Stock Analysis Special Edition on MEO Australia
Stock Analysis Special Edition on MEO Australia
Written under AFSL: 259730 14 July 2016 By Peter Strachan First published in StockAnalysis Issue 23, Volume 13 - 13 July 2016 MEO Australia Capital Structure Indices and Prices 5,433.20 8,284.60 All Ordinaries Energy Index Code Shares Options Perf Rts Price Market cap (est) Net cash (est) MEO 891 m. 3.7 @ 50 cts 26.3 $ 0.029 $ 26 m. $ 4 m. Recommendation: MEO has gained a reputation for amassing projects that try to shoot the lights out, but so far without success. A recently advanced exploration programme is just the sort of thing that punters look for with plenty of risk and reward. However, StockAnalysis smells a new issue in the pipeline and would look for a speculative buying opportunity on the back of this predicted capital raising. 63.30 Brent AU$/bbl 0.7626 AUS$/US$ 1,750.66 Live Gold/AU$ As at close 12 July 2016 MEO has outlined plans to explore oil & gas projects onshore Cuba, as well as in the Bonaparte Gulf, the Browse Basin and in New Zealand. Risked valuation $m $/shr Cash (est) New Equity Tassie Shoal Exploration Corporate $ 4 $ 5 $ 1 $ 62 -$ 20 $ 52 0.004 0.005 0.001 0.057 -0.018 $0.048 StockAnalysis assumes some dilution for an estimated $5 million of new equity required before January 2017, to arrive at a risked valuation of 4.8 cents per share. Gold Live AU$ 1850 1800 1750 After making project equity dilution assumptions, StockAnalysis assesses a 43 cent per share value for success at the two major project areas in Cuba and $2.38 per share for a Beehive oil discovery or 16 cps for the gas case. 1700 1650 1600 Jul-16 S&P ASX 200 Energy Index Brent Crude Oil $AU/barrel 5,500 8,750 75.0000 5,400 8,500 70.0000 5,300 8,250 0.760 55.0000 0.740 0.720 Jul-16 Jun-16 May -16 Apr-16 Mar-16 Feb-16 Jul-16 0.700 Jun-16 Jul-16 Jun-16 May -16 Apr-16 40.0000 Mar-16 6,750 Feb-16 4,800 Jul-16 45.0000 Jun-16 7,000 May-16 4,900 Apr-16 50.0000 Mar-16 7,250 Feb-16 5,000 May -16 7,500 60.0000 Apr-16 7,750 5,100 0.780 65.0000 8,000 5,200 AU$/US$ 0.800 Mar-16 All Ordinaries Feb-16 Jun-16 May -16 Apr-16 Mar-16 Feb-16 1550 BLOCK 9 PSC, ONSHORE CUBA (60% AFTER CLAW-BACK BY PETRO AUSTRALIS LIMITED) Since MEO became involved in Cuba, strengthening of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the USA has improved the investment climate for projects in Cuba. Unlike targets in the Gulf of Mexico, where oil and gas are typically found within sandstone sediments, sealed by shales or against salt diapers, in Cuba petroleum is trapped in carbonate formations, similar to the oilfields of North Africa. Recovery of oil from carbonates often relies on natural fracturing in dolomite formations that have undergone significant tectonic activity with overthrust folds, similar to those found in PNG. Other reservoirs can have massive natural porosity and permeability, depending on their history of burial and erosion. But experience in the region suggests that oil will be a heavy grade and recovery of just 5% of oil in place is seen as the norm. Some oil may contain sulphur, which would reduce its value. Block 9 covers 2,380km2 along the north coast of Cuba. The permit is adjacent to producing fields at Majaguillar and San Anton as well as the 18,000 BOPD, Varadero oil field and has legacy wells that discovered hydrocarbons at the Motembo field, proving the presence of a functioning petroleum system. The company has identified three play types at increasing depths. While much of the oil produced in Cuba is heavy low grade oil, historic finds in the Block 9 show relatively light 22° API oil. For example, the historic Marti-5 well recovered light oil with 24°API, with oil shows over a 390 metre gross interval from the Lower Sheet target. Recent seismic data indicates that the Marti-5 well was drilled outside of mapped closure for that structure, improving prospects for Leads I, J and O, which are now candidates for early drilling. TARGETS MEO has identified a total of 15 exploration leads with potential to yield 395 mmbbls of oil at a best case scenario. Further work will be required to mature these leads into prospects that are ready for drilling. Leading the list of targets is Lead A2, to which the company ascribes a 25% probability of success (POS), with upside to 222 million barrels of recoverable oil. The A2 Lead is close to two historic wells that recovered oil from the shallow Upper Sheet above the deeper A2 Lead target: Guadal-1, drilled in 1970/71, recovered more than 30 barrels of light oil (24° API) on test. Bolanos-1 drilled in 1991 recorded a recovery of 22° API oil. MEO is attempting to design drilling programmes that can test multiple targets above the A2 Lead. Page 2 Peter Strachan © 2015/16 Pex Publications Pty Ltd ACN: 59 077 704 146 For the sake of this study, StockAnalysis ignores the whole pantheon of leads to assess a risked value for the A2 Lead and combines leads I, J & O as a single project. PEP-51153 30% In the Taranaki Basin, MEO retains a 30% interest in the 0.6 mmbbls Puka oilfield and has identified the Shannon prospect in the Tikorangi Formation with a target of 5.3 mmbbls of oil. This may prove to be a viable target in a better oil and gas market. WA-488-P 100% MEO is the last man standing in this Bonaparte Basin permit in which it has mapped the Beehive oil prospect, just to the south of ENI’s producing Blacktip gas field. The company assesses potential for ~860 mmbbls of oil in the Carboniferous and Ordovician Formations. Interestingly, StockAnalysis suggests that Buru Energy’s discovery of excellent quality oil, in high quality Ordovician reservoirs at the Ungani oilfield in the adjacent Canning Basin, lends some support for oil at Beehive, rather than gas. MEO has plenty of equity to offer out to fund drilling and would be prepared to dilute to 20% to see the target drilled. StockAnalysis assesses gas and oil targets with a 70% chance of gas and 30% chance of oil in the case of success. AC-P 50 & 51 55% MEO has mapped several leads, including the Ramble On and Jur’maker prospects on these permits along trend from Shell’s Crux gas and condensate field. The company targets oil discoveries, but assesses potential for gas. In the event of gas discoveries, StockAnalysis believes that they would be too small to develop on their own in this location. StockAnalysis believes that there is little doubt about the quality of the petroleum system in this location, but the prospects are remote and woud require the discovery of at least 30 mmbbls of oil in order to be rendered commercial. In order to defer costs, MEO has introduced a partner who will carry it through 3D seismic reprocessing work and update prospectivity on the reprocessed seismic data so that farm out support can be sought in 2017. Risked exploration value matrix Disclaimer The information or advice (including any financial product advice) herein is believed to be reliable and accurate when issued however, Strachan Corporate Pty Ltd ABN 39 079812945; AFSL 259730 (“Strachan”), does not warrant its completeness, reliability or accuracy. Strachan, its Directors and their Associates from time to time may hold shares in the securities mentioned in this report and therefore may benefit from any increase in the price of those securities. Opinions and estimates constitute Strachan’s judgment. The author certifies that the views expressed in this document accurately reflect the analyst's personal views about the subject company and are subject to change without notice. Strachan, its officers, agents and employees exclude all liability whatsoever, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss or damage relating to this document to the full extent permitted by law. 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The investments discussed may fluctuate in price and changes in commodity prices and exchange rates may have adverse effects on the value of investments. Recent Strachan Corporate commissioned research or corporate advisory services have been supplied to the following companies, for which it has received a fee. Rawson Resources, Incremental Oil & Gas, Peel Mining, Mining Projects Gp, Horizon Oil, Kingston Resources, Aurora Minerals, Real Energy Jacka, Carnarvon Petroleum, Lion Energy, FAR Ltd, Galaxy Resources. In addition, over that period Strachan Corporate has delivered lectures at several Universities, provided expert witness statements and confidential financial services and advice to listed companies, several private investment companies and institutions as well as private investors. Disclosure of interests in these confidential actions by Strachan Corporate is only appropriate should Strachan Corporate determine a potential for conflict of interest. The author has small holdings in shares of WIN, SUN, SGC, RFX modest holdings in IGO, AZZG, TDO, IDR, SRI, ADX, ANZ, NAB, PTM, FAR WSA & WPL and larger holdings in AWE, FZR, RIC, HAV. Page 3 Peter Strachan © 2015/16 Pex Publications Pty Ltd ACN: 59 077 704 146 SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR ONLY $450 AUD YOUR WEEKLY MARKET ANALYSIS StockAnalysis is a weekly evaluation of the companies most likely to provide a healthy return on your investment. Presented by respected analyst Peter Strachan, BSc, SF Finsia. StockAnalysis aims to help you outperform the market by identifying undervalued, growth companies with a focus on the energy sector. • Assessment of the big issues facing the stock market • Stock recommendations with specific analysis • Company analysis and performance results • Comment on economic environment • Takeovers, mergers and new floats • Stocks to watch SUBSCRIBE NOW Subscribe online at or fill out the form below. 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