Evaluation Handbook - Gypsy Vanner Horse Society


Evaluation Handbook - Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
Conformation and Performance
Evaluation Program
Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
P.O. Box 65
Waynesfield, ON 45896
[email protected]
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
Conformation and Performance
Evaluation Program
Introduction to the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
Introduction to the Evaluation Program
Gypsy Vanner Breed Standard
Evaluation Rules
Conformation- Movement Evaluation
Performance Evaluations
Awards & Recognition
Appendix A. Relevant Registration Rules & Process
Appendix B. Code of Ethics
Appendix C. Evaluation Score Sheets & Patterns
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Introduction to the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
The history, goals and beliefs of the GVHS -
Founded November 24, 1996, the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society is the world’s first
Registry to recognize a breed of horse developed by the Gypsies of Great Britain
and the only such Registry founded on an in-depth study of British and their horses.
Soon after World War II, a vision was born by the Gypsies of Great Britain to create
the perfect caravan horse; “a small Shire, with more feather, more color and a
sweeter head” was the goal. Selective breeding by the Gypsies continued virtually
unknown to the outside world for over half a century until two Americans, Dennis
and Cindy Thompson, noticed a magical looking horse standing in a field while
traveling through the English countryside. That very horse became #GV000001F in
the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society. His name is Cushti Bok, a name that means “good
luck” in Romany, a language of the Gypsies. The logo of the Gypsy Vanner Horse
Society is an image of Cushti Bok, the letters GVHS with an emphasized “V” for
The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society’s mission begins with ‘a commitment to bring
honor, recognition and a better understanding to one of the world’s most colorful,
least understood societies and the horses they so dearly love’ and ends with ‘a
commitment to remain quality based, culturally sensitive and socially responsible’.
This Registry was established to protect a vision that was born over half a century
ago to create the perfect caravan horse to pull the Gypsies’ colorful caravans.
Specific goals will enable the GVHS to achieve the mission. Those goals are:
 Establish the breed with the look envisioned by the Gypsies.
 Establish the breed with the genetics that it, identified through DNA
verification whenever possible.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Establish the breed with the feelings of the status and pride that Gypsies
feel for their selectively bred horses. “I’d give a thousand pounds just to
walk him in front of the boys,” said Tom Price (the Gypsy who raised Cushti
Bok) as he described the famous stallion, The Kent Horse. We honor Tom
and Gypsy breeders like him by breeding Vanner horses a Gypsy would
want to “walk in front of the boys”.
Establish the breed in parallel to the values that Gypsies place on their
selectively bred horses. Remaining culturally sensitive requires that we
understand and strive to preserve (or elevate) the British/Irish Gypsy
culture’s established means of making a living raising horses.
The name GYPSY VANNER HORSE is the first name in the world to identify a
selectively-bred horse raised by the Gypsies of Great Britain as a breed. The name
was painstakingly chosen and has three components- the people, their vision and
the species. To shorten the breed’s name one would use the breed’s vision word,
“Vanner” or “Vanner Horse”. Compare this to the American Quarter Horse or
Quarter Horse- a people, their vision and the species. Vanner, in the English
Chambers Dictionary is defined as “a horse suitable to pull a caravan”. A Gypsy’s
caravan horse is a “Vanner”.
All breeds result from a crossing of breeds by someone or some culture focused on
creating a specific looking horse from their dreamed image or vision. Once the
vision horse is achieved and recognized, the basic function of a breed society is to
protect, perpetuate, promote and educate others about that breed. Therefore,
cross bred horses are not accepted for registration into the GVHS Studbooks.
The GVHS has the distinction of being the first breed society established in the age
of the Internet. Due to this communication phenomenon, people seeking
information may quickly become confused by multiple names and mixed messages
on the Internet. Confusion is counterproductive to a breed, our Society’s goals and
to a breeder’s ability to achieve success. Registering qualified horses solely with
the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society is an important step toward eliminating that
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
The GVHS offers useful website guidelines designed to help our membership send
the message of the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society. Members’ websites, which
showcase their farm’s individuality, accompanied by a sense of unity, breed clarity,
and the pursuit of like-minded goals, will ensure the success of the breed, the
Society and its members in this unique age in which we live.
Every ingredient described in this introduction- the look, the genetics, the feelings
and the value- existed the day Cushti Bok was discovered. The heartbeat of our
Society and the inspiration for its mission is founded on a desire to preserve and
share those special ingredients with others. Through achieving our goals, Gypsiesone of the most colorful, least understood societies on earth- will take and
extraordinary place in the annals of equine history.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Gypsy Vanner Horse Evaluation Program
The Gypsy Vanner Horse Evaluation Program has been developed as an
educational tool for the horse breeder, to promote thoughtful breeding of Gypsy
Vanner Horses of the type as detailed in the breed standard, and for the public to
educate them about the breed. The program’s purpose is to help breeders and
owners to educate themselves about the strengths and weaknesses of their horses
so they can use this knowledge in making educated breeding and purchasing
decisions. This system should be looked upon as an important tool to help preserve
the wonderful characteristics of the Gypsy Vanner Horse.
The conformation-movement evaluation is also an integral part of the GVHS
Registration process. Horses lacking DNA verification of both sire and dam require
a certain minimum conformation-movement evaluation score to move from the
GVHS Pre-Studbook into the Regular Studbook. More information regarding the
Registration Rules and process can be found in Appendix I.
This is a voluntary program, therefore its success depends on its acceptance and
use by Gypsy Vanner owners. It is a controlled system based on the Gypsy Vanner
Horse Society breed standards. Each horse is scored against the breed standard,
not against another horse. It is not a horse show and not judged as such. There are
all ages, and the performance testing for horses age three and older in English
pleasure, western pleasure and pleasure driving. A horse can be entered into any
part of the evaluation program in a given year, whether it be
conformation/movement alone, performance alone or any combination.
Horses will be evaluated and scored by two GVHS approved Evaluators.
Candidate Evaluators must have verified, relevant equine industry experience and
must complete the Evaluator Training Program. Training will consist of classroom
work, slides and videos, hands on training and participation as a learner evaluator.
Following completion of a training seminar, potential Evaluator candidates will be
identified by the Evaluation Committee to proceed through the learner Evaluator
As a “shadow” Evaluator the potential Evaluator candidates must evaluate three
(3) Conformation- Movement and two (2) Performance Evaluations with scores
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
within five overall points of the average of the two experienced Evaluators. The
GVHS will cover $300 in travel expenses to help defray the costs for the potential
Evaluator attending their first “shadow” Evaluation within the first year.
Once granted Evaluator status, Evaluators must sign the Evaluator Agreement with
the GVHS indicating that they acknowledge and agree to the following conditions:
To only evaluate Gypsy Vanners within the GVHS Evaluation program and
will not participate in private evaluations on farms or at horse shows unless
they are part of an approved, organized GVHS Evaluation.
They must not act as Judges for GVHS recognized breed shows during their
tenure as an Evaluator.
Evaluators are expected to maintain an up-to-date Membership with the
GVHS during their tenure as an Evaluator.
Ethical principles must be adhered to by the Evaluators. In every situation the
evaluators should attempt to act and behave with the highest ethical
standards in mind.
Evaluator status will be reviewed on an Annual basis by the Evaluation Committee.
During this time, the GVHS agrees to offer each qualified Evaluator equal
opportunities annually to conduct Evaluations. Evaluators will be offered these
opportunities based upon their proximity to the planned Evaluation location in order
to allow GVHS to minimize travel expenses. Evaluators who have been actively
evaluating at least one session each year may, upon review by Evaluation
Committee can have their Evaluation status automatically renewed on an annual
Ethical principles must be adhered to by the Evaluators. In every situation the
evaluators should attempt to act and behave with the highest ethical standards in
mind. Evaluators have a compelling responsibility to fairly and independently
evaluate each horse and to provide the horse owner with information and
guidance which is clear and useful. Because some owners are novices, evaluators
should take care that explanations are understandable. Evaluators are expected
to be able to verbally explain their assessments in addition to the written scores and
comments on the Scoresheets. Brief explanations can be given in the ring and
evaluators should be available to make explanations to horse owners outside the
ring and after the evaluation is finished.
The Evaluator must attempt to present a positive and professional image. The
Evaluator should be willing to offer helpful information and suggestions. The verbal
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
manner of an Evaluator and his/her personal behaviour is very important. The
Evaluator shall be friendly and respectful while evaluating and educating.
Evaluators will dress in an appropriate manner and be prompt and on schedule,
while also taking enough time to sufficiently evaluate each horse. The Evaluator
must never disparage a horse, its breeder or owner in any way.
The Evaluator evaluates a horse only by comparison to the Breed Standard and not
by the pedigree, the bloodline or the breeder/owner/handler. The Evaluator must
judge a horse objectively as it is presented before them on that day. The Evaluator
must ensure that handlers and riders have been given adequate instruction and
opportunity to show the horse to its best potential. Any information previously
received or heard, regarding a particular horse must be rejected, and the
evaluation based on only what is seen at the time of evaluation.
Prepare scoresheets for each Evaluation with complete information for
the horse being Evaluated.
Collect and tally TOTAL SCORE for each Evaluator. IF the total score differs
by more than 5 points, bring this to the attention of the Evaluators so that
they are given the opportunity to review, discuss their scores to ensure
that something was not overlooked by one of the Evaluators. Following
this review, either Evaluator may have the opportunity to adjust their
scores if deemed necessary. The Manager must then re-tally the TOTAL
SCORE for each.
Discuss any noted concerns with the Evaluation process, the scoring and
written and/or verbal communications with the Evaluators as they arise.
Ensure Scoresheets are handled and stored securely, allowing only review
by the horse’s owner and the Evaluators.
In the event it is claimed an evaluator has acted in an unethical manner, the
following procedure should be followed:
1. The incident or complaint should be reported to the on site Evaluation Manager
immediately. It is preferable if the matter is raised at the evaluation site. If not, there
is a 30 day time limit to file the concern.
2. The Evaluation Manager will make every effort to protect the privacy and dignity
of all concerned.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
3. If the matter cannot be resolved on site it will be taken to the Evaluation
Committee which is overseen by the Board of Directors of the GVHS.
4. The GVHS BOD will make final decisions in all disputes after hearing
recommendation of the Evaluation Committee.
Owners and breeders are expected to present their horse in a professional manner.
Breeders and owners will be respectful of the Evaluators, the other breeders and
owners, and show management. Breeders and owners have an obligation to
respect the view of the Evaluator. Care must be taken not to misquote evaluators,
take them out of context, or disparage an Evaluator. Any issues or complaints are to
be taken to the Evaluation Manager.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Gypsy Vanner Horse Breed Standard
The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society’s role in the preservation of the traditions and
legacy of the breed can only be accomplished through officially recording the
generally accepted characteristics and traits that make this breed unique from
all other breeds of horses.
A breed standard is a document created by a breed society which carefully
describes the genetically acceptable inheritable characteristics and traits of the
animals representative of the breed. The breed standard establishes a visual and
written ‘target’ for breeders to continuously replicate their horses for future
generations, while placing a strong emphasis on the characteristics and traits
that make the breed unique.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
The first glance, impression of the breed is its stature as a small draft horse. The
image is enhanced with feathering, muscular development and size. The
presence and quality of the breed reflect in its personality of being gentle,
cooperative and willing, yet powerful. The head is characteristically pleasant
reflecting gender, with an intelligent eye. The neck comes up high and forward
off the shoulder, yielding a positive set and arch to the neck. The topline is level
from wither to tail head, with a slight turn to the croup to enhance the powerful
abilities of the hindquarters. The muscling is balanced throughout the body with
the harmonious blending of all anatomical regions. The limbs are straight and
correct, of such size and definition to be proportional to height and muscular
development of the animal.
The acceptable descriptive terms for the coat colors of the Gypsy Vanner horse
Piebald – Black and White Tobiano
Skewbald - Combinations of Brown, Red and White including tri-colored Tobiano
Blagdon* – Solid color with white splashed up from underneath
Odd Colored
– All other colors
Descriptive phrases used to define the coat colors of the Gypsy Vanner breed, although
another term may be used by other equine organizations to describe these colors and
It is important to note, the Gypsy Vanner is not a breed based on color, although
the easily recognizable coat colors set the breed apart from others.
The facial and leg markings follow the traditional descriptive terminology when it
is applicable in defining identifiable true white markings. All true white markings
have underlying white or „pink‟ skin pigmentation. The color of the hooves may
be solid or vertically striped, depending upon the leg marking and coloration of
the skin immediately about the eruption of the coronary band. White hooves or
partially white hooves will have a white leg marking immediately above it.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
The height as measured at the withers will normally be between 13.2 hands to
15.2 hands although there may be individuals outside this range. Simply stated,
larger or smaller versions of the identical conformation profile and standards are
all equally acceptable.
The body, mane and tail hair coat of the Gypsy Vanner may vary from smooth
straight and silky to slight waves and curl yet fine. One of the unique
characteristics of the breed is the abundance of feathering found on the rear of
the fore and hind legs, starting from the knee and hock and extending down
and over the hooves. The natural feathering is the term to describe the excessive
amounts of long hairs on the lower legs, hence the term horse feathers. The leg
feathering provides natural protection to the legs from the weather and working
conditions. The profound hair covering the hooves is referred to in the singular
The horses should have long natural flowing manes and tails, only trimmed or
braided for neatness of appearance when being shown. The forelock should be
full and long covering the eyes, as a natural sort of protection.
The natural Gypsy Vanner may have a beard, whiskers and muzzle hairs. These
are often trimmed or removed in preparation for competition in the show ring.
The temperament of the breed is reflected in its personality and willingness to
cooperate with man when given tasks. Coming from a cold blooded
background, the breed should be relaxed, mannerly, and respectful of its
environment. Their willingness should be expressed in their innate attitude of
being capable of serving as a riding and driving animal. When evaluating
temperament, gender must be considered.
Granted, from time to time individual horses will not display exemplary behavior,
the reason needs to be determined, and if this behavior is innate, with the horse
having a propensity for vicious and unmannerly behavior making it unsuitable for
practical use, the individual could be considered a poor representative of the
The gender characteristics of the Gypsy Vanner Horse are of vital importance to
maintain quality within the breed. Stallions must resemble the male, masculine
characteristics within the breed, having presence [“a look at me attitude”],
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
curiosity, muscling, and pride, yet always controllable and willing. Mares must
reflect the quality and highly feminine qualities. The attitude of the mare is
critical in the raising of her foal, as the foal will learn by example; the mare
should be easy-going, sensible, and willing.
A stallion three years of age and older must have two fully descended, normally
shaped testicles. The ability to observe the descended testicles may be
dependent upon environmental temperatures. Stallions under the age of three
may be difficult to observe due to development and maturation of the
The overall impression of the head conveys an image of intelligence. It’s size,
shape and structure is proportional with the remainder of the anatomical
regions. The refinement and delineation of facial features as well as the
definition and shape to the lower jaw all contribute to the image of the head.
The forehead must be flat and broad. The frontal facial bone should be flat to
slightly convex, as it blends into a muzzle with sufficiently large nostril openings for
the free exchange of air. The lips should be tightly closed.
A pleasant, intelligent head must be the trademark of the breed.
The size, shape and position of the ears reflect the horse’s personality as well as
desirable characteristics of the breed. The length and width of the ear should be
proportional to the head. The shape should be moderately wide at its middle,
providing adequate space for collection of noises and sounds. The originating
placement of the ear should be with a slight forward slant, with the ability to
rotate from a forward alert position to a backward defensive maneuver, such as
pinning the ears. A mare’s ears tend to be a bit longer then the stallion, whose
ears are short and shapely. The ears contribute to the overall image of the horse,
The expression and placement of the eye convey alertness, intelligence and
The eyes must be prominent, placed on the outer edge of the head to maximize
the ability of the horse to see peripherally as well as with forward binocular vision.
The eye should be large in its external structure and appearance. The distance
between the eyes should be wider than the base of the ears, and located
about 60-65% of the distance between the poll and the muzzle.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
The color of the eyes will vary according to the color and color pattern of the
horse. Partial white and dark color combinations are acceptable, along with a
white sclera.
The point where the central incisors meet must be equal and even as viewed
from the side. A slight deviation is possible without fault if the teeth vary no more
than one half the width of the tooth’s surface. The slight deviation could occur
with either the upper or the lower jaw. The accuracy of the bite may vary
according to age, and the dental maturation due to the growth and
development of the pre-molars and molars. As the pre-molars and molars move
into location, the alignment of the jaw could vary during this process.
The set, length and arch of the horse’s neck are very important to its use and
athletic ability. The neck serves many vital functions all associated with its ability
for lifting, elevation, flexion, and lateral movement. The length of the neck needs
to be sufficiently long for the horse to graze without shifting foreleg positions or
standing with an offset foreleg position to enable the ability to reach the ground.
Conversely, the neck should be sufficiently long enough to elevate the head for
the horse to survey its surroundings, as a defensive posture. The neck should be
sufficiently long enough for the horse to shift the horse’s body weight into a
balanced frame, thereby placing more body weight proportionally on the hind
legs than normal, enabling the ability for impulsion from the hindquarters.
The neck should rise upward from a well sloped shoulder, departing sufficiently
above the point of the shoulder. The underline of the neck should be inwardly
rounded, following a parallel line created by the arch of the upper neckline
[crest] from wither to poll, while the underline tapers into the throatlatch. The
definition of the jugular groove should be prominent.
The upper neckline [crest] should be arched and well-muscled in both the mare
and stallion, with more prominence desired and expected in the stallion. When
standing at the rear of the horse, the neckline from the top of the withers to the
poll must be a straight line, with only slight deviations. The upper neckline must
demonstrate power, strength and flexibility.
The length, shape and ability for the horse to use the neck determine its natural
athletic ability. It must be remembered, the Gypsy Vanner necks tend to be
shorter with more powerful muscling than many breeds, due to the genetic
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
selection for these horses to be used in draft related activities, strong necks that
easily fit the philosophy of form to function.
The overall impression of the Gypsy Vanner’s body is one of harmony and
muscular proportionality with all of its collective anatomical regions. The balance
and proportions go from the point of the shoulder to the buttock, point of the hip
to stifle, wither to elbow, and fore-flank to rear-flank, and length of the back in
relationship to the coupling and croup to tail head. All from the profile view
provide a balance and proportionality, with the blending of the anatomical
From the front and rear views, the width of the point of the shoulders, the spring
and shape to the ribs, width and development of the chest, width of the hips,
width of the stifles, definition of muscling in the rear quarters and stifle region and
shape to the hip and croup, contribute to the balance and harmony, and more
importantly the powerful athletic ability of the horse.
In viewing the body of the Gypsy Vanner, the muscle structure must convey the
image of an athletically muscled horse, with smooth round muscles. Short,
bunchy, bulky muscles are not desired. Likewise, the amount and size of bone
should be substantial and yet, refined. The substantial bone must reflect the
workmanlike image of a draft animal, to sustain loading and stress. The limbs of
the horse should clearly exemplify defined joints in the leg, in proportion to the
diameter of cannon and pastern bones. The knee, hock and fetlock should be
very obvious junctures of the leg structure, all proportional to the substance and
muscle of the body.
The shoulder is an important attachment point of the neck and the forelegs.
Therefore, it is one of the most important anatomical regions impacting upon
form to function, providing a natural „home‟ for the collar and hames, as well as
the ability to flex forward for the extension and reach of the movement at the
walk and trot.
As viewed from the side, the shoulder should have an angle of 50 to 55 degrees,
with deviations observed +/-5 degrees. The angle of the shoulder can be viewed
from the most prominent [center] point of the withers with an imaginary line
being drawn to the point of the shoulder. When a base horizontal line is added
to the point of the shoulder, the angle of the shoulder should be apparent. The
shoulder angle of the Gypsy Vanner tends to be more toward the vertical [90
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
degrees] due to the historical genetic selection of a shoulder to be easily fitted
to a draft collar.
In partnership with the angle of the shoulder is the arm, the bone connecting the
point of the shoulder with the elbow. The length and angle of attachment of the
arm to the elbow joint affects the shoulder’s ability to lift and move the forelimb
forward for all gaits. A long arm is more desirable, resulting with the placement of
the foreleg under the center of the body, closer to its natural center of gravity. It
is undesirable to have legs appearing to attach close to the point of the
shoulder, as this affects stride and support of the body by the forelimb.
The shoulder must be covered with sufficient muscling to protect the shoulder
while allowing the horse to have the full ability to perform as a powerful athlete.
The withers are the departure point of the neck up, and forward, as well as the
jointure of both shoulders [scapulae]. The withers should be prominent with
sufficient muscle cover to protect this jointure. Horses with round withers are not
desirable as this affects the ability to provide the proper position for harness.
The Gypsy Vanner’s back starts at the withers and goes toward the tail, until it
reaches the last lumbar vertebrae. The topline of the back must be short and
strong, with a slight curvature allowing the horse the ability to become ‘round’,
flexible through the middle upper body.
As the back terminates at the last rib, the coupling/loin area connects the back
with the croup. The coupling/loin area adds to the horse’s strength and lateral
flexibility of the body. The length of the coupling/loin area will vary but must be
proportional and balanced to all other anatomical regions of the horse. The
proportional length of the combined back and coupling/loin of a horse is
important in establishing a strong, athletic topline.
The length of the coupling/loin area is often confused with the observation
about the horse’s “back”. A short, strong coupling/loin is usually associated with
a “short back”, while a longer coupling/loin is associated with a “long back”.
When in actuality, the length of the back remains the same, the true variable is
the length of the coupling/loin, hence, the descriptive terminology is incorrect.
Mares may have longer coupling/loin areas than stallions, which permits greater
capacity for expansion of a pregnancy, giving the mare a “broody look”.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Blending from the coupling/loin region toward the rear, the croup follows the
dorsal topline to the Gypsy Vanner’s tailhead. When the croup is combined with
the back and coupling/loin, the three anatomical regions make-up the region
referred to as the topline. The croup serves as a point for visually measuring the
length of the hip and to define the amount of muscling in the hindquarters.
When viewed from the side, the mid-line of the croup should be rounded, with a
gentle slope and long, with a tail setting high on a powerful hindquarter. From
the rear, the muscles from point of the hip over the top to the other point of the
hip, coming back to the tailhead, must be round, wide and reflect powerful
athletic ability. The strength of the hindquarters defines the breed as being a
small draft horse, a horse designed for strength and power, but with class,
presence and style.
To establish the length and angle of the hip, an imaginary line from the point of
the hip is drawn to the tailhead. The length of this imaginary line should be
slightly longer than the overall length of the topline. The point of the hip and the
tailhead should be on a horizontal line which defines the length of the hip. If the
tailhead is lower than the imaginary horizontal line from the hip, the hip/croup
will be approaching too steep an angle for the Gypsy Vanner.
The chest must be viewed from the front, with prominent, well developed
powerful pectoral muscles, providing sufficient separation of the forelegs for
correct movement of the forelimbs at all gaits. The width of the chest is an
important indicator of the muscular strength of the horse and the capacity of
the thoracic cavity, allowing for sufficient space for heart and lungs.
A horse with a narrow chest means the horse’s lower forelegs will have the
increased ability to interfere while in motion. Whereas, the horse with the
excessively wide chest requires outward, forward rotating movement of the
forelimbs, which reduces the ability to provide the continuous powerful forward
movement expected for draft type horses.
The body of the Gypsy Vanner must be deep, and wide, reflecting the capacity
to protect and provide capacity for the vital organs, including the heart and
lungs. The ribs must be curved, not flat as observed from the front view. From the
side view, the line from just behind the elbow to the rear flank should follow a
gentle curve terminating just in front of the stifle. A Gypsy Vanner should not be
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
‘cut-up’ in the rear flank, giving the appearance of being tucked up, lacking
abdominal capacity.
From the elbow to the ground, the forelegs must be structurally, straight, correct
columns of strength to support the weight and movement of the horse. Although
the entire leg is additionally comprised of the shoulder and arm, it is the lower
regions of the foreleg that command attention for assessment of structural
When viewed from the front, the legs must be plumb and true, with front view
imaginary lines passing vertically down through the center of the knee, on
through the center of the fetlock joint, continuing down through the pastern to
the center of the hoof. When viewed from the side, the leg follows a similar
alignment, passing down the leg through the center of the knee, down the
cannon through the center of the fetlock, to the heel of the hoof.
Deviations from these imaginary lines are considered defects in structure and
may be the cause for unsoundness of the limbs when stress, strain and
concussion are applied through use. Therefore, the amount and size of bone
should be substantial and yet, refined, and clearly defined. The substance of
bone must reflect the workmanlike image to sustain loading and stress of a draft
The limbs of the horse should clearly exemplify defined joints in the leg, in
proportion to the diameter of cannon and pastern bones. The knees, hocks and
fetlocks should be very obvious junctures of the leg structure, with heavy to
middle bone.
The forearm to cannon ratio needs to be at least 55% to 45%, respectively, with
the forearm always longer than the cannon. The length of the pastern needs to
be proportional to the remainder of the leg. The fore-pastern and hoof angle
should be equal to provide strength and support to the lower leg.
The hooves of the horse must be of a size and proportion to properly support the
horse in all athletic uses. The hooves must have symmetrical shape, with ample
width and angle at the heels. Flat hooves with low heels are not desirable.
Although the lower legs of the Gypsy Vanner are typically covered with feather,
the pasterns and hooves must not be ignored and need to be correct and
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Historically in some draft breeds it was preferred that the width between the
forelegs at the base should be less than the width at the chest in order to more
efficiently work in furrows. Given the core genetics of the breed there may be a
tendency in this direction. Care must be taken to not exaggerate the
acceptance of the base narrow condition, while maintaining form to function
The hindlegs of the Gypsy Vanner have many of the same characteristics and
traits of the forelegs. Those include the definition of the bone and joints, size and
shape of the hooves, length of the pastern, and the slightly base narrow leg
When viewed from the rear, an imaginary line can be dropped from the
buttock, passing over the point of the hock, down the center of the rear
cannon, passing to the rear of the fetlock onto to the ground terminating in the
center of the heel of the hoof. Upon viewing the hind hooves from the rear, the
placement of hooves and lower leg will be slightly turned toe-out, with the horse
being narrower in the placement of the hindlegs than the forelegs.
When viewing the imaginary plumb line from the profile, the line will touch the
point of the hock, lying parallel to the back of the cannon to the fetlock and
then directly to the ground in the center of the heel. From the profile view, the
leg should be plumb and true.
The muscular composition of the hindleg begins in the hindquarter and buttocks,
and carries downward to the stifle and onto the inner and outer gaskin. The rear
view of the hindleg must reveal heavy smooth muscles in the gaskin, with the
outer gaskin being large and round, whereas the inside gaskin will be less
muscular, appearing flat when comparing the inner and outer gaskins. The
muscular strength of the horse is defined in the area from the gaskin to the stifle
up to the point of the hip and back to the buttock.
The pastern and hoof angles of the hindlegs will be more toward the vertical,
usually over 50 degrees, when compared to the same anatomical region on the
The walk for the Gypsy Vanner is a natural forward flowing four beat gait.
The length of stride reflects the power of impulsion from the muscular
hindquarters, with a slight over step of stride. The shoulder must move forward in
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
a free, unrestricted reach, with this motion carried down the entire length of the
limb. The knee and hock action must be balanced in elevation and reach as
the horse moves forward with pride. The pride in the breed is expressed in the
head and neck carriage, being elevated in the movement, alert with presence,
naturally shifting the center of gravity toward the hindquarters, keeping the
horse in balance and form.
It must be remembered, the walk is the initial gait for a draft type of horse to
move their load, therefore the Gypsy Vanner must move with deliberate
forward, powerful strides
The trot for the Gypsy Vanner is a natural forward, free-flowing two beat
diagonal gait.
The pride of the breed is best expressed in watching these horses trot, with a
snappy animated style of movement, yet with the natural ability to extend the
gait when requested. The knee and hock are synchronized in their elevated,
flexed and extension movement. The horse will travel with its head up, flexed at
the poll, and neck carried with a natural arch. The shoulders are supple and the
hocks are engaged.
The animated trot of the Gypsy Vanner is a “trademark” of the horse’s powerful
fancy image. The Gypsy Vanner’s conformation allows them to trot willingly and
freely under a load and at liberty.
The canter for the Gypsy Vanner is a natural flowing three beat gait. The Gypsy
Vanner is very capable of performing a natural three beat canter when the
horse is collected and ridden in a balanced frame. Although the horse can
perform the canter, to many of the horses, the trot is a more comfortable gait.
Clean legged horses are undesirable.
Horses with ‘kinky’ hair coats are not desirable.
Horses with broken crests are not desirable.
The stallion 3 years of age and older must have 2 fully descended normal
No definable malocclusions are acceptable.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Evaluation Rules
A. Eligibility
1. The horse (of any age) must be registered with the GVHS in the
Gypsy Vanner Studbook.
2. The horse must be 3 years old or older and registered in the GVHS
Pre-Stud Book.
B. Equine Health and Fitness
1. All Gypsy Vanners must provide a negative Coggins test from their
veterinarian. The Coggins test date must be the shortest of one of the
following date requirements:
a. within 12 months of the evaluation
b. in accordance with state regulation of the state where the
evaluation is being held
c. in accordance with the requirements of the facility.
2. Horses traveling across state lines or country borders must comply
with health certificate requirements for the state or country where the
evaluation is being held.
3. The Evaluation Committee is responsible to contact local
veterinarians and convey to exhibitors any recommendations
regarding local outbreaks or contagious diseases.
4. Cruelty or abuse of a horse by any person at an evaluation is
5. No horse will be misrepresented by the use of drugs, surgery,
medications or appliances of any type.
6. The GVHS, the committee, the evaluators and the host venue will
not be responsible for any accident, injury, damage, or illness to any
horse, handler, owner, spectator, or other persons or property.
7. All tack, harness and vehicles will be safe, fitted and in good working
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
C. Entries
1. A completed entry form and fees must be paid and submitted to
the Registrar by the closing date.
2. Entries will be accepted on first come, first served basis.
3. Number of entries may be limited depending on location, number of
stalls or other criteria.
4. If the evaluation does not go forth as planned, entry fees will be
5. Refunds will only be issued for extraordinary circumstances such as
sickness or injury of horse or owner.
D. Other
1. All entrants are responsible to understand and abide by the rules
and regulations of the evaluation process.
2. Handlers under age 18 must be supervised by an adult and are not
allowed to handle stallions.
3. Substitute runners for running conformation/movement patterns are
4. If a horse presents a risk to itself, the handler, the evaluators, or the
public it will be removed from the area and may be disqualified from
the evaluation.
5. Once you have shown your horse in conformation or performance
you cannot ask to have the score erased.
Once the score has been written it stands and will be recorded. A
horse can be re-evaluated at another evaluation and each score will
be recorded in the record book. A horse can withdraw part way
through a conformation or performance presentation if the handler
deems the animal not fit to continue and the score will not be
6. The owner will be given the owners copy of the score sheet. The
original will be placed in the horses file in the offices of the GVHS
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Conformation/ Movement Evaluation
There are eight categories of conformation based on the breed standards, each
worth 1-10 points. Breed type is worth 1-10 points X 2 providing a maximum of 100
points possible. Each horse will be scored by the Evaluators independently and
these scores will then be averaged to compute the official scores.
Numerical values given to each category reflect the following:
10 = Top quality
5 = Sufficient
9 = Very Good
4 = Non Satisfactory
8 = Good
3 = Insufficient
7 = Rather Good
2 = Poor
6 = Satisfactory
1 = Very Poor
Total point scale:
0-49 Unsatisfactory
50-59 Below average
60-69 Acceptable
70-79 Average to Good
80-100 Very Good to Excellent
1. Head
 Length proportional
 Forehead flat and broad
 Frontal facial bone – flat to slightly convex
 Nostrils large
 Ears – proportional size, shape, position
 Eyes – large, expressive, placement
 Bite
2. Neck
 Length appropriate
 Crest arched and well-muscled
 Shoulder Attachment
 Throat latch and neck underline
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
3. Body
 Shoulder angle
 Withers, defined, not sharp or round
 Back, short, strong
 Coupling/Loin proportional
 Croup round, high tail set
 Hip
 Chest, wide, developed
 Barrel, Girth deep with well sprung ribs
 Flank area deep
4. Forelegs
 Straight, correct
 Defined joints
 Dense flat heavy to medium bone
 Forearm to cannon
 Amount and quality of feather
 Pasterns length and angle
 Hooves
 Base narrow stance
5. Hind legs
 Straight, correct
 Defined joints
 Dense flat heavy to medium bone
 Gaskin
 Hocks, set, angle
 Amount & quality of feather
 Pasterns length and angle
 Hooves
6. Movement at walk
 Free, unrestricted
 Length of stride[Profile]
 Deliberate, forward, straight
 Suspension
 Tracking [Front/Rear]
7. Movement at trot
 Natural, free flowing
 Length of stride [Profile]
 Use of knee and hock
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
 Tracking [Front/Rear]
 Head and neck carriage
8. Overall Impression
 Image of a small draft horse
 Balance and harmony
9. Breed Type
 Presence- attitude, temperament
 Overall substance and bone
 Abundant feather
 Ample flowing mane and tail
 Gender characteristics
1. Grooming
 Horse is to be presented clean and groomed.
 Horse can be clipped or unclipped.
 Mane, tail and feather to be free and flowing. Tail can be slightly banged
or natural.
2. Tack
 Mature horses to be shown in halter or bridle, reins, chain shank or lead
 Young stock (under the age of 3) to be shown in halter, chain shank or
lead rope.
3. Attire
 Attire should be comfortable, clean, neat, appropriate and safe.
4. Presentation
Horse to be presented standing 10 feet in front of the judge. Horse will be asked
to walk a triangle pattern with 40 foot sides. Then they will be asked to trot a
triangle with 60 feet per side. Cones will be placed at the points of the triangles
and the horse/handler will go on the outside of these cones.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Performance Evaluations
There are three disciplines, ridden under English saddle, ridden under western
saddle, and driving. Horses can be entered into any combination of evaluations
and tests, at any time, whether it be conformation and all performance tests, just
performance tests, or any combination thereof. Tests may be retaken another time
if a higher performance test score is desired. A horse cannot take the same
performance test over on the same day.
The purpose of performance testing is to reflect the various ways the Gypsy Vanner
is shown or used. The patterns have been adapted from standard patterns that are
regularly used in the various disciplines of English or Western riding and driving. The
tests are designed to allow the participant to show the horse’s willingness to work,
obedience, quality of the gaits, and level of training. The emphasis of evaluating the
horse’s performance is focused on the horse’s behavior. Rider/driver errors made
while executing the patterns will not cause the horse to lose points for its
performance. An entry may be asked to repeat parts of the test if the evaluator
believes that a rider/driver error caused the horse not to perform well. Because it is
best to give the horse every opportunity to show himself to the best of his capability,
it is recommended that participants familiarize themselves with the tests in advance
and practice them prior to the evaluation date.
1. Performance tests can be taken by any horse age 3 or over
2. Performance participants may be any age, however, no one under the
age of 18 will be allowed to ride or drive a stallion. If the participant is under
the age of 18 the entry form and release must be signed by a parent or
3. A reader is allowed for all tests without penalty.
4. A header is required for mounting and dismounting. While the horses are
being mounted or dismounted the header is required to stand approximately
5 feet to the right of the horse’s shoulder ready to assist with control if
necessary. Points may be lost if assistance is needed.
5. Harness, saddles and bridles do not have to be show type. They must be
clean, safe, serviceable and well-fitting of the proper type for the discipline
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
being tested. In the case of driving, the harness must be appropriate for the
type of vehicle being used.
6. Mounting assistance for the physically challenged may be granted without
penalty in advance by the Evaluation Manager. A mounting block may be
used by anyone without penalty.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Awards and Recognition
1. Award levels can be noted on the registration certificate. A new certificate
can be ordered by returning the current registration certificate and paying
the current certificate replacement fee.
2. Awards, Recognition and scores will only be published if the owner gives
permission by signing a release form.
The Star Award is given to horses that attain qualifying scores in the
Conformation/ Movement portion of the evaluation program.
a . 60-69 Score will be given a Three Star recognition
b. 70-79 Score will be given a Four Star recognition
c. 80-100 Score will be given a Five Star recognition
Any horse with qualifying scores in the Conformation/Movement portion of
the program and the Performance portion of the program will be awarded a
Gold Medallion of Quality.
Gold Medallion of Quality in Under Saddle-Western requires a score of 70 or
more in the Conformation/Movement Evaluation and a score of 70 or more in
the Western Riding performance test.
Gold Medallion of Quality in Under Saddle-English requires a score of 70 or
more in the Conformation/Movement Evaluation and a score of 70 or more in
the English Riding performance test.
Gold Medallion of Quality in Driving requires a score of 70 or more in the
Conformation/Movement Evaluation and a score of 70 or more in the Driving
Versatility is a very important attribute of the Gypsy Vanner Horse. Because of
this it is encouraged that Gypsy Vanners be trained in a variety of disciplines.
The ultimate horse has good conformation, movement, and is a willing
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
partner in multiple riding disciplines and driving. Tests can be taken over a
period of time as training and skill level develop.
When a horse has received a Gold Medallion of Quality in all three
performance tests, that horse will be presented with the Versatility Medallion
of Honor.
A Gypsy Vanner stallion or mare can also be qualified for honors, based on
recognition of the quality of its offspring. To be called a GVHS Hall of Fame
Stallion or a GVHS Hall of Fame Mare the horse must meet the following
1. The horse must have offspring that are evaluated in the GVHS Evaluation
program. These offspring must be evaluated in Conformation/Movement and
in Performance.
a. A Hall of Fame Stallion must have 5 offspring that have received a Gold
Medallion of Quality.
b. A Hall of Fame Mare must have 3 offspring that have received a Gold
Medallion of Quality.
2. The owner must notify the GVHS registrar if they have a horse that qualifies
for the Hall of Fame by filling out the provided form. The information will be
verified by the Registrar.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Appendix A: GVHS
Relevant Registration Procedures and Rules
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
To be eligible to apply for advancement of registration from the GVHS Pre Studbook
to the Gypsy Vanner Studbook the following minimum requirements must be met:
1. Complete an official studbook advancement application
2. Provide photographs as specified on the application
3. A score of 70 or above at an official GVHS conformation/movement evaluation.
(rev 12/2012)
4. Submit the proper fee[s]
5. Return the Pre Studbook Certificate
The Registration Committee:
a) The Registration Committee has five Committee members, plus one
alternate, all appointed by the Board of Directors:
i) Committee members will be appointed for a three-year term.
ii) Every year, two new Committee members shall be appointed by the
Board of Directors for a three year term. These two include one full
Committee member and one Committee alternate. The following year,
the alternate becomes a full Committee Member for the remaining two
years of their term.
iii) There are no term limits.
iv) Each Committee member must attend and complete a GVHS training
v) Registration Committee members must be a general or lifetime member
of the GVHS and in good standing.
vi) Registration Committee members must sign the GVHS Code of Ethics.
vii) A Registration Committee member must have access to high speed
internet and email service, and the ability to respond in a timely manner.
viii) The Registrar cannot serve on the Registration Committee.
ix) A member of the Board of Directors should always be on the Committee,
however, there should be no more than the one Board representative on
the Registration Committee as the BOD must remain independent to
undertake any reviews upon appeal of Registration Committee decisions.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
x) No Registration Committee member should be actively judging GVHS
horses during their term.
b) For a horse to be approved by the Committee, four of the five Committee
members reviewing the horse must agree in order for the horse to be
c) If a committee member declines to accept the horse for registration they
must convey the reason in writing (email) to the Registrar.
d) The decision of the Committee can be appealed in writing to the Board of
Directors by submitting the written appeal through the Registrar’s office.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Appendix B: Code
of Ethics
GVHS Board of Directors, Officers and Committee Member
The Board of Directors of the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, [GVHS] has amended its
code of ethics for all elected officials and volunteers serving the organization. The
revised code of ethics was adopted on August 31, 2011.
Preamble The GVHS is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt trade Society formed to promote,
protect, develop, educate, and otherwise further the Gypsy Vanner Horse and its
history and tradition. The GVHS’ principal membership class consists of individuals,
and other entities engaged in ownership, breeding, marketing, promotion and
recreational uses of the Gypsy Vanner Horse.
The business of the society is managed under the direction of the GVHS Board of
Directors and Officers with guidance from appointed Committees. The codes of
ethics serves as a code of conduct for society members/volunteers and staff in their
capacity as Board, Officer and Committee members. Code violations may result in
sanctions imposed under the Procedures for Review of Member Conduct. The
principles and requirements that comprise the code and procedures are based on
and are designed to ensure full compliance by the GVHS and its Officers, Directors,
Committee members and employees with the fiduciary duties imposed on such
individuals by state corporate law, the federal tax code's prohibition on private
inurnment and private benefit, and other requirements of federal tax exemption,
common law due process requirements, federal and state antitrust and unfair
competition law, state tort law, and other legal precepts and prohibitions. At the
same time, the code and procedures are not designed to supplant courts of law in
the resolution of disputes within the business associated with the Gypsy Vanner
Moreover, the checks and balances built into the code and procedures are
designed to strike the proper balance between ensuring full compliance with the
legal obligations described here and ensuring the integrity and efficacy of the
code on the one hand and, on the other, the protection of Board, Officers and
Committee members, through the use of reasonable due process procedures,
against patently false, malicious, or groundless accusations that could result in
significant business or personal harm if not properly handled. Members of the Board,
Officers and Committees affirm their endorsement of the code and acknowledge
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
their commitment to uphold its principles and obligations by accepting and
retaining membership on the Board.
Code of Ethics
Members of the Board, Officers and Committee members (including ex officio
members of the Board) shall at all times abide by and conform to the following
code of conduct in their capacity in service to the GVHS:
1. Each member of the Board of Directors, Officer and duly appointed Committee
Member will abide in all respects by the GVHS Members' Code of Ethics and all
other rules and regulations of the Society (including but not limited to the Society's
articles of incorporation and bylaws) and will ensure that their membership (or the
membership of the entity for which they serve as officer, director, employee, or
owner, as the case may be) in the Society remains in good standing at all times.
Furthermore, each member of the Board of Directors, Officers, and Committee
Member will at all times obey all applicable federal, state and local laws and
regulations and will provide or cause to provide the full cooperation of the Society
when requested to do so by those institutions and their persons set in authority as
are required to uphold the law.
2. Members of the Board of Directors, Officers and Committee Members will
conduct the business affairs of the Society in good faith and with honesty, integrity,
due diligence, and reasonable competence.
3. Except as the Board of Directors, Officers and/or Committee Members may
otherwise require or as otherwise required by law, no Board, Officer and Committee
member shall share, copy, reproduce, transmit, divulge or otherwise disclose any
confidential information related to the affairs of the Society and each member of
the Board, Officer and Committee will uphold the strict confidentiality of all
closed/executive session meetings and other deliberations and communications,
generally associated with but not limited to personnel matters, legal issues, and
membership review/hearing processes of the Board of Directors and all related
4. Members of the Board of Directors, Officer and Committee Members will exercise
proper authority and good judgment in their dealings with Society staff, suppliers,
and the general public and will respond to the needs of the Society's members in a
responsible, respectful, and professional manner.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
5. No member of the Board of Directors, Officers, and/or Committee Members will
use any information provided by the Society or acquired as a consequence of the
Board and/or Committee member's service to the Society in any manner other than
in furtherance of his or her duties and responsibilities to the GVHS. Further, no
member of the Board of Directors, Officers and Committee Member will misuse
Society property or resources and will at all times keep the Society's property secure
and not allow any person not authorized by the Board of Directors to have or use
such property.
6. Each member of the Board of Directors and Officers will use his or her best efforts
to regularly participate in professional development activities and will perform his or
her assigned duties in a professional and timely manner pursuant to the
organizations direction and oversight.
7. Upon termination of service, a retiring Board, retiring Officer and Committee
member will promptly return to the Society all documents, electronic and hard files,
reference materials, and other property entrusted to the Board member for the
purpose of fulfilling his or her job responsibilities. Such return will not abrogate the
retiring Board, Officer and Committee member from his or her continuing
obligations of confidentiality with respect to information acquired as a
consequence of his or her tenure on the Board of Directors and position as Officer.
8. The Board of Directors, Officers and Committee Members dedicates itself to
leading by example in serving the needs of the Society and its members and also in
representing the interests and ideals associated with the preservation and
protection of the history, tradition and image of the Gypsy Vanner Horse.
9. No member of the Board of Directors, Officers and/or Committee Member shall
persuade or attempt to persuade any employee of the Society to leave the employ
of the Society or to become employed by any person or entity other than the
Society. Furthermore, no member of the Board of Directors, Officers and/or
Committee Member shall persuade or attempt to persuade any member, exhibitor,
advertiser, sponsor, subscriber, supplier, contractor, or any other person or entity
with an actual or potential relationship to or with the Society to terminate, curtail, or
not enter into its relationship to or with the Society, or to in any way reduce the
monetary or other benefits to the Society of such relationship.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
10. The Board of Directors, Officers and Committee Members must act at all times in
the best interests of the Society and not for personal or third-party gain or financial
enrichment. When encountering potential conflicts of interest, Board, Officer and
Committee members will identify the conflict and, as required, remove themselves’
from all discussion and voting on the matter. Specifically, Board, Officer and
Committee members shall follow these guidelines:
Avoid placing (and avoid the appearance of placing) one's own self-interest
or any third-party interest above that of the Society; while the receipt of
incidental personal or third-party benefit may necessarily flow from certain
Society activities, such benefit must be merely incidental to the primary
benefit to the Society and its purposes;
Do not abuse their appointment by improperly using said Board, Officer
and/or Committee position or the Society's staff, services, equipment,
resources, or property for personal or third-party gain or pleasure; Board and
Committee members shall not represent to third parties that their authority as
a Board and/or Committee member extends any further than that which it
actually extends as defined by the bylaws of the GVHS;
Do not engage in any outside business, professional or other activities that
would directly or indirectly materially adversely affect the Society;
Do not engage in or facilitate any discriminatory or harassing behavior
directed toward Society staff, members, Officers, Directors, Committee
members, meeting attendees, exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors, suppliers,
contractors, or others in the context of activities relating to the Society;
Do not solicit or accept gifts, gratuities, free trips, honoraria, personal
property, or any other item of value from any person or entity as a direct or
indirect inducement to provide special treatment to such donor with respect
to matters pertaining to the Society without fully disclosing such items to the
Board of Directors and Officers;
Provide goods or services to the Society as a paid vendor to the Society only
after full disclosure to, and advance approval by, the Board, and pursuant to
any related procedures adopted by the Board.
11. Follow the Society’s rules and regulations of good sportsmanship and strive to
gain respect for participation in all equestrian related activities.
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read the Code of Ethics for the
Board Directors, Officers and Committee Members of the Gypsy Vanner Horse
Society, dated August 31, 2011.
I hereby embrace this Code of Ethics as my own. I have had the opportunity to ask
questions about this Code of Ethics and I understand my obligations as a Director,
Officer and Committee Member to comply with this Code of Ethics.
I will support the GVHS and fellow GVHS members in achieving our common goals
and hereby accept the position of the GVHS, and will fulfill the responsibilities of that
role to the best of my ability.
Print Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014
Appendix C: GVHS
Evaluation Scoresheets and Patterns
© Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, 2014