The Grove/Issue 3 - St John Paul II CPS
The Grove/Issue 3 - St John Paul II CPS
THE GROVE Issue 3 — 10th March 2016 HARMONY AWARDS PRE-PRIMARY Ading Mathaing Callen Hambrook Imogen Long Connor Jagger Jorja Mudway-Robertson Sahil Asghar BANDICOOTS James McCabe Hazel Piek WOMBATS Tia Kallydin Ishaan Mannan MAGPIES Grace Jok Anthony Colaizzi BLUE TONGUES Gedion Haile Reiona Matapo JOEYS Tarana Asghar Jesse Horner KOALAS Krystal Habla Kevin Johnson BLACK SWANS Sofia Pierre Francelle Manalili ECHIDNAS Lilly Stockings Sienna Terenciuk GOANNAS Frank Manalili Samuel Albert ROOS Katie Lenane Wani Lem EAGLES Isabella Napoli Christina Vincent LOTE Tyler Gravenall Jake Devey SCIENCE Anyang Kuch Emily Chamberlain MUSIC Zane Middleton Harrison Caporn Anne Noby SPORTS Delishia Lucas Kiara Toby Beny Lem Mahia Matapo UNIFORM Tanishq Sopori HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Connor Ross Riley Charman Kaiden Hommer Kuir Jok Liam Dowling Tegan Maisey Sahil Asghar Naya Phares Jaideep Mannem Lennan Power Sofia Pierre Michelle Mugwede Marc Duenas Anjali Noby Amalia Katamadze Tyler Wolsey Toby Sture The Mud Pit! Climbing Wall! What a shot! We had an awesome time! SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT All parents, families and friends are invited to our school Open Night. When: Weds 16th March Time: 5.30 to 7.30 pm All classrooms will be open to view the children’s work. We hope to see you all there! YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR BOOK FAIR When: Time: Where: Wednesday 16th March 2016 3:30 to 3:30 pm & 5:30 to 7:30 pm In our school Library Come along and have some fun! Lots of books on sale! P & F RIPPER RECESS When: Time: Cost: Wednesday 16th March 2016 Recess $1-00 Don’t forget to send your child to school with coins so they can purchase an icypole! EASTER EGG HUNT The P & F will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday 24th March. Donations of mini & small eggs would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be handed into your classroom. The more eggs, the bigger the hunt for the children! Thank you in advance! Dear Parents and Carers, As part of our focus on school effectiveness, St John Paul II CPS will be participating in an online survey for students – Tell Them From Me (TTFM). The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help them improve. During the two weeks, all students will be given the opportunity and time to participate in this survey during regular school hours. Students who agree to complete the survey will be given a random username and password to access and complete the survey online. Students’ names cannot be linked to their responses which allows it to be completely anonymous. Results will show all student scores combined together – it is not possible to single out individual students in the results. The survey takes approximately 35-40 minutes to complete. The survey measures include such topics as emotional and social well-being, physical health, and behaviours and attitudes linked to student success. The survey also allows students to give their thoughts and feedback in open-ended question responses. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. Your child will not take part if either you or your child do not wish to. If, during the survey, your child is uncomfortable answering any question, he/she should leave it blank and move on to the next one. Your child can stop the survey at any time. If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please complete the attached form and return it to your child's school by Monday 14th March. If you would like more information, please contact Andy Dalton. Chris Lamb Principal …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Tell Them From Me Student Survey If you do not want your child to participate in the Tell Them From Me student survey, please sign this form and return it to your school by 14th March I (print name) ............................................................................................. DO NOT give consent for my child/children (print name/s) ……………………..………………………….………………........ of roll class/es ………………...………… participate in the Tell Them From Me student survey. Signed……………………………………………………..………… Date…………………………..…… 9th March 2016 Dear Parents, Due to Australian Government Sporting Schools funding in term 1, St John Paull II CPS will be continuing to run out of school sporting activities. The year 4-6 students will have the opportunity to participate in Netball before school on Thursdays from week 6 to week 9 and on Monday 4th April in Week 10. These sessions will be run by an accredited netball coach. These before school sessions are designed for maximum participation and are for students who have a genuine interest in improving their sporting ability and fitness. Above all, the sessions are intended to be fun. Students who disrupt these sessions, either through poor behaviour or lack of participation will be asked to reconsider their attendance at the sessions. Please discuss this with your child before signing them up. The before school sessions on Thursdays will be starting in week 6, 17th March 2016, and will run from 7:30am until 8:15am. If you would like your child to participate in this program, it is for all 4 weeks. If you would like your child/children to be involved in this program at St John Paul II CPS please fill in the expression of interest form attached. There are only a very limited number of participants that can be involved due to number restrictions, so please be prompt with your response. The list of participants will be published on the school notice board next Tuesday afternoon. Kind regards, Andy Dalton Physical Education Specialist ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Out of School Sports Expression of interest form. Session Year 4-6 on Thursdays before school 7:30-8:15am Name of child/children & year level Name of child:____________________ Class:__________________________ Parent signature:__________________ Please return the completed form to the office or Mr Dalton. Saint John Paul II Catholic Community EASTER DANCE NIGHT Sunday, 27 March 2016 6pm to 11pm Currambine Community Centre 64 Delamere Avenue, Currambine BYO FOOD, FREE WATER Tickets: $20 (Adults, 18yrs & above) $10 (Children, below 18yrs) $60 (Family) CONTACT FOR TICKETS Fr. Vinh 0422422773 Neneth 0409954133 Amor 0401668804 Mailyn 0406929802 Proceeds will go towards the construction of the Saint John Paul II Catholic Community Church