March 2007 newsletter - Northwest Andalusian Horse Association


March 2007 newsletter - Northwest Andalusian Horse Association
March 2007
NWAHA Members Gather at First Club-Sponsored Clinic of 2007
Nine people attended the March 10th clinic sponsored
by NWAHA Open Director, Cyndy Stephens Winchell at
her training and boarding facility in Eugene, Oregon.
Sharon Gerl brought her palomino stallion Venturoso HM
and Pedro Munoz Sanchez brought his dark grey stallion
Talisman. Gary Camp and Lisa Keeble drove over from
Bend to audit, youth member Joanna Wayland graciously
agreed to demonstrate western equitation, and several nonmembers sat in to pick up pointers as clinic auditors.
The clinic began with introductions to one another and
a brief overview of Cyndy’s philosophy of training,
including the importance of establishing a respectful
relationship with your horse and reinforcing that respect
with consistent expectations for behavior, not only under
saddle but also when the horse is in the stall or paddock.
Having established a common frame of reference, Cyndy
began with a discussion of Western pleasure and equitation,
covering topics such as teaching the horse to move
properly, yielding haunches and forehand, and maintaining
the proper frame. She demonstrated what the finished
product looks like on Caballos del Corazon’s halfAndalusian gelding Jefe, who earned a National
Championship in Western Pleasure in 2005. Then, she
moved to a demonstration of what she expects from a lessfinished horse, showing the methods she is using to train
Moonstruck Meadows’ mare Larica MSM, a horse who
only recently returned to training after being started prior to
foaling a year ago. Throughout the clinic, Cyndy fielded
from tack
and clothing
selection to
ing and
moved on to the English style of riding, covering the
difference between hunt seat, dressage suitability, and show
hack, among other things. Both Sharon and Pedro mounted
up and received one-on-one feedback on their horses’ way
of going and show potential.
At the end of the day, Cyndy moved to the halter
division, first demonstrating the pattern and then having
participants practice using their own or borrowed horses so
that everyone interested had the chance for some hands-on
experience. Finally, Cyndy shared tips on clipping and
prepping the halter horse for the show ring, a session that
participants reported was particularly useful.
Remembering the day, Sharon Gerl remarked that
Cyndy “covered a wide array of topics and in more depth
than I could imagine we could fit in. I personally got a lot
out of it and had fun too!
Pedro and Cindy Munoz Sanchez, who came with their
horse Talisman agreed, saying, “ It was very good, well
spoken and informative.”
Cyndy, who donated all proceeds from the clinic to the
club explained her reasoning. “I love working with
Andalusians and am eager to help club members show their
horses to the best of their ability. If people can have fun
doing it, I figure everyone wins.” It appears she succeeded.
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Show Season is around the corner, are you ready?
Well, it seems like another year has come and gone;
we’ve all made it through yet another show season
(hopefully in one piece). And here we are again, looking
the 2007 show season right in the
eye. As I show several breeds, I can
tell you that my show season began
the first week in January, so I am
already into the swing of things and
have been for three months now.
So you ask, “What IS the swing
of things?” Well, for starters, how’s
your horse doing? Fed up properly,
regular vet maintenance (worm,
vaccines, farrier), fit to show
condition, or are we a little “soft”
around the corners? Have you been
riding regularly, lessons, training or
getting video-taped so you know where your weak spots
are? This list and these questions could go on and on and
on…… So let’s start at the beginning!
1) Make sure your horse is updated on all shots,
worming, farrier work;
2) If you haven’t been riding or working your horse,
begin now, working up to an exercise program that will
build tone and stamina (don’t try to do it all in one
3) Check your riding (with the help of a friend,
trainer, video, etc). Have you lost your seat, hands, heels,
chin, etc;
4) Check
NWAHA Directors & Board Members
your tack.
President: Julie Alonzo
Is it all in
(541) 513-6757 [email protected]
good safe
Vice-President: Linda de Wilde-Petersen
(360) 825-8476 [email protected]
Secretary: Sharon Gerl (541) 726-3872
[email protected]
Treasurer: Carla Shown
(360) 263-3705 [email protected]
irons? A
ID Director: Stephanie Altig
(208) 585-2172 [email protected]
OR Director: Ramona DeJong
(503) 843-2083 [email protected]
cleaning is
WA Director: Susan Cheers
(360)312-9477 [email protected]
Open Directors:
due about
Erin Gray
(503) 632-7750 [email protected]
5) Either
Cyndy Stephens Winchell
check your
(253) 951-3151 [email protected]
Gary Camp
trailer or
(541) 419-6243 [email protected]
have it
done: grease, bearings, floorboards, tongue/hitch, doors
working properly, all latches, tie rings, etc. safe and
6) How about your truck, RV, etc.? Oil, tires, fluids?
If you do not drive this vehicle other than during the
show season, now is the time to
think about it, not the week
before you leave.
This is somewhat of a check
list that I go through prior to
show season. Remember that for
many in our club, our first show
is only three months away. Trust
me; in the training pen that’s not
very long!
So get your rigs “up to snuff”,
your show gear and clothes
cleaned, pressed, and in
protective bags, and if you haven’t begun, get your horse
ready. Do NOT forget proper grooming, as this is an
essential component to having that special effect in the
show pen.
I have a personal checklist which I use prior to every
show, large or small, to help me remember all the
different essentials. My list includes everything from
show tack to working tack, clothes, tables, chairs, pretty
much everything but the dog (and that’s only because I
can’t leave without her!). If you are interested in having
a copy of my checklist, please contact me by either
email, phone, or regular mail, and I would be happy to
forward it to you.
On a personal note I would like to thank ALL who
attended my clinic this month. I think everyone there -myself included! -- learned a lot, not to mention making
new or stronger friendships. At the interest of others, I
am contemplating a second clinic to prep and/or touch
up before show season (May or early June). If you
would be interested in bringing your horse to such a
session (where you can get written and oral ‘pointers’
on how to improve your show-ring presence, please let
me know, and I will do my best to put it together.
Please write or email with questions or help on these and
other issues, I am here to help and want to see everyone
improve and enjoy their training even more. Good luck
to all this show season, and see you in the show pen!
Cyndy at [email protected].
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Ranch News!
Broken Auger Farm
Ferndale, Washington
I am very sad to announce that I am
getting out of the breeding business, at
least from the mare and foal end of it,
due to the physical toll on my aging
body. I will be reducing my herd by 50%
and am planning on relaxing, traveling
and riding more. I have already sold
both mares to breeders in Florida and
Vermont and my young filly, Brisa BAF
is going to her new home in Oregon in
May. Amado BAF is going to be a
dressage horse in New York. I have also
leased out my non-Iberian mare to a
friend here in Whatcom County as I
haven't had time to ride two horses and
keep up with farm duties. I will be
spending more time on my Lusitano
gelding, JJ, and showing more, which I
am very excited about.
I am also keeping my 2 year old
chestnut stallion, Apollo BAF, who
came from Brazil in utero with his dam,
Raposa HM. I will be standing him
maybe next year, but his primary
purpose is to become a dressage horse
and compete! He will be going to my
trainer, and she will house, train and
show him. I am very excited about this
boy’s abilities.
Now that I don't have to be on duty
at home so much, I am hoping to
become a bit more active in NWAHA
events, and I will also remain active in
our local dressage organization here in
Whatcom County.
--Barbara Daugert
Julio is a phenomenal master rider from
Portugal; see his website: for more info.
--Kim Kivela-Kalmukos
participation with the Mexican
Consulate of Portland. In July, we will
be attending the PAAHL show in
Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.
Several large changes will be
Rancho Tres Potrillos
coming about for us. One is that Pedro
Molalla, Oregon
has sold his prized performing Friesian
Andalusians, Aztecas,
stallion, Feniks. Feniks
and Friesian horses are the
was purchased and will
breeds that Pedro and Cindy
be moving to Chicago,
Munoz Sanchez specialize in
Illinois. We will be very
breeding. Their 40 acre ranch
sad to see Feniks leave,
with both horses and cultured
but we do have high
Christmas trees is where
hopes for our two
Pedro does the training of his
remaining Friesian colts.
horses. Pedro has ridden
Another change is that
horses from a very early age
we will soon have two
in Guadalajara, Jalisco,
new P.R.E. (Pura Raza
Mexico. Although born in
Espanola) stallions
Mexico, Pedro has made
come to our ranch to
Oregon his home for over 20
join our other soon-toyears, and he has been
be P.R.E.
fortunate to own and train some of the
stallion, Vaquero Jim. Vaquero Jim will
best quality horse flesh in the last several hopefully be revised this year. One of
recent years.
the new stallions is Hilandaro, who is
One of the very first things Pedro
trained in dressage.
noticed in the U.S. is that it is women
The last item to announce is that
who generally are the owners of most of Pedro is Vice President of a newly
these horses and only a handful of men. formed Mexican Charro Association.
He was quite surprised and amazed that He will be a member of a 20 person
it was the men who worked and the
team competing with 4 other teams of 20
women who stayed home with the kids
in ten different categories. Pedro will be
and tended to the horses. In Mexico, it is competing in reining. Oregon will now
the man’s job to do all the outside work, have a total of 80 registered Charro
and when a woman wants to ride a
horse, the man saddles the horse and
Our last bit of news is that we are
brings it to the woman and helps her
expecting four foals due this spring and
mount. After the ride, it is he who tends all from our four different stallions.
the horse, and she leaves him to do all
Should be an exciting year!
Ailsa Heritage Enterprises
the work. Now ladies, wouldn’t that be
--Cindy and Pedro Munoz Sanchez
Lewiston, Idaha
a dream come true?
My mare Joya is pregnant and due April
Pedro is riding his Andalusian
Share your latest news with us!
15th with a foal to be a full brother or
stallion, Talisman GL, in the Northwest
If you would like to have your
sister to my 2 1/2yr old I/m raising. I'll
Andalusian Horse Association breed
ranch news included in the next
be in transition this summer with Joya
showcase at the NW Horse Fair & Expo
having another foal but hope to wean in in Albany, Oregon the fourth weekend
newsletter, please send it to me at
August and maybe catch a fall schooling of March. In support of NWAHA,
[email protected].
show if possible with her. With my filly Rancho Tres Potrillos will be donating a
If you don’t have email access,
I plan to show in hand again this
breeding to one of their stallions for the
you can also send your written
summer, and my trainer wants to put a
fundraiser auction in 2008.
month on her in preparation for the Julio
Soon afterward the Expo, Pedro will ranch news to Julie Alonzo,
88442 Fisher Rd., Eugene, OR
Borba clinic coming to Spokane Sport
be riding in several rodeos and parades,
Horse in July so that she can have a long including the Portland Rose Festival
line sessions with Julio using my filly.
Grand Floral Parade in June in
We’d love to hear from you!
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Club Ventures to the Mane Event in Washington
A small but enthusiastic group
of club members participated in the
Washington state Mane Event in
February. We had two fine
stallions to represent the breed:
Traci Viers’ Novelisto D and
Sharon Gerl’s Venturoso HM.
This was our first year at this
Expo, and we have a lot more
opportunities than we participated
in this year - there was a one-onone breed area to take a horse and
greet the public as well as an
"Extravaganza" that we missed.
We did have our horses in all
three days for the individual breed
showcase. Our script gave a history
of the breed and then went on to
talk about the individual horses that
were being ridden. We only had the
two stallions this year, but next year
we hope to have more horses and
have a much higher level of
There was a great deal of traffic
all three days in the Expo hall, and
our booth was a hit with event
promoters and the public. We
managed to sell about $200 in raffle
tickets for the tack trunk we’re
raffling for a club fundraiser, and
we got the word out about our first
stallion breeding auction (again, to
raise money for the club). If you
live in the area, please consider
signing up to participate next year.
The more the merrier!
Sharon Gerl and Venturoso HM
Help support your club! Purchase raffle tickets for the brand new rolling
tack trunk pictured below at the Northwest Horse Expo in Albany,
Oregon March 23 - 25th or through the website. Tack
trunk valued at $650. Tickets are just $5 each or 3 for $10. Stallion
breeding (to Sharon Gerl’s Venturoso, above, or Sovina -- Erin Gray’s
Sorraia stallion) also being auctioned. Check the club website for more
Traci Viers and Novelisto D
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
You can now pay for club membership renewal, newsletter
advertisements, and raffle tickets directly online! Visit
to try this newest addition to our website. (and thank you, Carla, for
adding this feature for the convenience of our members!)
What would YOU like to see the club involved in? Send your suggestions
to any of your board members (see page 2 for a complete list and
contact information) and/or club president Julie Alonzo
([email protected]). Let us know what you want, and we’ll try to make
it happen!
Let’s make 2007 a fun one for all Andalusian and Lusitano enthusiasts in our area.
Serious & Experienced Rider
wanted for seven year old
Arabian/Andalusian mare.
This fancy & talented girl is
ready to finish your way.
Huge potential for Sporthorse,
Endurance, English or Wesern.
Email Laura for pictures. [email protected]
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Stud Fee: $1500 for Purebreds
$1000 for all others
(Plus collection fee for both)
(EVA Negative)
No. PSLLA2419
No. PSLBZ00462
PSLBZ00142 PSLBZ00309
PSLBZ00050 PSLBZ00424
PSLBZ00146 PSLBZ00081
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Pay for two months’ training,
receive a third month free!
(offer can be extended through more than one three-month cycle).
I offer full-service training, both starting young horses and putting a show-ring finish on older ones. In the past
two years, Andalusians in training with me have won:
10 IALHA National Titles
6 PAALH Championship Titles
3 Pacific Rim Horse of the Year Titles
21 NWAHA Championship Titles
8 USEF Horse of the Year Titles
and numerous Open Show Titles
In my 30+ years as a Professional Trainer, I’ve worked with many breeds (including Arabians, Quarter Horses,
Paints, Appaloosas, and Tennessee Walkers), but my heart has been won completely by the magnificent
Andalusians and Half-Andalusians I’ve had the honor of working with.
Training: $325 per month
Board: $325 per month
(includes high-quality orchard grass / alfalfa hay two to three times per day, LMF grain, other supplements
as needed, daily grooming, daily cleaning of 12 x 12 matted stalls with thick bedding)
If your goal includes showing, I would be happy to take your horse to local open schooling shows
at no additional cost to you (beyond expenses) to help provide proper exposure to the show
Please call Cyndy at (253) 951 -3151 or email ([email protected]) for more information or to
reserve your space.
My goal is to help horse owners realize their dreams and unleash their horses’
full potential through kind, consistent training of horse and rider.
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Crossing the US/Canada Border with Horses
Contributed by Bette-Lyn Eger
Thinking of attending Canada’s
first National Andalusian Show, but
not sure about crossing the Canadian
border with horses? Don’t worry;
getting across the border is easy!
All horses require a Coggins (EIA)
test and veterinary heath papers. Your
local veterinarian can acquire these
papers for you. The Coggins or
negative EIA (Equine Infectious
Anemia) test is valid for 180 days. The
Health Certificate, stating your horse is
free of contagious disease, is valid for
30 days. For international travel, your
veterinarian will need to have both of
these papers endorsed by a USDA
veterinarian, so do not leave it to the
last minute. Most vets recommend
scheduling your appointment for
initiating the paperwork for two to
three weeks prior to travel. One thing
to keep in mind is that you need to
make sure your health certificate is
valid the entire time you are out of the
country -- and that it will be valid
when you head back across the border
to return to the US.
No additional veterinary inspection
is required at the border for horses
temporarily entering Canada, provided
the horse returns within 30 days of the
date of entry. Horses may enter/reenter at any regular car border
crossing. A duty or sales tax will not
be assessed for temporary entry.
Persons traveling with the horse(s)
should bring valid passports or if not
yet possessing one a valid drivers license and birth certificate, horses’ registration, and if you are not the owner a
note from them stating you are bringing your friends’ horses to the show.
There are three main border crossings within easy access of Chilliwack
Heritage Park: Abbotsford/Sumas
(604) 854-8029, the Pacific Hwy
(176st) (604) 541-3364 and Aldergrove
(264th). Border regulations can change
due to contagious outbreaks. Thus, to
be on the safe side, phone prior to leaving home to make sure you are prepared in advance for what to expect.
We look forward to having you
attend the Canadian National Andalusian Show, July 27,28,& 29. Further
information about the show can be
found on the club’s website at If you have any
questions regarding the show or travel,
I would be happy to help out. Just
phone Bette-Lyn at 604 886-9600 or
[email protected] . Hope to see you
in Canada this summer!
Do you own a breeding stallion?
If so, we would like you to consider joining other members in helping to raise
funds for the club, allowing us to sponsor clinics and other events across the
region. In 2008, we will be organizing a NWAHA stallion breeding auction, similar
to those sponsored by other Andalusian clubs across the country. We already
have several members who have come forward to say they would be willing to
donate a breeding to one of their stallions (thank you, Pedro and Cindy Munoz
Sanchez, Erin Gray, Sharon Gerl, and the DeJongs for indicating that you
would be willing to help in this way!). We will begin advertising the 2008
stallion auction in our next newsletter as well as at the June NWAHA show. If
you are interested in participating, please contact club president Julie Alonzo
([email protected]) so she can begin to organize the promotional materials.
Do you enjoy raffles?
If so, please visit the NWAHA website and purchase tickets for your chance to
win a new rolling tack trunk valued at $650 or stop by the NWAHA booth at the
Northwest Horse Expo in Albany, Oregon on March 23-25th to buy your tickets
in person. Help your club raise funds so we can do more!
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Rancho del Caballo Plateado PRE offers for sale:
Solana 2003 Palomino
Champion Half Andalusian and
Azteca 2003
Reg Half Andalusian & Azteca D
Sire Cazar Dam Holly Dun Chex
Color DNA e Aa N/Cr
2006 Rare Chocolate
Cazar; Reference Sire
Palomino, grey eyes.
Half Andalusian, Azteca D not yet reg needs a name. Full brother to
above filly $10,000
Liza 15yo Grulla QH mare
Not papered 16 hands; good kid’s horse
for walk/trot. Very sweet and easy to
handle; Liza is also the only mare I turn
out with my stallion, so she could also be
a buddy. $1,000
I don't want to sell, but they need people who will do something with them, but good home is a
Victoria Sperline
Rancho del Caballo Plateado PRE
18441 old hwy 99 sw
Rochester, Wa 98579 360-273-6849
[email protected]
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Upcoming Events for NWAHA Members:
March 23-25, 2007 : Northwest Horse Fair & Expo.
Linn County Fair and Expo Center, Albany, OR.
Come join NWAHA in celebration of the magnificent
Andalusian breed at the Northwest Horse Expo this
spring. In addition to the opportunity to showcase our
breed, the Expo provides clinics to appeal to a wide
taste of equine interests. Please contact Julie Alonzo at
[email protected] for more information.
June 23, NWAHA General Membership Meeting @
Go for Baroque Horse Show, exact time to be
announced closer to the event. Tentatively scheduled
for 1 hour after last afternoon class on Saturday.
July 26th IALHA PAALH Canadian Show,
Chilliwack Heritage Park Chilliwack, BC. Info: or contact Bette-Lyn
[email protected] . Thursday PAALH will host an
March 23, NWAHA dinner in Albany, 8:15 pm. If IALHA sanctioned qualifying show; Friday morning
you’re in town for the Expo and want to join us for
Halter, afternoon English Performance and traditional;
dinner (location TBD), drop by our stall area and get
Saturday morning Halter, afternoon Western
more information.
Performance & Traditional; Saturday evening Jumping
and Fiesta; closing Sunday with Dressage. Classes will
March 24, NWAHA General Membership Meeting follow IALHA and Equine Canada/USEF regulations,
@ Northwest Horse Expo. Come join fellow NWAHA posted on .
members in our section of the Breed Barn (look in
Expo materials for details). We will gather near the
July 27th, 28th, and 29th Canadian National
club’s section of stalls immediately following our
Andalusian Show, Chilliwack Heritage Park
Saturday Breed Demonstration, which is scheduled to Chilliwack, BC To enter a National Championship
end at 1pm. Come join us if you’re at the Expo!
class, you must have placed Top 5 in an Andalusian
Show, Judged by a sanctioned IALHA Judge, 2004 on.
May or June Clinic / Warm-up Show. If you are
No qualifications are required for the non National
interested in participating in a fun event to help you
classes such as Iberian Halter, Jumping, Working
prep for the Andalusian shows this summer, please
Equitation, etc. A class list will be placed on
email Cyndy Stephens Winchell at this January. Local qualifying
[email protected]. If there is interest from
shows are: NWAHA’s Go for Broque, Boring OR. or
NWAHA members, she will host a schooling show /
the PAALH Canadian Show in Chilliwack BC.
clinic and club barbeque at her place in Eugene,
July 28th, Trail Trials; Woodland, Washington. We
know there are a lot of NWAHA members out there
June 22 - 23 Open Dressage Show USDF/USEF/
who enjoy trail riding. Consider joining forces and
ODS Approved; June 23 - 24 Go for Baroque Breed participating in a Trail Trial event being hosted by the
Show, Boring, Oregon. Come join other Andalusian Clark County Fair Mounted Patrol. For more informaenthusiasts at the first NWAHA show of the year, once tion, email [email protected].
again located at the Northwest Equestrian Center near
Portland, Oregon, not far from the interstate (about as August 17 Open Dressage Show. USDF/USEF/ODS
close to centrally-located as we could get in our
approved; August 18-19 Festival of the Andalusian
region!). This year, the event counts as a qualifying
Class A IALHA/USEF approved Breed Show, Northshow for both the IALHA Nationals in October and
west Equestrian Center, Boring, Oregon. Please conthe first Canadian National show being held in July.
tact Laurie Burgess ([email protected]) or Sue
Please contact Laurie Burgess
Cheers ([email protected]) for more information.
([email protected]) or Sue Cheers
([email protected]) for more information. If you August 18, NWAHA Board Meeting and General
can’t bring your horses this year but would like to
Membership Meeting, to be scheduled in the afterattend, we’re always in need of willing volunteers!
noon, in between classes at the Festival of the Andalusian. All members welcome and encouraged to attend!
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Go for Baroque Farm offers for sale:
Arana AM: An exquisite bay yearling filly by the
accomplished dressage stallion Inquieto an imported
son of Jenson and Cobriza from the Spanish National
Stud out of a Portugeese approved Jose Santos Viega
mare by Espartico. This girl has the movement to
excel in dressage and with her sweet tractable nature
and joie de vie she will be a willing and fun partner in
any discipline. $10000.00
Aureliana: 2006 buckskin filly. This is a once in a
lifetime foal. The daughter of Saphiro, an Umbaba son
out of Calandria A, an athletic and multi-talented
Adalid mare. She inherited the best of both. She has
excellent bone, great conformation and amazing
movement. Color is just icing on this perfect cake.
Heliodoro: 2006 Palomino colt out of Portugese
approved pure Viega Lusitano mare by the Palomino
grandson of Afiancado de Flandes, Venturoso HM.
He is very docile, friendly with amazing floating
movement. He is a thrill to watch and a pleasure to
work with. With his excellent pedigree and
conformation, he will make a marvelous herd sire and
performance horse $20,000
Calandria A, 2000 Bay Adalid bred mare. She has the
substance, athletic ability, movement and temperament
to do anything. Currently ready to show first level
dressage. Though she is just as willing and able to
jump or go on the trail She is an easy broodmare and
has produced two big, athletic beautiful foals.
Breeding to Venturoso included. $20,000
Jacaranda JSA, 1991 Lusitano mare imported from
Portugal . Here is a chance to add some exceptional
pure Viega bloodlines from the Jose Santos line to
your breeding. She has good bone, straight movement
and sweet personality that she passes on to her foals.
Sold in foal to Venturoso HM. $12,000.
Caballos del Corazon Andalusians offers for sale:
Purebred registered 2006 colt out of Reserve National
Champion Odalisca GF and 17 hand dressage stallion
Romerito II. Contact Julie Alonzo at
[email protected] for more information.
Flamming Aztecas offers for sale:
Double registered bay Azteca filly turned 2 in January.
Already 15.2 hands, very calm and gentle, would make a
great Dressage or 3- day eventer. Sire is Cazar! Also is on
Dreamhorse for quick sale $5000.00
Also, 4 yr old palomino Azteca gelding out of Saphiro.
stunning Dressage movement! started under saddle and
doing well. For a serious competitor, he can go far. Private
treaty. For more info, contact Tina Russeff, (206)930-1287;
[email protected]
Moonstruck Meadows offers for sale:
FILLIES: 3 mature riding mares. $28-$32,000. 4
youngsters $7,500-$16,500. Bays. Greys. Revised or
inscribed. We selectively breed our mares for dressage
suitability. Straight moving, solid work ethic, peopleoriented temperament. Carla Shown. 360-263-3705.
[email protected];
Linda deWilde-Petersen offers for sale:
Hobby Horse (brand) show jacket. Bolero style (waist
length) Dark brown brocade type cloth w/ subtle sparkles
on collar. Size Med. Also, tan Hobby Horse size Med.
slinky. $50.00/ set.
Dressage saddle pad w/ PRE logo and black trim
(Foundation of the Spanish Horse) Used a few times. $100.
(they are $180 new)
Stubben Tristan dressage saddle 17 1/2" MW tree. Black
2004 Dodge Ram 1/2 ton truck. Red w/ grey interior.
Trailer-tow pkg, lots of extras, all set up for hauling (trailer
brakes included), well maintained, 30,000 miles (still under
warranty) $23,000.
Spare tire cover for horse trailer (for 15" wheels which is
the size for most 2 or 3 horse trailers) Black vinyl with
white logo of a horse/rider and the word Dressage under the
logo. In like-new condition. Paid $45, will sell for $25.
For more information, please contact Linda deWildePetersen; 360-825-8476; [email protected]
(Continued on page 16)
Have a pure or part-bred Andalusian horse to sell? Need to clear space in your tack
room? Remember, classified ads are FREE for NWAHA members! Email your
classified ad text to [email protected] for inclusion in the next newsletter!
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
MUST SELL: Handsome, pure Spanish,
Andalusian gelding. Mariah’s Maravilloso. Knows
two bows, Spanish walk started, parks, fun to train and
work with. Good stall/barn manners, gets along with
other horses, good in stall or pasture environment.
Healthy, sound, no blemishes, no maintenance. UTD
on all care. Was Cria-approved breeding stallion, so
excellent Spanish type. Sire national champion bay
stallion Teodoro. NOW WITH TRAINER FOR
TUNE-UP. Price neg. to approved home. MUST SEE.
Don't pass up this great Andalusian gelding... best buy
out there for a lucky new owner! E-mail for more
photos, or for contact info to talk to trainer about
Maravilloso's work under saddle. Trainer loves this
horse... he is a really solid, safe, fun-to-work-with
horse. An easy keeper and no issues. Please call trainer
Cyndy Stephens Winchell at (253) 951-3151 or owner
Debra Itzen at (541) 469-4189 for more information.
Photos available by request.
Two purebred Andalusians offered for sale. 3 year
old mare and yearling filly. Full sisters, sharing
wonderful bloodlines and great personalities. Contact
Ann Beaver ([email protected] or Kathy Russell
[email protected] for more information. Also, see ad
with photos in this newsletter.
Congratulations, USDF Year-End Winners!
It appears that Andalusians
have definitely made great strides
toward breaking the warmblood
hold on dressage, with Rociero XV,
a 1995 Andalusian stallion taking
home the 2006 USDF Horse of the
Year title in Intermediate II.
From our own region, several
familiar names were recently
honored with USDF horse of the
year awards as well. Sharon Gerl’s
new stallion Venturoso HM was
first place purebred Training Level
Open, while her Lipizzan Siglavy
Pachena was awarded first place
purebred First Level Adult Amateur
and second place First Level Open.
And yes, Venturoso IS one of
the two stallions with a 2007
breeding currently being auctioned
as a club fund raiser. Definitely
something you may want to
consider if you are a dressage
Oregon resident Amber
Johnson rode a part Andalusian
bred by Ami MacHugh (of Jackass
Mountain Ranch in Washington
state) to a year end award. Tracy
Wells (Washington), Kathyn
Gruenefeldt (Oregon) and Diana
O’diear (Washington) were also
honored for their rides in 2006.
Congratulations, all of you!
We are always looking for willing hands to help out at our club-sponsored
dressage and breed shows. Please let Laurie Burgess
([email protected]) or Sue Cheers ([email protected]) know if
you would be willing to help at either of our shows. No experience
needed, just enthusiasm and the desire to have fun!
Also, please contact Sue if you would be interested in sponsoring a class
at our horse show (you donate a small fee to the club and are recognized
as an official sponsor in the show program as well as when your class is
announced at the show). It’s a great way to get your farm name out
there, and helps us keep the cost of our shows within reason. Businesses
as well as individuals are encouraged to sponsor classes. Please contact
Sue for more information!
NWAHA Newsletter March 2007
Green Hill Farm: Salem, Oregon
Offers For Sale 2 pure Spanish Andalusian fillies,
Full sisters. Dam: Helena GHF: 2002 NWAHA Champion 5
yr and older mares and Gold Medal Movement winner.
Sire: Romerito II, 17 hand black bay dressage stallion from
Michigan (Yeguada
Izarra GHF: 3 yo grey filly,
very typy and mature looking,
presently 15' 1 and growing;
lovely temperament & excellent
dressage movement, extensive
professional ground training
and has been saddled. $18,000
Lucita GHF: 10 mo Bay filly:
Beautiful & athletic, spirited
and sensitive. will mature to 16
hands plus. $13,000.
More photos at
Contact Ann Beaver
([email protected])
Cathy Russell ([email protected])
NW Andalusian Horse
Julie Alonzo, Newsletter Editor
Caballos del Corazon
88442 Fisher Rd.
Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: (541) 513-6757
Email: [email protected]
Promoting Pure & Part
Andalusians and Lusitanos
in the Pacific Northwest
Joining our Club & Advertising in the Newsletter
To join our club, contact
Carla Shown at
(360) 263-3705
Email: [email protected]
Membership dues:
Full Members: $40 USD
(owners or lessees of a pure or part Andalusian)
Associate Members: $30 USD
(non Andalusian owners or live outside the NW Region)
Family Membership: $55 USD
(One family member must own or lease a pure or part
Andalusian. Family is defined as parent or guardian & children
under 18)
Outside US add $12 for postage, all membership types.
Membership benefits:
· Quarterly newsletter
· Free/discounted ads in newsletter
· Inclusion in handbook
· Discounted class fees at shows
· Discounted clinics and seminars
Membership application on line at
2007 Newsletter Deadlines:
January 19
March 1
June 28
October 16
Mail Date
January 25
March 15
July 15
November 1
Advertising Rates & Criteria:
(all pricing US dollars)
Stud Service Classified $5.00
Photo Classified Ad
Business Card
¼ page
½ page
Full page
Criteria: Must be horse-related services or goods. Ad must be
received in final format with full payment. Contact
[email protected] for software requirements. Vertical layout.
* Free for Sale Classifieds limited to 30 words: Tack & Pure or
Part Andalusians for sale. Farm ads, Stallion Service, Training,
Non-Andalusians, etc. for members at regular ad rates.
Please email ads directly to editor in advance of deadline!