Issei Noodle Menu 2014
Issei Noodle Menu 2014
SMALL DISHES SMALL DISHES SMALL DISHES Fried Gyoza (6pc) 5.00 Fried Gyoza (6pc) 6.00 SMALL DISHES Hand made Japanese style d umpling served wserved ith ponzu sauce for dipping. Hand-made Japanese style dumplings with ponzu adipping. vailable uWant pon request) sauceGfor gyoza steamed? SMALL DISHES (Vegetarian Fried yoza (6pc) your hand-made 5.00 Must place an order for 2 gyoza (12pc) and we’ll do the SMALL DISHES Hand mG ade Japanese style dumpling served with p onzu sauce for dipping. Fried yoza ( 6pc) 5.00 steaming for you. (12pc)4.00 12.00 (Vegetarian aapanese vailable u pon request) S pring r olls ( 2pc) SMALL DISHES Fresh Hand m ade J s tyle d umpling s erved w ith p onzu s auce for dipping. Fried Gyoza available (6pc) upon 5.00 (Vegetarian Fresh hand-‐rolled rice u ptyle aper filled request) with leTuce, shrimp, psork, bfasil leaves, (Vegetarian a vailable pon r equest) Hand m ade J apanese s d umpling s erved w ith p onzu auce ipping. Fried G yoza ( 6pc) 5.00 SMALL DISHES and cold vermicelli rice noodle served with a special plum sauce or wdith (Vegetarian vailable u pon equest) Fresh Spring Rolls SMALL D ISHES Hand made Jaapanese style dr(2pc) umpling served with p onzu sauce f4.00 or dipping. Fresh S pring r olls ( 2pc) 4.00 SMALL eanuts (f6pc) or dipping. Fried Gphand-rolled yoza with lettuce, 5.00 SMALL D DISHES ISHES crushed (Vegetarian available pon rpaper equest) Fresh filled Fresh hand-‐rolled ice uuprice aper filled w ith l eTuce, shrimp, ork, basil leaves, Fresh Spring rrolls (2pc) onzu pshrimp, 4.00 (Vegetarian aapanese vailable pon Hand m ade J style drequest) umpling served with p sauce for dipping. Fried G yoza ( 6pc) 5.00 pork, basil leaves and cold vermicelli rice noodles served and c old v ermicelli r ice n oodle s erved w ith a s pecial p lum s auce with h and-‐rolled r ice p aper fi lled w ith l eTuce, s hrimp, p ork, basil leaves, SMALL DISHES Fresh Fresh S pring r olls ( 2pc) 4.00 (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Fried G yoza ( 6pc) 5.00 Hand mG ade Japanese sipping. tyle dumpling scrushed erved with p onzu sfor auce for dipping. crushed p eanuts f or d with a special plum sauce with peanuts Fried yoza ( 6pc) 5.00 and cold vpring ermicelli rice pnaper oodle solls(3pc) erved wl eTuce, ith a special plum s5.00 auce with Fresh h and-‐rolled r ice fi lled w ith s hrimp, p ork, b asil leaves, Fresh S r olls ( 2pc) 4.00 SMALL DISHES Vietnamese F ried E gg R Fried Gyoza (6pc) hicken Salad BEVERAGES SoV Drinks ORIGIN of RAMEN 9.00 over cold vermicelli noodles, freshly shredded ed cucumber, crushed peanuts, and spicy ginger Hand made Jaapanese style umpling served with ponzu sauce for dipping. (Vegetarian vailable pon d dipping. Hand m ade Japanese sp tyle drequest) umpling served ponzu auce or crushed pveanuts for du ipping. and cold ermicelli rice naper oodle served wleTuce, ith aw sith pecial plum sauce wdith Fresh hand-‐rolled rice filled with shrimp, psork, bfasil lipping. eaves, Hand-‐rolled gg rolls fiu ith ground pork,crabmeat, assorted (Vegetarian vailable pon w Hand made Jaeapanese slled tyle drequest) umpling served with ponzu asnd for dipping. Fresh Svpring olls (2pc) 4.00 SMALL DISHES veggies Fried G yoza (fr6pc) fsor plum auce 5.00 (Vegetarian available upon request) (Vegetarian available uipping. pon request) crushed eanuts or dsh and cold ermicelli rfi ice nsoodle erved w ith a special sauce with sperved with auce dipping. (Vegetarian available upon request) gg olls(3pc) onzu psork, 5.00 Fresh hand-‐rolled rried ice aper fi R lled with l eTuce, shrimp, bfasil eaves, Hand m ade Jaapanese sp tyle drequest) umpling served with p auce or dlipping. Fried G yoza (Ffr6pc) 5.00 (Vegetarian vailable pon SMALL DISHES Vietnamese Fresh Sppring olls (E2pc) 4.00 crushed eanuts or du ipping. Vietnamese Fried Egg Rolls (3pc) 5.00 and cold vpring ermicelli rice naper oodle sgolls(3pc) erved wl peTuce, ith aw sith pecial plum sauce wdith Hand-‐rolled gg rFolls fiu lled w ith round ork,crabmeat, apsnd assorted (Vegetarian aeapanese vailable u pon request) equest) Fresh S r olls ( 2pc) 4.00 Vietnamese ried E gg R 5.00 Hand m ade J s tyle d umpling s erved p onzu auce f or ipping. (Vegetarian a vailable pon r Fresh h and-‐rolled r ice p fi lled w ith s hrimp, ork, b asil l eaves, Hand-rolled filled with ground pork, and Fresh pring rr6pc) olls ((s2pc) 4.00 Fried SG hrimp D umpling (erved 6pc) 5.00 crushed perved eanuts folls or dfish ipping. veggies sS wegg fi rolls auce fsor dwipping. yoza (Fith pcrabmeat Fresh S pring olls 2pc) 4.00 (Vegetarian aevailable up pon request) Fresh hand-‐rolled rried ice aper fi R lled ith wl peTuce, shrimp, pnd ork, basil leaves, Hand-‐rolled gg r lled w ith g round ork,crabmeat, a a ssorted and c old v ermicelli r ice n oodle ith a s pecial lum s auce w ith Vietnamese E gg olls(3pc) 5.00 assorted veggies with sauce dipping. Fresh hand-‐rolled rice served aper fieanut lled wsfish ith leTuce, shrimp, ork, baffasil lipping. eaves, Garnished wJJaith house uzu oy auce, cfor ilantro , gp nd hite Hand m ade apanese ssyp tyle d umpling sserved p onzu ssreen auce or (Vegetarian vailable u pon Hand m ade apanese tyle drpequest) umpling erved w ith p auce or dw Fried G 6pc) 5.00 and cold vyoza ermicelli rice naper erved wsl peTuce, ith aw sith pecial plum sauce wd ith Fresh hand-‐rolled rried ice p fi R lled ith shrimp, ork, basil lipping. eaves, veggies sperved wr(F ith fi dfish soodle auce fsor dwipping. crushed eanuts folls or ipping. Hand-‐rolled evailable gg lled wrequest) ith round ork,crabmeat, apnd assorted Vietnamese gg onzu 5.00 Fresh r olls 2pc) 4.00 and cold Svpring ermicelli rice n(E oodle sgolls(3pc) erved w ith a special plum sauce with onions. (Vegetarian a u pon (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Hand m ade J apanese s tyle d umpling s erved w ith p onzu s auce f or d ipping. crushed eanuts folls or and cold vhrimp ermicelli rice nsoodle with a special sauce with (Vegetarian aevailable uipping. pon Fried Sspperved D umpling (round 6pc) plum 5.00 veggies writh fi d auce fsor dwipping. Hand-‐rolled gg lled wrequest) ith gerved ork,crabmeat, and assorted crushed eanuts fror dfish ipping. Fresh hand-‐rolled rried ice p aper fiR lled ith l peTuce, shrimp, ork, basil leaves, Fresh pring olls (E2pc) 4.00 Vietnamese gg olls(3pc) , gpreen 5.00 (Vegetarian vailable uyipping. pon rpequest) crushed sSperved eanuts for dsh Garnished wa ith hF ouse uzu eanut soy ws ith auce, cilantro and hite veggies w ith fi s auce f or d ipping. (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Fried S hrimp D umpling ( 6pc) 5.00 and c old v ermicelli r ice n oodle s erved a s pecial p lum s auce ww ith Fresh hand-‐rolled rice aper fi lled with l peTuce, shrimp, ork, b5.00 asil leaves, Fried Shrimp Dumplings (6pc) (Vegetarian aevailable pon Hand-‐rolled gg rolls fiupalad lled wrequest) ith round ork,crabmeat, assorted Asian alamari , agpnd 7.00 onions. Vietnamese ried gg Rsgolls(3pc) 5.00 Fresh SCpvhrimp pring olls (Eoodle 2pc) 4.00 crushed eanuts fror S dyipping. Garnished with hF ouse uzu peanut soy ws ith auce, cilantro reen and w hite Fried S D umpling ( 6pc) 5.00 and c old ermicelli r ice n erved a s pecial p lum s auce w ith veggies sserved warinated ith fifish sE for dwipping. Garnished with house peanut sauce, cilantro, Cooked quid m iauce n gg rryuzu ice w ine over ssoy hredded w ith sesame Vietnamese R leTuce 5.00 Hand-‐rolled gg rF lled w ith golls(3pc) round ork,crabmeat, agp assorted Fresh h rrried ice aper fi lled ll peTuce, sshrimp, ork, b lleaves, (Vegetarian aeith vailable pon equest) onions. Fresh hand-‐rolled and-‐rolled ice p aper fieanut lled wsith ith eTuce, hrimp, pnd ork, baasil asil eaves, Fresh S pring r olls ( 2pc) 4.00 Vietnamese F ried E gg R olls(3pc) crushed phrimp eanuts folls or dup ipping. Garnished w h ouse y uzu p oy s auce, c ilantro , reen nd w hite Fried S D umpling ( 6pc) 5.00 green white onions. oil and ssesame seeds. Vietnamese ried gg R pplum 5.00 Hand-‐rolled egg rF olls fish lled with golls(3pc) round ork,crabmeat, and assorted veggies erved w ith fiS sE auce fssor dwipping. and ccold vvand ermicelli rrice n oodle wpith aa sspecial ssauce w ith and old ermicelli ice naper oodle erved ith pecial lum auce ww ith Fresh hand-‐rolled rice fieanut lled shrimp, ork, baasil leaves, (Vegetarian vailable pon Asian C alamari alad 7.00 onions. Hand-‐rolled gg hrouse olls fiup wrpequest) ith gerved round ork,crabmeat, assorted Garnished waeith ylled uzu sith oy wsl peTuce, auce, cilantro , agpnd reen nd hite veggies writh fi d sauce dipping. Hand-‐rolled egg lled with fsor gerved ork,crabmeat, and assorted crushed eanuts ffolls or ipping. Fried Ssspperved D umpling (round 6pc) lpeTuce 5.00 crushed eanuts or dfish ipping. and cold vhrimp ermicelli rice nsE oodle w pith a special lum sauce ith Vietnamese Fith ried Rfor olls(3pc) 5.00 veggies erved fiS sh dipping. Cooked quid mwarinated iauce n gg rice w ine over shredded with w sesame onions. Asian C alamari alad 7.00 veggies s erved w ith fi sh s auce f or d ipping. (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Japanese Svailable eaweed Swrpalad , agnd 5.00 Garnished waeith heeds. ouse uzu eanut soy s pauce, cilantro reen and white (Vegetarian pon equest) crushed phrimp eanuts folls or dfiuyipping. Fried D umpling (round 6pc) 5.00 oil and sSsesame Hand-‐rolled gg rF lled ith golls(3pc) assorted Vietnamese ried Ein gg Cooked quid msarinated rice w ine over hredded eTuce w ith sesame Asian Cerved Ssh alad Rfor ork,crabmeat, sloy 7.00 onions. Wakame salamari eaweed over sSalad hredded ldeTuce wsith yilantro uzu sgauce, esame oil (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Asian Calamari Fried S hrimp D umpling ( 6pc) 5.00 veggies s w ith fi s auce ipping. Garnished w ith h ouse y uzu p eanut s oy s auce, c , reen as7.00 nd white Hand-‐rolled egg rolls filled w ith g(round pork,crabmeat, and 7.00 assorted oil a nd s esame s eeds. Fried S hrimp D umpling 6pc) 5.00 Cooked s quid m arinated i n r ice w ine o ver s hredded l eTuce w ith sesame Asian C alamari S alad and s esame s eeds. Vietnamese F ried E gg R olls(3pc) Fried S hrimp D umpling ( 6pc) 5.00 Cooked squid marinated in rice wine over shredded lettuce Garnished w ith h ouse y uzu p eanut s oy s auce, c ilantro , g reen a nd w hite onions. veggies erved w ith fish sauce for dipping. Japanese Smeaweed leTuce 5.00 Garnished with ouse yuzu eanut soy s auce, cilantro , green and white oil and sssesame sharinated eeds. Cooked quid in Sw rpalad ice wround ine over shredded w ith sesame Hand-‐rolled gg olls ork,crabmeat, nd aassorted onions. Garnished weeith ouse uzu eanut soy s p reen asnd white with Ssesame oil and sesame seeds. Hand-‐rolled gg hrrF olls lled wpith ith round pauce, ork,crabmeat, nd ssorted Vietnamese ried gg 5.00 Asian C Sfifiylled alad Rggolls(3pc) soy , saagauce, 7.00 Wakame salamari eaweed over sE hredded leTuce with cyilantro uzu esame oil Fried hrimp D umpling ( 6pc) onions. Japanese S eaweed S alad 5.00 oil a nd s esame s eeds. veggies s erved w ith fi sh s auce f or d ipping. onions. veggies s erved w ith fi sh s auce f or d ipping. Silken T ofu S eaweed S alad 5.00 Hand-‐rolled e gg r olls fi lled w ith g round p ork,crabmeat, a nd a ssorted Cooked s quid m arinated i n r ice w ine o ver s hredded l eTuce w ith s esame and s esame s eeds. Garnished with house uzu palad eanut soy s auce, reen asnd white Asian Chrimp Syalad (6pc) 7.00 Wakame salamari eaweed over shredded leTuce with cyilantro uzu soy , sgauce, esame oil Fried S D umpling Japanese S eaweed S 5.00 veggies erved w ith fiSsh auce tfofu or dwipping. Wakame salamari eaweed over ssilken ith yuzu soy s auce and 7.00 sesame seeds. oil and sssC esame sarinated eeds. Asian onions. and sesame eeds. Cooked quid meaweed in Srpalad ice wine over hredded eTuce with sesame Garnished wsith house yalad uzu eanut soy s auce, cyilantro , sgauce, reen asnd white Wakame salamari eaweed over shredded leTuce wsith uzu sloy esame oil Japanese S 5.00 Asian C S alad 7.00 Fried hrimp Dumpling (6pc) shredded leTuce 5.00 Asian alamari Salad alad 7.00 Cooked msSarinated in rice w ine over with sesame oil and sSsC esame eeds. onions. Silken Tquid eaweed SSalad 5.00 and sesame seeds. Wakame sofu eaweed over shredded leTuce wsith yuzu sloy sauce, s5.00 esame oil Cooked s quid m arinated i n r ice w ine o ver hredded eTuce w ith s esame Japanese Seaweed Garnished w ouse yyuzu eanut soy ss auce, ccilantro ,, ggreen aand w Japanese Seeds. oil and sSsesame sh eeds. Garnished wsith ith harinated ouse uzu palad eanut auce, ilantro reen nd wshite hite Cooked quid meaweed in Srp ice w ine over shredded leTuce ith sesame Fried hrimp Dover umpling (6pc) 5.00 Wakame salamari eaweed silken talad ofu wsoy ith ylettuce uzu soy s auce and swsoy esame eeds. and sesame Asian S alad 7.00 oil and sC esame sSeeds. Silken T ofu eaweed S 5.00 Wakame seaweed over shredded with yuzu onions. onions. oil and stesame sheeds. Wakame seaweed over shredded leTuce with cyilantro uzu esame oil Garnished with ouse yuzu palad eanut soy s auce, , sgauce, reen asnd white Fried ofu (eaweed 6pc) ofu sloy 5.00 Japanese Sm Cooked sC in Srsesame ice wine over shredded eTuce ith sesame Wakame salamari eaweed ooil ver silken with soy s auce and 5.00 swesame seeds. sauce, sesame seeds. Asian Sand alad yuzu 7.00 Silken Tsquid ofu Sarinated eaweed S talad and ssesame sS eeds. onions. with oy esame sauce gsarnish with onions. Japanese eaweed S alad 5.00 Wakame s eaweed o ver hredded l eTuce w ith y uzu s oy s auce, s esame oil oil a nd s esame s eeds. Japanese Smeaweed Cooked sT quid in Sralad ice wine over shredded leTuce ith sesame Wakame sofu eaweed over silken ofu with soy s auce and 5.00 swesame seeds. Silken Sarinated eaweed S talad yuzu Japanese eaweed Salad 5.00 Wakame salamari eaweed over shredded leTuce with yuzu soy sauce, sesame oil Asian C Salad 7.00 and sesame sS eeds. oil a nd s esame s eeds. Fried t ofu ( 6pc) 5.00 hredded with yuzu soy asnd auce, sesame oil Wakame seaweed over silken tofu leTuce with yuzu soy sauce sesame seeds. and sesame seeds. Wakame salamari eaweed o ver shredded leTuce yuzu sauce, sesame oil Cooked ssCT quid m iin ice w ine over hredded eTuce w ssesame Silken ofu Sarinated eaweed S alad wssith slloy 5.00 Cooked meaweed arinated n Srralad ice with ine ver hredded eTuce with ith esame Asian Salad 7.00 Edamame Japanese 5.00 and ssesame sS eeds. with oy squid esame sauce garnish w oonions. Fried t ofu ( 6pc) 5.00 Silken Tofu Seaweed Salad 5.00 and s esame s eeds. oil a nd s esame s eeds. Wakame s eaweed o ver s ilken t ofu w ith y uzu s oy s auce a nd s esame s eeds. oil a nd s esame s eeds. Cooked s quid m arinated i n r ice w ine o ver s hredded l eTuce w ith s esame Japanese s tyle b aby s oy b eans l ightly b oiled a nd s alted. Silken Tssesame ofu Seaweed Ssilken alad w soy 5.00 Wakame eaweed over gsarnish hredded leTuce ith yuzu sesame oil Japanese S(eaweed Salad with soy sauce with onions. Wakame seaweed over tofu with yuzu soysauce, sauce and Fried ofu 6pc) 5.00 oil and stesame sSeeds. Silken TTssofu eaweed SS talad 5.00 and sesame seeds. Wakame eaweed o ilken ofu leTuce with yuzu soy s auce sesame seeds. Wakame eaweed o ver ver gssarnish hredded with yuzu soy asnd auce, sesame oil Silken ofu S eaweed alad 5.00 Edamame sesame seeds. with s oy s esame s auce w ith o nions. Fried t ofu ( 6pc) Japanese S eaweed S alad Silken T ofu S eaweed S alad 5.00 Wakame s eaweed o ver s ilken t ofu w ith y uzu s oy s auce a nd s esame seeds. and s esame s eeds. Wakame ssesame eaweed o ver ilken tofu woith yuzu asnd oy s alted. auce and 5.00 sesame seeds. Japanese tyle baby soy gsbarnish eans l ightly b oiled with s oy s s auce w ith nions. Edamame hredded with yyuzu soy sauce, ssesame o Wakame eaweed over silken ofu lleTuce with yuzu soy s auce sesame seeds. hredded eTuce uzu auce, esame oil il Japanese S(eaweed alad 5.00 Fried tofu 6pc) Steamed W (S6pc) 6.00 Silken Tssofu Sontons eaweed S talad with soy asnd 5.00 Japanese tyle baby soy sbhredded eans lightly boiled and s alted. and ssesame sseeds. Edamame 5.00 and esame eeds. Wakame s eaweed o ver l eTuce w ith y uzu s oy s auce, s esame o il with s oy s esame s auce g arnish w ith o nions. Issei's s ignature h and-‐made w ontons, s teamed a nd s erved w ith I ssei's Wakame eaweed over silken ofu with yuzu soy s auce and 5.00 sesame seeds. Fried tofu (b6pc) Silken Tssofu Saby eaweed S talad Japanese tyle lightly boiled Fried Tofu (6pc) 5.00 Edamame soy beans and s alted. 5.00 5.00 and sM esame seeds. yuzu iso-‐Chili s auce. Fried t ofu ( 6pc) with soy ssesame sauce with nions. Wakame eaweed over gsarnish ilken ofu woith uzu soy s auce and 6.00 sesame seeds. Steamed W (6pc) ywith Fried ttsoy ofu ((b6pc) talad 5.00 With sesame sauce onions. Japanese tyle aby soy beans lightly boiled and s alted. Silken Tssesame ofu Sontons eaweed Sgarnished Fried ofu 6pc) with soy sauce with onions. Edamame ggarnish ontons, served w5.00 5.00 Issei's s ignature h and-‐made w s teamed a nd ith Issei's with s oy s esame s auce arnish w ith o nions. Steamed WSontons (6pc) 6.00 Wakame ssesame eaweed ver silken w oy auce ssesame Wakame eaweed ver ilken ofu woith ith uzu assnd oy sss alted. auce aand nd 5.00 esame sseeds. eeds. with soy sauce ith nions. Silken Tshrimp eaweed S ttalad Fried Stofu Tooempura (ofu 3pc) yyuzu Japanese sofu tyle (b6pc) soy gsbarnish eans lw ightly boiled yuzu Msiso-‐Chili saby auce. Fried 5.00 Edamame Issei's ignature h and-‐made w ontons, s teamed a nd s erved w ith Issei's Steamed W ontons ( 6pc) 6.00 Wakame s eaweed o ver s ilken t ofu w ith y uzu s oy s auce a nd s esame s eeds. Served o ver s hredded l eTuce w ith d ipping s auce. Edamame soy gbarnish lwightly 5.00 with sM oy ssesame sauce ith onions. Japanese tyle (b6pc) eans bsoiled s alted. Fried tofu 5.00 yuzu saby Edamame 5.00 Issei's siso-‐Chili ignature hauce. and-‐made w ontons, teamed and served w ith Issei's Steamed Wbontons (6pc) aand alted. 6.00 Edamame5.00 Edamame 5.00 Japanese s tyle aby s oy b eans l ightly b oiled nd s Fried Sshrimp Tbaby empura (lwightly 3pc) aboiled 5.00 with sM oy sand-‐made auce ith onions. yuzu saby Japanese sesame tyle soy gbarnish eans bsoiled nd and s alted. Issei's siso-‐Chili ignature hauce. w beans ontons, teamed sand erved w ith Issei's Japanese style lightly salted. Fried tofu (bb6pc) 5.00 Japanese style aby soy bsoy eans boiled and s alted. Steamed W ontons (6pc) sauce. 6.00 Served oSver sv hredded leTuce w(lightly ith dipping Edamame Fried hrimp T empura 3pc) 5.00 Steamed egetables 4.00 yuzu M iso-‐Chili s auce. with s oy s esame s auce g arnish w ith o nions. with soy sesame auce garnish with onions. Fried tofu (bs6pc) ssei's 5.00 Issei's signature hsand-‐made w w teamed and served w ith Issei's Steamed ontons (6pc) sauce. 6.00 Japanese tyle aby beans oiled awnd s Ialted. Served oSver sW hredded eTuce ith dipping Assorted fsresh team vlegetables and sbserved ith miso-‐Chili sauce Edamame soy ontons, Fried hrimp Tempura (lwightly 3pc) 5.00 with sM oy sesame sand-‐made auce garnish ith onions. yuzu iso-‐Chili shauce. Steamed W ontons ( 6pc) 6.00 Issei's s ignature w ontons, s teamed a nd s erved w ith Issei's Japanese s tyle b aby s oy b eans l ightly b oiled a nd s alted. Served o ver s hredded l eTuce w ith d ipping s auce. Fried S hrimp T empura ( 3pc) 5.00 Steamed W ontons ( 6pc) 6.00 Steamed vegetables ontons, steamed 4.00 Steamed Wontons 6.00 Edamame 5.00 Steamed W ontons (6pc) sauce. served w6.00 Issei's ignature and-‐made w(6pc) and ith Issei's yuzu Msiso-‐Chili shauce. Served over shredded eTuce ith dipping Issei's signature hand-‐made ww ontons, served teamed and served wserved ith Issei's Assorted fsignature ssteam vlegetables awontons, nd sb ith ssei's miso-‐Chili sauce Issei’s and Japanese ssresh tyle b aby sshand-made oy b eans llightly aawsteamed nd ss Ialted. Fried S hrimp T empura ( 3pc) 5.00 Steamed v egetables 4.00 yuzu Msiso-‐Chili Issei's ignature hauce. and-‐made w ontons, soiled teamed and served w ith Issei's Japanese tyle b aby oy b eans ightly b oiled nd alted. Edamame Agedashi T ofu 6.00 Steamed W ontons ( 6pc) 6.00 yuzu Miso-‐Chili sauce. with Issei’s yuzu Miso-Chili sauce. yuzu Miso-‐Chili auce. Served oSver svhredded eTuce w(lightly ith dipping sauce. Assorted fsresh ssteam vlegetables nd spberved wtarch. ith s Ialted. ssei's maiso-‐Chili sauce Steamed 4.00 Japanese tyle b aby soy bceans oiled Medium fihrimp rm tegetables ofu waith ried nd served in a Fried Tlightly empura 3pc) 5.00 Issei's signature hand-‐made w ontons, sotato teamed and w ith Issei's Steamed W ontons (oated 6pc) asnd sFerved 6.00 mirin and ged oy sempura auce. Fried S hrimp T ( 3pc) 5.00 Assorted faresh sssteam vlegetables and served with Issei's miso-‐Chili sauce Steamed v egetables 4.00 Served o ver s hredded eTuce w ith d ipping s auce. yuzu M iso-‐Chili auce. Fried Shrimp TTempura (3pc) served w5.00 Issei's signature hand-‐made w ontons, steamed and ith Issei's Agedashi Thredded ofu leTuce 6.00 Fried hrimp empura 3pc) 5.00 Served oSver sW w(ith dipping Steamed (6pc) ssauce. 6.00 Assorted fresh sontons vegetables and served with Issei's miso-‐Chili sauce yuzu Miso-‐Chili steam auce. Served over svT hredded leTuce with dipping auce. Medium firm tegetables ofu lightly coated with potato starch. Fried and served in a Steamed 4.00 Agedashi ofu 6.00 Served o ver s hredded l eTuce w ith d ipping s auce. Issei's s ignature h and-‐made w ontons, s teamed a nd s erved w ith I ssei's Issei's s ignature h and-‐made w ontons, s teamed a nd s erved w ith I ssei's Steamed WssB ontons (6pc) 6.00 Fried Sento hrimp Tlightly 5.00 Issei ox (3pc) w 12.00 mirin aB nd ged oy sempura Fried Shrimp Tempura Assorted vegetables nd ith Issei's maiso-‐Chili sauce Medium fifaresh rm ofu coated wa(3pc) ith sperved otato starch. Fried nd s6.00 erved in a Steamed vTtegetables 4.00 Agedashi ofu auce. 6.00 yuzu M steam auce. yuzu Msiso-‐Chili iso-‐Chili Issei's ignature and-‐made w w ontons, steamed agnd served w Issei's Served oSver svhredded leTuce ith ipping auce. An assortment ossh f auce. IT ssei's signature sdtarters: fsried yoza, fried sith hrimp Served over shredded lettuce with dipping sauce. Fried hrimp empura ( 3pc) 5.00 mirin a nd a ged oy s auce. Steamed egetables 4.00 Assorted f resh s team v egetables a nd s erved w ith I ssei's m iso-‐Chili s auce Medium fi rm t ofu l ightly c oated w ith p otato s tarch. F ried a nd s erved in a Agedashi T ofu 6.00 Steamed egetables eaweed a4.00 yuzu Miso-‐Chili sauce. leTuce dumplings, Vsv fried e wgg olls, f ried sauce. tw ofu, nd calamari Served oento ver hredded ith dipping Steamed vietnamese egetables 4.00 Assorted faresh ssB team vegetables arnd sperved ith s Issei's maiso-‐Chili sauce mirin aB nd ged oy sauce. Issei ox 12.00 Medium fi rm t ofu l ightly c oated w ith otato s tarch. F ried nd s erved in a Assorted f resh s team v egetables a nd s erved w ith I ssei's m iso-‐Chili s auce Fried S hrimp T empura ( 3pc) 5.00 salad. Agedashi Tofu vegetables and fried Issei's fried 6.00 Assorted faresh sosteam served with miso-‐Chili sauce mirin aB nd ged oy sauce. An assortment f ox Issei's signature sd tarters: g yoza, shrimp Served o ver ssvhredded lleTuce w ith ipping ssauce. Steamed egetables 4.00 Issei ento B 12.00 (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Served o ver hredded eTuce w ith d ipping auce. Fried S hrimp T empura ( 3pc) 5.00 Medium firm lightly coated ith potato sofu, tarch. Fried and served in a Agedashi Ttofu ofu vegetables sIssei's dumplings, Vietnamese fsried e gg warnd f ried fried tw eaweed a6.00 nd calamari Assorted faresh soVegetables team served ith miso-‐Chili sauce An assortment f ox Issei's ignature solls, g yoza, fried shrimp Steamed egetables with sauce. 4.00 Issei 12.00 Steamed 4.00 Served oento ver svT hredded leTuce dtarters: ipping mirin aB nd ged sB oy s auce. Agedashi ofu 6.00 Medium fi rm t ofu l ightly c oated w ith p otato s tarch. F ried a nd s erved in a salad. Agedashi Tofu vegetables gg arnd dumplings, Vfresh ietnamese fsried evegetables olls, f ried tw ofu, sIssei's eaweed a6.00 nd calamari Assorted soB team sperved ith m sauce An assortment f ox Ilssei's tarters: fried g yoza, fried shrimp Assorted steamed with Issei’s Issei ento 12.00 Agedashi ofu served 6.00 Medium fifaresh rm tegetables ofu ightly cignature oated wsith otato starch. Fried aiso-‐Chili nd served in a mirin aB nd ged soy s auce. (Vegetarian avT vailable upon request) Steamed 4.00 salad. SeaChips sm1.50 lg3.00 Medium fi rm t ofu l ightly c oated w ith p otato s tarch. F ried a nd s erved in a dumplings, Vietnamese fsried egg wrsith olls, fried fried tsofu, seaweed and calamari An Miso-Chili assortment osoy f Ilssei's ignature tarters: gyoza, fried shrimp sauce. mirin a nd a ged s auce. Medium fi rm t ofu ightly c oated p otato tarch. F ried a nd s erved in a Assorted f resh s team v egetables a nd s erved w ith I ssei's m iso-‐Chili s auce Issei B ento B ox 12.00 (Vegetarian a vailable u pon r equest) Assorted f resh s team v egetables a nd s erved w ith I ssei's m iso-‐Chili s auce Agedashi T ofu 6.00 mirin a nd a ged s oy s auce. Steamed v egetables 4.00 salad. dumplings, Vietnamese fried egg rolls, fried tofu, seaweed and calamari mirin and aged soy sauce. An a ssortment o f I ssei's s ignature s tarters: f ried g yoza, f ried s hrimp Medium fifresh rm tofu lightly coated ith sperved otato starch. Fried nd served in a Assorted sB team ith Issei's maiso-‐Chili sauce (Vegetarian aT vailable pon request) Issei Bento ox 12.00 Agedashi ofu wand w 6.00 salad. SeaChips vuegetables seaweed dumplings, Vaietnamese fsried esm1.50 olls, f ried fried tsofu, alg3.00 nd calamari mirin aB nd ged oy sauce. Issei ento gg wrsith 12.00 (Vegetarian vailable upon request) An assortment osB f ox Ilssei's tarters: g yoza, fried shrimp Medium fiarm tofu ightly cignature oated potato tarch. Fried and served in a Issei B ento B ox 12.00 Agedashi Tofu gg rsolls, tofu, g yoza, 6.00 salad. SeaChips Issei ento 12.00 An assortment osB f ox Issei's ignature tarters: fried shrimp dumplings, Vietnamese fsried esm1.50 f ried fried seaweed alg3.00 nd calamari mirin aB nd aged oy s auce. Agedashi Tofu 6.00 An a ssortment o f I ssei's s ignature s tarters: f ried g yoza, f ried s hrimp (Vegetarian pon request) Medium fi ttofu ightly ccignature oated w p tarch. FFried aand sserved iin Medium firm rm ofu ightly oated wrsith ith potato otato tarch. ried nd erved n aa SeaChips ulightly Agedashi Tvailable ofu gg 6.00 dumplings, Vafirm ietnamese fsried esm1.50 olls, f ried fried tssofu, seaweed alg3.00 nd calamari An Medium assortment of tofu Illssei's tarters: g yoza, fried sFried hrimp salad. starch. Issei ento ox dumplings, Vietnamese fried e coated gg rolls, with f ried tpotato ofu, seaweed a12.00 nd calamari mirin aaB nd ged ssBoy ss auce. mirin nd ged oy auce. salad. dumplings, Vaietnamese fried esm1.50 gg olls, fried tsofu, seaweed alg3.00 nd calamari SeaChips Medium fiaarm tofu lightly coated writh psoy otato tarch. Fried and served in a (Vegetarian vailable upon request) and served in a mirin and aged sauce. salad. An assortment oBf ox Issei's signature shrimp Issei ento starters: fried g yoza, fried 12.00 (Vegetarian available upon request) salad. mirin aB nd aged soy sauce. (Vegetarian vailable upon request) dumplings, Vaietnamese fsried esm1.50 gg rsolls, fried fried tofu, g yoza, seaweed alg3.00 nd calamari SeaChips An a ssortment o f I ssei's ignature tarters: f ried shrimp (Vegetarian available request) Issei Bento Box upon gg rolls, f ried tofu, seaweed a12.00 salad. dumplings, Vietnamese fried esm1.50 nd calamari Issei Bento Box 12.00 SeaChips lg3.00 An aassortment o IIssei's ssignature ffried sshrimp (Vegetarian available upon request) An ssortment oBf f ox ssei's ignature tarters: ried gg yoza, yoza, ffried ried lg3.00 hrimp Issei Bento sstarters: starters: 12.00 salad. SeaChips sm1.50 An assortment of Issei’s signature fried gyoza, dumplings, V ffsried eesm1.50 gg ffried ttofu, sseaweed aalg3.00 nd ccalamari SeaChips upon dumplings, Vaietnamese ietnamese ried gg rrsolls, olls, ried fried ofu, g yoza, eaweed nd alamari An assortment of Issei's ignature tarters: fried shrimp (Vegetarian vailable request) SeaChips sm1.50 lg3.00 ef Curry Salad After the Second World War came an intense food shortage in Japan, a turning point in the history of noodles. Ramen was perfected and greatly helped Japan, as they were cheap and a great source of needed protein. Years later, in 1958, Momofuku Ando, founder of Nissin Foods, invented and revolutionized instant noodles, which are the popular ramen dish today. VEGETARIAN Irasshaimase...Youkoso!!! ted with mild garlic curry powder, sautéed with odles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai ramen | pho | rice peanuts, and fish sauce. Sunday & Monday d Sampler fried shrimp dumplings, Vietnamese fried egg rolls, fried salad. salad. dumplings, Vietnamese fried egg rolls, fried tofu, seaweed and calamari tofu, seaweed and calamari salad. (Vegetarian a rrequest) SeaChips uupon sm1.50 lg3.00 (Vegetarian available vailable pon equest) salad. (Vegetarian available upon request) (Vegetarian available SeaChips upon request) sm1.50 lg3.00 SeaChips sm1.50 lg3.00 SeaChips3.00 SeaChips sm1.50 lg3.00 (Welcome to our restaurant!!!) 11.00 We are immensely blessed and so extremely grateful to now be joining the community of Lancaster, PA. Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, hard work and long hours, and the support of our loyal friends and customers have carried us here and will continue to take us far into the future. By choosing to dine with us, you have entered our homes as well as our hearts, and we look forward to serving you the same foods that bring our own family together around a dinner table. As our little Phamily continues to grow, we look forward to creating new memories and flavors to share with all of you. Arrigato Gozaimashita... Thank You Very Much! NO BYOB ABOUT ISSEI NOODLE10.00 Quality ingredients. Authentic flavors. Fresh produce. These are the “brick-and-mortar” values that our family brand has been built upon. Issei Noodle opened it’s doors to the community of Carlisle, PA in April 2007. Since then, Naomi and Robert Pham (more affectionately titled Mama and Papa) have taken their love for food and combined it with their love of family to create what Issei embodies today: a warm environment in which to create and share memories alongside the experience of “old” or traditional flavors with a new “phamily” twist. Even though our menu has gone through some changes, our goal to bring you and your own family delicious food and lasting memories remains unchanged. DON-‐BURI RICE BOWLD1 Asian Sesame D 2.00 style seasone 2.00 DON-‐BURI RICE BOWLMongolian vegetables and toasted se D1 A sian Sesame D DON-‐BURI RICE BOWL Free Refills Mongolian s tyle seasone Japanese 1.25 RICE BOWLD1 Asian Sesame D Free ReÞlls Japanese Green TGreen ea Tea DON-‐BURI 1.25 vegetables astyle nd toasted se “Dine In Only” Mongolian seasone D1 A sian S esame D DON-‐BURI RICE BOWLD2 Egg vegetables nd taoasted sD e Mongolian snd easone D1 C Ahicken sian astyle Sesame Issei Peach/Raspberry IcedDON-‐BURI Teas 3.00 RICE BOWLChicken and nd egg toasted sautéed vegetables se Mongolian astyle seasone R ICE B OWL D1 Asian Sesame D Issei Peach/Raspberry Iced Tea DON-‐BURI 3.00 greens served rice. DON-‐BURI R ICE B OWL vegetables and otver s e D2 Chicken aoasted nd Egg DON-‐BURI R ICE B OWL Mongolian s tyle s easone Vietnamese Iced Coffee D1 C Ahicken sian esame D Chicken and 3.50 eSgg snd autéed D2 Egg vegetables astyle nd taoasted sD e D1 A sian SSesame French-pressed dark roast coffeeDON-‐BURI sweetened with seasone RICE BOWLMongolian D1 A sian esame D greens s erved o ver r ice. Chicken and eSgg ssnd autéed D2 C hicken aoasted Egg D1 A sian esame D Mongolian s tyle easone vegetables a nd t s e condensed milk and creamer. Vietnamesse Iced Coffee DON-‐BURI RICE B OWLD3 Mongolian style ssnd easone greens served otver rice. B eef Chicken and eineapple gg D2 3.50 Chicken aoasted Egg vegetables asPtyle nd s e Mongolian sautéed easone D1 A sian S esame vegetables and toasted sD e and resh ptver ineapple Chicken afnd eagg sautéed greens served ond rice.s e vegetables and oasted DON-‐BURI wRith ICE cB OWLBeef French-‐“Creme-y” pressed dark r oast c offee s weetened ondensed m ilk D2 C hicken a nd E gg Mongolian s tyle s easone D1 A sian S esame D Tea Blends (non-dairy milk) nd 3.75 sweet greens saerved over ornions ice. DON-‐BURI RICE BOWLspinach D3 Bhicken eef vegetables asPtyle nd se Chicken and eineapple gg taoasted autéed Mongolian ssnd easone D2 C Egg creamer Please ask your server for available tea flavors D1 A sian S esame D Beef a nd f resh p ineapple greens s erved o ver r ice. D3 B eef P ineapple vegetables and oasted s e D2 C hicken EEgg Chicken and egg ta snd autéed D2 C hicken a nd gg Mongolian s tyle s easone with Bubbles 4.75 spinach a nd s weet o nions Mongolian sPtyle ssnd easone D1 C Ahicken sian esame D D2 aineapple gg Beef nd resh Chicken afnd eSineapple gg autéed D3 eef greens served opabo rice. D4 SBapicy TEof Chicken and egg vegetables aasM nd ttver oasted ss ee vegetables nd oasted Mongolian tyle sssautéed easone spinach aerved nd seineapple weet ornions Chicken gg autéed greens s o ver ice. Beef a nd f resh p ineapple D3 B eef P D2 Cand hicken aoasted nd Emgg spicy greens served otan-‐tan rice. vegetables and tver s ee “Creme-‐y” Tea Blends(non-‐dairy milk) Tofu 3.75 spinach seweet orcnions greens saerved ow ice. Beef aarnished nd fnd resh pver ineapple and gC ith ilant Chicken and gg snd autéed D2 hicken a E gg D3 B eef P ineapple D4 Spicy abo Tof spinach and M sweet onions greens served opver rice. Chicken asfnd egg sautéed Beef nd resh Thai Chai Tofu aapicy nd picy tabo an-‐tan m e D3 B eef PM ineapple D2 C hicken aineapple nd TEof gg D4 S spinach nd sineapple weet orcnions greens saerved ow ver ice. D3 B eef P and g arnished ith ilant Beef a nd f resh p ineapple Chicken aasday. nd eegg autéed Tofu nd picy tabo an-‐tan m e ask your server about the dessert of Chicken nd gg autéed D4 the Sapicy M TEon of D3 B eef P D2 C hicken assnd gg Please Honeydew Coconut D5 V D3 eef Psineapple ineapple Beef aegetarian nd fresh pver ineapple spinach weet orcD nions and gB w ith ilant greens ssaerved o ice. Tofu aarnished nd snd picy tpabo an-‐tan m e Beef fnd resh ineapple D4 S picy M T of Chicken a e gg s autéed greens erved o ver r ice. Seasonal resh vpegetable spinach weet onions Beef and afnd ineapple D3 eef Pssineapple and gBarnished ith orcnions ilant spinach nd weet Tofu nd picy tan-‐tan me Mango greens saaerved ow ver ice. rice aSand gsnd arnished w ith spinach sweet onions D4 picy M abo Ton of ci D5 egetarian Beef gV aarnished nd fresh pineapple and w ith cD ilant D3 B eef P ineapple nd asnd picy tvabo an-‐tan me with BGRATUITY ubbles RULE Tofu D4 4.75 Saapicy M Ton of Seasonal spinach sweet oD nions D5 V egetarian Beef nd ffresh resh pegetable ineapple and g arnished w ith c ilant D3 B eef P ineapple D4 S picy M abo T of rice aSand w ith Tofu nd picy tvabo an-‐tan mcei spinach agsnd sweet oD nions Seasonal farnished resh egetable D4 picy M TTon of egetarian Beef resh pabo ineapple D4 agV Sand picy M of Parties of 5 or more will receive D5 Tofu nd sffarnished picy tp an-‐tan mcei and arnished w ith wcith ilant Beef resh ineapple D3 B eef P ineapple rice g Tofu a nd s picy t an-‐tan me Seasonal f resh v egetable D5 Vaarnished egetarian Dnions on D6 hashu D on-‐Bu spinach aasnd ssweet o and gC w ith cnions ilant Tofu nd picy t an-‐tan me spinach nd weet o Beef a nd f resh p ineapple ONE check and a gratuity of 15-20%A D4 picy M abo T of and gSnd arnished w ith wcith ilant rice a g arnished ci Seasonal f resh v egetable “smaller porCon” f on Jap and gVarnished with ocoD ilant spinach asnd sweet nions D5 egetarian Tofu a nd picy t an-‐tan mcei rice garnished with D4 aSnd picy Mabo Tof will be added automatically. pork. Seasonal fresh vDegetable D6 hashu on-‐Bu and ith cD ilant D5 gC Vaarnished egetarian on Tofu nd spicy w tan-‐tan me rice a nd g wo ith ci D4 S picy Mwvabo Tf on of Individual checks will not include gratuity D5 V egetarian A “ smaller porCon” Jap Seasonal farnished resh D6 hashu Degetable on-‐Bu and gC arnished ith cD ilant D5 V egetarian D on Tofu aand nd ssfarnished picy ttvabo an-‐tan m pork. D5 V egetarian D on Seasonal resh egetable Tofu nd picy an-‐tan m D4 S picy M T of rice a g w ith ceei unless told otherwise at the register. A “smaller porCon” of Jap D6 Carnished hashu on-‐Bu Seasonal fresh vDegetable and g w ith c ilant rice a nd g arnished w ith cei and g arnished w ith c ilant Seasonal f resh v egetable Tofu nd picy tD an-‐tan pork. anbun-‐Hanbu D5 Vand egetarian Dith A “of smaller porCon” f on Jm ap rice aH gsarnished wo ci D6 C hashu on-‐Bu We accept VISA & MASTERCARD. MinimumD7 $10. rice agnd garnished wcith ci and arnished w ith ilant A b roth-‐noodle nd o df on-‐b pork. Seasonal fresh vaegetable “smaller porCon” Jap D5 V egetarian D on D6 C hashu D on-‐Bu Issei's C hicken P ho N oodl rice and gfarnished with ci Seasonal resh vegetable D7 Hhashu anbun-‐Hanbu V1 Vegetarian Pho in pork. A “t8.00 smaller porCon” of on Jap he same bowl D6 C Don-‐Bu D5 egetarian rice aV nd garnished wD ci A b roth-‐noodle a nd dnith on-‐b pork. D7 H anbun-‐Hanbu Your c hoice o f b roth ood D6 C hashu D on-‐Bu Seasonal f resh v egetable A “smaller porCon” o f on Jap Seasonal fresh vDegetable D5 Vfresh egetarian Doodl Vietnamesee rice noodles in a vegetable-‐base broth,assorted D6 C hashu on-‐Bu Issei's C hicken P ho N roth-‐noodle aegetable nd dith D4 rice aaC ggfarnished w ccii D6 hashu on-‐Bu A “bsmaller porCon” f on-‐b Jap D7 Hnd anbun-‐Hanbu pork. rice nd arnished wo ith resh vD A “tsmaller f Jap in he sCame bith owl steamed vegetables, Asian mushrooms, bamboo shoots, Seasonal garnished wpporCon” Issei's hicken Paho No oodl pork. A “bsmaller orCon” odith f on-‐b Jap roth-‐noodle nd D7 H anbun-‐Hanbu rice a nd g arnished w ci D6 Cchoice hashu on-‐Bu pork. Your obf owl bD roth nood in bthe sCame pork. Issei's hicken Paho A roth-‐noodle nd Nodoodl on-‐b green onions and cilantro D4 A “ smaller p orCon” f J ap D6 hashu Droth on-‐Bu D7 Hchrimp Your hoice obf owl bPT ood D8 SC empur in the sCanbun-‐Hanbu ame Issei's hicken ho Nnoodl pork. A “bsmaller poorCon” roth-‐noodle and odnf on-‐b D4 Your c hoice f b roth ood D7 H anbun-‐Hanbu Fried s hrimp t empura aJap nd in t he s ame b owl D6 Chashu Dho on-‐Bu pork. Issei's C hicken P N oodl D7 H anbun-‐Hanbu D4 white r ice, g arnished w ith Your c hoice o f b roth n ood A b roth-‐noodle a nd d on-‐b A “ smaller p orCon” o f J ap D7 H “tsmaller porCon” of Jap D6 hashu on-‐Bu SC TDempur in he sCanbun-‐Hanbu ame bowl V2 Vegetarian Noodle Salad A D8 D7 Hhrimp anbun-‐Hanbu A b8.00 roth-‐noodle nd Ndoodl on-‐b D4 Issei's hicken Paho pork. pork. A roth-‐noodle aempur nd odnf on-‐b “bsmaller poorCon” Fried s hrimp t empura aJap nd Your c hoice f b roth ood D8 S hrimp T Issei's C hicken P ho N A bthe roth-‐noodle and doodl on-‐b in s ame b owl D7 HsrsCanbun-‐Hanbu Issei's hicken Pho Noodl Fried tofu and vegetable gyoza, cold vermicelli noodles, awhite nd the freshly pork. ice, garnished waith D4 Fried towl empura nd in ame Issei's Chrimp hicken ho Nnoodl Your choice obf bPTroth ood D8 S hrimp empur in same bowl A bthe roth-‐noodle and don-‐b D7 Hcshoice D9 P ineapple Teriy white rsanbun-‐Hanbu ice, ith Your bhai roth nw ood shredded leTuce garnished with crushed peanuts, shallots, ucumber, t in ame goarnished bf owl D4tche Fried hrimp t empura a nd D8 S hrimp T empur Your choice of bProth non-‐b ood Issei's Chicken A broth-‐noodle aho nd H awaiian wist on Ndanoodl n Iss D4 Your cshoice f broth ood white rsanbun-‐Hanbu ice, gtoarnished w Fried hrimp towl empura aith nd D7 H D4 basil,and served with yuzu peanut and sweet ginger soy sand auce. in t he ame b Issei's Chicken PTho oodl D8 hrimp empur aSssorted fresh vNegeta D4 white rineapple ice, goarnished w ith A b roth-‐noodle aand d on-‐b D9 P T eriy Your c hoice f b roth n ood A b roth-‐noodle nd d on-‐b D7 H anbun-‐Hanbu in t he s ame b owl over w hite r ice. Fried Sshrimp hrimp tempura and D8 empur Issei's C hicken A awaiian twist on anoodl n Iss D4 Issei's Cice, hicken PTroth ho oodl A H broth-‐noodle aho nd on-‐b D9 Pchoice TNNderiy Your f bP ood white rineapple goarnished w D8 S hrimp T empur Fried s hrimp t empura aith nd in t he s ame b owl and aSssorted fowl resh vNegeta in t he s ame b D8 hrimp T empur Issei's C hicken P ho oodl D4 A H awaiian t wist o n a n Ind ss D9 Teriy D8 SPccwshoice hrimp Troth empur Fried hrimp tempura aith V3 Veggie Tofu Ramen white 10.00 rineapple ice, gro arnished w Your hoice o f b roth n ood over hite ice. Your f b n ood Fried s hrimp t empura a nd in Hthe sssei ame tbwist owl and a ssorted f resh v egeta D10 I H ouse R e A awaiian o n a n I ss D9 P ineapple T eriy white ice, garnished Fried srhrimp tempura waith nd D4 D4 D8 hrimp Troth empur white rhite ice, w groice. arnished ith Your aS hoice f fresh bw nw ood over Japanese ramen noodles in a Japanese soy-‐bean paste based bcwrssorted roth ith and vcegeta Mild ed curry ith A Hawaiian wist on aocon n ith Iss white rice, gtarnished w D4 S D9 Pssorted ineapple Tveriy Fried seasonal hrimp tfempura and D8 hrimp empur over hite rice. with vT egetable s and asw resh egeta fresh seasonal steamed vegetables,steamed tofu, wakame seaweed, awist nd D10 I ssei H ouse ess white r ice, g arnished A H awaiian t o n aw n R Ind Fried hrimp tempura aith D9 Pwsineapple Teriy mood! over hite rice. Mild rssorted ed curry w ith T ocon D8 hrimp Touse empur and aS vceriy egeta sweet corn garnish with green onions D10 Irineapple ssei Hfresh white ice, gtarnished D9 P A Hawaiian wist on aw n Rith Ie ss D9 P ineapple T eriy Fried s hrimp t empura aand with s easonal v egetable s over w hite r ice. Fried s hrimp t empura D8 S hrimp T empur D9 ineapple Tvceriy Mild ed curry w ith A Hawaiian twist on aocon n R Ind ss and aPrssorted fresh egeta D10 I ssei H ouse e #23 Egg Noodle Delight (Our Phamily favorite recipe) 11.00 A Hawaiian wist on aw n aith Ind ss white rrhrimp ice, arnished mood! white ice, ggrttice. arnished w ith Fried s t empura with s easonal v egetable and a ssorted f resh v egeta A H awaiian wist o n a n I ss over w hite Mild ed curry w ith T ocon D10 Iineapple ssei Hfresh ouse Res D9 and aPrssorted vceriy egeta white rhite ice, grice. arnished with mood! over and aw ssorted fresh vcegeta with s easonal v egetable s Mild r ed c urry w ith ocon hite rtice. A H10.00 awaiian wist on an RIe ss V4 Veggie Yaki Udon over D9 Pw Teriy D10 Iineapple ssei Hvouse over w hite rice. mood! with sssorted easonal egetable s and a f resh v egeta A Hawaiian twist on caocon n Iss Mild red curry ith Japanese udon noodles sautéed with seasonal fresh vegetables, steamed D10 Iineapple ssei Hwouse Re mood! D9 Pw Tveriy over hite r ice. and a ssorted f resh egeta with sred easonal vw egetable s D10 IIineapple ssei H ouse Ress Mild curry ith A H wist o aaocon n A Hawaiian awaiian wist on n n RIIe ss D10 ssei H D9 Pw Tceriy tofu, and served with a sweet creamy miso/ginger soy sauce. over rttice. mood! D10 Ihite ssei House ouse Re Soft Drinks Noodles originated in China over several thousand years ago and reached the Japanese culture much later. In fact, we had to wait up to the 19th century, during the Meiji period, for ramen to become widely known in Japan. The Japanese dish was originally called “lamen”, but was later referred to as “ramen”, since there is no distinction between the “L” and “R” sounds in the Japanese language and it was a more popular way to express the word. DON-‐BURI RICE BOWL CLOSED Tuesday - Saturday Lunch: 11:00 AM - 2:15 PM Dinner 5:00 PM - 8:15 PM 54 W. High Street Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 243 - 7826 Mild aasrssorted ed curry ith vvcegeta ocons with easonal vwegetable and ffresh and resh Mild rssorted ed curry with A Hawaiian twist on cegeta aocon n Iss with sred easonal vwegetable Mild w curry ith cocons mood! over hite r ice. over w hite r ice. D10 I ssei H Res with asssorted easonal vouse egetable and fresh vegeta mood! with seasonal vegetable s mood! over rice. Mild red curry ith cocon D10 w Ihite ssei Hwouse Re mood! with easonal Mild sred curry vwegetable ith cocons D10 Issei House Re mood! with seasonal vegetable s Mild ccurry ith Mild rred ed urry w ith ccocon ocon D10 Issei Hw ouse Re mood! with s easonal v egetable with s easonal v egetable Mild red curry with coconss mood! mood! with seasonal vegetable s mood! 44 N. Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 449 - 6800 Check us out on #D7 Hanbun-Hanbun 12.00 H N H NOODLES OODLES H OODLES BROTH NOODLES H N N OODLES BROTH NOODLES BROTH N BROTH #1 NOODLES OODLES C hashu onton N oodles 8.00 BROTH N OODLES #1 C hashu W W onton N oodles 8.00 BROTH N OODLES #1 C W onton N oodles shrimp 8.00 Chashu Wonton Noodles Issei shashu ignature #1 h#1 and-‐made wontons with a nd ground pork sliced C hashu W onton N oodles 8.00 BROTH #1 N OODLES C hashu W onton N oodles and Issei ssignature ignature h hIssei and-‐made w ontons w ith s hrimp a nd g round ork liced Issei and-‐made w ontons w ith s hrimp a nd g round ssliced hand-made wontons with shrimp #1 Csignature hashu W onton Noodles ppork VERMICELLI N OODLE SSALADS VERMICELLI NNOODLE OODLE ALADS VERMICELLI OODLE VERMICELLI SALADS VERMICELLI N NVERMICELLI OODLE SSALADS ALADS NOODLE SALADS 8.00 8.00 roasted chashu h aand-‐made nd Cehashu gg noodles ionton n cwhicken broth, garnished ith sgliced reen #1 W N oodles sshrimp gground 8.00 Issei signature wontons ith shrimp and ground pw ork roasted chashu aand gg n iin b roth, ggarnished w gga Issei sseeignature h and-‐made w w nd p ssliced Issei ignature hW and-‐made w ontons wwith ith hrimp aareen nd round ppork ork liced roasted hashu nd C gg nsoodles oodles n cchicken hicken bontons roth, arnished with ith noodles reen ground pork sliced roasted chashu and egg in 8.00 #1 onton N oodles 8.00 onions, accnd cilantro, ahashu nd hallot. Issei s ignature h and-‐made w ontons ith s hrimp nd g round ork liced roasted hashu a nd e gg n oodles i n c hicken b roth, g arnished w ith g reen Issei s ignature h and-‐made w ontons w ith s hrimp a nd g round ork liced #1 C hashu W onton N oodles Issei s ignature h and-‐made w ontons w ith s hrimp a nd g round pp ork sssreen liced Issei s ignature h and-‐made w ontons w ith s hrimp a nd g round p ork liced roasted c hashu a nd e gg n oodles i n c hicken b roth, g arnished w ith onions, aand nd ccilantro, ilantro, a nd s hallot. roasted c hashu a nd e gg n oodles i n c hicken b roth, g arnished w ith ggsreen onions, a nd s hallot. #1 Cssaignature hashu onton N oodles sshrimp Issei ignature haagarnished and-‐made wontons ontons w ith hrimp nd round pwork ork liced chicken with green onions, cilantro and8.00 Issei hW and-‐made w ith aa nd gground pw roasted ccbroth, hashu nd eegg iin hicken bbroth, ggarnished ith reen onions, and cilantro, nd shallot. roasted hashu nd gg nnoodles oodles n ccw hicken roth, arnished ith sgsgliced reen roasted hashu aand iin cchicken bbroth, ggarnished ith reen Issei signature hand-‐made wontons ith shrimp and ground pw ork roasted hashu nd eaaegg gg nnssoodles oodles n w hicken roth, arnished w ith sggliced reen onions, aaccnd ccilantro, nd hallot. onions, ilantro, Issei signature haand-‐made wontons ith shrimp and ground pwork roasted cnd hashu nd end gg nhallot. oodles in cwhicken broth, garnished ith sgliced reen shallot. roasted hashu nd eegg in chicken bbroth, roth, ggarnished arnished wwith ith ggreen reen onions, nd ilantro, nd hallot. onions, nd ilantro, nd sshallot. hallot. onions, nd ilantro, aaaagg nd ssoodles roasted caacaahashu aab nd oodles onions, nd fccccor ilantro, nd hallot. in chicken #2 C hicken P ho ean ssnnprouts) 7.00 #2 C hicken P ho (((ask ask for ean 7.00 roasted cnd hashu ab nd eaagg nssoodles broth, garnished with green onions, nd ilantro, nd hallot. in chicken onions, ilantro, nd hallot. #2 C hicken P ask or b ean ssprouts) prouts) 7.00 onions, aaand cffccilantro, nd shallot. #2 C hicken P ho ( ask or b ean prouts) 7.00 Vietnamese rice nho oodles with hand sahredded chicken in chicken broth, Vietnamese rrice n w hPand chicken iin b onions, and cilantro, nd shallot. #2 CChicken hicken ho ssshredded (a(ask ffor or bbean ean prouts) 7.00 Vietnamese ice noodles oodles wbith ith hicken n ccshicken broth, roth, #2 Pho 7.00 garnished with fried arlic its, h gand reen o(ask nions, accnd Vietnamese rice noodles wbith hredded hicken in csprouts) hicken broth, #2 Cgghicken ho hredded bccilantro. ean shicken prouts) 7.00 garnished with fried arlic its, hP gand reen oask nions, for and ilantro. DON-‐BURI RICE BOWL DON-BURI RICE BOWL VEGETARIAN VEGETARIAN VEGETARIAN with Bubbles 4.75 DON-‐BURI RICE BOWL VERMICELLI N SSALADS VEGETARIAN VERMICELLI NVOODLE OODLE ALADS #11 FFried EEggroll ermicelli ssalad 8.00 D1 AAsian sian Sesame DDon-Buri on BCurl Beef Beef 10.0012.00 VERMICELLI N OODLE S ALADS #11 ried ggroll V ermicelli alad 8.00 DON-‐BURI R ICE B OWL VERMICELLI N OODLE S ALADS D1 Sesame 12.00 V1V Pho 8.00 #11 F ried E ggroll V ermicelli s alad 8.00 #11 Fried Eggroll Vermicelli Salad 8.00 #21 H iyashi huka egetarian 8.00 VEGETARIAN V1 Vietnamese egg N rolls, over cold vE freshly #11 Fried ffried Eggroll VOODLE ermicelli sermicelli alad nnVoodles, ermicelli 8.00 V1 VVegetarian egetarian P Pho ho 8.00 #21 H iyashi C huka sautéed 1fresh VERMICELLI SALADS #11 Fried ggroll sssshredded alad 8.00 Mongolian style seasoned beef or chicken) w ith seasonal Vietnamese ried gg olls, over ver old ermicelli oodles, reshly hredded #21 C huka 12.00 Asian Sstyle esame Don Bbeef 0.0012.00 Vietnamese fried eegg rrolls, o ccold vvE ermicelli noodles, ffreshly Mongolian seasoned (or chicken) with Vietnamese rice noodles in a vegetable base broth, Vietnamese fried egg rolls, cold vermicelli noodles, A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced pork, shrimp, #21 H Hiyashi iyashi C(url huka sautéed Beef roasted 12.00 #11 Fover ried ggroll Vermicelli shredded alad DON-‐BURI 8.00 RICE BOWLD1 leTuce with fTried hai beasil, s#11 liced cFucumber, crushed peanuts, and spicy ginger ried ggroll V ermicelli alad Vietnamese gg rolls, over cold vE ermicelli noodles, freshly sshredded 8.00 #21 Ramem:sliced Hrice. iyashi Chuka shrimp, “Summer version” of Haru Warm roasted pork, vegetables and A toasted sesame served over Japanese Vietnamesee 12.00rrice Vietnamesee ice n noodles oodles iin n aa vvegetable-‐base egetable-‐base b broth,assorted roth,assorted ffresh resh leTuce w ith ssliced ccucumber, ccrushed p nd gginger Vietnamese ffried eegg rrolls, o ver ccaaold ermicelli n ffreshly sshredded A roasted pork, shrimp, V1 Vegetarian PAho amboo 8.00 ith Vietnamese ried gg olls, oocucumber, ver old ermicelli nnoodles, oodles, reshly hredded Mongolian tyle s“Summer easoned bversion” of Haru Warm eef (or chicken) sautéed sBeef easonal f0.00 resh veg over leTuce wshredded ith TThai hai b basil, asil, liced with ucumber, rushed peanuts, eanuts, nd ssvvvpicy picy inger and cold ramen seasonal vegetable and toasted sesame served overC1huka assorted fresh steamed Asian mushrooms, freshly lettuce Thai basil, sliced ried Eried ggroll V ermicelli alad eanuts, 8.00 D1 Asian sfresh Sesame Dhard-‐boiled egg on Burl served with steamed assorted Ramem:sliced steamed vvegetables, ushrooms, ss hoots, #21 wHith iyashi shrimp, roasted 12.00 A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, fish sauce. Vietnamese ried gg olls, ver old ermicelli oodles, reshly hredded leTuce with Thai basil, s#11 liced F cFucumber, crushed permicelli eanuts, accccold nd svs picy ginger n Vietnamese gg olls, ver old vvsermicelli ermicelli n reshly hredded #11 ried ggroll V alad oodles, 8.00 and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen Vietnamese ffffE ried eeeeasil, gg rrrrsolls, oo ver oodles, ffffreshly sssshredded steamed egetables, Asian sian m mvegetables, ushrooms, b bamboo hoots, ggarnished arnished w with A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced pork, Chicken 9.00 fish ssauce. auce. Vietnamese ried gg olls, o ver old ermicelli n oodles, reshly hredded leTuce w ith T hai b liced c ucumber, c rushed p a nd s picy g inger A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen DON-‐BURI R ICE B OWL Vietnamesee rshrimp, ice nilantro oodles in a vegetable-‐base broth,assorted fresh leTuce w ith T hai b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd s picy g inger vegetables a nd t oasted s esame s erved o ver J apanese r ice. fish #21 H iyashi C huka 12.00 noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. #11 F ried E ggroll V ermicelli s alad 8.00 A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen green o nions a nd c DON-‐BURI R ICE B OWL Vietnamese f ried e gg r olls, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded Japanese rice. bamboo shoots, garnished with green onions and cilantro. crushed spicy ginger fish sauce. A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, Mongolian s tyle s easoned b eef ( or c hicken) s autéed w ith s easonal f resh Vietnamese f ried e gg r olls, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded #21 H iyashi C huka 12.00 leTuce w ith T hai b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd s picy g inger A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, fish sauce.peanuts andVietnamese V1 V egetarian P ho 8.00 leTuce w ith T hai b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd s picy g inger noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. green veg over onions and cilantro D1 A sian S esame D on B url Beef 1 0.00 leTuce w ith Tried hai bbgg asil, ssliced ccucumber, ccrushed ppeanuts, aand ssICE picy gginger A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen f e r olls, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded leTuce w ith T hai asil, liced ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd picy inger noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. fish s auce. and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted ramen DON-‐BURI R B OWL steamed vegetables, Asian mushrooms, bamboo shoots, garnished with #21 oonly roasted 12.00 fish sauce. Vegetarian upon request “Summer rH iyashi hard-‐boiled egg version” of Haru Warm 10.00 C hicken C huka 9 .00 Summer A Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, A “Summer Ramem:sliced pork, shrimp, isn aaa vailable house peanut-‐sauce. and cold served with steamed assorted veg over ramen Vietnamese ried gg rolls, over cold vermicelli np oodles, freshly shredded leTuce with ith TTfThai hai bbbeasil, asil, liced ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd ssspicy picy inger vegetables astyle nd noodles toasted esame over Jsapanese and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen leTuce ith hai asil, liced ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd picy inger fish auce. and cold served with steamed assorted veg over ramen Vegetarian pon Chicken w ice. ith hard-‐boiled egg a s easonal h version” of Haru Warm ouse p f eanut-‐sauce. resh SSummer A “Summer version” of Haru Warm pork, fish sssauce. auce. Vietnamesee rshrimp, ice noodles in a vegetable-‐base broth,assorted fresh fish Mongolian seasoned eef s(erved or u autéed and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen noodles i n leTuce ww sssliced cccucumber, cccrushed ppeanuts, aaand ggginger Vegetarian abvailable vailable uchicken) pon rrequest equest ummer only nlyRamem:sliced roasted fish sauce.Salad #12 SSSpicy picy G inger C hicken 9.00 noodles h Vegetarian aavailable vailable u upon pon rrequest equest hard-‐boiled egg version” of Haru Warm p eanut-‐sauce. ummer only nly Ramem:sliced roasted green veg over onions and cilantro Vegetarian “Summer i n a Beef ouse ouse hicken 1 eanut-‐sauce. 9 .00 SSummer o A pork, shrimp, and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen and cold served with steamed assorted ramen G inger C hicken SSalad alad 9.00 D1 A sian SSesame on B noodles n hh Couse leTuce with Thai b asil, s liced cucumber, peanuts, and picy BgOWL inger D2 fish auce. #12 Ginger Chicken 9.00crushed #12 noodles n eanut-‐sauce. auce. nd Egg Don-‐Burl DON-‐BURI RsICE noodles ii iin h vegetables, sian mushrooms, and cold hard-‐boiled egg ramen SSpicy picy G inger C hicken 9.00 D1 C Ahicken sian and esame Desame on Bsurl url Beef 1 pp pp0.00 0.00 vegetables taoasted sD erved o ver Japanese rice. noodles n aaaaaa9.00 h ouse ouse eanut-‐sauce. Vegetarian vailable ueanut-‐sauce. pon rrserved with steamed assorted equest V2 ummer only nlyN fish sssauce. SSalad bamboo s hoots, garnished 8.00 #12 picy G inger Cfish hicken S alad 9.00 Vegetarian vailable u pon equest steamed V2 V veg over Vegetarian SS egetarian ummer o Shredded boiled chicken, over cold S valad ermicelli noodles, freshly shredded Noodle Salad 8.00with V2 V egetarian NAoodle oodle alad 8.00 and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen D1 A sian S esame D on B url Beef 1 0.00 noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. Vegetarian vailable u pon r equest S ummer o nly Shredded b oiled c hicken, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded fish sS auce. Mongolian tyle easoned bm eef or hicken) autéed with ith easonal resh Vegetarian vailable upon pon equest Fried ummer only nly Shredded chicken, over vermicelli noodles, Chicken and egg a sssand autéed in b irin sake, h oney, sVegetarian oy sauce, a aaeasonal vailable uu green ummer oo oSSSnions avnd cilantrogyoza, cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly picy Ginger Cphicken Salad 9.00 noodles in aassnd h9.00 ouse pffeanut-‐sauce. sCeasonal hicken 9 .00rrrequest Shredded bboiled oiled over cold cold vermicelli noodles, freshly sshredded Mongolian sstyle easoned eef ((or cchicken) ssautéed w resh Vegetarian vailable pon equest Fried tt ofu ummer nly D2 C hicken nd E gg D on-‐Burl D2 Chicken Egg Don-Buri 10.00 a nd egetable leTuce with Thai ccbhicken, asil, #12 sliced cucumber, crushed eanuts, and picy g inger tofu and vegetable gyoza, cold vermicelli noodles and Shredded b oiled hicken, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded Fried ofu a nd v egetable g yoza, c old v ermicelli n oodles, a nd f reshly P SSbeef ee w 1 1 noodles in saaeasonal vailable house presh eanut-‐sauce. Vegetarian vailable pon rrequest request equest S egetarian SSummer ummer ooonly nly Mongolian seasoned or chicken) autéed wrrChicken ith leTuce w ith Thai b asil, ss#12 liced ccSucumber, ccrushed aand sspicy ginger Vegetarian pon ummer nly vegetables aastyle nd tt#22 oasted ss esame ss(E o JJs apanese ice. #2 Cggghicken P ho (ask for bhand ean sprouts) 7.00bbroth, picy Gbasil, inger Cpppeanuts, hicken Svvermicelli alad nnoodles, ffreshly 9.00 garnished with ffried arlic brits, ggnreen o nions, aah nd ccilantro. Noodle Salad peanuts, shallots, 8.00 freshly lettuce sliced cucumber, #22 PEad ad ee w Chicken 11f1.00/Beef 1.00/Beef 1 3.00 3.00 garnished arlic o nions, nd leTuce w ith liced eanuts, Vegetarian and vailable uuupon V2 V vegetables nd oasted erved o ver ice. greens served oegg ver rsautéed ice. Vietnamese ice oodles with ith and hredded hicken n cchicken hicken roth, Shredded bThai oiled hicken, over ver old ermicelli oodles, reshly hredded D1 Ahicken sian Segg esame Desame Boodle url hver at sauce, Beef 0.00 shredded lleTuce ggarnished w ith ccrushed ccucumber, tthai Chicken and snd autéed ion n S m irin sw ake, oney, sVegetarian oy asauce seasonal fish sauce. #22 P ad ee EEEerved apanese Chicken 1 1.00/Beef 1 3.00 Chicken and in mirin sake, honey, soy garnished w with ith Vietnamese fried ried arlic b brits, its, gnreen reen o(ask nions, ah nd cilantro. ilantro. leTuce wshredded ith TThai hai b basil, asil, s#12 liced with cSucumber, ucumber, cccrushed rushed eanuts, and nd spicy picy gginger inger Vietnamese rice noodles with shredded chicken ice oodles w and ssshredded ccchicken iin Shredded b oiled hicken, o cccold ssRshredded DON-‐BURI ICE B OWL D2 C a gg D on-‐Burl 9.00 shredded eTuce arnished w ith rushed p eanuts, s hallots, ucumber, hai freshly shredded lettuce, garnished with crushed peanuts, #2 C hicken P ho f or b ean s prouts) 7.00 picy G inger C hicken S alad 9.00 Thai p an f ried n m ade w ith fl w ide r ice n oodles i n s oy s auce, g arlic, a vailable u pon r equest S ummer o nly vegetables a nd t oasted s esame s erved o ver J apanese r ice. fish s auce. #22 P ad S ee w Chicken 1 1.00/Beef 1 3.00 Vietnamese r ice n oodles w ith h and hredded hicken i n c hicken b roth, Shredded b oiled c hicken, o ver old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly hredded C hicken 9 .00 Vietnamese ice oodles w ith hredded hicken n hicken roth, Shredded oiled hicken, ver old vvermicelli ermicelli oodles, reshly hredded #2 Chicken ho ask fits, or band ean sprouts) 7.00bbbroth, #12 inger hicken Svalad nnnoodles, eanuts, Vietnamese rrrice nn oodles w ith hh ssshredded hicken iiin Shredded bb ccchicken, oo cccold fffreshly hredded Fried tofu saerved nd vegetable gyoza, cold vermicelli noodles, asnd freshly fish sauce.peanuts andleTuce Thai p an ffried n oodle m ade w ith fl at w ide rrsice ii9n ssoy ssauce, ggarlic, crushed spicySpicy ginger fish sauce. n Coodles hicken .00 Vietnamese ice nho oodles w ith hggand and hredded hicken n ccchicken hicken roth, Shredded boiled oiled hicken, over ver old ermicelli oodles, reshly hredded garnished w ith ffPried gg(arlic b reen o nions, aacccnd ccilantro. w ith TTG hai b asil, ssCliced ccucumber, ccrushed p aa9.00 nd ssssspicy gginger basil,and w ith y uzu p eanut a nd s weet g inger s oy auce. Mongolian s tyle s easoned b eef ( or c hicken) s autéed w ith easonal f resh Thai p an ried n oodle m ade w ith fl at w ide ice n oodles n oy auce, arlic, garnished w ith ried arlic b its, reen o nions, nd ilantro. leTuce w ith hai b asil, liced ucumber, rushed p eanuts, nd picy inger and seasonal greens served over rice. fish s auce. in chicken broth, garnished with fried shallot bits, green greens s erved o ver r ice. #22 P ad S ee E w Chicken 1 1.00/Beef 1 3.00 V2 V egetarian N oodle S alad 8.00 #2 C hicken P ( ask f or b ean s prouts) 7.00 #12 S picy G inger C hicken S alad 9.00 basil,and s erved w ith y uzu p eanut a nd s weet g inger s oy s auce. Chicken and egg Thai snd autéed iried n D mon-‐Burl irin sake, hade oney, soy sauce, arice nd sn easonal egg apnd vfegetables. shallots, cucumber, Thai basil and served with yuzu peanut Vietnamese r ice n oodles w ith h and s hredded c hicken i n c hicken b roth, Shredded b oiled c hicken, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded C hicken 9 .00 Vietnamese r ice n oodles w ith h and s hredded c hicken i n c hicken b roth, Shredded b oiled c hicken, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded an n oodle m w ith fl at w ide oodles i n s oy s auce, g arlic, garnished w ith f ried g arlic b its, g reen o nions, a nd c ilantro. leTuce w ith T hai b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd picy g inger D2 C hicken a E gg 9.00 garnished w ith f ried g arlic b its, g reen o nions, a nd c ilantro. leTuce w ith T hai b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd s picy g inger shredded l eTuce g arnished w ith c rushed p eanuts, s hallots, c ucumber, t hai garnished w ith f ried g arlic b its, g reen o nions, a nd c ilantro. leTuce w ith T hai b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd s picy g inger Vietnamese ice fnried oodles with hand shredded in chicken broth, Shredded boiled over ccucumber, old vermicelli noodles, freshly egg nd svvesame egetables. DON-‐BURI OWL garnished writh garlic bits, green onions, cahicken nd cilantro. leTuce with Thai chicken, basil, sliced crushed peanuts, and sRhredded sICE picy B ginger fish ssauce. #22 ppTan-Tan Price. ad See Ew m flflat Chicken 1Fried 1.00/Beef 3.00 and tegg oasted served over Japanese aand egetables. fish auce. Spicy +2.00 onions and cilantro. ofu ssauce, and ginger v1 egetable gsauce. yoza, cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly Thai an ried neasonal oodle made ade w with ith at w wide ide ice n noodles oodles n sstoy oy auce, arlic, Vietnamese rice nean oodles wbbith shredded hicken in chicken broth, Shredded boiled cbbhicken, over cold vermicelli noodles, freshly hredded garnished with ith fb ried arlic its, hgggand reen nions, nd ilantro. leTuce with ith hai asil, sssliced liced ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd ssspicy picy ggginger inger vegetables egg nd vD egetables. and sweet soy greens served oesame ver raice. garnished w ith fried ried ggarlic arlic its, reen oonions, nions, aacnd nd ccilantro. ilantro. leTuce w ith TThai hai asil, liced ccucumber, ucumber, ccrushed rushed ppeanuts, eanuts, aand nd picy inger Thai an fffried n oodle rrrice iin ggw arlic, fish s auce. D1 A sian S on B url Beef 1 0.00 #3 S hrimp P ho ( ask f or s prouts) 9.00 #13 L emongrass B eef C urry S alad 10.00 Chicken a nd e gg s autéed i n m irin s ake, h oney, s oy s auce, a nd s fish s auce. basil,and s erved ith y uzu p eanut a nd s weet g inger s oy s auce. fish s auce. #22 P ad S ee E w Chicken 1 1.00/Beef 1 3.00 garnished w f g b its, reen o a c leTuce w T b asil, c c p a #13 Lemongrass Beef Curry Salad 10.00 Thai p an ried n oodle m ade w ith fl at w ide ice n oodles i n s oy s auce, g arlic, #3 SShrimp hrimp P Pgarnished ho ((ask ask wffith or fb bried ean prouts) 9.00and cilantro. #13 LLemongrass emongrass B Bfish eef ssauce. Curry urry alad 10.00 crushed peanuts, and spicy ginger D2 Chicken and Egg Don-‐Burl Cnn 9m .00 Thai p an ried nhicken oodle m ade w w ith ith flfl flat at w wide ide rrrice ice nn noodles oodles n sssoy oy slsseTuce auce, arlic, #22 Pwan ad S9.00 ee Ew Chicken 11.00/Beef 3.00 Thai pp fffried oodle ade iiin auce, gggarlic, arnished with crushed cucumber, thai aand #3 ssscprouts) 9.00 #13 eef C SSShai alad 10.00 Thai an ried oodle m ade w ith at w ide ice oodles n oy auce, arlic, egg nd egetables. gin arlic bits, bgroth, reen goarnished nions, leTuce with basil, s liced cucumber, fish auce. V3 V eggie TT11ofu R peanuts, shallots, 10.00 fish auce. egg vvvegetables. D2 C a nd gg D on-‐Burl Rice Vietnamese rice noodles with shrimp hicken ith Tender sliced arinated with mTild garlic curry powder, sautéed with #23 EEEgg N elight ith Ew 11.00 Mongolian seasoned boodle eef (or cD hicken) sautéed s9.00 easonal fresh #3 Shrimp Pho ho (ask for or bean ean 9.00 w #13 Lemongrass Bfish eef Curry alad #22 P ad SBeef ee ith Chicken 1shredded 1.00/Beef V3 Vsssoy eggie ofu Ryamen amen 10.00 D3 BAhicken eef Pstyle ineapple urry Fried 10.00 greens served oesame ver rice. DCon Thai an fegetables. ried noodle oodle made ade with ith flflflat at ww wide ide rice ice nnnoodles oodles n oy ssssauce, auce, garlic, arlic, ssauce. Thai an ried n oodle m ade w at ide rice oodles iin oy auce, g3.00 arlic, Tender slicedbbbeef beefm marinated with mild garlic curry 10.00 egg aapaappnd Vietnamese rrice n oodles w ith sshrimp iin ccprouts) hicken b roth, ggarnished w ith Tender sliced eef m arinated with m ild ggarlic ccurry powder, sautéed with #23 gg N oodle D elight 11.00 egg nd egetables. egg nd vfvvfried egetables. D2 C hicken a nd E gg D on-‐Burl 9.00 D1 sian S B url 1 0.00 Thai an n m w r i n g basil,and erved w ith uzu p eanut a nd s weet g inger s oy s auce. Vietnamese ice n oodles w ith hrimp n hicken b roth, arnished w ith Tender sliced eef m arinated with m ild arlic urry powder, sautéed with Chicken a nd e gg s autéed i n m irin s ake, h oney, s oy s auce, a nd s easonal egg nd egetables. #23 E gg N oodle D elight 11.00 fish s auce. Japanese r amen n oodles i n a J apanese s oy-‐bean p aste b ased b fried garlic brits, gnreen onions nd cilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly leTuce Thai vegetables nd tineapple sgesame erved ooney, ver apanese r ssice. Chicken afnd gg soasted autéed iround irin sautéed ake, helight segg oy afegetables. nd seasonal #3 for bean sprouts) 9.00 Sautéed pssork w ith gn arlic, sweet oy sauce steam ew gg ith noodle, Vietnamese ice oodles with aaP sPho hrimp n chicken bbroth, garnished with Tender sliced beef m arinated with mild garlic shredded cB urry powder, sautéed with Egg Nbm oodle D oover 11.00 Thai pnd an ried nith oodle made flat wide rice noodles in oy rsamen auce, arlic, Japanese ngoodles in a Japanese s oy-‐bean p aste based broth roth w with ith Beef resh p#23 cn iR sJweet hili auce w baby egg nd #3 SSShrimp hrimp ho (ask ((iask ffor ean ssprouts) 9.00 #13 LLemongrass eef CCurry SSwith alad 10.00 aand vvegetables. fried ggarlic arlic b bits, its, reen onions nions nd ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai powder, sauteed with onions, cold vermicelli noodles and Sautéed ggiround p ith ggarlic, ssweet ssith ssauce ver ssteam eegg n oodle, V3 Tofu Ramen 10.00 D3 Band eef Paseetyle ineapple Chunks urry ried ice sscaauce, 10.00 V3 VssVeggie eggie Tsofu Ramen 10.00 Chicken and gg s sautéed n m irin sFake, honey, segg oy auce, aegetables. nd s Ceasonal Mongolian easoned eef (ork or cw hicken) sautéed w easonal faresh voy #3 hrimp ho ask or b ean prouts) 9.00 #13 emongrass B eef urry alad 10.00 fried ggreen o aP nd ccilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Sautéed round p ork w ith arlic, weet oy auce o ver team gg n oodle, s greens s erved o ver r ice. fresh easonal teamed v egetables,steamed t ofu, w akame s eaweed, aand basil, c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd fi sh s auce. hicken 9 .00 top o ff w ith f resh b ean s prout, g reen o nions, c ilantro nd t ouch o f r ed #3 S hrimp P ho ( ask f or b ean s prouts) 9.00 #13 L emongrass B eef C urry S alad 10.00 Sautéed g round p ork w ith g arlic, s weet s oy s auce o ver s team e gg n oodle, fried garlic bits, g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Vietnamese rice noodles with shrimp in chicken broth, D2 C hicken a nd E gg D on-‐Burl 9.00 Vietnamese rrice ice n noodles oodles w with ith sshrimp hrimp iin n cchicken hicken b broth, roth, ggarnished arnished w with ith Tender sliced bfieef eef m arinated with mild ild ggarlic arlic ccurry powder, urry powder, sautéed with sautéed with spinach greens s erved o ver r ice. fresh s easonal s teamed v egetables,steamed t ofu, w akame s eaweed, nd a nd s weet o nions, g arnished w ith s hallots a nd c ilantro. egg a nd v egetables. basil, c ucumber, c rushed p eanuts, a nd sh s auce. #23 E gg N oodle D elight 11.00 Vietnamese Tender sliced b m arinated with m top o ff w ith f resh b ean s prout, g reen o nions, c ilantro a nd t ouch o f r ed fresh shredded lettuce with Thai basil, cucumber, crushed Beef nd fresh sFautéed n ice sJweet chili sauce with baby Japanese noodles a Japanese soypbean pastebroth with D3BaBeef Fried Rice 10.00 vegetables nd tineapple oasted sinegar. esame sb erved apanese rgg ice. Japanese ramen noodles n a Jin apanese soy-‐bean based #3 hrimp ho ask for or bean ean 9.00 w #13 emongrass eef CCurry urry Sild alad 10.00 basil, p aand fi sh ssauce. N oodle D sauce o ver Vietnamese rrrrice n w sssshrimp iiiin ccccprouts) hicken ggggarnished Tender sliced b m m ild ggggarlic ccccurry powder, sautéed with greens served optop ver ro D3 eef PaePineapple ineapple Cchunks urry ried Rihamily 10.00 ff ffCurry resh ean sso gg#23 reen o ccilantro aand ttelight ouch o sweet cc11.00 orn ggramen arnish w ith ggireen Vietnamese ice oodles w ith hrimp n hicken roth, arnished w ith Tender sliced eef m arinated with m arlic urry powder, sautéed with #3 SSgghrimp PPggho ((ooask b ssprouts) 9.00 #13 LLemongrass BBnoodles, eef alad 10.00 Vietnamese ice nn oodles w ith hrimp n hicken roth, arnished w ith Tender sliced bb eef m arinated with m ild arlic urry powder, sautéed with Chinese O our pver f avorite basil, ccucumber, ucumber, ccrushed rushed peanuts, eanuts, nd fieef sh auce. V3 Vseggie Toodle, ofu amen waste 10.00 oice. ff w w vvith ith resh bsne ean prout, reen oE nions, ilantro nd ouch of f rrssed ed sweet orn arnish wR ith reen o onions nions #23 EEnions, gg N D elight 11.00 Vietnamese ice noodles oodles wfith ith hrimp n hicken roth, cilantro. arnished with ith Tender sliced b eef marinated with arinated with mS ild arlic urry powder, sautéed with garnished with fried shallot green onionsbbbbroth, and fried arlic b its, reen nions aabits, nd ccean ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Chicken aand gg top sautéed in gm irin ake, hprout, oney, sSautéed oy sauce, arrecipes. nd s oodle easonal ggilantro. round p ork w ith ggarlic, weet ss oy ssteam eegg n Chinese inegar. O ne o ur p hamily f avorite ecipes. fried arlic b its, reen nions nd ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Sautéed round p ork w ith arlic, weet oy s auce o ver team gg n oodle, spinach nd s weet o nions, arnished w ith s hallots a nd c #3 S hrimp P ho ( ask f or b s prouts) 9.00 #13 L emongrass B eef C urry S alad 10.00 peanuts and fish sauce. C hicken 9 .00 fresh easonal s teamed v egetables,steamed t ofu, akame s eaweed, a nd Beef and fresh pineapple chunks sautéed in sweet chili based broth with fresh seasonal steamed vegetables, #23 gg N oodle D elight 11.00 Vietnamese r ice n oodles w ith s hrimp i n c hicken b roth, g arnished w ith Tender sliced b eef m arinated with m ild g arlic c urry powder, sautéed with Chinese v inegar. O ne o ur p hamily f avorite r ecipes. Vietnamese rits, ice nreen oodles ith aasashrimp hrimp in cchicken hicken bbroth, roth, ggarnished arnished wwith ith Tender sliced eef m marinated with arinated with mild ild arlic shredded curry powder, urry powder, sautéed with fried arlic bb oo nions nd ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Beef fresh pineapple cChunks ihamily n ice sweet chili sauce with baby Sautéed round pp ork w ith arlic, weet oy auce ver team gg nn oodle, fried arlic its, reen nions nd ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and leTuce with Thai Sautéed round ork w ith arlic, weet oy ver team gg oodle, fried onions,cold vermicelli noodles, freshly leTuce with #23 Ew gg N10.00 oodle D elight ssssoy oooover 11.00 Vietnamese ice oodles wwith in Tender sliced bbeef ggarlic cshredded sautéed with vinegar. Osne our pR f avorite ecipes. D3 Band eef Pineapple urry Fautéed ried Sautéed ggggrround p ork w ggggarlic, ssssweet ssssteam eereeamen gg n oodle, Japanese noodles in a Japanese soy-‐bean paste based broth with fried ggggarlic arlic b brits, its, ggnggreen reen o onions nions and nd ccccilantro. ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Thai basil, ucumber, rushed eanuts, and nd fifreshly sh auce. Sautéed round pb ork w ith arlic, weet oy ssssauce auce ver team gg nrred oodle, top o ff ith ff9.00 resh ean ssith prout, ggreen o nions, ccauce ilantro aasteamed nd ttouch o f greens served oChinese ver rspinach ice. gg #14 V ermicelli SSalad SScccampler eef pppeanuts, 11.00 basil, ucumber, cccrushed aaam nd fi sh sssauce. top o ff w ith resh b ean prout, reen o nions, ilantro nd ouch o f ed sweet c orn g arnish w ith g reen o nions #23 E gg N oodle D elight 11.00 Vietnamese r ice n oodles w ith s hrimp i n c hicken b roth, g arnished w ith Tender sliced b m arinated with m ild g arlic c urry powder, sautéed with fried g arlic b its, g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai sauce with baby and sweet onions, garnished with tofu, wakame seaweed and sweet corn, garnished D2 C hicken a nd E D on-‐Burl #14 V ermicelli alad ampler 11.00 Sautéed g round p ork w ith g arlic, s weet s oy s auce o ver s team e gg n oodle, fried g arlic b its, g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai spinach a nd s weet o nions, g arnished w ith s hallots a nd c ilantro. basil, ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd fi sh auce. Sautéed g round p ork w ith g arlic, s weet s oy s auce o ver s team e gg n oodle, top ohili ff w ith resh bb ean prout, reen oo nions, ilantro nd ouch oo f f ed basil, ccucumber, ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd sh auce. #4 ((ask ffor b ssprouts) top o ff ith resh ean prout, nions, ilantro nd ttouch ouch ed basil, campler aaand fifi #14 V ermicelli alad cccrushed pppeanuts, 11.00 fried garlic bits, green onions and cilantro.8.00 onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai Beef and fresh pineapple chunks sautéed in sweet top ith ffffresh b ssssprout, ggggreen o ccccilantro aaaasnd ed fresh easonal srrrraki teamed vegetables,steamed eaweed, and co sw with aby Sautéed round pO ith arlic, sreen soy sauce over team egg o ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd fish sh sssauce. auce. top off ff w w ith resh bean ean prout, reen onions, nions, ilantro nd ouch onf f oodle, ed U V4 Vttseggie eggie Y Udon don 10.00 Chinese inegar. Oork ne owur ur pghamily hamily fweet avorite ecipes. #4 B Beef eef P Pho ho ask or bean ean prouts) 8.00 Mixture of #11,12 aS 1basil, 3 S #14 V ermicelli Snd alad SSampler ampler 11.00 Chinese vvgauce inegar. ne o p rrrecipes. #14 Vermicelli Salad 12.00 D4 Spicy abo Tofu honey, 10.00 V4 V Y tofu, wakame s10.00 #4 B ho noodles with thinly ((ask ffor b sssliced prouts) eye 8.00 fried garlic bits, green onions and cilantro. onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and shredded leTuce with Thai basil, ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd fifreshly sh sssauce. auce. D3 B eef PM ineapple Cin gurry urry Fsake, ried Rsice ice Sautéed p ork wur ghamily arlic, sfffavorite soy sauce over steam egg nraki oodle, shallots and cilantro. with green onions. Chicken nd eweet gg sautéed m irin F stop oy around nd seasonal top ff ww w ith fresh resh ean sprout, prout, reen nions, ilantro nd touch ed with basil, ucumber, rushed eanuts, nd fifish sh auce. Mixture o f ##11,12 aand 1 3 ff fresh ean sith prout, reen nions, ilantro nd ed Chinese vvilantro. inegar. O o p hamily avorite Vietnamese flank, round beef, in beef Chinese vvgith inegar. O ne ffweet avorite ecipes. D3 B eef P C ried R osaooauce, 10.00 #4 Beef eef P Price ho ask or bean ean prouts) 8.00 sweet couch orn gooo arnish gautéed reen onions Mixture o f 11,12 nd 1 3 spinach aand sineapple onions, arnished with hallots nd cith basil, cccucumber, cccrushed pppeanuts, aaand Chinese inegar. O ne oo ur pp hamily avorite rrrecipes. ecipes. top ff f9.00 bbbne ean sur gggreen ooonions, cccilantro aaand ttouch f f f rrned D2 C hicken a nd E gg D on-‐Burl Chinese inegar. O ne o ur p hamily avorite ecipes. Japanese u don oodles s w ith s easonal f resh v egetables, ssteamed Mixture o f # 11,12 a nd 1 3 Vietnamese rice noodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef Tofu sfresh picy tpoabo an-‐tan sautéed in b lack beans served oOver rice Mixture of #11, 12 and 13Vcermicelli D3 BSaaand eef PM ineapple urry ried R ice ccshili 10.00 Japanese udon oodles sautéed with seasonal fresh vegetables, teamed basil, ucumber, crushed peanuts, and fish sauce. Vietnamese rice wnoodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef top oauce ff sswauce ith fresh b ean sprout, green onions, cilantro and touch oY f nraki ed Beef nd ccChunks iin w ith aby #14 Salad Sampler 11.00 Chinese inegar. ne ur hamily favorite avorite recipes. ecipes. D4 picy Tm ofu irin ssFautéed 10.00 Chinese vvinegar. inegar. ur hamily greens served ver rice. eat broth garnished ith green onions and cilantro. V4 Vaeggie Uadon creamy iso/ginger soy 10.00 Vietnamese rice wnoodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef Beef nd fnd resh pineapple ineapple hunks autéed n ssweet weet hili wseasonal ith bne aby Chinese vauce OO ne ooour ppphamily ffavorite rrecipes. tofu, nd s erved w ith s weet m s auce. broth ggarnished arnished ith g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. Chicken a e gg s autéed i n m s ake, h oney, s oy s auce, a nd and g arnished w ith c ilantro. #14 V ermicelli S alad S ampler 11.00 tofu, a nd s erved w ith a s weet c reamy m iso/ginger s oy s auce. broth w ith g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. #4 B eef P ho ( ask f or b ean s prouts) 8.00 #4 Beef Pho (ask bean sprouts) Beef a nd f resh p ineapple c hunks s autéed i n s weet c hili s auce w ith b aby spinach a nd s weet o nions, g arnished w ith s hallots a nd c ilantro. Chinese v inegar. O ne o ur p hamily f avorite r ecipes. w ith meatball + 1.00 9.00 Tofu a nd s picy t an-‐tan m eat s autéed i n b lack b eans s auce s erved o ver r ice Mixture o f # 11,12 a nd 1 3 broth garnished with green P oho nions aask nd cfor ilantro. #4 B eef ( f or b ean s prouts) 8.00 Japanese udon nYaki oodles sautéed with seasonal fresh vegetables, steamed spinach and PM sineapple weet onions, arnished w ith hallots Mixture oof f # #11,12 and 1133 Sampler D4 Spicy abo Tofu Fried D3 B eef Rsice and cilantro. 10.00 w ith m ++ 1 V4VVeggie Udon 10.00 #14 ermicelli Snd alad 11.00 #4 Beef Price ho noodles (ask for bean prouts) eye 8.00 greens saerved o ver ice. Cggurry Mixture 11,12 V4 eggie Yaki Udon 10.00 Vietnamese noodles with thinly flank, round beef, in beef wssliced ith meatball eatball 1.00 .00 Mixture 11,12 nd spinach nd sweet arnished with shallots and cilantro. #14 VVermicelli alad 11.00 Mixture oo 11 Vietnamese ricenoodles with thinly with thinly sliced flank tender Vietnamese flank, round beef, in beef and gaarnished ith ocrnions, ilantro. Mixture of f f ###11,12 11,12 aaaaSnd nd 133 3 SSampler sw ith meatball +eye and 1.00 tofu, and served with a sweet creamy miso/ginger soy sauce. #4 Beef eef Price ho noodles with thinly ((ask ask for or bean ean ssliced prouts) eye 8.00 Vietnamese rice sliced flank, round beef, in beef Tofu nd sfresh picy tw an-‐tan m eat sautéed in b lack beans auce served over rice Vietnamese rice noodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef Beef pabo ineapple chunks sautéed in sweet cshili sauce with baby #14 V ermicelli S alad ampler 11.00 #4 B P ho f b prouts) 8.00 Vietnamese rice noodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef Mixture o f # 11,12 a nd 1 3 D4 S picy M T ofu 10.00 Japanese udon noodles sautéed with seasonal fresh D4 Spicy Mabo Tofu 10.00 Mixture o f # 11,12 a nd 1 3 Vietnamese rice noodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef broth g arnished w ith g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. Japanese u don n oodles s autéed w ith s easonal f resh v egetables, steamed broth ggeef arnished ith ggreen oonions ccilantro. Mixture of #11,12 and 13 eye in garnished with green onions #4 Bround Pbeef ho noodles with thinly ith (beef ask or bean ssliced prouts) eye 8.00 Vietnamese rice sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef round beef, in beef #5 amen ww fbroth, aaaaand 10.00 Vietnamese rice noodles with thinly sliced flank, eye round beef, in beef and gaarnished w ith ilantro. broth arnished w ith reen nions nd ilantro. spinach asnd sweet ocnions, garnished wbith shallots asbean nd cilantro. broth arnished w ith reen nions nd ilantro. broth gggarnished gggreen oo nions nd cccilantro. Mixture of #11,12 and 13 rice noodles with thinly flank, #5 SSShoyu hoyu R RVietnamese amen 10.00 Tofu nd picy tan-‐tan meat sautéed i n lack bblack eans auce ssauce erved over rice vegetables, steamed tofu and served with sweet creamy Tofu and spicy tan-tan meat sautéed in tofu, a nd s erved w ith a s weet c reamy m iso/ginger s oy s auce. broth arnished w ith reen o nions nd ilantro. w ith m eatball + 1 .00 #5 hoyu R amen 10.00 D3 B eef P ineapple C urry F ried R ice 10.00 w ith m eatball + 1 .00 and cilantro. PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES D5 V egetarian Dilantro. 9.00 Vietnamese flank, eye broth arnished wnoodles with thinly ith gggreen reen nions nd ilantro. Japanese ramen noodles in arice premium oy s auce bsliced ase pork broth D4 picy M abo TTon-‐Buri ofu 10.00 #5 Shoyu Rbroth amen aaged 10.00 broth arnished ith reen oosnions nd ccilantro. ilantro. w ith m wround beef, in beef ith m eatball .00 w ith m eatball 11 .00 PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES D4 Sarnished picy Mwrice abo ofu 10.00 and gS ith cand gggarnished ww ith aaand Japanese rramen n in aa p oy sauce bcase p b roth miso/ginger soy sauce. served garnished with cilantro. ith meatball eatball ++++ 1 1.00 .00PAN-FRIED NOODLES PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES Japanese amen noodles oodles premium remium aged ged ofiossnions oy auce ase pork ork omeatball bnions. roth w Beef apicy nd sfover fresh resh pegetable ineapple cnd hunks ssautéed in sbaweet cshili sauce with boaby broth +1.00 PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES D4 S M abo T ofu 10.00 with sliced roasted pork, biin amboo, sith eaweed, sh cssake, ab nd gwith reen g arnished w g reen nions a nd c ilantro. Seasonal v a t ofu autéed i n h ouse s auce, served ver w ith m eatball + 1 .00 Tofu a nd picy t an-‐tan m eat s autéed i n b lack eans auce s erved o ver rrice Japanese r amen n oodles n a p remium a ged s oy auce b ase p ork b roth w ith m eatball + 1 .00 D5 V egetarian D on-‐Buri 9.00 D3 B eef P ineapple C urry F ried R ice 10.00 with ssliced liced rroasted oasted p pork, ork, b bamboo, amboo, sseaweed, eaweed, fi fish sh ccake, ake, aand nd ggreen reen o onions. nions. Tofu a nd s picy t an-‐tan m eat s autéed i n b lack b eans s auce s erved o ver ice with meatball + 1.00 Add Chicken +2.00 with spinach nd sweet nions, gsarnished wbith shallots aauce nd cilantro. rice agand gasarnished wo ilantro and autéed siesame Tofu nd tvan-‐tan mceat autéed n served over rice meatball + 1.00 #5 Sphoyu RRamen cake, and green onions. with 10.00 with sliced roasted ork, bamboo, seaweed, fish and ith ccith Seasonal ffpicy resh acnd in ssbeeds. aeans house sauce, served ver Beef apicy nd resh pegetable ineapple hunks in weet sauce with boaby and gV arnished w ith ilantro. #5 10.00 D4 Sarnished Mw abo Ton-‐Buri ofu tofu ssautéed lack cshili 10.00 D5 egetarian Dilantro. 9.00 #15 Yaki-Udon 10.00 #15 Y aki-‐Udon 10.00 #5 SShoyu Shoyu hoyu Ramen amen bb10.00 PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES and g arnished w ith c ilantro. Japanese ramen amen noodles oodles iin n aa p p remium remium aa ged ged ssoy oy ssauce auce ase 10.00 pork ork b broth roth Japanese r n ase p #15 Y aki-‐Udon 10.00 #5 Ramen rice a nd g arnished w ith c ilantro a nd s esame s eeds. spinach asfnd sweet onions, gsarnished wbith nd cilantro. #5 hoyu amen 10.00 #15 Y don with with seasonal 10.00 Japanese rrrramen n iiin aaaa p ssssoy sss auce b p b Tofu picy tvan-‐tan meat autéed in baeans served over rice Seasonal resh egetable and tofu sautéed isn hallots house sauce, served over Japanese amen oodles n remium ged oy auce ase ork b roth PAN-‐FRIED NuuOODLES #5 SSsshoyu RRamen aaaaged Japanese fried udon noodles assorted Japanese amen nn oodles n pp remium ged oy auce bb ase pp ork b roth D5 Vand egetarian Don-‐Buri lack saauce 9.00 Japanese ppan an fried noodles a ssorted seasonal vegetables #15 Yaki-‐Udon aki-‐Udon 10.00 Japanese amen noodles oodles n in premium remium ged oy auce base ase pork ork broth roth with rrramen oasted p b sseaweed, fi cc sake, aand gg10.00 reen o nions. with liced oasted ppork, ork, bbiiiamboo, amboo, eaweed, fifissh sh ake, nd reen oob nions. Japanese p an ffried don n oodles w ith aassorted sseasonal vvegetables #5 Ssssliced hoyu Ramen aged ake, 10.00 Japanese noodles premium aged soy sauce Japanese ramen amen noodles oodles n a p a ppremium remium ged soy oy sauce auce bnd ase pork ork bnions. roth PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES Japanese p an ried u don n oodles w ith ssorted easonal egetables and agnd arnished w ith wcith ilantro. Japanese r n oodles n a remium a ged oy s auce b ase p ork roth rice g arnished c ilantro a nd s esame s eeds. with liced r oasted ork, amboo, s eaweed, sh c ake, a nd g reen nions. with liced r oasted p ork, b amboo, s eaweed, fi sh c ake, a g reen o nions. PAN-‐FRIED N OODLES with liced r oasted p ork, b amboo, s eaweed, fi sh c a nd g reen o sautéed i n h ouse s auce. vegetables sautéed in house sauce. Japanese p an f ried u don n oodles w ith a ssorted s easonal v egetables Japanese r amen n i n a a s s b ase p b roth Seasonal f resh v egetable a nd t ofu s autéed i n a h ouse s auce, s erved o ver #6 nwith sliced sseaweed, 10.00 Add miso-‐soup tto with sliced roasted pork, bamboo, fish cake, and green onions. D4 SVegetarian picy Mabo TDon-Buri ofu a 10.00 sautéed iin ssauce. PAN-‐FRIED OODLES Choice of Choice #6 M Miso iso R Ramen amen 10.00 Add aa sssamall mall iso-‐soup base pork broth pork, bamboo, Japanese ramen oodles in a roasted premium aged ssh oy ccsake, auce aand bnd ase pork oobnions. roth with liced roasted oasted ork, amboo, eaweed, fish sh ake, reen nions. n h house ouse N auce. D5aV 9.00 D5 egetarian on-‐Buri m 9.00 with liced ork, amboo, eaweed, fi ggreen #6 M R bbbbean sseaweed, 10.00 Add mall m iso-‐soup to o D5 V egetarian Dith on-‐Buri 9.00 rice nd garnished wD cilantro nd sesame seeds. with sssliced rroasted pppork, amboo, cbake, sautéed in house sauce.#15 Yaki-‐Udon sautéed Chicken Pork ooof f f CCCorhicken ooor r r PPPork 10.00 Japanese ramen noodles in a s pecial soy blend flavored pfiork roth and green onions. #6 Miso iso Ramen amen 10.00 Add s mall iso-‐soup Choice hicken ork Tofu ahashu nd spicy D tan-‐tan m eat sa autéed in bm lack beans sauce tso erved over rice D6 C on-‐Buri 6.00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s pecial s oy b ean b lend fl avored p ork b roth D5 V egetarian D on-‐Buri 9.00 any e ntree f or $ 3.00 Choice hicken ork with s liced r oasted p ork, b amboo, s eaweed, fi sh c ake, a nd g reen o nions. seaweed, fish cake and green onions. Seasonal f resh v egetable a nd t ofu s autéed i n a h ouse s auce, s erved Seasonal fresh vegetables and tofu sautéed in a house D4 S picy M abo T ofu 10.00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s pecial s oy b ean b lend fl avored p ork b roth #15 Y aki-‐Udon 10.00 any e ntree f or $ 3.00 Choice o f C hicken o r P ork Seasonal f resh v egetable a nd t ofu s autéed i n a h ouse s auce, s erved o over ver with hard rbamen oiled neoodles ggs, roasted sliced spoy ork, Japanese akame, Add a small miso-soup Japanese p pan an ffried ried u udon don n noodles oodles w with ith aassorted ssorted sseasonal easonal vvegetables egetables Japanese in a special bean blend ssfleaweed avored pw broth and garnished ith ocf ilantro. eeargarnished ntree or $ 3.00 Japanese A “smaller porCon” Jrice apanese ice owl wiffn ith ssliced cver hashu with h hard ard b boiled oiled eeggs, ggs, rroasted oasted liced p pork, ork, Japanese apanese eaweed work akame, Seasonal farnished resh vw egetable aany nd t autéed ofu sautéed seans hlow-‐roasted ouse sauce, erved over any ntree or $ 3.00 #15 Y aki-‐Udon 10.00 rice aaCnd ggserved w ith ccilantro nd ssbesame ssaeeds. D6 hashu D on-‐Buri 6.00 sauce, over and with cilantro and with ssaliced seaweed w akame, Japanese p an ffffried u don n oodles w ith aaaa ssorted sssseasonal vvvvegetables Tofu a nd s picy t an-‐tan m eat s i n b lack b s auce s erved o rice Japanese p an ried u don n oodles w ith ssorted easonal egetables #15 Y aki-‐Udon 10.00 rice nd arnished w ith ilantro a nd esame eeds. Japanese p an ried u don n oodles w ith ssorted easonal egetables sweet corn, fish ceake, bramboo, nd green oJJnions. D5 V egetarian D on-‐Buri 9.00 with h ard b oiled ggs, oasted s liced p ork, apanese s eaweed w akame, Japanese p an ried u don n oodles w ith ssorted easonal egetables sautéed in n h house ouse sauce. auce. #16 Okinawa Yakisoba 10.00 sautéed i s sweet c orn, fi sh c ake, b amboo, a nd g reen o nions. pork. #15 Y aki-‐Udon 10.00 #16 O kinawa Y akisoba 10.00 rice a nd g arnished w ith c ilantro a nd s esame s eeds. #6 M iso R amen 10.00 Add a s mall m iso-‐soup t o Japanese an fried don nnnoodles oodles w with ith aaassorted ssorted ssseasonal easonal vvvegetables egetables to any entree for $3.00 sweet corn, fish cake, bamboo, and green onions. Japanese pph an uudon don oodles w ith ssorted easonal egetables A “smaller porCon” ocilantro. Japanese rice bowl co hashu sautéed iiiin ssssauce. and wegetable ith sesame seeds. sautéed h ouse #16 O kinawa Y akisoba ried 10.00 #6 M RRamen pecial bean blend flavored 10.00 aliced sautéed n h ouse auce. D6 Cgarnished hashu on-‐Buri win ith sAdd 6.00 Japanese pn ffried uauce. sweet corn, fish cake, amboo, annd green in onions. Seasonal fresh vD and tofu sautéed a hslow-‐roasted ouse auce, sserved ver m sautéed n an house ouse auce. Choice o hicken o #16 O Y 10.00 All EEf xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons #6 Mbiso iso amen 10.00 Add a sssmall mall miso-‐soup iso-‐soup ttto o oof f vf C Cegetables hicken oor r r P PPork ork Pan-fried and ramen noodles Issei’s Japanese amen oodles oy b pork ork b broth roth Pan-‐ fried ppork ork and amen noodles n Issei's hauce. snauce wsauce ith apa, #16 Okinawa kinawa Yrrakisoba akisoba 10.00 Japanese piih an f in ried uouse don house oodles wnnith assorted Choice sChoice easonal sautéed in n h ouse sauce. Japanese rrramen nnoodles in aaa ss s pecial sssoy ean bblend flflavored p All xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons pork. sautéed i ouse s auce. Choice C hicken ork Choice o f C hicken o r P ork #6 M iso R amen 10.00 Add a mall m iso-‐soup o Pan-‐ f ried p ork a nd amen n oodles n I ssei's h ouse s auce w ith apa, o f C hicken o r P ork A “ smaller p orCon” o f J apanese r ice b owl w ith s low-‐roasted s liced c hashu sautéed i n h ouse s Japanese amen oodles i n pecial oy b ean lend avored p ork b roth All E xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons rice a nd g arnished w ith c ilantro a nd s esame s eeds. any e ntree f or $ 3.00 Japanese amen nggs, oodles n aaa sssspecial pecial oy ean blend lend avored pork ork broth roth Choice of Chicken or PorkD6 Chashu D #6 M iso bbrrramen RRamen amen bbbean ssflflfleaweed 10.00 aa s semall m tto Pan-‐fried pork and ramen noodles Issei's house sauce with napa, #6 Miso 10.00 Japanese oodles iiin ssoy bb avored p bb on-‐Buri Add 6.00 All Eon-‐Buri xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons Japanese amen oodles n oy lend avored p ork roth with h oiled eenn rroasted liced p JJean apanese w akame, with napa, carrots and bok choy. carrots, and b ok choy. any ntree ffiso-‐soup or Pan-‐ fried pork and ramen noodles n Issei's shauce. ouse sauce with napa, sautéed in iin house D5 Vegetarian D 9.00 Choice ooof f f CCChicken hicken ooor r r PPPork orkpork. with hhard ard oiled ggs, oasted liced pspssork, ork, apanese eaweed w akame, Choice hicken ork #6 M iso Ramen special bbb10.00 blend 10.00 Add miso-‐soup o Extras/Add-In’s/Substitutions carrots, any emall ntree or $ $3.00 3.00All Japanese rb amen oodles n ain pecial oy ean lend avored ork roth Japanese amen neeneoodles oodles iin aa s sspecial oy ean lend avored ork roth Choice with ard bb oiled ggs, oasted liced ork, apanese eaweed w akame, with ard ggs, oasted liced p ork, apanese eaweed w akame, carrots, aand nd b bok ok cchoy. hoy. with hh oiled ggs, rrrr oasted ssassspecial liced poy JJJJapanese eaweed #7 C hashu R amen ccnake, ggsreen A “smaller fresh porCon” of Japanese rice bowl wiith s hlow-‐roasted ssliced cntree hashu Japanese apecial soy bean Japanese rramen in ean bbblend flssflssflavored pppw ork bbbroth with hccard ard bramen oiled enoodles ggs, oasted liced pork, ork, apanese eaweed wakame, akame, sweet orn, fioiled sh ake, bamboo, amboo, nd reen o nions. any e f or $ 3.00 carrots, a nd b ok c hoy. Choice o f C hicken o r P ork #7 C hashu R amen 10.00 Seasonal v egetable a nd t ofu s autéed n a ouse s auce, erved o ver sweet orn, fi sh b a nd o nions. any e ntree f or $ 3.00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s pecial s oy b ean b lend fl avored p ork b roth D6 C hashu D on-‐Buri 6.00 with h ard b oiled e ggs, r oasted s liced p ork, J apanese s eaweed w akame, #7 C hashu R amen 10.00 #16 O kinawa Y akisoba 10.00 with h ard b oiled e ggs, r oasted s liced p ork, J apanese s eaweed w akame, sweet c orn, fi sh c ake, b amboo, a nd g reen o nions. Rice N oodle s eeds. 1 .00 sweet orn, sh ake, amboo, nd reen nions. D5 Vnd egetarian Dith on-‐Buri 9.00 D6 C hashu DDon-Buri on-‐Buri and s esame 6.00 pork. sweet cccorn, ceccake, brb aaa boiled nd reen oJo nions. Japanese ramen noodles ioiled n fifi avorful slow-‐cooked o perfecCon” pork D7 H anbun-‐Hanbun (#2/D1) 12.00 with hard b ggs, with sliced ork, seaweed #7 Chashu Ramen flflbroth amboo, 10.00 flavored pork hard eggs, roasted sliced wakame, ecntree for $3.00 D6 6.00 sweet orn, fiaash sh ake, b““oasted amboo, nd ttgggp reen oapanese nions. Rice Nilantro oodle 1any .00 rice aChashu garnished w cN Japanese rramen n iin slow-‐cooked o erfecCon” p D6 C hashu Dvegetable on-‐Buri tofu E xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons 6.00 Rice oodle bb owl w iith n a All hlow-‐roasted ouse s auce, 1 .00 #16 Okinawa Yrramen akisoba hhouse ssauce 10.00 with hcard b oiled eake, ggs, oasted sliced ppppork, Jnions. apanese seaweed wakame, sweet corn, orn, sh ake, amboo, nd reen nions. A smaller porCon” orCon” of f JJapanese apanese ice owl w ith low-‐roasted liced hashu Japanese amen nhoodles oodles n fleavorful avorful slow-‐cooked o erfecCon” pork ork sweet orn, sh ccake, nd reen Pan-‐ ffried p ork aand n oodles iin IIssei's w ith n apa, Rice N oodle 1 .00 base broth, wsweet ith ard-‐boiled roasted sliced pork, berfecCon” amboo, Seasonal fresh aJapanese nd s autéed erved over A ““bsmaller p o rrice ss All ssfsliced chashu Japanese ramen n oodles in fl avorful ““ramboo, slow-‐cooked o ork Pan-‐ ried p ork nd amen n oodles n ssei's ouse auce w ith n apa, cJapanese fififiaash cggs, bbbamboo, aaand gttggreen ooonions. Rice Noodle/Egg Noodle 1.00 roth-‐noodle a nd d on-‐buri c ombinaCon w ith alf-‐porCons rom b oth o f Vegetables pork, seaweed wakame, sweet corn,pfish cake, A “smaller portion” of rice bowl with #16 O kinawa Y akisoba 10.00 base b roth, w ith h ard-‐boiled e ggs, r oasted s liced p ork, b amboo, D7 H anbun-‐Hanbun ( #2/D1) 12.00 E xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons Pan-‐ ried pp ork nd amen oodles n ssei's ouse auce w ith nn apa, Vegetables b sS owl esame w ith s Deeds. s on-‐buri s erved 1 .00 Pan-‐ ried ork nd rramen amen oodles n ssei's ouse auce w ith apa, A “smaller porCon” of ith Japanese raice low-‐roasted sliced chashu #17 H aru W arm R amen aaaand nnnnoodles 13.00 #17 Haru Warm Ramen 13.00 #16 kinawa Yrrakisoba hhhhouse ssssauce 10.00 base broth, with hard-‐boiled eggs, roasted sliced pork, bamboo, pork. Pan-‐ ffffO ried p iiiin n sweet corn, fiash cgake, boamboo, and green onions. Vegetables 16.00 .00 Pan-‐ ried pork ork amen oodles n IIIIssei's ssei's ouse auce w with ith napa, apa, carrots, nd bok ok hoy. japanese seaweed wakame nd reen nions. rice and garnished w cilantro nd esame pork. #17 H aru W arm R amen 13.00 base broth, with hard-‐boiled eggs, roasted sliced pork, bamboo, Issei's Chicken PDho N oodle and Apork. sian separated carrots, aaakinawa nd b ccnd hoy. D6 C hashu on-‐Buri Vegetables 1 .00 All E xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons bamboo and green onions. #16 O Y akisoba 10.00 #17 H aru W arm R amen 13.00 japanese s eaweed w akame a nd g reen o nions. slow-roasted sliced chashu Pan-‐ f ried p ork a nd r amen n oodles i n I ssei's h ouse s auce w ith n apa, A b roth-‐noodle a nd d on-‐buri c ombinaCon w ith h alf-‐porCons f rom b oth o f Egg/Fish C ake/etc. 1 .00 Pan-‐ f ried p ork a nd r amen n oodles i n I ssei's h ouse s auce w ith n apa, All E xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons carrots, nd b ok c hoy. Vegetables 1.00 pork. carrots, a nd b ok c hoy. japanese akame ggreen Pan-‐ fried chicken, shrimp, spicy taaan-‐tan, acnd fand resh vfresh egetables warm D7 Hanbun-‐Hanbun (#2/D1) with E xtras/Add-‐In’s/Subsatuaons 12.00 carrots, bbok #17 Haru Warm RPan-‐ amen Pan-fried chicken, shrimp, spicy tan-tan fried pnd ork a nd ramen oodles 13.00 in oIver ssei's house sauce with napa, Egg/Fish C ake/etc. s All miso soup 1 .00 carrots, nd ok choy. hoy. japanese sseaweed eaweed akame aand nd reen o onions. nions. #7 CwwChashu RRamen 10.00 Pan-‐ffried ried hicken, hrimp, picy an-‐tan, nd resh vvnegetables egetables ver warm arm in he sCame bowl Egg/Fish C 1 .00 A “tsmaller porCon” ooodle f Japanese ice bSowl low-‐roasted sliced chashu #7 hashu amen 10.00 Pan-‐ cchicken, sshrimp, sspicy ttaaan-‐tan, nd resh w Pan-‐ fried pork aaaand rfffamen noodles iooon ver Issei's house sauce with napa, carrots, nd bok ok choy. hoy. Add a small +3.00 Issei's hicken Paho N and Arake/etc. sian esame D on-‐buri s erved separated carrots, nd b ok c hoy. Egg/Fish C ake/etc. 1 .00 ramen n oodles. Rice N oodle 1 .00 A b roth-‐noodle nd d on-‐buri c ombinaCon w ith h alf-‐porCons f rom b oth o f #7 C hashu R amen 10.00 Bean S prouts Pan-‐ f ried c hicken, s hrimp, s picy t an-‐tan, nd resh v egetables ver w arm carrots, a nd b c vegetables over warm ramen noodles. Japanese rramen amen n noodles oodles iin n aa fl avorful ““slow-‐cooked slow-‐cooked tto o p perfecCon” erfecCon” p ork D7 Hchoice anbun-‐Hanbun (##2/D1) 12.00 Egg/Fish Cake/etc. 1.00 ramen Your obf owl broth noodle 2 or #4 a nd or Beef) or Japanese Bean SSaprouts D onburi D on-‐buri DRice 1(chicken N 1 .00 pork. ramen n noodles. oodles. #7 hashu amen flflflflavorful 10.00 pppppork in the ame carrots, and bok choy. Bean S esame .00 Japanese rrrramen n avorful tttto p erfecCon” ork o f 1.00 Japanese amen oodles n avorful slow-‐cooked o p erfecCon” ork #7 Chashu Ramen 10.00 #7 CCbbhashu RRamen ““““ slow-‐cooked ppork, 10.00 Japanese amen nhn oodles n avorful slow-‐cooked o p erfecCon” ork D6 CCshashu on-‐Buri s erved 6.00 Issei's hicken PD ho Ndoodle nd Asian N separated ramen noodles. Bean Sprouts prouts D wonburi ith h alf-‐porCons Vegetables N 1 1 oodle .00 Japanese amen noodles oodles iiiin n aaaa ee fl avorful slow-‐cooked o b pamboo, erfecCon” ork base roth, w ith ard-‐boiled ggs, rroasted ssliced D4 A broth-‐noodle aroth nd on-‐buri c ombinaCon fo.00 rom b oth Ramen/Udon oodle/Rice 2 base roth, w ith h ard-‐boiled ggs, oasted liced ork, b amboo, #7 C hashu R amen 10.00 Rice oodle 1 .00 1 .00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a fl avorful “ slow-‐cooked t o p erfecCon” p ork Your c hoice o f b n oodle # 2 o r # 4 a nd D 1(chicken r B eef) o r Bean Sprouts Set 1.00 Japanese ramen amen oodles in afleeeavorful avorful “slow-‐cooked o ppto erfecCon” pork Ramen/Udon N oodle/Rice 2s.00 .00 base bb roth, w ith hh ard-‐boiled ggs, oasted liced pp ork, berfecCon” amboo, Rice .00 base roth, w ith ard-‐boiled ggs, oasted liced ork, b amboo, D7 H #2/D1) with Vegetables 12.00 .00 in ame owl base w h ard-‐boiled ggs, rrrroasted ssssliced b Japanese inaa nd “slow-cooked Japanese nnnoodles oodles fl “o tto Ramen/Udon oodle/Rice N N oodle 2 A t“he smaller pborCon” f Japanese rice N bSowl slow-‐roasted liced c hashu #17 HHaru W arm RRamen 13.00 base b broth, roth, with ith hw ard-‐boiled eflavorful ggs, oasted liced p pork, ork, bamboo, amboo, pork japanese eaweed w akame reen oslow-‐cooked nions. D7 HCsCanbun-‐Hanbun anbun-‐Hanbun #2/D1) 12.00 Issei's hicken PD ho Nooodle a((nd Asian esame Don-‐buri separated Vegetables o r 1 111 .00 #8 SSpicy TTan-‐Tan R amen in ggggreen 10.00 japanese ssrsramen eaweed akame nions. Ramen/Udon N oodle/Rice 26.00 .00 oodle #17 W 13.00 D6 hashu on-‐Buri ombinaCon Donburi D4 Japanese amen oodles in aaaand nd avorful slow-‐cooked to pbberfecCon” Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan D Rice 1(chicken s erved 2 .00 base roth, w with ith hnhbase hard-‐boiled ard-‐boiled ggs, rhard oasted liced ork, amboo, pork Egg/Fish C ake/etc. .00 base bbroth, roth, pork ith ard-‐boiled efleggs, ggs, roasted oasted ssliced liced ppork, ork, amboo, #8 picy an-‐Tan R amen 10.00 japanese w akame nd o nions. H anbun-‐Hanbun ( #2/D1) 12.00 Vegetables 1 .00 #17 Haru aru W arm arm Ramen amen aand 13.00 japanese eaweed w akame reen nions. Your c hoice o f b roth n oodle # 2 o r # 4 a nd o r B eef) Pan-‐ fRamen ried chicken, hicken, shrimp, hrimp, spicy picy ttan-‐tan, an-‐tan, nd ffresh resh vvegetables egetables over ver w warm arm D7 japanese sssreaweed eaweed w akame nd ggreen reen o“o nions. A b roth-‐noodle a nd d on-‐buri c w ith h alf-‐porCons f rom b oth o f pork. Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan 2 .00 perfection” broth, with boiled eggs, roasted base b w e r s p b amboo, #8 S picy T an-‐Tan R amen 10.00 Ramen/Udon Noodle/Rice Bowl 2.00 #17A Sakura Warm 12.00 Pan-‐ f ried c s s o japanese eaweed w akame a nd reen o nions. Vegetables 1 .00 #17A S akura W arm R amen 12.00 in t he s ame b owl A b“roth-‐noodle and doon-‐buri c(#2/D1) ombinaCon with ith shlow-‐roasted alf-‐porCons bcoth Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan 2 212.00 .00 #17 Hnaru aru W arm arm amen 13.00 #8 Spicy Tan-‐Tan Ramen rrefined ssggesame 10.00 Japanese ramen noodles in a w smooth aakame nd bnions. ase ork bp roth Cake/etc. .00 Pan-‐ ffffamen ried cccchicken, sssshrimp, ttttan-‐tan, aaaand o D7 Hanbun-Hanbun Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan Egg/Fish Vegetables .00 A smaller porCon” f Japanese rice bSowl w sfrom liced hashu #17A Sakura W arm R sssspicy 12.00 base broth, ith hw ard-‐boiled eggs, roasted sppliced ork, bamboo, Pan-‐ ried hicken, hrimp, picy an-‐tan, nd resh egetables ver w arm japanese eaweed nd reen nions. #17 H W RRamen shrimp, vvvvegetables 13.00 Pan-‐ ried hicken, hrimp, picy an-‐tan, nd resh egetables oo ver w arm japanese sseaweed eaweed nd reen o r oo f f 1111.00 .00 A broth-‐noodle aho nd on-‐buri combinaCon with half-‐porCons b oth Japanese rramen n oodles aabamboo, ssmooth aaakame nd efined b b #17A akura W arm R amen 12.00 Chashu(3)/Wontons(3) 1(chicken ss erved S prouts 2 .00 Issei's C hicken N esame D sseparated Pan-‐ ried hicken, hrimp, picy chicken, an-‐tan, nd ffffresh resh egetables over ver w warm arm D4 ramen oodles. siin ww aaand gsesame reen ooonions. sliced pork, Japanese seaweed wakame and Japanese amen nnd oodles n mooth nd esame base ase pork ork broth roth ramen nFavorite(#17) oodles. Your choice of bP oodle aaE #nd 2 oA #4 aSnd Duri onburi D ofrom r Beef) .00 Issei's Canbun-‐Hanbun hicken PTroth ho Ndnoodle oodle nd Ar sian sian esame Don-‐buri on-‐buri erved eparated A slight S variaCon of an Issei pand fried, #17A S akura W arm R amen 12.00 Chashu(3)/Wontons(3) 2 .00 Egg/Fish C ake/etc. Bean #17 H aru W arm R amen 13.00 A slight variation of an Issei Favorite (#17) pan-fried D8 S hrimp empura gg D on B 10.00 D7 H ( #2/D1) 12.00 with peanut oil japanese ajapanese Issei's seaweed ignature sakame picy “rrefined Tan-‐Tan” ground pork, and bok Pan-‐ f ried c hicken, s hrimp, s picy t an-‐tan, a nd f resh v egetables o ver w arm Chicken/Beef/Tan-Tan 2.00 Pan-‐ f ried c hicken, s hrimp, s picy t an-‐tan, a nd f resh v egetables o ver w arm Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd efined s esame b ase p ork b roth ramen n oodles. pork. Chashu(3)/Wontons(3) 2 .00 Egg/Fish C ake/etc. 1 .00 s w akame a nd g reen o nions. A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, A broth noodle and don-buri combination with half ramen n oodles. Bean S prouts 1 .00 ramen n oodles. with p peanut eanut o oil il green and nd IIssei's ssei's signature ignature sspicy picy ““ Tan-‐Tan” Tan-‐Tan” gground round p pork, ork, aand nd b bok ok Issei's hicken Pho Noodle and Asian S esame D on-‐buri s erved separated Pan-‐ fried chicken, shrimp, spicy tchicken, an-‐tan, ashrimp, nd fresh vegetables over warm D4 in the he ssCame ame bowl owl ramen n oodles. Chashu(3)/Wontons(3) 2 .00 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, Bean S prouts with a s onions. Egg/Fish C ake/etc. 1 .00 in t b spicy tan-‐tan w ith f resh v egetables i n s weet c hili s auce topped w ith f resh Shrimp(6) 3 .00 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, choy, pgeanut arnished wnd ith Issei's bamboo and green o“nions. chicken and spicy tan-tan with fresh vegetables in sweet Fried s hrimp t empura a nd e gg s autéed w ith b ok c hoy a nd s erved o ver Pan-‐ f ried c hicken, s hrimp, s picy t an-‐tan, a nd f resh v egetables o ver w arm A b roth-‐noodle a nd d on-‐buri c ombinaCon w ith h alf-‐porCons f rom b oth o f ramen n oodles. Ramen/Udon N oodle/Rice 2 with o il a s ignature s picy Tan-‐Tan” g round p ork, a nd b ok ramen n oodles. Bean S prouts 1 .00 spicy tan-‐tan w ith f resh v egetables i n s weet c hili s auce topped w ith f resh Shrimp(6) 3 .00 D8 S hrimp T empura E gg D on B uri 10.00 portions from both of Issei’s Chicken Pho Noodle and Asian choy, g arnished w ith b amboo a nd g reen o nions. in t he s ame b owl ramen n oodles. Your c hoice o f b roth n oodle # 2 o r # 4 a nd D onburi D 1(chicken o r B eef) o r spicy tan-‐tan w ith f resh v egetables i n s weet c hili s auce topped w ith f resh Shrimp(6) 3 .00 Chashu (3)/Wontons (3) 2.00 Bean S prouts 1 .00 choy, w b aand nions. avocado, cilantro, peanut sauce. Your choice f bProth oodle #nd 2 oAr o or Beef) oN r oodle/Rice 2.00 spicy tan-‐tan with aafnd resh vegetables in sweet cilantro chili sauce topped with fresh ## nions. 4 aa S nd esame w DD in ith Ramen/Udon hoy bowl. 3 .00 choy, ggarnished arnished with ith bamboo amboo nd ggreen reen nions. white rChrimp ice, go w onburi b D ok on-‐buri cD 1(chicken Issei's hicken ho Shrimp(6) Nn s a erved separated ramen noodles. chili sauce topped with fresh avocado, and peanut avocado, cilantro, nd peanut sauce. S10.00 prouts oodle/Rice 2 12.00 .00 #8 Spicy Tan-‐Tan Rooamen 10.00 Fried aith nd geareen nd s12.00 erved over Your oarnished f tempura bTroth noodle oodle osautéed r sian nd onburi or Beef) oN r Sesame Don-Buri served separated the same D4 avocado, D7 anbun-‐Hanbun (2 #2/D1) 1(chicken D8 ScHshoice hrimp empura E#gg gg D4 on B uri DBean Ramen/Udon .00 Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan D4 avocado, ccilantro, ilantro, aand nd p peanut eanut ssauce. auce. With T an-‐Tan 1 2.00 22.00 Shrimp (6) 3.00 in t he s ame b owl Ramen/Udon N oodle/Rice #8 S picy T an-‐Tan R amen 10.00 Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan #8 Spicy Tan-Tan Ramen 10.00 sauce. #17A S akura W arm R amen 12.00 white r ice, g arnished w ith g reen o nions. D4 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd r efined s esame b ase p ork b roth Your choice of broth noodle #2 or #4 AND Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan .00 Ramen/Udon N oodle/Rice 2 .00 A broth-‐noodle and ndoodle on-‐buri csoombinaCon wbith fr rom oth of Fried shoice hrimp tempura and eE gg autéed B wDuri ith ok hChashu(3)/Wontons(3) c alf-‐porCons hoy and 10.00 served obver Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd r efined s esame b ase p ork b roth #8 S picy T an-‐Tan R amen 10.00 D8 S hrimp T empura gg D on 2 .00 #17A S akura W arm R amen 12.00 Your c o f b roth # 2 r # 4 a nd onburi D 1(chicken o B eef) o r Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd r efined s esame b ase p ork b roth Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan 2 .00 #8 S picy T an-‐Tan R amen 10.00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd r efined s esame b ase p ork b roth D7 H anbun-‐Hanbun ( #2/D1) 12.00 Japanese ramen noodles in a smooth and refined sesame Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd r efined s esame b ase p ork b roth A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, With T an-‐Tan 1 2.00 2 Japanese ramen noodles issn ignature a smooth and rTan-‐Tan” efined sesame base pork with eanut o il nd ssei's ignature picy Tan-‐Tan” round p10.00 ork, nd bb broth ok A slight of an Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, Don-Buri Beef) orSD4 Issei's C hicken P(Chicken ho Noodle agg nd Aosian esame erved separated white ice, gD1 arnished waith gereen nions. b ok D on-‐buri Chicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan cChicken/Beef/Tan-‐Tan hoy asnd with o aaand IIIssei's ssspicy ggground p ork, aaand ok Chashu(3)/Wontons(3) 22.00 .00 #8 Spppppeanut picy Toooil an-‐Tan Riamen ““11.00 #18 P ad TTThai hai N oodle SSvariaCon W Issei 11.00 #17A akura W arm amen auce topped 12.00 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, #18 Pad Noodle 12.00 srhrimp tempura nd or autéed w ith served obver Japanese ramen amen nnd oodles in n mooth nd refined efined esame ase ork roth D4 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, .00 Japanese oodles aa s ssmooth mooth aand nd esame ase ork roth #17A akura arm RRamen ccpand 12.00 with eanut ssssaignature ““r““efined Tan-‐Tan” p b #9 W onton SSpecial peanut gand A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) fried, shrimp, #18 P ad N oodle 11.00 with eanut il ssei's ignature picy Tan-‐Tan” round ork, nd ok A bthe roth-‐noodle and don-‐buri csombinaCon with hChashu(3)/Wontons(3) alf-‐porCons from oth o f with eanut il aaannnd nd IIIbssei's ssei's ignature sssapicy picy Tan-‐Tan” ggground round pp ork, aaand nd bb ok A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, chicken, shrimp, base broth with oil Issei’s signature spicy spicy tan-‐tan with ith resh egetables n ssweet weet hili ss auce topped with ith resh Fried Japanese rramen oodles in r11.00 sssesame bbbase pppork bbbroth #18 P ad TThai hai N oodle avorite: ith W 11.00 with eanut o il il w nd ssei's ignature picy Tan-‐Tan” round pork, ork, nd bok ok #9 W onton pecial choy, ggppork arnished ith amboo aand reen o nions. 2 .00 spicy tan-‐tan w ffried resh vv vegetables iin hili w fffresh Shrimp(6) 3 .00 D8 S hrimp T empura E gg D on B uri 10.00 in sice, ame bowl With Tan-‐Tan 1 2.00 #17A S akura arm R amen 12.00 choy, arnished w ith b amboo nd g reen o nions. D9 P ineapple T eriyaki D on-‐Buri 9.00 Issei's v ersion o f a T hailand’s f p an-‐ f f resh r ice n oodles s autéed #9 W onton S pecial 11.00 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, Chashu(3)/Wontons(3) 2 #18 P ad hai N oodle 11.00 D8 S hrimp T empura E gg D on B uri 10.00 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand fried, chicken, shrimp, white r g arnished w ith g reen o nions. spicy tan-‐tan w f resh egetables i n s weet c hili s auce topped w ith resh Shrimp(6) 3 .00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n a s mooth a nd r efined s esame b ase p ork b roth with p eanut o il a nd I ssei's s ignature s picy “ Tan-‐Tan” g round p ork, a nd b ok Issei’s version of ahailand’s Thailand favorite: pan-fried fresh rice spicy tan-‐tan w ith ffresh resh vvegetables egetables iin n ssweet weet cchili hili ssfried, auce topped w ith ffresh resh with peanut eanut oil il ith aw nd Issei's ssei's signature ignature spicy picy “nions. Tan-‐Tan” ground round ppork, ork, aand nd bbok ok choy, g arnished w ith b amboo a nd g reen o nions. spicy tan-‐tan w ith f v i s c s auce topped w ith f Issei's v ersion o f a T f avorite: p an-‐ f ried f resh r ice n oodles s autéed #9 W onton S pecial 11.00 A slight variaCon of an Issei Favorite(#17) pand chicken, shrimp, choy, g arnished w ith b amboo a nd g reen o nions. Issei's C hicken P ho N oodle a nd A sian S esame D on-‐buri s erved s eparated Egg noodles in with c“Tan-Tan” hicken b roth w h and-‐made w ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, choy, g arnished ith b amboo a nd g reen o spicy tan-‐tan w ith resh egetables n weet hili auce topped w ith resh Shrimp(6) 3 .00 avocado, c ilantro, a nd p eanut s auce. p o a nd I s s “ Tan-‐Tan” g ground pork, and bok choy, garnished with 2.00 .00 D8 Scsshrimp Tbempura uri Shrimp(6) 10.00 Issei's ersion of f aai n hailand’s avorite: pwan-‐ an-‐ ried resh ice noodles oodles autéed garnished whhith bamboo w aontons, nd green onions. avocado, cvariaCon ilantro, affaried nd ssauce. Your hoice towist roth ann aaoodle #gg 2 oautéed r D#on 4 acnd onburi 1(chicken or Beef) r Fried hrimp tf empura eeE gg sslassic: B w ith b ccChashu(3)/Wontons(3) aapnd sserved Egg n in choy, ccchoy, hicken broth and-‐made spicy ttan-‐tan, with ground pork PadThai sffauce, garnished wpan ith roasted peanuts, green Issei's vversion o TThailand’s avorite: p ffeanut resh rrice n ssautéed A slight of Issei pand fried, chicken, shrimp, Hawaiian Ind ssei’s CD hicken, fresh cut With ineapple spicy tan-‐tan ith fnd resh egetables n sssweet weet hili sssauce topped auce topped with ith fresh resh A Tan-‐Tan Egg noodles oodles hicken roth ow wil ith ith and-‐made waaontons, picy an-‐tan, spicy tan-‐tan ith resh vvegetables egetables iin weet hili auce topped ith ver 1 o2.00 Fried hrimp nd gg autéed wD ith bok ok hoy nd erved ver avocado, ilantro, nd pp eanut auce. with peanut aw nd Issei's soignature spicy “nions. Tan-‐Tan” choy, arnished bgamboo amboo nd gaggreen reen D9 Psineapple Teriyaki on-‐Buri Dhoy 9.00 avocado, ilantro, nd auce. noodles sautéed ground and egg in Pad Thai arnished ith amboo nd reen nions. with gground p P adThai ssauce, ggarnished w ith rroasted p ggreen avocado, ccccpork ilantro, eanut sssFavorite(#17) auce. shrimp with biin choy, gb arnished w ith reen nions nd cssilantro. in same bttempura owlon spicy tan-‐tan ww ith faaafresh veanut in ccchili ww ffresh cooo hunks, 3 33.00 Egg noodles n ok cbamboo hicken roth ith hith and-‐made w ontons, picy tan-‐tan, ground pork, and bok avocado, ilantro, nd eanut auce. choy, gggarnished ww ith bb and ooonions. with round pork ork iin n with Perved adThai auce, arnished wpp ith oasted peanuts, eanuts, reen andwgreen onions. Fried hrimp empura aith nd ggereen gg sautéed w ith b ok cShrimp(6) hoy and served ver D4the shrimp cchoy, ggbarnished w ith ggreen o nions aand ccilantro. white r ice, g arnished w o nions. onions a nd c ilantro s w ith a l ime. and a ssorted f resh v egetable s autéed i n a h ouse t eriyaki s auce a nd s erved spicy tan-‐tan w ith f resh v egetables i n s weet c hili s auce topped w ith f resh Shrimp(6) .00 with g round p ork i n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith r oasted p eanuts, g reen avocado, c ilantro, a nd p eanut s auce. shrimp w with ith b bok ok hoy, arnished w ith reen o nions nd ilantro. white r ice, g arnished w ith reen o nions. avocado, c ilantro, a nd p eanut s auce. choy, garnished amboo and agnd reen onions. D8 SPcShrimp hrimp E#gg B uri 1(chicken 10.00 onions aagarnished nd ccilantro ilantro with erved with ith aac llilantro, ime. A Hawaiian oT n eriyaki anw n Issei’s Classic: hicken, pineapple chunks, Your hoice owist f T bempura roth oodle 2 oon-‐Buri r Dnions. #on 4 acnd D or Beef) or sauce, roasted peanuts, green onions and avocado, and peanut sauce. shrimp with bok choy, garnished w with ith b green onions cilantro. D8 Tempura Egg Don-Buri 11.00 D9 D 9.00 onions nd sserved w ime. white rineapple ice, grtice. arnished ith green o onburi f resh D c ut With TTan-‐Tan 1 Subsatute chicken +2.00 over hite onions and cilantro served with a lcime. and peanut sauce. an-‐Tan 12.00 2.00 KIDS MENU Subsatute cchicken ++2.00 and awsssorted resh vaegetable ihicken, n house tceriyaki sauce and sver erved Fried hrimp tfempura aInd egg sCautéed slassic: autéed waith bwith ok hoy With apchoy nd served ohunks, D4 cilantro served with #18 aavocado, wedge ofilantro, lime. Subsatute hicken 2.00 Fried shrimp tempura and egg sautéed bok and A H awaiian t wist o n n ssei’s c f resh c ut ineapple c With T an-‐Tan 1 2.00 P ad T hai N oodle 11.00 Add shrimp +3.00 D9 Pwrineapple Teriyaki Don-‐Buri 9.00 Subsatute chicken 2.00 #9 onton SSpecial pecial 11.00 Add shrimp hrimp +3.00 ++3.00 3.00 over hite r ice. #9W Wonton 11.00 white ice, g arnished w ith g reen o nions. Add s All Veggie 12.00 Chicken +2.00 Shrimp #18 P ad T hai N oodle 11.00 and a ssorted f resh v egetable s autéed i n a h ouse t eriyaki s auce a nd s erved served over white rice, garnished with D8 Shrimp Tempura ECgg Don Buri green onions. 10.00 Issei's ersion o TThailand’s rrice n ssautéed #9 W onton Schicken pecial ith wontons, 11.00 A Hawaiian twist on an Issei’s lassic: chicken, fresh cut With pineapple chunks, shrimp ff avorite: p ff+ried 3.00ffresh Issei's ersion oof f f aaAdd hailand’s avorite: p p an-‐ an-‐ ried resh ice nnoodles oodles autéed Tan-‐Tan 12.00 Egg n oodles iin cchicken b w w sspicy ttan-‐tan, #18 Pvvvvvvad ad hai oodle an-‐ roasted 11.00 EggW noodles in broth with hand-made Issei's ersion hailand’s avorite: an-‐ ried resh ice oodles autéed Egg nW oodles n hicken bbroth roth ww and-‐made wwontons, ontons, picy an-‐tan, D9 P ineapple TTveriyaki D on-‐Buri Chicken 9.00 Issei's ersion TTTToodle hailand’s ff avorite: avorite: ried ice oodles autéed over w hite rice. K16.00 #18 Pround TTpphai ffauce, an-‐ resh 11.00 #10 G omoku hite M iso R amen hhhhhand-‐made Issei's ersion oo f f aaaaiN N hailand’s pp ffffried ffffresh rrrrice nn oodles ssssautéed #9 onton Shicken pecial ith 10.00 11.00 #19 M idori s picy U don 10.00 D9 P ineapple eriyaki D on-‐Buri 9.00 Issei's ersion o f hailand’s avorite: p an-‐ ried resh ice n oodles autéed with g round ork n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith p eanuts, g reen and a ssorted f resh egetable s autéed i n a h ouse t eriyaki s auce a nd Fried s hrimp t empura a nd e gg s autéed w ith b ok c hoy a nd s erved oserved ver Egg n oodles i n c hicken roth ith and-‐made ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, #9 W onton S pecial 11.00 Egg n oodles i n c hicken b roth w ith and-‐made w ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, #10 G omoku W hite M iso R amen 10.00 D10 I ssei H ouse R ed C urry 1 2.00 with g ork i n P adThai s g arnished w ith r oasted p eanuts, g reen Egg n oodles i n c b roth w ith and-‐made w ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, #19 M idori s picy U don 10.00 #18 P ad T hai N oodle 11.00 #19 Midori Spicy Udon 10.00 Egg n oodles i n c hicken b roth w ith h and-‐made w ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, shrimp w ith b ok c hoy, g arnished w ith g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. #10 G omoku W hite M iso R amen 10.00 Issei's v ersion o f a T hailand’s f avorite: p an-‐ f ried f resh r ice n oodles s autéed D9 P ineapple T eriyaki D on-‐Buri 9.00 spicy tan-tan, shrimp with bok choy, garnished with green D8 S hrimp T empura E gg D on B uri 10.00 Issei's v ersion o f a T hailand’s f avorite: p an-‐ f ried f resh r ice n oodles s autéed with g round p ork i n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith r oasted p eanuts, g reen #19 M idori s picy U don 10.00 shrimp w ith b ok c hoy, g arnished w ith g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. with g round p ork i n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith r oasted p eanuts, g reen #9 W onton S pecial 11.00 A H awaiian ttice. wist o n aan IIith ssei’s C lassic: cchicken, ff resh cc ut p ineapple cchunks, with g round p ork i n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith r oasted p eanuts, g reen Japanese ramen n oodles i n c hicken b roth, s autéed w ith s easonal f resh #10 G omoku W hite M iso R amen 10.00 Issei's v ersion o f a T hailand’s f avorite: p an-‐ f ried f resh r ice n oodles s autéed Egg n oodles i n c hicken b roth w ith h and-‐made w ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, over w hite r Pan-‐ f ried u don n oodles w ith c hicken,basil a nd a ssorted v egetables i n s picy with g round p ork i n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith r oasted p eanuts, g reen white r ice, g arnished w g reen o nions. A H awaiian wist o n n ssei’s C lassic: hicken, resh ut p ineapple hunks, onions a nd c ilantro s erved w ith a l ime. Egg n oodles i n c hicken b roth w ith h and-‐made w ontons, s picy t an-‐tan, #19 M idori s picy U don 10.00 shrimp w ith b ok c hoy, g arnished w ith g reen o nions a nd c ilantro. reen A D10 H awaiian shrimp w ith b ok hoy, arnished w ith reen nions nd ilantro. Japanese ramen noodles in cib broth, sautéed ith gg easonal fontons, resh aa onions avaersion nd cilantro erved ith aa l ime. Wonton Egg Noodle Soup Mild red curry w ith caoconut ilk, lemon kresh affir eaf, galangal rcoot, shrimp w ith ok ccchoy, gggarnished nions ilantro. Egg noodles n chicken b roth with w hw and-‐made w tan-‐tan, Pan-‐ ffried u don noodles w ith chicken,basil nd aaadThai ssorted vvauce, egetables iin picy shrimp w ith bhicken ok hoy, w ith gssreen reen oo ow nions and nd scccpicy ilantro. Issei's of aaaibasil Tsssshailand’s fauce, avorite: pan-‐ fresh rice npoodles sautéed Pan-fried noodles with chicken, andww assorted ssei H ouse ed em CssCurry aawg rass, Chicken 1Tan-‐Tan 2.00 with round pork ork i n n adThai sauce, arnished with ith roasted oasted peanuts, eanuts, with round pilantro ork saith arnished ith g g reen Japanese rramen amen noodles oodles n m hicken broth, roth, autéed whith ith easonal resh twist on n R lassic: ciin hicken, clut ineapple hunks, onions nd ilantro erved w ith ime. Fried sIhrimp empura aIssei’s nd gg sautéed bfok choy With apssnd served o ver onions and cilantro. Pan-‐ ried uudon don oodles wm ith hicken,basil nd ssorted egetables n ssfried picy aassorted fftresh egetable autéed h ouse tteriyaki auce aand sserved onions aand nd erved w llime. ime. vegetables, bamboo hots, ushrooms, sarnished weet cith orn, gand-‐made arnished ith green Japanese n iin ccb b ssautéed ith easonal ffresh onions aaac llilantro. with ggccground n PsPPerved gggarnished ww rrccoasted Egg nssoodles n chicken barnished roth w w ontons, silantro. picy tan-‐tan, green curry and n oconut ilk, ga arnished wiaith padThai nd shrimp w ith bihicken ok hoy, ww ith reen ooonions nions nd cccilantro. ilantro. 12.00 and resh egetable autéed n hith ouse erved onions nd ccccpilantro ilantro erved wsith ith ime. Subsatute hicken p eanuts, 2.00 and shrimp w ith ok cchoy, hoy, ggarnished w ith ggsreen reen nions aand nd Pan-‐ fried udon nccoodles wm ith hicken,basil nd aeanuts ssorted vegetables in spicy D9 Pw ineapple Tvvvceriyaki eriyaki 9.00 vegetables, b amboo hots, m ushrooms, ssarnished weet ccorn, ggarnished w ith ggareen with srssorted easonal vw egetable sure tD o aon-‐Buri waken yag our s enses al eaf, nd bauce oost ynd our Subsatute hicken eanuts, g++ g+reen 2.00 Fresh hand-made steamed wonton (shrimp and green c urry a nd oconut ilk, g arnished w ith p eanuts a nd c ilantro. shrimp w ith b ok c g w ith g vegetables, b amboo s hots, m ushrooms, weet orn, arnished w ith reen with g round p ork i n P adThai s auce, g arnished w ith r oasted p reen onions a nd c ilantro s erved w ith a l ime. Mild ed c urry ith oconut m ilk, l emon rass, k affir g alangal r oot, vegetables in a spicy green curry and coconut milk, and a ssorted f resh egetable s autéed i n h ouse t eriyaki s auce a nd s erved white r ice, g arnished w ith g reen o nions. onions a nd c ilantro s erved w ith a l ime. green c urry a nd c oconut m ilk, g arnished w ith p eanuts a nd c ilantro. Subsatute c hicken 2.00 over hite r ice. onions. (NO bM EAT) Subsatute hicken 2.00 D10 ssei House Red CCurry Chicken 12.00 ccchicken 2.00 vegetables, amboo shots, weet corn, garnished ith green onions nd cilantro served with a clime. shrimp with mbushrooms, ok choy, gsarnished with green ownions and cilantro. wIhite rtice. green curry and coconut milk, gaarnished with peanuts and ilantro. Subsatute Subsatute hicken 2.00over Add sshrimp ++ +++3.00 onions. ((NO NO M M EAT) mood! A Hawaiian wist on an Issei’s lassic: chicken, resh caut pineapple chunks, Add hrimp 3.00 ground pork) in chicken broth with egg noodles. onions. EAT) onions nd cilantro served with a lime. Subsatute with sed easonal vwegetable sure tilk, o awaken ygour sfenses nd bgalangal oost your Subsatute c hicken + 2.00 over w hite r ice. With T an-‐Tan 1 2.00 garnished with peanuts andacilantro. c hicken 2.00 Add s hrimp + 3.00 Add s hrimp + 3.00 onions. (NO MEAT) Mild r c urry ith c oconut m l emon rass, k affir l eaf, r oot, Add s hrimp + 3.00 Subsatute chicken Add shrimp + +2.00 3.00and D10 Issei Hfresh ouse Red Csurry 12.00 With eef 13.00 assorted vegetable autéed in a house tChicken eriyaki s auce aBnd served mood! Subsatute chicken 2.00with Add s hrimp + 3.00 D9 Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken Don-Buri 10.00 Add s hrimp + 3.00 D9 sP ineapple Teriyaki Daon-‐Buri nd 9.00 easonal vwegetable sure mto waken senses bgoost your shrimp +3.00 over #10 GGomoku omoku hite iso amen 10.00 Add aith vocado +11.00 Mild w red curry ith coconut ilk, lemon ygour rass, kaffir aleaf, alangal root, hite rice. #10 White Miso Ramen 10.00 #19 M idori sspicy UU don Add 10.00 #10A A ka n oodle W M R 10.00 cut W Beef 3.00 Add shrimp 10.00 +3.00mood! AHHawaiian twist Issei Classic: chicken, fresh D10 IIssei ouse R ed C urry your Chicken 1 2.00 A awaiian tH wist on on an Ian ssei’s C lassic: chicken, fresh caut pbineapple chunks, #19 M idori picy don #10A A ka n oodle 10.00 #10 G omoku W hite M iso R amen 10.00 #20 Chow Fun 10.00 #20 C how F un 10.00 D10 ssei H ouse R ed C urry Chicken 1 2.00 with s easonal v egetable s ure t o a waken s enses nd oost your Japanese r amen n oodles i n c hicken b roth, s autéed w ith s easonal f resh #19 M idori s picy U don 10.00 #10A A ka n oodle 10.00 #20 C how F un 10.00 D9 P ineapple T eriyaki D on-‐Buri 9.00 Pan-‐ f ried u don n oodles w ith c hicken,basil a nd a ssorted v egetables i n s picy Japanese r amen n oodles i n c hicken b roth, s autéed w ith s easonal f resh Japanese ramen noodles in chicken broth, sautéed with Add a vocado + 1.00 #10A A ka n oodle 10.00 Pan-‐ f ried u don n oodles w ith c hicken,basil a nd a ssorted v egetables i n s picy Vietnamese rice n oodle i n c hicken b roth w ith t ofu, e gg, a ssorted #20 C how F un 10.00 #10 G omoku W hite M iso R amen 10.00 D10 I ssei H ouse R ed C urry Chicken 1 2.00 Japanese amen nn oodles iin hicken bamen roth, autéed w ith easonal resh and arred ssorted fw resh vcegetable silk, autéed in ggarass, hvegetables ouse teriyaki sg W auce served ith aBnd eef 13.00 pineapple chunks and assorted fresh sauteed inrroot, #19 idori picy U don 10.00 iiiin Mild ccurry ith oconut m llemon kaffir leaf, alangal Japanese amen oodles n b roth, autéed w ith easonal resh Fresh ide rice oodles sCr-‐stir-fried ffffried wu ith a ssorted vU egetables i10.00 n black bean Fresh wide rice noodles with assorted vegetables #10 Gomoku hite M iso w 10.00 Pan-‐ ried don oodles w ith cccchicken,basil aaaand aaaassorted vvvvegetables Vietnamese rice n oodle iin ccbhicken b w ith tthicken ofu, eeRgg, aassorted #20 Cw how Fnnun green cM w Japanese rrrramen n oodles ccccushrooms, hicken b roth, ssssautéed sssseasonal ffffresh Pan-‐ ried don oodles ith hicken,basil nd ssorted egetables n picy #19 M idori snnsnnccpicy don w aand Mild ed urry w ith m ilk, emon rass, affir alangal Pan-‐ ried uu don oodles w ith nd ssorted egetables n picy Japanese amen nW oodles n hicken bamen roth, autéed wggith ith easonal resh vegetables, amboo hots, m weet orn, arnished with ith reen Vietnamese ice norean oodle n broth roth wiin ith ofu, gg, ssorted K26.00 Fresh w ide rrice oodles ssCr-‐ fffried w aassorted vvegetables iin b lack b ean Pan-‐ ried uith don oodles w ith hicken,basil nd ssorted egetables n sssspicy picy mood! urry aand oconut m ilk, gghicken,basil arnished ith p eanuts cc10.00 ilantro. vegetables, bbchicken amboo ssshots, m ushrooms, sssgweet mushrooms, cc cw orn, arnished w gggreen A Hawaiian tice. wist on ccoconut an I ssei’s C lassic: chicken, fkkresh clleaf, ut Add pggineapple coot, hunks, MICELLI N OODLE S ALADS seasonal fresh vegetables, bamboo shoots, vegetables wrrith k h ot hili p aste, h int o f v inegar,and arnish ith #10 G omoku W hite M iso R 10.00 green c urry nd oconut m ilk, arnished w ith p eanuts nd ilantro. Fresh w ide ice n oodles Cr-‐ ried w ith ssorted egetables n b lack b ean Vietnamese ice n oodle i n c hicken b roth w ith t ofu, e gg, a ssorted Japanese r amen n oodles i n c hicken b roth, s autéed w ith s easonal f resh #19 M idori s picy U don 10.00 Mild r ed c urry w ith oconut m ilk, l emon g rass, affir eaf, alangal r oot, over w hite r a vocado + 1.00 Japanese r amen n oodles i n c hicken b roth, s autéed w ith s easonal f resh vegetables, amboo hots, m ushrooms, weet orn, g arnished w ith reen with s easonal v egetable s ure t o a waken y our s enses a nd b oost y our Pan-‐ f ried u don n oodles w ith c hicken,basil a nd a ssorted v egetables i n s picy a house teriyaki sauce and served over white rice. sauce w ith y our c hoice o f b eef c urry, c hicken, o r s picy t an-‐tan p ork vegetables, amboo hots, m ushrooms, weet ccorn, orn, arnished w ith reen vegetables with ith orean (NO hrot ot hili aste, hint int f hicken inegar,and arnish w ith Pan-‐ ried don noodles ith hicken,basil aith nd p aeanuts ssorted vnd egetables in sspicy picy with green urry nd oconut m ilk, arnished w ith pap eanuts nd ilantro. MICELLI NOODLE SALADS vegetables, bccb amboo ssshots, sggssweet cw gggarnished in black bean sauce with of beef curry, chicken Fresh w ide ncoodles sf Cr-‐ ried wuchoice ith an ssorted vw egetables in bplack bw Japanese amen nppoodles in oocm broth, sautéed with seasonal w resh ith eef served 13.00 green urry nd oconut m ilk, arnished w ith eanuts ilantro. seasonal vresh egetable s ure turry o a waken yaour senses and bs W oost yaBour green ccccccurry aaaaccnd ccccoodles oconut m ilk, ggggarnished aaaavnd ccccilantro. vegetables, bhili amboo hots, m ushrooms, weet orn, arnished wfith ith gggreen reen vegetables w kkorean h aste, h f vvushrooms, inegar,and arnish ith M EAT) Pan-‐ fffyour ried u don ith cttcan-‐tan hicken,basil aean nd ssorted egetables in sauce w ith yyrice our hoice o b eef urry, hicken, o r ssw picy ork D10 I ssei H ouse R ed C Chicken 1 2.00 and a ssorted f v egetable s autéed i n h ouse t eriyaki auce nd green urry nd oconut m ilk, arnished w ith p eanuts nd ilantro. onions. ( NO M EAT) cilantro. (NO Monions. EAT) sauce w ith our c hoice o f b eef urry, hicken, o r picy an-‐tan p ork sweet corn, garnished with green onions. (NO MEAT) vegetables w ith k orean h ot c hili p aste, h int o f v inegar,and g arnish w ith Japanese r amen n oodles i n c hicken b roth, s autéed w ith s easonal f resh vegetables, amboo hots, m mushrooms, ushrooms, ssweet weet ccorn, orn, ggarnished arnished w with ith ggreen reen with seasonal vegetable sure to awaken your senses and boost your +1.00 vegetables, amboo sshots, onions. NO M EAT) garnished wyith Chicken Pho Soup Pan-‐ fried udon nccoodles ith hicken,basil aith nd ppaeanuts ssorted vegetables green urry and nd oconut m ilk, arnished with ith eanuts nd spicy mood! cilantro. EAT) onions. NO M EAT) sauce with our cccilantro. hoice ogreen f garnished beef curry urry, cnd hicken, or sw picy tcan-‐tan pork w oconut m ilk, arnished w nd ilantro. onions. Add avocado bbbM amboo mood! cilantro. (((NO NO M Mvegetables, EAT) ((((NO or spicy tan-tan pork,green cilantro. onions. NO MEAT) EAT) shots, mushrooms, sweet corn, garnished with green garnished with ilantro. cccurry aawith coconut m ilk, gggarnished peanuts aaand cccilantro. Mild ed curry with coconut milk, lemon grass, kaffir leaf, galangal root, over rw hite rice. cilantro. NO M EAT) garnished vegetables, bM amboo hots, mushrooms, s8.00 weet corn, garnished with green mood! onions. (ermicelli NO M M EAT) ssalad W ith B eef 1 3.00 onions. (NO NO EAT) garnished w with ith ccilantro. ilantro. green curry and coconut milk, garnished with peanuts and cilantro. #11 F ried E ggroll V Vietnamese rice noodles in a chicken broth with W ith B eef 1 3.00 onions. ( EAT) with seasonal vegetable sure to awaken your senses and b W oost yBour #11 Fried Eggroll V(ermicelli salad 8.00 eef 1++3.00 #21 H iyashi huka 12.00 onions. NO MEAT) Add aaith vocado 1.00 D10 Issei House Red Curry Chicken 12.00 Vietnamese fried egg rolls, over cold vermicelli noodles, freshly shredded shredded chicken breast. Add vocado 1.00 #21 H iyashi C CChuka huka (May 12.00 mood! #10A A ka n oodle 10.00 #21 Hiyashi – September) 12.00 Vietnamese fried e gg r olls, o ver c old v ermicelli n oodles, f reshly s hredded Add avocado +1.00 A ka nnoodle peanuts, a nd spicy g inger 10.00 A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, #20 C how F un 10.00 D10 Issei House Red Curry Chicken 12.00 leTuce with Thai #10A b asil, s liced c ucumber, c rushed Mild r ed c urry w ith c oconut m ilk, l emon g rass, k affir l eaf, g alangal r oot, #10A A ka oodle 10.00 #20 C how F un 10.00 A “Summer version” of Haru Warm Ramem:sliced roasted pork, shrimp, W ith B eef 1 3.00 #10A Aka Noodle Vietnamese ice noodle oodle ciirushed n cchicken hicken broth roth a w wnd ith ofu, egg, gg, aa10.00 ssorted leTuce with Thai basil, sliced ucumber, peanuts, spicy ginger Ired ssei Hvouse ed Curry your senses Chicken 12.00 A “summer version”Fresh of Haru Warm Vietnamese rrcrice n n b ith tttofu, ssorted #20 how un sliced roast ramen vvegetables #10A ka noodle oodle 10.00 Fresh wCide ide ice Fn nRamen: oodles Cr-‐ffried ried with ith aassorted ssorted egetables n 10.00 black lack b bean ean D10 and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over Mildseasonal curry withRcoconut lemon grass, fish sauce. with egetable sure to amilk, waken akaffir nd boost your +1.00 w rrrice oodles w iin b Vietnamese ice nn oodle iiiin b roth w ofu, #10A AAnoodles ka ppaste, int eeeassorted Vietnamese rrn ice oodle n hicken roth w ith ofu, eegg, gg, ssorted Vietnamese rith ice oodle n hicken bb roth w ith ofu, gg, ssorted #20 Cw how Fegg un ossf ssssCr-‐ curry, tan-‐tan and cold hard-‐boiled egg served with steamed assorted veg over ramen vvvegetables Add aleaf, vocado Fresh ide ice n oodles Cr-‐ ffffried w ith aaaa ssorted iiii10.00 n b lack b ean Vietnamese ice nin oodle n ccccchicken hicken bwith roth with ith ofu, gg, aaaassorted ssorted Ramen chicken broth tofu, vegetables w kkn orean h ot hili h o f vvtttegg, inegar,and gg10.00 arnish w ith fish sauce. Fresh w ide ice n oodles Cr-‐ ried w ith ssorted egetables n lack ean #20 C how F un 10.00 Fresh w ide rrrour ice n oodles Cr-‐ ried w ith ssorted egetables n bb lack bb ean Mild red curry with coconut milk, lemon grass, kaffir leaf, galangal root, vegetables w ith orean h ot hili aste, h int o f inegar,and arnish w ith pork, shrimp and cold hard boiled served with #10A A ka n oodle 10.00 noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. Fresh w ide ice n oodles Cr-‐ ried w ith ssorted v egetables n b lack b ean sauce w ith y c hoice b eef c hicken, o r s picy p ork Vietnamese r ice n oodle i n c hicken b roth w ith t ofu, e gg, a ssorted mood! Vietnamese rice ice norean oodle ih in chicken hicken broth roth with ith tvvofu, ofu, egg, gg, aassorted ssorted sauce w ith y our c hoice o f b eef c urry, c hicken, o r s picy t an-‐tan p ork galangal root with seasonal vegetables sure to awaken vegetables w ith k orean h ot c hili p aste, h int o f inegar,and g arnish w ith vegetables w ith k orean h ot c hili p aste, h int o f v inegar,and g arnish w ith #20 C how F un 10.00 vegetables w ith k ot c hili p aste, h int o f inegar,and g arnish w ith noodles i n a h ouse p eanut-‐sauce. Fresh w ide r ice n oodles s Cr-‐ f ried w ith a ssorted v egetables i n b lack b ean Vietnamese r n oodle n c b w t e Fresh ide s Cr-‐ Cr-‐ ith cccahicken, ahicken, ssorted egetables in bblack lack ean with seasonal vegetable sure to awaken your senses and boost your sauce ith our hoice os o f b b eef urry, hicken, oo r vr picy an-‐tan pp ork vegetables ith korean hot chili paste, hint of vof inegar,and garnish with cilantro. NO wwith M EAT) sauce w ith yyice cc oodles hoice picy an-‐tan ork vegetables Korean hot chili paste, hint vinegar and sauce w ith our f sssspicy ttttan-‐tan p ork cilantro. (((NO M EAT) Fresh ww ide n n ith ssorted vr egetables in bbean steamed assorted over Vegetarian available uvegetables pon request r yyr ith ice our ccramen ilantro. ccoodles hoice noodles o f b eef feef fried ried cc ccin urry, urry, w Swaummer onlyo sauce w ith our hoice o f b eef urry, c hicken, o r picy an-‐tan p ork garnished w ith ilantro. Vietnamese r ice n oodle i n c hicken b roth w ith t ofu, e gg, a ssorted W ith B eef 13.00 vegetables w ith k orean h ot c hili p aste, h int o f v inegar,and g arnish w ith K36.00 vegetables w ith k orean h ot c hili p aste, h int o f v inegar,and g arnish w ith garnished w cilantro. NO M EAT) your senses and boost your mood! cilantro. NO M Vegetarian available upon request w w r ith ice n ccilantro. oodles hoice o o sf Cr-‐ eef eef f ried c c urry, urry, Swummer onlyoor r cilantro. (((NO M Fresh ide ith assorted vegetables in bpplack sauce with ith our hoice hicken, picy ttan-‐tan tan-‐tan an-‐tan ork bean mood! vegetables wwith ith kEAT) orean hot chili MEAT) paste, hint of vinegar,and garnish with sauce ith our hicken, picy ork garnished cilantro. NO MEAT) EAT) #12 inger C SSorean alad 9.00 garnished ith garnished (NO garnished w ith ilantro. ww yyyour hoice of f bbbupon eef curry, ccchicken, or ssspicy pork house peanut sauce.sauce Vegetarian available request garnished w ith ccccilantro. ilantro. Add a13.00 vocado +1.00 vegetables wM ith kcilantro. h ot chili paste, hint of vinegar,and garnish with cilantro. (NO NO M EAT) #12 SSpicy picy G Gcilantro. inger C(hicken hicken alad 9.00 cilantro. (NO EAT) with Beef sauce w ith y our c hoice o f b eef c urry, c hicken, o r s picy t an-‐tan p ork garnished w ith c ilantro. EAT)vermicelli noodles, freshly shredded garnished wwith ith ccilantro. ilantro. Miso Udon With Beef 13.00 Shredded boiled cilantro. chicken, over M cold garnished EAT) Shredded boiled chicken, o(NO ver M cold vermicelli noodles, freshly shredded Add Avocado garnished with cilantro. Add a+1.00 vocado +1.00 leTuce with Thai basil, sliced cucumber, crushed peanuts, and spicy ginger Japanese udon noodles in a mild miso base pork #22 P ad S ee E w Chicken 1 1.00/Beef 1 3.00 leTuce with Thai basil, sliced cucumber, crushed peanuts, and spicy ginger #22 ad SSee ee Ew Ew No Meat 11.00/ Chicken #22 PPad Chicken1or1.00/Beef Beef 13.00 13.00 fish sauce. broth with sliced chashu, fish cake and sweet Thai pan fried noodle made with flat wide rice noodles in soy sauce, garlic, fish sauce. #10B Shinon Sio Ramen 10.00 Thai an fried noodle made with fl at wide ice noodles in soy sauce, Thaippan-fried noodles made with flatrwide rice noodles in garlic, Japanese ramen noodles in a premium Japanese refined #13 B urry SSalad 10.00 gourmet seaC broth base topped with steamed bean #13 LLemongrass emongrass Beef eef Csalt urry alad 10.00 Tender sliced beef marinated with mild garlic curry powder, sautéed with sprouts, sweet corn and chashu pork, garnished with Tender sliced beef marinated with mild garlic curry powder, sautéed with onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai green onions, sesame oil, fine white pepper powder onions,cold vermicelli noodles, and freshly shredded leTuce with Thai basil, cucumber, and crushed peanuts, and fish sauce. bamboo shoots. basil, cucumber, crushed peanuts, and fish sauce. Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, #14 V Salad SSampler 11.00 Vermicelli ermicelli alad risk ampler or eggs#14 may increaseSyour of foodborne illness,11.00 especially if you Mixture of #11,12 and 13 of #condition. 11,12 and 13 have aMixture medical egg and vegetables. egg nd vegetables. soy asauce, garlic, egg and vegetables. #23 11.00 #23 EEgg gg N Noodle oodle D Delight elight 11.00 Sautéed ground pork with garlic, sweet soy sauce over steam egg noodle, #23 Egg Noodle 11.00 Sautéed ground pork wDelight ith garlic, sweet soy sauce over steam egg noodle, top off with fresh bean sprout, green onions, cilantro and touch of red top off with fresh bpork ean sprout, garlic, green osweet nions, soy cilantro and touch of red Sauteed ground Chinese vinegar. One our with phamily favorite recipes.sauce over Chinese vinegar. One otopped ur phamily favorite steam egg noodles, with freshrecipes. bean sprouts, green onions, cilantro and touch of red Chinese vinegar. One of our Phamily favorite recipes. corn. Our rice is made fresh daily. Therefore our rice dishes are only available until we run out. K46.00 Don-Buri Chicken or beef sautéed in Issei’s Original BBQ Sauce and served over white rice.
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