2015-05-08 eBulletin
2015-05-08 eBulletin
May 8, 2016 Contemporary Service General Order of Our Contemporary Worship Welcome to our visitors! Thank you for joining us today. We would appreciate you completing the Visitor Card you’ll find in your gift bag (available during the service or at our Welcome Center.) Please join us for coffee and doughnuts in the Fellowship Hall between services. Moment for Missions FORO, Cathi Lloyd “Meet and Greet” *Praise and Worship Music Offering Pastoral Prayer Scripture Exodus 16:1-5 The Message Our Mother Who Art in Heaven *Praise and Worship Music Benediction * Standing Optional #55 Pastor Mark Wilkins Senior Pastor Sermon Notes: Our Mother Who Art in Heaven Ok, this sermon title may be a little shocking, even on MOTHER’S DAY. We’re used to hearing God referred to as “FATHER”, and there’s great value to that: Father… … But even then we know that God is beyond all that - who is beyond our idea of - who is beyond any concept we have of Him - who is beyond any . And while there is great richness in seeing God maybe there is something valuable in thinking of God . Because for most of us it’s MOM who shows us what God’s love is like in . It’s MOM who shows us what is all about. It’s MOM who picked us up when life . It’s MOM who taught us that we counted even when we It’s MOM who is there to . and But what if we didn’t get that from MOM? What do we do if MOM isn’t here right now to show us that kind of love? Then we have an opportunity to receive healing from a GOD who’s love is the This is our opportunity to REDEEMER; a God who is PARENT; . REFERENED SCRIPTURE: Exodus 16:1-5; Matthew 11:28; Matthew 10:29-31; Hebrews 13:5 ; Announcements Monthly Blood Pressure Check Today! Blood pressure screening in Room 212 is offered from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. every 2nd Sunday of the month (today!) It’s best to avoid caffeine right before the test as it can raise your pressure. This is a free, confidential service of our congregations’ nurses. Get your Tickets TODAY for the Saturday, May 14 th Interactive Murder Mystery Dinner & a Show — all tickets must be purchased by tomorrow! Join in the fun at Prickly Pear Prep's 1968 class reunion. Meet the famous movie star Melinda Malevolent, her sleazy talent agent and our super sleuth, Sgt. Sydney Sizzlechest among others. There will be lots of audience interaction ~ tickets are $25 each and may be purchased in the church office or online. Proceeds will go to the Roatan Mission Trip. Stephen Ministry Interest Meeting, Sunday, May 15 at Noon Stephen Ministers are not counselors or therapists, but they do provide one-to-one support for others in times of need. They receive 50 hours of intensive coursework in how to provide distinctively Christian care. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in becoming involved in, please come learn more about Stephen Ministry and its training program by attending an informational meeting on Sunday, May 15, at noon in the library. Cornhole Tournament to support Summer Missions! Tournament will take place in the East Parking Lot of the Church on Sunday June 5. There will be concessions, Kids games, Prizes, Multiple Tournaments for all ages. It will be a great time for the whole family. Registrations can be found at the welcome center, or by any of the Youth Students throughout the week and on Sundays. Cost per team is $25 and winners will receive a Custom Set of Bean Bag Boards made by Fan Boards Cornhole! Friday, May 20: Illiana’s Pioneer Churches, an illustrated presentation about several of the earliest places of worship in the State-line / Calumet area. Presented by Kenneth J. Schoon, Indiana University Northwest. Event begins at 6 pm and is sponsored by Church & Society. Young Adults! 18 and Over! We are starting a ministry just for you! Coming in May 2016 we will have a Young Adult Ministry for Adults 18 and over looking for a place to belong. There will be refreshments, fellowship, fun, and of course the Bible. We are going to meet one day a week, TBD, throughout the summer as well as have a service opportunity in the community once a month. If you are at all interested or have any questions regarding this new program, please email Danno at [email protected]. VBS enrollment is open! We will be gearing up for an over-the-top underground adventure! We will be grounding kids in the rock solid foundation of God's love, a love that can take us through dark times! We look forward to a great week together experiencing God — please join us! VBS is the week of June 20—June 24, from 9 am—12 pm (11:30 am Preschool). Children ages 3 (potty trained) through 5th grade may enroll. There is an $8 fee per child (max $30/family) and if you pay online, there is a $0.50 charge to cover the PayPal fees. Please enroll participants AND volunteers at: http://cpumcvbs.yolasite.com/ If you have any questions, please contact the church office. Looking for singers of all ages to form a group for this year’s Gospel Fest! The event will take place on the Courthouse lawn Sunday, June 26 at dusk. Please text or call Cheryl Lucas 7818548 or email [email protected] for details! fumc schedule beginning 05-08-2016 {SUNDAY} {MONDAY} {TUESDAY} MOTHER’S DAY MOMENT FOR MISSIONS 8 & 11 am Traditional Worship Blood Pressure Check 9/30 am Contemporary Worship 9/30 am Children’s Sunday School♦♥ 8/30 am Finance Committee► 10/30 am Actively Fit 5 pm Missions Com► 6 pm Cub Scouts Pack 48 6/30 pm Boy Scouts Troop 48 7 pm Finance Com► 7 pm Outreach Com► 7 pm Worship Com ► 8 pm Feast of Screams Mtg► 9 am Heritage Quilters 5 pm Girl Scout Leaders 6/30 pm Freeflow Rehearsal ♫ {THURSDAY} {FRIDAY} 5/30 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting 7 pm Wesley Choir♫ 9 am Moments for Moms♦ 10 am Crafty Grannies 10/30 am Actively Fit 5/30 pm Navigators #73 6 pm Cub Scout Pack 48 6 pm Girl Scout Troop 30033 {Next Sunday} {Key} 9/30 am Adult Sunday School♦ 10/45 am High School Sunday School☺ 12/30 pm Disciple 4 Study♦ {WEDNESDAY} 10 am Art Class 10/30 am Actively Fit 5 pm Daisy Troop 6 pm Cub Scouts Pack 48 6/30 pm Disciple I Study♦ {SATURDAY} 6 pm Dinner and a Show 6 pm Blessed Bells♫ 6-8 pm Youth Group☺ 6 pm Cub Scouts Pack 48 PENTECOST 8 & 11 am Traditional Worship 9 am Church and Society 9/30 am Contemporary Worship 9/30 am Children’s Sunday School♦♥ ☺YOUTH Event ♥Children's Event ☼SENIOR’s Event ♫MUSIC Event 9/30 am Adult Sunday School♦ ►CIRCLE & COMMITTEE 10/45 am High School Sunday School☺ 12 pm Stephen Ministry Meeting 12/30 pm Disciple 4 Study♦ 2 pm Eagle Scout Ceremony 2-3/30 pm Jr. High Youth Group☺ 3/30—5 pm Sr. High Youth Group☺ ♦ STUDIES COMMUNITY & ALL CONGREGATION events have no symbol 6 pm Confirmation Class♦☺ Alice Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Congratulations to this year’s recipients! $1,000 scholarships are awarded to Emily Fender (Indiana University, Bloomington), Nicholas Cantley (Purdue North Central, Westville) and Andrea Kutemeier (Valparaiso University, Valparaiso). They will be recognized for their achievements on May 29th during the 9:30 service. Monday, June 6: Alzheimer’s Presentation Interested in learning about Alzheimer’s disease? There will be a presentation Monday, June 6 at 4 pm. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Contact Joan Goletz for more information 219-741-4737 our joys & concerns Joys Gianna, great granddaughter of Larry and Bean Miller, was born 4/21/16. Health & Other Concerns (*new request, **on going request) **Helen Bach, Julie Schultz’ mom Betty Campion, St. Anthony **Elwood Canady, Christian Village **Dick Craig **Paulette Decker, Jerry Nibert’s sister-in-law Donna Golob, Justin’s mom Dan Gordon **Bill Gray, St. Margaret **Madison Hargreaves **Beth Huebner **Darrell Josleyn, CP Police Officer Betty Kidd, Brad & Debbie Schneider Samantha Kirby, John & Carol Whiteside’s niece **Michael Lewis **Alan Lukow, Barb Gillan’s brother **Maria, Bean Miller’s niece **Jeff Mullins, Donna and Jim Saqui’s friend Lois Roberts *Charlie Sergent, Sharon Sylvie’s friend Leah Smith, Methodist Hospital Indy Chris, Kim, and Hope Smith **Linda St. Myers Joyce Stuhlmacher, Betty Stuhlmacher’s sister-in-law Jeff Torreson *Norma Wisniewski, Tom’s mom *Karen Wszolek *Kathie Yeagley, Elaine Hough’s friend Sympathy Nick Sweigart passed away on May 5, 2016. Marcille Allison passed away. Special Concerns (*new request) All children who are living in abusive situations, that they may find peace and love. All those who struggle with addiction All who have been recipients of Prayer Blankets All Service men and women who might be in harm’s way and separated from family: Christopher Baughan, Dover AFB Robert & Donna Bossick’s nephew Cpl Sam Neff USMC, Okinawa Jack and Diane Kemp’s grandson Justin Cunnane Cpt. Adam Vetter Master Chief Richard Haninger, Jr. Sgt. Jessica Villagran, Alaska Dorothy Scrivner’s grandson Debbie Robertson’s son & Kelly Haninger’s Brother Joe & Kathy’s son Bob Votaw’s granddaughter Nathan Harding, Afghanistan Karen Harding’s son To enter a joy or prayer request, please send an email to [email protected], fill out a prayer request form (found in pew), or call the church office (219-663-1515) each week by Wednesday at noon to have it printed in the bulletin. All prayer concerns are welcome. Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for four weeks unless you renew the request. Thank you! Order of Worship A time of meditation, prayer, and prelude. Welcome & Greetings Welcome to our visitors! Please complete the Visitor Card you’ll find in your gift bag (available during the service or at our Welcome Center.) Please join us for coffee and doughnuts in the Fellowship Hall between services. Moment for Missions FORO, Cathi Lloyd Responsive Call to Worship READER: And Jesus said, "Come!" To all mothers and all children, he said, "Come!" PEOPLE: To the motherless and the childless, he said, "Come!" To all who long to be mothered, he said, "Come! READER: Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. ALL: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls." *Hymn How Can We Name a Love #111 Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer and Silent Prayer Lord’s Prayer Word in Music (11:00 am) Wesley Choir The Offering & Doxology #95 Hymn Please Remain Seated Gift of Love Scripture Exodus 16:1-5 The Message Our Mother Who Art in Heaven *Hymn Happy the Home Benediction * Standing Optional #895 #408 #55 Pastor Mark Wilkins Senior Pastor #445 email addresses needed Please consider choosing to receive your Beacon, Meeting Notices, and Special Announcements via email. Using email helps preserve natural resources and saves our church valuable time and resources. Place this in the offering plate or email/call the church office. Thank you! Name E-Mail Address Email me: _____Beacon _____Meeting Notices _____ Special Announcements Christ Caring for People through People Our Stephen Ministry program equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian, one-to-one care to anyone in our congregation or community who is going through a difficult time and in need of support from a Christian friend. Meeting the Needs of People There are times when each of us needs the care of another person...a Christian friend...a Stephen Minister. If you are dealing with any of the following challenges in your life, please contact us so that we can help: Hospitalized Moving into/out of community Homebound and institutionalized In job crisis Disabled (and their families) Facing life transitions Experiencing birth or adoption Terminally ill and their families Grieving a death or serious loss Prisoners, ex-offenders and their families Aging and elderly Needing the support of a Christian friend Separated or divorced In spiritual crisis Please contact Barb Seibel (219) 310-8897 for confidential assistance. Flower Arrangements The yellow flower on the altar is to honor all service men and women and their families. You are welcome to take your donated Altar Flower Arrangement with you after the 11 am service. Any arrangements remaining on Monday will be taken to nursing homes, shut-ins, or hospitals. VITAL STATISTICS Weekly Year to Date Budget Needs $11,411.53 $205,407.54 Receipts $11,875.45 $195,326.67 Ahead/Behind Budget -10,080.87 Sunday School Attendance Worship Attendance 439 “We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.” —Dr. Vernon Barksdale All Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the church office no later than 12 pm each Wednesday. You can email announcements to [email protected]. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS, CHILDREN’S BULLETINS, AND HEADPHONES are available for those who need them at the Welcome Center. Please feel free to request them from your usher. Assisting in Worship Today 8:00 am 9:30 am Greeters Carol Highsmth Liturgists Ushers Sherry Benson Cynthia Klee, Jack Klee, Brenda Mowry, Floyd Mowry Gary Gibbons Rick Lloyd, John Cotton, Elwood Canady, Jeff Polacek, Paul Sandilla, Jason Cotton Hospitality Time We choose to place our energy into showing our love for God by accepting each other as we are. We choose to seek the good in a broken world as we discover who Christ would have us be. Sunday Worship Times Traditional Service Contemporary Service Traditional Service Sunday School Hour 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Lynn Clay, Ron Clay, John Frisinger, Janelle Haack Kuhlman Family Our Mission Statement 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 am Classes for Children, ages 3 through Jr. High & Adults High School Sunday School Nursery 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Children are welcome in any of our services. We also offer professional childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers ages 0-3. Hospitality Time 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please join us for coffee & donuts in our Fellowship Hall. Questions? Please visit our Welcome Center or ask a member. We also encourage you to visit our website. Website www.FUMCCP.org sermons available for download each week Contact Information Telephone 219.663.1515 Fax 219.662.2714 Ministry Contacts Senior Pastor Reverend Mark Wilkins [email protected] Associate Pastor Reverend Tom Shanahan [email protected] Youth Ministries Danno Lambert [email protected] Outreach Ministries Bonnie Meyer [email protected] Associate Director Visitation Ministries Joan Goletz [email protected] Education Kimberly Smith [email protected] Music Ministries Cheryl Lucas [email protected] Praise Team Director Karen Piercy [email protected] Stephen Ministry Paul Sandilla [email protected] Finance Secretary Jayne Gibbs [email protected] Church Secretary Cheryl Lucas [email protected] Address 352 South Main Street Crown Point IN 46307 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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2016-05-29 eBulletin
while? If so, please contact the church office or a staff member to discuss opportunities. See
the Beacon for more information.