Price list no. 42 from 1 January 2013
Price list no. 42 from 1 January 2013
Price list no. 42 from 1 January 2013 on Current informati www.zdf-werbu 2013 Contacts Scheduling Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -12518 Heike Fisseler Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14031 Email: [email protected] Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14022 Fax: +49 (0)6131 70-14395 Email: [email protected] Internet: Thorsten Leopold Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14028 Email: [email protected] Executive Board Martina Nuber Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14029 Email: [email protected] Angelika Weil Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14018 Email: [email protected] ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH 55100 Mainz Hans-Joachim Strauch Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14020 Secretariat Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14395 2 Theresa Schneider Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14021 Email: [email protected] Thomas Wiggert Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14022 Email: [email protected] Assistants to the Executive Board Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14395 Marketing Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -12518 Nicole Bohne Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -15859 Email: [email protected] Christoph Lüken Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -15679 Email: [email protected] Janina Schulzke Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -15465 Email: [email protected] Bärbel Becker Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14024 Email: [email protected] Jens Helmer Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-12647 Email: [email protected] Finance and Controlling Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14395 Gundolf Renner Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -17989 Email: [email protected] ‘Mainzelmännchen’ (commercial break separators) Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14395 Brigitte Tenter Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14228 Email: [email protected] Press Consultant Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14395 Susanne Brock Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -15457 Email: [email protected] Media Service Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14487 3 Sponsorship Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -16825 Michael Käfer Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14075 Email: [email protected] Sascha Kronebach Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14296 Email: [email protected] Anne Schweikard Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14027 Email: [email protected] Anabel Stappen Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14065 Email: [email protected] Market and Advertising Research Fax: +49 (0)6131 70 -14487 Dr. Michael Keller Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14044 Email: [email protected] Joachim Schiebel Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14032 Email: [email protected] Verena Hamm Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14014 Email: [email protected] Sonja Özistanbullu Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14037 Email: [email protected] Regine Otto Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14025 Email: [email protected] 2013 Advertising on ZDF on Current informati www.zdf-werbu The Mainzelmännchen – still young and modern at 50, and good for advertising 4 Along with ZDF, the Mainzelmännchen will be celebrating their fiftieth birthday in 2013, and will therefore no longer meet the conditions for advertising target audiences according to the popular definition of these. However, the little guys certainly won’t be making a shamefaced exit from the advertising scene just because they’re reaching this milestone. In fact, they will continue to reflect society, and like today’s ‘best agers’, they will remain active and carry on living life to the full! People don’t really turn grey when they reach fifty, and the Mainzelmännchen won’t be either. The Mainzelmännchen have moved with the times throughout their existence too. Following their black and white beginning, they appeared in colour for the first time in 1967 and have continued to evolve in keeping with technological advances ever since. The most recent major change occurred in 2003 when they were relaunched after a makeover to bring them up-to-date graphically and otherwise. Despite all these outward changes and developments though, the Mainzelmännchen themselves remain unblemished. You’ll never see the little fellows fighting, being nasty, being mean, or enraged with envy – which is good for advertising! After all, if we’re honest, we know that if our favourite programme has just started to get exciting and is then interrupted by commercials, we get annoyed and sometimes turn the television off to avoid the adverts. That doesn’t happen with ZDF. Back in 2005, a representative study conducted by ZDF Werbefernsehen and forsa (Institute for Social Research and Statistical Analysis) showed very clearly that with their cult status, the Mainzelmännchen have tremendous emotive potential and help commercials to have a major cognitive effect by playing a massive role in how viewers remember them. This means that people watch individual commercials with a far more positive mindset and are even more likely to remember their advertising message. The Mainzelmännchen virtually turn the cacophony of advertising messages in a commercial break into individual adverts which each have a premium position of their own. As a result, viewers don’t feel like they’re being bombarded and therefore watch the commercial break before continuing with the programme. Because of all this, the cult status and the guaranteed effect of commercials, the Mainzelmännchen have become such a successful project that Tele 5 wants to ‘copy’ the concept with Mordillo characters. At ZDF Werbefernsehen we’re not too worried about this, because we believe it will be impossible for anyone to duplicate every aspect of the success of the Mainzelmännchen with the same effectiveness over several decades. Hans-Joachim Strauch Managing Director of ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH Advertising on ZDF – a successful history 1963 Broadcasting begins On 1st April 1963, ZDF broadcasts for the first time. On just its second day of broadcasting, ZDF broadcasts its first commercials. The popular Mainzelmännchen inserts have been used to flank advertisements ever since. The ‘Werbefernsehen’ (television advertising) department is responsible for the marketing and selling of advertising space. 1967 Pioneer of colour On 25th August 1967, during the international radio exhibition (IFA – Internationale Funkausstellung) in Berlin, ZDF broadcasts its first commercial in colour, a 60-second long advertisement for the brand 4711, which explains how the number ‘4711’ was created. With the introduction of colour television, the jolly Mainzelmännchen appear on the screen in colour, too, for the first time. 1990 Relaunch of the Mainzelmännchen The little guys experience their second relaunch and enter the nineties with a more modern and individual look. 2003 Eternally young Mainzelmännchen Fresher, cheekier, and slimmer, the new Mainzelmännchen era captures the spirit of the times and increases the amount of attention paid to commercials. A Mainzelmännchen world with new dramaturgically-oriented stories, new gags, and up-to-date props is created. 5 2008 Foundation of ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH In order to combine the expertise of Germany’s two public broadcasters, ZDF and ARD-Werbung SALES & SERVICES GmbH agree to manage sales via the mutual subsidiary company ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH. 2009 Television advertising subsidiary ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH, a subsidiary company wholly owned by ZDF, is created from the ‘Werbefernsehen’ department. ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH moves to its new premises on Erich-Dombrowski-Strasse in May 2010. 2010 Pioneer of picture definition At 19:21 on 12th February 2010, ZDF fired the starting pistol for advertising in HD by broadcasting the first German TV advert (Henkel) in HD quality. 2012 Introduction of standardised loudness Thanks to the standardised loudness levels recommended by EBU R128, loudness differences in broadcasting schedules and between individual channels are minimised in Germany from 31.8.2012 onwards. In addition, the new sound standard promotes sound tweaking techniques in advertisement production and enhances the sound quality of commercials. 2013 ZDF turns 50 In April 2013, ZDF celebrates its fiftieth birthday, which means it is also 50 years since the first commercial was broadcast on ZDF. 2007 Pioneer of widescreen On 25th June 2007, a commercial for Deutsche Bank is the first German advert to be broadcast all over the country in 16:9 format. Advertising on ZDF 2013 Advertising on ZDF on Current informati www.zdf-werbu Spot Spot Classic advertising on ZDF – effective, powerful, and affordable ZDF … • offers a high-quality, family-oriented, appealing, and varied early-evening programme schedule with strong brands, making it up-to-date, true to life, authentic, and informative • reaches target groups with considerable purchasing power as well as decision-makers with its programmes Advertising on ZDF • Short commercial breaks contain fewer competing messages and guarantee that your advert has an exclusive position This increases the awareness of the individual advertising messages and thus their advertising appeal • The placement of advertisements within commercial breaks is done manually, which ensures the adverts harmonise • High-quality formats guarantee a strong reach and therefore make advertising on ZDF attractive and affordable 6 Mainzelmännchen • The Mainzelmännchen are a strategic instrument which enhance the effect of advertisements • As popular advert separators, they improve the viewers‘ ability to remember commercials • They make commercial breaks more entertaining, which increases acceptance of advertising • They give your advert its own premium position, as each commercial is flanked by the Mainzelmännchen ZDF Werbefernsehen – a fair partner for you! Linear pricing structure for advert price calculations The average length of a commercial in Germany is 16 seconds. Competitors with disproportionate price structures may charge up to 30% more for an advert which is shorter than 30 seconds. ZDF Werbefernsehen always uses its one-second price as the basis for calculations. Your advert price is therefore calculated by multiplying the one-second price by the length of the commercial. Free obligatory OTC notice for commercials promoting pharmaceuticals since 2004 Unlike most of our competitors, we have been offering the standard four-second OTC notice for pharmaceutical commercials at a 100% discount since 2004. Please read point 18 of the Design Guidelines in our General Terms and Conditions for more information on this. Customers whose advertising requires the use of the OTC notice will save money with ZDF because we do not charge anything for broadcasting this. Here’s an example calculation: Your advert price in euros 11,200 Advert length Average price in sec. per sec. in euros 16 700 OTC notice in sec. in euros 4 2,800 ZDF OTC discount in euros of turnover 2,800 25% Adverts positioned at the beginning or end of a commercial break free of charge – fair-share principle for advert placement ZDF Werbefernsehen places adverts according to the following fair-share principle: The basis for the distribution calculation is a customer’s booked gross volume per month, i.e. the monthly turnover of a customer is viewed in comparison with the total turnover of all booked customers for this month. The percentage derived from this is used to calculate and distribute the proportion (target premium placements) of possible premium placements (first, second, penultimate, and final adverts). This process is controlled by a computer. The first, second, penultimate and final adverts in the advertising block are weighted equally. In general, ZDF Werbefernsehen does not charge extra for first or final placements. Adverts are organised manually to ensure that competing products do not appear one after the other. 7 Advertising on ZDF on: Current informati www.zdf-werbu 2013 Commercial breaks schedule Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16.00 16.14 Solo commercial / Price group 24 / Minimum commercial length: 20 seconds 14.40 Spielfilm 15.27 Price group 04 / E252/sec.* 15.30 Spielfilm Daily series (1) 16.35 Price group 07 / E320/sec.* 16.13 Price group 03 / E200/sec.* 16.40 Daily series (2) 16.15 Lafer! Lichter! Lecker! 16.58 Price group 06 / E300/sec.* 16.58 Price group 05 / E275/sec.* 16.59 10 seconds / Price group 30 / Commercial length: 5–10 seconds 16.59 10 seconds / Price group 30 17.00 17.10 hallo deutschland 17.05 Länderspiegel 17.44 Solo commercial / Price on request / Minimum booking: 1 year 17.45 Menschen – das Magazin 17.58 Price group 04 / E252/sec.* 17.45 Price group 10 / E420/sec.* 17.50 18.00 17.52 Price group 12 18.02 / E450/sec.* 18.12 SOKO (1) 18.05 5113 / Köln / Wismar / Stuttgart / Wien / Kitzbühel 18.25 Price group 16 / E600/sec.* 18.14 mona lisa ML mona lisa Best ML mona lisa / Price group 23 mona lisa ML mona lisa SOKO (2) 18.30 Price group 06 / E300/sec.* 18.54 End credits split-screen / Price group 40 / Min. booking: 1 month / Min. commercial length: 20 seconds 18.35 hallo deutschland 18.55 Price group 13 / E486/sec.* 18.55 Price group 06 / E300/sec.* 18.58 Programme announcement 18.58 Programme announcement 18.30 5113 / Köln / Wismar / Stuttgart / Wien / Kitzbühel heute-Uhr 18.59 Price group 85 / Minimum booking: 120 seconds per week / Commercial length: from 5 seconds 18.59 heute-Uhr Price group 85 19.00 19.00 19.17 News split-screen / Price on request / Minimum booking: 1 year 19.17 News-Split 19.18 Best Wetter / Price group 53 19.18 Best Wetter / Price group 52 19.20 19.20 19.21 Solo commercial / Price group 43 / Minimum commercial length: 20 seconds 19.21 Single-Spot / Price group 40 19.21 Programme announcement 19.21 Programme announcement 19.22 Price group 10 E420/sec.* 19.25 Unser Charly (1), Der Bergdoktor (1) Die Bergwacht (1) Split-screen commercial break / Minimum commercial length: 20 seconds Price group 46 Price group 44 Price group 42 19.49 Split-screen commercial break Price group 39 Price group 17 E640/sec.* 19.50 Price group 13 E486/sec.* 19.55 Unser Charly (2), Der Bergdoktor (2) Die Bergwacht (2) 19.22 Price group 15 E534/sec.* 19.25 19.49 19.50 19.55 Price group 20 E765/sec.* Price group 16 E600/sec.* Die Rosenheim-Cops (1) Price group 20 E765/sec.* Die Rosenheim-Cops (2) Price group 14 Price group 14 E522/sec.* E522/sec.* Küstenwache Der Landarzt (1) Notruf Hafenkante (1) Forsthaus Falkenau (1) (1) Price group 18 E700/sec.* Küstenwache (2) Der Landarzt (2) Notruf Hafenkante Forsthaus Falkenau (2) (2) *Price per second, 2013 annual average – see next page for exact prices. Information / Infotainment 9 Saturday 16.15 17.00 8 Time Family entertainment For AGF code, see: Thriller and Action Commercial break Issue date: July 2012, valid from 1 January 2013; Subject to amendments; not liable for misprints. Commercial breaks schedule on: Current informati rbu we dfw.z ww 2013 Advertising rates Price group Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year avg. Classic advertising: price per second in euros 01 152 180185171165 105 90 90138176191 159 150 02 192 228234217209 133114114175222241 201 190 03 202 240246228220 140120120184234254 212 200 04 255 302310287277 176151151232295320 267 252 05 278 330338314303 193165165253322349 292 275 06 303 360369342330 210180180276351381 318 300 07 323 384394365352 224192192294374406 339 320 08 343 408418388374 238204204313398432 360 340 09 388 461472438422 269230230353449488 407 384 10 424 504517479462 294252252386491533 445 420 11 445 529542503485 309265265406516560 467 441 12 455 540554513495 315270270414527572 477 450 13 491 583598554535 340292292447569617 515 486 14 527 626642595574 365313313480611663 553 522 15 539 641657609587 374320320491625678 566 534 16 606 720738684660 420360360552702762 636 600 17 646 768787730704 448384384589749813 678 640 18 707 840861798770 490420420644819889 742 700 19 742 882904838809 515441441676860933 779 735 20 773 918941872842 536459459704895972 811 765 10 Special ads: price per second in euros Price group Day Time Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year avg. ‘10 Seconds’ heute 17.00 30 Mon.–Sat.16.59 540 642658 610589 375321 321 492626679 567 535 Solo commercial spot 24 Mon.–Fri.16.14 364 432443 411396 252216 216 331421457 381 360 40 Sat.19.21 685 814834 773746 475407 407 624793861 718 678 43 Mon.–Fri.19.21 900 1,0691,096 1,016 980 624 535 535 891 Mon.–Fri.18.54 685 814834 773746 475407 407 624793861 718 39 Sat.19.49 636 756775 718693 441378 378 580737800 668 630 42 Fri. 19.49 840 998 1,024 949915582499499 765974 1,057882 832 44 Wed., Thur. 19.49 919 1,0921,120 1,0381,001 637 546 546 8371,0651,156 964 910 46 Mon., Tue. 19.49 1,005 1,1941,224 1,1351,095 697 597 597 9151,1641,264 1,054 995 40 8201,0431,132 944 End credits split-screen 678 Split-screen commercial break tter 52 Best ML mona lisa 23 Sat. 18.12 343 408418 388374 238204 204 313398432 360 340 Best Wetter 52 Sat. 53 Mon.–Fri.19.18 19.18 1,124 1,3351,369 1,2691,224 779 668 668 1,0241,3021,414 1,179 1,236 1,4691,506 1,3961,346 857 734 734 1,1261,4321,554 1,297 1,113 1,224 ‘heute-Uhr’ 19.00 85 Mon.–Sat. 18.59 rates, see page 13 Current offers and prices for special programming can be found on our home page: Linear rates, free mandatory OTC notice 11 Adverts positioned at the beginning or end of a commercial break are free of charge Issue date: July 2012. Valid from 1 January 2013. Subject to amendments; not liable for misprints. Advertising rates on: : Current informati s rbu we dfw.z ww 2013 Special ads ‘heute-Uhr’ The unique advertising spot for your commercial in fullscreen format before ZDF ‘heute’ at 19:00 18:59:36 19:00:00 18:59:59 18:59:39 Placement The position provided by ‘heute-Uhr’ is German television’s oldest ‘special advert position’. We position your commercial directly before the news at 19:00. It is then broadcast from Monday to Saturday at 18:59, straight after the trailer for the highlight of the day. The programme environment provided by ‘heute’ at 19:00 • The main news of the day - one of the most up-to-date, informative, and reliable news programmes in German television* • Strong commercial break reach and CPM: In the first quarter of 2012, ‘heute-Uhr’ reached 1.82m householders at the extremely attractive CPM of EUR 14.70 (20”)** 12 Your benefits • Guaranteed attention thanks to the special positioning • Fast market penetration because of the wide reach and because your advert is being broadcast for an entire calendar week • Positive image transfer because your advert is placed directly before ‘heute’ *Source: ZDF Imagestudie 2011. / **Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung; TV Scope, 2.1.2012 – 30.3.2012 *** Excludes the obligatory four-second OTC notice if this is required. Booking and advert information • Minimum booking***: 120 seconds per week • Advert length***: At least five seconds. Different designs with varying advert lengths my be used each day • Bookings are fixed. Cancellation 12 weeks before the first broadcast date is possible in exceptional cases if a good reason is given • When designing your commercial, please bear in mind that news-like themes should be avoided Wide reach, attractive CPM Commercial break reach in comparison (in millions) 1.82 heute Uhr 18:59 Best Second* 1.78 Best Minute 19:59 ZDF heute Uhr 18:59 1.93 Best Second* 19:59 Solo commercial 19:57 after Börse CPM in comparison (in €) No data Best Minute 19:59 Solo commercial 19:57 after Börse 1.17 14.70 19.59 15.19 ARD Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung; TV Scope, 1st quarter of 2012, Mon. – Sat. Householders, CPM at 20 seconds * ZDF’s own calculations, Fernsehpanel D+EU. ‘heute-Uhr’: 18:59 Price group 85 Week no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Days Weekly price Cost/sec. for 20 sec. 02.01–06.014b 1,212 07.01–13.01 6 b 1,212 14.01–20.016b 1,212 21.01–27.01 6 b 1,212 28.01–03.026b 1,212 04.02–10.026b 1,440 11.02–17.026b 1,440 18.02–24.026b 1,440 25.02–03.036b 1,440 04.03–10.036b 1,476 11.03–17.036b 1,476 18.03–24.036b 1,476 25.03–31.035b 1,476 01.04–07.04 5 b 1,368 08.04–14.046b 1,368 15.04–21.046b 1,368 22.04–28.046b 1,368 29.04–05.055b 1,320 06.05–12.055b 1,320 13.05–19.056b 1,320 20.05–26.055b 1,320 27.05–02.06 6 b 1,320 03.06–09.066 b 840 10.06–16.06 6 b 840 17.06–23.06 6 b 840 24.06–30.066 b 840 13 Linear rates, free mandatory OTC notice b 96,960 b 145,440 b 145,440 b 145,440 b 145,440 b 172,800 b 172,800 b 172,800 b 172,800 b 177,120 b 177,120 b 177,120 b 147,600 b 136,800 b 164,160 b 164,160 b 164,160 b 132,000 b 132,000 b 158,400 b 132,000 b 158,400 b 100,800 b 100,800 b 100,800 b 100,800 Week no. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Days Weekly price Cost/sec. for 20 sec. 01.07–07.07 6 b 720 08.07–14.07 6 b 720 15.07–21.07 6 b 720 22.07–28.07 6 b 720 29.07–04.08 6 b 720 05.08–11.08 6 b 720 12.08–18.086 b 720 19.08–25.08 6 b 720 26.08–01.09 6 b 720 02.09–08.09 6 b 1,104 09.09–15.09 6 b 1,104 16.09–22.09 6 b 1,104 23.09–29.09 6 b 1,104 30.09–06.10 5 b 1,404 07.10–13.10 6 b 1,404 14.10–20.10 6 b 1,404 21.10–27.10 6 b 1,404 28.10–03.11 6 b 1,404 04.11–10.11 6 b 1,524 11.11–17.11 6 b 1,524 18.11–24.11 6 b 1,524 25.11–01.12 6 b 1,524 02.12–08.12 6 b 1,272 09.12–15.12 6 b 1,272 16.12–22.12 6 b 1,272 23.12–29.12 3 b 1,272 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 86,400 b 132,480 b 132,480 b 132,480 b 132,480 b 140,400 b 168,480 b 168,480 b 168,480 b 168,480 b 182,880 b 182,880 b 182,880 b 182,880 b 152,640 b 152,640 b 152,640 b 76,320 Issue date: July 2012. Valid from 1 January 2013. Subject to amendments; not liable for misprints. Special ads 2013 Special ads on: : Current informati s rbu we dfw.z ww ‘10 seconds’ Countdown to ZDF ‘heute’ at 17:00 16:59:47 17:00:00 16:59:59 16:59:50 Placement The last few seconds before ZDF ‘heute’ at 17:00 are reserved for you. Monday to Saturday at 16:59 just before the ‘heute’ news. The programme environment provided by ‘heute’ at 17:00 • The first main early-evening news broadcast with the day’s most important events across the world. It is comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable Booking and advert information • Advert length*: 5-10 seconds • Confirmed bookings are fixed • When designing your commercial, please bear in mind that news-like themes should be avoided Your benefits • High attention levels, as your advert is given an exclusive position by itself and broadcast just before the ‘heute’ news • Available for short commercials 1 ,68 om €1 r f l a i erc comm 5** * Excludes the obligatory four-second OTC notice if this is required. ** For advertising rates, see page 11. 14 ‘Split-screen news’ Your solo appearance after ZDF ‘heute’ at 19:00 for a whole year 19:18:00 19:17:49 19:17:50 Placement Every day from Monday to Saturday at 19:17 for an entire year. Your commercial is broadcast during the ‘credits’ just after the ‘heute’ news. Booking and advert information Only bookings for an entire year can be accepted. We are happy to prepare an individualised quote for you. The programme environment provided by ‘heute’ at 19:00 • The main news stories of the day • ‘Heute’ is one of the most up-to-date, informative, and reliable news programmes in German television* Contact Heike Fisseler Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14031 Email: [email protected] Your benefits • Excellent efficiency thanks to the dominance gained through your advert appearing for an entire year • High attention levels thanks to the exclusive position given to your advert • Positive image transfer because your advert is broadcast directly after the high-quality ‘heute’ news starting at 19:00 15 * Source: ZDF Imagestudie 2011. Special ads on: : Current informati s rbu we dfw.z ww 2013 Special ads ‘Best Wetter’ / ‘Best ML mona lisa’ The ‘Best’ position for your advertising message 19:18:03 19:18:34 19:18:04 Best Wetter Best ML mona lisa – NEW! Placement Monday to Saturday at 19:18, straight after the ‘heute’ news and just before the weather – and flanked by topical weather Mainzelmännchen The programme environment ‘heute 19:00 – weather’ • The main news stories of the day • Up-to-date and accurate weather reports provided by highly-qualified experts and modern technology ZDF ‘Best Wetter’: Wide reach at an attractive CPM Aged 14+ ZDF ‘Best Wetter’ at 19:18 Reach 3.86 million mona lisa Placement Saturdays at 18:12 between the first and second parts of ML mona lisa – and flanked by entertaining Mainzelmännchen clips. The programme environment ‘ML mona lisa’ • Germany’s oldest women’s magazine programme • Socio-critical topics for women, men, and more Benefits of the ‘Best’ positions • Short commercial break length: The special ad is limited to 90 seconds or three advertising partners on average • High attention levels due to the proximity of your advert to a programme with a wide reach 20“ CPM b6.99 ARD ‘Best Minute’ at 19:59 2.71 million b12.91 16 19:19:07 19:18:37 Source: Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung; TV Scope, 2.1.2012 – 30.3.2012. ‘Solo commercial Spot’ Your commercial in selected programme environments 16:14:33 16:14:34 16:14:57 16:15:00 16:14:37 Placement / programme environments Monday to Friday at 16:14 after ‘heute in europa’ Monday to Friday at 17:44 before ‘Leute heute’ Your benefits • Your advert is very effective because it is given an exclusive position outside of the classic commercial breaks • High attention levels because of your advert’s proximity to high-quality programmes with a wide reach Booking and advert information • Minimum advert length*: 20 seconds • Confirmed bookings are fixed Mondays at 19:21 after the weather and before ‘WISO’ Service • Single split screen for special programming • Special positioning close to highlight programmes Tuesday to Saturday at 19:21 after the weather and before the 19:25 series pecial our rs for s e found on e f f o t b Curren ming can m werbu progra : www.zdfe websit 17 *Excludes the obligatory four-second OTC notice if this is required. Special ads 2013 Special ads on: : Current informati s rbu we dfw.z ww ‘End credits split screen’ Exclusive positioning for your advert in the SOKO credits 18:55:00 18:54:39 18:54:40 Placement Monday to Friday at 18:54 during the SOKO credits The programme environment Excellent murder mystery entertainment in prime-time quality Booking and advert information • Minimum booking: 1 month – can be shared between several customers of one agency • Minimum advert length**: 20 seconds • Pre-production phase: 3 weeks • Confirmed bookings are fixed Your benefits • High attention levels thanks to the placement in the SOKO programmes, which have a wide reach • Lucrative advertising opportunity: During the first quarter of 2012, the credits split screen reached 17.4% of householders at the extremely attractive CPM of EUR 6.53 (20”)* 18 *Source: Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung; TV Scope, 2.1.2012 – 30.3.2012. **Excludes the obligatory four-second OTC notice if this is required. ‘split screen commercial break’ 19:49:39 19:50:00 19:49:39 19:49:40 19:50:00 19:49:40 WISO Series at 19:25 Placement Mondays at 19:49 after the first part of WISO, i.e. during the transition from the programme itself to the commercial break which comes next. Placement Tuesday to Saturday at 19:49 after the first part of the 19:25 series, i.e. during the transition from the programme itself to the commercial break which comes next. The programme environment WISO – Germany’s best known business programme with up to 3 million viewers per episode.* The programme environment Tuesday to Thursday – crime and action • with “Die Rosenheim-Cops” on Tuesday – more than 4.5 million viewers per episode** Fridays and Saturdays – family entertainment • with “Der Landarzt” on Fridays - nearly 4 million viewers per episode*** Your benefits Very high attention levels and therefore excellent advert effectiveness thanks to • exclusive positioning • the fact that your commercial is broadcast during a top-quality programme with a wide reach 19 *Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope. aged 14+, 9.1.2012 - 26.3.2012. **Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung, TV Scope, aged 14+, 25.10.2011 - 10.4.2012. ***Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope, aged 14+, 4.2.2012 - 13.5.2012, Booking and advert information • Minimum advert length****: 20 seconds • Confirmed bookings are fixed ****Excludes the obligatory four-second OTC notice if this is required. Special ads on: : Current informati rbu we dfw.z ww 2013 Sport The 2013 sporting year on ZDF ZDF’s sports calendar is dominated by winter sports from January until March. In addition to a number of world cup events in ski jumping, alpine skiing, and Nordic skiing, an abundance of biathlon world cup events will once again be incorporated into the schedule as well. Highlights of ZDF’s winter sport coverage include the Alpine World Ski Championships in Schladming, the Biathlon World Championships in Nove Mesto, and the Nordic World Ski Championships in Val di Fiemme. Olympic sports take over in the summer. The world’s top swimmers meet in Barcelona for the World Aquatics Championships in July. These are followed in August the World Championships in Athletics in Moscow, another top event. ZDF’s sport broadcasts guarantee unique live coverage environments for the clips representing your brand. You will benefit greatly from excellent commercial break reaches and the economic efficiency of these slots, which is made possible by our balanced pricing system. We are also offering short slots here which fit into our live broadcasts very well. The average length of commercial breaks in our sports broadcasts was just 95 seconds in the first half of 2012*. This varied sports schedule is also garnished with copious amounts of football. Germany’s national team will be aiming to qualify for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, and their campaign includes plenty of matches, which like the live UEFA Champions League broadcasts, will play a central role in ZDF’s 2013 sports schedule. In addition, Germany’s women will be going for glory at UEFA Women‘s Euro 2013TM. 20 *Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung; TV SCOPE, Fernsehpanel D+ EU. 1.1.2012–30.6.2012. The most important dates 11.1.–27.1.2013 Handball: World Championship in Spain January–March Winter sport world cup: Biathlon, Nordic skiing, alpine skiing February–April Football: 2012/2013 Champions League season 8 live quarter-final and semi-final matches February–November Football: German national team international matches incl. world cup qualifiers 4.2.–17.2.2013 Alpine skiing: World championships in Schladming (Austria) 7.2.–17.2.2013 Biathlon: World championships in Nove Mesto (Czech Republic) 20.2.–3.3.2013 Nordic skiing: World championships in Val di Fiemme (Italy) 25.5.2013 Football: Champions League final in London (England) 10.7.–28.7.2013 Football: UEFA Women‘s Euro 2013TM in Sweden 19.7.–4.8.2013 Swimming: World Championships in Barcelona (Spain) 10.8.–18.8.2013 Athletics: World Championships in Moscow* (Russia) 19.8.–25.8.2013 Riding: European Dressage and Jumping Championships in Denmark August Football: Qualifiers for the 2013/2014 Champions League season 6.9.–15.9.2013 Volleyball: Women’s European Championship in Germany and Switzerland September–December Football: 2013/2014 Champions League season – 6 live matches Group stage October Contacts Christoph Lüken Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -15679 Email: [email protected] Heike Fisseler Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14031 Email: [email protected] rting nt spo ite: e r r u c s r ices fo ur web and pr found on o s e t a D can be .de e v e n t s d f- w e r b u n g z www. Artistic gymnastics: World Championships in Antwerp (Belgium) November–December Winter sport world cup: Biathlon, Nordic skiing, alpine skiing 21 Subject to change; last updated July 2012. Sport 2013 Sponsorship on: : Current informati g rbu we dfw.z ww Sponsorship: High attention levels for your brand communication Contacts • Programme sponsorship enables you to benefit from an unmistakeable appearance in the programme itself: Exclusivity, high levels of attention and audience acceptance are guaranteed! Sport Michael Käfer Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14075 Email: [email protected] • With a seven-second trailer just before the start of the programme, as soon as the programme ends, and, if applicable, before or after a commercial break, the benefits of reach and effect are magnified greatly. Sascha Kronebach Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14296 Email: [email protected] • This established communication tool allows you to benefit from strong ZDF programme brands and to enhance awareness in a unique manner. Programme Anne Schweikard Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14027 Email: [email protected] • You can select from high-quality programmes with a wide reach – including those broadcast in advert-free environments in the morning or afternoon. Anabel Stappen Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14065 Email: [email protected] 22 Reach and market shares of selected programmes 23 “Sport im ZDF-Morgenmagazin” Monday–Friday, 5:30–9:00 “Leute heute” Monday–Friday, 17:45 0.61 million / 20.1%* 3.04 million / 18.6%**** Ski Jumping World Cup November to March “SOKO Köln” Tuesdays, 18:05 2.42 million / 16.1%** 4.24 million / 20.7%***** Handball World Championship January “Die Küchenschlacht” Monday–Friday, 14:15 4.16 million / 18.0%*** 1.25 million / 12.0%**** Alpine Skiing World Cup October to March “Wetter im ZDF-Morgenmagazin” Monday–Friday, 5:30–9:00 1.64 million / 17.0%** 0.61 million / 20.0%* * Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope Fernsehpanel D+EU, aged 14+ 9.1.2012 – 23.3.2012. ** Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope Fernsehpanel D+EU, aged 14+ 22.10.2011 – 18.3.2012. *** Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope Fernsehpanel D+EU, aged 14+, 2011 Handball World Championship: 13.1 – 30.1.2012. **** Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope Fernsehpanel D+EU, aged 14+ 2.1.2012 – 30.3.2012. ***** Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope Fernsehpanel D+EU, aged 14+ 3.1.2012 – 28.2.2012. Programme sponsorship is based on the guidelines for advertising, sponsorship, competitions, and production support dated 12th March 2010, and the regulations for the design of sponsor notices in accordance with section 10 of the ZDF guidelines for advertising and sponsorship dated 31st March 2005. Sponsorship on: : Current informati www.zdf-werbu 2013 Performance/effect ZDF Werbefernsehen – pioneering work with consumer audiences How better to measure the market success of an advertising campaign than through sales? Until recently, the media industry had no 1:1 interpretation of consumption by defined marketing target audiences in the AGF/GfK television panel. For example, instead of planning for purchasers of Hohes C fruit juice, advertisers had to fall back, for the most part, on GPS – the global premium purchaser as an alternative to 14– 49-year-olds Together with a company called Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK), ZDF Werbefernsehen has developed what is known as the Global Shopper Typology (GPS). This typology offers interested parties the perfect start to planning for target audience buyers. It uses barcode measurements to create an image of the purchasing behaviour of TV viewers across 284 product groups. GPS is the result of a regularly updated fusion of buyer target groups from the GfK ConsumerScan with the AGF/ GfK television panel. The typology has already been used in advertisers’ marketing, and includes not just buyers of premium and brand names, but also buyers of special offers and private labels. AGF data licence holders can obtain the typology free of charge via the ZDF Werbefernsehen standard software for AGF. *t.o.m. is a joint project between ZDF Werbefernsehen, ARD Werbung Sales & Services, GfK and various media agencies. FMCG = fast-moving consumer goods, i.e. consumer goods such as food, personal care products, cleaning products, etc., which consumers frequently buy. socio-demographic interpretations such as householders aged 20–49 or sinus environments. For about the past four years, however, it has been possible to minimise the associated wastage. Agencies and clients now have access to a total of three tools that facilitate the 1:1 interpretation of marketing target audiences into TV media planning. t.o.m. FMCG* – the tool for individual market segments t.o.m. FMCG (“TV Optimiser for FMCG Markets”) is the right tool for anyone who wants more detail than that offered by the aggregate image of consumers provided by GPS: Media planners can currently access 13 shopping baskets of daily necessities, including hot beverages, chocolates and chocolate bars, and dairy products. Different target audience variations can be evaluated within these shopping baskets: As with the GPS typology, they can on the one hand be assessed by buyer type (premium brand / brand name / special offer / private label purchasers). On the other hand, they can be assessed by purchasing frequency (heavy / medium / light purchaser). This enables premium buyers in the hot beverage product group to be analysed as easily as buyers of specific coffee products, such as roasted coffee or instant coffee, or even buyers of a specific brand, e.g. Dallmayr (roasted coffee). Over 800 products can now be analysed by t.o.m. FMCG. The tool incorporates all the brands within the 13 product groups which have a buyer reach of at least 5% over the period analysed. 24 t.o.m. pharma – consumer audiences for the OTC market The third tool is t.o.m. pharma (‘TV Optimiser for Pharma Markets’), a joint project in the OTC market for medications which can be sold without a prescription. As with GPS and t.o.m. FMCG, the TV media planner receives target customer groups for the OTC market which they can request from the AGF / GfK television panel and use for media planning. There are now a total of 12 market areas to choose from, such as flu remedies, painkillers, and stomachics. It is also possible to analyse purchasers of a total of seven brands. Alongside GfK Health Care, the lead organisation, companies participating in the project include ZDF Werbefernsehen, ARD-Werbung SALES & SERVICES, the Mediaplus agency group, M+W media, and MW Office. This group of organisations has exclusive rights of use over the new target audiences which have been used in media planning since September 2007. ZDF – number 1 in the high-end consumer target segment Analysis shows that ZDF is the most popular channel among premium and brand product purchasers between 17.00 and 20.00. High-end brands in the FMCG and OTC sectors find a quality-conscious environment in ZDF, one that offers – in comparison with age-focused media planning – more targeted appeal and at far lower CPM. Our teams in Market and Advertising Research and Media Service would be happy to help you with further information or in preparing non-binding sample evaluations. Commercial break reaches for January to March 2012, Mon.–Sat., TA 01 – 30 GPS premium / brand purchasers* Reach/million CPM/€ t.o.m. FMCG Dallmayr roasted coffee buyers* Reach/million CPM/€ Contact t.o.m. pharma pharmacy cosmetic buyers* Reach/million CPM/€ 17:00–20:00 Dr. Michael Keller Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14044 Email: [email protected] Verena Hamm Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14014 Email: [email protected] ZDF 1.19 14.93 0.78 22.79 0.88 20.19 ARD 0.73 24.79 0.42 42.70 0.47 38.47 RTL 0.66 40.34 0.46 57.42 0.45 59.32 Media Service SAT.1 0.64 20.18 0.43 29.84 0.42 30.29 PRO 7 0.25 66.03 0.10 0.09 179.09 Joachim Schiebel Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70 -14032 Email: [email protected] RTL 1.09 49.50 0.68 Sonja Özistanbullu Tel.: +49 (0)6131 70-14037 Email: [email protected] 166.97 20:00–23:00 25 Market and Advertising Research SAT.1 0.57 52.56 0.33 PRO 7 0.42 76.92 0.20 78.99 90.46 162.83 0.68 79.60 0.34 88.45 0.18 174.11 *Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung: TV Scope Fernsehpanel D+EU, E14+ 2.1.2012 – 31.3.2012. GPS premium/brand purchasers: All people (aged 14+) are from a GPS premium or brand-buying household. t.o.m FMCG Dallmayr roasted coffee buyers: All people are from a household (aged 14+) in which Dallmayr roasted coffee is bought. t.o.m. pharma pharmacy cosmetic buyers: Adults over 20 who buy pharmacy cosmetics. Performance/effect on: : Current informati www.zdf-werbu 2013 Discounts/Broadcasting material Discounts Scale of discounts Where an advertiser buys at least the gross sales volume stated below within one calendar year, the discounts indicated in the scale of discounts are applied to the standard volume. Sponsorship is not eligible for discounts as part of gross sales volume. From €0.40 million 1.0% €2.00 million 5.0% €0.50 million 1.5% €2.50 million 7.0% €0.75 million 2.0% €4.00 million 9.0% €1.00 million 3.0% €5.00 million by agreement €1.50 million 4.0% ZDF Werbefernsehen will calculate and grant only the discounts and rates shown in the applicable price list. All rates are in euros. Calculation is based on confirmed bookings. VAT will be invoiced separately. Group discounts Group discounts require written confirmation from ZDF Werbefernsehen. Any application relating to being part of a group concern, and proof thereof, must be submitted in writing to ZDF Werbefernsehen by 30 June of each calendar year, as no discounts can otherwise be considered within that year. ZDF Werbefernsehen grants a group discount for several advertisers if the parent company has a capital share in the subsidiary of more than 50% on 1 January of the calendar year. Group discounts are applied only for the duration that the subsidiary forms part of the group; departure from the group must be made known immediately; if a subsidiary leaves the group during the course of a calendar year, a proportional discount is applied as applicable. Limited liability companies must provide evidence of their group status either through confirmation from an accountant or through presentation of their latest annual report; registered partnerships must present a certificate of registration in the trade registry. You should also take into account the level of performance and cost-effectiveness in many target groups compared to our competitors and the exceptional programme quality – you can find further information on this under ‘Advertising on ZDF’ (page 6) and ‘Performance/effect’ (page 24). Get in touch with us! 26 Broadcasting material ZDF Werbefernsehen must be provided with broadcasting material at least five days prior to transmission. In certain circumstances, delivery at even shorter notice is also possible if this has been arranged beforehand. As broadcasting material for sponsorship is subject to special regulations, please contact the relevant person directly for details of production and delivery. Several different designs may be included on one broadcast tape. More information on EBU R128 is provided at: tarife/tonaussteuerung.html Please send your tape to ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH Scheduling ZDF-Straße 1 55127 Mainz Germany Digital delivery You can also send broadcasting material directly to ZDF or via an external provider in the form of digital files. Our scheduling team can help with more detailed questions regarding the delivery of digital commercials. Heike Fisseler, telephone number: +49 (0)6131 70–14031, [email protected] Broadcasting material technical requirements You can find more information on sending material directly to ZDF at Standard definition (SD): – Digital Betacam or DVC PRO 50 – Image format: 16:9 (anamorphic) – Mono or stereo on CH1 and CH2 – Optional: multichannel sound in Dolby E encoded on CH3 and CH4 High definition (HD): – HDCAM SR, HDCAM, and DVC PRO HD – Scan format: 720p/50 – Mono or stereo on CH1 and CH2 – Optional: multichannel sound in Dolby E encoded on CH3 and CH4 Storage and return of advert broadcast tapes / archiving of commercials Broadcast tapes may be returned at the customer’s expense if requested. Return must be requested within 14 days of receipt of the commercial. After 14 days, ZDF Werbefernsehen is entitled to destroy tapes or dispose of them in any other way, in which case the customer has no entitlement to claim. Commercials are archived on a ZDF server, and ZDF is entitled to delete commercials from this server 12 months after they have been broadcast for the last time. If an advert is to be used after this 12-month period has expired, please inform us in good time. Broadcasting material must be produced and customised according to the technical guidelines for ZDF, ARD, and ORF television productions, and supplied with clear VTR cards containing a description. Standardised sound loudness complying with EBU R128 is included in the guidelines. The ‘TPRF-HDTV’ guidelines are published by the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (Broadcast Technology Institute) in Munich and can be viewed here: 27 Discounts/Broadcasting material on: : Current informati rbu we dfw.z ww 2013 General Terms and Conditions of Business 1– The contract ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH (hereafter referred to as ZDF Werbefernsehen) markets exclusively in its own name and on behalf of ZDF. ZDF Werbefernsehen accepts orders for advertising broadcasts on ZDF based on available broadcast time, the current valid price list and the following General Terms and Conditions of Business. Advertising broadcasts must meet legal requirements and the terms of the Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (interstate broadcasting agreement), as well as ZDF guidelines for advertising and sponsorship. Once an order has been accepted, ZDF Werbefernsehen will issue a contract in the form of an order confirmation either in writing or electronic form. The content of the contract as confirmed by ZDF Werbefernsehen is valid as long as the contractual partner does not object to the content in writing within three working days of receiving the contract. An order confirmation is valid for the advertisers named in the contract. The confirmation contains details about the client and contractor, advertiser, booking volume, commercial length, commercial break and generally the editorial environment as well. The booked broadcast date for an advertiser cannot be transferred to another advertiser or other advertising agency. Exceptions require the agreement of ZDF Werbefernsehen. ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to forward order confirmations to the customer on request of the customer. Orders will be concluded within one calendar year. The contractual year is the calendar year. 2–Joint advertising Joint advertising is not allowed. This includes the integration of social network services. Exceptions are only possible with the agreement of ZDF Werbefernsehen. 28 3– Agentur-Vergütung ZDF Werbefernsehen will give agencies commission for orders received via an agency. This fee shall comprise 15% of the net amount due so long as the agency has provided its client with advertising-related advice and can prove that it has provided the relevant services. 5– Broadcasting material Plans and broadcasting material should normally be supplied to ZDF Werbefernsehen by the client at the latest five working days before broadcast. This material will be checked for viability by ZDF. Any change to this broadcast material requires approval unless the changes are required in order to meet broadcast standards. The client shall bear all design costs for broadcasting material (image and sound). ZDF Werbefernsehen will inform the client immediately giving reasons if the material is unusable or does not correspond to the contractual specifications. 6– Rejection proviso ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to refuse to broadcast a commercial because of its content, origin or technical aspects and based on fact-related reasons, particularly if the content does not meet moral or legal specifications or conflicts with the interests of ZDF. If broadcasting material is returned for reasons for which ZDF is responsible, the client can withdraw from the contract. If the client is responsible for the return of the material, they shall provide a replacement without delay. If the replacement is not available in time, ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to make a claim for remuneration. If the commercial is broadcast despite notice that material will be returned, ZDF Werbefernsehen remains entitled to make a claim for remuneration. 7– Responsibility for content The client bears the responsibility for the content of the sound and images provided to ZDF Werbefernsehen, is liable for their legal validity and exempts ZDF and ZDF Werbefernsehen from the claims of third parties. 4– Methods of payment Invoicing for advertising broadcasts generally occurs in the month before the broadcast, with the invoice date being the fifth day of the month in which the advert is broadcast. Invoices must be paid in full within 25 days of the invoice date. A 2% discount is given for discounts made within ten days. A discount is not offered for sponsoring. ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to demand payment in advance, particularly in the case of first-time contracting partners. Payment must be received at least three working days before the first transmission date, and the discount rule does apply in this case too. The final invoice for the broadcast month is drawn up on the first working day of the following month. If there are any differences resulting from changes to bookings or different discount terms have been agreed, these will be invoiced or credited separately. Payment must be made within ten days. The 2% discount is applicable here as well. Credit notes must be redeemed. If this is not possible, a payment will be made. If the invoice with the credit note has had a discount deducted, the corresponding discount amount will also be deducted from the credit note. If a payment is late, ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to stop the broadcast of the advertisement(s) or withdraw from the contract completely. In this case, the client is not entitled to seek compensation. The client is liable for any damages caused by the delay to ZDF Werbefernsehen. If a cheque is sent, the date of payment is the date the cheque is received by ZDF Werbefernsehen. For bank transfers, the date of payment is the date on which the amount is credited to the following account: ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH Commerzbank AG Sort code: 550 400 22 Account no.: 200 360 600 8– Rights of use (1) For the commercial provided to ZDF Werbefernsehen, the client shall transfer the rights – including time, location and content-related aspects – required for implementation of the order in the Federal Republic of Germany to ZDF, as well as the right to broadcast the commercial via broadcast media of all types. This right includes the range of broadcast programmes, including live streaming in every technical manner available (including the use of Internet protocols: ‘IP-TV’), particularly • Terrestrial (e.g. via DVB-T, DVB-H, DMB or corresponding successor technology, e.g. DXB), • Via cable (in every technical manner possible, e.g. broadband, DSL or corresponding successor technology (X-DSL), including rights to integral cable retransmission of programmes at home and abroad), and • Via satellite broadcasts. (2) Excluded from the acquisition of rights via the client are the rights for the music contained within the commercial that are exercised by GEMA (Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights) and transferred to ZDF. (3) The client guarantees that ZDF Werbefernsehen will only be sent broadcast material for advertising broadcasts for which they have acquired and manage all the necessary copyright and usage rights as specified in section (1). To enable invoices between GEMA and ZDF to be settled, the client must provide ZDF with the following information about the music used in the commercial in writing: the music title, the length of music title used, the composer, the lyricist, the editor, the music publisher, the artist, the brand and the label code. This information must be included in the design plans or in the broadcasting material. 9– Positioning ZDF Werbefernsehen does not guarantee specific positioning within a commercial break. It also does not guarantee that competitors will be excluded either within a commercial break or in the special ads or sponsorship that appears in close proximity to the commercial break. 29 General Terms and Conditions of Business on: : Current informati rbu we dfw.z ww 2013 General Terms and Conditions of Business 10– Broadcast confirmation Following the end of the broadcasting month, the client will receive broadcast confirmation with information about actual broadcasting time, the respective commercial break and the topics broadcast. 11– Planning times/delaying of advertising broadcast Agreed broadcast times will be adhered to if possible. If a commercial cannot be broadcast in the specified commercial break or in the specified editorial environment, ZDF can broadcast it in accordance with other conditions if the client agrees. Agreement is not required in the case of minor postponements. Postponement of a commercial is considered minor if it broadcast in a commercial break not more than 15 minutes before or after the original point in time when it should have been broadcast. This does not include a postponement due to the transmission of a live sporting event. In this case, the tolerance period can exceed 15 minutes if necessary. If an agreement could not be secured or it was not given at a later point, the client can request a replacement broadcast for the same conditions subject to availability. If this is not possible, the client is entitled to a reduced price depending on the scope of the defective performance or reduced service. 12– Delays due to identity of individuals ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to broadcast commercials on another broadcasting day at the same time if possible if personalities appear in the commercial who also appear on a ZDF programme on the same day. For major sporting events, there are special conditions for participating players, trainers and managers which will be communicated at the time the offer is made. 13– Guarantee If ZDF Werbefernsehen supplies a reduced service which is outside its control, the customer’s rights under warranty are restricted to a choice of retransmission at a comparable time or a reduction in rate corresponding to the extent of the reduced service. A reduced service occurs, e.g. if more than 10% of the technical reach recorded for the IVW audit is not achieved, or if transmission is of reduced quality. Apart from this, the customer may not assert any claims, in particular due to failure of satellite broadcasting. The relevant cable network operators are responsible for feeding the regionally suitable TV signals into the German cable network. Liability on the part of ZDF Werbefernsehen is excluded in this respect. In the case of a slightly negligent breach of fundamental obligations, ZDF Werbefernsehen is liable only to the amount of typically foreseeable damage. The customer’s right to claim under warranty expires after 12 months. 14– Force majeure Either party may withdraw from the contract with immediate effect in the case of force majeure, unless ZDF Werbefernsehen has already completed its services. ZDF Werbefernsehen is obliged to reimburse the customer the fee charged for commercials that were not broadcast. The client is not entitled to make any further claims. Force majeure includes riots, fire, power failure, natural disasters, storm damage, strikes, lockouts, damage due to construction work and similar events that the contractual parties are not responsible for. 15– Cancellation The client can withdraw from the contract at no cost provided they cancel the order, either in whole or in part, in writing no later than six weeks before the first broadcast date. If the client cancels later than this, then the legal regulations as described in §649 sentence 2 of the German Civil Code apply. The right to cancel does not apply to bookings for advertisements to be broadcast in a sports environment, special ads (solo commercials, split-screen commercials, etc.) and sponsorship. 30 16– Price changes Any changes to the broadcast price will come into force for ongoing orders at the earliest a month after the client has been informed. In such a case, the client can withdraw from the contract at the point in time at which the change to the contract is due to take place. In this case, the client must inform ZDF Werbefernsehen in writing within two weeks of receiving notice of the change. ZDF Werbefernsehen reserves the right to charge surcharges to the listed prices for booking commercials as part of the broadcasting of events in which there is great public interest. 17– References in other advertising mediums Reference made to an advertising broadcast on ZDF may only be made in other advertising media if it is made clear that the advertising broadcast is not part of a general television programme broadcast, but is broadcast as part of the advertising schedule. Statements that connect advertising broadcasts with ZDF are not permitted. The use of the ZDF Werbefernsehen logo requires approval of ZDF Werbefernsehen. 18– OTC notice In the case of advertisements for medicinal products as defined under § 4 (3) of the Drugs Advertising Act (HWG), ZDF will broadcast the mandatory OTC notice free of charge provided it complies with the standard recommended by the OWM advertising association or BAH association of drug manufacturers (grey background, white text, exactly four seconds long, maintains neutrality in the sense of containing no promotional statements). There will be a charge for OTC notices that deviate from this standard. Please note that details concerning minimum booking lengths for special ads on the price lists are exclusive of the free four-second legal notice. 19– Confidentiality Both parties agree to keep confidential all information and data that they receive from the other contractual partner for the implementation of this contract and also not to pass this information and data onto third parties. This also applies once the contract has ended. Publications of all kinds that arise as a result of the cooperation are only permitted with prior agreement from both parties. ZDF Werbefernsehen has the right to use the name of the client, its brand and logo, as well as information about the order for reference purposes, subject to the above confidentiality obligations. 20– Calculation of performance levels 31 The basis for calculation of performance levels (viewer distribution/CPT) is the AGF/ GfK Germany + EU Panel. 21– Liability clause Provided there are no provisions to the contrary in these General Terms and Conditions of Business, ZDF Werbefernsehen is only liable for client damages in accordance with the following provisions: • If ZDF Werbefernsehen, its legal representatives or assistants acted wilfully or with gross negligence, • In cases of slight negligence in the event of explicit assumption of a guarantee, and • In the case of breach of fundamental obligations which the customer would firmly expect to be fulfilled. For slightly negligent violations of essential obligations, ZDF Werbefernsehen’s liability is limited to typically foreseeable damages. Liability for subsequent damages, e.g. loss of profit, missed savings and other indirect damages, is excluded unless the purpose of the contract is jeopardised. 22– Final provisions Place of fulfilment and jurisdiction is Mainz. If any individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Business are or become ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions or agreements. The parties shall replace the ineffective provision by an effective one which approximates the economic purpose of the ineffective provision as closely as possible. The same applies in the case of a loophole in the contract. Credits: Publisher: ZDF Werbefernsehen GmbH 55100 Mainz Managing director: Hans-Joachim Strauch Chair of the Supervisory Board: Hans Joachim Suchan HRB 6186 VAT ID no. DE 815041250 Responsible for content: Christoph Lüken Editorial: Bärbel Becker Design: Bärbel Becker, Christoph Lüken Layout: Silke Cronauer, ZDF Printgrafik Manufacture and printing: KOMMINFORM Print- und Produktions GmbH, Kriftel Subject to amendments; not liable for errors and misprints. Last updated: July 2012 General Terms and Conditions of Business Your contacts for sales ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH Sales Management Ludwigstraße 11 50667 Köln Sales Office North ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH Rothenbaumchaussee 132–134/Haus 4 20149 Hamburg Sales Office West ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH Ludwigstraße 11 50667 Cologne Sales Office Central ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH Bertramstraße 8/D-Bau 60320 Frankfurt Sales Office South ARD & ZDF Fernsehwerbung GmbH Hopfenstraße 4 80335 Munich Tobias Lammert Sales Director Telephone:+49 (0)221 569315–10 PC fax: +49 (0)221 569315–710 [email protected] Achim Gätjen Office Manager / Sales Manager North Telephone:+49 (0)40 4135435 –12 Telefax: +49 (0)40 4135435 –22 [email protected] Alexandra Meier Office Manager / Sales Manager West Telephone:+49 (0)221 569315–20 PC fax: +49 (0)221 569315–720 [email protected] Gaetano Anzalone Office Manager / Sales Manager Central Telephone:+49 (0)69 15424–262 PC fax: +49 (0)69 15424–7262 [email protected] Sabine E. 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