the brochure - Church Ministries Conference
the brochure - Church Ministries Conference
EXHIBITORS Schedule Conference Location Calvary Baptist Church, 1200 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 FRIDAY 3:00 - 5:00 pm 6:00 - 7:00 pm 7:00 - 8:15 pm 8:15 - 8:40 pm 8:40 - 9:30 pm SATURDAY 8:30 - 9:00 am 9:00 - 9:50 am 9:50 - 10:20 am 10:20 - 11:30 am 11:30 - 12:45 pm 12:00 - 12:15 pm 12:45 - 1:35 pm 1:35 - 1:50 pm 1:50 - 2:40 pm 2:40 - 3:00 pm 3:00 - 4:00 pm Pre-Conference Training - Logos Bible Software (Visit for more information) Registration, Exhibits, Vendors, & Refreshments GENERAL SESSION #1 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Nyquist Exhibits and Vendors Workshops - Session #1 Exhibits and Vendors Workshops - Session #2 Break / Exhibits GENERAL SESSION #2 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Winfred Neely Lunch - Sponsored by Logos Bible Software Logos Presentation - Auditorium Workshops - Session #3 Break / Exhibits Workshops - Session #4 Break / Exhibits GENERAL SESSION #3 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Nyquist Be sure to join us next year on March 10-11, 2017 | Pre-Conference Training REGISTRATION February 26 Early bird registration deadline = $30 March 7 Childcare is not provided at the conference. Pre-registration deadline = $35 However, a $10 rebate is available at the March 11-12 registration table for parents who pay for At the door registration = $40 childcare in order to attend the conference. One $10 rebate per family. Friday only registration = $15 Check with your church representative for more information or register online at Childcare ~ $10 rebate (To mail your registration payment see the conference webiste for more information) ABWE/Good Soil Access of West Michigan Answers in Genesis Author George Brainard Baker Book House Baptist Children’s Home BoxCast Christian Book Outlet Editorial Bautista Independiente Faithlife (Logos Bible Software) Gitche Gumee Bible Camp Grand Rapids Theological Seminary Highway Melodies Inc. Institute for Religious Research Jeffrey Parker Architects Keys for Kids Ministries Lake Ann Camp Life Matters Worldwide Moody Radio West Michigan Pine Ridge Bible Camp Primerica Revive Our Hearts Student Statesmanship Institute The Springs Ministries Vantage Pointe Financial Group Word of Life WPS Financial Services Whether you are a novice Logos user or intermediate, join us for a broad overview of Logos features, including some deeper functionality, capped by a Q & A to help guide you through what you may be working on right now. An additional fee of $10 is required to register for the Logos Training. Registration for the preconference training is separate from your full conference registration. Visit www.churchministriesconference. com/logos for more information. Session 1 Conference Workshops » Friday, 8:40-9:30 pm CHILDREN DISCIPLESHIP Children Can Be Missionaries Too Room 119 | MaryLou Heyboer, BCM Intl., Western Michigan Director In this workshop we will learn how to help children develop a heart for missions. Overcome Fears and Foibles of Public Speaking Room 32 | Robyn Dykstra, Speaker & Author, Grand Rapids According to the Book of Lists, public speaking is people’s number one fear. They are less afraid of heights, spiders and even dying. Robyn’s interactive session will teach you the skills and strategies you need to overcome your fears of speaking in public. “Great speakers are not born, they are trained,” says Dale Carnegie. Discover how to use your voice, your gestures, and the space on the platform to maximize the impact of your presentation and cement your points in the minds of your audience. Engaging Learners to Activate Learning Room 121 | Melissa Austin, Calvary Baptist Church, Grand Rapids In this workshop we will discuss strategies to engage learners, grow the depth of their thinking, and increase learning. Team Building in Sunday School Room 122 | Becca Compston, Pine Ridge Camp, Cedar Springs Team building activities are a great way to help reinforce spiritual principles that are being taught. Come ready to learn in a hands-on way many different challenge type games that will help your kids learn what it is to function as the body of Christ. (Emphasis on late elementary.) Engage Parents and Families in Your Children’s Ministry Room 124 | Roxanne Schuchardt, Chapel Pointe, Hudsonville Today our families are busy. How do we keep them involved and partner with them in their busy lifestyles? Come and learn more about how to implement the Deuteronomy 6 model given by Moses to parents. Can Preschoolers Learn Systematic Theology? Room 126 | Becki Watson, Wyoming Park Bible Fellowship Whether we intend to teach it or not, kids are already forming their personal understanding of God. So why not be intentional about teaching good theology to our kids? This workshop will present practical (and accessible!) ways to incorporate theological instruction into Sunday School, Wednesday night, and VBS – starting in preschool and working our way to Youth Group. Starting a Children’s Ministry from Scratch! Room 129 | Beth Brumels, Cross Winds Church, Wyoming Starting a children’s ministry can be daunting. It is hard work, especially when there is nothing to start with. How do you align your children’s ministry with the heart of the church and effectively convey the gospel? Where do you start? What do you need to know? How many classrooms do you need vs. How many can you actually staff? How to Lead a Child to Christ Room 139 | Laura Mills, Pine Ridge Bible Camp Are you afraid of doing it wrong, so you don’t present the gospel to the children in your class? Come learn the four parts of the gospel and how to make them understandable to children. Learn how to tell when a child is ready to receive Christ, how to offer an invitation and what to do when children respond. Developing Biblically Authentic Men Room 38 | Chris De Man, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church, Rockford How do we develop men who are biblically authentic husbands, fathers, friends, and workers? Through engagement with the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the People of God. Together, we’ll discuss strategies for discipling men toward whole-hearted discipleship of Jesus Christ. Ministry Skills Needed for a Strong Church Room 54 | Jack Klem, Regular Baptist Press, Director Ministry is ultimately a ministry of the Word wisely applied to the people who are both seeking and courageously following Christ. In this workshop the presenter will expose the glorious nature of gospel ministry and then highlight the skill sets necessary for developing a strong and healthy church. EVANGELISM The Next Great Awakening Room 52 | Randy Hekman, The Grand Awakening, Executive Director In this workshop we will recount the profound impact that prior nationwide moves of God produced in America, and what we followers of Christ must do to prepare a landing spot for the Spirit of God to again fall on our land. Reaching the Hard to Reach with the Word of God Room 64 | Karen Leif (Director) and Gail Perez, Beacon of Hope Family Care Center This workshop will discuss sharing God’s Word in a meaningful way with those who have no prior experience with the Bible or who struggle with developmental/cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, and limited reading skills. Beacon of Hope has written several Bible studies that introduce people to basic Biblical concepts, such God, the Bible, creation, the plan of salvation, as well as the Book of Genesis, the Christmas Story and the Easter Story. Workshop attendees will receive a copy of one Bible study of their choice, as well as information on receiving digital versions for use in their churches/ministries. GENERAL Think on These Things Room 30 | Doug Jones, Robinson Baptist Church, Grand Haven Our lives are our ministry. How we react to life’s journey affects the impact we have. Come be encouraged and challenged by what God says our mindset should be. Session 1 Conference Workshops » Friday, 8:40-9:30 pm Developing a Prayer Ministry in Your Church Room 60 | Chris Courter, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church, Rockford This session will provide fresh ideas for developing a new prayer ministry in your church. We will discuss 1) the purpose and design for prayer, 2) the first step in beginning a prayer ministry and 3) suggestions for various facets of prayer ministry. These facets will include: the development of a prayer team, monthly planning sessions, prayer during the worship service, up-front prayer after the worship services and prayer classes to offer your congregation. STUDENT How Money Works Room 62 | Ken Chesterman, Primerica What were we taught about money? When you write a check, don’t use a pencil? Sounds funny, but it’s true. 76% of workers in the U.S. live paycheck to paycheck. The average American household with at least one credit card has nearly $15,950 in credit card debt. Nearly half of Americans have less than $500 in savings. In our churches today people want to serve, to give and to participate in ministry, but are in bondage to their finances. Learn practical steps to set families free and on the road to being debt free and financially independent! We will give specific steps for families to regain control of their finances and thereby honor God. Building a Ministry that Builds Christ Followers Room 131 | Jory Trim, Trinity Baptist Church, Grand Rapids Sunday school. Lock-Ins. Bible Studies. Wilderness Trips. Small Groups. Retreats. Missions Trips. Banquets. Outreaches. We are doing lots of stuff, but are we getting anything done? Whether you are starting from scratch or just looking to make a few changes, this seminar will help you develop and establish ministry rhythms that work to cultivate godly young people. The key is not in the “what” and “how,” but the “who” and “why.” Benevolence 101 - How do Churches Best Help Neighbors in Need? Room 50 | Christina Swiney and Emma Garcia, Access of West Michigan This workshop introduces church benevolence and outreach teams on how to set up a successful benevolence program with suggested guidelines and best practices. We include activities to help leaders understand what it is like to live in poverty, and to gain an understanding of the systems that are in place that prevent the move from chronic need to self-sustainability. We also talk about how a congregation can partner with the Access casework program and get connected with the congregational community to address needs in Kent County. We introduce congregations to what other resources and social services are available to individuals seeking assistance. LEADERSHIP Engaging Volunteers Room 128 | Pastor John Dubois, Wyoming Park Bible Fellowship What does it take to get your volunteers to engage and take their involvement seriously? This workshop will discuss ways to get your volunteers to care deeply about their ministry and take their involvement to the next level. MISSIONS / CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY “And Dwelt Among Us”: Cross-Cultural Ministry is YOUR Calling Room 56 | Joshua Harrison, Moody Radio The world today is “connected.” And yet, there is so much disconnect. You encounter different cultures and ideas every day—and there’s never been a more important time for us to embrace what Jesus has called us to: cross-cultural ministry! What does it look like? Why is it my calling? How can I do it effectively? Ministering to the Persecuted Church Room 66 | Ken Myers, Voice of the Martyrs This workshop will explain the situation facing about 1/8 of the body of Christ - our persecuted brothers and sisters. Voice of the Martyrs can help you, your church, Sunday School, Children’s Ministry, Mission Committee, Prayer Groups, etc. minister to the desperate needs of our family. Youth Ministry: Equipping or Entertaining Room 59 | Bob MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Too many youth “ministries” seem to be focusing on offering students a fun time. What should be the purpose of youth ministry? How can you tell the difference between a ministry that is focused on entertaining students with those purposed to equip students to be fully-devoted disciples? Think Orange: Combining the Influence of Church and Home to Maximize the Effectiveness of Youth Ministry Room 132 | John Nixon, North Park Baptist Church, Grand Rapids It takes more than a few hours each week to teach a student to love and follow Jesus, which is why what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. We will discuss how to leverage the efforts of both church and home to be more effective than either could alone. How to Lead a Youth Group Game Room 134 | Katie Morgan, Founding Director of Attic After School, Wyoming Are the kids in your youth group tired of the same old games you play every week? Do they act “too cool” to play? Or do you find it difficult to introduce new games? This workshop will discuss the importance of well-run youth group games, and offer very practical techniques for effectively leading games that create memories and build community in your youth group. TECHNOLOGY Why Technology in Church *Doesn’t Matter Room 58 | Chris Brown, Director, techPartner, Grafton, OH Learn the “Why?” behind the effective use of technology for church ministry and why we need to use it at the appropriate level for your church. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Ministry to Women in the Church Room 31/33 | Pam MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL This session will discuss ways to be effective in our ministry to women. Our ministry communicates a message about the Gospel. We will consider what our message is saying and ways to discern if we are being faithful to the call of Christ and the mission of the church. Unseduced and Unshaken: Mindful or Mindless: A Theology of Leisure and Technology Room 34 | Rosalie De Rosset, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Richard Winter writes that “a deadness of soul haunts this generation . . .overstimulated by the possibilities of technology and entertainment.” God cares how we use our leisure and technology; they are not in neutral territory and have great power for good or evil. Yet, little preaching or writing is done about either. This session examines the problem and proposes some ways to think theologically about cultural icons. Session 2 CHILDREN Scripture That Sticks Room 119 | MaryLou Heyboer, BCM Intl., Western Michigan Director Meaningful and enjoyable ways to teach Bible memory verses Biblical Storytelling Room 122 | Becca Compston, Pine Ridge Bible Camp, Cedar Springs In a world of high tech media, storytelling has become something of a lost art. Are you ready to engage your kids’ imaginations by transforming yourself and traveling back into biblical times? Come ready to learn and practice. Celebrating Milestones Room 124 | Roxanne Schuchardt, Chapel Pointe Church, Hudsonville It is difficult to get parents to training events, but if you invite them to celebrate a milestone in the life of their child they will attend. In this workshop we will discuss how to celebrate these various milestones throughout a child’s life from baby dedication to graduation celebrations. Gospel Centered Children’s Ministry Room 126 | Becki Watson, Wyoming Park Bible Fellowship When you don’t focus on the cross, you rob yourself of joy. When your ministry doesn’t focus on the cross, it becomes a burden. The gospel should be the absolute heart of our ministry to children. Take your ministry’s “gospel temperature” and learn ways to continually re-focus your ministry on the good news of Jesus. Curriculum That Matches Your Theology and Budget Room 129 | Beth Brumels, Cross Winds Church, Wyoming Where do you start on choosing a curriculum? What would the ideal curriculum look like for your Sunday school classroom? What can you even afford to spend on a curriculum? Sometimes the best option is not to purchase one of the premade curriculums, but to make your own. Once you make this decision, what resources are out there that are inexpensive (or free) to put together a children’s ministry program? What resources do you need to make on your own and how do you go about it? Did They Get It? Room 131 | Tim Sytsma, BCM Intl., Associate Missionary We will examine important ways to hold students accountable for previous learning and response. Using Visuals with Children Room 139 | Laura Mills, Pine Ridge Bible Camp, Cedar Springs Go low tech! Learn how to use flannels, pictures and objects with children to help your lesson come alive and keep your children engaged. Learn to make your own flannels. Learn how to teach an object lesson. COUNSELING Round Table Session: A Proven Strategy for Conflict Resolution Room 38 | Tricia Harmon, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church, Rockford It’s one thing to learn how to forgive, but what about how to seek forgiveness? How exactly does someone do that in a way that brings immediate freedom, forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration? Through actual role playing, you’ll learn the effective process of flushing out the root cause to a conflict and processing through the biblical principles of R.E.S.O.L.V.E. with restored healthy relationships. Conference Workshops » saturday, 9:00-9:50 am Combating Life Dominating Sins – Primarily Sexual Sins Room 66 | Terry Burlingame, Biblical Counseling Center Some call it an addiction, but is this avoiding naming it as sin? We will consider the difference between addictions and sin; identify what are sexual sins; and how to biblically overcome what can appear to have an insistent and unceasing control of our lives. DISCIPLESHIP The Transformation Cycle Room 128 | Ben Wilhite, Pilgrimage Educational Resources More than you may want to know about the soil of your heart... The Transformation Cycle is a processing tool designed to help assess what’s at the root of issues the Lord is currently working to grow us in. It’s one thing to pick out the weeds that start popping out as you see them. It’s another to identify where they come from... to pull them out at the roots. Removing the weeds at the surface makes your garden look nice... for now. But the weeds will keep popping up and working to choke out the good stuff. Let’s dig down deep to see what’s there and begin understanding true transformation. EVANGELISM Loving Your Neighbors: One Burger at a Time Room 64 | Christopher J. Hall, Church Planting Network & Pastor of Elevation Church, Wyoming You want to reach your neighbors for Christ. But church outreach initiatives are becoming more expensive and less effective. Learn from a local church-planting network leader how churches in his movement are engaging neighbors and how it is bearing fruit. More important, find out how your church and your family can do it too. GENERAL Healing the Wounds of Racism through Jesus and His Church Room 30 | Joel Shaffer & Davien Fizer, Urban Transformation Ministries, Grand Rapids In many ways our nation remains racially divided. In the midst of these racial conflicts, the church has the opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus, which reconciles us to God and reconciles racially divided peoples to each other. We will share from the Bible and through experiences how the gospel of Jesus breaks through racial barriers, brings unity in the church, and demonstrates the power of the gospel in the world to transform lives. Church of Lowell at Prayer Room 32 | Don Green and Ministry Representatives, First Baptist Church, Lowell On a Sunday morning in early 2010, a Pastor’s Prayer Partners meeting was invaded by a pastor from another church. Two weeks later, he brought along another local pastor. A few months later two other churches joined into what we now call the Church of Lowell. Join us to hear testimonies of God’s power and grace, and unity between clergy/laity and churches with different names. We will show you how to begin a similar gathering in your town or neighborhood. Lowell is a different and better place than it was 6 years ago, all glory to God. Session 2 Finishing Well in Life Room 50 | Jim Lacy, Converge International The Scriptures make it a priority to finish well in life. This session shares biblical stories of those who finished well, how they did it, and how you can too. Compassionate Care in the Local Church Room 52 | John Macomber, Life Matters Worldwide, Grand Rapids With modern changes in our culture and advances in medical technology, the Church needs to take a larger role in the lives of the elderly, the sick and the dying. Its compassionate care ministry must be sustainable, practical, intentional, and educational. Learn how that can be accomplished. How Money Works For Kids Room 62 | Ken Chesterman, Primerica Companion to How Money Works, this workshop teaches parents how to prepare children of all ages for the financial world in which we live. Why should our children make the same mistakes we made? Why should they be kept in the dark about basic financial principles? Many parents aren’t sure how or when to start training their children in these life changing skills. What should we be teaching, at what age? Learn specific steps on how to prep them from preschool to college. LEADERSHIP Conference Workshops » saturday, 9:00-9:50 am Lead Small: Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know Room 132 | John Nixon, North Park Baptist Church, Grand Rapids Finally! A doable small group volunteer training strategy for any youth ministry. If you’re a small group leader, you believe in the power of community. But what exactly do you do? What exactly is your job? We will share five common threads so that those who choose to lead in any size church can work off the same blueprint. When you lead small, you choose to invest in the lives of a few to encourage authentic faith. How to Lead a Teen to Christ Room 134 | Katie Morgan, Founding Director of Attic After School, Wyoming Talking to teenagers about the gospel can be scary. This workshop will share real stories, and useful tips for leading a teen to Christ. TECHNOLOGY Pedal to the Floor: Bringing the Gospel Amidst Advancing Technology Room 56 | Jack Haveman, Moody Radio With more than 3 decades of radio broadcasting experience, Jack Haveman will address today’s rapidly changing technology – why we need to embrace it, and how it is opening up limitless opportunities to share the Gospel. How can technology empower churches and other ministries, and what does it mean for “Kingdom expansion”? Ministry Skills: Leadership is Story Telling and Story Keeping Room 54 | Jack Klem, Regular Baptist Press, Director According to Dr. Al Mohler in his book, The Conviction to Lead, leaders are the steward-in-chief of the ministry’s or organization’s story. According to Dr. Mohler, the story of the organization frames its mission and identity and explains why you give your life to it. Leaders protect the story, draw others into the story, and keep others accountable to this story. In this workshop the presenter will help you become the chief storyteller of your ministry or organization. Be Legal Room 58 | Chris Brown, Director, techPartner, Grafton, OH Understanding the rights to use photos, videos, music in services, online and in print. As you look at the ability we have to use media in ministry, we need to be reminded that using content correctly is God honoring. We will discuss how to find what you need, what to use, and how to use it to be legal! MISSIONS / CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY The Complexities of Discipling Women Room 31/33 | Pam MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Most women will tell you their days are full of navigating the multi-faceted complexities of their life. How can we best disciple women and teach them to serve and follow Christ in order to wisely handle what comes their way? This session will address discipleship as it applies to the complexities of the life of a woman with thoughts on how to adapt our methods to help respond to some of their key questions. Forming Short-Term Mission Trips Through Your Church Room 60 | Mark & MJ Holdsworth, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church, Rockford Short-term mission trips can be life-changing and churches of any size can participate. We will discuss the Why, Who, Where and How of organizing a trip at your church. STUDENT The Age-Segregated Debate in the Church Room 59 | Bob MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL More and more attention is being given to the idea that children and adults should learn together in the church setting. There is a movement in the church labeling youth ministry as being unbiblical and even antibiblical. What is the argument, is it valid, and what does the Bible have to say about this growing philosophy? Join us on Facebook WOMEN’S MINISTRY Unseduced and Unshaken: Everything is Theological: Your Mind Matters Room 34 | Rosalie De Rosset, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Christ said to the woman of Samaria, “Ye worship ye know not what”. Clearly, Christ was indicating that one needs to know what and who one is worshipping. If your faith matters, your mind matters; your intellect must be developed. The church has tended to neglect the mind, in particular women’s minds, resorting to weak, experience-based and superficial biblical teaching that does not speak to contemporary needs because it is unimaginative and insubstantial. This session addresses the specifics of that superficial or dull teaching and contrasts it with the specifics of Christ’s engagement with people and individuals whose theological selves were engaged. Session 3 Conference Workshops » saturday, 12:45-1:35 pm CHILDREN DISCIPLESHIP Engaging Learners to Activate Learning Room 121 | Melissa Austin, Calvary Baptist Church, Grand Rapids In this workshop we will discuss strategies to engage learners, grow the depth of their thinking, and increase learning. Word Skills: Teaching and Preaching Bible Characters Room 54 | Jack Klem, Regular Baptist Press, Director We all love a good story and enjoy seeing how villains and heroes are either triumphant or meet their fate. So how do Bible characters function in a Bible story? How can we properly use Bible characters in our teaching and preaching ministry? In this workshop the presenter will help you sharpen your Word skills for an effective presentation of Bible characters. Verse Memorization Room 122 | Becca Compston, Pine Ridge Bible Camp, Cedar Springs Have you ever found yourself asking the questions, Now where was that verse found? …and how did it go? Verse memorization is so important for kids to start at an early age. Come ready to learn some fun techniques and games that will help kids remember the key verse for your Sunday school lesson that week. Maintaining Attendance in Children’s Programming Room 124 | Roxanne Schuchardt, Chapel Pointe Church, Hudsonville How do we keep the kids coming? We must be intentional and consistent with the times that we have with the kids. We will discuss methods on how to maintain and program for this next generation. A new strategy that consists of replacing the teacher with a small group leader to invest in a small group of kids will be the key in this next generation. Help! A Registered Sex Offender Attends Our Church Room 126 | Pastor Brian Cederquist, Good News Baptist Church, Grand Rapids As we continue to live in a sin-cursed world, we will see this happen more and more. We, as a church, need to be prepared to not only protect the children in our ministries, but also minister to the offender. Join us in learning how to safely deal with this growing trend in churches. Developing a Discipline Plan Room 131 | Tim Sytsma, BCM Intl., Associate Missionary In this workshop we will learn creative ways and preventative steps to avoid discipline problems. Using Games to Reinforce Teaching Room 139 | Laura Mills, Pine Ridge Bible Camp, Cedar Springs Learn some games that your children will enjoy and that will help get the Word into their heads and hearts. Behind the Easel, Find It! and Memorizing Madness will all help children learn the memory verse you want to teach. Review games help to review the lesson you have just taught, and/or a series of lessons. COUNSELING How to REALLY Forgive Room 56 | Lisa Heim, True North Ministries, Inc. As believers we know we are called to forgive as we have been forgiven, but sometimes thatʼs not so easy. We can find it difficult to forgive others and even at times ourselves. In this workshop we will examine the major obstacles to true forgiveness and take a look at what will help us come to a place of genuine forgiveness toward those who have hurt or let us down. UnPack It: 8 Steps for Effective Bible Study (Skill Development) Room 128 | Ben Wilhite, Pilgrimage Educational Resources It’s one thing to teach the Word effectively. It’s another to teach others to study the Word for themselves. UnPack It provides a quick and accessible method for integrating Bible study skill development into your ministry mix. GENERAL Teaching Fatherless Men How to be Godly Fathers Room 30 | Joel Shaffer & Davien Fizer, Urban Transformation Ministries, Grand Rapids Growing up in a fatherless home has been identified as one of the leading social problems today, contributing to the rise in teenage pregnancies, crime, dropping out of high school, and substance addictions. This workshop will show how the church can help break the fatherless cycle through mentoring fatherless young men to become the godly fathers and leaders that they were meant to be in Christ. Manly Dominion: In a Passive Purple Four Ball World Room 32 | Mark Chanski, Author and Pastor, Harbor Church, Holland How does a man lead when true biblical manhood has gone into hiding? Our Anti-God Society is taking dead aim at gender, seeking to feminize our boys, and to masculinize our girls. Our own sense of insecurity makes us doubt ourselves into an unconfident passivity. The Scriptures summon men to subdue and rule our lives. We’ll explore the implications in our thoughts, emotions, jobs, marriages, families, and churches. HARPCOGS: The 8 Keys to Discovering God’s Will Room 38 | Tricia Harmon, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church, Rockford Facing a life changing decision that’s leaving you or a loved one in a state of panic, confusion, anxiousness, perhaps even praying unbiblically? Stressed with unsolicited, unfounded or prejudicial advice? Are you confident after you’ve made your decision, that it is God’s will? Participate in a powerful exercise of discerning the will of God in an area of your own life. Take with you the “KEYS” to empower you to discover peace, and an enthusiastic anticipation, minus the consuming anxiety as to how the Lord will reveal His will. A Biblical Response to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Room 60 | Julie Cuthbert & Brant Cuthbert, Life Matters Worldwide We will take a look at what drives this end-of-life debate and how the thinking squares with a biblical worldview. In the process it becomes clear what should be our practical response as a church to counteract this thinking. Session 3 Conference Workshops » saturday, 12:45-1:35 pm The Greatest Story Never Told Room 62 | James Muffett, CEO, Student Statesmanship Institute Learn about the important role of faith in our national heritage and how without Christianity America as we know it today could not exist. How to Biblically Deal With Change Room 50 | Jim Lacy, Converge International Change is hard and often unsettling. This workshop will help you biblically deal with the necessity of change in a positive and profitable way. Loving People We Don’t Understand: Ministering to LGBT individuals Room 64 | Sean Nemecek, First Baptist Church, Tustin Based on Biblical teaching, personal experience, and a wide variety of Christian writings, we will demonstrate how a church can change their approach and really minister to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. My father has been “out” as transgender for the last 10+ years, so I will also be sharing some of my personal lessons (both good and bad). TECHNOLOGY Developing and Sustaining Personal Devotions Room 66 | Terry Burlingame, Biblical Counseling Center Believers will admit that personal worship, meaningful time in God’s Word and prayer is of great importance. However, this time can be difficult to develop and a battle to sustain. Knowing this must be beyond a “routine,” we will consider the basis for personal devotions, how to grow in love and appreciation for Scripture reading and prayer, and the impact of this time on our daily living. LEADERSHIP Seven (Plus) Laws of Good Leadership Room 52 | Tom Lothamer, Life Matters Worldwide, Grand Rapids Leadership doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It requires certain qualities that people recognize and affirm. This workshop will examine biblical attributes that make a good leader who people will follow. STUDENT The Age-Segregated Debate in the Church Room 59 | Bob MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL More and more attention is being given to the idea that children and adults should learn together in the church setting. There is a movement in the church labeling youth ministry as being unbiblical and even anti-biblical. What is the argument, is it valid, and what does the Bible have to say about this growing philosophy? How to Plan a Yearlong Ministry Calendar (From Start to Finish) Room 132 | Phil Severn, First Baptist Church, Lowell How do you incorporate your ministry philosophy, budgeting, teaching plan, and the church calendar into a yearlong ministry calendar? Are you including your team in the process? Considering the cost of events for families? Strategically planning events to accomplish your ministry goals? This breakout will talk through all these things and more. Engaging Teens in Children’s Ministry Leadership Room 134 | Michelle Drake, Wyoming Park Bible Fellowship This workshop will discuss giving your teens the opportunity to walk out their Christian faith by being purposefully involved with your church’s children’s ministry – leading them by example and word to live a Christ centered life. Internet Filtering: Protect Your Family and Ministry with Accountability Room 58 | Chris Brown, Director, techPartner, Grafton, OH In a culture that is saturated with technology and abilities to be incognito on all your dealings online, we need to put tools in place to keep us above reproach. First and foremost the struggle for all humans is a sin nature, which only goes away with the power of Christ living in us. Let’s implement tools to cast away the temptations that so easily entice us. Delivering Insight with Logos Bible Software Room 119 | Logos Bible Software Representative Communication that produces change happens when we apply the truth of God’s Word to people’s lives. Today in ministry, we must be prepared to share the truth of Scripture to a culture that has gone digital. This interactive workshop will demonstrate the use of Logos 6 for effective sermon/teaching preparation, writing research, and personal Bible study. What normally takes 5 to 10 hours of flipping through paper books can be done in seconds - and the depth of study is unparalleled! Logos 6 gives you access to your entire biblical library wherever you are because it is compatible with Mac®, PC, iPad®, iPhone® and Android™. This ease of use and power of Logos 6 will be clearly taught and demonstrated. Plundering Egypt: Using Social Media for Good Room 129 | Chris Weeks, Kent City Baptist Church This is a class that will give pastors ideas on how they can use Google, Facebook and Blogging for good. Like karate, learn to use the internet’s momentum to give strength to the movement of God. But be can still bite you. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Ministry to Women in the Church Room 31/33 | Pam MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL This session will discuss ways to be effective in our ministry to women. Our ministry communicates a message about the Gospel. We will consider what our message is saying and ways to discern if we are being faithful to the call of Christ and the mission of the church. Unseduced and Unshaken: Mindful or Mindless: A Theology of Leisure and Technology Room 34 | Rosalie De Rosset, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Richard Winter writes that “a deadness of soul haunts this generation . . .overstimulated by the possibilities of technology and entertainment.” God cares how we use our leisure and technology; they are not in neutral territory and have great power for good or evil. Yet little preaching or writing is done about either. This session examines the problem and proposes some ways of beginning to think theologically about cultural icons. Session 4 CHILDREN The Whole Sex Talk Room 59 | Tonya Delnay, Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids Having “the talk” with your child can be awkward and uncomfortable. Pregnancy Resource Center wants to prepare you with a new approach called, “The Whole Sex Talk”. This curriculum is made up of six lessons for adults, ranging from “Use Your Influence” to “What They Don’t know Can Kill Them.” In today’s lesson we will get practical and discuss how to build healthy relationships and how to keep in touch with your child’s heart. Staying connected is key. God Made Me: Preschool and Toddler Ministry Room 122 | Sandy Tetro, Chapel Pointe Church, Hudsonville How do you teach the youngest children about God? How do you captivate them? Engage them? Make it fun? Our focus should be on developing and teaching the “Three Important Facts:” 1. God Made them. 2. God loves them. 3. God wants to be their forever friend. This workshop will focus on teaching the Bible Story to preschool and toddlers in an interactive fashion, touching on how to effectively worship and how to incorporate activities to keep those young minds active. It will also focus on how to keep “all the buns in the chair” (otherwise known as classroom management). Leading Children in Worship Room 124 | Chad Vitarelli, Calvary Baptist Church, Grand Rapids Our kids were created to worship, and saved to serve! We’ll discuss philosophy and practical strategies for how to encourage authentic, vibrant worship in our kids, and how to help them discover and develop their spiritual gifts for ministry in the church. Is Your Church Considered a “Safe Place” for Students? Room 126 | Brian Cederquist, Good News Baptist Church, Grand Rapids Church should be the safest place for a child to attend. Schools and Child Care Facilities are enhancing their security. How is the church responding? In this session, we will talk about child protection policies and procedures. We will talk about best practices within our communities and give several references to future opportunities to continue to protect our children. Elementary Children 101 Room 128 | Christy Knapp, Libertas Christian School, Hudsonville Why are they doing what they are doing? How can I make it stop? Are they actually getting anything out of this lesson? Have you ever found yourself asking questions similar to these? You are not alone. This workshop will present tips and tricks for working with elementary school children, gleaned from observing over 30 elementary teachers, earning an elementary teaching license, and personally instructing children in a variety of settings for the past 8 years. Classroom Management! Room 129 | Beth Brumels, Cross Winds Church, Wyoming Classroom management is one of the hardest thing about a children’s ministry program. There is always the child who can’t sit still and there is the child who doesn’t know how to stop talking. You have students in your classroom who have heard the story you are teaching since they were born and the student who has never heard it before in their life. How do you keep your students engaged? What strategies and structures can you put in place to help your students succeed? Conference Workshops » saturday, 1:50-2:40 pm Intentional Nursery Room 134 | Michelle Drake, Wyoming Park Bible Fellowship, Wyoming The goal of nursery should be that all babies are loved on, prayed over and the seeds of God’s Word are scattered upon their hearts. This session will give you some practical advice on how to equip your workers to serve the most vulnerable and impressionable attenders of your church. COUNSELING The 8 Rs for Overcoming Any Negative Mindset Room 38 | Tricia Harmon, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church Struggling with doubts, fears, unclean thoughts, jealousies, fantasies, “white lies”, etc.? Negative thoughts plague us all. In this workshop, you will actively participate in an animated, action packed process of thought interruption. Through “pegging” and locking into long term memory and immediate recall, the 8Rs for immediately overcoming a negative mindset. Leading Others to Freedom in Christ Room 56 | Lisa Heim, True North Ministries, Inc. Jesus said that when we know the truth, the truth will set us free (John 8:32). This workshop is for those who want to help others discern the lies they believe about God, others and themselves that may be influencing their spiritual and relational lives. We will look at helping others to embrace the truth of who they are in Christ so that they can be set free to truly love others well. Confronting the Unbiblical Concept of Self-Esteem Room 66 | Terry Burlingame, Biblical Counseling Center The popular concept of “building ourselves up” and “creating a positive self-image” is in direct contrast to the Biblical truth of who we are in Christ. Having a right view of ourselves makes a difference in our attitudes, goals, and the way we approach our daily lives. We will be addressing Scriptural truths and how to help someone be free from the domination of self. GENERAL Overcoming Your Fear of Teaching Room 30 | John Dubois, Wyoming Park Bible Fellowship, Wyoming Transform your fears of public speaking in a way that may be surprising. Womanly Dominion: More than a Gentle and Quiet Spirit Room 32 | Mark Chanski, Author and Pastor, Harbor Church, Holland How does a woman lead when the world may press her to be an attack-dog the one hand, and some churches to be a passive mouse on the other. The Scriptures summon godly women, as well as men, to subdue and rule in their lives. We’ll explore the implications in our thoughts, emotions, jobs, marriages, families, and churches. When Christians Disagree Room 50 | Jim Lacy, Converge International Believe it or not, sincere Christians can disagree. We’ll look at Romans 14 on the differences between absolutes, convictions, and preferences. Session 4 Wisdom Skills: Wisely Telling Your Life Story Room 54 | Jack Klem, Regular Baptist Press, Director Life stories can be compelling and encouraging. Dateline, 20/20, 48 Hours, and the Sporting Life with Jeremy Schaap are just a few examples of popular media presentations of life stories. But, what about your story? How can you tell it in an encouraging and compelling manner without it being a brag session? In this workshop the presenter will help you discern how God’s Word has shaped the plot line of your life for His glory. Sharing Their Pain: Ministering to Those Who Have LGBT Family Members Room 64 | Sean Nemecek, First Baptist Church, Tustin In this workshop we will focus on helping people like me who are dealing with the confusion, pain, and shame of having a LGBT family member. We will discuss what the church can do to help them. As well as speak directly to people in this situation. LEADERSHIP The Quest for Virtuous Leadership Room 52 | Tom Lothamer, Life Matters Worldwide, Grand Rapids In this workshop we’ll describe what the man or woman of integrity and ethical behavior looks like and how these character traits are necessary for godly and effective leadership. MISSIONS / CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY Missions to the Max Room 131 | Jory Trim, Trinity Baptist Church, Grand Rapids Our teens come back from mission trips pumped up for Jesus, but shouldn’t they be pumped for Jesus before they go? And why do they always fall back into the same old ruts a week after the trip? From beginning to end, this seminar will explore ways to maximize mission trips for your teens AND for the people they are going to serve. They Are Coming: Refugees Room 60 | Randy & Diana Fisher, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church & Deb Hoekwater, Bethany Christian Services In response to the increasing global refugee crisis, the United States has agreed to resettle an increasing number of those fleeing persecution and trauma—in Grand Rapids. In the Gospels, Jesus makes the vulnerable and oppressed his special concern, and assures his disciples that welcoming the stranger is like welcoming Christ himself. As new neighbors to refugees, we can be guides and friends on the way to self-sufficiency, while practicing our faith earnestly by “visiting the orphan and widow in their distress” (James 1:27). Learn to pool your time, talent, treasure and to use your gifts in support of this ministry. STUDENT Breaking the Curse of Low Expectations Room 62 | James Muffett, CEO, Student Statesmanship Institute The people who were teenagers in the 1960s are now in charge of every major institution in America! Young people today may only be a small part of the population, but they are 100% of the future. When presented with a vision bigger than themselves, young people will consistently rise to the occasion. Learn how SSi can partner with your church to equip teenagers to be leaders in their generation! Conference Workshops » saturday, 1:50-2:40 pm Discipleship and Mentoring Room 132 | Phil Severn, First Baptist Church, Lowell Are your youth leaders coming to youth group with a plan to disciple their teens and tools to do it, or are they just showing up to hang out with the teens and go home? In this breakout, we will talk about a mentoring process that gives volunteer youth leaders tools to pray for their students and move them forward in the discipleship process. Youth Ministry Burn Out: What it Looks Like, and How to Avoid It! Room 139 | Jon Potes, Grace Church, Gladston This session will focus on youth ministry burn out, and will provide practical steps to diagnose and remedy the problem. TECHNOLOGY Delivering Insight with Logos Bible Software Room 119 | Logos Bible Software Representative Communication that produces change happens when we apply the truth of God’s Word to people’s lives. Today in ministry, we must be prepared to share the truth of Scripture to a culture that has gone digital. This interactive workshop will demonstrate the use of Logos 6 for effective sermon/teaching preparation, writing research, and personal Bible study. What normally takes 5 to 10 hours of flipping through paper books can be done in seconds - and the depth of study is unparalleled! Logos 6 gives you access to your entire biblical library wherever you are because it is compatible with Mac®, PC, iPad®, iPhone® and Android™. This ease of use and power of Logos 6 will be clearly taught and demonstrated. Technology Open Discussion Room 58 | Chris Brown, Director, techPartner, Grafton, OH Ask any question you want in regards to technology and ministry. I have lots of opinions!!! Plus, come prepared to share things you have seen working in your ministry in the area of technology. WOMEN’S MINISTRY The Complexities of Discipling Women Room 31/33 | Pam MacRae, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Most women will tell you their days are full of navigating the multi-faceted complexities of their life. How can we best disciple women and teach them to serve and follow Christ in order to wisely handle what comes their way? This session will address discipleship as it applies to the complexities of the life of a woman with thoughts on how to adapt our methods to help respond to some of their key questions. Unseduced and Unshaken: Everything is Theological: Your Mind Matters Room 34 | Rosalie De Rosset, Professor, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL Christ said to the woman of Samaria, “Ye worship ye know not what”. Clearly, Christ was indicating that one needs to know what and who one is worshipping. If your faith matters, your mind matters; your intellect must be developed. The church has tended to neglect the mind, in particular women’s minds, resorting to weak, experience-based and superficial biblical teaching that does not speak to contemporary needs because it is unimaginative and insubstantial. This session addresses the specifics of what superficial or dull teaching and contrasts it with the specifics of Christ’s engagement with people and individuals whose theological selves were engaged.