JSRC supports Special Olympics, NJ


JSRC supports Special Olympics, NJ
Newsletter of the Jersey Shore Runninng Club
In This Issue:
Club News
• Special Olympics Time Trials . . 1
Club News
•President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . 2
•Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
•Member News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
On the Run:
•Coaching & Training. . . . . . . . . . 7
•Racing Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
•RunAPalooza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
•Club Group Runs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
•The Finish Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
•Race Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
•Applications . . . . . . . . . . 13, 15,17
•Membership Application. . . . . 19
In the Know:
•JSRC Races. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
•National Skin Cancer Month. . 6
•Birthday Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . 18
•Member2Member Classifieds.19
Next Club Meeting
Tuesday, May 29
Deal Fire House
Brighton Ave., Deal
approximately 7:15 pm following the
regular Tuesday night Club run.
See website for final details.
Volume XXI • Issue 5
May / June 2012
JSRC supports Special Olympics, NJ
Special Olympics New Jersey is in the process of holding Area Track and Field Competitions throughout the state. The top finishers in these meets qualify to compete at the
State Championships to be held at The College of New Jersey from June 8 – 10, 2012.
In Monmouth/Ocean County or Area VI the meet will be held on Saturday, May 12,
2012 at Long Branch High School.
For over 20 years the Jersey Shore Running Club has assisted with the event at the
various locations in the area. Jeri Hickey of Toms River, NJ is the Area Director and
coordinates the days event along with Lisa Wilhelm also of Toms River.
The Club will be organizing the
track meets scoring, escorting
athletes and conducting the
awards ceremonies associated
with each event.
For the volunteers it is always a
rewarding experience and
an opportunity to help the
Special Athletes in their quest
for medals.
Volunteers should plan on
being at the high school by about 8:30 AM. The meet is usually over by 2:00 PM
Volunteers are welcome and should contact the JSRC Volunteer coordinator
Michael Procopio at [email protected]
Upcoming Races
(to Run or Volunteer, see pg. 11),
•Friday, May 11: Rumson Fair
Haven 5K
•May 12 : Hirtes Hike 5K
•May 12 : Monmouth Beach
•May 12 : 3rd Annual Beach to Bay
•May 19 : Spring into Summer 5K
•May 19 : Ocean Medical Center 5K
•May 20: Thorne Scholarship 4M
•June 2: Avon 5K
•June 9: Pre - Father’s Day 5K
•June 9: Valerie Fund 5K
•June 9: Run to Hear
•June 9: Run the Pines for Canines
•June 16: Jersey Shore Golden
Grand Prix — George
Sheehan Classic 5K,
JSRC also supports the Special Olympics through the annual RunAPalooza Jersey Shore
Relay & Marathon and Asbury Park Half Marathon. Coverage of RunAPalooza begins on
Page 8.
JSRC Footnotes
the President’s message
Club Officers
“To you the next best thing to playing and winning is playing and
losing.”— Alison Krauss
President: Carly DePolo
Vice President:
Peggy McKean
Laura Schneider
Mindy Brady
Web Master:
Bob Both
Phil Hinck
Directors at Large:
Jack Cheer
Jim Murphy
This song was on as I was running the other day and I’ve been
replaying it in my head every run since. I believe this quote is
very fitting for our club. The JSRC is made up of two different
kinds of runners. We have “serious runners” and people that
are serious about having a good time. Fast or slow, healthy or injured, volunteering or cheering, it is important that we show up
to play, win or lose. I’d like to not only maintain the fun we have
I’d like to improve upon it. On that end, we have several races in
need of race directors. If you would like more information about
becoming a race director or serving on a race committee please
contact me at [email protected]. .
— Carly DePolo, President, JSRC
Editorial Staff
Newsletter Editor & Publisher:
Barbara Hay
Contributing Writers:
Bob Both. Penny Hinck, Jim Robbins
Bob Both, Penny Hinck, JerseyShorePics
Electronic Newsletter Distribution:
Penny Hinck
Membership Coordinator:
Penny Hinck
Membership Updates: Send a change of address postcard to:
Membership - JSRC
P.O. Box 7492
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702.
Contact the Club’s Membership
Coordinator at [email protected]
to update your membership information or to obtain a membership card.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Mike Procopio
To volunteer or get information
about volunteering contact the Club’s Volunteer coordinator at [email protected]
the bottom line
I hope that you took advantage of the recent membership offer that was posted online. It
was a great deal. Seeing all the new members at the last meeting was encouraging. There
are so many races and events to participate in, it is important that all of us choose those
that support the JSRC. We support so many good causes by participating in these events.
The Michael W. Thorne Scholarship Run is one that is very important to me. I have been
involved with this race from Day 1. Nancy Thorne asked me to help and I have been by
her side promoting this event from the beginning. On Sunday, May 20 it will be our Tenth
Annual Run/Walk. It is a great tune-up to the all time favorite Spring Lake Five! There are
so many of you that support our event, but I am asking each of you to try to ask one more
person to come with you! We have a special anniversary giveaway for the first 500 to pick
up their bibs and t-shirts. You can download a registration at www.thornescholarshiprun.
org or register at active.com. I hope to see all of you who have participated before and
some new faces!
— Mindy Brady, Treasurer, JSRC
from the editor
April brought us another successful year of RunAPalooza and the weather even managed
to cooperate! As usual, Bob Both, Jeri Hickey and Heather Anderson of Special Olympics
did a fantastic job pulling it all together again.
JSRC is a member of RRCA & USATF
(Member No. CLUB 0196).
There a quite a few races coming up including the Thorne Race run by Nancy Thorne in
memory of her brother on May 20, the Spring Lake 5 on May 26 (it’s closed, no race day
apps) and the Club’s own Pre-Fathers’ Day 5K. Since the last one is a Club race it, we ask
that you support the race by running or volunteering. It’s a very pretty course with a fair
amount of shade and it is a fun time. So make use of the application in this newletter on
page 13 and sign up today.
Footnotes is a publication of Jersey
Shore Running Club (JSRC), a nonprofit, philanthropic organization.
This publication is produced
Members are encouraged to submit
press releases or articles of interest to
fellow Club members. Submit your
information by the deadline to [email protected].
Next Issue Deadline:
8:00PM June 1, 2012.
Now with the warmer weather comes more races and events in addition to more runners
running on the roads. Please remember to run safely facing traffic and when you are driving be aware of the potential runners on the road and show them the consideration you
would like shown to you.…it may save a life.
— Barbara Hay, Newsletter Editor, JSRC
• 2K May / June 2012
April 24, 2012 Meeting
Call to order 7:45 p.m.
Motion to approve minutes from last meeting; approved.
Old Business
Saturday, March 31: 16th Annual Fool’s Run 5K in Manasquan. Marty Fitzpatrick ran it.
Bad weather but good turnout. Great party at the Beach House. Considering that, it was a
good time. Jack and Diane Cheer came in 1st and 2nd in their respective age groups!
Save the Date! Next Monthly Meeting
JSRC meetings are always
on the last of the month at
7:15pm after the Club’s
evening run.
Saturday, April 14: Run With the Royals 5K. Phil Hinck said it had a good post-race
party at an Irish bar in Rumson. Inaugural race; the club helped. Was in Oceanport at Wolf
Hill Recreation Area. A great little park with trails.
Sunday, April 15: BlueClaws 5K. This race is a joint venture between Ocean Running
Club and JSRC. Sandra got 3AG! Steve A said Kate was the 4th girl in the one-mile!
Upcoming Races
Sunday, April 28: Lake Como 5K, here at Bar A. Liz Maggio showed a picture of her sister
Grania, who was killed by a drunk driver and in whose memory the race is held. Carly
reminded everyone that this is one of OUR races, so we need volunteers AND runners.
Pre-reg and t-shirt pickup is this Friday from 5:30 to 7:30. Saturday we really only need
course marshals, said Jerry Frazee, who co-directs with Liz. Be here around 9a.m. to do
course marshal; 8:30 for anything else. Weather will be sunny. The signup sheet is on the
table. It’s a good run, come and volunteer.
Saturday, May 5: Sandy Hook Lighthouse 5K. Phil reminded everyone that this is a small
race; so if you want to win an award, come out!
Sunday, May 6: CBA Colt 5K Trail Run. Phil said it’s another small race. So definitely
come if you want to win! Post race party is at Lincroft Inn!
Friday, May 11: Rumson-Fair Haven Run. This year: big move from a 5 miler to 5K, and
from its usual Sunday/Mother’s Day slot to a Friday night. Phil emphasized there will be
a BIG post race party with a band, barbecue & beer. Party is FREE! They really want this
race to succeed.
Saturday, May 12: Special Olympics Track Meet at Long Branch High School. It will be
one of the most rewarding days of your life, said Carly. If you’re interested in participating, contact Mike Procopio. We ask the volunteers to be there by 8 or 8:30a.m. We usually
need about 30 to 40 people. We need to escort athletes and run the corrals, so we need a
lot of people. You will meet people you will never forget It will stick with you for the rest of
your life. Plan to be there until about 3p.m. Penny Hinck: if you truly want to help out and
you can’t stay all day, please tell Mike and come and do what you can.
May 29
Deal Firehouse
K Brighton Avenue, Deal, NJ
Saturday, April 7: Celtic Tribute 5K in Long Branch. Phil Hinck thanked everyone; good
turnout, wonderful sday. Volunteers can see Phil for their shirts.
Saturday, April 21: RunAPalooza, the Asbury Park Half Marathon and the Jersey Shore
Relay. It was the biggest ever. Pat Ford did the half in 1:39:56, beating Marty Fitzpatrick!
(Marty got injured…awwwww!) Relay teams: Road to Nowhere won Mixed Masters.
Weather was nice; whoever coordinated it did a good job, said Carly DePolo. Tim
Mahoney: gave huge props to both the runners and the volunteers.
Next Meeting:
Please check the website for the actual locations of the meetings
www.jsrc.org for more information
PUblication dates
The next issue is scheduled for
Your submissions, ads and race
applications should be submitted
prior to the 8PM deadline on
June 1, 2012.
A simple rule of thumb:
Information is due 8:00 PM
on the Friday following our
Club meeting.
Have photos you want to share?
If you have a great photo you would
like to share, do send it in! We love
getting potos of our club members!
All we ask is that you send it as a
300dpi jpg file and we will use it.
Please include your name and subjects name so we can give proper
credt! Send photos to:
[email protected]
send us your news
The 18th Annual Monmouth Beach PTO 5K is early in the morning, and it’s only 3 miles
from the Special Olympics event, so do both! JSRC is assisting with the Monmouth Beach
continued on page 5
We love to hear from our members
and to find out how their running
programs are progressing, what
new life changing events have
happened to them and members
thoughts about running. So often
we only get bad news and it would
be fun to help you celebrate your
achievements and milestones.
Everyone needs a reason to smile.
Send news to: [email protected]
May / June 2012 K 3
member news — news about and for our members
We love to hear from members! Let us
know your latest achievements, new
milestones and whatever else you’d like
to share with your fellow JSRC members.
Don’t forget, New members are encouraged to submit a brief paragraph or two
about themselves to the newsletter to
introduce themselves to Club members.
It can be simple; why you joined, why
you run (or don’t run), where you run,
if you plan to participate in group runs
or trainings, and so forth. Believe it or
not, this helps members look out for you
& introduce themselves to you & make
you feel more welcome. So come on, let us
know who you are!
] ] ]
Meet Our New Members
Andy Levine
I recently relocated from Scotch Plains, NJ to Ocean Grove, NJ and am pleased
to join the Jersey Shore Running Club. I began running in my mid-thirties and
have so far notched 10 marathons (and will be running the Jersey Shore Marathon on May 6th). I’m still in search of my first sub-4 hour marathon but as I’m
entering my fifties hope may be fading. Look forward to meeting other club members on the group runs. ] ] ]
New Members – LOTS of new members at the April meeting!
Lisa Burgermeister, I used to be athletic and I want to be motivated again. I’m very
excited to be here!
Lisa Beech: first meeting tonight. I’m looking to volunteer a lot this year and to stick
to it.
JSRC Membership Summary
Greg Young, 25 years old, I run often, about every weekend. I’m a gym rat.
Total Members: 4008
Mark Dolan, Wall, I’m 54. I’m sticking to it. I ran from the Celtic Cottage to here at
Bar A with you guys, and I also belong to the Jersey Tri Club. Trying to mix it up.
Active Members (Dues Paid): 959
Individual Members: 794
Family Members: 165
RRCA Insurance Members: 862
Membership Information
For a JSRC Membership Search
To search your name in the membership database, type in: Your Last name.
Search Hints:
a. Enter lastname to list your membership
information. Optionally, you could enter
firstname and zipcode.
b.Enter firstname only (e.g., Robert) to list all
members with the firstname.
c. Enter zipcode only (e.g., 07702) to list all
members in a zipcode.
d.To search with part of a name, enter the first
few characters (e.g., Hin to list names starting with Hin; S to list names starting in S)
Have something to say?
Here’s your chance! Submit your ideas, photos, articles, stories and news items. We ask that you submit
prior to the monthly deadline listed on page 2.
When you submit, please:
lease check spelling, grammar and proper
names before submitting your information.
• When sending photos, please send them as high
a resolution as possible, ( preferably 300dpi) and
DO NOT embed them in a Word document.
Send your submissions to [email protected] or
[email protected]. K
• 4K May / June 2012
Kyle Dodek, I run spring through fall. Lot of hiking, kayaking, Jeeping, Motorcycle
riding. One thing I like about this club already is that you like to drink a lot
Joe Freeman, Eatontown, joined because Phil is working on our race, the Sandy Hook
5K, and I’m the new coordinator. I also accidentally joined a 5K class, and I passed, I
finished my first 5K tonight. I like to drink too.
Franco from Howell; I’m not going to tell you how old I am. He comes to the Thursday
Maryann, live in Brick, I’m a teacher in Brick as well. I run from 3 miles to a marathon
(October). I’m running May 5 in the NJ Half Marathon.
Pauline Mc??? – I’m running a triathlon in July, figured I needed to start somewhere.
The 2012 George Sheehan Classic is excited to announce the new 5K
(3.1 mile) distance as its main event. The race committee has had a
great deal of community feedback over the years that running five
miles was just a little too long for the everyday runner, and that
sometimes the heat in June can still be a factor. In response, it was
decided that the 5K distance was the right match for the entire family to participate, either by racing walking the scenic course. The
Sheehan Classic is set for 8:30 a.m. Saturday, June 16, 2012. More
than 2,500 runners from are expected
to participate in what has become one of the Jersey Shore’s most
popular road races.
recordings - continued from page 3
Sunday, May 20: Michael W. Thorne Scholarship 4 Mile Run / Walk. Nancy Thorne,
race director: This race is in memory of my brother who was a firefighter and lost his life in
the line of duty. The year is a BIG one, as it’s our 10th annual. Great random prizes, 5 year
Age Group awards, free post race party at Long Branch fire house. We are having a clinic at K
Roadrunner Sports tomorrow night. Every person who shows up will get us a donation and
you don’t have to buy anything! Also we are doing a bag check this year. Pat Ford said it’s a
flat and fast course. Mindy Brady is taking apps tonight; still $18 for JSRC members.
Saturday, June 9: JSRC Pre Father’s Day 5K race. Race Director Mike Washakowski said this
race has some of the best door prizes of any race around. Great barbecue afterwards.
Jack Cheer: Spring Lake 5 trash pickup: there will be a Bar A party for the volunteers, so please
help out.
Bill Scholl was on hand to promote the next Rat Race. He said, “Bill Koch, thank you for saving my life at one of the Rat Races.” Location: Oak Tree Lodge in Wall. Saturday, October 13.
Lake Como Health and Wellness Day: we need some people to man the table. From 10 K
to 2p.m. on June 2 at the Academy Charter High School, 1725 Main Street, Belmar. Brian
Wilson asked us to help with this. Someone asked, “Where’s the post race party?”
JSRC Summer Series: We need someone to organize it and serve as race director; otherwise,
it’s likely it will not happen. If you can help, please contact Mike Procopio. Pat Ford loves
the Summer Series!
Weekly club runs:
Tuesday night run in Long Branch. Ira Wiss said he ran early, at 4:45pm.
Thursday night run in Belmar is going extremely well, attracting many new runners each
week. Marty Fitzpatrick said it’s really nice to be able to run in the daylight!
Sunday morning is the Bodman Run in Middletown. Anyone, Sunday runs? (No one
answered.) Okay…the Sunday runs going really well.
Thursday runs: Mike P said they are still going strong. Really nice nights. A bunch of us
go out to dinner afterwards. Great place to be on a Thursday night. “Get in the picture!”
Wednesday in Holmdel Park: Jim Buckler, get your hill workout at 6p.m. on Wednesday.
Phil said to be sure to bring your membership card with you to meetings, as we’ll be having raffles!
Diane Cheer said that Joe Renzella is being indoctrinated into the Asbury Park High
School Hall of Fame for his service to the country in Vietnam. If you see him, congratulate K
Ira Wiss said he has a friend in Manalapan Township who tipped him off about a new
running trail that’s been built in the Manalapan recreation complex. He’s been running it
every Wednesday night and it’s a hard-packed trail exactly 3.1 miles long. Very few people
know about it, so if you live in western Monmouth County, come out and run it!
Peggy McKean said on July 8 is the Color Run in Philly; about 15 of us are going. You
wear all white and people throw paint at you. Phil said there’s no club event that weekend,
so everyone is free to go! You can walk or run.
Next meeting is Tuesday, May 29 at Deal Firehouse
Adjourn 8:23
—Laura Schneider, Recording Secretary, JSRC
The JSRC ‘s hi-tech beautifully imaged
membership card has been sent to
the first 700 members who renewed
their memberehip or extended their
membership for more than one year.
This group of lucky members’ cards
will bepersonalized with their name, a
unique member # and a 4 digit code.
The magnetic stripe on the back will
have membership information encoded so we can potentially use it in
the future (e.g., swipe the card to print
out filled out race application; online
verification for members to update
their membership profile).
Wen you bring your new card to
events and meetings it may put you
in line to win raffles an other special
prizes. Welcome to the 21st century!
Become more involved.
New Business
GIO is hosting his annual birthday party on August 3 (the night before the Neptune City
5K). Everyone is invited. Go to the Michael Thorne Race and you’re welcome to come.
But if you go to the Rat Race, you’ll have to submit an application.
All new JSRC Membership Card
Get involved in YOUR Running
Club. Volunteer services are always
needed. Next time you don’t feel
like running, volunteer. In most
cases, the odds are that your help
would be more than welcome.
Offering to help out takes only a
few hours a month. All Members
are invited to participate, and who
knows…you may even make a few
new best friends in the process.
Plus, after volunteering (and working) for three or more events, the
beautiful JSRC lapel pin will be
yours! Volunteer to get yours today!
If you think you’d like to help out all
you need to do is contact any of the
Club Officers, race directors, or contact Mike Procopio, our volunteer
coordinator at: [email protected]
to volunteer.
May / June 2012 K 5
what can you do when it’s
unbearably hot?
1.Drink plenty of fluids. This is
simple, but it bears repeating.
Throughout the day, you should
be hydrating yourself in preparation for your run. Then, on the run
itself, bring a water belt or plan
your route near water fountains or
a convenience store which offers
water and sports beverages. On
a hot day, you lose plenty of fluid
through sweat, and it’s important
to keep replenishing what you’ve
2.Wear appropriate clothing. There
are plenty of manufacturers who
make warm weather clothing
out of wick-away material that
transports the sweat away from
your skin so that you can take
advantage of evaporative cooling.
You’ll be much cooler if you take
advantage of these materials.
3.Plan a warm-up and cool-down.
It’s easy to assume that since it’s
warm, your muscles don’t need
time to warm up, but you’ll run
better if you ease into the hard
miles. A cool-down is especially
important so that you don’t get
4.Adjust your mileage and pace,
and run according to effort. You
may not hit the times you’re
aiming for on your workouts, but
don’t get discouraged. As long as
you’re putting in a hard effort, you
will be rewarded for your work.
Sometimes, in the hot days of
spring and summer, you simply
can’t perform at the same level as
you would on a cooler day. This
is okay; if you keep working hard,
you will still stay in shape, and
eventually, you’ll get acclimated
to hotter temperatures.
5.Don’t be afraid to take crosstraining days. When it’s simply
too hot, work out inside. You’ll get
the same cardiovascular benefit
but without the taxing on your
National Skin Cancer Month
Runners at Risk
May is National Skin Cancer Month according to the
Skin Cancer Foundation. For runners, exposure
to the sun can significantly increase the risk of
developing skin cancer.
According to a study performed by the Medical
University of Graz in Austria their
conclusions were: “Compared with a representative
control group, marathon runners presented with
an increased risk for malignant melanoma and
nonmelanoma skin cancer.”
This could be expected as runners typically are out
running during the day and are exposed to the sun’s rays
wearing shorts, a light top and exposing their body to harmful radiation of the sun.
Runners can take steps to mitigate the effects of the sun—and it does not matter if it is sunny
or cloudy as the harmful rays get through the clouds even on the most overcast days. And it’s
not just the summer when runners should be diligent. Winter sun can be just as harmful.
Here are some things runners should do:
• Run in the early morning or in the evening when the sun is low to the horizon. The sun’s
rays are not as harmful at that time.
• Always wear sun screen – a broad spectrum sun screen with an SPF rating of at least
15. The sun screen should be applied generously especially at the most vulnerable
locations such as the tops of the ears, the nose and the lower lip which gets direct
exposure to the sun. The top of the head should also be coated with a sun screen. The
arms, shoulders and legs can be sprayed – get a friend to help apply the sun screen in
hard to reach places.
• Look for sunscreens which are meant for sports as they generally will not run and get
into your eyes.
• Wear suglasses. Protect your eyes so you don’t get cataracts later on.
• Wear protective clothing. Darker colors generally offer better protection. In the summer it may be difficult but there are new materials which are light and block out the
harmful rays of the sun. Wear a hat.
• If you do run during the day try to run in shaded areas like trails in the woods.
Since runners are at higher risk they should make sure they get a skin cancer screening from a
Dermatologist at least once a year or preferably every six months. Skin cancer when caught
early is easily treated but left on its own it can be deadly. Don’t ignore a newly formed discoloration or a mole on the skin.
The Melanoma Research Foundation and IRONMAN Triathlons have teamed up to raise
awareness of the risk of skin cancer to athletes and will be distributing information at upcoming events.
The Skin Cancer Foundation and the Melanoma Research Foundation web sites have lots more
information on skin cancer.
So run smart this summer and play it safe when it comes to the sun.
—Bob Both
For more information regarding skin cancer and melanoma check out the following
The Skin Cancer Foundation — http://www.skincancer.org/
Melanoma Research Foundation — http://www.melanoma.org/
• 6K May / June 2012
Wall dominates at Lake Como 5K
The 8th Annual Lake Como 5K was held on Saturday, April 28, 2012 in the Jersey Shore town of
Lake Como NJ. The weather was a bit chilly at the start of the 5K race with temperatures in the
upper 40’s but a mostly sunny sky and just some wind made it near ideal for the runners.
The runners lined up in front of Bar Anticipation and Phil Hinck of the Jersey Shore Running
Club and Monmouth Beach gave the command to start. The runners then made their way down
16th Avenue toward Lake Como around the tranquil lake into Spring Lake and then back toward
Bar Anticipation and finish on the side of the establishment.
Coming in first overall was Jeff Propert of Wall Township in a time of 16:53. Jeff was the winner
of the Asbury Park Half Marathon and is a frequent top finisher at many Jersey Shore events of
all distances. He was followed by Dan Lenahan also of Wall in a time of 17:10 and then Luciano
DeOliviera of Long Branch in 17:25.
For the women it was Lisa Namath also of neighboring Wall in a time of 19:50. She was followed
by Caren McCormack of Little Silver in 20:46 and then Amapola Espinoza of Colts neck in 22:59.
A large contingent of runners made their way from Staten Island to participate as part of Team
DMZ which honors people who have died from brain cancer.
After the race runners headed into the post racer party at Bar Anticipation and were treated to a
post run barbecue. Awards were then presented by Race Director Jerry Frazee of Manasquan to
the top finishers.
CBA Alumni Dominate at Colt 5K
The Colt 5k was held on Sunday, May 6, 2012 at Christian Brothers Academy on Lincroft
Section of Middletown, NJ. The High School is renowned for many of its track and field program and has produced many state and national championships for individuals and teams.
JSRC Certified Coaches
K If you are interested in improving your running
For the women (sorry no alumni here as CBA is an all Boy’s School) it was Katerina Saling of
Rumson in 21:49 followed by Christine Schmidt of Holmdel in 22:11 and then Mary Bodnar
of Conshocken, Pa in 22:37.
The race was directed by CBA Graduate Phil Hinck. He was assisted by a cadre of volunteers
from CBA as well as the Jersey Shore Running Club including Penny Hinck.
For Pete’s Sake 5K
The First Annual “For Pete’s Sake 5K”was held on Saturday, May 5, 2012 in Manasquan,
NJ. The race commemorates Peter Gibbs, a longtime member of the “Chain Gang” for
Manasquan High School’s Football team and a former Manasquan High School coach.
PJ Gibbs, the son of Peter, was the race director and he gave the runners instructions and was
full of emotion invoking the memory of his dad prior to the playing of the National Anthem.
About 400 runners lined up at the Mallard Park start and after the gun went off made their
way through the streets of the Jersey Shore town. They made their way back to the park and
a sprint to the finish.
Coming in first for the men was James Coomber in a time of 18:46. He was followed by Ray
Castellano in 18:55 and then Kyle Brown in 19:02. For the women it was Meagan Drapkin in
a time of 20:04 followed by Melissa Agosto in 21:24 and then Lauren Moore in 22:12.
After the run runners were treated to an assortment of refreshments and awards were presented
to the top finishers.
—Bob Both
and would like to get a coach, there are several
RRCA Certified Coaches in the local area. Our listing
below does not indicate endorsement by the Jersey
Shore Running Club of any specific program.
It is a way for you to become aware of what coaching and training programs are available to you. The
listing indicates the Coach’s name, their homebase,
and an email address so you may contact them for
more information.
K RRCA Certified Coaches
•David Zurheide, Middletown
[email protected]
K •Karen Charles, Spring Lake
[email protected]
K •Robert Both, Wall
[email protected]
It was a perfect morning for the traditional 5K race and it attracted many of the school’s alumni.
Coming in first for the men was Jeffrey DiChiaern of Atlantic Highlands a 2000 graduate in
a time of 16:44. He was followed by 1994 alumnus Chris Bennett of Red Bank in 17:35 and
then 1992 graduate Tim Ragan of Sea Girt in 18:10.
Coaching & Training
•Liz Ireland, Red Bank
[email protected]
•Robert Neugass, Marlboro
[email protected]
•Joan Scrivanich, MA
Triathlon & Running Coach; USA
Triathlon Level 1 Certified Coach; USA
Track & Field Level 1 Certified Coach;
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Email: [email protected] 201906-3209
K NJ Programs
•Run College:
Running Classes and Coaching at the
Jersey Shore [email protected] or
[email protected]
•Half-Marthon Training Program: [email protected] or
[email protected]
[email protected]
•Runner’s High: Individual Coaching 454 Main St., Metuchen, 732.549.9440
•Joan Scrivanich:
Triathlon Coaching - USAT Level 1
Certified Coach
[email protected] 201-906-3209
•David Stretanski: Certified Chi
Running®/ ChiWalking® Instructor
http://www.eChiFitness.com 908-930-8878å.
May / June 2012 K 7
JSRC App for iPhone
Raman is working on a soon-to-be
released (for limited testing) iPhone
app to access JSRC events and review
and update membership profile. to
view the screen mode: http://www.
great gift ideas
Official JSRC Gear
From baseball caps to socks, JSRC
can cover you from your head to
your toes with stylish “can’t runwithout” goodies for you or your
favorite runner. Items are available at the Club’s Weekly Runs,
Events, & Meetings. You can order
by mail using the downloadable
order form PDF found on
Just click on the button for JSRC
Gear to see what the Club has
to offer. Many items are in stock,
however, some may require
special order to replenish inventory & may not be immediately
available. Please email Penny at
[email protected] when mailing in
your order. K
Did you know?
Where the term “props” comes from?
It's short for "propers", which is itself
short for "proper respect". You heard
it first in Aretha Franklin's RESPECT:
I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my propers
When you get home
Franklin did not coin the term. "To
give propers" dates back to much
earlier in the century, originally
"proper respect" for elders. But
Aretha made it famous, and rappers
in the 80s shortened it to "props".
(Perhaps because it rhymes so easily, and perhaps because one-syllable words are easier to cram into the
• 8K May / June 2012
Kidney’s Fighting for a Cure 5K:
World Class Runner Wins It
The Kidney’s Fighting for a Cure 5K was held on Sunday, May 6, 2012 at the Wall Municipal Complex in Wall Township, NJ.
According to the Event Director Bonnie Schneider they added the 5K this year to include
runners and expand participation. The walk has been held for 8 years and over that time
has raised over $300,000 to fight kidney disease. Bonnie started the event after her son was
diagnosed with kidney disease. Her son Eddie is doing well now and attends Loyola College
in New Orleans.
Assistance in directing the first year race was provided by Fred Rummel of Wall Township.
Also lending a hand were Patty and Bobby Hancock of the Ocean Running Club who
provided timing and compiled the results.
Bonnie lined up the runners for the start on the grass soccer field for the 9:30 AM start. A
giant flag was flying from atop a hook and ladder fire truck near the start courtesy of the
South Wall Fire Department. The National Anthem played and then Fred Rummel gave last
minute instructions to the runners and the order to start. The runners proceeded over the
soccer field and then made 2 loops around the jogging trail around the complex coming to
the finish line where Bonnie held the finish tape for the winners.
Coming in first overall was Cheri Kenah of Wall Township in a time of 21:12. Cheri a
world class runner is a 5-time U.S. Indoor 3000m runner-up; 1999 U.S. Outdoor 5,000m
runner-up; 2nd at 1998 USA Indoor mile. She was followed by Luana Hill of Howell in a
time of 24:11 and then Julia Slattery of Wall in 24:52.
On the men’s side it was Pete Chesney of Princeton in a time of 21:21 followed by Brandon
Murphy of Manasquan in 22:26 and then G Gallagher of Wall in 22:55.
A large field of walkers took off after the 5K for a 2-mile walk around the complex. After
everyone finished Bonnie presented awards to the top finishers and age group winners.
Plenty of treats and snacks were available for all the participants after the event.
Bonnie is now looking forward to next year’s 5K event which should be even bigger after
such a successful inaugural kick off.
—Bob Both
A great big thank you!
Well, we made it, RunAPalooza 2012 is over and I want to give A GREAT BIG THANK
YOU! to all of the volunteers who came out and made my job as volunteer coordinator so
much easier, I couldn’t have done it without your help and support.
As one of the larger events held in the Shore area, JSRC volunteers are the people who help
make it a successful and safe race for the thousands of runners who take to the 26 mile
relay/marathon course and the 13 mile half-marathon course every year and this year was
no exception.
The weather turned out to be beautiful and perfect running weather, we only had three
casualties and they were quickly addressed. There were a few mix-ups and changes at the
last minute, but thanks to you they were all handled quickly and safely.
For those of you who still need community service letters, please send your information
to me at [email protected] and you will get your letter via email. Once again,
Thank you so much for all your help.
See you next April !
Barbara Hay, Volunteer Coordinator, RunAPalooza
Runapalooza winners
Category winners with team names,
team captain, town and racing time:
Open Men
Team Training Room
Michael Mulroy, Sea Girt, 2:43:15;
Chaaalie’s Angels
Charlie Butrico, So. Plainfield, 2:46:29;
Another Round
James Bergum, Howell, 2:48:31;
Rapid Transit Running
Stephen Gambescia, Havertown, PA,
Relay Marathon and Half Marathon Brings 3,200 Runners to Asbury Park
More than 2200 road racers comprised of 450 teams made up mainly of five members each,
some had fewer, and the seventeen single competitors of the Ironman/Ironwoman Category,
that had just one racer, competed in the 16th annual Jersey Shore Relay Marathon from
Seaside Heights to Asbury Park. The event, now entitled RunAPalooza which includes
the Asbury Park Half Marathon, is organized by the Jersey Shore Running Club (JSRC)
to benefit Special Olympics of New Jersey (SONJ) and was held with a foggy start on the
morning of Saturday, April 21.
With staggered starting times, organized by SONJ director Jeri Hickey, beginning at 8
a.m. for the slower teams, thru 10:00 a.m., the Relay’s 26.2 mile (marathon distance),
ocean-hugging, northbound course, that this year was treated to a southerly wind, begins at the Aztec Hotel in Seaside Heights. It has five legs ranging from 6 plus to 3 plus
miles each, goes through 16 Shore area towns, of which the racers pass off their colored
(determined by starting times) batons at Brick Beach, Point Pleasant Beach, Gee Gee’s in
Manasquan, and D’Jai’s in Belmar, and finishes on the Asbury Park boardwalk next to
Convention Hall which also serves as the award-presentation area and refreshment location.
Team “Who’s Next” at 2:38:31 was the winning team, representing the Open Mixed category, a five-person team with Doug Twyman, Sea Girt, serving as team captain and running
the 4th leg. Brian Prendergast of Brick, Ken Walsh of Point Pleasant and Christine Arsego,
Point Pleasant, ran, respectively, the first three legs and Jack Miskin of Brielle served as
anchor, running the fifth and final section.
The sold-out Asbury Park Half Marathon started on the boardwalk about 1/8 mile south
of Convention Hall at 8:30 a.m. Prior to the start, Phil Hinck, race starter, informed the
competitors of the unique course: all runners would proceed south on the boardwalk to
Avon and there, just before the Shark River bridge, runners would have a choice of turning back for a three-loop course or continuing into Belmar, Spring Lake and Sea Girt to a
turnaround, knowing that they could be delayed if the bridge were open to waterway travel.
Hinck then introduced Colleen Ciecura of Lakewood who gave a fine rendition of our
National Anthem—her fellow members of the musical group Starlite Performers of Toms
River would have been proud of her. Hinck then gave his usual loud “Ready, Set, Go” and
the Half Marathon racers were off following the lead bicycles pedaled by Jeff Bierly of Fair
Haven and Jeff Allen of Freehold.
Seven hundred and twenty-two runners finished the 13.1 miles ocean-viewing, windy
(SSW direction) challenge and Jeff Propert of Wall Township broke the finish-line tape,
held by Rodney Foster and Domingo Perez, at a racing time of 1:16:32. He was followed
by Philadelphia, PA’s, Justin Simard at 1:16:48 and third place, on this good-racing-weather morning went to Graham Marfield of Titusville at 1:19:45.
“He (Propert) was just a little too far ahead to catch him,” said runner-up Simard when
asked if he tried to close in on the champion who had chosen to run the three-loop
continued on page 12
Open Women
ORC Blue Skirts #2
Erin Bies, Seaside Park, 2:57:14;
Open Mixed
The Third Leg
Michael Gargiulo Brooklyn, NY, 2:59:00
Pepsi Challenge
Robert Mcdonnell, Forked River, 3:02:12;
Masters Men
Of Beaches
Bob Tona, Monmouth Junction, 3:08:00;
Casey Long, Forked River, 3:12:25;
Air Power
Glebocki, Severna Park, MD, 3:12:52;
Masters Mixed
Road To Nowhere
Tom Pinzino, Maplewood, 3:17:58;
Iron Man
Charley Francis
Cambridge, MA, 3:20:27;
Masters Women
ORC Blue Skirts #1
Paula Lychock, Toms River, 3:33:16;
Iron Women
Alexa’s Angel
Renee Kelly, Sewell, 3:33:40; and
Brielle Fire Company
Mark Drent, Brielle, 3:37:03.
Best Dressed Teams:
Dead Musicians,
Defeat: Improbable
Love on the Run.
Most Spirited
Jersey Girls Staystrong Multisport,
with 12 teams
May / June 2012 K 9
JSRC weekly Club runs
Come on out to one of the Club
Runs near you! Running with a
group is very motivating a great way
to meet fellow members and a good
way to keep your running on track
in the cold winter months. All paces
are welcome at each Club Run.
Sunday Run
We meet at Bodman Park just off
Navesink River Road at 8 AM. Groups run
from 6 to 22 miles mostly on trails through
Hartshorne Woods Park & Huber Woods &
the surrounding areas with scenic views.
There are water stops & refreshments at
the end. There is also the opportunity to
walk on Sunday mornings. The distance
is six miles & start time is variable. Send email to Liz Ireland at [email protected] to
make sure that some folks will be walking.
Tuesday Run
We meet at the Windmill across from
Seven President’s Park in Long Branch
at 6:00 p.m. We do a 4-6 mile run
along the boardwalk and around Lake
Takanassee passing the Dr. George
Sheehan Memorial.
The group runs are fun and a great way
to meet other runners and exchange
training tips or just have company on a
run. See you there!
Wednesday Run
Holmdel Park: Run takes place during
Dalight Savings Time Months—meet
at 6PM by the Visitor’s Center near the
main entrance.
Thursday Run
We meet on the boardwalk at The Taylor
Pavilloin near Fifth Avenue in Belmar at
6 PM & run south We run various distances of 4 to 7 miles on the well-lit very
safe boardwalk. . Everyone is welcome.
Saturday Run
Spring Lake: We meet at the south end
of the Spring Lake Boardwalk at 8:00 AM.
Holmdel Park: Come & run 4-6 miles
through the hills of Holmdel Park to
qualify for Dave’s Golden Donut Award.
The run starts at 10 AM.
Check out our website for current
running information & subscribe to
our email updates at: http://www.
• 10K May / June 2012
racing times
The Finish Line
RunAPalooza Half Marathon
Dana Jacoby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:39
Dawn Ciccone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45:39,
Cathy Capozzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:55:56
Greg Kimmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:05:22
Nikki Ippolito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:07:35
Michael Hannigan . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:07:46,
Mark Giannullo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:09:00
Mark Stodden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10:12
Thomas Doremus . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10:4
Harry Fessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:13:39
Karyn Jarmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:14:43
Kim Pendolino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:15:49
Michael Jarmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:31:18
Patrick Applegate . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:31:20,
Luke Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:35:08
Edward Moran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:35:34
Robert Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:36:23
Kiersten Amberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:37:03
Ashley Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:37:42
Matthew Shafer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:38:49
Patrick McIntyre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:39:56
Jillian Reichardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:40:00
Tara Gangi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:40:07
Robin Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:40:50
Richard Sanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:40:54
Kelli Cumiskey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:41:04
Gregory Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:41:24
Joseph Strempek . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:42:29
Nicole Vaccarella . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:42:42
Robert Jaeger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:44:54
Zigmund Brzezinski . . . . . . . . . . 1:45:04
Laura Agresta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45:12
Kimberly Sayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45:13
Daniel Kritch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45:20
Jennifer Haney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45:57
Jennifer Gilfillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:46:54
Christina Benanti . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:47:01
County Line 5K
Marti Stetter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:24 1OAF
River to Bay 5k
Kevin McCormack . . . . . . . . . . . 21:57(PR)
NJ Marathon
John Gallagher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Liz Wenslauskas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:36
Long Branch Half marathon
Denise Moyer 1:54:13
At The Finish Line
To get your race finish times published
on the web site and newsletter, send
e-mail to [email protected].
Include your name, the name of the race,
your finish time and any overall/age
group award and PR (or injury excuse!)
Name this race
Do you know which race this is? Are
you in the photo?
If you think you know or would like
to hazard a guess, send it in to Editor@jsrc,org and you just might be
the lucky winner of a fabulous prize!
race calendar
Dates & times are subject to change. We are not responsible for accuracy of event dates and times.
Please check the race applications. Race Applications are available at Club meetings and events. Applications can be downloaded from the JSRC web site: www.jsrc.org. Look for our Club tent and wind feather at events listed in bold. You can register for
most events by going to www.JerseyRunner.com.
Start Time
May 5
Pete’s Sake 5k
Manasquan, NJ
May 5
Sandy Hook Lighthouse 5K %K
Sandy Hook, NJ
May 5
ARC of Monmouth 5K
8:00 AM
Tinton Falls, NJ
May 5
6.55M, 26.2M, 13.1M May 6
Redding Half Marathon
May 6
Colt 5K Trail Run
May 10-13 3 DAYS AT THE FAIR
13.1M Also 2 and 4 person relay option
Redding, Ct.
Register On Line and Use Code “NJRUNCLUB” for discount
Lincroft, NJ
72 / 48 / 24 / 12 / 6 hr. race
Sussex County Fairgrounds
May 11
Rumson-Fair Haven Run—new distance and time
May 12
Hirtes Hike
5K Toms River, NJ
May 12
Monmouth Beach 5k
5K Monmouth Beach, NJ
May 12
3rd Annual Beach to Bay 5K
Brick Beach 3 Pavilion, Brick Beach, NJ
May 19
Ocean Medical Center 5K
May 19
Spring Into Summer May 20
Thorne Run
May 26
ODDyssey Half Marathon, June 2
7:00 PM
10:00 AM
Rumson, NJ
Toms River, NJ
5K & 1M
Middletown NJ 4 M
West Long Branch, NJ
13.1 M 7:30 AM
Philadelphia, Pa
Avon 5K
8:30 AM, Avon, NJ
June 9
Pre - Father’s Day 5K
9:00 AM, Wanamassa, Ocean Twp, NJ
June 9
Valerie Fund 5K
Verona, NJ
June 9
9 AM, 5k, Run to Hear
Thompson Park, Middletown, NJ
June 9
Run the Pines for Canines
5K, Lacey Twp.
June 10
Walk, Run or Bike, George Washington Bridge Challenge
Fort Lee, NJ
June 10
Share NJ 5K Walk/Run
June 10
2nd Annual Take the Lead 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Walk 5K
June 10
5K, Run to Cure Scleroderma
5K, Ridgefield Park, NJ
June 10
Fuce Family 5K
5K Metuchen, Nj
June 16
Sheehan Classic 5K
5K Red Bank, NJ
June 16
Father’s Day 5k
5K Point Pleasant, NJ
June 30
38th Annual Pineland Striders Independence Races5K, 10K, Kids Medford, NJ
July 29
Step Up for a Child 5K
July 29
Quarterback Scramble. 5K run, 1-mile walk
August 4
Sea Girt 5K
August 4
Captain Bill Gallagher 10 Mile Island Run
August 11 Asbury Park 5K
9:00 AM, 5K, New Providence, NJ
9:00 AM
8:00 AM
Somerset, NJ
9:00 AM, Joe Palaia Park
5K & 1M
8:00 am. + Kid’s touchdown run.
10 M
5:30 PM
Ocean, NJ
Sea Girt, NJ
Sea Isle City, NJ
Asbury Park
Sept. 1
Saturday in the Park 5K 5k
Holmdel Park, Holmdel, NJ
Sept.r 2
Jimmy D Memorial 5K
New Brunswick, NJ
Sept. 3 Pier House 5K – Labor Day
Long Branch, NJ
Sept. 16 JSUMC 5K
Neptune, NJ
Sept. 22
Race for Respect
Oct. 6
Bayshore Race
5K & 1M
8:30 AM
Seaside Park, NJ
Holmdel, NJ
May / June 2012 K 11
Top fund raisers
Top fund raisers for Special
Olympics New Jersey were recognized by Heather Anderson of
Special Olympics New Jersey.
The Top Team
“The Believers”
Point Pleasant, NJ
Team Captain Chester Coddington.
Top Individual
Karyn Jarmer
“The Kitchen Witch”
Oceanport, NJ.
Planning for next year has begun
and a tentative date has been set for
Sunday, April 21, 2013.
runAPalooza - continued from page 9
course; Simard the one loop. “I love this course—I
love running on the boardwalk, ” he further offered
and said, “Definitely,” when asked if he would come
back next year.
Maggie Gousman of Bradley Beach was the women’s
champion at 1:30:29 (10th place overall). Coming in
second and third, respectively, for the women, were
Meagan Drapkin of Brick Township at 1:32:04 (13th
overall) and Karen Eckberg of Philadelphia, PA, at
1:34:24 (14th overall).
“I’m very pleased,” said Gousman “not only with the
championship but that I beat last year’s time that I had
been training to do.” Maggie finished third last year at
1:36:08. “Absolutely!” the champion exclaimed when
asked if she were looking forward to doing this next year.
Runner-up Drapkin likes this course: “I like running
on the boardwalk because the boardwalk is flat,” and she emphasized “flat!”
“I’m happy with my race time and am pleased to see many volunteers from the various running clubs volunteering their services for such a worthy cause, Special Olympics,” said Matthew Shafer of Tinton Falls who finished at 1:38:49, a respectable 7:33 per mile pace. Shafer
is looking forward to July 29 when he will be directing the CASA 5K at Joe Palaia Park in
Ocean Township. CASA is Court Appointed Special Advocates who are volunteers trained
to be advocates for children who have been abused and neglected. Shafer has many slogans
on display at the Park during his event, including Children Should Be Seen And Heard.
Phil Hinck, along with associate and friend Fred Torres of Eliteracingsystems.com were
busy with the sundry activities at the finish-line clock located immediately south of Convention Hall. Also assisting were JSRC members: Marilyn Ryder, Long Branch and her sister Bonnie Santomenna, Shrewsbury, along with other JSRC volunteers, including Chick
Albers of Hazlet on the bass drum and Ocean Township’s Dave DeMonico on the trumpet.
The leading teams of the Relay were presented with commemorative gold batons for each
member and the Half Marathon leaders were awarded RunAPalooza shirts by Karen
Charles of Wall Township, Jane Decker of Brick, and Barbara Ehlen of Allenhurst, active
members of the JSRC, on the stage of Convention Hall, while the wilted racers (including
the volunteers) were enjoying refreshments at the hall of the Convention Center, organized
by food chair Kathy Elliott. Event sponsor WaWa donated fruit, Pepsico was a contributor
with water donations. Submarine sandwiches were donated by Jersey Mike’s and LaYogurt
provided yogurt and drinks.
“I am very pleased with the outcome and am hopeful that when all the pledges are collected we will raise more than $100,000 and that will be added to the other years we collected,
for a total of over $500,000 to benefit Special Olympics. I want to thank the entire RunAPalooza committee made up of volunteers who donate their time and all the bands who
played along the course and at Convention Hall. Also I appreciate the enthusiastic supporters in the towns along the course who welcomed and cheered the runners. It was terrific
making this a true community event along the Jersey Shore of Monmouth and Ocean
Counties. Thank you to all the towns along the course who allowed us to run through their
communities and their boardwalks and made every effort to make for a special day at the
Jersey Shore for all the runners and spectators. I want, also, to recognize the many volunteers who assisted in the myriad activities necessary for conducting a racing event. The
JSRC is proud to continue its support for Special Olympics,” said race-director Bob Both in
an E-mail summary.
• 12K May / June 2012
continued on page 16
& L A D I E S A U X I L I A RY
presents the
Michael W. Thorne Scholarship
4 Mile Run/Walk
Sunday, May 20, 2012
On July 3, 1984, at the age of 20, while working as a volunteer Fireman for the Borough of West Long Branch Fire Co. #2,
Michael W. Thorne paid the supreme sacrifice . . . his life.
A scholarship exists in Michael’s memory. 100% of the proceeds from this race will go directly to fund the scholarship.
9:00 am 4 Mile Run/Walk
9:45 am Kids’ Races
10:30 am Awards and Random Prize Drawings
Michael W. Thorne Scholarship Run
PO Box 442, West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Register online with:
Race Day Registration will Open at
7:00 am and Close Promptly at 8:45 am!
$20.00 (until 5/16)
$25.00 (after 5/16 and day of)
Running club members take a $ 2.00 discount on Pre-Reg only
Fire Dept. members (group of 5+) take a $ 5.00 discount on Pre-Reg only
KIDS’ RACES 14 & under
$10.00 (until 5/16)
$15.00 (after 5/16 and day of)
This course is USATF certified: NJ04005LMB
Please Print Clearly
Last Name _________________________________________________________
All Kids receive medals. Distance based upon age.
First Name ________________________________________________________
Franklin Lake, West Long Branch, New Jersey
Address ___________________________________________________________
A fast, mostly flat course through the neighborhoods of West
Long Branch. This course is USATF certified: NJ04005LMB
State _______________ Zip _________________________________________
NJGSP exit 105 (Route 36 east); Follow Route 36 for about 3
miles. Make a right turn into Shore Regional High School
and follow directions for parking.
Mindy Brady
Phone: 732-222-0725 Email: [email protected]
Patty Zimmermann
Phone: 732-870-2488 Email: [email protected]
runners/walkers. T-shirts NOT guaranteed day of race.
Top 3 Male / Female
Top 3 Male / Female (5-yr. Age Groups)
First W.L.B. Resident Male/Female
Top 3 Firefighters
Create a team for the
Michael W. Thorne
Scholarship Run.
If you have 5 or more members from
the same Fire Department sign up, you
will get a discounted price (pre-registration only) of $15 per participant. You can
run or walk, just participate. Fill out the
entire application and be sure to indicate the Fire Department...Largest
Group will get an award!!
City _____________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________________________
Age (on race day) ___________
Sex (circle one)
Email Address _____________________________________________________
ADULT T-SHIRT SIZE (circle one)
KIDS T-SHIRT SIZE (circle one)
Youth S M
Kids’ race
W.L.B. Resident
Adult S Adult M
4 miler
(check one)
Are you a:
I am a member of the __________________ running club/Fire Department.
Registration fee enclosed $ __________________
I cannot participate in this community event, but I would like to make a
tax-deductible donation to the: Michael W. Thorne Scholarship Fund
in the amount of $ ______________________
Visit our website at: t h o r n e s c h o l a r s h i p r u n . o r g
I know that running/walking a road race is a potentially hazardous activity and that I should not enter and run/walk unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any race official including, but not limited to; falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including low or high temperatures and/or humidity, traffic and the
conditions of the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these
facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the West Long Branch Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary, the Borough of West Long Branch, NJ and any other race
sponsors, its Officers, Members and race volunteers from any and all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of my
participation in this event or carelessness of the persons named in this waiver. I further grant all of the foregoing to use
any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for legitimate purposes.
Parent or Guardian if under 18 years of age.
May / June 2012 K 13
Advertise in footnotes
Reach your customers cost-effectively!
Your message will be seen & read
by JSRC members. Older issues are
available online to download. Save on
direct mail pieces by including your
advertising in our newsletter. As the
largest running in New Jersey, you
will reach approximately 2000 readers
each month.
For information about pricing for
three, six, or twelve month plans,
contact: Editor @jsrc.org or
[email protected].
Race applications / Rac Advertising
Race Directors Please note:
Race Applications are $75 per full
page per month prepaid.
Half pages are $40 per month prepaid. For information about pricing
race applications, contact:
[email protected] or
[email protected].
member to member advertising
Member to member advertising Is
available at no cost (free) to Paid Up
Club members in good standing.
If your dues have lapsed and/or you
are not a member you
cannot advertise in the member-tomember column—it is for MEMBERS
Current paid up members may
send their member-to-member
advertising to:
Editor @jsrc.org or
[email protected].
Non- member advertising
For information regarding
non-member or sponsorship
advertising, , contact:
Editor @jsrc.org or
[email protected].
• 14K May / June 2012
Pre-Father’s Day 5K JSRC & PBA 57 Present the 18th Annual
Pre-Fathers’ Day 5K
Saturday June 9, 2012
(Ocean Twp & Allenhurst)
Great Awards
Post Race BBQ
Random Prizes
Wanamassa Elementary School,
901 Bendermere Ave, Wanamassa (Ocean Twp) NJ 07712
From Garden State Parkway North:
take Exit 102 to Asbury Park Circle to Route 35 North
From Garden State Parkway South:
take Exit 100A onto Route 66 to Asbury Park Circle to
Route 35 North
From Route 35:
take Sunset Ave. (2 traffic lights North of Asbury Circle)
East to first traffic light, Logan Road. Turn left.
On Logan Road, Bendermere is the fourth right.
$20 before June 1
$18 before June 1 for JSRC members
and Law Enforcement Officers
$33 Race Entry and one-year membership to JSRC,
before June 1
$25 after June 1 and on Race Day
$8 Kids’ Races (with Shirt & Award)
Entry Fee:
1st Place Overall M/F
Top 3 finishers M/F in 10-year age groups
Top Cop—1st Place Law Officer M/F
Top Father/Son & Father/Daughter Teams
Largest Family Entry
To Benefit PBA 57
5K Run/Walk—9:00 AM
Kids Races—10:15 AM
Certified 5K Course. Flat and scenic 3.1 miles loop through
Wanamassa, Interlaken, Loch Arbour and Allenhurst.
Return with check made out to: JSRC Pre-Father’s Day 5K, PO Box 7492 Shrewsbury, N.J. 07702-7492
NAME _______________________________________________________________
AGE __________
SEX ______________
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________
PHONE ______________________________
CITY ________________________________________________________________
STATE ________
ZIP ________________
Police Officer:
Yes [ ] Where? ____________________________________________________________________________________
JSRC Member:
Yes [ ] Family Team Name __________________________________________________________________________
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity and that I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I
assume all risks associated with running this event. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I,
myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the RRCA, Jersey Shore Running Club, its Officers, Members and race volunteers, the
City of Ocean Township, Interlaken, Ocean Twp. BOE, Loch Arbour and Allenhurst and their Departments and employees, and all sponsors, their representatives, employees, successors from any and all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event or carelessness of the persons
named in this waiver.
SIGNATURE ______________________________________________________________
DATE ____________________________________
(Parent or Guardianifunder18)
May / June 2012 K 15
runAPalooza - continued from page 9
The Special Olympics brochure informs: “For more than 40 years, Special Olympics New
Jersey (SONJ) has been part of a worldwide program of sports training and athletic competition for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Recognized by the International Olympic
Committee, SONJ promotes global athletic leadership and is dedicated to the movement of
empowerment and dignity. Its goal is to change attitudes within communities about intellectual disabilities of some and to emphasize potential ability and acceptance.” Heather
Andersen, Senior Director of Corporate Development of Special Olympics of New Jersey
(SONJ) verifies that message.
—Jim Robbins & Penny Hinck
• 16K May / June 2012
• USATrack&FieldCertifiedCourse
• CashPrizesAwardedtoTop3Male/FemaleOpen&Masters
• NewBalanceTechShirtstoFirst1,000Athletes
Live Bands, Vendors & Raffles
• 2PairsofNewBalanceSneakers
• CustomRoadBikefromBeachwood
• GarminWatchprovidedbySouthJersey
Plus, Race Packets, Disposable
B-TAG Chips from ChronoTrack Timing,
New Balance Tech Shirts in Men’s &
Women’s Styles, Free Post Race Outback
Steakhouse BBQ & Much More!
Race Day or Online Registration:
May / June 2012 K 17
guess who’s celebrating? upcoming birthdays
This Month’s Astrological Signs
April 18th—May 20
Tactile and sensuous, you
have a nose for personal
comfort and physical pleasure. You are nevertheless
quite pragmatic, with a good
appreciation for the financial values as well as any aesthetic qualities. Taurus loves nature and natural things,
but due to a fondness for comfort and ease, the
Bull can be quite lazy. To preserve your health, you
need to take some regular exercise and control that
tendency to overindulge in rich foods and the other
pleasures in life. Taureans are very strong-willed and
often quite creative. The Moon is exalted in Taurus,
giving success with matters to do with the public and,
combined with the influence of Venus, a passionate
nature endowed with a strong sense of loyalty and
fidelity. You are kind and generous with friends, with
whom you develop an unspoken rapport..
Symbol: The Bull
Element: Earth
Lucky Colors: Pink
Ruling Planet: Venus
Cross/Quality: Fixed
Jill Dalton
Kevin Gori
May 2
Lioubov Stickle
Karen Cosentino
May 3
Maria Buzeta
lyn Ryder
May 4
Christopher Troyano
Ralph Savo
May 5
Gregory Fusco
Lawrence Jones
Jay Stangreciak
May 21- June 21
The driving force behind a
Gemini’s conversation is their
mind. The Gemini-born are
intellectually inclined, forever
probing people and places
in search of information. The
more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing
that information later on with those they love is also
a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in
developing their relationships. Dalliances with these
folks are always enjoyable, since Geminis are bright,
quick-witted and the proverbial life of the party. Even
though their intellectual minds can rationalize forever
and a day, Geminis also have a surplus of imagination waiting to be tapped. Can a Gemini be boring?
Symbol: The Twins
Element: Air
Lucky Colors: Green, Yellow, Lemon, Orange
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Cross/Quality: Mutable
House Ruled: Third
Opposite Sign: Sagittarius
Lucky Gems: Moss Agate, Aquamarine
• 18K May / June 2012
Donald Ayers jr
Nicole Cintron Mari-
Heather McCulloch
Kevin McMahon
Karen Hornberger
Gregory (John) Galasso
Deborah Capko
Al Lesiak
May 7
Kenny Mayerhofer
Madi Marth
Thomas Davis
May 8
Diane M Russo
Barbara Kays
Kate Apostolacus
Richard Burton
Claudia Ernest
May 6
May 9
House Ruled: Second
Opposite Sign: Scorpio
Lucky Gems: Emerald
May 1
May 10
Nancy McClenahan
Robert Baroska
May 11
Mary O’Brien
May 12
Patrick Lesniak
May 13
David Bednar
Toni Moss
May 14
Bill Scholl
Mary Richardson
Olga Missry
Jane Simpson
Janet Clapp
Ellen McSorley
Frank Di Lello
Mark Solan
Maria McCarthy
Raymond Pokorny
Andrea Luker
Richard Chera
Nancy Thorne
Corrine Coyle
Tom Morrison
May 15
Betsy E OConnell
May 18
Michael Emerick
May 20
Mallory Sheklian
May 21
Jim McGrath
Cathy McCollum
Ed Alburtus
Grace McLoughlin
Steve Apostolacus
Sean Kean
May 22
William Burlew
Gene Martorony
Doug Mallach
Frank Harczuk III
Elizabeth Ann Connolly Anthony Milos
May 23
Gordon Pingicer
leen Figueroa
May 25
Michael Thatcher
Karen Timmons
Cindy Feury
Barbara Jean Brennan Nicole Ferreira
James Sullivan
Linda Cavanaugh
Joan Tomecko Ei-
Rick Valentine
KC Lakshmanan
May 26
Kate Hope
May 27
Lori Dunbar
May 28
Louis Malizioso
Joanne Dreicer
May 29
Karen Ruane
Barbara Keenan
Dena Orfanitopoulos
May 30
Ines Grimm
Jeffrey Kniffin
Eileen McGough
Lesley Castellini
May 31
Jay Russell
Marvin Fischer
Stephanie Randall
Wendy Wood
June 1
Maureen Bauman
Michael Campbell
Jennifer Walker
Courtney Godenich
Jay Dreicer
Karyn Jarmer
Celia Lee
Stephen Panzera
T H Dellinger
Melissa Williams
Marcy Reilly
Keith Henderson
Sarah Chiles
Nina Kim
June 2
Gregory Duffy
Joanne Wilkes
Elizabeth Waddell
Charles Rogers
Pernille Egegaard Sorensen
June 3
Raman Lakshmanan
June 4
Monica Eppinger
Mark Bruce Guberman
Bob Cavallaro
Toni Ferrone
June 5
James L. Guerrieri, Jr.
May 17
May 24
John O’Reilly
Craig Salordino
Jessica Hill
June 6
Regan Adams
MaryLou Suckow
June 7
Rich Warncke
terri vogel
June 8
Teri Moresco
John Bourbon
Loni Hulse
Sean Strong
Larry Perlberg
William Michalski
Winston Parks
Nicole Sevena Colon
Deana Plaskon
Scott Leveson
Winston Morrison
Colin Byrd
C. Ann Yochim
Thomas Hall
Jack Weakley
Mindy Brady
June 09
Richard Ybarra
June 10
Jessica Torres
Ellen Brattlof
Heidi Werner
Debra Curry
member to member
Member to member advertising Is available for MEMBERS ONLY. Current paid up members may send their member-to-member advertising to: Editor @jsrc.org or [email protected].
29A Easton Ave., New Brunswick
10% Off Parts & Accessories. 732.745.BIKE
In Business for over 30 yers! The Grove, Rt. 35 in Shrewsbury.
10% off shoes & clothing.Contact: www.runningstore.com or
call 732.758.8008.
Rt. 71, Brielle, 732.538.9121. 10% Off.
Caring Heart Petsitting:
29 Beach St, Monmouth Beach - Mention JSRC and Get 20% Off
Towne Shopping Center, 2005 Hwy 35 N. Oakhurst, NJ 07755
- 10% Discount
Change your diet...change your life. Dawn Ciccone , NHC
732-872-7441- FREE Consultation to members
Special rates for JSRC members. Tinton Falls.732.530.0405.
Mark D Sheklian DMD. Special offer: 1/2 price whitening to
any JSRC member and family. 20% off for members .
1330 Laurel Ave, Suit 301Sea Girt, NJ 08736
Meeting House Rd. Manasquan
10% discount with this ad. 732.223.0444.
Dog walking and petsitting services in Tinton Falls, Red
Bank, Eatontown, Little Silver area Call Barbara Keenan:
732 740-9841
JSRC members receive 10% off (20% if you are a VIP) 490
Broad Street, Shrewsbury NJ 07702 732-219-1165; www.
454 Main St., Metuchen, 732.549.9440 and Runner’s High at
Newport,35 River Drive South, Jersey City 07310 (201) 6266220, www.runners-high.com Members:10% off.
15% off Traffic Tickets & Wills. 732.572.0500.
One hour massage for only $35 (first time customers).
2204 Hwy 35, Sea Girt, NJ 732-223-1990
Splendor Design Group:
Logo,Web & Print for small to mid-size businesses JSRC
member discount 20% 1st project www.splendordesign.com
Log in and enter JSRCD to get your discount at
10% discount with a credit card & 15% discount with Check
or Cash on all non-sale items. Can not be combined with any
other discount or offer. Contact Dean Shonts. 973.376.6094.
Professional travel consultant with over 20 years of experience can handle all your travel needs. Resorts cruises, all inclusives & custom vacations. Providing customized personal
service to club members. Contact Ira Wiss at 732-682-5156
or [email protected].
Wine Education, Events and Private Tastings.Mention JSRC
membership to receive 15% OFF any private wine tasting for
15 or more. Visit online at http://www.wineitudes.com.
Member to member advertising Is available
Current paid up members may send their
member-to-member advertising to:
Editor @jsrc.org or [email protected].
JSRC Membership Application
You are invited to join the Jersey Shore Running Club—New
Jersey’s Largest and Most Fun Running Club!
The Jersey Shore Running Club also sponsors several races to benefit local community & charitable
Membership Fee:
organizations. These races are made possible by the help of Club volunteers. Volunteering is not a requirement for Individual +$/Family Member
membership but is strongly encouraged.
+$6 / f.m.
Renew or Join Online
+$18 / f.m.
Please note: There is no set family rate. You must add $6 (one year) or $18 (three year) for each additional “runPlease check one:
ning” family member to your base fee.
Fill out this form, sign the waiver (children under18 require signature of parent/guardian), and return with check o New Membership
made out to JSRC Membership. Make certain to provide a valid email address as the newsletter is distributed
o Renewal of active membership
eight (8) times a year electronically via email.
o Returning member (membership expired
Questions? Email [email protected].
Award-Winning Website:
Signature Date of Birth___
BENEFITS OF JERSEY SHORE _______________________________________________________________________________________
RUNNING CLUB MEMBERSHIP: ________________________________________________________________________________________
• Sunday Run Bodman Park, Middletown
• Trail Run, Allaire State Park
• Evening Run, Long Branch
• Wednesday Run, Holmdel Park
• Thursday Run, Belmar/Spring Lake
• Monthly Club E-Newsletter Reduced
Entry Fee to Club Events
• Team Entries
• Marathon Training Programs
• •Discounts at Local Merchants
••Annual Holiday Party
• Annual Summer Party
• Track Workouts
• Member USATF Club No 0196
• •Member RRCA Club No 969
Street Address __________________________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________State _________ Zip ____________________
Home Phone ________________ Work Phone ________________ Email ___________________________
Release: I know that running & volunteering to work at Club Events & road races is a potentially hazardous activity & that I should not enter & run
unless I am medically able & properly trained. I agree to abide by any race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks
associated with running this event including but not limited to: falls contact with other participants, the effect of the weather, including low or high temperatures &/or humidity, traffic & the conditions of the course, all such risks being known & appreciated by me. Having read this waiver & knowing these
facts & in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, myself & anyone entitled to act on my behalf waive & release the Road Runners Club of America,
the Jersey Shore Running Club, its Officers, Members & Volunteers, & all Sponsors, their representatives, employees & successors from any & all claims
& liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in any Club event or carelessness of the persons named in this waiver. Further, I grant to all of the
forgoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record while participating in Club events for legitimate purposes.
Signature of Primary Member ______________________________________________________________
Referred By:_____________________________________________________________________________
Mail completed form & check to: JSRC Members, PO Box 7492 Shrewsbury, 07702.
May / June 2012 K 19
Red Bank
PERMIT No. 278
Zip Code 07701
PO Box 7492
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Next Club Meeting:
May 29, 7:15PM
Deal Fire House
Brighton Ave
Deals, NJ
Newsletter of the Jersey Shore Running Club
Vol. XXI, Issue 5 • May 2012
Postmaster: Dated material enclosed.
Please deliver by May 16, 2012. Thank You!
In This Issue:
• Special Olympics Time Trials . . . . 1
Club News
•President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
•Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
•Member News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
On the Run:
•Coaching & Training. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
•Racing Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
•RunAPalooza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
•Club Group Runs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
•The Finish Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
•Race Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
•Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 15,17
•Membership Application. . . . . . . 19
In the Know:
•JSRC Races. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
•National Skin Cancer Month. . . . 6
•Birthday Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
•Member2Member Classifieds. . . 19
RunAPAlooza 2012 a success!