JULY 2014 JULY! Seems the weather was just in the 50's and rainy, now it has been in the 70's and 80's, just what EMCC needs for Camaro Superfest! If you are new to the club and have not experienced Camaro Superfest, now is the time to jump into it. If there is ONE time to participate in the club you joined, now is the time. It only takes a little bit of volunteer time to make it easy for everyone and show the Camaro world that a great event takes place every 4th of July weekend! We have a record number pre-registered and most likely a record number of Camaro's going to MIS on Friday. All this is not possible without help from the membership and OUR SPONSORS! Just as we celebrate our freedom and thank those that have served our country and those serving our country for our freedom, please come out and help YOUR club put on a fantastic show and also help the MS Society as our charity of choice this year! I look forward to being able to spend the entire weekend at the show this year as I have closed the store for the holiday weekend and hope to see some new faces from our club and enjoy meeting all the participants! Thank you to all that are signed up to volunteer already and lets all cross our fingers for great weather! See you soon!!! Sincerely, Randy "Doc" Martin EMCC JULY MEETING Our next regular meeting will on MONDAY, JULY 21, 2014. The meeting will be at DALY DRIVE-IN at 31500 Plymouth Road, Livonia, MI 48150. This is on the north side of Plymouth, just west of Merriman Rd. You can arrive as early as 6:45pm. The meeting starts at 7:30pm. See you there!! Bring a chair! MEMBERSHIP NEWS We have a new member this month. Please welcome Victoria Ramsey who drives a 1999 Z28. THANKS to the many that have renewed your EMCC membership! 2014 EMCC membership stands at 65 members! Thanks for being an EMCC member!! CAMARO MEMORIUM You are no longer with us, but you are not forgotten! Tom Hawke EMCC Karen Lewis EMCC/WMCC Doug Warren WMCC John Glister WMCC John VanOrsdal EMCC Russ Sarns EMCC John Hancock EMCC Joan Turon EMCC Rich Worcester EMCC They are at peace with our Lord. EMCC-TONY SACCO’S Another huge THANKS to EMCC member John Wrobel for making all of the arrangements with our new friend, Tony Sacco’s Pizza! We had our second CLUB DAY in June and it was another success. With your help, we have another $108 for our charity!! 23rd Annual CAMARO SUPERFEST 2014 July 4-5-6, 2014 Riverside Park, Ypsilanti, MI, USA IT’S SHOW TIME!!!!! THANK-YOU to our 2014 sponsors Diamond Sponsor Bill Crispin Chevrolet Gold Sponsor Canton Waste Recycling; Monster Clutch; SNL Performance Silver sponsor National Parts Depot; Lingenfelter Collection; SLP Performance; VisitYpsiNow Bronze sponsor Rick’s Camaro Parts; Cruis’News magazine; The Bicycle Doctor; Livernois Motorsports; Cuda Automotive REGISTRATION is at 270+_!! Our CHARITY is the MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN. Like last year, this is an EMCC member request from Chuck and Roxanne England. Our 2014 theme is Camaro Unsung Heros, the 4 and 6 cyl powered Camaros! We’ll have special judging classes for these cars. Here is the event scheduleThursday, July 3, goodie bag stuffing at the HQ hotel starting at 4pm, registration at hotel 6pm-10pm. Friday, July 4, registration at hotel from 7am-9am; leaving for MIS at 9:15am, Depot Town Meet & Greet 6pm-9pm. Saturday, July 5, show opens at 8am, ALL available EMCC members need to be on site for set-up at 6AM! Judging from 9-12, 1-3pm, silent auctions at 9am-12 noon and 1pm3pm; Cruise starts at HQ hotel at 5:30pm to Lingenfelter Collection Motorsports. Sunday, July 6, show open at 8am, EMCC members need to be on site for set-up at 7AM!! Judging from 9-12 only, silent auction from 10am-1pm, Awards at 2pm. The WORK SHEET!! Barry has the official work sheet and it needs WE NEED YOU!!! WE WANT YOU!!! This is our biggest event of the year & we have a great reputation of having the BEST organized event in the USA! We need to continue to work on keeping that reputation and improving on it where ever and whenever possible. PLEASE help us make CSF 2014 another great event and our best yet! AUCTIONS- Tom needs donations for the silent auctions. Sports stuff, car stuff, even household stuff. All items MUST be in NEWnever used condition! Tom is also looking for donations of Canadian coins. He wants to do a bowl of coins for guessing! Please bring these items to the show. If you have any questions, contact Barry or Randy! And don’t forget – PRAY for good weather! Remember- Camaro Superfest 2014 is only FIVE WEEKS away!! A^2 CAR SHOW FRIDAY July 11th is The Rolling Sculpture Car Show in Ann Arbor. Unfortunately, at the last EMCC meeting, no one said they could attend. Being on a Friday and during the day seems to be a pit-fall for this event. While EMCC attended 2 years ago and it was a nice event, the times and general public not respecting your cars is a concern. If anyone from EMCC does attend – have a great time and represent us well! CRISPIN CRUISE NIGHT Our sponsor, Bill Crispin Chevrolet is considering starting a weekly cruise night soon. Tuesday or Wednesday is being considered. It would take place at the new used car center, just east of the main dealership. EMCC will support this activity as much as possible and watch for the announcement of the first night. EMCC MEETING REPORT EMCC BIRTHDAYS! We had a good group for the June meeting, at Sonic! It was fun to be there and sit around outside eating and having our meeting. The weather was perfect! We briefly discussed the up-coming Tour deMichigan for this September. A few other events and activities were mentioned and of course CSF was discussed with the latest news. We hope to see you at the next EMCC meeting on July 21! Happy Birthday to all our July birthday members... Susan Emerling....... July 4 Daniel Theriault..... July 16 Corie Stalnaker...... July 20 Elaine Anderson...... July 21 Marge Hensel ........ July 31 Hope all your birthdays are great! If we have missed your birthday, we’re sorry! Please email your birthdays to Randy!! EMCC MEMBER CAR LIST Please register your Camaro on our web-based database … log on towww.harpoweb.com/camarostuff/camar os.asp If you have questions or problems with the database, email Mark at- [email protected] This isn’t mandatory, just for fun! NOTE- we have a lot of members listed with NO picture!! Please email Mark a picture! EMCC-USMA NATS This is another BIG event for us this month!! Please let Barry know if you will be attending. This event is charity based, so it’s not “just” a car show!! The charity is the Women and Children Abuse Shelter and the entry fee is a donation – any amount. We will be meeting at the McDonald’s on Middlebelt Rd, just south of I-94 at 9am, leaving at 9:15am. Arrive early if you want breakfast. Gibraltar Trade Center in Taylor, will close!!! This will be after the USMA Nationals, so we are still ON for helping at this event! EMCC will be doing one of the “car corrals”, Camaro of course. BTW... this is really a TWO day event as there is another show on Saturday, July 19th for a different charity, same location! The charity for Saturday is for Veterans. They are looking for non-perishable donations as your entry fee. EMCC is only committed to the Sunday part of the event. Hope to see you there!! CAMARO NATS CANADA The annual Camaro Nationals in Canada was unfortunately, not attended by anyone in EMCC. This is a good show and we should participate. Hopefully next year. We understand they had a good show and good attendance! Congrats to OCC! FROM THE Vice-Pres… OK... SHOW TIME!!! “OUR” weekend is here! I hope you are ready for it, because WE NEED YOU!!! I’m going to ask all of our members to reach down deep and help out as much as possible. We need to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible for our guests. Remember... these people are traveling hundreds of miles, spending hundreds of dollars to be at our event!! Let’s pull together to make sure they have a great time! Thanks!! Even with CSF looming huge for us, there are things to do AFTER CSF... mainly the USMA Nationals on July 20th! WE, EMCC are sponsoring the Camaro Corral. We need at least 4-6 members to help out. This is a good show and you will enjoy yourself! And like CSF, it’s charity based, so it’s not just a car show! It is also the LAST car show at Gibraltar Taylor, as this whole place is closing down this fall! Please consider attending, let me know if you are! Keep praying for good weather for CSF!! I hope to see you at some of our meetings and activities. Barry CALENDAR OF EVENTS JULY 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EMCC Official events..... JULY 4-5-6 ... CAMARO SUPERFEST 2014 JULY 20 ... USMA NATIONALS – Gibraltar Trade Ctr in Taylor JULY 21 … EMCC MTG – DALY’S Drive-in Starts at 7:30pm OTHER EVENTSJuly 11-12 .. Elvis-fest car show Riverside Park, Ypsilanti July 12 .. Onstead Car Show at MIS July 12 .. Jackson Rd Cruise Ann Arbor July 13 .. USMA/KofC Car Show Clawson July 17 .. USMA/Kar-Go Carb Cruise 30952 Ford Rd Garden City 4:30-8 July 19 .. USMA NATS – Vets Gibraltar Taylor July 26 ..Roseville Gratiot Cruise July 26 .. Telegraph Cruise July 26-27 .. Vintage races Waterford Race course July 27 .. Concours d’Elegance St Johns, Plymouth For more events, times, locationssubscribe to and check out Cruis'News Magazine!! (we counted 100 car shows/events in July! YIKES!!) FUTURE EVENTSAug 18 – EMCC meeting Aug 16 – Woodward Dream Cruise Aug 23 – WMCC All Chevy Show Aug 24 – Hines Park cruise Sept 1 – Labor Day holiday Sept 19-21 EMCC Tour de’Michigan! EMCC WEBSITE The EMCC Club website address iswww.emcamaro.org Check it out! Eastern Michigan Camaro Club BOARD OF DIRECTORS President-Randy Martin734-368-8726 [email protected] V Pres.- Barry Hensel 734-649-3056 [email protected] Treasurer- Mark Harpootlian 248-355-1117 [email protected] Member Sec-Ernie Honke734-728-2841 [email protected] OTHER PEOPLE WHO DO STUFF Newslet’r- Barry Hensel 397-5182 WebsiteMatt Hendrickson [email protected] and Samamatha [email protected] EMCC OFFICIAL STUFF The Eastern Michigan Camaro Club is a registered non-profit club in the State of Michigan, with the purpose of promoting fun and fellowship between its members and other Camaro owners, and promoting the Chevrolet Camaro. Our meetings are on the THIRD MONDAYS of each month and are held at various locations. Meeting locations are in our monthly newsletter and website. Meetings start at 7:30pm. The EMCC sponsor is BILL CRISPIN CHEVROLET, located on US-12 and State St. in Saline, MI. Dues are only $20 per year with pro-ration at $5 per quarter. Membership renewals are $15 per year. Membership and dues are renewed every January. Club web sitewww.emcamaro.org Club Address15681 Arnold Gregory, MI 48137 EMCC SWAP AND SELL The SWAP AND SELL ONLINE is up and active! Email Sam with your item(s) the week of our EMCC meeting ONLY! Your ad will be good for TWO months, then removed. Sam’s email [email protected] Swap and Sell items are FREE to EMCC members and friends. NEOCC FALL CLASSIC EMCC WEARABLES The 21st annual NEOCC CAMARO FALL CLASSIC is happening at Summit Racing in Ohio on Sept. xxx. This is a nice trip – only 3 hour drive – and the people and show are great!! Are you interested in attending? It is an all Camaro show, like what we do with CSF. Summit Racing HQ is a nice place to visit too. Local hotels are reasonable and only 3-4 miles away from Summit. EMCC has made a full weekend of this event – going over Friday afternoon and returning Sunday evening after the show. If you are interested in attending, email RANDY or BARRY! See the sign-up form in this newsletter and/or go to their website- TO ORDER- Payment is when you receive your item(s)! CALL or EMAIL BARRY to place an order!! OFFICIAL color charts ARE on the EMCC website. EMCC Polo shirts- S-XL $30, XXL $32, XXL $34 many colors available EMCC t-shirt- S-XL $19, XXL $20 XXL $21 in royal blue color only EMCC sweatshirt- S-XL $22, XXL $23, XXXL 25 in royal blue only EMCC hats- $10 red, blue, black EMCC windbreakers- still working on this – changes coming! EMCC jackets- S-XL $80, XXL $85, XXXL $90 fleece lined, EMCC logo on back, colors are same as polo shirts. Two styles availableSTYLE A- snap front with crew collar. STYLE B- zip front with folding collar. Add name on front $5 Add logo on front chest add $10 EMCC TOUR deMICHIGAN Mark these dates on your calendar – Friday-Sunday, Sept 19-20-21 for the 3rd annual EMCC Tour DeMichigan! Randy is already thinking of and working on the route, said to be Friday to the Tunnel of Trees and spending both nights in St Ignace. Saturday will be cruising the UP and then Sunday for driving home. If you are interested in going, please let Randy know. More info on the hotel in next month’s HUGGER. EMCC MAIN EVENTS Here is a summer long list of what we consider near “must attend” events. We know you will not attend them all... but please try to attend some! July 11- Rolling Sculptures Show Ann Arbor July 20- USMA Nats in Taylor EMCC sponsoring Camaro Corral! Aug 16- Woodward Dream Cruise Aug 23- Berger all Chevy Show Grand Rapids, MI (WMCC event) Sept 6-7- 21st Fall Classic Summit Racing, Tallmadge, Ohio Sept 6-7- Plymouth Fall Festival Sept 19-21- EMCC Tour DeMichigan EMCC TRANSFORMERS4 EMCC was very fortunate to be invited to the advanced screening of the new Transformers 4 movie, on Wednesday, June 25th. We were at the Imagine Theaters in Novi and 11 EMCC Camaros were on display with about 33 people and/or members. The movie was GREAT!!! Sorry more of you could not attend, maybe for the next movie! This was our 3rd Transformers movie display! Here are some news links on some behind the scenes info on the new moviehttp://communicator.gm.com/newswir e/usnews/index.html?id=/content/Pa ges/socrates_news/us/en/gm/2014/ju ne-2014/fri_june20/transformers-4-behind-thescenes.html&et_cid=48575311&et_rid =1539013545&linkid=Transformers+4% 3a+Behind+the+Scenes%26nbsp%3b http://media.gm.com/media/us/en/gm /news.detail.html/content/Pages/ne ws/us/en/2014/Jun/0619-chevytransformers.html?et_cid=48575311& et_rid=1539013545&linkid=Transform ers%3a+The+Movies+that+Made+Camaro +a+Star%26nbsp%3b SELLING – SERVICING CHEVROLET’S SINCE 1975 7112 East Michigan Ave Saline, Michigan 48176 734-429-9481 www.billcrispinchevrolet.com EMCC is Co-Sponsored by – Saturn Printing, Harlow Tire, Gardner-Westcott, International Paint Stripping, Advertising Accents, Loyalty Insurance, Livernois Motorsports, Canton Waste Recycling, ND Transmission & Axles, National Parts Depot, Continental Bike Shop, IVS Automotive EMCC is associated with – WWC- Worldwide Camaro Club, ICC- International Camaro Club, ACAAmerican Camaro Association, USMA- United Street Machine Association
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