How to Use the Vision Playbook: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! You are about to take an adventure with me into the exciting 2009 vision of New Light Church. I trust you are reading this because you are an established member of the church, a partner of the ministry, an inquisitive person, or a new member. Each year I get before the Lord to receive the marching orders for the ministry for the year. I attribute our amazing success in ministry to the strategic planning, sense of purpose and the sovereign favor that is on our lives. In keeping with scriptural process for the completion of kingdom mandates, this presentation is the vision written, waiting for those who read it to find their part in it so that co-laboring might take place. “…Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run with it that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” -Habakkuk 2:2-3 If you are an established member and partner of the ministry I trust that you will carefully read this presentation with a prayerful desire to get involved at some level to glorify God. New Light is a great church because of the commitment of ordinary people who make themselves available to do extra ordinary things for the kingdom of God. If you are a new member this presentation should give you a comprehensive overview of this year’s ministry objectives and goals. If you are reading this after the March Campaign you may decide to participate in the regular weekly vision giving as well as supporting the work of God with your tithes and offerings. Your basic responsibility as a Christian is to seek first the kingdom of God and to let your light shine so that men will see your good works! Ultimately it is our corporate good works that will bring glory to God. I believe that you were set into this local body for a divine purpose. I trust that you will read the vision and become an active participant through not only your giving, but your living and your serving. This brochure is an important tool that you should keep all year long to refer to the calendar of events and ongoing ministry development. 2009 is a year for efficient and effective change in ministry as we celebrate 25 years of faithfulness to our God given assignment. I look forward to your participation in this vision with your time, your talent and your treasure. Of course with your participation we will please God, we will have provisions for ministry, make a proclamation to the world and we will position ourselves for personal prosperity. “If they obey and serve him they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure.” -Job 36:11 2 CONTENTS 2010 Vision Builders Message The Year of the Maximized Member 4 6 THE REPORT CARD The 2009 Report Card 2010 Kingdom Project Status 7 8 THE 2010 VISION GOALS Capital Goals Spiritual Goals Community Goals Outreach Goals Financial Goals The Movement Maximizing Ministry Austin (Pastor Ed) Making the Maximized Commitment The Power Surge 10 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 the 2010 Calendar 2010 Conference Schedule New Light Church 2010 Calendar 23 24 MAXIMIZED MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Membership Services The L.I.F.E. Internship Center The Power of Twelve Dreamers ouRlife Youth Ministry Marriage Ministry The Seniors Ministry Business Management Wisdom School F.O.C.U.S. Single’s Ministry Ministers Alliance The F3 Experience The Gathering Enrichment Seminars Light Commerce Credit Union Frequently Asked Questions 28 19 30 31 32 33 33 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 3 2010 Vision Builders Message Bishop I.V. Hilliard economic difficult times I believe New Light passed the test. I am excited about what we can accomplish in the days to come as we involve new people in new areas of ministry who have been faithful and ready to join the ranks of those who provide leadership in our church. Involvement in the kingdom of God is described as a warfare which implies that we have an adversary and enemy who opposes our success. The major weapon of the devil is deception and discouragement which can pull you out of faith and their faithfulness. The study of war strategies shows that disrupting the supply line of the enemy and discouraging the opposing troops is a very effective battlefield plan. The bible teaches us not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices and we are not! We know that when the believer wavers in their commitment to their kingdom assignments there can be no promotion, advancement or rewards that effect quality of life. For the first time in along time the media is in full agreement with each other that the recession is over and the recovery has begun. Although we have always believed the report of the Lord it is good sign in the natural to see the economic upswing which follows the prophetic word to expect things to get better. The prophetic word for the New Year for the faithful is that they will experience a reversal of negative situations of 2009 with amazing breakthroughs in the coming days of 2010. This special prophetic word is a qualified word for the faithful and not a general word for the body of Christ. I believe that your faithfulness to this vision in the past and your present commitment positions you for breakthrough manifestations in the days to come. Your staying focused and committed to helping Lady Bridget advance the kingdom of God through the kingdom agenda the Lord has given us is critical. Faithfulness is defined in the letter to the Corinthian church and the vision approach that we have used in the past we continue to ascribe to because it is what God expects of us in good times and in bad times. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 The Fresh Fire Prophetic word that God gave me was to address the deceptive attack on previously committed members to cause them to feel unappreciated, unfulfilled, dissatisfied and a need to leave the church. This satanic attack is real, must be addressed from the pulpits and the pews of progressive churches like ours if this spiritual undercurrent is to be arrested. Deception is a mistaken conviction on misinformation which makes it so difficult to recover from. I have always taught believers to hold their course and not to be led by feelings of dissatisfaction but to address these unwarranted feelings with a more deliberate faith action of faithfulness. This coupled with a more deliberate fellowship with Holy Spirit will yield the spiritual stamina to stay in your set place. I trust that you will join me and Lady Bridget in prayer for every member who has made a kingdom commitment at New Light for this year to be a year of more deliberate faithfulness! It takes an amazing strength of character to maintain an abounding ministry mentality but when we look at what was accomplished last year and in the previous years of I am so very proud of how the membership and all the staff have embraced the revitalization plan and I am happy to report that our plan is working. I have been in faith for a 4 plan to restore our staff to the full strength of a five day work week in all areas by the end of the first quarter. I sincerely believe that this is possible as we maximize ministry opportunities and resources. Our March giving will set the stage for this financial recovery and keeps us on the special giving schedule that our members have committed to for the past 15 years of the covenant partner vision giving. Over this time of our revitalization we have purposefully reevaluate several areas of ministry to get the wisdom of God on the future strategies of these efforts. At the same time, I am sensitive to the present direction and new ministry efforts God would have us lead our church into that we have not done before. spiritual development roles this year. Every member will be given the new Maximized Member Lapel Pin during the campaign and will be asked to proudly wear their lapel pin especially on the Third Sunday and when they work in the various areas on ministry. New this year will be our Week Of Corporate Prayer & Fasting which will take place February 22nd through 26th , the members will be asked to commit to a fasting plan at one of several levels. The fasting plans will be explained in worship and in the February Heart to Heart magazine. We are promised in the word of God that breakthrough occurs as we fast and pray. I trust that you will join in and become a part of this time of corporate prayer and fasting, together we can make a difference! Our 2010 vision theme is in keeping with the prophetic word for the faithful which establishes both an expectation for our ministry, for you and every member. After a time of prayer we have settled on the theme of Maximized Faithfulness For Breakthrough Manifestation. We believe that this theme will keep us focused all year long on this breakthrough promise from the Lord as we, the faithful, use our faith! As Jesus taught in the gospel of John, the Father will reward our kingdom growth and discipleship efforts. Your enlistment and encouragement of other members in our church family to get involved in church ministries will help in building our army of faithful committed partners. I want you to begin to see yourself as more than a member but see yourself as partner, a covenant partner! Your partnership with us in the great ministry positions you for an exceptional impartation of manifested favor for your dreams and desires to be met. Paul’s letter to the saints in Philippi documents this promise as he encourages them in their goals being confident of their success because of the grace (favor) they have become partakers of through his ministry. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another. John 15:16-17 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship (partnership) in the gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace. Philippians 1:3-7 It is obvious that our membership is working to bring others into the kingdom of God because our growth has not suffered even though we streamlined our local television outreach. The present generation must be reached with the most relevant and advanced methods which is a wakeup call for our creativity and innovations. This year’s vision goals will introduce new methods to minister to the lost, the hurting and to disciple the saved. Our message and mission of being a teaching center will not change but our methods are constantly changing to maximize every opportunity. We will partner with other community caring efforts to be a resource partner to further our heartfelt causes. Throughout the year we will have special times of ministry to help you stay in faith in the pursuit of your visions and goals. I am planning workshops, seminars, retreats and “webinars” to help you acquire the knowledge that you need for success in life! I am excited about what this year holds for you as you allow your church ministry to assist you maximizing your faith journey! I sincerely believe that the best is yet to come! Step by step as you stay focused, stay in faithful, stay in faith and stay connected you will experience personal breakthrough moments in the coming days. Several years ago we introduce the “Five Star Member” status which every member can qualify when they simply covenant to do their best to live for God. This year we are raising the standard by introducing the Maximized Member Covenant where members will pledge to do their best to reach specific personal and 5 Year of the maximized Member Lady Bridget MA IMIZED MEMBER I believe that every member can make a Maximize Member Commitment this year to demonstrate a level of unparalleled faithfulness. It is so wonderful to be a part of a dynamic church ministry that is making impact in the lives of people where it really matters. New Light you are truly the church like no other. The Bible teaches that we should not be weary in well doing, but that we should be always abounding in the work of the Lord. In life, it is what we do sacrificially that really defines who we are. The sevenfold commitment is exciting and really defines the New Light spirit that honors God, respects the Holy Spirit, follows leadership and loves people. I know that you will join our entire membership in making this sevenfold commitment: Each year, in the first few months of the year, we focus on explaining the church vision goals for the year and corporately releasing our faith for the financial resources to fund the vision. Our Impact Giving goal this year is a little more than last year. It’s a little over $1.2 million and by faith we call it done. 1. Maximized Members Do Their Best To Attend Sunday Services 2. Maximized Members Do Their Best To Bring One Visitor Each Month 3. Maximized Members Do Their Best In Tithing and Offerings I get the opportunity to assist in the planning of the vision objectives and this year I am most excited about the Maximized Member Covenant which is the next step above the Five Star Member Program of the past. After reading the Maximized Life Journey several times and hearing Bishop teach the maximized message, I thought about how powerful this maximizing concept has been in shaping our lives and ministry. 4. Maximized Members Do Their Best To Attend Seminars/ Conferences 5. Maximized Members Do Their Best To Pray For The Needs of Others 6. Maximized Members Do Their Best To Volunteer & Serve as Needed 7. Maximized Members Do Their Best To Encourage Others in Faith Maximizing is about using your faith to overcome adversity to please God and experience abundant life. Because of the members who decided to maximize their lives and participate in in various aspects of the ministry, our church continues to make impact and change lives. I know that you will agree with me that there is much Kingdom work yet to be done and so many more lives to touch. We have designed a very special Maximize Member Lapel Pin that we want all members to wear throughout this year Vision Campaign. When you wear your pin it will make a statement of our corporate agreement and faithfulness for a successful year. Sunday, February 21st is Maximized Member Day at the Light and we will receive our 2010 Maximized Membership Pins. Bishop and I look forward to all that God has in store for us this year as we prepare for our Breakthrough Manifestations! 6 2009 the report card “This far by Faith.. ” 7 2009 Report Card Our report card for this year is exceptional. Not so much for what all has been accomplished , but for the projects that we did not cancel. Instead, we continued to work on them even while the economy continued to decline. We remained true to our calling, never let up and can see that our faithfulness to the vision caused us to experience impressive success in many areas. Praise the Lord! In 2010 we will maximize our faithfulness to the vision so that we can experience the promised breakthrough manifestations! a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a 8 a a the 2010 vision goals 9 Goals 2010 capital project South Location Renovations (Second Quarter) The delays on the South Location project have been extremely frustrating however we are now in a position to move forward. Recently, we have secured completed plans for the proposed renovations, however we have decided to modify to plans to reflect much of the floor plan of the “Lightening Mall” at the North Campus. Our goal is to have the remodeling completed by the end of the second quarter! Beaumont Worship Center (First Quarter) Construction is well underway on the Beaumont Worship Center project! The staff has given me an aggressive plan to focus our strength on completing the facility by Easter Sunday 2010. We are scheduling a dedication weekend to celebrate this momentous occasion in full New Light fashion. Completing this project is top priority for us in first quarter 2010. L.O.V.E. City Activity Building (On Hold) We have made progress in the planning stages of the East Campus L.O.V.E. City Complex. Cconservative lending policies of local banks have delayed this project. Yet we are not deterred and will complete this awesome venture! As we have been taught delay is not defeat and we have been here before when a bank backed away from a project. We will do now what we did then, and this is keep moving and if it takes a brick a day and God gives us enough bricks and enough days we will finish to the glory of God. This year I have witness to release faith for God to raise up the resources to help with this project and as we stand in faith we will see it completed in a timely manner! This state of the art multi-million dollar complex will be built at the East Campus and will have dormitory facilities to accommodate 500 camp residents, with auditorium, recreational facilities, cafeteria, classrooms and conference center. The L.O.V.E. City USA Conference Center and Camp Grounds will be constructed to serve as an Emergency Shelter in times of need. North/South Location Parking Lot Resurfacing (Third Quarter ) The continuous maintenance of both the South and the North Location parking lot will continue in 2010. The resurfacing of the parking lot will help maintain the excellence in appearance of the facilities. 10 Kingdom Colony Estates SubdivisionInfrastructure Planning Only We will continue the development phase of this project which involves two sections of what we have called the Kingdom Colony Estates Subdivision. On the 163 acres tract in North Houston will have two estates, The Canaan Estates and The Kingdom Estates. The deed restrictions will be written to preserve the investment and code of ethics of the kingdom of God. Our goal this year is to contract the Civil Engineering Consultants to prepare the development drawings for the 163 acre tract in North Houston for streets, water, sewage and drainage that will meet state and county standards. We choose to believe that every delay is in our favor and when the time is right all things will fall into place. When the housing market turns and it will our subdivision development will be positioned to take full advantage of the economic turn of events. Corporate Office Face Lift (Third Quarter) The four buildings that make up the Corporate Office Complex will receive a much needed face lift that will bring excellence to its appearance. The cost of this is estimated at $140,000. The wood facing will be replaced with decorative stone like surface that is similar to the SuperStructure and Faith Village. The grounds will be receive upgraded landscaping and other accents to improve to give this sprawling facility a more contemporary look and feel. The Maximized Life Retreat Center (Fourth Quarter) The former Life Change Institute facility will be upgraded into a weekend retreat facility for specialized support ministry. The upgrades are necessary to provide for the more upscale cliental that will make use of the facility. The specialized ministry will be outlined in the spiritual goal section of this campaign. The Maximized Life Studios Remodeling (Second Quarter) This area is located in the SuperStructure and will require set design and build out. With the addition of adequate lighting the studio will be a place of excellence for the taping of internet shows, television monologues, video Eblasts and various video projects. The live Cyberchurch Host will use this set for their times of ministry. Special Hospitality Reception Remodeling (Second Quarter) This area is located in the SuperStructure and will host the weekly guest receptions after service. This are can also serve as a meeting place for small groups. 11 2010 SPIRITUAL Goals Maximized Members Covenants The major thrust of the 2010 Vision Campaign is the spiritual development of the members. With this new decade before us our church membership remaining relevant and actively pursuing the will of God is a priority. The Maximized Member status is a membership commitment designate that is a preferred partnership commitment that Bishop and Lady Bridget desire for all members. The Maximized Member Covenant is entered into by the members willingly reaffirming their 2010 commitment to do their very best to advance the kingdom of God through the ministry efforts of New Light Church. EVERY MEMBER CAN BE A MAXIMIZED MEMBER! Maximized Life Retreats Although the full implementation of the Maximized Life Retreats may not occur until 2011 the planning and development of this ministry must start this year. We will assemble the curriculum staff to develop the various specialized ministry retreats syllabus based on the ministry principles established by our ministry. We expect to open the doors for the renovated Maximized Life Retreat Center in 2011. Maximized Life Retreats addressing these areas will be planned: *Divorce Recovery Retreat *Depression Recover Retreat *Grief Recovery Retreat *Anger Management Retreat *The Faith Experience Retreat *The Deeper Life Retreat *The Single’s Maximized Life Retreat *Addiction Recovery Retreat Enrichment Seminars Our ministry was established for the purpose of building people of faith. The foundational teaching received in the seminars the Bishop taught in the early days of the ministry established believers in faith and exhorted them in righteousness. 2010 will see a return to schedule Enrichment Seminars taught by the Bishop himself in Houston and by on-site Pastors in their assigned locations. These two day meeting in the revolutionary seminar format are designed for maximum effectiveness in studying the word of God and will be used for evangelism. HVBI Vocational Bible School We have adopted a more aggressive approach to a wide range of vocational and biblical studies training. The HVBI vision is being accomplished through a departmental organization to accomplish a specific training objectives. The institution will use the traditional time tested teaching in some aspects coupled with the innovative “fast track” learning modules called “Success Technical Institutes”. Several institutes have been scheduled for 2010 and the MDI component will continue. Vision Funding & Stewardship Institute January 26th - 29th Construction Management Institute March 2nd - 5th Pastoral Executive Skills Institute May 11th - 21st Pastors In Training/EvangelismAugust 24th - 27th Millionaire’s Boot Camp December 2nd - 3rd City Wide Mid-Week Service In 2010 we instituted the every location Mid Week service which accomplished a more efficient and effective use of our facilities. We will continue to build on this and promote the growth of Impact Night. It is a time for extreme outreach and fellowship. 12 B.M.W. (Business Management Wisdom) School This volunteer ministry will focus on developing a forum for entrepreneurial training and business development. This will be accomplished with business seminars, breakfast, webinars and the like. We are assembling the leadership team to implement this vision in second quarter of 2010. Power of Twelve Vision - Next Level The major thrust of this year will be continuous promotion, training and implementation of our new church culture built around bible study and small group meetings called Circles of Light. Each Circle of Light will be made up of twelve people who are bound together for personal nurturing and kingdom vision advancement. We will assist the new leaders in building their groups. The ongoing training and motivation of leadership in the P12 Church Groups is essential. Goal is to have 600 functional groups by the end of the 2010 and at least 200 group participating each month in fulfilling the evangelism objective. Further, the first Sunday in each month will be designated as Power of Twelve Emphasis Sunday where creative promotions will be planned to create interest and recruit members into this ministry. The Gathering - Third Sunday Night (FRESH FIRE NIGHT) The monthly prayer service was replaced by a monthly Sunday Evening Worship Service hosted at the North Location. Our goal is to have thousands attend once a month in the place to demonstrate our unity as one church family. We have adjusted our schedule so that we will be in attendance at the majority of these explosive times of prayer and exhortation. Dr. Bridget has established a goal at least 3,000 believers gathering to experience this time of corporate unity and focus on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. KOF Prayer and Faith Building Mail Ministry The Keepers of the Flame ministry continues to increase in 2010 and will be renamed Maximized Prayer Life and Maximized Faith Building Mail Ministry. The prayer/mail ministry is an avenue to establish a connection with a partnership base of believers throughout the world. We must put more effort in recruit 300 volunteer prayer ministers who will embrace this ministry to pray for our church without walls ministry. Minister Laura Mitchell has been selected as Prayer Coordinator to oversee and manage the on site prayer ministry. We must organize prayer request analyst ministry, intercessors to assist Eddie Feist in the management of this international ministry. The full “rebranding” of the Keepers of the Flame Partnership Plan and the Changing Lives Through Faith Television will take place in the first quarter of 2010. L.I.F.E. Internship Ministry This volunteer ministry is essential for the success of our ever increasing ministry and must be emphasized and expanded. The Volunteer Center took on a new name, a new look and a new meaning. A more innovated way to involve members in assisting with Ministry Projects and assignments. Now called Life Internship Center and dedicated to positioning every member to effectively sow seeds of time the Life Internship Center benefits our church members through three levels. Level one is General Volunteering, level two is Specialist Volunteering and level three of Advanced Volunteering. The recruitment and mobilization of volunteers in all locations is a priority in 2010. Our goal is to have XX,XXX hours of volunteer work in this year. Maximized Moments Ministry The bible teaches that we overcome by the word of our testimonies and this is the basis for the Maximized Moments Ministry which will highlight outstanding testimonies from members and partners. These testimonies will be either by letters, verbal testimonies and video reports. This will be our opportunity to tell the story of the goodness of God and the keep the victorious atmosphere of expectancy in the church. 13 Goals 2010 COMMUNITY The F3 Experience The F3 Experience ministry at the select locations is an outreach to the community to share in a weekend of food, fun and fellowship. The recreation facilities were constructed to provide a safe environment for believers and the community to come together for times of fellowship. The development of a comprehensive F3 program that includes activities for all ages is the goal of the F3 staff and their volunteers. Voter’s Registration Drive The political involvement of our church will take on the form of being a voice to motivate our membership to become educated voters. In all locations we will work with the various agencies to set up voter registration sites before elections and work to get people to the poles to vote. We cannot and will not as a church endorse a candidate but will provide unbias educational material to the voting public. Congresswoman Lee December Toy Drive New Light experienced great success in its partnership with Congresswoman Lee last December in her annual community toy give away to the less fortunate. We have committed to be apart of the 2010 Christmas Toy Drive next December by providing volunteer staff and toys to meet the ever growing needs in the community. This project functions under the Share The Light umbrella. Employment Counseling Center More than ever before this ministry is needed to assist our members and the community in developing the job search skill set necessary for a successful job search. Our plan is to focus on assisting every member in being gainfully employed through ministry on workplace interviewing and excellence in the workplace. There will be a free Job Interviewing Seminar sponsored by Light Commerce Credit Union that addresses these skills and ongoing training throughout the year. Training interview skills, resume’ writing skills and skill improvement strategies will also be apart of this needed ministry. The goal of the center will be to help members, partners use the available employment avenues and government services to their advantage. 2010 outreach Goals A.I.M. Outreach Partnership New Light Church’s partnership with AIM is ongoing and very critical to the success of A.I.M. and its mission to provide wisdom and resources for the development of excellent church ministries. Maximized Life Journey Ministry With the completion of the Maximized Life Journey book the vision of believers learning principles for overcoming life’s difficulties can be achieved. 2010 will see the broad scale promotion of the Maximized Life Journey book in Christian Bookstores, via television infomercials, the Internet and church small group ministries. Hispanic Outreach Ministry The Holy Spirit has impressed us to reach out to the greatest minority group in the city, which is the Hispanic group. Our outreach will include but not 14 be limited to services with Spanish translation and we are seeking a Hispanic staff Pastor to conduct a Hispanic Ministry. Initial requirements include volunteer staff and relevant audio equipment. from our God assigned vision. Lady Bridget or Bishop will continue to make visits to minister on-site and occasionally through the improved satellite network. Health & Wellness Campaigns God has promised us long life and it is His will that we be in health. We will launch Health & Wellness emphasis events throughout the year that will focus on health education, evaluation and enrichment. For this effort, we are in search of a volunteer coordinator and planning team who have health community background. FIRST LAD Y BR IDG ET H Bisho NEW FROM pr Beaumont Location Mega Ministry Development Pastor Reed will continue to conge cot pyoyur duct ministry focused events that GET YOU R COPY are unique to the Beaumont locaAVA ILAB L NO tion and coordiWE nate the church wide event participation. As a result, ministry growth will take place as ministry in the local church expands. Through partnership with and mentoring of from the central church, the extension church progression to mega church status can be strategically planned. This is in no way a disconnection from the central church, which would be a drastic departure from our God assigned vision. Lady Bridget or Bishop will continue to make visits to minister on-site and occasionally through the improved satellite network. Cyber Church IntERNATIONAL Ministry The CyberChurch Vision takes the evangelism assignment and the personal touch of this potentially sterile ministry to new levels. Using more interactive tools will cause a greater connection with casual and unchruched viewers to the ministry, as well as provide another link of enrichment to the Maximized Life Ministry. What makes CyberChurch different from other streaming programs will be the return to the personal element of a CyberChurch host during the broadcast, interactive downloads of information, opportunities of personal prayer and CyberChurch membership, along with special discount product offers each week. Extreme Evangelism Exploits The development and implementation of a church wide comprehensive believer’s training outreach program that trains members in the specifics of the power of one evangelism outreach. The program encompasses the organizing of membership teams to conduct track ministry, door knob brochure ministry and special day evangelism efforts that reach out to the community. Our goal is to have 80 families connect with our church each month to reach our goal of 1000 new member families by the end of 2010 calendar year and 3,000 souls won to Christ in 2010. West Houston “THE MOVEMENT” Worship Experience The planting of the West Houston Church in 2009 was a major step in our quest to evangelize the city of Houston. The church is now open, with two vibrant services on Sunday. There will be a radical transformation of the Noon Worship Experience into what will be known and promoted as “THE MOVEMENT”! Styled for and promoted to the younger generation, “THE MOVEMENT” should take on a life of its own and will be supported by its own local television ministry. Save The Children Campaign This outreach campaign is tailored to reach children to build the attendance in the children’s ministry. We have a children’s ministry that is second to none and probably one of the best kept secrets of the ministry. Our goals are to expose the secret and double the Sunday attendance in all locations. With 1000 families commited to help reach more children for Christ, by inviting the children of your friends, neighbors and relatives to experience the Dreamers’ ministry, this is possible. Rebranding The Outreach Ministry The Changing Lives Through Faith Television Program will become Maximized Living with I. V. Hilliard. The partner base will be renamed Maximized Living Partners and a new logo will be designed and will become the vision icon for the rebranding. Detailed plans are being developed for this ministry rebranding. Austin Location Mega Church Development Pastor Reynolds will continue to conduct ministry focused events that are unique to the Austin location and coordinate the church wide event participation. As a result, ministry growth will take place as ministry in the local church expands. Through partnership with and mentoring of from the central church, the extension church progression to mega church status can be strategically planned. This is in no way a disconnection from the central church, which would be a drastic departure Haiti Relief Partnerships The Haiti Relief will be an ongoing project throughout the year. We will get involved with relief efforts with World Vision and with individual churches who have mission works in Haiti. We will keep the church abreast of the work being done through our partnerships. 15 I I.Vp. HIIL.V L newesbents ook 2010 FINANCIAL Goals Focused Tithing Campaign Tithes & Offerings are the scriptural foundation for vision funding and kingdom advancement. New Light Church has always adopted this biblical approach to funding the vision and church ministries. Although our membership’s percentage of givers is higher than most we must continue to release our faith for a 100% tithing church. This will be accomplished through the continued systematic teaching of the giving principles throughout the year. November - Thanksgiving Gold Offering In 2009 our church embraced a creative kingdom offering of gold which was both revolutionary and refreshing. This offering gave the members an opportunity to give a nonmonetary offering of value. Our collective agreement and participation positioned us to receive top dollar for our offering. Giving an offering of gold is scriptural and is being incorporated into our annual giving plan in November. The Surge Weekly Vision Builder’s Offering The real heart beat of the funding for the vision occurs with the weekly giving toward the vision through the Special Vision Builder’s Envelope. We are calling the offering the surge because it will take on a new offering methodology this year than in previous years. Surge is a military term made famous in its use by the military leaders against the Iraqi Insurgents. The strategy was a concept of overwhelming the ministry with visible participation. Beginning in April of 2010 our Weekly Vision Builder’s Offering will be given with an offering surge as our members bring their offerings to the altar at week public giving that will be visible show of our strength and commitment. Members will be ask to make a Surge Commitment at the time the regular Impact FirstFruit commitment is made. We are asking members to release their faith to give at one of the following levels each week: 300 Members $30.00 weekly pledge 1000 Members (not families) $20.00 weekly pledge 1000 Members $10.00 weekly pledge March First Fruit Impact Offering The March Sensational Sunday goal is a $1.2 Million Breakthrough Manifestation Offering. This giving will be done by the believers who have committed themselves to give a special first fruit offering that glorifies God as an investment in the kingdom projects for this year’s campaign. 16 Maximized Giving Strategy For Members Level 1 - 2 Members giving $20,000 + Level 2 - 5 Members giving $15,000 + Level 3 - 10 Members giving $10,000 + Level 4 - 20 Members giving $5,000 + Level 5 - 200 Members giving $2,000 + Level 6 - 200 Members giving $1,500 + Level 7 - 1000 Members giving 1,000 Level 8 - Best Breakthrough Seed Faith Offering Stellar Sunday Offering October Impact Giving - $1.250 Million Light Commerce Credit Union Growth We are succeeding in the establishment of a vital financial institution of integrity built by us and for us to the glory of God. The lending strength of the Credit Union is good and we have added other competitive banking services with more planned in the future. Our goal is to increase our Credit Union deposit by $500,000 dollars this year and encourage every member to have a savings account with the church credit union. We will continue to encourage every child to establish a savings account before year’s end. The Credit Union and HVBI will partner to develop financial training institutes to help our members develop practical financial literacy needed for success in life! 17 the movement Pastor Irishea Lewis New Light Church West On-Site Pastor lut la feugait utat adigna adigna commodiat. Pero etuerostrud tat laoreet, quipsus cidunt eu facing eum ad eum non ullut veros euguer ad tie eugait dolessi. Nonullan ute diam verit vel ilit estrud diam, si tat alismol oboreet vendre ero od tat, susto dolorperil ullum dolore magna feuipsustrud tat. Cortin vel iriure tin henit luptat, conse minim dit alit laore dolendre faccums andrem alit veliqui erat. Riuscidunt velent autet, si. Erci ea ad te del dolor inim velisl eraessequis nullamconsed del inissit incilla faciliquisse magna commod tie duisl dolore feu facil dolendiat, velisci liquis at. Sequis ad euguer in ut inissenim at prat. Dolobor in ea am in enibh etum venit, sit, suscill aorperi ustincidunt ut wis ad tet at. Ut esting esequis enim accum aliquipis ad dolorpe rcipis nis amconullaor aliqui blandreet pratummodo dolent dunt adionsequate vendit nis nullam, quam nonsed mod magnibh endreetue feum dolessit augait lut alit, qui eugait prat laore volortie magna consenibh eugait essecte tat. Giamconse magna ad tat alisi bla conulputatet ing et wissendit num iriuscilla consequam am vel diam, conullaorper irilis dipit at lam, vel ing ea con ullamco nsequip suscidunt laor ipis ex eriusto dolore eros doluptat acinim dolore dolese magna feugiam in enim nonulputpat. Ut incil ut lam dolor sumsandreet praesequat er aliquatue vullaore dolestrud ex elisit, commodigna ad enim ipit nos eugiam zzriusci te dolutpat, sim iuscil exeril ut veraesequisi blaor sed exer iriusto conullan vullum dolor iusto dolor incin eugait amconum vel et, sisciliquat doloborero odo conulla adit dipit wissent wis adit verci tinim zzrit lor iusci tet, secte dipsustrud min hendigna at lan henim zzriure rciduisim ero od estionullam deliqui bla acil erat niam do commy nisl It am duip ea con ut ut deliscilit iure velesed magnismolor iusto conse tem dolum ipisit iureetum velit lummy nulla feuisim ad te min esto od tat utat. Tisisse elit lortisl ilis autpat niation sequat pratinci ea faccumsan ulputat nullan utatiniscin henit dolor sendip essi. Ibh eriusti scinis accumsandit wisi tissim aliquam etumsan vel eu faccum quat nit at, quipit praeseq uamconsenim zzriuscil exer iliquisl utem nim ipismod te delit dolorper atue do dipis nullum ipis autatisl dolorper inisi. Am, velis nulputem vel dipsusci bla feui te molortie commy nibh esting et dolor iriure tat vulputat, conum zzriure dolummodolor illam iure velis do deliqui blaore del exeraessit eugait, quatummy nonse consectetue dolobor sit, consequisl ulla consenissis aliquis nis augiam dunt lortie commodio eugait vel el ut luptat. Duipsusto ero et, consecte dit adipit utpat lorercillam, quamet ing el dolorem zzrit amcor irit ullum ipit et, volesto exer se tat iurem vero dolobore magna facin henisis adit acilit volorperit wisit prat, sum nos del et dolor accum vo- 18 maximizing ministry Pastor Sheldon Reed New Light Church Austin On-Site Pastor I am very excited, as the Extension Church Pastor of the Golden Triangle Location, to have the opportunity to promote the vision that God has given to my Pastor and Bishop. After serving at New Light in a volunteer and full time staff position, I’m just as excited about the vision now as I was 17 years ago! This year certainly embraces the spirit of change in every aspect of the word. In the Golden Triangle, we are most excited about the great potential we have this year to do our part to advance the Kingdom of God and the vision of New Light Church. We ended 2009 strategizing for the New Year. Bishop and I spoke extensively concerning the Golden Triangle hosting various faith building conferences and programs that would allow the location to reach out to the community and serve the membership more effectively. It is our desire to see the Mega Church potential our location possesses released and the manifestation of a Mega Church within three years. Though we will utilize the unique qualities of our location to express the vision of New Light our diversity is in no wise a separation from our central church. We will always be One Church in Multiple Locations. This year we also have several exciting events planned and goals to reach, including: Enrichment Seminars Concerts The Gathering on Sunday Nights Tuesday Night Impact Services F3 Weekend Experiences and much more! I would like to encourage our New Light Church family in Houston and Austin to assist us in getting the word out to family and friends in our area that there is a Light in the City of Beaumont! A place of love and the faith of God where lives are changed for the better because of the Glory of God! We’re delighted to be a part of the New Light Family and we stand in agreement with each other, our Bishop and First Lady for a Year Like No Other for the Church Like No Other! We know that our Maximized Faithfulness will cause us to experience Breakthrough Manifestations in 2010! The construction of the New Worship facility has infused our congregation with great anticipation for the future. The facility will have a contemporary presentation and state of the art equipment which will allow us to provide excellence in ministry, New Light style! Pastor Reed 19 the movement Pastor Ed Reynolds New Light Church Austin On-Site Pastor our Enrichment Seminars, Concerts, The Gathering on Sunday Nights, Tuesday Night Impact Services, F3 Weekend Experiences and so much more. Our focus on ministry growth will help us achieve the three year vision that I believe will take us to Mega Church status. Wow! This is exciting! As we know, however, excitement alone cannot get us there. We all must do our part to commit our time, talent and treasure more than we have ever before. Sacrifices and changes are necessary and we must have a sense of urgency if we are going to make impact in Central Texas. New Light Austin, get ready because 2010 will be our greatest year yet! I’m so excited about the new direction that the location is headed this year. Let me first thank Bishop and Lady Bridget for their leadership and their commitment to the mandate that God has given them and their trust in me and Sis. Vicky. We will continue to operate with the utmost integrity as we lead what I know is the greatest church in Central Texas. New Light Austin, you have proven in the last ten years that your faithfulness and your commitment to this ministry are steadfast. We must not get distracted. We must stay the course, Maximize Our Faithfulness and be ever mindful that we are locked into one vision from our Bishop. Most of all, we must depend on the Glory of God. When we do, it will help us in every area and every assignment. As a result, God will be glorified and we will experience Breakthrough Manifestations. Thank You New Light! Sis. Vicky and I love you and we’ll see you at the top. As you all know, this year Bishop and Lady Bridget have decided that it is time for me to take more control of the Austin Location. Be clear that this does not mean we are separating from our central church; we are still One Church, in multiple locations. It is through partenering with our central location that we will strategically progress to mega church status. I’m excited and many of you have expressed your excitement as well about all the great things that we have planned this year, like Love, Pastor Ed 20 making the MAcommitment IMIZED MEMBER Determine to willingly live up to your responsibility as a Christian to provide for future generations to get the Gospel. Ask yourself three questions about the weekly pledge that you have in your heart to make: The opportunity to give and to sow into good ground should never be taken lightly. Each year when it comes to giving our sacrificial First Fruit Offering we approach it prayerfully because we understand what sacrificial giving can do to cause spiritual breakthroughs in our life. We are blessed and able to give significant offerings because we started with obedience to give sacrificially into the work of God years ago. I credit so much in my life and ministry to God honoring our obedience and faithfulness in giving over the years. We have learned that consistent obedience is the key to God choosing to trust you with more. - Does this amount express my appreciation to God for what He’s done? - Does this pledge and gift really respond to the Kingdom’s needs, or is this a token gift to just say you participated? - Is this gift a product of your faith? Before you make your pledge, I am asking every member to set aside a day of prayer and fasting. I would like every member to fast at least one meal and use this time of prayer to hear from God concerning your giving. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? -Luke 16:10-11 You have learned how to stretch your faith to get the things you want. Now, are you willing to use your faith to provide for the Kingdom of God? Your faithfulness becomes the gateway to the fulfillment of your dreams. I trust that you will join Lady Bridget and me as we commit to maximize our faithfulness so that we can experience breakthrough manifestations! I am persuaded that there comes a time in life that you must decide to trust God and His principles. The return is not always immediate manifestation, but the return is always certain. As we depend on God and His ability, rather than our own, we will see His unwavering faithfulness to us and He will be glorified. We are in agreement with you that your obedience this year demonstrates faithfulness to God and that you can be trusted to handle more and more of kingdom assets. Remember... **It’s Not Equal Gifts, but Equal Sacrifice!*** the E “the Co xception al Com mmitm en m t to Alwa ____ ys Abou itment 2 00 nd in th nAme ________ e Work 9 C Ard ____ of the ____ lord” ____ ____ ____ ____ emAil ________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ __ __ __ phone ____ ____ # ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Addres ________ ____ s ____ memBer____ ____ ____ # ____ ____ ____ Cit Y ________ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ __ _Visito stAte ______ r ____ ____ ____ Zip _mem Ber seed pl _____pArtner please Check edge the Ap $1,000 propria te Box $1,500 $5,000 $2,500 $10,000 $20,000 Comm itmen i will co t outr mmit to i will co the mo eACh pl mmit to nthly pr edge 10 hour Voluntee ayer ga s thering r these hours 20 hour by the s end of i will co 2009: 30 hour mmit to s distribu i will co 60 hour te invita mmit to i will co s tions Attend mmit to Cds Co particip nferenc ate in e the Co rporate day of -------the Fasting eXCell i need enCe su more inf rVeY--ormatio ---the nu n on joi rserY ning a exceed WorKer Circle of ed expe s eXCe lig ctations ht llenCe met ex report the Ch pectatio ildren exceed ns WorKer ed expe Below s eXCe expecta ctations llenCe tions met ex report the us pectatio hers Wo exceed ns ed expe rKers Below expecta eXCell ctations enCe re tions met ex port the pr pe ctations Aise mi exceed nistrY ed expe Below eXCell expecta ctations enCe re tions met ex port pectatio ns Below expecta tions GODLY WISDOM FOR MAKING YOUR PLEDGE Excep tional When making your pledge you must do several things: Think about what God, through this ministry, has done in your life and the lives of those you know. PLACE HOLDER Excep tional 21 The Power of the S.U.R.G.E. (SPIRITUALLY UNSELFISH RESOLVE GIVING EXCEPTIONALLY 22 2010 calendar 23 New Light Church 2010 Events L sto Pa ON SI ith ard ES g w illi LS i n a H IA rd he EC eco eas SPIVE Rr Pr for BREAKTHROUGH FAVOR BISHOP Women Who Win Conference April 20-23|EAST Campus IV HILLIARD PSALMIST CECE WINANS BISHOP C O N F E R E N C April 20-23 2010 Rosie O'neal E LIVE RECORDING WITH PASTOR PREASHEA HILLIARD is a part of the WWW Conference registration. You must be registered to attend. New Light Church (east) 7317 E. Houston Road HOUSTON, TX 77028 Early Bird Registration Until February 28th: General-$25 | VIP-$40 After February 28th: General-$30 | VIP-$40 *VIP Seating is limited it’s time to win Spiritual Encounter June 22-25 |North Campus Church Development Strategies ‘10 October 19-22 |EAST Campus 24 New Light Church 2010 calendar rrying a u r b e F e Gathe 21 Th Texas , t n o m n Beau I p o Texas , n i t 21 Bish s In Au p o h s i 28 B atrhcSheminar M ai y 18-19 F aturda S l a n nsatio ders 20 SVeision Buil unday S l a n o ati rs 21 Seinssion Builde V Ae pGratilhering 18 Th in ho W W n e ) East Wom 20-23onference ( C MGaaythering 16 The Je uGnatehering 20 Th ounter c n E l pirituha) S 5 2 22 (Nort JLuonldyon - nce 25-3e1 s Confere gi Strate 25 New Light Church 2010 calendar setring gu Ahu Gath 15 T e eerrsary b m e t Sep6th Anniv ng LC 2 e Gatheri 5 N19 Th er OteclltaroSbatuildrdearsy 16 S Vision Bu Fall y Sunddaers r a l l e t l 17 SVision Bui s Fall ratetgi)e t S CDS (Eas 19-22 onference C estival F h c r al Chu u n n A 30 bneg rGathering m e v o i N anksgiv h T l a u uesday T r 21 Ann e p u rvice ual S n n Se A t 3 c 2 Impa ing Day v i g s k n 25 Tha eilrlionaire b m e c DeKingdom mMp e a 2-3 Th Boot C ay mas D t s i r h 25 C Year’s w e N l a 31 AnnEuve Service 26 New Light Church Maximized Ministry opportunities MA IMIZED MEMBER MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES “Building People of Purpose, Power & Praise” 27 membership services through salvation. Call Membership Services for baptismal attire, times and location. Membership Services “is here for you” is not just another slogan, but is indeed the motivation for this department’s operation. It is our priority and goal to connect for Kingdom greatness and to increase effective team building in Membership Care. The Membership Services Team assists Bishop Hilliard in carrying out his God-given vision of spreading the Gospel and caring for God’s people which is the heart of God. The Perfecting Class is the foundation of what the ministry believes and teaches. The classes help every member develop and maximize their membership commitment. The classes cover the Biblical Heritage Factor and the Seven Promises for Maximized Living: Promise of Salvation, Baptism with Holy Ghost, Authority in the earth, Answered Prayer, Divine Healing, The Promise to Honor our Faith and Prosperity. Contact Membership Services for the times and location of the next Perfecting Class. As a team, Membership Services works with the spirit of compassion with the goal of being excellent, effective and efficient when providing assistance to fulfill the cares and concerns of our members. Our Excellence Team (Helps Ministry) Department is also handled by Membership Services. Excellence Team (Helps Ministry) at New Light Church (NLC) consists of Ushers, Greeters, NuGen Workers, Choir, Ordinance Ministry, Altar Workers, Parking Lot Attendants, Restroom Attendants, Spiritual Motivators and many other members who have chosen to get involved and maximize their membership after completing the Perfecting Class and being a member for 90 days. As our church family continues to grow at a phenomenal rate, it becomes more vital that the membership continues to experience the care and concern of Bishop and Lady Bridget. The Membership Services Department is one of the vehicles through which that care and concerns are communicated. The personal ministry provided during the most critical times in a member’s life sends a message to the entire church family that we will not allow the magnitude of New Light Christian Center Church to, in any way, decrease the commitment to meet the spiritual needs of its most valuable asset, the member. For more information call Membership Services at (281) 876-5300. New Light Church believes in water baptism by immersion. We encourage every person to be baptized after being born again. It is an outward demonstration of what has been done inwardly 28 the L.I.F.E. internship Ministry Beverly Jones Internship Center Director Through the L.I.F.E. Internship Ministry, our Bishop, once again, has given a cutting-edge mandate to enhance, improve and get more members involved in Kingdom Assignments by expanding the vision of volunteering. The volunteer ministry is essentials for the success of our ever increasing ministry and must be emphasized and expanded. While many members are familiar with the concept of volunteering for church related projects by using their skills and talents without any monetary gain, few realize the potential of receiving a greater harvest, benefits and blessings by sowing seeds of time. The L.I.F.E. Internship Ministry is an innovative way to get members involved in assisting with ministry projects and assignments. It provides a way for every member to effectively sow seeds of time. There are 3 phases in which you can be involved: their internship they are awarded a certificate that can be framed and proudly displayed. Along with a certificate of completion for their internship, a one-time reference letter can be given to the intern to further enhance their career objectives. Phase II is also for New Light members only. Phase III : The Advanced Internship The Advanced Internship is for one who prepares to go into fulltime ministry by starting a church/ ministry or one who serves in a key role in ministry. Internship at this level is open to non-members as well as members. This is a tuition based program and requires a minimum of 9-months commitment. Those desiring to participate at this level must first apply for entry and then be preapproved. Announcement of the first Advanced Internship Semester is coming soon. Phase I: General Volunteering General Volunteering, referred to as Volunteer Intern, is for those members whose desire is to serve as a daily volunteer for assignments that are presented for that day or project. The daily Volunteer Intern assignments can come from any area of the Ministry and any member can participate. Members with some physical limitations are encouraged to participate as well. Phase I of the internship is for members only. There are intern volunteer opportunities at all Houston locations. However, the only location that has daily intern volunteer opportunities is the North Campus. Monday – Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. All other locations are on an as needed basis. Call 281875-4448 and ask for the L.I.F.E. Internship Center before going to locations other than the North Campus. Phase II: Intern Specialist Phase II, known as the Intern Specialist, is for those members whose desire is to learn a specific skill or to enhance their current skill level. At this level, members must be focused and committed to follow-through on their commitment. Phase II is based upon a specific project with a set timeframe. Members that participate in Phase II, have the potential of learning a new skill or brushing up on an old one. Upon completion of 29 The Power of Twelve Vision The Power of Twelve is a revolutionary New Testament style small group ministry that was born out of Bishop and Lady Bridget Hilliard’s desire to minister to and care for the explosively growing membership of our wonderful church, both individually and collectively. The Torchbearer also facilitates Circle of Light meetings for kingdom vision advancement and keeps the Power of Twelve Office abreast of what’s happening in their group. Circle of Light Meetings are held before Impact Bible Study at each location at 7:15 p.m. Torchbearers meet with their Partners one week and they meet with their Master Torchbearer the next week. The Power of Twelve is implemented in small groups of up to 12 family units (singles and/or couples) called Circles of Light. Our goal is to have 600 functional Circle of Light groups by the end of 2010. The Power of Twelve focuses on getting every member connected in a Circle of Light when they join New Light. Each Circle of Light has a trained group leader called a Torchbearer, and several members called Partners. Torchbearers are faithful members who embrace the Power of Twelve vision and assist Bishop with the nurture and care of their Partners. The Torchbearer contacts the Partners each week to let them know what’s happening in the ministry and in their Circle of Light group. The Power of Twelve gives Torchbearers and Partners the opportunity to get involved in Lifestyle Evangelism and our goal is to have at least 200 groups participating each month in fulfilling our evangelism emphasis. Every member is a potential leader, and provides the opportunity for every Partner to become a Torchbearer. Getting connected in a Circle of Light Group is simple, you can: Call our Power of Twelve Office at 281-876-5326 and request assistance in finding a suitable Circle of Light. Come to the Power of 12 information counter before Impact Bible Study. Visit a Circle of Light and let the Torchbearer know that you would like to get connected. 30 Just as Jesus was concerned with children, so are we at New Light Church. The Dreamers vision is to build children of Purpose, Power and Praise. The church is a place where children are welcomed and trained in the truths of the Bible. Training in Dreamers begins with building Biblical foundations. We are developing children to know Christ as Savior and become faithful disciples. As a parent, we want you to become involved in Dreamers Ministry. We have teacher development training classes each month to train you in various areas (administrative assistants, supply coordinators, pre-k monitors, hallway and bathroom monitors and you can train to be a part of the puppet, drama and the storytelling team). Call 281-876-5395 to find out how you can be a part of this awesome In Dreamers, we have faithful, ministry. committed and caring teachers who study the Word of God and are always ready to deliver the Word through powerful object lessons, memory verses, puppet skits, storytelling and illustrated sermons to your children. The children receive salvation, are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in their prayer language. They understand the reason for water baptism because we use age appropriate curriculum for ministering the Word. Dreamers Ministry is the place where dreams become reality for your children. Our goal is to make Sunday morning the best two hours of your child’s week. They participate as awesome Praise Leaders, Praise Dancers, Ushers, Greeters and the Little Lights of Praise Choir. 31 life Jr We believe that as we touch this generation for God, this same generation will be the standard by which all others are measured. In a world that is full of crime, drugs and destruction, we believe that it is our responsibility to provide teens with proper leadership and Biblical guidance that will promote Christian values in their lives, by giving them the Biblical principles that enable them to be successful in every area. life ouR world. ouR God. ouR life Youth Ministry is our passion, especially the ministry to teenagers. God has given us a mandate to impact this generation, and the fire and burden that we have for today’s youth has grown in emancipated measures over the course of the years. We are excited about the growth Pastor Preashea has made in her new leadership role with ouRlife. ouRlife’s mission is to bring teenagers in our church and the surrounding neighborhoods to a higher level of spiritual development. It is our objective to offer times of fellowship and fun with other teenagers who have made a decision to be examples of Christ in their generation. ouRlife hosts quarterly and annual events in creative and relative ways that capture their attention and their hearts. Although we take the presence of God, the ministry of the Word and living a lifestyle that’s pleasing to God very seriously, we have not forsaken the fact that we can live for God and have fun while doing it. You may be reading this and you may ask yourself, “How do I get involved?” If you are interested in getting involved in ouRlife or for more information, please call 281.765.1977. Pastor PReashea Hilliard & Pastor Irishea Hilliard Lewis 32 senior’s ministry The vision of Bishop I. V. and Lady Bridget Hilliard to build people of purpose, power and praise is not complete without a focus on the inclusion of the Senior Saints in the ministry of New Light Christian Center Church. The Distinguished Senior Saints Ministry gives the Senior Saints a sense of dignity, belonging, appreciation and respect, along with their overall importance to the Ministry as a whole. The Distinguished Senior Saint’s have made significant contributions to their families, society and their church. These contributions must not go unrecognized or unappreciated. Pastor Thomas Foster marriage ministry The Distinguished Senior Saints Ministry focuses on how to grow older gracefully and dispel the misconception that when you reach a certain age you retire and you’re discarded. Remaining as active as possible is extremely important therefore regular meetings are conducted quarterly where they fellowship, have fun and enjoy good food. All meetings take place on one of our campuses. Once a year we will plan to attend our locations in Austin and Beaumont, Texas to include the Senior Saints in those areas. This also gives the Seniors in Houston the opportunity to travel outside of Houston if they wish. Through Light Aggressive Marriage Problem Solving (L.A.M.P.S.), New Light cares for and transforms marriages by exposing couples to Biblical principles on marriage along with the proper application of those principles. LAMPS, a 90day program is committed to the instruction of fundamental truths, giving married and engaged couples the proper foundation upon which to build a sound, stable and secure marriage. This ministry is available to any one age 55 and above. Everyone is allowed and encouraged to bring guests. The Distinguished Senior Saints also enjoy activities like bowling, breakfast events, stage plays and movies. Transportation is normally provided at a small cost or no cost at all. The Senior Saint’s Ministry participates in our Greeters and Ushers ministry once or twice per month during normal service times. As an active LAMPS participant, you will be exposed to Biblical principles on marriage and the proper application of those principles. You will come to understand how to improve your self-image and how to develop a strategy for a happy marriage. If your marriage is bad now, you can make it good. If your marriage is good now, you can make it better. We invite you to come and join any one of our planned meetings. Watch for New Light News and other announcements or bulletins advertising the Distinguished Senior Saints activities. LAMPS Ministry is for 4 types of people: 1. Those that are single and have never been married, in preparation for marriage. 2. Those that are single because of divorce or the passing of their spouse. 3. Those that are happily married and want additional skills to make their marriage better. 4. Those that are facing marital challenges and want to transform their marriage. Marriage classes are held each Wednesday night at 6:00 pm at our East Location; other 33 Business Management Wisdom School 34 Women WHO WIN Lady Bridget’s heart for helping women WIN in life is clearly demonstrated by the lengths to which she is willing to go in order to minister to them. No matter what state you are in, your need for spiritual focus and enrichment is essential to your well being and the well being of your relationships. Through the Just Us Girls Ministry and the Women Who Win Network, Lady Bridget has been able to fashion ministry that is fun, delightful and enriching. Pastor Ed Reynolds On-Site Pastor, NLC Austin During times of fellowship, thousands of women gather for a time of refreshing and plain old fun. The range of topics is varied…interviews with medical doctors to get the inside scoop on taking care of a woman’s body… discussions on how to handle friendships properly…timely tips for the woman who loves to travel…these are but a few of the items you’ll hear at Just Us Girls or Women Who Win Network events. There are always exciting giveaways… thousands of dollars in designer clothes, hundreds of dollars in gift certificates, furniture…you name it! men’s ministry Men of God, 2010 is the year of Breakthrough Manifestations! We must continue our quest to make impact in this city and around the world, so it is without question that the Men’s Ministry must continue to stay on the cutting edge. It has always been our Bishop’s desire to help men reach their full potential in every area of life. Pay close attention to New Light News and our monthly bulletins or call 281-875-4448 for Women’s Ministry event information so that you can get involved in this awesome ministry. And definitely make plans to attend the 2010 Women Who Win Conference, April 20-23, 2010! The goal of this ministry is to allow men to have a time of fun and fellowship as well as to get them involved in advancing the vision of this church and the Kingdom of God. Through the teaching of spiritual principles of faith, integrity, righteousness, and excellence, we will build a fraternity of men of compelling character. Through living examples of excellence, men are inspired to lovingly lead themselves and their families into a deeper life commitment to God and advance the kingdom of God through community service and opportunities in the local church. Men of God, we must come together to support the great vision of our leader much like the mighty men of valor in the Bible rallied to the side of Joshua and the Great King David as they carried out the mandate of God for their generation. Our meetings will be held quarterly this year so that we can better plan and promote events that will meet the needs of all. These events will be filled with fun, fellowship and ministry. We pray that this year your commitments will be raised as we make this our greatest year of service ever. Men Of Honor, let’s get ready for Breakthroughs! Lady BRidget Hilliard First Lady, New Light Church 35 Planning and development are underway for the Maximized Life Retreats ministry. The Life Change Institute facilities will be transformed into state-ofthe-art weekend retreat centers. The staff needed to manage the Maximized Life Retreat Centers is being assembled and these persons will have the awesome privilege of being the first to assist with the implementation of this unique aspect of our church vision. The curriculum for the Maximized Life Retreats is also in development and will address several specialized areas of including: • • • • • • • • • Divorce Recovery Depression Recovery Grief Recovery Anger Management The Faith Experience The Deeper Life The Single's Maximized Life Addiction Recovery and much, much more! These life-changing retreats will be made available to the public and have the potential to make a most powerful impact in the lives of those who attend. An impact that will have a lasting effect not just on them, but on their families as well. There is no question that this is a most exciting component of the 2010 vision! 36 singles ministry The Fellowship of Consecrated United Singles (F.O.C.U.S.) creates opportunities for fellowship, service, support and evangelism for saints in the unmarried state. Each consecrated single makes a covenant commitment to live under the Lordship of Jesus and establish genuine relationhships. F.O.C.U.S. Ministry leaders, Ministers Terry and Tina Egans, encourage singles to get involved in the F.O.C.U.S. Ministry by participating in the monthly events which have proven to be tremendously successful. From Live Talk Shows on topics like Internet Dating and a 70’s Night Disco to Bowling and a Dinner Cruise in Austin, TX, the fun doesn’t stop. Pastor Sheldon reed Chief of Pastoral Staff minster’s alliance Bishop Hilliard has created a forum for fellowship and mentoring of the lay ministers of the church while also allowing them the opportunity for more participation in the ministerial aspect of the church. At New Light, Singles learn to maximize the unmarried state with integrity and purity. The impact New Light makes in the lives of singles, enables them to successfully minister to other hurting singles and point them in a direction that causes them to also discover God’s plan and purpose for their lives. If you are single, make a commitment to join us and visit www.free2focus. org or call 281.877.1727 for more information. Each minister is responsible for abiding by the Excellence Team guidelines. Once the minister meets the guidelines, there is a higher level of expectation for participation in the church vision.Well, the next question that comes to mind is “How do I get involved in the Ministers Alliance?” and the answer is very simple. All ministers must submit a written application and of course a copy of either there Minister’s License or Ordination/MDI Diploma or proof of enrollment in MDI. Ministers will be trained in three categories: Ordinance (Communion and Baptism); Visitation (Hospital Visits, Funerals and possibly Home Visits); Altar Prayer & Phone Ministry. After the ministers finish their training, the excitement begins because they are ready to live out the call of God that is on their lives. This is why it is so awesome to be a part of Ministers Alliance; there are so many other ministry assignments available for participation. As ministers we stand with Bishop Hilliard to help him carry out the vision that God has given him. Our desire for every minister is that they live out the true calling on their life. Through your faithfulness to the vision of this ministry you will then see your personal vision and dreams come to pass. Ministers Terry & tina egans F.O.C.U.S. Ministry Directors 37 In the early days of our church, it was during times of weekend fellowship that many lifelong relationships were birthed. Our new F3 Weekend Experiences are a type of throwback to these exciting times from our past. The F3 Experience ministry at select locations is an out reach to the community to share in a weekend of food, fun and fellowship. The recreation facilities were constructed to provide a safe environment for believers and the community to come together and fellowship. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive F3 program that includes activities for people of all ages. Making use of the recreational facilities each week is not only good steawardship, but it will also establish a great time of fellowship and outreach. We are developing various programs so that there is something for everyone in the family! There’s no reason for you to spend weekends alone when you can fellowship at The Light! Members are also encouraged to help as volunteers. Contact the L.I.F.E.. Internship Center at (281) 876-5301. 38 In 2009, we sensed a witness from God to mobilize the members of the Light to get more involved in our time of corporate prayer. We had successfully gathered on a weekly basis believing for thousands to attend our weekly Prayer Gathering. Our new monthly prayer focus has evolved in just a short period of time and our goal is to have thousands attend once a month to demonstrate our unity as one church family. I am releasing my faith for 3,000 believers gathering to experience this time of corporate unity and focus on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The impact of our corporate prayer can be seen throughout our ministry. This ministry was built and continues to grow through our fervent times of prayer, believing and meditating on God’s word. The harvest of souls won to the Kingdom of God as a result of our fervent intercession can only be measured when we get to heaven. We have seen that as we have obeyed the mandate from our man of God and released our faith for the success of these explosive times of prayer and exhortation, the reports of those who have experienced breakthroughs in their lives are numerous. A kingdom commitment is a resolve to a course of action based on the convictions established in the word of God going above and beyond with a compelling desire to please God. How refreshing it is to see you, the members of the Light , exemplify their commitment to prayer. Also,markyourcalendarsbecause during the week of March 7-14, 2010 Bishop and I are counting on you and every member to make the commitment to pray corporately as we maximize our faitfulness and release our faith for our 1.2 million dollars. Our corporate agreement makes a difference and it is an important part of our success. 010 ring 2 e h t a The G chedule s S Campu s h t r o N pu 2/21/10 North Cam us p 10 4/18/ North Cam us p 5/16/10 North Cam us p 10 6/20/ North Cam us p 10 m / 8/15 rth Ca pus o N 10 9/19/ North Cam 11/21/10 39 rs a n i m e S ment h c i r n E 2010 One of the driving factors of our ministry is our purpose and mission to build people of faith. In the early days of our ministry, Bishop taught seminars that established believers in faith and exhorted them in righteousness. This year Bishop, along with the extension Pastors, will teach Enrichment Seminars throughout the year. The two-day meetings will be revolutionary in format and designed to maximize the believer's effectiveness in studying the word of God. In addition, they will be a part of focused evangelism efforts. Faith Seminar March 18-19 Holy Spirit Conference August 19-20 Kingdom Millionaire Bootcamp December 2-3 Every member should make plans to attend these lifeenriching seminars. In addition, invite friends, family, co-workers and others as you maximize your faithfulness in personal evangelism. There is no substitute for the Kingdom impact that these intense times of study will produce. As we make the focused effort to maximize our faithfulness, we will see the manifestation of breakthroughs take place during these seminars and in our ministry and personal lives overall. 40 Light Commerce Credit Union Harlene Johnson LCCU Director Open Savings Account with an initial deposit of $25.00 One-time membership fee of $10.00. Celebrating its 6th year in operation on January 31st, LCCU has experienced tremendous growth in just six short years. On our first day of operation, we opened 309 accounts with deposits totaling $118,475. Today, we have over xxx accounts and deposits totaling over $xxx. This success is attributed to each of our members who have supported the financial vision to make Light Commerce Credit Union their storehouse. Membership is available to New Light Members, their relatives by blood or marriage, as well as affiliates from A.I.M., Light Christian Academy and Faith Village. Joining LCCU is simple. Here’s what you need to join: A driver’s license and another form of identification which can be a social security card or credit card Accounts can be opened at the branch office located at 11235 Crown Park Drive, after services at the North, East and South locations each Sunday and coming soon at the Beaumont and Austin locations. LCCU continues to add products and services based upon members’ needs and associated costs. Its Shared Banking capability allows members to go to any partnering credit union across the U.S and make transactions. Services and products currently offered include: • Various Saving Accounts • Regular Share Savings • NuGen Savings • Vacation Club • Christmas Club • Certificate of Deposit • Checking Accounts • Visa Debit Card • Cyber Banking • Consumer Lending • Credit Counseling Call 281-876-7576 or visit to open your account today! 41 frequently asked questions GENERAL MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS What can I expect when I come to New Light? At New Light you can expect to learn the word of God taught with simplicity, experience authentic worship and see leadership operating in integrity and excellence. Is New Light with a particular denomination? New Light is a word of faith inter-denominational church. How do I become a member of the church? You can become a member by completing a membership card at any service and any location. You can also become a member by requesting to be a member through the Membership Services Department at 281-876-5300 or you can indicate that you want to be a member on the special guest card. Do you have children and teen/youth ministry? New Light Church has Dreamers (Childrens Ministry) which meets concurrently with Sunday and Mid-Week services, and ouRlife (Teen/Youth Ministry) which meets every 3rd Sunday night. Who do I contact if I want to find out about baptism, baby dedications, weddings, homegoing services or other membership questions? You may call Membership Services at 281-876-5300. What telephone number can I call for additional information about an upcoming conference? If you have additional questions you can call the corporate offices at 281-875-4448. VISION BUILDERS CAMPAIGN QUESTIONS What are types of vision campaign giving goals? There are two giving goals; our weekly commitments as well as our March and October Impact Giving. Why are we continuing to expand and build in the wake of current world economic crisis? We choose to continue to exercise our faith to stay on course with what God has called us to do, even in the most difficult times. We are prudent and use wisdom with every project. Does my giving commitment replace my regular tithes? The giving commitment is over and above my regular tithes and offerings. 42 Once I decide to take the Maximized Life Journey what is expected of me? All expectations will be spelled out within the context of this exceptional mentoring program. Check the website and follow the public announcements and you will enjoy the journey. How do I make my commitment? When making your pledge you must do several things: Think about what God, through this ministry, has done in your life and the lives of those you know. Determine to willingly live up to your responsibility as a Christian to provide for future generations to get the Gospel. Ask yourself three questions about the pledge that you have in your heart to make: Does this amount express my appreciation to God for what He’s done? Does this pledge and gift really respond to the Kingdom’s needs, or is this a token gift to just say you participated? Is this gift a product of your faith? Before you make your pledge, set aside a day of prayer and fasting. Fast at least one meal and use this time of prayer to hear from God concerning your giving. Can my commitment pledge be billed to me monthly? Please contact Membership Services department to make arrangements. DOCTRINAL QUESTIONS What is sin? Sin is any act of disobedience against the word of God. Why does God allow sin? Sin entered in the world because of Adam. Can any sin be forgiven? All sin is forgiven according to I John 1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. What is Grace? Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It is a gift from God. Romans 3:24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Romans 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. How does faith in God’s grace bring salvation? Ephesians 2:8 (New King James Version) For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. 43 Resurrection Weekend 2010 “BE ONE who BRINGS ONE” Sunday, April 4 (All Services | All Locations) north Houston 1535 Greensmark Drive Houston, TX 77067 Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. Wednesday nights: 7:15 P.M. east Houston 7317 East Houston Rd Houston, TX 77028 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday nights: 7:15 P.M. West Houston 20230 Fm 529 Cypress, TX 77433 Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m. & 12:00 P.M. Wednesday nights: 7:15 P.M. 20230 FM 529 Cypress, TX 77433 SOUTH Houston 14415 Fondren Rd Houston, TX 77489 Sunday Worship: 11:30 a.m. Wednesday nights: 7:15 P.M. Beaumont 3395 Highland Ave. Beaumont, TX 77705 409-838-1588 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. tuesday nights: 7:30 P.M. corporate offices AUSTIn Mailing address 11233A Crown Park Dr Houston, tX 77067 5811-A Berkman Dr. Austin, TX 78723 888-352-2226 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. tuesday nights: 7:30 P.M. P.O. Box 670167 houston, tx 77267 281-875-4448 44