Meraloma Cricket Club
Meraloma Cricket Club
BRITISH COLUMBIA MAINLAND CRICKET LEAGUE (BCMCL) 2013 WAIVER, RELEASE AND REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING BCMCL ID # CLUB SEX JUNIOR Y Meraloma Cricket Club N FIRST NAME SURNAME DATE OF BIRTH (YYYY – MM – DD) --- PHONE NUMBER --- STREET ADDRESS CITY PROV. POSTAL / ZIP CODE EMAIL ADDRESS EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER Steps: 1) Enter the new player’s information into website. They will be given an ID# by the system. 2) Complete the player information above and ensure that it is correct. All details are required. 3) Fax the signed form to Statistician / League Secretary at 604-909-2669 or scan and email to [email protected] The fax must be submitted and received by the Wednesday prior to each player playing his/her first game. Event: Cricket League and other competitions for 2013 ("Event") organized by the British Columbia Mainland Cricket League ("BCMCL"). In consideration of the BCMCL accepting me as a playing member of the League to participate in the Event, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns WAIVE any claims to which I may become entitled for injury or damage and HEREBY RELEASE THE BCMCL and all the umpires and participants in the Event and all other organizers, sponsors, representatives, agents, employees and any other person or organization assisting in this Event from any claims for damages or injuries suffered to me as a result of my participation in the Event including conditions of the pitch and the field, whether or not caused by negligence and/or howsoever caused including recklessness or omission of any such parties. I understand that there are inherent and other risks involved in the Event and injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence and I freely assume those risks and accept full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury which may result. I am advised to wear all the protective gear for my protection and safety while playing in the Event and I further state I am in proper physical condition to participate in this Event and I am aware that my participation could, in some circumstances, result in physical injury. Players who are not covered with valid MSP (Medical Services Plan) coverage or similar private medical insurance, will not be covered by the BCMCL Insurance. Junior players under 19 years of age may play for any club in the BCMCL with express permission from their own club. This waiver covers all BCMCL events regardless of which club a junior may be playing for. Note: Under the current BCMCL Insurance Policy, cricket-related damage to vehicles belonging to cricketers, both players and officials will not be covered during the course of a game or at practices. I have been recommended to obtain legal advice before signing this WAIVER AND RELEASE. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE TERMS OF THE WAIVER AND RELEASE. Dated in the city of ________________________________ in the Province of British Columbia, this ____________ day of ________________ 2013. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of _________________________________________________ Print Name & Signature of Club Witness _________________________________________________ Signature of Playing Member IF A PLAYING MEMBER IS UNDER NINETEEN, THE SIGNATURE OF THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN IS REQUIRED. _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ID viewed (√)