Ranchi - The Pioneer
Ranchi - The Pioneer
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It will receive projects worth C1500 crores for smarter urban amenities and better standard of living. “This is a matter of jubila- <0A:4CB D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G"$%2# <8=!" 2" ?Pac[hR[^dShbZh 20?BD;4 =44C>A38=0=2464CB ?A4B834=C´B=>3 =Tf3T[WX)?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ <dZWTaYTT^]CdTbSPhbXV]TSP] ^aSTacWPcP[[^fbbcPcTQ^PaSbc^ bZX_cWTd]XU^a\\TSXRP[ T]caP]RTTgP\X]PcX^]=44CU^a PhTPaCWT^aSX]P]RT^a TgTRdcXeT^aSTaR[TPaTSQhcWT 2PQX]Tc^]5aXSPhXbPX\TSPc °_PacXP[[h±^eTacda]X]VP Bd_aT\T2^dac^aSTa ?$ :0=?DA64CB" <<A08= 1A40:B&%HA>;3A42>A3 ;dRZ]^f)0&%hTPa^[SaTR^aS fPbQa^ZT]X]:P]_da^] CdTbSPhfWT]cWTRXchaTRTXeTS " \\aPX]UP[[X]PbX]V[TSPhX] cWT\^]cW^U<PhCWTaPX]b RP\TX]PUcTaPSdbcbc^a\[PcT ^]<^]SPh]XVWcP]SRPaaXTS fT[[X]c^cWTSPh !908B7C4AA>A8BCB :8;;438=BA8=060A BaX]PVPa)Cf^\X[XcP]cb^U9PXbW T<^WP\\PS^dcUXcX]R[dSX]VP R^\\P]STafTaTZX[[TSX]PbfXUc PRcX^]Qh_^[XRTP]SbTRdaXchX] BaX]PVPaCWTPRcX^]RP\TPUTf W^dabPUcTa7XiQd[<dYPWXSTT] \X[XcP]cbbW^cSTPScWaTT _^[XRT\T]X]R[dSX]VPYd]X^a ^UUXRTaX]cf^bT_PaPcTPccPRZbX] cWTRXch^]<^]SPh ?& ?0:BD<<>=BDB4=E>H >E4AC0;810=27845340C7 8b[P\PQPS)?PZXbcP]^]CdTbSPh bd\\^]TSDBP\QPbbPS^a 3PeXS7P[Tc^Tg_aTbbR^]RTa] ^eTacWTSa^]TbcaXZTQh 0\TaXRP]U^aRTbX]?PZXbcP]X cTaaXc^ahc^ZX[[0UVWP]CP[XQP] RWXTU<d[[PW0ZWcPa<P]b^da fWXRWXcbPXSfPbP°eX^[PcX^]^U Xcbb^eTaTXV]ch± ? ! tion for all, but making Ranchi a Smart City is a great challenge. Government has accepted this challenge and will make the most of this opportunity. As a State capital, Ranchi should have all the amenities: Urban Development Department and Ranchi Municipal Corporation will ensure that,” stated Urban Development Minister CP Singh during a press conference on Tuesday. The proposal from the State Government opting for a combination of Greenfield Development (development on vacant space of 341 acres in HEC area) and Retrofitting Mode (developing an already developed area in the city) won Ranchi the Smart City tag. “The 341 acres in HEC has already been approved by the Cabinet for Greenfield 3T_dch<Ph^aBP]YXeEXYPhePaVXPhP^UUTabbfTTcbc^DaQP]3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTa 2?BX]VWPbAP]RWX<Ph^a0bWP;PZaPDaQP]3TeT[^_\T]cBTRaTcPah0ad]:d\Pa BX]VW[^^Z^]SdaX]VP?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPcA<2X]AP]RWX^]CdTbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa Development. We have sent a proposal for additional 34 acres of land which has received the Government’s approval,” stated Urban Development Secretary Arun Kumar Singh. The project will be con- ducted in two parts – Area Based Development (Greenfield Development) and Pan-city Solutions (Retrofitting Mode). The total cost of making Ranchi smarter has been pegged at C1489.27 crores.C D`_`hR]hZ]]fdYVc Z_dRcgRR_R_U+ A> $VVDP&0SURPLVHVJUDIWIUHHLOOHJDOIRUHLJQHUVIUHH6WDWH 0=D?B70A<038?0:D?A4C8 Q 6DF070C8 s the BJP celebrated the swearing-in of the party’s A first Chief Minister in Assam on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised that progress of North-East India was imperative for the overall development of the country. The Prime Minister said he hoped that the BJP-led new Government in Assam would take the State to great heights. Speaking at the swearingin ceremony of Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, Modi said Sarbananda will not leave any stone unturned to bring ‘sarva anand’ (overall happiness) to Assam. “The North-East has always remained a priority for us. I have always believed that the North-East is one of the most important parts of India’s overall development. This is the reason we have announced the Act East policy, which will encourage India to engage with its eastern neighbours through India’s North-East,” Modi said. Modi heaped praise on the new Chief Minister and said that Sonowal and his team would do everything possible to develop the State. “I have always believed the India has to develop in its entirety and if the country has to develop, we cannot leave behind the North-East,” Modi said adding that the Central Government would give all support to the new Assam Government under the leadership of Sonowal. Modi said the Central Government believes in competitive cooperative federalism and said development is a continuous process started by the NDA Government and all the States that want develop- ment would be given more than what is required. Modi stressed on participation of the people for the sake of good governance. “I believe that the Assam Government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Sonowal will work shoulder-toshoulder with the people of Assam and the Central Government at Delhi will give all the support to achieve an fulfil the expectations of the people,” said Modi. The PM also thanked the people of Assam for a historic and decisive mandate for the BJP. On his part, Sonowal promised a “corruption-free” and “illegal foreigner-free” Assam as he took oath of office and secrecy along with ten other colleagues in the presence of veteran BJP leader LK Advani and Home Minister Rajnath Singh. The glittering swearing-in ceremony came as a reminder of the first Asom Gana Parishad (AGP)-led Government that came to power in 1985 while riding on a six-year-long anti-illegal foreigners movement in Assam. While the AGP Government under the leadership of then Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta took oath at the Nehru Stadium in the city, Sonowal and his colleagues took oath at Veterinary College ground at Khanapara area that was attended by thousands of people. Along with Sonowal, other BJP leaders, including 1397.18 crores of which will be used for developing 341 acres in HEC as an educational hub whereas C92.09 crores is to be invested in Pan-city Solution. These expenses are to be equally borne by the Union Government, State Government and third parties like World Bank. “The Area Based Development in HEC is meant to be a lighthouse project. The rest of the city will be developed based on the achievements and lessons we experience there,” stated Rajesh Kumar Sharma, State Urban Development Agency. “Smart features will be incorporated in transportation, security, water and electric supply,” added Singh, while enumerating the changes that the Mission will bring about in the @D>C4D=@D>C4 8fP]cc^R^]VaPcd[PcTcWT _T^_[T^U0bbP\fW^WPeT SaTP\c^USTeT[^_\T]cP]S VXeT]PRWP]RTc^BPaQP]P]S B^]^fP[CWTST\^RaPRh XbP[[PQ^dc²1WPVXSPaX³ _Pac]TabWX_CWT2T]caTP]S cWTBcPcTb\dbcfP[ZbW^d[STa c^bW^d[STaU^aSTeT[^_\T]c =0A4=3A0<>38 FTP[[WPeTc^f^aZc^VTcWTa 8]cWXbT[TRcX^]cWT19? 1^S^[P]S?T^_[T³b5a^]cP]S 0b^\6P]P?PaXbWPSfT]cc^ cWT_T^_[TfXcWP_[TSVTc^ f^aZU^aP[[bTRcX^]b^UcWT b^RXTchU^a0bbP\TbT 1T]VP[XbAPQWPb<PafPaXb P]SP[[^cWTab?T^_[TWPeT aT_^bTScWTXaUPXcWX]db B0A10=0=30B>=>F0; Himanta Biswa Sarma, Parimal Suklabaidya, Chandra Mohan Patowar y, R anjit Dutta, Pallab Lochan Das and Naba Doley also took oath as Ministers. Four of the alliance partners including Atul Bora and Keshab Mahanta of the AGP and Pramila R ani Brahma and Rihan Daimary also took oath as Ministers. city. Smarter Ranchi will offer smarter versions of basic amenities –rainwater harvesting, sewerage treatment plants, solid waste management, use of solar energy, Intelligent Transport System, Wi-Fi hotspots, carbon emission reduction to name a few. Internet of Things (IoT) will be used prominently to efficiently manage them. Sluggish transport system of Ranchi will definitely get a boost from the urban renewal initiative. “Five upgraded streets and two flyovers have been approved by me and will soon be taken up by the Department. For the first time, RMC is going to adopt hot mix plants for constructing roads,” stated the Minister. Transportation, a part of the Pan-city Solution, will be crucial in decreasing average trav- el time and increasing average travel speed, stated Municipal Commissioner Prashant Kumar. In their Smart City proposal to Union Urban Development Department, RMC had proposed to develop the city as a knowledge hub for Eastern India that will also address the socio-economic needs of its denizens. 150 acres of the available land will be converted into an educational hub; master plan for the same will be drafted soon, Singh added. “Ranchi Smart City Corporation will be established within 15 days, which will receive Rs 300 crores from the Union Government simultaneously with its formation. Identical corpus of funds will be concurrently handed to the Corporation by Jharkhand Government,” said Singh. B<0AC540CDA4B >5B<0ACA0=278 Q8^Cc^T]bdaTfPcTa`dP[XchP]S Pdc^\PX]cT]P]RTP[TacbB\Pac <TcTab QBTfTaPVTCaTPc\T]c?[P]cb^U& <;3U^a²ITa^3Xb_^bP[³B\Pac _dQ[XRc^X[TcbQX^c^X[TcbT`dX__TS fXcW8^C QFPbcTc^T]TaVh_[P]cBT]b^a T]PQ[TSb\PacfPbcTQX]bX] ]TXVWQ^daW^^Sb6?BT]PQ[TS R^[[TRcX^]eTWXR[T QCf^aTbTae^XabT`dX__TSfXcW 8^CbT]b^abc^b\Pac[hbc^aTbc^a\ fPcTa QDbX]Vb^[PaT]TaVhU^a!_Ta RT]c^UT[TRcaXRXch]TTSb d]STaVa^d]SRPQ[X]V QB_TTSP]SaTS[XVWceX^[PcX^] RP\TaPb0Xa`dP[Xch\^]Xc^aX]V bhbcT\8^CU^a_aTeT]cXeTa^PS \PX]cT]P]RTaT]cP[QXRhR[Tb Q>_cXR5XQaTFX5XW^cb_^cb /XFNQRZSLSVWR WRS6PDUW&LW\OLVW FPaP]VP[3WPaP\bWP[P R^\TX]bTR^]SP]ScWXaS X]5PbcCaPRZ2^\_TcXcX^] ?=BQ =4F34;78 he ‘City of nawabs’, Lucknow has topped the T list of winners of the Fast Track Competition conducted for 23 cities from as many States and Union Territories under the Modi Government’s ambitious ‘Smart Cities Mission.’ Lucknow is followed by Warangal in Telangana and Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. Other winners announced on Tuesday were Chandigarh, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), New Town (Kolkata) Bhagalpur, Panaji, Port Blair, Imphal, Ranchi, Agartala and Faridabad. Twenty three cities, with higher rankings from as many States and Union Territories, which failed to get representation in the first round of the competition held in January, participated in the ‘’Fast Track Competition’, the result of which was announced by Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday. Of these 23 cities, only 13 could qualify for the Smart City projects through the fresh competition, said Naidu adding that with the selection of these 13 cities, 25 States/UTs were now covered under Smart City Mission. “The 13 cities selected in the Fast Track Competition have proposed a total investment of Rs 30,229 crore. ;8BC>5 "=4FB<0AC28C84B ;dRZ]^f FPaP]VP[ 3WPaP\bWP[P 2WP]SXVPaW APX_da =TfC^f]:^[ZPcP 1WPVP[_da ?P]PYX ?^ac1[PXa 8\_WP[ AP]RWX 0VPacP[P 5PaXSPQPS 7XcQhSXTbT[QP]C^h^cP UTT[b_dbWTSc^bWdcbW^_ ?C8Q =4F34;78 W BPaQP]P]SPB^]^fP[fPeTbPcWXbbd__^acTabPbWTcPZTb^PcWPb2WXTU<X]XbcTa^U0bbP\fPcRWTSQh?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXX]6dfPWPcX^]CdTbSPh ith the ban on diesel vehicles with engines above 2,000 cc extended to Kerala, Japanese auto major Toyota is “re-looking” at its Indian operations saying orders are passed “against principle of natural justice”. Although the company, which operates in India as a joint venture — Toyota Kirloskar Motor — with the Kirloskar group, is not considering shutting shop here, but at the same time it is also not looking at launching new models in India. “We have already started re-looking at our operations. What is hurting us so much is 0? not the ban but the unfairness. FTWPeTP[aTPSh bcPacTSaT[^^ZX]VPc ^da^_TaPcX^]bFT RP]d]STabcP]SXU cWThQP]]TSP[[ SXTbT[eTWXR[TbQdc fWh^][h!RR P]SPQ^eT. C^h^cP:Xa[^bZPa<^c^a EXRT2WPXa\P] Orders are passed without hearing us. It is going against the principles of natural justice. We feel our vehicles are being targetted,” Toyota Kirloskar Motor ViceChairman and Whole-time Director Shekar Viswanathan told PTI. 'XEDLWROXUHWRXULVWVZLWK%ROO\ZRRG SDUN B[^fQdcbcTPShQ^d]cXUd[ ?C8Q 3D108 D ubai is all set to woo tourists with the world’s first Bollywood-themed amusement park where visitors will be able to enjoy immersive 3-D and 4-D rides and stunts from movies such as Krrish and RA.One and savour a Mughale-Azam style banquet. Dubai Parks and Resorts complex, a Dh 10.5 billion (about $2.75 billion) venture, will have 16 cinematic rides, six themed restaurants and 30 live shows inspired by contemporary Hindi-language blockbusters such as superstar Salman Khan’s Dabangg, Shah Rukh Khan’s Don, Aamir Khan’s Lagaan and Hrithik Roshan’s Krrish as well as classics like Sholay and Mughal-EAzam among others. General Manager EXbXc^abfX[[QTPQ[Tc^ T]Y^hX\\TabXeT"3P]S #3aXSTbP]Sbcd]cbUa^\ \^eXTbbdRWPb:aaXbW P]SA0>]T P]SbPe^daP <dVWP[T0iP\ bch[T QP]`dTc Bollywood Parks Dubai Thomas Jellum said he is sure that apart from Indians, people from other countries will also come to Dubai to experience the vibrant celebration of India’s film industry at this attraction, spread over 1.7 million square feet. The theme park will also include Broadway-style live shows with fine-dining. Tourists will have to shell out extra at Rajmahal, a 850-seat theatre that will house a separately ticketed Broadway-style Bollywood musical. The theme park will have a glittering opening ceremony in October attended by some of the biggest stars in Bollywood, Jellum said. Unveiling an exclusive preview and tour of the upcoming park at a Press conference, Chief Destination Management Officer of Dubai Parks and Resorts Vinit Shah said he and his team members have tried to take all the ingredients that go into a Bollywood movie to create an experience that stays with people visiting the park. 3dQPX?PaZbP]SATb^acb R^\_[TgP3W $ QX[[X^]PQ^dc!&$ QX[[X^]eT]cdaTfX[[WPeT %RX]T\PcXRaXSTbbXg cWT\TSaTbcPdaP]cbP]S "[XeTbW^fbX]b_XaTSQh R^]cT\_^aPah1^[[hf^^S Q[^RZQdbcTab \^]b^^]c^_TPZX]BT_c ?=BQ =4F34;78 M onsoon cheers are set to continue with a waning El Niño paving the way for the onset of its counter phenomenon La Niña in the days to come. The country’s private weather forecaster, Skymet on Tuesday raised its monsoon forecast to 109 per cent of normal from its earlier prediction of 105 per cent and also predicted that it would be slow at first but will reach its peak in September. However, since the El Niño conditions are still in the process of weakening, the monsoon season that starts from June, will not begin with a bang. As per the second prediction released by Skymet, the second half of the monsoon season will receive more bountiful rainfall than the first and will spill over to October. This would be the fallout of the La Niña taking over in the latter part of this year. Accordingly, rainfall will be 13 per cent below normal in the month of June. Henceforth, it is expected to be 8 per cent above normal in July, following up the trend with 13 per cent above normal in August, and peaking with 23 per cent excess rainfall in September, said the forecast. The private forecaster predicted that chances of normal/above normal rainfall are as high as 92 per cent. Central India and the western coast of India will get plentiful rainfall this year. BZh\Tcd_VaPSTb XcbU^aTRPbcc^ (\^aTaPX] PaaXeP[^]<Ph!' ]PcX^]! A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % 4VceRZ_UVReYRgVceVUSjaZ]`ed¶d\Z]] ?A0<>3:D<0AB8=67Q =4F34;78 big tragedy was averted after an air ambulance carA rying seven people, including two pilots, crash-landed on a field in Kair village in Najafgarh in Delhi around 2.45 PM. Pilot Amit Kumar and co-pilot Rohit Singh displayed exemplary skill and courage to land the plane in an open field even after both engines of the C-90 aircraft developed technical malfunction. The six-seater C-90 Beechking aircraft belonging to Trinamool lawmaker KD Singh’s >][^^ZTab]TPacWTPXaP\Qd[P]RT2(PXaRaPUccWPcRaPbW[P]STS^]PUXT[SX] =PYPUVPaWX]3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Alchemist Group was remarkably intact despite crash-landing. The Medanta Hospitalbound air ambulance was carrying 61-year-old Virender Rai, a cardiac patient, from Patna to Delhi. Rai was accompanied by Dr Rupesh from Jagdish Memorial Hospital, Patna, technician Jang Bahadur, Juhi Rai and his younger brother Bhagwan Rai, who sustained minor injuries. He was rushed to Rao Tula Ram Hospital, while the patient was rushed to Gurgaon-based Medanta Hospital by a Delhi Police PCR van. Bhagwan Rai was discharged after the first aid, said Medical Superintendent Dr AK Singh. It was around 2.40 pm on Monday when the pilots noticed that one of the engines of the aircraft was not working. Pilot Amit Kumar informed the Air Traffic Control (ATC) at Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) about the imminent emergency landing. But before they can plan a place for emergency landing, the second engine too developed malfunction forcing the pilots to crashland on a field in Kair village. While the plane was hurtling down, the pilots noticed that there were houses beneath, then in a last-ditch effort to minimize the damage and loss of lives, they maneuvered the plane out and crash-landed on an open field. The pilots ensured that the plane landed on its belly at the safest part of the field as there was 460 liters of gaosline in the fuel tank. South-West Joint Commissioner of Police Dependra Pathtak said the crash landing site was 10 km away for IGIA. The hydraulic gear of the plane was broken with the impact and the one of the tyres was separated from the plane. The plane stopped immediately without suffering much damage, the official added. An official at the IGIA said, “The 1989-make aircraft, carrying registration number VT EQO, was in touch with to Air Traffic Control as it was in the final approach to landing.” Minister of State for Civil Aviation Mahesh Sharma said DGCA officials have been sent to the site of the incident to conduct a probe. “We received an emergency call from the pilot. Both the engines of the aircraft had reportedly failed. They made the landing safe. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is looking into the incident,” the Minister added. “I pray for the early recovery of the injured. The causes of the accident shall be looked into,” tweeted Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju. A senior official of Delhi Fire Service said that as many as 14 fire tenders were rushed to the spot after the aircraft crashlanded. 8=1A845 4G?4ACB1A08=BC>A<>=<?280C=<; 9P\bWTS_da) CWTU^daSPh?a^UTbbX^]P[CaPX]X]V?a^VaP\?C?^] <^]Xc^aX]VP]S?aTeT]cX^]^U8]SdbcaXP[2^aa^bX^]<?82! %ZXRZTS ^UUc^SPhPc2B8A=PcX^]P[<TcP[[daVXRP[;PQ^aPc^ah=<; CWTST[TVPcTbUa^\ePaX^db^aVP]XbPcX^]bbdRWPbCPcPBcTT[>=62 8>2;24B4CPcP?^fTa?58I4A0A28884BCP]S262A8PaT _PacXRX_PcX]VX]Xc2B8A=<;PRcX]VSXaTRc^a3a=66^bfP\X X]PdVdaPcTScWT_a^VaP\\TFWX[TST[XeTaX]VWXbX]PdVdaP[PSSaTbb 3a6^bfP\XbPXS)=^fPSPhbfT[XeTX]P]TgcaT\T[hR^\_TcXcXeT f^a[SfWTaTTeTah^]TXbcahX]Vc^^dcS^cWT^cWTaX]^aSTac^bTRdaTP bdRRTbbUd[_[PcU^a\QdcXcXbQTR^\X]VT`dP[[hSXUUXRd[cc^S^b^bX]RT cWTR^\_P]XTbc^^WPeTQTR^\T`dXcT_XRZhaTVPaSX]VcWTbT[TRcX^]^U RP]SXSPcTb_aTUTaaX]Vc^^_cU^aRP]SXSPcTbfXcWb_TRXP[XiPcX^]FXcW cWXb_a^VaP\\T=<;XbPccT\_cX]Vc^RaTPcTRP]SXSPcTbfW^RP]Ud[UX[ cWPcaT`dXaT\T]c7TUdacWTaPSSTS=<;WPSP]TgRT[[T]cTg_TacXbT bX]RTX]RT_cX^]^UcWT[PQ^aPc^ahX] ($8cWPbf^aZTSU^aR^aa^bX^] _a^cTRcX^]^U\TcP[bPRa^bbcWTR^d]cah8] (%=<;BRXT]cXbc 3a0:;PWXaXbR^]caXQdcX^]c^fPaSbcWTd]STabcP]SX]V^U3T[WX8a^] ?X[[PaWPbQTT]fT[[aTR^V]XbTSPRa^bbcWTV[^QT3daX]VbTeT]cXTb =<;_dQ[XbWTSPQ^^Z^]2^aa^bX^]<P_^U8]SXPfWXRWWPbP] X]RaTPbX]V[hST\P]SUa^\8]SXP]\TcP[X]SdbcaXTb 35>1D554A8=?CA102:F8C7D:346A44 30;C>=60=9)0UcTaR^\_[TcX]VcWaTT\^]cWbRTacXUXRPcTR^dabTX] T]SP]VTaTSb_TRXTbaTR^eTahWT[SX]:T]cd]XeTabXchd]STacWTPTVXb^U 3daaT[FX[S[XUT0RPST\h9TabThD]XcTS:X]VS^\0]X[:d\Pa<XbWaPXb QPRZX]cXVTaaTbTaeT?P[P\dP]SWPbY^X]TSWTaTPVPX]Pb35>QdUUTa ^]CdTbSPh<Ph!# CWTRTacXUXRPcTR^dabTfPbb_^]b^aTSQh9WPaZWP]SV^eTa]\T]cCWTaT fTaTcf^^cWTabP[b^X]cWXbR^dabTUa^\9WPaZWP]S]P\T[h?aT\YXc 0]P]S35>P]SCPaPZ=PcW025 <XbWaPPUcTaY^X]X]VWTaTUa^\WXbU^aTXV]YPd]cc^[ScWT?X^]TTaWTaT ^]CdTbSPh²2^dabTX]T]SP]VTaTSb_TRXTbaTR^eTahXbP\d[cX SXbRX_[X]PahR^dabTX]D:fWTaTUa^\PfPaT]Tbbc^\TSXPWT[_P[[ Pb_TRcbPaTT`dP[[heXcP[U^aaTR^eTahcW^bTfX[S[XUTb_TRXTbfWXRWPaT ^]cWTeTaVT^UTgcX]RcX^]³ E1D3428B8>=8A:BBCD34=CB 7PiPaXQPVW)EX]^QP1WPeTD]XeTabXchfWXRWWPSQTT]fXc]TbbX]V bcdST]cbPVXcPcX^]U^a[Pbc\^aTcWP]^]ThTPaR^]cX]d^db[hWPbPVPX] PccaPRcTSbcdST]cb³XaTU^aUX[[X]Vd_^UTgP\X]PcX^]U^a\b^UbTR^]S bT\TbcTaTgP\^UcWTbcdST]cb^UbTbbX^]! $ ' CWTbcT_XbPX\TSPcQaX]VX]VQPRZcWT[PcTbTbbX^]^]caPRZQdccWT ^UUXRXP[bbTT\c^WPeTU^aV^ccT]cWPcSdTc^[PcTbTbbX^]R[PbbTb^U bT\TbcTacf^WPbhTc]^cQTT]R^\_[TcTSX]P]hR^[[TVT^UcWT d]XeTabXchCWXbhTPacWTcWT^ah_P_Tab^UbT\TbcTa^]TTgP\T]STS^] <PaRW (0UcTa7^[XePRPcX^]R[PbbTb^UbT\TbcTacf^bcPacTSQdccWT cTPRWTabfTaT]^cX]cWTXaR^[[TVTbcWThfTaTT]VPVTSX]cWT TeP[dPcX^]f^aZ^UP]bfTaQ^^Zb^UbT\TbcTa^]TCWTTeP[dPcX^] _a^RTbbR^]R[dSTSX]cWTUXabcfTTZ^U<PhP]ScWT]aTVd[PaR[PbbTb bcPacTSTeTahfWTaT5a^\<Ph (bd\\TaePRPcX^]bcPacTSX]E1DP]S Ua^\<Ph! cWT_a^RTbb^UUX[[X]Vd_^UTgP\X]PcX^]U^a\U^a bT\TbcTacf^fPbP]]^d]RTSQhE1DPS\X]XbcaPcX^]=^fcWT bcdST]cbPaT_dii[TSQTRPdbTcWTD]XeTabXchWPbhTc]^c_dQ[XbWTS cWTXabT\TbcTa^]TaTbd[cP]ScWTaTXb]^W^_T^UR[PbbTb^UbT\TbcTa cf^PUcTabd\\TaePRPcX^]PbD]XeTabXchXbP\^^Sc^cPZTcWTXaTgP\b QhcWTT]S^U\^]cW^U9d]T ;867C8=62;08<B";8E4B8=1>:0A> 1^ZPa^) CWTRadT[cWd]STabc^a\[TUcQTWX]SPcaPX[^USTbcadRcX^]X] 1^ZPa^[Pbc]XVWcFXcW_^fTaSXbad_cTScaTTbd_a^^cTScaPUUXRb]Pa[b a^^Uc^_bP]SW^PaSX]VbQ[^f]^UUfTaTaT_^acTSX]bTeTaP[_Pacb^UcWT SXbcaXRcRaTPcTS\PhWT\P\^]VcWTaTbXST]cb 8]cf^bT_PaPcTX]RXST]cb[XVWc]X]VR[PX\bcWaTT[XeTbX]SXbcaXRcfWX[T cWaTT^cWTaX]YdaTSPUcTa[XVWc]X]VbcadRZcWTXaR^]SXcX^]bPaTbPXSc^QT RaXcXRP[ CWTSTRTPbTSfTaTXST]cXUXTSPbAPYZd\P?PbfP]aTbXST]c^UBWXe_daX 2^[^]hd]STa=TaZTaP?P]RWhPcAP]XhP3TeXaTbXST]c^U5dcZPSXWP]S ?d]P\aTbXST]c^U:T]SdPc^[Xd]STa6^\XPQ[^RZ^UcWTSXbcaXRcFWX[T cWTX]YdaTSPaTAPWd[?P__dP]SBdSWXa<PaP]SXRaXcXRP[[hX]YdaTSPUcTa cWT[XVWc]X]VbcadRZadbWTSc^cWTW^b_XcP[ 32A4E84FBC>8;4C2>=BCAD2C8>= ;>70A3060) 0RP\_fPb^aVP]XbTSPc?P]SaPeX[[PVT^U:dadQ[^RZ c^cPZTb^dVWc^U[PcTbcX]U^a\PcX^]^U_a^VaTbb^USTeT[^_\T]c_[P]b P]SXcbX\_[T\T]cPcX^]^]Va^d]S[TeT[321Wde]TbW?aPcP_BX]VW RWPXaTScWT^RRPbX^]X]_aTbT]RT^UQ[^RZ[TeT[P]SST_Pac\T]cP[ ^UUXRXP[b >]cWT^RRPbX^]32\PaZTS^dccWT[^^_W^[TbP]SSXaTRcTScWT ^UUXRXP[bP]ST]VX]TTabc^\T]S3daX]VcWPccWTbTeTaP[^UUXRTabfTaT VXeT]cWTRWPaVTc^eXbXccWTSXUUTaT]ceX[[PVTb^U?P]SaP?P]RWPhPcP]S cWThc^^Zb^dVWc^U<6=A460_[P]TSdRPcX^]P]X\P[WdbQP]Sah PVaXRd[cdaTWTP[cWc^X[TcR^]bcadRcX^]XaaXVPcX^]P]S\P]h\^aTBX]VW aTeXTfTScWTaT_^acbbdQ\XccTSQhcWT^UUXRXP[bcX[[[PcTTeT]X]V3daX]V cWPccWTeX[[PVTab^U?P]SaPeX[[PVTTbcPQ[XbWTSPSXaTRccP[Zd_^]cWTXa _a^Q[T\bfXcWcWT32BX]VWSXaTRcTScWTR^]RTa]TS^UUXRTabc^cPZT _aX^aXchc^b^[eT^dccWTXa_a^Q[T\b>]cWT^RRPbX^]Tb_TRXP[aTeXTfTS fPbcPZT]^]c^X[TcR^]bcadRcX^] CWXTeTbTbRP_TfXcW! \^c^aRhR[T" RPbWUa^\bW^fa^^\ ?=BQ 370=103 hieves escaped with two new motorcycle and 30 T thousand cash from Raja Automobiles a showroom of Bajaj Motorc ycle under Barbadda police station in Dhanbad last night. According to the police the thieves entered into the showroom after breaking the wall and escaped with two brand new bikes, they also took C30,000 cash after breaking the locker. “A case has b een registered and we are investigating into matter”, said O C of local police sation. Notably, theft and snatching incidents have been rising across the city these days; spread a feeling of insecurity among the residents as the police have failed to keep a check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cP[" A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % 8]PUXabc29U^aV^Tb ePRPcX^]^eTa_T]ST]Rh EXaT]STaBX]VW ?=B Q A0=278 W hile several judges of the Jharkhand High Court have left for their favourite destination to enjoy summer holidays, Chief Justice Virender Singh has chosen to stay back in Ranchi and dispose of criminal cases pending for over 10 years. The Chief Justice along with newly elevated judge Justice Anant Vijay Singh began to hold the court today. Though a system to hold a vacation court has been in practice earlier too, but it was for the first time in Jharkhand that the Chief Justice has made a division bench functional in the court during summer vacation. “It is for the first time that a division bench, headed by the Chief Justice, is at place during vacation to hear criminal appeals of such prisoners which are pending for more than 10 years and are lodged in various jails of the State,” said Vice Chairman of Jharkhand State Bar Council Rajesh Kumar Shukla. “It is really a commendable effort made by the Chief Justice where only urgent matters are being heard which requires immediate attention,” he added. According to Shukla, it will prove to be beneficial for all those people whose matters are pending since years due to which they need immediate attention or they will have to remain in jails for the next one month. “Only urgent criminal matters are being taken up in the court and priority will be given to the pending criminal appeals,” said Shukla. As many as 332 such cases are scheduled to be heard by the division bench during vacation. Besides, there are hundreds of other criminal appeals which will be heard by a single bench of Justice Anant Vijay Singh. Both division and single bench will sit during first week of vacation. The Division Bench is sitting in the morning from 9 am to 11 am while from 11:15 am onwards the single bench of Justice AV Singh will hear the other cases. 5C@F89E 8`gefcXVd4V_ecVe`cV]Ri7D2_`c^d expected to be sent to the Centre formally by this week end cites a significant judgment of the apex cour t given in the light of drought condition prevailing in good part of the country. “ T h e Supreme 5^^S2XeX[Bd__[XTbP]S2^]bd\Ta0UPXab<X]XbcTaBPahdA^h C ourt in a judgment has asked the Centre to cover all persons under the National Food Security System. We are ready with a proposal in this regard. This would cover entire chunk of population in the State besides 2.64 crore B0=C>B7=0A0H0=Q persons covered under the A0=278 FSA originally,” Saryu Roy, he State Government, Minister for Food and Civil while referring to a recent Supplies told The Pioneer on Supreme Court order has Tuesday. Through the order proapproached the Centre for universal coverage under the nounced last week in the Food Security Act (FSA) pro- petition filed by NGO Swaraj visions. The Department for Abhiyan, the Supreme Court Food and Civil Supplies in a directed the Centre for the high-level meeting on measure keeping in mind Tuesday prepared a proposal gravity of the food availability scenario besides, telling to in this regard. The proposal that is appoint State food commis- ²6aPX]6^[Pb³c^QT bcaT]VcWT]TS)<X] T CWa^dVWcWT^aSTa_a^]^d]RTS[Pbc fTTZX]cWT_TcXcX^]UX[TSQh=6> BfPaPY0QWXhP]cWTBd_aT\T2^dac SXaTRcTScWT2T]caTU^acWT\TPbdaT ZTT_X]VX]\X]SVaPeXch^UcWTU^^S PePX[PQX[XchbRT]PaX^QTbXSTbcT[[X]V c^P__^X]cBcPcTU^^SR^\\XbbX^]Tab P]SSXbcaXRcVaXTeP]RTaTSaTbbP[ ^UUXRTabX]cWTSa^dVWcWXcBcPcTb 8]R[dSX]V9WPaZWP]ScWTaTPaT ^cWTaBcPcTbcWPcWPeTQTT]STR[PaTS Sa^dVWcWXcSdTc^STUXRXT]c\^]b^^] fXc]TbbTSX]\^bc_Pac^UcWT R^d]cah sioners and district grievance redressal officers in the drought-hit States. Including Jharkhand, there are 11 other States that have been declared drought hit due to deficient monsoon witnessed in most part of the country. Moreover, provisions of the FSA mandates the Centre to provide food security to 75 per cent population in rural and 50 per cent in urban areas while in Jharkhand the scale has already been raised covering 86.4 per cent in urban and 60.4 per cent in rural areas. Now the latest proposal in this regard would stretch the coverage to nearly 50 lakh additional people who were left out otherwise. Special Secretary with the Department Ravi Ranjan said that the proposal is an extension of the Government’s idea which proposes to cover the entire populace residing in troubled and disturbed pockets in the State. “We were working on complete coverage under FSA in naxal dens such as Saranda, Sarju and Jhumra from this year itself. But since the Supreme Court order came and when the entire State can be covered, we would look into those specific pockets next year,” said the official, adding that additional requirement of food grain and total number of people to be covered would be reached in couple of days and the figures would be shared with the Center to ensure the supply. Along with that the Government is working hard to revive ‘grain banks’ in every panchayat in order to create a buffer in case of immediate grain shortage. “We have named it ‘Grain Gola’ which would keep 40 quintal of rice reserved to meet any short supply. The reserve would be revolving in nature which would be filled when allotment comes. We would seek rice from the Center for this as well and if denied we would maintain it from our own sources,” said the Minister stressing that a proposal in this regard would be brought before the Cabinet soon. Notably as many as 22 districts of the State are reeling under intense drought which has exposed people to mass level migration and even hunger related disorders. The situation led to another recent order of the Supreme Court providing midday meals in all primary schools even during a month long summer vacation. Following the direction, the State Government has decided authorities to continue MDM in the break. 9>DA=0;8BC ;9<<9>78= 381DB1 3UHVV&RXQFLOUDSV*RYWIRUWDUG\FRPSHQVDWLRQ ?=BQ A0=278 A three-member team of the Press Council of India (PCI) has expressed concern over delayed announcement of compensation to the family of Indradev Yadav, a scribe, who had been killed recently in Chatra. The team, at the same time, also rejected the initial claims of the district administration that had labeled Yadav as a contractor. Addressing mediapersons on Tuesday after touring Chatra on Monday, PCI member Rajeev Ranjan Nag also expressed concern over growing number of attacks on journalists in the State. “The incident was very unfortunate but the State Government after much hue and cry and media pressure announced C5 lakh as compensation for the family of journalist Indradev Yadav that has not been paid yet. We are also concerned <T\QTa^U?aTbb2^d]RX[^U8]SXPAPYTTeAP]YP]=PVP]S^cWTabPSSaTbb\TSXP_Tab^]bPcBdRW]P1WPfP]X]AP]RWX^]CdTbSPh about three-four other cases in which journalists lost their lives. We believe that Jharkhand Government has not shown sincerity on the issue,” said Nag. Yadav, working for a news channel, was shot dead in Chatra on May 12 allegedly by a splinter group of Maoists. Three persons related to TPC and MCC have been arrested EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa so far for the murder. Initially, the district administration had claimed that he was a contractor which trivialised the situation. However, the PCI team made it clear that Yadav was a working journalist. “We also met DC and SP and other officials. They referred Indradev Yadav as a journalist only. We also believe that he was mainly a journalist. Some of his relatives may be in other business but was the business was illegal,” asked the member and expressed satisfaction over direction of the probe so far. He also dismissed the demand for a CBI probe andrather stressed over better compensation and rehabilitation of the affected families. The team is likely to meet Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Wednesday on his return from Assam in which besides, a set of recommendation it would seek immediate arrest of the main culprit and wider norm for safety and security of the scribes in the State. Prabhat Kumar Das and Sandeep Shankar were other members of the team that would submit its repor t to PCI b efore June 10. Nag, at the same time, also termed the environment challenging for journalists in the State and expressed displeasure over media houses disowning local repor ters and stringers fearing demand for standard facilities and wages. “We in our larger recommendation would put light on these issues apart from setting up funds for journalists, provision for adequate compensation, separate statute to empower press and also acts for protection of journalists. PCI is serious on these issues,” said the member. ?^[XRT\P] WT[SU^acWTUc 2XchB?:XbW^aT:PdbWP[SdaX]VP?aTbb R^]UTaT]RTPcWXb^UUXRTX]AP]RWX^] CdTbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa ?=BQ A0=278 anchi police arrested three thieves for their involveR ment in two cases of theft under Gonda police station. Ramiz Raza, Jagdish Sao and a minor of 16 years were arrested by police officials for stealing from houses of Swarna Kamal Banarjee and Naval Officer PK Singh in Dhawan Nagar back in March. AP\XiSXbR[^bTS cWPcWTXb f^aZX]VfXcW 9WPaZWP]S 0a\TS?^[XRT& During interrogation, Ramiz disclosed that he is working with Jharkhand Armed Police-7. The arrested criminals have confessed of being responsible for four cases of theft. Their names came up when Hazaribagh police arrested Khurshid, another notorious thief involved in dozens of thefts and the mastermind of this gang. He divulged the names of the criminals arrested from Ranchi along with two of his other accomplices, Sonu and Imraan, from Hazaribagh. “Ramiz was the one who rented a house in Gandhinagar which was used by his accomplices and most of the loot has been recovered from his possession, indicating towards his active participation Departmental action will be initiated against him. Individuals who brought stolen items from them will also be identified and action will be taken against them too,” said Superintendent of Police (City) Kishore Kaushal during a press conference on Tuesday. Police has seized two television sets, a pair of silver anklets, a silver note and several brass utensils they stole from a house near LPN Shahdeo Chowk. 8=1A845 7_fUb^_b=Y^YcdUb`QidbYRedUd_]Qbdib 01E??A>C4BC 0608=BC212B ?=BQ A0=278 I mminent personalities including politicians and officials paid tributes to martyr Surjit Barla at Birsa Munda International Airport in Ranchi on Tuesday. Those who paid tribute to Barla included Urban Development Minister CP Singh, Ranchi DC Manoj Kumar, City SP Kaushal Kishore and several others. Body of martyr Surjit Barla was brought to Birsa Munda Airport in Ranchi on Tuesday who was killed in a militants attack in Chandel district of Manipur near Indo-Myanmar border on May 22, 2016. Principal Secretary SK Satpathy also paid tribute to the martyr on behalf of Governor Draupadi Murmu at the Airport. Governor in her message stated that the whole nation was proud of Barla. She also added that the soldiers of our Country are fully devoted for external and internal secu- DaQP]3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTa2WP]SaTbWfPa?aPbPSBX]VW_PhbcaXQdcTc^cWTQ^Sh^U\PachaTSb^[SXTa^U!(0bbP\AXU[Tb WPeX[SPaBdaPYXc1Pa[PbPc1XabP<d]SP8]cTa]PcX^]P[PXa_^acX]AP]RWX^]CdTbSPh7TfPbZX[[TSQh<X[XcP]cbPccPRZX]2WP]ST[ SXbcaXRc^U<P]X_da]TPa8]S^<hP]\PaQ^aSTa^]<Ph!!! % APcP];P[k?X^]TTa rity of the nation and have also sacrificed their livers for the unity and integrity of the nation. “We are all safe because of such real heroes. We are all grateful to such people who are playing with their lives for security of the nation,” stated the Governor. Barla belonged to Gumla district of Jharkhand who was ambushed in Manipur along with six others including a JCO. Those who got killed in the incident also included names of JCO Subedaar BK Sharma, Riflemen Mahesh Gurung, AK Pandey, Pawan Kumar and Bhupinder Singh. The dead were part of a 29-member team who were returning to their Joupi Battalion in the district after inspecting a landslide. Soldiers retaliated and an encounter ensued but the attackers escaped, taking advantage of the thick forests nearby, they said. They also managed to take away six weapons. Last June, NSCN (K) rebels in Chandel had killed 18 soldiers, leading to a surgical strike by the army in Myanmar which the government claimed had led to several militants being killed. The area however, has been cordoned off initiating a search operation in the area,” an official said. AP]RWX)0ZWX[1WPacXEXShPacWX ?PaXbWPS01E?\T\QTab^] CdTbSPh_a^cTbcTSPVPX]bccWT X\_[T\T]cPcX^]^U2W^XRT1PbTS 2aTSXcBhbcT\212B^] d]XeTabXchRP\_db_aT\XbTbCWT \T\QTab^U01E?WPeTQTT] ST\P]SX]Vc^RWP[Z^dcSXUUTaT]c \TPbdaTbU^a_a^_Ta X\_[T\T]cPcX^]^UcWT212B =^cPQ[hU^[[^fX]VcWTVdXST[X]Tb^U D]XeTabXch6aP]c2^\\XbbX^] D62cWTd]XeTabXchWPb_[P]]TS c^bcPaccWT212B_a^RTSdaTUa^\ ! %bTbbX^]]^cXUXRPcX^]U^a fWXRWWPeTQTT]bT]cc^P[[cWT $ R^]bcXcdT]cR^[[TVTbP]SPUUX[XPcTS R^[[TVTbUd]RcX^]X]Vd]STaAP]RWX D]XeTabXchADCWTd]X^] \T\QTab\Tc?a^E2< APiXdSSX]fW^WPbQTT]VXeT]cWT PSSXcX^]P[RWPaVT^UADEXRT 2WP]RT[[^aP]S^cWTad]XeTabXch ^UUXRXP[bc^_dcU^afPaScWTXa ST\P]SbCWTd]XeTabXch^UUXRXP[b ^]^cWTaWP]SWPeTPbbdaTScWT bcdST]cd]X^]Va^d_c^X\_[T\T]c cWTbhbcT\^][hPUcTabcdShX]VP[[ cWTUTPbXQX[XchP]SQT]TUXcb^UcWT _a^VaP\\T ?=B <42>=bTTZb3A3>´bTg_TacXbTU^acaXR^[^da CWTbRPUU^[SX]V Pa^d]ScWT U[PV_^[TQdX[cU^a cWTcP[[Tbc caXR^[^daPc ?PWPaX7X[[bX] A0]RWX^] CdTbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?=BQ A0=278 M ECON has requested Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) to give its expertise to resolve the problem it has been facing to prevent tearing of the world’s highest tricolour in the air. Notably, despite several ef for ts made by Pahari Mandir Vikas Samiti and MECON, they have not been able to prevent the highest and largest tricolour in Ranchi f rom b eing ripped off. “As we have no expertise in fabric material, we are seeking help from the DRDO for which they have also given their consent. Very soon we are expecting experts from their side who will give their suggestions on the issue,” said MECON D GM JK Jha. DRD O has internally developed some alternate fabric which may be used for making the tricolour more durable, added Jha. Meanwhile, the MECON has b een working on providing an additional manrider through which one can easily go on the tip of the flag post through a cage like structure to fix any fault, Jha said. “Presently we are focusing on synchronization of the winch f ixed inside and outside it so that they can r un and stop together making it easier to ascend and descend the f lag up or down of the f lag p ost,” Jha said. Regular meetings are being conducted between MECON and representatives of Valmont C ompany which was entrusted to install the flag post in R anchi, he added. Notably, due to some technical fault which arose with the motor of the flag post, the highest tricolour remained stuck halfway on the flag post for over a fortnight making a mockery of it. Taking lessons from the last incident, Pahari Mandir Vikas Samiti decided to f ix problems with the motor so that the Triclour could be brought down at any point of time in case it gets ripped of f due to speeding wind. “Since, the pully is still stuck on the top, we have engaged a constr uction company to bring it down,” said Pahari Mandir Vikas Samiti PRO Mukesh Agrawal. The primary aim of Samiti was to fix the mechanism of the motor so that best use of technology could be ensured and such problems could be avoided in future, he added. 6DE2>=6A0CD;0C4B?4>?;4>=B<0AC28CHB4;42C8>= AP]RWX) 6^eTa]^a3aPd_PSX<da\dTg_aTbbTSWP__X]Tbb^eTaAP]RWX QTX]VX]R[dSTSX]cWT[Xbc^UcWXacTT]]TfUPbccaPRZb\PacRXcXTb^UcWT 2^d]cahP]SWPbR^]VaPcd[PcTSc^cWT_T^_[TX]cWTbcPcT<da\dP[b^ Tg_aTbbTSVaPcTUd[]TbbP]SbPXScWPccWT\^eTcPZT]QhcWTRT]cTafX[[ ]^c^][hQaX]VX]STeT[^_\T]cU^acWTRXchQdcfX[[P[b^_a^eTc^QTP] X]b_XaPcX^]U^a^cWTaRXcXTb^UcWTbcPcT ?>;824270B4>559D=:84B5A><<>A7010386A>D=3 AP]RWX) 0cTP\^U_^[XRT^UUXRXP[b[TSQh2XchB?BdSPabWP]0PbcXZ R^]SdRcTSPSaXeT^]CdTbSPhc^RWPbT^UUSad]ZPaSbP]SSadVPSSXRcb SXbcdaQX]VcWTRP[\P\QXT]RT^U<^aWPQPSX6a^d]SBTeTaP[ R^\_[PX]cb^UYd]ZXTbSXbcdaQX]V_TPRTX]cWTPaTPWPSQTT]aTVXbcTaTS SdaX]VcWT_PbcUTfSPhb 18:4ABB=0C27C $;5A><F><0= AP]RWX) <^c^aRhR[TaXSST]Rd[_aXcbb]PcRWTSC $[PZWbUa^\P f^\P]X];^PSXW[^RP[Xch]TPa:P]cPc^[XCWTf^\P]fPbbXccX]VX]WTa RPafWT]b]PcRWTabSXSPSaXeTQhP]Sc^^ZPfPhcWT\^]Th 4G?>AC4ABD<<8C0C970A:70=34G?> AP]RWX) 0]4g_^acTaBd\\XcfPb^aVP]XbTSQh9WPaZWP]S 6^eTa]\T]cX]fWXRWPa^d]S $Tg_^acTab^UWP]S[^^\P]S WP]SXRaPUcbTRc^a_PacXRX_PcTSCWTbd\\XcfPbPSSaTbbTSQh 8]SdbcaXTb3XaTRc^a:APeX:d\PaP]S\P]hTg_^acTabCWTTg_^acTab bW^fTSSTT_X]cTaTbcX]cWT9WPaRaPUc_a^SdRcbP]SWP]S[^^\P]S WP]SXRaPUcXcT\b^U9WPaZWP]S 332A4E84FB3>1702>=BCAD2C8>= AP]RWX) AP]RWX332EXaT]SaP:d\PaBX]VWeXbXcTS=PVaXP]S1Ta^ Q[^RZbc^P__aPXbTcWT_a^VaTbbX]UPa\_^]SR^]bcadRcX^]^]CdTbSPh 8]P\TTcX]VfXcW^UUXRXP[bUa^\cWTbTQ[^RZbBX]VW^aSTaTScWT\c^ R^\_[TcTWP[U^UcWTf^aZQh<Ph!(CWTbTUPa\_^]SbfX[[QTWT[_Ud[ X]fPcTaR^]bTaePcX^]UXbWTaXTbSdRZaTPaX]VXaaXVPcX^]P]SbdRW _da_^bTbBX]VWbPXS YWPaZWP]S# A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % 2TeZ`_RXRZ_deeVRTYVchY` ,OOHJDOSDUNLQJOHDGLQJEXVLQHVVORVVDW6DNFKLPDUNHW _VgVcReeV_UVUdTY``] D ?=BQ 90<B743?DA BTRaTcPahc^2WXTU<X]XbcTaBd]X[:d\Pa1Pa]fP[W^[SbfTTZ[haTeXTf\TTcX]V^U9P]BP\ePSPcBdRW]P1WPfP]X]AP]RWX^] CdTbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?=BQ A0=278 H azaribagh, DSE, Shivendra Kumar has been strictly instructed to get hold of a teacher, who has never attended the school since 2002, after being appointed there and have failed to deliver his service. Bipin Singh was appointed as a teacher in primary school in Ichak, Gobarbanda Dangi, Hazaribagh district. According to information collected, Singh has also contested election from Bihar recently. The decision has been taken today in the weekly review meeting of CM Jan Samvad presided by Secretary to CM, Sunil Kumar Barnwal, where he ordered the DSE to act promptly on the matter. Barnwal has asked DSE, Hazaribagh to take strict action against the defaulter, as he cannot challenge the system. Similarly, in another case, even after the retirement from the department, Prem Shankar Prasad has been living in the same house which has been allotted to him during his service tenure. Prasad has occupied the residence since 2010 and even after several orders issued to him, he has not yet acted on it seriously. However, the nodal officers have assured Barnwal that within 15 days, Prasad will be compelled to give the rent. If the nodal officer fails, strict action will be taken against the officers in charge, Barnwal pointed out. The Pollution Control Board has been issued the show cause notice, as the resi- dent of Madhukam have complained that the health of the resident residing in Madhukam is being adversely affected, due to the presence of New Goldmohar Shop and Detergent factory situated in the area. In another case from SBI Shivpur Branch, Garhwa, where the benefit of widow pension scheme is not reaching to the beneficiaries, the authorities have asked SBI, DCM to act on this immediately and resolve the matter. Another plea came from family members of deceased Munnan Prasad, whose family has yet not received any compensation from Road Construction Department. Even after writing to the officials at Road Construction Department, the family members have not received any positive response from the department. Barnwal ordered the official to consider the matter with utmost seriousness. ue to illegal parking on Straight Mile Road passing through Sakchi Market, traders are facing loss in business. So much so that a delegation of Jamshedpur Chamber of Commerce led by its president Mohanlal Agarwal handed a memorandum to East Singhbhum deputy commissioner Amitabh Kaushal. The DC was apprised about business loss suffered as customers facing parking woes and mishap threat avoid visiting shops situated on nearly 80 meters stretch of Straight Mile Road in Sakchi Market. Incidentally, the road stretch on Straight Mile Road witnesses heavy traffic around 2 lakhs daily throughout the day as it connects residential areas like Baradwari, Bhalubasa, Sitaramdera, Agrico, Sidhgora and Baridih with commercial hub of Sakchi. Besides private vehicles large number of commercial vehicles use this stretch. Mohanlal Agarwal said that shopkeepers have been facing complaints from regular customers about traffic snarl while coming to the shops due to illegal parking and difficul- ty faced in parking of their own vehicles. Shopkeepers admit that footfalls to shops have also decreased in the last few months. The shopkeepers alleged that nearly 2,000 twowheelers are parked illegally on this stretch daily. East Singhbhum deputy 8[[TVP[R^P[bTXiTSX]6XaXSXW BDA4B7=8:70AQ 68A8387 14A<> he Bengabad police of Giridih district conducted T raids within Bengabad police station jurisdiction and recovered more than 5 tonnes of illegal coal. Motorbikes and bull-card loaded with illegal coal were also seized during the police action and three persons identified as Md Kalim ,Pankanj Das and Premi Mukesh were arrested in this connection . It has been one of the huge seizures of illegal coal made by the Giridih police here on Tuesday following direct orders from the Superintendent of police, Giridih Akhlesh V. Varier early this morning, a police team lead by the officerin charge of Bengabad police station Manoj Kumar, raided an illegally run depot at Bengabad locality .The illegal coal dump was functioning following the dumping of illegally mined coal and was being run by some coal smugglers. According to police sources, when the police team reached at the locality and pounced upon them and arrested three persons and also seized several motorbikes and bull-cards with stolen coal were seized. The raids which will be continued in routine work as created panic among transporters of coal ,said Manoj Kumar ,O/C of Bengabad police station . commissioner Amitabh Kaushal accepting the memorandum of the traders assured of looking into the issue and suggested them to approach Jusco. Incidentally, Jusco has identified parking spots on Sakchi Highway (in front of The Bengal Club), stretch in front of Jamshedpur Eye Hospital, stretch near Dalda Line, stretch on Tank Road (near Tin Shed Market), stretch on Straight Mile Road (backside of Bhola Maharaj Sweet shop) and two basements at Super Center. Jamshedpur Notified Area Committee (JNAC) special officer Dipak Sahay said that the construction of the parking bays has already started on this stretch by Jusco and would be completed by this month. A traffic official said that the road obstruction and congestion due to violation of parking norms has been a problem. We do carry out prosecution of vehicles for ‘no parking’ violations but vehicle owners plead that they were not aware that this area was a designed ‘no-parking’ spot. There have been road signage installed on the road at different points but people do not bother to take a look at these signage. After consultation with Jusco we have come up with this idea. Vehicle owners while stopping for parking on the road now cannot plead that they have not seen the signage as it would be clearly visible on road surface. This apart reflective signage will also indicate the zones even at night. 10DE2BCA4BB4B>=70A=4BB8=6 CA038C8>=0;50A<C427=>;>684B AP]RWX)1XabP0VaXRd[cdaP[ D]XeTabXch10DEXRT 2WP]RT[[^a3a6T^aVT9^W] WPbbcaTbbTS^]WPa]TbbX]V cWT_^cT]cXP[^UcaPSXcX^]P[ PVaXRd[cdaP[cTRW]^[^VXTbX] cWTR^]cTgc^UR[X\PcT RWP]VT 7TbPXScWPccWTX]SXVT]^db cTRW]XRP[Z]^f[TSVTfWXRW WPbbdaeXeTSU^aRT]cdaXTb STb_XcTRWP]VTbX]R[X\PcTWPbQTT]]TV[TRcTSU^a[^]VfWXRW]TTS c^aT[^^Z;^fR^bcR^]VT]XP[UPa\cTRW]^[^VXTbf^d[SQT\^aT TUUTRcXeTX]QaX]VX]V\^aTUPa\Tabd]STaXcbd\QaT[[PfWXRWWXVW T]ScTRW]^[^VXTbRP]³cS^3^QWPb\P[[aPX]fPcTabc^aPVTfT[[b cTRW]^[^VhXbPRcdP[[hPcaXQdcTc^cWTUPa\Tab^U9WPaZWP]SP]SfX[[ WPeT\d[cX_[XTaTUUTRcX]PSY^X]X]VeX[[PVTbWTPSSTSFWT] cTRW]^[^VhXbbX\_[TaXcWPbfXSTaPSP_cPQX[Xch*WTbPXSPSSX]VbXcT U^aSXVVX]VS^QWPbW^d[SQTRPaTUd[[hbT[TRcTSc^T]bdaTcWPcXc aTRTXeTbbdaUPRTbTT_PVT 7TfPbPSSaTbbX]VPSPh[^]Vf^aZbW^_^]²BdbcPX]PQ[T PVaXRd[cdaTP]SUPa\Tab³[XeT[XW^^SB050;³_a^YTRcX]9WPaZWP]S ^aVP]XiTSQh10DX]Pbb^RXPcX^]fXcWD]XcTSBcPcTb0VT]RhU^a 8]cTa]PcX^]P[STeT[^_\T]cDB083P]S2^[d\QXPD]XeTabXch³b 2T]caTbU^a8]cTa]PcX^]P[?a^YTRcbCadbc28?C ?=B ]PcX^]$ A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % 6WDWHERDUGVRXWRI1((7WKLV\HDU 06DBC0B20<50;;>DC @?9@=5E@CA65@ P 562=D4C2AA65 ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 resident Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday promulgated the Ordinance to keep State boards out of the ambit of the common entrance test (NEET) for MBBS and dental courses for this year. The second phase of NEET will be conducted on July 24. The first phase was held on May 1. Health Minister JP Nadda said the Ordinance gives the NEET a firm statutory support and backing to bring in transparency in examinations. “The Government was very clear from the beginning that it was in favour of NEET,” he main- ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Defence Ministry has scrapped a C1,700-crore T proposed deal for procuring torpedos from Finmeccanica for Scorpene submarines now under construction at Mazagon Docks Limited(MDL), Mumbai. The deal was put on hold in 2014 by the then UPA Government in the wake of AgustaWestland VVIP helicopter deal controversy. Finmeccanica, the Italian conglomerate is the parent company of AgustaWestland. The Government is likely to float a fresh golbal tender or request for proposal(RFP) to procure torpedos. Disclosing this here on Tuesday, sources said Black Shark torpedo, manufactured by Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquel(WASS), a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, emerged as the lowest bidder and negotiations began in 2013 for fitting 98 torpedos on to six Scorpene submarines. Incidentally, the first submarine christened INS Kalvari is now undergoing final trials and expected to join service in September. When asked how the Government proposed to maintain operational preparedness of the submarines in the absence of torpedos, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar told a reputed nation- 5X[T_W^c^ Germany’s Atlas Elektronik had emerged as the second lowest bidder and sources said at the time of technical trials there were some differences between the German manufacturers and the French firm building the Scorpene submarinies in collaboration with MDL. “However, it seems that the differences have been resolved now,” sources said adding that either a fresh tender could be placed or the Government may go in for direct purchase. If the issue is not resolved fast, the Navy would be inducting the first Scorpene submarine without its main anti-ship attack system. ¯ 9?=0330 tained, rejecting Congress’ charge that the Government was going against the test. He explained that only State Government seats in Government medical colleges and State Government seats in ix years after a Delhi boy went missing from his Shome, he has now been tracked to Jessore in Bangladesh from where the Indian Government is trying to bring him back. A senior official in the Indian High Commission in Dhaka is travelling to Jessore in southwestern Bangladesh to meet 12year-old Sonu after External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj intervened in the matter. “A First Secretary from @ihcdhaka is going to Jessore today to meet with Sonu,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted on Tuesday. Swaraj swung into action after TV channels showed a report about a man from Bangladesh who had come to India in search for Sonu’s parents. The Bangladeshi citizens and Sonu’s parents later met External Affairs Ministry officials and MEA promised to resolve the issue soon. “Thanks for bringing this to my notice. We have initiated action already. We will resolve this soon,” Swaraj had tweeted after her attention was drawn to Sonu’s plight. Sonu had reportedly gone missing from Delhi in 2010 and a man from Jessore recently contacted his family here and gave details about the whereabouts of the boy, who is reportedly in a child care home in Jessore. The details of how the boy had gone missing are not yet known. BC8=6?A>1420B4 218aTVXbcTabRPbT PVPX]bcU^a\TaE2^U 2186A8;;BA0F0C EXbfP1WPaPcXePabXch T ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he CBI has registered a criminal case against former Vice-Chancellor of Viswa Bharati University, Shantiniketan, S Duttagupta, in connection with alleged irregularities in the appointment of a deputy registrar and conducted searches at five premises of the accused persons. The agency had registered the case against the ViceChancellor of the then Registrar D Gunasekaran (Presently Registrar, IIT, Bhubaneswar); Finance Officer AP Trivedi and Deputy Registrar Shyamala Ray Nair under Section 120-B (criminal conspiracy) and revenant provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, official sources said. The FIR alleges that Duttagupta, in connivance with other accused officials, appointed Shyamala Ray Nair as Deputy Registrar illegally in violation of UGC guidelines. “It was alleged that the said officials entered into a criminal conspiracy amongst themselves and in pursuance thereof, a Deputy Registrar was appointed in the University in violation of the laid down UGC Rules as the said Deputy Registrar did 0VT]RhR^]SdRcTS bTPaRWTbPcUXeT _aT\XbTbX] BWP]cX]XZTcP] X]R[dSX]Vcf^X] :^[ZPcPP]Scf^ _aT\XbTbX] 1WdQP]TbfPafWXRW [TSc^aTR^eTah ^UaT[TeP]c X]RaX\X]PcX]V S^Rd\T]cb not meet the educational criteria and had an age above the maximum age limit by at least 7 years,” the CBI said in a statement. The agency conducted the searches on Tuesday on five premises in Shantiniketan, including two in Kolkata (West Bengal) and two premises in Bhubaneswar (Odisha) which led to recovery of relevant “incriminating” documents, the agency added. Searches continued till late in the evening and further investigation is continuing. CBI sources said the case was registered following a reference from the Centre. The prestigious university was founded by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. he CBI on Tuesday questioned Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat in connection with an extra legal probe under a Preliminary Enquiry relating to a sting operation involving him. Rawat accompanied by some supporters and an MLA arrived at the CBI headquarters at about 11 am and was grilled till 4 pm. He will again appear before the agency on June 7. Rawat said he will present his side of the story before agency on June 7. CBI had registered a Preliminary Enquiry (PE) on April 29 to probe the sting operation in which Rawat was purportedly shown negotiating a deal to buy the support of rebel Congress MLAs ahead of the floor test. A Preliminary Enquiry (PE) as opposed to Regular Case (FIR) is beyond the mandate under the Criminal Procedure Code. Often the PE lingers for long periods as the agency is not bound by the provisions under the CrPC to file a final report under stipulated time period of 60 or 90 days. The CBI had last week rejected the State Government’s notification withdrawing the nod for probing the case which was given during President’s Rule. The Uttarakhand High private institutions will have exemption (if the State Government concerned so opts) for the current year. However, said Nadda, as Tamil Nadu and Puducherry do not conduct an examination for entrance in their medical and dental colleges, and instead admit students on the basis of marks obtained at Class XII examinations for their State Government seats, admissions in these States for the current year only, will be as per present procedure being adopted by these two States. “All State seats will be filled up either by NEET or by their State examination board and in private medical colleges, the quota that they have for States will also be filled up by the State list or NEET list. PG examination in December 2016 will be a complete NEET,” he said. He said as the States had not effectively put forth their views in the right perspective before the Supreme Court, we brought this Ordinance in order to provide them relief. He said that after the apex court order, many State Governments had approached the Centre and apprised it of various issues, including ongoing tests of States, parity of syllabus and regional languages. Nadda said that after due consultations, including an allparty meeting and State health Ministers’ meet, a consensus was reached that NEET “in principle” is to be implemented which is why the Ordinance was brought. =YccY^W4U\XYR_i dbQS[UTY^2µTUcX ?=BQ =4F34;78 al daily that “I will make the Scorpenes functional. Don’t worry about it.” Replying to another question whether the Governemnt will go for ‘Make in India’ option, the Minister said there are other companies who can supply it. He, however, refrained from giving further details and said these issues could not be discolsed due to security reasons. Given the urgency of the project, sources said fresh RFP will take time and the Ministry may go for Governemnt to Governemnt deal. This process entails that the foreign made torpedo finally selected will be backed by that Government instead of the vendor. 0[[BcPcTbTPcbfX[[QTUX[[TSd_TXcWTaQh =44C^aQhcWTXaBcPcTTgP\X]PcX^] Q^PaSP]SX]_aXePcT\TSXRP[R^[[TVTb cWT`d^cPcWPccWThWPeTU^aBcPcTbfX[[ P[b^QTUX[[TSd_QhcWTBcPcT[Xbc^a =44C[Xbc?6TgP\X]PcX^]X]3TRT\QTa ! %fX[[QTPR^\_[TcT=44C DccPaPZWP]S2WXTU<X]XbcTa7PaXbWAPfPc[TPeTbPUcTaP__TPaX]VQTU^aTcWT218X] R^]]TRcX^]fXcWcWTbcX]V23_a^QTX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 Court also did not stay the CBI probe as requested by Rawat. CBI had said the notification was rejected after taking legal opinion, which said there was no ground for its withdrawal and it was “not legally tenable”. The agency had summoned Rawat for examination for May 9 but he had sought more time after which he won the floor test and returned to power. D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^aDaQP]3TeT[^_\T]c7^dbX]VP]SDaQP]?^eTach0[[TeXPcX^]P]S?Pa[XP\T]cPah0UUPXab<ET]ZPXPW=PXSd aT[TPbTbPQ^^Z[TcPcP?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTc^P]]^d]RTcWTaTbd[cb^U5PbcCaPRZB\Pac2Xch2^\_TcXcX^]STcPX[X]VDaQP]bTRc^a X]XcXPcXeTbP]S^dcR^\TbP]SUd]RcX^]X]V^U?Pa[XP\T]cSdaX]VcWT[Pbccf^hTPabX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 ³2>=3D2CCA08=8=6 ?A>6A0<<45>A 9D38280;>55824AB 8=2H14A2A8<4B´ ?=B Q =Tf3T[WX WT2T]caTWPbPbZTScWT2T]caP[ C1daTPd^U8]eTbcXVPcX^]218 P]ScWT=PcX^]P[?^[XRT0RPST\h c^caPX]\T\QTab^UcWT[^fTa YdSXRXPahX]WP]S[X]VRhQTaRaX\Tb FXcWRhQTaRaX\TbbTTX]VP] d_fPaScaT]SX]cWTaTRT]c_Pbc cWT3T_Pac\T]c^U9dbcXRTWPb faXccT]c^218P]ScWT=PcX^]P[ ?^[XRT0RPST\h°c^R^]SdRc caPX]X]V_a^VaP\\TbU^aYdSXRXP[ ^UUXRTabc^bT]bXcXbT^]RhQTa RaX\TbP]SaT[PcTSXbbdTb± ATRT]c[hPbX\X[PaTgTaRXbTfPb R^]SdRcTSQhcWT=PcX^]P[9dSXRXP[ 0RPST\hX]1W^_P[U^aYdSVTb^U cWTBd_aT\T2^dacfWTaTbTbbX^]b fTaTPSSaTbbTSQh=PcX^]P[ BTRdaXch0SeXb^aP]SA186^eTa]^a P\^]V^cWTabc^bT]bXcXbTYdSVTb ^]\PccTabaT[PcTSc^UX]P]RTP]S ]PcX^]P[bTRdaXchP\^]V^cWTa XbbdTb >UUXRXP[b^daRTbX]cWT<X]XbcahbPXS cWPc^U[PcTRhQTaf^a[SXb X]RaTPbX]V[hdbTSQhX]SXeXSdP[b P]SVa^d_bc^b_aTPSP]cX8]SXP bT]cX\T]cb^a_a^\^cT²YXWPSX³ R^]cT]c0[b^P]^cWTaPaTP^U Tg_TacXbTaT`dXaTSQhR^dacbaT[PcTb c^_^a]^VaP_Whb^daRTbPSSTS 1TbXSTbdbT^URhQTac^^[bXbP[b^ RadRXP[c^STcTRcRaX\TbP]ScaPRZ S^f]RaX\X]P[b:TT_X]VcWTbT Pb_TRcbX]\X]SP]Sc^ZTT_ PQaTPbcfXcWSTeT[^_\T]cbX] RhQTa[PfbcWT6^eTa]\T]cUT[c cWT]TTSc^UPRX[XcPcTYdSVTbfXcWP[[ cWXbX]U^a\PcX^] CWTcaPX]X]V\^Sd[TXbhTcc^QT _aT_PaTSPbcWTTUU^acfX[[QTc^ bcaT]VcWT]cWTRP_PQX[Xch^UcaXP[ R^dacYdSVTbc^WP]S[TRhQTaRaX\Tb fWXRWPaTcTRW]XRP[X]]PcdaTCWT \^ST^UbdRWcaPX]X]VR^d[STXcWTa QTcWa^dVWR^]UTaT]RTb^a bT\X]PabcWPc\PhQTW^bcTSPc =PcX^]P[9dSXRXP[0RPST\h B2aTUdbTbc^Rdc fPcTabd__[hc^ <PWP[X`d^ad]Xcb ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Supreme Court on T Tuesday questioned the basis for refusing water supply to the distilleries and breweries in drought-hit Maharashtra after it was asked to modify a Bombay High Court order that recently ordered the State to cut up to 60 per cent water supplied to the liquor producing units in the wake of the dry spell in Marathwada region. The petitioner before the High Court, Sanjay Bhaskarrao Kale, had approached the Vacation Bench of the Supreme Court to ensure not a single drop of water is supplied to the distilleries and breweries in the State in the face of severe drought conditions this year. Snubbing the petitioner for pursuing such a petition for “publicity”, the Bench of Justices Prafulla C Pant and Dhananjay Y Chandrachud refused to pass any directions to the State. It even did not choose to alter the High Court order realising that the order passed by the Aurangabad Bench of the HC was an interim direction and the matter is to be finally decided at a later stage. However, the Bench questioned the basis for judicial intervention in such a matter. It said, “These are all policy decisions and the court’s interference will be like taking over governance. Even the 60 per cent cut has no basis. There can be no justification. These are all policy decisions and the courts cannot interfere in all these matters.” The Bench told the petitioner’s counsel to rest content with the HC order as it strikes a “balance” between the interest of the petitioner and that of the liquor industry. The petitioner later decided to withdraw the petition and sought liberty to approach the High Court. The Aurangabad Bench’s order became effective from May 10 and is to remain operational till June 27. The HC had also ordered the State Government to curtail water supply to other industrial units to ensure the limited water stock gets diverted to people for their daily needs. "deVgVch`^V_TcVhdRZ]de`>RfcZeZfd 7_fd\Y[U\id_RQ^ 2::>D]Z\Vf_ZedZ_ `_dQccYe]Rb_]QdU ;<+DZeVdT]VRcVU 8]8=B<WPSTX ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78 P W ith a view to gain experience for the gruelling circumnavigation of the globe in 2017 in sailing vessel INS Mhadei, the first ever allwomen officers team on Tuesday sailed for Mauritius from Goa. The boat is expected to complete the 2,500 nautical miles(5,000km) voyage in about 25 days and return to Goa in mid July. The first open-ocean voyage by the six-member crew led by Lt Commander Vartika Joshi is part of the training to face ordeals in the sea for the forthcoming expedition. For the ongoing voyage, the crew will have to negotiate rough seas and heavy weather in the Arabian Sea due to south-west monsoon thereby testing the navigation skills of the officers. Giving details of the voyage, Navy officials said here on Tuesday, this training will expose the crew including Lt P Swathi, Lt B Aishwarya, Lt accordingly. We will take action as soon as the report comes,” otassium bromate used in Nadda told reporters. However, indicating that it breads including pav and buns may soon be banned had already submitted the with the Health Ministry wak- report seeking ban on the ing up to study the recom- chemical, FSSAI CEO Pawan mendations of the country’s Kumar Agar wal said, food regulator for removal of “Potassium bromate is one of the toxic chemical from the list 11,000 food additives that are of permissible food additives. allowed in food business. After The move comes a day careful consideration, the after a report by CSE claimed FSSAI has recommended the presence of the cancer- potassium bromate from the list of permissicausing chemicals in bread samples of 1A4038BBD4 ble additives.” On the notivirtually all top fication, Agarwal said, “As far as brands. Union Health Minister JP issue of notification is conNadda said he has directed the cerned the FSSAI has already Food Safety and Standards sent the recommendation to Authority of India (FSSAI) to Ministry of Health and it would take the matter seriously and be issued by the Ministry and submit a report at the earliest, there it may take a week or two.” the regulator long back had After the removal of potassium submitted a report in this bromate from the list its use as food additive would be banned, regard to the Ministry. “I have told FSSAI to take he said adding that on use of the matter seriously and submit potassium iodate, FSSAI is the report. They are coming examining the evidence and out with a report. The Ministry soon a decision will be taken will take appropriate action over the same. Pratibha Jamwal, Lt Vijaya and Lt Payal Gupta to weather that would be faced by them during the circumnavigation in 2017. All the women officers are keen sailors who took to the sport after joining the Indian Navy. The skipper Vartika Joshi and Swathi were part of Mhadei crew on earlier voyages. The officers have undergone theoretical training in Navigation, Communication, Meteorology and Seamanship at the navy’s training schools in Kochi. The crew is undergoing training under Commanderdr Dilip Donde, India’s first circumnavigator, who undertook his voyage on the same boat, in 2008-09. The all-women crew circumnavigation of the globe would be undertaken on board the new sailing vessel of the Navy presently under-construction at M/s Aquarius Shipyard Pvt Ltd, Goa. The yetto-be-named boat is expected to be delivered to the Navy by February 2017. The Navy is in the process of setting up an ocean sailing node at Goa to promote ocean sailing and a spirit of adventure amongst young naval officers and sailors. Mhadei and her sister vessel would be based at this node in Goa. The exploits of this all-women crew on board Mhadei,along with accounts of their voyage and photographs, can be followed on the Facebook page ‘Mhadei’. The boat is expected to enter Port Louis on June 1112 and return to Goa by early July. 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 A lmost six months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced setting up of two AIIMS-like institutes in Jammu & Kashmir as part of the Centre’s development package, the Union Health Ministry has cleared sites—Awantipora in Pulwama district in Kashmir and Vijaypur in Samba district in Jammu for establishment of the health institutions. The proposed AIIMS will be spread over 200 acres of land. The J&K Government had identified three locations — one in Kashmir and two in Jammu—for establishment of the institutions. Besides Awantipora in Pulwama district in Kashmir, the State Government had proposed two sites—Vijaypur and Ghagwal in Samba district in Jammu. According to sources in the Ministry, the Centre has asked the State Secretary for Medical Education, MK Bhandari to ensure protection of site in Jammu from flooding of Devak river as well as join two patches of the site separated by national highway either through the bridge of underpass. For the AIIMS site in Kashmir, the State Government has to either close down the firing range of the army located adjacent to the proposed site permanently or relocate to another area. In 2015-16 Union Budget, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had announced setting up of an All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and IIM in the State. The decision to set-up AIIMS in Kashmir triggered protests in Jammu, prompting the Centre to sanction another such institution for the region. Under the development package announced by Modi, the Centre has earmarked C4,000 crore for establishing the institutions. ]PcX^]% A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % 5ZUZa]R_de`T]VR_YVc4RSZ_Ve B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 piced up by the stupendous majority with which the STrinamool Congress has roared back to power in the recently concluded Assembly elections, Mamata Banerjee is planning to bring in fresh faces to replace tainted names in her new Cabinet inside sources said. The TMC has notched up 211 out of 294 seats while the Congress and Left have bagged 44 and 33 each. BJP has won 3 seats and GJM 3. In an apparent bid to clean up the party’s imag blemished by Sharada, Narada, SGDA, Trident and other scams Banerjee may drop some her Ministers and shift others to lesser portfolios, a senior leader said. According to sources, Urban Development Minister Firhad Hakim may not get back his old Ministry, while Cabinet berth for Kolkata Mayor Sovan Chatterjee who also seen taking bribe in the Narada video footage may also get deferred for a while. The CM will take oath on May 27. The only exception could be Panchayat and Irrigation Minister Subroto <56D7?FD9>;5B1<1D?41I ,W¶OOEHUXOHRIDOO3LQDUD\L 270=64B>=0=E8; EA90H0A09Q :>278 DaQP]3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTa5XaWPS7PZX\\Ph]^cVTcQPRZWXb^[S <X]Xbcah :^[ZPcP<Ph^aB^eP]2WPccTaYTTfW^P[b^bTT]cPZX]VQaXQTX]cWT =PaPSPeXST^U^^cPVT\PhP[b^VTcSTUTaaTSU^aPfWX[T CWT]TfUPRTbfW^\PhVTc2PQX]TcQTacWPaT5^afPaS1[^Rcda]R^Pc DSPhP]6dWPfW^Xb[XZT[hc^VTcX]SdRcTSPbcWT=^acW1T]VP[ 3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTa 5^a\Ta2WXTUFWX_B^QWP]STQ2WPcc^_PSWPhPhXb[XZT[hc^VTccWT ;Pf<X]Xbcah 1aPchP1PbdPU^a\Ta4SdRPcX^]<X]XbcTaXb[XZT[hc^VTccWT 8]U^a\PcX^]P]S2d[cdaT_^acU^[X^ Mukherjee who may once again get his original portfolio despite his alleged involvement in the Narada scam. Mukherjee had done “an excellent job in 100-days’ work scheme which brought the Trinamool its bulk of votes” so he will not be deprived of his place. Party MP and Banerjee’s Nandigram spearhead Suvendu Adhikary who was brought back to the State politics and won the Nandigram Assembly seat this time round is also likely to get an important portfolio despite his appearance in the Narada footage, sources said adding the Chief Minister “will take a decision later if the Lok Sabha ethics committee finds any truth in the sting video.” The new faces who may get Cabinet berth are Forward Bloc turncoat Udayan Guha who is likely to get inducted as the North Bengal Development Minister. Former Chief Whip and a man known for his integrity Sobhandeb Chattopadhayay is likely to get the Law Ministry, sources said. Bratya Basu a former Education Minister is likely to get the Information and Culture portfolio while senior leader and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Partho Chatterjee may get back his Industry port folio after even Finance Minister Amit Mitra new Government of the CPI(M)-led LDF will take A charge in Kerala on Wednesday FTbc1T]VP[2WXTU<X]XbcTaCaX]P\^^[2^]VaTbb bd_aT\^<P\PcP1P]TaYTTPRRT_cbVaTTcX]Vb^U_T^_[T PcWTa:P[XVWPcaTbXST]RTX]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPh ?C8 who had replaced Chatterjee to handle Industry as the additional charge also failed miserable to bring investment. Meanwhile, the Congress and the Left on Tuesday decided to boycott the swearing-in ceremony on May 27. Both the parties have decided to hold a rally at Esplanade in Kolkata to protest against the ongoing violence in the State. “How can we take part in the swearing-in when our men are being attacked their properties and party offices looted and torched, their women raped” Adhir Chowdhury Pradesh Congress president asked. :TT_X]VRPaTTa^U b^]b´X]\X]S;P[d aTX]bX]=XcXbWRaXcXRb 6aP]SP[[XP]RT Xbd]QaTPZPQ[T bPhb;P[d 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 A fter giving a long rope to the Nitish Kumar baiters in his party, the RJD supremo Lalu Prasad has decided to rein in them and rescue the embattled Chief Minister from embarrassment. Lalu asked his partymen to refrain from unnecessary utterances and if they have any issue they should instead contact him. Nitish who is already under fire from the opposition for the alleged deterioration in law and order situation, spate of murders and involvement of the ruling class legislators or their kin in the crime, also came under stinging attack from the senior leaders of the RJD who went a step ahead of the opposition training their guns at the CM. Amongst them the most vocal is RJD MP and octogenarian leader Mohammad Taslimuddin. He said, “Making Nitish as CM was a mistake. The RJD should have nominated its own person as CM. Nitish is not even eligible to become a Mukhiya and he is day dreaming to become the PM. If I had my way I would have walked out of this alliance right now.” Nitish also came under attack from other two senior RJD leaders Raghubansh Prasad Singh and Prabhunath Singh, both former MPs. RJD vice president Raghubansh has made it a point to criticise Nitish every now and then and Prabhunath opened front against him after shifting of former RJD Siwan MP Mohammad Shahabuddin from Siwan to Bhagalpur central jail. In its first, the RJD issued a show cause notice to Taslimuddin for his comments giving him one week time to reply or face action. While the leaders of oppo- sition parties stepped up their jungle raj chorus and started speculating that the Mahagathbandhan Government would not last even half of its term, Lalu stepped in to clear the misconception. He said, “Our alliance is strong like a rock and it is unbreakable. The opposition is totally frustrated over their defeat in the Assembly polls and good governance by the present Government. I can understand the pain of RSS, BJP, Ram Vilas Paswan and Jitan Ram Manjhi. They need not salivate by thinking that this Government would fall due to infighting.” With the slapping of the show cause notice to Taslimuddin, the Nitish baiters in RJD have fallen silent. The political observers said that Lalu was playing smartly to gag the critics in his party in the larger interest of his GenNext, or his two sons Tejashwi Prasad Yadav and Tej Pratap Yadav, who are number two and number three status respectively in the Government. Any crack in the grand alliance at this moment would jeopardize their future, they feel. Even Lalu is enjoying unchallenged power as his party bounced back due to this alliance. Tejashwi, who is Deputy CM, reportedly expressed his grave annoyance over the criticism by Taslimuddin, Raghubansh and Prabhunath and told his dad in no uncertain terms that giving a long rope to them would be disastrous for the government and the alliance. Publicly, he assailed the opposition for defaming Bihar by mounting attack on the government. He asked, "Why the BJP leaders are not taking pride in admitting that one of their rapist and absconder leader is a Minister at the Centre and another from whose house unaccounted money to the tune of Rs 1.50 crore was seized is also a Central Minister?" Privately, the Deputy CM prevailed upon his father to take action against the critics of the CM and silence them. ?T^_[TRPaahX]VRWPXab^]cWTXaWTPSbc^VTcPbTPcSdaX]VcWTbfTPaX]VX]RTaT\^]h^UcWT19?6^eTa]\T]cX]0bbP\Pc ETcTaX]PahR^[[TVTUXT[SX]6dfPWPcX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 evening with a 19-member Cabinet headed by Chief Minister-designate Pinarayi Vijayan, CPI(M) Politbureau member, being sworn in at a "simple" ceremony at the Central Stadium in Thiruvananthapuram, ending the allegedly corruption-ridden five-year rule of the Congressled UDF. "The Government to be sworn in tomorrow will be one of the entire people. There will be no party, religious or caste discrimination," CM-designate Pinarayi said in Thiruvananthapuram on Tuesday. "The new Government's only agenda will be to work for the welfare of the people and unity of the State and it will hope to see a similar approach in return," he said. The CPI(M), CPI and other partners of the LDF coalition have already finalized their representatives in the Cabinet. However, formal confirmation on the names and their portfolios will come only by Wednesdaymorning. The CPI(M) will have 12 Ministers including the CM, the CPI four and three minor partners, Janata Dal (S), NCP and Congress(S), will have one each. In the Assembly election held on May 16, the Left had scored a landslide victory by bagging 91 of the total 140 seats and confining the ruling Congress-led UDF to a mere 47. The CPI(M) won 63 seats and the CPI 19 but the Congress could get only 22 seats. The BJPled NDA opened account in the State by winning one seat. "We had just seen a furiously fought election. But that is over. What we now need is to work with unity for the State's development," Pinarayi said. He will have a meeting with the State Governor on Wednesday morning at which he will hand over to him the list of Ministers. The first Cabinet meeting will be held lateWednesday evening after the swearing-in ceremony. ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 T his year’s Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Hyderabad is all set to be drastically different in terms of arrangements for the immersion of the idols. Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has started initiating measures to implement the orders of the Hyderabad High Court to ensure that the immersion of thousands of Ganesh idols does not result in much pollution or harm to the water bodies. Keeping in view the successful model of Bengaluru, the civic body in Hyderabad was taking up the works to create 10 special ponds within the historic Hussain Sagar lake specially for the immersion of the idols. Each of these ponds will be 44 meters in size and 13 feet deep to ensure proper immersion of the idols of various sizes. The plans also include immediate clearing of the debris from these ponds and also releasing them fresh water by clearing out the used water. GHMC officials said that similar arrangements will also be made at nine other ponds in the city and surrounding areas. Though the Ganesh idols were immersed in as many as 44 lakes in the city and its outskirts, only ten have been chosen for creat- Giving an indication that the new Government would not tolerate corruption, nepotism and such negative tendencies, Pinarayi said, "Some 'incarnations' may appear claiming closeness to me. Such an incident has already taken place. They don't know my style. All should be alert about such 'incarnations'. I should take care too," he said. On Monday afternoon, Pinarayi and the party colleagues who would be ministers paid tributes at the Martyrs' Memorials at Punnapra and Vayalar in Alappuzha district. He also paid a visit to 97-yearold communist KR Gowri who had recently been showing signs of patching up with the CPI(M) 22 years after her expulsion from it. Sources in the CPI(M) said that the immediate task before the Government to be sworn in was to take steps to avoid a financial catastrophe, the threat of which was very much in the air due to alleged mismanagement in the five years of the UDF rule. "The Cabinet meeting of Wednesday is sure to consider this but actions will come only in the coming days," said a top CPI(M) leader. CPI(M)'s central committee member TM Thomas Isaac, who will take over as Finance minister, has already said that the State finances were in a shambles and a White Paper would be issued on this. However, outgoing Chief Minister Oommen Chandy denied the charge saying that, "The State's coffers are not empty. Isaac will correct his opinion once he takes charge." As a first indication of his determination to keep austerity and transparency in Government spending, Pinarayi issued an instruction that no modification works should be carried out on the ministers' residences when new occupants moved in. Corruption to the tune of lakhs of rupees used to take place in such modifications and renovations at the start of Governments. The real test, however, for the Government of Pinarayi will be over how it would deal with the allegations of corruption against the members of the outgoing Oommen Chandy Cabinet, and what action it would take to bring to book the culprits behind atrocities against women including in the case of the brutal rape-murder of a Dalit law student in Perumbavoor on April 28. Nonagenarian Marxist VS Achuthanandan, whom the CPI(M) denied the post of CM after using his services as the chief campaigner for the Left in the election, on Tuesday gave a clear but indirect warning to Pinarayi over such matters. "The people are meant to eat the fruits of victory. Don't make them eat defeat. We will be remaining alert," he said on the Twitter. ;Qbe^Q`\Q^^Y^WV_b<C`_\\c^_g :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 0803<:[TPSTab ]TTSc^S^P[^c^U X]ca^b_TRcX^] PQ^dccWTSaPbcXR aTSdRcX^]X]cWT ]d\QTa^Ue^cTb _^[[TSQhcWT _Pach T hough the AIADMK won the elections held to the Tamil Nadu Assembly and party General Secretary J Jayalalithaa was sworn in as Chief Minister for a “historic” consecutive term, data collected from the election results may not be music to the ears of the winners. Jayalalithaa who contested from the Radhakrishnan Nagar constituency, a Chennai suburb, defeated her nearest rival Shimla Muthuchozhan of the DMK by a margin of 39,545 votes. It is being projected as an impressive victory by the AIADMK cadre. But what they have forgotten is the fact that Jayalalithaa had contested from the same constituency in 2015 in a by-election and won by a record margin. In the by-election held in the month of June 2015, Jayalalithaa had polled 1,60,432 votes while her nearest rival C Mahendran of the CPI could poll just 9,710 votes. Within one year, Jayalalithaa lost 63,214 votes to a greenhorn fielded by the DMK. The AIADMK leaders need to do a lot of introspection about the drastic reduction in the number of votes polled by the party. The final result of the 2016 assembly election in Tamil Nadu has a lot of similarities with the results of the famous Calcutta League Football match between traditional rivals East Bengal and Mohun Bagan. Whoever is the winner, they scrape through by a whisker! The AIADMK contested in all 234 constituencies (election to two constituencies has been deferred) and won in 134 constituencies. But the DMK which won in 89 constituencies had contested only in 173 seats leaving the remaining to its allies Indian National Congress, Muslim League,Puthiya Tamilakam, MMK. The Congress won in eight constituencies and the Muslim League in one. Congress leaders could feel happy in the fact that the party won the eight seats out of the 41 it was allocated by the DMK. “Had the Congress leadership accepted the initial offer made by DMK chief Karunanidhi, the result would have been entirely different,” a source close to Karunanidhi told The Pioneer. “Karunanidhi had offered the Congress ten seats from where the party would have won handsomely. He also put forward another option to the party; the Congress could select ten seats of its choice from where the DMK would ensure their victory. But Ghulam Nabi Azad, the Congress representative who held negotiations with the DMK leadership was not impressed and wanted more seats,” said the source. N Murugan former IAS officer and a close confidante of Karunanidhi said though the DMK lost the battle, the defeat was full of dignity. “We will be seeing a resurgent DMK as well as the Congress in the Assembly. Though they did not win the match, the DMKCongress combine put in a sterling performance. If they continue this unity, then the AIADMK will have a tough time in the 2019 Lok Sabha election,” said Murugan who also disclosed that Karunanidhi has started his scheming for the next Lok Sabha election. It was true that there was no visible anti-incumbency factor against the Jayalalithaa Government. But the directives issued by various factions of the Church (Tamil Nadu Bishop Council representing the Catholic sect, the Church of South India and the Pentecostal Church) urging the laity to vote only for the DMK-Congress combine could have played a major role in this election, feels Pon Vijayaraghavan, BJP leader from Kanyakumari. He has enough reasons for his conclusion. Not a single AIADMK or BJP candidate could win from Kanyakumari district which has considerable Christian population. 9jUVcRSRUe`TcVReV"!daVTZR]a`_UdW`c8R_VdYZ^^VcdZ`_ 6aTPcTa7hSTaPQPS<d]XRX_P[2^a_^aPcX^] cPZTbX]b_XaPcX^]Ua^\1T]VP[dad FTWPSYdbcbTT]PUdaX^db[hU^dVWc T[TRcX^]1dccWPcXb^eTaFWPcfT ]^f]TTSXbc^f^aZfXcWd]XchU^a cWTBcPcT´bSTeT[^_\T]c ing these special ponds in them for immersion this year. The State Government has allocated C6.95 crore for these works. Simultaneously in accordance with the High Court directions, the State Government and the GHMC were also trying to create awareness among the people and the organisers of the festival to reduce the size of the idols to the possible extent and not to use the harmful chemicals and paints in preparation of the idols and prefer the use of mud and bio degradable material. Hyderabad witnesses one of the biggest Ganesh processions in the country with thousands of idols in various shapes and sizes, the biggest being the Khairatabad mandap idol of 58 feet. Last year as many as 22,000 idols, many of them 20 to 25 feet height were immersed in the Hussain Sagar lake. A case seeking restriction on the immersion in Hussain Sagar was pending before the High Court for the past many years. The petitioners, including environmental activists had sought the intervention of the court on the grounds that the immersion was adding to the pollution in already stinking lake. Though the Court had been issuing interim orders and directions around the festival time every year, this time the orders have come well in advance giving ample time to the officials to make necessary arrangements. However it remains to be seen how the BJP-VHP controlled Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samiti will respond to these Government measures. 6aTPcTa7hSTaPQPS<d]XRX_P[2^a_^aPcX^]WPbbcPacTS\TPbdaTbc^X\_[T\T]ccWT ^aSTab^UcWT7hSTaPQPS7XVW2^dacc^T]bdaTcWPccWTX\\TabX^]^UcW^dbP]Sb^U 6P]TbWXS^[bS^Tb]^cRPdbT\dRW_^[[dcX^]X]fPcTaQ^SXTb 5X[T_W^c^ 6WDOLQWREH2SS OHDGHULQ71 :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 do not even look at each other. Jayalalithaa and Karunanidhi arking the beginning of a had not greeted each other even new era in the DMK, Tamil once during their political career. Nadu’s principal opposition For a change, Stalin greeted party, MK Stalin (63) was elect- Jayalalithaa for her victory in the ed as the leader of the legislative assembly election. He also party on Tuesday. This means attended the swearing in cereStalin would be the Leader of the mony on Monday along with ten Opposition in the 15th party MLAs. But the seating Legislative Assembly which is arrangement offered to Stalin having its first meeting on and colleagues has vitiated the AIADMK-DMK relation furWednesday. The DMK legislature party ther with Karunanidhi lambastmeeting held at the DMK head- ing the AIADMK leadership for quarters was presided over by the “deliberate disrespect” shown party chief M Karunanidhi. to his heir apparent. The AIADMK camp pointVeteran leader Durai Murugan has been elected as Stalin's ed out that the personalised deputy. The one-day session of attacks by Stalin on Jayalalithaa the 15th Legislative Assembly on Wednesday will see the newly elected 232 members being sworn in by the pro-term Speaker S Semmalai. The 3<:RWXTU<:Pad]P]XSWXfXcWWXbb^]P]S_PachcaTPbdaTa uniqueness of <:BcP[X]PccWT_PachbTgTRdcXeT\TTcX]VPc0]]P0aXeP[PhP\ ?C8 this House is X]2WT]]PX^]CdTbSPh that the ruling AIADMK and the Opposition during the election campaign DMK is evenly matched. While can never be forgotten that easthe treasury bench will have 134 ily. “He exceeded all limits while members, the DMK has 89 criticising Amma and we will members. The Congress with never forget the words he used,” eight members and the Muslim said a senior AIADMK leader. Election of the Speaker will League with one member will increase the Opposition bench to take place on June 3. It is only an effective strength of 98 mem- after the election of the Speaker, bers, a record figure in Tamil the official schedule of the first full-fledged session of the House Nadu politics. Though the DMK chief would be announced, said Karunanidhi too is a member of sources close to the AIADMK the House, he usually does not leadership. Meanwhile, CM attend the House when the Jayalalithaa expanded her AIADMK is the ruling party. He Cabinet by inducting four more did not attend any sessions of the members late Monday evening. 14th House though he had been The four new ministers which elected from Thiruvarur. The include a woman, would be explanation given by him was sworn in at the Raj Bhavan on that the House has no ramp for Wednesday evening. With the a physically challenged person induction of Nilofer Kafeel, the like him who is always confined MLA representing Vaniyambadi constituency, the council of minto a wheel chair. Unlike in other States, lead- isters will have representation ers of the AIADMK and DMK from the Muslim community. M ]PcX^]& A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % >`cVTRdVd`W9jUVcRSRUZ 7TPcfPeTaTcda]bc^CT[P]VP]P" $SXT^Ubd]bca^ZT Y`fdV^RZUddfcWRTV A ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 0?<8=8BC4AB44:B74;?5A><BDB7<0BF0A09 ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 A fter the death of a 25-year old Hyderabadi maid Asima Khatoon in Saudi Arabia due to alleged torture of her employer, many more families in the city were coming forward with the complaints of torture and harassment in Saudi Arabia and demand that their women should be brought back to India. While one maid Husna Begum, resident of Hasan Nagar in Hyderabad has sent two videos with her tale of woes and appeal to the Center and the State Government for help, families of three other women have lodged a complaint with the city police alleging torture by their employer in Saudi Arabia. Husna Begum's father Mohammed Yousuf told the media in Hyderabad that in December 2015 she had gone to Saudi Arabia on the promised job of dress designer in King Fahad hospital in Dammam. "But on landing there, her employer Abu Saif Haris took her to Haffar Al Batin, 480 kms away from Dammam and forced her to work as a house maid promising that she will get the promised job later". But when after some time the lady refused to work has a house maid, her employer started harassing and torturing her. "She was not being allowed to go out of the compound and even use a phone to talk to her family in India", Yousuf said. Husna Begum narrated the same story in two video messages she somehow managed to send to Hyderabad. A city political leader Amjadullah Khan Khalid on the basis of the video messages of the lady wrote a letter to the External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao seeking directions to the Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ahmad Javeed and the police authorities to intervene and get the lady released from illegal custody and also to take action against the travel agents in Hyderabad and Mumabi who cheated her. After the story of Husna Begum came to light, families of three other women Shameem, Anees Fatima and Sameena Fatima, residents of Malakpet in Hyderabad approached the Chadarghat police station alleging that they were being tortured by their employers in Saudi Arabia They told the police that a local agent Muskan had sent the three ladies to Saudi Arabia as house maids and Sultan Bin Nazeer Bin Salesh Al Ammar was their employer. The families told the police that they were neither paid salaries nor were being allowed to go out or contact the Indian embassy officials. When they approached the local agent Muskan about their safety, she demanded Rs 2 lakh from each to bring them back to Hyderabad, the families told D?;^ZPhdZcPPbZb U^a"cXTa_a^QTX]c^ 2^[eX]2^[[TVTbRP\ ?=BQ ;D2:=>F okayukta Justice (retired) Sanjay Mishra dispatched a letter to Chief Secretary, Alok L Ranjan, recommending a three tier probe into the ‘Salary Sharing Scam’ in Colvin Talqudars College which came up during an enquiry. Earlier the former State Ombudsman, NK Mehrorta sent a letter to Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, alerting him that how the bureaucracy and senior educational officer were illegally distributing salaries to staff of said College. Sources confirmed that present State ombudsman sent a letter to Alok Ranjan in which he recommended to set-up three tier probe into the Colvin College Salary Sharing Scam. The probe is to be conducted by the Finance Department, Education Department as well as the Law Department of the Government. Sources said that Ombudsman asked Ranjan to submit the findings of the said departments back to him so that necessary legal proceedings could be made against the accused, who were hand-in-gloves to distribute salaries illegally. It may be mentioned that earlier then Lokayukta in his report termed the above irregularities as ‘Salary Sharing Scam’ in the State Government. Mehrotra in his letter reportedly requested Akhilesh Yadav to immediately take cognisance before the education department officials would misuse their power to distribute salaries in the name of directions from the Court. “In none of the orders of the Apex or the High Court, directions have been given to State Government to release salaries to teachers of Colvin but still the principal secretary (secondary education) and district inspector of school in Lucknow misguided the Government and illegally sanctioned salaries, thus resulting into huge loss to State ex-chequer”, Mehrotra reportedly appraised to the Chief Minister while requesting him to intervene before Salary Sharing Scam would incur further loss to the Government. the police. Chadarghat police has booked a case and was looking in to the matter, officials said. Meanwhile the minister for NRIs welfare in Andhra Pradesh Palle Raghunatha Reddy has also written a letter to Sushma Swaraj complaining that the women domestic workers from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana were being sold like "products in retail shop". He urged Ms Swaraj to intervene and extend help to these women to come back home. He said that a large number of such women were languishing in Gulf states after attempting to flee their abusive employers or overstaying their visas. "Necessary steps should be initiated to bring them to their native places safely by providing free travel and necessary visa documents at the earliest possible", he said in the letter sent a week ago. "Women are being sold to the tune of Rs 4 lakh in Saudi Arabia and between Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2 lakh in Bahrain, UAE and Kuwait", the Minister said in the letter. He also revealed that 25 women jailed in Gulf States had sought the help of the Government recently. CWT8<3WPbXbbdTSPfPa]X]VcWPccWT WTPcfPeTR^]SXcX^]bfX[[_aTePX[^eTa cWTSXbcaXRcb^U0SX[PQPS=XiP\PQPS :PaX\]PVPaFPaPVP[:WP\\P\P]S =P[V^]SP^eTacWT]Tgc#'W^dab fter the intermittent rains of last fortnight had cooled the weather down, the temperatures were again rising across Telangana and heat wave conditions have returned to many parts of the State. The mercury was rising in Hyderabad where the temperature had dipped last week below normal to hover around 37-38 degrees but now it has again crossed 40 degrees Celsius. At many places the temperature was two to four Degrees Celsius above normal. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, Ramagundam in Karimnagar district was the hottest place in the state with 46 Degrees Celsius. The IMD has issued a warning that the heat wave conditions will prevail over the districts of Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Waragal, Khammam and Nalgonda over the next 48 hours. In neighboring Andhra Pradesh too the summer heat was on the rise and Rajahmundry in East Godavari district recorded the maximum temperature of 46.5 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile the Disaster Management Department of Telangana has officially confirmed the death of 315 people :³cPZP3P[Xcf^\P] P[[TVTbWPaPbb\T]c Qh2<³bbTRdaXch bcPUUPc?aTbb\TTc :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD major political row erupted over ill treatment and A harassment to a Dalit woman by 0\^]ZThT]Y^hbP]XRTRaTP\c^QTPccWTbR^aRWX]VWTPc]TPaEX]SWhPRWP[ \^d]cPX]bX]<XaiP_daDccPa?aPSTbW^]CdTbSPh 7ZRPLOLWDQWV RI-H0NLOOHG LQ6ULQDJDU :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A wo militants of T J a i s h - e Mohammad outfit including a commander were killed in a swift action by police and security in capital Srinagar. The action came a few hours after Hizbul Mujahideen 0]8]SXP]_^[XRT\P]VdPaSXb_W^c^VaP_WTS]TPacWTbXcT^UPVd]QPcc[T militants shot dead X]BaX]PVPa8]SXP]R^]ca^[[TS:PbW\XaCdTbSPh8]SXP]_^[XRTZX[[TScWT three policemen ^_TaPcX^]bWTPS^UP\PY^a\X[XcP]cVa^d_P]SWXbPbb^RXPcTX]P] including a junior ^eTa]XVWcVd]QPcc[TP_^[XRT^UUXRTabPXSCdTbSPh 0? officer in two separate attacks in the capital city on Monday. “The two militants fired on the Monday morning. Locals said that the two slain men search party. We retaliated and the had taken a room on rent in a build- militants were killed in a brief ing at Saraibala a few days ago intro- encounter,” the official said. A shutdown was observed in the ducing themselves as students from south Kashmir. Police have taken locality on Tuesday against the killing grandson of the widowed landlady in of two militants. All shops and other business establishments in the area custody for questioning. Director General of Police (DGP) remained closed and vehicular moveK Rajendra said that among the two ment was affected. There were reports slain militants one has been identified of minor clashes between a group of as Saifullah, while the identity of local youth and police in the area. The youngsters attempted to hold another slain militant is being ascertained. The DGP said that one AK- funeral prayers in absentia for the slain 47, one pistol and other weapons were militants. Meanwhile, senior separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani rejected recovered from the encounter site. Police said that after specific police claim that the slain men were information about the presence of militants and they died in an militants, forces cordoned off encounter. He demanded impartial Saraibala area and launched house to probe into the gun-battle and house searches at around10:00 pm on described it as “staged”. ?C8 8A0=8C>;0D=27 43D20C8>=?>AC0; ;dRZ]^f) D]X^]7d\P]ATb^daRT 3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTaB\aXcX8aP]X fX[[[Pd]RWP\d[cX[X]VdP[ TSdRPcX^]_^acP[1WPaPceP]XPc 1PQPbPWTQ1WX\aP^0\QTSZPa D]XeTabXch110DX];dRZ]^f^] FTS]TbSPhCWTD]X^]<X]XbcTaXb Tg_TRcTSc^_PacXRX_PcTX]P bT\X]Pa^]?aTbTaePcX^]_dQ[XRXch P]SdbT^UcTRW]X`dTX]8]SXP] [P]VdPVTbPccWT2T]caP[ d]XeTabXchCWTUd]RcX^]fX[[QT PccT]STSQhbTeTaP[T\X]T]c _Tab^]P[XcXTbfW^WPeT_a^\^cTS 8]SXP][P]VdPVTb CWT_^acP[Xb_Pac^U?aX\T<X]XbcTa =PaT]SaP<^SXb3XVXcP[8]SXP X]XcXPcXeTP]SfX[[QTPePX[PQ[T ^][X]TX]!!8]SXP][P]VdPVTb CWTaTXbP[b^P]TUU^acc^STeT[^_ SXRcX^]PaXTbc^QaXSVTcWTVP_ QTcfTT]7X]SXP]S"caXQP[ [P]VdPVTb^UcWTR^d]cah>UXRXP[ b^daRTbbPXScWPccWT_^acP[f^d[S X]XcXP[[h^UUTaX]U^a\PcX^]X]!! [P]VdPVTb^]PaP]VT^UbdQYTRcb 8cfX[[QTQTP]^][X]T T]RhR[^_PTSXPR^]bXbcX]V^U X]U^a\PcX^]^]ePaX^dbbdQYTRcb8c fX[[P[b^R^]bXbc^UX]U^a\PcX^]X] \d[cX\TSXPU^a\Pcb[XZTPdSX^ eXST^P]SX\PVTbQTbXSTcTgc personal security staff of CM Siddaramaiah in Bengaluru. In a press conference in Bengaluru on Tuesday Savitha, a dalit woman alleged that she was detained humiliated and labelled as a call girl by the security staff of Karnataka CM as she forced her way to have Janata darshan of CM to plead her grievances. Savitha, a mother of two, told the reporters she was humiliated when she had gone to meet the Chief Minister on May 17 to seek his intervention over a family property dispute. She said “I was made to wait entire day on the road outside CMs official residence. The security people did not allow my memorandum to be handed over to him. I protested and was taken to High Grounds Police station where I was abused and put to lot of mental torture. They even called me a call girl and it happened in front of everyone. For it was humiliating and terribly embarrassing.” She said she was seeking justice and protested. According to reports she was taken to High Grounds Police station and sent her to a remand home. She was released later next day after the intervention of her husband. The incident has taken a political turn and JDs chief and former CM HD Kumaraswamy sought a detailed probe into the incident. He said “ this is just horrible. CM claims to be a champion of Dalits and backward classes and his security staff are indulging in humiliating a dalit woman. The law and order situation has deteriorated. He can’t remain a mute spectator. Congress will lose.” Meanwhile Bengaluru police Chief NS Megharikh denied the allegations and said the police have the evidence to prove that she was treated well like any other people. He dismissed her charges and said “we had to take her to custody as she threatened to commit suicide in front of CM’s residence”. Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur J.L.N. Marg, Jaipur - 302017 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tender are invited for the procurement of following items/work: SI No. 1. Name of Items / Work Dimming Solution & Lighting Control in Prabha Bhawan Last date of Submission 20.06.2016 Detailed Tender documents can be obtained from Institute web site www.mnit.ac.in davp 21312/11/0015/1617 Registrar in the state during the summer season so far. The deaths due to the sun stroke and other heat related problems occurred from March when the summer set in to May 21, officials said. Nalgonda district recorded the highest number of deaths 91. These deaths were confirmed after verification by a three member panel. However, the number of deaths due to the heat wave condition in the state this year was much less than last year when nearly 1300 deaths were reported from all over the State. ?>BC:D?F0A04=2>D=C4A 7d]SaTSbcda]^dcU^a \PachaTS<PWPb^[SXTa 6PfPSTX]WXbeX[[PVT C=A067D=0C70?=B Q <D<108 undreds of people from Amboli and neighbouring H villages in Sindhudurg district of coastal Maharashtra on Tuesday bade an emotional adieu to martyred soldier Naik Gawade Pandurang Mahadev, who succumbed to critical injuries that he had sustained during a fierce encounter with terrorists in north Kashmir's Kupwara district on Saturday last. Gawade’s last rites were performed at his home village of Amboli with full military honours, in the presence of his grieving family members who included his parents, wife, two children and two elder brothers who had earlier served the Army. While entire Amboli village had turned out for Gawade’s funeral, hundreds of people from the neighbouring villages had trekked all the martyred soldier’s village to pay their last respects to the brave soldier. The mortal remains of the brave martyr had arrived Goa on Monday evening. After a solemn wreath laying ceremo- ny, where wreath was laid by Brigadier SK Agarwal, Commandant, 2 Signal Training Center in Goa in the morning. Gawade’s body was transported to the soldier’s native village Amboli later in the morning. Brigadier Pravin Shinde, Commandant of Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Center, Belgaum laid wreath to the mortal remains of the soldier prior to the cremation. Gawade had been critically injured in a fierce encounter that resulted in the elimination of five heavily armed terrorists on Saturday last at Durgmulla in Kupwara district. The soldier was part of the column which initially located and engaged the terrorists hiding in a cluster of houses. He was evacuated to the Military Hospital but later succumbed to his injures. Gawade, who belonged to the 41 Rashtriya Riffles (RR), succumbed to injuries at the Kashmir Military hospital. Thirty-four-year-old Gawade is survived by wife Pranjal and two sons, Prajwal (6) and Vedant (four months). ^_X]X^]' A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ 4YRSRYRcR_USVj`_U ,QGLDPXVWVHL]HXSRQWKHJRRGZLOODQGGHOLYHU WX[TcWTd]SXb_dcTSWXVW[XVWc^U?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXbcaX_c^ 8aP]fPbcWTST[XeTah^UcWT2WPQPWPaPVaTT\T]cXcXbX\_^acP]cc^QTPa X]\X]ScWPcbXV]X]V^]cWTS^ccTS[X]TXbYdbc^]T^UcWTUXabcUTfbcT_b 8]SXP\dbc]^fPRc`dXRZ[hP]STUUXRXT]c[hc^ST[XeTacWT_a^YTRc^]cX\TP]S^][h cWT]fX[[P[[cWTcP[ZPQ^dcX\_a^eX]VaTVX^]P[R^]]TRcXeXchP]SaTX\PVX]X]V^da VT^VaP_WXTbP]SSTbcX]XTb\PZTbT]bTCWT^eTaP[[caPSTP]ScaP]b_^ac_a^YTRc fXcW2WPQPWPa_^acPcXcbR^aTWPbQTT]X]cWTf^aZbU^a\^aTcWP]PSTRPST ¯cWTUXabc_PRcX]cWXbaTVPaSfPbbXV]TSQPRZX]!"P]S\P]h\^aTfTaT X]ZTSX]QTcfTT]7^fTeTacWTaTWPbQTT]P[\^bc]^_a^VaTbb^]cWTVa^d]S >]TX\_^acP]caTPb^]U^acWTST[PhWPSQTT]FTbcTa]bP]RcX^]bPVPX]bc8aP]U^a XcbR^]ca^eTabXP[]dR[TPa_a^VaP\\TCWXb\PSTXcSXUUXRd[cU^a8]SXPc^S^QdbX ]TbbfXcW8aP]*TeT]cWTQX[PcTaP[^X[caPSTc^^ZPWXc1dccWTbP]RcX^]bfTaT^][h ^]TTeT]XUX\_^acP]cUPRc^aU^acWTST[PhATScP_TV^eTa]\T]cP[X]TUUXRXT] RXTb_^[XcXRP[SXbX]cTaTbcP]S_^[XRh_PaP[hbXbfTaTYdbcPb\dRWP_Pac^UcWT _a^Q[T\CWP]ZUd[[hcWXbXbfWTaTcWT<^SX6^eTa]\T]cWPbX]SXRPcTSP\PY^a X\_a^eT\T]c¯cWT<X]Xbcah^U4gcTa]P[0UUPXabWPbQTT]X]YTRcTSfXcW]Tf[XUT P]SfXcWcWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa_dccX]VU^aTXV]_^[XRhPccWTR^aT^UWXbPVT]SPP]S caPeT[[X]V TgcT]bXeT[h Pa^d]S cWT f^a[S ^da SX_[^\Pcb WPeT P[b^ QTR^\T \^aT ]X\Q[TU^^cTS >]T RP] ^][h W^_T cWPc cWT \^\T]cd\ VT]TaPcTS WTaTX] fX[[ WT[_ _dbW cWT _a^YTRcc^Xcb[^VXRP[R^]R[dbX^];Pbc \X[TST[XeTahXbZThP]SXU8]SXPRP] R^\_[TcTcWT_a^YTRc^]cX\TXcfX[[QT PQXVQ^^bcc^cWTR^d]cahbRaTST] cXP[bPbP]T\TaVX]V_^fTa0_PacUa^\ R^]]TRcX]V8]SXPc^T]TaVhaXRW2T]caP[ 0bXPcWT_a^YTRcfX[[WT[_8aP]fXcWXcb TR^]^\XR _a^VaTbb P]S PRRT[TaPcT 0UVWP]XbcP]b_^bcfPaaTR^]bcadRcX^] CWT[PccTaRP]cWT]Qh_Pbb?PZXbcP] fWXRWRdaaT]c[hWPbP]d]^UUXRXP[eTc^ X]:PQd[P]ST\TaVTPbcWTcaP]bXcWdQ U^a 2T]caP[ P]S B^dcW 0bXP CWXb ^U R^dabTfX[[QTQT]TUXRXP[U^a8]SXPQ^cW TR^]^\XRP[[hP]SbcaPcTVXRP[[hTb_T RXP[[heXbveXb cWT6fPSPa_^acP]ScWT2WX]P?PZXbcP]4R^]^\XR2^aaXS^acWPc 1TXYX]VXbQdX[SX]VX]1P[^RWXbcP] CWT?aX\T<X]XbcTabcaX_P[b^U^RdbbTS^]cWT[^]VbcP]SX]VRXeX[XbPcX^]P[ cXTbQTcfTT]cWTcf^R^d]caXTbCWXbWPbP[fPhbQTT]Pd]X`dTPb_TRc^UcWT8]SXP 8aP]QX[PcTaP[P]SXcfPbX]cWTUXc]Tbb^UcWX]VbcWPc<^SXcWTUXabc8]SXP]?aX\T <X]XbcTa c^ \PZT P bcPcT eXbXc c^ 8aP] bX]RT 01 EPY_PhTTb ! 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The release of Air Vice Marshal Arjun Subramaniam’s outstanding history of India’s Wars 1947-1971 was a landmark event, as the book is the first collective account of wars penned by a serving Air Force officer whose version was cleared by Government censors. The book is all the more striking because the official account of India’s wars has been suppressed since independence by Governments led by the Congress, the BJP and the Third Front. The ruling NDA Government was expected to unlock the dark secrets of political and military failures but has chosen to maintain the veil of secrecy. Fortunately the BJP’s MJ Akbar, the keynote speaker, made a candid observation: “Military history has not been made public because the political class is as afraid of its failures as it is of the military’s successes.” The lack of knowledge and experience of defence and strategic security among the Indian political class was due partly to Whitehall retaining both as its exclusive preserve. Worse was its transforming civilian political control into bureaucratic control of the military without any accountability or responsibility. Jawaharlal Nehru’s idealism coupled with Mahatma Gandhi’s pacifism in a milieu of missing strategic culture turned the British empire’s greatest Army into a reactive and defensive force. The strategic mistakes of not preventing China’s occupation of Tibet, proactively attempting to resolve the inherited disputed McMahon Line, and prematurely terminating the war in Kashmir by taking it to the UN, are still extracting a high cost. The central question AVM Subramaniam asked about the strategic content of the wars was lost in the tactical details of war fighting. Except the 1971 war, where a synergised politico-military and diplomatic strategy underscored the 13-day lightening campaign, in other wars the strategic thinking was conspicuously absent. Reason: Since the political and military defeat in the high Himalayas, a passive and reactive mentality had taken root. Witness the unrequited parliamentary resolutions on Kashmir and the 1962 debacle focus on recapturing every inch of lost ground leading to defence fortifications around ditch-cum-bund and canal obstacles. Even 45 years after the great 1971 victory, the conventionally superior Indian military is flummoxed by Pakistan’s wily employment of cross-border terrorism under a nuclear shadow, virtually paralysing a military response after the attack on Parliament and Mumbai. For the under-utilisation of the military are three reasons: Lack of political will, absence of higher political and military direction, failure to build a military edge with a killer instinct. On the other hand, India has flaunted strategic autonomy, eschewing military alliances and calibrated use of force. Strategic restraint and strategic patience are proclaimed as virtues. The second book is Bharat Karnad’s Why India is Not a Great Power (Yet). Karnad is at his audacious, provocative and unconventional best and, therefore, the book is fun debating. He says there is no GUbUc`USd @Q[YcdQ^cdUbbYd_bYQ\ Y^dUWbYdi2edgUgY\\ SQbbi_edcdbY[Ucd_ bU]_fUdUbb_bYcdc TYbUSdY^WQddQS[c QWQY^cdEC EC_ _VVYSYQ\ ±=Qb[D_^Ub C74<>38A468<4 34B?8C470E8=6 4G24;;4=C A4;0C8>=BF8C7 C74>10<0 03<8=8BCA0C8>= 70B508;43C> 586DA4>DC7>F C>;4E4A0640=3 >?C8<8B4DB 3454=24 C427=>;>6H BD??>AC national interest, no national security strategy and no joint military doctrine document. The nub of his argument is that India lacks the software of hard power and is hobbled by resources: Small and inconsistent defence budgets, nascent military industry and rudimentary defence research and development. By contrast, India’s space and nuclear programmes are world-class. By February 1964, India’s secret nuclear programme had reached a nuclear weapons threshold, but Nehru dithered and did not test. Last week, the US State Department declassified a report noting that India had weapons grade plutonium to go nuclear. Karnad argues that sequencing the rise of India as a great power through first becoming an economic power followed by developing military power is not tenable, as hard power must accrue in sync with soft power. The Chinese in their Four Modernisations had relegated defence modernisation to the fourth place — and, therefore, the yawning military capability gap with the US. In 1991, Finance Minister Manmohan Singh, while launching the economic liberalisa- B>D=318C4 tion programme, had told the three Services they would have to make do with smaller budgets till the GDP growth rate took off. The consequences of that decision were felt during the Kargil war, when defence inventories for fighting even two divisions dried up. But for the SOS to Israel and South Africa, many more lives would have been lost on the Kargil heights. Does India wish to be a great power, leave alone why it is not one yet? The US is keen to help India in becoming a great power in its own right. During UPA2, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Singh literally shied away from the poser of India’s great power status at a Hindustan Times summit. That the question was ducked by both tells us something: Great power status brings rights and responsibilities; India wants to be recognised as a great power but is unwilling to fulfil the accompanying responsibility. Is the BJP-led NDA Government any different? In its first avatar, little was done to enhance the Military Order of Battle after the attack on Parliament. But it did cosy up to the US — supporting ballistic missile defence, providing logistic assistance in Afghanistan and escorting US ships across Malacca Straits. After the nuclear tests, the Next Steps to Strategic Partnership with the US were completed by the Vajpayee Government culminating in the ten-year Defence Framework Agreement and the India-US Civil Nuclear deal with the UPA regimes. Then Defence Minister AK Antony was rather suspicious of the US. The Defence Intelligence Sharing Agreement of 2003 lapsed in 2008 and has not been renewed. Similarly, the Defence Foundational Agreements have been languishing for more than a decade. The Modi regime, despite having excellent relations with the Obama Administration, has failed to figure out how to leverage and optimise US defence technology support to upgrade its military capability. This week’s US House Amendment enhancing defence and security cooperation with India could be a game-changer if New Delhi stops flip-flopping on its policy of balancing China. According to any yardstick, India is an under-achiever, when after independence, it was punching above its weight. Karnad’s lament is that India is not a military Great Power, it under-utilises military strength, is outwitted by China, and if China can do it, why can’t India. It has to get strategic to be a great power. DY]UgQcgXU^gUcX_d Y^;QcX]YbUfUbiiUQb >_g9Q]W_Y^Wd_RU cX__dY^WdXUbUV_bdXU VYbcddY]UQVdUb!)($ GUgY\\U^cebUdXQd dXUIQ]e^QbYfUbYc S\UQ^UT_^QgQb V__dY^WQ^T@e^ZQRc CUUSXUgQ\]_TU\Yc Y]`\U]U^dUTY^ 4U\XY 1Sd_b ±CXQRQ^Q1j]Y 4U\XYG GQdUb= =Y^YcdUb ±;Q`Y\=YcXbQ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 7_Tµc`bQcQT Sir —This refers to the report, “Save every drop of God’s prasadwater” (May 23). Water is the elixir of life. Unfortunately, indiscriminate use of water has left the earth parched. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a welcome initiative to sensitise the people towards the need to conserve every drop of God’s prasad. Water scarcity is posing many challenges, such as drought, heat deaths and falling agricultural productivity. To mitigate agrarian distress, it is imperative to save water resources. A comprehensive plan for water conservation that includes rainwater har vesting and afforestation, is needed. People should help their elected representatives with innovative development solutions and contribute to projects like Namami Gange and Swachch Bharat Abhiyan. Shreyans Jain Delhi E`cUd@Q[YcdQ^ Sir — Pakistan has expressed its displeasure with the US for the latter’s drone strike on Pakistani soil that recently killed Afghan Ac`^ZdV\Vae_`h W`cZ^a]V^V_eReZ`_ C WXbaTUTabc^cWTaT_^ac°9PhPUd[UX[b$_^[[e^fb^]SPh ±<Ph!# CWT]Tf0803<:6^eTa]\T]cbSTRXbX^]fX[[WPeTPSXaTRcX\_PRc^] cWT^__^bXcX^]3<:bX]RT\P]h[TPSTabUa^\cWPc_PachaT_^acTS[h ^f]UXa\bc^\P]dUPRcdaT8]SXP]<PST5^aTXV];X`d^aC^cP[_a^WXQXcX^] X]CP\X[=PSdRP]bdRRTTS^][hfWT]bX\X[Pa_a^WXQXcX^]T]U^aRTSbcaXRc [hTgXbcbX]]TXVWQ^daX]VBcPcTb 1haTSdRX]VcWTf^aZX]VW^dab^U[X`d^abW^_bP]S_a^WXQXcX]VbW^_b c^QTbTcd_]TPaTSdRPcX^]P[X]bcXcdcX^]bP]S_[PRTb^Uf^abWX_cWT\T] PRT^U^dc[Tcbad]QhCP\X[=PSdBcPcT<PaZTcX]V2^a_^aPcX^]RP]QTQa^dVWc S^f]CWTaTPaT_T^_[TfW^RP]]^c[XeTfXcW^dcPSaX]ZP]SXcfX[[QTeTah SXUUXRd[cU^acWTBcPcTc^cPZTPRcX^]PVPX]bccWT\PbcWThfX[[bX\_[hRa^bb ^eTac^P]^cWTaBcPcTU^acWTXa`d^cP8cXbcWTaTb_^]bXQX[Xch^Ub^RXTchPc [PaVTc^QaX]VPQ^dcRWP]VT0]hfPh2WXTU<X]XbcTa99PhP[P[XcWPPWPb\PST PV^^SQTVX]]X]V ET]ZPcPaP\P]9PVPSTbP] EXPfTQ Taliban chief Mullah Mansour. Pakistan is upset that the US violated its sovereignty. Yet, question of violating Pakistan’s sovereignty would not have arisen had Pakistan not been nurturing the militant and others of his ilk. KV Seetharamaiah Hassan >Ug\UQTUb Sir — As expected, BJP leader and three-time Lok Sabha MP from Himachal Pradesh, Anurag Thakur, has been elected as president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India. The BCCI is the world’s richest cricketing body but it is also fighting an existential battle. Hence, Thakur will face many challenges as he takes up the top job. Generally speaking, Thakur is known to be a result-oriented politician and has a good track record. He has also vowed to carry on the reforms process in the BCCI, insisting that the Board will not run away from implementing the ‘practical’ recommendations of the Supreme Court-appointed Lodha Committee. One can only hope that he delivers at the BCCI. J Akshay Bangalore BYWXdBYcXY Sir — Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor is correct about the naming every other road, school, bridge, airport in India after a Nehru-Gandhi family member. In contrast, there has been no Damodardas Modi International Airport or Hirabai Modi College, even though Prime Minister Narendra Modi has introduced many welfare schemes. Instead, he is focussed on his work, and that’s why the nation adores him. Hansraj Bhat Mumbai 4edSX\Ucc_^c Sir — This refers to the letter, “Pampering Hindi” (May 23) by Kajal Chatterjee. Belgium, though smaller than Kerala, recognises Flemish, French and German as its official languages to avoid strife within its diverse population. It also ranks high on the Human Development Index. We should learn from Belgium on how to shape good language policies. Sujit De Kolkata BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D 2^]VaTbb6^eTa]\T]cbX]6^P_a^YTRcTScWT BcPcTPb^]T^UbTgSadVbP]SVP\Q[X]VCWT 19?[TSaTVX\TSXS]cRWP]VTcWXb °3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa 0AE8=3:49A8F0; =Ve¶dYRgVR=VWe^f\e3YRcRe 58ABC 2>;D<= :TYaXfP[R^\Tbc^6^PP]SX]bd[cb6^P]bQh bdRWaT\PaZb7TbW^d[SP_^[^VXbT^aQT _aT_PaTSc^UPRTR^]bT`dT]RTb °6^P19?RWXTU E8=0HC4=3D;:0A ?0=:09:?B7A4H0B:0A @Wa`]ZeZTR]aRceZVd R_UeYVCE:2Te CWT2?8<P]ScWTR^\\d]Xbcb_PacXTbX]VT]TaP[aTUdbTc^bTTcWTfaXcX]V^]cWTfP[[*cWPc^UcWTXa]TPaX]V_^[XcXRP[STRX\PcX^]CWTh R^]cX]dTc^aT\PX]PRcXeTPbPSXbad_cXeTT[T\T]c^]cWT_^[XcXRP[RP]ePbX]YTRcX]VeX^[T]RTP]SUP[bTW^^Sc^\PX]cPX]cWTXaW^[S CWT282WPb_PbbTSRTacPX]ad[X]Vb^]_^[XcXRP[_PacXTb c^R^\_[hfXcWXcb^aSTabd]STacWTAC80Rc=^cWX]V WPbWP__T]TSFW^Xbc^T]bdaTR^\_[XP]RT. daX]V 9d]T ! 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Communists have generally displayed contempt and intolerance towards any kind of opposition, be it political or intellectual. When in a minority or out of power, they cry wolf and deftly act out the victim card, conjuring up the spectre of violence and claiming to be victims. Years of mastering the techniques of Goebbels like propaganda and erecting a propaganda super-structure, which has enabled them to obfuscate issues and present a narrative that is always insidiously false and subversive in nature, the communists have succeeding in the keeping the lid on their records of governance and human rights in India. While communism and communist regimes the world over have been exposed and their diabolic record of governance has come out in the open, the record of communism in India is yet to be documented in its entirety. The prop of intellectualism has been the Indian communist’s greatest cover for carrying on, undetected, their politics of violence and retribution. Over the years, the comrades have built up an ecosystem of acolytes, adherents and drum-beaters who are, at a given signal, ready to justify, divert and dialectically explain away the fads and excesses of their co-ideologists as the manifestations of an extreme revolutionary urge to cleanse the system of reactionar- ies and revisionists. Over the years, this network and denial-web has worked to their advantage, and the Indian communists — though most regressive and violent in nature and outlook — have passed themselves off before the world as the most suave, articulate and conscientious protectors of India’s social fabric and national life. Never at the forefront of social or community service, never at the forefront when calamity strikes, never at the forefront when India’s integrity and safety is at stake — in fact, on these counts, the comrades can never ever equal the work of the RSS — the comrades have only excelled in widening faultlines, in keep embers of potential conflict alive and in trying to ensure that conflicts never abate but exacerbate. Such an approach to Indian polity and public life has also ensured that the comrades continue to be feted, invited and celebrated among certain academic cartels in the West — cartels, whose sole research and academic objective is to somehow prove, despite contrary evidences and often lack of evidences, that India under Narendra Modi and the BJP is breaking and unravelling at the seams. The last two years, especially, have been particularly bad for the Indian comrades, faced as they with rising political irrelevance, and now academic marginalisation. The comrades’ latest display of acute fascism and Stalinism in the form of extreme violence undertaken with the intention of liquidating political and intellectual opponents, began on the night of May 19, with the killing of BJP youth activist and swayamsevak Pramod, who was battered with bricks by a communist mob which was celebrating the LDF victory in the just-concluded Assembly election. Eyewitnesses say 38 year-old Pramod was attacked with bricks on the head and was rushed in a critical situation to the hospital at Kodungallur, later to another hospital at Irinjalakkuda, and on becoming unconscious was rushed to a third hospital in Thrissur city, where he finally succumbed. This was followed by an unabated spate of attacks on homes and establishments of BJP and RSS workers, injuring and rendering a large number of them homeless. Women activists and youth activists in Kerala are bearing the brunt of these senseless attacks — with the self-styled ‘liberals’ remaining silent or looking the other way. The spate of murders of BJP and RSS workers in Kerala has been on for decades and it aggravated especially from 2015 onwards, when the BJP began to be perceived as emerging and consolidating itself as a major force in State politics. Just before the Assembly election, a BJP worker and auto-rickshaw driver E.K. Biju, for example, who was ferrying school children, all of them below 10 years of age, was waylaid and attacked by the CPI(M)’s henchmen in Kannur district and lynched to death, with blood spattering on the school uniforms and bags of the children Biju was ferrying. The comrades, having seen the BJP’s electoral performance in the State, have realised that the ground beneath them will gradually shift away in the years and force upon them into oblivion and irrelevance in the State (as in West Bengal). Therefore, perhaps, there is desperation to take recourse to third degree methods in dealing with a political and democratic opposition. Much in the same the line that they have followed in West Bengal in over three decades, the comrades have begun going about spreading terror and panic, *URZWKWDONQRWUKHWRULFZLQV CWXbXbPV^[ST]^__^acd]XchU^acWT19?P]SXcb_Pac]TabX]cWT=^acW4Pbc0bbP\bW^d[S]^cQTQTcaPhTSCWTQT[XTU ^UXcb_T^_[TX]cWTTR^]^\XReXbX^]^UcWT19?[TS=30WPbc^QTaTP[XbTSU^acWT]PcX^]c^caP]bU^a\U^aQTccTa T he stupendous victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Assam is indicative of the people endorsing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s economic programmes. The hope he has kindled is reflected in the mandate. Merely to say that the result is due to the polarisation of votes is to over-simplify a myriad picture. During elections, polarisation does not take place merely because people want to jump to one side. The hopes parties generates lead to the final result. Assam, where the BJP-led NDA has swept the poll, indicates the rejection of the Congress’s Manmohanomics on all fronts. It is not only at the social or political plain but also that the aspirations for better economic conditions, jobs, agriculture and industrial growth have changed the equation. The Prime Minister’s catch-line, ‘Gramoday to Bharat Uday’ has created an appeal. This has helped the party leave its stamp on other States as well, though electoral gains in the number of seats may have been for now minimal. Opening an account in difficult terrain itself is an indication that the party is making inroads into virgin pastures. This is also the challenge for the Prime Minister, who is completing two years in office. His numerous programmes — from Make in India to Stand Up India to Start-Up India — reviving agriculture, eliminating corruption, providing direct benefit transfers etc — have been able to win the people’s trust. It is no less than a miracle amid sharp non-cooperation by a combined Congress-Left opposition. The Opposition did not leave a chance to heckle the Government, stall land and GST Bills and cause ruckus at the slightest opportunity. The Modi Government also has had to suffer for the nonperformance of the predecessor UPA on several counts. It inherited an economy, which has a severe cash crunch; banks were denuded by reckless loans taken by large houses; jobs had dwindled owing to severe mechanisation and corporate apathy in recruiting people. Despite this, the Prime Minister went on to announce new programmes like Ujjawla, that gives free gas connection to poor families. In the short tenure of two years so far, the vision for electricity has also changed. There is improvement in power generation; and overall improvement in relations with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh’s relationship with the Modi Government is particularly cordial, especially given its ability to seal the land swap deal (to finally demarcate the IndiaBangladesh border). It is also important to note that, only because Bangladesh agreed to allow India to use its fibre optic cables, Tripura has been able to get Internet connectivity. It generated many jobs. Much of the current dismal economic scenario at the Central level and the States are the result of populism. In Assam, no populist slogan was given. There is an undercurrent that once the BJP-led Government is in power, the Bangladeshis would be sent out. The BJP’s partner, the Asom Gana Parishad, has been demanding this since the 1985 accord with Rajiv Gandhi. The issue is ticklish. But for that, the BJP did not in the poll campaign make any populist projection. The situation is challenging. The Union Government would have to make efforts to solve the issue not only because it has made a promise. The new State Government and the Centre would be of the same party. As the economy of Assam and the North-East progresses, the Prime Minister would have to look for amicable solutions to various irritants without disturbing either the social fibre or relations with our neighbours. The Modi Government is on a critical path. Its goodwill in Assam and the North-East depends on diplomatic solutions to issues that were kept pending for long by Congress Governments in the State. It has to strive hard not only to create new highs but also to ensure that the economy in all the parts of the country takes a new turn. The hope it has generated should not be belied. The Opposition is keen on upsetting the applecart on issues like prices and jobs. But Prime Minister Modi has to go beyond. The hurdles being created by the National Green Tribunal and similar other organisations to delay projects and create an unfriendly industrial scenario in the districts of Kerala. In over three decades in West Bengal, adopting the same line, the comrades destroyed families, killed and maimed thousands of activists of opposition parties — then mostly belonging to the Congress and later to the Trinamool Congress. It was, therefore, pitifully ironical to see Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee share stage with the confused Congress scion Rahul Gandhi at an election rally in Kolkata, and State Congress chief Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, felicitate Bhattacharya on the occasion. It was in 1998 that in a public meeting in Behrampore in Murshidabad, Bhattacharjee, then Chief Minister, had called Chowdhury “an antisocial element who is trying to run a parallel administration” and who should be “dragged by the hair and locked up”. The blinded Congress central leadership agreed to an alliance of political opportunism and erected it over the memory and legacy of its forgotten workers murdered by the communists in West Bengal. Such is the level of politics that the present Congress leadership practices — shorn of ideology, of principles and of gratitude for the thousands of its workers who sacrificed themselves resisting communist rule in West Bengal. The CPI(M) and the communists parties in general refuse to see the writing on the wall — of their nearing political decimation — and continue to remain active as a disruptive element in India’s body politic, injecting violence and falsehood while supporting elements that are clearly inimical to the country’s wellbeing. While Congress-mukt Bharat is actively on the way to becoming a reality, it is time to sound the bugle for a Leftmukt or a communist-mukt Bharat as well. Achieving this will signal true azadi. WKLQN QRZ B78E098B0A:0A have to be solved to give economy the necessary boost. The curbs on diesel cars, high taxes in the name of so-called pollution and similar issues are not helping. Auto giant Mercedes put its Indian investment on hold over the quixotic orders on 2000cc diesel cars. Toyota, M&M and Tata’s Jaguar have also been heavily hit. With Euro IV-plus standards, vehicular pollution should not be an issue. But, whatever the growth may be, it does not seem to be translating into jobs. Possibly, the growth is not in employment-oriented sectors or overall growth is overstated. Prime Minister Modi has to reorient the economy. Perception about his programmes and reality has to match. Assam should not be betrayed. The belief of its people in the economic vision of the BJP-led NDA has to be realised for the nation to transform. 8 cWX]ZcWPcV^ScWPcfTWPeT RaTPcTSP]SP[[^fTSc^bWP_T ^daRd[cdaTcWa^dVWTbbT]cXP[[h 2WaXbcXP]cWT^[^VhXbP_aTcch eX[[PX]^dbRaTPcdaT8cWX]ZcWPc ^]T^UcWTcWX]VbcWPc\P[T _PcaXPaRWP[UXVdaTWPbS^]TXb P[[^fTSd]STaWXbRWdaRWWXb fX]VP[[ZX]Sb^UR^aad_cX^]bP]S eX[[PX]XTbc^Va^fP]SUTbcTa8] cWT]P\T^UcWPcV^ScTaaXQ[TfPab WPeTQTT]fPVTSX]cWT]P\T^U cWPcV^ScTaaXQ[TbTgXb\WPbQTT] P[[^fTSc^b_aTPS °2[XeT1PaZTa 4]V[XbWTSdRPcX^]Xbc \^]Th A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % FTWPeTQTT]QXccT]eTah[PaVT[h QhcWTbcTT[bTRc^aB^fTWPeT STRXSTSc^ZTT_PfPhUa^\ cW^bTbTRc^abfWTaTfTWPeT QTT]QXccT]d]cX[cWPcbTRc^a cda]bPa^d]S ?=1<0=068=638A42C>A 278454G42DC8E4DB70 0=0=C70BD1A0<0=80= 2EJJ 6B?= <TcCPcPX]<d\QPXc^SPhc^ SXbRdbbbcTT[bP[Tb_a^RTbb BTeTaP[RaTSXQ[TQXSSTabX]_[Ph 3TcTa\X]TSc^ZTT_\^\T]cd\ UX]SaXVWcQdhTa 7?FD HZ]]\VVaRhRjWc`^ec`fS]VU D:1DB8=4BBB42A4C0AH B098390E83 &%7PHHWLQJIRUUDLVLQJ(3)2¶V LQYHVWPHQWLQ(7)VVRRQ*RYW dVTe`cd]Z\VdeVV]W`c_`hdRjdA?3 I ?=BQ =4F34;78 <D<108)A week after report- ing the worst set of numbers in the nation’s banking history with a net loss of C5,367 crore for the March quarter, Punjab National Bank on Tuesday said it will be cautious on troubled sectors like steel till a lasting solution is found. As much as a quarter of the C55,818-crore of dud loans that PNB had reported in the March quarter came from the steel sector. Just five steel accounts alone contributed to over C12,500 crore in bad loans, the country’s second largest state-run bank said. “We have been bitten very largely by the steel sector. So, we have decided to keep away from those sectors where we have been bitten until that sector turns around. “Apart from steel, we have heavy exposure to textiles and chemicals as well... We will be cautious on these sec- tors too,” PNB Managing Director and Chief Executive Usha Ananthasubramanian told a select media meet here. She further said, “There are certain areas, certain industries which you may have to shut shop or not be an active player. In some of them like steel, we have huge exposure and we will certainly be pruning them, irresp e c t ive of t he promoters/promoter groups.” The New Delhi-based lender had reported gross non-performing assets of 12.9 per cent in the March quarter, almost double from what it had a year ago at 6.55 per cent, while its net NPAs too more than doubled to 8.61 per cent from 4.06 per cent. This had the bank setting aside C11,380 crore for bad loans, which included C385 crore for discoms and C167 crore for losses on Punjab food-grain related loans. Explaining the rationale +')&5HDOW\6%,&DSV LQLWLDWH6DKDUDODQGVDOHSURFHVV =4F 34;78) Tasked by markets regulator Sebi to sell land parcels of Saharas, HDFC Realty and SBI Capital Markets have initiated the process for e-auctioning 61 properties owned by the beleaguered group across the country. While HDFC Realty has pegged the circle rate value of 31 properties to be auctioned by it at about C2,400 crore, SBI Cap would auction another 30 land properties with an estimated market value of about C4,100 crore. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) roped in HDFC Realty and SBI Cap after being asked by the Supreme Court to initiate the process of selling Sahara properties whose titles have been deposited with it by the group. Following a go-ahead from the Court, the two entities have put in place a mechanism to auction as many as 61 properties put together. These properties are located in various states including Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Kerala, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. The assets being sold include land parcels, agricultural land as well as residential, commercial and industrial properties. HDFC Realty said these “land parcels shall be available for sale through e-auction whose date will be declared through a public notice”. Besides, SBI Caps has prepared an information dossier having details of all 30 properties including location map. “The entire auction process of these 30 properties would be completed in next four months and advertisement for the first five properties is likely to be published in this week,” sources said. As per the court directions, these properties cannot be sold at less than 90 per cent of circle rates. After spending two years in jail, Sahara chief Subrata Roy is currently out on parole. He was sent to jail on the orders of the Supreme Court in a long running dispute with Sebi. ?C8 1RNLDLQWDONVZLWK,QGLDQ WHOFRVRYHU*QHWZRUNV =4F34;78)Nokia Networks is in talks with Indian telecom operators to start trials of next generation 5G networks even as the country is yet to see full-scale roll out of 4G technology based mobile voice and data services. The Finnish telecom equipment maker is already testing the fifthgeneration networks with global telecom giants like US-based Verizon, Korean SK Telecom and Japan’s NTT Docomo. The 5G technology will guarantee delivery of 100 megabit per second speed at homes and will be capable of handling 1000 times more data traffic when it will be commercialised by 2020, Nokia Networks Head of Mobile Broadband Milivoj Vela said on the sidelines of an event today. In India, Nokia Networks is part of Telecommunications Standards Development Society which is working on 5G, and is in discussion with telecom operators to start 5G trials. However, Indian telcos are still investing in 4G technology to roll out the fourth generation networks and large parts of the country are yet to be covered under the high-speed data and voice services. Talking about 5G networks, Vela said that 5G will focus on data services while voice calls will be facilitated through 4G technology. “It will be used for purposes beyond voice and data communications carried by people today. It will has less than 1 millisecond latency that will be used by machines for quick action like for to stop in case it identifies any obstacle, surgery from remote location etc.” “Discussion about spectrum (at global level) in which 5G will operate will finish by 2019. Commercial 5G deployment will start in 2020. Then you will see 100 mbps guaranteed speed everywhere,” Vela said. He said that 5G will operate in spectrum band above 6000 Mhz and the technology will be launched in phases. “One cell (mobile antenna) in 5G will be able to handle 1000 times more data traffic in 2020 compared to data traffic in 2010. We have already achieved 1 million devices connected to single cell site and 30 gbps speed on 73 Ghz band in lab,” Vela said. At present spectrum band between 700 Mhz and 2.6 Ghz are available for mobile services in India. Wifi services are generally used between 2.4 Ghz to 5.9 Ghz. “Already 4G is taking voice calling to high definition voice calls and voice call cannot be better than this. 5G will about high quality data experience. It will enhance telepresence (web conferencing) to a level where one will not feel the difference if a person is in room or on telepresence,” Vela said. ?C8 behind the decision, she said earlier banks looked more at the names of the promoters, but today, “since we are bitten so badly, we are in the process of having high collateralised or good quality proposals”. “There are certain sectors to be avoided and there are certain sectors even if we do not have exp er tis e like nuclear power, we may hire c o n s u l t a n t s , ” Ananthasubramanian said, adding that there is a conscious decision on processing of proposals and upskilling of its employees. Stating the the steel, textiles and chemicals are the worst hit, where the bank has high exposure, she said in the banking business nobody can afford to claim that the bad days are over. “We are working in a dynamic environment. If steel is able to pick up, possibly s omet hing els e w i l l get impacted. But the conscious attempt is to repair these assets,” she said. She also pointed out that most of the troubled steel accounts are too big to be allowed to go under or even invoke SDR, because they are very large assets. She said the only way forward is finding a lasting solution “We also have to understand that the problems of the steelcompanies are not their making alone,” a s s e r t e d Ananthasubramanian. On the measures that the bank is taking to stop its balance-sheet from worsening further, she said it has created a war-room with a general manager in charge to track and make recoveries. “Since April 1, we have recovered C1,800 crore out of our first quarter target of C5,000 crore,” she said. On asset sales to ARCs, Ananthasubramanian said the bank has identified 53 accounts worth C6,600 crore for this quarter. Stating that steel sector is still not out of the woods, she said she expects around C7,000 crore of letters of credit (LCs) to get devolved in the year. She said the bank has nine SDR accounts worth C5,458 crore as of now and none of them have reached a resolution. Similarly, under the 5/25 scheme, the bank has restructured 17 accounts worth C7,239 crore. Under the Uday scheme, it has resolved C4,700 crore worth of SEB loans and has an NPA of C1,620 crore from one of the UP discoms, Ananthasubramanian said. The PNB counter closed down 0.3 percent at C71.95, taking its market capitalisation down to a paltr y C14,128.10 crore on the BSE on Tuesday whose benchmark Sensex closed down 0.3 per cent to 25,305.47. ?C8 n a move to promote investments in exchangetraded funds (ETFs) for this financial year, Government is planning to hold a meeting with Central board of trustees (CBT) soon. “We will soon hold the Central board of tr ustees (CBT) meeting where the proposal of raising EPFO’s investment in stocks will be discussed. But I am confident that it will go beyond five per cent,” Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya said at a press meet here on initiatives taken by Labour Ministry in the last two years of NDA regime. Asked about the unions’ protest on this issue, the Minister, however said, “We will listen to the CBT members. They will speak on it whether to increase it or not. But the final decision will be of the Labour Ministry. I am the Chairman of CBT and in capacity of Chairman I will take a decision.” As per the past estimates of the EPFO, it earned a negative return of 9.54 per cent on its C5,920 crore investment in ETFs from August 6, 2015 to February 29, 2016. The market value of investments of C5,920 crore in the ETFs in 2015-16 was C5,355 crore as on February 29, 2016, as per an analysis of equity investment by the EPFO. How e v e r, L a b ou r Secretary Shankar Aggarwal that the EPFO invested C6,788 crore in ETFs so far since August last year and has got a return or yield of 1 . 6 8 p e r c e nt on t he s e investment. “At present, the investment is only 5 per cent in ETFs and in long t e r m s it i s prof it abl e ,” Aggarwal added. In a bid to see quantum increase of investments of Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) into stock markets, the Minister hinted at increasing EPFO’s investment in exchangetraded funds (ETFs) for this fiscal from 5 per cent currently. The CBT is the apex decision making body of the EPFO, which is headed by the Labour Minister. Trade unions have already lodged their protest against parking EPFO’s funds in stock market and submitted their dissent note on the issue in earlier meetings of the CBT. >RYZ_UcRde``bfZeaRj^V_edSR_\a]R_,TZeV^RcXZ_T`_TVc_d <D<108)Mahindras on Tuesday became the third entity to drop out of the payments bank race, saying business profitability would take longer time due to “aggressive posturing” by many deep-pocketed players. Tech Mahindra is the third applicant to abandon the plan to set up payments bank after Cholamandalam which quit last month and Dilip ShanghviIDFC Bank-Telenor combine last Friday. “Over a period of time, we have realised that the amount of aggression that has come into the marketplace only erodes the margins,” Tech Mahindra managing director and chief executive CP Gurnani told reporters, after its board decided not to pursue the opportunity. After the Reserve Bank had given in-principle approval for payments banks to TechM and 10 others last August, it had said group company Mahindra Finance would be an equal partner in it. Gurnani said profit margins were always supposed to be “razor thin” in the payments bank business, but the aggres- 7HFK01HWVRDUVWRCFURQPDUJLQVXUJHIRUH[JDLQV <D<108) Fifth largest softw are e x p or te r Te ch Ma h i n d r a on Tu e s d ay reported a 90 per cent jump in post-tax profit for the three months to March at C897 crore on wider margins from an expanded revenue base, forex gains and lower tax payout. While its total revenues grew to C6,883 crore from C6,116 crore a year ago, its pre - t a x prof it m arg i n expanded to 17 per cent from 15.4 per cent, lifting the bottom-line for the reporting period. For the full year ending March, the company’s net income rose 18.7 per cent to sive posturing by competition which has the who’s who of the telecom world, including the Ambanis, the Birlas, Airtel and Vodafone, among others, only made it realise that “business profitability will take a much longer period”. C3,118 crore, while revenue was up 17.1 per cent to C26,494 crore. Chief financial officer Milind Kulkarni explained that the profit margins were pulled down by two acquisitions done in 2014-15, and the turnaround in the acquired companies has helped it post good numbers in the reporting period. Citing Comviva, which it had acquired in 2012 for C260 crore and performed exceptionally good in the reporting period, chief executive and managing director C P Gu r n an i s ai d Te ch Mahindra has repeatedly shown its capacity to turn around businesses acquired at lower valuations. The company is currently working to lift the performance of its US-based L i g h t h o u s e Communications acquired in 2014 for $240 million and shed 20 per cent of the business which was not profitable enough, Gurnani said. Gurunani said it will take another four quarters for the company to turnaround, while Kulkarni said TechM’s ultimate target is to take the profit margin from low-single digit to doubledigits for this company. This US company underwent an organis at iona l restructuring exercise wherein Manish Vyas has been appointed as the chief executive of the business. ?C8 TechM becomes the third entity, after the Chennai-based Cholamandalam Group and Dilip Shanghvi (of Sun Pharma)- Telenor-IDFC Bank combine last week announced to withdraw its name from the race. These withdrawals come at a time when the RBI is in the process of giving out the final licences. When asked if RBI conditions are onerous, its chief strategy officer Jagdish Mitra said the regulator cannot be blamed for pursuing the broader goal of financial inclusion. But he was quick to add that “it has to make business sense because at the end of the day if it doesn’t make business sense then the objective of financial inclusion is not met.” Mitra said they did a field surveys to gauge the sense of the market, after which it took decision. He said though there were no major investments from the group in the venture, it had spotted the top tier executives to drive the business. The announcement comes a day after RBI deputy governor SS Mundra had expressed displeasure over licencees abandoning their plans to set up payments banks. “We would certainly feel little aggrieved because lot of efforts from the part of RBI go in processing these applications,” Mundra has said. The 11 in-principle licensees were selected after sifting through the proposals of nearly two dozen applicants. The in-principle approval is valid for 18 months, during which time the applicants must comply with requirements under the guidelines and fulfil the other conditions as may be stipulated by the apex bank. The payments bank will not be allowed to undertake lending services and non-resident Indians will not be allowed to open accounts. ?C8 ,QGLDVHHNVULJKWVWRRSHUDWH,UDQRLOILHOG %R,QHWORVVVRDUVWR ?C8Q C47A0= I ndia has sought a discovered oilfield from Iran for raising crude oil imports from the Persian Gulf nation as part of efforts to widen economic and energy ties post lifting of sanctions. Indian Oil Corp (IOC), the nation’s largest oil firm, has proposed to Iran that it be given rights to operate and produce crude oil from the discovered field to help move away from buyer-seller relationship to a strategic partnership, sources privy to the development said. The oil produced from the field can then be shipped home, the IOC has said. IOC had last fiscal imported 1.2 million tons of crude oil from Iran. In the fiscal year that began from April 1, it is looking to raise it by at least three-fold. Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Iran was aimed at boosting trade and commerce b etween the two countries. His trip came just months after lifting of international sanctions on Iran following Tehran’s historic nu c l e a r d e a l w i t h t h e Western powers over its contentious atomic programme. B esides IO C, ONGC Videsh Ltd has also sought two discovered fields from the 16 fields that Iran is likely to put on auction shortly. The fields sought by OVL, the overseas arm of state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC), is besides the Farzad-B offshore field for which it is in advanced talks to secure developmental rights. OVL had in 2008 discovered the Farzad-B field in the Persian Gulf. The field holds 12.5 Trillion cubic feet of recoverable reserves. Sources said Iran has so far not responded to the requests by the Indian firms. It has, however, shown willingness to give FarzadA, which holds 283 billion cubic meters of reserves. The field besides holding smaller reserves is more cha l lenging, OVL fe els. S ources said India may import as much as 20 milliontonnes of crude oil from Iran in 2016-17 fiscal, up from about 11 million tonnes in the previous year. This follows lifting of sanctions against Iran in January. Till 2010-11, Iran was the second biggest supplier of crude oil to India after Saudi Arabia. Fresh US sanctions in 2010 led to imports, which were 18.5 million tonnes in 2010-11, to fall to 11 million tonnes. Iraq is now the second biggest supplier of oil to India. Sources said India has also expressed interest in i nve s t i ng i n ch e m i c a l s , petrochemicals and fertilizer plants if Iran provided natural gas at low prices. It also is looking at setting up an ammonia/urea plant in Chabahar Free Trade Zone with long-term off-take of urea to India. While Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) and Essar Oil Ltd -- the biggest Indian buyers of Iranian oil -- are likely to maintain buying at around 5 m i l l i on t on n e s e a c h , Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd ( B P C L ) a n d Hi n d u s t a n Pe t r o l e u m C o r p Lt d (HPCL) may begin importing oil from the Persian Gulf nation. HPCL-Mitt a l Energ y Ltd (HMEL) has indicated it will buy a small quantity with an option to raise volumes. In a d d i t i o n , p r i v at e refiner Reliance Industries is seeking to buy 5-6 million tons of Iranian oil, mainly heavy grades. India imports about 189 million tonnes of crude oil to meet about 80 per cent of its oil needs. Saudi Arabia sold about 38 million tonnes of oil to India in 2015-16, while Iraq supplied 33 million tonnes. CFUDVEDGORDQVELWH <D<108) State-run Bank of India on Tuesday joined its peers to report deeper losses at C3,587 crore in the quarter to March as provisions for bad loans more than doubled to C5,470 crore. The bank had reported a net loss of C56 crore in the same quarter last year. “Losses in the quarter was on account of higher provisions made for NPAs, for accounts under asset quality review, pension liabilities, Uday scheme and the Punjab food grain case,” the bank’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Melwyn Rego told reporters. The bank’s total provisions more than doubled to C5,470 crore in the March quarter from C2,256 crore a year ago as its gross NPAs more than doubled to 13.07 per cent from 5.39 per cent, while net NPA too more than doubled to 7.79 per cent from 3.36 per cent. In absolute terms, net NPAs stood at C27,776.40 crore as against C13,517.57 crore. Rego said the bank made a provision of C100 crore with respect to certain NPA accounts sold to asset reconstruction companies during 2014-15, but the provision was deferred to FY16. The bank provided C353 crore towards pension liabilities and C1,829 crore for accounts under asset quality review in the quarter. It also made a provision of C298 crore on account of Uday scheme and Punjab foodgrain issue. “The total impact of the above factors, which are non recurring in nature, is C2,580 crore out of a total loss of C3,587 crore,” Rego said. Fresh slippages stood at C13,500 crore during the quarter and for the full year they rose to C27,500 crore. “The bank expects to face asset quality challenges though in a much comparatively lower magnitude during the next two to three quarters,” Rego said. ?C8 \^]Th A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % <R_e+:_UZRRZ^de`SVR^`_X e`a$!Z_µVRdV`WU`Z_XSZk¶ ?=B Q =4F34;78 he Government is focussed T on improving infrastructure and driving innovation to ensure that India ranks among the top 30 countries in terms of ‘ease of doing business’ in the next 3-4 years, Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said on Tuesday. Speaking at an IAMAI event here, Kant said the ecosystem of innovation is just ‘beginning to blossom’ and one is seeing a resurgence of young Indians starting new businesses. “Our objective is that India must become a very easy and a very simple place to do business in. This is one Government that is focussed on innovation and trying to make India an easy simple place to do business,” he added. Stating that India has jumped up 12 positions in the ease of doing business, Kant said the government has taken various steps in this regard including bringing in the bankruptcy law, e-biz platform for a single channel of approvals and is also introducing a national company law tribunal. According to the World >da^QYTRcXeTXbcWPcX]cWT ]Tgc"#hTPab8]SXP\dbc R^\TX]cWTc^_"R^d]caXTb PbUPaPbTPbT^US^X]V QdbX]TbbXbR^]RTa]TS6^ec Xbbca^]V[hU^RdbbTS^] T]WP]RX]VcWTX]UaPbcadRcdaT bTRc^aP]SX\_a^eX]V R^]]TRcXeXchP]SP[b^aT[TPbTSPaT_^acQh cWT8]cTa]TcP]S<^QX[T0bb^RXPcX^]^U 8]SXPcWPcWXVW[XVWcbcWT^__^acd]XcXTbU^a 8]SXPc^QTR^\TP[TPSX]V_[PhTaX]cWT V[^QP[SPcPRT]caT\PaZTc =8C800H>624>0<8C017:0=C Bank’s Doing Business Report 2016, India ranks 130 out of 189 countries in the ease of doing business. “Our objective is that in the next 3-4 years, India must come in the top 30 countries as far as ease of doing business is concerned,” he added. Kant added that the Government is strongly focussed on enhancing the infrastructure sector and improving connectivity. He also released a report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) that highlights the ´9^TYQµcWb_gdXd_S\Y]R d_'(Y^:Q^=QbAdbµ ?=BQ =4F34;78 GDP growth for the India’s fourth quarter of 2015-16 is likely to improve to 7.8 per cent - the highest pace in six quarters - on account of uptrend in economic activity and favorable base effect, says a report. According to the global financial services major Citigroup, the January-March quarter GDP is likely to reinforce growth optimism. “Given the sequential uptrend in several economic activity indicators and supported by a favorable base effect, we expect real GVA (Gross Value Added) growth to improve to 7.8 per cent y-o-y in Q4 vs 7.1 per cent in Q3,” Citigroup said in a research note, adding that this would be the highest pace of growth in six quarters. The report noted however that any upward revision to fourth quarter GDP of the previous financial year could introduce ‘downside risk’ to the projections. As per the report, on the back of the third advanced estimate of agriculture production, agriculture output could surprise positively despite second year of inadequate rainfall. opportunities for India to become a leading player in the global data centre market. “Decision to set up data centre in the country cannot be mandatory and it will not be conducive for the ecosystem. For a conducive policy and regulation on data centres, we have to work in partnership with the industry and bodies like IAMAI,” he said. He added that a dialogue will be initiated with departments like IT, telecom and energy to create the best pos- number of companies A feel the existing security standards as well as legal, regulatory and compliance frameworks in the country are not adequate to support corporate security requirements, a survey said. A majority of the respondents felt that the industry is not fully equipped to promptly respond to natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, according to the survey conducted by PwC India and American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS). However, many organisations have woken up to the implications of physical security over the past few years and there has been a conscious effort to ensure better safety arrangements, a statement from PwC said. While five years back, physical security assessment was rare, on Tuesday almost 46 per cent of the organisations surveyed in the country conduct a physical security risk assessment once a year, whereas 17 per cent do it monthly, it said. “Over the past few years, corporate India has witnessed a steady increase in the number of physical security threats and breaches. While we have very little control over occurrences such as floods, earthquakes and terror attacks, we do have control over the ways we can safeguard our businesses and people against them,” said Dinesh Anand, Partner and Leader-Forensic Services India. The report suggests that it NEW DELHI: Although the ease of doing business has improved in the last two years of the NDA Government, more work needs to be done especially in the real estate sector that has ‘complicated’ approval process, according to leading industrialist Adi Godrej. The $4.1-billion Godrej Group has a large presence in the real estate sector through its firm Godrej Properties, besides in a variety of other sectors, including FMCG, consumer durables and agri-products. “Real estate permissions have become very complicated in our country. (As permissions are) given by the State Governments, the Centre should work on improving the ease of starting in new real estate projects,” Godrej told PTI in an interview. As per CREDAI, it takes at least 18 months to get various approvals for starting a real estate project. While commending the Government for taking up a slew of measures to improve ease of doing business, he, however, said: “They have said that they would not levy retrospective taxes. One of the things on which they may have to do is ease of doing business in real estate permissions.” PTI ´8YWXY^dUbUcdbQdUc µ:RPHQLQ,QGLD HDUQQHDUO\ Y]`QSdY^WY^Tecdbi OHVVWKDQPHQ¶ c]Q\\]UTYe]RYjµ ?=BQ =4F34;78 omen in India earn 18.8 per cent less than men, W higher than the global average, ?=BQ=4F34;78 n an apparent criticism of RBI Imonetary Governor Raghuram Rajan’s policies, Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday said high interest rates are impacting cost competitiveness of the industry, especially small and medium enterprises. The Minister said she has already taken up the matter with the Finance Ministry and written to the Central Bank on the issue. “I have already said that the input cost cannot be so high. Particularly, if we keep in mind those industries, say for small and medium industries, who do not have any group companies or holding companies outside from where they can get cheap credit. So interest rates do have a bearing on the cost competitiveness of industries,” Sitharaman said an interview to a news channel. The Minister was asked about BJP leader Subramanian Swamy attacking the RBI Governor for affecting fortunes of mid sized corporates by keeping the interest rates high. Swamy had earlier stated that Rajan was ‘not appropriate for the country’ as he had in the garb of con- trolling inflation raised interest rates leadingto“collapseofindustryandrise of unemployment in the economy”. Asked whether she agrees with Swamy’s views, Sitharaman said: “Mid-sized corporates have been engaging with us. They have also voiced this. SMEs have voiced it. Industry, when interacting with the ministry, has also expressed similar views.” She told NewsX channel: “We have communicated with the Finance Ministry, we have also once written to the RBI.” While refusing to be drawn into Rajan’s statement that Inspector Raj culture still exists in India, she said the Govt has been putting efforts to improve the ease of doing business and move towards ‘self certification, lack of inspections’. largely due to lack of representation in highest-paying job functions and industries, says a report. According to Korn Ferry Hay Group, women globally earn 17.6 per cent less than men and the figure for India stands higher at 18.8 per cent. The global study by the group’s PayNet database tracked and analysed gender and pay for more than 8 million employees in 33 countries, including 57,000 job holders in India. “Our data shows that when it comes to thinking about pay on the basis of gender, a man and a woman in the same company, doing the same job, will usually be paid nearly the same – but still favouring men by 1.6 per cent,” Ben Frost, a global reward expert at Hay Group said, adding that the data shows this very consistently, from Sweden to South Africa. In India, for the similar job levels and functions the pay gap, however, is 3.5 per cent. 6^ecThTbC!$;RaX]UaPX]ecbc^RaTPcT#RaY^Qb BT]bTg[^VbUXabcaXbTX]$ ?=BQ=4F34;78 G overnment expects investments worth C25 lakh crore in the infrastructure sector by 2019 which will help generate 4 crore jobs, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has said. “First two years were spent in correcting the legacy we had inherited of stalled projects. We could manage to award projects worth C2.5 lakh crore only as most of our efforts were directed towards addressing roadblocks. The infrastructure space was one of the worst victims and things were at standstill. Yet, with our grit we bulldozed majority of the problems impeding growth. “We expect investments worth µ5HJXODWRU\IUDPHZRUNQRWDGHTXDWH IRUFRUSRUDWHVHFXULW\UHTXLUHPHQWV¶ ?C8Q<D<108 sible infrastructure for data centres. According to the report, India's data centre infrastructure market is pegged to be around $7 billion by 2020 from about $2.2 billion currently. This would make India the second largest market for data centre infrastructure within the Asia/Pacific region by 2020. “India has the potential to capture a big share in the global data centre market. However, there is a need to address some of the risks and barriers and create the right incentives for businesses to build effective data centre infrastructure in the country,” IAMAI President Subho Ray said. The report calls for the government to facilitate data centre operations in India through clear policies to facilitate trans-border flow of data and tax sops and incentives to woo foreign players. It also warns against the dangers of ‘forced localisation of data’ adding that the same would reduce competitiveness, harm India's GDP and fledgling reputation as an emerging data centre hub. $GL*RGUHMVD\V *RYWPXVWHDVH DSSURYDOSURFHVV IRUUHDOW\SURMHFWV is critical for security professionals and management to be aligned and work together to identify potential strategic security threats and prepare a plan for resilience and sustenance of their business. There is also a strong need for public-private partnerships and involvement of industry veterans in the policymaking process, besides the need for setting up a compliance standard for baseline requirements and benchmarks for physical security, the report said. Anand further said the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) (PSAR) Act, 2005 also needs to be reviewed. The report added that cybercrime and corporate espionage have been rated as two of the most serious threats to organisations in the coming years. jca^l 8]Pb^[T\]faTPcW[PhX]VRTaT\^]hR^]SdRcTSX]cWTcadTcaPSXcX^]b^UcWT8]SXP]0a\TS5^aRTbW^\PVTfPb_PXSc^cWTbXg<Pachab^U!( 0bbP\AXU[TbFaTPcWbfTaT[PXSQh>8Q^QXBX]VW2WXTU<X]XbcTa^U<P]X_da6PXZWP]VP\6P]V\TX3T_dch2<^U<P]X_da;c6T]0QWPh :aXbW]P0EB<B<EB<6>2"2^a_b;<:WPdcT8?B36?<P]X_da<PY6T]EBBaTT]XePbEB<860AB^dcWP]S<PY6T]BB <XbWaP6>2$&<c]3Xec^W^]^dacWTbd_aT\TbPRaXUXRT\PSTQhcWTbTeP[XP]cb^[SXTabX]cWT[X]T^USdchfWX[TUXVWcX]VX]bdaVT]cbX] <P]X_daFaTPcWbfTaTP[b^[PXS^]QTWP[U^U2>0B6>2X]24PbcTa]2^\SP]S360bbP\AXU[TbCWT\PachabBdQTSPa1P[STe:d\Pa BWPa\PUa^\7X\PRWP[7PeX[SPaBdaYXc1Pa[PUa^\9WPaZWP]SAXU[T\P]?PfP]:d\PaUa^\9:AXU[T\P]<PWTbW6dad]VUa^\DccaPZWP]S AXU[T\P]1Wd_X]STaBX]VWUa^\7X\PRWP[P]SAXU[T\P]0ZWX[TbW:d\Pa?P]SThUa^\1XWPafTaTP[[_Pac^UcWTcTP\[TPSQh2^\\P]SX]V >UUXRTa^U!(0bbP\AXU[TbfWXRWWPSP]T]R^d]cTafXcWX]bdaVT]cb]TPa9^d_Xd]STaCTV]^d_P[?BX]2WP]ST[3Xbc^]!!<Ph! % 0<TSXRP[RP\_U^acWTbcdST]cb^U4]V[P]BT]X^aBTR^]SPahBRW^^[[^RPcTSX]<XSS[T;^cWPAP]VTbX]F^ZWPSXbcaXRc fPb^aVP]XbTSQh!'0bbP\AXU[Tbd]STacWT0TVXb^U$BTRc^a0bbP\AXU[Tb^]CdTbSPhCWXbfPbhTcP]^cWTaTUU^acQhcWT cTP\^U0bbP\AXU[Tbc^QaX]Vb\X[TP]SaT[XTUc^cWTUPRTb^U[^RP[bcdST]cbQhcaTPcX]VP]STSdRPcX]VcWT\^]WTP[cW XbbdTb0c^cP[^U "&bcdST]cbX]R[dSX]V%"VXa[bP]S!b_TRXP[RWX[SaT]QT]TUXccTSUa^\cWTRP\_ C25 lakh crore in the sector in the next three years. We rolled out the majority of the 403 stuck projects worth C3.85 lakh crore. The developers who were shying away were brought back again and now the stage is set for an unprecedented work,” Road Transport and Highways Minister Gadkari told news agency an interview. Gadkari further said the union Cabinet took as many as 21 major decisions pertaining to highways sector besides other policy initiatives. The Minister further said that with the massive projects that are lined up, the country will witness at least 4 crore direct and indirect jobs and a boost in GDP by up to 3 per cent by 2019. In the next one year, the government will award projects worth at least C5 lakh crore, he said adding that projects worth C2.5 lakh crore only could be awarded in the last two years but now the target is to achieve building of 41 km of highways a day. When the system gets streamline it is easier to work, he said adding the first two years were spent in solving problems but now things have become smooth. “There is no dearth of money in pursuing the dream of a worldclass infrastructure. What I say, I do. We are spending only C12 lakh crore in Sagarmala project of which projects worth C1,500 crore already have been rolled out,” he said. Gadkari said that C50,000 crore investment has already been lined up for the port sector and a massive work is underway to develop the waterways as well. Citing an example of how bad the situation was when he took charge in 2014, the Minister said at that time Larsen & Toubro CMD had come to him expressing inability to work in the highways sector. “Sector had collapsed. Larsen & Toubro chairman came to me that seeking rejection of a tender in Maharashtra and said they were ready to pay penalty as their Board had decided to not to do any road project as the company had suffered loss of C2,500 crore. 4R^cj9jScZU4ZRk6ceZXRe`T`de]VddZ_5V]YZRWeVcG2ETfe NEW DELHI: Prices of models like Toyota Camry Hybrid and Maruti Suzuki India’s mid-sized sedan Ciaz and multi-purpose vehicle Ertiga, which feature micro hybrid technology in diesel variants, have come down in the capital due to VAT reduction by the Delhi Government on such vehicles. Price of Toyota Kirloskar Motor’s Camry Hybrid has come down by C2.3 lakh after VAT came down to 5 per cent from 12.5 per cent in Delhi. The vehicle, which was earlier priced at C33.2 lakh, is now priced at C30.9 lakh (all prices ex-showroom Delhi). Similarly, Maruti Ciaz will be cheaper by upto C68,534 in the capital due to the duty reduction. Its different variants are now priced between C7.68 lakh and C9.59 lakh while earlier they were tagged between C8.23 lakh and C10.28 lakh (all prices ex-showroom Delhi). Price of diesel Ertiga with SHVS technology (hybrid) has been cut by up to C61,891. The vehicle is now priced between C7.08 lakh and C8.66 lakh. Earlier, it was tagged between C7.58 lakh and C9.28 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). “These changes (in prices) are due to Delhi government VAT reduction on hybrids. These apply at the dealership level only in Delhi,” Maruti Suzuki India spokesperson said. The SHVS micro-hybrid system used in the diesel variants of the Ciaz and Ertiga comprises fuelsaving tech like an engine stop-start function and a brake-energy regeneration system. PTI bTbbX^]b^]TPa]X]Vb[XUc MUMBAI: Market benchmark Sensex on Tuesday reversed its four-day fall and ended higher by over 75 points, taking comfort from encouraging corporate earnings despite lingering worries about a likely rate hike by the US Fed as early as June. A higher opening in Europe and a mixed trend in Asia offered some respite. Sentiment got a lift after Tata Power and National Fertilisers posted strong earnings for the March quarter, brokers said. But the possibility of the US Federal Reserve raising borrowing costs kept investors on a leash, which capped the gains. A higher rate would temper capital flows to emerging markets, including India. The 30-share Sensex slipped in early trade on sustained foreign fund outflows and a weakening rupee against the dollar. However, some value-buying and higher opening in Europe took the barometer to 25,305.47 at the close, up 75.11 points, or 0.30 per cent. The gauge had fallen 549 points in the past four sessions on foreign fund outflows after regulator Sebi tightened guidelines to check any misuse of P-Notes. Tata Power and National Fertilisers surged up to 3 per cent after their quarterly numbers for the March quarter gave investors much to cheer. However, Jubilant FoodWorks and Britannia Industries tumbled up to 4.45 per cent on Tuesday amid concerns over bread samples of virtually all top brands in Delhi reportedly containing cancer-causing chemicals.PTI f^a[S ! A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % 7cVbfV_eW]jVcER]ZSR_TYZVWfdVUAR\aRdda`ceW`cecZad ?C8Q :0A0278 A fghan Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour, killed in a US drone strike in Balochistan, was a frequent flyer and used a Pakistani passport for his visits abroad for over nine years, a media report said on Tuesday. Mansour was coming to Quetta from Taftan, Balochistan, when his car came under the drone attack, killing him and his driver. A passport and a computerised national identity card found near the burnt car bore the name of Muhammad Wali. It is suspected that Mansour carried fake travel papers, Dawn News reported. While Pakistan has not officially stated that the person killed in the drone strike was Mansour, US President Barack Obama has confirmed that the man killed was the Taliban supremo, believed to be in his early 50s. ‘Wali’ frequently travelled between Karachi and Dubai, and Iran via the Pakistani border town of Taftan. He had returned to Taftan from Iran on May 21 and was killed the same day around 3 pm (local time) by a US drone in the Kochki area of Nushki district, the report said, citing a senior official of an Investigation agency. “’Wali’ had a Pakistani passport and was travelling on it with a valid visa of Iran and Dubai,” the official said, adding that the passport was twice issued to him from the Quetta passport office — first in 2006 and then in October 2011, after the previous one had expired. “The passport was valid up to October 2016,” the official said. The national identity card, too, was issued to ‘Wali’ from Quetta in 2002 and after completion of its 10 years’ validity it was renewed from Karachi. The official claimed that ‘Wali’ was a frequent flyer and 70 per cent of his travel originated from Karachi airport while once he flew from Quetta airport. He started travelling abroad on March 12, 2006, and flew to Dubai from Karachi airport. His last travel on March 31, 2015 was also from Karachi to Dubai, the report said. ?PZbd\\^]bDBT]e^h^eTa $IJKDQ7DOLEDQVWUXJJOHWR Sa^]TbcaXZTZX[[X]V<P]b^da FKRRVHQHZFRPPDQGHU ?C8 Q 8B;0<0103 akistan on Tuesday sumP moned US ambassador David Hale to express concern over the drone strike by American forces in Pakistani territory to kill Afghan Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour which it said was a “violation of its sovereignty”. According to a statement by the Foreign Office, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi pointed out to the US envoy that the drone strike was a “violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and a breach of the UN’s Charter that guarantees the inviolability of the territorial integrity of its member states.” Fatemi also emphasised that “such actions could adversely impact the ongoing efforts by the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) for facilitating peace talks between the Afghan Government and the Taliban.” The Special Assistant said that Pakistan and the US had been closely coordinating in the fight against the menace of terrorism and that “this cooperation needed to be maintained”. Mansour, believed to be in his 50s, was killed when a US drone fired on his vehicle in the southwestern Pakistani province of Baluchistan. Kabul: The Afghan Taliban are struggling to find a successor to slain chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour, militant sources said on Tuesday, with one saying the two main contenders had backed out of the leadership race. Mullah Yakoub, the Taliban founder’s son, and Sirajuddin Haqqani, an implacable foe of US forces, were seen as the two frontrunners for the job after Mansour was killed Saturday in a rare American drone strike deep inside Pakistan. “Yakoub has refused to accept the role, saying he is too young for it,” a senior Taliban source in northwest Pakistan said. “Mansour’s deputy and operational head of the Haqqani network, Sirajuddin Haqqani, has also refused due to personal reasons.” That development will complicate the job of the Taliban’s supreme council, which has been holding emergency meetings since Sunday at an undisclosed location in Pakistan to find a unifying figure for the leadership post. The insurgents have yet to officially confirm the death of Mansour, which has thrown the deeply factionalised Taliban into disarray nine months after he was elevated to the Taliban leadership following a bitter power struggle. PTI 866HQDWHSDQHOEORFNVPQDLGWR3DN 7PeT]^_a^Q[T\PbZX]V2^]VaTbb ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= A Senate panel has approved a legislation which blocks $300 million US military aid to Pakistan unless the defence secretary certifies to the Congress that Islamabad is taking demonstrable steps against the Haqqani terror network. The Senate Armed Services Committee, which renewed blockage of $300 million coalition support fund to Pakistan subject to action against the Haqqani network like previous year when it passed the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA)-2017 last week, has however argued in favour of continuing secu- rity assistance to Pakistan. NDAA-2017 is scheduled to come up before the Senate for voting, during which several Senators are expected to bring in amendments to this bill. Senate version of the NDAA differed with that of the House on many issues, including Pakistan. The House ver- sion of the bill, which was passed last week, calls for blocking $450 million of the $900 million US aid to Pakistan in coalition support fund. The Senate version has reduced both the figures to $300 million and $800 million, respectively. However, for release of this fund, both seek certification from the defence secretary that Pakistan is taking demonstrable action against the Haqqani network. NDAA 2016, which ends on September 30 this year, makes it mandatory for the defence secretary to certify that Islamabad is taking action against the Haqqani network for the release of last $300 million of the coalition support fund to Pakistan. “The defence secretary has not taken a decision yet,” Navy Captain Jeff Devis, the Pentagon spokesman, told reporters on Monday when asked if Ashton Carter has issued the Congress-mandated certification. In its report accompanying NDAA-2017 sent to the Senate, the Senate Armed Services Committee noted that Pakistan has been a long-standing strategic partner of the US and believes that the bilateral relationship between the two countries will continue to be strong and enduring. >eTa#UPZTTSdX]bcXcdcX^]b 8cVV\a`]ZTVVgRTfReV RWTPcbcdST]cbX]2WX]P Yf_UcVUdWc`^ ?C8Q 14898=6 hina is grappling with big increase in fake and phony C universities, colleges and schools whose numbers have gone up to over 400 as they use names of real institutions by slightly altering them to confuse and dupe prospective students, state media reported on Tuesday. A list of fake universities, colleges and schools was last week released on sdaxue.Com website that helps students choose higher educational institutions. It exposed 73 Chinese universities or colleges as unaccredited diploma mills. The website has been publishing its annual list of fake schools since 2013. The list pushes the total number of phony colleges exposed to over 400, staterun Xinhua news agency reported. On the list are 23 schools in Beijing where many of the country’s top universities are located. Shandong was second, with eight fake colleges, while Shanghai has seven. Names of institutions are usually slightly altered versions of the names of real universities and colleges to confuse prospective students. Accreditation is usually fabricated or out of date. According to the website, 66 of the 73 bogus colleges were not on the college list published by the Ministry of Education (MOE), while six used old names of legal colleges. One used an alternative name of a Party school in Beijing. These colleges usually woo and swindle high school graduates through slick recruitment sites, it said. Xinhua reporters contacted a dozen of them, all supposedly located in Beijing, but none of their phone numbers were available. :U`^V_ZcVWfXVVTR^a 0?Q 83><4=86A4424 reek authorities sent hundreds of police into the G country’s largest informal refugee camp on Tuesday to support the gradual evacuation of the Idomeni site on the Macedonian border. The left-led government has pledged that police will not use force, and says the operation is expected to last about a week to 10 days. Journalists were blocked from covering inside the camp By about midday 23 buses carrying a total 1,110 people had left Idomeni, heading to new refugee camps in northern Greece, police said, while earthmoving machinery was used to clear abandoned tents. No violence was reported. Vicky Markolefa, a representative of the Doctors Without Borders charity, said the operation was proceeding “very smoothly” and without incident. “We hope it will continue like that,” she said. The camp, which sprang up at an informal pedestrian border crossing for refugees and migrants heading north to wealthier European nations, was home to an estimated 8,400 people — including hundreds of children — mostly from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. At its peak, when Macedonia shut its border in March, the camp housed more than 14,000, but numbers have declined as people began accepting authorities’ offers of alternative places to stay. In Geneva, UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards said the evacuation appeared to be taking place “calmly,” and the UN refugee agency was sending more staffers to Idomeni. %ULWLVKPRWKHUMDLOHGIRU WU\LQJWRWDNHNLGVWR,6,6 London: A 34-year-old British Muslim mother has been jailed for two and a half years by a UK court for lying to authorities and trying to take her children, including an 11-month-old baby,to be raised in Islamic State-held territory in Syria. Muslim convert Lorna Moore was found guilty of failing to tell authorities her husband Sajid Aslam, 34, was about to leave for Syria to join Islamic State (ISIS), Old Bailey court in London ruled on Monday. She was also found guilty of plans to take her three young children to the war zone, including an 11-month-old baby. “One of the troubling things about you is your facility for telling lies,” Judge Charles Wide said in his ruling, adding that she had told “lie after lie”. Moore was convicted alongside 28-year-old Ayman Shaukat, who was found guilty of preparing terrorist acts by helping Aslam and Muslim convert 22-year-old Alex Nash on their way to ISIS territory. PTI c^STR[PaTfPa^]cTaa^a)Cad\_ ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= P resumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said he would have no problem asking the Congress for a declaration of war against terrorism. “It would not bother me at all doing that, we probably should have done that in the first place. This is a war against people that are vicious, violent that we have no idea who they are or where they come from,” Trump, 69, told Fox News when asked if he would support asking Congress for a declaration of war to fight terrorism. 7PaS[X]TaT[TRcTS WTPS^UZTh8aP] ^eTabXVWcQ^Sh 05?Q C47A0= I ran’s Assembly of Experts chose another hardline cleric as its chief on Tuesday, keeping the powerful religious body in ultraconservative hands despite gains by reformists and moderates in February elections. The assembly oversees the work of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and would choose the 76-year-old’s successor if he dies during its eight-year term. Its 88 members elected Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, 89, as chairman, defeating two conservatives. The cleric is one of the few hardliners who secured re-election in the February vote that saw a landslide for reformist and moderates in the capital and big gains elsewhere. The hardliner also chairs the Guardian Council, the body which vets all candidates for public office in Iran and has a veto over all legislation. The council sparked controversy in February’s election by disqualifying thousands of hopefuls, most of them reformists. “We are allowing tens of thousands of them into our country now, so on top of wars on foreign land, wait until you see what happens in the future. It is probably not going to be pretty,” Trump said. Meanwhile, Trump met Senator Bob Corker, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in New York, fuelling speculation that this was part of his vice presidential search. Corker, however, refuted such reports. “We talked more about China, Russia. You know, I will tell you what is interesting. I met my counterpart last week from China. The fact that he is challenging some of the status quo, it is causing these countries to think a little bit differently about the US and I say that in a positive way,” Corker told reporters after meeting Trump. A new poll by Washington Post/ABC News poll showed Trump is leading his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton, 68, by four per cent in a hypothetical November match up. In the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Clinton is leading Trump 46-43. But both the polls are within the sampling error. Trump, who so far has self-funded his campaign, would hold his first fund raiser on Tuesday in New Mexico. &OLQWRQ7UXPS FRXOGµEDQNUXSW¶ $PHULFDOLNHKLV FRPSDQLHV Washington: Democratic presidential front- runner Hillary Clinton has alleged that Donald Trump could “bankrupt” America like his companies as the controversial presumptive Republican nominee’s economics is a “recipe” for lower wages, fewer jobs and more debt. “Ask yourself, how could anybody lose money running a casino? Really? And that is not all. I hear every day from families who are afraid of what a Donald Trump presidency would mean for millions of immigrants living and working in America,” Clinton, 68, said as she mocked Trump, 69. PTI @SR^RZ^a]`cVd GZVe_R^e`V^ScRTV Yf^R_cZXYed 05?Q 70=>8 U S President Barack Obama told communist Vietnam on Tuesday that basic human rights would not jeopardise its stability, in an impassioned appeal for the one-party state to abandon authoritarianism. In a sweeping speech, which harked back to the bloody war that defined both nations but also looked to the future, Obama said that “upholding rights is not a threat to stability”. Vietnam ruthlessly cracks down on protests, jails dissidents, bans trade unions and controls local media. But the US leader said bolstering rights “actually reinforces stability and is the foundation of progress”, in his speech to a packed auditorium including Communist Party officials. The visit is Obama’s first to the country and the third by a sitting president since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Direct US involvement in the conflict ended in 1973. Obama’s visit has formally reset the relationship between the former foes with the lifting of a US arms embargo. Trade has dominated the trip, with multi-billion-dollar deals unveiled, as well as further endorsement by both sides of the planned Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Immediately after his speech, Obama flew to Vietnam’s boisterous southern commercial hub Ho Chi Minh City, where he will meet techstartup entrepreneurs later on Tuesday. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 D:6A0=CB0BH;D<C> <0;38E80=4G?A4I ;^]S^])1aXcPX]WPbVaP]cTS _^[XcXRP[aTUdVTTbcPcdbc^U^a\Ta <P[SXeXP]?aTbXST]c<^WP\TS =PbWTTSfW^fPbWP]STSS^f] P "hTPaYPX[cTa\^] R^]ca^eTabXP[cTaa^aXb\RWPaVTb PUcTaPcaXP[X]cWTR^d]cahcWPc SaTffXSTb_aTPSX]cTa]PcX^]P[ RaXcXRXb\ ³0C748BCB>DC=D<14A 27A8BC80=B8=4=6;0=3´ ;^]S^])?T^_[TX]4]V[P]SP]S FP[TbfW^XST]cXUhcWT\bT[eTb PbWPeX]V]^aT[XVX^]]^f ^dc]d\QTa2WaXbcXP]bX]cWT R^d]cahPRR^aSX]Vc^]Tf P]P[hbXbaT[TPbTS^]CdTbSPh CWT_a^_^acX^]^UcWT_^_d[PcX^] fW^XST]cXUhPbWPeX]V]^ aT[XVX^]¯aTUTaaTSc^Pb²]^]Tb³ ¯WXc#'$_TaRT]cX]! # P[\^bcS^dQ[TcWTUXVdaT^U!$ _TaRT]cX]cWT! 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Sub-Lieutenant Hammad Ahmed and four other naval officers have been sentenced after being convicted by a Navy tribunal for their involvement in the September 6, 2014 attack on Karachi Naval Dockyard. “The five were charged with having links with the militant ISIS group, mutiny, hatching a conspiracy and carrying weapons in the dockyard,” Hammad’s father Retired Major Saeed Ahmed told the Dawn newspaper. PTI PeT]dTb " A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % AE?D5?6D8541I CWTVP\X]V X]SdbcahXb d]STaV^X]V caP]bU^a\PcX^]P]S XbbTcc^QTR^\T ^]T^UcWTUPbcTbc Va^fX]V T\_[^h\T]c bTRc^abX]cWT R^d]cahX]cWT R^\X]VhTPab 7T]RT]^fXbcWT QTbccX\Tc^cPZTXc d_PbPRPaTTa bPhb<0=E4=3A0 B7D:D; I n the information age, the Internet has changed the way we perceive, recognise, organise, think and act. Mobile telephony has made access seamless. Leave alone working, options like media on demand, entertainment on call and gaming portals and multi-dimensional cinema experience has changed the way we relax and let loose and play or entertain. This boom in new media is making the back end of entertainment a topclass career alternative. As an industry, gaming has grown manifold in the last decade, with new markets emerging from countries like the US, Europe, China and Western Europe. With the current estimated revenue from game and games content in the US growing bigger than Hollywood, the global industry is expected to touch $80 billion by the end of this year. While the primary consumers of gaming content continue to be young men in the age groups ranging from 13 to 35, with growing Internet bandwidth, more and more people across all demographic groups are engaging in game play now and this trend has only been steadily rising. Within the Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry, gaming has created a significant niche for itself and is on the cusp of a strong phase of growth driven by rising digitisation and higher internet usage over the last decade. According to NASSCOM, the Indian gaming sector is valued at $300 million (around C2,000 crore). Video games have become a big part of modern culture and are now becoming one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Factors that include rising disposable incomes, increase in consumption of smartphones, availability of better data network and connectivity like 3G and now 4G and a youthful population which is a quick convert to technology advancements, have all aided CTRW]^[^VhRP]QTR^\TcWT fX]VbcWPcfX[[P[[^fcWT TSdRPcX^]P[f^a[Sc^U[hUPacWTa P]SUPbcTacWP]TeTaQTU^aT°XU fTfX[[P[[^fXc °9T]]h0a[TSVT FX]S^fb ! % =0C0 PcX^]P[0_cXcdSTCTbcX] =0aRWXcTRcdaT=0C0Xb R^]SdRcTSQhcWT2^d]RX[^U 0aRWXcTRcdaTU^a PS\XbbX^]c^XcbUXeT hTPa1PRWT[^a^U 0aRWXcTRcdaT10aRW STVaTTR^dabTPcP[[ aTR^V]XbTSX]bcXcdcX^]b X]R[dSTb=8Cb88Cb 6^eTa]\T]cX]bcXcdcX^]b 6^eTa]\T]cPXSTS X]bcXcdcX^]bd]XeTabXcXTbSTT\TS d]XeTabXcXTbTcR 4;86818;8CH 0]h_Tab^]WPeX]V_PbbTS BT]X^aBTR^]SPah2TacXUXRPcT 2[PbbG88^aT`dXeP[T]c TgP\X]PcX^]P]SPQ^eTRP]P__TPa U^a=0C07^fTeTa^][hcW^bT RP]SXSPcTbfW^WPeT`dP[XUXTSP] P_cXcdSTcTbcX]0aRWXcTRcdaTP]S WPeTbTRdaTS$_TaRT]c\PaZbX] 2[PbbG88^aT`dXeP[T]cTgP\X]PcX^] fXcW<PcWT\PcXRbPb^]T^UcWT bdQYTRcbbWP[[QTT[XVXQ[TU^a PS\XbbX^]c^10aRWR^dabT=0C0 bR^aTbWP[[QTeP[XSU^aP_TaX^S^U cf^hTPabUa^\cWThTPaX]fWXRW ^]TP__TPaTS 2cVj`f VP\T. the fast growth of the gaming industry in India. India is emerging as the next big hub for game process outsourcing led by major international gaming companies that are setting their sights on its industry prowess and a ready workforce. With the availability of a large working population at our end, we have managed to develop the right skill sets and professional aptitude to meet international game standards. In other words, gaming industry is undergoing a rapid transformation and is on its way to become one of the fastest growing employment sector in the coming years. It could be the best time to taking up game development as a serious career. A host of top international studios like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft and Zynga have already set up development centers here and have drawn up aggressive growth plans. As an industry, it offers career opportunities in different functional areas like Game Design, Game Art creation in 3D and 2D, Game Animation, Game Programming, Game Testing, Project Management, along with general management positions. Game Art creation is an evolved field of art involving various specialised workflows and developing a game requires a large team of skilled individuals and a special set of development process. Although, the industry offers multiple career options one can choose any specialisation depending upon the area of interest. It is always better that the candidate researches the various disciplines of the game development industry before taking up any specialisation. An entry-level game artist needs to possess basic to intermediate level knowledge of their specialised domain. For example, an animator will need to be comfortable with the animation tool-set in Maya or Max while a 3D artist will need to have an understanding of tools for creating polygonal models in software like Maya and textures in Photoshop. The field of gaming is by and large an artistic and a highly technical one. It takes a natural creative bent of mind along with a disciplined study of techniques to make a good professional. To make a career specifically in the Game Art field candidates should consider enrolling for a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) programme at a good university, followed by a training programme at a specialised training institute. InGame, the training programme run by Lakshya, for example, provides hands 4G0<?0CC4A= CWTcTbcXbX]cf^_Pacb¯ _P_TaQPbTSSaPfX]VcTbcP]S R^\_dcTaQPbTS^][X]TPTbcWTcXR bT]bXcXeXchcTbcCWTSaPfX]VcTbcXb Pcf^W^da_P_TafWTaTRP]SXSPcT I ambridge International Examinations has announced the results of its second March exam C series for students in India. This year, for the first time, nine popular Cambridge International AS & A Level subjects were introduced to the March series, alongside a range of Cambridge IGCSE subjects. STEM subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry made it to the list of the top five subject entries in both Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International A Level examinations. English and Hindi were also in the list of the top five subjects. Ruchira Ghosh, regional director South Asia, Cambridge International Exams, said: “Since we introduced a March series of exams in India last year, entries have more than doubled. We are delighted to see such an enthusiastic response from schools. This he Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. (HMSI) in T association with Delhi Traffic Police inaugurated the Road Safety Summer Camp 2016 in Delhi. It was inaugurated by Alok Kumar Verma, Commissioner of Police, Delhi and Yadvinder Singh Guleria, senior vice-president, sales and marketing, HMSI in the presence of eminent dignitaries. The camp aims at imparting key learnings of road safety and appealing to the consciousness of young school children. More than 1,000 young aspirants have already regis- CdeTU^dc_edcXY^U CWTX]Sdbcah^UUTab \d[cX_[TRPaTTa ^_cX^]b^]TRP] RW^^bTP]h b_TRXP[XbPcX^] ST_T]SX]Vd_^]PaTP ^UX]cTaTbc8cXb QTccTacWPccWT RP]SXSPcTaTbTPaRWTb ePaX^dbSXbRX_[X]Tb^U cWTVP\T STeT[^_\T]cX]Sdbcah QTU^aTcPZX]Vd_P]h b_TRXP[XbPcX^] on training students by experienced game artists and also accepts talented non-BFA degree holders. Game design is a structured discipline and each functional area has he 2015-16 batch of students of Father Agnel School, Noida, T notched up a brilliant performance in the CBSE Class XII exam declared on Saturday. While Mononito Goswami of Science stream is the topper of the school securing 95.2 per cent followed by Shipla John at 94.6 per cent, Shreshtha Singh topped the Commerce with 94.4 per cent and Shambhavi Dutta bagged the top honors in the Humanities securing 95.2 per cent. According to the school, Bhavesh Agarwal who scored 91.8 per cent stood second in the Commerce while Shriya Rai with a score of 95 per cent was at <^]^]Xc^6^bfP\X c^__Ta^U5PcWTa0V]T[ BRW^^[=^XSP bTRdaX]V($!_TaRT]c <PhP]Z<XbWaP bcdST]c^U:P[ZP?dQ[XR BRW^^[0[PZ]P]SP 3T[WX year we extended the series to include some popular Cambridge International AS & A Level subjects – specifically to help our Cambridge learners bridge the gap between the international board examinations and the application cycles for Indian universities.” Students also showed an increasing interest in subjects such as Environmental Management and Global Perspectives which provide them with an opportunity to cultivate the critical thinking, research, communication and collaboration skills. The entries for the March exam series in 2016 have more than doubled to 26,000 compared to 11,000 entries in 2015. The series caters specifically to Indian students applying for places at Indian colleges and universities by releasing results in time for the application May deadlines. 6XPPHUFDPS tered for the Road Safety Summer Camp. The Road safety Summer Camp which has started today will continue till June 10, 2016. Honda’s Road Safety Camp will have an assortment of theoretical and practical experiences for children. The specially designed fun engagements like Road Sign Intelligence Game, painting and traffic quiz contests will make the younger ones aware on basics of road safety. High school students will be the second position in Humanities. “If excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution then the Class XII result of our school proved without an iota of doubt that Father Agnel School, Noida has done it once again. Wish them a great success in their future endeavours,” Father Carvahallo, director of the school, said. Kalka Public School, Alaknanda in South Delhi too came out with brilliant Class XII results. Mayank Mishra, who is the son of a senior railway personnel, obtained 443 out of 500 in the Commerce including 96/100 in Accountancy and principal Dr Anju Mehrotra wished him a great success in the corporate world which he wishes to join after doing his MBA. 8<?>AC0=C30C4B CWTUXabcbTbbX^]^U=0C0CTbc XbV^X]V^]Ua^\0_aX[ c^<Ph !'! %P]ScWTbTR^]SbTbbX^] fX[[bcPacUa^\9d]T%c^0dVdbc !! %0__^X]c\T]cbPaT bRWTSd[TSXb^]PUXabcR^\TUXabc bTaeTQPbXbCWT[PbcSPcTU^a aTVXbcaPcX^]U^acWTbTR^]SbTbbX^] Xb0dVdbc '! % D6?A>6A0<<4B its own specific skill requirements. For example, Game Designers need to have a clear understanding of the different game genres, as well know what makes each genre unique and fun. They also need to have strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as knowledge/exposure to product design. Meanwhile, Game programmers typically need to have a strong foundation in Mathematics (especially Coordinate Geometry) and Physics. They also need to be able to programme in one or more languages such as C, C++ and Java. The gaming industry is a high paying career and a game developer in India can make between C5 lakh to C7 lakh per month. In order to grow, however it is imperative that one regularly updates oneself with state of the art developments in the field frequently. CWTfaXcTaXb24>^U;PZbWhP3XVXcP[ <Udµc=??3 4R^ScZUXVViR^cVdf]edUVT]RcVU =TfcaPX]X]V n a bid to support the Skill India and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan movements, aisectmoocs.com has been launched as India’s largest free online open learning platform. This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) portal, launched by the Bhopal-based education group AISECT, will offer over 2,000 courses including school courses, skill courses and higher education courses. All courses on aisectmoocs.com will be free of cost. For this initiative, AISECT has partnered with Ireland-based Alison, which is the global leader in free online certified skills training for the workplace with seven million registered learners and 800,000 graduates worldwide. All 750 plus diploma and certificate level Alison courses will be offered through the AISECT MOOC portal. Additionally, AISECT will offer courses on school curriculum as well as courses on higher education subjects. Initially, the course curriculum will be available in English and Hindi but more regional language content will be added to the MOOC platform over the next few months. Aisectmoocs.com offers a range of shortterm courses in areas like digital literacy and IT skills, health literacy, financial and economic literacy, languages, personal development and soft skills, business and enterprise skills, beauty and wellness, retail, electronics, etc. The duration of the courses ranges from three hours to six months and students get an online certificate on successful completion of the course. WPbc^PccT\_ccWaTT`dTbcX^]bP]S fX[[QTYdSVTS^]cWTQPbXb^UcWTXa PQX[Xchc^bZTcRWPVXeT]^QYTRc eXbdP[XbX]VP]SSaPfX]VcWTTUUTRcb ^U[XVWcP]SbWPS^f^UP]^QYTRc TcRCWTPTbcWTcXRbT]bXcXeXchcTbcXb R^\_dcTaQPbTScTbcfWTaT RP]SXSPcTWPbc^P]bfTa# \d[cX_[TRW^XRT`dTbcX^]bP]SfX[[ QTYdSVTS^]cWTQPbXb^U _TaRT_cX^]X\PVX]PcX^]P]S ^QbTaePcX^]RaTPcXeXchP]S R^\\d]XRPcX^]P[^]VfXcW PaRWXcTRcdaP[PfPaT]TbbTcR trained on Honda Riding Trainer (a virtual riding simulator which helps people above 13 years of age to experience over 100 possible dangers on road before actual riding on road). Children in the age group of 9 to 12 years will be trained on Honda’s CRF 50 model, specially imported from Japan to help them understand the importance of safety riding. At the end of the camp, students will also be awarded with a certificate of completion. _a^VaP\\Tb T he Hello Health Services Pvt Ltd, one of the largest multi-disciplinary healthcare organisations in India, in collaboration with Health Careers, a leading Australian healthcare education provider, has come up with training programmes to provide international standard nursing and healthcare specific training for people in rural areas, in local languages, and using the latest technology. The partnership aims to raise the level of skills and capability of healthcare staff as they take up opportunities to become part the Hello Health team as the company expands further into rural areas of India, and also enable highly skilled healthcare professionals to take up global opportunities. Their training programmes will be available at Hello Health training centres and virtual classrooms in Sant Kabir Nagar, UP in the first instance, and expand to more than 17 rural centres by this year. Students will have access to learning resources and leading educators from around the world as they open new horizons in the health care sector in India. BR^aTQ^PaS Shiv Nadar University invites applications for Bachelor of Arts (Research), Bachelor of Science (Research) and Bachelor of Technology. A new Bachelor’s programme in Management Studies under the aegis of the School of Management and Entrepreneurship is also open for intakes and is uniquely designed to provide specialised knowledge through experiential learning and exchange programmes, internships and projects at partner universities like Duke, Carnegie Mellon and Babson College. Apart from the new school of Management and Entrepreneurship, the University offers undergraduate programmes under the aegis of three schools: QSchool of Humanities and Social Sciences: Inter-disciplinary courses across English, History, Sociology, Economics, Art Design and Performing Arts, Communications and Education etc. QSchool of Natural Sciences: Research-based programmes in Chemistry, Mathematics, Life Sciences and Physics etc. QSchool of Engineering: It includes courses like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Shiv Nadar University has earmarked a scholarship fund of C35 crore for its undergraduate students. Scholarships at the university cover full or partial educational and living expenses for the entire duration of the undergraduate programme. The last date of receiving application forms for undergraduate programmes is May 31, 2016, and the last date to appear for SNUSAT and APT test is June 9, 2016. For more information, log on to www.snu.edu.in. 1C420=3<C427 The KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon, invites application for its engineering courses BTech with specialisation in Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and 4=68=44A8=6 The Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI) invites applications for admission to its undergraduate Engineering programmes. The applications are being invited under the banner of MREI for two of its flagship institutions — Manav Rachna International University and Manav Rachna University. The last date for receiving applications for the Engineering programmes is 15 June, 2016. A number of new programmes and specialisations are being launched in 2016 for which the admission process is already in progress. MRIU has a tie-up with IBM and is offering BTech (four-year) Computer Science and Engineering programme with three new specialisations ie Mainframe Technology, Open Source Software and Open Standards as also Graphics and Gaming Technology. Moreover, BTech in Electrical Engineering with specialisation in Power Electronics in association with SU-KAM is also a new entrant in the field. -XQLRUJROIWUDLQLQJ he students of CRPF Public School, Rohini, he Usha International Limited, in collabhave done exceedingly well in Class XII Toration with the Junior Training T CBSE Board exam results. Ashish Ranjan Programme (JTP) of the Delhi Golf Club, is (Science stream) and Simran Walia (Humanities) topped the exam with 97.2 per cent aggregate marks followed by Muskan Joon (Commerce) with 96.6 per cent, Muskaan Kansal (Science) and Akash Tiwari (Science) with 96.0 per cent. Some of the students who scored 100 marks includes Aditya Pal and Simran Walia in Psychology, Ashish Ranjan in Chemistry and Computer Science and Akash Tiwari in Biotechnology. The principal Nidhi Chaudhary has congratulated students and entire school staff for this splendid success. Communications Engineering, and MTech in Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering for 2016-17. Candidates, who are interested to apply, should have completed 10+2 examination from a recognised Board/University with physics and mathematics as compulsory subject along with other subject. Scholarship given to meritorious students and reservation as notified by Haryana State Technical Education Society. The selection procedure is based on entrance exams, group discussion and personal interview. The last date for submission of application is July 30 2016. running junior golf training for the age groups of eight to 15 years at Delhi Golf Club, Dr Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi till June 24, 2016. The 30th edition of JTP is divided into four camps (of 10 day duration) starting May 26, June 5, and June 15 respectively. Under the guidance of A-category coaches, Vikram Sethi, Nonita Lal Qureshi, Jasjit Singh and Ajay Gupta, every participating child will be trained on the basics of the sport. As per their ability and knowledge about the game, camps are divided into three levels of ability — Advanced, Intermediate and Beginners. These daily, two-hour sessions will cover all aspects of the game including long drive, putting, chipping, bunker and pitching as well as the rules and etiquette. Each camp will conclude with a prize distribution awarded as per the age and ability across all disciplines. Speaking about the event, Komal Mehra, events head, Usha International Limited said: “We are strongly committed to the development of sports in the country and have been a major supporter of golf. As we continue to partner with junior training for golf with DGC for a decade now, we want more and more juniors to take up this training at the learning stages of their life.” PeT]dTb # A0=2788F43=4B30H k<0H !$! % $QDO\VLQJ-(( $GYDQFH 9440SeP]RTS! %TgP\Xb^eTaP]SWTaTXbfWPcTg_TacbWPeTc^bPhPQ^dccWT_P_Ta P]SfWPccWTbcdST]cbRP]Tg_TRcPbcWTXabR^aT 6iaVceeR\V ccording to RL Trikha, director, FIITJEE, last year the cut-offs had to be lowered A since most of questions were with negative marks in both papers. “Numerical based questions (subjective in nature) only had no negative marks. There was not even a single question with only one correct choice. Both papers had combined 18 questions with one or more correct with 50 per cent negative marks. Even paragraph based questions in paper II had 50 per cent negative marks. Paper I had two matrix-match type questions with each of four rows having one or more correct answers carrying 50 per cent negative marks. This year, paper I had five Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with single option correct. Eight questions of one or more correct type with 50 per cent negative marks with a difference that there is scope of partial marks if no incorrect option is darkened. For each correct option there is one mark awarded. Five numerical based questions carry no negative marks. This year, even in paper II, each subject had six single correct Multiple Choice Questions (plus 3, minus 1); eight questions multiple choice that had one or more correct with marking similar to paper I and two paragraphs with two questions each with marking scheme (plus3, 0) — no negative marking. Hence, this year cut-offs are expected to be normal — 10 per cent per subject and 35 per cent overall as against seven per cent per subject & 24.5 per cent overall in 2015. “Students who have been regular and have developed deep conceptual understanding & analytical abilities by constant practice of solv- CWXbhTPaRdc^UUbPaT Tg_TRcTSc^QT]^a\P[° _TaRT]c_TabdQYTRc"$_Ta RT]c^eTaP[[PbPVPX]bcbTeT] _TaRT]c_TabdQYTRc!#$ _TaRT]c^eTaP[[X]! $ ing problems, should have no difficulty in cracking the papers. There are one or two questions in each subject which are tricky/lengthy or require assumptions to be able to effectively use data given. Thirty per cent questions were easy, 48 per cent were moderate and only 22 per cent were difficult,” Trikha says. he format of the JEE (Advanced) paper I was more or less like the 2015 T paper. It contained single answer correct MCQs, multiple answer correct type MCQs and integer answer MCQs. Two key changes were there. First, the partial marking for multiple answer correct was brought back. Second, the paper was more logical than calculative. In Chemistry, overall difficulty level was moderate. There were at least four questions which were not easy and could easily be misinterpreted by the students. There were five questions from 3TcPX[TSbcdSh ?0?4A8)<0G<0A:B) '% Q The booklet had 36 printed pages and 54 questions in total. Q There were three parts of paper I. Marks for each subject was 62. Q In each part there were three sections. Section I had five questions with four options in which only one of the options were correct. Marking scheme in this section is plus 3 for correct, zero for no response and minus 1 for others. Maximum marks for this section was 15. Section II had eight questions with four options in which one or more than one of the options were correct. Marking scheme in this section is plus 4 for correct, partial marks if an option was correct provided no incorrect options were marked, zero for no response and minus 2 for others. Maximum marks for this section was 32. Section III had five questions with correct response being a single digit integer from CeRZUSd`UbecQ\ zero to nine both inclusive. The marking scheme was plus 3 for the correct response and zero for others. Maximum marks was 15. A402C8>=>5BCD34=CB Q They found the overall level of paper mod- erate but not easy. In order of difficulty level, Maths was reported toughest followed by Chemistry and then Physics. Q No mistakes reported till now as complete paper is yet to be analysed. ?0?4A88)<0G<0A:B) '% Q The booklet had 36 printed pages and 54 questions in total. Q There are three parts of paper II. Marks for each subject was 62. Q In each part, there were three sections. h^daRXch5X]S^dch^daRWX[S³bX]cTaTbcPaTPbUTT bcadRcdaT^UcWTRP\_[^RPcX^]TcRP]ST]a^[[WTa X]c^PRP\_cWPcWT[_bTg_[^aTWTabZX[[bcP[T]c T]VPVTcWTRdaX^db\X]Sb^URWX[SaT].CWXbRP]QT PVaTPccX\TU^ah^dc^Tg_TaXT]RT]TfcWX]VbfXcW Q 4g_[^aTb^\T]TPaQhUd]STbcX]PcX^]b h^daRWX[SVa^fX]SXUUTaT]cfPhbP]Sb_T]Sb^\T c^VTcWTaH^d\Ph_[P]PbW^accaX_c^P]TPaQhWX[[ Ud]cX\Tc^VTcWTaPbPUP\X[hB^cWXbbd\\Ta bcPcX^]QTPRW^aaTb^acP]SVXeTh^daRWX[SP] U^[[^fcWTbTXSTPbc^RWP]]T[XbTh^daRWX[S³bT]TaVh TgRXcX]VP]S\T\^aPQ[TW^[XSPh Q 8]e^[eTh^daRWX[SX]X]SXeXSdP[^aVa^d_ Q 4]R^daPVTh^daRWX[Sc^_[PhPePaXTch^U PRcXeXcXTb3^]^c[TcWTafPcRWCE^a_[PheXST^ VP\TbH^dRP]_[PhX]S^^aVP\TbSdaX]VSPh[XZT VP\TbP[[SPh8]bcTPSPbZWTac^RaTPcTPRP]^_h bRaPQQ[TRWTbbTcRc^Q^^bcWTacWX]ZX]V_^fTaP]S \PZTPcaTTbfX]V\PZTPbRPaTRa^f^aRaTPcTP ^dcS^^aVP\TbX]cWTTeT]X]V[XZTe^[[ThQP[[RaXRZTc R^[[PVT^dc^U^[S\PVPiX]TbTcR TcRc^ZTT_WTa_WhbXRP[[hUXc Q 7T[_h^daRWX[SX]cWX]ZX]V^Ub^\TQ^aTS^\ Q 0__aTRXPcTcWTX]`dXbXcXeT\X]S^Uh^daRWX[S QdbcTab2WTRZ^dcb^\TPacP]SRaPUcQ^^ZbP]S P]ST]R^daPVTWTac^_[Ph_a^Q[T\b^[eX]VVP\Tb cahb^\TRaPUcb PRcXeXcXTbcWPcaT`dXaT^dc^UcWTQ^gcWX]ZX]V Q BTPaRWU^acWTQTbcbd\\TaRP\_bPa^d]S Q CTPRWh^daRWX[Sc^TPcaXVWcP]SSTeT[^_ d\\TaePRPcX^]bPaTWTaTP]SQTX]VP_PaT]c BCD3H24=CA4B PaP\TSXRP[ bTaeXRTb PaT cW^bT fWXRW PbbXbc \TSXRP[ _a^UTbbX^]X]\P]hfPhbCWTbT X]R[dST _WhbX^cWTaP_h _WPa\PRhaPSX^VaP_Wh\TSXRP[ [PQcTRW]^[^Vh]dabX]Vb_TTRW cWTaP_h ^RRd_PcX^]P[ cWTaP_h ST]cP[ WhVXT]Xbc aTWPQX[XcPcX^] TcR ?PaP\TSXRP[ _a^UTbbX^]P[b bd__^ac cWT \TSXRP[ cTP\ c^ R^\_[TcT caTPc\T]c 8c WPb T\TaVTS Pb P] X\_^acP]c QaP]RW^U\TSXRP[bRXT]RT7TaT PaT b^\T R^[[TVTb fWTaT ^]T RP]bcdSh) Q 3a1A0\QTSZPa8]bcXcdcT^U 3T]cP[ BRXT]RTb 7^b_XcP[ ?Pc]P 2^dabT) ?PaP\TSXRP[ CTRW]XRXP]3X_[^\P Q 3a 3H ?PcX[ 2^[[TVT ^U =dabX]V <d\QPX 2^dabT) 1PRWT[^a^UBRXT]RT=dabX]V Q 3a <^WP] :Pda <T\^aXP[ =dabX]V 8]bcXcdcTb ;dSWXP]P 2^dabT) 3X_[^\P X] 6T]TaP[ =dabX]V<XSfXUTah Q 2aPS[T ^U <P]PVT\T]c 8]bcXcdcT =Tf 3T[WX 2^dabT) APSX^VaP_Wh8\PVX]V Q 3a 6 BPZd]cWP[P 2^[[TVT ^U =dabX]V CaXRWh CP\X[ =PSd 2^dabT) <PbcTa ^U BRXT]RT X] =dabX]V ? Application deadline: The application deadline is July 13, 2016. IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is providing 34 PhD scholarships for the academic year 2016-2017. These positions are available to candidates without regard to nationality, age, gender or religion for the programme starting in November 2016. Eligibility: Applicants must meet these criteria: Proficiency in English is compulsory. No knowledge of Italian is required. A university degree of at least four years or equivalent. For foreign degrees, eligibility will be assessed by the PhD Selection Committee. Applicants obtaining their degree by no later than October 30, 2016 can also apply. How to apply : Applications for the PhD programme can only be submitted electronically. Applicants must fill out the online application form (registration required), providing personal data and attaching the required documents. Basic instructions for the submission procedure will be provided after registration. Admission to the programme is competitive on an international level, with evaluation mainly focusing on past academic performance (grades) and scientific relevance to the selected curricula. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is offering 30 Netaji Subhas-ICAR international fellowships for 2016-2017. These are available for pursuing a doctoral degree in agriculture and allied sciences at the recognised agricultural universities/institutions in India and abroad. Eligibility: Applicants must have: Master’s degree in agriculture/allied sciences with an Overall Grade Point Average 6.60 out of 10.0 or 65% marks or equivalent will be the eligibility requirement for the NS-ICAR IFs. Fresh candidates should not be more than 35 years of age on the last date prescribed for receipt of applications. The upper age limit for in-service candidates will be 40 years on the last date for receipt of applications. The notification for the fellowship will contain the detailed eligibility requirements. The council will identify and announce the priority areas of research and the list of institutions — for admission, one year in advance. How to apply: Two hard copies by post and one soft copy on-line should be submitted. Application deadline: The application deadline is June 30, 2016. 0PZPbW2WPdSWahSXaTRc^a 0PZPbW4SdRPcX^]P[BTaeXRTb response and zero in all other cases. Maximum marks for this section was 12. Section I had six questions with four options in which only one of the options was correct. Marking scheme in this section is plus 3 for correct response, zero for no response and minus 1 for all other cases. Maximum marks for this section was 18. Section II had eight questions with four options in which one or more than one of the options were correct. Marking scheme in this section is plus 4 for correct response, partial marks if an option was correct provided no incorrect options were marked, zero for no response and minus 2 for all other cases. Maximum marks for this section was 32. Section III had two paragraphs with two questions. Each question had four options out of which only one option was correct. The making scheme was plus 3 for the correct B\^bc^UdbPaTUPRTSfXcWcWT`dTbcX^]^UW^fc^ Organic Chemistry, six from Inorganic Chemistry and seven from Physical Chemistry. It would be difficult to score 80 per cent in the Chemistry paper. In Mathematics, the paper was typically tough. There were about four-five questions which had lengthy solutions. Scores wouldn’t be high. In Physics, overall paper was the easiest. All questions were standard and clear. Average expected score is between 40-60 per cent. A402C8>=>5BCD34=CB Q They found the overall level of paper moderate but not easy. In order of difficulty level, Chemistry was reported toughest followed by Maths and then Physics. Q No mistakes reported till now as complete paper is yet to be analysed. 2><?0A8B8>=F8C7;0BCH40A Q Both papers were balanced and of moderate level unlike last year. Q There were no Matrix Match Type ques- tions this year Q Both paper I and II were of equal marks Q The coverage of questions from Class XII versus Class XI was 60:40. <8=38C WTP[cWhTPcX]VWPQXcb8]R[dSTUaTbWYdXRhbTPb^]P[ UadXcbeTVTcPQ[Tbh^VdacTcRX]WTaSXTc<PZTWTa Pe^XSTPcX]VU^^SX]Ua^]c^UCE0[b^_aTUTa bcTP\X]VQ^X[X]VP]SQPZX]VaPcWTacWP]UahX]VPbP \TP]b^UR^^ZX]V Q CPZTh^daRWX[SU^aTSdRPcX^]P[^dcX]VbCPZT WTac^\dbTd\b_[P]TcPaXd\bWXbc^aXRP[ \^]d\T]cbP\dbT\T]c_PaZbi^^bP]S\P[[bP]S [TcWTaTg_[^aTcWX]VbbWTWPb]³cSXbR^eTaTSQTU^aT Q 0RcXePcTh^daRWX[S³b\X]SfXcW_dii[Tb[XZT F^aSBTPaRWBdS^ZdCP]VaP\P]SAdQXZ³b2dQT TcRP]S[TcWTaP__[hWTaQaPX]0[b^RWP[[T]VTWTa CWTfaXcTaXbAP\TbW1Pc[XbW 588C944Tg_Tac µ2]`eZdYRaaV_Z_XZ_ eYVafS]ZdYZ_XZ_Ufdecj¶ <>=820<0;7>CA0:0=370A8\P]PVX]VSXaTRc^a<13 6a^d_cP[Zbc^B0=644C0H030E PQ^dccWT[PcTbcX]XcXPcXeTbQh cWTVa^d_P]SW^f^]TRP]\PZTPbdRRTbbUd[RPaTTaX]cWT _dQ[XbWX]VX]Sdbcah Q Tell us about the present scenario of publishing industry in India? A career in publishing industry has a lot of scope in today’s time, especially in the education sector. We have a lot of publishers in India in a niche segment as well as service provider sector. Foreign companies are collaborating with Indian publishing houses for the printing and distribution of their books, novels, etc. Q Do you also conduct workshops on how to publish your own book, start a publishing house and make a career in publishing industry? We did that abroad. In July, we are going to conduct various workshops for training and skill development with the nodal agency of Malaysia. Unfortunately, in India, such forums do not exist under the Government’s nodal agencies. I have seen some new training come up. We do training for the election commission employees. Government has to take more initiative. We can only do it in a small way through the Federation of Indian Publishers which gives us candidates to train free of cost. Q How are start-ups doing in the publishing industry? There are many start-up companies that have been launched in the past 10 years. We would like to boost some promising start-up firms in this industry through collaboration and investment — start-ups which are promoting digitisation in the publishing industry, softwares etc. I’m looking for more path breaking ideas on online platform. Q How is the waste management industry working to recycle the papers ? We have a large unit for recycling paper or book sized stationary, but the industry wants white wood paper. With recycled paper, there is issue of colour differences and raw material being expensive. Children don’t want to write on paper which is dull. Education industry doesn’t recycle as much as it should. There are a few units in India that are producing recycled materials. However, India is not inclined towards it right now. Q Tell us about the educational services provided by MBD Group? From textbooks for all grades, all subjects, all major boards in India and for all major languages in India, activity books, workbooks to teaching manuals, teachers’ and students’ resources, reference books and State board syllabus, we offer a wide range of services covering every platform. Adding to that basket is E-learning (online and offline), Mlearning, language education apps, assessment engine, Enterprise Resource Planning for schools, English language UaXT]Sbc^_[PhcWTVP\Tc^ZTT_WTaX]cTaTbcTS Q BcX\d[PcTWTaaTPSX]VWPQXcbP]SVXeTWTa b^\TbTaX^dbUd]]h[XVWcWTPacTSbc^aXTbcWPcPaT X]b_XaX]VP]SPaTUd]c^aTPS Q 4g_^bTh^da[Xcc[T^]Tc^R^[^daUd[bc^ah Q^^ZbUPbRX]PcX]VUPXahcP[TbP]ST]R^daPVTWTac^ aTPSP[^dS Q 4]R^daPVTh^daRWX[Sc^cPZTd_Pb_^ac^U WTaX]cTaTbcbdRWPbb^RRTaQPbZTcQP[[e^[[ThQP[[ bfX\\X]VW^abTaXSX]VTcRH^dRP]P[b^PaaP]VT U^ab_TRXP[R^PRWX]VbTbbX^]bU^ah^daRWX[Sb^cWPc bWTRP]VTcQTccTaPccWTb_^ac^UWTaX]cTaTbc Q 4]R^daPVTh^daRWX[Sc^_PacXRX_PcTX]Ud] fPcTaPRcXeXcXTb[XZTfPcTaaPRTfPcTaQPbZTcQP[[ fPcTaVd]fPacdV^UfPaX]fPcTaTcR Q 8]R[dSTb^\TTgcaPUd][XZTPbZX]VWTac^ <^]XRP< <P[W^caP: :P]SWPaX <P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a<136a^d_ learning, Science and Mathematics educational kits for the laboratories. We have partnered with Intel and Microsoft for providing content. Netra, our augmented reality free app, is gaining popularity. We sell copyright and export books. We have also started theatre in education to make teaching and learning more interesting. We have launched our e-commerce site for purchasing books. Q How has been the response of MBD Disha for teacher’s training? We have done that in collaboration with Imagine Education (UK). The way they do teacher training is different from India and thus we are adopting new modules for training teachers in various fields. We have been teaching teachers for a long time and but never thought it will become such a huge industry and Government will take up such initiatives. So far we have trained around 30,00042,000 teachers. Q You are also providing skill development and vocational courses... It offers residential training and non-residential training courses and books in the field of printing, web designing, editorial services to IT, ITES and Hospitality, with the aim of bridging the gap between the supply and demand of skilled manpower. We are working on various Government projects across India like Udaan to train and provide jobs to 5,000 students in J&K. The endeavour is to train about a million by 2020. There have been talks to incorporate vocational courses at school level in a big way. Q What else is there in the pipeline? We’ll be doing e-learning wherever required and adapt and make it available worldwide. We are going to launch version three of E’cademy, an e-learning platform for schools, whose contents will be refreshed for nine more States. R[TP]P]SRWP]VTPSSb^\TcWX]VX]WTaa^^\V^ ^]PfP[Zc^VTcWTaP]S[TcWTacPZT_XRcdaTb^U bdaa^d]SX]Vb[^^ZcWa^dVW^[SUP\X[hP[Qd\beXbXc ]TPaQhRWPaXch^a^[SPVTW^\TbP]S_[P]cb^\T caTTbX]cWT_PaZ ;TcWTaRW^^bTb^\T\dbXRP]ScahbX\_[T _^bTbc^QaX]VSXbRX_[X]T_WhbXRP[UXc]Tbb R^]RT]caPcX^]P]S[XeT[X]TbbX]h^daRWX[S AT\T\QTacWPcfWX[TT]Y^hX]VcWTW^[XSPhbS^ ]^cU^aVTcPQ^dcWTabcdSXTb7T[_WTaX]R^\_[TcX]V WTaW^[XSPhW^\Tf^aZ\PZTPaTVd[PabRWTSd[TU^a bcdShX]VP]SWT[_WTaX]aTeXbX]VR^]RT_cbX]P _[PhUd[\P]]Ta CWTf faXcTaXXb< <TT]P[00a^aPTTgTRdcXeTSSXaTRc^aBBWT\a^RZ ?aTbRW^^[b UU^d]STaSSXaTRc^aB BWT\U^aS55dcdaXbcXRBBRW^^[b 8=1 1A845 BD<<4A:83B20A=8E0; Ambience Malls, Gurgaon and Vasant Kunj, are organising the third edition of edutainment festival —We Love Summer 2016 Kids Carnival till June 5, 2016. The festival will see non-stop fun and learning with an array of carefully designed activities for varied interests. The carnival intends to expand children’s creative thinking while offering them and their families a great time. Activities include basketball and football workshops, kids robots activities, puppet workshop, paintball, bakery classes, theatre workshops, music and dance classes, ice skating, zumba-kickboxing, meditation through music. 5>A8=C4A=0C8>=0;A4;0C8>=B The Management Education & Research Institute collaborated with Unity International Foundation to give its international business students a chance to meet delegates, ambassadors and other delegation of neighbouring countries like China, Bhutan, Nepal and others. The basic aim of this collaboration is to foster international relations between India and neigh- bouring countries. Students from neighbouring countries will also visit India. Unity International Foundation has been able to mark its presence across borders as an platform delivering international harmony and peace. The association is globally appreciated for its valuable attempts in lessening the movement of youth towards terrorism and drugs. 3868C0;<0A:4C8=62>=C4BC Baidu’s India office has announced its participation in Baidu Inc’s first International University Marketing Competition. The competition, which aims to empower the next generation of marketers, will be open to university students in India, China and Indonesia. The India portion of the campaign will encourage local university students to create short marketing videos for a chance to intern at Baidu’s New Delhi office, and visit the company headquarters in Beijing. Speaking at the event, Zhang Gao, general manager of Baidu’s Educational Business Unit said: “The Internet is changing the world quickly, and there’s a huge need for digital marketing talent. The competition is a platform for students to put their best foot forward and showcase their creative ideas.” 38BC0=24;40A=8=6A0=:8=6 IMT Ghaziabad’s Centre for Distance Learning (IMT CDL) has been ranked No 1 in the Distance Education National Ranking Survey 2015-16. The survey, conducted by DNA and Daksha Skill Development Pvt Ltd for PG programmes, evaluated distance education institutes on seven key parameters. The seven parameters included — quality of study material, faculty and resources, examination and result process, interaction with students/alumni, online material, learning and information, teaching/mentoring and interaction/response. Student and employer satisfaction are also determinants. Speaking on this achievement, Dr SR Musanna, Dean (Academics) said: “This ranking underlines our commitment to offer an exceptional academic experience for students. This recognition affirms that commitment and demonstrates the value of an IMT CDL qualification.” BD??>AC5>ABC0ACD?8=380 Creation Infoways Pvt Ltd, a fast growing single source internet and related service provider, has announced its support to the Prime Minister’s initiative — Start Up India, Stand Up India — following which it will help potential start-ups with technical as well as financial support. The company will offer end to end web solutions to start-ups to help them drive operational efficiency as well as inflate their customer base. Further more, Creation Infoways has also decided to provide high potential startups with financial support to spur the growth of entrepreneurship in the country. “We are committed to help young businesses in the country with our state-of-theart solutions as well as a highly experienced and proficient team. With youths forming the majority population, the potential in online and mobile space for start-ups is immense and Creation Infoways will strive to help them tap these booming opportunities, Satya Satapathy, director, Creation Infoways said. CA08=8=6?A>6A0<<40CAH0= In an attempt to translate into reality the Ryan vision as envisaged by chairman Ryan Group of Institutions, Dr Augustine F Pinto, and managing director Grace Pinto, the students of Ryan International School, Vasant Kunj attended a summer course in journalism — Beyond Breaking News at Ryan International School, Malad in Mumbai. Students learnt camera handling. editing, scripting, anchoring and recording. They got the opportunity to make their own news bulletin along with advertisements. They also had the privilege to interact with many child artists. On termination of the course all participants received the title of Young Journalist. The Ryan Group of Institutions, once again guided students towards a new path of excellence. A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0H !$! % Q^d]SPahmeter %d 'd "&#* &)) 2WeVcVRc]j[ZeeVcd=Z`_dWZXYeSRT\ 3^f]"(B\XcW³b# QP[[&"[XUcb6dYPaPcc^R^\_TcXcXeT $'PVPX]bcA^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT ?C8Q 14=60;DAD D 3F0H=4B<8C7 70<<4A43B8GB8G4B 8=78BF78A;F8=3 :=>2:0=3B70A43 0='$AD=BC0=3 F8C738=4B7:0AC78: !%>55"05C4A ;8>=B;>BCC748AC>? C7A4410CB<4=5>A =8=4AD=B0;; A>D=34AB70=4 F0CB>=F0BC74 BC0=3>DC1>F;4A 5>AC747>BCB 4=38=6F8C75>DA F82:4CB5>A!(8=78B 5>DA>E4ABB?4;; FIGURATIVELY [TPSTaboard wayne Smith hammered 73 off 41 balls to help Gujarat Lions recover from a disastrous start and post 158 all out against Royal Challengers Bangalore in Qualifier 1 of the Indian Premier League here on Tuesday. Smith hammered six sixes in his whirlwind knock and shared an 85-run stand with Dinesh Karthik (26 off 30) after Lions lost their top three batsmen for nine runs. All-rounder Shane Watson was the stand out bowler for the hosts, ending with four wickets for 29 runs in his four overs. RCB, confident of chasing any total at home, were on top of the opposition after putting them in at the Chinnaswamy Stadium. Kohli gave the ball to left-arm spinner Iqbal Abdulla (2/38) in the second over and he responded by removing the dangerous opening duo of Aaron Finch and Brendon McCullum. McCullum stepped out on the first ball Abdulla bowled and ended up being >@DECF?D < EXaPc:^W[X $ A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT AD=B ( ( 3PeXSFPa]Ta # Bd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPS 01STEX[[XTab $ A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT %$' %" >@DEH:4<6ED < BWP]TFPcb^] $ A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT H2WPWP[ ! A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT 1:d\Pa # ' Bd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPS F:CB ! ! SCOREBOARD 6D90A0C;8>=B 0Pa^]55X]RW R6Ph[TQ8`QP[0QSd[[P # 1aT]S^]< <R2d[[d\ RSTEX[[XTabQ8`QP[0QSd[[P BdaTbWAAPX]P R0aPeX]SQFPcb^] 3X]TbW::PacWXZQ9^aSP] !% 3fPh]TBB\XcW R:^W[XQ2WPWP[ &" APeX]SaP99PSTYP R6Ph[TQFPcb^] " 3fPh]T11aPe^QFPcb^] ' 4Z[PfhP33XfXeTSXR:^W[XQFPcb^] ( ?aPeTT]::d\PaQ9^aSP] 3WPfP[::d[ZPaP]Xad]^dcBPRWX]1PQhAPWd[ BWPSPQ99PZPcX]^c^dc 4gcaPb[Q%fS & C^cP[ P[[^dc*!^eTab $' 5P[[^^UF FXRZTcb) !<R2d[[d\ ^e!%5X]RW #^e"(APX]P"#^e#(#:PacWXZ "$^e$ &9PSTYP $$^e% $B\XcW %"^e& #$ 3fXeTSX '"^e' #$1aPe^ '#^e( $% :d\Pa ("^e $':d[ZPa]X (%^e (U]ROTM B00aPeX]S " " 8`QP[00QSd[[P #"'! BWP]TF FPcb^] #!(# 2WaXb99^aSP] #!%! HdieT]SaP22WPWP[ ## BcdPac11X]]h # holed out at deep extra cover with the safe hands of AB De Villiers doing the needful. Finch departed three balls later as he tried a flick off one that turned away, only to be caught at first slip by Chris Gayle. The Lions were in deeper trouble in the fourth over when Watson removed their captain Suresh Raina, who has been 925<95F59>?66 ..565+WREDWWOHIRUVSRWLQ)LQDO 2B51;C*:1I1>D ?C8Q =4F34;78 wo-time champions Kolkata Knight Riders would look to T assert their supremacy while ?C8Q =4F34;78 ssured of his skill set, rookie offspinner Jayant Yadav (in pic), A who is set for his maiden India tour of Zimbabwe next month, said he would never attempt to bowl a "doosra" in his career since it cannot be done without a bit of elbow kink. "I have never bowled a doosra in my life and will never bowl one. I believe doosra can't be bowled without a bit of kink. My stock ball is the off-spinner and that's my strength. I am working on my carrom ball but to be honest, I have not reached a stage where I can use it at a big platform like IPL or international matches," the 26year-old, who has 110 first-class wickets from 40 matches, said. For Jayant, playing first-class matches at the seamer-friendly Bansi Lal Stadium in Lahli is a challenge as he has had to fight for a place in the state team with Amit Mishra and Yuzvendra Chahal. "I think it has made me tougher that we play at Lahli, which is known for its seamerfriendly tracks. Also when Mishy bhai (Amit Mishra) is around, he is obviously the first choice spinner. If we play a second spinner, the fight is between myself and Yuzi (Yuzvendra Chahal)," Jayant said. In fact, for him it was a decision by Haryana CA supremo and BCCI treasurer Aniruddh Chaudhary that proved to be the turning point. "It was my Ranji Trophy debut in 2011 against Gujarat in Surat. We were fighting to save relegation. Mishy bhai and Chahal were supposed to play and Aniruddh sir said that I should be played. It was a match that could have been make or break for me and he (Chaudhary) had belief in my abilities. I got six wickets in the game and we saved relegation," said Jayant, who is waiting to have an interaction with Mahendra Singh Dhoni as he has never spoken to the Indian captain. The next big turn came when he got to interact with Rahul Dravid during last year's India A stint. "For the first two days, I was in awe of him. I simply could not speak as it was like standing in front of Rahul Dravid. Then as I interacted, I was amazed at his homework. "That was evident in IPL where in each of the five matches I had the same role and it was a specific one. I was told that I will have to bowl in Powerplays. Rahul bhai believes that in match situations, every player is his own coach and needs to learn to think out of the box," said Jayant, who is employed with Chemplast and plays in TNCA league for the renowned Chennai club side. Talk about his favourite offspinners, he names Ravichandran Ashwin and Graeme Swann. "Swann had such amazing drift in his deliveries while Ashwin is a master of variations. As a bowler, it is necessary to have variations when one aspires to play at the highest level." Yadav believes that coming through the age-group ranks has helped him go through a steady progress. "I have played for Haryana in all age-groups. Right from U-15, U-17, U-19, U-22 and then the state side followed by IPL and India A. It's been a gradual progression. In fact, at U-15, it was Yuzvendra, who was our captain." While he hails from Gurgaon, Jayant lives with his parents in the Air India quarters at South Delhi's Vasant Vihar area. Sunrisers Hyderabad will have revenge on mind when the two teams clash in the IPL Eliminator, here on Wednesday. Both Sunrisers and KKR finished their league engagements on 16 points each but the Gautam Gambhir-led side ended fourth behind Sunrisers due to inferior net run rate. But going into Wednesday’s game, KKR have psychological advantage over the Sunrisers having beaten them on both the occasions during the league stage. KKR spanked Sunrisres by eight wickets in their first meeting this season and came out victorious by 22 runs in a must-win match last Sunday to qualify for the play-offs. Going by records too, KKR enjoy edge having won the tournament twice in the past — 2012 and 2014 — and finishing in the Play-offs in 2011. Sunrsiers, on the other hand, managed to secure a play-off berth in 2013 and would be gunning for glory this time around. Wednesday’s match will also give Sunrsiers an opportunity to avenge their defeats to KKR. KKR have been led from the front by Gautam Gambhir, who would be desperate to prove a point to the national selectors after being ignored for the tour of Zimbabwe and West Indies despite scoring consistently in the ongoing IPL. Gambhir is the leading scorer for KKR with 473 runs from 14 games with five half-centuries. His opening partner Robin Uthappa (383 runs) and Yusuf Pathan (359) too shone with the bat but they too were being ignored for national call-up. But KKR's young batsman Manish Pandey, who has scored 212 runs from 11 games so far, has been picked up for the Zimababwe tour and would be eager to justify his selection with another fine outing with the bat. It also remains to be seen whether KKR's Andre Russell has =d\QTa^U[^fTa?^fTa_[Phc^cP[b PVPX]bcA21cWP]cWT!"ad]bQh 6dYPaPc;X^]bX]cWXb\PcRWAPYPbcWP] A^hP[bWPSbR^aTSYdbc #PVPX]bccWT\X] !(8?; Ad]bbR^aTSQhQ^cWcWT6dYPaPc ^_T]TabR^\QX]TSX]cWXb\PcRW¯ [^fTbcU^acWT\X]cWXb8?;Cf^ \PcRWTbPV^cWThWPSPVVaTVPcTS%ad]b PVPX]bc::AX]:P]_da =d\QTa^U\PcRWTbf^]Qh6dYPaPc fWT]cWThQPccTSUXabc#cX\TbX]cWT [TPVdTbcPVT*'fX]bX] \PcRWTb fWX[TRWPbX]VA21WPeT_dc;X^]bc^QPc UXabcX]cWXb`dP[XUXTa =d\QTa^UcX\TbA21c^^ZUXabc" fXRZTcbd]STa ad]bQTU^aTcWXb \PcRW1TbcTUU^acfPb #ad]b cfXRT¯PVPX]bcAA!(P]Seb32! 5PXbT[55TPcdaTb the leading run getter for his side in the competition. Raina fell to a short ball again as he pulled Watson straight to the man at short fine-leg. In came Smith and alongside Karthik did the repair Job. The duo forged a much needed partnership with Smith scoring the bulk of the runs. The West Indian took the attack to the spinners, not allowing them get into the groove. He got to his third half century of the season by sweeping Abdulla to a six over long on. Karthik, at the other end, played the supporting well until he shuffled across the stumps to lap it towards fine leg, only to play on to his stumps. His shot selection was questionable with a man at deep fine leg in place. Jadeja joined Smith but the southpaw perished cheaply to continue his modest season with the bat. When the time came to get a move on, the quick wickets of Karthik and Jadeja pegged Lions back further, reducing them to 107 for five. Smith was the lone hope left for Lions but he too departed while attempting another big one off leggie Yuzvendra Chahal. Besides a barrage of sixes, he ended up hitting five boundaries. Eklavya Dwivedi did his bit towards the end by smashing 19 off nine balls. singles C_^YQ\_^Ud_]Q[UC6_VG_b\T3cXY`c ASTANA (KAZAKHSTAN): 5^a\Ta 0bXP] bX[eTa \TSP[[XbcB^]XP;PcWTa$&ZVfPbcWT[^]T8]SXP] Q^gTac^\PZTcWTbT\XUX]P[bP]SPbbdaTWTabT[U^U P \TSP[ Pc cWT 0810 F^\T]b F^a[S 2WP\_X^]bWX_b TeT] Pb U^da ^cWTab [^bc cWTXa `dPacTaUX]P[Q^dcbWTaT^]CdTbSPhB^]XPV^ccWT QTccTa ^U ?^[P]Sb 0]TcP AhVXT[bZP " c^ bPeT 8]SXP^UPR^\_[TcTfPbW^dcPcP]TeT]cfWTaT]^c ^]TUa^\cWTR^d]cahR^d[S`dP[XUhU^aAX^X]cWT cWaTT>[h\_XRRPcTV^aXTb^U$ ZV%ZVP]S&$ZV <QZZQ1^Ze]]YccVY^Q\Y^9CC6G3 A>03C>4;8<8=0C>A :>;:0C0:=867CA834AB 1TPc3T[WX3PaTSTeX[bQh(fXRZTcb ;^bcc^<d\QPX8]SXP]bQh% fXRZTcb 1TPcBd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPSQh' fXRZTcb 1TPc:X]VbG8?d]YPQQh%fXRZTcb 1TPcAXbX]V?d]TBd_TaVXP]cbQh! fXRZTcb ;^bcc^<d\QPX8]SXP]bQh% fXRZTcb ;^bc3T[WX3PaTSTeX[bQh!&ad]b 1TPcA^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT Qh$fXRZTcb 1TPc:X]VbG8?d]YPQQh&ad]b ;^bcc^6dYPaPc;X^]bQh$fXRZTcb 1TPcAXbX]V?d]TBd_TaVXP]cbQh' fXRZTcb ;^bcc^A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT Qh(fXRZTcb ;^bcc^6dYPaPc;X^]bQh%fXRZTcb 1TPcBd]aXbTab7hSTaPQPSQh!!ad]b BD=A8B4AB7H34A0103 ;^bcc^A^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT Qh#$ad]b ;^bcc^::A Qh'fXRZTcb 1TPc<d\QPX8]SXP]bQh&fXRZTcb 1TPc6dYPaPc;X^]bQh fXRZTcb 1TPc:X]VbG8?d]YPQQh$fXRZTcb ;^bcc^AXbX]V?d]TBd_TaVXP]cbPc "#ad]b 1TPcA^hP[2WP[[T]VTab1P]VP[^aT Qh $ad]b 1TPc6dYPaPc;X^]bQh$fXRZTcb 1TPc<d\QPX8]SXP]bQh'$ad]b 1TPcAXbX]V?d]TBd_TaVXP]cb Qh#ad]b ;^bcc^3T[WX3PaTSTeX[bQh& fXRZTcb 1TPc:X]VbG8?d]PYQQh&fXRZTcb ;^bcc^3T[WX3PaTSTeX[bQh% fXRZTcb ;^bcc^:^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTabQh!! ad]b recovered from his injury. The big-hitting Jamaican allrounder, who has two man-ofthe-match performances this season, missed their last two games because of a leg injury and KKR would pray for his recovery ahead of the do-or-die clash. Just when it seemed KKR is getting no more success from his spinners, Sunil Narine and young Kuldeep Yadav sizzled with three and two wickets respectively to script the win against Sunrisers in their last game. Sunrisers, on the other hand, did not have the best of outing in their last two games. The Hyderabad outfit's confidence may have taken a dent due to defeats against Delhi Daredevils and KKR in their previous two matches. Live on Sony Six DC9 YV <<C =4F34;78 F43=4B30H k ')?< HEAD TO HEAD <' ::A & BA7" ?A4E8>DB<44C8=6 >]0_a %) :^[ZPcP:]XVWc AXSTab #%!QTPcBd]aXbTab 7hSTaPQPS #!&QhTXVWc fXRZTcb >]<Ph!!) :^[ZPcP:]XVWc AXSTab & %QTPcBd]aXbTab 7hSTaPQPS #('Qh!!ad]b 60DC0<60<178A fXcW$!U^dab X] #X]]X]VbXb^]T^UcWTbTeT] QPcb\T]WXc$^a\^aTU^dabX] cWXbTSXcX^]^U8?; %% U^dabQh3PeXSFPa]TaX] # X]]X]Vb^UPb\P]h\PcRWTbXbcWT bTR^]S\^bcX]cWXb8?;EXaPc :^W[Xb&'X] #X]]X]Vb Just like Gambhir, David Warner has been inspirational for Sunrsiers as captain. The Australian is the second highest run getter in the tournament, amassing 658 runs from 14 games. Warner's opening partner Shikhar Dhawan has also found his mojo back after a slow start and has scored 463 runs with an unbeaten 82 being his highest. 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So how will Van Gaal be remembered? Here's a look at Van Gaal's legacy at United: F70C0F0BC4 FX]]X]VPaTR^aST`dP[X]V !cW502d_R^d[S]^cTeT]bPeT;^dXbEP] 6PP[´bY^QPbD]XcTS_d[[TScWT_[dV^]cWT3dcRW\P]´baTXV]* 1>CC><) 9^bT<^daX]W^[^^ZbUPe^daXcTc^aT_[PRTEP]6PP[ 0? <P]D]XcTS QaX]VT]Sc^EP] 6PP[bQ^aX]V aTXV]*_[PcU^a\ bTcU^a<^daX]W^ c^cPZTRWPaVT ;E6BA>;;4A2>0BC4AA834 HIGHS: WINNING THE FA CUP "Now I have won the cup in four countries," a grinning Van Gaal said after the 2-1 extra-time win over Crystal Palace on Saturday. "Not many managers can say that" It didn't count for much in the end - within an hour of the final whistle, it was being widely reported that Van Gaal would soon be out of a job — but the victory at Wembley Stadium at least gave him something tangible to take from his reign. It got United back among the trophies after a three-year gap and gave the club a record-equaling 12th FA Cup title. 0?Q <0=274BC4A R eplacing Alex Ferguson is proving harder than Manchester United could ever have imagined. United is looking for its third manager since Ferguson's trophy-laden 26-year dynasty ended in 2013 after firing Louis van Gaal on Monday following months of uncertainty around his position. Jose Mourinho is set to take over at Old Trafford as the latest coach attempting to revive the fortunes of England's biggest club. It was beyond David Moyes, who lasted 10 months as Ferguson's handpicked successor, and now Van Gaal has departed after two underwhelming years when he oversaw more than $350 million of spending on new players. "I am very disappointed to be unable to complete our intended threeyear plan," Van Gaal said. "I believe that the foundations are firmly in place to enable the club to move forward and achieve even greater success." United, the record 20-time English champion, said its "decision on a successor as manager will be announced soon" while giving no names. Delivering United's first trophy — an FA Cup on Saturday — since Ferguson's retirement was not enough to save Van Gaal. He paid the price for failing to qualify United for next season's Champions League, with the team finishing fifth in the Premier League. "I hope that winning the FA Cup will give the club a platform to build upon next season to restore the success that this passionate set of fans desire," Van Gaal said. The 64-year-old Van Gaal could now be heading into retirement. He has also coached Ajax, Barcelona, Bayern B834=4CB B2780E>=4BDA?A8B4 The French Open's Twitter feed posted a video of the crowd at Court Suzanne Lenglen giving 2010 title winner and 2011 runner-up Francesca Schiavone a standing ovation after her 6-2, 6-4 first-round loss to 26th-seeded Kristina Mladenovic. And Tuesday's tweet included this line: "For her last Roland Garros, Francesca Schiavone, 35 years old and the champion in 2010, deserved a real ovation." Schiavone was surprised to get that send-off when she left the court, saying that the poor way she played certainly didn't merit that sort of adulation. And she was unaware anyone thought this might be her final appearance at the clay-court. Besides, the Italian explained, "When I retire, I'd like to retire on my couch, without any sort of celebration. Roland Garros announced my retirement, but I didn't. So you can stand up, all of you, and go back to work in the office, because I didn't say that. I will announce when I will want to stop.” <DAA0H>?4=BD? Andy Murray says his sometimes fiery on-court behavior wasn't the cause of his split from coach Amelie Mauresmo. Speaking after a first-round win at the French Open, Murray insisted "we certainly didn't fall out," and their relationship remains "good" despite the end of their ground-breaking, two-year coaching tie last month. Murray says he and Mauresmo parted on good terms." To say that the reason that we stopped working together is because of my behavior on the court, that is not true," he said. 064=284B TOP OF THE LEAGUE It seems a while ago now, but LOWS: MISSING OUT ON UCL A failure to guide United into next season's Champions League badly damaged Van Gaal's stock. A finish in the top four, coupled with winning the FA Cup, and Van Gaal might have limped on. As it was, a second season in three years away from the European elite, missing out on the prestige and vast riches, and playing on Thursday nights in the Europa League just wasn't good enough for the Old Trafford hierarchy. CHAMPIONS LEAGUE EXIT Van Gaal had earlier disappointment with the UCL this season. United was eliminated at the group stage after Munich and the Netherlands in a stellar coaching career. "Having managed in Holland, Spain and Germany, I had always hoped for the opportunity to manage in English football and be part of English culture," Van Gaal said. "Both of these experiences have lived up to expectations and been fantastic." United executive vice chairman Ed Woodward praised Van Gaal for behaving with "great professionalism and dignity" in the two years since he replaced Moyes. United was top of the league this season. A commanding 3-0 win against Sunderland last September saw United climb the summit for the first time in two years. "It is a very nice feeling, being top," Van Gaal said. "It is not so easy to keep that." And that was as good as it got for United in the Premier League under the Dutchman. UCL RETURN A fourth-place finish in the 201415 season saw United return to the Champions League after a one-year absence. United was back where it belongs — among Europe's elite. And everything pointed to a successful season in 2015-16 when United surged to an easy two-legged losing 3-2 to Wolfsburg on Dec. 8 in a match United headed into knowing victory was essential. When United was pitted in a group with PSV Eindhoven, Wolfsburg and CSKA Moscow, the draw was viewed as favorable for Van Gaal. But the doomed European campaign was symptomatic of United under his guidance — the team appeared focused on defensive organization and lacked the attacking flair and creativity to break down stubborn opponents. LVG CONTEMPLATES QUITTING A loss to Stoke on Dec 26 was United's fourth straight defeat and left Van Gaal looking bewildered and pondering his future when he faced the media after the match. "(Van Gaal) leaves us with a legacy of having given several young players the confidence to show their ability on the highest stage," Woodward said. Indeed, the redeeming feature of Van Gaal's reign was his continuation of the club's long-held policy of giving youngsters a chance, including Jesse Lingard — the scorer of the winning goal in the FA Cup final against Crystal Palace. But Van Gaal's turbulent tenure has been marred by accusations from critics that he betrayed United'sheritage by playing a defensive, risk-averse style. win over Club Bruges in the Champions League playoff in August, with new signing Memphis Depay demonstrating his full range of skills and Wayne Rooney scoring a hat trick in the second leg. BEATING LIVERPOOL, CITY If one match under Van Gaal cements itself fondly in the memories of United supporters, it is the 2-1 victory against fierce rival Liverpool at Anfield in March 2015. A 4-2 comeback victory against crosstown rival Manchester City the following month saw a rare attacking demonstration from Van Gaal's side and he leaves having lost just one of four Manchester derbies. He also won all four league matches against Liverpool. "It is not always the club that has to fire (me)," Van Gaal said. "Sometimes I do that by myself." He had walked out of a news conference after four minutes, 58 seconds in the build-up to the Stoke match, after speaking of his frustration at Jose Mourinho being linked with his job. HUMBLED BY MK DONS United was drawn to play third-tier MK Dons on the back of encouraging news, having confirmed the signing of playmaker Angel di Maria from Real Madrid in a 59.7 million pound ($84 million) deal. But MK Dons doused any excitement around the club by recording an emphatic 4-0 victory. Mourinho has been heavily linked with the United job for months and told The Associated Press last week that he would sign a contract with a new team by the end of next month. The Portuguese coach is a serial winner, guiding Chelsea to three Premier League titles in his two spells, but his footballing philosophy and confrontational style has long been regarded as at odds with United traditions. United has often dominated the league and been European champion three times, but the club has lost its way since Ferguson retired. Van Gaal arrived with his reputation on a high after leading the Dutch to a third-place finish at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. He spoke of implementing his "philosophy" at Old Trafford, which ended up translating as long periods of possession and a pressing game without the ball. He achieved his first aim of qualifying United for the Champions League at the end of his first season, after the club had spent a year out of Europe's top competition. United even led the Premier League in the early part of this season, but the squad always looked unbalanced — short of strikers and real speed in midfield — and there were reports of senior players being unhappy with Van Gaal's restrictive style of play. United drew 0-0 in five out of nine games in a spell between late October and early December and a soundtrack of "Attack, attack, attack" was the backdrop of many games at Old Trafford as supporters became disgruntled. Van Gaal's position started to look perilous after United was eliminated from the Champions League in December, and the team was winless in eight games between Nov 25 and Jan 2 Van Gaal raised the prospect of quitting during that sticky patch. He lasted to the end of the season, with speculation about Mourinho — his former assistant at Barcelona — never far away. Mour inho's arrival would throw into doubt Ryan Giggs' position at United. The club great has been assistant manager under Van Gaal and was often regarded as the man likely to take over from the Dutchman. Instead, United appears to have gone for the experience and reputation of Mourinho, which adds spice to the Premier League with Pep Guardiola to start a three-year contract at Manchester City from next season. Van Gaal will forever be known as the man who oversaw an outlay of $375 million on new signings over two seasons without ostensibly improving his squad. Expensive signings like Angel Di Maria ($99 million), Memphis Depay ($48 million), Morgan Schneiderlin ($39 million) and Bastian Schweinsteiger ($23 million) have disappointed or failed to adapt to Van Gaal's rigid system. Di Maria is a genuine worldclass player who was a star at Real Madrid and has gone on to be a key player at Paris Saint-Germain. How he was wasted by Van Gaal. Despite Van Gaal's heavy spending, he managed to leave himself an unbalanced squad lacking in strikers and creative attacking midfielders. Daley Blind has played as an emergency center back for most the season and he cannot settle on regular fullbacks. 3D;;5>>C10;; United's end-of-season scoring stats make grim reading for Van Gaal. The 49 goals netted in the league is United's lowest return in Premier League history, and never previously has the team failed to score in 10 games ;^dXbEP]6PP[ST_Pacb>[SCaPUU^aSPUcTaWXbUX]P[W^\T\PcRW 0? in one campaign. Meanwhile, United went into halftime drawing 00 in 24 of its games this season. And its players played more backward passes than any other team in the Premier League. C02C82B Some would say his tactics were a demonstration of "total football" long favored by the Dutch. Many more likely would say they were the result of muddled thinking. What proved to be his last match — the FA Cup final — provides an example. Ashley Young, a wide midfielder, came on as a second-half substitute and played as a lone striker. By the end of the match, Young was playing at left back and United also had a center forward in deep midfield (Wayne Rooney). In one of United's most significant matches this season, against Wolfsburg in UCL in December, Van Gaal ended the game with two young full backs (Varela and Borthwick-Jackson) and a 21-year-old Nick Powell whose last match for United came 18 months previously in the League Cup. United lost 3-2 and was eliminated. Van Gaal mostly played playmaker Juan Mata out wide, and often played two holding midfielders in home games. H>DC7?>;82H Van Gaal's one saving grace has been his adherence to United's traditions of bringing academy graduates into the first team. Some of them might have been forced on him because of injuries — striker Marcus Rashford springs to mind — but he hasn't been afraid to use young players and decided against more splurges in the transfer market in the January windows. The club's pathway for youth remains open, and youngsters coming through will see how the likes of Rashford, Jesse Lingard, Cameron Borthwick-Jackson and Timothy Fosu-Mensah have established themselves as regular squad members. <Z_X`WT]RjcVefc_dhZeYRde`c^ 31;5G1<; =PSP[fP[[^_bX]c^bTR^]Sa^d]S<daaPhTbRP_TbQ[dbWTbQdc:TaQTa]^cb^[dRZh 0?Q ?0A8B R afael Nadal is back doing what he does best: Demolishing opponents on the red clay of Roland Garros. The nine-time champion's 6-1, 61, 6-1 victory against Sam Groth of Australia added another notch to Spanish player's stunning record here, now at 71 wins, with just two losses. Groth, an Australian ranked 100 who has yet to make the second round of theFrench in two visits, lacked the variety of shots and power to derail Nadal's pursuit of a 15th major title. "So bad, so bad," he muttered to himself after netting a backhand as Nadal raced through the first set. In all, they were on court for 80 minutes. Seeded fourth, Nadal lost last year in the quarterfinals to Novak Djokovic, ending a 39-match winning streak at Roland Garros. Andy Murray rallied to win from two sets down for the ninth time, advancing to the second round of the French Open by beating qualifier Radek Stepanek 3-6, 3-6, 6-0, 6-3, 75 on Tuesday. In the women's draw, Australian Open champion Angelique Kerber lost in the first round. Hampered by a left shoulder injury, the third-seeded Kerber was beaten by 58th-ranked Kiki Bertens of the Netherlands 6-2, 3-6, 6-3. Francesca Schiavone, the 2010 French Open champion, was also eliminated, losing to Kristina Mladenovic 6-2, 6-4. Stepanek, the oldest man in the field at 37, hit 57 winners in his suspenseful encounter on Court Philippe Chatrier. Murray was leading 4-2 in the fourth set when play was suspended Monday because of darkness. He was twice two points from losing while serving and trailing 5-4 in the fifth. But he held there, then broke Stepanek and served it out after wasting his first match point with a double-fault. "It's unbelievable what he is doing," Murray said. "At 37 years old, coming out and fighting like that. I don't expect to be doing that myself at that age." Murray had rallied from two sets down twice before at Roland Garros, against Richard Gasquet in the first round six years ago and then to beat Viktor Troicki in the fourth round in 2011. With Aljaz Bedene, Kyle Edmund and Murray through, there are three British male players in the second round at Roland Garros for first time since 1975. Even the normally intense Rafael Nadal cracked a mid-match smile in appreciation of the 'tweener he produced Tuesday at the French Open. The bit of magic came in the next-to-last game of the nine-time champion's lickety-split 6-1, 6-1, 6-1 victory over Sam Groth. Chasing a lob by Groth, Nadal raced to the baseline a n d , with his back to the net, smacked a forehand between his legs. By then, Groth was up at the net, but the ball zipped by him for a down-the-line passing winner. Nadal grinned and raised both arms overhead as the Court Suzanne Lenglen crowd roared. Also advancing in the men's draw were seventh-seeded Tomas Berdych, No 13 Dominic Thiem, No. 15 John Isner and No. 20 Bernard Tomic. :4A14A>DBC43 Kerber received treatment on her shoulder during a changeover as she trailed 3-0 in the deciding set. The left-handed Kerber then briefly left the court and returned to win her service game but could not break back and lost the match. Kerber arrived in Paris on the back of early losses in both Madrid and Rome. Last week, she pulled out of the Nuremberg tournament because of her shoulder injury. "It's getting worse and worse, but I hope it's not too bad," Kerber said. It was the second time in three years that the Australian Open women's champion lost in the first round at Roland Garros - the same thing happened to Li Na in 2014. Chris O'Neil (1978), Barbara Jordan (1979) and Lindsey Davenport (2000) are the other reigning Australian Open champions who lost in the opening round on the Parisian clay. 6?B4:?;5B 0?Q ?0A8B N ovak Djokovic treated the Roland Garros crowd with some great tennis shots on Tuesday. His charm offensive continued after the match. Interviewed on court by former Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli, the top-ranked Serb pleased the fans on Court Philippe Chatrier with a few words in French. Djokovic is craving a career Grand Slam at the French Open after losing in the final three times over the past four years. A fans' favorite in Paris, he has dramatically improved his level of French in recent years. "These two weeks might be the most important in the whole season (for me)," Djokovic said after defeating 95thranked Yen-hsun Lu of Taiwan 6-4, 6-1, 6-1. Djokovic was in complete control, broke his opponent seven times, and closed the match with a drop shot. He joined his main rivals Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray in the second round. Meanwhile, Venus Williams avoided a second consecutive first-round Grand Slam loss and a second consecutive first- round French Open loss. The ninth-seeded American needed nearly 2 hours to get past 82nd-ranked Anett Kontaveit of Estonia 76 (5), 7-6 (4) on Court 1 at Roland Garros on Tuesday. Less than a month shy of her 36th birthday, Williams is the oldest woman in the tournament. She is a seven-time Grand Slam champion, but she dropped her opening match at the Australian Open in January, and also exited in the first round at the French Open in 2013 and 2015. Williams hasn't been past the second round in Paris since reaching the fourth round in 2010.
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