News Brings Friends Together.
News Brings Friends Together.
Published By The Banks' Employees $ Argos $ Culver $ LaPaz $ Plymouth Volume One $ NOV. 15, 1975 NUMBER NINE Work Brings People Together; News Brings Friends Together. NEWS FROM ARGOS FARMERS STATE BANK Barbara and Tim Hackett took their Appaloosa Colt (Serinco-Treco) to the LaPorte County Horse Show, Suncay, October 12. Barbara was excited after placing Fifth in the halter class, especially since this was the first show for her and the colt. Jennie and Dick Zentz spent Saturday forenoon October 25 at North Manchester watching their son, Roger, and his team play soccer. In the afternoon, they journeyed to Angola Tri-State College and watched another son, Dean, and his team play soccer. Both boy's teams won their games. Kim and Tim Thompson and Ed Rensberger were among the 4-H group that went by chartered bus to Fort Wayne and attended the Ice Show, Saturday, Oct. 25. Lisa and Lori Nolin, daughters of Jim and Betty Nolin wefe among the group that participated in the 20 mile walkathon. Both girls walked the entire 20 miles. xxxx Frances Mattix is enjoying a vacation. She and her husband, Earl, will spend part of the vacation with their daughter and family in Brighton, Michigan. xxxx Jim and Betty Nolin are the proud parents of a baby boy. Chad Edward Nolin was born on Nov. 4 at 6:40 A.M. He weighed 7• lb. 14-oz. and is 21 inches' long. Chad has 2 sisters, Lisa and Lori. Congratulations Betty and Jim from all of your co-workers. xxxx THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Bankruptcy is when a person OVERDUES it. xxxx Reporter; Francis Mattix XXX)0000000000DOCCOCXX)00000000CMOOCCODCX)OCXXX NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Scorpio Oct. 23 - Nov. 22 $ Sagittarius Nov.23 - Dec. 21 Nov. 10 Marcia Cook 23 Muriel Garrett 24 Barbara Hackett We extend our sympathy to Dale and Donna Lichtenbarger(drive in teller) in the recent death of Dale's mother, Mrs. Neva Lichtenbarger. Marilyn Downs(cook) is convalesing at home after being a patient in Bremen Hospital. Doris Mueller has come in to replace Marilyn until Marilyn is able to be back at work. xxxx Marge Cummins must have been born under a "lucky star". She was a winner of the Plymouth Rock of Gold $500 prize! xxxx Joyce Mencl (insurance secret Ty) has just returned from a week's visit with her family in Brooklyn, Connecticut. xxxx Our town, LaPaz, has a new Walgreen Drugstore operated by L ouis Kolupa Saranne Johnson (Jim's wife) is one of the employees. xxxx Robert and JoAnn Powers (cus'.i±er)spent the week end touring Brown County, Indiana. xxxx Roy and Esther Reed toured the Smokey Mountains and the Vanderbilt Home at Charleston,_ N. Carolina. Enroute, they stopped at Lexilifzton, Kentucky to visit Ruby Haring. xxxx Mark and Kitty Garnand (former-teller) are the proud parents of a daughter, Kelly Lynn, born October 12. xxxx Reporter: Carolyn Kelly. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PLYMOUTH NEWS Bob Webster, husband of Jean Webster, is in Memorial Hospital, South Bend where he is scheduled for open-heart surgery on Wednesday, November 12. Bob is in room 725 and would appreciate cards. He can not have visitors for awhile. Crayton and Virginia Holderead recently took a mini-vacation to Grand Rapids, Mich. They visited their son, Bruce, his wife, Janice, and their grandson,. Christopher. While they were there, they celebrated the 2nd birthday of Christopher. And is we missed anybody HAPPYII!!!!!!BIRTHDAY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Stan Shively will be completing six years of National Guard duty on November 24, 1975. xxxx NEWS NOTES Plymouth News Continued: November 15, 1975 Culver News Continued: (Auditing Department) This is a memo to. Vivian Bush Much thanks to you, Mom, for making such a beautiful wedding dress for me to wear. I am very proud of you. Love, Paula. xxxx David Dorr, son of Gale and Elwood Dorr, has been accepted by the Lincoln Technical Institute in Indianapolis where he will study automotive and truck technology. He is scheduled to begin the seventy week course in June of 1976. xxxx A special meeting for farmers will be hosted by The State Exchange Bank and Farmers State Bank on the subject of estate, gift, and inheritance taxes. The meeting will be held at the American Legion Hall in Plymouth, December 2 from 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. A panel program has been arranged to present this subject to the area farmers by an agent from the Internal Revenue Service: Administrator for the Indiana Inheritance Tax Division,and a lawyer from the Marshall County Bar Association. This program is designed to explain what these taxes are and how they affect the farmer. In addition, some examples will be given as to how to reduce these taxes. With the rapid increase in value of farms in the last several years, this subject should be of vital interest to the farmer. Anyone wishing any further information may contact Ken Koerber. xxxx Reporter: Jean Webster. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmouocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CULVER PEWS Customer booklets and internal control forms on IRA have been received from the printer, and according to Donald Slyh, the word is"go" to begin actively soliciting IRA accounts. Contact Don or Jack Keldenich at the main office for more information, and the branch managers or new accounts people at the branch offices. xxxx Donald Slyh represented our banks at a conference on Consumer Credit sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on Monday, Nov.2. xxxx Lois Stotler is wearing a diamond ring. She and Mery Lemeron of Francesville are planning on April wedding. xxxx Reporter: Margaret Swanson (Legal) Roy and Esther Reed stopped at Lexington and saw Ruby and Carl Haring on the 20th. They had had rain for three days at the Haring farm so had jest moved in. The Reeds also visited one of the tobacco barns on the farm and watched them strip the leaves and bundle them. xxxx Lura Walker is helping our department while Charlotte Jung is on vacation in Florida. xxxx Vanessa Bush, daughter of Vivian, has joined the chickenpoz brigade. xxxx Charlotte Jung attended the trust committee meeting in Indianapolis on Nov. 6.where they made plans for the trust conference to be held in April 1976. xxxx Reporter: Esther Reed. (Teller Tidbits) (Data Processing) Marianne Ransdell has purchased a '76 Monte Carlo. It is sharp! xxxx A new teller has been added to the Culver line Barbara Hittle from the Argos area. Barbara joined us on Nov. 12. Her husband, Gary, works their farm. Welcome, Barb! xxxx Joyce VonEhr (bookkeeping), Karen Thomas(telle and Karen's sister, Carol Crowel, enjoyed Tuesday, Nov. 11 shopping at the Woodfield Mall in Chicago. xxxx Reporter: Karen Thomas Jean and Charles Kindred's daughter, Holly, was married on October 24 in Chicago. xxxx Betty and Rex Castleman and family went to Great Lakes for graduation exercises for their son, John, from the Naval School. xxxx Jennifer, daughter of Linda Reinholt,won 5th prise in the Holloween costumes. xxxx The Covered Bridge Festival was well "covered" by the Data Dept. as Theresa and Mike Fitterli: and their daughter attended the festival. Marlene and Dick Shoddy also attended the event xxxx • Reporter; Linda Reinholt. xxxxxxxxxxxxmocxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)ocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx TO ALL STAFF MEMBERS: You will be pleased to know that in the past four months we have had the largest growth in deposits in the history of the Farmers State Bank, the State Exchange Finance Co. and The State Exchange Bank 13 MILLION DOLLARS! We can find no financial institution in this area that has enjoyed such growth in deposits. This growth is truly indicative of the continued interest and hard work on the part of our entire staff. Thanks to all---keep up the good work! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 2 Page 3 November 15, 1975 NEWS NOTES Culver continued: (loan Department) Betty Davis recently spent a long weekend with several friends in Las Vegas. Some of the highlights of the trip were; staying at the Landmark Hotel, seeing Frank Sinatra, Glen Campbell and Robert Goulet, and working the slot machines. Upon her return to work, we noticed she kept trying to find the slot in her typewriter for the nickels! xxxx Linda Deery entered Plymouth Parkview Hospital this week and will be there approximately a week. We are all thinking of her and wish her a speedy recovery. xxxx Reporter: Penny Lukenbill xxxxxxxxxxxxx STATE EXCHANGE FINANCE COMPANY NEWS Bob Cultice has just returned from a trip to Atlanta where he and a few other top salesman from Lincoln National Life were honored. Still another honor added to his list. xxxx Margaret Dehne has added a fireplace to her house. The rest of the department is now busy wangling invitations for roast marohmellaws and hot dogs. xxxx Hampton Boswell returned from his vacation in the Southwest and was glad to see the lush green of Indiana! He reported he liked Arizona temperatures, but the barrenness was not attractive. xxxx Did you know that insurance premiums are going '.1p because the companies are losing money paying for claims? Inflation has affected the cost of replacing TV antennas and repairing bent fenders just as it has everything else. xxxx Did you know that an insurance policy is a legal contract that binds the company to pay for all the agreements included in it? It cannot be canceled unless given back to the company or unless certain special forms are filled out. xxxx Reporter: Mimi Kalt xmcxxxxxxxxxxxxx..)ocxxx)oomomoocxxxxxxxxx)ocxxx The second conference concerned bank data processing and operations. Groups were categorized by size of bank for specific discussion of the role of computer technology in today's electronic banking environment. For two days, they hashed over everything from marketing to signature cards; from automatic overdrafts to 24 hour cash dispensing and transaction terminals. The conference was well attended by bankers throughout the midwest and the exchange of thoughts was educational and interesting. CHRISTMAS CLUB There has been much discussion recently concerning rate of interest on Christmas Clubs. Here, in a nutshell, is how Christmas Clubs stack up: 1)They are convenience accounts maintained for customers who need a coupon as a weekly incentive and reminder to set aside funds. 2)In order to operate these clubs, we pay for payment books, ledger sheets, annual checks and special advertising. Furthermore, these accounts require personal attention each ieal for renewal and to handle the posting of eac payment made. At the end of the year, our clerks must type payment checks for each clul lmber. 3)The balances in these accounts start small, and gradually grow during the year. As such the bank has limited use of the funds for' investment. 4)How is 1% actually paid on a $10.00 fully paid club? --It is paid on the final balance. Obviously, we did not have the final balance on hand all year, so the customer actually receives an effective yield of 2%. Thus, you see in comparison why we do not rate these with regular savings accounts. By the wawe can open a regular savings account and title "Xmas payments John Doe" for any customer who feels they are being short-changed. This year, due to increased rates on time deposits, we'have changed the rate of interest to 2%. This is a direct expense charged against profit. Effective annual yield is 4%. Recently, Jack Keldenich attended two ABA sponsored conferences. With bank legislation and customers demands changing almost daily, it is a struggle to stay current. NOTICE: The snowman on our Christmas Club posters has a name, "Beau Snow"! Please help him get acquainted with our customers. The first conference addressed the currently structured Automated Clearing Houses (ACH). This is a net-work set up like the Federal Reserve Clearing system for checks, except all clearings are done by computer. The paper debits and credits never leave their point of origin. This is not a futuristic type operation. In mid 1976, we will be handling all Social Security and Air Force direct deposits via computer magnetic tape instead of paper checks. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jack Keldenich report. Did you know that the first bank Christmas party was in 1938? This year's party is on December 6. SPECIAL BULLETIN: Bob Webster who underwent open-heart surgery has had the operation and we have been told it was successful! t, 'Page 4 NEWS NOTES November 15, 1975 BUSINESS ON WHEELS ,Can a former employee of The State Exchange Bank find happiness in his own business? Yes, if it is Neil Chase, former assistant cashier of our bank. Like a link in a long chain of great customers that our bank has had, Veil Chase became an industrial customer when he started the Chase Leasing Corporation in 1955. The Chase Corp. started in a modest building on Plum Street in Plymouth, Indiana. At that time, the company had four units (tractortrailer hauling trucks) and one customer; Pacific Hawaiian Products Co. Today, the company has 50 tractors, 60 trailers and 12 long term lease customers. According to vicepresident, Larry Chase, "we have not had what you would call a spectacular growth rate. We have had a slow controlled rate of expansion. One important fact we keep in mind is that we must be careful not to outpace the capabilities'of our physical plant. We are in our second location, which is adequate presently, however, based on our growth plan we will have to move to a larger terminal within the next year." The company is now located at 2619 North Michigan, south of The State Exchange Bank, Plymouth. The new terminal will be located on Markeley Drive, north of the Industrial Park in Plymouth. Larry Chase, when interviewed for a management magazine, "Trucking Business," explained ..."most of the industries attracted to Plymouth are small to medium sized corporations or a small division of a larger one. These types of companies recognize the personalized attention that a company of our size can afford to give them. They also realize that to us, even if they lease only four or five units, they are large important customers, and yet, with our affiliates in the NationaLease Stistem we can offer them nationwide service, and have the ability to match their growth rate as far as their transportation needs are concerned. A good example of this is our first account, which started out with four units. In 1955 -they were an independent company, in the intervening years they have been acquired by RJR Foods, and we presently service this account with 28 units." Some of the companies that Chase Corp. service, are; Walkerton, Indiana: American Door Co.; Metalstamp Inc.; Modern Door Co. Tippecanoe, Indiana: Niff-Corr, Inc. , Plymouth, Indiana: Ferro Corp.; Pilgrim Farms, Inc.; RJR Foods; Mid-America Containers; Young Door Co; Ireco Aluminum Corp. The company is a closely knit family concern of which Neil is president; son, Larry, is vice-president (Larry's wife, Sue, is a former employee of our bank); Wife, Dorothy, is secretary-treasurer. They staff 8 men in their four-bay shop; 6 mechanics, 1 service manager and 1 tire man . The shop services, maintains, and upgrades the company's fleet of trucks and keeps the fleet of trucks ready for use by its customers. This company gives 100% service to its. customers and our bank is ready to give Chase Leasing Corporation the same type of service! Congratulations to a fine company! NOTE: On the completion of the company's new terminal in the spring of 1976, our paper will print pictures of the facilities. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: prepositions Prepositions are connecting words. There are 39 of them in the diagram. If you wish to find them without the list, simply cover up the list and proceed on your own. Word List Above Across After Against Along Amid Among Around At Before Behind Below Beneath Beside Between Beyond By - Down During For From In , Inside Into bike Near Of Off Outside Over Through Till To 'l'oward Under Until . Upon With Within O GDTNLPKVEVOBA T U O H I G G T B L K F MR S RTTHLDESKEIGL S I NS T N L N R N D R L H O UIRIODEOTIKTA RTHHWDDLBYSAMT CAEGUNEEWTEBGX ABER UUFLDNBBNA P FIN W 0 D U E I FROM FNTI RRRBPFS V LO G FTE T A W HX0EN AN P II 0 D R A W O T R N L I 0, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FASTEX SERVICE The trucks leased by a company are imprinted, on the trailer, with the name of the leasing company. The Chase Corp. pays for the lettering of these trucks. FOR SALE: Hoover upright vacum sweeper -4 years old - adjustable to shag, indoor, outdoor, and regular carpet. Price:$40.00 Call Marlene, EXT. 69, Culver. from the News Notes Staff! 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Mimi Kalt 6... Carolyn Kelly 7... Jean Webster Frances Mattox 8. . . Penny Lukenbill Esther Reed Karen Thomas 9... Rose Strang Margaret Swanson 10... Linda Reinholt 11... Marcia Adams And happiness in the New Year! * eA itiA A Published By The Banks' Employees P$ $ Culver $ LaPaz $ Plymouth _ Volume One $ Dec. 15, 1975 $ Number Ten $ / Work Brings People Together; News Brings Friends Together. FARMERS STATE BANK NEWS NEWS FROM ARGOS There have been favorable comments from our farm customers on the Estate, Gift, and Inheritance Tax Forum which was held at the American Legion in Plymouth on Tuesday, Dec. 2. *xxx The IRA meeting at the Argos bank was a success. There have been several new Savings accounts set up as a direct result of the meeting. Mr. Slyh did a fine job as the chairman. Each month there are new customers on the Direct Deposit Forms. As people plan their winter vacations in a warmer climate, they realize what a convenient program the Direct Deposit is for them. **** On Sunday, Dec. 7, Diana Holderead,along with a group of 15 young people from Marshall County, attended a Rural Youth State Convention at Indianapolis. They represented District One and presented a patriotic skit for their talent. They placed first out of the ten districts represented. The Argos women wish to thank the Culver Bank women for a most enjoyable gvening at the Culver Inn. The Federal examiners converged upon. us this past week to add a little zest to our lives! **** Thank you, Charlotte, and all helpers for a very fine Christmas party. We enjoyed the evening very much. Farmers State Bank employees had a Trim The Tree Party Tuesday after work, **** Approximately 15 customers attended the IRA meeting in the bank lobby Tuesday evening **** By this reading, all loans at our bank will be on computer. Installment loans are going on the computer this week. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 7WENTY QUESTIONS (pertaining to Farmers State Benk) (•ounded figures) 1. How many full time employees do we presently employee? 21 29 23 2. How many part time employees do we employee 6 The bank party at the Culver school was enjoyed Argos would like very thank by all! everyone responsible for making it a successful evening. We look forward to this party each year. (We also look forward to the Bonus envelopes each year!) 8 3. What is the average .TIonthly postage amount? $1,450.00 $1,300.00 $900.00 14. What is our average monthly telephone bill? $1,450.00 $385.00 $425.00• 5. How many directors are there? 15 **-)HE 18 12 6, How many associate directors are there? 3 4 2 JOKES: 7. How many lock boxes do we have? 724 663 805 The man had barely paid off his mortgage on the 8. How many lock boxes are now available for house when he mortga3ed it again to buy a car. rent?, Not too long after that he borrowed money to 125 140 100 build a garage. His banker hesitated and said, "If I do make this loan how will you buy gas 9- How many checking accounts do we have? 3,000 5,000 3,500 for the car?" 10. How many savings accounts do we have? The man replied curtly, "It seems to me 3,500 3,000 2,500 that a fellow who owns a big house, a car and 11, What dollar volume of property and casualt: a new garage should be able to get credit for insurance is. in effect through our Ingas!" surance Department? (first 10 months-1975) $227.000.( $199,000,000 $219,000,00 The hold-up man showed a note to the bank teller ordering, "Hand me all the dough in your drawer. 12. What has been the dollar volume increase in loans during the past 12 months? I've got you covered." $2,352,000 $1,048,000 00 $1(784,000 00 The teller scrihbled his reply, "Kindly go to What has been the dollar volume increase 13. the next window. I'm on my lunch hour." in deposits during the past 12 months? **** $2,410,000.00 $1,084,000 00 $2,750,00( 1 4. What are the total resources to date? Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a RAPPY NEW $26,500.00 $23,400.000.00 $27,500.00 YEAR, EVERYONE, and the best of everything for Reporter:Frances Mattox flirt-mall the drive- in in 1H Unw many pars we 16. November? 4,235 4,675 5,450 What is SEFCO? When was our bank purchased by State Exehnni7e Finance c--pqnv? 1915 ' 1943 1947 the coming year, 1976! 17. 41 t Page 2 NEWS NOTES 'Twenty Questions from Farmers State Bank continued: 18. When was our bank chartered? 1943 1915 1918 19. Does Farmers State Bank have a Trust Department? 20. What is the average cost per noon lunch served in our dining room in 197)4? $1.90 $2.25 $2.10 ANSWERS ON PAGE 4. ***** Reporter: Carolyn Kelly (Editor's Note: Reporter, Carolyn Kelly,aske employees to give her some questions about the Farmers State Bank that they would like to have answered. Carolyn then did the research for the quiz answers.) **XXXXXX **************XXXX*XXX***************** PLYMOUTH NEWS The following paragraph could well be a by-line of our bank. It was received in a letter from a good friend of ours. We liked it and have adopted it. Please remember we are a service conscious bank and we will expect to hear from you if you are not provided with what you consider satisfactory, Without comments from those we serve, we can not make progress in trying to improve. **** December 15. 1975 Plymouth News ,- ontinued: The employees of the Plymouth bank with to express thanksto all those responsible for the lovely banquet on Saturday evening. December 6, Everything wal., lovely ac tt is and we", enjoyed by alL • **** Gene Christian-en Spent the week of Sunday. November 30 to Friday. December 5 at Purdue University attending Indiana Agricultural Banking School, Gene completed the second year of a 2-year course, He will receive his diploma in March at the Ag-Banker's Clinic, EaCh day of working in a bank brings a new experience, This Tristmas card was received by the student loan department of our banks from Dr. Gensinger who will receive a doctorate from National College of Chiropractic very soon, It certainly added a little humor to our day (It is good to know that we are appreciated by the students.) The Christmas spirit has hit the Plymouth bank, Crayton has been working very hard with the decorations, Jerry Wyman is even singing Christmas carols! Mark Christiansen and John Koerber were among 11 members of the sophomore class at Plymouth High School honored for their achievement on the National Educational Development Tests. They each received a National certificate. **** Nila Greenlee and Gail Dorr were recently initiated as new members of the Plymouth Business and Professional Women's.Club, **** Bob Webster is recovering at home from recent heart surgery. He is showing daily progress and has now started his walking therapy. **** Marsha Banning is spending two week', vacation at home during the holiday season. Reporter: Jean Webster **** Jon Bixel has spent two weeks vacation working on the farm home that he is remodeling, • The Plymouth girls wish to express their thanks to the Culver girls for the lovely Christmas Party at the Culver Inn.. Everything was lovely and we know that much time was spent on making, it that way. The entertainment was really enjoyed by all. XXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXT: To ALL of our employees and true friends of mine, may I wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and happiness in the NEW YEAR 1976! •• •0• • .00CODE.: Page 3 NEWS NOTES CULVER NEWS (Teller Tidbits) December 15, 1975 Culver News continued: (Legal continued) Gene McFeely, a Culver teller since November 29, Charlotte came back from her Florida vacation 1957, is retiring December 24, 1975, Gene has looking tanned and rested. been a loyal and hard-working employee for the **** 18 years, In the January 1972 'Ioard or 7drec MERRY CHRISTMAS! tors meeting Gene was elected Assistant Cashier Reporter; Esther Reed of the State Exchange Bank of Culver, Those many years of hard work had not gone by un(Data Processing) rewarded, Betty, Rex and Andy Castleman _aid Gene's husband, Verl, retired earlier this year, to 2oDri for 22 weeks, Son,John,went to Memphis The McFeelys have made plans to go south for Tenn, for school. the winter, Gene and Verl will be leaving for **** Florida on December 25, where they will reside Teresa and Mike Fitterling celebrated their at 152 Crecent St , Fort.Meyers Beach, Florida. 16th wedding anniversary, Dec 6, They will return to Culver in the summer months, **** Jackie Walter, sister of Patti Walter. left Although Gene has become a familar face in winDec 6 for Torrejon, Spain; near Madrid. She dow #4 at Culver and will be missed by all, we will be stationed there for 2 years, Patti wish she and Verl, "Happy Retirements!" hopes to visit her there next year, **** **** Did you know that twenty years ago Ed Schultz Reporter Linda Reinholt was named 1955 Onion King of the Northern Indiana Muck Crop Show at Walkerton, Indiana? (Loan Dept,) **** Congratulations and thank you to Charlotte Jung Bob and Phyllis Lindvall have become grandand Penny Lukenbill and all of their helpers for parents again. Their oldest son, Bruce. and making the bank's Christmas party and the girls' his wife, Bonnie, are the parents of a second Christmas party such enjoyable evenings, baby boy, Troy was born is !-Toverer and Bob **** already has several pictures of him! Millie and George Cullers are grandparents again **** George's son and his wife are the proud parents Bob'b son, Brent, was married Nov, '10 in Monof a girl, terey to Miss Ellen Wamsley, daughter of Mn **** and Mrs. Claiborn Wamsley of Monterey. The Karen Thomas (teller) and Joyce VonEhr(booknewlyweds have returned to Purdue. resuming keeping) cooked the Thanksgiving turkey and their studies there. had thePimily dinner at their apartment, That's **** 15 people--a grave undertaking for those two! The CulVer Inn was the site of the Annual Reporter: Karen Thomas Christmas Party for the ladies of the State Exchange Banks and affiliates. Approximately (Auditing Dept.) 100 girls attended dinner, followed by entertainment by the Culver Community High School Bob Craft, son of Edna Mae and Lyman Craft, has Stage Band, This year. in lieu of a gift exbeen transferred from Ft. Leonard Woods, Mo, to change, each brought a donation to be contriFt Belvoir, Va., for ninety days, He will take buted to a charitable cause, The total amount part in a special training course for non-comcollected was $280.00 and the sum will be sent missioned officers, to the Shady Rest Home (Marshall County HoMe). **** Hopefully, it will make Christmas a little Don Slyh reports that the IRA Meetings held last brighter for the residents, week and this week are attracting new prospects **** for this type of account, About 12 attended the As general chairman of the Girls' Christmas meeting held at Argos, and about 15 at LaPaz Party, I would like to take this opportunity Meetings at CW•ver and Plylouth are on schedule to thank all those who attendediyou certainly to explain to interested customers how IRA works helped make our partlia success, I would like and the benefits to be gained in the program. to particularly express my appreciation to **** those who assisted with decorations and welReporter: Margaret Swanson coming, Without your help; I could not have accomplished a thing! (Legal) *** Reporter. Penny Lukenbill We wish to add our thanks to Mr Osborn and *********************************************Y the committees for the very nice parties given last week, STATE EXCHANGE FINANCE CO. NEWS **** We join with everyone in wishing Gene McFeely First things First the very best in the future and we will miss her. Last month when we were warned the electri**** city would be shut off for a -hort time, the Ron and Karen Mendenhall celebrated their 12th only precaution taken was to be sure the coftee wedding anniversary :ec 8 'with a dinner-shopping pot was full of fresh brew, spree. Congratulations you two! **** **** P'age NEWS NOTES December 15, 1975 State Exchange Finance Co. hews continued: The Finance Company held a small bazaar for its employees. Everyone brought hand made items from pot holders with smiling faces to cookbooks; from cosmetics to quilts. This was one item that sold well for kiddos: A CHRISTMAS POOCH Cut on all the solid lines. Fold on the Curl the tail a little. dotted lines He'll sit, stand, and generally loll around. (make from construction paper or get fancy and make of felt with wires inlaid for the feathers) The State Exchange Bank and Farmers'State Bank sponsored a tax forum for farmers in the Marshall County area on the subject of "Estate) Inheritance, and Gift Taxes" on December 2 at the American Legion Post in Plymouth, The program consisted of a panel presentation by Mr. George Winwood, Internal Revenue Service Estate Tax agent; Mr William Tracy, State of Indiana Inheritance Tax Administrator; Mr. David Feagler, attorney representing the Marshall County Bar Association, The purpose of the meeting was to inform F.')e farmers of ti"Pir possible needs in the estate planning area and to motivate them to initiate an estate planning program. Representing their banker, I would be more than happy to discuss each farmer's specific needs at no cost or obligation, on behalf of the bank, at any convenient place, Your assistance in carrying on this objective whenever you come in to contact with these people at the appropriate opportunity will be beneficial and most appreciated, - Again, thanks to everyone in the bank who ----- helped make this program a success With some 300 people at the meeting, we needed all to greet, pass out posters and even to obextra chairs for the group! , tain • ■■ ••••■ •••■ • Ken Koerber, Trust Dept, XXX)000000C0000XXXXXXXX • • • DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS ••••■ .101•11Malaganany Smart" w...••■ +•••■ •••■ •■ •■ •••••• _ Sagittarius Nov.23- Dec. 21 Capricorn Dec.21-Jan 20 Dec. 10 Wayne Holderead 14 Debi Fall 16 Joann Powers Donna J. Peters Mary Wicks 17 Kay Hagenbush 18 Marlyn Kuskye 19 Karen Stults 24 Jean Rensberger Carol Jensen 96 Donna Lichtenbarger HAppylItItimItttittlITIBIRTHDAy --1 *********** At the girls' Xmas party Sharon Brockus, "Everyone comes by and says the paper will report I poured the punch," And it's true. **** The Finance Company women held their annual Xmas feast at the Culver Inn and then ad journed to the home of Sharon Brockus for further celebrating, Sharon generously spent her shopping day getting ready for the group, **** Reporter: Mimi Kalt CHRISTMAS VACATION All of the banks will be closed at noon on December. 24, XXXXXX)00000CCXXXX)000(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)OCXXXXXX-• ANSWERS: WORD SEARCH Twenty Questions/ p. 1 11 $219,000 00 1 21 12. $1,784,000 01. 2. 8 3 $1,300.00 13. $2,410,000.0 14 $27 500 000 4 $385 00 15. 5,450 5 15 16 State Exchan 6 3 Finance Co. 7.805 17. 1943 8.140 18. 1915 9. 3,500 . 19. yes 10 3,500 20 $2.10