Untitled - Castle Rohrsdorf
Untitled - Castle Rohrsdorf
The Studio at Castle Rohrsdorf is a vintage analogue recording studio hidden away in the hills just 15 minutes east of Dresden. Crafted into a 14th century castle, this boutique recording studio has three dedicated live rooms, a flat control room and assorted natural acoustic spaces. The Studio at Castle Rohrsdorf offers artists a unique location in which to record, write, stay and create. With it’s exceptional historic location, this property will be uniquely positioned as a experience destination for artists from across Europe and North America. The 14th Century was first time Schloss Röhrsdorf was mentioned as a manor and the estate was expanded to a castle by the Von Carlowitz family. It burned down in 1890 and was quickly rebuilt. It has been a personal residence,a school, hotel, and now a boutique analog music studio. The heart of our new studio is a NEVE 66 analog 36 channel desk. Originally used in the famous Centenary Hall in Frankfurt. Also featuring a vintage Telefunken Ant TRS 800, 16 channels, equipped with discrete Telefunken preamps and EQ´s, a great sounding 48 channel Soundcraft Vienna that formerly belonged to the Dresden state theater and a small 12 channel Studer Revox mixer that we use mainly for mobile recordings. Our 3500 ft² main studio facility offers a control room that delivers a RT60-time of 0.5 seconds down to 40hz and 3 recording rooms, each with a distinctly shaped sonic character. The 700 ft² main recording room provides a flexible acoustic through exchangeable wall mounted diffusers and / or absorbers. The live room with its massive wooden floor and its speaker-cone-shaped diffusors is perfectly suited for drum and string recording. Every room is visually connected to through an elaborated window system. The damped room is ideal for electric guitars and serves as a dry vocal chamber too. An outstanding feature rarely available in commercial studio facilities are the extra large soundproofed windows that provide a beautiful view through the tree’s of the former castle grounds. An amazing sounding reverb room connected to the Neve desk is another one of our secret weapons. The Boesendorfer grand piano lives in the carlowitz hall. This hall serves another facette of soundpossibilities through the many different rooms this amazing castle provides. Equipment List NEVE 66 Analog 36 Board #Recorder: Tape: Studer A80 MK1 16 track 2" and Studer A 807 ¼" Dat: Panasonic SV 3700 #Monitoring: Geithain RL 900, Genelec 1031, Klein & Hummel O98, Accuphase E-405 feeding a pair of Baurs & Wilkens Matrix 801 (the 801 served as main monitor at Abbey Road studios in the fab four days ) #Tube Condenser Microphones: 7 RFT CM 7151 large bottle mics, built-in V41 based tube preamp with 2 Telefunken EF12k, usable with Neumann M7-M9 - Capsules 5 Neumann CMV 563 with M7, M8, M9, M5, M55k capsules 2 Neumann UM 57 with build in M7 capsule and switchable polar pattern 1 Microtech Gefell UM92.1 s 4 Neumann M 582 with M93, M94, M62, M70, M71 capsules #Condenser Microphones: 1 Neumann U87 AI 1 Neumann TLM 103 3 Neumann KM 84i 1 Neumann KM140 1 Neumann KM 86 10 Neumann Gefell MV 692 with M93, M94, M70, M71, UM70 capsules 5 Neumann Gefell PM 860 ( great sounding ceramic capsules ) 1 Neumann Gefell SM 690 stereo 1 Neumann-Gefell AM 740 clip 1 AKG C414 EB 1 Oktava MK 319 2 Oktava MK102 (Scott Dorsey Modifikation) #Ribbon Microphones: #Dynamic Microphones: #Boundary Layer Microphones: #Outboard: 1 Sontronics Delta 1 Sontronics Apollo 2 Oktava ML-52-02 1 Electrovoice RE 20 1 Electrovoice RE 38 N/D 3 Electrovoice ND 408 B 1 Electrovoice ND 857 B 1 Electro-Voice N/D 857 Supercardioid 2 Electrovoice PL 5 1 Beyerdynamic MD 88N 7 Sennheiser MD 421 2 Sennheiser MD 441 1 Sennheiser 509 1 AKG D 112 2 AKG D 202 2 Revox M3500 6 Shure SM 58 1 Shure SM 57 1 Shure Beta 91 1 AKG C-680 BL Tube and discrete transistorpreamps from Telefunken, Siemens, Maihak and TAB. #Tube: #Discrete: #Twin Topology: #Tube Compressors: 2 Tab V 76 /120 2 Tab V 76 / s 1 Tab V 76 / 80 1 Tab V 76 / m 4 Siemens V 72 3 Tab V 72a 2 Lorenz V241 ( ÜV 300 ) 1 Manley Voxbox 6 Tab V 376 4 Tab V 376a 6 Telefunken V676a 6 Telefunken V672 1 Telefunken V372 1 Tab V372DS 1 Millennia Origin STT-1 1, 1 Millennia TD-1 2 Tab U73B 3 stage varable mu comp/limiter similar operational design like the Fairchild 670 2 Aphex 661 Tube Compressor/Limiter #Compressors: #Equalizer: 2x Telefunken U373 BK 2x Telefunken U373a 1x EMT 266 1x Orban 424A 1x Aphex Compellor Passive Pultec style : 2x Eckmiller W86 2x Eckmiller W68a Active Discrete : 4x Lawo W995 #Reverb, Delay, Efx: 30 m² physical reverb chamber with speakers / microphones insertable through Neve patchbay Lexicon PCM 80 Lexicon Prime Time ( in service ) TC Electronics D two Yamaha SPX 900 Yamaha Rev 7 #Headphone System: #Other Gear: Hear Technologies personal monitoring system, 6 headphone mixers, AKG Headphones K270/271/171/240 etc. 2 Audiorail units CM Labs Motor mix 20 channel transformer based signal splitter from Telefunken and Beyerdynamic #DAW: #AD-DA Converter: #Software: #Plugins: Mac Pro 3.3 GhZ Westmere 6 core 24 GB Ram, SSD, 2 RME HDSP-e AES, 3 Monitors, 1x30“ and 2x21“ : 4900x1600 total resolution running Mac OS Lion / Snow Leopard or Windows 7 2 x Apogee AD 16X + 2 x Apogee DA 16X, 32 ch in + 32 ch. out connected to the Neve desk through the tt patchbay 3 x RME Adi 8 Pro, 1x RME Fireface DAW-Software : Pro Tools HD 9, Logic 9, Ableton Live 8, SAW Studio, Samplitude Waves Platinum, Waves Q-clone, Waves Masters, East West Complete Composers Edition, Flux Epure, Flux Verb Session, Lawo Plugin Set, Stylus RMX, Melodyne, Antares Autotune, Xlnaudio Adictive Drums, Mixosaurus Drums, ToonTrack EZ Drummer, EZ Mix, EZ Keys,Vsampler, SIR Convolution Reverb , Har Bal Mastering Suite, Antares Tube, Orange Vocoder, Beatcreator, SuperCamelPhat, Izotope Spectron & Trash, Anwida DX Modulation Pack, etc etc ... Instruments and Amplification #Amps: #Cabinets: #Electric Guitars: Vox AC 30 non top boost mfd :1962 Fender Twin reverb silver face mfd :1974 Diezel Herbert Marshall JCM 900 Orange OR 120 mfd : 1979 Fender Princeton recording amp Hohner Jazz Framus Acoustifier 120 Ampeg SVT2 Pro Trace Elliot GP12 London City DEA 100 MK iV amazing 100w Marshall plexi clone mfd : mid 70ties Suprem Solist Orange 4x12 Cab vintage Greenbacks mfd : 1977 London City 4x12 Cab w. Vintage Greenbacks mfd : mid 70ties Marshall 1960A Marshall 1960TV w. Celestion heritage speaker Ampeg SVT-810AV Trace Elliot 1048H 4x10 cab Gretsch 6120 mfd : 1959 Heinz.Seifert master-craftsman custom build hollowbody guitar mfd :1967 Rickenbacker 4001 mfd : 1975 Rickenbacker Model 480 mfd : 1979 Fender USA Stratocaster Fender USA Telecaster Danelectro Bariton green ( ex Chris Whitley ) Danelectro Bariton blue Gibson ES 335 mfd : 1979 Music Man Sting Ray Warwick Streamer #Acoustic Guitars: #Keys: Martin OOO-15 Martin D16 RGTE Gibson Gospel mfd : 1982 Ibanez Concord 12string mfd :1975 Otwin Harmony Jazz mfd : 1955 Kurt Seifert master-craftsman custom build jazz guitar mfd : 1957 Boesendorfer 280 grand piano Hammond H100 with Leslie 760 cabinet Fender Rhodes Clavia Nord electro 2 Roland Juno 6 Korg Mono Poly Korg Prophecy Hohner Basset Yamaha S 80 Yamaha DX 7 Roland MC 303 Vermona ET 6 Vintage Böhm organ Yamaha Maple Custom Drumkit, Istanbul Cymbals, #Drums: Sonor HLD 590 Signature bell brass Snare ( some call it the queen of snare drums ) Ludwig Drumkit with 18“ Kick Vibraphon mfd : 1960 in Leipzig Kettledrum (Timpani) #More: Cajon de la Peru, Djembe, Conga´s, mixed percussion stuff, Trumpets, Trombone, Saxophone, several violins, clarinet, ... Hauptstrasse 3 01809 Dohna OT Röhrsdorf +49 351/4082681 Studio Bookings: [email protected]
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