Let`s Begin With a Little Web Search…


Let`s Begin With a Little Web Search…
Let’s Begin With a Little Web Search…
Log in as yourself.
Go to the Media Center Website
Go to the Research page
Browse the site.
Read carefully and tell us if you could use this
site to persuade your science teachers to let you
monitor the Haggis Cams & win prizes.
Work quickly – you have 5 mins.
“Haggis Hunt”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Wild haggis (Haggis scoticus) is a fictional
creature said to be native to the Scottish
Some falsehoods shown on the site:
“Haggii live with the monster in Loch Ness.”
Haggii are “raised on a diet of shortbread…”
The images are clearly photoshopped
In a test of another bogus site, 24 of 25
students believed the site was real.
Website Reliability: So What?
Irrelevant Indicators
 Appearance:
looks good and
seems accurate
Relevant Indicators
 Consider
 Authority
 Currency
 and Objectivity
 Who
is the author or sponsor?
 Check
 What
the “About Us” Link
is the domain?
– .gov, .edu, .org, .com, .net
(order of most to least
 Is
the page dated?
 Top
 Is
of the page or bottom
it recent?
 Do all links work?
 Check
for bias
 (Is the information one-sided?)
 Check for advertisers
 (Is the purpose of the site to
sell you something?)
Let’s Check Your Understanding
South Newton Website
 Middle School
Media Center
Look at the #’d list underneath HAGGIS
With a partner, complete a web evaluation
for the one assigned to you.
Let’s Check Your Understanding
Compete an Evaluation Form:
2 No; 2 Yes
 Campaign to Ban DHMO
3 Yes
 IHR Center
 Jacopo di Poggibonsi 1 No; 2 Yes
 Ova Prima Foundation 1 No; 2 Yes
 Visit Frederickton Canada 1 No; 1 Yes
 Offbeat Animal Competitions
1 No; 2 Yes
Relevant Indicators
 Consider
 Authority
 Currency
 and Objectivity
One final check…
Go to Buy an Ancestor Online on the
MC website
 Find one reason we should be
suspicious of this site.
HINT: Use the criteria from last time:
Easy Reliability?
Use sites that have been verified by
LIBRARIANS for your web site sources!!
Internet Public Library
 www.ipl.org
Or try an alternative search engine
 Yippy.com
Just remember: Use any search engine
(Google too!) with great caution.