November, 2014
November, 2014
The Newsletter of the Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc. Issue 355 – November, 2014 1984 2014 Club Member’s Meetings are held at Club Macquarie, Cockle Creek on the 1st Tuesday of the month commencing at 7.30 pm. Social events and outings are usually held on the following Sunday. Members should check the “Club Runs” in this Newsletter’s Calendar. Committee October 2014 President: Barry Scarr 02 4991 5227 [email protected] Vice President: Norm Wilson 0418 499217 Secretary: Marilyn Vella 0488 594993 [email protected] Treasurer: Doris Holmes 02 4950 0477 [email protected] Registrars: Neville McFadyen 0418 404594 [email protected] Ken Morris 0417 467232 [email protected] NRVC Spring Cruiz-In The November addition of the Good Oil includes Club Meeting, General Business, and Committee Meeting for Oct. October Mid Week Run, Spring Cruiz-In, Catalina Festival, Dennis Paynting Run, Rego Day, Presidents Run, 2015 Committee Voting Form, Update Members Form, Christmas Details, November Birthday’s, For Sale Items, The updated Point Score along with all the up and coming Club Events. Natalie Club Captain: Glenn Towndrow 0418 221462 [email protected] Rally Sub Committee: Brian Johnston 40230232 Ken Morris 0417 467232 [email protected] Editor: Natalie Towndrow 0402 826399 [email protected] Footnote: Articles appearing in this Newsletter reflect the views on the contributor and not necessarily those of the club, the committee or of the editor. Club Web Site: NRVC Club Calendar - November 2014 OFFICIAL CLUB MEETINGS and RUNS Events Nov 4 Club Members Meeting, Club Macquarie 7:30pm (3 points) Nov 9 NRVC 30th Anniversary Presidents Run, BBQ Lunch provided at Stockton Foreshore Leave Edgeworth McDonalds at 9:00am, BYO Morning Tea, Mt Sugarloaf (4 points) Nov 15-16 Quirindi Weekend, Leave Braxton Heavy Vehicle Rest Area, Saturday 7:00am (at the end of The Hunter Expressway) Nov 18 Club Executive Meeting, Club Macquarie 7:00pm Nov 23 NRVC – Car Registration Day, Neville McFadyen’s work sheds Tomago Nov 29 Singleton Motorfest – Leave Hexham McDonalds 8:00am (1 point) Dec 7 NRVC Christmas Party / Monthly Meeting Blackalls Park Reserve, go straight there for 10:00am (7 points) Mid Week Runs – Thursdays Nov 20 Williamtown Fighter World – Meet McDonalds Edgeworth 9:30am Picnic lunch only Entry Fee $5.00. Dec 18 Christmas Karuah, End of year Run- Meet McDonalds Edgeworth 9:00am Fun Fun Fun ... Christmas Theme! Please wear a Christmas Hat! Alternate Runs (Permit required from the Club Registrar to attend) Nov 1 Mudgee Motorfest Show n Shine, Mudgee NSW Nathan White 0488 445 506, Lyndel Butler 0411 194315 Nov 1-2 Bulahdelah, rock, rattle ‘n’ roll, the coolest stuff from 50’s to the 80’s Giant Show ‘n’ Shine on Sunday, dance the night away with THE RATTLESNAKES Ol’ style rock ‘n’ roll dance, Bulahdelah Bowling Club Saturday night 1st Nov Nov 7-9 Caravan & Camping Industry Supershow, Batesman Bay, Kylie Elliott 02 9637 0599 Nov 9 Global Village Motorfest & Fair, Muswellbrook Showground, Maitland Rd, Muswellbrook Nov 16 Bathurst Car & Bike Show, $10 entry fee, info George 0422 560 810, Debbie 0407 489634 Nov 15 Old Skool at School Car Show, Arcadia Public School. Arcadia Rd. Arcadia Swap Meets / Meet & Greets Nov 9 Swap Meet & Market Day, Gulgong Showground, Gulgong, Car & Bike Show Scotty 0432621204 Nov 9 Pedal Car Swap Meet Display Day, John 02 4759 1572 Nov 22-23 Queanbeyan Swap Meet, Show Ground Queanbeyan Ph. 0427 267 967 Please remember that all cars on NRVC club plates must carry this page with them on their Club RUNS at all times! Club Members Meeting - Tuesday October 7th 2014 Meeting Opened: 7.45PM Apologies: D & S Rumbel, D & C Caban, R. Walker, B & L Wilson, M Lockwood, J Wilson, Z Scarr, B Ward, M & J Payne, L Laney, L Farmer, S Nichols. Visitors: R Condon, P Vissel, A Vandervelde, D & D Devine, G & R Newcombe Raffle: $182.00 Secretary: 11 Incoming Mail. Committee and General Minutes are in October’s GOOD OIL. Moved: T Jones, Seconded: R Skillen Treasurer: Tabled at Meeting. Moved: D. Bailey, Seconded: N. Maxwell President: The Good Oil that gets posted will still stand. Vice President: CHRISTMAS PARTY REMINDER if you have children going please fill out the form in this addition of the GOOD OIL. Thanked John Tserepas for obtaining a $50.00 voucher from Bunning’s. Bill Kalb received the following donations, $200.00 Digital Camera from Harvey Norman Bennett’s Green, $200.00 Pressure Washer and a Cleaning kit from Repco Gateshead, 8 x gift vouchers - total value $500.00 from Supercheap Warners Bay, 5 x Bottles of Chardonnay $80.00 in value from Bill & Collene Kalb WE STILL NEED DONATIONS FOR OUR CHRISTMAS PARTY RAFFLE Mid Week Run: Left Macca's just after 9:00am with 8 cars, drove to Myuna Bay Park there we meet with Richard and Dennis. We had morning tea, cars going by tooting their horns. Then we made our way to Morisset to see the Kangaroo’s with little joeys. Left there and made our way to the lunch spot at Swansea, saw some Dolphins, and the funniest thong tree. GREAT COMPANY AND A PERFECT DAY. Editor: Thanked Collene and Doris for Father’s Day promotion night story. Thanked Max Pengilley for his story on the Auto Exibition that was at the Power House Museum. Registrar: 8 Permissions to move. 23rd November is NRVC Rego Day BBQ and Tea/coffee from 8.30am. You will need $50.00 for club membership, REGO and Insurance papers. Ring Ken if you have multiple vehicles. Club Captain: We all had a great day at the Broke Village Fair and The Dennis Paynting Run. Events for Oct are SPRING CRUIZ-IN, Catalina Festival Raithmines on Sat. Meeting on Tuesday 14/10/14 at 7.30pm for all volunteers involved in Spring Cruiz-In at Glendale and Hunter Valley Gardens. We will have about 30 stalls including a Fairy Floss stall. Barry and Glenn had final meeting with representative for HVG. We also have ads in: Coal Face Magazine, The Star, The Post, The Herald W/end and live interviews on 2NUR FM and the ABC Drive Time. Goodie bags all done, we have 30 prizes for raffle. Signed football to be given to Westpac Helicopter. November 15/16 is our weekend away to Quirindi. Meet at Hunter Valley Heavy Vehicle rest area Branxton. 7:00am (at the end of the Hunter Expressway) Saturday morning the 15th of November. 30th Anniversary 9th November PRESIDENTS RUN. General Business – Tuesday 7th October 2014 Monday of the long weekend some members went to the Shannon’s Mattara Hill Climb, put on by the MG Car Club. NRVC took out the the “Best Presented Club” trophy. Displaying our club banner was Bruce Dickson, Lyn & Rob Garrett & Bill & Collene Kalb. We were presented with a Silver Tray & 6 Wine glasses. Lyn & Rob Garrett’s Datsun won Best 4 Cylinder. Bill and Collene Kalb won best Australian Vehicle Trophy with their 1939 Oldsmobile. This is the 3rd year in a row that the club has won the “Best Presented Club” trophy. Bruce Dickson’s son came 10th in the Hill Climb. Phil Illfield went to the Van Show in Albury where he won 3 trophies for his NRMA Delivery Van. George spoke about The Dennis Paynting run. Marilyn thanked Quida Lockwood for doing the story for the Dennis Paynting run. Tuesday 14th October Volunteers meeting. DON’T BE AFRAID TO COME . Norm thanked Doreen Bailey for making the money pouches for Spring Cruiz-In. Meeting Closed: 9.15PM Meeting Minutes taken for October 7th 2014 Club Secretary – Marilyn Vella Club Executive Meeting - Tuesday October 21st 2014 Meeting opened: 7.30pm Apologies: Neville McFadyen Present: Ken Morris, Norm Wilson, Natalie & Glenn Towndrow, Doris Holmes, Barry Scarr, Marilyn Vella. President: SRING CRUIZ-IN was a great success; after a meeting with Hunter Valley Gardens has been organized, a letter will be sent out to them confirming the date for the 2015 Spring Cruiz-In. Secretary: Paid invoice will be sent to Mick Saide for the trophies for Spring Cruiz-In. Editor: CHRISTMAS party will be at Blackalls Park on 7th Dec. Forms for Children will be in this issue. Please go straight to the park for 10:00am 30th ANNIVERSARY PRESIDENTS RUN will be 9th November 2014, Leaving Edgeworth Macca’s at 9.00am. Morning Tea will be at Mt Sugarloaf bring your own. BBQ lunch provided. Treasurer: Spring Cruiz-In, 455 drivers paid the fee and handed in their registration form. $3600.00 to be donated to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Club Captain: Extremely happy with 2014 Spring Cruiz-In. Great Job!!! A few small improvements were noted, these will be added the “Spring Cruiz-In Guidelines” document ready for the 2015 Event. Thanked all volunteers for all their hard work. Meeting Closed: 9.40pm Meeting Minutes taken for October 21st 2014 Club Secretary – Marilyn Vella Please remember! You must comply with government rules - you cannot drive your car without permission from the Registrars, if your car is on Club Plates. The NRVC 30th Year Anniversary Trophies and Medallions are now available for purchase! Please see Brian Johnston, $10.00 a pair! Congratulations! Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club! On your 30th Year Anniversary! 1984 – 2014 Spring Cruiz-In Sunday, 19th October 2014 Ah it’s here, the day started with Glenn and myself going around the route putting signs up. We arrived at Stocklands (Glendale). Everyone was busy parking cars and giving information, maps and advice. It was great to see the Information Tent in full swing with everything displayed for people to look at. Thank you to everyone that helped at Glendale. We arrived at the HVG about 9.30am, it looked amazing. People had been there from 6.30am setting up, the big Xstrata gazebo was up and running with the girls very busy taking registrations and selling raffle tickets. Thanks girls you know who you are, fantastic work for making the day run smooth. The stalls, what can I say, they were all ready and looked incredible. Thank you to each and every one of you for giving up your time to support our club and this event along with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Our club displays were Phil Illfield with his great NRMA Road Service display, NRMA Road Service Car, NRMA Street Sign, Miss NRMA (mannequin) and she looked smashing in her NRMA uniform. Thanks Phil Ron & Lorraine Parlour with their wonderful display of toys and bikes from days gone by. Thanks guys Lynn Farmer and Steve Nicholls with their great display of Army memorabilia, Lynn’s 1944 Willys MR Jeep, her 1942 WLA Harley Bike, Tanker helmet worn on bike WWII, Parachute Helmet WWII, Bayonets & Ammo boxes, a book of old photos, etc. Thanks guys Thank you Eliza Towndrow & Rachael Ayerst for the hard work you both done all day in the face painting tent. Thanks girls, the children looked fantastic! Singleton Apex for the Fairy Floss! You guys were awesome! Anna the Balloon lady walked around and delighted the children all day with different shapes that she made from her balloons. Thank you Thank you to everyone that sold drinks perfect weather for drinks. very HOT! DJ Vinnie for the great music, as always! Thanks heaps! Thank you also goes to Cessnock Rotary for feeding the massive crowd on such a hot day you done a fantastic job, Thank you Cessnock Rescue Squad & St John Ambulance Service. Thank you also to the judges for selecting cars to receive trophies & certificates. We had a 30 prize raffle, congrats to everybody that won. Proudly Sponsored by LIQUI MOLY & MEGUIARS, Hunter Valley Gardens, Stockland Glendale, Shannons and Glencore. All proceeds from the day went to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service And a BIG thank you again to the beautiful Hunter Valley Gardens ! for preparing the event area. It was perfect BIG THANK YOU to all the following stalls: 1. NRVC (Event Coordination) 2. Rotary Club (Cessnock) 3. Rotary Club (Cessnock) 4. NRVC (Soft Drinks & Water) 5. NRVC (Soft Drinks & Water) 6. Caffe Mobilita (Coffee Van) 7. Tropical Sno (Sno Cones Van) 8. Colin Ward (Ice Creams/ Coffee Van) 9. Singleton Apex Club (Fairy Floss) 10. Shannon’s (Car Insurance) 11. DJ Vinnie (50’s – 60’s Music plus Announcements) 12. Autobarn (Car Accessories) 13. Irvine Auto (Auto Clothing) 14. East Coast Master Blaster 15. Balloon Sculptor 16. Face Painting (NRVC) 17. Honey & Soap 18. Hand painted Saws & Milk Urns 19. Elsie George Boutique (Vintage Clothing, etc) 20. VW Kombi (Blankets & Pillows) 21. Westpac Helicopter Merchandise 22. Historic Army Display (NRVC) 23. Historic NRMA Road Service Display (NRVC) 24. Historic Children’s Bike Display (NRVC) 25. St. John Ambulance 26. Cessnock Rescue Squad 27. Bunna Bunno Olive Grove 28. Hunter Trikes Thank you to all the companies that donated to the Raffle and the Goody Bags. Please see attached Sponsor Sheet Thank you to EVERYONE for your help in making 2014 Spring Cruiz-In a GREAT success! I hope you all had a good day! Wow! A massive display 455 plus vehicles! REPORTER: Natalie Towndrow PHOTOS: Natalie Towndrow & Lynn Farmer P Dennis Paynting Rally Sunday 28th September 2014 It was a picture perfect warm spring morning on Sunday 28 th September when 17 cars and their enthusiasts waited in anticipation at Mc Donald’s Edgeworth for our instructions from George and Marilyn, before heading off on the 2014 Dennis Paynting Observation run. With pens, coffee and clip boards poised we headed off for the first leg of the run. This trek took us through Edgeworth up via George Booth drive and towards Kurri. When we reached Kurri we noticed that many drivers were doing U-turns (including us) and having domestic disputes (including us), all to make sure that they had the answer to that all important question. When we reached our destination for morning tea at Chinaman’s Hollow, Fabio had only just made it to the road with his Aussie flag – which meant that some drivers had reached Cessnock, before they realised that they had gone too far. He was doing such a great job that he was getting toots from all sorts of cars and even got the siren going on a fire engine that passed. Morning tea was made up of delicious delights made by Marilyn, Natalie and Mary all of which I am told were very yummy. As we were now all revived from caffeine and cake we were ready to go on the second leg of the run. This part of the run saw us turning off just before the Neath Hotel and heading through Kearsley towards Freemans and turning off at Sandy Hollow Road. This leg of the run saw some stopping, jumping from their cars to count the wheels at the local shops, more arguments and more U-turn’s. We then reached our destination at Wollombi Tavern which was picturesque and fun with the Tavern sectioning off an area for us. As we each arrived to the awaiting Fabio with his flag, Rudy promptly asked if everyone was still on talking terms. The Tavern offered counter lunches, cold beers, a band playing in the rotunda and beer cartons so the kids could slide down the hill. It was a great way to enjoy the end of the run with a warm and sunny afternoon. Games were played on the grounds with a Glenn Towndrow winning the ball toss and Rudy and June Galea winning the joke off. There was a clean winner in the jokes: 2 men were fishing in the same area; one man was catching plenty of fish, the other was catching nothing. After some time the man catching nothing asked the other, ‘what are you using for bait?’ ; the man answered ‘liquorice’, Curiously the man asked ‘what sort of fish do you catch with liquorice?’ and he responded ‘all sorts’ As the results were then tallied the winning team was Rudy and June Galea, 2 nd was Don and Sandra Rumbel with 3rd going to Steve Nichols and Lyn Farmer. A very special thankyou goes out to Marilyn Vella, George Vella, Michael Paoletti and Daniel Paoletti for a fabulous day, so much time and effort went into this run and ensuring that everyone had a fabulous time. WELL DONE!! Also a huge thank you to the sponsor for the day Atlantic Oil who supplied our winners with Oil and Coolant prizes and who would again like to be a part of next year’s run. For us this was our first Dennis Paynting run and we can assure you all that that it won’t be the last, as we look forward to what Rudy and June have to offer next year!! Reporters: Quida, Michael and Seth Lockwood R November Glenn Towndrow, Alan Williams, George Holmes, Ron Parlour, Brian Jackson, Ros Walker, Bronwyn Fitzsimmons, Wes Coghlan, Bernie Connor, Tomas Lennard I hope you all have a great day! For Sale / Wanted FOR SALE: Pressure plate & clutch plate, good cond – suit slant 6 Valiant, $30.00 Petrol cap, brand new, still in packet – suit 62 - 70 Valiant, $10.00 Austin Healey Sprite Head complete with valves & rocker gear $380.00 Phone Sean: 4944 7055 FOR SALE: 83 Subaru Sherpa 600cc, 2cyl been rolled over, but complete. Sounds like a concrete agitator. The clutch slips like melted butter! OFFERS? Phone Adrian: 4966 1600 FOR SALE: 1979 Toyota Celica Liftback GT 2000 Auto, Conditional Rego 39123H, 81724kms, White/Blue, All original condition, full history known. $3,900.00 Phone: Allan Nadin 4943 5286 Yarramalong Maze Run, Thursday October 16th 2014 (Norah Head Lighthouse Run) We set of from Macca’s Edgeworth at about 9.10am heading towards our morning tea break at Cooranbong Park. On arrival we had 3 more old cars join our group. Instead of having morning tea at the lower end of the park we all walked over the bridge to a nice grassy opening surrounded by water with ducks swimming lazily upon the water. Some of us went up to see the old grave stones in the Cemetery not far from where we had morning tea. The unnoticeable cemetery no doubt held a lot of history as the oldest gravestone that we saw was 1871. It was so lovely to see our new members Gary and Ruth Newcombe come along and be part of our Mid-Week run. A warm welcome was extended to our 3 visitors who joined us on our run; they were Darcy Wilson, Terry Sand and Steve Harris. While everyone enjoyed their morning tea, I had to make a quick phone call to check if the Yarramalong Maze was open. When I organized this run it was open Thur to Sun but then I checked again it was only opened Fri to Sun, on phoning them the recorded message said it was opened Thur to Sun. This is why I had to ring to find out what was going on. IT WAS CLOSED. ALL GOOD, thank heavens we had a backup plan, so off we go to Norah Head Lighthouse. On arrival we parked our cars in the top car park and made our way to the small Lookout with spectacular views. After Natalie and I took some photos we all headed to the beautifully restored Lighthouse. Lots more photos taken we checked what the tour was all about. Most of us decided that it was too high with 90 plus stairs to walk up and a narrow staircase. This led us to not want to do this tour. (A few of us were either afraid of heights or didn’t like enclosed spaces). No place here to have lunch so we went to the nearby park opposite a fish and chip shop. All settled in at the park we set up for lunch, some went over to the fish and chip shop, some bought their own lunch. I could see a container of shredded chicken which looked soooo nice, lucky they got to eat some of the chicken as the rest of that lovely chicken somehow all ended up on the grass. (No names mentioned but I think the cat was about to get a very nice dinner). This was a wonderful day with great company and all under the beautiful blue sunny skies of Norah Head. Enjoying the Mid-Week run were: Natalie Towndrow, Ross Skillen, Barry Hughes, Gary & Ruth Newcombe, Fabio Paoletti, George & Marilyn Vella. Visitors were Darcy Wilson, Steve Harris & Terry Sand. 11 people…………….7 cars…………….. Mid Week Certificate was awarded to: Ross Skillen Thank you members and visitors for making this a memorable day. NEXT MID-WEEK RUN IS TO WILLIAMSTOWN FIGHTER WORLD THURSDAY 20TH NOVEMBER 2014 Reporter: Marilyn Vella Catalina Festival, Saturday 25th October 2014 NRVC left Toronto McDonalds at 7.30am and headed out to Rathmines on a beautiful sunny day. On arriving we parked our cars and set up our portable club house, we had a great spot. There were hundreds of vehicles on display an amazing display of ARMY Vehicles, model ARMY boats, (The Aces) singing old war time songs. A fantastic display of Aircraft, some of the things they were performing would make anybody sick. Twisting and turning flying through the air all before the Catalina made an appearance it was welcomed with a big cheer from the crowd. A large variety of market stalls. Snow Cones, Fairy Floss, Ice creams, Coffee etc... Glen Fotheringham won a trophy for his car (Best Ford) Bill & Collene Kalb won a trophy for Percy, (Best Entrance Choice award) Well Done & Congrats to you both. Our club certificates were awarded to Phil Illfield, Richard Laney, and a visitor. (See photos) It was a great day for NRVC. I hope everyone that attended enjoyed their day! Reporter: Natalie Towndrow Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc - Update of Members Details 2014-2015 Membership Directory Please update your details on this form and present it to the Committee when renewing your membership Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of Birth:………………...............…….Year optional Phone Number:……………..............….. Mobile.................................................................. Address:.................................................................................................................................. Email Address:............................................................................................................................................... Spouse/Partner:………………………..........................................……………………………… Date of Birth:…………………...............….Year optional Phone Number:……………..............….. Mobile................................................................... Address:.................................................................................................................................. Email Address:.......................................................................................................................... Each edition of the Good Oil will be emailed to the nominated address. Please advise Editor if you are not able to receive the Good Oil by email and request it be posted to my address. Signed:…………………………..............................................................…Date……………………………… Vehicle Condition Original = Or, Unrestored = Un, Restored = Re 1953 Make Model Body Rego No. Condition Humber Haw k Sedan Unreg Un Please take this page with you on Registration Day! Car Registration Day, for NRVC! 23rd November 2014 McFadyen’s Haulage Lot 101, Campbell St, Tomago Please bring along your Car Rego Papers, and Insurance Papers. Don’t Forget your Membership Fee Sausage’s on a roll, Hot Dogs, Cold Drinks, Tea & Coffee will be available. From 8:30am PRESIDENTS RUN November 9th 2014 Leaving Edgeworth McDonalds at 9:00am, Mt Sugarloaf for Morning Tea Please bring your own, Stockton Foreshore LUNCH, BBQ Provided All Welcome!!! NRVC CHRISTMAS PARTY! Sunday December 7th Blackalls Park Reserve Parents to bring a wrapped present for their child on the day with child’s name clearly marked on it, & hand it to Doris for Santa’s Sack. SANTA will be there, with Drinks & Lollies for the children. Could people notify Doris on how many children will be coming to the Christmas Party. Donations for the Christmas Hamper are now being taken and would be greatly appreciated! Please return this form to Doris on the NRVC Committee by Tuesday 4th November 2014. Please give details (including surname) for children 12 years and under who will be attending on the day. TEAR THIS SECTION OFF! Name (include surname) Name _____________________________ Age Girl/Boy Signed __________________________ ( Notice to all members of the Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc AGM to be held in conjunction with the January Meeting at Club Macquarie on Tuesday the 6th of January 2015 commencing at 7:30pm. All committee positions will become vacant. The Committee would ask members should they wish to nominate to use their nomination forms in Nov/Dec Good Oil (example below). For voting at the AGM please refer to following sections 32 & 33 of the NRVC Constitution 2010. NRVC - COMMITTEE POSITIONS PRESIDENT: Chairs committee meetings, and has the casting vote in case of a deadlock decision. Delegates jobs to committee persons, encourages members at events, and always acts with the best interests of the Club and its members. VICE PRESIDENT Assists the President, stands in when the President is absent. Assists other committee members with their duties as required SECRETARY: Takes the minutes, records all proceedings at committee meetings and general meetings. Deals with the incoming and outgoing correspondence, circulates information to the club members. Maintain the member’s records and directory. Also acts as the clubs Public Officer on behalf of the members. TREASURER: Handles the Club’s accounts receives the money, Deals with banking and investments. Is responsible for paying the accounts, Keeping records, and making sure that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the association including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the association. Ensures books are audited at the end of the financial year. Prepares a financial report for Fair Trading and provides an annual budget CLUB CAPTAIN: Organises the club events structure and the annual calendar. Keeps members up to date with the clubs activities. Arranges extra promotion for the Spring Cruiz-in etc. Promotes club activities and information into newspapers, radios or car magazines. Appoints two members to the Rally Committee and maintains the member’s point score. May assist the editor with advertisers for the club magazine. REGISTRAR Controls the Club’s Vintage Plate Registration Scheme Keeps abreast of information from CHMC in NSW. Ensures inquires and correspondence specifically relating to RMS rules and regulations are considered and answered. Attend National Meeting with CHMC. EDITOR: Organises the Good Oil magazine, receives articles written by others to edit and produces the magazine. Ensures the magazine is delivered to and from the printer and arranges posting or emailing to club members and other Car clubs on the mailing list. NEWCASTLE RESTORED VEHICLE CLUB Inc - NOMINATION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS FORM I (print name)_____________________________ (signature) _________________________________ Hereby nominate (print Name)_____________________________________________________ For the position of__________________________ in the NEWCASTLE RESTORED VEHICLE CLUB Inc print name)________________________ (signature) _______________________ Second the Nomination. I (print name)________________________ (signature) ____________________Accept the Position __/1/2015 APPENDIX 2 Rule 32(2) NEWCASTLE RESTORED VEHICLE CLUB INC. PO Box 217 NEW LAMBTON 2305 FORM OF APPOINTMENT OF PROXY Name:……………………………………………………...............................................................................Address:...................... .....................................................................................................................................being a member of…Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Hereby appoint:……………………………………………………………..…………………………………… Address:…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Being a member of the association, as my proxy to vote for me on behalf at the general meeting of the association (annual general meeting, as the case may be) to be held on the 6th January 2015 and at any adjournment of that meeting. My proxy is authorized to vote in favour of/against ( delete as appropriate) the resolution ( insect details) To be inserted if desired: - APPOINT/ ELECT……………………………………………… (Signature of member appointing proxy)………………………………………………………………Date:…………………………. Note: A proxy vote may not be given to a person who is not a member of the association 2014 Spring Cruiz-In Sponsors Edgeworth Auto Parts Irvine Auto DJ Vinnie 50’s 60’s Music Natalie Towndrow PHOTOGRAPHY Please support those who support us IF UNCLAIMED PLEASE RETURN TO: N.R.V.C. Inc. P.O. BOX 217. NEW LAMBTON 2305