2013 - Finnpanel
2013 - Finnpanel
Television viewing in Finland 2013 Tennispalatsi 23.1.2014 Lena Sandell Daily viewing time (hrs;min) 200 3:03 3:02 2:58 180 2:49 2:48 160 2:21 140 120 1:44 100 80 60 40 20 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM (population: 10+ years, timeshift and guest viewing included since 2008. 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 Daily viewing time (min) Other usage of TV set* Dvd, Blu-ray, VHS TV-viewing 200 180 6 5 5 9 5 176 178 178 183 182 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 13 4 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 * Other usage of TV set: eg. timeshift 7+ days, VOD eg Netflix, games (partly ), other usage of smart-tv or peripheral equipment via TV set , non-referenced tv-channels from playback device Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM (population: 10+ years) Daily viewing time (hrs;min) by age groups 300 4:42 250 3:36 200 2:32 2012 2:17 150 2013 100 1:11 1:13 1:19 50 0 4-9 10-14 15-24 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM , incl. timeshift and guest viewing. 25-34 35-44 45-64 65+ 4 TV viewing of active* users of some internet services 10─44y: Average daily TV viewing 1:56 (2013) 1:47 1:50 1:48 2013 2013 2013 Areena, Katsomo or Ruutu 10-44 Youtube 10-44 Facebook 10-44 * Using at least once a week Source: Finnpanel , TAM, min/day 5 Second Screen: How often do you use internet via computer, tablet or smartphone while watching TV? 11% 6% 23% 30% 6% Almost always 13% Often 26% 32% 24% 35% 25% 18% 31% 7% 13% < 35 years 35-54 years 55+ years Sometimes Rarely Never Source: MC-Info & Cint-paneelit, MTV Oy Liikkuva kuva –tutkimukset, internet users 15-64 years Weekly reach of total television is 92 % 100 90 87 weekly reach % 85 daily reach % 81 80 70 60 58 59 50 55 48 45 40 30 23 18 20 10 0 MTV total Yle total Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM (population: 10+ years), 2013. Nelonen Media total SBS Discovery Television FOX Channel shares (%) 2013 main media companies : 30 Yleisradio MTV Nelonen Media SBS Discovery Television 26,0 25 19,0 20 15 2013 11,9 8,8 10 5 2012 42,0 % 29,7 % 15,4 % 5,4 % 5,1 2,6 1,5 3,7 1,9 3,2 3,6 2,7 0,6 3,7 3,3 1,2 0,6 0,4 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM (population: 10+ years, timeshift and guest viewing included) *AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12. FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 8 Daily viewing time to commercial channels is increasing 1:36 1:24 2013: National Geographic 2012: FOX, Kutonen 2005: MTV3 Nelonen Sub MusicTV Urheilukanava The Voice The Discovery Channel 2005 2009: Liv 2008: Ava, SuomiTV, TV5 2007: Jim 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source Finnpanel Oy, TAM (population: 10+ years) Timeshift and guest viewing included since 2008 Commercial channels = selling air time in Finland 2012 2013 Most TV programmes are watched live even in households with DVR or IPTV 100% 4% 3% 9% 5% 80% 1-7 vrk timeshift vosdal 60% 93 % 40% live 87 % 20% 0% 10+ Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM. Timeshift and guest viewing included. 2013. HH's with DVR or IPTV DVR and IPTV HH’s: News, Current affairs and Sport programmes are viewed live Jääkiekon MM-kisat 2%, Itsenäisyyspäivän juhlavastaanotto 3 % timeshift Putous and The Voice of Finland approx. 25-27 % live 100 % 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 98 97 96 90 89 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, 4+y. excl. guests in DVR- and IPTV-hslds, 2013 87 84 84 84 81 74 One third of TV households have pay-TV, and in these households viewing to pay-TV channels is 18 % Viewing to pay-TV channels in pay-TV households: Children 4-14 yrs: 36 % Men: 21 % Top channels: MTV Juniori Disney Channel Nelonen Nappula Top channels: MTV MAX Eurosport Discovery Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM 2013. Timeshift and guest viewing included. Top recurrent programmes 2013 Title Channel Average rating No. of episodes Putous MTV3 1 262 000 8 Tanssii Tähtien kanssa MTV3 1 035 000 10 Pirunpelto Yle TV2 994 000 6 Tangomarkkinat Yle TV1 857 000 3 Taivaan tulet Yle TV2 853 000 11 Vain elämää Nelonen 816 000 8 MTV3 775 000 170 The Voice of Finland Nelonen 724 000 17 Uutisvuoto Yle TV1 704 000 34 Yle Uutiset Yle TV1 690 000 365 Salatut elämät Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. timeshift and guest viewing. Recurrent programmes (excl. Reruns, sports events, programmes aired less than 3 times, programmes shorter than 3 minutes). • Some examples of successful crossmedia programmes … Docventures toi uutta yleisöä ja piti otteessaan 12 viikkoa Suomalaisista 67 % kuullut Docventuresista Kaksi Kultaista Venlaa: mm. Vuoden tv-teko Uutta yleisöä Ylelle ja dokumenteille Loi ilmiöitä ja puheenaiheita: Lihaton lokakuu, Liity heti kirkkoon Livetapahtumia: Leffapiknik Docventures Yle Puheen ladatuimpia radiosisältöjä Yli 60 000 FBtykkääjää Ohjelmat tavoittivat yht. 1,8 miljoonaa yli 10v suomalaista (=37 %) Nettisisällöillä vieraili keskim. 72 000 eri selainta / vko Yle Julkaisut - Asiakkuus Areenakatselun osuus jopa 20 % Lähteet: Tv-mittaritutkimus/Finnpanel Oy, ComScore/Stream Sense, TNS Gallup ja Yle Docventures oli transmediainen (Mistä seurannut, maininnat %, alle ja yli 45-v) Alle 45-v. (n=813) 8 Yli 45-v. (n=312) 0 3 20 1 14 12 42 3 4 7 8 69 7 19 Televisiosta Yle Areenasta Radiosta (myös nettiradio) Lehdestä Twitteristä Facebookista Muualta internetistä Muualta Yle Julkaisut - Asiakkuus Lähteet: Yle/NL ja AH, TNS Gallup Ennätysten ilta 13.9: Julkkis Big Brother alkaa! 620 000 freekäynnistystä Katsomossa Ohjelman keskikatsojamäärä 817 000 355 000 eri kävijää sivustolla 22 000 twiittiä Lähde: Finnpanel TV-mittaritutkimus 3.9.-13.10.2013, 10+ v. lopullisin luvuin Comscore Dax käynnistysten määrä ilmaissisällöt, sosiaalisen median luvut MTV MEDIA #SocialTV HQ 0 20:30 20:32 20:34 20:36 20:38 20:40 20:42 20:44 20:46 20:48 20:50 20:52 20:54 20:56 20:58 21:00 21:02 21:04 21:06 21:08 21:10 21:12 21:14 21:16 21:18 21:20 21:22 21:24 21:26 21:28 21:30 21:32 21:34 21:36 21:38 21:40 21:42 21:44 21:46 21:48 21:50 21:52 21:54 21:56 21:58 22:00 22:02 22:04 22:06 22:08 22:10 22:12 22:14 22:16 22:18 22:20 22:22 22:24 22:26 22:28 22:30 22:32 22:34 22:36 22:38 22:40 22:42 22:44 22:46 22:48 22:50 22:52 22:54 22:56 22:58 23:00 23:02 23:04 23:06 23:08 23:10 23:12 23:14 23:16 23:18 23:20 23:22 23:24 23:26 23:28 23:30 Julkkis Big Brother alkaa! 3.9.2013 Katsojamäärä (000) per min Ohjelman katsojamäärä (000) 4+ v. 1200 Lähde: Finnpanel TV-mittaritutkimus 3.9. 4+ v. lopullisin luvuin ja Twitter #bbsuomi (kaikki twiitit, jotka sisältävät #bbsuomi tagin) Twitter Twiitit per min Mainoskatkot (000) Kai Merilä ja Matti Nykänen Andy McCoy 600 1000 500 800 400 600 300 400 200 200 100 0 Kultainen Venla -gaalan palkinnot: paras realityohjelma ja yleisöäänestyksen paras esiintyjä FB-fanit 81 600 Yli 45 000 twiittiä Päälähetys Jimillä 155 000 Ohjelma tavoitti kaiken kaikkiaan 1 504 000 Joulumaraton Jimillä (tavoittavuus) 360 000 Jaksojen ja klippien käynnistyksiä Ruudussa yhteensä 682 000 Web-TV services Areena, Katsomo and Ruutu: on average 27 million monthly starts Million starts 40 33,8 35 30 25 27,5 27,5 26,7 29,4 26,7 33,5 31,1 21,5 24,4 20,8 20,7 20 2011 2012 15 2013 10 5 0 Source: YLE, MTV Oy and Nelonen Media (free to air content from TV1, TV2, Teema, Fem, MTV3, Sub, AVA, Nelonen, JIM and Liv) 20 October 2013: majority of MTV, Nelonen Media, and Yle video content is watched via TV set. Min/day 250 1% Areena+Katsomo+Ruutu Tv (Yle, MTV, Nelonen Media) 200 2% 150 3% 3% 3% 6% 100 50 3% 6% 12% 4-9 10-14 15-24 0 4+ M 4+ W 4+ Source: Finnpanel , TAM Panel Survey week 44/2013. 25-44 45-64 65+ 21 Finnish TV landscape in 2003 and 2013 TV sets Free-tv channels 2003 2013 3 544 000 4 400 000 4 13 DVR’s and recording TV sets - 34 % - 9% 101 000 746 000 Broadband 16 % 84 % Population viewing TV via PC 3% 44 % Daily viewing time (hrs:min) 2:53 3:02 IPTV Pay-TV subsribers Source: Finnpanel, Establishment Survey and TAM. 22 Top programmes in 2013 Title Channel Day Date Tim Rating Rating % Yle Uutiset TV1 Fri 6.12. 20:30 1 980 000 41 % Itsenäisyyspäivän juhlavastaanotto TV1 Fri 6.12. 18:34 1 947 000 41 % Yle Uutiset TV1 Fri 6.12. 18:30 1 871 000 39 % Yleisurheilun MM TV2 Sat 17.8. 16:47 1 508 000 32 % Putous MTV3 Sat 23.2. 19:29 1 432 000 30 % Jääkiekon MM-kisat: Venäjä Suomi MTV3 Fri 10.5. 21:53 1 379 000 29 % TV1 Fri 6.12. 21:31 1 347 000 28 % Jääkiekon MM-kisat: Latvia - Suomi MTV3 Tue 14.5. 21:00 1 331 000 28 % Jääkiekon MM-kisat: Pronssiottelu MTV3 Sun 19.5. 18:26 1 249 000 26 % Kymmenen Uutiset MTV3 Tue 14.5. 21:44 1 242 000 26 % Itsenäisyyspäivän jatkot Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, Population 10+y . Best performance / programme title 23 2013 – a good year for TV • • • • Average daily viewing time 3 hrs – weekly 21 hrs Finnish households have more TV sets than ever Web-tv starts increased by 15 % The most popular TV contents attract millions of viewers - but behind top ratings there are thousands of different viewing habits More information on viewing Average weekly reach (%) by channel 2013 100 90 80 70 % 60 50 82 77 76 75 2012 63 2013 51 51 49 48 47 40 30 43 41 33 21 20 10 10 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, 10+ yrs. incl. timeshift viewing. Reach criteria 1 minute. AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12 FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 9 6 3 Average weekly reach(%) by channel, 25-44 100 90 80 70 60 83 77 2012 74 2013 70 70 57 56 53 53 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, 10+ yrs. incl. timeshift viewing. Reach criteria 1 minute. AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12 FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 45 43 39 33 25 12 10 8 4 TV weekly reach for 15-24 yrs: 79 % 80 71 weekly reach % 70 65 daily reach % 59 60 50 40 46 36 35 28 30 23 20 15 11 10 0 MTV total Nelonen Media total Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. timeshift viewing, 2013. Reach criteria 1 minute. Yle total SBS Discovery Television FOX Channel share (%) for average day 30 26,0 2012 25 19,0 20 15 2013: Yle total. 42,0 % MTV total. 29,7 % Nelonen Media total 15,4 % SBS Discovery Television total 5,4 % 11,9 8,8 10 5 2013 5,1 2,6 1,5 3,7 1,9 3,2 3,6 2,7 0,6 3,7 3,3 1,2 0,6 0,4 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, 10+ y incl. timeshift viewing. AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12 FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 29 Channel share (%) for prime time (18-23) 25 22,6 22,2 2012 20 2013 15 11,5 10,8 10 5,9 5 3,3 1,8 2,0 2,4 3,4 3,3 2,6 0,5 3,0 1,1 0,4 3,0 0,3 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, 10+ y incl. timeshift viewing. AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12 FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 30 Channel share (%) on average day, 25-44 25 2012 19,4 20 2013 15 12,6 10,3 10,4 10 8,3 5,7 5,5 5,3 4,2 5 1,7 3,4 2,7 0,9 5,0 2,1 0,8 1,1 0,7 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. timeshift viewing and guests. AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12 FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 31 Channel share (%) for 25-44, prime time (18-23) 25 23,1 2012 20 2013 14,9 15 10 9,1 9,9 8,4 5,5 5 1,8 2,9 1,2 3,8 4,8 3,8 0,7 4,5 1,6 2,6 0,8 0,5 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. timeshift viewing and guests. AVA expanded to terrestrial 1.2. -12 FOX launched 16.4.-12 at SuomiTV’s channel frequency. 32 Commercial viewing time is increasing 10+ 25-44 Min/day 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Source: Finnpanel, TAM, incl. timeshift and guest viewing. Commercial channels = selling air time in Finland. Commercial channels 2009 Commercial channels 2013 Yle total 2009 Yle total 2013 33 Commercial channel share (%) 10+ 2013 2012 MTV3 Sub 1,3 1,0 4,2 1,6 1,1 2,3 6,4 0,9 4,5 38,4 6,3 Ava 0,8 0,1 6,3 6,7 1,1 5,2 MTV pay Nelonen 35,9 Jim Liv 6,1 Nelonen Media pay TV5 16,7 9,7 11,0 17,4 Kutonen Discovery 4,2 3,0 4,4 3,5 FOX MusicTV National Geographic Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM,incl. guests and timeshift viewing. Commercial channels = selling air time in Finland. National Geographic since 30.9.-13. Commercial channel share (%) 25-44 2012 MTV3 2013 Sub Ava 1,8 7,0 2,4 0,9 5,2 1,0 1,5 2,9 4,6 1,0 29,4 0,1 MTV pay 7,0 1,1 7,5 Nelonen 27,4 Jim Liv 7,7 Nelonen Media pay 13,1 5,9 7,7 11,8 TV5 Kutonen 19,6 4,3 3,0 17,8 4,4 3,8 Discovery FOX MusicTV Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM,incl. guests and timeshift viewing. Commercial channels = selling air time in Finland. National Geographic since 30.9.-13. National Geographic Finns watch 32 ads per day in average 40 36 35 36 33 32 31 29 30 25 Ads/day 25 21 20 ads/day 15 10 5 0 10+ 15-24 25-44 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM 2013. Commercial national spots in Finland. DVR (Digital Video Recorder), IPTV (IPTV-reception) M25-44 W25-44 4-44 45+ DVR/IPTV 10+ 13 % of total viewing is time shifted in DVR- or IPTV-hh’s 4,8 % 8,5 % live vosdal* tsv 1-7 days 87% Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, 10+ y incl. timeshift viewing, 2013. IPTV- and DVR-households. *Vosdal=viewed on same day as live Share of time shifted viewing (%) 2013 350 300 4% tsv live 250 Min/day 7% 200 7% 8% 6% 13 % 11 % 150 100 50 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. guests. 9% 7 % 10 % 11 % 11 % 12 % 10 % Share of time shifted viewing (%) 2013, by channel 60 Average tsv 7 %. 50 5% Min/day 40 7% 30 6% tsv 20 live 11 % 12 % 10 9% 11 % 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. guests 13 % 8% 7% 8% 7% 6% 9% 4% Share of time shifted viewing (%) 2013, 25-44 60 Average tsv 11 %. 50 tsv live Min/vrk 40 12 % 30 20 13 % 8 % 10 % 13 % 10 10 % 15 % 0 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM, incl. guests 16 % 10 % 9 % 10 % 9 % 7 % 13 % 5% Number of channels viewed 2013 Weekly 12 Daily 12 11,0 10,3 10 7,7 8 9,9 10,1 7,7 10 8 6,5 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 4-9 10-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM. 65+ 10+ 5,8 5,1 3,7 5,4 5,3 65+ 10+ 3,9 3,0 4-9 10-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Feb 05 May 05 Aug 05 Nov 05 Feb 06 May 06 Aug 06 Nov 06 Feb 07 May 07 Aug 07 Nov 07 Feb 08 May 08 Aug 08 Nov 08 Feb 09 May 09 Aug 09 Nov 09 Feb 10 May 10 Aug 10 Nov 10 Feb 11 May 11 Aug 11 Nov.11 Feb.12 Aug.12 Feb.13 Aug.13 Pay TV penetration in Finland % of TV HH’s 35 August 2013: 737 000 HH’s 30 25 20 15 10 5 Source: Finnpanel, TV households in Finland n= approx 1500 /questionnaire, since 2012/1 n= approx 3000, since 2013/1 n=approx 3400 42 Pay TV share of total viewing 2013 350 Pay-TV 6% 300 7% Min/day 250 200 8% 8% 5% 11% 11% 150 12% 24% 100 16% 9% 50 0 10+ W10+ M10+ 4-9 10-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 4-44 45+ Source: Finnpanel Oy, TAM,incl. guests and timeshift viewing. Pay-TV channels: Animal Planet, BBC Entertainment, BBC Lifestyle, BBC World, C More Movie channels, Digiviihde, Discovery, Disney Channel,Disney XD, Eurosport, Foreign satellite –channel group, MTV Fakta, MTV Fakta XL, MTV Juniori, MTV Komedia, MTV Leffa, MTV Max, MTV Sarja, MTV Sport 1, MTV Sport 2, National Geographic, Nelonen Maailma, Nelonen Nappula,Nelonen Prime, Nelonen Pro 1, Nelonen Pro 2,SVT Eu,SVT1 (Sweden),SVT2 (Sweden), TV4 (Sweden) , URHOtv, Viasat Movie channels, Viasat Other channels No. of TV sets in Finland 2011─2013 5000 4500 2011 2012 4131 4135 2013 4000 1000 3500 4380 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 TV sets Source: Finnpanel, Establishment Survey. 44 To watch TV, which devices are used in your HH? % hh’s 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 94 Source: Finnpanel, Establishment Survey. 2012 2013 43 49 41 44 14 8 10 4 1 1 45 Televisions, tablets, laptops and PC’s in Finland % hh’s 100 90 90 94 80 80 66 70 83 69 60 2012 50 2013 40 30 16 20 8 10 0 TV set Source: Finnpanel, Establishment Survey. Tablet Laptop Computer 46
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