to the POPs as is the case of other financial products particularly for transactions where first time on boarding of the subscriber in the NPS had been through the intervention of POPs. Accordingly, the regulator said that it has been decided to to introduce, in addition to the payment gateway charges, ser vice ch arge on c ont r ibut i on through eNPS to the associated POP of the subscriber on the date of making contribution. “The service charges to be recovered...Would be 0.05 per cent of the contribution amount ad valorem, subject to minimum of C5 and maximum of C5,000 p e r t r a n s a c t i o n ,” t h e Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) said in a circular. The service charges collected through eNPS platform would be paid to the concerned associated POP on quarterly basis after reconciliation of the account by CRA and Trustee Bank. NPS Trust will authorise the payment of these collected service charges to the POPs. However, these charges would not be applicable to the subscribers who have opened account through Aadhaar mode on eNPS platform. Various facilities (like opening Permanent Retirement Account, contributing to NPS) are provided through the entities known as POPs appointed by the PFRDA. ?C8 with global risk norms Basel-III. “Improved valuations coupled with value unlocking from non-core assets as well as improvements in capital productivity, will enable PSBs to raise the remaining C1,10,000 crore from the market,” Indradhanush plan said. The Government is committed to making extra budgetary provisions in FY’18 and FY’19, to ensure that PSBs remain adequately capitalised to support economic growth, it said. According to sources, 75 per cent of the announced allocation will be disbursed immediately while the balance will be linked to the banks’ performance. Out of the C22,915 crore, State Bank of India (SBI) will get C7,575 crore, followed by Indian Overseas Bank (C3,101 crore) and Punjab National Bank (V2,816 crore). The other lenders, which have received capital infusion are Bank of India (C1,784 crore), Central Bank of India (C1,729 crore), Syndicate Bank (C1,034 crore), UCO Bank (C1,033 crore), Canara Bank (C997 crore), United Bank of India (C810 crore), Union Bank of India (C721 crore), Corporation Bank (C677 crore), Dena Bank (C594 crore) and Allahabad Bank (C44 crore). The infusion will boost the Government’s shareholdings in the banks, which have been under-capitalised compared with their private peers because of restrictions on their ability to sell equity to raise money. The average Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) -- or the ratio of a bank’s capital to its risk -- for public sector banks stood at 11.6 per cent as of March 31, lower than 13.2 per cent for banking system as a whole.?C8 7ZR,32VWRKLWPNWVWKLVZHHN WDUJHWWRPRSXSCFURUH we can even hope for the interest rates to moderate,” the statement said, citing Secretary General DS Rawat. However, the survey also noted that the private sector remains hesitant about pumping in fresh investment. The survey reflects that “in terms of the domestic investments there has been no change in the firm investment plans in the April to June 2016 quarter,” the statement said. “Industry is not confident about own investment plan as 37.9 per cent of respondents believe that domestic investment may increase or there will be no change in the shorter horizon.” “Thus there seems to be a continuing lack of appetite for new investment in the private sector,” it said. The problem of high debt in certain key infrastructure and commodity sectors continues to remain, it added. “Fortunately, crude oil prices continue to remain muted despite threats of a rebound earlier,” Assocham said. Though fresh employment generation has remained a challenge, about 41 per cent of the corporate respondents expect pick up in job creation. Over 65 per cent of the respondents felt that wage costs will increase in future. Organisation (ICAO) for many years. At the 38th Session of ICAO Assembly in September 2013, a decision was taken to develop a GMBM scheme to limit CO2 emissions in the aviation sector. “In the recent past, governments have shown willingness to come to an agreement in the climate space area. In December last year, we had the Paris agreement on UNFCCC and in February at ICAO, encourage financial agents, popularly called POP, to promote pension schemes, the PFRDA has allowed them to collec t s er vice charges between C5 and C5,000 from subscribers joining NPS via on line platform. ENPS platform has been introduced to provide subscribers the facility to open NPS account online and make contributions thereto. The ser vice charges would be applicable only to the subscribers who are associated with any of the Points of Presence (POPs) from and also to the subscribers who have opened account through PAN and bank KYC verification on eNPS platform. With a view to incentivising POPs to “actively promote and distribute” NPS, it was suggested that P F R DA m a y c o n s i d e r allowing some ser vice IURPPDUNHW)LQ0LQWR368EDQNV =4F34;78) Aiming to tap the upbeat investor sentiment, two companies - Dilip Buildcon and S P Apparels - will hit the capital markets this week to raise an estimated C1,100 crore through IPOs. The bidding for shares in initial public offer (IPO) of Dilip Buildcon will be open between August 1-3, while the same for S P Apparels would begin on August 2 and close on August 4. The equity shares offered through the IPOs are proposed to be listed on BSE and NSE. Infrastructure firm Dilip Buildcon’s IPO comprises fresh issue of equity shares worth up to C430 crore and an offer for sale of up to 10,227,273 shares (including anchor portion). It has fixed a price band of C214219 per share. At the upper end of the price band, the public issue is expected to fetch C654 crore. Proceeds of the issue will be utilised towards repayment of debt and to meet working capital requirements. The lead managers are Axis Capital, IIFL Holdings, JM Financial Institutional Securities and PNB Investment Services. The public issue of S P Apparels, manufacturers and exporters of knitted garments for children, consists of fresh issue of equity shares aggregating up to C215 crore and an offer for sale of up to 9 lakh equity shares by New York Life Investment Management India Fund (FVCI) II LLC, the selling shareholder. The company has fixed the price band of C258-268 per equity share. At the upper end of the price band, the public issue is expected to fetch C456 crore. The IPO is managed by Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors and Centrum Capital. Since the beginning of 2016, as many as 14 IPOs including Larsen & Toubro Infotech, Mahanagar Gas, TeamLease Services and Infibeam Incorporation have already hit the capital markets. ?C8 &XVWRPHUPHHWDUUDQJHGIRULQFUHDVLQJ VWHHOXVHLQ+DU\DQDE\6$,/DQG5,1/ ?=BQ =4F34;7898=3 teel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Rashtriya Ispat SNigam Ltd. (RINL), the two 2^]UXST]ccWPcbcPcTbfX[[aTPRWR^]bT]bdb^][X\XcX]VRPaQ^]T\XbbX^]b)80C0 =4F 34;78) Global airlines body International Air Transport Association (IATA) has expressed confidence that a consensus will be reached on limiting the carbon emissions in the aviation sector during the forthcoming ICAO Assembly. Global Market Based Measures (GMBMs), a potential means for limiting or reducing carbon emissions, have been under consideration of International Civil Aviation =4F 34;78) In order to 6XEPLWSODQVIRUIXQGUDLVLQJ 6DOHVSURILWDELOLW\VHHQULVLQJ E\\HDUHQG$VVRFKDPVXUYH\ 80=BQ=4F34;78 CIURPSHRSOHMRLQLQJ136 Governments agreed on a CO2 certification standard for new aircraft. “So we are confident that the governments will again show that willingness at the forthcoming ICAO Assembly in September to reach a consensus and an agreement (on the issue),” Director for aviation environment resolution at IATA Michael Gill said. Gill, however, said the exercise was a political process and in any such processes there is no guarantee of a final outcome until an agreement has been signed. “But we do see real engagement from the governments in this process,” he said. The proposed GMBMs are to be implemented in the form of an offsetting scheme which require participants to offset their CO2 emissions above an agreed level by carbon emission trading. Aviation industry has adopted a four-pronged strat- egy-- improved technology, more efficient aircraft operations, infrastructure improvements and a properly designed market- based measures (MBM)--to fill any remaining emissions gap. “Offsetting scheme is the fourth pillar of strategy, it’s an economic measure to allow us to achieve this carbon-neutral growth target of 2020 where the other three pillars have not quite got us to that target,” he said. ?C8 major steel PSUs under the Ministry of Steel on Sunday organised an interaction for the Northern Region’s customers in Jind for increasing steel use in Haryana. The occasion was graced by Steel Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh. Haryana MLA Prem Lata Singh also attended the event. This customer’s meet was arranged at a time when India is amongst the few world markets where steel consumption has better prospects and steel demand is expected to grow on back of government’s sustained spending on infrastructure, construction, housing, smart cities, Make in India etc. initiatives. The aver- age per capita consumption of steel in India is below 60 kg and in rural India a mere 12 Kg, thus providing ample opportunity to boost steel consumption. While the steel market is globally challenging, the domestic industry must take innovative steps to enhance country’s steel consumption and counter the effects of cheap imports by its cost effective and quality steel. Domestic industry should use design & product engineering for enhancing steel consumption by establishing steel’s cost effectiveness, quality & durability as a material for construction in sectors like infrastructure, transportation and urban development. f^a[S ! 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % 7fcjRdEcf^a[VVcdRe 2[X]c^]b[P\bCad\_U^a Efc\ZdY]VRUVcScZ_Xd^Z]ZeRcj RaXcXRXbX]VATc0a\h6T] ^`cVf_UVcTZgZ]ZR_RfeY`cZej d]RZ_d`]UZVc¶d^`eYVc ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= onald Trump on Sunday hit out at the father of a D fallen Pakistani-origin Muslim American soldier over remarks that he has “sacrificed nothing” for the countr y as the Republican presidential nominee mocked the mother for keeping silent, triggering a bipartisan backlash. The reality TV star said he “created thousands of jobs and “made a lot of sacrifices” in response to an impassioned speech by Army Capt Humayun Khan’s father Khizr Khan at last week’s Democratic National Convention. The 70year-old real estate tycoon known for making controversial statements, h o w e v e r, drew sharp criticism from different quarters, including from his own party, when he questioned whether Khan’s wife was even “allowed” to speak, both for attacking a mourning mother and because many considered them racist and anti-Muslim. “Who wrote that? Did (Democratic rival) Hillary (Clinton)’s script writers write it?” Trump said in an interview with ABC News. “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard.” Khizr Khan, in a moving tribute to his son at the Convention in Philadelphia while posthumously receiving a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart after he was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004, stunned a national audience with a speech directly confronting Cad\_\PZTb" b_T[[X]V\XbcPZTb X] cfTTc\^RZTS FPbWX]Vc^])3^]P[SCad\_WPb QTT][TUcaTSUPRTSPUcTa\PZX]V cWaTTb_T[[X]V\XbcPZTbX]^]T cfTTcfXcWcWTcfXccTaPcX \^RZX]VWX\U^aWXbVPUUT8]P cfTTcRaXcXRXbX]VWXb 3T\^RaPcXRaXeP[7X[[Pah 2[X]c^]Cad\_fa^cT°7X[[Pah 2[X]c^]bW^d[S]^cQTVXeT] ]PcX^]P[bTRdaXchQaXTUX]VbX] cWPcbWTXbP[^bTRP]]^] fXcWTgcaP^aSX]PaX[hQPS YdSVT\T]cP]SX]bcXRcb± Cad\_³bcfTTcTRW^TSPbcPcT\T]c \PSTQh2[X]c^]X]<PhfWT]bWT RP[[TSWX\P]°d]`dP[XUXTS[^^bT RP]]^]±CfXccTadbTabfTaT`dXRZ c^_^X]c^dccWTcWaTTb_T[[X]V \XbcPZTbX]WXbbW^accfTTc¯²[^bT³ X]bcTPS^U²[^^bT³²X]bcXRcb³X]bcTPS^U ²X]bcX]Rcb³P]S²YdSVT\T]c³X]bcTPS ^UcWTR^aaTRcDBb_T[[X]V^U cWTf^aS²YdSV\T]c³ ?C8 Trump, who has called for a ban on Muslims entering the US. He asked Trump to “go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America”. “You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.” Trump said, “I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. Sure those are sacrifices. “I think my popularity with the vets is through the roof.” Responding to a question, Trump alleged that Khan’s wife Ghazala, who was standing besides him wearing a headscarf during the speech, was not allowed to speak. ³7X[[Pah2[X]c^]cahX]Vc^aXV STQPcTbfXcW=5;R^]U[XRcb´ Washington: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says opponent Hillary Clinton and other Democrats “are trying to rig” the fall debates by scheduling two of the events opposite NFL games. The football league has complained to him about the debate schedule in a letter, the billionaire says. The NFL and the Commission on Presidential Debates on Saturday rejected both of Trump’s assertions. Washington: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Sunday slammed her Republican rival Donald Trump for calling a decorated retired Army veteran as a “failed general” in his fight against the ISIS. Gen (retd) John Allen is a “distinguished Marine, a hero and a patriot. Donald Trump called him a failed general. Why? Because he does not believe Donald Trump should be commander in chief,” Clinton said at an election rally in Pennsylvania. Allen was critical of Trump F8[[ST_^acRaX\X]P[b Qdc]^cWPaSf^aZX]V UP\X[XTb)2[X]c^] Washington: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Sunday said that if elected to power a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship would be her top priority, but criminals and those having even remote links to terrorism would be deported immediately. “Whoever is president gets to determine what the priorities are. My priorities are deport criminals, violent criminals as fast as we can. Deport anybody that we think even has a passable link to terrorism,” Clinton said. “But don’t go rounding up hard-working mothers and fathers, taking them out of the factories or the hotels or the homes where they’re working, making these disappear and leaving their children alone,” she added. 7cV_TY4ReY`]ZTd>fd]Z^d 6\ULDQDFWLYLVWV+RVSLWDO [`Z_Z_acRjVce`^`fc_acZVde ERPEHGLQ'DUDDSURYLQFH 05?Q A>D4=5A0=24 hurches across France opened their doors to Muslims today to join in prayer with Catholics following the jehadi murder of a priest, the latest in a string of attacks. More than 100 Muslims were among the 2,000 faithful who packed the Gothic cathedral of Rouen near the Normandy town where two jehadi teenagers brutally murdered 85-year-old Father Jacques Hamel. “This morning we extend a C special welcome to our Muslim friends,” Rouen Archbishop Dominique Lebrun said in his homily. “I thank you in the name of all Christians. In this way you are affirming that you reject death and violence in the name of God.” Outside the cathedral a few policemen and soldiers stood guard but did not conduct searches. The priest’s murder sparked renewed recriminations over perceived security lapses after the Bastille Day truck massacre in southern Nice claimed 84 lives. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SHORT TERM NOTICE INVITING e-TENDERS The Executive Engineer South Building (M) PWD, P.T.S., Malviya Nagar, New Delhi re-invites on behalf of President of India online Percentage/Item Rate Tender/bid from approved and eligible contractor of CPWD for Following work:NIT No. 42/EE/PWD/BUILDING SOUTH (M)/2016-17, Tender ID 2016_PWD_111165_1 Name of Work:A/R & M/O Residential Complex Saket Court, New Delhi during 2016-17. (SH: Repair and Misc. Civil work in Judge's Flats and common area of complex). (3rd Call) Estimated Cost :- Rs. 23,87,862/Earnest Money:- Rs.47,757/- Period of completion :- 08(Eight) Months, Last Date and time of submission/ upload of Bid/Tender Through website 02/08/2016 :15:00 PM , Date and Time of opening of Tender 02/08/2016 :15:30 PM. The Bid/Tender form and other details can be obtained from the website: DIP/Shabdarth/1376/16-17 E - TENDERING PRESS NOTICE. The Executive Engineer, Civil Division No.V, Irrigation and Flood Control Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Saidulajab Near Paryavaran Complex, Saiduilajab New Delhi 110030 invites on behalf of president of India, on line percentage rate tender form approved and eligible contractors registered with Irrigation and Flood Control Department up to 3.00 P.M on 02.08.2016. 1. NIT41./2016-17/EE-V/Acs/(ID No. 2016_IFC_110926_1 ( Percentage rate).H.O.A. MLALAD Fund NOW:- Raising/Construction of existing boundary wall of pocket 8 (Sec.8) of village Jasola in Okhla area.E.C.Rs. 30,05,345/- Earnest Money Rs. 60107/Period of Completion. 180 Days. (Date of opening 02.08.2016). Note:1). The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of opening of tenders. In case the last date of opening of tender is extended the enlistment of contractor should be valid on the original date of opening of tenders. 2) Earnest Money in physical form i.e. deposited at call receipts/FDR/pay order/Banker cheque /Demand Draft of schedule bank issue in favour of EE CD V I&FC Deptt should be deposited in the office of EE CD V I&FC Deptt Govt of NCT of Delhi Saidulajab near Paryavaran complex New Delhi 30. On or before the last date and time. 3). Details of above mentioned work can be seen and downloaded from website 4). Tender submitted through e-procurement portal shall be accepted only. 5) Corrigendum, if any will be published on e-procurement web side only. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CD.V. DIP/Shabdarth/1352/16-17 0?Q 148ADC yrian activists say a hospital in the southern province of Daraa has been damaged in an airstrike and put out of service. The Local Coordination Committees activist network says an airstrike Sunday targeted the hospital in Jasem, an opposition town some 35 miles (57 kilometers) south of Damascus. The group says six people were killed in the airstrikes in Jasem, blaming them on government fighter jets. S The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group says the hospital strike killed a pharmacist and put the facility out of service. Hospitals are regularly targeted in Syria’s war, drawing condemnation from the UN and the international community. The New York-based Physicians for Human Rights says over 90 per cent of attacks on medical facilities in Syria were carried out by proGovernment forces. DEPARTMENT OF WOMEN & CHILD DEVELOPMENT Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi 1-A Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla Lane (1- Canning Lane) K.G.Marg, New Delhi-110001. NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR GRANT- IN- AID TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS Applications are invited from eligible voluntary organizations for the year 2016-17 under the schemes of 'The Grants to Social Welfare Institutions/Organizations by the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Rules, 2008'' processed by the Voluntary Action Cell of the Department of Women & Child Development, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. The last date for submission of applications is 30.09.2016. The Details regarding scheme and procedural instructions are available at the hyperlink DIRECTOR Department of Women & Child Development DIP/Shabdarth/1355/16-17 during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, saying he is unfit to become the commander-in-chief. A day later, Trump described him as a “failed general”. “He (Trump) loses his cool at the slightest provocation. Just on Saturday, he went after General (retd) John Allen, who commanded our troops in Afghanistan. “Our Commander-inChief shouldn’t insult and deride our generals, retired or otherwise. That really should go without saying, but I’m going to respond on behalf of General Allen to those kinds of insults,” she said. PTI 0?Q 8BC0=1D; urkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a T new presidential decree on Sunday that introduced sweeping changes to Turkey’s military in the wake of a July 15 failed coup, bringing the armed forces further under civilian authority. The decree, the third issued under a three-month state of emergency declared following the attempted coup, gives the President and Prime Minister the authority to issue direct orders to the commanders of the Army, Air Force and Navy. It also announces the discharge of 1,389 military personnel, including Erdogan’s chief military adviser, who had been arrested days after the attempted coup, the Chief of General Staff ’s charge d’affaires and the Defence Minister’s chief secretary. It puts the military commands directly under the Defence Ministry, puts all military hospitals under the authority of the Health Ministry instead of the military, and also expands the Supreme Military Council, the body that makes decisions on military affairs and appointments, to include Turkey’s Deputy Prime Ministers and its justice, Foreign and Interior Ministers. The document, published in the official gazette, also shuts down all military schools, academies and non-commissioned officer training institutes and establishes a new national Defence university to train officers. CdaZXbW_T^_[T_PacXRX_PcTX]PST\^]bcaPcX^]X]2^[^V]T6Ta\P]h^]Bd]SPh 0? 7XUNH\DQJHUHGE\*HUPDQ EDQRQ(UGRJDQVSHHFK 05?Q 0=:0A0 urkey on Sunday conT demned a German court decision banning President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from addressing his supporters by video link at a rally in Cologne. Germany is home to Turkey’s largest diaspora and the rally scheduled for later today was expected to attract tens of thousands of people opposed to the failed July 15 putsch. Several smaller counter-demonstrations were also planned, including one billed “Stop Erdogan” and another called by far-right activists, raising concern the demonstrators could clash. Amid fears that the crowds could be riled by live screenings of speeches from Turkey by politicians including Erdogan, Germany’s constitutional court banned an application for such broadcasts. A statement from the Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said the ban was “unacceptable”. “The practical and legal effort to prevent an event that advocates democracy, freedom and the rule of law and stands against the 15/7 coup attempt is a violation of the freedom of expression and the right to free Assembly,” the statement said. ?^_Tc^h^dcWX]?^[P]S)1T[XTeTX]Wd\P]Xch 0?Q :A0:>F?>;0=3 ?^_T5aP]RXbcPbcTbcWTQaTPS ^UUTaTSQhf^\T]X]:aPZ^f ?^[P]S^]Bd]SPh ope Francis encouraged P hundreds of thousands of young people gathered on Sunday in southern Poland to “believe in a new humanity” which is stronger than evil and refuses to use borders as barriers. His appeal came at the end of World Youth Day, a weeklong event which draws young Catholics from around the world to a different city every two to three years for a spiritual pep rally. The youth gathering was Francis’ main focus during his pilgrimage to Poland, but over five days in this deeply Catholic nation he also prayed at the former Auschwitz death camp and implored God to keep away a devastating wave of ter- rorism. He also held meetings with the country’s political and 0? church leaders. For a second straight day, HT\T]aTeTabTbSTRXbX^]c^`dXc:dfPXccP[Zb 0?Q B0=00 emen’s internationallyrecognised Government Y agreed on Sunday to extend peace talks with Shia rebels for another week, reversing an earlier decision to quit the negotiations hosted by Kuwait, according to Yemeni state television. It said President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, following consultations with top aides, has agreed to proposals by UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed for the rebels to pull out of cities, including the capital Sanaa, and hand over weapons they looted from army depots within 45 days. News of the decision to continue the talks was soon followed by a fresh wave of violence that underlines the country’s precarious security conditions. In the southern port city of Aden, a pro-government militia leader was killed and three of his guards were wounded 86XQLYHUVLW\DGGV 3RNHPRQ*RWRLWVFRXUVH Washington: Playing Pokemon Go can now help students earn course credits, thanks to a university in the US that has introduced a new class which will incorporate the widely popular augmented reality game. This fall, students at the University of Idaho (UI) in the US who opt for the “Pop Culture Games” class will wander around the campus gathering Pokeballs and searching for Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Snorlax — while earning course credits. The physical activity class will also teach students about leading active lifestyles, building teamwork and exploring their communities through games like the megahit smartphone app Pokemon Go and the live-action game Humans versus Zombies. Students will help organise the campus Humans versus Zombie club’s annual competition, which combines elements of tag, hide-and-seek and other games for a massive, multiplayer event that lasts for days. “I want it to be more than people going, ‘I am going to go catch a Pikachu,’” said course instructor Steven Bird from UI. “This app does more than let you shoot a Pokeball. You get to adventure around, seeing different things, being active, seeing the sun. It allows you to move in large groups and a team. You get not only physical activity, but you also get team-building and leadership,” said Bird. PTI when a bomb planted in their car was remotely detonated, security officials said. They identified the militia commander as Saleh al-Geneidi, leader of a pro-government militia in Lawdar, in the southern Abyan province. a huge crowd filled a vast field Sunday in the gentle countryside outside of Krakow for Francis, who was visiting Eastern Europe for the first time. Security was very high through the pope’s visit, coming at a time of terror attacks in Western Europe. The faithful had camped out overnight after an evening of entertainment and prayer with the pope there that drew 1.6 million people, according World Youth Day organizers. Sunday’s faithful numbered at least in the hundreds of thousands, similar to the number seen at the pope’s other public appearances in the past days. The Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, referred to an estimate by Polish authorities of 1.5 million at Sunday’s closing Mass. E`a4YZ_VdV 8V_VcR]ac`SVU W`cT`ccfaeZ`_ 1TXYX]V)0c^_2WX]TbT\X[XcPah ^UUXRTafW^_[PhTSP[TPSa^[TX] ^aVP]XbX]VP\PbbXeT_PaPSTc^ \PaZcWT&cWP]]XeTabPah^UcWT T]S^UcWTF^a[SFPa88[PbchTPaXb UPRX]VPR^aad_cX^]_a^QTcWT[PcTbc X]PbcaX]V^UVaPUcX]eTbcXVPcX^]b [Pd]RWTSPb_Pac^U?aTbXST]cGX 9X]_X]V³b\PbbXeTRaPRZS^f]^] R^aad_cX^]<PY^a6T]TaP[@dAdX PST_dchRWXTU^UcWT2^\QPc >_TaPcX^]b3T_Pac\T]cd]STacWT ?T^_[T³b;XQTaPcX^]0a\h³b]Tf[h TbcPQ[XbWTS9^X]cBcPUU3T_Pac\T]c fPbcPZT]PfPhQh\X[XcPahVaPUc QdbcTabSdaX]VP\TTcX]V^] FTS]TbSPh7^]V:^]VQPbTS B^dcW2WX]P<^a]X]V?^bcbPXS CVeR\Z_X:D:DYV]U >`df]]Z\V]je`SV ecZT\jT`de]jW`c:cRb Baghdad: It promises to be the biggest and perhaps last major battle against the Islamic State group in Iraq. Iraq’s Government is setting its sights on Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city that has been under ISIS control since June 2014, as its next major target. The assault is probably months away, but fierce fighting already has been raging as Iraqi forces try to clear the militants from villages and towns south of the city. The goal is to protect the Qayara air base, which was recaptured from the militants July 9 and is to be a main hub for the final move on Mosul. Some 560 US militar y personnel, mainly engineers and logistics, security and com- munications experts, are due to be deployed at the base to upgrade its facilities in preparation for the Mosul attacks, according to US Defence Secretary Ash Carter. But that can’t happen yet because Qayara base has come under frequent rocket fire. About two-thirds of the surrounding towns and villages are controlled by IS fighters. Iraqi forces need to clear a 20-kilometer (12-mile) radius around the base and to retake the key nearby towns of Qayara and Shirqat, several Iraqi military officials told The Associated Press. Retaking Mosul would be far more significant, robbing the IS of the jewel of its selfdeclared caliphate. AP eXePRXch " 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % ³3^]cRP[[SP]RT XcT\]d\QTa´ 038C8 A0> 7H30A8 bPhb P SP]RT ]d\QTabW^d[S]^cQTaTUTaaTSc^Pb P]XcT\]d\QTaFWT]PbZTSPQ^dc WTaXcT\]d\QTaX]cWTU^acWR^\X]V UX[\CWT;TVT]S^U<XRWPT[<XbWaP 0SXcXbPXS)°8S^]cRP[[XcP]XcT\]d\ QTa 8 S^]c cWX]Z X] ! % P]hQ^Sh bW^d[SRP[[XcP]XcT\]d\QTa8cWX]Z XcbbPSXUP]hQ^ShXbRP[[X]VPSP]RT ]d\QTaP]XcT\]d\QTaH^d PaTaTUTaaX]Vc^PVXa[PbP] XcT\?[TPbTS^]cRP[[XcP] XcT\]d\QTa±BWTPSSTS °FWT] <PSWdaX 3XgXc SP]RTb h^d RP[[ WTa P SP]RTaH^dS^]cRP[[ WTa P] XcT\ 8c P[[ ST_T]Sb^]W^fh^d caTPc h^dabT[U± °CWT ;TVT]S >U <XRWPT[ <XbWaP±fWXRWP[b^ UTPcdaTb 0abWPS FPabXfPbaTPShcf^ hTPabQPRZQdcXcfX[[ UX]P[[h aT[TPbT ^] 0dVdbc $ °8cb aT[TPbX]V]^fPUcTa cf^ hTPab 1dc 8 bcX[[ UTT[ Xc fX[[ QT eP[XS QTRPdbT 8 UTT[XcbP`dXaZh UX[\CWTZX]S^U UX[\ cWT PdSX T]RT PRRT_cb cWTbTSPhb8 W^_T cWTh fX[[ [XZT cWXb± 7^bcX]V9WP[PZXbP WdVTaTb_^]bXQX[Xch QTRPdbTcWTbT R^]cTbcP]cbPaT RT[TQaXcXTbP]SWPeTP WdVTUP]U^[[^fX]V CWThPaTaTP[[heTahcP[T]cTSb^U^a \TXcbZX]S^U[XZT7^fS^8YdSVT cWT\.²7^fS^8YdSVT_T^_[T fXcWb^\dRWcP[T]c.P]SPccWT bP\TcX\T²7^fRP]8WT[_cWT\ c^Ud[UX[cWTXaSaTP\b.³ °902@D4;8=4 54A=0=34I 0RPST\h0fPaS fX]]X]VPRc^a<^aVP] 5aTT\P] XbX] ]TV^cXPcX^]bc^bcPaX] 3Xb]Thbd_R^\X]V [XeTPRcX^]UX[\CWT =dcRaPRZTa P]ScWT 5^daATP[\bP^__^bXcT<Xbch 2^_T[P]SP]S<PRZT]iXT5^h ;PbbTRP\T^]Q^PaSX]<PaRWc^ SXaTRcUa^\0bW[TXVW?^fT[[b bRaX_c 9T]]XUTa0]Xbc^] f^]cWPeT1^c^g 94==854A0=8BC>= Xb]^cZTT]^] VTccX]VP1^c^gCWT°7^aaXQ[T 1^bbTb±bcPafW^aTRT]c[h_T]]TS P]TbbPhb[P\\X]V°^QYTRcXUXRPcX^] P]SbRadcX]h^Uf^\T]±PS\Xcb bWTWPb[TPa]TSc^PRRT_c WTa]PcdaP[[^^ZPUcTaP Q^hUaXT]Sc^[SWTabWT [^^ZTSQTccTafXcW^dc P]h\PZTd_°FWh f^d[Sh^dfP]cc^ WPeT1^c^gP]S Pca^_Wh\dbR[Tb P]hfPh.8Uh^d S^]cf^aZ^dc TeT]cdP[[h TeTahcWX]V Sa^_b±0]Xbc^] c^[S8]Bch[T \PVPiX]T°;Tbb Xb\^aT8c³b X\_^acP]cc^ _TT[PfPhcW^bT [PhTab8WPSP Q^hUaXT]SfW^ P[fPhbbPXS8 [^^ZTSQTccTa fXcW^dc\PZTd_± bWTPSSTS 0]Xbc^]PS\XccTScWPc Xcc^^ZWTaPfWX[Tc^ UTT[R^\U^acPQ[T fXcW^dc\PZTd_°8c c^^Z\TPfWX[Tc^UTT[ R^\U^acPQ[TT]^dVWc^ aT\^eTcWPcPa\^da Qdc8TeT]cdP[[haTP[XbTS WTfPbaXVWc±bWT PSSTS ?2E:@?DG@:46 ?aT\RWP]S³b]^eT[bP]SRWPaPRcTabbcX[[WPeT aT[TeP]RTX]^dab^RXTch6D;I0A XbVaTPc[h X]U[dT]RTSQhWX\1h60=8C0 remchand is as relevant now as he was during the pre-independence era. His literature, the characters he wrote, the problems he talked about, we are still struggling to get over them. Be it the poverty or the caste discrimination, these things are still there in our society and the situation has even gone worse. Hori and Dhaniya are still living in our villages,” sighed Gulzar pointing out the gender and caste-based biases that we still hold I our minds.The celebrated poet-lyricist was highlighting the universality of our vernacular authors at the launch of the screenplay format of Premchand’s classics Godan and Nirmala which were penned by him. Translated by Saba Mahmood Bashir, the sreenplays are published by Roli books. The screenplays were part of the 26-episode TV series Tehreer... Munshi Premchand Ki and Gulzar thought of bringing it in the format of a book, to make it appealing to the youth. Remembering modern Hindustani literature, Gulzar mentioned Premchand as one of the greatest influences on him. “To bring back our literature we have to present it in the format which appeals most to the young generation living in metropolises. This is my effort to bring back people to reading the literature which is not looked for beyond school or college books,” he said. He seemed really concerned about the social and economic condition of 21stcentury India. He is true in a sense that we are moving towards a capitalist society, still sticking to the centuries-old discrimination. India is still dealing with the problems of poverty, discrimination (gender and caste based both). “I am trying to talk about the political and social situation of India through Premchand,” he said. Munshi Premchand was one of the biggest influences in Gulzar’s International chef Jamie Foy says, “I am passionate about food and love to be inventive.” Which is why he has attached himself to the brand of grills that allows swift delivery with wholesome cooking in minutes. After serving mocktails to us, the ebullient chef has us cook with him. With the apron on, we cooked pizza, chicken, paneer and banana bread with him. Jamie, who is also Weber Grill Academy Development Manager, taught us few of his perplexing skills like tossing pizza dough, flattening dough with hands and grilling chicken flawlessly. Talking about his style of cooking, Jamie said, “As I cook or present food, I like to be quite exciting and make people enjoy.” Nice, roasted, simple and great flavours you can call this my style, he further added.The international chef is also a soccer player and confessed his love for bikes. We were startled to know about his road trip from Manali to Ladakh on a Royal Enfield. Awarded with the Young rising star at British cookery school, Jamie is responsible for setting up Weber grill acade- association with literature and the eminent poet-lyricist feels his writings have not lost its relevance even after a century. When asked about the career of Munshi Premchand in films, Gulzar said, “It is tough to be in the industry and say what you want to in the purest form. Premchand tried his hand, but he was more inclined in the independence movement. If a writer wants to be in the industry they should not expect to be accepted without any changes being made to their work. Only Sahir Ludhiyanvi and Pandit Pradeep managed to go ahead with their originality.” Premchand tried his hands in cinema but couldn't continue with it because he motive in life was different altogether. Premchand had an ability to focus on the problems faced by the country during British Raj, without even pointing directly at the rulers and he has tried to maintain that. Gulzar also mentioned that if Premchand had a translator, his work would have been appreciated that much more. He also pointed out the lack of attention of Sahithya Academy towards it. “It think they should translate all the old works in major Indian languages and English. They have translated some, but the books are in godowns," he pointed out. We also talked toSaba, who has translated Gulzar’s work in English. He said working with the writer is always a pleasure and a responsibility at the same time. She told us that the copy came to her in Devnagiri script. “It’s an honour to translate a book which has names of both Munshi Premchand and Gulzar sahab on it. It was a pleasure, but with a sense of responsibility," she said. Talking about the relevance of language, the Delhi University professor said, “There is a difference between major languages and minor languages and there are certain privileged languages. Bridging the gap is a challege for us.” The event ended with Gulzar and Saba signing copies for the fans. )ODVKLQDSDQ 2WTU9P\XT5^hVTcbRWPcchfXcWD]]PcX9^bWXPQ^dccWT f^]STab^U`dXRZVaX[[ my across Asia. When asked about one signature dish, after a pause Foy told us that he enjoys cooking, smoked Scotch eggs. “I also love making desserts”, he said. With a promise to try RajmaChawal, Jamie said, I love cook- E649 C0:4 3PX[h[XUTRP]QTX\_a^eXbTSQh]Tf P__[XRPcX^]bP]SSTeXRTbDbT]Tf X]]^ePcX^]bc^\PZT[XUTWP__XTa P ver cooked a E pizza in five m i n u t e s ? 0__bP]SSTeXRTb ing Indian food. I like chicken tikka and the sweet white water balls (Rasgullas). Talking about grill academy he said, “I have been associated with Weber for about six years. I live, breathe and eat this brand. People come to grill academy and they have a perception about grilling and barbecuing, the whole point of coming here (in North India) is to educate them. Barbecuing at Weber is about lid on cooking and getting people set the barbecue properly.” I have faith and confidence in the brand, he added. CWT\d[cXSTbXV]Tabc^aT:PhaPXbcadTc^Xcb]P\TP]S WPb[XeTSd_c^Xcb\TP]X]VX]cWTPRRdaPcTbT]bT QaX]VX]VVaPRTc^>]TBch[T<X[TR^\_[TgX]cWTRP_XcP[b <TWaPd[XPaTP5^d]STSQhT]caT_aT]Tdab0]YdP]SEXZPb CXQaTfP[cWTbc^aTfPb[Pd]RWTS^]CWdabSPhCWT ]Tf[hUP]V[TSbc^aTW^dbTbb^\TaT]^f]TSSTbXV]Tab [XZTA^WXc1P[APWd[<XbWaP<PbPQP6d_cPBP\P]c 2WPdWP]:PeXcP1WPacXP=PZd[BT]=PRWXZTc1PaeT :XaP]DccP\6W^bWc^]P\TPUTf:PhaPXbPUdbX^]^U TcW]XRP]S\^STa]R^]cT\_^aPahP]SXbTg`dXbXcTRP[\ P]SRPcTaX]Vc^P[[cWTUPbWX^]]TTSbQTXcR[^cWX]V YTfT[[TahSTbXV]TaQPV^abW^Tbc^_TaUTRc[hbdXccWT T[TVP]RT^U\T]P]Sf^\T]P[XZT EPad]:aXbW]P] ?A8B<0C74?7>C>0?? C0:8=6C748=C4A=4C1H BC>A< Over the past few days, it is highly likely that you might have come across some interesting photos which seem like artwork appear on social networks.These photos are created using the Prima app which lets you turn any photo taken on your phone camera into a piece of art. The app is fairly simple to use and lets you capture a new photo using your phone's camera or use an existing image from your gallery. From there, you can pick one of the numerous filters each with its unique touch. The output image is quite remarkable for most photos and hence has become an internet craze. You can chose to share the image on your social networks or to your photo gallery. The app claims to use the painting styles famous artists such as Van Gogh and Picasso. It employs a combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence to make your photo look like a work of art.The app is available for free on both iOS and Android and is free to download. G80><8=>F<0:4B ;0?C>?BC>>C0:4B>= C74<021>>:08A Xiaomi has announced the Mi Notebook Air which is a 13.3 inch Windows laptop with great hardware design on the outside with powerful internals such as a dedicated NVIDIA GeForce 9 4 0 M X graphics card on the inside. It is powered by an Intel i5 processor and features a high speed solidstate drive and promises 9.5 hours of usage on a single charge. The Notebook Air weighs 1.28kg and is priced at the Rs.50000 mark in China and is expected to hit India soon. H>:HC06;4CBH>D CA02:H>DAE0;D01;4B 5>AC7>B4F7> <8B?;0248C4<B We often misplace our keys, bags or other important items either at home or at work. Yoky Tag aims to solve this problem with its Bluetooth connected tag. You can attach the tag to your bag, car keys, luggage or any valuable which you generally misplace and the app will send you an alert when you leave the item behind. How the device does this is by constantly maintaining a bluetooth connection between the tags and your phone and the moment the connection is broken, an alert is sounded on both the phone and the tag. The tags have a maximum range of 150 feet and feature a 500mAh replaceable battery which can last up to a year and does not require charging. You can monitor the location of your items using the free Yoky Tag app and up to 8 tags can be connected at a time.The only catch is that you need to have bluetooth activated on your phone which might impact your smartphone's battery life but the company claims to have addressed the issue. The device is compatible with most smartphones with Bluetooth 4 and above running. Android 4.3+or iOS 8+ andretails for Rs.999 including taxes and shipping and is currently available on eXePRXchj\X]Sb_PRTl # 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % HYReRd^Z]VcVgVR]dYZUVd 3XaTRc^a0AB7038@10;cP[Zbc^0=0=H0 PQ^dcWXbU^acWR^\X]VUX[\CWTBcaP]VT B\X[T fWXRW_aT\XTaTSPc872 3TUTPcWPcaTSfXcW [^eTP]ST\_PcWh 7KHVHFXULW\RIDFRXQWU\OLHVLQ IDFWQRWLQWKHDUPHGVWDWHRI UHDGLQHVVIRUGHIHQFHRUZDUEXW LQIULHQGOLQHVVORYHSHDFHDQG FRRSHUDWLRQZLWKRWKHUV%\ 5DM\RJL%UDKPDNXPDU1LNXQM ccording to the annual Global Terrorism Index that was released just days after the horrific terrorist attacks at A multiple locations in Paris that killed hundreds of inno- he smile is a poignant tale of life and loss, where even amidst the desolation of death, life finds a home. Like a smile that finds a place in moments of joy as well as despair, the short film The Strange Smile, explores the duality of life that unites life and death as two parts that complete a whole. Director Arshad Iqbal’s short film, which premiered at the Stein Auditorium, follows the life of Barkati played by theatre professional Samridhi Dewan, and shows that there is a story behind every smile. Barkati is the granddaughter of Jumman Shah, the caretaker of a cemetery. As a young girl, death always brought happiness to Barkati. After all, she would get a new dress, a new toy, even her favourite food, whenever a body was brought to the place where she lived - a graveyard. T At a very early age in her life, Barkati realised that her family’s happiness was linked to the arrival the bodies. The director, Arshad Iqbal, who has produced and directed many social campaigns such as Pulse Polio and corporate films for various national and international companies, says, “It’s a story that can be felt at a level where mind does not interfere. The idea is to tell stories which are unique and have universal appeal.” The story, however, unfolds in an irony of spiritial when Barkati loses her own child. Feeding off the loss of others, this loss jolts her completely. It is only then that her smile ends up betraying her emotions. The film, which was shot in a graveyard in Uttar Pradesh’s Farrukhabad, is inspired by Hindi writer Syed Mohammad Mohsin’s short stor y, Anokhi Muskurahat. “I was in class 11th when CWTUX[\U^[[^fbcWT [XUT^U1PaZPcX_[PhTS QhcWTPcaT _a^UTbbX^]P[P]S bW^fbcWPccWTaTXbP bcaP]VTbc^ahQTWX]S TeTahb\X[T I read the short story and have been wanting to tell it since then. Also, I think that we should tell stories which are Indian and yet so universal. This is another thing that motivated me to make such a film,” said Arshad. Talking about short films, Arshad said, “If short stories can make greats like Saadat Hasan Manto, Ismat Chugtai and Rajinder Singh Bedi, why can’t we make great films? A story is a story which should be told the way it is. The length of the film doesn’t matter.” The film has only one song, O re manwa which is written by the multi-talented Arshad Iqbal, himself and sung by Vidhi Sharma. “Indian movies are known for their songs and that is one of the reasons why I wanted to keep one. The song comes directly from the heart of the protagonist and shows the time lapse,” said the director. While Arshad has used Urdu and Hindi, he has introduced some elements to make the film more contemporary. “A dakiya (postman) coming to deliver a letter will not make sense to most viewers now, while a cellphone being used by the central characters will be more easy to recognize,” says Eqbal. “The idea is to tell Indian stories to the world,” he added. B^RXP[\TSXP\PhWT[_QaTPbcRP]RTa_PcXT]cb :RPHQDUHXVLQJVRFLDOPHGLDDQGZHEEDVHGVXSSRUWJURXSVWRGHDOZLWKWKHQHJDWLYHHPRWLRQVDQG VWUHVVDURXQGWKHLUEUHDVWFDQFHUGLDJQRVLV,WLVPRUHFRPPRQLQHGXFDWHGDQG\RXQJHUZRPHQ omen who engaged on social W media after a breast cancer diagnosis expressed more deliberation and satisfaction about their treatment decision, says a study. The findings showed that online communication was more common in younger women and those with more education. In the study, 41 per cent of women reported some or frequent use of online communication. Texting and email were most common, with 35 per cent of women using it. Twelve per cent of women reported using Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites, and 12 per cent used web-based support groups. “Our findings highlight an unmet need in patients for decisional support when they are going through breast cancer treatment,” said lead author Lauren P. Wallner, Assistant Professor of General Medicine at the University of Michigan, in the US. Further, the women were also found using all email, texting, social media and web-based support groups to deal with the negative emotions and stress around their breast cancer diagnosis. They are using these communications to cope, the researchers said. Women who frequently used online communication had more positive feelings about their treatment decision. They were more likely to report a deliberate decision and more likely to be highly satisfied with their decision. Moreover, the women also reported separate reasons for using each of these 4<08;0=3C4GC8=6F4A4?A8<0A8;HC>;4C?4>?;4:=>FC74H 703144=3806=>B43C74HC4=343C>DB4B>280;<4380B8C4B 0=3F4110B43BD??>AC6A>D?BC>8=C4A02C01>DCCA40C<4=C >?C8>=B0=3?7HB8280=A42><<4=30C8>=B media outlets. “Email and texting were primarily to let people know they had been diagnosed. They tended to use social media sites and web-based support groups to interact about treatment options and physician recommendations,” Wallner noted. However, the study found significant barriers to social media for some women, particularly older women, those with less education and minorities. “At this point, leveraging social media and online communication in clinical practice is not going to reach all patients. There are barriers that need to be considered,” Wallner added, in the paper appearing in the journal JAMA Oncology. For the study, the team surveyed 2,460 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer about their use of email, texting, social media and web-based support groups following their diagnosis. Although for many women social media may prove to be a helpful resource. But one cannot rely on it as a routine part of patient care, the researchers cautioned. “We don't know a lot about the type of information women are finding online. What are they sharing and what is the quality of that information? We need to understand that before we can really harness the potential of social media to better support patients through their cancer treatment and care,” Wallner said. IANS cent people there has been over a nine-fold increase in the number of deaths from terrorism, rising from 3,329 in 2000 to 32,658 in 2014. Isn’t it scary? Where will it all stop? Is there still more to come ? The havoc caused by the Paris attacks in November 2015, shook not only the French capital and its northern suburb, Saint - Denis, but the psychological tremors, caused by these atttacks, reached every nook and corner of the country. Everyone said that this was the handiwork of the extremists or agents of the countries, who, because of ill will and deep feelings of hatred, wish to destabilise some countries politically, shatter their economy, plunge their people into panic and widen the gulf of suspicion and hatred among different religious communities. Although various investigative and intelligence agencies have been working on whatever traces the crime has left behind it, it would not be wrong or without merit to look at the event from some other parameter which is, usually, outside the perspective of the investigative agencies or intelligence bureaus or the politicians. This kind of look at the event is not intended to replace the efforts of the official agencies nor to lessen the importance and urgency in any way but it is meant to help mankind find a final solution to the problem of security, even though it would require a longer period and different kinds of skills than the governments worldwide usually and routinely employ. It’s a usual practice to increase vigilance, tighten overall security and deploy more police or para-military forces at sensitive points after occurrence of such events. In other words, security is always linked to employment of police, military or para-military forces. But if we survey the history of even one century, we would find that the security of a country lies, in fact, not in the armed state of readiness for defence or war but in friendliness, love, peace and co-operation with others. We should understand very clearly that our real enemies are not some countries, communities, or men and women, but, suspicion, fear, hatred and violence, and these enemies that lie in the minds of men cannot be eliminated by military weapons. History is a witness that, in the 20th and 21st centuries, inspite of military forces, there have been as many as 264+ wars which have been more and more costly than before. So, unless and until the UN and such other world bodies take up vigorously the task of moral literacy and value-education so as to eradicate the lust for power and territory and hatred, jealousy and enmity between neighbours, there cannot be any true security. While measures in the prevalent sense of the word “security” are necessary and must be taken, there should also be long-term measures to promote friendliness and co-operation, for hatred and enmity are the real culprits. So let us all come together and make a resolve that we will defeat hatred with mass feelings of love, empathy and cooperation. =PcX^]P[C^daXb\0fPaSbU^acWThTPa! # $c^ePaX^dbbTV\T]cb^U cWTcaPeT[c^daXb\P]SW^b_XcP[XchX]SdbcahfTaT_aTbT]cTSQhBd\XcaP <PWPYP]b_TPZTa;^ZBPQWPPcPUd]RcX^]^aVP]XbTSQh<^C^daXb\ <PWTbWBWPa\P<X]XbcTa^UBcPcT8]ST_T]ST]c2WPaVTU^aC^daXb\ P]S2d[cdaT_aTbXSTS^eTacWTUd]RcX^]C^daXb\<X]XbcTab^U\P]h bcPcTbRT]caP[P]SbcPcTV^eTa]\T]c^UUXRXP[b\T\QTabUa^\cWTcaPeT[ P]SW^b_XcP[XchX]SdbcaXTbX]R[dSX]V[TPSX]VW^cT[XTabcaPeT[PVT]cbP]S c^da^_TaPc^abP]ScaPeT[\TSXPPccT]STScWTUd]RcX^] H^dRP]]^cUX]S_TPRTQhPe^XSX]V[XUT ° E8A68=80F>>;5 8=C4A<4380;;0=6D0645>A0DC8B< B42>=370=3B<>:48B70A<5D; ATbTPaRWTabPccWTD]XeTabXch^U:T]cPaT PaVdX]VcWPcRaTPcXeXchP]SX]cTa\TSXP[[P]VdPVTb RP]QTdbTSPbPQaXSVTc^R^\\d]XRPcTfXcW PdcXbcXRRWX[SaT]CWThPaVdTU^afXSTadbT^U RaTPcXeT\PcTaXP[[P]VdPVTbbdRWPb_d__Tcah R^bcd\Tb_a^YTRcX^]\XRa^_W^]Tb[XVWcbP]S b^d]SX]_[PhPbPQaXSVTQTcfTT]cWT[XeTS Tg_TaXT]RT^UPdcXb\P]S_aPRcXRTb^UTSdRPcX^] P]SRPaTCWa^dVWSTcPX[TS^QbTaePcX^]b^Ucf^ RWX[SaT]cWThST\^]bcaPcTW^fX]cTa\TSXP[Xch d][^RZTSb^\T^UcWT\P]hP]SePaX^db [P]VdPVTbPdcXbcXRRWX[SaT]dbTUPRX[XcPcX]VcWTXa bT[UPfPaT]Tbb FWX[TcWTTUUTRcXbcT\_^aPahU^aQ^cWRXVPaTccTP]S \PaXYdP]Pb\^ZTcWTbTcT\_^aPah_a^Q[T\bRP]cda]X]c^ [^]VcTa\_a^Q[T\bXUTg_^bdaTb^RRda^UcT]T]^dVWP]S \PhX]RaTPbTcWTRWP]RTb^USTeT[^_X]VWPaST]TSP]S R[^VVTSPacTaXTbCWTX]RaTPbX]V]d\QTa^UbcPcTb[TVP[XiX]V \TSXRX]P[P]SaTRaTPcX^]P[\PaXYdP]PP[^]VfXcWX]RaTPbX]V _^cT]cXP[U^a R^a_^aPcT Tg_P]bX^]fXcWX] cWTRP]]PQXb X]Sdbcah\PZTb XcX\_^acP]cc^ d]STabcP]S WTP[cW R^]bT`dT]RTb^U bTR^]SWP]S \PaXYdP]Pb\^ZTTg_^bdaTCWTX]WP[PcX^]^Ub\^ZT bW^d[SQTPe^XSTSaTVPaS[Tbb^UfWTcWTaXcR^\TbUa^\ c^QPRR^\PaXYdP]P^a^cWTab^daRTb8]WP[X]Vb\^ZTXb QPSU^ah^dFWT]aPcbX]WP[TSbTR^]SWP]S\PaXYdP]P b\^ZTU^a^]T\X]dcTcWTXaPacTaXTbRPaaXTSQ[^^S[Tbb TUUXRXT]c[hU^aPc[TPbc(\X]dcTbfWTaTPbbX\X[Pa Tg_^bdaTc^bTR^]SWP]Sc^QPRR^b\^ZTRPdbTSQ[^^S eTbbT[X\_PXa\T]ccWPcaTR^eTaTSfXcWX]"\X]dcTb 28C84BB?4=38=60;>C>=F0C4ACA40C<4=C 0]TfV[^QP[bcdShWPbU^d]ScWPc^]TX]cWaTT[PaVTRXcXTb b_T]S$_TaRT]c\^aT^]fPcTacaTPc\T]cR^bcbPbPaTbd[c ^USP\PVTc^cWTTR^[^VXRP[`dP[Xch^UcWTXafPcTabWTSb CWXbX]RaTPbTX]R^bc\PccTabQTRPdbTX]RaTPbTbX]fPcTa caTPc\T]cR^bcbPaT_PXSU^aQhcW^bT[XeX]VX]RXcXTbb^ fPcTabWTSSTVaPSPcX^]WPbWPSPaTP[R^bcU^aWd]SaTSb^U \X[[X^]b^UdaQP]XcTbDaQP]fPcTacaTPc\T]cR^bcbaXbT fWT]cWTfPcTa`dP[XchPccWTb^daRT^UPRXchbSaX]ZX]V fPcTaXbPUUTRcTSQhW^fcWT[P]SX]cWTfPcTabWTSXbdbTS 8]cPRcU^aTbcbP]S^cWTa]PcdaP[TR^bhbcT\b_a^cTRcfPcTa `dP[XchX]PfPhcWPcUPa\bP]SaTbXST]cXP[]TXVWQ^daW^^S ;0CC824BCAD2CDA401B>A1BE81A0C8>=B EXQaPcX^]bUa^\PQdbT]VX]TRP]b^\TcX\TbQTUT[c d]R^\U^acPQ[hbca^]V[hcWa^dVWcWTbTPcbBX\X[Pa[heXQaPcX^]b Ua^\cWT_a^_T[[Tab^aa^c^abX]_a^_T[[TaPXaRaPUcP]S WT[XR^_cTabRP]\PZTcWTU[XVWcQd\_hP]S[^dSP]SP[b^[TPS c^X]RaTPbTSUPcXVdTSP\PVT^UcWTPXaRaPUcP]SXcb R^\_^]T]cb4]VX]TTabWPeTcWTaTU^aTb^dVWcc^_aTeT]cbdRW eXQaPcX^]bX]\PRWX]TbeTWXR[TbP]SPXaRaPUc0]TfcWaTT SX\T]bX^]P[[PccXRTbcadRcdaTSTeT[^_TSQh4C7bRXT]cXbcb R^d[S]^fTg_P]ScWT_^bbXQX[XcXTb^UeXQaPcX^]PQb^a_cX^] 8]bcTPS^UcWTeXQaPcX^]bcaPeT[X]VcWa^dVWcWTfW^[TbcadRcdaT cWThPaTcaP__TSQhcWTbcTT[RdQTbP]ScWTX]]Ta_[PbcXRVaXS a^Sbb^cWT^cWTaT]S^UcWTbcadRcdaTS^Tb]^c\^eT 0373?0C84=CB70E4A8B:H1470E8>DA 1PbTS^]P]P]P[hbXb^U<TSXRPXSR[PX\bU^a]TPa[h $RWX[SaT]SXPV]^bTSfXcW0373X]B^dcW 2Pa^[X]PQTcfTT]!"P]S! 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Ashwin grabbed 5 for 52 in 16 overs en route his 18th five-wicket haul in longer format as West Indies were all-out for 196 in 52.3 overs. The off-spinner took centrestage after initial breakthroughs from Ishant Sharma (2/53 in 10 overs) and Mohammed Shami (2/23) as rival skipper Jason Holder had decided to make first use of a lively pitch. The visitors then further consolidated their position by reaching 126 for 1 as they are now only 70 runs short of the West Indies first innings score. Opener Rahul (75 batting) coming in place of an injured Murli Vijay made full use of the opportunity as he not only looked compact but also scored runs at a fair clip. Rahul's innings had 10 boundaries in 114 balls as he added 87 runs for the first wicket with a subdued Shikhar Dhawan (27, 52 balls, 5x4). Giving company was Cheteshwar Pujara batting on (18 batting). Earlier, in the West Indies innings it was Jermaine Blackwood, who showed some counter-attacking instincts with a run-a-ball 62 that had seven fours and four sixes. Along with Marlon Samuels (37, 88 balls), Blackwood added 81 runs for the fourth wicket after the Caribbeans were reeling at 7 for 3 with Ishant and Shami polishing off the top-order. However, Ashwin held sway in the second session where West Indies lost six wickets for 108 runs to get all-out for a score of less than 200 runs. Ashwin now has 188 victims in FIGURATIVELY R B8=6;4B =0H0==>C274B6A0=33>D1;4 COIMBATORE: >] P W^c P]S Wd\XS Bd]SPh Pc cWT :PaX <^c^a B_TTSfPh =PhP]2WPcTaYTTT\TaVTSPbcWTSaXeTa fXcW [dRZ _[dRZ P]S _PRT Pb WT R^\_[TcTSPVaP]SS^dQ[TX]cWT4da^ 9: % RPcTV^ah ^U cWT 9: ChaT 5<B28 =PcX^]P[ APRX]V 2WP\_X^]bWX_AXRZh 3^]Xb^] ^] cWT ^cWTa WP]S fX[[ R^]bXSTaWX\bT[Ud][dRZhPbTeTahcWX]V cWPc R^d[S V^ fa^]V SXS b^ U^a WX\ ^eTa cWT fTTZT]S 7T UX]XbWTS UXabc X] cf^ aPRTb cWT UXabc cX\T ^] BPcdaSPh P]S cWT] ^] Bd]SPh Qdc WPS c^ bdaaT]STa WXb _[PRT Pc cWT c^_ ^U cWT _^SXd\ ^] Q^cW ^RRPbX^]b Pb WT WPS Yd\_bcPacTS7TfPb_T]P[XbTSQh bTR^]Sb _dbWX]V WX\ S^f] c^ cWT bXgcW P]S cWT cWXaS _[PRT U^a P SXbP__^X]cX]Vcda]^UTeT]cb 8=380D %C40<F8=$ NEW DELHI: :^\P[bcadRZcfXRTPbcWT 8]SXP] D % U^^cQP[[ cTP\ bRaX_cTS P aTb^d]SX]V eXRc^ah STUTPcX]V 6Ta\P] [^fTa SXeXbX^] ^dcUXc B_^acUaTd]ST BXTVT] $ Pc 3dXbQdaV 6Ta\P]h :^\P[ fPb PXSTS Qh 0\P] 2WTcaX =PaT]STaP]SAPZX_c^cPZTXcPfPhUa^\ cWT6Ta\P]Q^hbB_^acTUaTd]STBXTVT] TPa]TSP]TPa[hR^a]TaX]"aS\X]dcTQdc 0\PaYXcbPfXc^UUc^PeTaccWTSP]VTa8] cWT #cW\X]dcT:^\P[aTRTXeTSXcUa^\ APZX_P]SSXS]^\XbcPZTc^cP_XcW^\T [TPeX]V cWT ^__^]T]c V^P[XT PVWPbc 8c fPb P QPS SPh X] cWT ^UUXRT U^a cWT W^\XTbPbcWTXaPRTbcaXZTa\XbRdTScWT QTbc ^__^acd]Xch c^ ^_T]X]V cWT V^P[\^dcW ^] $ \X]dcTb fWT] WXb _T]P[ch ZXRZ W^eTaTS ^eTa cWT Ra^bbQPa <^aT Wd\X[XPcX^] fPb [TUc U^a cWT B_^acUaTd]ST BXTVT] Q^hb Pb APZX_ ]PX[TS cWT UX]P[ ^]T X] cWT R^UUX] cf^ \X]dcTbc^cWTUX]P[fWXbc[T FTbc8]SXTb (%fPbcWTXacWXaS [^fTbcUXabcX]]X]Vbc^cP[PccWXb Va^d]S1^cW_aTeX^db[^fTac^cP[b WPSR^\TPVPX]bc4]V[P]S) "(X] ($" $#P]S %#X] ('(( 8]SXP]b_X]]Tabc^^ZTXVWcUXeTfXRZTc WPd[bPcBPQX]P?PaZX]CTbcbcWT \^bcU^aP]hcTP\1TU^aT APeXRWP]SaP]0bWfX]b$U^a$!cWT[Pbc cf^UXeTfXRZTcWPd[bQhb_X]]TabfTaT P[b^Qh8]SXP]b0]X[:d\Q[T%U^a&' P]S7PaQWPYP]BX]VW$U^a "X]cWT bP\T\PcRWX]!% BWXZWPa3WPfP]P]S;^ZTbWAPWd[ PSSTS'&ad]bU^acWTUXabcfXRZTcX] 8]SXP]UXabcX]]X]VfWXRWfPb\^aT cWP]c^cP[PVVaTVPcTad]bX][Pbc]X]T ^_T]X]V_Pac]TabWX_bU^a8]SXPX]FTbc 8]SXTb>][h& ad]bfTaTPSSTSX][Pbc ]X]T^_T]X]VbcP]Sb APeXRWP]aP]0bWfX]c^^Z&U^a '"X]cWTbTR^]SX]]X]Vb^U[Pbc CTbcP]S$U^a$!X]UXabcX]]X]Vb ^UcWXbCTbcc^UX]XbWfXcWPc[TPbc^]TUXeT fXRZTcWPd[X]WXb[PbcU^daCTbcb8cfPb UXabccX\TX] hTPabP]8]SXP]b_X]]Ta c^^Zcf^^a\^aTUXeTfXRZTcWPd[bX]P CTbcbTaXTb^dcbXST0bXP 5PXbT[55TPcdaTb 34 matches. He also has the distinction of four five-wicket hauls in successive matches. He is only the third Indian spinner to do so after Bhagwat Chandrasekhar and Anil Kumble. The slide in the post-tea session began when Samuels starting to attack, was fooled by Ashwin's flight lobbing a simple catch to KL Rahul at short-leg. Six overs later, Shane Dowrich (5) edged one behind from the toeend of his bat, the batsman in half mind whether to leave or play at the ball. At the other end, Shami got rid of Chase, and he should have had Devendra Bishoo's scalp too. But the batsman was twice given not out off successive deliveries in the 39th over, even though he seemed to have edged behind off both. He was on 2 then, and added 10 runs to his individual score, before Ashwin trapped him into playing a sweep shot that leapt up in the air and was safely pouched by Shikhar Dhawan at short fine leg in the 44th over. spinner R Ashwin said he was surprised with West Indies' decision to bat Ifirstndia on a sticky wicket, even as he returned PTI n Kingston (Jamaica) Dismissed for a paltry 196 in their first innings, West Indies batsman Jermaine Blackwood said his side will now look to build pressure on the Indian batsmen to make a come back in the second cricket Test. West Indies skipper Jason Holder won the toss and elected to bat first, only to see his team being bowled out for just 196 runs but Blackwood defended the decision and said they should have batted for long period. "Normally at Sabina Park, the wicket is going to have a little bit in it for the pace bowlers for a couple hours. This track is different and has some grass so they will get assistance right through the match. It was0? n't a wrong decision to bat first but we just 9Ta\PX]T1[PRZf^^SX]PRcX^] didn't bat for a long period. I guess next time they had been reduced to 7/3. "It is always good to play in front of my we will have to do that," said Blackwood. "We weren't in any hurry to score runs. home crowd. This is the second time I am But you cannot just go there and keep los- playing for the West Indies in front of them. ing wickets and not score runs. You have to I was feeling confident but I was also a bit go there with a positive mind set and any tentative at the start because you always want scoring opportunity that comes your way, to make runs at your home ground," he said. "Tomorrow we just need to worry about you need to take it. So that's what I did today," getting ten wickets. So the boys will go home he added. Blackwood scored a run-a-ball 62, and and have a good night's rest, come back fresh his partnership with Marlon Samuels helped tomorrow morning and have a go at them West Indies counter the Indian bowling after as we try to build some pressure," he said. with a five-wicket haul on the opening day to dismiss the hosts for a paltry 196 in the second cricket Test here. After Ashwin's 5-52, opener Lokesh Rahul cracked an unbeaten 75 to guide India to 126/1, within 70 runs of West Indies' first innings score. "I was pretty surprised that they won the toss and batted first today. Like Virat Kohli mentioned at the toss, there was a bit in it, it was a bit sticky," said Ashwin after the opening day's play. "Maybe I would've batted as well. But with their strengths, I thought it was a bit surprising. They lost three wickets in front quickly," he added. The Indian pacers reduced the hosts to 7/3, but Marlon Samuels and Jermain Blackwood strung together a counterattacking partnership. Ashwin broke through that partnership before lunch and then proceeded to take his 18th five-wicket haul in 34 Tests. "I was really taken aback by the counter attack that Blackwood did. It sort of put the game in the balance. And we had to break twice and bring the game back. It's clearly a game where the experienced IX\QPQfTR^a]TaTSWP\\TaTS 0?Q 1D;0F0H> 38?0744=00AA8E48=A8> Zimbabwe, which had the consolation of Sean Williams hitting the country's fastest test century. With the Zimbabweans playing their first test in nearly two years, and New Zealandamassing 576-6 in its first innings, the result was never really in doubt. Zimbabwe resumed the fourth day on 121-5 in its second innings and Williams smashed 119 in 148 balls before being caught by Kane Williamson off Mitchell Santner. Trent Boult took 4-52 as the hosts were dismissed for 295 at Queens Sports Club. New Zealand dismissed Zimbabwe for 164 in its first innings with Neil Wagner taking 6-41. New Zealand's first-innings total was set up by three centuries, from opener Tom Latham, Ross Taylor and wicketkeeper BJ Watling. Taylor topscored with 173 not out. The second and final test starts Saturday in Bulawayo. Earlier, New Zealand was in sight of an expected victory in the first test against Zimbabwe after racking up 576-6 and then reducing the home team to 121-5 in its second 0VT]RXTb from the word go. The former in particular was impressive with his line and length, a marked improvement from the Antigua Test, as he pitched the ball further up and got it to move about. He also used the bounce on offer, and the rewards came quickly. Kraigg Brathwaite (1) was unable to fend off a short delivery in the 3rd over, lobbing an easy catch to Cheteshwar Pujara at forward short leg. Off the very next ball, Darren Bravo (0) was forced to fend an incoming delivery and skipper Virat ?C8Q :8=6BC>=90<0820 ew Zealand wrapped up the first test with an innings and 117N run victor y on Sunday over RIO DE JANEIRO: ?a^\XbX]V Vh\]Pbc 3X_P :Pa\PZPa cWT f^\T]b W^RZTh cTP\ P]S bW^^cTa 7TT]P BXSWd ^] Bd]SPhRWTRZTSX]c^cWT>[h\_XREX[[PVT c^UdacWTaQ^^bccWT8]SXP]R^]cX]VT]cPc cWT AX^ 6P\Tb QTVX]]X]V ^] 0dVdbc $ 2WTRZX]VX]c^cWT>[h\_XREX[[PVT3X_P fPb Vd]VW^ WPeX]V bTRdaTS WTa _[PRT X]c^ cWT >[h\_XR 6P\Tb X] cWT bP\T eT]dT SdaX]V cWT CTbc TeT]c U^a cWT 6P\Tb8WPeTWP__h\T\^aXTbb^8P\ [^^ZX]VU^afPaSc^cWT6P\TbbWTbPXS 8cfPbP[^]VY^da]ThQdc8P\W^_X]Vc^ PSYdbc fXcWX] P SPh ^a cf^ P]S fX[[ VTc S^f]c^cWTVh\P]ScaPX]X]VbPXS3X_P et as the two local boys rescued their team from a precarious position of 7 for 3. This was after West Indies won the toss on a damp pitch and elected to bat. They made one change to their line-up, bringing in debutant Miguel Cummins in place of Carlos Brathwaite, while India were forced to make a change as well. Rahul came into the side in place of the injured Murali Vijay. Ishant and Shami then started proceedings for India, and the two bowlers were right on the money µ:HQHHGWREXLOG ´Ceb`bYcUTdXQdG9RQddUTVYbcdµ SUHVVXUHRQEDWVPHQ¶ 1AH0=CF8=BF8C73A0F5A><A8> RIO DE JANERIO: 1^QP]S<XZT1ahP] fX[[ ]^c STUT]S cWTXa >[h\_XR S^dQ[Tb cXc[TX]AX^RXcX]VWTP[cWR^]RTa]bCWT 0\TaXRP] cfX]b P]]^d]RTS cWTXa fXcWSaPfP[ ^] 5PRTQ^^Z ^] BPcdaSPh bPhX]V cWPc Pb WdbQP]Sb P]S UPcWTab ^da UP\X[hb WTP[cW Xb ]^f ^da c^_ _aX^aXch CWTh SXS]c \T]cX^] cWT IXZP eXadb fWXRW WPb QTT] [X]ZTS c^ QXacW STUTRcb P]S QTT] RXcTS Qh bTeTaP[ PcW[TcTbX]cT]]XbP]S^cWTab_^acbfW^ ^_cTS c^ bZX_ cWT Bd\\Ta 6P\Tb cWPc QTVX]]TgcfTTZX]1aPiX[CWTDBCT]]Xb 0bb^RXPcX^] bPXS Xc fPb [^^ZX]V X]c^ Xcb ^_cX^]bU^aaT_[PRX]VcWT1ahP]bX]AX^ The off-spinner celebrated his second successive five-wicket haul in the series two overs later then, as Jason Holder (13) was out caught bat-pad at forward short leg. At the stroke of tea then, Amit Mishra (1-38) wrapped up the West Indies' innings, but not before Miguel Cummins (24 not out) and Shannon Gabriel (15) threw their bats around to add 38 runs for the last wicket. Earlier, Blackwood scored an attacking half-century and put on 81 runs with Samuels for the 5th wick- Kohli completed a brilliant diving catch at second slip. Three overs later, Shami got Rajendra Chandrika (5) to drive, only to find KL Rahul at gully as West Indies were struggling within the first 30 minutes of play. Blackwood then joined Samuels in the middle, and suddenly there was a momentum shift as the former brought out his attacking shots. It was in the 11th over that things stepped into high gear, as he smacked Ishant for 14 runs, the last boundary a streaky four that Mishra missed at backward point. He was batting on 23 then. Spin was introduced in the 12th over as Ashwin came on, but Blackwood went after him as well, smacking 10 runs off his second over. side is seizing the more opportune moments. With a little bit of experience and nailing the right moments, the game could get closer," he said. "Everybody wants to start playing cricket one day to achieve what no body else could achieve. I am happy to be there, at some stage of my career where I am better than everybody else who has played the game. It feels nice, but the only thing that is constant is trying to improve from wherever you are. I think change is very 944E58=8B74B 8=C>? ?C8Q ?0CC0H0C708;0=3 TTe <X[ZWP BX]VW T]STS WXb bcaTPZ ^U \XbbTS Rdc fXcW WXb UXabc c^_ UX]XbW bX]RT <PaRW cWXb hTPa Pb WT T]STS fXcW P a^d]S ^U %( WXb cWXaS bdRRTbbXeT a^d]S X] %b Pc cWT :X]Vb 2d_ _aTbT]cTS Qh ?CC 6a^d_WTaT^]Bd]SPh 0b 9TTe UX]XbWTS Pc bXgd]STa U^a cWT fTTZ P]^cWTa _[PhTa bR^aX]V fT[[ ^] cWT UX]P[ SPh U^a P STRT]c d_fPaS \^eT fPb BWXe :P_da fXcW P fTTZb QTbc ^U %& cWPc c^^ZWX\c^cXTS!#cW_[PRTPccf^d]STa B 2WXZZaP]VP__P fW^ WPS P V^^S fTTZSa^__TS^]Bd]SPhfXcWPa^d]S&! P]S fPb cXTS $cW 2WXaPVW :d\Pa & >[h\_XR Q^d]S BB? 2WPfaPbXP & 6PVP]YTTc1Wd[[Pa&'b[X__TSc^cXTS"&cW cXTS #"aS P]S cXTS %%cW fWX[T BWdQWP]ZPa BWPa\P&!fPbcXTS&$cW 8c fPb P c^dVW UX]XbW U^a 1Wd[[Pa PUcTa bcPacX]VcWTfTTZfXcWP%$P]ST]SX]VfXcW &' 2WX]TbT CPX_TXb 2WP] BWXWRWP]V aTP[XbTSWXbSaTP\^UfX]]X]VWXbUXabc0bXP] C^dacXc[TPUcTaPUX]P[a^d]ScWaTTd]STa_Pa %& 7PeX]V P[aTPSh f^] UXeT cX\Tb ^] cWT 0bXP]3TeT[^_\T]cC^da03C2WP]Z]Tf PfX]^]cWT0bXP]C^dafPb[^]V^eTaSdT P]SfPbR[TPa[hTRbcPcXRfWT]WTR^\_X[TSP U^daSPh c^cP[ ^U !d]STa_Pa !%' c^ fX] cWT&$TeT]cQhcf^bW^cb 2^\_PcaX^c ;X] FT]cP]V fPb P[b^ P[[ b\X[TbSTb_XcTUX]XbWX]VbTR^]SfXcWP%%Pc cWT?W^T]Xg6^[S6^[UP]S2^d]cah2[dQ 9 innings. Zimbabwe still trailed by 291 runs and was staring at a big defeat at stumps Saturday. Only Craig Ervine resisted the New Zealanders in Zimbabwe's second innings with his 49 not out. New Zealand's first-innings total was set up by three centuries, from opener Tom Latham, Ross Taylor and wicketkeeper BJ Watling. Taylor topscored with 173 not out. Trent Boult then led the New Zealand attack with 3-33 as Zimbabwe tumbled to 17-4. New Zealand dismissed Zimbabwe for 164 in its first innings at Queens Sports Club. The out-of-practice Zimbabweans are playing their first test in nearly two years. Earlier, New Zealand moved to 315-4 and was in complete control of the first test against Zimbabwe at stumps on the second day on Friday. important. This is good, but tomorrow is a different day and you have to keep improving," he added. Rahul then put on 87 runs with Shikhar Dhawan (27), and was at the crease with Cheteshwar Pujara (18) at stumps, as India took control of this second Test. Ashwin heaped praise on the Karnataka opener, who was brought into the side in place of injured Murali Vjay. "He has two Test centuries in two countries, and it doesn't really matter because two Test centuries are huge. And from what I think about Rahul, he's a fine player. We all know that he's a quality cricketer," he said. "He's made a lot of runs in First Class cricket. And when he has made hundreds for us, it has been crucial knocks. He made one in Sri Lanka, which is very memorable. As a matter of fact, the way he played in the IPL, it's just an extension. Everybody wants Rahul to do well, which is a big tick for him. I've nicknamed him batting machine. He keeps batting all the time and it's not a surprise that he's made runs and I'm very happy for him," Ashwin added. Talking about how the pitch played on day one, Ashwin said, "A little bit of bounce and speed variation, that was important I thought. Most of the dismissals were brought about by difference in speeds rather than much of spin, actually.” 7T]aX`dTbX]<PgfT[[^dc 05?Q BH3=4H electors left out all-rounder Glenn Maxwell and includSed Moises Henriques and Shaun Marsh in their squad named on Sunday for the one-day international series in Sri Lanka. Bowling all-rounder Henriques and batsman Marsh were among two changes from the 16-man squad that toured the West Indies last month. Marsh, who returns to the squad following the birth of his first child, joins his brother Mitchell in the 15-man national ODI squad. Maxwell, batsman Travis Head and fast bowler Scott Boland, who all toured the West Indies, missed out on selection. "We know Glenn can be a match-winner for Australia but his current form doesn't warrant selection," chief selector Rod Marsh said. "He is averaging less than 10 runs in Australia's last 10 oneday internationals, so the numbers speak for themselves. "We've asked Glenn to go away and focus on consistent performances for his state side Victoria and Australia A to earn his way back into the Australian side." 0dbcaP[XPRP_cPX]BcTeTB\XcW 0? Henriques makes his return to the side after last playing for Australia against England in Hobart in January last year. "Moises comes off some great form in the Indian Premier League and we think he is wellsuited to these conditions," Marsh said. Australia will play five oneday-internationals against Sri Lanka, beginning on August 21 in Colombo. b_^ac % 270=3860A7k<>=30H k0D6DBC ! % AR]eR_SVReEZeR_dSRX$cUa]RTV CTP\Ua^\?d]TTVSTCT[dVd#"$c^UX]XbWcWXaSX]?a^:PQPSSX;TPVdT ?=BQ 7H34A0103 eepak Niwas Hooda produced a terrific performance as Puneri Paltan beat Telugu Titans 40-35 in the playoff to finish third in the Pro Kabaddi League. Rahul Chaudhari's superlative effort went in vain as he scored 18 points but Telugu Titans fell short in front of a boisterous home crowd. Nitin Tomar scored Puneri Paltan's first raid point in the third minute as they led 2-1. Deepak Niwas Hooda scored a raid point as Puneri Paltan led 4-1 after five minutes. Telugu Titans' raider took a while to get going and couldn't muster a single raid point in the first five minutes. Sandeep Narwal finally opened Titans' raid account in seventh minute as his team trailed 2-4 Puneri Paltan inflicted an all out in the eight minute opened a sizeable gap to lead 10-3. Rahul Chaudhari reached a momentous landmark with a super raid in the ninth minute as he became the first man to score 500 raid points in Pro Kabaddi League. Telugu Titans trailed 7-11 in the 12th minute as Nilesh Salunke got a raid point. The Titans' defence struggled in the first 15 minutes as they failed to score even a single tackle point. Telugu Titans' substitute Athul M forced three Pune defenders off the court and scored three points in the 17th minute to trail 11-16. Rahul Chaudhari scored two raid points in the 20th minute as Telugu Titans went into the break trailing 14-17. Puneri Paltan began the second with just one man on the court and Telugu Titans made them pay with an all out in the 21st minute to level the game at 17-17. Rahul Chaudhari scored another raid point in the 23rd minute as both teams were tied at 19-19. Telugu Titans took the lead in 25th minute with Chaudhari getting points at will. Patna Pirates were reduced to just one man in 26th minute but Joginder Narwal scored two points to avert an immediate all out as they trailed 22-23. However, Telugu Titans inflicted the second all out in 27th minute to lead 27-22. With 10 minutes to go, Telugu Titans led 29-25 and Rahul Chaudhari tormented Puneri Paltan and scored his 13th point. Puneri Paltan came back to level the game at 29-29 after 33 minutes. D Bc^a\PaT\PXST] :PQPSSX@dTT]b ?=BQ 7H34A0103 ejaswini Bai produced a moment of magic as T Storm Queens survived a last-minute scare to beat Fire Birds 24-23 in a pulsating encounter and ?d]TaX?P[cP]P]SCT[dVdCXcP]b_[PhTabPaTX]PRcX^]SdaX]VcWTXacWXaS_[PRT\PcRWX]7hSTaPQPS^]Bd]SPh Puneri Paltan tackled Rahul Chaudhari in the 35th minute. Deepak Niwas Hooda scored two raid points to inflict an all out on Telugu Titans as Puneri Paltan led 34-30 with less than five minutes to go. Rahul Chaudhari scored two points with two raids as Telugu Titans trailed 32-24 in the 37th minute. With less than three minutes to go, Puneri Paltan led 3532. Rahul Chaudhari, however, was in scintillating form and scored with a twopoint raid in 39th minute as Titans trailed 35-36. Deepak Niwas Hooda came up with a superb raid and got three points in the last minute to give Puneri 8>2 _P]T[c^STRXST AdbbXP]T]caXTb 0?Q A8>3490=48A> three-person International Olympic Committee panel will make a final ruling on which individual Russian athletes are allowed to compete in the Rio Games. The IOC's ruling executive board, meeting Saturday for the final time before the opening of the games next Friday, said the panel will decide on the entry of Russian athletes whose names have been forwarded to compete by their international sportsfederations and approved by an independent arbitrator. "This panel will decide whether to accept or reject that final proposal," IOC spokesman Mark Adams said. "We want to make it absolutely clear that we are the ones making the final call." The move comes amid a doping scandal that has led to the exclusion of more than 100 Russian athletes connected to state-sponsored cheating. More than 250 Russian athletes have been cleared to compete by the feder- A Paltan 39-35 lead and Titans' hopes of finishing third evaporated. Puneri Paltan won 40-35 in the end to finish the fourth season of Pro Kabaddi League on a high. 8=380C>7>BC:010338F2 =4F34;78)India will host the Kabaddi World Cup this year, featuring 12 countries, in October. USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Iran, Poland, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Korea, Japan and Kenya will be playing in the event the dates for which will be declared later. "The International Kabaddi Federation is immensely proud that Kabaddi is growing in popularity so fast and is all set to breakthrough on a global stage with the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup scheduled in India," said Janardan Singh Gehlot, President, International Kabaddi Federation. "We are committed to nurturing the sport across the globe. The phenomenal success of Star Sports Pro Kabaddi and the participation of players from around the world is a testament to kabaddi's promise as a global sport. We are delighted and proud to have India host 12 countries for the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup." IKF officials point out that they are taking special care to ensure that the selection of the participant teams for the World Cup is representative of every Olympic geography. Drawing attention to this, Yeong Hak Hoon, Secretary General - IKF, and Secretary of the Korea Kabaddi Federation said, "Kabaddi is growing in popularity in Korea and several other countries, especially due to the phenomenal Star Sports Pro Kabaddi League that is being telecast across the world by Star Sports. Kabaddi became a part of Asian Games in the year 1990 and India have won all the gold medals since. Star Sports will be the official broadcaster of the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup. became the first champions of Women's Kabaddi Challenge. Storm Queens were cruising till the 29th minute but Fire Birds made a dramatic come back to score five points in the last minute to turn the game on its head and made it a nail-biting finish. However, it wasn't enough as TejaswiniBai scored two points in the dying seconds to clinch it for Storm Queens. The Women's Kabaddi Challenge final began with a bang as a super raid by Sakshi Kumari in the fourth minute to give Storm Queens a 4-1 lead. Fire Birds responded brilliantly with a super tackle in the fifth minute and trailed 3-4. Fire Birds forced another super tackle in the ninth minute to lead 7-6 as their skipper MamthaPoojary struggled to get going in the first half. Storm Queens' skipper TejaswiniBai scored just one point in the first half. There was little to chose between both teams in the first 15 minutes and Fire Birds took a slender 10-8 lead at the break. Storm Queens began the second half with a super tackle as they trailed 10-11 in the 17th minute. They got two more points in the 19th minute to take a one-point lead. An all-out was duly inflicted in the same minute as Storm Queens led 18-12. With less than five minutes to go, Storm Queens led 20-13 and were cruising to be the inaugural champions. Fire Birds turned the game on its head in the last minute with a brilliant super raid as they trailed just by two points. Fire Birds then inflicted an all out to lead 23-22 in a dramatic last few seconds. Tejaswini Bair, however, got two points in the dying seconds of the game as Storm Queens narrowly beat Fire Birds 24-23 to clinch the trophy. 8]SXPfX[[P[b^fX]WTPacb +DPLOWRQH[WHQGVOHDGZLWKZLQ fXcWcWTXaR^]SdRc)?< M 0?Q 7>2:4=748< ?C8 Q =4F34;78 rime Minister Narendra Modi on P Sunday wished luck to the Rio-bound Indian contingent and exuded confidence that they will not only clinch medals but also win hearts with their conduct during the Olympic Games starting on August 5. Modi on Sunday flagged off 'Run for Rio' event at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium to cheer for the largest ever Indian contingent who will be participating at the multi-sport event in Rio. "Wherever our athletes go, India is visible not only on the ground but in their conduct as well. I am confident that these players will win hearts with their behaviour during the Games. They will introduce the great Indian heritage to the world," he said. "I want to convey this to the members of Indian contingent that there will be many athletes from all over the world but there are 125 crore Indians standing behind you. When we will hoist ercedes driver Lewis Hamilton surged into the lead at the start of the German Grand Prix on Sunday and held on to win the last race before the summer break and increase his championship lead. Hamilton, second on the grid, was faster off the mark than teammate and title rival Nico Rosberg, who started from pole but dropped to fourth before the first corner. Hamilton, a three-time Formula One champion who has won the title the last two seasons, now takes a 19-point lead over Rosberg into the four-week break. Hamilton has won six of the past seven races and now has 49 career victories. Daniel Ricciardo was second, ahead of ?<=PaT]SaP<^SXU[PVb^UAd]U^aAX^ ?C8 Red Bull teammate Max Verstappen, the the tri-colour here on the occasion of 70th first time these two Red Bull drivers shared Independence Day, I am sure that our the podium. Red Bull pushed past Ferrari national flag will also be hoisted in Rio into second place in the constructors' during this period," said Modi. standings. He also urged the youth to work hard Rosberg also picked up a five-second for 2020 Olympics and said the focus penalty for pushing Verstappen off the should be on sending more than 200- course and had to settle for fourth, after member contingent to Tokyo. winning the Hockenheim race two years Modi also wished luck to the hosts ago from pole. Rio de Jeneiro for a successful Games. Sebastian Vettel finished fifth Sunday, 5A><;45C) ATS1d[[´b3P]XT[AXRRXPaS^<TaRTSTbSaXeTa;TfXb7P\X[c^]P]SATS1d[[´b<PgETabcP__T] ahead of Ferrari teammate Kimi Raikkonen. The next race is the Belgian Grand Prix on Aug. 28. Hamilton got off to a super start, moving past Rosberg, who also saw the two Red Bulls leave him behind. Verstappen overtook Ricciardo from the outside as they raced into the first corner but Ricciardo later regained the second place to finish 6.9 seconds behind Hamilton. 0? 6>>330H5>A5>A248=380 Sahara Force India drivers returned with double points with Nico Hulkenberg and Sergio Perez finishing seventh and 10th respectively at the German Grand Prix. Germany's Hulkenberg began the race at eighth and overtook Williams driver Valtteri Bottas towards the end to finish at seventh and grab six points for Force India at his home turf. His team-mate Perez ended the race at 10th and took one point. CZ`@]j^aZTdRZ]Z_XgV_fV K=2E2?E:>6368:?D2EFE5 UR^RXVUSjhZ]UhVReYVc 0?Q 6>C74=1DA6 8>2?aTbXST]cCW^\Pb1PRW 0? ations. The panel will have to make its ruling before the opening ceremony, just six days away. "We're working on a very, very tight timeline," Adams said. "It has to be finished by Friday at the very latest." The panel will consist of three executive board members: Turkey's Ugur Erdener, chairman of the IOC medical commission; Germany's Claudia Bokel, head of the athletes' commission; and Spain's Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr., a vice president of the modern pentathlon federation. Adams said the panel will review every athlete cleared by the federations, but would not reopen the cases of those who have been barred. An arbitrator from the Court of Arbitration for Sport will make an initial ruling before the final decision goes to the IOC panel. "This review board panel will look at every single decision, every single athlete, to make sure the IOC is happy with the decision that's been taken," Adams said. Saturday's meeting came less than a week after the IOC board decided not to ban Russia's entire team from the games because of state-sponsored doping. Rejecting calls by more than a dozen anti-doping agencies for a complete ban on Russia, the IOC left it to the federations to vet which athletes could compete or not. 80=BQ A8>3490=48A> latan Ibrahimovic needed only 195 seconds on Z Saturday to score in his first winds and high seas lashed structures at Rio S2016trong Olympic Games venues as fresh doubts were raised about the quality of local construction work. The most serious incident occurred on Saturday at the Marina da Gloria, the starting point for sailing events, where waves partially destroyed the main ramp for sailors to access the water, reports Xinhua. Organisers said the company responsible for building the ramp was inspecting the damage, but gave no estimate on when it would be repaired. Wild weather also hit Copacabana beach, where the tide reached TV studios built on the sand. Workers immediately erected a wrought-iron levee to stop waves from battering the structure. Sand barriers were also built to protect the beach volleyball arena. Rio's construction standards were questioned in April when a new elevated bike track collapsed into the sea, killing two people. A8>C>2;>B4"'BCA44CB Authorities in Rio de Janeiro have stepped up security for Friday's Olympic Games opening ceremony to combat the threat of terrorism. Some 38 streets around Maracana stadium will be closed for up to 20 hours before the ceremony starts while additional police officers and soldiers will be deployed, according to Rio's city govern- ment. The new plan follows a recommendation by local security chiefs to "further restrict the movement of people and close loopholes for possible terrorist attacks", the Globo newspaper reported. "The planning was altered and it will be changed again, if necessary," city government spokesman Leonardo Maciel said. An opening ceremony simulation drill will be conducted by security personnel at the Maracana on Sunday, he added, reports Xinhua. game for Manchester United. The 34-year-old Swedish for ward met Antonio Valencia's cross with an acrobatic scissor kick to score in the fourth minute against Turkish side Galatasaray — in front of a home crowd in Gothenburg. Ibrahimovic, who was substituted at halftime of the pre-season friendly, joined the 20-time English champions at the start of July on a one-year deal with an option for an additional year. Wayne Rooney got two goals for United — one from the penalty spot -— and Marouane Fellaini and Juan Mata also scored in United's 5-2 victory. A43B140C<8;0= B0=C0 2;0A0) Some 5,000 miles from home, the I[PcP]8QaPWX\^eXRbR^aTbPbRaTP\Tac^^_T]X]VcWTbR^aX]VU^aD]XcTS sounds of "You'll Never Walk Alone," Liverpool FC's unofficial anthem, billowed from Levi's Stadium during warm-ups. Fan support for one of the world's most popular sports teams was apparent throughout the night while Divock Origi and Roberto Firmino scored and Liverpool beat AC Milan 20 in an International Champions Cup exhibition game Saturday night at Levi's Stadium. "It's all over the world and that shows what a big club it is," Liverpool midfielder James Milner said. "It's great to come out all the way to the other side of America and be so far away from home, it shows that these guys are always supporting us." Origi opened the scoring in the 59th minute off an assist from Alberto Moreno. Firmino scored 14 minutes later on a sliding kick off a deflected pass from Sheyl Ojo. Origi's goal followed a first half in which Liverpool put heavy pressure on AC Milan. The Reds outshot AC Milan 5-2, had five corner kicks to their opponent's one and had the only two blocks in the half. "I'm pleased with our performance," Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp said, "especially in the first half. "We passed and we passed and we passed until we were through. We created chances and we didn't score, of course we need to finish." 1A0I8;34540C90?0= 6>80=80)Striker Gabriel and defender Marquinhos scored a goal each as Brazil defeated Japan 2-0 on Saturday in its final warmup match ahead of the Rio Games. Brazil makes its Olympic debut on Thursday against South Africa in Brasilia. Iraq and Denmark are the other two teams in Group A.
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