Thursday June Piedge oA lle ian Nancy Mickel peal ers Merilee
Thursday June Piedge oA lle ian Nancy Mickel peal ers Merilee
iT Oi PI BEAN o Mattie Road Pismo Beacht A 93449 Tel 8 4G 73 80 Fax 4684 173 80 Minutes PARK N ECREATI AND BEAUT NMM F1AT N i 88 P Zo 6 Thursday June ty council chambers CA TRD R lair Thomas called to order the Beautification commission Meeting heid at the pity Parksr recreation and of Pismo Beach council chambers at 6 93 P M Piedge e ian A o lle chair ssion omm Thomas led the Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Jim Thomas commissioners Tam Abshere Marcia Guthrie Butch Lemc Absent commissioner Nancy f Present ta Publio Planning Manager Johnson ers peal Merilee Hyman Mickel and Minutes clerk m and ley alco he Dhyana Coburn Sarin Sinclair meeting saying it would be started with Public comments ouncilmemberHigginbothamwanted to talkabouta newordinance Chair Thomas started the because i PUB ENT 1 Ni said it was important for the commissioners to know aboutthe Pier inbotharn Program She said the pity passed an ordinance prohibiting feeding the birds 1 become a law in 3a days Ms Higginbotham said they have joined forces which wi with Pier vllatch who is organizing a docent program to help educate the public about the ordinance and why t is imporknt not to feed the birds N s Higginbotham said the ordinance evil help keep the pier cleaner and they hope it will impactthe waterqua ity along the ocean She said the bacteria in the water caused from bird fecal matter is extremely high and is very detrimental She said the pigeons are not native and come to where the food is the said they are trying the least aggressive strategy first She Ms Docent said falcons rere not an option because the tlike public rouldn it and mast likely pigeons pigeons and tbe successful She said the electronic devices don couldn t rark because the become conditioned to them She said the next relocating them die euthanize them She said step ould be v they are trapping the researching other ways Planning Canager Jchnon asked if there is a problem Frith seagull fecal matter or s vhythe ordinance says Hotta feed the only pigeon lbs Higginbvfiham said that She said birds period people are mare annoyed Frith the seagulls and tend to feed the pigeons hale Planning l ohnon a nager asked fthe ordinance is only at the Pier arthe v said ill itv the e P r cover Promenade Plaza the Parking Lot city Higginbotham Pier and the cypress Street Bridge Planning Manager ohnon said it is still okay to feed the ducks at lralease Park M Higginlao harsaid yes Pianning Manager Johnson said Shen the Park Master Plan is made for Iralease there could be a place at specifically designated farteeding the ducks ls Higginbotham l presented Concerts in the Park affairs as a flyer far the Dity of Santa Barbara listing their free ideas far Dinosaur haves Park events rho have Planning i lanagerJahnon introduced Shelley Malcolm and Sarin Sinclairv a proposal going to the Pianning Commission next reekfor a conditional use perrnitto have Private Events Renter in Shell Beach a Shelley alcolm said she and Ms Sinclair are purchasing the Shell Beach Methodist church and the old schoolhouse next door restore the buildings She mentioned the the church could still be used reddins film She said their interest is to preserve and types of activities they envision having there church but also for special events such as festivals community theater AA Meetings non profit use etc as a Sinclair said she thinks it is valuable to ouuner t get it deemed couldn an keep rt in the community She said the last historical site I 11 lalcolrn said the buildings have a lot of character She said there is community interesting using the space and a voice teacherutirho would like to give lessons there and give choral per ances orr s Sinclair said the seating i a bit more than 4 She said her husband will i landscape and re paint the building missioner Abshere asked ghat the neighbors think about the project on Ms Malcolm said they had a gathering farthe neighbors and the ones rho attended were l g0 ere afraid the church v ould be torn supportive She said the neighbors v rn and are happy it might be preserved She said Pastor Jae visited them and eras do happy to hear aboutthe things there are doing to preserve the building She said many ofthe neighbors have fond memories ofevents thattook place atthe church She said theater in the church has been closed since October lVi Sinclair said the schoolhouse built in 8 and vas eras originally a church in San Luis the first schoolhouse San Luis bispa had Obispo It called Bellevue eras School She said it s in fabulous condition community She said it mould be great forthe to keep ere invited to the Shell Beach improvement Committee theyu meeting last month and Marilyn Hyman and Tony seemed excited about it Ms Malcolm said the Supervisorfor Public Use Property and Buildings of Santa Maria and he suggested they pay attention to ca arrrrg fhe use to be avtrare of parking err limitations Ms Sinclair said they rould never have anything on Election Day Malcolm said o asked hove much omrnisioner Ler rith room for up there is a parking lot v Sinclair said there is no parking on the parking there is Ms Ma colr said vehicles and there is street block property Commissioner A shere asked if Ms Maicolm said parking one Ms they intend to ask the city for rillpay hapefullythey he ci money ssioner Cufhrie said she thinks it i Comrn a fabulous idea money and she hopes they are successful because it uvould add to the charm of Shell Beach Planning ManagerJohnon said the Planning Commission packet vent outtoday so if the Commissioners are in agreement she can draft a etterforJim ssignature arthey can each send her an email Commissioner Lemon said he thinks it s a great idea and rould improve ourarea M rnclairsaid there perform in a small often small groups vuho come by and have no rhere to She said it rould be nice to be able to donate the space to are venue such visitors they had a name for it Ms Malcolm said not yet perhaps in Spanish French or Chumash and something aboutthe sea M inciair said they plan to market it most likely via Weddings because they have to suppork it Planning Manager Johnson asked if Chair Thomas said he sees no problem and agrees it s an exciting proposition He upfront before closing the cautioned and varned them to find out the construction costs deal because there vill be substantial rork needed Commissioner Ler os said he and looked into another having good chair Thomas said ChairThoma to rrite a eras place looking look and vuhat letker into having an event at Dinosaur Caves to tie into the Dinosaur Caves saying an excellent concept the Commission is in strong support project Eof AGENDA EPTAN AC Chair Thomas asked if the Commissioners accepted the agenda of this Acfiion Nation to accepttheagenda was rude by Connnnisioner o seconded Ler a hairThor by Motion accepted g 4 VLF MINUTES APPR Agri t gg as asked the Commissioners irThorr Ch Action Ilotion to Lemos Lotion seconded they accepted i accept the Minutes of APRI L isioner Guthrie by Con7rr 2gg the V inutes was made by Commissioner epted ao BUSINESS ITEMS 1 A DINOSAUR C I11E IR ET P M i Planning ManagerJohnon said the Council at the Budget Hearings did not take an action to approve the request additional funds fvrthe community area behind the new restroom at Dinosaur Caves Park Chair Thomas said he talked to l ayor Pro presentation was Tempore Higinbotharr said a better clarify educate and enlighten the council He said it gat Council didn t understand the need to spend the additional needed to lost in translation and the money Planning lanagerJohnson ChairThoms said there gg to g said there is money in the Park ent Fund Developr ease Park and we requested grant moneyfvr ra the engineerto get park going to getthe state money He over Chumash Park and reimburse the city for to funding grant was outside get Carolyn shifted the money spent there which an said gave the Park Fund about 98 gbank into the Park Fund from the State of California Now the city is earmarking for Iralease or do we get money out of that presentation expenditure the money elsewhere He said time The Council felt t ey were not fully informed to or da they find He said there is time between now Comrrxisioner Lemon asked what the status is Planning Manager Johnson pattern The comaunity area said the and the on 9f to s basically it justify the get it reinstated the restroam preparation vfthe hid specifications is underway package behind the restroorr could be included in the bid alternative if money is not available forthe community area andlorthe Council does not want it selection of the alternative wouidn tbe chosen Bhe said the money as an ODg is earmarked far I ralease and is not available far Dinosaur Caves chair Thomas said the bathroom at Dinosaur original grant money and other maneythe city set aside forthe Caves is still sitting there He said there is another 0 sitting there to expend the building He said the pity needs to make a decision He said at the meeting about Dinosaur haves they alsa talked aboutthe funding ofthe Sports Park He seid the staff was supposed to came back with additianal information the following day and everyone was o tired because the meeting was late and staff did not act upon it He seid Mayor Pro Tempore Higginbotham said that was ane of the t get acted on because it wasn t brought up again far clarification problems it didn LP F U V LoN BUDC T HPARIIII AID PCB N 4TI lD MM RI commissioner Lernos said the money slowing is not buying what it used to He said could lose rr ore if we wait Planning Manager Johnson said she agrees we lase we the value and that i rard isioner Lerno rr on why she thinks it best to move for t lase the the project move farward in any way it can so we don need mare funding we can go to the pity then said he would like to ue va f later we see haEr Thomas said to go through the items Item Parks Maintenance staff 1le asked for two 1 electronic Item This positions knowing was tracking system would we for one only get inventory ornmiioner Guthrie asked if there is done being Dept said the Parks commissioner you do that by ane and work projects not funded shavuwhat is save one later i the way to track hours spentfixing things that ing ManagerJohnson said she could request it She r Plar ane who is a responsible uthrle said it would rake from a time management hairThomas asked if the CIS to show if you spend this now it will perspective there are computer programs that sense place can da inventory PEanning Manger Johnson said it takes people to do the initiel inventory it s not lane by X15 you need BPS system or some other system to track the information She said initially you need I of thane things chair Thomas said it doesn t mean someone to go out and identify a we can itwith a tstart prepping for it in better berta accomplish epten presentation system in Johnson said if you went on the suggestion of on issioner rr there would been identification about the amount of time used tar each task Planning Manager Guthrie and process more She said if those haurs could be organized efficient ommiss oner Guthrie asked what the with inventory it would be ommissianers need to do Planning Manager Johnson said it would be helpful if the ommissianer would give her their thoughts on haw to articulate their ideas sa she can present itta them at the She said next meeting in the form of a resalutian to take to the Public vVarks Director if there is concurrence on ail ofyour parts she can start on it nave amrniaianer Guthrie asked if the staff logs whatthey da each day Planning ManagerJahnan said she guesses that Jeff Hiserand crew would knawthe answers chair Thomas asked Commissioner Guthrie to get the ball rolling with Carolyn and gat back to the Commissioners item Boosinger Park chair Thomas said t give u money for a Boosinger Park gat Borne money They didn Master Plan He said they provided maneyfar playground equipment this year He said next year they gill be providing another 1 surface OgO for the softfa Planning Manager Johnson said she talked to Jeff Hiner and the Finance Department She said the playground equipment and the ground cover have to be installed at the same time She said the project could be overlapped to the following year so it can be done all at one time She said we would spend the Q cut of the a far the 5 oftfall and we can then da it all atone time a said hairThon t allocate any moneyfarthe faster Plan far Boosinger they didn Planning ManagerJohnaan said the students did provide three versions and the Commissioners did pick and choose out of thane when that made their recommendation to the council She said she is working with Jeff Hiner to pick and choose the items to make it affordable Planning ManagerJohnan said the play equipment that goes into the parks is yused by children but children never go to the meetings to talk about what rous obv they would want to see at the parks She recommends having four or so designs picked out and having a meeting ire the perk vuith a public hearing with notices directed to the children so they can have a voice in choosing the design She said if the intent is there to have the kids involved it will raise their level of awareness chair Thomas asked if it would be betterto take it to Shell Beach School Planning I ManagerJohnsan said if most ofthe kids who go to Shell Beach School lived in She t She said she thinks itwauld be best at Boosinger Park She Beach butthey don said we could post a notice at the park and send notices with the kids Commissioner Guthrie said she liked the idea omrrzissiar er Leman said it would be nice to have the children s input to Planning Manager make the decision Johnson Bald we might be able to get thing She said they plan events a Cal Po student y to help coordinate the whole Cornrnissioner Guthrie said she thinks they would get real honest opinions from kids Planning ManagerJahnon said they would be at the park evaluating the equipment new play equipment available amazing annzed at the iioner Lemon said he Cornrr several was not parks new within the and park exciting and was just at the He said it is the kids now a were She said it is sa creative and Barney Schwartz Parkwhere there are setting but the play equipment beautiful not enthusiastic asasked if ChairThar lanager they can previevtirthe play equipmentfirst planning I Johnson said yes the said the venders here videas of children playing on the various rthem equipment the said she rould get the videos and they could viev Commissioner Guthrie asked if they could look it up online Planning N anager Johnson said yes Ifiem 4 Playground Equipn ent hairThornas said the Council didn vant to t Capita Improvement Program so somehovu put any money because that is in the P fo regoing to find money in their C they do it em l Iralease hair Thomas said Item vie already talked about it sports Park chair Thomas said the ovay it eras rritten said ble asserr 0far a consultant to O O gg far 2007 00 is in an existing udgetfram feasibility constraint study He said Engineering Department and the Engineering Department is also requesting an additions OgO He said it got confused Frith the old Price Historic Park on the other O side of the creek He said he corrected them about the location of the property and t happen He said vuanted the staff to come back vuith a clearer description and it didn or caused it to be in anon but it did not rn out and can o ac r approved status get thro be reu rritten far clarity Item Expanded Recreation services far seniors s ODg He said that they gave them Ogg instead of the O better than nothing He said ire asked far each for the baseball fields O D gear and they gave therr ggg instead Chair Thomas said em I shell Beach ChairThomas said prover r ent g00 far they are getting O each of the tuva years fartheir improvements Commissioner Abshere said item 7 bothered him because surrounding a lot of seniors came from areas Commissioner Lemos said regarding Boosinger ofthe parks and asked 1 doing Master Plans for a Johnson Planning Manager said it eras gOg Park he kna rs vie talked about if the gg0 eras 8 far the play equipment forthe pork OOa far S the rubberized surfiace area and the balance of the maneyv as to be for the remainder of the varkthe students recommended such as landscaping ornrnissioner Lemos said it is he utirant Poly to important to have a Master P an farthe parks He said rith the master plans as cheaply as possible by utilizing the Cal up v rith ProfessorTharnpson Planning ianaerJohnon said she met v come students that afternoon and he said they are ready He told her next Fall he v ill have another class and i rhen vuilling to use them to help commissioner they let projects sit like the ralease Park project Lemon said it is discouraging Ianning Iana erJohnso requested the next meeting be in August the said she could bring the information an the a Paly student plans to get that going the said the issioners to revie rthe plans end pick something to get timing gas good for the omr t v h the students at the end of ould also give an going September the said she v hat going on ritb the bathroom at Dinosaur haves Park and an Iralease u update on s too hairThvms said the fusibility studyforthe park may not happen in time forvtirhate need no r He said he vuants to rork vith the moneythe council has already released and get going on those projects in orderof priority He said ghat do eve v antto get reen bet nova and He said lraleae needs to plished accvr February get gaing on that before inflation strips that a een na r and vay He asked ghat they con accornp ish betv next JanuarylFebruary He asked rl7at do ire grant to push and ghat do e v ant Carolyn to focus on for us He said Irlease has a Master Plan and its construction needs to get gaing no matterv ber one priority He said het and to him it is nur continuing rit 8oosinger is important He asked Carolyn ghat direction she needs from the commissioners to get that going Piannin ManagerJohnsan said she has great direction from the ornmission and gill move s quickly as passible on each project Commissioner Lemon said He said simple thing 1 tie itself utiri us ChairThoma vie trying to t do can up He said fine a Master Plans forthe going to be a including the public artd that Faster Plan vuithout tuning Boosinger is parks is nvt in lat a asked if it is realistic to Johnson said it pull off tuvo lUlaster Plans in the year depends on uhat dal Poly can do foryou the annin Manager said they have a plan for Iraleae so that s done Chumash i Bono Dinosaur Caves Park has three done Boosinger options and needs to be cleaned up the said she had a list Chair Thomas said could drive by the hat she could do send the Con rnissioners a r a ybe v and see vuhat ones have the most need parks said it Manning anagerJohnson might help to parks o to the rebsite City v ist and they and go to the Parks link and it gill fink you up Frith all the Chair Thomas asked Garalyn to send he is a list afthe hearing from all the Commissioners parks is the priority forthe next term Chair Thomas said because nevu drag for be in order people to corns ire are a visit or that are done He said utirhat is to continue utirith the master Plans forthe tourism revisit He asked if there is seed parks torn He said moneyfar ghat a can ire start joint meeting events developing ith the v as B rould rThomas h wrapped up 08 projects for FY 00 d ar the on ission discussion vuith n possible a request for rents for discussion with the e a list of IIB naer Johnson asked the missioners ft or ey are o aywith cancelling Pl I ng nn in and the next Lemos said he will be out of meeting August July meeting having t i okay commissioners agreed it would be fine town Carolyn asked if August the 3 T u o ri co rl o lr none Ply Adjournment Attest Approved Jim Thom s Approved at the air August 9 Q07 aroly J h on ecretaryto the commission PRB meeting