2013 Catalogue - Letterbox Library


2013 Catalogue - Letterbox Library
a children’s booksellers
celebrating equality and diversity
2013 Catalogue
A not-for-profit Social Enterprise
Letterbox Library catalogue 2013
Dear Letterbox Library Supporter,
This is your bumper annual catalogue for 2013. Do keep
hold of it! To those of you who are members of Letterbox
Library, you will receive additional leaflets throughout the
year. (nb: Membership information is on page 30).
Quality & Equality
All of our books have been chosen for their celebration of equality
and diversity as well as their excellence in storyline/artwork and
their strong child-appeal.
In addition to our selection of individual titles, we also compile
themed book packs. These have been designed to reduce the
work load of busy professionals and are ideal for meeting primary
and early years curriculum goals.
Letterbox Library is committed to celebrating equality and diversity
in the very best children’s books. For over 28 years, we have been
a leading education supplier, bringing teachers, librarians and
parents the best in multicultural and inclusive children’s books.
We are passionate about resisting commercial trends. We want to
offer children real choices in what they read.
We specialise in children’s books which:
• Letterbox Library brings you inclusive, high quality and original
books which meet key educational goals for early years
providers and schools.
• Our rigorous selection process saves you time and money.
• You can be confident that you are choosing from the best and
most recent children’s books available.
• We are committed to providing you with ethical, high quality
and honestly priced products.
• We reward customer loyalty with generous discounts.
• Show the incredible diversity of our local and global
• Are multicultural
• Feature people under-represented in children’s literaturedifferent faith groups, BME communities, refugees, disabled
• Challenge gender stereotypes
• Explore personal and social issues- family break up, personal
safety, bereavement, bullying.
Expert Selection
We search for the best children’s titles from a vast range
(currently over 200) of UK and overseas publishers, including
independent and charity sector publishers. Many of our titles
aren’t easily available elsewhere.
Every book we sell has been approved by our Advisory Group
following reviews by our independent volunteer readers who
include teachers, librarians, early years staff, childminders,
parents and, of course, children themselves.
Benefits of Letterbox Library
Co-operative and Ethical
Letterbox Library is a not-for-profit social enterprise and a cooperative. Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help,
self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
Co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty,
openness, social responsibility, and caring for others.
Letterbox Library
Unit 151 Stratford Workshops
Burford Road
E15 2SP
Tel: 020 7503 4801 / 020 8534 7502
Fax: 020 7503 4800 / 020 8555 7880
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.letterboxlibrary.com
Twitter: @LetterboxLib
Registered as Children’s Books Ltd.
Trading as Letterbox Library.
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Letterbox Library catalogue 2013
The contents of this catalogue are divided into early years and
primary sections.
Early Years Families Pack
Early Years Feelings Pack
Children’s Centre Nursery Pack
Understanding the World Pack
Personal, Social & Emotional Dev. Pack
Unique Child Pack
Early Years Gender Equality Pack
Story Share Pack
Early Years Disabilities Pack
Childminder Pack
Special Book Collection
For your convenience and to save you time, we have compiled
almost all of our books into special book packs which are also then
discounted for members. Do remember, however, that you can also
buy any of our books individually.
Many books include a review by one of our independent volunteer
reviewers- the “LL” next to these quotes is an abbreviation for
Letterbox Library.
Any book marked with the blue D means that the
title refers directly or indirectly to disability.
See page 30 for ordering information. You can order by phone,
fax, post, email or on our website. You can use your own purchase
order forms or use our order form on page 31.
Reading for Pleasure Pack
Selection Service
Disabilities Pack Key Stage 1
Disabilities Pack Key Stage 2
Stories from a Range of Cultures &
Settings Key Stage 1
We can provide you with a friendly professional book selection
service. Just contact us with your needs and budget and we will
put together a selection of books for you. We can also create tailormade book packs for your schools/settings.
Stories from a Range of Cultures &
Settings Key Stage 2
Books on Approval
PSHE & Citizenship Pack Key Stage 1
PSHE & Citizenship Pack Key Stage 2
Bereavement Books Key Stage 1 & 2
Bullying Pack Key Stage 1
Bullying Pack Key Stage 2
Refugee & Migration Pack Key Stage 1
Refugee & Migration Pack Key Stage 2
Gender Equality Pack Key Stage 1
Gender Equality Pack Key Stage 2
Multi-faith Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
Dual Language Books Key Stage 1 & 2
Black History Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
Great Lives Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
Chapter Books Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
Reluctant Readers Key Stage 2
Letterbox Library offers a free books-on-approvals/book display
service to customers who are spending £150+. This gives time
and choice in book selection as well as allowing others to be
Schools/Nurseries Visits
We can bring our books direct to your door and support you in
your book selection. We currently offer a visits service to individual
schools and nurseries based in London who have a budget of
£150+ to spend. We hope to extend this to other regions in the
Attending Events
We attend as many as our small staff team allows! You will often
see a Letterbox Library stand brimming with books at regional and
national resources fairs and exhibitions.
Multiple Catalogue
We can supply you with multiple copies of our catalogues for your
training events and conference.
If you are interested in any of these services, do contact our
office on 020 7503 4801 / [email protected].
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
NEW! Diverse Families
Pack (Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £61
Retail Price £69.89
Save £8.89
Ref: FAM02 11 Books
A stunning little multicultural book pack celebrating our many
different family structures. Promotes positive relationships and
helps children develop respect for others.
Me and My Cousin (Ref: 1064)
Me and My Dad (Ref: 0091)
by Amanda Rainger
illustrated by Simone Abel
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
A mixed race boy with separated parents delights in his friendship
with top cousin, Jamila, and in his fun-filled Saturday trips with Dad.
‘Loved the rhymes- very catchy & easy & fun to repeat’ (Education
Liaison Officer, LL reviewer). Early reader. Age 3-6 Paperback 20pp
Daddy, Papa,
and Me (Ref: 1056)
Mommy, Mama,
and Me (Ref: 1057)
£3.99 each (Members £3.59)
by Lesléa Newman
illustrated by Carol Thompson
My Dads
by Kelly Bennett
illustrated by Paul Meisel
Wonderfully presented, rhyming
celebrations of lesbian and gay
parents… and their bundles of joy!
‘At last! Same sex families- enjoying
family life together’ (Early Years
Adviser, LL reviewer). Age 1-3
American Import Boardbooks 18pp
A little girl celebrates her two dads: their differences,
their similarities- and all the fun they have together!
A very positive look at step families. Age 3-6
Ref: 1068b Paperback 32pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Mum’s Late
Brothers and Sisters
by Leon Read
by Elizabeth Hawkins
illustrated by Pamela Venus
Bright photos and chatty, interactive
text introduce a happy collection of
brothers and sisters. Diverse and
multicultural. ‘Really in tune with
children’s lives’ (Children’s Centre
Head, LL reviewer). Age 3-6
Ref: 0089 Paperback 22pp
New edition of a multicultural classic. It’s going
home time at Nursery… but mum is five minutes
late. Has she been squashed by an elephant? Or
gone to choose a new baby? A familiar anxiety
treated with great warmth. As contemporary as
ever. Age 3-6 Ref: 0092 Paperback 27pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Great Big Book of
SLA Information Book Award Under 7s 2011 Winner
by Mary Hoffman
illustrated by Ros Asquith
A glorious, multicultural celebration of contemporary
family life. Includes lesbian/gay parents, single
parents, adopted/fostered children and more!
Delightful illustrations; great dollops of humour!
Age 4-8 Ref: 1018 Hardback 32pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
No, Baby, No (+ Story CD)
by Grace Nichols
illustrated by Eleanor Taylor
There is so much for a busy, busy
baby to do and yet so many people
creating obstacles: “No, baby, no”! A
celebrated author and Taylor’s beautifully
warm illustrations present a funny little
baby caper within an extended, mixed
race family. Age 3-5 Ref: 0014
Paperback + CD 28pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Lulu Reads to Zeki
by Anna McQuinn
illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw
Our Grandparents
All the mayhem, comfort, fun- and NOISE created
by a new sibling, as experienced by our favourite
pint-sized, book-loving character, Lulu.(Mum & dad
share every baby ‘job’ in this loving family).
Age 3-5 Ref: 0090b Paperback 23pp
Babushka, Bubbe, Dadi and Grann!
A gloriously global and vibrant
photographic album celebrating our
grandparents. Age 3-7 Ref: 1215
American Import Paperback 30pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
by M. Ajmera, S. Kinkade & C. Pon
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Early Years
NEW! Feelings Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £71
Retail Price £81.87
Save £10.87
Ref: FEEL02 13 Books
(Ages Birth-5)
A superb collection of books designed to help children manage
their feelings and develop a positive sense of themselves.
Includes both stories and resource books; explores every mood
from feeling crotchety to feeling super-sunny!
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
Anna Hibiscus’ Song
by Atinuke
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
A delightful tale about a child who is
absolutely bursting and popping with
happiness. ‘Very positive portrayal
of extended family life (mixed race)’
(Children’s Services Coordinator,
LL reviewer). Age 4-7 Ref: 0094
Paperback 32pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Mimi Make-Believe
by Claire Freedman
illustrated by Gemma Raynor
Happy Is…
by Connie C. Miller
Bold, multicultural photos and
simple, rhyming text explore the
ways that people feel happy. Great!
Age 3-6 Ref: 0106 American Import
Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Mimi is fantastic at make believe
adventures but is very shy when it
comes to making friends…‘Fab for
self esteem & encouraging children to
have courage’ (Education Safeguarding
Consultant, LL reviewer). Age 4-7
Ref: 0096 Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Cloud
by Hannah Cumming
Art Class is no fun for one lonely child. A fuzzy black cloud hovers over
her. But a fun-filled little girl resolves to find a way through the fog…
Multicultural, disability images, a winning text and super-imaginative
illustrations. Age 4-8
Ref: 1094 Paperback 27pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
It’s back!
Everybody Feels Sad (Ref: 9345)
Everybody Feels Scared
(Ref: 9346)
by Jane Bingham
illustrated by Helen Turner
Simple stories to help young children understand and
deal with their feelings. ‘Touching and child-centred’
(Early Years Teacher, LL reviewer).
Age 4-7 Paperback 21pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Feelings: Angry (Ref: 1240)
NEW Brave (Ref: 0082)
Embarrassed (Ref: 1348)
Lonely (Ref: 1112)
NEW Worried (Ref: 0105)
by Sarah Medina
illustrated by Jo Brooker
Great little child-centred introductions to feelings.
Playful illustrations, clear text and glossary. Ideal
for encouraging children to help themselves and
others. Age 4-6 Paperback 20pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
by Jo Empson
Absolutely beautiful, wonderfully original story
about loss & recovery which no review can
do justice to. ‘Refreshingly superb’ (Children’s
Centre Head, LL reviewer) Age 3-8
Ref: 0097 Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Sometimes I
Feel Sunny
by Gillian Shields
illustrated by Georgie Birkett
Happy, sad and plenty of inbetween feelings in this lovely,
child-friendly, 1st picture book.
‘Offers a wide vocabulary for
expressing feelings’ (Former
EY Advisory Teacher, LL
reviewer). Age 1-5 Ref: 0098
Card Pages 22pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
A fantastic, inclusive and embracing mix for Children’s Centres,
Sure Starts and Nurseries. A durable collection of photographic
and illustrated boardbooks, card books and paperbacks which
explore first experiences, activities, family life, friendships and
so much more through rhymes, songs, stories and non-fiction.
Children’s Centre
Nursery Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £142
Retail Price £165.69
Save £23.69
Ref: CC01
31 Books
First Time Series:
Dentist (Ref: 1323)
Doctor (Ref: 1324)
Hospital (Ref: 1325)
Nursery (Ref: 9828)
NEW School (Ref: 0109)
Vet (Ref: 1326)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
Big Box for Ben
by Deborah Bruss
illustrated by Tomek Bogacki
by Jess Stockham
Conversational text provides easy prompts
for discussing familiar new experiences.
Effortlessly multicultural and inclusive.
Age 2-5 Card Pages 23pp
Watch Ben and his dog use an
ordinary box to go on the most
extraordinary Vr-o-o-o-ming,
Z-o-o-ming and Thumping
adventures. A delightful celebration of
imaginative play. Age 1-4 Ref: 0001
American Import Boardbook 16pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Knick Knack Paddy Whack
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Boo Barney and the Giraffe
by Eileen Browne
illustrated by Emily Bolam
It’s bedtime, but Boo Boo Barney and her giraffe
are setting off on a dreamy journey together!
‘Lovely illustrations and a super text that
encourages rhythm and rhyme’ (Children’s Centre
Head, LL reviewer). Age Birth-3
Ref: 0106 Card Pages 22pp
(+ Music/Animation CD)
sung by Steve Songs
illustrated by Christine Engel
A bright, multicultural version of a classic, now with
video animation! ‘A lovely book…The children have
moved, clapped, tapped and played instruments
along with the CD’ (Preschool Staff, LL reviewer).
Age 2-5 Ref: 0011 Paperback + CD 22pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Lulu Loves the Library
Inside preview
Books Always Everywhere
by Jane Blatt
illustrated by Sarah Massini
“Book big, Book small”. A wonderful
celebration of books and their power to
be anything you want them to be. Warm,
multicultural illustrations. Age 1-4
Ref: 0107 Paperback 24pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Helping Hands:
Clean It! (Ref: 9913)
Cook It! (Ref: 9914)
Fix It! (Ref: 1006)
NEW Shopping! (Ref: 0108)
illustrated by Georgie Birkett
A chatty, interactive text and merry
illustrations encourage children to engage in
their first ‘real’ tasks. Age 2-5 Card Pages 23pp
(+ Multi-Language CD)
by Anna McQuinn
illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw
Read about Lulu’s special weekly library
trip- and listen to the story CD read in 19
different languages! A book-loving delight.
Age 2-5 Ref: 9708 Paperback + CD 22pp
£7.99 (Members £7.19)
My Family & Me:
Celebrating a
Birthday (Ref: 1081)
Going on Holiday (Ref: 1082)
Welcoming a New
Baby (Ref: 1084)
by Mary Auld
Attractive series celebrating a rainbow
of families, with easy text and discussion
prompts. ‘Good positive images’
(Preschool Leader, LL reviewer).
Age 3-6 Paperback 23pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
Tuck Your Vest In
by Daniel Morden & Suzanne Carpenter
A down-to-earth, comic account of a busy
nursery day. ‘The rhymes are simple and
catching and I like the Welsh touches’
(Inclusion Manager, LL reviewer).
Age 2-5 Ref: 9830 Paperback 26pp
My First Animal Signs (Ref: 9028)
illustrated by Anthony Lewis
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
My First Signs (Ref: 9316)
illustrated by Annie Kubler
Two first BSL signing guides with jolly toddlers
demonstrating signs for beasties and over 50
key words. ‘A good book to share with all
children’ (Preschool Supervisor, LL reviewer).
Age 8-36 months Large Boardbook 10pp
We All Have Different
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
by Melissa Higgins
My Mother’s Sari
by Sandhya Rao
illustrated by Nina Sabnani
“I love my mother’s sari and how it
makes me dream”. A rich and playful
celebration of mum’s sari. A dazzling
fusion of collage and crayons. Age
2-7 Ref: 9014b American Import
Paperback 20pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Never Lie on a Lion
by Alan James Brown
illustrated by Barbara Vagnozzi
Some things you should NEVER do…and
some other very fun things you SHOULD!
Packed full of fantastic animals, fabulous
noises and rhyming fun. Age 2-5
Ref: 0092 Paperback 24pp
Big, crisp photos and positive, upbeat
text celebrate our many, varying family
structures! Great for exploring difference
and diversity. Age 3-6 Ref: 0110
American Import Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Pink Bicycle
by Gill Lovel
illustrated by Richard Watson
When Sunita bumps her knee and falls
off, Mum and Dad decide it’s time for
a bigger bike. But the sparkly new bike
has no stabilizers! Will Sunita learn
not to wobble? Age 4-7 Ref: 1317
Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
What Can I:
Feel? (Ref: 0002)
Hear? (Ref: 1405)
See? (Ref: 1406)
NEW Smell? (Ref: 0111)
NEW Taste? (Ref: 0112)
by Annie Kubler
Original little senses books with
imaginative text and playful scenes.
Age Birth-2 Boardbook 10pp
£2.99 each (Members £2.69)
Whole World (+ Music CD)
by Christopher Corr
CD sung by Fred Penner
The Whole World is in our hands- and it’s
ours to take care of. A fantastic little ecosong, complete with music CD and tips on
how to keep the earth smiling! Age 3-5
Ref: 0003 Paperback + CD 29pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
NEW! Understanding
the World Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £154
Retail Price £179.72
Save £25.72
Ref: WORLD01 28 Books
Opens a window onto our local and global world! A vibrant
collection of photographic and illustrated books designed to
help children explore, ask questions about and make sense of
the physical world around them, their local neighbourhood and
their wider community.
Busy Airport (Ref: 0113)
Busy Town (Ref: 0114)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO
by Rebecca Finn
Rhyming action books with bits to push, pull,
swing and turn! The perfect way for little hands to
bring familiar environments to life. ‘All the children
enjoyed this in the book corner!’ (Nursery Worker, LL
reviewer). Age Birth-3 Boardbook 8pp
Inside preview
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Fruits of India (Ref: 1086)
Vegetables of India (Ref: 1087)
by Jill Hartley
Super-yummy photos of watermelons, custard apples,
cauliflowers and banana flowers…‘Beautiful, bright trueto-life photos- ideal for early years practise’ (EY Adviser, LL
reviewer). Age 1-3 Indian Import Boardbook 21pp
by Ifeoma Onyefulu
First words for clothes in a lush photo book which just
happens to be set in contemporary Mali (West Africa).
‘The photos capture not only the clothes but also some
cheeky characters!’ (Former EY Advisory Teacher, LL
reviewer). Age 3-5 Ref: 0115 Hardback 24pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Global Babies
by The Global Fund for Children
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
From India to Iraq, meet babies from
17 countries! Dazzling photographs
create a joyful global celebration.
Age Birth-2 Ref: 9148 American
Import Boardbook 16pp
Eating The Rainbow
by Star Bright Books, Inc.
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Colours and fruits combine in this delectable,
multicultural, photographic book. Nutritious
and mouth-watering. We loved it! Age 1-3
Ref: 9917 American Import Boardbook 16pp
Holidays & Festivals:
Christmas (Ref: 0033)
NEW Divali (Ref: 0116)
Hanukkah (Ref: 0034)
NEW Ramadan &
Id-ul-Fitr (Ref: 0117)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Engines, Engines: An
Indian Counting Rhyme
by Nancy Dickmann
by Lisa Bruce
illustrated by Stephen Waterhouse
Simple repetitive text, mini picture
glossaries and lively photos make
these perfect for the very young.
Age 4-6 Paperback 20pp
A tremendous counting journey, set amidst the
glorious colours of India. Children will love this
energetic picture book. Great! Age 1-4
Ref: 9831 Paperback 24pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
First Opposites (Ref: 0006)
by Tanya Kant
First Sizes (Ref: 0007)
by Rob Walker
Look, talk and learn. Top quality format
with bold, labelled, photos and discussion
prompts. Age 2-5 Boardbook 20pp
£3.99 each (Members £3.59)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
How Many Donkeys?
retold by M. R. MacDonald & N. J. Taibah
illustrated by Carol Liddiment
Learn to count from 1-10 in both Arabic and
English in this traditional Middle Eastern trickster
tale. ‘A book children would choose over and over
again!’ (Inclusion Manager, LL reviewer). Age 3-6
Ref: 0118 American Import Paperback 30pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Early Years
How We Get Around
(Ages Birth-5)
by Rebecca Rissman
Photographic fun. An enthused group of children
discover favourite shapes in familiar objects. Age 1-3
Ref: 0008 American Import Boardbook 10pp
Explore different methods of transport from
around the world in this attractive and
informative photographic book. Age 4-6
Ref: 1330 Paperback 24pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
This Tree 1, 2, 3!
I Love Our Earth
by Alison Formento
illustrated by Sarah Snow
by Bill Martin Jr & Michael Sampson
photos by Dan Lipow
A talking oak tree, mini beasts and an
appreciative class of children make up the perfect,
environmentally-friendly counting book.
Age 2-5 Ref: 0009 American Import Boardbook 30pp
Lyrical text and gorgeous photographs
rejoice in the world’s people, climates,
colours and seasons. A true celebration of
the beauty of our world. Age 3-7 Ref: 9919
American Import Paperback 30pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
What I Like:
Holidays (Ref: 0122)
My Food (Ref: 0123)
Little Seeds
by Charles Ghigna
illustrated by Ag Jatkowska
Attractive, multicultural, photographic mini
hardbacks which explore a child’s world.
Great for sharing and discussing. Notes for
teachers/carers. Age 4-6 Hardback 23pp
Lovely rhymes on an environmental
theme. 3 little tots get to grips
with planting. Seed-sowing activity
included! Age 2-5 Ref: 0119
American Import Mini Hardback 22pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
What is a Community?
Lucky New Year!
by Rebecca Rissman
by Mary Man-Kong
illustrated by Chi Chung
An attractive photographic snapshot of people,
their lifestyles, their environments and their
communities around the world. ‘Lovely mix of
traditional and modern’ (Pre-School Supervisor, LL
reviewer). Age 4-6 Ref: 1243 Paperback 20pp
A joyful celebration with flaps, pop-ups and scratch n’
sniff! ‘Good, simple storyline, great interactive picturescan’t fault it!’ (Preschool Director, LL reviewer). Age
3-6 Ref: 9849 American Import Hardback 12pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£7.99 (Members £7.19)
One World, One Day
by Barbara Kerley
A few wise words and absolutely stunning photographs
show children from every continent, from dawn to dusk,
going about their day. Age 2-6 Ref: 9907 American
Import Hardback 44pp
£9.99 (Members £8.99)
Our Global Community:
Games (Ref: 0120)
Schools (Ref: 0121)
Around-the-world, photographic tours of
playtime and school settings. Notes for teachers
& carers. Great for exploring differences and
similarities. Age 4-6 Paperback 20pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
What We Wear
by M. Ajmera, E. H. Derstine & C. Pon
A gloriously international, photographic display of
traditional costumes, uniforms and dressing up
clothes! ‘A bright, affirming book that celebrates
global ceremony and identity’ (Children’s Centre Head,
LL reviewer). Age 3-6 Ref: 0077 American Import
Paperback 31pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
Personal, Social and
Emotional Dev. Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £85
Retail Price £97.84
Save £12.84
Ref: PSED02 16 Books
A sensitive and thoughtful collection which empowers the very
young to respect others, form positive relationships, manage
their feelings, understand what is right/wrong, take care of their
own health & hygiene- and develop their confidence and self-belief.
Also see our Diverse Families and Feelings Packs on pages 4 & 5.
All By Myself:
Bubbles, Tub, Have a Scrub! (Ref: 0004)
Spoon, Cup, Dinner’s Up! (Ref: 0005)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
photos by Adam Lawrence
Rhyming text, counting activities, speech bubbles and vivid photos
introduce simple bath and mealtime routines with a focus on
independent skills. Age 3-5 Large Boardbook 16pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Lively Elizabeth!
by Mara Bergman
illustrated by Cassia Thomas
Feet Are Not for Kicking (Ref: 0023)
Germs Are Not for Sharing (Ref: 9851)
Tails Are Not for Pulling (Ref: 1113)
Words Are Not for Hurting (Ref: 1241)
Lively Elizabeth just can’t stop herself…she gives Joe a
PUSH, who then tumbles into Johnny who then bumps
into Norine…A smart and modern cautionary tale with
mucho gusto- and a fun way to discuss appropriate
behaviour! Age 3-6 Ref: 0021 Paperback 28pp
by Elizabeth Verdick
illustrated by Marieka Heinlen
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Tips for teachers & carers and jaunty, rhythmic words create
an ideal platform for discussing appropriate behabviour. Hugely
popular with Early Years. Age 2-5 Hardback 24pp
It’s back!
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
This Is Our House
by Michael Rosen
illustrated by Bob Graham
“This house isn’t for girls” begins George. In this charming
story of exclusion and discrimination overcome, a small
group of friends find a way to respect others, include each
other and share. Age 3-7 Ref: 5968 Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Standing on My
Own Two Feet
by Susan Canizares
by Tamara Schmitz
A simple feelings book for
the very young. Excellent
photographs provide a focus
for discussion. Age 1-3
Ref: 9012 American
Import Boardbook 12pp
An accessible and reassuring
book for the very young about
living with and maintaining positive
relationships with separated
parents. Inspiring and comforting.
Age 3-6 Ref: 9632 American
Import Hardback 29pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£9.99 (Members £8.99)
Friends (Ref: 0124)
My Body (Ref: 0125)
by Leon Read
Two engaging and attractive first non-fiction
books introducing basic concepts. Includes
teaching notes & activities. ‘Best non-fiction
with inclusive ideals yet’ (Nursery Manager,
LL reviewer). Age 3-6 Paperback 21pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
Waiting for Baby
by Rachel Fuller
Simple conversational text
and lively illustrations explore
the experience of a (mixed
race) family waiting for a new
baby. Great for encouraging
discussion. Age Birth-2
Ref: 1071 Boardbook 12pp
£3.99 (Members £3.59)
We All
Communicate (Ref: 1088)
We All Learn (Ref: 1246)
We All Play (Ref: 1247)
by Rebecca Rissman
A brilliantly inclusive and enthusiastic
photographic series which explores
common activities and which can
also be used to promote respect
for people’s physical and mental
differences. Very positive!
Age 4-6 Paperback 20pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
Early Years
A Unique Child Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £60
Retail Price £68.90
Save £8.90
Ref: UC11 10 Books
A thoughtful selection which recognises that every child is a
competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable,
confident and self-assured (EYFS Framework). Fiction and nonfiction books perfectly suited to exploring identity, inclusion, our
differences- and our similarities.
I Can Do It Too!
by Karen Baicker
illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
(Ages Birth-5)
A bubbly spirited child asserts her
independence in this stunning, rhyming and
deliciously chunky boardbook. Age 2-4
Ref: 1075 American Import Boardbook 18pp
Inside preview
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
I Could Be,
You Could Be
by Karen Owen
illustrated by Barroux
An adventure-fuelled girl and boy
conjure up fantastic worlds, picturing
themselves as dragons, astronauts
and more…A magical rhyming
celebration of make-believe, soaring
imaginations and- being yourself.
Includes mask-making tips!
Age 3-5 Ref: 0126 Paperback 24pp
Happy Belly,
Happy Smile
by Rachel Isadora
Just Imagine
by Pippa Goodhart
illustrated by Nick Sharratt
A fun, rhyming romp through the
imagination. ‘Lots to keep young
children engaged- with or without
adult input’ (Children’s Centre
Head, LL reviewer). Age 3-6
Ref: 0127 Hardback 24pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Yummy dumplings, egg rolls
and chow mein! Grandpa Sam’s
restaurant in Chinatown is Louie’s
favourite place, full of his favourite
people and favourite food.‘Visually
very attractive; lovely collages’
(Inclusion Manager, LL reviewer).
Age 3-6 Ref: 0091 American
Import Hardback 30pp
Kave-Tina Rox
by Jill Marshall
illustrated by Sam Childs
Excluded from the Caveman Games,
Kave-Tina Rox decides to flaunt her mettle.
‘Refreshing challenge to “girlie” stereotypes’
(Parent, LL reviewer). Age 4-7 Ref: 1345
Paperback 29pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Shades of People
by Sheila M. Kelly
photos by Shelley Rotner
A joyful photographic book
which relishes our visual diversity.
Age 3-6 Ref: 1332 American
Import Paperback 27pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
How to Heal a
Broken Wing
Kate Greenaway Medal &
English Assoc. Shortlists 2009
by Bob Graham
Nobody saw the pigeon fall to
the ground…except kind little
Will. Sparse text and wonderfully
eloquent illustrations. ‘Wow!
So much you could do with
this book’ (Primary Strategy
Consultant, LL reviewer). Age 3-7
Ref: 9810b Paperback 36pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
My World,
Your World
by Melanie Walsh
Kavita wears a sari, Jacob
wears a warm jacket- but they
both wear trainers for gym!
Brilliant illustrations and a
clear text explore the diversity
and commonality of children
globally. Age 2-5 Ref: 8511
Paperback 30pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
We All Sing with
the Same Voice
by J. Philip Miller &
Sheppard M.Greene
illustrated by Paul Meisel
“I come from everywhere, And
my name is you”. A bright and
breezy book which celebrates our
differences- and our similarities.
Age 3-6 Ref: 9540 American
Import Paperback 29pp
We Are All Different
by Rebecca Rissman
An upbeat, affirmative and
straightforward photographic
introduction to difference, diversity
and respect. Ripe for discussion!
Age 4-6 Ref: 1091 Paperback 20pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£3.99 (Members £3.59)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
Girls and boys get to jump over gender stereotypes…and be themselves!
A joyful bookshelf of stories which encourages children to feel free with
their role play and with their ambitions.
Little Drivers:
It’s back! Going Places! (Ref: 9108)
NEW Working Hard! (Ref: 0129)
by Dan Crisp
Man’s Work!
by Annie Kubler
Use both sides of the durable cut out doll to place either a
boy or a girl in the driving seat of all sorts of transport and
construction vehicles. Great fun! Age 1-4 Boardbook 12pp
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
Father and son have a busy
domestic day! ‘Lovely, fun, bright
illustrations showing Dad doing all the
stereotypical “mum” jobs’ (Preschool
Supervisor, LL reviewer). Age 1-4
Ref: 9643 Boardbook 10pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Lulu Loves Stories (+ Multi-Language CD)
by Anna McQuinn
illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw
£2.99 (Members £2.69)
Dad as primary carer- and an irrepressible girl who switches
effortlessly between fairy and DIY expert! Fantastic story
CD read in 21 different languages. Age 2-5 Ref: 1318
Paperback + CD 21pp
Early Years Gender
Equality Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £45
Retail Price £50.92
Save £5.92
Ref: GENEY02 8 Books
The Sunflower
£8.99 (Members £8.09)
by Mark Sperring
illustrated by Mirian Latimer
My Mum is a Fire Fighter (Ref: 0130)
My Nanny Tracey (Ref: 0131)
Super Daisy
by Chris Forbes/Sebrof
by Kes Gray
illustrated by Nick Sharratt
Fantastic, real photo books starring mum the fire fighter and
grandma the crane operator. Spiral bound with plastic outer
covers. ‘Super format; great photos with minimal text; positive
portrayal(s)’ (Children’s Centre Head, LL reviewer).
Age 2-5 Card Pages 20pp
Can Super Daisy save the world from
little green peas? A boisterous girl
who simply has no time for being
conventional. Lovely lift-the-flaps!
Age 3-6 Ref: 9820 Paperback 24pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
NEW! Story Share Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £31
Retail Price £35.95
Save £4.95
Ref: SS01 5 Books
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Simple, smiley stories which beg to be shared, read aloud and joined in
with. Plenty of nonsense, silliness and fun for all!
Every Little Thing
adapted by Cedella Martley
illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
The little knight wants to have
a sword. His mother prefers
he has a sunflower. Could a
flower-wielding child stop a
war? Superb tale of peace and
reconciliation. Age 3-6
Ref: 1229 Paperback 23pp
A Bob Marley classic, with it universal message of peace and harmony,
brought to life through an optimistic little child. A magnificent picture
book. Age 3-6 Ref: 0132 American Import Hardback 24pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
Ruby’s School Walk
by Kathryn White
illustrated by Miriam Latimer
Meet a super-adventurous child who uses the school
journey to chase off scary beasts. Perfect for taming
monsters and for calming those going-to-school
anxieties. Age 3-6 Ref: 0134 Paperback 29pp
Jack and the
Flumflum Tree
by Julia Donaldson
illustrated by David Roberts
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
A rip-roaring tale of fabulous nonsense.
‘Even before you open it, the Julia
Donaldson magic prepares you for a
great adventure’ (Education Liaison
Officer, LL reviewer). Age 3-6
Ref: 0084 Paperback 29pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
by Odette Elliott
illustrated by Georgina McIntyre
Never Ever
by Jo Empson
“Nothing exciting never ever happens to me!
Humph…” Or, does it? A cumulative, rib-tickler
of a story told mostly through astonishingly lovely
illustrations. Adored by our reviewers. Age 2-5
Ref: 0133 Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Sammy Goes
Sammy dreams of flying, Teddy
in tow. Can Grandma make his
wish come true? Terribly sweet.
(Mixed race family). Age 3-6
Ref: 1337 Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
Upbeat portrayals of children of all abilities getting on with their
busy, fun-filled lives. Includes many titles which, rather than being
‘about’ disability, instead present disabled children ‘casually’, as a
natural part of the landscape. Don’t forget to look out for the blue
“D” throughout the catalogue!
Early Years
Disabilities Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £52
Retail Price £59.90
Save £7.90
Ref: DISEY02 10 Books
It’s back!
Inside preview
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
The Ding-Dong Bag
by Polly Peters
illustrated by Jess Stockham
Share a day out with two exuberant children (one wears
a splint) collecting noises in a floppy bag. Splosh! Clang!
Dong! Kerrump! Bursting with rhythm and rhymes.
Age 3-6 Ref: 9046 Paperback 30pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Lucy’s Picture
by Nicola Moon
illustrated by Alex Ayliffe
Freddie and
the Fairy
Brightly-coloured paints are not right for
Lucy’s picture. She uses twigs, feathers,
velvet and sand so that her grandfather
can feel it with his fingers. Charming
intergenerational story. Ages 4-6
Ref: 0019 Paperback 32pp
Picture This Winner 2009
by Julia Donaldson
illustrated by Karen George
Bessie-Belle offers to grant
Freddie’s every wish. But he
mumbles and she can’t hear terribly
well…so the wishes end up squiffy!
‘Special needs integrated in the
most natural way’ (EY Advisory
Teacher, LL reviewer). Age 3-6
Ref: 1401 Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Just Like You Series:
I Can Hear (Ref: 1038)
My Chair (Ref: 1039)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Susan Laughs
by Louise John
illustrated by Andy Elkerton
by Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross
A hearing-impaired boy describes the
sounds in a busy park; a girl boogies and
plays a mean game of basket ball in her
wheelchair. Bright and boisterous! Age
2-5 Paperback 19pp
New edition. Susan dances and
swims; she’s happy and she’s sad.
A warm, clever little rhyme about a
wheelchair user who is “just like me,
just like you”. Age 3-6 Ref: 1322
Paperback 26pp
£3.99 each (Members £3.59)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Happy Butterfly
by Pippa Goodhart
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
A dashing first reader about a lively little girl (a wheelchair
user), her clever Grandma and their bid to join a Notting-Hillesque carnival. Gorgeous. Age 3-5 Ref: 9946 Paperback 22pp
£3.99 (Members £3.59)
Hattie and Friends:
A Day at the Park (Ref: 1014)
Hattie and Friends:
A Day at the Zoo (Ref: 1015)
by Lesley Berrington
illustrated by Karen Middleton
Two in a series showing children of all abilities enjoying a day out.
Sunny illustrations! ‘Brilliant- I will be using these for training’
(Primary Strategy Consultant, LL reviewer). Age 3-5 Paperback 12pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Victoria’s Day
by Maria de Fatima Campos
Vivid photos show us 4 year old Victoria’s
day, from setting off for nursery- to her
goodnight cuddle. Children will easily
relate to the daily activities of a girl who
happens to have Down’s. Age 3-5
Ref: 9031 Hardback 24pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
Early Years
(Ages Birth-5)
Perfect for nurturing positive attitudes to diversity. A fun, flexible
selection of multicultural and inclusive titles designed to help
childminders meet the EYFS Framework. Provides variety and
interest to the learning and individual development of all children.
Childminder Pack
(Ages Birth-5)
Members’ Price £63
Retail Price £72.38
Save £9.38
Ref: CM23 13 Books
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
Abdi’s Day
by Verna Wilkins
illustrated by Karin Littlewood
A warm, upbeat story of a very British class
trip to the seaside- produced with Harrow
schools & EMAS. Somali protagonist, sandy
sandwiches and anjeeros all included!
‘A must for a class collection’ (Children’s
Centre Head, LL reviewer) Age 4-7
Ref: 0079 Paperback 28pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Mary Had
a Little Lamb
illustrated by Marina Aizen
The Farmyard
(+Music/Animation CD)
by Margaret Read MacDonald
illustrated by Sophie Fatus
New edition with video animation (for
PC)! Bold and lively illustrations, all
kinds of farmyard animals and an
irresistible tune offer a playful way of
practising counting skills. Age 3-6
Ref: 0138 Paperback + CD 29pp
A traditional rhyme, extended
out and with some counting
(1-7) to boot! Lovely little die-cut
holes, subtle disability images,
multicultural and with a mixed
race protagonist. Age 2-5
Ref: 0139 Paperback 15pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
The Animal
(+ Music/Animation CD)
by Debbie Harter
Blankies (Ref: 0136)
Snug (Ref: 0137)
Our perennial bestseller now
with video animation! A group of
children (including a wheelchair
user) swing, slither and shake as
they boogie with the creatures of
the Indian jungle. Age 1-4 Ref:
0010 Paperback + CD 30pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
by Carol Thompson
Babies, Babies! (Ref: 0140)
by Debby Slier
My Face Book (Ref: 0012)
What’s Up, Baby? (Ref: 0013)
by Star Bright Books Inc.
Mini-odes to feeling cosy and snug.
Adorable boardbooks with swinging
rhymes and chubby toddlers who jump
off the page (‘casual’ disability images).
Age Birth-2 Boardbook 22pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Baby-friendly verbs, familiar facial expressions
and daily activities, wrapped up in stunningly
contemporary and multicultural photos. From
one of our favourite international independents.
Age Birth-3 American Import Boardbook 10pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Baby Ruby Bawled
by Malaika Rose Stanley
illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max
Baby Ruby bawls and bawls. The whole extended family pitches in…but only
brother Theo has the magic touch! A super-rhythmic, endearing story of mutual
support within a mixed race family. Age 3-6 Ref: 1073 Paperback 20pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Peepo Baby (Ref: 0015)
Who’s Hiding? (Ref: 0016)
Carry Me
by Star Bright Books, Inc.
by Sebastien Braun
Peeking out of a basket, bouncing in a sling…delightful rhyming
photographic boardbook introducing children to the ways their global
neighbours travel. Age Birth-2 Ref: 1077 American Import Boardbook 18pp
Bubbly toddlers play peek-a-boo with playful,
sturdy flaps! Age Birth-3 Boardbook 14pp
£5.50 (Members £4.95)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Early Years and Primary (Ages Birth-11)
Special Book Collection
A selection of bestsellers, the unmissable
and the unusual. ALL BOOKS SOLD
All Kinds of Beliefs (Ref: 7007)
All Kinds of People (Ref: 6904)
by Emma Damon
All Kinds of Feelings (Ref: 8019)
by Emma Brownjohn
With plenty of pop-ups and flaps to open, this everpopular series provides an ideal opportunity to explore
and celebrate our global communities and our diverse
identities. Age 4-7 Hardback 16pp
£10.99 each (Members £9.89)
Donovan’s Big Day
by Lesléa Newman
illustrated by Mike Dutton
A celebration of family. It’s Donovan’s
very BIG day and there’s no room for
error if he’s going to be the ring bearer at
Mommy’s and Mama’s wedding. Brilliantly
captures the build up to and excitement
of a special day. Age 5-8 Ref: 0078
American Import Hardback 27pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
It’s back!
The Secret River
by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
illustrated by Diane & Leo Dillon
A Pulitzer Prize winning classic, recreated by twotime Caldecott Medallist illustrators. An astonishing,
timeless story, set in the Deep South, starring a
soulful, spirited child who relieves her community’s
poverty through the discovery of a miraculous river.
Age 7-10 Ref: 0087 American Import Hardback 42pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
And Tango Makes Three
by Justin Richardson & Peter Parnell
illustrated by Henry Cole
“Tango was the very first penguin in the
zoo to have two daddies.” A gentle book;
effortlessly normalises a same-sex family
unit. ‘Our children enjoyed it very much’
(Pre-School Supervisor, LL reviewer)
Age 3-7 Ref: 9216 Paperback 31pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
English Assoc. 4-11 Book Awards 2011
by Jeannie Baker
Two cultures, two stories. This ingeniously
designed, wordless book reveals two children’s
stories simultaneously and their parallel, yet
connected, lives in Morocco and Australia.
Stunning portrayal of our global family.
Age 4-10 Ref: 1223 Hardback 34pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Visiting My Dad (Ref: 9944)
Visiting My Mum (Ref: 9945)
by Ormiston Children & Families Trust
Superb little photographic resources for children
who have a parent in prison. Clear, informative
and reassuring. ‘I really liked the way they have
incorporated children’s voices’ (Primary Strategy
Consultant, LL reviewer). Age 5-9 Paperback 20pp
£3.00 each (Members £2.70)
Deron Goes To
Nursery (Ref: 9821)
English Assoc. 4-11 Shortlist 2010
Grandma Comes
To Stay (Ref: 9822)
by Ifeoma Onyefulu
Smashing photography by the awardwinning Onyefulu capture these first
experiences which just happen to be
set in modern Ghana. Unbeatable!
Age 3-5 Hardback 24pp
£11.99 each (Members £10.79)
Not All Princesses
Dress In Pink
by Jane Yolen & Heidi Stemple
illustrated by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin
Hilarious rhyming fun. Princesses with power tools
and broken nails- but all with their sparkly crowns
intact! A smart and refreshing antidote. Age 4-7
Ref: 1092 American Import Hardback 29pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
Wild Child
by Jeanne Willis
photos by Lorna Freytag
Dedicated to wild children everywhere. A
glorious hymn to the wonders of the natural
world, to toadstools and snails- and to every
spirited child! ‘Stunning pictures and lovely
rhymes’ (Childminder, LL reviewer). Age 4-7
Ref: 0141 Hardback 24pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
We believe that choice, quality and diversity lead to good
readers who love reading. Here is a careful selection of special
stories chosen by our reviewers to promote a love of reading for
reading’s sake.
NEW! Reading for Pleasure
Pack KEY STAGE 1 & 2
(Ages 5-11)
Members’ Price £84
Retail Price £96.88
Save £12.88
Ref: READ01
12 Books
Aesop’s Fables
by Beverley Naidoo
illustrated by Piet Grobler
An acclaimed S. African author/illustrator team
bring an exciting new interpretation to Aesop’s
classics, set in the grasslands of southern
Africa. ‘Full of humour and appeal for children’
(Senior EMAS Consultant, LL reviewer).
Age 7-10 Ref: 1407 Hardback 43pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Black Dog
The Lost Stars
by Hannah Cumming
Children will delight in the bold and expressive illustrations of this imaginative story
about our relationship with the natural world and the endangered magic of the night
sky. Brilliant! Age 4-8 Ref: 1410 Paperback 27pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
by Levi Pinfold
Mbobo Tree
by Glenda Millard
illustrated by Annie White
A gorgeously illustrated and original read-aloud
about a family called Hope and a Black Dog
who is a) fearfully scary or b) insignificantly
puppy-like- depending on how you look at the
world…Age 6-9 Ref: 0101 Paperback 25pp
A little girl with a huge name wraps herself in a mysterious
silence…until a stranger threatens to axe down the village tree. A
simply stunning folktale about respect for nature- and true grit. Age
5-9 Ref: 1311 Hardback 29pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Can’t Sleep Without Sheep
by Susanna Leonard Hill
illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
Off to Market
by Elizabeth Dale
illustrated by Erika Paul
Ava knows all about counting sheep- but she
takes so long to drift off that the sheep begin
to get tired…could a hippo and a penguin fill in
for them? Wow illustrations! Age 4-6 Ref: 1408
Paperback 29pp
Joe’s bus is full of people going to market- too full! How
can they lighten the load? Warm and humorous rhyming
text and gorgeous, colourful artwork make this story a joy.
Age 4-7 Ref: 0144 Hardback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
The Django
The Romanian Builder
by Levi Pinfold
by Peter Prendergast
illustrated by Ross Stewart
The naughty Django keeps getting Jean into
trouble. What can he do? A hilarious tale,
inspired by jazz musician, Django Reinhardt.
Set in a Romany community. Brilliant! Age
6-9 Ref: 0142 Paperback 32pp
Joe is disappointed by the new builder: Radu isn’t big, doesn’t have
enough heavy machinery and he doesn’t speak English. A side-splittingly
funny story about a friendship between a little Irish boy and an Eastern
European builder. Age 6-9 Ref: 1100 Irish Import Hardback 29pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO BE
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Fussy Freya
by Katharine Quarmby
illustrated by Piet Grobler
A smart little cautionary tale about fussy eating,
told in zany, bouncy rhymes. Kept us chuckling.
Mashed monkey, anyone? (Mixed race family).
Age 4-7 Ref: 0143 Paperback 24pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
by Karin Littlewood
An astonishing illustrator turns her hand to writing
and long may she do so! A simply stunning story
about hope, giving and wonder seen through
the eyes of a little Inuit girl. ‘A delightful book. A
touch of magic’ (Children’s Centre Coordinator, LL
reviewer). Age 4-7 Ref: 0025 Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Ruby Nettleship and
the Ice Lolly Adventure
by Thomas & Helen Docherty
A run down, cranky urban playground is
transformed by a plucky child, a glowing
green ice lolly and a savvy (woman) mayor.
Very popular with our very young reviewers.
‘The Year 1 children I read this to loved it’
(Primary Inclusion Manager, LL reviewer).
Age 5-8 Ref: 0086 Paperback 32pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
The Snow Leopard
by Jackie Morris
An enchanting, modern myth set in
the Himalayas, created by the hugely
talented Morris. An atmospheric tale
of guardian spirits, the beauty of
our natural world, magic- and hope.
Superlative artwork! Age 6-10
Ref: 0085 Paperback 24pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Disabilities Pack
(Ages 5-7)
Members’ Price £41
Retail Price £45.94
Save £4.94
Ref: DISKS102 7 Books
Affirmative portrayals of children of all abilities getting on with their
busy, fun-filled lives. Includes many titles which, rather than being ‘about’
disability, instead present disabled children ‘casually’, as a natural part
of the landscape. Don’t forget to look out for the blue “D” throughout the
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
Best Friend on Wheels
by Debra Shirley
illustrated by Judy Stead
Best friends, like two peas in a pod…except one prefers vanilla, the other cherry delight; one walks,
the other rolls and spins! Rhyming, upbeat and great for challenging assumptions about disability.
Age 5-8 Ref: 1201 American Import Hardback 30pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
It’s back!
Keep Your Ear
on the Ball
by Genevieve Petrillo
illustrated by Lea Lyon
Davey is blind. And, completely
self-sufficient. His classmates
quickly learn how to offer
support while still respecting his
independence. Very affirming.
Age 6-8 Ref: 9516b American
Import Paperback 28pp
(Members £5.39)
Also limited stock available
in hardback Ref: 9516
(Members £11.69)
by Joyce Dunbar
illustrated by Jane Ray
Hudson hates school. And he
really, really hates spelling…
but when a test uncovers his
dyslexiahe discovers he can
learn to learn. Endorsed by
the British Dyslexia
Association; dyslexia-friendly
typeface. Age 5-8
Ref: 1117b Paperback 26pp
An enchanting fantasy
about a bubble blowing
moonchild, a magical
moonbird and a little
prince (who is deaf),
wrapped in the silence
of the moon. Dazzling
illustrations. Age 4-8
Ref: 9032b
Paperback 32pp
(Members £6.29)
(Ref: 1089)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable.ANY BOOK CAN ALSO
The Art of Miss Chew
by Patricia Polacco
We All
Read (Ref: 0135)
Book-obsessed Ginny assumes that
everyone sees the world her way but
then an eye test shows she has double
vision and needs an eye patch…could
this lead to a new career as a pirate?
Very affirming. Age 4-7 Ref: 0099
American Import Hardback 37pp
A brilliantly inclusive and
enthusiastic photographic
series which explores
common activities. Can
also be used to discuss
our physical and mental
differences. Age 4-6
Paperback 20pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
by Rebecca Rissman
£6.99 each
(Members £6.29)
Buy both Primary Packs
Members’ Price £75
Retail Price £86.88
SAVE £11.88
Ref: D020 13 Books
Ferris Fleet the Wheelchair
Wizard (Ref: 8518)
How to Save a Dragon (Ref: 0037)
by Annie Dalton
illustrated by Carl Pearce
Oscar’s family relocate to Planet Nine for a peaceful life. But his Cosmic
Peace Police mum, his Wizard babysitter and a sinister Dragon Poacher
mean that nothing will be quiet for long! Age 7-10 Paperback 33pp & 119pp.
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
When her teacher, Mr Donovan, sends Trisha (who has
dyslexia) to Miss Chew’s Art Class, she is inspired. But
Mr Donovan leaves and the new teacher thinks art is a
distraction. Will she be allowed to nurture her talent?
Age 6-9 Ref: 0145 American Import Hardback 37pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
A Little Bit of Mischief
by Jenny Sullivan
illustrated by Graham Howells
Cari, a wheelchair user, is fed up with people fussing over her.
She decides to take charge and if that means getting up to a bit
of mischief- so be it! Set in Cardiff’s accessible science centre,
Techniquest. Age 6-9 Ref: 1245 Paperback 29pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Pirate of
by George Ella Lyon
illustrated by Lynne Avril
(Members £6.29)
Disabilities Pack KEY STAGE 2
(Ages 7-11)
Members’ Price £36
Retail Price £40.94
Save £4.94
Ref: DISKS202 6 Books
We All Move
Hudson Hates
by Ella Hudson
What Would Joey
Do? (Ref: 1250)
NEW I Am Not Joey
Pigza (Ref: 0146)
by Jack Gantos
Can Joey (who has ADHD) find himself
a friend? Is his absent father up to his
old tricks? Find out in these brilliantly
comic and poignant stories about a
funny and thoughtful boy. Age 9-12
Paperback 282 & 263pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Stories from a Range
of Cultures & Settings
KEY STAGE 1 (Ages 5-7)
Members’ Price £59
Retail Price £67.38
Save £8.38
Ref: MCSKS102 13 Books
Make literacy an enriching global experience through Traditional
Tales and Contemporary World Stories. Meet naughty little tricksters
and bold, witty heroes from every continent. One of our most popular
packs, split into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, with the option to
buy both.
The Dinner of Smells (Ref: 0147)
by Humaira Rashid
illustrated by Jamie Lenman
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
The Guru and the King (Ref: 0148)
by Bali Rai
illustrated by Victoria Maderna
A cruel king and a greedy business man are thoroughly outwitted in these
lively, Sikh and Muslim (respectively) folk tales from bestselling authors.
Age 4-7 Paperback 32pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Anansi the
Banana Thief (Ref: 1022)
told by Anne Adeney
illustrated by Yannick Robert
Too Many Webs
for Anansi (Ref: 1023)
told by Malachy Doyle
illustrated by Lisa Smith
A belly-full of humour packed into 2
short narratives featuring that hugely
naughty African-Caribbean trickster,
Anansi! Age 4-6 Paperback 28pp
£4.99 each (Members £4.49)
Jabuti the
Tortoise (Ref: 9930)
Zomo the Rabbit
(Ref: 9931)
by Gerald McDermott
The Peach Boy
retold by Alex Frith
illustrated by Kelly Murphy
The Leopard
and the Sky God
A boy born from a giant peach,
horned ogres from Ogre Island
and one almighty show-down.
A jolly and fierce little Japanese
folk tale. Age 4-6 Ref: 0028
Hardback 46pp
retold by Mairi Mackinnon
illustrated by Ali Lodge
Two entertaining trickster
escapades: Zomo, the speedy
and clever rabbit of West
Africa and Jabuti, the slow
but crafty tortoise from the
Amazon. Dazzlingly illustrated.
Age 4-7 American Import
Paperback 29pp
Leopard doesn’t want to lend
his drum to the Sky God- can
tortoise help? A bold and lively
retelling of a Ghanaian story for
beginner readers. Age 4-6
Ref: 0149 Hardback 48pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£4.99 each
(Members £4.49)
The Ant and
the Big Bad
Bully Goat
Lon Po Po
Randolph Caldecott Medal Winner
by Ed Young
by Andrew Fusek Peters
illustrated by Anna Wadham
A strikingly illustrated Red Riding Hood
story from China. Age 4-8 Ref: 1106
American Import Paperback 28pp
A high quality, witty Iberian story
with a superb twist. Age 4-7
Ref: 9340 Paperback 31pp
Little Panda
by Renatta Liwska
When Mama goes in
search of bamboo, Little Panda
receives an unwelcome visitor.
But…perhaps tigers really
can be sent flying?! Fun and
reassuring. Set in the Chinese
mountains. Age 5-8 Ref: 0150
American Import
Paperback 30pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Tiger-Skin Rug
by Gerald Rose
The Blue Fox
retold & illustrated by Erin Leigh & Acacias Primary’s
Year 3/4 children
Buy both Prima
Members’ Pri
Retail Price £
SAVE £17
Ref: MCS25
A Bengali fable about a rather naughty and very greedy
little red fox…and his life-changing experience of being
drenched in blue dye! Retold with zest by Manchester
school children. Age 5-8 Ref: 0027 Paperback 34pp
£4.50 (Members £4.05)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
A sad and thin old tiger tires of life in
the Indian jungle- so he passes himself
off as a tiger-skin rug in the Rajah’s
luxorious palace! How long will he remain
undiscovered? Charming, beguiling and
hilarious. Age 5-8
Ref: 0030 Paperback 29pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Stories from a Range
of Cultures & Settings
KEY STAGE 2 (Ages 7-11)
Members’ Price £58
Retail Price £66.89
Save £8.89
Ref: MCSKS20 11 Books
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO
The Abominable
retold by Fran Parnell
illustrated by Sophie Fatus
Ramay’s mother has had enough of his
lazy ways…but a chance meeting with
the Shokpa in the mountains of Nepal
might be the answer to a day dreamer’s
future. Wonderful illustrations. Age 6-9
Ref: 0031 Paperback 48pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
by Patricia Polacco
Baba Yaga is famous
throughout Russia for eating
children, but this particular one
is not what she seems. A joyful
story of the outsider who gets
to join in.
Age 6-8 Ref: 0151 American
Import Paperback 29pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
A Donkey Reads
ary Packs
ice £116
24 Books
Babushka Baba
by Muriel Mandell
illustrated by André Letria
A side-splitting story about
a literate donkey. Adapted
from a folktale by a 13th
century Turkish imam. Age 6-9
Ref: 1338 American Import
Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Cloud Tea
English Assoc. 4-11 Book
Awards Shortlist 2011
Kate Greenaway Shortlist 2011
by Mal Peet & Elspeth Graham
illustrated by Juan Wijngaard
A super-attractive book based
on an ancient Himalayan tale of
tea-picking monkeys. ‘Beautiful
text, beautiful illustrations- we
could do several weeks around
tea, fair-trade, workers’ rights
etc.’ (Primary Inclusion Manager,
LL reviewer). Age 7-10
Ref: 0032 Paperback 44pp
£7.99 (Members £7.19)
Ever Clever Eva
by Andrew Fusek Peters
illustrated by Teresa Murfin
A lively Czech yarn featuring a
mean & rich uncle, an honest &
poor father- and his extremely
resourceful daughter, the superclever Eva. Age 7-10 Ref: 9752
Paperback 72pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Never Trust a Tiger (Ref: 0152)
The Tortoise’s Gift (Ref: 0153)
retold by Lari Don
illustrated by Melanie Williamson
Meet a hungry tiger from Korea and a slow &
steady tortoise from Zambia. Beautifully illustrated,
traditional tales. Great for new and emerging
readers. Age 6-9 Paperback 43pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
The Girl Who
Married a Ghost
by Ifeoma Onyefulu
illustrated by Julia Cairns
The award-winning Ifeoma retells 10
Nigerian stories which sparkle, tickle and
gently caution through some traditional
village wisdom. Age 7-12 Ref: 1025
Paperback 100pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Granny Ting Ting
by Patrice Lawrence
illustrated by Adam Larkum
When Michael goes to visit cousin Shayla in
Trinidad, he insists his home town, London, is far
bigger and better. Shayla thinks that’s nonsense.
Contest on! Age 7-10 Ref: 9753 Paperback 69pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
The Spider Weaver: A Legend of Kente Cloth
by Margaret Musgrove
illustrated by Julia Cairns
Read this captivating Ghanaian story of how Spider shared her weaving secrets with
two resourceful Ashanti weavers. Kente designs are still worn today. Just keeps
walking off our shelves! Age 6-9 Ref: 8816 American Import Paperback 29pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Tale of Chester Choi
by Sarah Brennan
illustrated by Harry Harrison
Chetser Choi is one bad Chinese dragon. A
witty, rhyming tale of greed, bad upbringing
and the transformative power of love!
Age 6-10 Ref: 1412 Hong Kong Import 27pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
PSHE & Citizenship Pack
KEY STAGE 1 (Ages 5-7)
Members’ Price £74
Retail Price £84.88
Save £10.88
Ref: PSHEKS102
12 Books
Books which empower children to develop as responsible individuals
and as thoughtful members of their family and wider community.
Equip children with the knowledge and skills they need through topics
such as the environment, feelings, citizenship, family breakdown and
challenging discrimination. 2 packs which can be bought together.
10 Things I Can Do to Help My World
(Ref: 9731)
My Green Day (Ref: 0039)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
by Melanie Walsh
Sunny and lively books which highlight some crucial but basic
environmental actions the smallest of children can take. Oodles of
child-appeal, complete with flaps! Age 4-6 Paperback 26pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
Have You Got a Secret? (Ref: 0040)
Lost and Found (Ref: 0041)
by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
illustrated by Marta Fàbrega
Getting lost in a public place can be very frightening. When is it ok to
keep secrets? Two excellent stories dealing with child safety written by
a child welfare social worker. Ages 6-8 Paperback 31pp
The Big Picture:
Market (Ref: 0154)
Rain (Ref: 0155)
£7.99 each (Members £7.19)
Buy both Primary
Members’ Price £
Retail Price £131
SAVE £18.83
Ref: PSHE27 17
by Catherine Chambers
Water (Ref: 0156)
Hope is an Open Heart
by Sarah Levete
by Lauren Thompson
Fascinating sustainability information books exploring
village life and the importance of rain in Nigeria,
markets and food in India and the impact of a well in
Malawi. ‘Great for non-fiction genre work’ (Primary
Deputy Head, LL reviewer). Age 5-8 Paperback 24pp
A wonderful photographic tribute to the resilience of hope, inspired by the
devastation caused by natural disasters and conflicts. ‘The Year 5 reviewers
described the book as beautiful and heart-warming’ (Inclusion Manager, LL
reviewer). Age 4-8 Ref: 1244 American Import Paperback 32pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
The Peanut-Free
Ella Moves House:
A Step-Family Story
by Gloria Koster
illustrated by Maryann
by Angela Hassall
illustrated by Caroline Ewen
Ella’s flat is a perfectly snug fit
for her and mum, but then mum’s
new partner, Joe, moves in. What a
clutter! Mum announces they are all
moving…”NO”, says Ella! Expressive
illustrations enhance this reassuring
story about adjusting to a
new family and home. Age 4-6
Ref: 1059 Paperback 28pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Mum and
Dad Glue
by Kes Gray
illustrated by Lee Wildish
“My mum and dad have come
undone. I need to find some
glue”. Fantastically soothing
rhymes and dynamic artwork
compliment a heartfelt story of
recent parental separation. Age
4-7 Ref: 1065 Paperback 30pp
Simon is a full-time, peanut butter
monster. But new boy, Grant, can’t
even bear a whiff of it. A delightful
book about allergies (& a great
wheelchair user portrayal). Made
us chuckle. Age 6-8 Ref: 0157
American Import Paperback 29pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
by Laura Pedersen
illustrated by Penny Weber
Screen time V family time…Ella
is cross. Her family are spending
more time than ever plugged in to
their phones, games & pcs. What’s
a girl to do? ‘Important message
about valuing precious family time
together’ (Inclusion Manager, LL
reviewer). (Mixed race family).
Age 4-7 Ref: 0158 American
Import Hardback 30pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
PSHE & Citizenship Pack
KEY STAGE 2 (Ages 7-11)
Members’ Price £41
Retail Price £46.95
Save £5.95
Ref: PSHEKS202
5 Books
A is Amazing
edited by Wendy Cooling
illustrated by Piet Grobler
A culturally diverse group of poets and an award-winner illustrator create
33 poems exploring every sort of feeling, from Argumentative to Zestful. ‘A
book to return to and from which many favourites will emerge’ (Ed. Liaison
Officer, LL reviewer). Age 7-12 Ref: 0159 Hardback 45pp
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Beatrice’s Dream
Shortlisted 2012 SLA Information Book Award
by Karen L. Williams
photos by Wendy Stone
I Am Thomas
Global citizenship. A brilliant photographic account of 13-yearold Beatrice’s daily life in a Kenyan shanty town. ‘Excellent topic
book- lots of opportunities for extension work’ (Ed. Liaison Officer,
LL reviewer). Age 8-11 Ref: 1352b Paperback 24pp
The Leopard
by Libby Gleeson
illustrated by Armin Greder
£7.99 (Members £7.19)
by Julia Johnson
A simple, powerful, book about
identity, courage and finding
your own way. Can be used in so
many ways. ‘A thought-provoking
book about not conforming- an
excellent discussion book/tool’
(PRU Manager, LL reviewer).
Age 9-14 Ref: 0160 Australian
Import Hardback 27pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
It’s back!
A moving conservation
story about endangered
mountain leopards, set in
the Middle East. ‘Beautifully
written.’ (Former Teacher,
LL reviewer) Ages 7-10
Ref: 0047 Paperback 96pp
Trash! On Ragpicker
Children and Recycling
by Gita Wolf and Anushka Ravishankar
illustrated by Orijit Sen
A simply brilliant book which addresses child labour, street
children and environmental issues through information boxes,
photo-collage and storytelling. Set in modern, urban India.
Age 8-12 Ref: 9237 Indian Import Paperback 104pp
(Members £5.39)
£7.99 (Members £7.19)
Bereavement Books
Grandma’s Purple Flowers
by Adjoa J. Burrowes
A young girl cherishes her visits to Grandma where a big hug and a wide smile
always await her. When Gran dies, the girl learns to remember her with joy. Very
touching. Age 6-9 Ref: 1120 American Import Paperback 29pp
Sensitive and soothing stories and
resources which give children the tools
to cope with loss and grief. ALL BOOKS
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Missing Mummy
by Rebecca Cole
The Heart and
the Bottle
Booktrust Best New
Illustrators Award 2008
by Oliver Jeffers
A bereaved child decides to lock
her heart away in a safe place.
But can she get it back? The
depths of loss are treated with
an extraordinary lightness
of touch. Age 5+
Ref: 1036b Paperback 31pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Also limited stock available
in hardback Ref: 1036
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
Simple text and evocative artwork combine to gently explore a
child’s fears and feelings after the death of a parent. Honest but
reassuring. Excellent. Age 3-6 Ref: 0057b Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Jim’s Dog,
by Miriam Cohen
illustrated by Ronald Himler
How can the other children
help Jim after the death of
his beloved dog? A tender,
accessible yet sophisticated
story about the effects of
bereavement. Age 5-8
Ref: 9736 American Import
Paperback 29pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
The Scar
by Charlotte Moundlic
illustrated by Olivier Tallec
A smart, unflinching book about a child grieving the
loss of a parent: their sadness, rage, confusion and
healing ‘Beautiful, real story with great words and
illustrations’ (Education Lecturer, LL reviewer).
Age 7-10 Ref: 0161 Paperback 31pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Bullying Pack
KEY STAGE 1 (Ages 5-7)
Members’ Price £36
Retail Price £40.95
Save £4.95
Ref: BULKS102
5 Books
Two sensitive, empowering and sophisticated anti-bullying packs
addressing bullying in all its forms. Includes: the impact of emotional
bullying; anti-bullying strategies; exclusion amongst friendship groups;
the perspectives of both bullies and the bullied.
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
Each Kindness
by Naomi Tipping
New edition. A clever lift-the-flap
book which takes a mature and
thorough look at bullying through
very accessible text. Positive,
reassuring and the perfect
prompter for an open discussion.
Age 5-8 Ref: 0162
Hardback 12pp
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
Bus Ride Bully
by Cari Meister
illustrated by Rémy Simard
by Jacqueline Woodson
illustrated by E. B. Lewis
Say Hello
New girl, Maya, looks different
in her ragged hand-me-downs
and she’s always left playing
on her own. A wise, thoughtful,
everyday story about exclusion
& kindness. An award-winning
team and one of the most moving
picture books we have seen.
Age 5-8 Ref: 0163 American
Import Hardback 30pp
by Jack and Michael Foreman
Kate Greenaway
Nominee 2009
“Left out, no fun. I wouldn’t do
this to anyone”. An excellent
prompt for discussing isolation,
inclusion and showing a little
kindness. Age 4-6
Ref: 9642 Paperback 32pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Gavin dreads the trip to school with bus ride bully, Max. A fun, simple story about a complex
idea- sometimes, bullies just need a friend. Age 5-8 Ref: 1363 American Import Paperback 24pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Bullying Pack
KEY STAGE 2 (Ages 7-11)
Members’ Price £35
Retail Price £38.95
Save £3.95
Ref: BULKS202
5 Books
Leave Me Alone
by Kes Gray
illustrated by Lee Wildish
A young boy struggles to
stand up to a bully until his
friends show him that 8 loud
voices are stronger than
one! Brilliantly told through
sensational illustrations and
rhyming text. Age 4-6
Ref: 0048b Paperback 32pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Buy both Primary Packs
Members’ Price £69
Retail Price £79.90
SAVE £10.90
Ref: BUL15
10 Books
Best of Enemies, Best of Friends
compiled by Brian Moses
This poetry collection lifts the lid on bullying and the art of friendship: how it feels
to be bullied, what makes a bully, the importance of friendship and much, much
more… Ages 6-10 Ref: 0049 Paperback 96pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
Say Something
by Peggy Moss
illustrated by Lea Lyon
Just Kidding
by Trudy Ludwig
illustrated by Adam Gustavson
Confessions of a
Former Bully
by Trudy Ludwig
illustrated by Beth Adams
“I’m going to tell you what you need to
know about bullying”. A unique take, from
a bully’s point of view, offering facts, tips
and fantastically empowering advice.
Age 8-11 Ref: 0164 American Import
Paperback 43pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
A rare, sensitive and skilful look
at emotional bullying among boys.
‘Excellent. We have copied out
the Teasing Dos and Don’ts for
our classroom’ (Primary Teacher,
Letterbox reviewer). Age 7-10
Ref: 9231 American Import
Hardback 28pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
Our Friendship Rules
by Peggy Moss & Dee Dee Tardif
illustrated by Alissa I. Geis
Alexandra and Jenny are bestest
friends. But, with the arrival of supercool Rolinda, Alexandra is dazzled. Will
she stop at nothing
to get in with the popular girls?…
‘Very realistic account of girls’
friendships’ (School Puppeteer,
LL reviewer). Age 6-9 Ref: 1209b
American Import Paperback 30pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
An astute picture book. Is not
joining in with the bullies enough?
One girl thinks it is until the bullies
start on her. An award-winner and
one of our bestsellers. Age 6-9
Ref: 8434b American Import
Paperback 30pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Also limited stock available in
hardback Ref: 8434
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Refugee & Migration
(Ages 5-7)
Members’ Price £30
Retail Price £33.94
Save £3.94
Ref: REFKS102
6 Books
Moving and affirmative narratives of new arrivals, refugees and
migrants, with a strong focus on the UK. A clever combination of real
life stories and imaginative fiction which challenge preconceptions and
give an understanding of what it is like to start over in a new country.
The Dreaming Tree
by Eithne Massey
illustrated by Marie Thorhauge
In Brazil, Roberto was a football king. But now in Ireland, he’s too
shy to join the local boys’ game…Smashingly illustrated migration
narrative about settling in. Age 6-10 Ref: 1203 Irish Import
Hardback 29pp
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
by Ben Morley
illustrated by Carl Pearce
It’s back!
I Won’t Go
To China
by Enda Wyley
illustrated by Marie Thorhauge
Chang-ming is selected for the
football team. But Mum and Dad
say they’re all off to visit Grandma
in China! ‘A wonderful book looking
at a child reflecting on his cultural
identity’ (Senior Social Worker, LL
reviewer). Age 6-9 Ref: 1222 Irish
Import Hardback 29pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Kasia’s Surprise
by Stella Gurney
illustrated by Petr Horáček
Football-loving Kasia and mum
have moved to England. Kasia
is full of homesickness…but
a surprise summer visit from
babcia and dziadek makes her
reassess her new home town.
Age 5-8 Ref: 1139
Paperback 58pp
by Stella Gurney
illustrated by Katharine McEwen
Tariq loves his funny dad to bits, but
he wishes Mr Chaudury’s English was
a little more fluent. A warm portrayal
of a 2nd generation Bengali family.
‘A lovely story- full of humour’
(Former Primary Teacher, LL
reviewer). Age 5-8 Ref: 9511
Paperback 58pp
£3.99 (Members £3.59)
and Rinki
by Addy Farmer
illustrated by
Karin Littlewood
A new boy moves in next door.
Mum says he’s an asylum
seeker. “A Silence Seeker!”
says Joe. And so begins the
story of a delightful little boy
who sets out to find silence for
his new friend. Age 6-9
Ref: 9871 Paperback 26pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Siddharth has come to live in Britain. He dreams of
the heat and colours of India and the friends he left
behind. Rinki, his toy elephant, understands Siddharth’s
loneliness. Then one day Rinki is lost…Age 5-7
Ref: 9870 Paperback 25pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Buy both Primary Packs
Members’ Price £84
Retail Price £96.87
SAVE £12.87
Ref: REF13 13 Books
The Unforgotten Coat
Winner 2012 Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize
by Frank Cottrell Boyce
photos by C. Hunter & C. Heney
A brilliantly conceived, unforgettable, story about two refugee
brothers from Mongolia trying to fit into their Liverpool school.
Evocative Polaroid photos and a magical text full of warmth
and soul. Age 9-13 Ref: 0053b Paperback 43pp
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
My Dad, the Hero
£3.99 (Members £3.59)
Refugee & Migration Pack
KEY STAGE 2 (Ages 7-11)
Members’ Price £55
Retail Price £62.93
Save £7.93
Ref: REFKS202
7 Books
The Silence
£7.99 (Members £7.19)
Hamzat’s Journey
(Ref: 9869)
Azzi In Between
Meltem’s Journey
by Sarah Garland
A smashing, Amnesty-endorsed, story of a family’s escape
from war and their journey to a strange new country (probably
the UK). Realistic and positive. Told in a super child-friendly,
comic-style, format. Age 7-11 Ref: 0165 Hardback 36pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Winner 2010 Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices award
by Tom Avery
A fantastic, action-fuelled, Oliver Twist adventure starring two
refugees on the run in London. ‘Great book! Thrilling, tense and
un-put-downable!’ (Alex, 11, LL reviewer). Age 9+ Ref: 0052
Paperback 168pp
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Armel’s Revenge (Ref: 0051)
illustrated by Erika Pal
both by Nicki Cornwell
Too Much Trouble
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Christophe’s Story (Ref: 9054)
illustrated by Karin Littlewood
Christophe, a Rwandan asylum seeker,
slowly settles into his life in Britain. But
then, Armel, a refugee from the Congo,
arrives at school. Will their shared history, the
Hutu/Tutsi conflict, destroy their new lives?
Age 8-12 Paperback 68pp + 89pp
(Ref: 1138)
by A. Robinson & A. Young
illustrated by June Allan
Hazmat and Meltem flee
conflict and devastation in
Chechnya and (Kurdish) Turkey
respectively. Each attempts to
rebuild their lives in the UK. True
stories accompanied by a mix of
photos and illustrations.
Age 7-11 Hardback 26pp
£11.99 each
(Members £10.79)
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Gender Equality Pack
KEY STAGE 1 (Ages 5-7)
Members’ Price £37
Retail Price £41.95
Save £4.95
Ref: GENKS102
5 Books
A joyful bookshelf of stories which shows that both girls and boys can
be independent, resourceful, caring and sensitive. Encourages children
to feel free with their role play and with their ambitions.
The Big Brother
by Stephanie Dagg
illustrated by Alan Clarke
Will Dara know what to do when the new baby
comes? If only he could have a doll to practise with.
An absolutely brilliant challenge to gendered ideas
about children’s toys. Funny and heart-warming. Age
5-7 Ref: 1343 Irish Import Paperback 64pp
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Samuel’s Baby
by Mark Elkin
illustrated by Amy Wummer
On Monday Samuel announces
that he’s having a baby. By Friday
all of his classmates (girls and
boys) feel broody! We chuckled
all the way through this lovely and
hilarious book about expecting a
new sibling.Age 4-7 Ref: 0054
American Import Hardback 29pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
Horace and
Morris but
Mostly Dolores
by James Howe
illustrated by Amy Walrod
The Flying
Teddy and Ruby set out on a
fantastic flying adventure! Shows
girls and boys equally at home
in their hardhats and diggers.
‘Encourages children to feel
free with their role play’ (Social
Worker, LL reviewer). Age 4-6
Ref: 1344 Paperback 24pp
Buy both Primary Packs
Members’ Price £68
Retail Price £77.90
SAVE £9.90
Ref: GEN05 10 Books
Gender Equality Pack
KEY STAGE 2 (Ages 7-11)
Members’ Price £32
Retail Price £35.95
Save £3.95
Ref: GENKS202 5 Books
It’s back!
When the Bees Fly
by Andrea Chang
illustrated by Joline McFadden
A special story about a sensitive, artistic,
boy who- while not as physically strong
as the other men in his family- is just
as gifted. A beautiful anthem to being
true to who you are. Age 6-10 Ref: 9606
American Import Hardback 30pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
(Members £5.39)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO
Rickshaw Girl
SeeSaw Girl
by Mitali Perkins
illustrated by Jamie Hogan
by Linda Sue Park
illustrated by Jean &
Mou-Sien Tseng
Saleem can drive a rickshaw
and help earn money for his
family. Naima longs to help
but is forbidden as a girl. A
wonderfully unique story set
in rural Bangladesh exploring
the challenges change brings.
Fantastic! Age 7-11 Ref: 9463
American Import Paperback 91pp
In 17th century Korea, girls from
“good” families stay within the
Inner Court until they are married.
But Jade yearns to glimpse the
world outside these walls...An
evocative narrative by a Newberry
medallist. Age 9-12 Ref: 1248
American Import Paperback 86pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
by Linda Skeers
illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf
Emma is a frog-chasing, rough
& tumble sort of child. So when
Uncle Leo sends her a ballerina
costume, she’s just doesn’t know
what to do…should she flutter?
Or twirl? A laugh-out-loud sort of
book. Age 4-7 Ref: 0167 American
Import Hardback 23pp
Best friends: 1 girl mouse
and 2 boy mice. Must they
really join the boys-only
and girls-only clubs? A
fun and spirited tribute to
friendship and inclusion.
Age 4-7 Ref: 0166
American Import
Paperback 29pp
by Ian Whybrow
illustrated by David Melling
Tutus Aren’t My
The King
and the Seed
by Eric Maddern
illustrated by Paul Hess
What happens when the King holds
a competition to choose an heir? Will
he look for a knight with lances and
swords? Or could an honest, nurturing
boy win the day? Find out in this
beautifully illustrated retelling of a
Chinese Mandarin folk story. Ages 6-8
Ref: 0056 Paperback 24pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
The Pirate Queen
by Terry Deary
illustrated by Helen Flook
A raucous, swashbuckling tale based on the real life 16th century pirate,
Grace O’Malley, aka the Terror of the Irish Sea. Relive her adventures and her
encounter with another powerful woman…the Queen of England! Age 7-9
Ref: 0168 Paperback 58pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Multi-faith Pack KEY
STAGE 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Members’ Price £34
Retail Price £37.95
Save £3.95
Ref: RE20 5 Books
We want to offer you more than the run-of-the-mill, RE resource books.
So instead, we try to bring you some of the more unusual and exciting
faith stories available. A stunning little collection…we think!
The Most Magnificent Mosque
by Ann Jungman
illustrated by Shelley Fowles
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK
In 13th Century Cordoba, three young boys from different faiths join forces to save the city’s mosque.
A profound tale of religious harmony and civic solidarity. Age 6-9 Ref: 9035 Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Ramadan Moon
by Na’ima B Robert
illustrated by Shirin Adl
Witness the happiness of Ramadan and Eid- and
the diversity of Muslims across the globe. Superinclusive. ‘It is a quiet, calm book; it has brilliant
illustrations’ (Aphrael, 9, LL reviewer). Age 5-9
Ref: 9938b Paperback 24pp
Lin Yi’s Lantern
by Brenda Williams
illustrated by Benjamin Lacombe
A World of Festivals
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
by Rebecca Rissman
Who Built the Stable?
It’s the Moon Festival- and Lin Yi is
after a new red rabbit lantern. But
first there are star fruits and moon
cakes to buy… ‘I liked this book
because it’s very bright and it’s good
to have instructions!’ (Lauren, 10, LL
reviewer). Glowing illustrations; great
reference notes. Age 6-9
Ref: 1029b Paperback 30pp
A multi-faith fest, introducing the
major celebrations through sparkling,
crispy photos and large, clear text.
‘Beautifully produced books with
great photos’ (Former EY Advisory
Teacher, LL reviewer). Age 4-6
Ref: 0170 Paperback 20pp
by Ashley Bryan
The Coretta Scott King Award–winning author
thought up the title while travelling through a
hilly, African landscape. The result is a simple,
gentle, rhyming Nativity tale about a shepherd
boy, apprenticed as a carpenter, and the stable
he built… Age 3-6 Ref: 0169 American Import
Hardback 32pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£10.99 (Members £9.89)
Dual Language Books
Languages stocked are listed
below each title:
Goose Fables
by Shaun Chatto
illustrated by Jago
Arabic (A), Bengali (B), Chinese (C),
French (F), Gujarati (G), Panjabi (P),
Polish (Po), Somali (So), Turkish (T),
Urdu (U), Vietnamese (V).
An Aesop tale and a Buddhist one, both starring geese! ‘My 6 ½-yearold daughter really enjoyed this book’ (Education Safeguarding
Consultant, LL reviewer). Age 4-7 Ref: 0171 Paperback 30pp
£8.50 (Members £7.65)
(A) (B) (Po) (U)
Deepak’s Diwali
by Divya Karwal
illustrated by Doreen Lang
A contemporary story
interwoven with Hindu
mythology. Stars the
imaginative Deepak and feisty
cousin, Tara (a wheelchair
user). Age 6-9 Ref: 9947
Paperback 31pp
£8.50 (Members £7.65)
(B) (G) (P) (U)
The Giant Turnip
adapted by Henriette Barkow
illustrated by Richard Johnson
Charming retelling of a classic. Miss
Honeywood’s class (including Samira,
a wheelchair user) are amazed when
a turnip taller than a giraffe pops up in
their vegetable plot.…Age 3-8
Ref: 9026 Paperback 22pp
£8.50 (Members £7.65)
(A) (F) (T) (U)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
Li’s Chinese New Year
What Is Peace?
by Fang Wang
illustrated by Jennifer Corfield
(+ Poster)
by Emma Damon
From the story of the great race to
making dumplings and watching
the fireworks, this is a wonderfully
informative take on one family’s New
Year celebrations. Age 5-8 Ref: 0058
Paperback 31pp
Peace is listening, not arguing;
building, not breaking. A muchloved lift-the-flap book.
Age 3-7 Ref: 9223
Hardback & Poster 9pp
£8.50 (Members £7.65)
(C) (F) (Po) (V)
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
£8.50 (Members £7.65)
(B) (G) (So) (T)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2
Black History Pack
(Ages 5-11)
Members’ Price £146
Retail Price £169.73
Save £23.73
Ref: BH23 29 Books
(Ages 5-11)
Every month should be Black History month! Famous for our Black
History selections, this dazzling collection includes both historical and
contemporary icons from the anti-slavery, civil rights and anti-racist
movements. We strive for a good gender balance and we work hard to
include as much Black British History as possible (see the ‘UK’ symbol).
Ella Fitzgerald
by Mega Schoeneberger
Suitable substitutions will be made if any
title becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN
A simple and fantastic photographic read, packed with
facts. Learn all about the first lady of jazz! Age 8-12
Ref: 1133 American Import Paperback 27pp
reluctant reader Arctic
Hero: The Incredible Life of
Matthew Henson
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
by Catherine Johnson
illustrated by Seb Camagajevac
On the ice he was a respected explorer but at home
he faced racism and segregation. A gripping account
of a unique hero. Reading Age 8+ Interest 9-14
Ref: 9466 Paperback 55pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Barack Obama:
The Making of a President
Matthew Henson (Ref: 0172)
by B A Hoena
illustrated by P. Miller & C. Barnett III
Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion (Ref: 0173)
by Michael Burgan
illustrated by R. Dominguez, B. Wiacek & C. Barnett III
Race through the biographies of two 19th century icons: a
great Arctic adventurer and a truly courageous activist. Actionpacked non-fiction in graphic format. Age 8-14 American Import
Paperback 37pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
by Dawne Allette
A wonderful chapter book biography detailing
Obama’s extraordinary journey. Snappy Fact File
boxes, full colour photos and fantastic nuggets of
information which give real insight into this modern
day hero. Age 10+ Ref: 9867 Paperback 164pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Bessie Coleman (Ref: 1130)
by Trina Robbins
illustrated by Ken Steacy
Madam C J Walker (Ref: 1131)
by Katherine Kroh
illustrated by Richard Dominquez et al
Five Famous Writers (Ref: 9467)
Five Brilliant Scientists (Ref: 8933)
by Lynda Jones
Five Brave Explorers (Ref: 8932)
Five Notable Inventors (Ref: 9255)
by Wade Hudson
all illustrated by Ron Garnett
Great little first chapter books with large font. Meet the
famous, the most brilliant, bold, brave and notable of
Black heroes… old favourites and the less familiar!
Age 7-9 American Import Paperback 42pp
£3.99 each (Members £3.59)
Action-packed non-fiction. Read about the first
black woman pilot and uncover the first self-made
US female millionaire. Graphic format. Age 8-14
American Import Paperback 27pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Black Stars Series:
UK Benjamin Zephaniah (Ref: 9574)
illustrated by Gillian Hunt
UK David Grant (Ref: 9954)
illustrated by Nick Spender
UK Malorie Blackman (Ref: 9575)
illustrated by Virginia Gray
UK Rudolph Walker (Ref: 9576)
illustrated by Debbie Hinks
all by Verna Wilkins
Highly recommended by Scholastic Junior Education.
Brilliantly executed biographies of contemporary Black
UK role models. Superb! Age 7-10 Paperback 40pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
UK NEW Jessica Ennis (Ref: 0174)
UK Lewis Hamilton (Ref: 9866)
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
UK Hope Powell (Ref: 9865)
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
by Roy Apps
illustrated by Chris King
Exciting, pacey biographies about three top UK sportspeople, including
an Olympian great who you may have heard of…! Our primary children
reviewers simply loved these. Age 7-12 Paperback 41pp
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
I Have A Dream Speech in
by Leslie J. Holland
by Verna Allette Williams
illustrated by Lynne Willey
Packed full of important historical information,
this thoughtful translation is a wonderful addition
to any classroom or bookshelf. Interesting and
thought provoking, well presented with great
captions and photography. Ages 8-10
Ref: 0059 American Import Paperback 32pp
A new paperback edition, updated by the author. The very
normal lives of Stephen and his family are sensitively
contrasted with the devastation of his brutal murder in
this well-written, fully illustrated biography. A must for all
schools. Age 8-13 Ref: 0179 Paperback 65pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
by Jessica Gunderson
illustrated by Pat Kinsella
UK Olaudah Equiano
Son of Africa
by Jackie Ould-Okojie
illustrations by Manchester school children
A modern icon who grew up in a Brooklyn
housing project, has all his talents laid bare
here: hip-hop artist, record label founder
and business mogul. Age 8-14 Ref: 0175
American Import Paperback 27pp
Fills an important gap in available literature on this
significant Black British hero. Original and fantastic!
Age 6-11 Ref: 9143 Paperback 24pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
UK The Life of Stephen
£3.99 (Members £3.59)
Inspirational Lives:
UK Kelly Holmes (Ref: 0176)
Usain Bolt (Ref: 0177)
UK reluctant reader
by Simon Hart
by Michaela Morgan
2 heroes with super-fast legs! A lovely
non-fiction series by a longstanding sports
journalist. Includes plenty of practical advice
on breaking into competitive athletics.
Age 9-12 Paperback 29pp
An exciting introduction to Walter
Tull, the first Black outfield player
in professional football and the first
Black officer in the British army.
Reading Age 8+ Interest 9-14
Ref: 8555 Paperback 58pp
£8.99 each (Members £8.09)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Langston Hughes
by Brigid Gallagher
UK Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
by Rolls Crescent’s Year 6 children
A wonderfully in-depth portrayal of
the man dubbed the “Black Poet
Laureate”. Complete with glossary,
timeline and family tree. Age
9-12 Ref: 0178 American Import
Paperback 43pp
The extraordinary life of a (mixed race) super-talented
British musician, brought to you by a group of inspired
schoolchildren. Age 7-10 Ref: 9638 Paperback 26pp
£5.00 (Members £4.50)
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
UK The Life of Mary
by Jackie Ould-Okojie & Plant Hill Arts
College students
A glorious abolitionist hero. Mary Prince,
born into slavery, arrives in London in 1828
and writes the first ever account of a Black
woman to be published in Britain. Age 9-12
Ref: 1046 Paperback 32pp
£5.00 (Members £4.50)
Inside preview
UK Sporting Heroes
by Ruth Redford
Celebrating a clutch of UK Olympian heroes,
including Louis Smith (a role model with
ADHD), Mo Farah, & Christine Ohuruogo.
Bursting with information nuggets: fact files,
family album photos, training schedules &
wonderful pointers for budding athletes!
Age 9-12 Ref: 0080 Paperback 105pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2
(Ages 5-11)
A unique selection of biographies featuring remarkable role models:
women and men from around the globe who have broken social
barriers, taken a stand and achieved great things. Ideal for crosscurricular work. Includes many rare and hard-to-find titles.
Harlem’s Little
by Renée Watson
illustrated by Christian Robinson
edited by Jackie Ould-Okoje
& Emma Britain
A glorious, packed, resource which
celebrates the strong Black British
presence in Olympic historyincluding our top Black Paralympians.
Contributions by 15 UK primary
schools. ‘A brilliant book! I would
highly recommend this for school
libraries especially’ (Former Teacher,
LL reviewer). Age 8-12
Ref: 0081 Paperback 80pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
Nelson Mandela
English Assoc. 4-11
Shortlist 2010
Freedom Box
Henry ‘Box’ Brown was one of the
Underground Railroad’s most famous
young runaways. A powerful retelling
of this extraordinary true story.
Stunning illustrations. Age 6-9 Ref:
9868 American Import Hardback 38pp
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
Imagine growing up with the Jim Crow
laws, Uncle Martin (Luther King Jr.), and
Aunt Dorothy (Cotton). The daughter
of civil rights activists Jean & Andrew
Young remembers her childhood with an
extraordinary family- the family of the civil
rights movement. Age 6-10 Ref: 0060
American Import Hardback 40pp
£12.99 (Members £11.69)
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
The official picture book edition
of his bestselling autobiography.
‘A lovely book about a most
remarkable man!’ (Former
Teacher, LL reviewer). Age 7-11
Ref: 9960b Paperback 56pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Mother Teresa (Ref: 0061)
by Robin Nelson
Mohandas Gandhi (Ref: 0062)
by Sheila Rivera
Interesting and accessible introductions
with fascinating archive photographs.
Includes a glossary and index. Ages 6-10
American Import Paperback 32pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
reluctant reader
Sachin Tendulkar
by Andy Croft
A hero to millions in his
native India and widely
regarded as one of cricket’s
greatest batsman, this is a truly
inspiring story of one boy’s
rise to international cricketing
superstardom. Reading
Age 7+ Interest 10+
Ref: 0063 Paperback 46pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Desmond and the
Very Mean Word
Young Pelé
A wonderfully thoughtful story about bullying, friendship
and the freedom of forgiveness, based on a real episode
from Archbishop Tutu’s childhood. Set in South Africa.
Dreamy illustrations. Age 6-9 Ref: 0082 Hardback 29pp
A world champion’s early days…How a
poor, rock-kicking, Brazilian boy became
a world champion football star with
lightening speed! Age 6-9 Ref: 0065
American Import Paperback 32pp
by Archbishop Desmond Tutu & D. C. Abrams
illustrated by A.G. Ford
A unique and powerful tribute to
14 people who risked their livesbravely, passionately and peacefullyto help others and make the world a
better place. Inspirational! Age 9-12
Ref: 9962 American Import
Hardback 56pp
abridged by Chris Van Wyk
illustrated by Paddy Bouma
by Ellen Levine
illustrated by Kadir Nelson
Peaceful Heroes
by Jonah Winter
illustrated by Sean Addy
£15.00 (Members £13.50)
by Paula Young Shelton
illustrated by Raul Colón
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO BE
“If my voice is powerful enough to
stop the rain, what else can it do?”
An attractive picture book which
captures the talents of singer
Florence Mills, star of the Harlem
Renaissance and passionate
advocate of equal rights. Age
6-9 Ref: 0083 American Import
Hardback 32pp
Britain’s Black
Child of the Civil
Rights Movement
Great Lives Pack KEY
STAGE 1&2 (Ages 5-11)
Members’ Price £95
Retail Price £109.90
Save £14.90
Ref: GL02 11 Books
£11.99 (Members £10.79)
You can phone or fax your order and buy online
by Lesa Cline-Ransome
illustrated by James E. Ransome
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Tel. 020 7503 4801 Fax. 020 7503 4800
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2 (Ages 5-11)
Chapter Books Pack KEY
STAGE 1&2 (Ages 5-11)
Members’ Price £67
Retail Price £76.87
Save £9.87
Ref: CB11
13 Books
Positive representations through fabulous adventures, fantasies and
frolics. Nearly all have been tested by the young members of our
review team. Many authors will be recognisable but we also pride
ourselves on introducing you to bright new talents. For less confident
or reluctant readers, go to the next section!
A Hen in the Wardrobe (Ref: 0102)
The Black Cat Detectives (Ref: 0086)
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO
by Wendy Meddour
A delightful new series starring two quirky, bright little sparks: Ramzi & Shaima.
Cross-cultural adventures incorporating migration, identity and…Monopoly cheats!
‘Simply brilliant!’ (Senior Consultant EMAS, LL reviewer). Age 8-12 Paperback
147pp & 168pp
The Butterfly Heart
by Paula Leyden
Can twins Bul-Boo and Madilla and
Ifwafwa the snake man save Winifred
from a terrible fate? Lyrical, pacy and
authentic read, set in contemporary
Zambia and endorsed by Amnesty.
‘The characters seem vivid and alive.
They really bring you right to Africa’
(Ruth, young LL reviewer). Age 10+
Ref: 0066 Paperback 193pp
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
Road Horse
by Caroline Binch
A stunning Traveller story by a favourite author. Sammy arrives at the famous Appleby
Fair with a dream to find his very own Road Horse. But just when he thinks he’s found
the perfect horse, things get a little rough.... Age 8-12 Ref: 1128 Paperback 155pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Takeshita Demons (Ref: 0067)
Winner Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Award 2009
The Filth Licker (Ref: 0068)
by Cristy Burne
illustrated by Siku
A Greyhound of
a Girl
Longlist 2012 Guardian
Children’s Fiction Prize
by Roddy Doyle
Another gorgeous Doyle. 4
generations of an Irish family
come together to share
histories, to support each other
in growing up and to care for
each other in saying goodbye.
‘Amazing book; a good heart
to the story; beautiful and
adventurous’ (Kana, aged 10,
LL reviewer). Age 9-12
Ref: 0084 Paperback 165pp
Spike and Ali Enson
by Malaika Rose Stanley
illustrated by Sarah Horne
£5.99 each (Members £5.39)
by David Almond
illustrated by Dave McKean
Slog is starting to believe in life after death; he is sure he can see his
Dad… A genius story about loss, fantasy and recovery through sparse,
selective text and wondrous illustrations. Award-winning creators. Ideal
for all reading abilities. Age 8-12 Ref: 0087 Paperback 57pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
by Atinuke
illustrated by Lauren Tobia
(Members £3.59)
Under A Silver Moon
Wasim and the Champ
Half fairytale and half Arabian Nights.
A classic tale of two children, born
under the same silver moon, but
with very different fortunes. ‘Such a
lovely story with wonderfully finely
drawn illustrations’ (Former Teacher,
LL reviewer). Age 7-10 Ref: 0103
Paperback 53pp
Wasim and his friends are due to enter
the local football competition but an
attack on the town mosque suddenly
divides the team between Asian and
white boys...A thought-provoking story
about racism, featuring an endearing
Muslim protagonist. Age 7-10
Ref: 1356 Paperback 110pp
by Anne Fine
illustrated by Lotte Klaver
Have Fun Anna
A hugely loveable
protagonist. Anna leaves
‘Amazing Africa’ to visit her
Canadian Granny, make
new friends and discover
snow! Includes a clever
(age-appropriate) exploration
of prejudice. ‘Deceptively
simple’ (Parenting Facilitator,
LL reviewer). Age 7-10 Ref:
0085 Paperback 105pp
Slog’s Dad
Shortlisted Kate Greenaway Award 2012
Spike is convinced his baby
brother is an alien! Those green
poos, the scaly skin, the gleam in
his eyes. Might Spike’s own family
be even more alternative than he
first thought? Intergalactic hilarity!
Age 7-10 Ref: 1249
Paperback 124pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Simply fantastic fantasy adventures starring Miku, best mate Cait and a
contemporary English landscape crawling with unholy Japanese demons.
‘An exciting, thrilling and unusual book. Unputdownable! Blew me away!’
(Alex, young LL reviewer). Age 8-12 Paperback 134 & 201pp
£4.99 (Members £4.49)
by Chris Ashley
illustrated by Kate Pankhurst
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
by Chrissie Keighery
A sophisticated yet accessible account of disability, exclusion and friendship- all wrapped
up in a beautifully written story. ‘A rare opportunity to introduce the live controversies in
deaf culture to a hearing world’ (Head of LA CYP Service, LL reviewer). Age 10-14
Ref: 0088 Paperback 264pp
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
Primary – Key Stage 1 & 2
(Ages 5-11)
Reluctant Readers Pack
(Ages 5-11)
Members’ Price £35
Retail Price £38.94
Save £3.94
Ref: REL02 6 Books
Suitable substitutions will be made if any title
becomes unavailable. ANY BOOK CAN ALSO
Voted Children’s Publisher of the Year
(Independent Publishing Awards 2007),
Barrington Stoke have a decade of experience
in publishing books for the dyslexic, struggling,
disenchanted and reluctant reader. Here are
some of our reviewers’ favourites.
• A unique opportunity to buy wonderful children’s books
all at discounted prices
• 10% off any purchase under £500
• 15% off £500+ orders
• For £1000+ orders, please contact us on 020 7503 4801
• Members can also buy any of our books packs at the discounted members’ price
(varies from 12%-15% off- see individual book packs for details)
• Notice of additional special offers throughout the year.
• Colourful and informative catalogues delivered to your door.
• Friendly advice from our staff about books covering particular issues or themes
(eg family breakdown, bereavement, adoption, healthy eating).
£6.99 (Members £6.29)
How do I become a member?
by S.P. Gates
illustrated by Dylan Gibson
You can become a member by adding membership to the order form at the back of
this catalogue. You will receive your discount straight away. Current members can also
renew their membership here.
Levi’s in serious trouble. A killer croc is on the loose and
a monster snake is after his little brother. Not to mention
that pesky, man-eating lion…Two thrilling adventures set
in an East African village. Reading Age 6 ½ Interest 10-14
Paperback 46pp
Ordering as a non-member
You can of course also order from us as a non-member. You do not need to take out
membership of Letterbox Library to place an order with us- but only members qualify for
the discounted prices.
Mr Birdsnest and the House
Next Door
We use Royal Mail and Parcel Force to deliver UK orders. See order form for postage &
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The Children’s Laureate helps launch a bright new series for
children with a low reading age. A gentle adventure starring
a clutch of brilliantly drawn characters. (Mixed race family).
Reading Age 6+ Interest 7-10 Ref: 0089 Paperback 73pp
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by Julia Donaldson
illustrated by Hannah Shaw
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
Tudor Rose (Ref: 0071)
Rose of No Man’s Land (Ref: 0072)
by Anne Perry
A troubled school-girl finds a series of special timepieces
which bring her face-to-face with two of the most
important women in history, Elizabeth Tudor and Edith
Cavell. Will Rosie (who has dyslexia) be inspired by their
courage, or will the dangers of the past engulf her?
Reading Age 8+ Interest 10-14 Paperback 69pp
£6.99 each (Members £6.29)
Zoo Rescue
by Jane A. C. West & Roger Hurn
illustrated by Stik
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Killer Croc (Ref: 1129)
Membership & Ordering Information
Superheroes with a social conscience. Can Tribe
help Po Po the Panda escape the zoo and the cruel
keeper, Yu See-Mee? ‘This is a fun book!’ (Parent, LL
reviewer). Reading Age 7+ Interest 9-12 Ref: 0090
Paperback 50pp
£5.99 (Members £5.39)
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Diverse Families Pack
Multi-faith Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
Feelings Pack
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Great Lives Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
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Chapter Books Pack Key Stage 1 & 2
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Stories from a Range of Cultures &
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Letterbox Library
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Burford Road
E15 2SP
Tel: 020 7503 4801 / 020 8534 7502
Fax: 020 7503 4800 / 020 8555 7880
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.letterboxlibrary.com
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