Program Listing - International Union of Soil Sciences
Program Listing - International Union of Soil Sciences
Technical Sessions Session Schedule by Division 36 Sunday 42 Monday 43 Tuesday 53 Thursday 65 Friday 76 Posters 88 Author Index 165 35 Session Schedules by Division Sess. No. Symposium Identifier and Title Date and Tme Convention Center Location 26 Tue., 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 114, First Floor Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Thurs. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 114, First Floor Room 111AB, First Floor 11 69 0.0A Innovation, Speculation and Disneyfication in Soil Science Education—Oral 0.0B Global Priorities in Soil Science Research—Oral 0.0B Global Priorities in Soil Science Research—Theater Division 1—Soils in Space and Time 3 12 114 27 33 115 91 116 4 70 117 13 118 84 1.0A New Frontiers in Soil Resource Assessment—Oral 1.0A New Frontiers in Soil Resource Assessment—Theater 1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence—Poster 1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence—Oral 1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence—Theater 1.0PA Multiscale Mapping of Soil Properties for Environmental Studies, Agriculture, and Decision-Making—Poster 1.0PA Multiscale Mapping of Soil Properties for Environmental Studies, Agriculture, and Decision-Making—Theater 1.0PW Synthesis, Modeling, and Applications of Disciplinary Soil Science Knowledge for Soil-Water-Plant-Environment Systems—Poster 1.0PW Synthesis, Modeling, and Applications of Disciplinary Soil Science Knowledge for Soil-Water-Plant-Environment Systems—Theater I 1.0PW Synthesis, Modeling, and Applications of Disciplinary Soil Science Knowledge for Soil-Water-Plant-Environment Systems—Theater II 1.0WA Soil Geochemical Patterns at Regional, National, and International Scales—Poster 1.0WA Soil Geochemical Patterns at Regional, National, and International Scales—Oral 1.0WB Wetlands: Science and Management—Poster 1.0WB Wetlands: Science and Management—Oral Commission 1.1—Soil Morphology 119 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Poster 34 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Oral 48 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Theater I 107 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Theater II 120 1.1B Site Disturbance: The Role of Soil Morphology in its Assessment—Poster 77 1.1B Site Disturbance: The Role of Soil Morphology in its Assessment—Oral 121 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology—Poster 5 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology—Theater 92 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology—Oral 122 1.1P Soil Geomorphology: Concept Theory and Practices—Poster 36 Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 114, First Floor Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Mon–Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 108AB, First Floor Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Mon–Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Mon–Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 114, First Floor Tue. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Commission 1.2—Soil Geography 14 1.2A Spatial, Societal and Environmental Aspects of Pedodiversity—Oral 28 1.2A Spatial, Societal and Environmental Aspects of Pedodiversity—Theater 123 1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time—Poster 41 1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time—Oral 99 1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time—Theater 124 1.2P Interdependency of Soils and Soil Scapes—Poster 6 1.2P Interdependency of Soils and Soil Scapes—Theater Commission 1.3—Soil Genesis 55 1.3A New Frontiers in Soil Genesis—Oral 85 1.3A New Frontiers in Soil Genesis—Theater 71 1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced Pedogenic Processes—Oral 125 1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced Pedogenic Processes—Poster 78 1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced Pedogenic Processes—Theater 126 1.3PA Andisols and Related Soils—Poster 127 1.3PB Arid Soils: Genesis, Geomorphology, and Geoarchaeology—Poster 128 1.3PC Pedogenesis and Weathering in Humid Tropics—Poster 129 1.3PD Soils on Limestones: Their Properties, Genesis, and Role in Human Societies—Poster Commission 1.4—Soil Classification 130 1.4B Indigenous Soil Classification Systems—Poster 42 1.4A Impact of National Soil Classification on Soil Science and Society—Theater 62 1.4A Impact of National Soil Classification on Soil Science and Society—Oral 108 1.4B Indigenous Soil Classification Systems—Oral Commission 1.5—Pedometrics 131 1.5A Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Soil Sensing, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis—Poster 18 1.5A Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Soil Sensing, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis—Oral 56 1.5A Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Soil Sensing, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis—Theater 19 1.5B Soil Sampling in Space and Time—Theater 100 1.5B Soil Sampling in Space and Time—Oral Commission 1.6—Paleopedology 132 1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols—Poster 49 1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols—Oral 109 1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols—Theater 133 1.6B Amazonian Dark Earth Soils (Terra Preta and Terra Preta Nova): A Tribute to Wim Sombroek—Poster 72 1.6B Amazonian Dark Earth Soils (Terra Preta and Terra Preta Nova): A Tribute to Wim Sombroek—Oral Date and Tme Convention Center Location Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Tue. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Tue. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 109AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Division 2—Soil Properties and Processes 134 50 63 7 35 135 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality—Poster 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality—Oral 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality—Theater 2.0B Innovative Technologies in Rhizosphere Research—Oral 2.0B Innovative Technologies in Rhizosphere Research—Theater 2.0P Measurement, Occurrence, and Transport of Radionuclides in Soils and Sediments, and their Transfer to Biota—Poster 37 DIVISION SCHEDULE Sess. No. Symposium Identifier and Title Sess. No. Symposium Identifier and Title Date and Tme Convention Center Location 86 Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 109AB, First Floor Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 111AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 114, First Floor Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 109AB, First Floor Room 109AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Tue. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 109AB, First Floor Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 114, First Floor Tue. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 93 2.0W Emerging Methods to Examine Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Soils—Oral 2.0W Emerging Methods to Examine Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Soils—Theater Commission 2.1—Soil Physics 136 2.1A Soil Structuring as a Dynamic Process and Particles Transfer—Poster 64 2.1A Soil Structuring as a Dynamic Process and Particles Transfer—Oral 137 2.1B Soil Hydrology, Structure, and Micromorphic Properties (Soil Porous System)—Poster 101 2.1B Soil Hydrology, Structure, and Micromorphic Properties (Soil Porous System)—Oral Commission 2.2—Soil Chemistry 138 2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration—Poster 15 2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration—Theater 36 2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration—Oral 139 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils—Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Poster 73 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils—Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Theater I 79 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils—Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Oral 110 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils—Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Theater II Commission 2.3—Soil Biology 140 2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution in Soils—Poster 20 2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution in Soils—Theater 43 2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution in Soils—Oral 141 2.3B Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology in Soils—Poster 94 2.3B Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology in Soils—Oral 102 2.3B Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology in Soils—Theater 142 2.3P New Strategies for Management of Plant Pathogenic Soil Microorganisms—Natural Soil Suppression or Genetically Modified Plants—Poster 80 2.3P New Strategies for Management of Plant Pathogenic Soil Microorganisms—Natural Soil Suppression or Genetically Modified Plants—Theater Commission 2.4—Soil Mineralogy 29 2.4A Poorly Ordered Nanoparticulate materials (PONM) in Soils—Oral 44 2.4A Poorly Ordered Nanoparticulate materials (PONM) in Soils—Theater 143 2.4B Soil Mineralogy and Geophysics: Environmental and Soils Management and Mineral Exploration—Poster 74 2.4B Soil Mineralogy and Geophysics: Environmental and Soils Management and Mineral Exploration—Oral Commission 2.5—Soil Interfacial Reactions 144 2.5A Soil Physicochemical-Biological Interfacial Interactions: Impacts on Transformations and Bioavailability of Metals and Metalloids—Poster 21 2.5A Soil Physicochemical-Biological Interfacial Interactions: Impacts on Transformations and Bioavailability of Metals and Metalloids—Oral 51 2.5A Soil Physicochemical-Biological Interfacial Interactions: Impacts on Transformations and Bioavailability of Metals 38 Sess. No. Symposium Identifier and Title 145 52 65 and Metalloids—Theater 2.5B Interactions between Clays and Organic Matter and Their Impact on Sorption and Availability of Organic Compounds in Soil Environments—Poster 2.5B Interactions between Clays and Organic Matter and Their Impact on Sorption and Availability of Organic Compounds in Soil Environments—Oral 2.5B Interactions between Clays and Organic Matter and Their Impact on Sorption and Availability of Organic Compounds in Soil Environments—Theater Date and Tme Convention Center Location Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 114, First Floor Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Tue. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 113AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 114, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 114, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 114, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 114, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Tue.8:00 AM–10:00 AM Thu. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Room 114, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 111AB, First Floor Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 146 8 147 30 45 148 87 3.0A Long-term Agronomic Experiments: Their Importance for Science and Society—Poster 3.0A Long-term Agronomic Experiments: Their Importance for Science and Society—Oral 3.0B Emerging Topics in Soil Use and Management—Poster 3.0B Emerging Topics in Soil Use and Management—Oral 3.0B Emerging Topics in Soil Use and Management—Theater 3.0W Sustainable Soils and Life on Land—Poster 3.0W Sustainable Soils and Life on Land—Oral Commission 3.1—Soil Evaluation and Land Use Planning 149 3.1A Land Use Planning: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-offs—Poster 66 3.1A Land Use Planning: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-offs—Theater 111 3.1A Land Use Planning: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-offs—Oral 150 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural & Environmental Policy—Poster 95 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural & Environmental Policy—Theater 103 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural & Environmental Policy—Oral Commission 3.2—Soil and Water Conservation 151 3.2A Environmental Impacts of Soil Erosion—Measuring and Modeling On- and Off-Site Damages of Soil Erosion—Poster 22 3.2A Environmental Impacts of Soil Erosion—Measuring and Modeling On- and Off-Site Damages of Soil Erosion—Oral 152 3.2B Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability—Poster 37 3.2B Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability—Oral 75 3.2B Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability—Theater 153 3.2C Water Use Challenges for the Future—Poster 81 3.2C Water Use Challenges for the Future—Oral Commission 3.3—Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition 154 3.3A Future Challenges in P Fertilization and the Environment—Poster 67 3.3A Future Challenges in P Fertilization and the Environment—Oral 155 3.3B Nutrient Use Efficiency and Global Agriculture—Poster 31 3.3B Nutrient Use Efficiency and Global Agriculture—Theater 76 3.3B Nutrient Use Efficiency and Global Agriculture—Oral 23 3.3C Improved Management of Alkaline Soils for Dryland Agriculture—Theater 96 3.3C Improved Management of Alkaline Soils for Dryland Agriculture—Oral 104 3.3P Plant Responses and Adaptation to Ionic Stresses—Theater 39 DIVISION SCHEDULE Division 3—Soil Use and Management Sess. No. Symposium Identifier and Title Commission 3.4—Soil Engineering and Technology 156 3.4A Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation I. Agroecosystems: Processes & Assessment—Poster 16 3.4A Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation I. Agroecosystems: Processes & Assessment—Oral 157 3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems: Reclamation Strategies—Poster 53 3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems: Reclamation Strategies—Oral 57 3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems: Reclamation Strategies—Theater Date and Tme Convention Center Location Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 108AB, First Floor Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Commission 3.5—Soil Degradation Control, Remediation, and Reclamation 158 3.5C Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation III. Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Agro- and Forest Ecosystems: Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes—Poster 97 3.5C Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation III. Agro- and Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Forest Ecosystems: Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes—Oral 159 3.5D Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation IV. Salinization, Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Sodification and Other Forms of Degradation in Agricultural and Native Ecosystems—Poster 112 3.5D Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation IV. Salinization, Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Sodification and Other Forms of Degradation in Agricultural and Native Ecosystems—Oral 160 3.5P New Methods for Large-Area Assessment of Soil Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Degradation—Poster Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Division 4—The Role of Soils in Sustaining Society and the Environment 161 9 32 58 88 4.0A Bridging Soil Science, Environmental Policy and Communications—Poster 4.0A Bridging Soil Science, Environmental Policy and Communications—Oral 4.0A Bridging Soil Science, Environmental Policy and Communications—Theater 4.0B Soil Related Discords and Conflicts—Oral 4.0W Soils and Human Health—Oral Commission 4.1—Soils and the Environment 162 4.1A Organic Farming – Advantages and Disadvantages for Soils, Water Quality and Sustainability—Poster 59 4.1A Organic Farming – Advantages and Disadvantages for Soils, Water Quality and Sustainability—Oral 163 4.1B Role of Organic Matter for Soil Properties and Consequences for Environmental Functions—Poster 54 4.1B Role of Organic Matter for Soil Properties and Consequences for Environmental Functions—Theater 82 4.1B Role of Organic Matter for Soil Properties and Consequences for Environmental Functions—Oral 164 4.1PA Soils and Natural Hazards (Knowledge, Assessment and Mitigation)—Poster 89 4.1PA Soils and Natural Hazards (Knowledge, Assessment and Mitigation)—Theater 165 4.1PB Soil, Wine and Other Quality Crops—Poster 60 4.1PB Soil, Wine and Other Quality Crops—Theater 166 4.2A Soil Care and Quality Soil Management—Poster Commission 4.2—Soils, Food Security and Human Health 46 4.2A Soil Care and Quality Soil Management—Oral 167 4.2B Biologically Intensive Agriculture: an Approach to Combating Hunger for the Poor—Poster 105 4.2B Biologically Intensive Agriculture: an Approach to Combating Hunger for the Poor—Oral 168 4.2C Soil Quality as it Affects Nutrients in Food Crops and Human Health—Poster 40 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 111AB, First Floor Tue. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 109AB, First Floor Room 108AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 114, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 104AB, First Floor Tues. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 114, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor Sess. No. Symposium Identifier and Title Date and Tme Convention Center Location 24 Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 105AB, First Floor Mon. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 111AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 105AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 105AB, First Floor Fri. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Room 113AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 105AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 105AB, First Floor Room 111AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 103ABC, First Floor Mon. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 103ABC, First Floor Tue. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 109AB, First Floor Fri. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Thu. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Thu. 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 103ABC, First Floor Room 113AB, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Room 103ABC, First Floor Thu. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Room 113AB, First Floor Fri. 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Mon. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Tue. 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 103ABC, First Floor Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Room 109AB, First Floor Room 103ABC, First Floor Fri. 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Room 114, First Floor Sun. 8:30 AM–5:00 PM Room 107AB, First Floor Mon-Fri 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Room 103ABC, First Floor 4.2C Soil Quality as it Affects Nutrients in Food Crops and Human Health—Oral Commission 4.3—Soils and Land Use Change 169 4.3A Land Use Modeling as a Tool to Combat Soil Degradation—Poster 25 4.3A Land Use Modeling as a Tool to Combat Soil Degradation—Oral 170 4.3P Intensification of Agricultural Production Systems and the Environment—Poster Commission 4.4—Soil Education and Public Awareness 171 4.4A Case Histories of the Relationships Among Soils and Societies—Poster 113 4.4A Case Histories of the Relationships Among Soils and Societies—Oral 172 4.4P Soil Science and International Organizations—Poster Commission 4.5—History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Soil Science 173 4.5A History of Soil Science in Developing Countries—Poster 38 4.5A History of Soil Science in Developing Countries—Oral 174 10 39 175 40 106 176 68 83 179 61 90 177 17 47 178 98 AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better Management—Poster AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better Management—Oral AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better Management—Theater CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change—Poster CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change—Oral CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change—Theater LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics—Poster LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics—Oral LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics—Theater RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Poster RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Oral RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Theater SCE Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils—Poster SCE Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils—Theater SCE Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils—Oral SU Soils in Urban Ecosystems: Characteristics and Functioning—Poster SU Soils in Urban Ecosystems: Characteristics and Functioning—Oral FAO/IAEA Workshop 1 2 FAO/IAEA Workshop: Use of Nuclear Techniques in Addressing Soil-Water-Nutrient Issues for Sustainable Agricultural Production—Oral FAO/IAEA Workshop: Use of Nuclear Techniques in Addressing Soil-Water-Nutrient Issues for Sustainable Agricultural Production—Poster 41 DIVISION SCHEDULE Working Groups SESSION NO. 1 Sunday, 9 July 2006 SESSION NO. 1 1-11 2:50 PM 1-12 3:15 PM 1-13 3:40 PM 1-14 4:05 PM 1-15 4:30 PM Convention Center, Room 107AB, First Floor FAO/IAEA Workshop: Use of Nuclear Techniques in Addressing Soil-Water-Nutrient Issues for Sustainable Agricultural Production—Oral Presiding: L. Nguyen, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 42 8:30 AM Use of Nuclear Techniques in Addressing SoilWater-Nutrient Issues for Sustainable Agricultural Production: Opening Address. L. Nguyen* and F. Zapata, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture 9:00 AM Influence of Crop Rotation and Tillage System on the Soil Organic Matter Status of an Oxisol in Southern Brazil. C. P. Jantalia*1, S. Urquiaga1, C. Petrere2, C. Aita3, S. Giacomini3, B. J. R. Alves1 and R. M. Boddey1, (1)Embrapa Agrobiologia, (2)Fundação Centro de Experimentação e Pesquisa, (3)Univ Federal de Santa Maria 9:25 AM Long-term Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter and Its 13C Signatures along Cultivation Chronosequences on Contrasting Zimbabwean Soils. S. Zingore*, Univ of Zimbabwe and K. E. Giller, Wageningen Univ 9:50 AM Contribution of Roots, Rhizodeposits and Soil Organic Matter to CO2 Efflux from Maize Rhizosphere as Revealed by 13C Natural Abundance. Martin Werth* 1 , Irina Subbotina 2 and Yakov Kuzyakov1, (1)Univ of Hohenheim, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, (2)State Univ of Rostov on Don, Dept of Soil Science and Agrochemistry 10:15 AM Gross N Mineralization-Immobilization Turnover Dynamics in Grassland Soils of Different Age and Texture. P. Boeckx*1, F. Accoe2, G. Hoffman1 and O. Van Cleemput1, (1)Ghent Univ, (2)EC-JRC 10:40 AM Soil Delta 15N as an Index of the Degree of Perturbation of an Agricultural Site. C. Perdomo*, C. Mori, E. Hoffman and Y. Amabelia Del Pino, Univ de la República 11:05 AM Soil Organic Carbon in Small Watersheds Under Long-Term Agricultural Management Systems. Jerry Ritchie*, ARS-BARC-HRSL, Lloyd Owens, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Gregory McCarty, HRSL, ANRI, ARS, USDA and Erik Venteris, OH Division of Geological Survey 11:30 AM Combined Application of the 137cs Radioactive Tracer and Conventional Techniques for Assessing Soil Redistribution Rates and Effectiveness of Protective Measures. V. R. Belyaev*, V. N. Golosov, J. S. Kuznetsova and M. V. Markelov, Moscow State Univ 11:55 AM Lunch 2:00 PM Sedimentation Rate as Measured by 210Pb FallOut and the Discharge of Persistent Organic Pollutants Associated with Sediments from Inland into a Mangrove Forest in Central Vietnam. D. N. Dang* 1, Y. Tateda 2, H. Q. Nguyen 1 and Q. L. Nguyen1, (1)Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Technology, (2)Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry 2:25 PM Drip Irrigation and Fertigation of Potato under Light-Textured Soils of Cappadocia Region. M. B. Halitligil*1, H. Onaran2, N. Munsuz3, H. Kislal2, G. 4:55 PM Cayci3, C. Kutuk3, A. Akin2 and A. Lunlenen2, (1)Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, (2)Ministry of Agriculture, General Directorate of Research, (3)Ankara Univ Soil Water Storage and Water Use Efficiency under Rainfed Cultural Practices as Measured by Neutron Moisture Meter. M. Panomtaranichagul*1, M. Fullen2, A. Cass3 and C. Hignett3, (1)Chiang Mai Univ, (2)Univ of Wolverhampton, (3)CSIRO Influence of the Irrigation System on the Nitrate Content in Potato Tubers. G. Duenas*, H. Irigoyen, M. Biart and M. Hernandez, Instituto de Suelos Estimation of Soil Water Content and Evapotranspiration of Dryland Crops Using Neutron Moisture Meter. T. S. Moroke*1, Robert Schwartz2, K. W. Brown3 and J. Makore1, (1)Dept of Agricultural Research, (2)USDA-ARS, Consv. & Prod. Res. Lab., (3)Texas A&M Univ Application of Isotopic Techniques to Examine the Transformations of Pesticides in Soils. Nanthi Bolan*, Massey Univ Labelling Plant with Isotopes for Studying Green Manure and Crop Residues as Nutrient Sources. Takashi Muraoka*, A. Enedi Boaretto and E. Cabral Da Silva, Univ of Sao Paulo (USP) Workshop Discussion and Conclusions—Long Nguyen SESSION NO. 2 Convention Center, Room 107AB, First Floor (Sunday) Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor (Mon.–Fri.) FAO/IAEA Workshop: Use of Nuclear Techniques in Addressing Soil-Water-Nutrient Issues for Sustainable Agricultural Production—Poster 2-1 3401a Persistence of Carbofuran in Sri Lankan Soils. Janitha A. Liyanage*, Ransilu C. Watawala and Ananda P. Mallawatantri, Dept of Chemistry 2-2 3401b Radiotracer Technique in Establishing Genotypic Divergence of Rice (Oryza sativa L. ) Cultivars in Zinc Utilization from Variable Sources. Chinnappan Sudhalakshmi*1, Ramasamy Krishnasamy1, U. Surendran1 and A. RajaRajan2, (1)Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, (2)Regional Research Station 2-3 3402a Soybean Below-Ground N and its Contribution to the N Nutrition of a Subsequent Sorghum Crop. Ednaldo da S. Araujo1, Robert M. Boddey2, Segundo Urquiaga 2 and Bruno J. R. Alves* 2 , (1)UFRRJ/Embrapa Agrobiologia, (2)EMBRAPAAgrobiologia 2-4 3403a Leaching Decreased Microbial Decomposition and Sorption of Easily Available Organic Substances in Soil. Holger Fischer* and Yakov Kuzyakov, Univ of Hohenheim 2-5 3403b Variation in Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Its Association with Grain Yield in Durum Wheat in the Eastern High Plains of Algeria. M. Hafsi*1, A. Hadji1 and P. Monneveux2, (1)Univ Ferhat Abbas, (2)AgroM 2-6 3404a Using N-15 Technique for Assessing Organic – N Turnover in Sandy Soil. Soliman M. Soliman* Sr., Atomic Energy Auth., Nuclear Res. Center, Soils and Water Res. Dept 2-7 3404b Comparative Study of Water and N Fertilizer Application on Potato Crops under Drip and Sur- SESSION NO. 4 2-9 3501a 3501b 2-10 3502a 2-11 3502b 2-12 3503a 2-13 2-14 2-15 3503b 3504a 3504b Monday, 10 July 2006 SESSION NO. 3 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 1.0A New Frontiers in Soil Resource Assessment—Oral Convenor: Micheal Golden, USDA-NRCS Presiding: Jay Bell, University of Minnesota 3-1 10:15 AM Soil Versus a Soil: Natural Bodies in Our Age. Brian A. Needelman*, Univ of Maryland 3-2 10:50 AM The Australian Soil Resource Information System. Neil J. McKenzie*, David W. Jacquier and Linda J. Gregory, CSIRO Land and Water 3-3 11:25 AM Multiscale Terrain Analysis to Improve Landscape Characterization and Soil Mapping. James Thompson*1, Amanda C. Moore2, Rob E. Austin3 and Eugenia Pena-Yewtukhiw1, (1)West Virginia Univ, (2)USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Development Center, (3)North Carolina State Univ SESSION NO. 4 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 1.0PW Synthesis, Modeling, and Applications of Disciplinary Soil Science Knowledge for Soil-Water-PlantEnvironment Systems—Theater I Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenors: Peter Carberry, CSIRO; Gerrit Hoogeboom, University of Georgia; Liwang Ma, USDA-ARS, Great Plains Sys. Res. Presiding: Lajpat Ahuja, USDA-ARS, Grt. Plains Sys. 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 427a Applications of RZWQM in Agricultural Research for Soil and Water Management. L. Ma*1, Lajpat Ahuja1 and S. A. Saseendran2, (1)USDAARS-NPA, Great Plains Systems Research Unit, (2)USDA-ARS, Great Plains Systems Research 427b Application of Crop Modeling and Aegis/Win for Optimizing Agricultural Inputs in Soils. B. L. Harikrishna, G. S. Dasog, P. L. Patil* and K. M. Anegundi, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 428a Two-Dimensional Soil Water and Temperature Dynamics Under Row Crops: Modeling Approaches. Dennis Timlin*1, Rose M. Shillito2, Yakov A. Pachepsky3, Soo-Hyung Kim4, David Fleisher5 and Bruno Quebedeaux2, (1)USDA-ARS Crop Systems and Global Change Lab, (2)Univ of Maryland, (3)USDA/ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML, (4)USDA-ARS, (5)USDA, ARS, Crop Systems and Global Change Lab. 428b Precision Farming for Smallholder Farmers. Upendra Singh*1, Fred Muhhuku2, Tasnee Attanandana3, Paul Wilkens1 and Russell Yost4, (1)IFDC, (2)Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Project (APEP), (3)Dept of Soil Science, Kasetsart Univ, (4)Dept of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, Univ of Hawaii, 329a Space-Time Variance Propagation of Biophysical Processes. Ole Wendroth*, Univ of Kentucky and Donald R. Nielsen, Univ of California, Dept LAWR Hydrologic Science 429b LSCNP: A Process and Analytic Hybrid Model 43 MONDAY 2-8 face Irrigation System by Using 15n. A. A. Saif*, A. Al-Kirshi, A. J. Ailan, M. Albabili and A. Haidara, AREA A Simplified Diffusion Process Model for 137Cs Redistribution in Undisturbed Soil. X. Zhang*, He Xiubing, Fu Jiexiong, Qi Yongqing and Long Yi, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment Water Use and Plant Uptake of N and P in Relation to the Growth of Durum Wheat. A. Fares Asfary1, A. Wahbi*2 and M. Al. Oudat1, (1)Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, (2)International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) Fertilizer N Movement and Recovery by Spring Wheat with Urea Super Granules Point-Placed at Different Soil Depths. M. I. Khalil*1, U. Schmidhalter1 and K. Inubushi2, (1)Technical Univ of Munich, (2)Chiba Univ The pH Effect on Nickel Phytoavailability in Sewage Sludge-Amended Oxisol Determined by L-Value. Felipe Carlos Alvarez Villanueva, Cassio Hamilton Abreu* Jr., Antonio Enedi Boaretto, Takashi Muraoka and Anderson Ricardo Trevizam, Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture/Univ of São Paulo Soil N Enrichment Using Biomass of Gliricidia Sepium Injected with Labelled 15n Fertilizer and Subsequent Recovery by Zea Mays in an AlleyCropping System. S. P. Nissanka* and U. R. Sangakkara, Univ of Peradeniya Evaluation of Phosphorus Availability in Egyptian Sludge Using 33P Isotope Exchange Kinetic Technique. R. A. El-Motaium*1, M. A. El-Esawy1, E. Frossard2 and S. Sinaj2, (1)Plant Research Dept, (2)ETH Priming Effects Induced by Increasing Amounts of Glucose and Different Sources of CO2 Efflux from Soil Revealed by 14C Labelling and 13C Natural Abundance. Katja Schneckenberger*1, Dmitriy Demin2 and Yakov Kuzyakov1, (1)Univ of Hohenheim, (2)Puschino State Univ Use of Nuclear Techniques to Evaluate Management Practices for Improving Soil Fertility and Sustainable Common Bean Production in Acid Soil. A. Garcia*1, G. Hernandez1, A. Nuviola1, G. Duenas1, G. Herrero2, S. Curbelo3, J. L. Reyes3 and J. J. Drevon4, (1)Soil Institute, (2)Ecology and Systematic Institute, (3)Experimental Station, (4) Institute National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA) SESSION NO. 4 Simulating Long-term Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics. Tao Li*, Dept of Renewable Resources, Univ of Alberta, Yongsheng Feng, Dept of Renewable Resources and Xiaomei Li, Alberta Research Council SESSION NO. 5 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenor: Alexander Tstskin, University of Haifa Presiding: Selim Kapur, University of Cukurova 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 44 344a Micromorphological Diagnostics of Soil Polygenesis. Tatiana V. Tursina* and Ilia A. Sokolov, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 143a Phytolith Transport in Sandy Sediments: Experimental Data. O. Fishkis*, J. Ingwersen, K. Pustovoytov and T. Streck, Univ of Hohenheim 444a Study of Macropore and Climate Change by XRay Stereo-Radiography in the Later Stage Pleistocene Epoch Hachinohe Tanesashi Volcanic Ash Connected Soil Layer. Koichi Sato*1, Choichi Sasaki2, Ko-ichi Tokunaga3, Takashi Sase4 and Rieko Takamatu1, (1)Kitasato Univ, (2)Hirosaki Univ, (3)Iwate Univ, (4)North Laboratory for Phytolith Research 444b Opportunities for the Use of Andisols in Paleoecological Studies. Femke H. Tonneijck*, Boris Jansen, Klaas G. Nierop, Marcela Moscol and Jacobus M. Verstraten, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics – Univ of Amsterdam 445a Distinguishing Among Soil Solid Phases Using Micro-CT Scanning. Richard J. Heck* and Thomas Elliot, Univ of Guelph 445b Micromorphological and Microbiological Diagnostics of Elementary Pedogenic Processes in Extremely Arid Desert Soils of Mongolia and the Problem of Their Classification. Dmitri L. Golovanov*, Geographical Faculty, Moscow Sate Univ and Marina P. Lebedeva (Verba), V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 244a An Archaeometric Study of Later Stone Age Paintings from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Boyd Escott, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Jeffrey C. Hughes*, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal and Darrell Schulze, Dept of Agronomy, Purdue Univ 343a Evidence for “Black Earths” in the Maya Lowlands. Richard E. Terry*1, Ryan Sweetwood1, Chris Balzotti1 and Timothy Beach2, (1)Brigham Young Univ, (2)Georgetown Univ SESSION NO. 6 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 1.2P Interdependency of Soils and Soil Scapes—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenor: Jaume Bech, University of Barcelona Presiding: Reinhold Jahn, Inst. of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 154a Geomorphic Influence on Southern Driftless Area Soilscapes. Krista Stensvold*, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison and Cynthia Stiles, Univ of Wisconsin 154b Catena/Toposequence/Soil Association: Unifying Concept in Soil Classification, Soil Genesis and Land Use in the West Africa Sub-Region-Nigeria. Temitope A. Okusami*, Obafemi Awolowo Univ 155a Topo- and Bio-Sequence of the Soils in the Fukiage Coastal Dune. Tadao Hamazaki* and Taiki Kusahara, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima Univ 155b Soil-Landform Relationships in Shallow Estuarine Ecosystems of Downeast Maine. Christopher T. Flannagan*, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. and Laurie J. Osher, Univ of Maine 254a Spatial Variability of Pedogenic Reaction Rates in a Podzolized Watershed. Blake Ketchum*1, Susan Brantley1 and Alan Busacca2, (1)Center for Environmental Kinetic Analysis, (2)Dept of Crops and Soils 254b Modern Functioning of Surface Paleosols of the Russian Plain as Related to Lateral Redistribution of Heat Fluxes in the Upper Soil Layers. Tatiana A. Arkhangelskaya*, Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Soil Science 255a Pedogeochemical Mapping of the Barcelona Province (Catalonia, Spain): Interdependence between Altitude, Soil Texture, pH, Organic Carbon, CaCO3 and Potentially Toxic Elements. Jaume Bech*1, Maria Sokolovska2, Pedro Tume3, Pedro Sanchez4, Ferran Reverter1, Rafael Delgado5, Lluís Longan6, Alejandro Lansac1, Aleix Puente1 and Toni Oliver1, (1)Univ de Barcelona, (2)Forest Research Institute, (3)Facultad de Ingeniería, Univ Católica de la Santísima Concepción, (4)Depto de Estadística, Facultad de Biología, Univ de Barcelona, (5)Depto de Edafología, Facultad de Farmacia, Univ de Granada., (6)Soil Science Chair. Fac. of Biology. Univ de Barcelona 255b Landscape Position Affects the Emission of Greenhouse Gases in a Prairie Pot-Hole Soil in Western Canada. Adedeji S. Dunmola*1, David Lobb1, Dan J. Pennock2, Yappa Priyantha1 and Mario Tenuta1, (1)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Manitoba, (2)Univ of Saskatchewan SESSION NO. 11 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 2.0B Innovative Technologies in Rhizosphere Research —Oral Convenor: David Crowley, University of CaliforniaRiverside Presiding: Philippe Hinsinger, INRA–ENSA.M–UMR Rhizosphère & Symbiose 7-1 10:15 AM Probing the Speciation of Metals at the Soil-Plant Interface Using Micrometer-Scale X-Ray Fluorescence, Diffraction and Absorption Techniques. Alain Manceau*, CNRS 7-2 10:50 AM Engineering Plants to Influence Rhizosphere Biochemistry: Potential Benefits to Plant Nutrition. Timothy S. George*, CSIRO Plant Industry 7-3 11:25 AM Influence of Simulated Global Climate Change on Microbial Rhizosphere Populations of Grassland Plants. Stephan Gantner*1, James Cole1, Nona Chiariello2, Chris Field3 and James M. Tiedje4, (1)Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State Univ, (2)Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford Univ, (3)Dept of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institut of Washington, Stanford Univ, (4)Center for Microbial Ecology SESSION NO. 8 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 3.0A Long-term Agronomic Experiments: Their Importance for Science and Society—Oral Convenor: Stephen Kaffka, University of California Presiding: Johnny Johnston, Rothamsted Research 8-1 10:15 AM Long-term Experiments and Sustainable Agriculture: The Rothamsted Experience. A.E.Johnny Johnston Johnston*, Rothamsted Research 8-2 10:50 AM Sustainability in Mediterranean and Semi-Arid Systems. Stephen Kaffka*1, Johan Six1 and William Horwath2, (1)Dept of Plant Science, (2)Dept of Land, Air and Water Resources 8-3 11:25 AM The Role of Long-term Experiments in Understanding the Sustainability of Organic Farming. Paul Mäder* 1 , Andreas Fliessbach 1 , Joachim Raupp2, Meike Oltmanns2, Lucie Gunst3 and David Dubois3, (1)Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), (2)Institute for Biodynamic Research, (3)Agroscope FAL Reckenholz of Delaware, Jerry Lemunyon, USDA/NRCS and Roberta Parry, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 9-2 10:50 AM European Soil Science in Support of the EU Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection. Luca Montanarella*, European Commission 9-3 11:25 AM Soil Carbon Management: Communicating Science to Policy Makers. John Kimble*1, Carlos E. P. Cerri2, Carlos C. Cerri2, Brent E. Clothier3, H. H. Janzen4 and Pedro Sanchez5, (1)USDA-NRCSNCSS retired, (2)Univ de São Paulo, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura–CENA/USP, (3)HortResearch, (4)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, (5)Columbia Univ SESSION NO. 10 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better Management—Oral Convenors: Delvin Fanning, Univ. of Maryland,HJ Patterson; Robert Fitzpatrick, CSIRO, Land and Water Presiding: Leigh Sullivan, Southern Cross University 10-1 10:15 AM Toxic Metals in Runoff from Boreal Acid Sulphate Soils. Mats Astrom*, Kalmar Univ 10-2 10:45 AM Elemental Sulfur Dynamics in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes. Richard T. Bush*, Edward Burton, Leigh Sullivan and Salirian Claff, Southern Cross Univ 10-3 11:05 AM Post-Active Acid Sulfate Soils. Delvin S. Fanning*1, Daniel Wagner2, Philip Zurheide1, Martin C. Rabenhorst1 and J. Patrick Megonigal3, (1)Univ of Maryland, (2)Geo-Sci Consultants, Inc., (3)Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 10-4 11:25 AM Recent Advances in Formation Mechanisms of Minerals in Precipitates, Salt Efflorescences and Sulfidic Materials in Acid Sulfate Weathering Environments. Robert Fitzpatrick*, CRCLEME/CSIRO Land and Water 10-5 11:45 AM Acid Sulfate Soils Management Guidelines—the Queensland, Australian Perspective. Col R. Ahern*1, Kristie M. Watling1, Steven Dobos2, Nikki Moore3 and Sue-Ellen Dear1, (1)Queensland Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, (2)Dobos & Associates, (3)Queensland Environmental Protection Agency SESSION NO. 11 SESSION NO. 9 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor Convention Center, Room 111AB, First Floor 0.0B Global Priorities in Soil Science Research—Oral 4.0A Bridging Soil Science, Environmental Policy and Communications—Oral Convenors: Donald L. Sparks, University of Delaware; Charles Rice, Kansas State University Presiding: Donald Sparks, University of Delaware Convenors: J. T. Sims, Dept. Plt. & Soil Sciences; Charles Rice, Dept. of Agronomy, KSU Presiding: Peter J. Kleinman, USDA-ARS, Bldg. 3702 11-1 9-1 10:15 AM Evolution and Future of Nutrient Management Policy in the United States. J. Thomas Sims*, Univ 11-2 1:15 PM US Priorities in Soil Science Research. Charles Rice, Kansas State Univ and Donald Sparks*, Univ of Delaware 1:35 PM Soil Research Priorities in Asia. Jianmin Zhou*, Institute of Soil Science, CAS 45 MONDAY SESSION NO. 7 SESSION NO. 11 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 1:55 PM European Priorities in Soil Science Research. Winfried E.H. Blum*, Institute for Soil Science, Univ of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 2:15 PM South America Priorities in Soil Science Research. Carlos C. Cerri*1, Carlos E. P. Cerri1, Martial Bernoux1 and Pedro Sanchez2, (1)Univ de São Paulo, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura– CENA/USP, (2)Columbia Univ 2:35 PM Sustaining Soil Science ‘down-under’. Brent Clothier*, HortResearch and Richard Macewan, Dept of Primary Industries 2:55 PM Soil Research Priorities in Africa. Lamourdia Thiombiano*, FAO 12-10 12-11 12-12 SESSION NO. 12 12-13 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 1.0A New Frontiers in Soil Resource Assessment— Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: Micheal Golden, USDA-NRCS Presiding: Jay Bell, University of Minnesota 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 46 102a Soil Resource Inventory of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Anthony Khiel* and Doug Thomas, USDA-NRCS 102b Theatre Symposium for Soil Landscape Predictive Modeling. Jon Hempel*, USDA-NRCS-NGDC and J.C. Bell, Univ of Minnesota 103a Making the Old New: Rescue, Reuse and Renewal of Legacy Soil Surveys. David G. Rossiter*, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), 103b Taking Soil Science to Outer Space: The Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) for the Phoenix 2007 Scout Mission to Mars. Douglas R. Cobos*, Gaylon S. Campbell and Colin S. Campbell, Decagon Devices, Inc. 104a Australian Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils—a National Atlas. Robert Fitzpatrick*, CRC-LEME/CSIRO Land and Water, Bernard Powell, Dept of Natural Resources and Steven Marvanek, CSIRO Land and Water 104b Soilscape Investigations to Support Vector and Raster Soil Surveys in Far West Texas. Lynn E. Loomis*, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Duane Simonson, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service 105a A Prototype Theory-Based Approach to Predictive Soil Mapping Under Fuzzy Logic. Feng Qi, Dept of Political Science and Geography, A.-Xing Zhu*, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, James E. Burt, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, Mark Harrower, Dept of Geography and Duane Simonson, USDANatural Resources Conservation Service 105b Correlation and Analysis of Soil Maps Produced with the Remote Area Soil Proxy (RASP) Model. Toby Rodgers* and Crystal Briggs, USDA-NRCS 106a Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus Regimes of West Virginia Forest Soil Series. Anthony Jenkins*, Stephen Carpenter and Mike Wilson, USDA– Natural Resources Conservation Service 12-14 12-15 106b The Impact of Proximal Soil Sensing Prediction Errors on Soil-Landscape Model Parameter Estimation. Melisa L. Borino*1, David J. Brown1, Jennifer D. Watts1 and Robert A. MacMillan2, (1)Montana State Univ, (2)LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc. 107a Spatial Data Mining for Soil Survey Updates. James E. Burt*1, Rongxun Wang1, A.-Xing Zhu2, Tim Meyer3 and Jon Hempel4, (1)Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, (2)State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, (3)USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, (4)USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Development Center 107b Regolith-Terrain Analysis and Mapping as a Soil Geomorphological Investigative Methodology for Land Resource Assessment. Robin N. Thwaites*, School of Natural Resource Sciences 108a A Web Map-Based Tool for Exploring the Spatial Extent of U.S. Soil Taxonomy – Series through Order. Brian W. Bills*1, Sharon W. Waltman2, Douglas A. Miller1, Stephen Crawford3, James L. Sloan II1, Amanda Moore2, Jon Hempel2, Craig Ditzler4 and Jim Fortner4, (1)The Pennsylvania State Univ, (2)USDA-NRCS-NGDC, (3)The Pennsylvania State University, (4)USDA-NRCS-NSSC 108b Random Catena Sampling for Establishing SoilLandscape Rules for Digital Soil Mapping. Alex McBratney*, Nathan Odgers and Budiman Minasny, The Univ of Sydney 109a A Quantitative Energy Model for Predicting Pedogenic Environments. Craig Rasmussen*, Univ of Arizona SESSION NO. 13 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 1.0WA Soil Geochemical Patterns at Regional, National, and International Scales—Oral Convenor: Martin Goldhaber, U.S. Geological Survey Presiding: David Smith, U.S. Geological Survey 13-1 13-2 13-3 1:15 PM The Baltic Soil Survey (BSS): Sub-Continental Scale Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural Soils from Northern Europe. Clemens Reimann*, Geological Survey of Norway, Ulrich Siewers, Federal Institut for Geosciences and Natural Ressources, Timo Tarvainen, Geological Survey of Finland, Liidia Bityukova, Institute of Geology, Jan Eriksson, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Aivars Gilucis, State Geological and Meteorological Agency of Latvia, Virgilija Gregorauskiene, Geological Survey of Lithuania, Valentin K. Lukashev, Institute of Geological Sciences of ASB, Natalia N. Matinian, Laboratory of Soil Geography, St. Petersburg State Univ and Anna Pasieczna, Geological Survey of Poland 1:50 PM Spatial Patterns in Soil Geochemistry of the United States: The Relationship between Scale and Process. David B. Smith*, Steven M. Smith, Martin B. Goldhaber, James E. Kilburn, William F. Cannon and Laurel G. Woodruff, U.S. Geological Survey 2:25 PM Regional-Scale Soil Geochemistry in Northern California: Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Soil Constituents. Martin B. Goldhaber*, Jean M. Morrison, Geoffrey S. Plumlee, Richard B. Wanty, Dennis R. Helsel, Ruth E. Wolf, David B. Smith, Philip L. Hageman, Suzette A. Morman and JoAnn M. Holloway, U.S. Geological Survey 15-3 837a 15-4 837b 15-5 838a 15-6 838b 15-7 839a 15-8 839b 15-9 936a 15-10 936b 15-11 937a 15-12 937b 15-13 938b 15-14 939a SESSION NO. 14 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 1.2A Spatial, Societal and Environmental Aspects of Pedodiversity—Oral Convenor: Robin Thwaites, Queensland University of Technology Presiding: Jonathan Phillips, Univeristy of Kentucky 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 1:15 PM Perspectives and Challenges of Pedodiversity Analysis. Juan Jose Ibanez*, Centro de Investigaciones sobre desertificación (CIDE) 1:45 PM Soils in the Anthropocene. Ronald Amundson*, Univ of California 2:05 PM Scale Dependence and Complexity in the Spatial Distribution of Soil Resources. R. Murray Lark*, Environmetrics Group, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Division, Rothamsted Research 2:25 PM Pedodiversity and Island Soil Geography: Testing the Driving Forces for Pedological Assemblages in Archipelagos of Different Origins. William R. Effland*, USDA/NRCS Soil Survey Division, A. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Dpto. Edafologia y Geologia, Fac. Biologia and Juan Jose Ibanez, CIDE 2:45 PM Taxonomic and Functional Pedodiversity in Relation to Landscape Variability and Land Utilization Types. Inakwu Ominy A. Odeh*, The Univ of Sydney and John Triantafilis, The Univ of New South Wales SESSION NO. 15 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenors: Alvin Smucker, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sci., MSU; Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde Presiding: Alessandro Piccolo, Università di Napoli 15-1 15-2 836a Where Is All the Charcoal Gone? -Structure and Stability of Charred Plant Residues and Their Role in Refractory Soil Organic Matter Formation. Heike Knicker*1, Francisco J. González-Vila2, Jose A. González-Perez 2 and G. Almendros 3 , (1)Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkunde, TU-Muenchen, (2)Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología, CSIC, (3)Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC 836b Hydrolyzable Carbohydrate In Tropical Soils Under Adjacent Forest And Savanna Vegetation In Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire. Hassan Bismarck Narco*1, Marie Christine Larre-Larrouy2, Christian Feller2 and Luc Abbadie3, (1)Univ Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso, (2)Laboratoire Matière Organique des Sols Tropicaux IRD, (3)Biogeochemistry and Ecology of continental environment laboratory UMR 7618 Carbon Accumulations on Surfaces and Fluxes into Interior Regions of Soil Aggregates Alter Water Repellency, Bacterial Populations and Aggregate Stability. Alvin Smucker*1, Eun-Jin Park1, Emilia Jasinska2, Heather Holdaway1, Frank Dazzo1 and Rainer Horn3, (1)Michigan State Univ, (2)Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, (3)Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel Theory and Evidence of Soil C Saturation using Long-term Agroecosystem Experiments. Catherine Stewart1, Keith Paustian1, Rich Conant1, Alain Plante2 and Johan Six*3, (1)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, (2)Dept of Biology, (3)Dept of Plant Sciences, Univ of California-Davis Carbon Sequestration in Soils of the Mississippi Valley Loess Plains. Paula Gale*, Richard Joost, Matt Goddard and Kevin Smith, Univ of Tenneessee at Martin Long-term Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in Cultivated Soils in Zimbabwe. Shamie Zingore*, TSBF-CIAT Zimbabwe and Kenneth E. Giller, Production Systems, Dept of Plant Sciences, Wageningen Univ A Non-Compartment Approach to the Modeling of Carbon Cycle in Soils. Yongsheng Feng*, Univ of Alberta and Xiaomei Li, Alberta Research Council Multidimensional Characterization of Soil Carbon Pools Using Stable Isotope and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Coupled to Thermal Analysis. David A. C. Manning*, Elisa Lopez-Capel and Maggie White, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Univ of Newcastle Application of Off-Line TMAH-GC/MS for Characterizing Soil Organic Matter and Organic Amendments. Cassandra R. Schefe1, Antonio F. Patti*2, Alessandro Piccolo3, Riccardo S paccini3 and W. Roy Jackson4, (1)Rutherglen Centre, Dept of Primary Industries, (2)Centre for Green Chemistry and School of Applied Sciences and Engineering, (3)Dpto di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e dell’Ambiente, Univ di Napoli, (4)Centre for Green Chemistry, Monash Univ Isotopic Investigations into the Role of Aggregate Hierarchy in Stabilizing Soil Organic Carbon. Julie Jastrow*, Argonne National Laboratory and Johan Six, Dept of Plant Sciences, Univ of California-Davis Estimation of Time Required for Progress of Humification in Soil Using AMS Radiocarbon Dating Technique. Akira Watanabe* 1 , Hisayoshi Takada1, Miku Jokura1, Akiko Ikeda2 and Toshio Nakamura2, (1)Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya Univ, (2)Center for Chronological Research, Nagoya Univ Humus Accumulation, Microbiological Indicators and Respired Carbon Dioxide in Soil. Oliver M. Dilly*, Lehrstuhl für Bodenschutz und Rekultivierung, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Evaluating the Microbial Role in Soil Carbon Dynamics Using Markov Chain Analysis. Chao Liang*, Guang Cheng and Teresa Balser, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison Effects of Mass Spectroscopic Parameters on Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectra of SizeFractions from a Soil Humic Acid. Alessandro Piccolo, Dpto di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta, e 47 MONDAY SESSION NO. 15 SESSION NO. 15 15-15 939b 15-16 1036b 15-17 1037a 15-18 15-19 1037b 1038b dell’Ambiente and Michael Spiteller*, INFU-Institut für Umweltforschung Evaluation of Carbon Stabilization in Soils: A Conceptual Model Approach. Margit v. Lützow1, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner1, Egbert Matzner*2, Klemens Ekschmitt3, Georg Guggenberger4, Heiner Flessa5, Bernd Marschner 6 and Bernard Ludwig 7 , (1)Technische Univ München, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde, (2)Lehrstuhl für Bodenökologie, Univ Bayreuth, (3)Justus Liebig Univ Giessen, (4)Univ Halle, (5)Univ Göttingen, (6)Ruhr Univ, (7)Univ Kassel Do Temperature-Driven Shifts in Microbial Community Composition Facilitate Decay of Recalcitrant Organic Matter?. Rhae Drijber*1, David Carter1, Richard Conant2, Alain Plante3, Eldor Paul2, Megan Steinweg2 and Michelle Haddix2, (1)Univ of Nebraska, Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture, (2)Natural Resource Ecology Lab, (3)Villanova Univ Three Carbon Sources in Soil Food Webs of Different Complexity Revealed by 14C Labelling and 13C Natural Abundance. Yakov Kuzyakov*, Univ of Hohenheim, Andrea Ruf, Univ of Bremen and Olga Lopatovskaya, State Pedagogical Univ of Irkutsk Mineralization, Solubilization and Biomass Incorporation of 13C -Labelled Lignin Incubated with Soil under Laboratory Conditions. H. Bahri*1, M.-F. Dignac1, C. Rumpel1, D. P Rasse1, C. Lapierre2, G. Bardoux1, A. Mariotti1 and C. Chenu1, (1)UMR Biogeochimie des Milieux Continentaux, (2)UMR Chimie Biologique INRA-INAPG The Relation between the Content of Organic Phosphorus and Latitude in Northeast China Phaeozem. Wantai Yu* and Shaohua Zhao, Institute of applied ecology 16-4 16-5 SESSION NO. 17 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor SCE Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils —Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: Chris Johnson, Dept.of Civil Eng. Presiding: Zhihong Xu, Griffith University 17-1 17-2 17-3 SESSION NO. 16 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 17-4 3.4A Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation I. Agroecosystems: Processes & Assessment—Oral Convenor: Miguel Ayarza, TGU: 00087 Presiding: Matilde Somarriba-Chang, Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) 16-1 16-2 16-3 48 1:15 PM Decision support tools and technologies to assess and reverse land degradation in tropical savanna and hillside agroecosystems of Latin America. Miguel Ayarza* Sr., Edgar Amezquita, Edmundo Barrios, Marco Rondon and Idupulapati Rao, Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT 1:45 PM Land degradation: An assessment of the human impact on global land resources. Hari Eswaran*1, Paul Reich1 and Friedrich Beinroth2, (1)USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, (2)University of Puerto Rico 2:05 PM Nutrient Budgeting in Tropical Agro ecosystem— A micro and meso level modeling study for assessing sustainability in agro-ecosystem using NUTMON-Toolbox. V. Murugappan*, U. Surendran, R Jagadeeswaran and A Bhaskaran, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 2:25 PM Characterizing Soil Change within the Human Time Scale for Resource Assessment and Prediction. Arlene J. Tugel*1, Joel R. Brown1, Susan S. Andrews2, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer3, Jeffrey E. Herrick3 and Karl W. Hipple4, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)USDANatural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), ENTSC, (3)USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, (4)USDA-NRCS, National Soil Survey Center 2:45 PM Soil quality dynamics in a family based shifting cultivation system on the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Marcela C. R. Aboim1, Joyce C. Barbosa1, Alexandre S. Rosado2 and Heitor L. C. Coutinho*1, (1)Embrapa Solos, (2)Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 3505a Management of Forest Soils on Disturbed Grounds. Wolfgang Schaaf* and Reinhard F. Hüttl, Brandenburg Univ of Technology 3505b Organic Carbon Restoration during the First Twenty Years on the Debris Avalanche Deposit of the Ontake Volcano, Japan. Kazuhito Morisada* and Mitsue Shibata, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 3506a Using Soil and Climatic Data to Predict Carbon Sequestration in Reforestation and Recharge Reduction at Different Scales. Richard J. Harper*, Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting and Keith R.J. Smettem, Univ of Western Australia 3506b Properties of Typical Forest Soils of China in Different Climatic Zones Affecting Methane and Ethylene Consumption and Nitrous Oxide Production. Xingkai Xu*, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 3507a Information Needed for for Sustainable Management of Hardwood Forests: More than 50 years of Research on the Fernow Experimental Forest. Mary B. Adams* and James Kochenderfer, USDA Forest Service 3507b Lignocellulolytic Enzyme Activities and LitterLayer Composition (NMR Spectra) of a Pine Forest Soil, Five Years after Thinning. Sebastian Maassen1, Minh-Phuong Huynh-Le2, George D. Cody2 and Stephan J. Wirth*1, (1)Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Institute of Landscape Matter Dynamics, (2)Carnegie Institution of Washington, Geophysical Laboratory 3508a Mineral Soil Organic Matter in Forest Sites of Coastal British Columbia, Canada. Caroline M. Preston*1, Tony Trofymow1, Christopher Swanston2 and Chris Van Kessel3, (1)Pacific Forestry Centre, (2)Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, (3)UC Davis 3508b Fire-Derived Carbon in Boreal Forests—Current Knowledge and Uncertainties. Caroline M. Preston, Pacific Forestry Centre, Natural Resources SESSION NO. 19 17-10 17-11 17-12 3509a 3509b 3510b 3511a 17-13 3511b 17-14 3512a 17-15 3512b 17-16 3513a 17-17 3513b 17-18 17-19 3514a 3514b SESSION NO. 18 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 1.5A Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Soil Sensing, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis—Oral Convenor: Sabine Grunwald, Soil & Water Sci. Dept. Univ. FL Presiding: Endre Dobos, University of Miskolc 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 3:30 PM Infrared Spectroscopy—New Technology for Boosting Agricultural Productivity and Monitoring Environment in Developing Countries. Keith Shepherd* and Markus Walsh, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 4:00 PM Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy as a Major Input to the Soil Inference System. Budiman Minasny*, Alex McBratney and Raphael ViscarraRossel, The Univ of Sydney 4:20 PM Refining the Pedogenic Understanding Raster Classification Methodology. Janis L. Boettinger*1, Nephi J. Cole2, Amy M. Saunders2, Shawn J. Nield2, Suzann Kienast-Brown 2, Jedd M. Bodily 2 and Alexander K. Stum1, (1)Utah State Univ, (2)USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 4:40 PM Integrating the Extended Causal Chain of Pedology, On-The-Go Soil Sensors and a Fuzzy Soil Continuum Model for Precision Farming (PF) Applications. Juergen Lamp*, C.A.Univ, Plant Nutrition a. Soil Science, WG Soil Informatics 5:00 PM Reflectance Spectroscopy for the Determination of Soil C: Where Are We? and What Are the Problems Which Need to Be Solved?. James B., Reeves* III, EMBUL, ANRI, ARS, USDA, Dean Martens, SWRC, ARS, USDA and Gregory McCarty, HRSL, ANRI, ARS, USDA SESSION NO. 19 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 1.5B Soil Sampling in Space and Time—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenor: Jan Hendrickx, Dept. of Earth & Env. Sci. Presiding: Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, Wageningen University and Research Centre 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 538a Generating Geo-Pedological Maps Using GIS of Study Areas in Bahariya Oasis. Mohamed Abbas Rasheed* V and Khaled Mohamed Darwish, National Research Centre 538b Spatial Variability in the Electro Conductivity of Soil and Groundwater in the Balaroud Area Located in the Southwest of Iran. Farzad Nazarizadeh*, Khuzestan Water and Power Authority 539a Establishing Digital Spatial Pattern Map of Macronutrients in Soils under Irrigated Wheat in Golestan Province. Ghorban Ali Roshani* and Sohrab Sadeghi, Golestan Agricultural Research Center 539b The Comparative Analysis of Methods for Physical Properties Investigation of Soil Solid Part. Igor V. Morozov* and Irina Morozova, Rostov State University 540a Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications in Alabama Soil Survey. Zamir Libohova*, 49 MONDAY 17-9 Canada and Michael W. I. Schmidt*, Dept of Geography, Physical Geography, Soil Biogeochemistry Elucidating Mineral N Retention Pathways in an Old-Growth South Chilean Temperate Forest Using a 15N Tracing Model. Dries Huygens*1, Pascal Boeckx 1, Oswald Van Cleemput 1, Roberto Godoy2 and Christoph Müller3, (1)Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry–ISOFYS, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent Univ, (2)Institute of Botany, Univ Austral de Chile, (3)Dept of Plant Ecology, Justus-Liebig-Univ Giessen Microbial Dversity of the Soil and Leaf Litters in an Exotic Pine Plantation of Subtropical Australia. Li Zhang*1, Bharat Patel1 and Zhihong Xu2, (1)School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences, Griffith Univ, (2)School of Environmental Studies, Griffith Univ Soluble Organic N Pools and Microbial Properties in Sandy Soils under Three Adjacent Natural and Exotic Pine Plantation Forests of Southeast Queensland. Chengrong Chen* and Zhihong Xu, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith Univ Assessment of Vegetation Change in Central Queensland Woodlands Using Stable Carbon Isotopes of Soil Organic Matter. Ben Harms*, Natural Resources and Mines, Steven Bray, Dept of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Evelyn Krull, CSIRO Land and Fisheries and Ayalsew Zerihun, DPI Science and Research Nitrate Sources in Discharge from the Hardwood Forests of the Northeastern U.S.A – Implications for Forest Management. Kathryn B. Piatek*1, Myron J. Mitchell2, Steven R. Silva3 and Carol Kendall3, (1)West Virginia Univ, (2)SUNY-ESF, (3)USGS Geological Survey Upscaling Forest Soil Monitoring Data – Scale and Representativity Effects. Dietmar Zirlewagen, INTERRA, Rainer Baritz*, BGR and Klaus Von Wilpert, FVA Spectroscopic Evidence for Water-Soluble Organic Matter and Humic Acid of Soil under Different Types of Forest Vegetations. Peikun Jiang1, Qiufang Xu* 1 and Zhihong Xu 2 , (1)Zhejiang Forestry Univ, (2)Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith Univ Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Pools of Bamboo Plantations under Intensive Management in Subtropical China. Qiufang Xu1, Peikun Jiang1, Zhihong Cao* 1 and Zhihong Xu 2, (1)Zhejiang Forestry Univ, (2)Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith Univ Carbon Storage Dynamics and Conditions Following Clear-Cutting, in a Montane Dystric Cambisol Planted with Douglas-Fir. Francis Andreux*1, Jean Leveque 1 , Florence Roux 1 and Jacques Ranger2, (1)Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols– INRA Université de Bourgogne, (2)INRA-UR Biogéochimie des Ecosystèmes Forestiers Forest Soil Carbon Sequestration Measurement and Verification on Reclaimed Mined Land in the Appalachian Coalfield. Beyhan Y. Amichev*, Virginia Tech and James A. Burger, Virgnia Tech., Dept of Forestry Comparison of Methods for the Evaluation of Humus Quality of Forest Soils. Jiri Kulhavy*1, Bohumir Lomsky2, Michal Remes1, Ladislav Mensik 1 , Tomas Fabianek 1 and Ida Drapelova 1 , (1)Mendel Univ of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, (2)Forestry and Game Management Research Institute SESSION NO. 19 19-6 19-7 540b 541a 19-8 541b 19-9 640a 19-10 641a 19-11 641b 19-12 741a 19-13 741b Stephon Thomas, Jerome Langlinais, Charles Love and George Martin, USDA-NRCS Soil Surface Rugosity Measurements to Applied Multifractal Analysis. M. Rosario Garcia1, A. Saa1, Ana M. Tarquis2 and M. Cruz Díaz*1, (1)Dpto. Edafología–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic University of Madrid, (2)Dpto. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic University of Madrid Spatial Modeling of Trace Elements in Soils Using Partial Least Squares Regression and Pre-existing Information. Hocine Bourennane*, National Institut for Agronomic Research (INRA) Can Variable Rate Technology Using Active Sensors Work in Bermudagrass and Ryegrass Production?. Jagadeesh Mosali*1, Jeffrey B. Ball1, Kefyalew Girma2, Shawn L. Norton1 and W.R. Raun2, (1)The Noble Foundation, (2)Oklahoma State University Soil Chemical Properties as a Tool in Archeological Investigations: Identifying Previous Anthropogenic Disturbances. Todd Luxton*, Matthew Eick and Stephanie M. Garman, Virginia Tech Site-Specific Management Zones: Soil-Color Based and Yield-Based. Rajiv Khosla*, Danny Inman, Andrew Hornung, Dwayne Westfall and Robin Reich, Colorado State University Technique of Detailed—Level-by-Level Definition of Soil Moisture with TDR TRIME-FM3. Olga S. Ermolaeva*, Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering and Anatoly Zeiliger, Moscow State University Of Environmental Engineering Evaluation of a New, Perforated Soil Heat Flux Plate Design. Thomas J. Sauer*1, Pierre Thery2, Josh L. Heitman3, Thomas M. DeSutter1 and Robert Horton3, (1)USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory, (2)CAPTEC, (3)Iowa State University Correlation between the Common Bean Grains Yield and Attributes of Relation Mass/Volume in a Typical Haplic Acrustox of the Brazilian Savannah. Morel de Passos Carvalho*, Flávia Araújo Matos, Mariana Ventura Martins and Gilberto Rosa Filho, São Paulo State University 20-3 850b 20-4 947a 20-5 852a 20-6 948b SESSION NO. 21 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 2.5A Soil Physicochemical-Biological Interfacial Interactions: Impacts on Transformations and Bioavailability of Metals and Metalloids—Oral Convenor: P. M. Huang, Soil Sci., Univ. Saskatchewan Presiding: A. Violante, Università di Napoli- ITALY 21-1 SESSION NO. 20 21-2 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution in Soils—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenors: Donald Gabriels, Ghent University; Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO Presiding: Richard Dick, Ohio State Univ./Sch. of Nat. Res. 20-1 20-2 50 848a Mechanisms of Solute Transport Modify SmallScale Abundance and Function of Microorganisms in Soil. Ellen Kandeler*1, Christian Poll1, Joachim Ingwersen 2 , Thilo Streck 2 , Esther Enowashu1 and Sven Marhan1, (1)Institute of Soil Science, Soil Biology Section, University of Hohenheim, (2)Institute of Soil Science, Biogeophysics Section, University of Hohenheim 952b Quantification of Root-Soil and Root-Insect Interactions Using X-Ray Microtomography. Peter J. Gregory*1, Scott N. Johnson1, Derek B. Read2, Caroline E. Hargreaves2, Dimitry V. Grinev3 and Iain M. Young3, (1)SCRI, (2)Department of Soil Science, (3)SIMBIOS Centre Macroaggregate Environment Influences the Composition and Activity of Associated Microbiota Communities. Gupta V.S.R. Vadakattu*1, M. L. Kasper1, T. Jankovic-Karasoulos2 and E. T. Elliott3, (1)CSIRO Entomology, (2)CSIRO, (3)University of Nebraska Effects of Grapevine Roots, Soil Resources and Depth on Soil Microbial Communities in a Pinot Noir Vineyard. Kerri L. Steenwerth*1, Shane R. Parker1, Daniel A. Kluepfel1, Jean-Jacques Lambert2 and David R. Smart3, (1)USDA/ARS Crops Pathology and Genetics Research Unit, (2)University of California, Davis, (3)Department of Viticulture and Enology Comparison of Bacterial Community Structures at Main Habitats in Paddy Field Ecosystem Based on DGGE Analysis. Susumu Asakawa* and Makoto Kimura, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University Diversity of Culturable Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria in a Japanese Rice Field Ecosystem. Chihoko Ueno*1, Dayéri Dianou2, Makoto Kimura1 and Susumu Asakawa1, (1)Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, (2)National Center of Scientific Research 21-3 21-4 21-5 3:30 PM The Role of Synchrotron-Based Research on Soil Physicochemical and Biological Interfacial Interactions Pertaining to Metals and Metalloids in the Environment. Ken M. Kemner*, Argonne National Laboratory 4:00 PM Spectromicroscopic Investigation of Cobalt Speciation in a Ni/Co Hyperaccumulator Plant used for Phytoremediation and Phytomining. Ryan V. Tappero*1, R. L. Chaney2 and Donald L. Sparks1, (1)U of DE, Environmental Soil Chemistry, (2)USDA-ARS-ANRI 4:20 PM Transformation of Metals and Minerals by Microorganisms. M. Fomina* and Geoffrey M. Gadd, University of Dundee 4:40 PM Rhizosphere – A Unique Interface for Understanding the Fate of Trace Elements – the Example of Copper. Philippe Hinsinger* 1 , Valérie Chaignon1, Benoît Cloutier-Hurteau2, Jean-Yves Cornu1, P Legrand2, Aurélia Michaud1, Véronique Séguin2 and François Courchesne2, (1)UMR 1222 Rhizosphere & Symbiose INRA-ENSAM, (2)Département de Géographie. Université de Montreal 5:00 PM Major Role of Interactions between Organic Matter Biodegradability, Iron Reducing Bacteria and Ferric Oxides in the Availability and Partitioning of Metals in Soils. Jacques Berthelin*, Nouredine Bousserhine, Cecile Quantin and Sebastien Stemmler, LIMOS , UMR 7137 ,CNRS _UHPNancy1, Faculté des Sciences 23-2 23-3 SESSION NO. 22 23-4 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 3.2A Environmental Impacts of Soil Erosion—Measuring and Modeling On- and Off-Site Damages of Soil Erosion—Oral Convenors: Sonia Dechen, Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento; Diane Stott, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Res. Presiding: Nicola Fohrer, Fachabteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft des ÖZK 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 3:30 PM Using RUSLE2 to Predict On-Site Soil Degradation and Off-Site Sediment Yield. Seth M. Dabney*1, Mathias J. M. Romkens1, Daniel C. Yoder2 and Michael Hubbs3, (1)USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Lab, (2)University of Tennessee, (3)USDA-NRCS 4:00 PM Loss of Dissolved Organic Carbon During Erosion Events. Diane E. Stott*, E.A. Warnemuende, S.J. Livingston and C. Huang, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory 4:20 PM Application of Remote Sensing and GIS to Soil Erosion Assessment and Spatial Risk Modeling in Himalayan Watershed using Hierarchical Perspective: A Case Study in Sitla-rao Watershed. Kalpana O. Bhaware*, District Soil Survey and Soil Testing Laboratory, (Commissionerate of Agriculture) and Suresh Kumar, Agriculture and Soil Division, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing 4:40 PM Wind Erosion in the Conditions of Climate Change. Jana Dufkova* and Frantisek Toman, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology 5:00 PM Evaluation of Dynamic Biotic and Abiotic Processes at the Soil Surface Affected by Different Agricultural Management Systems. Marcus Zeiger and Nicola Fohrer*, Dep. Hydrology & Water Resources Management, Ecology Centre CAU Kiel 23-5 23-6 23-7 23-8 23-9 23-10 SESSION NO. 23 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 3.3C Improved Management of Alkaline Soils for Dryland Agriculture—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenors: John Ryan, ICARDA; Dwayne G. Westfall, Colorado State University Presiding: John Angus, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1438 23-1 1829b Evaluting the Process of Desalinization of Sodic and Saline Soils by the Theoretical Models of Southeast Khuzestan Province. mohammad reza Momayezi*, islamic azad university of varamin 23-11 23-12 23-13 1829a Subsoil Physicochemical Constraints and Dryland Crop Growth on Alkaline Soils in Southeastern Australia. James Gray Nuttall* and Roger Armstrong, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 1830a Toxicity of Na+ and Cl- to Wheat and Chickpea. Anna R. Sheldon*1, Ram C. Dalal2 and Neal W. Menzies1, (1)The University of Queensland, (2)Department of Natural Resources & Mines 1830b The Relationship between the Physico-Chemical Properties of Iranian Marl Soils and Soil Erosion Rate and Form. Toraj Asadi*, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas Branch and Ali Reza Zahirnia, Soil and Watershed Managment Reaserch Institute, Tehran, Iran. 1831a Paddy Cultivation in Sodic Soil through Vermitech. Abdullah A. Ansari*, University of Guyana and Sultan A. Ismail, Ecoscience Research Foundation 1831b Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity and Its Effect on Physiological Parameters, Soil Water Content and Grain Yield of Wheat in Victorian Southern Mallee. Prakash N. Dixit*1, Deli Chen1, Garry O’Leary2 and John Angus3, (1)The University of Melbourne, (2)Department of Primary Industries, (3)CSIRO 1929a Characterization of Soils under Kabini Tract of Cauvery Command Area and Rice Response to Amendments. Guruprasad, Subbarayappa, Badrinath Chidanandappa*, UAS,GKVK 1929b The Evaluation and Determination of Soil Water Infiltration Coefficient Using Experimental Observations Resulting from Measuring Infiltration by the Doublering Method and Introducing the Most Suitable Model in the Saveh Plain. Amir Mansour Shahsavar* 1, Ali Reza Zahirnia 2 and Ebrahim Pazira1, (1)Islamic Azad Univ of Science and Research, (2)Soil and Watershed Managment Research Institute 1930a Reducing Plant Water Stress from Attacks of Greenbugs, Corn Leaf Aphids and Virus Disease in Dryland Sorghum. Hong Li*, William A. Payne, Jerry Michels and Charles M. Rush, Texas A&M University 1930b Management of High-Magnesium Soils and Waters in Central Asia through the Application of Phosphogypsum. F. Vyspolsky1, Manzoor Qadir*2, A. Karimov3, F. Mukhamedjanov1, U. Bekbaev1, R. Paroda4 and F. Karajeh5, (1)Water Conservation Laboratory, The Kazakh Research Institute of Water Management, (2)International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), (3)International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Central Asia and Caucasus Sub-regional Office, (4)International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Central Asia and Caucasus Regional Office, (5)California Department of Water Resources 1931a Comparison of Five Adsorption Isotherms for Prediction of Zinc Retention in Calcareous Soils and the Relationship of their Coefficients with Soil Characteristics. Adil Reyhani Tabar*, NajafAli Karimian, Mohamad Ardalan and GolamReza Savaghebi, University of Tehran 1931b Salt Dynamic in “Patched” Soil of Crops in Argentina. Eugenio Hampp*, Elena Bonadeo, Marcos Bongiovanni, Inés Moreno and Rosana Marzari, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto 1932a Integrated Amelioration of Lime Induced Iron Chlorosis in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). 51 MONDAY SESSION NO. 23 SESSION NO. 23 23-14 23-15 Arvind Bhardwaj*, Rajasthan Agricultural Univ, Bikaner and Inderjeet gulati, Rajasthan Agricultual Univ, Bikaner 1932b Effect of Different Levels and Sources of Potassium on Yield and Quality of Sugarcane in Alkali Soil. Vijay Shankar Mali*1, Renuka Joshi1, Narayan Zende1 and S.K. Bansal2, (1)Vasantdada Sugar Institute, (2)Potash Research Institute of India, Gurgaon 1933b Effects of Gypsum Application in Different Unstable Slopes on Surface Runoff and Soil Erosion. Ali Jafari Ardakani*, Soil Conservation and Watershed Managment Institue and Ali Reza Zahirnia, Soil and Watershed Managment Research Institute SESSION NO. 25 Convention Center, Room 111AB, First Floor 4.3A Land Use Modeling as a Tool to Combat Soil Degradation—Oral Convenor: Timothy Green, USDA-ARS Great Plains Systems Res. Presiding: Rainer Schulin, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 25-1 SESSION NO. 24 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 25-2 4.2C Soil Quality as it Affects Nutrients in Food Crops and Human Health—Oral Convenor: John J. Mortvedt, Colorado State University Presiding: Umesh Gupta, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5 52 3:30 PM Heavy Metal Toxicities in Soils, Crops, and Humans: Some Control Measures. Umesh C. Gupta*, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada and Subhas C. Gupta, Division of Plastic Surgery 4:00 PM Soil as a Public Health Threat or Savior. Ian Pepper*1, Deborah Newby2, Charles Gerba1 and Charles Rice3, (1)Univ of Arizona, (2)Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, (3)Kansas State Univ 4:20 PM Does a Food Chain Approach Help to Target Zinc Bio-Fortification Efforts in Cereal Crops?. Tjeerdjan Stomph*, Maja A. Slingerland, Ellis Hoffland and Rob Nout, Wageningen Univ 4:40 PM Increased Rice Uptake of Zinc by Optimization of Water and Crop Residue Management. Sarah E. Johnson*1, Jack Deodato C Jacob1, Roland J Buresh1, John M. Duxbury2 and Julie G. Lauren2, (1)International Rice Research Institute, (2)Cornell Univ 5:00 PM Relationships between Distribution of Longevous Population’s Rate and Trace Elements in Soils of Rugao County, Jiangsu, China. Biao Huang*1, Rongqing Yang1, Weixia Sun1, Zhong Zou2, Jianping Su2 and Feng Ding2, (1)State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2)Service Station of Soil and Fertilizer Technology, Bureau of Agriculture of Rugao County 25-3 25-4 25-5 3:30 PM Soil Organic Carbon and Land Use Change in the Brazilian Amazon: A Modeling Approach. Carlos E.P. Cerri* 1 , Mark Easter 2 , Keith Paustian 3 , Kendrick Killian 2 , Kevin Coleman 4 , Martial Bernoux5, Pete Falloon6, David Powlson7, Eleanor Milne8 and Carlos C. Cerri1, (1)Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, (2)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, (3)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory and Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, (4)Rothamsted Research, (5)IRD, (6)The Met Office, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, (7)Rotahmsted Research, Agriculture and Environment Division, (8)The Univ of Reading 4:00 PM Evaluation of Resource Management Options for Smallholder Farms Using an Integrated Modeling Approach. Shamie Zingore1, Ernesto GonzalezEstrada2, Robert J. Delve*1, John P. Dimes3, Mario Herrero2, Herbert Murwira1 and Kenneth E. Giller4, (1)TSBF-CIAT Zimbabwe, (2)International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), (3)International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), (4)Production Systems, Dept of Plant Sciences, Wageningen Univ 4:20 PM Application of Dynamic Simulation Modeling for Nitrogen Management in Maize. Jeff Melkonian*1, Harold M. Van Es1, Arthur T. DeGaetano1, Jean M. Sogbedji2 and Laura Joseph1, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Univ de Lomé, Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie 4:40 PM Modeling Spatial-Temporal Soil Water and Overland Flow in a Dryland Wheat-Fallow Field using MARIA-GIS. Timothy Green*1, James Ascough2, Robert Erskine2, Bruce Vandenberg1 and Lajpat Ahuja2, (1)USDA-ARS-NPA, Great Plains Systems Research Unit, (2)USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) 5:00 PM Distinction between the effects of management and climate factors in long-term experiments as a tool for comparing adaptation strategies under future climate. Vladimir A. Romanenkov*1, Vera N. Pavlova2, Tatyana V. Raskatova1 and Lyudmila K. Shevtsova1, (1)Pryanishnikov All-Russian Institute of Agrochemistry, (2)All-Russia Institute of Agricultural Meteorology SESSION NO. 29 Tuesday, 11 July 2006 28-4 448a 28-5 448b 28-6 449a 28-7 449b SESSION NO. 26 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 0.0A Innovation, Speculation and Disneyfication in Soil Science Education—Oral Convenor: Alex McBratney, University of Sydney Presiding: Alfred Hartemink, ISRIC–World Soil Information 26-1 8:00 AM Teaching Soil Science, Educating the Numbers. Alfred Hartemink*, ISRIC–World Soil Information and Alex McBratney, Univ of Sydney 26-2 8:25 AM Student Engagement Strategies for Introductory Soil Science. Ken Barbarick*, Colorado State Univ 26-3 8:50 AM Innovation, Speculation and Disneyfication in Soil Science Education. Tony Koppi*, Univ of New South Wales Resource Sciences and Brian Slater, School of Natural Resources Regional Pedodiversity Dynamic Change and Its Implication to the Evolvement of Soil Spatial Patterns under the Intensive Urbanization Process. Xuelei Zhang*, Yanci Sun, Manzhi Tan and Jie Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences Soil Regions of the European Union and Adjacent Countries 1 : 5,000,000. Reinhard Hartwich1, Rainer Baritz*2, Wolf Eckelmann1 and Stefanie Thiele 1, (1)BGR, (2)Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Investigation of Relationships between Soil Chemical and Physical Properties in Relation to Forest Types and Topographic Conditions in North of Iran. Ali Salehi* Sr., Guilan University and Ghavamodin Zahedi Amiri Sr., Tehran Univ A Compendium of Data on Salt-Affected Soils of Russia: New Monograph and Maps. Ye.I. Pankova, A.F. Novikova, G.I. Chernousenko, I.A. Yamnova and Maria V. Gabchenko*, Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute SESSION NO. 27 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 27-1 8:00 AM Human Effects on Soils in Urban Areas. John M. Galbraith*, Virginia Tech 27-2 8:35 AM Self-Restoration of Post-Agrogenic Soils: Recent Process of Late Antropocene. Dmitry I. Lyuri*, Nina A. Karavaeva, Tatiana G. Nefedova, Boris D. Konyushkov and Sergey V. Goryachkin, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences 27-3 9:10 AM Influence of Human Activities on the Trace Elements Status of Soils. Gilles Colinet* 1, JeanPhilippe Bizoux2 and Laurent Bock1, (1)Gembloux Agricultural University, Geopedology Dpt., (2)Gembloux Agricultural University, Ecology Dpt. SESSION NO. 28 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 1.2A Spatial, Societal and Environmental Aspects of Pedodiversity—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenor: Robin Thwaites, Queensland University of Technology Presiding: Jonathan Phillips, Univeristy of Kentucky 28-1 28-2 28-3 348a The Effect of Classification on Soil Richness-Area Relationships. Jonathan D. Phillips*, Tobacco Road Research Team 348b Unique and Rare Kinds of Soils on Samarskaya Luka (Middle Volga, Russian Plain). Evgeniy V. Abakumov*, Elvira I. Gagarina and Natalia A. Rudenko, Saint-Petersburg State University 349b Pedodiversity and its Application in Geoecological Systems. Robin N. Thwaites*, School of Natural SESSION NO. 29 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 2.4A Poorly Ordered Nanoparticulate materials (PONM) in Soils—Oral Convenor: Balwant Singh, University of Sydney Presiding: Jerry Bigham, 420A Kottman Hall Sch Natl Res 29-1 8:00 AM Chemistry of Fe and Al Nanoparticles in the Environment. Satish Myneni*1, Michael Hay1, Laura Harrington1 and Juraj Majzlan2, (1)Princeton University, (2)Mineralogisch-Geochemisches Institut 29-2 8:30 AM Magnetism and Moessbauer Spectroscopy of Loessic Soils/Paleosols as a Key to Pedogenic Transformation of Fe Minerals and Climate Change. Tatyana S. Gendler*, United Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Friedrich Heller, Institut fur Geophysik ETH, Alexander Tsatskin, Zinman Institute of Archaeology University of Haifa and Alla A. Novakova, Physics Faculty Moscow State University 29-3 8:50 AM Concomitant Formation of Maghemite and Hematite in Aerobic Soils. Vidal Barrón, Estrella Cabello and José Torrent*, Universidad de Córdoba 29-4 9:10 AM Incorporation of Trace Metals into Polymorphs Alpha- (Goethite) and Gamma- (Lepidocrocite) FeOOH. Markus Gräfe*, Balwant Singh and Navdeep Kaur, The University of Sydney 29-5 9:30 AM The Nature, Occurence and Significance of Poorly Ordered Nanometric Materials in the Soil Environment. Bob Gilkes*, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The University of Western Australia 53 TUESDAY 1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence—Oral Convenor: Hariharan Eswaran, USDA-NRCS Presiding: Victor Targulian, Inst. of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences SESSION NO. 30 SESSION NO. 30 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 3.0B Emerging Topics in Soil Use and Management—Oral 31-8 1632b 31-9 1729a 31-10 1729b 31-11 1730a 31-12 1730b 31-13 1731a 31-14 1731b Convenor: John Havlin, NCSU-Dept. of Soil Science Presiding: Wolfgang Burghardt, Universität–GH Essen 30-1 8:00 AM Introduction to the Symposia 3.0B and Thematic Restrictions of Soil Resources Availability—an Emerging Topic in Soil Use and Management. Wolfgang Burghardt*, Univ Duisburg–Essen, Faculty of Biology and Geography, Dept of Soil Technology 30-2 8:35 AM Eutrophication—An Emerging Topic in Soil Use and Management. Gan-Lin Zhang*, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wolfgang Burghardt, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Fb. Biologie und Geographie, Abt. Angewandte Bodenkunde 30-3 9:10 AM Soil: The First Filter of Our Water. Brent E. Clothier*, HortResearch SESSION NO. 31 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 3.3B Nutrient Use Efficiency and Global Agriculture —Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenors: Achim Doberman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Paul Fixen, Potash & Phosphate Institute Presiding: Fernando Garcia, PPI/PPIC Latin AmericaSouthern Cone 31-1 31-2 31-3 31-4 31-5 31-6 31-7 54 1918a Iron Management Practices for GroundnutMaize Cropping Sequence in Calcareous Vertisol. Farid Hellal, Univ of Cairo, Hanumant Channal*, Univ of Agricultural Science and G. S. Dasog, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1629b Importance of Micronutrients in Crop Production: A Review of the Changing Scene. Richard Bell* and Bernie Dell, Murdoch Univ 1630a Fertilizer Price Impact on Frequency of Profitable Responses. Thomas Bruulsema*, Potash & Phosphate Institute 1630b Agrochemical Aspects of Long-term Systematic Fertilization in the Agroecosystems of Siberia. Gennady P. Gamzikov* and Olga Gamzikova, Novosibirsk State Agrarian Univ 1631a Simulation and Analysis of Soil Water and Nitrogen Behaviors under Maize-Wheat Cropping System in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Yuanfang Huang*1, Rutai Gao2 and Baoguo Li1, (1)China Agricultural Univ, (2)Agricultural Univ of Hebei 1631b Plant-Need Based Real Time Nitrogen Management in Rice Grown by Small Farmers in Asia. Bijay Singh*1, Yadvinder Singh1, Meharban Singh1, G.P.S. Sodhi1, J.K. Ladha2 and Vethaiya Balasubramanian3, (1)Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, (2)International Rice Research Institute, (3)International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 1632a Nutrient Efficient Plants in Improving Crop Yields in the Twenty First Century. N. K. Fageria*, National Rice and Bean Research Center of Em- brapa, Brazil and USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD and V. C. Baligar, USDA-ARS Managing Nitrogen for Cereals Growing on Soils with High Levels of Subsoil Salinity, Sodicity and Boron. John Angus*, CSIRO, Robert Norton, The University of Melbourne, Joint Centre for Crop Improvement and Charlie Walker, Incitec-Pivot Ltd. Effect of Crop Rotation and Organic Amendment on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization Potential. Mehdi Sharifi*1, Bernie J. Zebarth1, David Burton2, Gregory Porter3 and Cynthia Grant4, (1)Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (2)Dept of Engineering, (3)Dept of Applied Ecology and Environmental Science, (4)Agriculture & AgriFood Canada, Brandon Research Centre Isotopic and Spectroscopic Investigations toward Understanding Differential Behavior of Fluid and Granular Micronutrient Fertilizers in Soils. Ganga Hettiarachchi*, Univ of Adelaide, Enzo Lombi, Land and Water, CSIRO, Michael McLaughlin, CSIRO Land and Water and David Chittleborough, Soil and Land Systems, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Slow-Release N Fertilizer to Control Soil Nitrous Oxide Losses Due to Spatial and Climatic Differences in Soil Water Content and Drainage. Sara Merchán Paniagua*, Peter P. Motavalli, Kelly A. Nelson, Stephen H. Anderson and John E. Sadler, Univ of Missouri-Columbia Long-term Assessment of N Use and Loss in Irrigated Organic, Low-Input and Conventional Cropping Systems. William Horwath*, Zahangir Kabir, Kathleen Reed, Steve Kaffka, Gene Miyao, Kent Brittan and Jeff Mitchell, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Fertility of Hybrid Canola Cultivars. Rigas Karamanos1, Don Flaten*2 and Tee Boon Goh2, (1)Western Co-operative Fertilizers Limited, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Manitoba N and P Cycling in Crop-Native Shrub Agroecoystems of the African Sahel. Ekwe Dossa*1, Richard Dick2, Mamadou Khouma3, Modou Sene3, Aminata Badiane4 and Ibrahima Diedhiou3, (1)Oregon State Univ, (2)Ohio State Univ, (3)ISRA, (4)USAID SESSION NO. 32 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 4.0A Bridging Soil Science, Environmental Policy and Communications—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenors: Charles Rice, Dept. of Agronomy, KSU; J. T. Sims, Dept. Plt. & Soil Sciences Presiding: Peter J. Kleinman, USDA-ARS, Bldg. 3702 32-1 32-2 1855a Development of a Soil Health Policy Framework for Victoria, Australia. Michael C. Crawford*1, Mark Allaway2 and Melva Ryan2, (1)Primary Industries Research Victoria (PIRVic), Department of Primary Industries,, (2)Agriculture Industry Policy, Department of Primary Industries, 1855b Soil Science: Subterranean Support for Sustainability. Richard Arnold*, USDA-NRCS (retired) SESSION NO. 35 33-9 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenor: Hariharan Eswaran, USDA-NRCS Presiding: Victor Targulian, Russian Academy of Sciences 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 33-5 33-6 33-7 33-8 112a An Evaluation of Lead Isotope Analysis to Identify Anthropogenic Sources of Lead in Historical Farm Soils. Clare A. Wilson*1, Jeffrey R. Bacon2, Donald Davidson1 and Malcolm Cresser3, (1)University of Stirling, (2)Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, (3)University of York 112b Human Impact on Volcanic Soils in Mexico and Chile. Presentation of an International and Interdisciplinary Project of the Commission of the European Union on REhabilitation of deteriorated VOLcanic SOils (REVOLSO Project). Gerd Werner*1, Miguel Bravo2, Jorge E. Etchevers3, Juan F. Gallardo4, Mathieu Haulon5, Marco Mazzoncini6, Monica Petri7, Christian Prat8, Jürgen Queitsch9, Andrea Vera5, Iván Vidal10 and Emma Zapata11, (1)Center for International Development and Environmental Research (CIDER), University of Giessen, (2)Centro Nacional de Investigación para Producción Sostenible (CENAPROS-INIFAP), (3)Colegio de Postgraduados, Instituto Recursos Naturales, Lab. Soil Fertility, (4)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Inst. de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología, (5)Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala (UAT), Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, (6)Universidad di Pisa, Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerche Agroambientali (CIRAA), (7)Universidad di Pisa, Centro interdipartimentale di Richerche Agroambientali (CIRAA), (8)Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Laboratoire d’étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (LTHE), (9)Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Dept. of Economy, (10)Universidad de Concepción (UDEC), Fac. de Agronomía, Depto de Suelos, (11)Colegio de Postgraduados, Inst. de Socioeconomía, Desarrollo Rural 113a Ukrainian Chornozem: past, Present, Future. Stepan P. Poznyak*, Lviv Nation University named by Ivan Franko 113b Technogenesis and Main Morphotypes for Technogenically Disturbed Soils of Landscapes of SMW Landfills. Olga S. Bezuglova* and Dina G. Nevidomskaya, Rostov State University 114a Building Effective Soils on Rehabilitated Bauxite Mines. Geoffrey Kew*1, Robert Gilkes1 and John M. Koch2, (1)University of Western Australia, (2)Alcoa World Alumina Australia 114b Transformation of Podzolic and Leached Chernozems of the Central Russian Upland under Farm Use. Pavel S. Shulga*, Kursk State Agricultural Academy 115a The International Committee for Anthropogenic Soils (ICOMANTH) Publishes a Second CDROM. Craig Ditzler, USDA-NRCS-NSSC and John M. Galbraith*, Virginia Tech 115b Buffer Mechanisms and their Kinetics in Variable Charge Soils Affected by Acid Deposition in Southeast Mexico. Lucy Mora Palomino* 1 , Christina Siebe Grabach1, Andrea Herre2, Martin Kaupenjohann2 and Karl Stahr3, (1)Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, (2)Institut für Ökologie, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, (3)Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, University of Hohenheim 33-10 116a Establishing the Suitable Fertility Capability Classification (FCC) System for Intensive Rice Cultivation Areas in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam. Vo Quang Minh*, Le Quang Tri and Vo Thi Guong, Can Tho Univerity 116b Possible Reasons of Giving up Arable Farming in the Western Hungarian Region. Karoly Penksza1, Viktor Gronas1, Attila Barczi1, Csaba Centeri*2 and Akos Balogh1, (1)Szent Istvan University, Dept. of Landscape Ecology, (2)Szent Istvan University, Dept. of Nature Conservation SESSION NO. 34 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Oral Convenor: Johannes Bouma, retired Presiding: Henry Lin, Penn State Universtiy 34-1 10:15 AM Interpreting Morphological Features in Wetland Soils with Hydrologic Models. Michael Vepraskas* and Peter V. Caldwell, NC State Univ 34-2 10:45 AM Hydropedology: Links to Neighboring Disciplines. Miroslav Kutilek*, Soil and Tillage Research and Donald R. Nielsen, Univ of California, Dept LAWR Hydrologic Science 34-3 11:05 AM Calcium amendments to reduce dissolved organic carbon from subcatchments. David J. Chittleborough*1, Jim W. Cox2, Jon Varcoe1 and John Van Leeuwen3, (1)University of Adelaide, (2)CSIRO Land and Water, (3)University of South Australia 34-4 11:25 AM Evolution of a spatially heterogeneous paleocryogenic soilscape and its impact upon formation of coupled moisture and thermal regimes. Evgeny Shein*, Moscow State University 34-5 11:45 AM Interrelationships between soil and water in tropical peatlands. Henk Wösten*, Alterra–Wageningen University and Research Centre and Aswandi Idris, Jambi University SESSION NO. 35 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 2.0B Innovative Technologies in Rhizosphere Research —Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenor: David Crowley, University of CaliforniaRiverside Presiding: Philippe Hinsinger, INRA–ENSA.M–UMR Rhizosphère & Symbiose 35-1 35-2 554a Glucose Uptake by Maize Roots and Its Transformation in the Rhizosphere. Yakov Kuzyakov*, Univ of Hohenheim and David L. Jones, Univ of Bangor 554b Matrix Based Fertilizers with Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching in Three Soils. James Entry* and R. E. Sojka, USDA Agricultural Research Service 55 TUESDAY SESSION NO. 33 SESSION NO. 35 35-3 35-4 35-5 35-6 35-7 35-8 35-9 35-10 35-11 35-12 35-13 555b Scaling Environmental Processes in Heterogeneous Arid Soils (SEPHAS): A New Research Facility in Nevada USA. Michael H. Young*, Desert Research Institute, Zhongbo Yu, Univ of Nevada Las Vegas and Scott Tyler, Univ of Nevada-Reno 654a Dynamics of Soil Nutrients in the Rooting Zone with Reference to the Mechanisms of Nutrient Supply in Soil. Junta Yanai*1, Takashi Kosaki2 and Hidekazu Yamada1, (1)Kyoto Prefectural Univ, (2)Kyoto Univ 654b Influence of Yushania Niitakayamensis on the Chemical Composition of Soil. Mei-Hwei Tseng1, Chin-Lin Hsieh*1, W.-R. Lai1 and Yueh-Hsiung Kuo2, (1)Taipei Municiple Unicersity of Education, Department of Science Education, (2)National Taiwan University Department of Chemistry 655a Implication of Fe Deficiency and Phytosiderophores in Cu Mobilization in the Rhizosphere of Durum Wheat Cultivated in Vineyard Soils. Aurelia Michaud* and Philippe Hinsinger, UMR 1222 Rhizosphere & Symbiose INRAENSAM 655b Assimilate Partitioning Affects 13C Fractionation of Recently Assimilated Carbon in Maize. Martin Werth* and Yakov Kuzyakov, Univ of Hohenheim, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation 753a Rhizosphere Effect under Oats and Maize Plants. Ilya V. Yevdokimov*1, Reiner Ruser2, Franz Buegger2, Marc Marx2 and Jean Charles Munch2, (1)Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, RAS, (2)GSF–National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Soil Ecology 753b Effect of Heterosis on Rhizodeposition in Zea Mays L. Tanja Mimmo*, Luciano Cavani and Maria Angela Cané, Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna 754a Allelochemical Activity of Root Exudates from Horticultural Plants Hydroponically Grown and the Regulation Role of Humic Substances. Elisabetta Loffredo and Nicola Senesi*, Dip. Biol. Chim. AgroForest. e Amb. 754b Localized Sampling of Root Exudates and Rhizosphere Soil Solution by Use of Sorption Media. Susan Haase*1, Ellen Kandeler1, Yakov Kuzyakov1, Angelika Kania2, Iris Edelkott2, Petra Marschner 3 , Volker Römheld 2 and Günter Neumann2, (1)Hohenheim University,, (2)Hohenheim University, (3)The University of Adelaide 755a Rhizosheath in Cynodon dactylon Growing in a Volcanic Sandy Soil. Fernando De LeónGonzález*1, Claudia Hidalgo-Moreno2 and Eduardo Celada-Tornel 1 , (1)Universidad Autónoma Mteropolitana-Xochimilco, (2)Colegio de Postgraduados 755b Effects of Intercropping and Organic Phosphate Application on Plant Growth, P Uptake and Microbial Community in Rhizosphere of P-Inefficient Wheat. Dongmei Wang*1, Petra Marschner2 and Zakaria Solaiman2, (1)School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry Univ, (2)School of Earth and Environment Sciences, The Univ of Adelaide SESSION NO. 36 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration—Oral 36-1 10:15 AM C Sequestration in Cropland Soils of China: Trends, Potential, and Research Needs. Pan Genxing*, Institute of Resources, Ecosystem and Environment of Agriculture 36-2 10:45 AM Does Cell Wall Composition and Architecture Play a Key Role in Understanding and Predicting Soil Residue Decomposition?. Isabelle Bertrand*1, Brigitte Chabbert2, Gaylord E. Machinet1 and Sylvie Recous 1, (1)INRA Agronomie, (2)INRA UMR FARE 36-3 11:05 AM Use of Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry (py-MBMS) to Fingerprint Lipids in Agricultural Soils. Richard Jeannotte*1, Kimberly A. Magrini 2, Mary R. Roth 1 and Ruth Welti 1, (1)Kansas State University, (2)National Renewable Energy Laboratory 36-4 11:25 AM Biogeochemical Factors Controlling the Release of Soil Organic Matter: Lessons To Be Learned from Column Experiments. Kai Uwe Totsche*1, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner 2 and Philipp Jaesche 2 , (1)Universität Jena, (2)Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde TU Muenchen 36-5 11:45 AM The GEFSOC Modeling System, A ProcessedBased Modeling Approach for Spatially Explicit Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon Stock Change. E. Milne*1, Mark Easter1, Keith Paustian1, Rida AlAdamat2, Tapas Bhattacharyya3, Carlos E.P. Cerri4, Peter Kamoni5, Carlos C. Cerri4, Niels Batjes6, Martial Bernoux7, Kevin Coleman8, Pete Falloon9, Christian Feller7, Patrick Gicheru10, Kendrick Killian1, Dilipkumar Pal3, David Powlson11, Zahir Rawajfih12 and Mohamed Sessay13, (1)The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Colorado State University, (2)The Badia Research and Development Programme, (3)National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, (4)Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, (5)Kenya National Agricultural Research Laboratory, (6)ISRIC-World Soil Information, (7)IRD, (8)Rothamsted Research, (9)The Met Office, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, (10)Kenya Soil Survey, (11)Rotahmsted Research , Agriculture and Environment Division, (12)Jordan University of Science and Technology, (13)UNEP SESSION NO. 37 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 3.2B Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability—Oral Convenors: Cynthia Grant, Agriculture & AgriFood Canada; John Havlin, NCSU-Dept. of Soil Science Presiding: Alan Schlegel, Southwest Res. Ext. Center 37-1 10:15 AM Dryland Agriculture Challenges and Opportunities. B.A. Stewart*, West Texas A&M University 37-2 10:45 AM Managing Precipitation Use in Dryland Systems to Enhance Productivity and Sustainability. Gary A. Peterson*1, Dwayne Westfall1 and Lajpat Ahuja2, 56 SESSION NO. 39 SESSION NO. 39 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better Management—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenors: Delvin Fanning, Univ. of Maryland, HJ Patterson; Robert Fitzpatrick, CSIRO, Land and Water Presiding: Leigh Sullivan, Southern Cross University 39-1 39-2 39-3 SESSION NO. 38 39-4 Convention Center, Room 111AB, First Floor 4.5A History of Soil Science in Developing Countries —Oral Convenors: Daniel Yaalon, Hebrew University, Givat Ram Campus; Anthony Young, University of East Anglia Presiding: Eric Brevik, Dept. of Physics, Astron., Geosci. 38-1 10:15 AM Soil Survey in Developing Countries, with Special Reference to British Overseas Territories. Anthony Young*, Univ of East Anglia 38-2 10:45 AM The Importance of Colonial Research in the Development of French Pedology. Christian Feller*, IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement 38-3 11:05 AM Soils of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India : Their Historical Perspective and Management. D.K. Pal*1, T. Bhattacharyya1, P. Srivastava2, P. Chandran1 and S.K. Ray1, (1)Division of Soil Resource Studies, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, (2)Dept of Geology, Univ of Delhi 38-4 11:25 AM History and Development of Soil Science in Mexico. Javier M. Gonzalez*, Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center, Agricultural Research Services, US Dept. of Agriculture, Eusebio Ventura Jr., Faculta de Ingenieria, Univ Autónoma de Queretaro and Javier Z. Castellanos, Campo Experimental Bajío. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias 38-5 11:45 AM Historic Interactions between the U.S. and Chinese Soil Scientists on Modern Soil Science Development in China. Ming Chen*, Everglades Research and Education Center, Univ of Florida and H. H. Cheng, Soil, Water, and Climate Dept, Univ of Minnesota 39-5 39-6 39-7 39-8 39-9 39-10 39-11 39-12 39-13 2904a Geochemical Dynamics of Sedimentary Iron in Waterways from Acid-Sulfate Soil Landscapes. Edward Burton*, Richard T. Bush and Leigh A. Sullivan, Southern Cross University 2904b Characterization of Acidity and its Management in Wetland Ecosystem of Tropics. Usha Pankajam Bhaskaran* and Thomas Varghese, Kerala Agricultural Univ, College of Agriculture 2905a Oxidation Pathways of Monosulfidic Black Ooze. Diane M. Fyfe*, Leigh A. Sullivan, Richard T. Bush and Nicholas J. Ward, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soil Research 2905b Controlled Drainage and Lime Filter Drains as means To Combat Drainage-Induced Adverse Environmental Impacts of Acid Sulphate Soils in Finland. Ilona Bärlund1, Sirkka Tattari1, Mats Åström2, Markku J. Yli-Halla*3 and Heikki Harmanen4, (1)Finnish Environment Institute, (2)Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar University, (3)Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Helsinki, (4)Seinäjoki Polytechnic, School of Agriculture and Forestry 2906a Ecotoxicological Assessment of Acid Sulfate Soils Using Daphnia Carinata. Chuxia Lin*, South China Agricultural Univ 2906b Pyrite Formation in Amir-Kalaye Marsh in the North of Iran. Hossein Torabi-Golsefidi*, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University 2907a Constraints of Acid Sulfate Soils Converted from Rice to Shrimp Culture in Coastal Areas of Ca Mau Province, Vietnam. Guong Vo Thi*, Quang Tri Le and Truong Giang Thai, Can Tho University 2907b Investigation of Sulfidic Sediments in a Coastal Lake Impacted by Urban Development. Bernard Powell*1, Leigh Sullivan2, Richard T. Bush2 and Edward Burton2, (1)Department of Natural Resources, (2)Southern Cross University 2908a Modeling, Measurement of Acidity Transport from Drained Acid Sulfate Soils. Freeman J. Cook*1, David W. Rassam1, Ted A. Gardner2 and Geoffrey D. Carlin3, (1)CSIRO Land and Water, (2)Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, (3)CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 2908b Application of Compost from Sugarcane Filter Cake to Alleviate Al Toxicity and to Improve Sugarcane Production on Acid Sulfate Soils. Vien Minh Duong*, Thi Guong Vo, Minh Dong Nguyen and Thi Kim Phuong Nguyen, Cantho University 2909a A proposed Sequential Extraction Method for Metals Optimized for Acid Sulfate Soil Materials. Salirian Claff*, Edward Burton, Leigh Sullivan and Richard T. Bush, Southern Cross University 2909b Fractionation and Extractability of Sulfur, Iron and Trace Elements in Sulfidic Wetland Soils. Edward Burton*, Richard T. Bush and Leigh A. Sullivan, Southern Cross University 3003a Micromorphology and Chemical Composition of Naturally Occurring Jarosite in Coastal Flood- 57 TUESDAY (1)Colorado State University, (2)USDA-ARS, Great Plains Systems Research Unit 37-3 11:05 AM Drought Mitigation through Micro-Level Conservation Practices by Smallholder Farmers in Zambia. David Kaumba Samazaka* and Simunji Simunji, Golden Valley Agricultural Research Trust 37-4 11:25 AM Dryland Conservation Technologies for the Restoration of the Productive Capacity and the Conservation of Crust Prone Soils in the Sahel. A. Mando*, IFDC and Robert B. Zougmoré, Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) 37-5 11:45 AM Enhancing Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Dryland Cropping Systems on the Northern Great Plains. Cynthia Grant*, Agriculture & AgriFood Canada and Alan Schlegel, Southwest Research Extension Center, Kansas State University SESSION NO. 39 39-14 3003b 39-15 3004a 39-16 3004b 39-17 3005a 39-18 3005b 39-19 3006a 39-20 3006b 39-21 3007a 39-22 3007b 39-23 3008a 39-24 58 3008b plain Acid Sulfate Soils from Eastern Australia. Nadia R. Toppler*, Richard T. Bush and Leigh A. Sullivan, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soil Research, Southern Cross University Sulfur Isotope Ratios Applied to Acid Sulfate Soil Materials. Crystal A. Maher*, Leigh A. Sullivan and Richard T. Bush, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soil Research The Influence of Naturally Occurring Schwertmannite on Sulfur Biomineralization in Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils Landscapes. S. P. Henderson*, L. A. Sullivan, R. T. Bush and E. D. Burton, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soils Research (CASSR) Conversion of Naturally Occurring Schwertmannite to Hematite by Controlled Heating: Implications for Soluble Acidity and Titratable Actual Acidity. S. P. Henderson*, L. A. Sullivan, R. T. Bush and E. D. Burton, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soils Research (CASSR) Developing Australian Standards for Analysis of Acid Sulfate Soil—A Step Towards International Standards. Angus E. McElnea*1, Col R. Ahern1, Glenn Barry1, Steven Dobos2 and Leigh A. Sullivan3, (1)Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, (2)Dobos & Associates, (3)Centre for Acid Sulfate Soil Research, Southern Cross University Schwertmannitic Coatings on Subsoil Macropores of Coastal Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes in Eastern Australia and Implications for Groundwater Geochemistry. Leigh A. Sullivan*, Yasmin Cabot, Richard Bush and Edward Burton, Southern Cross University The Reduction Rates of Fe and SO42- in Some Acid Sulphate Soils in Southern Vietnam. Tran Kim Tinh*, Department of Soil Science, Agronomy Faculty, Can Tho University, S. Ingvar Nilsson, Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Ingrid Öborn, Dept. of Soil Sciences Pollution of Some Toxic Metals (Al, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) ) in canal water leached out from Acid Sulphate Soils in the Mekong DeltaVietnam in Relation To Available Concentration of These Metals in Soils. My Hoa Nguyen*1, Tri Cuong Huynh2 and Kim Tinh Tran2, (1)Cantho University, Vietnam, (2)Cantho University A Comparison Between a Laboratory Chromium Reducible Sulfur Technique and a Reduced Inorganic Sulfur Analyzer for the Determination of Reduced Inorganic Sulfur in Acid Sulfate Soils. Crystal A. Maher*, Leigh A. Sullivan and Kerr Geoff, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soil Research Weathering of Acid-Sulfate Clays (“Cat Clays”) and Its Impacts in Landfill Situations. Elly Triegel*, Triegel & Associates, Inc. The Importance of Understanding Possible Chemical Interactions in the Routine Testing Used to Assess the Acid Producing Potential and the Acid Neutralization Potential of Soils. Joan Elizabeth Thomas*1, Roger St C. Smart2, Andrea Gerson2, Paul Weber3, Russell Schumann4, George Levay4, Stuart Miller5 and Warwick Stewart5, (1)Jefferson Lab, (2)University of South Australia, (3)Solid Energy NZ Ltd., (4)Levay & Co. Environmental Services, (5)Environmental Geochemistry International Pty. Ltd. Challenging the Conceptual Model used for Acid Sulfate Soil Mapping on the East Coast of Australia. Don T. Malcolm*1, Shane M. Pointon1 and 39-25 Colin Ahern2, (1)Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, (2)Queensland Department of Natural Resources 3009a Chemical Characteristics of Monosulfidic Black Ooze in Northern NSW Australia. Salirian Claff*, Diane M. Fyfe and Leigh A. Sullivan, Centre for Acid Sulfate Soil Research SESSION NO. 40 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change—Oral Convenors: John Kimble, USDA-NRCS-NCSS; Chien-lu Ping, University of Alaska Fairbanks; James Bockheim, University of Wisconsin Presiding: Sergey Goryachkin, Russian Academy Science 40-1 10:15 AM Latitudinal Zonation of Polar Soils. John C. Tedrow*, Rutgers University 40-2 10:45 AM The sSate Factors of Soil Formation in Arctic Tundra. Chien-Lu Ping*1, Gary Michaelson1, F. Stuart Chapin2, John Kimble3, Walter Oechel4, Yuri Shur5, Charles Tarnocai6 and Donald A. Walker5, (1)University of Alaska Fairbanks Palmer Research Center, (2)Institute of Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, (3)USDA-NRCS-NCSS retired, (4)San Diego State University, (5)University of Alaska Fairbanks, (6)Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 40-3 11:05 AM The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Network. Frederick E. Nelson*1, Nikolay I. Shiklomanov1, K.M. Hinkel2, Jerry Brown3 and Galina Mazhitova4, (1)University of Delaware, (2)University of Cincinnati, (3)International Permafrost Association, (4)Komi Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences 40-4 11:25 AM Soils of the Spitsbergen (Svalbard). Marek Drewnik* Sr. and Stefan Skiba, Jagiellonian University 40-5 11:45 AM Origin of Organic Carbon Pools in Kolyma Cryosols: Phenomenon of Organic Carbon Impregnation in Mineral Horizons. Nikita S. Mergelov*, Institute of Geography, RAS SESSION NO. 41 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time—Oral Convenor: Oliver Chadwick, Dept. of Geography Presiding: Peter Schad, Technical University 41-1 41-2 1:15 PM Improving the Science of Soil Change: A Proposal for the Earth Science Community. Daniel D. Richter* Jr., Duke University 1:45 PM History of Plowing Over Ten Thousand Years. Rattan Lal*, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, OARDC/FAES, School of Natural Resources, Ohio State University, Jon D. Hanson, USDA-ARS, Northern Great Plains Research Lab 41-3 41-4 41-5 and Donald C. Reicosky, USDA-ARS North Central Soil Cons. Res. Lab. 2:05 PM Coupled Pedogenic and Anthropogenic Influences on a Clayey Luvisol/Alfisol in Southwestern Finland. Markku J. Yli-Halla*1, Delbert Mokma2, Larry P. Wilding3 and L. R. Drees3, (1)Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Helsinki, (2)Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, (3)Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University 2:25 PM Soil nutrient Depletion by Prehistoric Agriculture in Hawaii. Tony Hartshorn*1, Oliver Chadwick1, Peter M. Vitousek2 and Patrick V. Kirch3, (1)University of California Santa Barbara, (2)Stanford University, (3)University of California 2:45 PM Modeling the Effect of Shifting Agriculture on Soil Dynamics in Southern Cameroon. Martin Yemefack*, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), David G. Rossiter, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), and Victor G. Jetten, Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht 42-7 42-8 42-9 42-10 42-11 42-12 SESSION NO. 42 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 1.4A Impact of National Soil Classification on Soil Science and Society—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenors: Robert Ahrens, USDA/NRCS,Federal Bldg. Rm.152; Craig Ditzler, National Soil Survey Center Presiding: Mabel Pazos, Republica de Italia 780 42-2 42-1 42-3 42-4 42-5 42-6 529a The Fractal Mind of Pedologists (Soil Taxonomist and Soil Surveyors). Juan Jose Ibanez*, CIDE, Rufino Pérez, ETSI Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Robert Ahrens, National Soil Survey Center; NRCSUSDA 630a Use of a GIS Model to Predict Dysic or Euic Reaction Class. Deborah A. Surabian*, USDA–NRCS 530a Global Soil Regions. Paul Reich*1, Hari Eswaran1 and Friedrich Beinroth2, (1)USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, (2)University of Puerto Rico 530b Classifying Soils at the Ultimate Stage of Weathering. Eswaran Padmanabhan*, ECYRES Technology, Ahmet Mermut, Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan and Hari Eswaran, USDA/NRCS Soil Survey Division 531a Humid Pampa—Argentina: Consequences of the Lack of a National Soil Classification System. Mabel Susana Pazos* and Nuria Roca, Facultad de Agronomía–UNCPBA 531b The Classification and Interpretation of Korean Soils Using Multivariate Analysis. Yeon-Kyu Sonn1, Yeon-Tae Jung2, Myung Chul Seo*1, HanKang Kwak1, Jeong-Gyu Kim3, Ki-Cheol Eom1 and Soo-Kil Lim4, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (2)GyeongNam Agricultural Research and Extension Services, (3)Div. Env. Sci & Ecol. Eng. Korea University, (4)Korea University 42-13 42-14 42-15 42-16 42-17 42-18 42-19 42-20 532a Proposed Modification of the Definition of Mollic Epipedon Based on Experience from Soils Developed in Cold-Temperate Climates. Jan Eriksson* and Holger Kirchmann, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil Sciences 532b Modification at Subgroup Level of Paleustults: A Case of Some Thai Soils. Somchai Anusontpornperm*1, Stephen Nortcliff2 and Irb Kheoruenronme1, (1)Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, (2)Dep. of Soil Science, The University of Reading 533a Position in the Soil Classification and Genesis of Automorphic Soils in Silty Loams in Forest-Tundra of Eastern Europe. Alexander V. Pastukhov*1, Valentine D. Tonkonogov2 and Iya Zaboyeva1, (1)Institute of Biology Komi Science Centre UrD RAS, (2)Dokutchaev Soil Institute, Russian Agricultural Academy 533b Characterization of Histosol—Proposal to the Brazilian Soil Classification System. Marcos Gervasio Pereira* Sr.1, Gustavo Souza Valladares Jr.2, Lúcia Helena C. Anjos Sr.3, Adierson Gilvani Ebeling Jr.1 and Vinícius de Melo Benites Sr.4, (1)UFRRJ, (2)Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite, (3)UFRRJ Soils Depto, (4)EMBRAPA Solos 630b Classification of Taiga Soils Developed in Lithologically Discontinuous Deposits. Dmitry Kaverin*, Institute of Biology 631a International Committee on Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes (Icommotr): a Review. Wayne H. Hudnall*, Department of Plant and Soil Science 631b Study of the Soil Temperature in Mountainous Areas of Latitudes near the Tropic of Cancer (Canary Islands, Spain). Concepción Jiménez, Marisa Tejedor, Marianela Rodríguez Paz* and Jonay Neris, Universidad de La Laguna 632a Soil Characteristics Determining the Soil Water Retention of Soil from Pumiceous Origin From Puebla-Tlaxcala Valley, Mexico. Miguel A. Segura-Castruita*1, Ma. del Carmen Gutiérrez-Castorena2, Carlos A. Ortiz-Solorio2, José E. FríasRamírez1 and Patricio Sánchez G.2, (1)Instituto tecnológico Agropecuario de Torreón, (2)Colegio de Postgraduados 632b Drainage Index (DI) as a Climate Factor that Controls the Distribution of Zonal Soils. The Case of Spain. G. Gasco*1, A. Saa1, Ana M. Tarquis2 and M.C. Diaz 1 , (1)Dpto. Edafología–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic University of Madrid, (2)Dpto. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic University of Madrid 633a Future Activities of the International Committee for Anthropogenic Soils (ICOMANTH). John M. Galbraith*, Virginia Tech and Craig Ditzler, USDANRCS-NSSC 633b New Terms for Describing Human-altered and Transported Soils. John M. Galbraith*, Virginia Tech and Craig Ditzler, USDA-NRCS-NSSC 730a Soil Interpretations—Sustaining Soil Survey’s Past, Present and Future Relevance. Karl W. Hipple*, USDA-NRCS, National Soil Survey Center 730b Soil and Land Information Systems (SLIS): A Case Study in Bangladesh. M. Jashimuddin* and M. Mezbahuddin, Chittagong University 731b Application of Logistic-Regression and Classification Trees to Prediction of Soil Classes at a Regional Scale. Inakwu Ominy A. Odeh* and Nathan Odgers, The University of Sydney 59 TUESDAY SESSION NO. 42 SESSION NO. 42 42-21 42-22 732a The Sand Land Soil System and Society. Ramez A. Mahjoory*, Michigan State University 732b Characterization of Typic Natrudolls and Petrocalcic Soils in the Center-Southwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Julio M. Sánchez*, Gervasio Carboni, Gustavo A. Cruzate and Ricardo C. Díaz, INTA-CIRN-Instituto de Suelos 44-2 44-3 44-4 SESSION NO. 43 44-5 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution in Soils—Oral Convenors: Donald Gabriels, Ghent University; Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO Presiding: Richard Dick, Ohio State University 43-1 43-2 43-3 43-4 43-5 1:15 PM The Spatial Distribution of Microorganisms and their Activities in Soil Structure. Claire Chenu*, INAPG–UMR Biogeochimie et Ecologie des Milieux Continentaux (Bioemco), Laure VieubléGonod, INAPG, UMR EGC and Naoise Nunan, CNRS–UMR Biogéochimie et Ecologie des Milieux Continentaux (Bioemco) 1:45 PM Environmental Science with Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy. Adam P. Hitchcock*, McMaster University 2:05 PM Interactions between Soil Microstructures and Biota Control on Ecosystem Functioning. Johan Six* and Angela Kong, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California-Davis 2:25 PM NanoSIMS—A New Analytical Tool for Integrating the Physical, Chemical and Biological Interface in Soil. Anke Herrmann*1, Peta Clode2, Naoise Nunan3, Daniel V. Murphy4, Elizabeth A. Stockdale5, Pauline F. Grierson6 and Anthony G. O’Donnell1, (1)School of Biology & Psychology, (2)Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, (3)Laboratoire de Biogéochimie et Ecologie des Milieux Continentaux, (4)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, (5)School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, (6)School of Plant Biology 2:45 PM The Combination of DNA Analytical Methods and Micropedology to Investigate Microorganisms in Undisturbed Soil Samples. Thilo Eickhorst* and Rolf Tippkötter, University of Bremen, Institute of Soil Science 44-6 44-7 44-8 SESSION NO. 45 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 3.0B Emerging Topics in Soil Use and Management —Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: John Havlin, NCSU-Dept. of Soil Science Presiding: Wolfgang Burghardt, Universität–GH Essen 45-1 SESSION NO. 44 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 45-2 2.4A Poorly Ordered Nanoparticulate materials (PONM) in Soils—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: Balwant Singh, University of Sydney Presiding: Jerry Bigham, 420A Kottman Hall Sch Natl Res 44-1 60 958a Matrix Organization of Soils and Mechanisms of its Stability. Tatiana A. Zubkova* and Lev O. Karpachevskiy, Moscow State University, Facultty of Soil Science 958b Molecular Soil Science. Lev O. Karpachevskiy*, Moscow State University, Faculty of Soil Science and Tatiana A. Zubkova, Moscow State University, Facultty of Soil Science 959a Global Laws of Genesis and Geography Nanoscopic the near Order Minerals in Soilforming Rocks and Soil. Boris Gradusov*, Soilsince Institut of V.V. Dokuchaev 959b Structural Incorporation of Trace Metals in Goethite (α-FeOOH) in Di-Metal Systems. Navdeep Kaur*, Balwant Singh, Markus Gräfe and Brendan J. Kennedy, The University of Sydney 1058a An ATR-FTIR and EXAFS Study of Mixed Fe-Al (oxy) Hydroxides. Katya A. Bazilevskaya*, Douglas Archibald and Carmen E. Martínez, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University 1058b Composition and Sustainability of Smectites’ Nanoparticles in Boreal Acid Soils. Sofia N. Lessovaia*1, Eduard A. Goilo1 and Joern Kasbohm2, (1)StPetersburg State University, (2)Greifswald University 1059a Synthesis and Properties of Ammoniojarosite and Nanocrystalline Schwertmannite Prepared with Iron-Oxidizing Acidophiles at 22 to 65 C. Hongmei Wang1, Franklin S. Jones2, Jerry M. Bigham*2 and Olli H. Tuovinen3, (1)School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, (2)School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, (3)Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University 1059b Synthesized Iron Oxides Used as a Tool for Documenting Reducing Conditions in Soils. Martin C. Rabenhorst*, University of Maryland, Douglas W. Ming, NASA Johnson Space Center and Richard V. Morris, NASA -Johnson Space Center 45-3 45-4 1230a Innovation in Lysimeter Techniques. Ralph Meissner*1, Holger Rupp1, Juliane Seeger1 and Manfred Seyfarth2, (1)UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle, Department of Soil Science, Lysimeter Station, (2)UGT Environmental Measuring Techniques Ltd. 1230b Accuracy of Soil Water Balance Parameters Measured by Large Weighing Lysimeters. Holger Rupp*1, Ralph Meissner1, Juliane Seeger1 and Manfred Seyfarth2, (1)UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle, Department of Soil Science, Lysimeter Station, (2)UGT Environmental Measuring Techniques Ltd. 1231a Water Balancing Precision Weighable Lysimeters. Georg Von Unold*, UMS and Hans Fank III, Joanneum Research 1231b Comparison of Gravitation Lysimeter and Passive-Wick Fluxmeter on Two Sites in Germany. 45-5 1232a 45-6 1232b 45-7 1233a 45-8 1233b 45-9 1330a 45-10 1330b 45-11 1331a 45-12 1331b 45-13 1332a 45-14 1332b 45-15 1333a 45-16 1333b Wolfgang Berger*1, Ralph Meissner2, Holger Rupp2, Juliane Seeger2 and Ina Scheuering1, (1)Bavarian Agency for Environment, (2)UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle, Department of Soil Science, Lysimeter Station Long-term Investigations of Water Regime Parameters of an Agriculturally Used Field by Lysimeters. Reinhard M. Günther*, Thuringian State Institute of Agriculture Lysimeter Experiments to Estimate Parameters for Recultivation of former Lignite Mining Areas with Sewage Sludge Composts. Sabine Bernsdorf*1, Sebastian J. Tauchnitz1, Ralph Meissner2 and Holger Rupp2, (1)Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Land Use Management, (2)UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle, Department of Soil Science, Lysimeter Station Rehabilitation of Uranium Mining Sites of WISMUT: Lysimeter Measurement. Manfred Seyfarth*1, Uwe Hoepfner2 and Gert Neubert2, (1)UGT Environmental Measuring Techniques Ltd., (2)WISMUT GmbH, Ronneburg Operation Office, Abt. T 1.2 Engineering Fluxmeters for Monitoring Recharge in Desert Settings. Glendon W. Gee*1, Jason Keller1, Fred Zhang1, Andy Ward1 and Brian Andraski2, (1)Battelle, (2)Water Resouces Division Multi-Functional Heat Pulse Probe Measurements of Water, Heat, and Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone. Jan Hopmans*1, Yasushi Mori2, Annette P. Mortensen3, Gerard Kluitenberg4, Atac Tuli1 and Antonio Valente5, (1)University of California, (2)Shiman University, (3)Geological Institute, (4)Kansas State University, (5)CETAV-UTAD University Temperature, Moisture, and Bulk Density under Two Sugarcane Harvesting Systems. Antônio Carlos Machado Vasconcelos* 1 , Ailto Antonio Casagrande2, Marcos Guimarães de Andrade Landell1 and Hélio do Prado1, (1)Centro de Cana IAC, (2)Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias/UNESP Estimation of Deep Drainage below the Root zone of a Fertigated Tea Plant under High Rainfall Conditions. Aruliah Anandacoomaraswamy*, Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka and Glendon W. Gee, Battelle Phosphorus Speciation in Organic P Sources: Implications for Water Quality. Amy Shober*1, J.T. Sims1 and Dean L. Hesterberg2, (1)University of Delaware, (2)North Carolina State University Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Surface Waters of Three Delaware Golf Courses. Amy L. Sprinkle*1, G.D. Binford1, D.J. Hansen1 and T.E. McKenna2, (1)University of Delaware, (2)Delaware Geological Survey Impacts of Soil Use for Wastewater Renovation. Walter E. Grube*, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Measuring and Modeling Water, Nitrate and Ammonium Transport through a Volcanic Soil on a Coral Atoll with Passive-Capillary Fluxmeters. Marijn Van der Velde*1, Steve R. Green2, Glendon W. Gee3, Marnik Vanclooster4 and Brent E. Clothier2, (1)University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), (2)HortResearch, (3)Battelle, (4)University of Louvain HELP-D: Enhancement and Validation of Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance 45-17 1430a 45-18 1430b 45-19 1431a 45-20 1431b 45-21 1432b 45-22 1529a 45-23 1529b 45-24 1530a 45-25 1530b 45-26 1531a 45-27 1531b Model. Klaus U. Berger*, University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science Development and Adoption of No-Tillage Soybean and Cotton Systems from Long-term Experiments. Donald D. Tyler*, University of Tennessee Interactive Effect of Applied K and Na on Plant Nutrient Concentration, Uptake Efficiency and Yield of Some Tropical Crops. C.R Sudharmaidevi*, S. Sunu and S. Neenu, Kerala Agricultural University Influence of Sulfur on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Growth in Paddy Soils with Different Contents of Iron. Takumi Horikawa*, Toyoaki Ito and Masahiko Saigusa, Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University Assessment of Some Potassium Rich Sediments as Natural Slow Amendment to Soil. Gamil W. Ageeb*, National Research Center Comparison of Ground-Based Remote Sensors for Evaluation of Red Pepper Biomass Affected by Nitrogen Stress. Soon-dal Hong*1, Kang SeongSoo1, Jeong Hyun-Cheol1, Kim Jai-Joung1 and BoGoo Kang 2, (1)Chungbuk National University, (2)Umseong Controlled Agricultural Experiment Station Effect of Cowpea Organic Residues and Fertilizer N on Soil Fertility, Growth and Yield of Upland Rice. Gilbert U. Okereke*, Nnandi Azikiwe University, Samuel E. Egwu, Ebonyi State University and Peter Nnabude, NAU Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield Effects of Urea Formaldehyde Polymer (UFP) Fertilizer in Winter Wheat and Maize. Sheri L. Cahill*, Deanna Osmond, Carl Crozier and Randy Weisz, NCSU Effects of Methyl Bromide and Chloropicrin Fumigation and Steam Sterilization on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics and Microbial Community. Takehiko Yamamoto*1, Sota Tanaka2, Katsutoshi Sakurai3 and Kozo Iwasaki3, (1)The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, (2)Graduate School of Kuroshio Science, Kochi University, (3)Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University Soil Heterogeneity and Topography Influence Plant Diversity in a Tropical Mosaic Landscape. Magdalena R. López-Ulloa*, Free de Koning, Edzo Veldkamp, Jason Tylianakis and Tannya Lozada, Goettingen University Mycorrhizal Associated in Brazilian Coastal Tableland Agroecosystems. Quintino R. ARAUJO*, Cocoa Research Center and State University of Santa Cruz, Abid AL-AGELY, University of Florida / SWSD, Andrew Ogram, University of Florida, Nicholas B. Comerford, University of Florida, IFAS, Roberta M. VELUCI, University of Florida/SWSD and Virupax Baligar, USDA-ARSSPCL-BARC-West Balanced Fertilization for Maximization of Cigar Tobacco Yield and Quality in South India. Malarvizhi Palaniappa pillai*1, Thamotharan Mani1, Sharmila Banu Santhu Mohamed1 and T. Nagendra Rao2, (1)Professor, Dept. of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, (2)Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada-India Programme 61 TUESDAY SESSION NO. 45 SESSION NO. 46 SESSION NO. 46 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 4.2A Soil Care and Quality Soil Management—Oral 47-5 Convenor: Michael Singer, Dept. LAWR, 3308 Plt & Env Sci Bldg Presiding: David Dent, ISRIC-World Soil Information 46-1 46-2 46-3 46-4 46-5 1:15 PM The Development of EU Soil Protection Policy. Michael Hamell*, European Commission 1:45 PM Soils, Biodiversity and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Diana Wall*, Colorado State University 2:05 PM Fallow Species to Restore Degraded Land in Indonesia. Iin Purwati Handayani*, Priyono Prawito and Zainal Muktamar, University of Bengkulu 2:25 PM Effect of Long-term Addition of Organic Input of Contrasting Quality on Soil Carbon and Crop Performance under Sudano-Sahelian Conditions. A. Mando*, IFDC and M. Bonzi, INERA 2:45 PM Soil Quality under Contrasting Tillage Management Systems in Semi-Arid Morocco and Spain. Rachid Mrabet* Sr. 1, Felix Moreno 2, Engracia Madejon2 and Jose M. Murillo2, (1)Centre Régional de la Recherche Agronomique de Meknès (INRA), (2)IRNAS (CSIC) SESSION NO. 47 SESSION NO. 48 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Theater I Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenor: Johannes Bouma, retired Presiding: Hangsheng Lin, Penn State Univ. 48-1 48-2 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor SCE Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils —Oral Convenor: Chris Johnson, Dept.of Civil Eng. Presiding: Zhihong Xu, Griffith University 47-1 47-2 47-3 47-4 62 1:15 PM Some Chemical and Spectroscopic Approaches to Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soil Organic Matter. Caroline M. Preston*, Pacific Forestry Centre 1:45 PM Precision Forestry in the 21st Century: Linking Climate, Geology, Topography, Soils, and Ecophysiology to Develop Site Specific Estimates of Forest Productivity for Pine and Eucalyptus in North and South America. Thomas Fox*, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Rafael Rubilar, Universidad de Concepción, H. Lee Allen, North Carolina State University, Cristian Montes, Bioforest S.A., John Urrego, Smurfit Carton de Colombia and Francisco Flores, International Paper Company 2:05 PM Methodological Standards to Detect Forest Soil Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes at Landscape Scales. Rainer Baritz*1, Dietmar Zirlewagen2, Eric Van Ranst3, Mats Olsson4, Robert Jandl5, Pere Rovira6, Juan Romanya6, Christian Wirth7, Maria Erlandsson8, Zoltan Somogyi9, Carly Green10, Mike Starr11 and Pekka Tamminen11, (1)Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, (2)INTERRA, (3)Ghent University, (4)SLU, (5)BFW, (6)University of Barcelona, (7)MPI BGC, (8)Genth University, (9)JRC, (10)University College Dublin, (11)METLA 2:25 PM 13C Differentiation between Dissolved and Solid Organic Carbon in Soils as Induced by Substitution of a Native Deciduous Forest by a Coniferous Forest. Philippe Amiotte Suchet*, Jean Lev- eque, Catherine Henault, Anthony Gauthier and Francis Andreux, Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols–INRA Université de Bourgogne 2:45 PM Microbial Functional Diversity—Assessing Impacts of Forest Management Practices. Briony M. Lalor*1, Natasha C. Banning1, W. Richard Cookson 1 , Carl D. Grant 2 and Daniel V. Murphy 1 , (1)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science, The University of Western Australia, (2)Environmental Department, Alcoa World Alumina 48-3 48-4 48-5 48-6 48-7 48-8 335a Comparison and Evaluation of Field Methods (Direct and Indirect) to Estimate Soil Water Fluxes. Dennis Timlin*, USDA-ARS Crop Systems and Global Change Lab, Yakov A. Pachepsky, USDA/ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML and James Starr, USDA-ARS 335b Comparisons of Transient Methods For Determining Hydraulic Conductivity Using Disc Permeameters. Freeman Cook*, CSIRO Land and Water and Leon Dawes, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 336a Hood Infiltrometer—A New Type of Tension Infiltrometer. Jürgen Punzel*, UGT Environmental Measuring Techniques Ltd. and Kai Schwärzel, Instiute of Soil Science and Site Ecology, Faculty of Forest-, Geo- and Hydro Science, Dresden University of Technology 336b Using Temporal Persistence for Upscaling Soil Water Content and Reducing Uncertainty in Soil Moisture Monitoring. Andrey Guber*1, Timothy Gish2, Yakov Pachepsky3, Craig S. T. Daughtry4, Thomas J. Nicholson5 and Ralph E. Cady5, (1)University of California, (2)USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, (3)USDA/ARS/BA/ ANRI/ESML, (4)USDA/ARS, (5)US NRC 337a Hydrological Pathways of Nutrient Losses: a Multiscale Study of the Interaction of Different Land Uses in a Catchment. Bin Zhang*1, Jia-Liang Tang1, Chao Gao2 and H. Zepp3, (1)Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2)Nanjing University, (3)RuhrUniversity Bochum 337b A Hydropedologic Study of Subsurface Water Flow in a Forested Catchment. Xiaobo Zhou*, Penn State University, Henry Lin, Penn State Universtiy, Charles Walker, The Pennsylvania State University and Qing Zhu, Department of Crop and Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State University 338a Transport of Colloids by Transient Wetting Fronts. Jie Zhuang*, John McCarthy, Larry McKay, Ching Tu and Ed Perfect, University of Tennessee 338b Transport and Transformation Processes of the Greenhouse Gas N2O in the System Groundwater/Vadose Zone of a Catchment in Germany. Markus Deurer*1, Carolin von der Heide2, Jürgen Böttcher 2 , Wilhelmus Duijnisveld 3 and Klaus SESSION NO. 51 48-9 339a 48-10 339b 48-11 436b 48-12 48-13 48-14 48-15 437a 437b 438a 438b Schäfer4, (1)HortResearch, (2)Institute for Soil Science, University of Hannover, (3)Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, (4)Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research Scaling-Up Soil Trace Gas Fluxes Remotely with Hydrogeomorphic Features for Agricultural Wetlands. Rebecca Phillips*, USDA-ARS and Ofer Beeri, University of North Dakota Remote Sensing of Surface Carbon and Water Contents using Bare Soil Imagery. Javed Iqbal*, Purdue University, Phillip Owens, Purdue Univ. and Jeffery L. Willers, USDA-ARS Using HYDRUS computer software packages to simulate multicomponent biogeochemical transport in soils. Jirka Simunek*1, Diederik Jacques2, Guenter Langergraber3, Maria C. Gonçalves4, M. Th. Van Genuchten5 and Dirk Mallants2, (1)University of California Riverside, (2)SCK-CEN, (3)Institute for Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control, (4)Department of Soil Science, Estação Agronómica Nacional, (5)George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Laboratory, USDA-ARS Information Content and Complexity of Simulated Soil Water Fluxes. Yakov A. Pachepsky*1, Andrey Guber2, Diederik Jacques3, Jiri Simunek4, M. Th. Van Genuchten5, Thomas J. Nicholson6 and Ralph E. Cady6, (1)USDA/ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML, (2)University of California, (3)SCK-CEN, (4)University of California Riverside, (5)George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Laboratory, USDA-ARS, (6)US NRC A Cantor Bar Model for the Effective Hydraulic Conductivity of Partially-Saturated Layered Soil. Tairone P. Leao* and Ed Perfect, University of Tennessee Simulation of Soil Structure Using Improved Pore-Solid Fractal Model and Multi-Point Geostatistics. Lifang Luo*, Penn. State University, Henry Lin, Penn State Universtiy and Kamini Singha, Penn. State Univ. Fractal Models of Soil Water Retention: How Good are They?. Daniel Gimenez*1, Roberto R. Filgueira2, Sung Won Yoon1 and Hyen Chung Chun1, (1)Rutgers University, (2)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales-Universidad Nacional de La Plata 49-5 Quartz Sand. Geoff S. Humphreys*1, Marshall T. Wilkinson2, John Chappell3, David Fink4 and Keith Fifield3, (1)Department of Physical Geography, (2)Macquarie University, (3)Australian National University, (4)ANSTO 5:00 PM Aggradational Pedogenesis: A New Model to Describe Soil Profile Development in the Central Great Plains of North America. Peter Jacobs*, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater and Joseph A. Mason, University of Wisconsin–Madison SESSION NO. 50 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality—Oral Convenor: Paul Bertsch, Univ of GA-Savannah River Ecol.Lab. Presiding: William Bleam, Univ. of Wisconsin 50-1 50-2 50-3 3:30 PM Resolving Biogeochemical Processes Controlling Metal Ion Fate and Transport within Soils. Scott Fendorf*, Matthew Ginder-Vogel, Matthew Polizzotto, Benjamin Kocar and Katharine Tufano, Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University 4:05 PM Changes in Zinc Speciation During Soil Formation from Jurassic Limestone: A Synchrotron µXRF and µ-XAFS Study. Ruben Kretzschmar*, Olivier Jacquat and Andreas Voegelin, Department of Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich 4:40 PM X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Investigation of Copper Adsorption Mechanisms on Clay Minerals. Daniel Strawn*, University of Idaho SESSION NO. 51 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 2.5A Soil Physicochemical-Biological Interfacial Interactions: Impacts on Transformations and Bioavailability of Metals and Metalloids—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM SESSION NO. 49 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor Convenor: Alexander Makeev, Science Park of Moscow University Presiding: Edoardo A.C. Costantini, CRA-ISSDS 49-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 3:30 PM Features and Characteristics Revealing Environmental Changes on Paleosols in the Volcanic Paleosols (Example of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt). Elizabeth Solleiro-Rebolledo*, UNAM 4:00 PM Soils and Paleosols in South India as Heritages of the Past. Arnt Bronger*, University of Kiel 4:20 PM Paleosols of the Southern Coastal Plain of Israel. Moshe Wieder*, Gdaliahu Gvirtzman and Maoz Dassa, Bar-Ilan University 4:40 PM What is Inherited? Evidence from an Inceptisol/Regosol with OSL Dated 0-150 ka Convenor: P. M. Huang, Soil Sci., Univ. Saskatchewan Presiding: A. Violante, Università di Napoli Federico II 51-1 51-2 51-3 870a The Aqueous Complexation of Metals in the Rhizosphere: Do We Know What We Think We Know?. Michael E. Essington*, University of Tennessee 870b Bioaccumulation of Copper and Cadmium Ions by Cyanobacterium Spirulina Platensis. Wenli Chen*, State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Qiaoyun Huang, Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agriculture and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Huazhong Agricultural University and Hongxia Huang, Huazhong Agricultural University 871a Competitive Adsorption of As and P to Goethite, Ferrihydrite and Allophane and their Remobilization by Rhizosphere Processes. Doris Vetter- 63 TUESDAY 1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols—Oral SESSION NO. 51 51-4 871b 51-5 970a 51-6 970b 51-7 971a 51-8 971b 51-9 1070a 51-10 51-11 51-12 64 1070b 1071a 1071b lein* 1, Krisztian Szegedi 1, Juergen Mattusch 1, Heinz-Ulrich Neue1, Reinhold Jahn2, Juliane Ackermann3, Annett Kaufhold4 and Hartmut Tanneberg4, (1)Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, (2)Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther University, (3)Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg, (4)Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg Ecotoxicological Assessment of Heavy-Metal Contaminated Soils by Soil Enzymes and Luminescent Bacteria. Jae E. Yang*1, Sang-Phil Lee1, Yong-Sik Ok1, Kyung-Yoal Yoo1 and Ki-Cheol Eom2, (1)Kangwon National University, (2)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Unearthing the Connection between Arsenic Mobility and Reductive Iron Transformations. Katharine J. Tufano* and Scott Fendorf, Stanford University Metal Contamination of Floodplain Soils in the Tisza River (Hungary) Basin. Domy C. Adriano*1, Zoltan Gyori2, Jozsef Prokisch3, Tamás Németh4, Steve Harper1 and L.T. West5, (1)Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, (2)University of Debrecen, (3)Debrecen University, (4)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (5)University of Georgia Distribution of Ni in Soils of the Sudbury Smelting Region, Ontario, Canada. Matthew Ojalammi and Graeme A. Spiers*, MIRARCO, Laurentian University Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Soils from Gold Mining Areas, in Brazil, under Anaerobic Incubation. Jaime W. V. Mello*1, Jonathan L. Talbott2, John Scott2, William Roy2 and Joseph W. Stucki3, (1)Universidade Federal de Vicosa, (2)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (3)University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign Geochemical Forms of Heavy Metals in an Industrial Polluted Soil: A Critical Evaluation by Combined Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy Techniques and Bulk Extraction Methods. Roberto Terzano1, Matteo Spagnuolo1, Koen Janssens2, Bart Vekemans2, Wout De Nolf2, Gerald Falkenberg3, Saverio Fiore4 and Pacifico Ruggiero*1, (1)Dipartimento di Biologia e Chimica Agro-forestale ed Ambientale–University of Bari, (2)Department of Chemistry–University of Antwerp, (3)HASYLAB at DESY–Beamline L, (4)I.M.A.A.–C.N.R. Prediction of Arsenate and Selenite Adsorption by Soils Using the Constant Capacitance Model. Sabine Goldberg*, USDA-ARS, George E. Brown, Jr., Salinity Laboratory, Scott M. Lesch, University of California, Riverside and Donald L. Suarez, USDA-ARS, George E. Brown Jr., Salinity Laboratory The Influence of Soil Ni Speciation on the Phytoremediation Potential of Soils Surrounding an Historic Ni Refinery in Port Colborne, Ontario Canada. David Mcnear* Jr.1, R. L. Chaney2 and Donald L. Sparks1, (1)University of Delaware, (2)USDA-ARS-ANRI Mineralogy and Arsenic Bonding in Arsenic Contaminated Rice-paddy Soils of Bangladesh. G. Norman White 1, Richard H. Loeppert* 2, L. R. Drees3, B. Biswas1 and G.M. Panaullah4, (1)Texas A&M University, (2)Texas A & M University, (3)Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, (4)CIMMYT Office in Bangladesh SESSION NO. 52 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 2.5B Interactions between Clays and Organic Matter and Their Impact on Sorption and Availability of Organic Compounds in Soil Environments—Oral Convenor: Arthur Schwab, Dept.of Agronomy, Purdue Univ. Presiding: Baoshan Xing, Department of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, University of Massachusetts 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 52-5 3:30 PM Clay-Humic Complexes and Interactions in Soil: Impact on Sorption and Availability of Introduced Organic Compounds. Benny K.G. Theng*, Landcare Research 4:00 PM Mineral-Organic Substance Interactions: Impacts on Mineral Formation, Humification, and Organic Carbon Storage. P.M. Huang*, Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan 4:20 PM Coverage of Soil Mineral Surfaces by Organic Matter as Detected by Gas Sorption. Rota Wagai, Kyoto University and Lawrence M. Mayer*, University of Maine 4:40 PM Sorpion of Organic Contaminants by Humin. James A. Rice* and Gabriela Chilom, South Dakota State University 5:00 PM Molecular-Level Studies of Organo-Clay Complexes and their Role in the Sorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Myrna J. Simpson*1, Xiaojuan Feng1, Andre Simpson1, Seunghun Kang2 and Baoshan Xing2, (1)Dept. of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, Scarborough College, (2)Department of Plant, Soil and Insect Sciences, University of Massachusettes at Amherst SESSION NO. 53 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems: Reclamation Strategies—Oral Convenor: Alvin Smucker, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sci., MSU Presiding: Rainer Horn, Inst.Soil Sci.,Plnt.Nutrition 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 53-5 3:30 PM Amelioration Strategies for Combating Global Soil and Land Degradation by Agroecosystems. Alvin Smucker*, Michigan State University and Rainer Horn, Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel 4:00 PM Analyzing of Variability for Soil Moisture Content in the Space and Time. Célia R. Grego and Sidney Vieira*, Instituto Agronômico 4:20 PM Rehabilitating Hardsetting Subsoils in a Reconstructed Mined Landscape. Katharine L. Brown*, Christoph Hinz and Robert Gilkes, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences The University of Western Australia 4:40 PM Impacts of Applying an Organic Emulsion on Soil Hydrology and Dust Emissions from an Arid Soil. Michael H. Young*, Todd Caldwell, Darren Meadows, Vic Etyemezian, George Nikolic, David Shafer, Eric McDonald, Julie Miller and John Goreham, Desert Research Institute 5:00 PM A Soil-Based Framework for Integrating and Applying Knowledge of Land Degradation Processes to Assessment, Monitoring and Management. Jeffrey E. Herrick*1, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer1, Joel R. Brown2 and Arlene J. Tugel2, (1)USDA-ARS-Jornada Experimental Range, (2)USDA-NRCS SESSION NO. 56 SESSION NO. 54 Thursday, 13 July 2006 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor Convenors: Stephen Nortcliff, Univ. of Reading–Soil Science Dep; Charles Rice, Dept. of Agronomy, KSU Presiding: Claire Chenu, INAPG, UMR Bioemco 54-1 54-2 54-3 54-4 54-5 54-6 54-7 54-8 54-9 1760a Dynamic of carbon in farming practices longterm experiments on a ferric Acrisol in Burkina Faso (West Africa). Edmond Hien* 1, Francis Ganry 2 , Robert Oliver 2 and Christian Feller 3 , (1)CNRST, (2)CIRAD, (3)IRD, UR SeqBio 1760b Organic matter pools and microbial functional diversity in soil quality assessment of differently managed agricultural systems. Maria T. Dell’Abate*, Letizia Pompili and Anna Benedetti, CRA Istituto Sperimentale Nutrizione Piante 1761a Soil Biological and Physical Properties in Silage Corn Systems With and Without Tillage and Fall Seeded Cover Crops. Carol D. Franks1, Yuri K. Plowden*2, Paul R. Salon1 and Curtis J. Dell3, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)Natural Resources Conservation Service, (3)USDA Agricultural Research Service 1761b Soil organic matter dynamics in a tropical garden land system. Santhy Ponnuswamy* and Selvi Duraisamy, TamilNadu Agricultural University, 1860a Short term effects of organic amendments on soil properties and growth of irrigated cotton grown in a self-mulching Vertisol. Subhadip Ghosh*1, Peter V. Lockwood1, Nilantha Hulugalle2 and Heiko Daniel1, (1)Agronomy and Soil Science, (2)Australian Cotton Research Institute 1861a Soluble and mineralizable carbon of organic amendments influence aggregation in a high clay sodic soil. Gary J. Clark*, Nathan Dodgshun, Caixian Tang and Peter Sale, La Trobe University 1861b Carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions as influenced by tillage and N fertilizer. Denis A. Angers*1, Philippe Rochette2, Vincent Poirier2, Francis Larouche1, Martin H. Chantigny1 and Noura Ziadi 1, (1)Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (2)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada 1960a Soil carbon build-up in semi-arid West Africa : An art of balancing. Elisée Ouédraogo*, Albert Schweitzer Centre for Ecology (CEAS), A. Mando, IFDC, Lijbert Brussaard, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Dept. Soil Quality and Leo Stroosnijder, Wageningen University 1960b Cover Crop System Effects on Carbon/Nitrogen Sequestration and the Physical Properties of Coastal Plain Soils under Conservation Tillage. Robert K. Hubbard*1, Timothy Strickland1, Sharad Phatak2 and Johannes M. Scholberg3, (1)SE Watershed Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, (2)University of Georgia, (3)University of Florida SESSION NO. 55 THURSDAY 4.1B Role of Organic Matter for Soil Properties and Consequences for Environmental Functions—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 1.3A New Frontiers in Soil Genesis—Oral Convenor: Janis L. Boettinger, Utah State University Presiding: Ahmet Mermut, Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan 55-1 8:00 AM Quantifying the Rates of Soil Genesis by Geochemical Mass Balance. Kyungsoo Yoo*, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware 55-2 8:30 AM Carbon Storage in Estuarine Soils of Downeast Maine. Laurie J. Osher*, University of Maine and Jennifer Jespersen, Forest Bell Environmental 55-3 8:50 AM Matter Fluxes in and From Soil Landscapes— Structure and Sensitive Areas. Michael Sommer*, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg; Institute of Soil Landscape Research 55-4 9:10 AM Predicting Regional Complex Saline-Sodic Soil Patterns Using Geophysical, Hydropedological and Mineralogical Approaches That Translate Across Scales. Mark Thomas*, CRC-LEME/CSIRO Land and Water/Univ of Adelaide, Robert Fitzpatrick, CRC-LEME/CSIRO Land and Water and Graham S. Heinson, CRC-LEME/Univ of Adelaide 55-5 9:30 AM The Use of Major Soil Databases to Reveal Relationships Between Soil Forming Factors and Global Soil Distribution. Jonathan M. Gray*, NSW Department of Natural Resources, Geoff S. Humphreys, Dept of Physical Geography and Jozef Deckers, Catholic Univ of Leuven SESSION NO. 56 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 1.5A Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Soil Sensing, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenor: Sabine Grunwald, Soil & Water Sci. Dept. Univ. FL Presiding: Endre Dobos, University of Miskolc 56-1 56-2 56-3 56-4 637a Electronic Soil Analyzer. Manav Yadav*, Ansal Institute of Technology 637b Application of Singular-Spectrum Analysis to Study Dynamics of Soil Salinisation in the Canadian Prairies. Igor V. Florinsky*1, Robert G. Eilers2, Michelle M. Fitzgerald3 and Don Swidinsky2, (1)Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, (2)Land Resource Unit, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (3)Ministry of Agriculture, British Columbia 638a Assessment of Soil Salinity Using Remote Sensing Data and Image Analysis. Maria V. Gabchenko*, Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 638b Mapping Soil Properties Using ECa-Directed Sampling. Dennis Corwin*, USDA-ARS, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory and Scott M. Lesch, University of California, Riverside 65 SESSION NO. 56 56-5 56-6 56-7 56-8 56-9 56-10 56-11 56-12 56-13 56-14 56-15 56-16 66 639a A Comparison of High-Intensity Soil and EMI Surveys in Northern Illinois, USA. James Doolittle*1, Roger D. Windhorn2, Daniel L . Withers2 and Robert L. Mcleese 2 , (1)USDA-NRCS-NSSC, (2)USDA-NRCS 639b Using Optical Remote Sensors to Estimate Grain Protein Content in Rice Canopy. Yi Hyun Kim*, Suk Young Hong, Sang Kyu Rim, Jee Min Lee and Han Kang Kwak, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA 736a Wetlands Mapping and Classification based upon Remotely Sensed Data. Tharwat K. Ghabour* Sr., Soils & Water Use Dept., National Research Centre 736b Classification of the Owens Dry Lake Playa Surface Using Satellite Imagery and Unique Surface Characterization Methods. Mica H. Heilmann*1, Brad L. Inman 1 , Joel E. Kimmelshue 1 , Brian Schmid1, John B. Dickey1, Richard Coles1 and Richard Harasick 2 , (1)CH2M HILL, INC, (2)LADWP 737a Mapping and Monitoring of Salt Affected Area of District Gurgaon Uisng Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques. Shashi Jain, Mohinder Singh Grewal* Sr. and M.S. Kuhad, CCS HAU, Hisar Haryana (India) 737b Ground Monitoring Network of Soil Agrophysical Properties. Wojciech Skierucha*, Ryszard Walczak and Andrzej Wilczek, Institute of Agrophysics 738a On-the-go Near Infrared Spectroscopic Assessment of Georgia Soils. Colin D. Christy*, Veris Technologies and David E. Kissel, Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories–University of Georgia 738b Measurement of pH, pH Buffering Capacity, and Other Soil Properties with NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy. David E. Kissel*, Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories–Univ of Georgia, Colin D. Christy, Veris Technologies, S. Shaaban, Agricultural and Environmental Services Labs, Paul F. Vendrell, Univ of Georgia, Ag and Environmental Services Labs and Miguel L. Cabrera, Univ of Georgia 739a Radiometric Estimation of Soil Properties Using Multiple Image Sensors in Rice Paddy and Dryland Fields. Suk Young Hong*1, Sang Kyu Rim1, Kenneth A. Sudduth2, Newell Kitchen2, Yi Hyun Kim1, Jee Min Lee1 and Han Kang Kwak1, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA, (2)USDA-ARS 739b Estimating Soil Evaporation with Reflectance and Radiometric Temperature Measurements. Dong Wang* and Jindong Wu, Univ. of MinnesotaTwin Cities Campus 740a Development of a Multi-Sensor Platform for Proximal Soil Sensing. James A. Taylor*1, Alex. McBratney2, Raphael Viscarra Rossel2, Budiman Minansy 3 , Henry Taylor 3 , Brett Whelan 2 and Michael Short3, (1)Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, Univ of Sydney, (2)Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, Univ of Sydney, (3)Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture 740b Application of Visible-Near-Infrared Diffuse (DRS) and Bi-directional Reflectance Spectroscopy (BRS) to Characterize Volcanic Soil Properties. Vincenzo Michele Sellitto1, Vidal Barrón2, Giuseppe Palumbo1 and Claudio Colombo*1, (1)Dip. SAVA Molise Univ, (2)Universidad de Córdoba SESSION NO. 57 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems: Reclamation Strategies—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenor: Alvin Smucker, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sci., MSU Presiding: Rainer Horn, Inst.Soil Sci.,Plnt.Nutrition 57-1 57-2 57-3 57-4 57-5 57-6 57-7 57-8 57-9 57-10 1838a The Effects of Land Use Converting on Soil Physicochemichal Properties. Amir Bahrami*, Guilan University, Mahmood Shabanpour, IranRasht- Guilan University- Agricultural Faculty- Soil Sci. Group and Farid Bagheri, Tea Researches Institute of Iran 1838b Degradation Processes in Irrigated Soils of Russia. A.F. Novikova*, V.V.Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 1839a Sealing and Crusting as Soil Degradation Processes in North-Western Region of Ukraine; Reasons for Formation and Methods of Prevention. Taras E. Lychuk*, National University of Water Management and Nature Conservation 1839b Aggregation and Initial Humus Formation of Biologically Meliorated Soils Damaged by Coal Mining. Rayna Dilkova*1, Svetla Marinova2 and Lidia Petrova2, (1)Bulgarian Soil Science Society, (2)Nikola Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science 1938a Soil Resource Investigation for Drainage Installation in Mutluru Channel Command of Krishna Western Delta, Andhra Pradesh, India. Paruchuri Ramakrishna Prasad*, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University, Dhanyamraju Srinivas, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University,A P Water management Project and T.V. Satyanarayana, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University,A P WAter Management Project 1938b Stabilization of Pyrophyllite Mine Wastes by Lime Cake By-Products in Korea. Jae E. Yang*1, Ki-Cheol Eom2, Jai Joung Kim3, Kyung-Yoal Yoo1 and Yong-Sik Ok1, (1)Kangwon National University, (2)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (3)Chungbuk National University 1939a Use of Natural and Cultural Deep-Rooted Plant Species to Loose Compacted Sandy Loam Stagnic Luvisol. Endla Reintam*, Jaan Kuht, Katrin Trükmann and Virgo Rääts, Estonian Univ of Life Sciences 1939b Effect of Clay Minerals and Calcite on Water Repellency of Sandy Soils. Ivan Simkovic*, Pavel Dlapa, Lucia Korenkova and Michal Duris, Dept of Soil Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius Univ 1940a Identification of Fertile Islets and Perspectives for Desertification Control in the Sahel. Lamourdia Thiombiano*, FAO, Regional Office for Africa 1940b Restoring Properties of a Poor Upland Soil Using Natural Basalt and Composted Rice Husk to Promote Crop Growth. Markus Anda*1, Shamshuddin Jusop1, Che Ishak Fauziah2 and Syed Omar Syed Rastan1, (1)Dept of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ Putra Malaysia, (2)Deptof Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ Putra Malaysia SESSION NO. 60 SESSION NO. 60 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 4.0B Soil Related Discords and Conflicts—Oral 4.1PB Soil, Wine and Other Quality Crops—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Presiding: Mireille Dosso, CNEARC 58-1 8:00 AM Education, Public Awareness and Conflict of Interests. Pamela A. Hazelton*, University of Technology,Sydney 58-2 8:35 AM How Soil Misuse Ends with Farming System Disintegration. A Bolivian Altiplano Example. Mireille Dosso*, Aurélie Bres and Stéphane Moreau, Centre National d’Etudes Agronomiques des Régions Chaudes 58-3 9:10 AM Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Farming in West African Savannas: Synergy or Antagonism?. Grégoire Freschet1, Raphaël Manlay2, Luc Abbadie3, Bruno Barbier4, Christian Feller*5, Maya Leroy2, Georges Serpantié6 and Jean-Luc Chotte7, (1)IRD UR179 SeqBio, (2)Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (ENGREF), (3)Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Continental Environment Laboratory UMR 7618, (4)French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), (5)IRD, UR SeqBio, (6)Institute for Research and Development (IRD, ex-ORSTOM), (7)Institute for Research and Development (IRD, ex-ORSTOM), UR179 SeqBio Convenor: Jessica Davis, Dept Soil & Crop Sci, CO State Univ Presiding: Edoardo Costantini, ISSDS 60-1 60-2 60-3 60-4 60-5 SESSION NO. 59 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 4.1A Organic Farming – Advantages and Disadvantages for Soils, Water Quality and Sustainability—Oral Convenor: Laurie Drinkwater, Cornell University Presiding: Holger Kirchmann, Swedish Univ. of Agric. Sci. 59-1 8:00 AM Plant Nutrients in Organic Farming. Keith Goulding*, Rothamsted Research, Elizabeth A. Stockdale, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development and Christine A. Watson, Scottish Agricultural College 59-2 8:30 AM Nutrient Use Efficiencies and Leaching in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems in Sweden. Lars F. Bergström* and Holger Kirchmann, Dept of Soil Science, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences 59-3 8:50 AM Are Nutrient Dynamics and Use Efficiency in Organic Cropping Systems Particular. Emmanuel Frossard*1, Astrid Oberson1, Christine Bosshard1, Simone Nanzer1, Hans Ulrich Tagmann1, David Dubois2, Paul Mäder3 and Daniel Tessier4, (1)Group of Plant Nutrition ETH, (2)Agroscope Reckenholz, (3)FiBL, (4)INRA 59-4 9:10 AM The Contribution of Organic Agriculture to Sustainable Land Management in a Temperate Climate. Robert M. Rees*1, Christine A. Watson1, Bruce C. Ball 1 , John A. Baddeley 2 , Robin L. Walker1, Kairsty F.E. Topp1 and Claus D. Mayer3, (1)Scottish Agricultural College (SAC), (2)SAC, (3)BIOSS 59-5 9:30 AM Soil and Nutrient Erosion Risk in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems. V. Steven Green*1, Michel A. Cavigelli1, Thanh H. Dao2 and Dennis C. Flanagan 3 , (1)USDA-ARS-SASL, (2)USDA-ARS, (3)USDA-ARS-NSERL THURSDAY SESSION NO. 58 60-6 60-7 60-8 60-9 1666a Soil Spatial Heterogeneity in a Pinot Noir Vineyard, Napa Valley, California. Jean-Jacques Lambert*1, Richard Plant2, Christine Stockert1, Danielle Pierce1, Eli Carlisle1 and David Smart1, (1)Department of Viticulture and Enology, (2)Department of Agronomy and Range Science 1667a Terroir of Vineyards in the Northern Willamette Valley, Oregon. Scott Burns* and Dionne Starr Peace, Portland State Univ 1667b Optimization of Nitrogen Fertirigation of Melon Crop in a Petrocalcic soil. M.T. Castellanos* Jr.1, Fco. Ribas1, M.J. Cabello1, N. Figueiró1, M.C. Cartagena2, A. Arce2 and A.M. Tarquis3, (1)Centro Mejora Agraria El Chaparrillo–Delegación Provincial de Agricultura, (2)Dpto. Química y Análisis Agrícola– E.T.S. I.A.- Polytechnic Univ.of Madrid, (3)Dpto. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ.of Madrid 1766a Viticutlural Practices For very Acidic Soils. daniel Roberts*, integrated winegrowing 1766b Facilitated Transport of Diuron and Glyphosate in High Copper Vineyard Soils. Sylvie Dousset*1, Jean-Baptiste Dessogne2, Astrid Jacobson3, Philippe Baveye3 and Francis Andreux1, (1)Université de Bourgogne–CST–Géosol, (2)Université de Reims, (3)Cornell Univ 1767a Nitrogen Fixing Ability of 13 Enotypes of Mucuna Pruriens. Shivananda T. N. Shivananda T N*, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research 1767b Maximization of Potato Yield in Nilgiri Hills of Western Ghats of India. Malarvizhi Palaniappa pillai*1, Sharmila Banu Santhu Mohamed1 and T. Nagendra Rao2, (1)Professor, Dept. of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, (2)Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada-India Programme 1866a Effect of Foliar Application of Different Sources of Zn Application on the Changes in Zn Content, Uptake and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Tanmoy Karak* and Dilip Das, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 1866b Spatial Vineyard Variability on Soil, Grape Yield, and Juice Quality in a Field in the D.O.Ca. Rioja (Spain). Ana Aizpurua*, Olatz Unamunzaga and Ander Castellón, NEIKER Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario 67 SESSION NO. 61 SESSION NO. 61 of Vechta, (3)Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther University, (4)Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, (5)Institut AgendaRegio Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Oral Convenor: Robert Ahrens, USDA/NRCS,Federal Bldg., Rm.152 Presiding: Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University 61-1 8:00 AM WRB: Wittingly Reaching Babel ?. Otto Spaargaren*, ISRIC–World Soil Information 61-2 8:30 AM Use of WRB to Classify Soils in the Tropics: Lessons Form East Africa. Method Kilasara*, Sokoine Univ of Agriculture, Patric Gicheru, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Edward Ngatunga, Ministry of Adriculture & Food Security, C.K.K. Gachene, Univ of Nairobi and Joel Melio, ARI, Mlingano 61-3 8:50 AM Harmonizing the Diagnostic Horizons, Properties, and Materials used in the World Reference Base and Soil Taxonomy. Robert J. Engel*1, Erika Micheli2, Paul McDaniel3 and Craig A. Ditzler1, (1)USDA NSSC, (2)Szent Istvan Univ, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Dept, (3)Univ of Idaho 61-4 9:10 AM Technosols as a Proposed Soil Group for the WRB (World Reference of Soil Resources). Andreas Lehmann*, Hohenheim University (310) 61-5 9:30 AM Algebra of the WRB (Formalization of the Concept). Vyacheslav A. Rojkov*, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute SESSION NO. 63 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenor: Paul Bertsch, Univ of GA-Savannah River Ecol.Lab. Presiding: Will Bleam, Soil Science Department 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-4 SESSION NO. 62 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 1.4A Impact of National Soil Classification on Soil Science and Society—Oral Convenors: Craig Ditzler, National Soil Survey Center; Robert Ahrens, USDA/NRCS, Federal Bldg., Rm.152 Presiding: Mabel Pazos, Facultad de Agronomía–UNCPBA 62-1 10:15 AM The Magical Numbers of the USDA Soil Taxonomy:Towards an Outline of a Theory of Natural Resource Taxonomies. Juan Jose Ibanez*1, Richard Arnold 2 and Juan Sanchez-Diaz 1 , (1)CIDE, (2)USDA-NRCS (retired) 62-2 10:45 AM On the Evolution of Definitions of Diagnostic Soil Horizons and Soil Unit Names. Freddy O. Nachtergaele*, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 62-3 11:05 AM Cross-Reference System for Interpreting Genetic Soil Classification of China to Soil Taxonomy. Xuezheng Shi* Sr., Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 62-4 11:25 AM A Proposal to Differentiate Steady State and Dynamic Soil Properties in Soil Taxonomy. Neil E. Smeck*, The Ohio State University and K. R. Olson, University of Illinois, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 62-5 11:45 AM Computer-Based Translation Tool Between WRB and the German Soil Classification System. Peter Schad*1, Gabriele Broll2, Reinhold Jahn3, Rainer Baritz4, Gert Adler4 and Dieter Kuhn5, (1)Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde (Soil Science), Department of Ecology, Technische Universität München, (2)University 68 63-5 63-6 63-7 63-8 63-9 653b Following the Speciation of Lead During HeatTreatment of Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste. Maarten Nachtegaal*, SuperXAS Beamline, Swiss Light Source (SLS), Ruud Struis, General Energy Dept (ENE), Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Harald Lutz, AshDec and Christian Ludwig, General Energy Department (ENE), Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) 551a Formation of Fe(III) Clusters in Natural Organic Matter. Dean Hesterberg* and Kimberly J. Hutchison, North Carolina State University 551b Microscale Synchrotron-FTIR Mapping of Carbon “Hot Spots” on Mineral Surfaces in Soil. James Kinyangi*, Johannes Lehmann, Biqing Liang and Dawit Solomon, Cornell University 552a Identifying the Iron Phases in Biosolids-Amended Soils Via Mössbauer Spectroscopy that Control Cadmium Sorption. Mark A. Chappell*, Aaron G.B. Williams, Kirk G. Scheckel and James A. Ryan, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 552b Speciation and Geochemical Cycling of Pb, As, Cr, and Cd in a Contaminated Histosol: Synchrotron Micro X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Darrell G. Schulze* and Xiadong Gao, Purdue Univ 553b Metal Speciation, Bioavailability and Remediation at Superfund Sediment Sites. Kirk Scheckel*1, Aaron Williams1, Robert Ford1, Dean Neptune2, James Ryan1, Steven Acree1, David Gratson2, Greg McDermott2, Thabet Tolaymat1 and Richard T. Wilkin1, (1)US EPA, (2)Neptune & Company, Inc. 650a The Influence of Surface Precipitation on Nickel Solubility, Bioavailability and Fate in Contaminated Soils. Edward Peltier*, University of Kansas and Donald L. Sparks, U of DE, Environmental Soil Chemistry 650b Characterization of Sulphur Species in Oxic and Anoxic Forest Soils with Synchrotron-based XRay Spectromicroscopy. Nora A. Tyufekchieva1, Jörg Prietzel*1, Jürgen Thieme2 and Ingrid KögelKnabner1, (1)Technische Universität München, (2)Institut für Röntgenphysik 651a Spectroscopic Evidence for Uranium Bearing Partculates in Vadose Zone Sediments at Hanford Doe Site, 300-Area, Washington. Yuji Arai*, U.S. Geological Survey, Mathew Marcus, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Nobumichi Tamura, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Advanced Light Source, Antonio Lanzirotti, Consortium for SESSION NO. 66 63-11 63-12 SESSION NO. 65 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 2.5B Interactions between Clays and Organic Matter and Their Impact on Sorption and Availability of Organic Compounds in Soil Environments—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenor: Arthur Schwab, Dept.of Agronomy, Purdue Univ. Presiding: Baoshan Xing, Dep. of Plant, Soil & Insect Sci. 65-1 65-2 65-3 SESSION NO. 64 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 2.1A Soil Structuring as a Dynamic Process and Particles Transfer—Oral Convenor: Thomas Baumgartl, School of Physical Sciences–Earth Presiding: Marcello Pagliai, Instituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo 64-1 10:15 AM Stress Strain Effects on Coupled Mechanical and Hydraulic Processes. Rainer Horn*, Stephan Peth and Xinhua Peng, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 64-2 10:45 AM Modelling Bulk Density According to Structure Development: Toward an Indicator of Microstructure Development in Ferralsols. Ary Bruand*1, Luiz Carlos Balbino2, Nathalie VollandTuduri1, Isabelle Cousin3, Adriana Reatto-Braga4, Maria Inês Lopes de Oliviera4, Eder De Souza Martins4, Michel Brossard5 and Jean-Robert DISNAR6, (1)Université d’Orléans, (2)EMBRAPAArroz e Feijão, (3)INRA, (4)EMBRAPA Cerrados, (5)IRD, (6)CNRS 64-3 11:05 AM Soil Wettability Relationships with Soil Organic Carbon and Aggregate Stability. Anna Eynard*, Tom E. Schumacher, Robert A. Kohl and Douglas D. Malo, South Dakota State Univ 64-4 11:25 AM Predicting Short-term Aggregate Stability Dynamics After the Addition of Maize Straw. The Role of Hydrophobicity. Diego J. Cosentino*1, Claire Chenu2, Paul Hallett3, Daniel Tessier1 and Jean-Charles Michel 1, (1)INRA, (2)UMR Biogeochimie des Milieux Continentaux, (3)Scottish Crop Research Institute 64-5 11:45 AM Quantifying Physical Aspects of Soil Quality Associated with Organic Agricultural Practices. Apostolos Papadopoulos*1, Nigel R. A. Bird2, Whitmore Andy2 and Sacha J. Mooney1, (1)The Univ of Nottingham, (2)Rothamsted Research 65-4 65-5 1176a Availability of Clay Surfaces in Soil for Adsorption of Organic Contaminants and Pesticides. Stephen A. Boyd*, Simone Charles, Hui Li and Brian Teppen, Michigan State Univ 1176b Release of Organic Matter and Organic Contaminants from Floodplain Soils Under Variable Redox Conditions: Influenced by Organo-Mineral Complexes?. Britt Pagels*, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde (Soil Science), TU München 1177a N K-Edge XANES and Pyrolysis-Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry – Clues to Disclose the Chemistry of “known” Organic Nitrogen in Organic-Mineral Soil Clay Particles. Peter Leinweber*, Univ of Rostock, Fran L. Walley, Dept. of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan, Alexander Jokic, Department of Soil Science, Univ Saskatchewan and Tom Regier, Canadian Light Source Inc. 1177b The Influence of Soil Organic Matter Coating on the Vapor-Phase Sorption at Low Water Contents as Affected by Organic Sorbate Nature *. Irina P. Breus*, Artem A. Mishchenko, Alexander A. Shinkarev and Vladimir A. Breus, Kazan State University 1178b Impact of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on Atrazine Sorption by Montmorillonite. Jianming Xu*1, Ling Wanting1 and Yanzheng Gao2, (1)Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, Zhejiang Univ, (2)College of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural Univ SESSION NO. 66 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 3.1A Land Use Planning: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-offs—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenors: Alain Ruellan, INRA; Lamourdia Thiombiano, FAO Regional Office for Africa Presiding: Ricardo Ralisch, Universidade Estadual de Londrina 66-1 66-2 66-3 1241a Land Evaluation using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for Sustainable Land use Planning in Irrigated Ecosyatem of Karnataka,India. P.L. Patil*, Ravikumar M.A, G.S. Dasog, S.G. Patil and B.M. Radder, University of Agricultural Sciences 1241b Soil Degradation Evaluation and Land Use Planning in Romania. Andrei Canarache*, Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry 1242a Soil Quality Evaluation for Green-Food Production Suitability in Beijing Plain Area. SUN Danfeng*, College of Resources and Environmental sciences, China Agricultural Univ and Li Hong, Insti- 69 THURSDAY 63-10 Advanced Radiation Sources, James Davis, US Geological Survey and John Zachara, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Natl Lab 651b Speciation and Geochemical Cycling of Pb, As, Cr, and Cd in a Contaminated Histosol: X-ray Absorption Near-edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy. Xiadong Gao* and Darrell G. Schulze, Purdue Univ 652a Direct Observation and Quantification of Colloid Retention in Unsaturated Porous Media. Annette Dathe*, Yuniati Zevi, Bin Gao, Anthony G. Hay and Tammo S. Steenhuis, Cornell Univ 652b Iron L-edge and K-edge X-ray Absorption Studies of Nontronite Reduction. Owen Li, Univ of Wisconsin, Kangwon Lee, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Joel Kostka, Florida State Univ, Joseph W. Stucki, Univ of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign and William Bleam*, Univ. of Wisconsin SESSION NO. 66 66-4 66-5 66-6 tute of Agricultural Integrated Development, Beijing Academy of Agriculture & Forestry Science 1242b Erosion Impact Evaluation on Mogi-Guaçu River Basin (SP, Brazil) Using the Lifetime Index Methodology as a Soil Loss Tolerance Criterion. Mara de A. M. Weill*, State Univ of Campinas. College of Agricultural Engineering. Soils Lab., Rubens A. C. Lamparelli, State Univ of Campinas. Research Center of Meteorology and Climatology Applied to Agriculture and Jansle V. Rocha, State Univ of Campinas. College of Agricultural Engineering. GIS and Remote Sensing Lab. 1243a The Effects of Winter Cover Crops and NoTillage. Ademir Calegari*1, Ricardo Ralisch2 and Maria de Fátima Guimarães2, (1)Iapar, (2)UEL 1243b Developing Sustainable Land Use Options in Matters of Heavy Metal Inputs into Agricultural Soils. Wolfgang Reiher*, Rolf-Alexander Düring and Stefan Gäth, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, Univ of Giessen SESSION NO. 67 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 3.3A Future Challenges in P Fertilization and the Environment—Oral Convenors: Lawrence Hammond, International Fertilizer Development Center; Andrew Sharpley, USDA-ARS, Past. Sys. & Mgmt. Res. Presiding: John Syers, Mae Fah Luang University 67-1 10:15 AM Efficiency of Soil and Fertilizer Phosphorus: Reconciling Changing Concepts of Soil Phosphorus Chemistry with Agronomic Information. John Keith Syers*, Mae Fah Luang Univ and Arthur E. Johnston, Rothamsted Research 67-2 10:45 AM Can Plants Deliver Food, Fibre and Solutions for Anthropogenic Soil Phosphate Problems ?. Mike J. Hedley*, Institute of Natural Resources and Stephen Trolove, Crop and Food Research 67-3 11:05 AM Microbial Cycling of Phosphorus in Grassland Soils under Long-Term Fertiliser Management. Anthony O’Donnell*1, S.R. Colvan1, John Keith Syers2 and R. Husband1, (1)Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability, (2)Mae Fah Luang Univ 67-4 11:25 AM Phosphate Fertilizers: Addressing the Challenges for Production, Use and Management in Developed and Developing Country Agriculture. Lawrence Hammond*, Norman Chien and Upendra Singh, IFDC 67-5 11:45 AM Agricultural Phosphorus and the Environment: Challenges to Science, Practice and Policy. Andrew Sharpley* and Peter Kleinman, USDAAgricultural Research Service 70 SESSION NO. 68 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics —Oral Convenors: Hariharan Eswaran, USDA-NRCS; Rattan Lal, School of Nat. Res., OH State Univ. Presiding: Bal Singh, Dep.- Plant and Environmental Sci. 68-1 10:15 AM Soil Degradation and Food Security: Incentives Matter. Keith Wiebe*, USDA Economic Research Service, Rattan Lal, Carbon Management and Sequestration Centre, School of Environment and Natural Resources, FAES/OARDC, The Ohio State Univ, Christopher Barrow, Swansea Univ and Pierre Crosson, Resources For the Future 68-2 10:45 AM Study of Soil Erosion in the Small Loess Agricultural Catchment In the Light of 137Cs Measurements. Grzegorz Jacek Poreba* and Andrzej Bluszcz, Dept of Radioisotope, Institute of Physics, Silesian Univ of Technology 68-3 11:05 AM Major Causes of Land Degradation and Desertification in Jordan. Sa’eb Khresat*, Jordan Univ of Science and Technology 68-4 11:25 AM Is “Summer Fallowing” Beneficial to Sustainable Grain Production in Central Asia?. Takashi Kosaki*1, Shinya Funakawa2, Elmira Saljnikov3, Kanat K. Akshalov4 and Yusuke Takata2, (1)Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto Univ, (2)Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ, (3)Institute of Soil Science, (4)Barayeb Kazakh Research and Production Center of Grain Farming 68-5 11:45 AM Lessons Learned from a Thematic Network Dealing with Land Degradation Assessment and Soil Conservation Management in the Mediterranean Region. Pandi Zdruli*1, Giuliana Trisorio Liuzzi2 and Cosimo Lacirignola1, (1)CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, (2)University of Bari, Faculty of Agriculture SESSION NO. 69 Convention Center, Room 111AB, First Floor 0.0B Global Priorities in Soil Science Research—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenors: Donald Sparks, U of DE, Environmental Soil Chemistry; Charles Rice, Kansas State University 69-1 69-2 1443a Achieving the Millennium Development Goals In Africa. Pedro Sanchez*, Cheryl Palm, Jeffrey Sachs and Denning Glenn, Tropical Agriculture Program, The Earth Institute at Columbia Univ 101b Competitive Funding of Soil Science Research from USDA-CSREES: Priorities, trends, and future directions. Nancy Cavallaro*, USDA-CSREES SESSION NO. 70 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 1.0PW Synthesis, Modeling, and Applications of Disciplinary Soil Science Knowledge for Soil-WaterPlant-Environment Systems—Theater II Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenors: Liwang Ma, USDA-ARS, Great Plains Sys. Res.; Gerrit Hoogeboom, University of Georgia; Peter Carberry, CSIRO Presiding: Lajpat Ahuja, USDA-ARS, Grt. Plains Sys. 70-1 70-2 70-3 70-4 70-6 70-5 228a Using the WISE Database to Parameterize Soil Inputs for Crop Simulation Models. Gerrit Hoogenboom*, Univ of Georgia, Arjan J. Gijsman, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) and Philip K. Thornton, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) 229b Calibrating the ROOTMAP Model for Calcarosol and Vertosol soils of south-eastern Australia. Sally J. Officer*1, Vanessa M. Dunbabin2, Roger D. Armstrong1 and Robert M. Norton3, (1)Primary Industries Research Victoria, (2)University of Tasmania, (3)University of Melbourne 328a Water and Energy Balance of Drip Irrigated Cotton: Measurements and Simulations. Robert J. Lascano*1, Bobbie McMichael2, Dennis Gitz2 and Jill Booker1, (1)Texas A&M Univ. Res. and Ext. Center, (2)USDA-ARS 328b Nitrogen Management Under Maize in Humid Regions: The Case for the Dynamic Approach. Harold M. Van Es*1, Beverly Kay2, Jean Sogbedji2, Jeffrey Melkonian2, R.S. Dharmakeerthi2, Hunaira Dadfar2 and Ivy Tan2, (1)Cornell University, (2)University of Guelph 429a Opposite Approaches to Manage Water Balance of Farming Systems for Improved Sustainability in Southeast Australia and North China Plain?. Enli Wang* 1 , Qiang Yu 2 and Chris J. Smith 1 , (1)CSIRO Land and Water, (2)Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research 329b Predicting Changes in Soil Organic Carbon in Different Land Uses for England and Wales Under Current and Future Climatic Conditions Using CENTURY 5. Ruben Sakrabani* and John Hollis, National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield University 71-3 71-4 71-5 SESSION NO. 72 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 1.6B Amazonian Dark Earth Soils (Terra Preta and Terra Preta Nova): A Tribute to Wim Sombroek—Oral Convenor: William I. Woods , University of Kansas Presiding: Antoinette Winklerprins, Michigan State University 72-1 72-2 SESSION NO. 71 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 72-3 1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced Pedogenic Processes—Oral Convenors: Angel Faz Cano, Univ. Politecnica, Paseo Alfonso XIII; John Galbraith, Dept. of Crop & Soil Env. Sci. Presiding: Gan-Lin Zhang, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 71-1 71-2 1:15 PM Soil Development in the Hawaiian Islands. Oliver Chadwick*, Univ of California 1:45 PM Morphological, Microscopic and Isotopic Studies of Carbonate Pedofeatures: Current Problems of Interpretation and Application In Biogeosciences. Irina V. Kovda*, Institute of Geography, Lawrence P. Wilding, Dept of Soil and Crop Sci- ences, Texas A&M Univ and Claudia I. Mora, Dept. Of Earth And Planetary Sciences 2:05 PM Development of Clay Minerals in Terrestrial Soils for the Mediterranean Portugal Related to Type of Rock and Age of Soil Formation. Karl Stahr*1, Mehdi Zarei1, Reinhold Jahn2 and Daniela Sauer1, (1)Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim, (2)Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther Univ 2:25 PM Post-fire Pedogenic Response: Wildfire Effects on the Soil Environment in a 60-Year-Old Biosequence. Robert C. Graham*1, Louise M. EgertonWarburton2, Paul F. Hendrix3, Peter J. Shouse4, Jodi L. Johnson-Maynard5, Sylvie A. Quideau6, Paul D. Sternberg7, Jack A. Jobes4 and Joan M. Breiner7, (1)Univ of California, (2)Chicago Botanic Garden, (3)Institute of Ecology, (4)George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Laboratory, USDA-ARS, (5)Univ. of Idaho, (6)Univ. of Alberta, (7)University of California 2:45 PM Effect of 1200 Years of Agricultural History on Top-Soil Horizon Formation and Related Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Hedgerows Network Landscape. Stéphane Follain*1, Christian Walter2, Dominique Marguerie3, Philippe Bonté4, Blandine Lemercier 5, Gilles Dutin 5 and Irène Lefèvre 4, (1)ISA-LILLE, (2)UMR SAS INRA Agrocampus Rennes, (3)UMR 6566 CNRS-Univ. Rennes 1, (4)UMR 1572 CEA-CNRS, (5)UMR SAS Agrocampus-Rennes/INRA 72-4 72-5 1:15 PM Bio-char Black Carbon) Stability and Stabilization in Soil. Johannes Lehmann*, Cornell Univ and Saran Sohi, Rothamsted Research 1:45 PM Compositions of the Humic Acids in Amazonian Anthropogenic Dark Earth Soils. Etelvino H. Novotny*1, Michael H. Hayes2, Eduardo R. De Azevedo3, Beata E. Madari4, Tony J. F. Cunha5 and Tito J. Bonagamba3, (1)Univ of Limerick, (2)Univ of Limerick, (3)IFSC–USP, (4)Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, (5)Embrapa Semi-Árido 2:05 PM The Rescue of an Old Indigenous Practice in the Tropics—Using Charcoal to Improve Soil Quality. Wenceslau G. Teixeira*1, Gilvan C. Martins1, Murilo R. Arruda1 and Christoph Steiner2, (1)Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, (2)1 Institute of Soil Science, Univ of Bayreuth 2:25 PM Microbial Activity as Soil Quality Indicator in Annual and Perennial Plantations Treated with Charcoal, Mineral- or Organic Fertilizer in a Highly Weathered Amazonian Upland Soil. Christoph Steiner*, 1 Institute of Soil Science, Univ of Bayreuth, Wolfgang Zech, 1 Institute of Soil Science, Univ f Bayreuth and Wenceslau G. Teixeira, Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental 2:45 PM New Dark Earth Experiment in the Tailândia City–Pará-Brazil: the Dream of Wim Sombroek. 71 THURSDAY SESSION NO. 72 SESSION NO. 72 Dirse C. Kern*1, José L. Cometti1, Maria de Lourdes P. Ruivo2, Francisco J. Frazão1, Tarcisio E. Rodrigues3, Marcondes L. Costa4, Jorge L. Piccinin1 and João B. Rocha5, (1)Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, (2)MPEG, (3)Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, (4)Universidade Federal do Pará, (5)Secretaria de Educação e Cultura do Estado do Pará 73-9 1145b Development of Equilibrium-Based Adsorption Modeling: Merging of Data with Theory. Cristian P. Schulthess*, University of Connecticut SESSION NO. 74 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 2.4B Soil Mineralogy and Geophysics: Environmental and Soils Management and Mineral Exploration—Oral SESSION NO. 73 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils—Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Theater I Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: Joseph Pignatello, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Presiding: Martin Gerzabek, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 73-1 73-2 73-3 73-4 73-5 73-6 73-7 73-8 72 945a Surface Complexes Modeled With AB Initio Calculations. James D. Kubicki*, The Pennsylvania State University 945b EXAFS Study on the Binding of Iron in Organic Soil Materials – Evidence for Dimeric Iron(III) Complexes. Joris W.J. Van Schaik*1, Ingmar Persson1, Dan Berggren Kleja1 and Jon Petter Gustafsson2, (1)Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), (2)KTH (Royal Inst. of Technology) 1044a Colloid Mobilization and Arsenic(III) Transport in Soils: Effect of Ionic Strength. Hua Zhang*, Department of Agronomy & Environmental Management, LSU Agcenter and H. M. Selim, Department of Agronomy and Environmental Management, LSU Agcenter 1045a Factors Affecting the Desorption of Arsenate by Phosphate From Soil Components and Soils. A. Violante*, G Krishnamurti, M Pucci and M. Pigna, Università di Napoli- ITALY 1045b Iron (Hydr)oxide Transformation and Release of Arsenic From Ferrihydrite and Tropical Soils During Sulfate Reduction. Benjamin Kocar*, Yoko Masue, Katharine Tufano, Samantha Ying, Matthew Polizzotto, Thomas Borch and Scott Fendorf, Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University 1144a Adsorption-Desorption Characteristics of Copper, Lead, and Cadmium at Contaminated Levels in Variable Charge Soils. Zhenli He*1, Shen Yu2, Jinyan Yang3, Xiaoe Yang4, Haiping Xu4 and Peter J. Stoffella5, (1)University of Florid, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Indian River Research and Education Center, (2)Rutgers University, (3)University of Florida, (4)Zhejiang University, (5)University of Florida, Institute of Food and agricultural Sciences, Indian River Research and Education Center 1144b Molybdenum Binding Mechanisms in Acid Soils. Jon Petter Gustafsson*, KTH (Royal Inst. of Technology) and Ingmar Persson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) 1145a Competition Between Glyphosate and Phosphate forAdsorption Sites on Soil Minerals. Anne Louise Gimsing* and Ole K. Borggaard, Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University Convenor: Carolyn Olson, USDA-NRCS Presiding: Robert Fitzpatrick, CSIRO, Land and Water 74-1 74-2 74-3 74-4 74-5 1:15 PM Soil Suitability Maps for Ground-Penetrating Radar. James Doolittle*1, Fred Minzenmayer1, Sharon Waltman2, Ellis Benham1, Wes Tuttle1 and Steve Peaslee1, (1)USDA-NRCS-NSSC, (2)USDANRCS-NGDC 1:45 PM Using Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy in Mineralogical and Geochemical Soil-Regolith Investigations: Australian Case Studies from Depositional and Erosional Landscapes. John R. Wilford*, CRCLEME/Geosciences Australia, Mark Thomas, CRCLEME/CSIRO Land and Water/Univ of Adelaide and Robert Fitzpatrick, CRC-LEME/CSIRO Land and Water 2:05 PM Experience in Using the Remote Sensing Materials to Monitor the Long-Term Dynamics of Salinization in Irrigated Soils of the Golodnaya Steppe, Uzbekistan. Dimitry I. Rukhovich* and Ekaterina V. Vilchevskaya, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 2:25 PM Trace Element Distribution in the Soils of Peshawar-Pakistan Using GIS. Samina Siddiqui*, Univ of Peshawar-Pakistan 2:45 PM Mapping Cation Exchange Capacity and Understanding Mineralogical Differences at the Field Scale in the Lower Namoi Valley of Australia. John Triantafilis*1, Kevin Lau1 and Sam Buchanan2, (1)The Univ of New South Wales, (2)The Univ of New South Wales SESSION NO. 75 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 3.2B Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenors: Cynthia Grant, Agriculture & AgriFood Canada; John Havlin, NCSU-Dept. of Soil Science Presiding: Alan Schlegel, Southwest Res. Ext. Center 75-1 75-2 1357a Tillage and Fertilizer Effects in Sole Maize Cropping in a Degraded Nigerian Alfisol. Vincent O. Aduramigba-Modupe*, Institute Of Agriculutral Research And Training, Obafemi Awolowo Univ and Omololu J. Idowu, Department of Crop & Soil Sciences 1357b Evaluation of Kostiakov, Horton and Philip’s Infiltration Equations as Affected by Tillage and Rotation Systems in a Clay-Loam Soil of Northwest Iran. Mohammad A. Hajabbasi*, Isfahan University of Technology 75-3 75-4 75-5 75-6 75-7 75-8 75-9 75-10 75-11 75-12 75-13 75-14 75-15 1455b Soil Constructions and Technologies for Stable Effective Farming UnderArid Conditions. Andrey V. Smagin*, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Soil Sci. Dept and Nadejda B. Sadovnikova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Soil Sci. Dept. 1456a Studies on the Effect of Insitu Soil Moisture Conservation Practices on the Productivity of Spanish Bunch Groundnut under Rainfed Farming Situations. L okanath H. Malligawad*, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1456b Geostatistical Approach to Assess How Conservative Agriculture Affects Soil Water Content. Annamaria Castrignanò, CRA–Agronomic Research Institute, Gabriele Buttafuoco*, cnr–Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, Michele Pisante, University of Teramo and A. Vittorio Vonella, CRA-Agronomic Research Institute 1457a Water Conservation and Use Efficiency in Dryland Vineyards of NE Spain: Impacts of New Land Management Practices. Ildefonso Pla* Sr., Silvana Nacci, Francisco Fonseca and Xiomara Abreu, Lleida University 1457b Assessing Biophysical Potential for Water Harvesting at National and Global Scale. Eddy F. De Pauw*, Theib Oweis, Jawaad Youssef and Nseir Bashar, ICARDA 1555a Crop Residue Levels Over a 12-yr Period of NoTilll Cropping Systems in a Semi-Arid Environment. Dwayne Westfall*1, C. Cantero-Martinez2, Gary A. Peterson1 and Lucretia Sherrod3, (1)Colorado State University, (2)Departamento de Produccion Vegetal y Ciencia Forestal, (3)Great Plains Systems Unit 1555b Long-Term Impact of Bed Planting and Straw Management on Physical and Chemical Soil Attributes. Bram Govaerts*1, Ken D. Sayre1, Adrian Martinez 1 and Jozef Deckers 2 , (1)CIMMYT– K.U.Leuven, (2)Catholic University of Leuven 1556a Benefits of Integrated Soil Fertility and Water Management in semi-arid region. Robert B. Zougmoré*, Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA), Abdoulaye Mando, IFDC and Leo Stroosnijder, Wageningen University 1556b A Better Understanding on How Soils and Water Interact to Influence N Responses. Ki-In Kim*, David Clay, Gregg Carlson and Sharon Clay, South Dakota State University 1557a Spatial Structure of NDVI Permits Large Reduction in Canopy Sensor Cost. Eugenia Pena-Yewtukhiw*1, Gregory J. Schwab2, Lloyd W. Murdock2 and O. Wendroth3, (1)West Virginia University, (2)University of Kentucky, (3)Plant and Soil Science Department 1557b Potassium Management Alternatives for Conservation-Till Soybean. Xinhua Yin*, Oregon State University and Tony J. Vyn, Purdue University 1558a Effect of Applied Elemental Sulfur And SulfurOxidizing Bacteria (Parococcus versutus) Into Calcareous Sandy Soils On The Availability Of Native And Applied Phosphorus And Some Micronutrients. Abdou A. Soaud*, Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University 1558b Study of the Effects of Atrazin’s Antitranspiration on Yield Four Varieties Potatoes in Adequate and Limited Moisture Conditions. Alireza Bahraminezhad* Sr., Azad Islamic University Branch Zarand 75-16 75-17 1559a Assessment and Simulation of Water and Nitrogen Transfer Under Furrow Irrigation. Z. Popova*, N.Poushkarov Institute of Soul Science 1559b Soil Fauna Ecology in Drylands of the Aral Sea Basin. Christopher Martius*1, Ikrom Abdullaev2 and Luis Felipe Massucati1, (1)Center for Development Research (ZEF), (2)State University of Urgench SESSION NO. 76 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 3.3B Nutrient Use Efficiency and Global Agriculture—Oral Convenors: Achim Doberman, University of NebraskaLincoln; Paul Fixen, Potash & Phosphate Institute Presiding: Fernando Garcia, PPI/PPIC Latin AmericaSouthern Cone 76-1 76-2 76-3 76-4 76-5 1:15 PM Nutrient Management for Global Food Security and Environmental Protection. Kenneth G. Cassman*, Univ. of Nebraska Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture 1:45 PM Innovations for Improving Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency—Maize Systems of North America. Daniel Walters*1, Achim Dobermann1, Tony Vyn2 and Sylvie Brouder3, (1)Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (2)Purdue University, (3) Purdue Unversity 2:05 PM Innovations for Improving Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Cereal Systems of Asia. Christian Witt*, SE Asia Program, PPI/PPIC and IPI, Roland Buresh, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Achim Dobermann, Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, JiYun Jin, Potash & Phosphate Institute/Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada, Beijing Office and J.K. Ladha, International Rice Research Institute 2:25 PM Innovations For Increasing Productivity Through Improved Nutrient Use in Africa. Marco C.S. Wopereis*1, Kenneth E. Giller2, Arno Maatman3, Bernard Vanlauwe4, Abdoulaye Mando3 and André Bationo4, (1)Cirad, (2)Production Systems, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University, (3)IFDC, (4)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT 2:45 PM Innovations for Improving Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency: No-Till Grain Cropping Systems of South America. Martin Diaz-Zorita*, CONICET-FAUBA and Nitragin Argentina, Telmo Amado, Soil Departament, Alejandro Morón, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria and Fernando Garcia, PPI-PPIC Southern Cone 73 THURSDAY SESSION NO. 76 SESSION NO. 77 SESSION NO. 77 78-7 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 1.1B Site Disturbance: The Role of Soil Morphology in its Assessment—Oral Convenor: Brenda Buck, Dept Geosciences, UNLV Presiding: Geoff Humphreys, Macquarie University 77-1 77-2 77-3 77-4 77-5 3:30 PM Fully Recovered: Can past Site Disturbance Be Determined from Soil Features?. Geoff S. Humphreys*, Dept of Physical Geography 4:00 PM The Effect of Past Waste Disposal on Urban Soils in Long Established Scottish Towns. Kirsty A. Golding* and Donald Davidson, Univ of Stirling 4:20 PM Urban Soils of Floodplains in the City of Moscow. Sergey Shoba*1, Tatiana Prokofieva2 and Olga Kruglova2, (1)Moscow State Univ., Soil Science Dept., (2)Moscow State Univ, Soil Science Dept. 4:40 PM Luminescence and Carbon Dating of Fimic Horizons and Drift-sand Deposits in Cultivated Sandy Landscapes (SE Netherlands). J. M. Van Mourik*, Univ of Amsterdam 5:00 PM Chemical Signatures of Land Use History. Daniel Markewitz*, The Univ of Georgia and Daniel D. Richter Jr., Duke Univ 78-8 78-9 78-10 78-11 78-12 78-13 SESSION NO. 78 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 162a Climate-Induced Pedogenic Variations Affecting Soil Fertility and Erodibility in an Andean AgroEcosystem. Franz Zehetner*, Institute of Soil Research, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) and William P. Miller, University of Georgia 162b Time-Scales and Ecological Significance of Pedogenic Processes. Victor O. Targulian*, Institute of Geography, RAS and Pavel V. Krasilnikov, Institute of Biology KarRC RAS 163a Pedological Investigation of the Lyukas Kurgan, Hungary. Attila Barczi1, Katalin Joo1 and Csaba Centeri*2, (1)Szent Istvan University, Dept. of Landscape Ecology, (2)Szent Istvan University, Dept. of Nature Conservation 163b Lateral Differentiation of Albeluvisols under the Impact of Subsurface Drainage. David Montagne*1, Sophie Cornu1, Olivier Josière1, Isabelle Cousin1 and Lydie Le Forestier2, (1)INRA d’Orléans–Unite de recherche en Science du sol, (2)ISTO (UMR 6113) 164a Fifty Years of Prescribed Fires Slow Podzolization and Increase Phosphorus Availability in a Spodosol (Podzol) in Florida, USA. Ralph J. DiCosty*, Mac A. Callaham Jr. and John A. Stanturf, USDA Forest Service 164b Quantitative Assessment of Soil Forming Processes Rate in Soil Succession Chronosequences. Ivan I. Vasenev*, Russian State Agricultural University–MTAA, Ecology Department 264b Diagnostic Role of Microrelief in Studying the Agrogenic Transformation and Sustainability of the Soil Cover. Natalia P. Sorokina* and Inna V. Kuznetsova, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced Pedogenic Processes—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenors: Angel Faz Cano, Univ. Politecnica, Paseo Alfonso XIII; John Galbraith, Dept. of Crop & Soil Env. Sci. Presiding: Gan-Lin Zhang, Chinese Academy of Soil Science 78-1 78-2 78-3 78-4 78-5 78-6 74 159a Changes of Variability, Probability Distributions and Statistical Entropy of Soil Properties under Anthropogenic Formation. Irina V. Mikheeva*, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences 159b Short-term Soil Formation in an Abandoned Sand Borrow Pit, Georgia, USA. Eric C. Brevik*, Valdosta State University 160a Anthropogenic calcified paddy soils in subtropical China. Zi-Tong Gong* and Gan-Lin Zhang, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 160b Anthropogenic Soil Changes of Different Time Scales : A Pedological Approach. Gan-Lin Zhang* and Zi-Tong Gong, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 161a Holocene Soil and Landscape Dynamics Reconstructed by Sediment Analysis in the French Alps. Brice Mourier*1, Jérome Poulenard1, Aurélie Genries2, Christopher Carcaillet2, Pierre Faivre1 and David Williamson3, (1)University of Savoie (CARRTEL Laboratory), (2)Centre de Bio-Archéologie et d’Ecologie, (3)Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de l’Environnement 161b Modeling of Sea-Level Rise and Deforestation in Submerging Coastal Ultisols. Ahmed Hussein*, Private Soil/Wetland Consultant SESSION NO. 79 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils—Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Oral Convenor: Joseph Pignatello, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Presiding: Martin H. Gerzabek, Institute for Soil Research, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 79-1 79-2 79-3 3:30 PM Understanding the chemistry of crystalline polymethylenic carbon in soils as sinks for hydrophobic contaminants.. Patrick G. Hatcher* and Ashish Deshmukh, The Ohio State University 4:00 PM Sorption Equilibrium of 190 Organic Vapors in Soil Organic Matter as a Function of Temperature and Humidity: Experiments and Modelling. Christian Niederer*, Kai-Uwe Goss and René P. Schwarzenbach, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH 4:20 PM Fate of prions in soil : Insight to the interaction of prion proteins with soil surfaces and consequences for their dissemination in the environment. H. Quiquampoix*1, S. Noinville2, P. Rigou3, E.N. Vasina 4 , M. Revault 2 , J. Abadie 1 , C. Le Guernevé1, Y. Quenet3, H. Rezaei3, P. Déjardin4, S. Staunton1 and J. Grosclaude3, (1)INRA-ENSAM, (2)CNRS-Université Paris 6, (3)INRA, (4)CNRSENSCM-Université Montpellier 2 79-4 79-5 4:40 PM Revising the paradigm for cation exchange selectivity of smectites. Brian J. Teppen*1, Vaneet Aggarwal1 and David M. Miller2, (1)Michigan State University, (2)University of Arkansas 5:00 PM Desorption of Heavy Metals from Kaolinite. Prashant Srivastava*1, Balwant Singh2 and Markus Gräfe2, (1)Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, The University of Sydney, Australia, (2)The University of Sydney 81-4 81-5 SESSION NO. 80 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 2.3P New Strategies for Management of Plant Pathogenic Soil Microorganisms–Natural Soil Suppression or Genetically Modified Plants—Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenors: K. Inubushi, Chiba University; Brian McSpadden Gardner, The Ohio State University-OARDC Presiding: Stephen Neate, North Dakota State University 80-1 80-2 80-3 80-4 858a Biological Amendments and Crop Rotations for Managing Soil Microbial Communities and Soilborne Diseases of Potato. Robert P. Larkin*, USDA-ARS, New England Plant, Soil, and Water Lab 859a Frontiers of Plant Pathogenic Soil Microbiology in Japan—Toward Biological Control of Soilborne Diseases -. Mitsuro Hyakumachi1, Mayumi Kubota1 and Kazuyuki Inubushi*2, (1)Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University, (2)Chiba University 860a Rhizoctonia Control through Management of Disease Suppressive Activity in Soils. David K. Roget, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems and Gupta V.S.R. Vadakattu*, CSIRO Entomology 860b Identifying Microorganisms Involved in Suppressing the Plant-Parasitic Nematode Heterodera schachtii: Finding the Needles in the Haystack. James Borneman*, Ole Becker, Rabiu Olatinwo and Bei Yin, University of California Panaullah*1, T. Alam1, J.M. Duxbury2, R.H. Loeppert 3 , C. A. Meisner 4 , J.G. Lauren 2 and S.R. Waddington1, (1)CIMMYT Office in Bangladesh, (2)Cornell University, (3)Texas A & M University, (4)IFDC 4:40 PM Can Broccoli Tolerate Higher Concentrations of Boron under Saline Conditions?. Stephen Grattan*1, Catherine Grieve2, Timothy E. Smith1, Andre Lauchli 1, James A. Poss 2 and Donald Suarez 2, (1)University of California, Davis, (2)US Salinity Laboratory 5:00 PM Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Potato Production in Sandy Soil Using Surfactant. Birl Lowery*, Phillip E. Speth and Keith A. Kelling, Department of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION NO. 82 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 4.1B Role of Organic Matter for Soil Properties and Consequences for Environmental Functions—Oral Convenors: Stephen Nortcliff, Univ. of Reading–Soil Science Dep; Charles Rice, Dept. of Agronomy, KSU Presiding: Claire Chenu, INAPG, UMR Bioemco 82-1 82-2 82-3 82-4 82-5 SESSION NO. 81 3:30 PM Selecting and Using SOM Fractions to Assess Soil Function. Michelle Wander*, University of Illinois 4:00 PM Depth Distribution of Soil Organic Matter and its Consequences on Soil Properties and Crop Productivity. Alan Franzluebbers*, USDA-ARS 4:20 PM Influence of Organic Matter on the Estimation of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity. Attila Nemes*, University of California Riverside, Walter J. Rawls, USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory and Yakov A. Pachepsky, USDA/ARS/ BA/ANRI/ESML 4:40 PM Land-use change and soil fertility: a New Zealand perspective. Leo M. Condron*, Lincoln University 5:00 PM Managing soil macrofauna for better soil structure and enhanced water and nutrient use efficiencies in agro-ecosystems. Lijbert Brussaard*, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Dept. Soil Quality, Mirjam Pulleman, CIMMYT, Abdoulaye Mando, IFDC, Elisée Ouédraogo, Albert Schweitzer Centre for Ecology (CEAS) and Johan W. Six, Department of Plant Sciences Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 3.2C Water Use Challenges for the Future—Oral Convenor: Gerd Wessolek, Institu fur Okologie Presiding: Donald Suarez, US Salinity Lab., USDA-ARS 81-1 81-2 81-3 3:30 PM Utilization of Brackish Saline Water in North Africa. Gilani Mhimed Abdelgawad*, ACSAD 4:00 PM Agricultural Uses of Sewage Sludge and Water and their Impact on Soil Water and Environmental Health in Haryana, India. S. K. Dubey*1, R.K. Yadav 2, P.K. Joshi 3, R.K. Chaturvedi 3, Barkha Goyel3, Rashmi Yadav3 and P.S. Minhas3, (1)Water Technology Centre, (2)National Buerou of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, (3)Central Soil Salinity Research Institute 4:20 PM Arsenic in Soil and Its Effect on the Growth of Rice at a High-Arsenic Site in Bangladesh. G.M. SESSION NO. 83 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics —Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenors: Hariharan Eswaran, USDA-NRCS; Rattan Lal, School of Nat. Res., OH State Univ. Presiding: Bal Singh, Dep.- Plant and Environmental Sci. 83-1 3103a Spectral Classification of Soil Degradation in Tropical Watersheds: Case Study in Kenya and Rwanda. Athanase Mukuralinda1, Thine Omuto2, 75 THURSDAY SESSION NO. 83 SESSION NO. 83 83-2 3103b 83-3 3104a 83-4 3104b 83-5 3105a 83-6 3106a 83-7 3106b 83-8 3107a 83-9 3107b 83-10 3205a 83-11 3205b 83-12 3206a 83-13 3206b 83-14 3207a 83-15 3207b Louis Verchout*3 and keith shepherd3, (1)ISAR, (2)University of Nairobi, (3)World Agroforestry Center The Application of Pulp Industry Sludge to Two Degraded Soils of the IX Region and Its Impact to Some Physical Properties of the Soil. Felipe O. Gallardo*, Universidad de La Frontera Influence of Nutrient Rich Organic Wastes Application to Degraded Land on Soil Properties and Establishment of Forest Tree Species. Reddy, G.V. Prabhakara*, Srinivasamurty, C.A., Nagaraja, M.S. and Vasanthi B.G., Dept. of Soil Science Manure: Healer of the Land. Jessica G. Davis*, Colorado State University Propagation of Steppes and Desertification as Recorded in Soils of the Forest-Steppe Zone of Mongolia. Irina A. Yamnova*, Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and Petr D. Gunin, A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Modern Shoreline Changes along the Nile Delta Coast as an Impact of Construction of the Aswan High Dam. Magdy M. Torab*, Alexandria University, and Mohamed Azab, University of Zagazig Ecology, Culture, and Nature’s Distressed Equilibrium—Desertification in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States of the Arabian Peninsula. Andrea Spiess*, University of Hamburg Soil Desertification in the Ily River Delta. Vladimir M. Starodubtsev*, National Agricultural University Changes in Soil Surface Properties Under Acidification and Alkalization. Grzegorz Jozefaciuk*, Institute of Agrophysics Does Land Use or Climate Dominate Landscape Transformation? A Re-Examination of Historic Landscape Development in the Decapolis Region (Northern Jordan). Bernhard Lucke*1, Michael Schmidt1, Rupert Baeumler2 and Ziad Al-Saad3, (1)Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, (2)Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg, (3)Yarmouk University Permanent Vegetation Establishment on a Former Slag Disposal Pile in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. David Cremeens*1, Jeffery A. Parobek1, Charles Miller2 and Sally Flinn3, (1)GAI Consultants, Inc., (2)Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, (3)Summerset Land Development Associates Effect of Paper Mill Effluent’S Irrigation on Soil and Plants Health – a Case Study. Ram Phal Narwal*, Anoop Singh and S.S. Dahiya, Department of Soil Science Environmental and Soil Degradation in Farsala Catchment Area. Telemachus Lelentjis* Sr., NAGREF–Institute for Soil Classification and Mapping and Christos GianakopoulosI Sr., National Observatory of Athens–IERSD Effect of Dust from Magnesite Calcination on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties. Wang Qiubing*, Wang Jingkuan, Zhang Xinyu, Li Jun, Chen Xinzhi and Zhang Yulong, Land and Environment College,Shenyang Agricultural University Effects of Road Construction on Soil Degradation in Mountainous Area, West of China. Xu Pei*, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu Friday, 14 July 2006 SESSION NO. 84 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 1.0WB Wetlands: Science and Management—Oral Convenor: Michael Vepraskas, Dept. of Soil Science, PO Box 7619 Presiding: K. Ramesh Reddy, Univ. of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept. 84-1 8:00 AM Interactions of Soils and Hydrology in Wetland Management. Richard Lowrance*1, George Vellidis2 and Randy Williams1, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)University of Georgia 84-2 8:35 AM Understanding Soil Processes: The Next Frontier of Wetland Restoration. Curtis Richardson1, Ariana Sutton-Grier*1 and Greg Bruland2, (1)Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, (2)University of Florida Soil Science Department 84-3 9:10 AM Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles in Wetlands. K. Ramesh Reddy* and Patrick W Inglett, Univ. of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept. SESSION NO. 85 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 1.3A New Frontiers in Soil Genesis—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenor: Janis Boettinger, Utah State University Presiding: Ahmet Mermut, Department of Soil Science 85-1 85-2 85-3 85-4 85-5 85-6 76 353a Digital Soil Mapping: Successes, Challenges, and Future Perspectives: The SoLIM Experience. A.Xing Zhu*, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systems,Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, James E. Burt, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jon Hempel, USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Development Center and Kenneth Lubich, NRCS 353b Modelling Soil Profile Evolution Considering Physical and Chemical Weathering, and Incorporating Bioturbation Processes. Budiman Minasny* 1, Sebastien Salvador-Blanes 2 and Alex McBratney1, (1)The University of Sydney, (2)Laboratoire GeEAC 354a Modeling of Past and Now a Say Pedogenesis: Distinction between Long and Short Time Scale. Anatja Samouëlian*, Sophie Cornu and Guy Richard, Unité de recherche en science du sol, INRA Orléans 354b Drainage Ditch Phosphorus: Vertical, Lateral, and Temporal Dynamics. Robert Vaughan*1, David Ruppert2, Brian Needelman1, Peter Kleinman3, Martin Rabenhorst1 and Arthur L. Allen4, (1)University of Maryland, (2)Univeristy of Maryland, College Park, (3)USDA Agricultural Research Service, (4)University of Maryland Eastern Shore 355a DTM as a Tool for Correction of Alluvial Soils Delineation on Middle- and Small-Scale Maps. Vit Penizek, Lubos Boruvka and Josef Kozak*, Czech Univerzity of Agriculture in Prague 355b Secondary Mineral Formation in Cool, Dry Andisols of the Eastern Snake River Plain, USA. SESSION NO. 88 356a 85-8 356b 85-9 454a 85-10 454b 85-11 455a 85-12 455b 85-13 456a 85-14 456b 85-15 457a 85-16 457b SESSION NO. 86 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 2.0W Emerging Methods to Examine Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Soils—Oral Convenors: Kathleen Smith, US Geological Survey; James Ranville, Colorado School of Mines Presiding: Ladonna Choate, U.S. Geological Survey 86-1 8:00 AM Predicting Toxicity of Metals in Soil – The Terrestrial Biotic Ligand Model (TBLM). Herbert Allen*1, Sagar Thakali1, Alexander Ponizovsky2, Dominic Di Toro2, Corinne Rooney3, Fangjie Zhao3 and Steve McGrath3, (1)Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (2)University of Delaware, (3)Rothamsted Research 86-2 8:35 AM Heavy Metal Bioavailability Detection in Soils and Sediments by the BIOMET-Biosensor. Ludo Diels* and Karolien Vanbroekhoven, Flemish Institute for Technological Research 86-3 9:10 AM Developing New Strategies and Methods to Investigate the Relationship between Soils and Human Health. Martin A. Schoonen*, Sanford Simon, Corey Cohn and Elizabeth Roemer, Stony Brook University SESSION NO. 87 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 3.0W Sustainable Soils and Life on Land—Oral Convenor: Eldridge Moores, University of California Presiding: P. Patrick Leahy, U.S. Geological Survey 87-1 8:00 AM A Paradigm for Soil Resilience. Jennifer W. Harden*, U.S. Geological Survey 87-2 8:35 AM Sustaining Soils for the Future: The Impacts of Humans and Climate on Soil Erodibility and What to Do about It. Jayne Belnap*, USGS 87-3 9:10 AM Geology, Agriculture and Sustainability. Ward Chesworth*, Department of Land Resource Science SESSION NO. 88 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 4.0W Soils and Human Health—Oral Convenors: Emmanuel Frossard, Inst.-Plt. Sci., ETHZ; Joseph Bunnell, U.S. Geological Survey Presiding: Eiliv Steinnes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 88-1 8:00 AM Science for Health and Well Being. Dov Jaron*, Drexel University 88-2 8:35 AM From Aspergillus to Timbuktu: African Dust, Coral Reefs and Human Health. Virginia H. Garrison*, U.S. Geological Survey 88-3 9:10 AM Soils and Geomedicine. Eiliv Steinnes*, Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 77 FRIDAY 85-7 Karen Castenson*1, Paul McDaniel1 and David Hoover2, (1)University of Idaho, (2)Natural Resources Conservation Service Properties of Red Oxisols on Basalt in Thailand. Saowanuch Tawornpruek*1, Irb Kheoruenromne1, Anchalee Suddhiprakarn2 and Robert J. Gilkes3, (1)Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, (2)Agriculture Faculty, Soil Science Department, Kasetsart University, (3)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The University of Western Australia Characteristics, Pedogenesis and Classification of Podzolic Soils in Tai-Ping Mountain of Taiwan. Sen-Po Wu and Zueng-Sang Chen*, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University Pedogenesis of the Serpentinitic Soils along a Toposequence in Eastern Taiwan. Zeng-Yei Hseu*, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Soil Chronosequences in the Veneto Plain. I. Vinci*1, A. Garlato1, P. Mozzi2 and F. Ragazzi1, (1)ARPAV – Environmental Protection Regional Agency, (2)Univeristy of Padua Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in a Forested Debris-Flow Chronosequence in Southern California. J.K. Turk*, University of California–Riverside and Robert Graham, University of California, Riverside Quantifying the Biogeochemical Function of the Subaqueous Soils in the Environment. Thomas J. Saunders* and Mary Collins, University of Florida Soil Organic Matter Sequestration as a Function of Land Use and Soil Genesis. Michael Kaiser*, Michael Sommer and Ruth Ellerbrock, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg; Institute of Soil Landscape Research Spatial Variation of Chemical Properties as Affected by Soil Erosion on Hillslopes and Terraces of Hilly Areas of Sichuan, China. Shijun Ni1, Jianhui Zhang*2, Xianghao Zhong3 and Shuzhen Liu3, (1)Chengdu University of Technology, (2)Institute of Mountain Hazards & Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (3)Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fluorine and Some Associated Elements in Termite Mounds from the Endemic Fluorosis Region of Talupula, Ananatapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. A. Nagaraju, S V University and A. Swathi*, Sree Vidyaniketan Engg. College (JNT University) Photopedogenesis- New Chapter in Soil Science. BIPIN BIHARI MISHRA*, Soil Survey & Land Use Planning Centre, Heluf Gebrekidan, Alemaya University, Ethiopia and Sheleme Beyene, Debub University SESSION NO. 88 SESSION NO. 89 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 4.1PA Soils and Natural Hazards (Knowledge, Assessment and Mitigation)—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Theater Authors Present 8:00 AM–10:00 AM Convenor: John Menzies, Earth Sciences Presiding: Pascal Boivin, IRD 89-1 89-2 89-3 89-4 89-5 89-6 89-7 89-8 89-9 89-10 89-11 89-12 78 SESSION NO. 90 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 1764a Scaling the Aggregate Breakdown Dynamics under Water-Saturated Conditions to Evaluate Landslide Hazard in NW Alps Pedo-Environments. Ermanno Zanini*, Angelo Caimi, Elisa Oberto and Michele Freppaz, DIVAPRA Chimica Agraria, University of Turin 1764b The Effects of Tree’s Root Density on Shear Strength of Soil by using Large Scale Shear Tests. Reza Shahalipour*, ZPA 1765a Ephemeral Gully Development and Head-Cut Migration Induced by Subsurface Flow. G.V. Wilson*, R.F. Cullum, M.J.M. Romkens and A. Simon, USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory 1765b Heavy Metals Toxicity in Soils and Crops in LowLying Land of Hooghly River Basin in India. S. K. Patra* and S. S. Das, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 1864a Calcaric Regosols Ability of Nitrous Oxide Release and Sink–Model Experiment. Jan Glinski*, Teresa Wodarczyk, Magorzata Brzezinska and Pawe Szarlip, Institute of Agrophysics PAS 1864b Heavy Metal Contamination after Solid Waste Disposal on a Tropical Reclaimed Soil in Engenheiro Caldas (MG), Brazil. Meubles Borges Júnior*1, Virginia H. B. Lima2, Miriam A. Albuquerque 2 and Guilherme K. Donagemma 3 , (1)UNEC, (2)Centro Universitário Caratinga, (3)EMBRAPA 1865a Effects of Imidazolinone Herbicides on Microbial Activities in the Humid Tropical Soils. Olanrewaju S. Bello*1, Ezekiel. A Akinrinde2 and Marian .G Solomon1, (1)Department of Soil Science,University of Calabar., (2)Department of Agronomy,University of Ibadan 1865b Nitrate Leaching and Deep-Soil Distribution in Japanese Andisols following 10-Year Applications of Pig Compost or Synthetic Fertilizer. Morihiro Maeda* and Takeshi Ota, National Agricultural Research Center 1964a Reducing Cadmium Phytoextractability by Coal Bottom Ash. Chang Oh Hong, Pil Joo Kim*, Hong Hee Chang and Chan Yu, Division of applied Life Science, Gyeongsang University 1964b Risk of Zinc and Lead Transfer in a Roadside Soil. Beatrice Bechet*, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees–Centre de Nantes and Khalil Hanna, Laboratoire de chimie physique et microbiologie pour l’environnement 1965a Multi-Field Assessment of Riparian Buffer Effectiveness in Mitigating Soil Phosphorus Losses. C. Ryan Bond*1, Rory Maguire2, John Havlin1 and David A. Crouse1, (1)North Carolina State University, (2)North Carolina State University, Department of Soil Science 1965b Land Use and Degradation in Po-yang Lake Region, China. Hai-sheng Cai* and De-hai Zhu, College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University Convenor: Robert Ahrens, USDA/NRCS,Federal Bldg.,Rm.152 Presiding: Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University 90-1 90-2 90-3 90-4 90-5 90-6 90-7 90-8 90-9 90-10 90-11 3110a Critical Evaluation of Diagnostic Criteria for Gleyic Properties in the World Reference Base. Cornelius W. Van Huyssteen*, University of the Free State 3111a Rendzinas: a Soil Group with Primitive Original Attributes?. Jorge E. Gama Castro*, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 3111b Formation, Properties and Distribution of Singular Deep-Ploughed Soils of Central Europe and Recommendations for WRB. Luise Giani*, Institute of Biology and Environmental Science and Hans-Peter Blume, University of Kiel 3112a Global Distribution of World Reference Base Soils in Relation to Key Soil Forming Factors. Jonathan M. Gray*, NSW Department of Natural Resources, Geoff S. Humphreys, Department of Physical Geography and Jozef Deckers, Catholic University of Leuven 3112b Classification of Podzols in 1998 and 2006 Editions of World Reference Base Soil Classification Systems from the Polish Point of View. Renata Bednarek, Przemyslaw Charzynski* and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Institute of Geography 3210a WRB and Large Scale Soil Inventory – Possibilities and Limitations. Aldis Karklins*, Latvia University of Agriculture 3210b Topsoil Characterization and Classifications: New Developments and Chances for Links to WRB. Gabriele Broll*1, Hans-Joerg Brauckmann1, Mark Overesch1, Claudia Erber2, Gerhard Milbert3, Denis Baize4 and Freddy Nachtergaele5, (1)University of Vechta, (2)SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, (3)Geological Survey of NorthrhineWestphalia, (4)INRA, (5)FAO 3211a Classification of Anthropogenic Soils in WRB. Alan Kosse*, Bureau of Indian Affairs 3211b Grouping and Naming Soils in the South African Classification. Martin V. Fey*, Department of Soil Science, University of Stellenbosch 3212a The Application of Wrb Classification and Correlation System to Regional Soil Mapping: Flexibility and Constraints in the 1:250,000 Italian Soil Map Experience. Rosario Napoli* and Edoardo A.C. Costantini, CRA Experimental Institute for Soil Study and Conservation 3212b The Introduction of the Stagnosol Group in WRB: Classification of Soils with Stagnic Properties in Vestfold County, Norway. Age Nyborg*, Eivind Solbakken, Ragnhild Sperstad and Kjetil Fadnes, Norwegian Inst.-Land Inventory SESSION NO. 93 SESSION NO. 92 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 1.0PA Multiscale Mapping of Soil Properties for Environmental Studies, Agriculture, and DecisionMaking—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology—Oral Convenors: Claudia Oleshko, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); Kevin McInnes, Texas A&M University Presiding: Ana Tarquis, Ciudad Universitaria 92-1 10:15 AM The Micromorphological Record of Daily Life and Exceptional Situations in Archaeological Sequences: Tell Dj’adé (Syria), Song Terus Cave (Java, Indonesia) and Moche (Peru). Marie-Agnes Courty*, CNRS 92-2 10:45 AM Microorganization in Soils: It’s Relevance to Soil Science and Other Disciplines. Joselito M. Arocena*, Univ. N. British Columbia and Selim Kapur, Univ. of Cukurova 92-3 11:05 AM Cs-137 and Salt Mineralogy in the Black Butte Soil Series, Virgin River Floodplain, NV, USA. Janice L. Morton*1, Brenda Buck1 and Douglas Merkler2, (1)University of Nevada, Las Vegas, (2)USDA NCRS 92-4 11:25 AM Micromorphology Used in Search of Understanding Production Technologies of Historical Turkish Ceramics. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut*, Univeristy of Saskatchewan 92-5 11:45 AM Implications of Soils in Archaeological Contexts along the Mediterranean Coast, Israel for Paleoenvironments and Basic Pedology. Alexander Tsatskin*, Zinman Institute of Archaeology University of Haifa 91-1 91-2 91-3 91-4 91-5 91-6 91-7 91-8 91-9 91-10 117a Chemical and Physical Degradation of Natural Soils in Northwestern Europe: Results of LargeScale Regional Studies. Galina Kashulina 1 , Clemens Reimann* 2 , Reijo Salminen 3 , Victor Chekushin4 and Igor Bogatyrev4, (1)Polar Alpine Botanical Garden Institute KSC RAS, (2)Geological Survey of Norway, (3)Geological Survey of Finland, (4)State Company Mineral 117b Georeferenced System of Soil Quality Indicators for the Eastern Plains of Colombia. Yolanda Rubiano*, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT 118a Geostatistical Modeling of Soil Environmental parametries. Nguyen Chi Quang*, National Economic University 118b The Dusty Trail to Digital Soil Survey in California. David W. Howell* and David W. Smith, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 119a Standardized Variograms from Aerial Photographs for Kriging Soil Data. Ruth Kerry*, Department of Geography, Brigham Young University and Margaret A. Oliver, Department of Soil Science, Reading University 119b Copper Distribution in Agricultural Topsoils in the Northeast of Spain. Multivariate Geoestatistical Methods to Identify Spatial Variations. Jose Antonio Rodriguez martin* Sr.1, Jose Manuel Grau Corbi Sr.1 and Manuel Lopez Arias Sr.2, (1)CIFOR INIA, (2)INIA 218a An AHPApproach to Determining the Weights of Environmental Factors in Knowledge-Based Automatic Soil Mapping. Xun Shi*, Geography Department, Dartmouth College 219a A Neural Network Model to Map Spatial Variability of Field Capacity. Marcos Bacis Ceddia*1, Carlos Alberto Alves Varella1, Sidney Vieira2 and Francisco de Assis de Carvalho Pinto3, (1)UFRRJ, (2)Instituto Agronômico, (3)UFV 219b Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Water Flow Using 2d Electrical Resistivity Tomography in a Cultivated Soil : A Decimeter Scale Study. Didier Michot*, UMR «Sol, Agronomie, Spatialisation», Agrocampus–INRA 318b Assessment of Soil and Water Resources in the South Nile Valley, Egypt, Using Multi Sensors and Multi-Date Space Imageries. Abd-Alaa Gad Abda-Alla Gad*, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) and Rafa Ramadan Ali, Soils and Water Use Department,National Research Centre,Cairo,Egypt. Convenor: Alexander Tstskin, University of Haifa Presiding: Selim Kapur, University of Cukurova SESSION NO. 93 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor 2.0W Emerging Methods to Examine Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Soils—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenors: James Ranville, Colorado School of Mines; Kathleen Smith, US Geological Survey Presiding: Ladonna Choate, U.S. Geological Survey 93-1 93-2 93-3 93-4 562a Accumulation of Metals at the Soil-Root Interface: A Thermal Study. Tanja Mimmo*, Claudio Marzadori, Daniela Montecchio and Carlo Gessa, Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna 563a Measurement of Indigenous Levels of Cation Activities in Soil Solutions by Donnan Membrane Equilibrium and Atomic Absorption Analysis. Philip Helmke*1, Jordan Lampert1, Abdul Kadir Salam2 and Yan Li1, (1)University of Wisconsin, (2)University of Lampung 563b Fourier Transform Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Ca-Pectates. Tanja Mimmo*1, Santiago Sanchez-Cortes2, Claudio Marzadori1 and Carlo Gessa1, (1)Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, (2)Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC 564a Sulfate Adsorption at the Fe-(hydr)oxide-H2O Interface: Comparing Results from Hybrid MO/DFT Cluster and Periodic ab initio DFT Cal- 79 FRIDAY SESSION NO. 91 SESSION NO. 93 93-5 564b 93-6 662b 93-7 663a 93-8 663b 93-9 762a 93-10 93-11 93-12 762b 763a 763b culations. Kristian W. Paul*1, James D. Kubicki2 and Donald Sparks1, (1)University of Delaware, (2)The Pennsylvania State University Bioassimilation of Nickel and Zinc in Wheat as Affected by Organic Matter. Muhammad A. Aziz*, A. Ghafoor, H.R. Ahmad and S.I Hussain, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences Traditional Gold Mining in Apolobamba (Bolivia): Soil Pollution and Risk Assessment. Mª Ángeles Muñoz García1, Ángel Faz Cano*1, José Alberto Acosta1, Silvia Martínez Martínez1, R. Millán2 and R. Vera2, (1)Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, (2)Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas Fractionation of Ni and U in Sediment Porewaters. Brian P. Jackson*, Dartmouth College, James F. Ranville, Colorado School of Mines and Paul Bertsch, University of Georgia The Use of Non-Invasive Time-Domain Induced Polarization for Diagnosis of Soil Metal Contamination. Rebekah T. Brosky-Dorsey*, Jim Cull and Antonio Patti, Monash University Study of the Speciation and Distribution of Arsenic in a Particularly Polluted Soil in Villa de la Paz, San Luís Potosí, México. M. Elena García*, Norma Gascón O., Luisa Ma. Flores-Velez and Sonia Soriano, Universidad Autónoma de San Luís Potosí A Novel Method for the Determination of Cation Exchange Capacity in Neutral and Acid Soils. Arturo Aguirre-Gómez*, Frida Ma. León-Rodríguez, Armando Aguilar-Márquez and Roberto G. GarcíaFragoso, Facultad de Estudios Superiores CuautitlánUNAM Evaluating the Effects of Water Chemistry Variation on an Enzyme Bioassay, MetPlate, Used to Screen for Metals Contamination in Mining Impacted Soils and Waters. Eric Blumenstein*1, James F. Ranville1, Ladonna Choate2, Philippe Ross1 and Thomas Wildeman1, (1)Colorado School of Mines, (2)U.S. Geological Survey Distribution of Pb Isotopes in Different Soil Phases Using Tessier et al.’s Sequential Extraction Scheme. Eric T. Tangumonkem* and William Manton, Geosciences Department University of Texas at Dallas Varisa Haungyutitham, Shi-Fang Hsu and Tyrrell Nelson, Cornell University 94-4 11:25 AM Characterization of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1Carboxylate Deaminase Containing Methylobacterium spp. Isolated from Rhizosphere Soils of Field-Grown Rice and Regulation of Ethylene Levels in Canola. Munusamy Madhaiyan1, Selvaraj Poonguzhali1, Jeounghyun Ryu1, Woojong Yim1, Myoungsu Park2 and Tongmin Sa*1, (1)Chungbuk National University, (2)Semyung University 94-5 11:45 AM Comparative Microbial Diversity in Agroecosystems and Forested Ecosystems of the Southeastern USA. David Coleman*1, William Whitman1, Rima Upchurch1, Greg Dyszynski1, Karen Everett1 and Chih-Yu Chiu2, (1)Uninversity of GA-Institute of Ecology, (2)Research Center for Biodiversity SESSION NO. 95 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural & Environmental Policy—Theater Authors Present 10:15 AM–12:15 PM Convenors: Douglas Karlen, USDA-ARS,Natl. Soil Tilth Lab.; Paul L. Vlek, Center of Develp. Res. (ZEF) Presiding: Mateugue Diack, Université Gaston Berger 95-1 95-2 95-3 95-4 SESSION NO. 94 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 2.3B Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology in Soils—Oral 95-5 Convenor: Vadakattu Gupta, CSIRO–Land and Water Presiding: James M. Tiedje, Center for Microbial Ecology 94-1 10:15 AM Development and Application of Functional Gene Arrays for Understanding Spatial Variation in Soil Microbial Communities. Jizhong Zhou*, Institute For Environmental Genomics and Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma 94-2 10:45 AM Elucidation of Soil Microbial Community Ecology Using Molecular Approaches. Cindy Nakatsu*, Purdue University 94-3 11:05 AM Stable Isotope Probing with 15N2 as a Tool to Uncover the Functional Significance of Non-Cultivated Diazotrophs in Soil. Daniel H. Buckley*, 80 95-6 1444a Soil Science in Tropical and Temperate Regions— Differences and Similarities. Alfred Hartemink*, ISRIC–World Soil Information 1444b Modeling Relative Soil Productivity Using Soil Survey Data. Robert R. Dobos* and H. Raymond Sinclair, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service 1445b Soil Quality Assessment of Rice Production Systems in South of Brazil. A.C. Rodrigues de Lima*1, W.B. Hoogmoed1 and Lijbert Brussaard2, (1)Wageningen University, (2)Wageningen University and Research Centre, Dept. Soil Quality 1446b Assessing Biological Soil Quality for a Few Longterm Experiments in Sub-tropical India. Biswapati Mandal*1, S.K. Ghoshal1, G.C. Hazra1, Debashis Majumdar1, J. Chowdhury2, H. Ghosh2, R.N. Samantaray3 and A.K. Mishra3, (1)Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, (2)Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, (3)Central Rice Research Institute 1447a Impact of Land Use on an Organic Soil of the Everglades Agricultural Area. Ming Chen* 1, Samira Daroub2, Jose L. Pantoja3, Orlando Diaz1, Timothy A. Lang1 and Viviana Nadal1, (1)Everglades Res. & Educ. Center, University of Florida, (2)Soil and Water Science Departemnt and Everglades Research and Education Center, University of Florida, (3)Zamorano University, Agricultural Sci. and Production Dept. 1447b Optimal Organic Matter Management for the Multi-Stakeholders in the Sahel of West Africa. Hitoshi Shinjo*1, Keiichi Hayashi2, Kenta Ikazaki1, Soh Sugihara1, Ueru Tanaka3 and Takashi Kosaki3, (1)Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, (2)Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, (3)Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University SESSION NO. 98 95-8 95-9 95-10 95-11 95-12 1448a Soil Quality in Organic and Conventional Citrus Orchards: Results of a Survey Carried out in Eastern Sicily (Italy). Stefano Canali*1, Alessandra Trinchera1, Emanuela Di Bartolomeo1, Luigi Nisini1, Francesco Intrigliolo2, Giancarlo Roccuzzo2, Maria Luisa Calabretta2 and Biagio Francesco Torrisi2, (1)Consiglio per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura (CRA)–Istituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante (ISNP), (2)Consiglio per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura (CRA)–Istituto Sperimentale per l’Agrumicoltura (ISAG) 1448b Farmers’Assessment of Soil Quality in Rice Production Systems in South of Brazil. A.C. Rodrigues de Lima*1, W.B. Hoogmoed1 and Lijbert Brussaard2, (1)Wageningen University, (2)Wageningen University and Research Centre, Dept. Soil Quality 1546a Evaluation of Urban Soil Quality for Sustainable Urban Planning. Borut Vrscaj*1, Laura Poggio2 and Franco Ajmone Marsan2, (1)Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, (2)Università di Torino, Di.Va.P.R.A – Chimica Agraria 1547a Comprehensive Farm-Level Nutrient Management Planning Software. Robert Hill*, Patricia Steinhilber and Eugene Mironenko, University of Maryland 1548a Air and Soil Pollution Reduction through Conservation Agriculture in Indo Gangetic Plains. S.S. Singh*1, Anisur Rahman Khan2, Raj K. Gupta1 and Alok Kumar Sikka3, (1)RWC-CIMMYT, India, (2)ICAR Research Complex For Eastern Region, (3)ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region 1548b Towards Terrestrial Ecotoxicological Test Methods for the Tropics. Christopher Martius*, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Marcos V.B. Garcia, EMBRAPA Amazônia Ocidental and Joerg Roembke, ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH SESSION NO. 96 Convention Center, Room 111AB, First Floor 96-5 11:45 AM Reclamation of Salt Affected Soils by Growing Salt Tolerant Plants and Using Nuclear Techniques Management. Seyed Jalal Rastegari* and Mojgan Farhangisabet, Nuclear Reaserch Center for Agriculture and Medicine SESSION NO. 97 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 3.5C Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation III. Agro- and Forest Ecosystems: Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes—Oral Convenor: Youngguan Zhu, Chinese Academy of Sciences Presiding: Ravendra Naidu, Univ. of South Australia 97-1 10:15 AM Mitigating Environmental Impacts and Improving the Sustainability of Grazed Pasture Systems by the Use of a Nitrification Inhibitor. Hong J. Di* and Keith C. Cameron, Agriculture and Life Sciences Division 97-2 10:45 AM Manipulating Bioavailability to Manage Remediation of Metal Contaminated Soils. Nanthi Bolan*, Soil and Earth Sciences 97-3 11:05 AM Comparisons of Efficiency of Bioremediation Methods in Diesel Contaminated Soil. Sung-Hwan Kim1, Sanghwan Lee2, Dae-Yeon Kim*1 and JeongGyu Kim1, (1)Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University, (2)Korea agricultural & rural infrastructure corp. Environmental response team, office of environmental geology 97-4 11:25 AM Using Lime-Assisted Tidal Exchange to Remediate 700 ha of Extremely Acidified Acid Sulfate Soil in Tropical Australia. Col R. Ahern*, Doug Smith, Angus E. McElnea, Simon van Heel and Michelle A. Martens, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines 97-5 11:45 AM Impact of Effluent Contaminated Sewage on Underground Water, Soil, Crop Plants and Amelioration of Contaminated Soils. Mukand Singh Brar* and Gurmeet Singh, Punjab Agricultural University 3.3C Improved Management of Alkaline Soils for Dryland Agriculture—Oral Convenors: Dwayne Westfall, CO St. Univ.-Dept.Soil & Crop; John Ryan, ICARDA Presiding: John Angus, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1438 96-1 10:15 AM Roots of the Second Green Revolution. Jonathan P. Lynch*, Pennsylvania State University 96-2 10:45 AM Soil Salinity and Associated Nutrient Constraints in Indian Subcontinent. Abdul Rashid*, National Agricultural Research Center 96-3 11:05 AM Crop-Based Management Opportunities for Sodium- and Boron-Affected Soils. Manzoor Qadir*, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Andrew Noble, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sui-Kwong Yau, American Univ. of Beirut–FAFS and Ghulam Murtaza, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture 96-4 11:25 AM How Do Roots Cope with Sodic Hostile Subsoils?. Laurence T.P. Jassogne*1, Rob Davidson2, Ann McNeill2 and David Chittleborough2, (1)University of Western Australia, (2)University of Adelaide SESSION NO. 98 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor SU Soils in Urban Ecosystems: Characteristics and Functioning—Oral Convenors: Joyce Scheyer, USDA-NRCS National Soil Survey Center; Gan-Lin Zhang, Chinese Academy of Soil Science Presiding: Jean-Louis Morel, Ensaia-INRA-INPL 98-1 10:15 AM Classification of Urban and Industrial Soils in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). David G. Rossiter*, International Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC), 98-2 10:45 AM Early Pedogenic Evolution of a Constructed Soil. Geoffroy Séré*1, Christophe Schwartz1, Stéphanie Ouvrard1, Jean-Christophe Renat2 and Jean Louis Morel1, (1)INPL(ENSAIA)/INRA, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement, (2)TVD-Groupe PE 81 FRIDAY 95-7 SESSION NO. 98 98-3 11:05 AM The Influence of Artificial Detrital Structure on Hydraulic Properties of Urban Soils. Steffen Trinks1, Heiner Stoffregen*1, Rudolf Plagge2 and Gerd Wessolek1, (1)Technical University Berlin, (2)Institut für Bauklimatik 98-4 11:25 AM Kappametrical Research of Urban Soils of Moscow. Maria A. Gladysheva*, Alexander Ivanov and Marina Stroganova, Moscow State Lomonosov University/Soil Science Department 98-5 11:45 AM Soils and Vegetation in Cities: Approaches to Mitigating the Urban Heat Island. Cynthia Rosenzweig* and Daniel Hillel, Goddard Institute, Columbia University 99-8 99-9 99-10 tions. Eve-Lyn S. Hinckley*, Scott Fendorf and Pamela A. Matson, Stanford University 452a Chemical Properties of an Oxisol under Longterm No Till and Conventional Till Systems. Maria de Fátima Guimarães* 1 , Cibele Masciolli R. Portella2, Osmar R. Brito1, Christian Feller3, Carmen S. V. J. Neves1 and Jerry Ritchie4, (1)UEL, (2)State University of Londrina, (3)IRD, (4)ARS-BARCHRSL 452b Long-term Organic Farming Impacts on Soil Fertility. Jessica G. Davis*1, Jami Daniel1 and Lewis Grant2, (1)Colorado State University, (2)Grant Family Farms 453a Effect of Tillage, Water and Nutrient Management on Soil Quality Parameters under RiceWheat and Maize-Wheat Cropping Systems. Anil Kumar Singh*, Water Technology Centre SESSION NO. 99 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: Oliver Chadwick, Dept. of Geography Presiding: Peter Schad, Technische Universität München 99-1 99-2 99-3 99-4 99-5 99-6 99-7 82 350a Stable Isotope Geochemistry Used in Recent Pedological Studies: Carbon Cycle in Soils of Boreal Regions. Ahmad Landi*, University of Saskatchewan 351b Quantifying the Rate of Re-Crystallization of Carbonate in a Loess Soil by Artificial 14C Labelling. Konstantin Pustovoytov*, University of Hohenheim, Institute of soil Scienc e and Land Evaluation, Ekaterina Shevtzova, University of Hohenheim/Insitute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation and Yakov Kuzyakov, University of Hohenheim/Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation 352a Occluded C in Phytoliths: a Potential Mechanism for Carbon Sequestration in a Pacific Northwest Mollisol. Hero Gollany*, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, Raymond Allmaras, Retired ARS Scientist and Stephan Albrecht, USDAARS 450a Evolution of Virgin Solonetzic Soil Complexes in the Past 50 Years. Nikolai B. Khitrov*1, Nina M. Novikova 2 and Natalia A. Volkova 2 , (1)V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, (2)Water Problems Institute 450b Effects of Long-term Application of Potassium Chloride Fertilizer on the Accumulation of Chloride in the Soil Profile, Water Relations, Fibre Quality and Yield of Cotton in an Arid Environment. Muhammad Iqbal Makhdum*1, Muhammad Ashraf2, Humayun Pervez3 and Muhammad Islam Gill1, (1)Central Cotton Research Institute Multan, Pakistan, (2)Department of Botony, University of Agriculture, (3)Department of Chemistry, Bahauddin Zakariya University 451a Country-Scale Changes in Salinity/Sodicity/Alkalinity of Hungarian Soils as Shown by the National Soil Monitoring Network. Tibor Tóth*1, Dalma Kovacs1 and Péter Marth2, (1)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (2)Central Service for Plant Protection and Soil Conservation 451b High Sulfur Inputs in Northern California Vineyards: Short-term Fates and Long-term Implica- SESSION NO. 100 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 1.5B Soil Sampling in Space and Time—Oral Convenor: Jan Hendrickx, Dept. of Earth & Env. Sci. Presiding: Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, Wageningen University and Research Centre 100-1 1:15 PM Sampling in Space and Time for Natural Resource Monitoring. Dick J. Brus*, Jaap J. de Gruitjer and Martin Knotters, Wageningen University and Research Centre 100-2 1:45 PM Latin Hypercube Sampling for Assessing the Quality of Legacy Soil Data and Optimizing Soil Sampling. Alex McBratney*1, Florence Carre2 and Budiman Minasny1, (1)The University of Sydney, (2)European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability 100-3 2:05 PM Soil Water Content Sampling in Space and Time: A Comparison of Methods. Steven R. Evett*1, Brice Ruthardt1, Naem Mazahrih2, Nedal Katbehbader 2, Terry Howell 1, Judy Tolk 1 and James Ayars3, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer, (3)USDA-ARS, Water Management Research Laboratory 100-4 2:25 PM Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture Content. sidney r. Vieira* 1 , Célia R. Grego 1 , G.Clarke Topp2 and Walter Zebchuk2, (1)Instituto Agronômico, (2)E. Cereal & Oilseed Res. Centre 100-5 2:45 PM Sampling Design Assessment for Agrosystem Monitoring Based on Virtual Landscape Modeling. Luc Sorel1, Christian Walter*1, Thomas Chauvet1 and Alex McBratney2, (1)INRA Agrocampus Rennes, UMR SAS, (2)The University of Sydney SESSION NO. 101 102-5 Convention Center, Room 111AB, First Floor 2.1B Soil Hydrology, Structure, and Micromorphic Propoerties (Soil Porous System)—Oral Convenor: Fabio Terribile, Università di Napoli Federico II Presiding: Miroslav Kutilek, Soil and Tillage Research 101-1 1:15 PM Methodological Issues in Combining Pores Micromorphometry and Hydraulic Functions in Soils. Angelo Basile*1, Giacomo Mele1, Roberto De Mascellis 1 and Fabio Terribile 2 , (1)CNR ISAFOM, (2)Disspa Univ di Napoli Federico II 101-2 1:45 PM Pore Space Analysis of Soil Aggregates Investigated by Microtomography Using Synchrotron Radiation. Stephan Peth*1, Rainer Horn1, A.J.M Smucker2, Felix Beckmann3, Tilman Donath3 and J. Fischer4, (1)Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel, (2)Department of Crop and Soil Sciences , Michigan State University, (3)GKSS-Research Centre, (4)Hannover Medical School 101-3 2:05 PM Finite Element Analysis of Fluid Transfer in Soil Using CT. Thomas R. Elliot*1, Richard J. Heck1, Dan Reynolds2 and Bahram Gharabaghi1, (1)University of Guelph, (2)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada 101-4 2:25 PM The Characterization of Soil Pore System for Water Movement Prediction. Nadia Vignozzi, Sergio Pellegrini and Marcello Pagliai*, CRA-ISSDS 101-5 2:45 PM Impact of Soil Micromorphology on Stability of Soil Structure and Soil Hydraulic Properties. Radka Kodesová*, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Anna Zigová, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Marcela Rohosková, Czech Univ of Agriculture in Prague, Vit Kodes, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and Miroslav Kutílek, Prague 102-6 102-7 102-8 1153b LH-PCR and T-RFLP Analysis of Soil Bacterial Community Responses to Alternative Land Management Practices for Tomato Production. Tiehang Wu*1, Dan O. Chellemi2, Kendall J. Martin 3 , Jim H. Graham 4 and Erin N. Rosskopf 2 , (1)USHRL, USDA-ARS & CREC, Univ of Florida, (2)USHRL, USDA-ARS, (3)Dept of Biology, (4)CREC, Univ of Florida 1154a Fungal and Methanogen Functional Groups in Boreal Forests and Wetlands in Interior Alaska: Abundance, Diversity, and Process in the Face of Environmental Change. Mark Waldrop*1, Jennifer W. Harden1, Merritt R. Turetsky2 and Neville Millar2, (1)U.S. Geological Survey, (2)Michigan State Univ 1154b Soil Macromolecular Chemistry and Molecular Microbial Ecology. Ji-Zheng He*1, Yong-Guan Zhu1 and Fan Liu2, (1)Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, (2)Huazhong Agricultural Univ 1155b Relations between Biodegradation, Microbial Genetic Potential and Global Structure of Bacterial Communities in a Silty Cultivated Soil: Case of 2,4-D. Laure Vieublé-Gonod*, UMR INRA–INA PG–Environnement & Grandes Cultures, Fabrice Martin laurent, UMR Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols, INRA-Université de Bourgogne and Claire Chenu, UMR Biogeochimie des Milieux Continentaux SESSION NO. 103 Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural & Environmental Policy—Oral SESSION NO. 102 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 2.3B Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology in Soils—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenor: Vadakattu V. Gupta, CSIRO–Land and Water Presiding: James Tiedje, Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences 102-1 102-2 102-4 102-3 1152a A Novel PLFA-13C Method for Tracking C into Microbial Communities during In Situ Decomposition of Forest Litter. J. Moore Kucera, USDAARS and Richard Dick*, Ohio State Univ 955a Microbial Diversity in a Constructed Wetland Treating Acid Coal Mine Drainage. Warren Dick*, The Ohio State Univ-OARDC, Olli Tuovinen, The Ohio State Univ and Duongruitai Nicomrat, National Science and Technology Development Agency 1153a Microbial Community Dynamics under Organic Farming System in Korea Using Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis. Yun-Jeong Lee*1, Jae-Hong Roo1, Sang-Beom Lee1, Hang-Yeon Weon1 and Hyo-Jin Lim2, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (2)Hankyong National Univ 1146a Soil Fauna and Decomposition: A Global Litter Experiment. Diana Wall*, Colorado State Univ Convenors: Paul L. Vlek, Center of Develp. Res. (ZEF); Douglas Karlen, USDA-ARS,Natl. Soil Tilth Lab. Presiding: Mateugue Diack, Université Gaston Berger 103-1 1:15 PM Translating Soil Science into Agricultural and Environmental Policy. Johannes Bouma*, Wageningen University and Research Center 103-2 1:45 PM Evaluating Soil Quality for an EnvironmentFriendly Agriculture in Korea. Won Kyo Jung*, Jung Hui Yoon, Sun Kwan Kim and Han Kang Kwak, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 103-3 2:05 PM The Creeping Disaster of Land Degradation in Africa. Paul L.G. Vlek* and Lulseged T. Desta, Center for Development Research 103-4 2:25 PM Developing Management Strategies to Sustain Soil Fertility in West Africa. Mateugue Diack*, Université Gaston Berger 103-5 2:45 PM Soil Quality Assessment: A Potential Policy Tool to Move beyond T. Douglas L. Karlen*1, Susan S. Andrews2, Ted M. Zobeck3 and Brian J. Wienhold1, (1)USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), (2)USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), ENTSC, (3)USDA-ARS 83 FRIDAY SESSION NO. 103 SESSION NO. 104 SESSION NO. 104 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 3.3P Plant Responses and Adaptation to Ionic Stresses —Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM 104-11 1734a 104-12 1734b 104-13 1735a 104-14 1735b 104-15 1832a 104-16 1833a 104-17 1833b 104-18 1933a Convenors: Leon Kochian, USDA-ARS; Yoko Yamamoto, Okayama University Presiding: Hideaki Matsumoto, Okayama University 104-1 104-2 104-3 104-4 104-5 104-6 104-7 104-8 104-9 104-10 84 1633a Response of Paddy to Identified Soil Fertility Constraints in Coastal Agro Eco System of Karnataka, India. G.S Dasog, P.L. Patil*, Dhanya Mathews, Harikrishna B.L, K.M. Anegundi and Tejaswini N.B, University of Agricultural Sciences 1633b Development and Validation of a Hydroponic Screening Method to Identify Acid Soil Adapted Genotypes of the Tropical Forage Grass Brachiaria. Peter Wenzl, Alba Chaves, Maria Buitrago, Gloria Patino, John Miles and Idupulapati Rao*, CIAT 1634a Identification of Aluminum Resistant Common Bean Genotypes Using a Hydroponic Screening Method. German Manrique, Idupulapati Rao* and Stephen Beebe, CIAT 1634b Analysis of Al Tolerant Inducible Protein in Signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens) Root Using TwoDimensional Gel Electrophoresis and LC/MS/MS System. Yoshikuni Masaoka*1, Shoushi Kumada1, Kae Hayakawa1, Tomohiro Araki2 and Akira Saito3, (1)Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, (2)Kyushu Tokai University, (3)National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region 1635a Ameriorative Effect of Excreted Organic Acids from Plant Roots on Aluminum Toxicity in Acid Soils. Hideaki Matsumoto*1, Hong Shen2, Zheng Ming Yang3, Hiroki Osawa4, Takayuki Sasaki1 and Yoko Yamamoto1, (1)Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, (2)College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, (3)Agricultural Division Council of Jilian University, (4)Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, University of Tokyo 1635b Detection of Salt Tolerance Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Photometer. Sei Joon Park1, Ju Young Lee2, Sang Eun Lee3, Sung Yung Yoo3, Myoung Yong Shim*1, Seung Gil Yun3 and Tae Wan Kim3, (1)Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, Hankyong National University, (2)Division of Plant Nutrition, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA, (3)Department of Plant Resources Science, Hankyong National University 1732a Zinc- Boron Interaction Effects on Yield, Yield Components and Chemical Composition of Wheat. S. M. Hosseini*, Eghlid Agricultural Research Station,Fars Province 1732b Metal Binding Properties of Root Exudates from Maize and Wheat. Deo Pal*, V. Siva Prasad Ganjala and Brajesh Aggarwal, Indian Agricultural Research Institute 1733a General Status of Soil Acidity in South China and Plant Adaptation to Acid Soil. Ren Fang Shen* and Rong Fu Chen, State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1733b Functional Analysis of Adaptation of Plants to Strongly Acidic Soil. Hiroyuki Kashima*1, Hitomi Mase1, Fumie Shinmachi2, Akira Noguchi1, Satohiko Sasaki1 and Isao Hasegawa1, (1)College of Biore- source Sciences, Nihon University, (2)Dept. of Agriculture, Junior College, Nihon University Functional Analysis of Thiol Compounds Involved in Sulfur Metabolism During CadmiumIon Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Atsuko Hiruta*1, Mio Watanabe1, Mai Niikura1, Sayuri Kurasako1, Hiroyuki Kashima 1 , Fumie Shinmachi 2 , Akira Noguchi1 and Isao Hasegawa1, (1)College of Bioresource Sciences,Nihon University, (2)Dept. of Agriculture, Junior College, Nihon University Effect of Liming and N and P Fertilization on the Growth of Soybean in an Acid Soil in Zimbabwe. Justice Nyamangara (Dr)*, Memory Matokwe and Chipo Musharo, University of Zimbabwe, Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering Evaluation of Differences in Tolerance to Aluminium Toxicity among some Tropical Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) Genotypes. E. A. Akinrinde* and K. N Ezeh, Agronomy Department, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Soil Acidity (Al) Impact on Nutrient Use Efficiency and Yield Sustainability of Crops. Virupax Baligar*, USDA-ARS-SPCL-BARC-West and Nand K. Fageria, EMBRAPA National Rice and Bean Center A Role of Salicylic Acid in Aluminum Toxicity Mechanism in Plant Cells. Yoko Yamamoto*1, Sanae Rikiishi1, Tijen Demiral2, Takayuki Sasaki1 and Hideaki Matsumoto1, (1)Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, (2)Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ege University Screening of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Genotypes. Ramasamy Krishnasamy*, D. Jegadeeswari, U. Surendran and Chinnappan Sudhalakshmi, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Screening of Cowpea for Phosphorus Use Efficiency from Rock Phosphate. Sabiou Mahamane*1, W. A. Payne1, Richard H. Loeppert1, J. C. Miller2 and D. W. Reed2, (1)Soil and Crop Sciences, (2)Department of Horticulture Emerging Boron Deficiency in Soils and Crops in India and Its Management. M. V. Singh*, Indian Institute of Soil Science SESSION NO. 105 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 4.2B Biologically Intensive Agriculture: an Approach to Combating Hunger for the Poor—Oral Convenors: John Ryan, ICARDA; Cheryl Palm, Columbia University Presiding: John Doran, USDA-ARS, 116 Keim Hall 105-1 1:15 PM Biologically Intensive Agriculture: Moving towards a Sustainable Future for All. John W. Doran*, University of Nebraska and USDA-ARS cooperator, Cheryl Palm, Tropical Agriculture Program, The Earth Institute at Columbia University, Frederick Kirschenmann, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Ken Cassman, University of Nebraska 105-2 1:45 PM Opportunities and Constraints for Addressing Human Mineral Micronutrient Malnutrition through Soil Management. J.M. Duxbury*1, M. Bodruzzaman2, S.E. Johnson3, J.G. Lauren1, C. A. Meisner4 and R.M. Welch5, (1)Cornell University, (2)Wheat Research Centre, (3)International Rice Research Institute, (4)IFDC, (5)US Plant, Soil & Nutrition Lab. 105-3 2:05 PM Potential of Biologically Intensive Agriculture for Feeding People in Kenya: A Case Study of Manor House Agricultural Centre Activities. Emmanuel Chiwo Omondi* Sr.1, Gatua W. Mbugwa2, John Jeavons3, Baldas Murambakania1, Rhoda Nyambori1, Margaret Wamalwa1, Elijah Mulegwa1, Sandra Mardigian4 and John Okomba1, (1)Manor House Agricultural Center, (2)University of Wyoming, (3)Ecology Action, (4)Kilili Self Help Project 105-4 2:25 PM Productivity, Promotion, and the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): A Case for Caution in the Process of Agricultural Innovation. Andrew J. McDonald*, Peter Hobbs and Susan Riha, Cornell University 105-5 2:45 PM “CIESA Project, a Biointensive Model for Food Security in Argentina”. Juan Fernando Pia*, CIESA (Research and Teaching Centre of Sustainable Agriculture), Mark Jordan, CIESA and Conrado Tognetti, CEDHA & ARS SESSION NO. 106 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change—Theater Authors Present 1:15 PM–3:15 PM Convenors: James Bockheim, University of Wisconsin; John Kimble, USDA-NRCS-NCSS; Chien-lu Ping, University of Alaska Fairbanks Presiding: Sergey Goryachkin, Russian Academy Science 106-1 106-2 106-3 106-4 106-5 2913b Soil Organic Carbon in the Northern Circumpolar Permafrost Regions. Charles Tarnocai*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2914a Cryosols of the Lena Delta: An Example for the Necessity of International Correlation between the Existing Classifications. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer*, University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science and Lars Kutzbach, University of Greifswald 2914b Below-Ground Carbon Pools and Permafrost Instability in the East-European Russian Arctic. Galina Mazhitova*, Komi Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Peter Kuhry, University of Stockholm, Naum G. Oberman, MIREKO Company and Vladimir Romanovsky, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks 2915a Weathering, Landform and Cryogenic Features of Volcanic-Rock Landscape of Keller Peninsula, Admiralty Bay, Antartica. Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer*, Marcio R. Francelino, Felipe N. B. Simas, Manoel R. Albuquerque and Liovando M. Costa, Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa 2915b Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics and Microbial Community Structure During Climate Change Scenarios in Arctic Soils. Maren Oelbermann*1, Michael English2 and Sherry L. Schiff1, (1)University of Waterloo, (2)Wilfrid Laurier University 106-6 106-7 106-8 106-9 2916b Global Warming Impact on Carbon Cycle of the Permafrost-Affected Ecosystems in Russia. Vladimir Stolbovoy*, European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability 3013a Community Size, Structure and Temperature Adaption of Methane Oxidizing Bacteria in Tundra Soils. Uta Zimmermann* 1 , Christian Knoblauch1, Martin Blumenberg2 and Eva-Maria Pfeiffer1, (1)University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science, (2)University of Hamburg, Institute of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry 3013b Soil Formation in Frost-boil Environments. Yuri Shur*1, Chien-Lu Ping1 and M. Torre Jorgenson2, (1)University of Alaska Fairbanks, (2)Alaska Biological Research Inc 3014b Clay Fraction Mineralogy of Cryosols from Maritime Antarctica. Felipe N.B. Simas*1, Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer1, Vander Freitas de Melo2, Marcelo B. Guerra3, MArtin Saunders4 and Robert Gilkes4, (1)Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa, (2)Universidade Federtal do Parana, (3)Universidadde Federal de Viçosa, (4)University of Western Australia SESSION NO. 107 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 2, Second Floor 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Theater II Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenor: Johannes Bouma, retired Presiding: Hangsheng Lin, Penn State Univ. 107-1 107-2 107-3 107-4 107-5 107-6 340a Correlation of Redoximorphic Features to Hydrology. David L. Lindbo*1, Erik D. Severson2, Gerren Lanier1 and Michael Vepraskas1, (1)Soil Science Dept, North Carolina State Univ, (2)USDANRCS 340b Hydropedology Applied to Imperfectly Drained Landscapes in Closed Basins. Jim Richardson* and David Hammer, NRCS-USDA 341a Soil-Hydrology Interpretations Developed from Soil Surveys Based on Soil Morphology. Doug Wysocki*, Jim Richardson, David Hammer and Steve Peasley, NRCS-USDA 341b Concepts of Pedology, Geomorphology and Hydrology for Flat Landscapes. Philip J. Schoeneberger* 1 , Jim Richardson 2 , Douglas Wysocki3 and Wesley L. Miller1, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)NRCS-USDA, (3)Natural Resource Conservation Service 342a Hydropedological Map of the Republic of Croatia. Zeljko Vidacek*1, Matko Bogunovic2, Stjepan Husnjak3, Mario Sraka3 and Aleksandra Bensa3, (1)Soil Science Dept of Agricultural Faculty Univ of Zagreb, (2)Soil Science Dept Agricultural Faculty Univ of Zagreb, (3)Soil Science Dept of Agricultural Faculty Univ of Zagreb 343b Capturing Heritage Soil Survey Data for Pedometric Analysis and Modelling: the S-map Approach. Allan E. Hewitt*, Linda Lilburne, Ian H. Lynn and Trevor H. Webb, Landcare Research 85 FRIDAY SESSION NO. 107 SESSION NO. 107 107-7 107-8 107-9 107-10 107-11 107-12 107-13 107-14 439a Soil Classification Based on Water and Chemical Transport. Virgil L. Quisenberry*, Clemson Univ and Sylvia Koszinski, ZALF 439b Deriving Soils Information from Foundation Data and Knowledge. Daniel M. Brough*1, Mike J. Grundy 1 , Neil J. McKenzie 2 and David W. Jacquier2, (1)Natural Resources & Mines Queensland, (2)CSIRO Land and Water 440a Impact of Soil Structure on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in the Piedmont of Georgia, USA. L.T. West*, Maria E. Abreu, David E. Radcliffe and Miguel L. Cabrera, University of Georgia 440b Hydropedology in Action: Soil Changes After 40 Years of Wastewater Irrigation. Charles Walker* and Hangsheng Lin, The Pennsylvania State University 441a Modeling Soil Hydraulic Properties as a Function of Morphological Features and Land use. Xiaobo Zhou*1, Henry Lin1, ED White2, John Chibirka2 and Yuri K. Plowden3, (1)Penn State Univ, (2)USDANRCS, (3)Natural Resources Conservation Service 442a Reduction of Iron Oxides in Wetland Soils. Martin C. Rabenhorst*1, Rebecca R. Blank2 and Bruce R. James2, (1)Univ of Maryland, (2)Univ of Maryland 443a A Morphological Approach to Understanding Preferential Flow Using X-ray Computed Tomography and Image Analysis. Sacha J. Mooney* and Catherine Morris, Univ of Nottingham 443b Hydropedology, Geomorphology and Groundwater Processes Hold the Keys to Land Degradation—Case Studies in SW Victoria, Australia. Richard MacEwan*1, Peter G. Dahlhaus2 and Jon Fawcett1, (1)Department of Primary Industries, (2)Univ of Ballarat SESSION NO. 109 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 1, Second Floor 1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols —Theater Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM Convenor: Alexander Makeev, Science Park of Moscow University Presiding: Edoardo Costantini, ISSDS 109-1 109-2 109-3 109-4 109-5 109-6 SESSION NO. 108 Convention Center, Room 109AB, First Floor 109-7 1.4B Indigenous Soil Classification Systems—Oral Presiding: P. V. Krasilnikov, Russian Academy of Sciences 108-1 3:30 PM Indigenous Soil Classification in Mexico. Carlos Alberto Ortiz-Solorio* and Ma del Carmen Gutiérrez-Castorena, Colegio de Postgraduados 108-2 4:00 PM Use of Ethnopedology in Soil Surveys. Joseph Tabor*, Univ of Arizona 108-3 4:20 PM Mayan Soil Classification in the Yucatan State, Mexico. Francisco Bautista*1, Alfred Zinck2 and Héctor Estrada Medina1, (1)FMVZ, Univ Autónoma de Yucatán, (2)International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation 108-4 4:40 PM Integrating Indegenous Knowledge and Conventional Soil Science Approacges to Detailed Soil Survey in Kaduna State, Nigeria. B.A. Raji*1, W.B Malgwi2, V.O. Chude3 and F. Berding3, (1)Dept of Soil science, Ahmadu Bello Univ, (2)Ahmadu Bello Univ, (3)FAO Nigerian Office 108-5 5:00 PM Historical and Ethnological Outline of Brazilian Pedology: a Contribution. Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer*, Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa 86 109-8 109-9 109-10 109-11 644a Reticulate Red Clay with Aeolian Origin in Southern China and Its Paleo-environmental Implications. Xue-feng Hu*, Dept of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Univ 644b Soil Non- Monetary Values. Edoardo A.C. Costantini*, CRA-ISSDS 744b Using Data on Humic Acids of Paleosols Under Studying of the Ancient Cultural Landscapes. Maria Dergacheva* Sr., Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RAS 745a Podzol Development with Time on Sandy Beach Deposits in Southern Norway. Daniela Sauer*, Inst of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim, Isabelle Schülli-Maurer, Inst of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim, Ragnhild Sperstad, Norwegian Inst.-Land Inventory, Rolf Sørensen, Agricultural Univ of Norway and Karl Stahr, Inst of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim 745b The Effect of Basin Subsidence and Climate Change on Acid Sulfate Paleosols Within the Cretaceous (Berriasian 137-144 Ma) Purbeck Group, Dorset, England. Dennis Terry* Jr. and Edwin Anderson, Temple Univ 746a The Holocene Tephra-paleosol Sequences of Kamchatka Peninsula. Sergey A. Shoba1, Alexander O. Makeev*2, Irina O. Alyabina2, Maria S. Marechek3, Alexei A. Sakharov3 and Lalita V. Zaharihina4, (1)Moscow State Univ, Soil Science Dept., (2)Moscow State Univ, Soil Inst, (3)Moscow State Univ, Soil Science Faculty, (4)Science-Research Geotechnological Center of the Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences 746b Trace Element Differentiation in Soil Patterns Under Tropical Rainforest, the Role of Climatic Change. Temgoua Emile*, Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Science, Univ of Dschang and Bitom Dieudonné, Earth Science Dept, Faculty of Science, Univ of Yaoundé1 747a Soil Development on a Flight of Marine Terraces in Metaponto, Southern Italy. Stephen Wagner*1, Daniela Sauer1, Christine Stein1, Helmut Brückner2 and Karl Stahr1, (1)Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, University of Hohenheim, (2)Faculty of Geography, Philipps-University Marburg 747b Scale, Paleoclimate, and 13C in Pedogenic Carbonate: From the Rhizosphere to the Biome. H. Curtis Monger*, New Mexico State University, Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture and David R. Cole, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 748a Polygenetic Soils and Environmental Changes in the Northern Subtropical Region of China. Kening WU*, Department of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geoscience 748b “Plinthitic Paleosols” in the Mediterranean Region: Examples from the Coast of Western Liguria (Northern Italy). Luca Trombino*, (1) University of Milano, Earth Sciences Department (2) CNR–IDPA and Ivano Rellini, University of Genova, DipTeRis SESSION NO. 112 SESSION NO. 111 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Theater 3, Second Floor Convention Center, Room 114, First Floor 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils–Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Theater II Authors Present 3:30 PM–5:30 PM 3.1A Land Use Planning: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-offs—Oral Convenor: Joseph Pignatello, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Presiding: Martin Gerzabek, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 110-1 110-2 110-3 110-4 110-5 110-6 110-7 110-8 110-9 845a Soil Minerals – Computer Simulations of Sorption Properties. Daniel Tunega*, Dept for Environmental Research, Georg Haberhauer, Dept of Environmental Research, Hans Lischka, Inst for Theoretical Chemistry, Univ of Vienna and Martin H. Gerzabek, Inst for Soil Research, Univ of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 845b Applicability of Pfeifer-Avnir fractal Method to Study Vapor Sorption of Organic Compounds on Soils. Artem A. Mishchenko*, Vladimir A. Breus, Sergey A. Neckludov and Irina P. Breus, Kazan State Univ 101a The Forces, in Nanoscale, Involved in Adhesion of Soil Particles. Fabio de L. Leite, Institute of Physics of São Carlos, University of São Paulo (USP), Paulo Sergio de P. Herrmann*, Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation and Ervino C. Ziemath, Physics Department, IGCE 846a Microstructural Porosity, Capillary Forces, and Long Term Retention in Soil Particles. Yukiko O. Aochi and Walter Farmer*, Univ. of CA Riverside 846b Sorption-Desorption Behavior of Atrazine in Soils Irrigated with Reclaimed Wastewater. Benny Chefetz*, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem and Yaron Drori, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem 847a Sorption of Triazines and Trichloroethene to Homoionic Smectites. Vaneet Aggarwal*1, Hui Li1, David A. Laird2, Stephen A. Boyd1, Cliff T. Johnston3 and Brian J. Teppen1, (1)Michigan State Univ, (2)USDA-ARS, (3)Purdue Univ 847b Sorption of a Hydrophilic Pesticide: Effects of Soil Water Content and Matric Potential. Tyson E. Ochsner*1, Brandon M. Stephens2, William C. Koskinen 1 and Rai Kookana 3, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)Dep. of Soil, Water, and Climate, Univ. of Minnesota, (3)CSIRO Land and Water 946a Effects of Kerogen Carbons on Extraction, Sorption Equilibrium and Kinetics of PAHs in Soils and Sediments. Yong Ran*, Guangzhou Inst of Geochemistry, Ke Sun, Guangzhou Inst of Geochemistry, Baoshan Xing, Dept of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Univ of Massachusetts and Peter Grathwohl, Center of Applied Geosciences, Univ of Tübingen 946b Ionic Strength-Induced Formation of Smectite Quasicrystals Enhances Nitroaromatic Compound Sorption. Hui Li*1, Brian Teppen1, David Laird 2, Cliff Johnston 3 and Stephen A. Boyd 1, (1)Michigan State Univ, (2)USDA-ARS, (3)Purdue Univ Convenors: Lamourdia Thiombiano, FAO Regional Office for Africa; Alain Ruellan, INRA Presiding: Ricardo Ralisch, Universidade Estadual de Londrina 111-1 3:30 PM Supporting Decision Making at the Regional Scale; An Approach to Put Soil Information in a Stakeholder Context. Marthijn Sonneveld*1, Jetse Stoorvogel2, Alejandra Mora-Vallejo1 and Lieven Claessens1, (1)Wageningen Univ and Research Center, (2)Wageningen Univ and Research Center 111-2 4:00 PM Further Experiences with Conservation Agriculture in Africa. Ademir Calegari, IAPAR and John Ashburner*, FAO Regional Office for Africa 111-3 4:20 PM Using GIS Tools to Identify Valuable Soils, Viable Farms and Vulnerable Areas. Caroline M. Alves*, USDA /NRCS 111-4 4:40 PM Land Agroecological Evaluation for Designing the Agronomy Systems. Valeriy I. Kiryushin*, Russian State Agricultural Univ–MTAA, Soil Science Dept 111-5 5:00 PM Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Participatory Watershed Management in Drylands of India. Jagir Singh Samra*, Indian Council of Agricultural Research SESSION NO. 112 Convention Center, Room 108AB, First Floor 3.5D Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation IV. Salinization, Sodification and Other Forms of Degradation in Agricultural and Native Ecosystems—Oral Convenors: Hong Di, Department of Soil Science; James Oster, Univ. of California-Riverside Presiding: Tibor Toth, MTA 112-1 3:30 PM Uses and Abuses of Soil and Water Resources: An Historical Review. Daniel Hillel*, Goddard Institute, Columbia Univ 112-2 4:00 PM Water and Soil Salinity Management and Sslt Redistribution in Irrigation Systems. Bernard Vincent*1, Serge Marlet2, Alain Vidal1, Sami Bouarfa3, Jingwei Wu4, Jingzong Yang4, Mamadou K. N’Diaye5, Marcel Kuper2 and Daniel Zimmer6, (1)Cemagref, (2)CIRAD, (3)Cemagre, (4)Wuhan Univ, (5)IER, (6)World Water Council 112-3 4:20 PM Effect of Farming Systems on Deep Drainage in High Salinity Hazard Area. Philippa E. Tolmie*1, Andrew JW Biggs2, Jeremy Whish3, D. Mark Silburn1 and Vic French4, (1)Dept of Natural Resources and Mines/APSRU, (2)Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, (3)CSIRO/APSRU, (4)Dept of Primary Industries and Fisheries/APSRU 112-4 4:40 PM Impact of Irrigation Water Quality on Infiltration in a Combined Irrigation-Rain System. Donald L. Suarez*, USDA-ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Scott M. Lesch, Univ of California, Riverside and James Wood, USDA-ARS U. S. Salinity Laboratory 87 FRIDAY SESSION NO. 110 SESSION NO. 112 112-5 5:00 PM Measurement of Fluxes in the Rootzone: Tools and their Uses. Brent Clothier*1, Steve Green1, Marijn Van der Velde2, Glendon W. Gee3, Carlo van den Dijssel 1 , Siva Sivakumaran 1 and Markus Deurer1, (1)HortResearch, (2)Univ of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), (3)Battelle POSTERS Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–6:00 pm SESSION NO. 114 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence—Poster Convenor: Victor Targulian, Inst. of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences SESSION NO. 113 114-1 Convention Center, Room 113AB, First Floor 4.4A Case Histories of the Relationships Among Soils and Societies—Oral Convenor: David Kissel, Soil, Plt & Water Lab., Univ. of GA Presiding: Pam Hazelton, University of Technology 113-1 3:30 PM Soil and Paintings: A Way to Achieve Public Awareness. Fiorenzo C. Ugolini*, Dept Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 113-2 3:55 PM Ancient and Recent Challenges in the Utilization of Soil and Water Resources in Egypt. Salah A. Tahoun*, Soil Science Dept, Univ of El-Zagazig 113-3 4:15 PM From Marl to Rock Powder: On the History of Soil Fertility Management by Rock Materials. Verena Winiwarter*, Institute for Soil Science, Univ of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences and Winfried E.H. Blum, Institute for Soil Science, Univ of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 113-4 4:35 PM Some Theoretical Questions of a History of a Soil Cover and Civilization. Lev O. Karpachevskiy*1, Tatiana A. Zubkova 2 and Yunus N. Ashinov 2 , (1)Moscow State Univ , Faculty of Soil Science, (2)Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Soil Science 113-5 4:55 PM Soil Science Knowledge and General Public: How to Bridge the Gap?. Maria da G. de V. X. Ferreira*, Univ Católica de Pernambuco and Carmem S. M. Masutti, Fundação Univ Federal do Vale do São Francisco 114-2 114-3 114-4 114-5 SESSION NO. 115 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.0PA Multiscale Mapping of Soil Properties for Environmental Studies, Agriculture, and Decision-Making—Poster Convenor: Ana M. Tarquis, Dpto. Matemática Aplicada– E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic University of Madrid 115-1 115-2 115-3 115-4 115-5 115-6 88 109b Estimation of Lead and Cadmium Mobility in the Winter Wheat System. Rimma Turekeldieva* Jr., Taraz State Univ named by H. Dulati 110a Anthropogenically Transformed Grounds in the Conditions of Industrial Dumps Recultivation. Farida E. Kozybaeva*, Inst of Soil Science 110b Stability of Ecological and Biological Properties of Soils to Chemical Pollution. Anna A. Popovich*, Alena V. Evreinova, Diana K. Aznaurjan and Sergei I. Kolesnikov, Rostov State Univ 111a Change of Ecological and Biological Properties of Chernozem Ordinary at Pollution by Technogenic Products of Nonmetallic Nature. Sergei I. Kolesnikov* and Anna A. Popovich, Rostov State Univ 111b The Modification of Humus Content in Moldova Chernozems Under the Process of Explotation in Agriculture. Serafim V. Andriesh* V, Inst for Soil Science 209a Plant Available Water Modified by Landscape. Sally D. Logsdon*, NSTL 209b Potential of Soil and Water Resources for Agricultural Development in Bahariya Oasis. III. Potentiality of water resources. Mohamed Abbas Rasheed* and Khaled Mohamed Darwish, National Research Centre–Soils and Water Use Dept. 210a Effect of Microbial Inhibitors on Nitrous Oxide Flux from Paddy Field. Aditi Srivastava, G.B.Pant Univ of Agriculture and Technology and Venkatesh Bharadwaj*, Dept of Agrometeorology, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant Univ of Agriculture and Technology 210b Predicting Depth to Subsurface Soil Features Using Differential GPS and GIS Techniques. R. L. Livingston*, W. D. Daniels and D.C. McMillen, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service 211a SCORPAN-Based Soil-Landscape Modeling in North-East Florida. Sabine Grunwald*1, Sanjay Lamsal2, G. W. Hurt3, Gregory L. Bruland4 and Nicholas B. Comerford4, (1)Soil & Water Sci. Dept., Univ of Florida, (2)Soil & Water Sci. Dept., Univ of Florida, (3)Univ of Florida, (4)Univ of Florida, IFAS 211b Stochastic Simulations of Spatial Variability in Soil Properties Based on Multifractal Characteristics. Alexandra.N Kravchenko*, Michigan State Univ 115-7 115-8 115-9 115-10 115-11 115-12 115-13 115-14 115-15 115-16 115-17 115-18 115-19 212a Nitrous Oxide Emission from an Irrigated Pasture – Spatial Variability and Method Comparison. Debra A. Turner*, The Univ of Melbourne 212b Pedological Sampling Adds Value to a Study to Evaluate the Status of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, And Potassium in the Agricultural Soils of the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada. Elizabeth A. Kenney*1, Grant Kowalenko1, Orlando W. Schmidt2 and Geoff Hughes-Games2, (1)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, (2)British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands 213a Soil Patterns in Bangladesh. Syed Elahi*, Dhaka Univ, M. S. Hussain, Dhaka University, Hari Eswaran, USDA/NRCS Soil Survey Division and M. M. Hoque, Soil Resources Development Institute 213b Soil Mapping Unit Discrimination by Using Remote Sensing in Varamin Area of Iran. Fereydoon Sarmadian* and Kamran Moravej, Soil Science Dept Faculty of Soil and Water, Univ of Tehran 214a Predicting Soil Moisture in the Field from Amplitude Temperature. Abdul Wahab A. R. Al-kayssi*1, Abdullah Najim Al-Ani 1 and Ali Abas AlKaraghouli2, (1)Ministry of Agriculture, (2)Solar Energy Research Center 214b Total Heavy Metal Spatial Patterns in Calcareous and Saline Soils of Khuzestan Alluvial Plain, Southwest of Iran. Amir H. Charkhabi* Sr., Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute of Iran 215a Geographic Mapping and Analysis Using GIS of Study Areas in Bahariya Oasis, Egypt. Mohamed Abbas Rasheed, Soils & Water Use Dept, National Research Centre (NRC), Khaled Mohamed Darwish*, Soils & Water Use Depy, National Research Centre (NRC), and Reinhard Zölitz-Moeöller, Institut For Geographie und Geologie 215b Field-scale Spatial Relations Between Surface Topography, Electrical Conductivity, and Superficial Aquifer Ion Concentrations. Francis Casey* and Nathan E. Derby, North Dakota State Univ 216a Wavelet Transform Applied to Dye Stained Images from percolation field process. J.A. Piñuela*, Univ Europea de Madrid, D. Andina, E.T.S. Ing. Telecomunicaciones–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid (UPM), Kevin McInnes, Texas A&M Univ. and Ana M. Tarquis, Dept. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid 216b Mechanism of Nickel Accumulation by Ricinus communis Plant Species. Malarkodi Maruthan* and Krishnasamy Ramasamy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 217a Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing for Rapid Assessment of Surface Soil Properties. Dana Sullivan*1, Joey N. Shaw2, Paul Mask2, D. Rickman3, J.C. Luvall3 and JM Wersinger2, (1)USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Research, (2)Auburn Univ, (3)Global Hydrology and Climate Center, NASA 217b Predicting Organic Matter Thickness and Decomposition Status in New Hampshire Peatlands Using Geomorphic and Vegetative Patterns. Donald R. Keirstead*, United States Dept of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service 309a A Comparison of Model-Predicted Evapotranspiration by the SWAT Model With Real and Modeled Meterology. Julie Earls*, Univ of South Florida–St. Petersburg, Geospatial Analytics Lab and Barnali Dixon, Univ of South Florida–St. Petersburg, Dept. of Environmental Science & Policy & Geography 115-20 115-21 115-22 115-23 115-24 115-25 115-26 115-27 115-28 115-29 115-31 115-32 115-33 309b Regional-Scale Spatial Patterns of Soil C, N, and Water Properties from Detailed Soil Surveys Combined with Soil Characterization Data for Sites in Western Oregon, USA. Jeffrey S. Kern*1, Mark Johnson2, Robert B. McKane2 and Jana E. Compton2, (1)Dynamac Corp for US EPA, (2)U.S. EPA-Natl.Health & Envl.Effects 310a Modeling P Dynamics and Crop Responses in Contrasting Soils of the Tropics. Robert J. Delve*, TSBF-CIAT Zimbabwe and Merv Probert, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 310b Scale- and Location-Dependent Correlations of Soil Strength and Wheat Biomass. M.J. Pringle and R. Murray Lark*, Environmetrics Group, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Division, Rothamsted Research 311a Application of Statistical Multivariate Procedures to Study Patterns of Similarity Between Different Soils. A. De Souza1, G. Gasco*2, A. Saa2 and M. Cruz Díaz3, (1)Univ Politécnica de Madrid, (2)Dept. Edafología–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid, (3)Dept. Edafología–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid 311b A New Perspective to Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy: A Wavelet Approach. Yufeng Ge 1, Cristine Morgan*2 and J. Alex Thomasson1, (1)Texas A&M Univ, Dept of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, (2)Texas A&M Univ, Dept of Soil & Crop Sciences 312a Soil Information for Germany: The 2006 Position. Wolf Eckelmann*, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) 312b Distribution of Soils in the Landscape of the Distrito Federal, Brazil. Marilusa P. C. Lacerda* and Inara O. Barbosa, Univ of Brasilia 313a Increasing Accuracy of the Hungarian National 1:25,000 Scale Spatial Soil Information System. László Pásztor* and József Szabó, Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 313b Use of Hyperspectral VNIR Spectroscopy and (Co)Kriging for Spatial Assessment of Soil Properties. Ali Volkan Bilgili*1, Harold M. Van Es1, Fevzi Akbas2, Rifat Akis3, W. Dean Hively4 and Stephen D. DeGloria1, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Gaziosmanpasa Univ, (3)Univ of Wyoming, College of Agriculture, Renewable Resources, Soil Science Dept, (4)USDA-ARS Environmental Quality Laboratory 314a Spatial Variability of Arsenic in Water, Soil and Rice in a Contaminated Area of Bangladesh. Zia Uddin Ahmed*1, John M. Duxbury1, Stephen DeGloria1 and Golam M. Panaullah2, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)CIMMYT Bangladesh 315a Household Level Influence on Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in Western Kenya. Jane J. Kapkiyai*1, Stephen D. Degloria1, John M. Duxbury1, Alice N. Pell1, Bernard Vanlauwe2 and David M. Mbugua3, (1)Cornell Univ, Crop and Soil Sciences Dept, (2)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT, (3)World Agroforestry Centre 315b Runoff Potential Risk Map Based on CN Method in Korea. Suk Young Hong*1, Kang Ho Jung1, Yi Hyun Kim 1, Yeong Sang Jung 2 and Han Kang Kwak1, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA, (2)Kangwon National Univ 316a Clay Mineralogical Composition Map of Paddy Soils in Miyagi Prefecture, Northeastern Japan. Oki Sano*1, Toyoaki Ito1, Tadashi Ando1, Masami Nanzyo2, Genya Saito1, Kimio Saito3 and Masahiko 89 POSTERS SESSION NO. 115 SESSION NO. 115 115-34 115-35 115-36 316b 317a 317b 115-37 318a 115-38 409a 115-39 409b 115-40 115-41 115-42 115-43 90 410a 410b 411a 411b Saigusa1, (1)Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ, (2)Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ, (3)Miyagi Pref. Furukawa Agricultural Experiment Station Classification and Diversion of Soils in Central Greece. Agelos B. Papaioannou, Panagiotis Plageras*, Kostas Kakavas, Eleni Dovriki and Athanatios Paliatsos, Dept of Environment, School of Medical Laboratories, Highest Technological Educational Institution, Larissa, Greece Digital Landscape Metrics for the Soil Survey Update of Potter County, Pennsylvania. T.M. Prescott*1, Y.K. Plowden2, M.P. McDevitt2, W.J. Waltman 3 , A.R. Topalanchik 1 and Edward J. Ciolkosz4, (1)USDA-NRCS, MLRA 13 Region, (2)USDA/NRCS–Central PA Soil Survey Office, (3)USDA/NRCS–MLRA Region 13, (4)Dept of Crop and Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State Univ Potential and Present Soil Erosion by water in the Mesopotamia-Litoral Region of Argentina. Roberto P. Marano 1, Graciela Pusineri 2, Silvia Imhoff*1 and Miguel A. Pilatti1, (1)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, (2)Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral A Soil Landscape Modeling Framework for Soil Survey Updates: A Case Study in Southeastern Ohio. Brian Slater* and Sakthi Kumaran Subburayalu, School of Natural Resources Assessing Field Soil Organic Matter Content Using Electromagnetic Induction Techniques. Gonzalo Martinez* Sr., Karl Vanderlinden and Rafaela Ordoñez, I.F.A.P.A.–C.I.C.E (Junta de Andalucia) Soil Climate Atlas of the Northeast U.S. D.A. Miller*1, W.J. Waltman1, Edward J. Ciolkosz2, K. Eggleston3, Brian W. Bills1, R.A. White4, Stephen Crawford1, J. L. Sloan1, J. Voortman1, T.M. Prescott5 and Sharon Waltman6, (1)Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, The Pennsylvania State Univ, (2)Dept. of Crop and Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State Univ, (3)Northeast Regional Climate Center, (4)Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, (5)USDA-NRCS, MLRA 13 Region, (6)USDANRCS-National Geospatial Development Center Electromagnetic Mapping of Salinity and Boron for Site-specific Seeding Management in Cotton Fields. Florence Cassel S.*, California State Univ at Fresno Integrating Soil Survey, Research, and Outreach in California’s National Parks. Dylan Beaudette*1, Anthony O’Geen2, Kenneth Oster3, Valerie Bullard3, Susan Southard 3 , David W. Smith 4 and Pete Biggam5, (1)Land, Air & Water Resources, Univ of California, (2)Land, Air & Water Resources, Univ of California, (3)USDA-NRCS, (4)USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, (5)NPS High-resolution Soil Survey Using SoLIM Based on 1-foot DEM. James E. Burt*, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Qiguang Zhu, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Duane Simonson, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Tom Hunt, University of Wisconsin-Platteville Pioneer Farm and A.-Xing Zhu, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Utilization of a Soil Database for the Needs of Rural Area Management. Piotr Sklowodowski*, Warsaw Univ of Technology, Dept of soil science 115-44 412a 115-45 412b 115-46 413a 115-47 413b 115-48 414a 115-49 414b 115-50 415a 115-51 415b 115-52 416a 115-53 416b 115-54 417a and soil conservation, Antoni Szafranek, Warsaw Univ of Technology, Dept of Soil Science and Soil Conservation, Anna Bielska, Warsaw Univ of Technology, Dept. of Soil Science and Soil Conservation and Aleksandra Polcik, Warsaw Univ of Technology, Dept of Soil Science and Soil Conservation The Use of Soil Mapping with the Aim of Improving Farming Practices in a Region of Crete, Greece. Evangelia Vavoulidou* 1 , Elisabethe Avramidis1, Periclis Papadopoulos1, Athanasios Charoulis2, Theodoros Karyotis2 and Kostaninos Soulis3, (1)Soil Science Institute of Athens,NAGREF, (2)Inst.of Soil Mapping and Classification, (3)Agricultural Univerisity of Athens,Dep.of Nat. Resources Devel. and Agr. Engineering Characterization of the Soils and Evaluation of Sustainability Use of the Lands in Distrito Federal, Brazil. Marilusa P. C. Lacerda*, Inara O. Barbosa, Marina R. Bilich, Cristhian S. Ferreira, Aurelio. A. A. Chaves, Fabio A. Carvalho and Anete D. Meira, University of Brasilia Reconsidering Soil Survey Information Delivery in the 21st Century. Douglas A. Miller*1, Brian W. Bills1, Sharon W. Waltman2, William J. Waltman1 and Edward J. Ciolkosz1, (1)The Pennsylvania State University, (2)USDA-NRCS-NGDC Gradient Distribution of Four Invader Plants in Relation to Soil and Other Factors in CataluÑa (Ne Spain). E. Sobrino*1, Mario Sanz Elorza2, Elias D. Dana Sanchez3, José Miguel Soriano Páez1 and Alberto Gonzalez Moreno4, (1)Departamento de Producción vegetal: Botánica y Protección Vegetal. Univ. Politécnica de Madrid, (2)Ministerio de Hacienda, (3)Universidad de Almeria, (4)INIA Seronet- a Robust Algorithm to Fit Neural Network Models for Pedotransfer Functions. Carlos Alberto Alves Varella* and Marcos Bacis Ceddia, UFRRJ Effect of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients on Availabality and Uptake of Major and Secondary Nutrients in Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka,India. Veerabhadraiah and Chamegowda Badrinath*, UAS,GKVK,Bangalore-560065 Development of the Geographic Information System on Soils of European Russia for Modeling Carbon Dynamics in Agricultural Lands. Polina V. Koroleva* and Dimitry I. Rukhovich, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute Estimating Carbon Stocks at the Field-Management Scale. Michael L. Thompson*1, Teresita ChuaOna1, Jessica Hutchison2 and Ya-Fang Wu3, (1)Iowa State University, (2)Cameron University, (3)University of Connecticut Soil and Ground Water Based Approach for Sustainable Agricultural Development : Grass Roots Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Indian Context. V.K. Verma*, P.K. Sharma, P.K. Litoria and D.C. Loshali, Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, Ludhiana, India Artificial Neural Network to Map Spatial Variability of Field Capacity. Marcos Bacis Ceddia*1, Carlos Alberto Alves Varella1, Sidney Vieira2 and Francisco de Assis de Carvalho Pinto3, (1)UFRRJ, (2)Instituto Agronômico, (3)UFV Spatial Distribution of Nutrients and Status of Fertility in Arable Greek Soils. Theodore Karyotis*1, Th Mitsimponas2, M Tziouvalekas2 and A Drosos2, (1)National Agricultura; Research Foundation, (2)National Agricultural Research Foundation, Institute for Soil Mapping and Classification 115-55 115-56 115-57 417b Spatial Variation of Available Soil Phosphorus in Microplot Rainfall Simulation Studies. Murray R. Hart* and Peter S. Cornish, Univ of Western Sydney 418a Similarity Analysis of Crop Fields for Mapping Soil Organic Carbon. Feng Chen*1, D.E. Kissel2, L.T. West1, W. Adkins1, D. Rickman3 and J.C. Luvall3, (1)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Univ of Georgia, (2)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Univ of Georgia, (3)Global Hydrology and Climate Center, NASA 418b Humic Acids and Aggregate Stability in Organically Amended Semiarid Soils. Emanuela Margherita* 1 , Gennaro Brunetti 2 , Carlos G. Izquierdo3, Nadia Vignozzi4, Sergio Pellegrini4, Marcello Pagliai4 and Nicola Senesi1, (1)DIBCA–Univ of Bari, (2)DIBCA–Univ of Bari, (3)Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del Segura–CEBASCSIC, (4)CRA-ISSDS 116-9 116-10 116-11 116-12 116-13 SESSION NO. 116 116-14 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.0PW Synthesis, Modeling, and Applications of Disciplinary Soil Science Knowledge for Soil-WaterPlant-Environment Systems—Poster Convenor: Lajpat Ahuja, USDA-ARS, Great Plains Systems Research Unit 116-1 116-2 116-3 116-4 116-5 116-6 116-7 116-8 120a Wetland Ecosystem: Soil and Water Characterization in Relation to Crop Productivity and Economic Stability for Resource-Poor Farm Families. Anandamoy Puste*, Dilip Kumar Das and Kalyan Jana, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Agril. Univ) 120b Assessability of Nitrate Pollution in Groundwater Using Integrated GIS-Model Approach. Bhupinder Singh*, Punjab Agricultural Univ, Ludhiana 121a Using Soil Survey to Evaluate the Impact of Agricultural Land on Natural Water Resources. Moustafa A. Elrashidi* and Dewayne Mays, USDA/NRCS, National Soil Survey Center 121b The Analytical Solutions of Three Dimensional Heat Equation for Thermal Pulse Method. Gang Liu* Sr., China Agricultural Univ 122a Monte Carlo Calculation of a Properly Paraffin Cube for Moisture Measurement Near the Soil Surface by Neutron Probe. Ali Asghar Mowlavi, Physics Dept, School of Sciences, Tarbiat Moallem Univ of Sabzevar and Mohamad Hadi Hadizadeh Yazdi*, Ohio Univ 123a Study of Migration of Polluting Substances in Soil on the Basis of Mathematical Modeling. F. Mikailsoy*, Univ of Selcuk and A.I. Mamedov, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory 124a Problems of Heat and Mass Transfer in Different Genesis’ Soils. Akif P. Gerayzade*, Institute Soil Science and Agrochemistry 124b Statistical-Physical Models for Estimation a Heat and Mass Transfer Properties in Soil from Easy Measured Soil Components. Boguslaw Usowicz*, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences 116-15 116-16 116-17 116-18 116-19 116-20 116-21 116-22 125a A Theory for Simultaneous Measurement of the Thermal Properties of a Soil with Water Flows in the Soil and the Velocity Vector of the Water Flowing in the Soil. Michihiro Hara* and Akira Endo, Iwate Univ 125b Numerical Approach Using Binary Transport Theory in Soil Water Evaporation. Yukari Imoto*1, Yu Amemiya2, Sunhoon Lee1 and Isao Machida3, (1)Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba Univ, (2)Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, (3)National Institute of Advance Industrial Science and Technology 126a Simultaneous Measurement of Water Flux Density Vector and Thermal Properties of a Soil. Akira ENDO*, National Institute of Industrial Safety, Construction Safety Research Division and Michihiro Hara, Iwate Univ, Faculty of Agriculture 126b Water Uptake: a Moving Boundary Model. Jorge L. Blengino1, Juan C. Reginato*1 and Domingo A. Tarzia2, (1)Univ Nacional de Río Cuarto, (2)Univ Austral 127a The Effect of Exchange Cations 0n Decreasing of Soil Moisture Energy. Ivan I. Sudnitsyn I.*, Lomonosov Univ 127b An Inverse Method to Estimate the Source-Sink Term of Convection-Dispersion Equation. Jianchu Shi1, Qiang Zuo*1 and Renduo Zhang2, (1)China Agricultural Univ, (2)Univ of Wyoming 220a Application of System Simulation Modeling in Pest Management. Subhash Chander, Unit of Simulation & Informatics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India and L. R. Ahuja*, USDAARS-GPSR 220b Sensibility of Soil Moisture to Soil Thermal Diffusivity in a Typical Semi-Arid Narrow Soil. Alain M.B. Passerat de Silans* Sr., Lovania M. Werlang and Maurício C. Goldfarb, Univ federal da Paraíba– Brazil 221a Crop Growth Models. Nozar Ghahreman*, Univ of Tehran 221b Combining Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) with Photosynthesis Model to Simulate Water and CO2 Fluxes Over Wheat Canopy. Qiang Yu*, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research and Gerald Flerchinger, USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center 222a Impact of Paddy Rice Cultivation on Water Environment in View of Nitrogen Flow in Watersheds in Korea. Kee-An Roh*, Min-Kyeong Kim, Nam-Jong Lee, Mun-Hwan Koh and Jeong-Taek Lee, Division of Agriculrural Eenvironmet and Ecology, National Institute of Agricultural Science andTechnology 222b The Determination of In-Situ Soil Thermal Diffusivity: The Case of a Narrow Semi-Arid Soil. Alain M.B. Passerat de Silans* Sr., Lovania M. Werlang and Mauricio C. Goldfarb, Univ federal da Paraíba–Brazil 223a “FIT” Method for Calculation of Soil Particle Size Distribution from Stored Density-Time Data Base. Balázs Kovács, Univ of Szeged, Dept of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, Imre Czinkota*, Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Lászlo Tolner, Szent István Univ, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry and György Czinkota, ALTAIR LTD 223b Soil Change in Southeastern USA Ultisols. Joey N. Shaw*1, Iyassu Fesha2, D. Wayne Reeves3, C. Wesley Wood4, Yucheng Feng1 and M. Lee Norfleet5, (1)Auburn Univ, (2)Ministry of Ag Res & Human 91 POSTERS SESSION NO. 116 SESSION NO. 116 116-23 224a 116-24 224b 116-25 225a 116-26 225b 116-27 226a 116-28 226b 116-29 227b 116-30 319b 116-31 116-32 116-33 116-34 116-35 116-36 116-37 92 320a 320b 321a 321b 322a 322b 323a Res, (3)USDA-ARS, (4)Dept of Agronomy and Soils, (5)USDA NRCS RIAD Modeling Crop Yield with Combined Multi-Scale Soil Data and Remote Sensing Observations. Xianzeng Niu*, Eric W. Warner and Gary W. Petersen, Penn State Univ Regional Estimation of Nitrate Leaching and Ground Water Pollution with the Land Resources Information System SLISYS-Neckar. Thomas Gaiser* and Heike Weippert, Univ of Hohenheim Postagrogenic Transformation and Changes in the Water Balance of Loamy Soils under Spruce Plantation and Fallow in the Southern Taiga Zone. Sergei F. Khokhlov*, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute Back to the Tortuosity and Corelation Function of Mualem (1976). Yechezkel Mualem* and Arkadi Berezkin, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Sensitivity of Decisions Based on the Pesticide Economic and Environmental Tradeoffs (PEET) Decision-Support System to Uncertain Input Parameters. David Nofziger*, Oklahoma State Univ The Canadian Agri-Environmental Indicators for Nitrogen: Residual Soil Nitrogen and the Risk of Water Contamination by Nitrate-N. Craig F. Drury*1, Jingyi Yang1, Reinder DeJong1, Xueming Yang1, Ted Huffman1 and D. Keith Reid2, (1)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, (2)OMAF Electro-tropism in “Soil-Plant” System. Anatoly Pozdnyakov, Moscow State Univ, Larisa Pozdnyakova*, RiceTec, Inc. and Gennady Fedotov, Moscow State Univ of Forest Monitoring Tillage Effects on Soil Water Dynamics Using Automated Time-Domain Reflectometry. Robert C. Schwartz*, R. Louis Baumhardt and Steven R. Evett, USDA-ARS Application of Cropgro-Peanut Model to Evaluate Groundnut Growth and Yield in Some Farming Zones of Ghana. Emmanuel Dugan*, Soil Science Dept, Univ of Ghana, Legon and Samuel G. K. Adiku, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Ghana, Legon Spatial and Temporal Variance of Biomass Development. Ole Wendroth*1, Dennis Egli1, K. Christian Kersebaum2 and Donald R. Nielsen3, (1)Univ of Kentucky, (2)Institute for Ecosystem Modelling, (3)Univ of California, Dept LAWR Hydrologic Science Web-Based Meteorological/Soil Profile Data Dissemination and Visualization:. Teferi Tsegaye*1, Mezemir Wagaw1, Marius Schamschula1, Wubishet Tadesse1, Robert Metzl1, Tommy Coleman1 and Garry L. Schaefer 2 , (1)Alabama A&M Univ, (2)USDA-NRCS Adapting Agricultural Practices in the Western Interior of South Africa to Optimize Water Harvesting for Crop Production. Josias Eduard Hoffman*, Stellenbosch Univ The Relationships Between the OrganicallyBound Iron in the River Water and the Environmental Factors of Watershed. Masahiko Saigusa1, Daisuke Kunii*2, Genya Satio1 and Toyoaki Ito1, (1)Tohoku Univ, (2)Tohoku University Evaluating Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) Practices for Citrus Production in South Africa. Josias Eduard Hoffman*, Stellenbosch Univ Temporal Effects of N Source and Timing of N Fertilization on 15N of Chinese Cabbages and Soil. Seok-In Yun*1, Hee-Myong Ro1, Eui-Yong 116-38 323b 116-39 324a 116-40 324b 116-41 325a 116-42 325b 116-43 326a 116-44 326b 116-45 327a 116-46 327b 116-47 419a 116-48 419b Yun1 and Woo-Jung Choi2, (1)Dept of Applied Biology and Chemistry, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National Univ, (2)Dept of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Chonnam National Univ Nitrogen Rates Affected Biomass Production and N Uptake of Chinese Cabbages under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature. Seok-In Yun1, Hee-Myong Ro1, Woo-Jung Choi2, Jong-Seo Choi1 and Young-Jun Nam*1, (1)Dept of Applied Biology and Chemistry, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National Univ, (2)Dept of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Chonnam National Univ Assessing the Impact of Spatial Variability of Soil and Vegetation on Catchment Water Balance – A Case Study in Simmons Creek Catchment. Enli Wang*, Hamish Cresswell and Mark Glover, CSIRO Land and Water Temporal Effects of Soil Moisture Tension and Salinity on Carbon Isotope Composition During Carbon Assimilation in Lettuce and Young Radish. Hee-Myong Ro1, Young-Dae Choi2, SeokIn Yun 1, Jong-Seo Choi* 1 and Jae-Min Kim 1, (1)Dept of Applied Biology and Chemistry, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National Univ, (2)Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA An Empirical Test of Nitrogen Saturation in the Understory of the Catskill Mountains of New York. Anthony S. Eallonardo* Jr. 1, Donald J. Leopold1, Gregory Lawrence2 and Laura A. Heath1, (1)State Univ of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, (2)U.S. Geological Survey Natural Abundances of Crop and Soil N Can Evaluate the Contribution of N Source to Crop N. Hee-Myong Ro* and Seok-In Yun, Dept of Applied Biology and Chemistry, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National Univ Active Learning: International Agriculture Using the Internet as a Teaching Tool in Brazil. Rosa GUEDES*, Philadelphia Univ Linking Dynamic and Chemical Representations of Soil Carbon: Carbohydrates as a Case Study. Delphine Derrien*1, Christine Marol2 and Jerome Balesdent2, (1)Laboratoire Sol et Environnement, INPL-ENSAIA, (2)Laboratoire d’Ecologie Microbienne de la Rhizosphere, UMR 6191 Soil Climate Regimes of West Virginia. T.M. Prescott*1, James Thompson2, John Sencindiver2, W.J. Waltman3, S.G. Carpenter1 and Sharon W. Waltman4, (1)USDA-NRCS, MLRA 13 Region, (2)West Virginia Univ, (3)USDA/NRCS–MLRA Region 13, (4)USDA-NRCS-NGDC Gypsophile or Extremophile? A Case Study Examining the Relationship between Gypsum Soils and the Rare Species that Occur on Them. Patrick Drohan*1, Brenda Buck1 and Douglas Merkler2, (1)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, (2)USDA NRCS Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties at the Landscape Scale and beyond. Jianting Zhu*1, Binayak Mohanty2 and Narendra Das2, (1)Desert Research Institute, (2)Texas A&M Univ An Inexpensive and Simple Method to Demonstrate Water Infiltration and Water-Holding Capacity in the Field and Classroom. Susan E. Samson-Liebig*1, Kristine A. Nichols2 and Mark A. Liebig2, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)USDA-ARS SESSION NO. 117 116-50 116-51 116-52 116-53 116-54 116-55 116-56 116-57 116-58 116-59 116-60 116-61 420a Integration of the Explicit Root Growth Model SIMROOT with a Canopy Crop Growth Model. Raul Jaramillo and Jonathan P. Lynch*, Pennsylvania State Univ 420b Phosphorus Losses in a Ditch-Drained Farming System in the Delmarva Peninsula. Arthur L. Allen*1, Peter Kleinman2, Andrew Sharpley2, Peter Vadas2 and Brian Needelman3, (1)Univ of Maryland Eastern Shore, (2)USDAAgricultural Research Service, (3)Univ of Maryland 421a Using the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model to Determine when Vegetated Filter Strips Are Sources or Sinks for Phosphorus. Jennifer K. Gilbert*1, J. Thomas Sims1 and R. R. Lowrance2, (1)Univ of Delaware, (2)USDA-ARS S.E. Watershed Res. Lab. 421b An Improved Agricultural System Model for Space-Time Simulation of Agricultural Landscape Variability. James C. Ascough II1, L. Ma1, Timothy Green*1, Gerald Flerchinger2, Gregory S. McMaster1, Lajpat Ahuja1 and Bruce Vandenberg1, (1)USDA-ARS-NPA, Great Plains Systems Research Unit, (2)USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center 422a Using Dynamic Crop Simulation Models and Statistical County Yield Estimates to Determine the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Peanut Yield. Axel Garcia y Garcia*, Larry C. Guerra, Joel Paz and Gerrit Hoogenboom, The Univ of Georgia 422b Simulating the Soil Organic Carbon Dynamic for Different Crop Rotations in Southwest Burkina Faso. Cecilia M. Tojo Soler*, The Univ of Georgia, Vincent Bado, Inera, McNair Bostick, Univ of Florida, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Univ of Georgia and James Jones, University of Florida 423a Global Interactive Index for Soil Production and Degradation Assessment. Miguel A. Pilatti, Daniel Grenon, Jorge Orellana and Silvia Imhoff*, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Univ Nacional del Litoral 423b A Spatially Referenced Agricultural Decision Support Tool (ADST) for Irrigated Wheat and Maize. Deli Chen*, Yong Li, Robert White and Robert Edis, The Univ of Melbourne 424a Defining and Measuring Soil Quality and Health in Intensively Managed Turfgrass Systems. Anthony Koski* and Yaling Qian, Colorado State Univ 424b Landscape Modelling of Residual Soil Nitrogen and Non-Growing Season Nitrogen Leaching Using a Canadian Agricultural Nitrogen Budget Model (CANB v2.0). Jingyi Yang*, Reinder De Jong, Craig F. Drury, Ted Huffman, Valerie Kirkwood and Xueming Yang, Agriculture and AgriFood Canada 425a Effect of Application of Composted Cattle Manure on Cd Leaching from Unpolluted Paddy Fields. Kaoru Abe*1, Saeko Kaburagi Yada1, Takeshi Ota2, Tetsuya Ishikawa2 and Motohiko Ishida2, (1)National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, (2)National Agricultural Research Center 425b Determination of the Behavior and the Transport Parameters of Chromium in Soil-Water Systems. Imre Czinkota*1, Ibrahim Issa2, Gabriella Rétháti2 and Balázs Kovács3, (1)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, (2)Szent Istvan Univ, (3)Univ of Szeged, Dept of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology 426a A Functional Crop Growth Model to Reveal SoilWater-Plant-Environment Interactions under Different Climatic, Edaphic and Management Conditions in Tropical Cropping Systems. Ann 116-62 Verdoodt* and Eric Van Ranst, Ghent Univ, Laboratory of Soil Science 426b Evaluating the Proportion of Nitrified N Emitted as N2O, under Unsaturated and Saturated Conditions, Using 15N Tracers. Olivier Mathieu*, Jean Lévêque, Catherine Hénault, Marie-Jeanne Milloux, Francis Andreux and Elise Baujard, UMR 1229 Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols SESSION NO. 117 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.0WA Soil Geochemical Patterns at Regional, National, and International Scales—Poster Convenor: David Smith, U.S. Geological Survey 117-1 117-2 117-3 117-4 117-5 117-6 117-7 117-8 117-9 117-10 117-11 128a Geochemical Signatures From Within and Around Old Farms. Donald A. Davidson*, Univ of Stirling, Clare Wilson, Univ of Stirling and Malcolm Cresser, Univ of York 129a Geochemistry in Soil Survey and Soil-Landscape Analysis. M.A. Wilson*, R. Burt, S.J. Indorante, A.B. Jenkins and J.V. Chiaretti, USDA-NRCS 129b Geochemical Landscapes of Alaska. Bronwen Wang1, Larry P. Gough1, David B. Smith*1 and Nils Gustavsson2, (1)U.S. Geological Survey, (2)Geological Survey of Finland 130a A Proposed Soil Geochemical and Microbiological Survey of North America: Continental-Scale Pilot Study in Canada and the United States. David B. Smith*1, Laurel G. Woodruff1, William F. Cannon1, James E. Kilburn1, Robert G. Garrett2, Rodney Klassen2, Robert G. Eilers3, Martin B. Goldhaber1, John D. Horton1 and Jean M. Morrison1, (1)U.S. Geological Survey, (2)Geological Survey of Canada, (3)Land Resource Unit, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 130b Element Survey of Wisconsin, USA, Soils. Zhuo Zhang* 1, Philip Helmke 2 and Cynthia Stiles 2, (1)Univ of Wisconsin, (2)Univ of Wisconsin 131a Contamination Pattern of Soils and Surface Water on Vicinity of Abandoned Metalliferous Mine in Southeastern Part of Korea. Eul-Soo Yun*1, Sung-Hak Park2, Ki-Yeol Jung1, Jae-Seng Lee1, Jee-Yeon Ko1 and Yeon-Kyu Park3, (1)Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, (2)Chengdo Myeon Agricultural Cooperative, (3)Miryang National Univ 131b Geochemical Baseline Mapping of European Soils:. David B. Smith*, U.S. Geological Survey 228b Cost-effective Sampling of Regional Soil Chemistry. Dennis R. Helsel*, Barbara C. Ruddy and Martin Goldhaber, U.S. Geological Survey 229a Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Mollisol in the Northeast of China. Xie Hongtu* and Zhang Xudong, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 230a Sediment Source Identification in an Urban Watershed. Olivia H. Devereux*1, Brian Needelman1, Karen L. Prestegaard 2, Allen Gellis 3 and Jerry Ritchie4, (1)Univ of Maryland, (2)Univ of Maryland, (3)USGS, (4)ARS-BARC-HRSL 230b Geochemistry and Morphology of Soils in the 93 POSTERS 116-49 SESSION NO. 117 Southern Basin and Range Province, TransPecos, Texas. Susan Casby-Horton*, USDA-NRCS, Melanie A. Barnes, Geosciences Dept., Texas Tech Univ and B.L. Allen, Texas Tech Univ SESSION NO. 118 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 118-11 333a 118-12 333b 118-13 334a 118-14 334b 118-15 430a 118-16 430b 118-17 431a 118-18 431b 118-19 432a 118-20 432b 118-21 433a 118-22 433b 118-23 434a 1.0WB Wetlands: Science and Management—Poster Convenor: K. Ramesh Reddy, Univ. of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept. 118-1 118-2 118-3 118-4 118-5 118-6 118-7 118-8 118-9 118-10 94 231b Space-time Trajectories of Soil Total Phosphorus in a Large Subtropical Wetland. Gregory L. Bruland*, Univ of Florida, IFAS, Todd Z. Osborne, Univ of Flo rida, IFAS, K. Ramesh Reddy, Univ of Florida, Soil and Water Science Dept, Sabine Grunwald, Soil & Water Science Dept, Univ of Florida, Susan Newman, South Florida Water Management District and William F. DeBusk, Escambia County Engineering Dept 232a Quantitative Assessment of Pedo-Biological Patterns in the Greater Everglades. Sabine Grunwald*, Soil & Water Science Dept, Univ of Florida, Todd Z. Osborne, Univ of Florida, IFAS and K. R. Reddy, Univ Of Florida-Soil & Water Science Dept 233b A Soils Perspective: Phosphorus Storage and Retention Within Degraded Isolated Wetlands of Agricultural Lands. Ed Dunne*, Mark W. Clark and K. R. Reddy, Soil and Water Science Dept, Univ of Florida/IFAS 234a Feasibility of Using Ornamental Plants to Remove Nutrients From Treated Municipal Wastewater in Constructed Wetlands. Zhenhua Zhang*1, Zed Rengel1 and Kathy Meney2, (1)Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, The Univ of Western Australia, (2)Syrinx Environmental Pty Ltd 330a An Overview of Land Use and Change Proximate to Wetlands and Its Management Implications around the Great Lakes. Yamille Cirino*, USEPA Great Lakes National Program Office and Karen Rodriguez, USEPA Great Lakes National Program Office (G17J) 330b Effect of Forest Fire on CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Soil. Nishina N. Kazuya*1, Chisato Takenaka1 and Ishizuka S. Shigehiro 2 , (1)Nagoya Univ, (2)Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute 331a Effect of Time, Number and Tools of Second Tillage on (Juncus Sp.) Weed Population in Rice Paddy Field North of Iran. Meysam Tamimi*1, Mohammad Reza Ardakani2, Ali Mohadesi3, Mojtaba Adraki1 and Mohammad Mehdi Sharifi4, (1)Islamic Azad Univ-Karaj Branch, (2)Nuclear Research Center for Agriculture and Medicine-Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, (3)Rice Research Institute/Iran, (4)Rice research Institute/Iran 331b Transformation of Humus Substances of Locally Hydromorphic Chernozems of the South of Russia. Svetlana A. Tischenko* and Olga S. Bezuglova, Rostov State Univ 332a Sustainability to Waterflooding of Biological Properties of Different Chernozemes of Western Ciscaucasia. Vera I. Strelkova* and Kamil Sh. Kazeev, Rostov State Univ 332b Clay Mineralogy and Morphology of some Wetland Soils from the Ganges Delta in Bangladesh. Mohammad Sultan Hussain*1, Mohammad Jashim Uddin1 and Soheli Ferdous2, (1)Univ of Dhaka, Dept of Soil, Water and Environment, (2)KMP, Khulna. Parameterized Soil Chemical Properties for Evaluating Methane Production from Rice Paddies. Weiguo Cheng* 1 , Hiroko Akiyama 2 , Seiichi Nishimura2, Shigeto Sudo2, Kazuyuki Yagi2, Anne Hartley1 and J. Patrick Megonigal3, (1)Florida International Univ, (2)Natl Inst. for Agro-Env. Sci., (3)Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Interactions of Mycorrhizal Fungal Assemblages with Plants from a Florida Wetland. David Sylvia*, Penn State Univ and Ioannis Ipsalantis, Univ of Florida Composition and Dynamics of Methanogenic Archaeal Community in Japanese Paddy Field Soils. Takeshi Watanabe*, Makoto Kimura and Susumu Asakawa, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya Univ Soil Formation on Clay Limnoglacial Plains of North West Russia. Natalia N. Matinian*, Saint Petersburg Univ Performance and Microbial Assessment of an Artificial Wetland. Lesley A. Spokas*, Peter L.M. Veneman and Stephen C. Simkins, Univ of Massachusetts A Spectrophotometric Method for Aluminum in Histosols. Lúcia Helena C. Anjos* Sr.1, Adierson Gilvani Ebeling Jr.2, Daniel.V. Pérez3, Gustavo Souza Valladares Jr.4 and Marcos Gervasio Pereira Sr.2, (1)UFRRJ Soils Depto, (2)UFRRJ, (3)Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos/EMBRAPA, (4)Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite Effect of dPAO and PAO on Treatment of Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Sewage in Constructed Wetland. Dong Cheol Seo1, In Jae Cho1, Lu Yuan1, Ju Sik Cho2, Hong Jae Lee3 and Jong Soo Heo* 1 , (1)Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National Univ, (2)Dept of Biological Environment, Sunchon National Univ, (3)Dept of Environmental Engineering, Jinju National Univ Optimum Conditions of dPAO in Constructed Wetland by Natural Purification System for Treatment of Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Dong Cheol Seo1, In Jae Cho1, Lu Yuan1, Ju Sik Cho2, Hong Jae Lee3 and Jong Soo Heo*1, (1)Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National Univ, (2)Dept of Biological Environment, Sunchon National Univ, (3)Dept of Environmental Engineering, Jinju National Univ Effects of Short- and Long-Term Water Level Drawdown on Litter Quality in Peatlands. Petra Vávrová*1, Marjut Karsisto2, Veikko Kitunen2 and Raija Laiho1, (1)Peatland Ecology Group, Dept of Forest Ecology, Univ of Helsinki, (2)Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Centre Subaqueous Landforms and Soils of Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, USA. Danielle M. Balduff* and Martin C. Rabenhorst, Univ of Maryland Redox Effects on Phosphorus Release Following Soil Deposition in a Riparian Wetland. W. Dean Hively*1, Rebecca Blank2, Greg McCarty1, Martin Rabenhorst2, Randy Rowland1 and Omotomike Ogunwumiju1, (1)USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Loboratory, (2)Univ of Maryland Subaqueous Soils, Water Quality, and Estuary Health. Margot K. Payne* and Mark H. Stolt, Univ of Rhode Island The Physiochemical Controls on Selenium Release in Seasonally Flooded Soils. Lindsay A. 118-24 118-25 118-26 Robertson*, Graeme A. Spiers and Joinal Abedin, MIRARCO, Laurentian Univ 434b Nitrate-Nitrogen Dynamics in Tributaries and Riparian Wetlands of North Central Florida. Adrienne E. Frisbee* and Clark Mark, Univ of Florida, Dept of Soil and Water Science 435a Mid-Atlantic Hydric Soils Committee: Bridging the Soil Science and Wetland Science Communities. Lenore Vasilas*, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ralph Spagnolo, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Bruce Vasilas, Univ of Delaware, Martin C. Rabenhorst, Univ of Maryland and John M. Galbraith, Virginia Tech 435b Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Characteristics and their Impacts on Macrophyte Diversity in Restored Wetlands in the Everglades National Park. Angelique M. Keppler*, Univ of Florida and K. R. Reddy, Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory, Soil and Water Science Dept, Univ of Florida/IFAS 119-7 136a 119-8 136b 119-9 137a 119-10 137b 119-11 138a 119-12 138b 119-13 139a 119-14 139b 119-15 232b 119-16 233a 119-17 234b 119-18 235a 119-19 236a SESSION NO. 119 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.1A Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications—Poster Convenor: Henry Lin, Penn State Universtiy 119-1 119-2 119-3 119-4 119-5 119-6 132a Measuring Water Table Depth in Loamy Soils with Relic Features. Edgar Mersiovsky*1, Reed Cripps 1, Doug Wysocki 2 and Cathy Seybold 3, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)NRCS-USDA, (3)USDA/ NRCS, National Soil Survey Center 133b Seasonal Water Table and Temperature Relationships in Glaciomarine Soils of Eastern Maine. David E. Turcotte* and David E. Wilkinson, USDA– Natural Resources Conservation Svc 134a Use of the Non-Parametric Nearest Neighbor Approach to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Properties. Attila Nemes*, Univ of California Riverside, Walter J. Rawls, USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab, Yakov A. Pachepsky, USDA/ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML and M. Th. Van Genuchten, George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab, USDA-ARS 134b Using Ensembles of Pedotransfer Functions for Soil Water Retention in Field-Scale Water Flow Simulations. Andrey Guber*1, Yakov Pachepsky2, Diederik Jacques3, M. Th. Van Genuchten4, Walter J. Rawls5, Attila Nemes6, Jirka Simunek6, Thomas J. Nicholson7 and Ralph E. Cady7, (1)Univ of California, (2)USDA/ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML, (3)SCKCEN, (4)George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab USDAARS, (5)USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab, (6)Univ of California Riverside, (7)US NRC 135a Measuring Soil Bulk Density Using Vibrationinduced Conductance Fluctuation (VICOF). Andrea Sz. Kishné*1, Cristine L.S. Morgan1 and László B. Kish2, (1)Texas A&M Univ, Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, (2)Texas A&M Univ, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering 135b Effects of Sedimentation on Phosphorus Retention in Seasonally Submerged Wetland Soils. Jonathan Maynard*1, Anthony O’Geen1, Jaiyou Deng 1 , Neil Brauer 2 , Denise Tu 2 and Randy Dahlgren1, (1)Univ of California, Davis, (2)Univ of California, Davis Landscape and Soil Profile Development in a Dissected Coastal Plain. Richard MacEwan*, Dept of Primary Industries Earth’s Critical Zone and Hydropedology. Henry Lin*, Penn State Univ, Lawrence P. Wilding, Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M Univ, Oliver Chadwick, Univ of California Santa Barbara, Gail Ashley, Rutgers Univ. and Stephen Burges, Univ. of Washington Studies on the Use of Soil Water Retention Capacity Estimations to Prepare Soil Water Management Maps. Brigitta Tóth*1, András Makó1, Kálmán Rajkai2 and Péter Marth3, (1)Univ of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture, (2)Research Inst for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (3)Central Plant and Soil Protection Service Effects on the Local Water Balance of Daily Soil Water Content Fluctuations in Semi-arid SE Spain. Luís Villagarcía*1, Ana Were2, Yolanda Cantón3, Francisco Fernández2, María José Moro4, Albert Sole-Benet2 and Francisco Domingo2, (1)Univ Pablo de Olavide, (2)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, (3)Univ de Almería, (4)Univ de Alicante Repeated Identical Top-soil Treatment and its Influence on Soil Hydrophysical and Microbiological Characteristic Changes. Svatopluk Matula*, Czech Univ of Agriculture in Prague, Dept. of Soil Science and Geology, Pavel Ruzek, Research Insti of Crop Production and Gabriela Muhlbachova, Research Inst of Crop Production Soil Water Content Patterns in the High Plateau of Sierra De Gador (Almeria, Se Spain). Implications for the Local Water Balance. Yolanda Cantón*1, Luís Villagarcía2, Albert Sole-Benet3, Francisco Domingo3, Juan Puigdefábregas3 and Sergio Contreras3, (1)Univ de Almería, (2)Univ Pablo de Olavide, (3)E.E.Z.A./C.S.I.C. Estimation of the Soil Moisture Retention Curve (SMRC) using Pedotransfer Functions (PTF). Svatopluk Matula* and Kamila Spongrova, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Dept. of Soil Science and Geology Relating Field Indicators of Hydric Soils to Saturation and Reduction in Sandy Soils. Gerren Lanier1, David Lindbo*2 and Michael Vepraskas2, (1)Soil Science Dept North Carolina State Univ, (2)Soil Science Dept, North Carolina State Univ Hydrological Control of Phosphorus Mobility in Altered Wetland Soils. Michael Litaor*, Tel-Hai College Predicting Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity from Water Retention Data. Han Han* and Daniel Gimenez, Rutgers Univ Effect of Wild Fire on Water Repellency of Sandy Forest Soils. Pavel Dlapa*1, Ivan Simkovic1 and Ladislav Somsak2, (1)Dept of Soil Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius Univ, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius Univ Flooding on the Virgin River, USA: Impacts and Historic Perspective. Douglas Merkler*, USDA NCRS and Patrick Drohan, Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas Effects of Organic Matter on New Redoximor- 95 POSTERS SESSION NO. 119 SESSION NO. 119 119-20 236b 119-21 237a 119-22 119-23 238a 238b 119-24 239a 119-25 239b phic Feature Formation Under Induced Hydric Soil Conditions. Adam Gray* and Martin C. Rabenhorst, Univ of Maryland Identification of Parent Material of Soils along a Lithotoposequence in a Sedimentary Area using Particle-size Distribution and Mixing Equation. Céline Collin Bellier*1, Dominique Arrouays1, Denis Baize1, Vincent Champdavoine1, Dominique King1 and Jean-Pierre Rossignol2, (1)I.N.R.A., (2)I.N.H. Aeration in Grasslands, It Only Works Some-ofthe-Times. Dorcas H. Franklin*, USDA ARS, J. Phil Campbell Sr., Natural Resource Conservation Center, Miguel L. Cabrera, Univ of Georgia and David Butler, Univ of Georgia, Crop and Soil Sciences Effect of Relief on Soil Development: A Case Study of Two Toposequences in Northeast Thailand. Suphicha Thanachit* 1 , Anchalee Suddhiprakarn1, Irb Kheoruenromne1 and Robert J. Gilkes2, (1)Dept of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart Univ, (2)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The Univ of Western Australia Simulation of Coupled Relationship Between Land Use and Groundwater Flow in the Western Arid Land of China. Chengyi Zhao*, Xinjiang Inst of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi Chen Sr., Xinjiang Institute of Geography and Ecology,CAS and Minjiang Deng Sr., Dept of Water Resources of Xinjiang Soil Moisture Temporal Patterns in a Forested Catchment. Qing Zhu*, Dept of Crop and Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State Univ, Henry Lin, Penn State Univ and Xiaobo Zhou, Pennsylvania State Univ Preliminary Study on Vertisols and Vertic Soils in Heilongjiang Province, NE China. Shanmei Wu*, Nanjing Agricultural Univ/Univ of California, Xainzhou Long, Heilongjiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower Inst, Shengrong Xu, Nanjing Agricultural Univ and Qing Xu, Cotra Costa College SESSION NO. 120 120-5 120-6 120-7 120-8 120-9 120-10 120-11 120-12 142b Holocene Environmental Changes, Paleosoils and Living Conditions in the Upper Volga Outwash Plain, Russia: Multidisciplinary Study. R. Gracheva*1, J. Vandenberghe2, A. Sorokin1, Olga N. Uspenskaya3, E. Malyasova4, O. Chichagova1, L. Sulerdjitskiy1 and Sj. Bonhke2, (1)Russian Academy of Science, (2)Vrije Univ, (3)V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Inst, (4)St. Petersburg State Univ 240a Paleosoils of Burial Hills and their Modern Natural Analogues. Roman V. Kuznetsov*, Vladimir S. Kryschenko, Elena N. Karavaeva and Tatiyana M. Magomedova, Rostov State Univ 240b Application of Geomorphological and Pedological Characteristics to a Plains Indian Archaeological Site. Crystal J. Frey*1, Randall Miles2 and W. Raymond Wood2, (1)Univ of Missouri, (2)Univ of Missouri 241a Soil Structure Resulting from Earthworm Bioturbations and Soil Evolution in Landscape. Denis PIRON 1, Christian Walter* 2, Daniel Cluzeau 3, Guenola Pérès4 and Stéphane Follain2, (1)University of Rennes 1, (2)INRA, (3)University of Rennes1, (4)University of Rennes1 241b Catenary Variations of Soil Morphology in Relation to Conversion of Subtroplical Soils to Agriculture. Zhao Qiguo1, Bin Zhang*1, Ming-zhu Wang1, Yuan-shu Jing1, A. Thimm2 and H. Zepp3, (1)Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2)Ruhr- Univ Bochum, (3)Ruhr- Univ Bochum 242a Response of Soil Micro-structure to Land Use Shifting in the Loess Plateau of China. Xiubin He* Sr., Inst of Mountain Hazards and Environment and Guobin Liu, Inst of Soil and Water Conservation 242b Mapping of Micromorphometric Types of Pore Space in Loamy Soils. Elena B. Skvortsova* and Polina V. Koroleva, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Inst 342b Organogeochemical Investigations of Black Soils in Northwestern Germany Reveal Prehistoric Agricultural Burning. Eileen Eckmeier*1, Renate Gerlach2, Guido L.B. Wiesenberg3, Jan O. Skjemstad4, Ursula Tegtmeier5, Klaas Van der Borg6 and Michael W. I. Schmidt1, (1)Univ of Zurich, Dept. of Geography, (2)Rheinisches Amt fuer Bodendenkmalpflege, (3)Univ of Cologne, Dept. for Geology and Mineralogy, (4)CSIRO Land and Water, (5)Univ of Cologne, Instof Prehistoric Archaeology, (6)Van de Graaff Lab, Utrecht Univ Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.1B Site Disturbance: The Role of Soil Morphology in its Assessment—Poster 120-1 140a Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Assess Soil Heterogeneity. Eric Sucre* and Thomas Fox, Virginia Tech Univ 120-2 140b Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Riparian Hydric Soils in Urbanizing Coastal Landscapes. Sean W. Donohue*1, Mark H. Stolt1, Arthur J. Gold2 and Peter Groffman3, (1)Univ of Rhode Island, (2)Univ of Rhode Island, (3)Inst Of Ecosystem Studies 120-3 141a Applied Aspects of Studying the Holocene Evolution of Soil–Vegetation Complexes in the Middle Amur Region, the Far East of Russia. Marina I. Skripnikova* and Olga N. Uspenskaya, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Inst 120-4 142a Morphology of Built Soils on Rehabilitated Bauxite Mines. Geoffrey Kew* and Robert Gilkes, Univ of Western Australia 96 SESSION NO. 121 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.1C Soil Micromorphology, Archaeometry, and Archaeology—Poster 121-1 143b Characterization and Micromorphological Observations of Fe/Mn and Silicate Minerals in Okinawa and Brazilian Soils. Alexandre Pereira De Bakker*, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA) 121-2 144a Root-Adhering Soil and Microstructure as Affected by Crop Species in a Volcanic Sandy Soil. Fernando De León-González*1, Ma del Carmen Gutiérrez-Castorena 2 and María del Carmen González-Chávez2, (1)Univ Autónoma Mteropolitana-Xochimilco, (2)Colegio de Postgraduados 121-3 121-4 121-5 121-6 121-7 121-8 121-9 121-10 121-11 144b Micromorphology, SEM and Genesis of Saline and Gypseous Soils of Bam Area , Southeastern Iran. Ebrahim Moghiseh*, Tehran Univ 145a Discrimination of Induration Features in Some Iranian Soils Using High- resolution CT Scanner Imagery. Fereydoon Sarmadian*, Soil Science Dept, Faculty of Soil and Water, Univ of Tehran and Richard Heck, Univ of Guelph 145b Soils Derived From Shale Deposits In Egypt. I. Soil Genesis and Classification. Gamil W. Ageeb*, National Research Center 243a Characterization and Formation of Iron-Manganese Nodules of Ultisol with Plinthite in Taiwan. Shih-Hao Jien*, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ, Taipei, Taiwan and ZuengSang Chen, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ 243b Morphology, Micromorphology and Genesis of an Endoaquept in Bangladesh. Sheikh M. F. Rabbi*, Khulna Univ and Syed Elahi, Dhaka Univ 244b Type of micromorphological structure in Rendzic Leptosols from the Malopolska Upland (Poland). Zbigniew Zagórski*, Division of Soil Science, Department of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural University–SGGW 245a Origin of Gravel-Clay Horizons in Soils Developed from Lower Triassic Red Beds in the Holy Cross Mountains (S Poland). Zbigniew Zagórski*, Div of Soil Science, Dept of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural Univ- SGGW and Sylwia Grela, Divi of Soil Science, Dept of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural Univ– SGGW 245b Record of Holocene Environmental Changes in the Northern Fertile Crescent Inferred From Pedogenic Carbonate Laminations on Stones at Göbekli Tepe (SE Turkey). Konstantin Pustovoytov*, Univ of Hohenheim, Inst of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Klaus Schmidt, German Archaeological Inst and Heinrich Taubald, Univ of Tubingen/Inst of Geosciences 344b Effects of Hydrophilic Polymers for Historical Site Conservation on Water Movement in Soil. Shoichi Mitsuishi*, Dept of Biological and Environmental Engineering,Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The Univ of Tokyo, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Univ of Tokyo and Masaru Mizoguchi, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Univ of Tokyo SESSION NO. 122 122-3 147a 122-4 147b 122-5 148a 122-6 148b 122-7 149a 122-8 149b 122-9 246a 122-10 246b 122-11 247a 122-12 247b 122-13 248a 122-14 248b 122-15 345a Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.1P Soil Geomorphology: Concept Theory and Practices —Poster 122-1 146a Topographic Controls on Soil Thickness in the Ouachita Mountains. Jonathan D. Phillips*, Tobacco Road Research Team, Daniel A. Marion, Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service and Kenneth Luckow, USDA Forest Service 122-2 146b Termodinamic of the Pedogeomorphological System: A Theoretical Proposal. Edgar J. Jaimes*1, Neida Pineda1, José Mendoza1, Graciano Elizalde2, Jajaira Oballos3 and Guido Ochoa4, (1)Soil and Water Research Group. Los Andes Univ, (2)Soil Science Potsgraduate Inst Agronomy Faculty. Central Univ of Venezuela, (3)Geography Inst.. Environment and Forestry Science Faculty. Los Andes Univ, (4)Geography Inst. Environment and Forestry Science Faculty. Los Andes Univ A Geomorphological Framework for Land and Soil Data -a Victorian Example. David B. Rees*1, Nathan J. Robinson1 and E. Bernie Joyce2, (1)Dept. Primary Industries, (2)Dept. of Earth Sciences, Univ of Melbourne Reading the Walls of the Unfinished Cathedral: Insights to the Dynamic Denudation of Bermudan Eolianites and Paleosols. Donald L. Johnson*, Univ of Illinois and Diana N. Johnson, Geosciences Consultants Experimental Measurements of Heat Storage Coefficient of Different Types of Soil. Anil Kumar Shrotriya*, Seth Motilal (Post Graduate) College and Sunil Kumar Jain, Engineering College Mima Mounds as Upper Soil or Whole Soil Biomantles: What Happens Morphologically When the Bioturbators Depart?. Donald L. Johnson*, Univ of Illinois, Diana N. Johnson, Geosciences Consultants and Jennifer Horwath, Dept of Earth and Space Sciences An Aeolian Explanation for the Asymmetrical Distribution of Deep Sandy Soils on Ridges. Richard J. Harper*, Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting and Robert Gilkes, Univ of Western Australia Is Pedology, the Historically Maligned and Misunderstood Sibling of Soil Science, Alive and Well?. Donald L. Johnson*, Univ of Illinois, John Tandarich, Dominican Univ and Leon Follmer, Illinois State Geological Survey Red and Yellow Cambic B Horizons: Their Relationship with the Geomorphic Evolution of the Vouga Catchment (Portugal). Virginia Pereira*, Dep. Geociencias, Univ de Aveiro Geomorphic Principles, Soil Patterns, and Glacial History in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Douglas Wysocki*1, Greg Whitney2, Joe Calus2 and Lawrence Carey2, (1)Natural Resource Conservation Service, (2)NRCS Computer-assisted Geopedology, a Way to Predictive Soil Mapping. Abbas Farshad*1, Satira Udomsri 2 , Ekkanit Hansakdi 2 and Dhruba P. Shrestha1, (1)ITC, (2)Dept of Agriculture Influence of Soil Parent Material and Bioclimate Over the Pedogeomorphological Homogeneity in Monaicito River Microbasin, Trujillo, Venezuela. Neida Pineda*1, Edgar Jaimes2, Rosalva Arellano2, Ligia Becerra2 and José Mendoza2, (1)Soil and Water Research Group. Los Andes Univ., (2)Soil and Water Research Group. Los Andes Univ The Effect of Parent Material and Topography on the Scale of Variation in Soil Properties. Ruth Kerry*, Department of Geography, Brigham Young University and Margaret A. Oliver, Department of Soil Science, Reading University Soil Geomorphology:Concept, Theory and Practices. Daniel Bitire*, Univ of Agriculture Abeokuta Nigeria Toposequence and Pedogenesis in Mt. Tatung, the Northern Taiwan. Chen-Chi Tsai*, Dept of Natural Resources, National I-Lan Univ and ZuengSang Chen, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ 97 POSTERS SESSION NO. 122 SESSION NO. 122 122-16 122-17 122-18 122-19 122-20 122-21 122-22 345b Visualization Techniques in Soil Geomorphology. Carolyn G. Olson* and William Effland, USDANRCS 346b Redoximorphic Soil Distribution in Valleys According to Stream Order. Brice Mourier*1, Christian Walter2 and Philippe Mérot2, (1)Univ of Savoie (CARRTEL Lab), (2)INRA Agrocampus Rennes, UMR SAS 347a Soil Landscape Relations in the Brazilian Fernando de Noronha Oceanic Island, Southern Atlantic Ocean. Mateus Rosas Ribeiro*, Flavio Adriano Marques, Sheila Maria B. Bittar and Jose Fernando W. F. Lima, Univ Federal Rural De Pernambuco 446a Development of Soil Geomorphology as a Subdiscipline of Soil Science. Robin N. Thwaites*, School of Natural Resource Sciences 446b Spatial Variability of the Soil Properties of Mapping Unit on Mountain Foot Slope in Granite Gneiss Area. ki-yuol Jung*, Eul-Soo Yun and Il-Soo Son, Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA, Korea 447a Pedologic Points and Geomorphic Space: Rethinking the Soil Map Unit Paradigm. Ronald D. Taskey*, Cal Poly/USDA NRCS 447b Relationships Between Soil Properties and Environmental Biophysical Units in Milpa Alta, Central Mexico. Jorge López Blanco Sr., Instituto de Geografía UNAM, Vela Correa Gilberto, Depto. El Hombre y su Ambiente UAM-X and Ma. de Lourdes Rodríguez Gamiño*, Instituto de Geografía UNAM 123-6 123-7 123-8 123-9 123-10 123-11 123-12 249b Soil Carbon Inputs from a 60-year Chronosequence of Decaying Pine Roots. Kim H. Ludovici*, USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Daniel D. Richter Jr., Duke Univ and Kimberly A. Magrini, National Renewable Energy Lab 250a Thirty-five Year Changes in Soil Mn, Zn, B, Cu, and Fe in Response to Forest Growth. Jianwei Li*1, Daniel Richter2, Arlene Mendoza1 and Paul Heine3, (1)School of Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke Univ, (2)School of Environment and Earth Sciences,Duke University, (3)School of Environment and Earth Sciences,Duke Univ 250b Aggregates Stability in a Removed Soil Undergoing a Recovering Process. M.M. Taboada-Castro*1, V. Do Nascimento2, M.C Alves2 and T. Taboada1, (1)Univ de A Coruña, (2)Univ Estadual Paulista 251a Crop Rotation Systems to Sustainable Vegetable Production in the South of Uruguay. Roberto Docampo*1, Claudio Garcia1, Sebastián Casanova2 and Armando Rabuffetti1, (1)National Research Inst of Agriculture of Uruguay, (2)National Research Inst of Agriculture of Uruguay 251b Long-term Effects of Fertilization and Crop Rotation on Soil, Water and Air Quality. Craig Drury* 1 , Dan Reynolds 1 , Chin Tan 1 , Don W. McKenney2 and Edward G. Gregorich1, (1)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, (2)Univ of Windsor 350b Effect of Temperature and Moisture on the Rate of Nitrogen Mineralization, Microbial Activity and C:N Ratio in Soils. Siva (Sivalingam) Sivakumaran*, Ian McIvor, Steve Green, Iris Vogeler, Markus Deurer, Tessa Mills and Brent Clothier, HortResearch 351a Impact of Sands and Gravels on Root Growth : Implications for Maize Seedlings. Jayraju Nadimikeri*, S.V.Univ SESSION NO. 123 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time—Poster Convenor: Peter Schad, Technical University 123-1 123-2 123-3 123-4 123-5 98 150a Prediction of Climate Change Impact on Soil Properties (Example of Mexico). Iourii Nikolskii Gavrilov*, Marcial Castillo Alvares and Oktiabrina Bakhlaeva, Colegio de Postgraduados 150b The Profile Development Index (PDI) of the Lateritic rRver Terraces in Central Taiwan. Heng Tsai* 1, Wen-Shu Huang 1, Zeng-Yei Hseu 2 and Zueng-Sang Chen3, (1)Dept of Geography, National Changhua Univ of Education, (2)Dept of Environmental Science and Engineering, National Pingtung Univ of Science and Technology, (3)Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ 151a Indicators of Soil Degradation Processes on a Chernozem Field in Hungary. Anita Gal*1, Tamas Szegi1, Barbara Simon1, Balazs Szeder1, Erika Micheli1, Etelka Tombacz2, Adam Zsolnay3 and Junko Akagi3, (1)Szent Istvan Univ, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Dept, (2)Univ of Szeged, Dept of Colloid Chemistry, (3)GSF Institut für Bodenökologie 151b Evolution Of Ecosystems Of The Central Siberia in the Upper Pleistocene (paleopedological data). Galina A. Demidenko*, Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural Univ 249a Common Features of the Soils of Forest Biogeocenoses. Vladimir F. Val’Kov*, Rostov State Univ SESSION NO. 124 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.2P Interdependency of Soils and Soil Scapes—Poster 124-1 152a New Technology and the NRCS Soil Survey Maintenance/Update Process in Abilene, Texas. James Gordon* and Alan Stahnke, USDA-NRCS 124-2 152b Evaluation of Fuzzy-logic Based Soil Inference Modeling for Soil Survey Updates in Pennsylvania. Rick L. Day*1, ED White2, Gary W. Petersen3 and John Chibirka2, (1)Pennsylvania State Univ, (2)USDA-NRCS, (3)Pennslyvania State Univ 124-3 153a 3D Soils Cover Models and Their Use for Pedological and Environmental Studies. Jordi Garrigó*, Dept de Química y Edafología. Univ de Navarra, David Elustondo, Dept de Química y Edafología. Univ de Navarra and Jaume Bech, Univ de Barcelona 124-4 153b Relevance of Soil Mapping Criteria to Predict Geochemical Background of Trace Elements in Soils from Local to Regional Scales. Gilles Colinet*1, Patrick Bogaert2 and Laurent Bock1, (1)Gembloux Agricultural Univ, Geopedology Dept., (2)Catholic Univ of Louvain-la-Neuve, Unit of Environmetrics and Geomatics 124-5 252a Human Activities, Soil Properties and Landscape Relations in Two Mountain Regions in Bulgaria. Emiliya Velizarova 1 , Jaume Bech* 2 , Maria Sokolovska 1 and Alejandro Lansac 2, (1)Forest 124-6 252b 124-7 253a 124-8 253b 124-9 124-10 1578a 352b Pedology Dept, Forest Research Inst, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, (2)Univ de Barcelona Characteristics, Genesis, and Fertility Status of a Deeply Weathered Soil from Cretaceous Ultrabasic Rock in Samar, Philippines. Victor B. Asio*, Dept of Agronomy and Soil Science, Leyte State Univ, Ian A. Navarrete, Laboratory of Environmental Soil Science, Obihiro Univ of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Juvia P. Sueta, Dept of Agronomy and Soil Science, Leyte State Univ, Janice P. Susaya, Inst of Tropical Ecology, Leyte State Univ. and Reinhold Jahn, Inst of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther Univ Transformation of Parent Material (Mantle Loam and Moraine) Composition, Related to Soil Formation in the Upper Volga Region, Russia. Olga A. Samonova* and Elena N. Aseyeva, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State Univ Redox Development in Soil Materials as Influenced by Time, Temperature, and Carbon Level. Rebecca A. Blue*1, Douglas D. Malo1, Thomas E. Schumacher1, James J. Doolittle2 and Jennifer J. Lund1, (1)South Dakota State Univ, (2)South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Relationships among Phosphorus Concentrations and Soil Properties and Land Use in an Agricultural Watershed. Rachel M. Stout Evans*1, William Kingery2, Michael Lilly1, Steve Depew1, Michael Cox 2 , Patrick Gerard 2 and Grady Jackson 2 , (1)USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, (2)Mississippi State University The Soils Cover of the Volcanic Area from the Eastern Carpathians (Romania). Constantin Rusu*1, Iulian Stanga2, Lilian Niacsu2, Iuliana Breaban 1 and Bogdan Rosca 1, (1)Univ Al l Cuza, (2)Univ AI I Cuza 125-5 125-6 125-7 125-8 125-9 125-10 125-11 125-12 158a Quantitative Analysis on Soil Acidification and Organic \Matter Dynamics in Humid Asia. Kazumichi Fujii*, Shinya Funakawa and Takashi Kosaki, Kyoto Univ 158b Experimental Simulation of Changes in Fine-Dispersed Minerals of the Mantle Loam under the Influence of Different Phytocenoses. Natalia P. Chizhikova*1, Irina A. Verkhovets1 and Alexander S. Vladychenskii2, (1)Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, (2)Moscow State Univ 256a Evidence for Biologic Lifting of Iron in a Soil Chronosequence. Marjorie Schulz*, Art White and John Fitzpatrick, US Geological Survey 256b Characteristics, Genesis and Degradation of Soils from Volcanic Rocks in Leyte, Philippines. Victor B. Asio*, Dept of Agronomy and Soil Science, Leyte State Univ, Reinhold Jahn, Inst of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther Univ and Karl Stahr, Inst of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim 257a Imogolite-type Material in Podzols and Response to Forest Harvesting. Stephanie Grand*, Univ of British Columbia 257b Decade-scale Conversion to Non-allophanic Andisols with Secondary Succession. Paul McDaniel*1, Jason Jimenez2, Jodi Johnson-Maynard1, Dennis Ferguson3 and Anita Falen1, (1)Univ of Idaho, (2)Univ of Idaho, (3)US Forest Service– Rocky Mountain Research Station 357a Balancing Watershed Level Soil Carbon Budgets Using Process-Level Measures. Matthew J. Richardson*, Univ of Rhode Island and Mark H. Stolt, Univ of Rhode Island 357b Site Quality Changes in a Volcanic Chronosequence at the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Víctor Peña* and Christina Siebe, Instituto de Geología, UNAM SESSION NO. 125 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced Pedogenic Processes—Poster Convenor: Gan-Lin Zhang, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 125-1 125-2 125-3 125-4 156a Effects of Converting Forest to Tea Garden on Soil Classification and Genesis: A Case Study in Guilan Province. Amir Bahrami*1, Mahmood Shabanpour2 and Mehdi Akef1, (1)Guilan Univ, (2)IranRasht- Guilan Univ- Agricultural Faculty- Soil Sci. Group 156b Biological Weathering of Apatite and Mica in Calcareous Goethitic Sandstone. Charles J. Everett*1, Dan F. Amos2 and Lee Daniels2, (1)Medical Univ of South Carolina, (2)Virginia Tech 157a Significance of the External Conditions in Salinized Soil Genesis. Tatiana N. Elizarova* Sr., Inst of Soil Science and Agrochemistry 157b Clay Mineralogy and its Relationship to Water Extract Composition for Soils from Different Environment in Humid Asia: Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. Tetsuhiro Watanabe* 1, Shinya Funakawa1 and Takashi Kosaki2, (1)Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ, (2)Kyoto Univ SESSION NO. 126 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 126-1 126-2 126-3 126-4 1.3PA Andisols and Related Soils—Poster 258a Proposal of New Subgroups for Arents with Andic Characteristics. Marisa Tejedor 1, Concepción Jiménez1, Silvia Armas-Espinel1 and Jose Manuel Hernández-Moreno* 2, (1)Univ de La Laguna, (2)Univ de La Laguna 258b Properties and Classification of Volcanic Soils derived from the 10th Century Eruptive Deposits in Changbai Volcano Area, Northeast China. Hitoshi Kanno*1, Tsuyoshi Miyamoto2 and Masami Nanzyo1, (1)Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ, (2)Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku Univ 259a Soils Developed on Volcanic Materials in a Mountainous Environment (Mt. Teide, Canary Islands, Spain). Carmen D. Arbelo*1, J. Asterio Guerra1, Antonio Rodríguez-Rodríguez2, Bayanor Santana1, Jesús S. Notario1 and Juan L. Mora2, (1)Univ of La Laguna, (2)Univ of La Laguna 259b Variable Charge Soils Identified in a Cloud Forest. Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Arvide*1, Joe B. 99 POSTERS SESSION NO. 126 SESSION NO. 126 126-5 260a 126-6 260b 126-7 261a 126-8 261b 126-9 262a 126-10 262b 126-11 263a 126-12 263b 126-13 264a 126-14 358a 126-15 358b 126-16 359a 100 Dixon2, Otilio A. Acevedo Sandoval3, Miguel A. Valera Perez1 and Gladys Linares Fleites4, (1)Benemerita Univ Autonoma de Puebla, (2)Texas A&M Univ, (3)Univ Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, (4)Benemerita Univ Autonoma de Puebla Research of Charcoal Particles in Andosols around Lake Biwa, Central Japan. Jun INOUE*, Osaka City Univ Heavy Metal Sorption by Andic and Non-Andic Soil Horizons Derived from Volcanic Parent Materials. Hartmut Tanneberg and Reinhold Jahn*, Martin-Luther-Univ Halle-Wittenberg Water Dispersible Clay and Zeta Potential as Affected by Sodicity and Management Practices in Andic Soils. Silvia Armas-Espinel1, Carlos M. Regalado2 and Jose M. Hernandez-Moreno*1, (1)Univ de La Laguna, (2)ICIA Classification of Heugag Soils in Jeju Island. Kwan-Cheol SONG*, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Characterization Of a Soil Catena on the Western Slope of The Piton Des Neiges Volcano (La Réunion). Frédéric Feder* 1, Romain Olivier 1, Karine Alary1 and Gérard Bourgeon2, (1)CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), (2)CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) Assessing the Risk of Soilborne Heavy Metals Leaching in an Andosol after Sewage Sludge Spreading. Emmanuel Doelsch1, Frédéric Feder*1, Antoine Findeling1, Yves Dudal2 and Hervé Saint Macary1, (1)CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), (2)INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) Modelling Mechanisms Controlling the Activity of Al3+ in Soil Solution of Volcanic Ash Soils Using Humic-ion Binding Model WHAM-Model V and Allophane Solubility. Yasumi Yagasaki*, Soil Classification Lab., Natural Resources Inventory Center, National Inst for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Jan Mulder, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian Univ of Life Sciences and Masanori Okazaki, Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology Icelandic Andosols and Vitrisols. Olafur Arnalds*, Agricultural University of Iceland Volcanic Soil Resources of Europe: an EU funded research co-operation. Olafur Arnalds*, Agricultural University of Iceland, Francois Bartoli, Centre de Pédologie Biologique, Peter Buurman, Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology, Paul Quantin, -, Georges Stoops, Department of Geology and Soil Science, and Fabio Terribile, Instituto per lo studio dei problemi agronomici dell’Irrigazione nel A mosaic of nonallophanic Andosols, Umbrisols, and Cambisols on rhyodacite in the southern Brazilian highlands. Alexander Dümig*, Peter Schad, Manmath Kohok, Patrick Beyerlein, Wolfgang Schwimmer and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde (Soil Science), Department of Ecology, Technische Universität München Decomposition of leaf litter mixtures in volcanic chronosequences on Mount Etna, Sicily. LauraLee Shillam*, University of Stirling The Current Status of the Soufriere Hill Volcanic Ejecta on the Andosols of Montserrat. Kamala N. Bhat*1, Robert Taylor2, Thilini D. Ranatunga1, 126-17 359b 126-18 360a 126-19 360b 126-20 361a 126-21 361b Zachary N. Senwo1, Richard H. April3 and Bruce Jackson4, (1)Alabama A&M University, (2)Department of Plant and Soil Science, Alabama A&M University, (3)Colgate university, (4)University of Massachusetts Lowell Genesis of young volcanic soils from pyroclastic material in South Central Italy. Claudio Colombo*1, Vincenzo Michele Sellitto1, Giuseppe Palumbo1 and Fabio Terribile2, (1)Dip. SAVA Molise University, (2)DISSPA UNIVERSITA’ DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II Vitrisols: a proposed WRB soil group. Olafur Arnalds*, Agricultural University of Iceland Effect of phospogypsum application on the chemical properties of Andisols. Eiichi Takasu*1, Shin Hiranuma2, Fumiei Yamada2, Yoshiaki Yoshida2 and Masahiko Saigusa3, (1)Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University / CO-OP Chemical Co., Ltd, (2)CO-OP Chemical Co., Ltd., (3)Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University Soil aluminum toxicity in the Colombian coffee growing region: Sources of acidity and methods of determination. Maria E. Ortiz Escobar*, University of Hawaii, Raul D. Zapata, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Siavosh Sadeghian, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, CENICAFE Seasonal Dynamics of Organic Carbon Stocks and Forms in Andosols of the Canary Islands (Spain). Antonio Rodríguez-Rodríguez*, Cecilia M. Armas, Carmen D. Arbelo, J. Asterio Guerra, Bayanor Santana, Jesús S. Notario and Juan L. Mora, University of La Laguna SESSION NO. 127 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.3PB Arid Soils: Genesis, Geomorphology, and Geoarchaeology—Poster Convenor: Sa’eb Khresat, Jordan University of Science and Technology 127-1 127-2 127-3 127-4 127-5 362a Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility in Kohgilouye Boyerahmad soils, Southwestern Iran. Hamidreza Owliaie*, Yasouj Univ, Richard Heck, Univ of Guelph and Ali Abtahi, Shiraz Univ 363a Specificity of Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Salts in Sor Solonchaks and Salt Lakes of the Kulunda Steppe, Western Siberia. Marina P. Lebedeva (Verba)*, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and Olga V. Lopukhina, Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State University 363b Mid-Miocene Nitrate Paleosols from the Atacama Desert: Implications for the Antiquity of the Atacama Desert. Jason A. Rech*1, Brian S. Currie1, Angela Cowan1 and Gregory Michalski2, (1)Miami Univ, (2)Purdue Univ 364a Genesis of the Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert: Analogue for Mars?. Michael S. Howell*1, Brenda Buck2, Jason A. Rech3, Amy Brock2 and Joel Prellwitz3, (1)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, (2)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, (3)Miami Univ 458a Nitrate Concentrations in Atacama Desert soils and Their Implications for the Antiquity of the Atacama Desert. Joel Prellwitz*1, Jason Rech1, Gre- SESSION NO. 128 459a 127-7 459b 127-8 460a 127-9 460b 127-10 461a 127-11 461b 127-12 462a 127-13 462b 127-14 463a 127-15 463b 127-16 464a 127-17 464b 127-18 127-19 Autónoma de Tamaulipas, (2)Univ Politécnica de Cartagena, (3)Univ Politécnica de Cartagena 465a Soils and Landforms as Indicators of Prehistoric Human Occupation at Big Bend National Park, Texas. Lynn E. Loomis*, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Thomas C. Alex, Big Bend National Park 465b New Directions in Soil Amelioration of Arid Ecosystems with the Use of Atmosphere Moisture Condensation. Zalibek G. Zalibekov* II, Anver MR. Mirzoev, Marat A. Balamerzoev and Alamudin K. Shihragimov, Caspian Institute of Biological Resources of Daghestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciencies SESSION NO. 128 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.3PC Pedogenesis and Weathering in Humid Tropics —Poster 128-1 525a Properties of Soils in Two Terrace Sequences Under a Perudic Soil Moisture Regime in the Amazon Basin. Steven Monteith*, USDA NRCS and Stanley Buol, North Carolina State Univ 128-2 525b Micromorphology and Mineralogy of Jamaican Bauxite Soils. Wendy A. Greenberg*, Bemidji State Univ 128-3 526a Magnetic Susceptibility to Characterize Soil Development on Basaltic Substrate, Hawaii. Remke L. Van Dam1, Jan M.H. Hendrickx*2 and J. Bruce J. Harrison2, (1)Michigan State Univ, (2)New Mexico Tech 128-4 526b Characterization and Classification of Bangladesh Soils used in Arsenic Fate Studies. Charles T. Hallmark*1, G. N. White1, S. Biswas1, L.R. Drees1, B. Biswas1, G.M. Panaullah2, JU Md. Shoaib3 and Richard Loeppert1, (1)Texas A&M Univ, (2)CIMMYT Office in Bangladesh, (3)Soil Resources Development Institute 128-5 527a Re-examination of H/Al Stoichimetry in Some Brazilian Soils. Daniel.V. Pérez*1, Adierson Gilvani Ebeling Jr.2, Lúcia Helena C. Anjos Sr.3, Maurício Rizatto Coelho1 and Marcos Gervasio Pereira Sr.2, (1)Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos/EMBRAPA, (2)UFRRJ, (3)UFRRJ Soils Depto 128-6 527b Humic Fractions Distribution of Diagnostics Horizons from Brazilian Soils. Ademir Fontana*1, Marcos Gervasio Pereira Sr.1 and Lúcia Helena C. Anjos Sr.2, (1)UFRRJ, (2)UFRRJ Soils Depto 128-7 528b Tropical Weathering Profile in a Biotite Schist. Maria da G. de V. X. Ferreira*, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Mateus RosasOSAS Ribero, Universodade Federal Rural De Pernambuca and Edmilson S. de Lima, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 128-8 625a Relationship between Clay Fraction Mineralogy and Physical Soil Properties in Toposequence of Oxisols Developed from Basaltic Rocks in the Parana State, Brazil. Vander de Freitas Melo* Sr., Univ Federal do Parana, Andre Ademir Ghidin Sr., Faculdade Palas Atenas and Valmiqui Costa Lima Sr., Univ Federal do Parana 128-9 625b Chemistry and Mineralogy of Selected Kenyan Acid Soils. Pamela A. Obura*1, Darrell G. Schulze1, Caleb O. Othieno2, John Robert Okalebo2, Derli P. Santana3 and Cliff T. Johnston1, (1)Purdue Univ, 101 POSTERS 127-6 gory Michalski2, Brenda Buck3, Michael S. Howell4 and Amy Brock3, (1)Miami Univ, (2)Purdue Univ, (3)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, (4)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas Influence of Volcanic Parent Material on Soil Properties in Murcia Province (SE Spain). Silvia Martínez-Martínez*, Ángel Faz Cano and Jose A. Acosta, Technical University of Cartagena Iron Oxides Distribution and Soil Color Studies of Well-drained Alfisols in Semi-arid Environment (Greece). Pantelis E. Barouchas*1, Nikolaos C. Moustakas2, Leonidas Panagiotopoulos1 and Athanasios Koulopoulos1, (1)Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Water Resources, (2)Agricultural Univ of Athens, Laboratory of Soil Science and Agr. Chemistry Genesis of Pisoliths and Brecciation Features in Stage VI Petrocalcic Horizons, Mormon Mesa, NV, USA. Amy Brock* and Brenda Buck, Univ of Nevada Las Vegas Soil Surface Properties of Mojave Desert Landforms. Daniel R. Hirmas* and Robert C. Graham, Univ of California Riverside Nature and Rates of Pedogenic Processes in Semiarid Patagonia (Argentina). Daniela Sauer*, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim, Gerhard Schellmann, Institute of Geography, Univ of Bamberg and Karl Stahr, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim Silcretes in southern Portugal—Micromorphological characteristics and differences. Daniela Sauer*, Christine Stein and Karl Stahr, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, University of Hohenheim Soil Development along an Arid to Semiarid Climosequence in the Trans-Pecos Area of West Texas. Nelson Rolong*1, Susan Casby-Horton1 and B.L. Allen2, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)Texas Tech University Soil Toposequence on Pumice Tuff in the Semiarid Canary Islands (Spain). Properties and Agronomic and Ecological Significance. J. Asterio Guerra* Sr., Antonio Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Carmen D. Arbelo and Jesús S. Notario, University of La Laguna Changes in Soil Physical, Chemical and Mineralogical Properties due to Bromus Tectorum L. (C heatgrass) Establishment over 2 Decades in Northern Nevada, USA. Patrick Drohan*1, Joshua Boxell1 and Maureen Yonovitz2, (1)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, (2)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas Overexplotation and Quality of Altoandines Soils: Study Case of Apolobamba (Bolivia). Mª Ángeles Muñoz García*, Univ Politécnica de Cartagena and Ángel Faz Cano, Univ Politécnica de Cartagena Assessing post-fire Soil Change: First Year Results from a Long-term Monitoring Project Following Ecosystem Recovery in Mesa Verde National Park, CO USA. Colin Robins*1, Michael Howell2 and Patrick Drohan1, (1)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, (2)Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas Soil Characterization of Laguna Madre (Mexican Burgos-Basin Portion) as a Tool to Establish Land Sustainability for Crop and Animal Production. Américo Cardona Estrada1, Ángel Faz Cano*2, Carlos Zamora Tovar1, Claudia E. González Romo1, Jorge Jimenez Pérez1 and Mª Ángeles Muñoz García3, (1)Instituto de Ecología y Alimentos. Univ SESSION NO. 128 128-10 128-11 128-12 128-13 (2)Moi Univ, (3)Embrapa Maize and Sorghum 626a Catastrophic High Temperature and Soil Redization —- A Revisit. Yaofu Weng*, The Seed and Seeding General Station of Zhejiang Forestry, Liqun Xu, Zhejiang Forestry Academy and Zhongjie Ye, Zhejiang Forestry College 626b Characteristic Genesis Reflected in Minerals by Clay Fraction of Red Oxisols under Tropical Monsoonal Climate in Thailand. Punyisa Trakoonyingcharoen*1, Irb Kheoruenromne1, Anchalee Suddhiprakarn 2 and Robert J. Gilkes 3 , (1)Agriculture Faculty, Soil Science Dept, Kasetsart Univ, (2)Agriculture Faculty, Soil Science Department, Kasetsart University, (3)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The University of Western Australia 627a Endemic Soils Developed from Volcanics in the Trindade Island, South Atlantic. Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer*1, Eliane P. Clemente1, Ruy V. Alves1, Liovando M. Costa1 and Vander F. Melo2, (1)Dept do Solos-Univ Federal de Viçosa, (2)Dept do SolosUniv Federal de Viçosa 627b Principal Component Analysis of Ferrasols from the Central Plateau of Southern Cameroon. M. Tchienkoua*, Institute of Agronomic Research for Development (IRAD), P. Bilong, Dept of Earth Sciences, Univ of Yaoundé, C. Nolte, Soil Fertility Unit, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture and M. Yemefack, Soils, Water and Atmosphere Programme, Institute of Agronomic Research for Development (IRAD) 129-6 129-7 129-8 129-9 129-10 129-11 129-12 SESSION NO. 129 129-13 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.3PD Soils on Limestones: Their Properties, Genesis, and Role in Human Societies—Poster 129-14 Convenors: Zbigniew Zagorski, Division of Soil Science, Department of Soil Environmental Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural University–SGGW; Sergey V. Goryachkin, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences; Michael Singer, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources 129-15 129-1 129-2 129-3 129-4 129-5 102 528a Mediteranean Forest Soils of Croatia. Boris Vrbek*, Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko 529b Impact of Limestone Mining Activity on Soil Properties. Ajaz Khan, Prabhu Prasadini* and Ramesh Thatikunta, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ 628a Comparison of Two Fractionation Methods for Determination of Distribution of Chemical Forms of Manganese in Highly Calcareous Soils. Najafali Karimian* and Seyed Ali Ghaffari-Nejad, College of Agriculture 628b The Peculiarities of Rendzina Genesis. Mihail A. Kutrovskiy* and Vladimir F. Val’Kov, Rostov State Univ 629a Origin and Distribution of Clay Minerals of Semiarid Soils Of Kohgilouye Boyerahmad Province, Southwestern Iran. Hamidreza Owliaie*, Yasouj University, Ali Abtahi, , Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, Farhad Khormali, Gorgan University of Agricultural and Natural Resource, Gorgan, Iran and Majid Baghernejad, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran 129-16 629b Geomorphology and Parent Material Relationships: Refining Second Order Soil Surveys in Kansas Using GIS and Terrain Analysis. DeAnn Presley* 1 , Michel D. Ransom 1 and W.A. Wehmueller2, (1)Kansas State Univ, (2)USDANRCS 725a Micromorphology and Stable Isotope Investigation of Lacustrine Sediments on the Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico. Dusten Russell*, Wayne Hudnall and B.L. Allen, Texas Tech University 725b Comparison between Humic Extract Color by Reflection and Transmission in Two Mollisols. Ana-Patricia Fernandez-Getino*, DPTO. Edafologia E.T.S.I. Agronomos, Univ Politecnia De Madrid, Jose-Maria Gasco, DPTO. Edafologia E.T.S.I. Agronomos, Univ Politechnica de Madrid and Francisca Guerrero, Univ. de Madrid 726a Soils on Hard Calcareous and Gypseous Rocks:Distribution, Genesis and Problems of Classification. Sergey V. Goryachkin*, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences 726b How Should Soil Texture be Determined for Chalk Soil?. Ruth Kerry*, Dept of Geography, Brigham Young Univ and Margaret A. Oliver, Dept of Soil Science, Reading Univ 727a Evolution of the Soil Cover of a Limestone Plateau as a Consequence of Climate Cooling : a Predictive Approach. Sophie Maillant*1, Guillaume Echevarria1, Michel Gury1, Brigitte Van Vliet Lanoe2, Elisabeth Leclerc-Cessac3 and Jean-Louis Morel1, (1)Laboratoire Sols et Environnement UMR 1120 INPL-INRA, (2)Processus et Bilans des Domaines Sédimentaires, UMR 8110 CNRS, (3)Andra 727b A Model of Silicate Replacement of Carbonate on Dolomitic Landscapes. Cynthia Stiles* and Krista Stensvold, Univ of Wisconsin–Madison 728a Soil Development on Calcareous Rocks in Central Siberia. Dmitry Ye. Konyushkov*, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 728b Crop production, water quality and phosphorus in calcareous soils in South Florida. Yuncong Li*, Tropical Research and Education Center, University of Florida 729a Origin of Associated Terra Rossa and Karst by Mineral Replacement Driven by Dissolved Dust: A Striking Case of Chemical Geodynamics. Enrique Merino* 1, Amlan Banerjee 1 and Steve I. Dworkin2, (1)Indiana Univ, (2)Baylor Univ 729b Soil-like Properties of Limestone in Yucatán, México. Hector EstradaMedina*1, Robert C.. Graham 1 , Michael F. Allen 2 and Juan Jose Maria Jimenez-Osornio3, (1)Univ of California-Riverside, (2)Univ of California, (3)Univ Autonoma de Yucatan SESSION NO. 130 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.4B Indigenous Soil Classification Systems—Poster 130-1 634a Soil Fertility Management & Compost Use in Senegal’s Peanut Basin. Nathan C. McClintock*, Univ of California–Berkeley and Amadou Makhtar Diop, The Rodale Institute 130-2 130-3 130-4 130-5 130-6 733a Ethnopedology – Stratification of the Environment in a Vernacular Concept: the Aikewara People, Para (Br). Júlio César Lucena Araújo* Jr.1, Lúcia Helena C. Anjos Sr.2 and Marcos Gervasio Pereira Sr.1, (1)UFRRJ, (2)UFRRJ Soils Depto 734a Farmers Conception of Soil Degradation and Restoration. Roger Kissou* and Alfred Nébié Kanké, Bureau National des Sols 734b How Does the Iban of Sarawak, Malaysia Select Sites for Shifting Cultivation? A Case Study on the Iban Communities in Lubok Antu Region. Mohd Effendi Wasli* 1 , Sota Tanaka 2 , Joseph Jawa Kendawang3, Logie Seman3, Brangking Unang3 and Katsutoshi Sakurai1, (1)Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi Univ, (2)Graduate School of Kuroshio Science, Kochi Univ, (3)Forestry Dept Sarawak 735a Local Knowledge and Pedology: Metodological Proposal of Interlocution between Pedologists and Farmers in Cerrado Region, Minas Gerais State (BR). João Roberto Correia, Embrapa Cerrados, Lúcia Helena C. Anjos*, UFRRJ Soils Depto, Antonio Carlos Souza Lima, Museu NacionalPPGAS, UFRJ, Delma Pessanha Neves, Anthropology Dept.-PPGACP, UFF and Luciano de Oliveira Toledo, Soil Dept.–UFRRJ 735b Etymological Study of English Terms for South Russian Soils (from World Reference Base). Tatyana Y. Valkova*, Rostov State Univ 131-6 131-7 131-8 131-9 131-10 131-11 131-12 SESSION NO. 131 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 131-13 1.5A Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Soil Sensing, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis—Poster Convenor: Endre Dobos, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department 131-1 131-2 131-3 131-4 131-5 534a Terrestrial and Orbital Spectral Models for the Determination of Tropical Soil Attributes. Jose Geraldo de A. Sousa Jr.1, Jose Alexandre M. Dematte*2, Aline M. Genu3 and Marco A. M. Bortoletto3, (1)Univ of São Paulo (USP), ESALQ, (2)Univ of São (USP), Escola Superior de Agricultura, (3)Univ of São Paulo (USP), Escola Superior de Agricultura 534b Precise Maps of Organic Matter and Topsoil Features by a Proximal Sensing Hyperspectral Scanner and a Digital Carnera. Goetz Reimer and Juergen Lamp*, C.A.Univ, Plant Nutrition a. Soil Science, WG Soil Informatics 535a Indicating Soil and Land Parameters by Yield Sensor Data. Goetz Reimer and Juergen Lamp*, C.A.Univ, Plant Nutrition a. Soil Science, WG Soil Informatics 535b Soils and Variogram Statistics of Precision Farming (PF) Fields in Germany. Ruprecht Herbst*, Humboldt Univ Berlin, Precision Agriculture and Juergen Lamp, C.A.Univ, Plant Nutrition a. Soil Science, WG Soil Informatics 536a Precise Soil Texture Inventory by an On-the-go Sensor EM38. Ruprecht Herbst*, Humboldt Univ Berlin, Precision Agriculture and Juergen Lamp, C.A.Univ, Plant Nutrition a. Soil Science, WG Soil Informatics 536b In Season Crop N Management Using Active Crop Canopy Sensors. Fernando Solari*, Univ of Nebraska, John Shanahan, USDA-ARS and James Schepers, USDA-ARS, Lincoln NE 537a Field Spectral Measurements of Desert Soil Reflectance and Emission Properties, and Comparisons with Satellite Remote Sensing Data. James K. Crowley*, Bernard E. Hubbard and Beatriz Ribeiro da Luz, U. S. Geological Survey 537b Comparison of dry-soil infrared spectroscopic techniques for assessment of organic carbon in soil management studies. Rupinder K. Randhawa* and Douglas D. Archibald, The Pennsylvania State University 634b Remote Sensing and Elevation Models on the Determination of Soil Attributes Contents. Aline M. Genú1, José Alexandre M. DeMatt*2, José Geraldo de A. Sousa Jr.3 and Rodnei Rizzo3, (1)University of São Paulo (USP), Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ), (2)University of São (USP), Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ), (3)University of São Paulo (USP), Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ) 635a Robust predictions of soil properties with uncertainty using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and Bagging-PLSR. Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel*, Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources 635b Application of Remote Sensing with Alsat-1 Data in Survey of Forest Fires and It S Impact in Forest Ecosystem in the North of Algeria. Ahmed Zegrar*, National Center of Spaces Technics 636a A spatial temporal method for soil thermal tomography. Aiman S. Soliman*, Richard J. Heck and Thomas R. Elliot, Land Resource Science Department, University of Guelph 636b Determining the composition of mineral-organic mixes using UV-VIS-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel* 1, Alex McBratney2 and Rob McGlynn1, (1)Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, (2)The University of Sydney SESSION NO. 132 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols —Poster Convenor: Edoardo A.C. Costantini, CRA-ISSDS 132-1 132-2 132-3 542a Development of Vertisols of Northern Caucasus River Valleys During the Last 5500 years. Alexander V. Borisov*1, Andrey B. Belinsky2 and Sergey V. Lyakhov2, (1)Institute of Soil Science Problems, (2)State Enterprise “Nasledie” 542b Gypsic, Natric, and Barite Paleosols in the Carroza Formation, La Popa Basin, Mexico, and Potential Applications of Pedogenesis to Salt Tectonics and Petroleum Exploration. Brenda J. Buck*, Univ of Nevada Las Vegas, Amy Brock, Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas and Timothy F. Lawton, New Mexico State Univ 543a Genesis of a Polycyclic Quaternary Terra Rossa (Bathi-Luvi Rhodic Cambisol on Rhodic Nitisol) in Central Italy. Simone Priori*1, Edoardo A.C. 103 POSTERS SESSION NO. 132 SESSION NO. 132 132-4 543b 132-5 642a 132-6 642b 132-7 643a 132-8 643b 132-9 742a 132-10 742b 132-11 743a 132-12 743b Costantini2, Enrico Capezzuoli3, Fabio Sandrelli3 and Giuseppe Protano4, (1)Earth Sciences Dept, Univ of Siena,, (2)CRA–Experimental Institute for Soil Study and Conservation, (3)Earth Sciences Dept, Univ of Siena, (4)Environmental Sciences Dept, Univ of Siena Paleosols and Environmental Changes in Southeastern European Steppes during Second Part of Holocene. Vitaly A. Demkin* and Tat’ana S. Demkina, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, RAS An Accumulative Pedogenic Process in Chinese Loess Plateau. Xue-feng Hu*, Dept of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Univ Interpreting Sedimentation Patterns and Paleoclimate from Paleosol Sequences of the TriassicJurassic Hartford Basin Rift Valley, Connecticut, USA. Cynthia Stiles, Univ of Wisconsin and Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch*, Ohio Univ Evidence of Sub-Tropical Humid Climate Paleosols from Paleocene-Eocene Sequences in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA. Cynthia Stiles*, D. Clay Kelly, Elizabeth Clechenko, Kathleen F. Bolger and Eric D. Shullenberger, Univ of Wisconsin Properties of Buried Soils at the Somma Vesuviana Ruins of Ancient Rome, Italy. Yudzuru Inoue*1, Jamsranjav Baasansuren1, Makiko Watanabe1 and Hiroyuki Kamei2, (1)Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institue of Technology, (2)Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology Paleosols and Pedosediments of the Early-Middle Pleistocene Red Sediments (Scythian clays) of the Southern Russian Platform. Svyatoslav A. Inozemtsev*, Moscow State Univ, Dept of Soil Science and Andrey E. Dodonov, Geological Institute, RAS Construction Techniques of Burial Mounds as an Essential Subject Matter of Paleosol Studies. Alexander O. Makeev*, Moscow State Univ, Soil Institute PaleoVertisols in Russia and USA: the Use of Stable Isotopes, Morphology and Microfabrics for Reconstructions of Environmental Changes and Soil Processes. Irina V. Kovda*, Institute of Geography, Claudia Mora, Univ of Tennessee and Lawrence P. Wilding, Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M Univ Contemporary Iron Stone Formation Due to Acid Sulfate Soil Processes. Leigh A. Sullivan*, Richard Bush and Edward Burton, Southern Cross Univ SESSION NO. 133 133-2 544b 133-3 545a 133-4 545b 133-5 546a 133-6 546b 133-7 547a 133-8 547b 133-9 548a 133-10 548b 133-11 549a 133-12 549b 133-13 645a Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 1.6B Amazonian Dark Earth Soils (Terra Preta and Terra Preta Nova): A Tribute to Wim Sombroek—Poster Convenor: Antoinette Winklerprins, Michigan State University 133-1 104 544a Macromolecular Speciation of Organic Matter in Black C rich Anthrosols: Insight from 13C CPMAS NMR and Synchrotron Based C (1s) NEXAFS and FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy. Dawit Solomon*1, Johannes Lehmann1, Janice Thies1, Biqing Liang1, James Kinyangi1, Flavio Luizão2 and Jan Skjemstad3, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazonia INPA, (3)CSIRO Land and Water Anthrosol Diversity in Brazil: Terras Pretas, Terra Mulatas and Sambaquis. Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer*, Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Guilherme R. Correa, Departamento de Solos and Hedinaldo N. Lima, Universidade Federal do Amazonas Formation of Dark Earth Soils in Western Amazonia, Iquitos, Peru. Andrew Zimmerman* and Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo, Univ of Florida Humus Composition Analysis by the NAGOYA Method for Amazonian Dark Earths of the Middle Amazon, Brazil. Satoshi Nakamura*1, Mario Hiraoka2, Eiji Matsumoto3, Kenji Tamura1 and Teruo Higashi1, (1)Tsukuba Univ, (2)Dept of Geography Millersville Univ, (3)Dokkyo Univ Nutrient Bioavailability of Anthropogenic Dark Earth Soils and Surrounding Soils of Central Amazonian. Newton Paulo de Souza Falcao*1, Ana Cristina Souza da Silva1, Lillian França Borges1 and Nicholas B. Comerford2, (1)National Instituto for Amazon Research, (2)Univ of Florida, IFAS Terra Preta Research: The preSombroek and Sombroek Periods. William I. Woods*, Univ of Kansas and William M. Denevan, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison Creating Terra Preta in Homegardens?: A Preliminary Assessment. Antoinette Winklerprins*, Michigan State Univ Changes in Soil Phosphorus Fractions and Species in Amazonian Dark Earths (Terra Preta) across a Long Chronosequence. Shinjiro Sato*1, Biqing Liang 2, Dawit Solomon 2 and Johannes Lehmann2, (1)SWFREC/Univ of Florida, (2)Cornell Univ Biodiversity in Amazonian Dark Earths Soils. Maria de Lourdes P. Ruivo*, MPEG, Maria de L. Oliveira, UEPa and Dirse Kern, Museu paraense emílio Goldi Geochemistry of Dark Earth Amazonian. Jucilene A. Costa*1, Dirse Kern1, Marcondes L. Costa2, Tarcisio E. Rodrigues 3, Nestor Kampf 4, Johannes Lehmann5 and Francisco J. L. Frazão6, (1)Museu paraense emílio Goldi, (2)Univ Federal do Pará, (3)Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, (4)UFRS, (5)Cornell Univ, (6)Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi “Nutrients’ Quantifying and Counting (C E N) of Microbial Population (Fungi and Bacteria) from Soils Enriched by Wood and Slaughter-House Wastes in TailÂNdia County – ParÁ – Brazil”. Maria de L. Oliveira1, Maria de Lourdes P. Ruivo*2, Ivone C. Magalhães1 and Eliane Ribeiro1, (1)UEPa, (2)MPEG Bio-Char Applications to a Tropical Oxisol Increase Crop Yield and Modify Water Relations. Julie Major*1, Marco A. Rondon2 and Johannes Lehmann1, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical–CIAT Humic Acids of the Amazonian Dark Earth Soils: Terra Preta De Índio. Tony Jarbas Ferreira Cunha* Sr.1, Beata E. Madari2, Ladislau Martin Neto Sr.3, Luciano P. Canellas Sr.4, Marcelo Simões Sr.3, Wilson Tadeu L. da Silva3, Débora Milori3, Lucedino P. Ribeiro Sr.5, Lúcia Helena C. Anjos Sr.6 and Gabriel de A. Santos Sr.7, (1)Embrapa Semi-Árido, (2)Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, (3)Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária, (4)Universidade Estadual do Norte SESSION NO. 135 133-15 133-16 133-17 645b 646a 646b 647a 133-18 647b 133-19 648a 133-20 133-21 133-22 648b 649a 649b SESSION NO. 134 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil Quality—Poster Convenor: William Bleam, Univ. of Wisconsin 134-1 134-2 134-3 134-4 550a Manganese Oxide in Mine Sludge: A Redox Barrier Against Arsenic Mobilization?. Suzanne Beauchemin*1, Glenn Poirier1 and James Ablett2, (1)Natural Resources Canada, (2)Brookhaven National Laboratory 553a Soil organic C speciation and transformations following long-term anthropogenic perturbations in tropical ecosystems: evidence from 13C NMR and synchrotron-based C (1s) NEXAFS and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. Dawit Solomon*1, Johannes Lehmann1, James Kinyangi1, Biqing Liang1, Ingo Lobe2, Wulf Amelung3 and Thorsten Schäfer4, (1)Cornell University, (2)UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, (3)University of Bonn, (4)Institute for Nuclear Waste Management 550b Sorption of Arsenate on Lithium/Aluminum Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalated by Chloride: Macroscopic and Spectroscopic Studies. Yu T. Liu*1, Ming K. Wang1 and P.M. Huang2, (1)Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan 653a Quality of the Water in Rio Amajac, Hidalgo, Mexico, for the Handling of the Nutritious Solution in Hidroponia. Jesus Amado*, Enrique Rubinos Pantal, Fransisco Gavi Reyes and Enrique Mejia Zaens, Colegio de Posgraduados POSTERS 133-14 Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, (5)Universidade Federal da Bahia, (6)UFRRJ Soils Depto, (7)UFRRJ Soils with Archaeological Dark Earth in Caxiuanã (Eastern Amazon): Pedologic Structuring, Mineralogy, Chemical Composition, Fertility and Influence of the Crop. Marciléia S. Carmo*1, Marcondes L. Costa1 and Dirse C. Kern2, (1)Federal Univ of Para, (2)Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Long-Term Oxidation of Biomass-Derived Black Carbon and Effects on Soil Fertility and Organic C Cycling. Biqing Liang*1, Johannes Lehmann1, James Kinyangi1, Dawit Solomon1, Janice Thies1 and Flavio Luizão2, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazonia INPA Isolating Unique Bacteria from Terra Preta Systems: Using Culturing and Molecular Techniques as Tools for Characterizing Microbial Life in Amazonian Dark Earths. Brendan O’Neill*1, Julie Grossman1, Siu Mui Tsai2, Jose Elias Gomes2, Carlos Eduardo Garcia 2, Dawit Solomon 3, Biqing Liang3, Johannes Lehmann1 and Janice Thies1, (1)Cornell Univ, Dept of Crop and Soil Science, (2)Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA), (3)Cornell University, Department of Crop and Soil Science Soil Microbial Communities Associated with Anthropogenic Dark Earths (Terra Preta) and Black Carbon Particles. Julie Grossman* 1, Brendan O’Neill1, José Elias Gomes2, Siu Mui Tsai2, Biqing Liang1, Johannes Lehmann1 and Janice Thies1, (1)Cornell Univ, Dept of Crop and Soil Science, (2)Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA) Addition of Vegetable Residues to the Soil: the Experience of TailÂNdia-Pa-Brazil, Subsidies for the Formation of New Black Earth 2. Monteiro K. F.G Monteiro K. F. G.* Sr., Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Measurement of Total Soil Carbon by NIR Spectroscopy in Land Uses of the Brazilian Amazon. Sandra M. O. Sa*1, Carla M. B. Nussio2, Didier Brunet3, Martial Bernoux3, Christian Feller4, Norberto C. Noronha1, Carlos E.P. Cerri1 and Carlos C. Cerri1, (1)Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura–CENA/USP, (2)Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz–ESALQ/USP, (3)Institut de Recherche pour le Développement–IRD, UR179SeqBio, (4)IRD, UR SeqBio Mineralogy, Chemistry and Origin of Phosphor of Ceramics Found in Dark Earth Soils of the Amazon Region. Marcondes L. Costa*1, Marciléia S. Carmo1, Dirse C. Kern2 and Edivan C. Oliveira3, (1)Federal Univ of Para, (2)Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, (3)Belágua Soil Fauna Management in Amazonia: Making use of “Ecological Services” in Agroecosystems. Christopher Martius*, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Marcos V.B. Garcia, EMBRAPA Amazônia Ocidental, Wulf Amelung, Univ of Bonn, Inst. of Soil Science and Hubert Hoefer, Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Reconstructing Amazonian Dark Earths: Ancient Technology as a Tool for Sustainable Management of Tropical Soils. Guido Hofwegen van*, Thom Kuyper, Joep Broek van den and Gertjan Becx, Wageningen Univ SESSION NO. 135 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.0P Measurement, Occurrence, and Transport of Radionuclides in Soils and Sediments, and their Transfer to Biota—Poster Convenors: Edward Landa, U.S. Geol. Survey, MS 430; Shigeo Uchida, National Institute of Radiological Sciences 135-1 135-2 135-3 135-4 555a Radionuclides and Fungi: Fungal Behavior, Fungal Communities and Fungal Impacts on Radionuclide Mobility in Soil. John Dighton* 1, Tatyana Tugay 2 , Nelli Zhdanova 2 and Victor Zheltonozhsky3, (1)Rutgers Pinelands Field Station, (2)Institute of Microbiology and Virology, (3)The Instiute for Nuclear Research 556a Effects of Near-Surface Redox Potentials on Radioactive Selenium, Iodine and Technetium Mobility in Soils. George Shaw*, Univ of Nottingham 556b Environmental Conditions for Insoluble Tc Formation in Ponding Water above a Paddy Field. Nobuyoshi Ishii* 1 , Hiroyuki Koiso 2 , Hiroshi Takeda1 and Shigeo Uchida1, (1)National Institute of Radiological Sciences, (2)Tokyo Nuclear Services Co., Ltd. 557a Natural Accumulators of Radionuclides in the Environment. Martine C. Duff*, Anna Knox and Mary Lou Ramsey, Savannah River National Laboratory 105 SESSION NO. 135 135-5 135-6 135-7 135-8 135-9 135-10 135-11 135-12 135-13 135-14 135-15 135-16 135-17 135-18 106 557b Plant Uptake and Release of Cesium-137: Application to Phytoremediation. Mark Fuhrmann*, Brookhaven National Laboratory 558a Kinetics and Reversibility of Tc Immobilisation in Soils under Flooded and Aerated Conditions. Siobhán Staunton*, INRA, Rhizosphère & Symbiose, Emmanuelle Quillerou, Laboratoire de Radioécologie et d’Écotoxicologie, IRSN,, Claire-Sophie Haudin, Andra, Guo Wang, Fuijan Agricultural Univ, and Arnaud Martin-Garin, Laboratoire de Radioécologie et d’Écotoxicologie, IRSN 558b Determination of Bioavailable Rhenium Fraction in Japanese Agricultural Soils. Keiko Tagami* and Shigeo Uchida, National Institute of Radiological Sciences 559b Depleted Uranium Corrosion and Mobility in an Arid Environment. Brenda J. Buck*, Univ of Nevada Las Vegas, Amy Brock, Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas, April L. Ulery, New Mexico State Univ and William H. Johnson, Los Alamos National Lab 560a Distribution and Transport of Depleted Uranium (DU) in Soils and Natural Waters at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Tanya Palmateer Oxenberg*1, William P. Ball2, Alan T. Stone2 and Edward J. Bouwer2, (1)US Army Developmental Test Command, (2)Dept of Geography and Environmental Engineering 561b Distribution Coefficients of Tin (Sn) in Japanese Agricultural Soils. Yasuo Nakamaru* and Shigeo Uchida, National Institute of Radiological Sciences 562b Transformation of Iodine Species in Submerged Paddy Soil. Noriko Yamaguchi*, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Masashi Nakano, Research Institute of Soil Science & Technology and Hajime Tanida, Japan Synchrotoron Radiation Research Institute 656a Radionuclides (137Cs) in Landscapes of Kiev Reservoir Banks. V. M. Starodubtsev* and O. L. Fedorenko, National Agricultural Univ 656b Effects of the Soil Redox Status on Selenium Mobility: Contributions of Microbiological and Geochemical Processes. Olivia Darcheville*1, Laureline Février1, Arnaud Martin-Garin1 and Pierre Renault2, (1)Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, (2)Institut National de la Recherche Agronomiqe 657a Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film for Evaluating Uranium Bioavailability to Ryegrass in 18 Contaminated Soils. Lise Duquène*, SCK-CEN 657b Availability and Immobilization of 137Cs in Subtropical High Mountain Forest and Grassland Soils. Chih-Yu Chiu*1, Chih-Jung Wang2 and ChingChung Huang2, (1)Research Center for Biodiversity, (2)Radiation Monitoring Center, Atomic Energy Council 658a Effects of a Climate Cooling on the Behavior of Radionuclides in Soils. Sophie Maillant*1, Guillaume Echevarria1, Elisabeth Leclerc-Cessac2 and Jean-Louis Morel3, (1)Laboratoire Sols et Environnement UMR 1120 INPL-INRA, (2)Andra, (3)INPL(ENSAIA)/INRA, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement 658b Inequilibrium between Fallout 137Cs and Stable Cs in Cultivated Soils. Hirofumi Tsukada*, Akira Takeda, Shun’ichi Hisamatsu and Jiro Inaba, Institute for Environmental Sciences 659a A Plume Runs through it: Elucidating the Soil Carbon Cycle Using Enriched Radiocarbon Additions. Christopher Swanston*1, Paul Hanson2, Susan E. Trumbore3, Philip Jardine2, Julie Jastrow4, Margaret Torn 5 , Wilfred Post 2 and Charles T. 135-19 659b 135-20 660a 135-21 660b 135-22 661a 135-23 661b 135-24 756a 135-25 757a 135-26 757b 135-27 758a 135-28 758b 135-29 759a 135-30 759b 135-31 760a Garten2, (1)Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, (2)Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (3)Univ of California, Irvine, (4)Argonne National Laboratory, (5)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Sorption Behavior of Selenium on Humic Acid under Increasing Se or Humic Acid Content. Nao Ishikawa*, Shigeo Uchida, Keiko Tagami and Yasuo Nakamaru, National Institute of Radiological Sci. Novel Synthetic Clays for Soil Remediation. Sridhar Komarneni*, The Pennsylvania State Univ Plant-Based Plume-Scale Mapping Reveals Tritium-Transport Extent and Processes in Desert Soils. Brian J. Andraski*1, David A. Stonestrom2, C. Amanda Garcia3, Robert L. Michel2, Michael J. Johnson1 and David L. Decker4, (1)U.S. Geological Survey, (2)USGS, (3)Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences, (4)Desert Research Institute Plant Uptake and Behavior of Depleted Uranium in Arid Zone Soils. April L. Ulery*1, Ramona R. Parra 1, Victoria Anne 2 and Yohei Hashimoto 3, (1)New Mexico State Univ, (2)U.S. Forest Service, (3)Dept of Soil Science, North Carolina State Univ Environmental Fate of Radium in Ion-Exchange Backwash Waste Stream, and Septic-Tank Sludge and Liquids, Southern New Jersey. Zoltan Szabo*1, Eric Jacobsen1, Thomas F. Kraemer1 and Bahman Parsa2, (1)U.S.Geological Survey, (2)New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services In Situ Formation of Colloidal Phases and Their Role in Radionuclide Transport. James Harsh*1, Markus Flury1, Youjun Deng1, Kholoud Mashal2 and Gang Chen 3 , (1)Washington State Univ, (2)Hashemite Univ, (3)FAMU-Florida State Univ Behavior of Cs, Sr and U in Soil Solution at Rhizosphere of Brassica rapa L. Akira Takeda*, Hirofumi Tsukada, Yuichi Takaku and Shun’ichi Hisamatsu, Institute for Environmental Sciences Estimation of the Effect of Farmland on the Behavior of 129I Released from Malfunctioning Atomic Facilities in Japan. Nobuharu Kihou*1, Hideshi Fujiwara1 and Kouichi Yuita2, (1)National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, (2)Formerly, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences Modelling of Caesium-137 Behavior in a SoilPlant System. Onggarbek Alipbeki*, Kazakh National Agricultural Univ Influence of Soil Production Processes on Differential Mobility of Fallout Radionuclides in Taiwan. Narasimham L. Vemuri* and Chih-An Huh, Institute of Earth Sciences Tracing Stochastic Behavior of Rock Bearing Soils Using 137Cs: Pinglin, NE Taiwan. Narasimham L. Vemuri* and Chih-An Huh, Institute of Earth Sciences Influence of the Long-Term Fertilizing on the Radioactivity of the Soil and Different Degree of Adopting of Radionucleides from the Wheat and Corn. Mirko Grubišic*, Institute for technology of nuclear and other raw materials The Assessment of Manure Application on Potential Mobility and Bioavailability of 137Cs in Tropical Soils. Maria Angélica Wasserman*1, Antonio Passos Portilho1, Aline G. Viana1, Flavia Bartoly1, Daniel.V. Pérez2, Ana C. Ferreira1, Valéria Argolo1 and Carlos Eduardo Menezes3, (1)Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria /CNEN, (2)Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos/EMBRAPA, (3)Colégio Agrícola Nilo Peçanha, Universidade Federal Fluminense 135-32 135-33 135-34 760b Laboratory and Field Experiments to Study the Mobilization and Preconcentration of Uranium from Soils and Various Rock Materials by Fungi. Colette MUNIER-LAMY and Jacques BERTHELIN*, LIMOS UMR 7137 CNRS-UHP Nancy I Faculté des sciences 761a In Situ Study of the Biochemical Cycle of Iodine in a Peat Bog. Sophie Maillant* 1, Genevieve Villemin1, Marsha Sheppard2 and Elisabeth LeclercCessac3, (1)Laboratoire Sols et Environnement UMR 1120 INPL-INRA, (2)ECOMatters Inc., (3)Andra 761b Radiological Characteristics of the Plant Species Taken from the Checking Area within 30 Km Influence Zone of the Volgodonsk Nuclear Plant. Andrej Pronin* and Tamara Abramova, Rostov State Univ SESSION NO. 136 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.1A Soil Structuring as a Dynamic Process and Particles Transfer—Poster 136-1 466a Sieving Crusts and Water Repellency. Albert SoleBenet*1, Sergio Contreras1, Juan Puigdefábregas1 and Yolanda Cantón2, (1)E.E.Z.A./C.S.I.C., (2)Universidad de Almería 136-2 466b Return Flow Generating Point on a Variably Saturated Layered Hillslope Surface. Sanjit Kumar Deb*, Masaru Mizoguchi and Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Univ of Tokyo 136-3 467a Rheometry in Soil Mechanics: Structural Changes in Mineral Suspensions, Clay-Rich and Silty Soils. Wibke Markgraf*, Rainer Horn and Stephan Peth, Institute for Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel 136-4 467b Effective Cross Section: A Structural Parameter to Consider Water Repellency in Soil Hydrology. Heiner Stoffregen* 1, Gerd Wessolek 1, Karsten Täumer1 and Jirka Simunek2, (1)Technical Univ Berlin, (2)Univ of California Riverside 136-5 468a Soil Crusting Susceptibility Evaluated by Means of Turbidimetry. Sergio Pellegrini*, Nadia Vignozzi, Elisa Batistoni and Andrea Rocchini, CRAISSDS 136-6 468b A Multi-Scale Approch for the Assessment and Quantification of Seedbed Soil Structure. Brian. S. Atkinson*, Sacha. J. Mooney and Debbie. L. Sparkes, Agricultrural and Environmental Sciences, School of Biosciences, Univ of Nottingham 136-7 469a Soil Structure Dynamics of Paddy Fields as a Function of Cultivation and Time. Imke Janssen* and Rainer Horn, Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel 136-8 469b Subsoil Compaction and Preferential Flow Paths Formation. Aminat Umarova* and Evgeny Shein, Moscow State Univ 136-9 565a Influence of Various Grazing Intensities on Soil Stability, Soil Structure and Water Balance in Inner Mongolia, P.R. China. Julia Kruemmelbein*, Stephan Peth and Rainer Horn, Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel 136-10 565b Hydrological and Geomorphological Implications of Different Types of Soil Surface Crusts in Semi- 136-11 566a 136-12 566b 136-13 567a 136-14 567b 136-15 568b 136-16 664a 136-17 664b 136-18 665a 136-19 665b 136-20 666a 136-21 666b 136-22 667a arid Rangelands in Se Spain. Albert Sole-Benet*1, Yolanda Cantón 2, Gabriel DelBarrio 1, Roberto Lázaro1 and Juan Puigdefábregas1, (1)E.E.Z.A./ C.S.I.C., (2)Universidad de Almeria Analysis of Fragmentation Fractal Dimension of Soil Particle-Size Distribution Obtained from Mass-Time and Mass-Size Data. Roberto R. Filgueira*, Pablo R. Gelati, Lidia L. Fournier, Guillermo O. Sarli and C. German Soracco, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales-Universidad Nacional de La Plata Structural Attributes of a Clayey Hapludox Cultivated No Tillage System the Culture Sequences in Succession and Rotation. Jorge Luiz Piccinin*, Museum Paraense Emílio Goeldi–CCTE, Carlos Roberto. Espíndola, Univ of Campinas–UNICAMP,, Eleno Torres, Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise (Embrapa Soja) and Odilon Ferreira Saraiva, Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise (Embrapa Soja) A Generalized Approach to Predict Shrinkage Using Water Potential. Thomas Baumgartl*, Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation Crop Yield and Physical Attributes of a Clayey Oxisol under Diferent Soil Management Systems and Crop Rotation. Jorge Luiz Piccinin*1, Eleno Torres2, Lincoln Zotarelli3, Odilon Ferreira Saranva2 and Carlos Roberto Espindola 4 , (1)Museum Paraense Emílio Goeldi, (2)Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise (Embrapa Soja), (3)Univ of Florida, Agronomy Dept, (4) Univ of Campinas UNICAMP The Regularities of Changes in Soil Surface Properties Due to the Soil Formation and Field Agricultural Technogeneses. V.F. Utkaeva*, V.V.Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute Synchrotron Computed Microtomography for Assessing Changes in Porosity as Influenced by Compaction. Clark J. Gantzer*1, Stephen Anderson1 and Shmuel Assouline2, (1)Dept of Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, (2)Inst. of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences Effects of Polyacrylamide Molecular Weight, Soil Texture and Electrolyte Concentration on Drainable Porosity and Aggregate Stability. A.I. Mamedov*1, S. Beckmann2, C. Huang1 and G.J. Levy3, (1)USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, (2)Univ of Regensburg, Dept of Landscape Ecology and Soil Science, (3)Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences Shrinkage modelling as a Tool to Quantify Soil Structural Changes: Insights and Perspectives. Pascal Boivin*, Institute of Research for Development Tillage Management to Improve Soil Physical Conditions for Crop Growth. Dong Wang*, James Kurle and James Percich, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities Campus The Effect of Magnesium on the Age-Hardening of Soil. Gemma E. Nichol*1, Judy Tisdall2 and Nick Uren2, (1)Dept of Primary Industries, (2)La Trobe Univ Influence of No-Till on Hydrophysical Properties of Argiudols of the Center of Santa Fe–Argentina. Roberto P. Marano, Hugo A. Micheloud and Silvia Imhoff*, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral Mass Fractal Dimension of Soil Aggregates; Minimum Number of Experimental Data. C. German 107 POSTERS SESSION NO. 136 SESSION NO. 136 136-23 136-24 667b 764a 136-25 765a 136-26 765b 136-27 766a 136-29 767a Soracco 1 , Guillermo O. Sarli 1 , Roberto R. Filgueira*1 and Daniel Gimenez2, (1)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales-Univ Nacional de La Plata, (2)Rutgers Univ Concentric Biophysical and Chemical Gradients within Macro-Aggregates Add a New Dimension to Soil Structure Formation. Alvin Smucker*, Eun Jin Park, Curtis Dell and Rainer Horn, Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State Univ Transport of Suspended Solids from a Rural Catchment to a Small Water Course in Humid Temperate Climate. M.L. Rodríguez-Blanco1, M. M. Taboada-Castro*1, M.T. Taboada-Castro1 and J. L. Oropeza-Mota2, (1)Univ de A Coruña, (2)C.P. Instituto de Recursos Naturales. Especialidad de Hidrociencias Soil Evaluation for Sustainability under Different Cropping Systems Using Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Pradeep K. Sharma* and Sudhir Verma, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural Univ New soil quality indices produced by image analysis techniques applied to the soil porous system. Giacomo Mele*1, Angelo Basile1, Roberto De Mascellis1, Bruno Di Matteo1 and Fabio Terribile2, (1)CNR ISAFOM, (2)Disspa Univ Di Napoli Federico II Quantification of the Effects of Cereal Root Anchorage Failure Using X-ray Computed Tomography and Image Analysis. Sacha J. Mooney*, Univ of Nottingham and Peter Berry, ADAS Extent of Hardsetting Behavior of Soils in Region 10, Philippines and their Effects on Maize Plant Growth and Yield. Nonilona P. Daquiado*, Central Mindanao Univ SESSION NO. 137 137-6 473a 137-7 473b 137-8 474a 137-9 474b 137-10 568a 137-11 569b 137-12 570a 137-13 570b 137-14 471b 137-15 571a 137-16 571b Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.1B Soil Hydrology, Structure, and Micromorphic Propoerties (Soil Porous System)—Poster Convenor: Miroslav Kutilek, Soil and Tillage Research 137-1 137-2 137-3 137-4 137-5 108 470a Darcian Description of Water Transfer in Evaporating Unsaturated Soil and Hydraulic Conductivity Function. Alexandr M. Globus*, Tatiana Neusypina and Alexandr Topazh, Agrophysical Research Institute 470b Scale Dependent Physical Protection of Organic Matter in Soils. Axel Lamparter*, Jörg Bachmann, Marc-Oliver Goebel, Susanne K. Woche and Walter R. Fischer, Institute of Soil Science 471a Influence of Organic Matter Input on Earthworm Burrow Properties and Consequences on Soil Water Movement. Guenola Pérès*, Univ of Rennes1, Stefan Schrader, FAL. Federal Agricultural Research Centre, Institute of Agroecology, Daniel Cluzeau, Univ of Rennes1, Vincent Hallaire, UMR INRA/Agrocampus Soil Agronomy Spatialization and Christian Walter, INRA Agrocampus Rennes, UMR SAS 472a Changes of Nonrigid Pore Structure upon Predrying Intensity and Frequency. Xinhua Peng* and Rainer Horn, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 472b Computed Tomography for Measurement of Soil Macroporosity as Affected by Stiff-Stemmed Grass Hedges. Achmad Rachman, Indonesian Soil Research Institute, Stephen H. Anderson*, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, Clark J. Gantzer, Dept of Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Missouri-Columbia and Ranjith P. Udawatta, Center for Agroforestry, Univ of Missouri-Columbia Physical Interpretation of Soil Hydraulic Functions in Bi-Modal Soils with Log-Normal Pore Size Distribution. Miroslav Kutilek*, Soil and Tillage Research and Libor Jendele, Cervenka Consulting Physically-based Explanation of the Brooks and Corey Parameters in Terms of Partial Drainage of Random Mass Prefractals. Edmund Perfect*, Univ of Tennessee Linking the Gardner and Campbell Models for Predicting Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Near-Saturated Soil. Ken Kawamoto*, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama Univ, Per Moldrup, Environmental Engineering Section, Dept of Life Sciences, Aalborg Univ, Ty P.A. Ferré, Dept of Hydrology and Water Resources, Univ of Arizona, Markus Tuller, Soil and Land Resources Division, Ag. Sci. 113, Univ of Idaho, Ole H. Jacobsen, Dept of Agroecology, Institute of Agricultural Research Centre Foulum and Toshiko Komatsu, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama Univ Estimation Model of Field Capacity and Wilting Point on Soil Water Retention Curve from Soil Physical Characteristics in Korean Soil. Seungoh Hur*1, Yeon-Kyu Sonn1, Kang-Ho Jung1, SangKeun Ha1 and Jeong-Gyu Kim2, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (2)Div. Env. Science & Ecol. Eng. Korea Univ Soil Hydrological Properties of Andisols in Japan in Relation to the Dispersion-Coagulation Behavior. Katsutoshi Seki*, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Hiromi Imoto and Masaru Mizoguchi, The Univ of Tokyo Exploring the Relationship between Solute Transport and Soil Macropore Structure. Jonathan E. Holland*, Univ of Melbourne Agroforestry and Grass Buffer Influences on CTMeasured Pore Characteristics. Ranjith P. Udawatta*, Center for Agroforestry, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, Stephen H. Anderson, Dept of Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences and Clark J. Gantzer, Dept of Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Missouri-Columbia General Theoretical Framework for Estimating Soil Water Retention from Textural Data. John R. Nimmo*1, William N. Herkelrath1 and Ana M. Laguna Luna2, (1)US Geological Survey, (2)Univ of Córdoba Temperature Dependent Capacitance Scaled Frequency. Ali Fares*, Natural Resources & Environmental Management Department and Syamsuddin Hamdhani, University of Hawaii Pore System Characteristics of Pavement Seam Materials in Urban Areas. Thomas Nehls1, Gerd Wessolek* 1 , Grzegorz Jozefaciuk 2 , Zofia Sokolowska3 and Heiner Stoffregen1, (1)Technical Univ Berlin, (2)Dept of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, (3)Dept of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Perudic and Near-Perudic Soil Moisture Regimes in the Central Appalachians. E.J. Ciolkosz*1, D.A. Miller2, W.J. Waltman2, Sharon Waltman3, T.M. Prescott4, S.G. Carpenter4 and A.R. Topalanchik4, 137-17 572a 137-18 572b 137-19 573a 137-20 573b 137-21 574a 137-22 574b 137-23 668a 137-24 668b 137-25 669a 137-26 669b 137-27 670a 137-28 670b 137-29 671a (1)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, The Pennsylvania State Univ, (2)Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, The Pennsylvania State Univ, (3)USDA-NRCS-NGDC, (4)USDA-NRCS, MLRA 13 Region Water Retention and Color in Fine Earth and Soil Core Samples. Manuel Sanchez-Maranon1, Jaume Bech* 2, Raul Ortega 1, Isabel Miralles 1, Gabriel Delgado1, Juan Manuel Martin-García1 and Rafael Delgado1, (1)Univ de Granada, (2)Univ de Barcelona Quantification of Soil Micromorphology from Images of Soil Sections. Daniel Gimenez*1, Adolfo Posadas2 and Hyen Chung Chun1, (1)Rutgers Univ, (2)International Potato Center Observation and Analysis of Microscale Heterogeneity of Infiltration and Water Flow in Chernozem and Black-Chestnut Soils. Vyacheslav N. Semenov* and Anatoli Zeiliguer, Moscow State Univ of Environmental Engineering An Upscaling Algorithm for Simulating Water Flow in Unsaturated Soils under Flood Irrigation at Field Scale. Li Ren*1, Meng Mao1, Zhiming Chen2 and Renduo Zhang3, (1)Dept of Soil and Water Sciences, China Agricultural Univ, (2)Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (3)Univ of Wyoming Numerical Simulation of Atrazine Leaching at Field Scale During Summer Maize Growing Season under Meteorological Condition. Meng Mao* and Li Ren, Dept of Soil and Water Sciences, China Agricultural Univ Modeling Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Clay Soils at Guilan Province (Iran) Using Artificial Neural Networks. Meysam Doai*, Mahmoud Shabanpour Shahrestani and Farid Bagheri, Guilan Province-Guilan University-Agriculture Faculty Superficial Tension of Biologically Active Water for Using in Soil-Plant Systems. Nemat Mamedov*, Geys Garibov and Sh. Sh. Alekperov, Baku State Univ Leaf Water Potential in Corn and Cotton in Relation to Root Zone Soil Water Status and Depth of Rooting. Ram Baboo Sharma*, Indira Gandi Agricultural Univ Cyclic Swelling Behavior of Superabsorbent Polymers in Soil Porous Media. Soheila Ebrahimi*1, Mehdi Homaee1 and Babak Ebrahimi2, (1)Tarbiat Modaress Univ, (2)IUST Spatial Distribution of Nitrogen-Fixing and Denitrificating Microorganisms in Soils with Preferential Flow. Atsushi Suetsugu*, Arid Land Research Center, Tottori Univ Modeling Soil Organic Matter in Intensive Cropping in China’s Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. Li Baoguo*, College of Resources and Environment,China Agricultural Univ and Lei Hongjun, College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural Univ Development and Evaluation of a Simplified Mechanistic-Stochastic Method for Field-Scale Solute Transport Prediction. Jaehoon Lee*, Univ of Tennessee, Biosystems Eng. & Soil Science Dept and Francis X. M. Casey, North Dakota State Univ Numerical Analysis of Multifractal Spectrum on 2-D Black and White Images. Ana M. Tarquis*, V. Méndez, M.T. Castellanos and M.C. Moratón, Dpto. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid 137-30 137-31 137-32 137-33 137-34 137-35 137-36 137-37 137-38 137-39 137-40 137-41 671b A Probabilistic Approach to the Identification of Soil Textural and Structural Input Variables for the Estimation of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity. Allan Lilly, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Attila Nemes*, Univ of California Riverside, Walter J. Rawls, USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory and Yakov A. Pachepsky, USDA/ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML 672a Gas Transport Parameters along Field Transects of a Volcanic Ash Soil. Augustus Resurreccion*1, Toshiko Komatsu1, Ken Kawamoto2, Per Moldrup3 and Dennis Rolston4, (1)Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama Univ, (2)Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama Univ, (3)Environmental Engineering Section, Dept of Life Sciences, Aalborg Univ, (4)Dept of Land, Air, and Water Resources, Univ of California, Davis 672b Use of Class Pedotransfer Functions to Predict Water Retention Properties of Soils: Are They Still of some Interest?. Hassan Al Majou*1, Ary Bruand2, Odile Duval3 and Isabelle Cousin3, (1)Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTO), (2)Université d’Orléans, (3)INRA 673a Critical Water-Absorption Rate when a Plant Absorbs Water from a Soil-Water System through Its Rooting System. Michihiro Hara*, Kazuyoshi Miyamoto and Bikash C. Sarker, Iwate Univ 673b Hydraulic Characteristics of Mountainous Soils in Korea. Kang-Ho Jung*1, Seungoh Hur1, YeonKyu Sonn1, Yeong Sang Jung2 and Sang-Keun Ha1, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (2)Kangwon National University 674a Particle Size Distribution and Mineralogy of Brazilian Ferralsols: Significance for the Structure and Hydraulic Properties. Adriana Reatto*1, Euzébio Medrado Silva1, Ary Bruand2, Eder de Souza Martins 1 , Isabelle Cousin 3 and Michel Brossard 4 , (1)Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Cerrados), (2)Université d’Orléans, (3)INRA, (4)IRD 674b Field and Numerical Study of Chlorotoluron Transport in the Soil Profile Affected by NonEquilibrium Flow. Radka Kodesová*1, Martin Kocárek 1 , Josef Kozák 1 and Jirka Simunek 2 , (1)Czech Univ of Agriculture in Prague, (2)Univ of California Riverside 768a Effect of Dry Layer Thickness on the Evaporation from Surfaces of Different-Sized Glass. Michiko Hayano*, JSPS research fellow / JIRCAS 768b Effect of Agricultural Sulfur on Chemical Properties and Hydraulic Conductivity (under SalineSodic Conditions) of Different Calcareous Soils from Dry Region of Iran. Ali Kasraian* and Abdol Majid Sameni, Shiraz Azad Univ 769a Infiltration Water Sampling Using an Automated Suction-Controlled Flux Sampler. Yasushi Mori*, Shimane Univ, Naoko Higashi, Arid Land Research Center and Mitsuhiro Inoue, Arid Land Research Center, Tottori Univ 769b The Effect of Induced Electrical Gradients During Hyperfiltration in Clay. J.P. Gustav Loch*, Utrecht Univ, Faculty of Geosciences and Katja Heister, Utrecht Univ, Dept of Earth Sciences 770a PedoTransfer Functions for Estimating the Water Release Curve and Resistance to Penetration Curve of Soils of Sante Fe–Argentina. Silvia Imhoff*1, Alvaro Pires da Silva2, Pablo Ghiberto1 and Miguel Pilatti 1 , (1)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, (2)ESALQ, Universidade de Sao Paulo 109 POSTERS SESSION NO. 137 SESSION NO. 137 137-42 137-43 137-44 137-45 137-46 137-47 137-48 137-49 770b The Diversion Capacity of Curved Capillary Barriers in Layered Slopes. Tsuyoshi Miyazaki* and Michinao Kojima, The Univ of Tokyo 771a Effects of Flow Field Properties on Partitioning Interwell Tracer Test (PITT). Junko Nishiwaki*, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki and Masaru Mizoguchi, The Univ of Tokyo 771b Different Stocking Rate Effects on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Measured with Tension-Infiltrometers in Catamarca (Argentina). Pablo J. Ghiberto, Osvaldo Felli, Miguel A. Pilatti and Silvia Imhoff*, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral 772a Infiltration from Surface Disc and Strip Sources. Arthur Warrick* and Naftali Lazarovitch, Univ of Arizona 772b Preferential Water Flow in the Subsoil of an Andisol in Relation to the Initial Water Content and Amount of Rainfall under Field Conditions. Sadao Eguchi*, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences and Shuichi Hasegawa, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ 773a Use of Polyacrylamide to Reduce Seepage From Unlined Irrigation Canals: Small Scale Tests. Richard Susfalk1, Michael Young*1, Max Schmidt2, Brian Epstein3, John Goreham1, Jay Swihart4 and Delbert Smith 4 , (1)Desert Research Institute, (2)Water Solutions of Colorado, (3)Hydrologic Solutions, LLC, (4)US Bureau of Reclamation 773b Soil Water Characteristics of Mixed Conifer and Deciduous Forest in Low Mountain Area in Beijing China. Lishui Nie*, Michigan State Univ 774b Vegetation-Induced Changes of Soil Properties in Buffer Zones in a Clay and a Sandy Soil in Finland. Kimmo Rasa*1, Mari Räty1, Markku YliHalla1, Rainer Horn2 and Liisa Pietola1, (1)Dept of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, Univ of Helsinki, (2)Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, CAU Kiel SESSION NO. 138 138-5 827a 138-6 827b 138-7 828a 138-8 828b 138-9 829a 138-10 829b 138-11 830a 138-12 830b 138-13 831a 138-14 831b 138-15 832a 138-16 832b 138-17 833a Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration—Poster 138-1 825a Stability of the Zinc-Humic /Fulvic Complexation Equilibria of Soils of Terai Agroecological Region of West Bengal (India). Amlan Bhattacharya* and Dibyendu Mukhopadhyay, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya 138-2 825b Structural Changes of Sugar Industry’s Refuse during Vermicomposting and Composting. Kazem Hashemimajd*, Mohaqeq Ardebili Univ, Ahmad Golchin, Zanjan Univ and Hiecke Knicker, Institute for Soil Research, Technical Univ of Munich, Weihenstephan 138-3 826a Long-Term Black Carbon (Bio-Char) Dynamics in Cultivated Soil. Binh Thanh Nguyen*, Johannes Lehmann and James Kinyangi, Cornell Univ 138-4 826b Vegetation Change and Organic Matter in Chernozems: Peculiarities of State Reflected by Physical Fractionation and Stable Isotope Analyses. Maria Nobles, Alabama A&M Univ, Evgeny 110 Morgun*, Dept of Soil Science, Moscow State Univ, Thomas W. Boutton, Texas A&M Univ and Kirk Jessup, Dept Rangeland Ecology and Management, Texas A&M Univ Characterisation and Stability of the Organic Matter of the Plaggic Anthrosols from Central Europe, Northwest and North Russia. Olga Kalinina*1, Oleg Chertov1, Marina Nadporozhskaya1 and Luise Giani2, (1)St.Petersburg State Univ, (2)Carl von Ossietzky Univ Are Recalcitrant Biomacromolecules Potential Sinks in the Global Carbon Cycle?. Klaus Lorenz* and Rattan Lal, Carbon Management and Sequestration Centre, School of Environment and Natural Resources, FAES/OARDC, The Ohio State Univ Compositions, Aspects of Structures, and Clay Associations of Soil Humic Components. Michael H.B. Hayes*, Univ of Limerick, André J. Simpson, Dept of Physical and Environmental Sciences, Univ of Toronto, Scarborough College, C. Edward Clapp, USDAARS & Dept of Soil, Water & Climate, Univ of Minnesota and James Burdon, Univ of Birmingham Simulation of Soil Tillage Effects on Soil Organic Matter Turnover. Dmitri Chatskikh*1, Bjorn M. Petersen1, Soren Hansen2, Jorgen E. Olesen1 and Jorgen Berntsen1, (1)Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, (2)The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Univ The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Aggregate Stability and Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in Tallgrass Prairie. Gail Wilson* and Charles Rice, Kansas State Univ Characterization of Stable and Labile Soil Organic Matter Using a Novel Multiple Elemental Scanning Thermal Analysis. Y. Ping Hsieh*, Florida A&M Univ Organic Carbon Status of a Laterite and a Red Soil under Long Term Rice Cultivation in Karnataka,India. K. Sudhir, Geo Jose*, H.C. Prakasha and N.A. Janardhan Gowda, Univ of Agricultural Sciences Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in Relation to Tractor Tillage and Bio-Residues in Fodder Production Systems. Banwari Lal Suman*, Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute Soil Carbon Conservation Approaches in Intensive Cropping System. Ramaiah Kutralingam Kaleeswari*, Kalpana Rengabasham and Devasenapathy Palanisamy, Tamilnadu Agricultural Univ Biochemical Origin of Humic Acid and their Role in Soil C Sequestration. Fabrizio Adani*, Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale–Università degli Studi di Milano Mangrove Leaf Tannins: Their Fate and Role in Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Cycling in Subtropical Coastal Environment. Nagamitsu Maie*1, Rudolf Jaffé1 and Oliva Pisani2, (1)Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International Univ, (2)Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Florida International University Effect of Temperature on the Dynamics of Different Soil Organic Matter Fractions. Michelle Haddix1, Megan Steinweg1, Richard Conant*1, Alain Plante2, Eldor Paul1 and Johan Six3, (1)Natural Resource Ecology Lab, (2)Villanova Univ, (3)Dept of Plant Sciences, Univ of California-Davis Enriching Sugarcane Bagasse Compost by Sulfur, Nitrogen Fixing (Azotobacter Chroochoccum) and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (Enterobac- 138-18 833b 138-19 834b 138-20 835b 138-21 138-22 138-23 925a 925b 926a 138-24 926b 138-25 927a 138-26 927b 138-27 928a 138-28 928b 138-29 929a 138-30 929b ter Cloacae). ladan Razikordmahalleh*, Department of Environment Destabilization of SOM Following Overgrazing and Aggregate Deterioration in a Steppe Ecosystem in Inner Mongolia (China). Markus Steffens*, Angelika Koelbl and Ingrid KoegelKnabner, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde TU Muenchen Exploring Atypical Stabilization Pathways Using Pool-Based Modeling. Saran Sohi*, Rothamsted Research Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass C, N & P in a Tropical Irrigated Agro Ecosystem Due to Continuous Application of Farmyard Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers under Intensive Cultivation in a Vertic Ustropept. Duraisamy Selvi*, Ponnusamy Santhy and Palaniappa Pillai Malarvizhi, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Patterns of Enzymic Activities in a Boreal Peatland. Petra Vávrová*1, Chris Freeman2 and Raija Laiho1, (1)Peatland Ecology Group, Dept of Forest Ecology, Univ of Helsinki, (2)School of Biological Sciences, Univ of Wales Direct and Residual Effect of Lignite Humic Acid (Potassium Humate) on Productivity in Turmeric – Maize Cropping System in Alfisol. Kolappan Baskar*, TNAU Biomass and cCarbon Partitioning in Rice and Wheat, and Active Carbon Pools in their Rhizosphere when Grown under Elevated Carbon Dioxide in a Typic Haplustept. Subhendu Bhadraray*, Thulasi Viswanathan and Deo Pal, Indian Agricultural Research Institute Soil Carbon Sequestration: The Influence of Organic Resource Quality and Quantity. E. Yeboah*, Soil Research Institute, M.K. Abekoe, Soil Science Dept, G.N.N. Dowuona, Univ of Ghana, Legon, Bernard Vanlauwe, Tropical Soil Biology And Fertility Institute Of CIAT and S.G.K. Adiku, Univ Of Ghana Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Atmosphere in Relation to Different Soil Managements. Carlo Piovanelli, Stefania Simoncini, Alessandro Agnelli, Camilla Gamba, Marco Platinetti and Marcello Pagliai*, CRA-ISSDS Increasing Long Term Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry: The Role of Phytoliths. Leigh A. Sullivan* and Jeff Parr, Southern Cross Univ Microbial Response to the Addition of Glucose and 14C-[U]Glucose in Western Australian Soils. F.C. Hoyle*1, D.V. Murphy1 and P.C. Brookes2, (1)Univ of Western Australia, (2)Rothamsted Research Chemical Properties of Earthworm Casts Created from Different Organic Wastes. Sang-Beom Lee*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Significance of Soil Acidity to Sequestrate Organic Carbon in Forest Soils. Shinya Funakawa*, Kazumichi Fujii, Atsunobu Kadono and Takashi Kosaki, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ Responses of Plant Growth and Nutrient Cycling under Elevated CO2: A Meta-Analysis. Kees Jan van Groenigen1, Marie Anne de Graaff1, Johan Six1, Bruce Hungate2, Nico Van Breemen3 and Chris van Kessel*1, (1)Dept of Plant Sciences, Univ of California-Davis, (2)Dept of Biological Sciences and Merriam-Powell Center for Env. Research, Northern Arizona Univ, (3)Laboratory for Soil Science and Geology, Wageningen Univ 138-31 138-32 138-33 138-34 138-35 138-36 138-37 138-38 138-39 138-40 138-41 138-42 930a Critical Considerations for Accurate Soil CO2 Flux Measurement. Liukang Xu*, Dayle K. McDermitt, Michael D. Furtaw, Rodney A. Madsen, Jonathan M. Welles, Richard L. Garcia, Daniel J. Anderson and Tanvir H. Demetriades-Shah, LI-COR Biosciences 930b Carbon Pools and Microbial Activity of the Former Agricultural Lands in Russia. Irina N. Kurganova*1, Dana Lenoir2 and Valentin Lopes de Gerenyu1, (1)Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, (2)Gulliver Preparatory School 931a Influence of No Tillage and Conventional Tillage and Crop Rotation on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation and Soil Aggregation in a Rhodic Ferralsol. Lincoln Zotarelli*1, Eleno Torres2, Robert Boddey 3, Segundo Urquiaga 3 and Bruno J. R. Alves3, (1)Univ of Florida, Agronomy Dept, (2)Embrapa Soja, (3)EMBRAPA-Agrobiologia 931b Soil Carbon Sequestration as a Function of Initial Carbon Content in Different Crop Management Systems of a Long-Term Experiment. Senthil K. Subramanian*, A. N. Kravchenko and G. P. Robertson, Michigan State Univ 932a Conservation Tillage and Cover Cropping Induced Changes in Total Carbon and Aggregate Protected Carbon. Jessica Veenstra*, William Horwath and Jeffrey Mitchell, Univ of California, Davis 932b Effects of Topography and Texture on Spatial Variability of Total C in Different Management Systems. Alexandra.N Kravchenko*, Senthil K. Subramanian, Xinmei Hao, G. Phillip Robertson and Alvin J.M. Smucker, Michigan State Univ 933a Variation of Carbon Dynamics in US Agricultural Soils over a 16-Year Period. Erandathie Lokupitiya*1, Keith Paustian2, F. Jay Breidt3, Ravindra Lokupitiya4 and Steve Williams2, (1)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory and Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, (2)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, (3)Dept of Statistics, (4)Dept of Atmospheric Science 933b Microbial Activity and Greenhouse Gases Production in Soil Aggregates. Natalia A. Vasilieva, Evgeny Yu. Milanovsky, Alexei L. Stepanov and Lev A. Pozdnyakov*, Dept of Soil Science, Moscow State Univ 934a Potential Carbon Sequestration and Soil Aggregation in Reestablished Grassland. DoKyoung Lee1, Dae-Kil Heo2, Vance N. Owens1, James J. Doolittle 3, Arvid Boe 4 and Doug Y. Chung* 2, (1)Plant Science Dept, (2)Chungnam National Univ, (3)South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, (4)Plant Science Department 934b Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration in the Organic Matter of the Arable Sandy Soil Using Data of the Long-Term Field Experiment with Fertilizers. Anastasiya Tulina*, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences and Nina Stavrova, Novozybkov Agricultural Experimental Station 935a Long Term Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Streams of Central Scotland. Catherine L. Wearing*, Ian C. Grieve and David W. Hopkins, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences 935b Contributions of Corn Root Activities and Rhizosphere Soils to Total Carbon Dioxide Production. Dong Chen1, C. Edward Clapp*2, Jean-Alex E. Molina3, Antonio J. Palazzo4, Michael H.B. Hayes5 and Yi Zhang3, (1)California Dept of Water Resources, (2)USDA-ARS & Dept of Soil, Water and 111 POSTERS SESSION NO. 138 SESSION NO. 138 138-43 1025a 138-44 1025b 138-45 1026a 138-46 1026b 138-47 1027a 138-48 1027b 138-49 1028a 138-50 1028b 138-51 1029a 138-52 1029b 138-53 1030a 138-54 1030b 138-55 1031a 138-56 112 1031b Climate, Univ of Minnesota, (3)Univ of Minnesota, Dept of Soil, Water and Climate, (4)USACOE, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, (5)Univ of Limerick Microbial Determinants of Soil Carbon Response to Climate Warming. Teresa Balser*, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison Calculating the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Budget at the County Level in California. Steven De Gryze*1, Johan Six1, Santhi Wicks2, Rosa CatalaLuque2 and Richard Howitt2, (1)Dept of Plant Sciences, Univ of California-Davis, (2)Agricultural and Resource Economics, Univ of California-Davis Effect of Long Term Fertilization and Rotation on Soil Organic Carbon of Burozem. Han Xiaori*, Yin Hongbin, Xie Fang, Yang Jinfeng and Cao Hongjie, Land and Environment College, Shenyang Agriculture Univ Sequestration and Vertical Distribution of Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen under WarmSeason Grasses Relative to Croplands. Rex A. Omonode*1, E.J. Kladivko2, William W. McFee2 and T. J. Vyn2, (1)Purdue Univ, Dept of Agronomy, (2)Purdue Univ Effects of Tillage on Soil Aggregate Distribution and Its Content in Glomalin and Carbohydrates. Fernando Borie*1, Alfredo Morales1, Rosa Rubio1, María Aguilera2 and Gilda Borie2, (1)Universidad de La Frontera, (2)Universidad de Chile Long-Term Subsurface Drainage Intensity Effects on Soil Organic Carbon, Plant Biomass Production, and Carbon Balance. Rex A. Omonode*, Purdue Univ, Dept of Agronomy and Eileen Kladivko, Purdue Univ Long-Term Changes in Soil Organic Carbon under Agricultural Plant Communities in a Temperate Mediterranean Climate of SE Australia. Philip J. Newton*1, Tim S. Clune1 and Isa AM. Yunusa2, (1)Dept of Primary Industries, (2)Univ of Technology, Sydney Role of Cell Wall Components on the Decomposition of Maize Roots in Soil: Impact on Carbon Mineralization. Gaylord E. Machinet*1, Isabelle Bertrand1, Brigitte Chabbert2 and Sylvie Recous1, (1)INRA Agronomie, (2)INRA UMR FARE Change of Functional Parameters and Contents of Humus in Buried and Fallow Soils. Serafim N. Chukov*, Alexander G. Ryumin and Alexander S. Koposov, Saint-Petersburg State Univ Short-Term Effects of Tillage Practices on Soil Organic Matter of a Clay Loam Soil in Northeast China. Xiaoping Zhang*, Aizhen Liang and Huajun Fang, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agriecology Ecosystem Responses to Uncoupling Mycorrhizal Symbiosis: Above- and Belowground C and N Dynamics. Paul White*, Charles Rice, Tim Todd and Gail Wilson, Kansas State Univ Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Associated Degradation Threshold Dynamics. James Kinyangi*1, Johannes Lehmann1, Alice Pell1, Janice Thies1, Solomon Ngoze1, Susan Riha1, David M. Mbugua2 and Louis Verchot2, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)World Agroforestry Center Free Amino Acids in Eroded Typical Serozem Soil of Uzbekistan. Laziza Gafurova*, Tashkent State Univ of Agriculture Spatial Analysis of Model Performance, Illustrated by Soil Carbon Dioxide Emissions. M.J. 138-57 1032a 138-58 1032b 138-59 1033a 138-60 1033b 138-61 1034a 138-62 1034b 138-63 1035a 138-64 1035b 138-65 1036a 138-66 1125a 138-67 1125b 138-68 1126b Pringle and R. Murray Lark*, Environmetrics Group, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics Division, Rothamsted Research Effects of Soil Erosion on CO2 Evolution of Serozem Soil from Semi Arid Region of Uzbekistan. Laziza Gafurova*, Tashkent State Univ of Agriculture Mineralisation of Miscanthus-Derived C in Three Differently Textured Soils and its Incorporation into Microbial Biomass. Katja Schneckenberger* and Yakov Kuzyakov, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Univ of Hohenheim Quantification of Organic Carbon in Soil Fractions by DRIFT-PLS for Use in Models. Michael Zimmermann* 1 , Jens Leifeld 1 , Michael W. I. Schmidt2 and Jürg Fuhrer1, (1)Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture, (2)Dept of Geography, Univ of Zurich Soil Organic Matter and Microbiology of Mollisols, Vertisols and Oxisols: Effect of Native and Agroecosystems. Karina Fabrizzi*1, Charles Rice1, Telmo Amado2, Jackson Fiorin3, Pedro Barbagelata4 and Ricardo Melchiori4, (1)Kansas State Univ, (2)Soil Dept, (3)FUNDACEP, (4)INTA Parana Cropping Intensity and Tillage effects on Carbon Sequestration and Enzyme Activities. Maysoon M. Mikha*, Verónica Acosta-Martínez and Merle F. Vigil, ARS-USDA Soil Organic Matter of an Inceptisol and a Mollisol under the Same Vegetation. Ana-Patricia Fernandez-Getino*, Dpto. Edafologia, E.T.S.I. Agronomos, UNIV Politecnica de Madrid, Francisca Guerrero, Dpto. Edefologia, E.T.S.I. Agronomos, Univ Politecnica de Madrid and JoseMaria Gasco, Dpto. Edafologia, E.T.S.I. Agronomos, Univ Politecnica de Madrid Sequestration Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter at the Rice-Corn Rotation Fields in Tropical-Subtropical Area with Model Evaluation. Cheng-Peng Hsu1, Chia M. Chang1, Tai-Lee Hu2 and Chenfang Lin*1, (1)Dept of Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing Univ, (2)Dept of Environmental Engineering & Science Assessment of Soil Carbon Turnover in the Long Term Fertilizer Experiment and Validation of RothC -26.3 Model. Ganesh S. S*, Dhakshinamoorthy M, Kumaraperumal R, Anandakumar G and Devarajan S, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Examining the C Saturation Concept in a Temperate Agricultural System. Haegeun Chung*1, Johan W. Six1 and John H. Grove2, (1)Dept of Plant Sciences, (2)Plant and Soil Science Dept Soil Carbon Balance of Rice-Based Cropping Systems of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Shibu M. Ebrahim1, Herman Van Keulen*2, Peter Leffelaar1 and P. K. Aggarwal3, (1)Wageningen Agricultural Univ, (2)Plant Research International, Wageningen Univ and Research centre, (3)Indian Agricultural Research Institute CPMAS 13C-NMR Spectra of Size-Fractions of a Soil Humic Acid Separated by Preparative SizeExclusion Chromatography. Pellegrino Conte*, Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e dell’Ambiente, Università di Napoli Federico II and Alessandro Piccolo, Università di Napoli Federico II Enhancing the Productivity of Crops and Grasses while Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Bio-Char Amendments to Unfertile Tropical Soils. Marco A. Rondon*1, Diego Molina1, 138-69 138-70 1127a 1127b 138-71 1128a 138-72 1128b 138-73 1129b 138-74 1130a 138-75 1130b 138-76 1131a 138-77 1131b 138-78 1132a 138-79 1132b 138-80 1133a Maria Hurtado 1 , Juan Ramirez 1 , Johannes Lehmann2, Julie Major2 and Edgar Amezquita3, (1)Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical– CIAT, (2)Cornell Univ, (3)CIAT Soil Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Efflux in Agricultural Watersheds with Agroforestry and Grass Contour Buffer Strips. Peter Motavalli*1, Neal Bailey2, Ranjith P. Udawatta3 and Kelly Nelson2, (1)Univ of Missouri-Columbia, (2)Univ of Missouri, (3)Center for Agroforestry, Univ of Missouri-Columbia Intermittent Chisel Tillage Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Relative to Continuous No-Till and Chisel Plow Systems. Rex A. Omonode*1, Anita Gal1, Diane E. Stott2, Scott Abney3 and Tony J. Vyn4, (1)Purdue Univ, Dept of Agronomy, (2)USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, (3)Purdue Univ, Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology, (4)Purdue Univ Changes in Total Soil Organic Carbon Due to Crop Rotation and Bio-Cover under No-Tillage Production. Jason P. Wight*1, Fred Allen2 and Donald D. Tyler2, (1)Univ of Tennessee, Dept of Plant Sciences, (2)Univ of Tennessee Influence of Soil Texture and Management Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks. S.K. Gami*, J.M. Duxbury and J.G. Lauren, Cornell Univ Lignin Degradation in an Arable Soil: How Does the input of Plant Residues Affect this Process?. Anett Hofmann*, Alexander Heim and Michael W. I. Schmidt, Dept of Geography, Univ of Zurich Dynamics of Carbon in Long Term Maize Experiment Determined by 13C Natural Abundance. Paola Gioacchini*, Daniela Montecchio, Ornella Francioso, Gianni Giordani, Giovanni Toderi and Claudio Ciavatta, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali Università di Bologna Greenhouse Gases Emission from Arable Land Cropping Systems of the Tokachi Region of Hokkaido, Japan—Importance of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition. Takuji Sawamoto*, Faculty of Dairy Science, Rakuno Gakuen Univ, Nobuhisa Koga, National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region and Haruo Tsuruta, Center for Climate System Research, The Univ of Tokyo A Model for Soil Organic Matter Turnover Proposed from Laboratory and Field Labelling Experiments and Sensitivity Analysis. Marc Pansu* Sr., IRD and Pierre Bottner Sr., CNRS Fate of 13C and 15N Labelled Mustard Litter (Sinapis Alba) in an Agricultural Crop Land. Angelika Koelbl*, Margit von Luetzow and Ingrid Koegel-Knabner, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde TU Muenchen Influence of Long-Term Plastic Film-Covering on Soil Organic C and Microbial Biomass C and N in Brown Earth. Wang Jingkuan*, Li Jinfeng, Li Shuangyi, Li Shipeng and Gao Yanmei, Shenyang Agricultural Univ Carbon Management Index in Soil under Tillage Systems, Cropping Systems, and Irrigation in South of Brazil. Frederico C. B. Vieira*, Cimélio Bayer, Josiléia Zanatta, Fabiano D. De Bona and João Mielniczuk, Federal Univ of Rio Grande do Sul The GEFSOC Soil Carbon Modeling System- A Tool for Regional and Country Scale Soil Carbon Inventories and Land Use Assessments. Mark Easter* 1 , Keith Paustian 1 , K. Killian 1 , Steve Williams1, Ting Feng1, E. Milne2, Rida Al-Adamat3, Niels Batjes4, Tapas Bhattacharyya5, Carlos E.P. 138-81 1133b 138-82 1134a 138-83 1134b 138-84 1135b 138-85 1136a 138-86 1136b Cerri6, Kevin Coleman7 and Peter Kamoni8, (1)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, (2)The Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Colorado State Univ, (3)The Badia Research and Development Programme, (4)ISRIC-World Soil Information, (5)National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, (6)Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, (7)Rothamsted Research, (8)Kenya National Agricultural Research Laboratory The Effects of Soil pH and Microorganisms Source on N Mineralization and Nitrification. Asher Bar-Tal*1, Benjamin O. Danga2, Dror Minz1, Isaiah I.C. Wakindiki2, Josephine Ouma2, Larissa Kautski1, Shoshana Suryano1 and Aviva Hadas1, (1)Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization, (2)Egerton Univ Five Decades of Soil Organic Matter Study: The History of NCERA-59. Deborah Allan*, Univ of Minnesota, Douglas Archibald, Penn State Univ, Larry J. Cihacek, North Dakota State Univ, Richard Dick, Ohio State Univ, Rhae Drijber, Univ of Nebraska, Serita Frey, Univ Of New Hampshire, William R. Horwath, Univ of California, Peter Motavalli, Univ of Missouri, Daniel Olk, National Soil Tilth Lab, Charles Rice, Kansas State Univ, Sieglinde Snapp, Michigan State Univ, Alex Stone, Oregon State Univ, Ronald Turco, Purdue Univ, Michelle Wander, Univ of Illinois and Ray R. Weil, Univ of Maryland Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Content and Distribution in a Vertisol under Mixed Land-Use. David Sotomayor-Ramírez*, Univ of Puerto Rico– Agronomy and Soils Dept, Yusmary Espinoza, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP), Veronica Acosta-Martinez, USDA-ARS and Luis Pérez-Alegría, Univ of Puerto Rico Microbial Activities in Dark Brown Volcanic Ash Soils Was Affected by Different Fertilizer Application Methods in Citrus Orchard. Jae-Ho Joa*, Han-Choel Lim, Seung-Gap Han, KyungHwan Moon and Seung–Jong Jeon, National Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, RDA Soil Cations Availability in an Intensive AgroForestry System under Elevated CO2 and Fertilization. Alessandra Lagomarsino1, Sara Marinari*2, M. Cristina Moscatelli2, Paolo De Angelis1 and Stefano Grego2, (1)Dept Forest Environment and Resources–Univ of Tuscia, (2)Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry–Univ of Tuscia Model Evaluation to Assess Organic Carbon Stocks and Changes in Soils of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Tapas Bhattacharyya*1, Dilipkumar Pal1, KS Gajbhiye1, P Chandran1, SK Ray1, C Mandal1, Mark Easter2, Keith Paustian2, Steve Williams3, K. Killian3, Kevin Coleman4, Pete Falloon5, David Powlson6, Niels Batjes7 and E. Milne8, (1)National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, (2)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, (3)Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State Univ, (4)Rothamsted Research, (5)The Met Office, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, (6)Rotahmsted Research , Agriculture and Environment Division, (7)ISRIC-World Soil Information, (8)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Colorado State Univ 113 POSTERS SESSION NO. 138 SESSION NO. 139 SESSION NO. 139 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.2B Adsorption Processes in Soils–Basis for Ecological Soil Functions—Poster 139-13 941b 139-14 942a 139-15 942b 139-16 943a 139-17 943b 139-18 944a 139-19 944b 139-20 1038a 139-21 1039a 139-22 1039b 139-23 1040a 139-24 1040b 139-25 1041a Convenor: Martin H. Gerzabek, Institute for Soil Research, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences 139-1 139-2 139-3 139-4 139-5 139-6 139-7 139-8 139-9 139-10 139-11 139-12 114 840a Geometric Characterization of Pore Space for Colloid Transport and Retention. Elena Rodriguez* and Steven L. Bryant, Dept of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The Univ of Texas at Austin 841a Nature, Mineralogy and Reactivity of AluminumArsenate Coprecipitates. A. Violante*, M. Ricciardella, S. Del Gaudio and M. Pigna, Università di Napoli- ITALY 841b A Concentration-Dependent, Multi-Term Free Energy Relationship for Sorption of Organic Compounds to Soils Based on the Hexadecane Dilute-Solution Reference State. Joseph Pignatello* and Dongquiang Zhu, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station 842a Determination of Point of Zero Charge of Manganese Oxides Using an Improved Salt Titration Method. Wen Feng Tan*1, Fan Liu1, Qiao Yun Huang1 and Ji Zheng He2, (1)Faculty of Resourcs and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural Univ, (2)Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, 842b Desorption Kinetics of Boron in Alluvium Derived Soils of North-West India in Relation to Soil Characteristics. SANJAYARORA*, S.K.Univ of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-J and D.S. CHAHAL, Dept of Soils, Punjab Agricultural Univ 843a Sulphate Sorption by Agricultural Soils in Western Australia. Geoffrey Anderson*, Dept of Agriculture 843b Relation between the Molecular Composition of Organic Matter and the Sorption of Iodine. Sophie Maillant*1, Pierre Faure2, Alain Rouillier2, Frederic Lannuzel2 and Elisabeth Leclerc-Cessac3, (1)Laboratoire Sols et Environnement UMR 1120 INPL-INRA, (2)UMR CNRS 7566–G2R, Universite Henri Poincare, (3)Andra 844a Heavy Metal Contents in the Soils around the Novocherkassk Power Station. Saglara Mandzhieva*1, Tatiana Minkina1, Samokhin Aleksei1 and Olga G. Nasarenko2, (1)Rostov State Univ, (2)Don Agrarian Univ 844b Aging Effects on Sorption-Desorption and Dissipation of Simazine in Soil. Jussara B. Regitano*, Univ of São Paulo/CENA, William Koskinen, USDA-ARS/Univ of Minnesota and Michael Sadowsky, Univ of Minnesota 940a Effects of Aging on Bioavailability of Simazine in Soil. Jussara B. Regitano*, Univ of São Paulo/CENA, William Koskinen, USDA-ARS/Univ of Minnesota and Michael Sadowsky, Univ of Minnesota 940b Plant Growth Inhibitory Activity of L-DOPA as Affected by Adsorption and Transformation Reactions of Soils. Syuntaro Hiradate*, Akihiro Furubayashi and Yoshiharu Fujii, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) 941a Response of Sorption Properties of Soils to Soil Development, Land-Use and Management. Martin H. Gerzabek*1, Georg J. Lair1, Peter Winkler1, Michael Novoszad2, Georg Haberhauer2, Hans Lischka3 and Daniel Tunega2, (1)Institute for Soil Re- search, Univ of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, (2)Dept of Environmental Research, (3)Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, Univ of Vienna Modelling the Competition from Fe(III) and Al(III) on Trace Metal Binding to a Spodosol Mor Layer. Jon Petter Gustafsson*1, Ingmar Persson 2, Dan Berggren Kleja 3 and Joris W.J. Van Schaik 2, (1)KTH (Royal Inst. of Technology), (2)Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), (3)Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences Partition of Cu among Model Soil Constituents. Nadia Martínez-Villegas* and Carmen E. Martínez, Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Penn State Univ Argentinean Soils and N-(Phosphonomethyl)Glycine. A Comparative Study of the Adsorption Process. Hector R. Tevez, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales- Univ. Nac. de Santiago del Estero, Romina C. Pessagno, INQUIMAE- FCENUBA, Maria Dos Santos Afonso*, INQUIMAEFCEyN-UBA and Rosa Maria Torres Sanchez, CETMIC Characteristics of Cobalt Reactions in Some Alluvial Soils as Affected by Rate and Time of Soil Incubation. A.M. Zaghloul* and Nadia Gad, National Research Centre The Development of a Rhizosphere Model with Chemical Speciation. Krisztian Szegedi*1, Doris Vetterlein2, Reinhold Jahn1 and Heinz-Ulrich Neue2, (1)Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther Univ, (2)Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Can Potassium Affect Root Length Density of Wheat?. Ghorban Ali Roshani*1, G. Narayanasamy2 and S.C. Datta2, (1)Golestan Agricultural Research Center, (2)Indian Agricultural Research Institute Copper Geochemistry in an Acidic, Sandy Soil: Sorption-Desorption, Aqueous Speciation and Mobility. Edward Burton*1, Ian Phillips2, Darryl W. Hawker2 and Dane T. Lamb2, (1)Southern Cross Univ, (2)Griffith Univ Effect of Cu on the Growth and Nodulation of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Peter Martin Kopittke* and Neal William Menzies, The Univ of Queensland Sorption of Cr(III) on Mixed Montmorillonite Al-Fe Humic Complexes: Experiments and Modelling. Claudio Colombo*1, Antonella Di Cerce1, Giuseppe Palumbo1 and Vidal Barrón2, (1)Dipartimento SAVA Molise University, (2)Universidad de Córdoba Comparison of Some Soil Extractants for Determination of the Plant Available Boron Content. Imre Vágó*, Univ of Debrecen Dept of Agricultural Chemistry Filterstrip Attenuation of Open Dairy Feedlot Effluent and its Effect on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties. Dennis L. Busch*, U.W.-Platteville, Pioneer Farm, Christopher Baxter, UW Platteville, Tom Hunt, Univ of Wisconsin-Platteville Pioneer Farm and Dave Owens, United States Geological Survey Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties of Hydroxides, Oxides and Layered Double Hydroxides from the Electronegativities of the Elements. G. Bourrié* 1 , F. Trolard 1 and Donald Sparks 2 , (1)Géochimie des Sols et des Eaux, INRA, (2)Univ of Delaware Effect of Organic Matter and Salinity on EDTAExtractable and Solution Species of Cadmium and Lead in Three Soils. Ali Abbaspour1, Mah- 139-26 1041b 139-27 1042a 139-28 1042b 139-29 1043a 139-30 139-31 1043b 1044b 139-32 1137a 139-33 1137b 139-34 139-35 139-36 139-37 1138a 1138b 1139a 1139b moud Kalbasi*1, Shapoor Hajrasuliha1 and Amir Fotovat2, (1)Dept of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, (2)Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad Quantitative and Mechanistic Analysis of Sulfate Adsorption Isotherms on y-Al2O3 and Kaolinite. Baizhong Xu*, Forestry Bureau of Deqing County, Liqun Xu, Zhejiang Forestry Academy, Li-Ming He, Zhejiang Forestry Univ/County of San Diego and Lucian Zelazny, Virginia Tech P XANES Studies of Biosolids-Amended Soils. Derek Peak*, Univ of Saskatchewan Attachment of Manure-Borne Escherichia coli to Soil. Andrey Guber*1, Yakov A. Pachepsky2 and Daniel Shelton2, (1)Univ of California, (2)USDA/ ARS/BA/ANRI/ESML Effect of Settings on the Result of a pH-Stat Titration: Soil Acidity and Estimated Lime Requirement. Lászlo Tolner*1, Mark Rékási2, Imre Vágó3, Peter Czanik4, György Zsigrai5 and Zoltán Kovács1, (1)Szent István Univ, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, (2)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, (3)Univ of Debrecen, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, (4)Szent Istvan Univ, (5)Univ of Debrecen Research Institute Karcag Agricultural Management Effects on Soil Organic Matter Hydrophobicity. Sara Marinari1, Katia Liburdi*1, Danilo Corradini2 and Stefano Grego1, (1)Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry– Univ of Tuscia, (2)National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Chemical Methodology (IMC) Analysis of the Spatially Heterogeneous Distribution of Copper in Contaminated Soils Using Electron Microscopy and X-Ray-Microfluorescence Spectroscopy. Astrid Jacobson*1, Sylvie Dousset2, Philippe Baveye1 and Francis Andreux3, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Université de Bourgogne–CST– Géosol, (3)Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols– INRA Université de Bourgogne Evaluation of Acid Neutralization Capacity of Silandic and Aluandic Andosols Using Comprehensive Sample Population. Toyoaki Ito*, Naoto Kikawa and Masahiko Saigusa, Field Science Center, Grad. School of Agricultural Sci.e, Tohoku Univ Fate of Fipronil in Soils under Sugar Cane Cultivation from the Northeast of Brazil: Adsorption and Degradation. Carmem S. M. Masutti*, Fundação Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco and Ahmet Mermut, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan An Evaluation of Organic Amendments for Nonpoint Source Pollution Attenuation in Mitigation Wetlands. Emily K.D. Stockman*1, Deborah J. Picking1 and Petrus L.M. Veneman2, (1)Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst, (2)University of Massachusetts, Amherst Influence of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids on the Release of P and Soil Organic Matter from Highly Weathered Acid Soils. Kiran Rana1, Cliff Johnston1, Gnanasiri Premachandra1, Darrell Schulze1, J. R. Okalebo*2, Caleb O. Othieno2 and Antonio Marcus Coehlo3, (1)Dept of Agronomy, Purdue Univ, (2)Moi Univ, (3)Embrapa Maize and Sorghum Aflatoxin Sorption by Smectite Clay Modified with Aluminum Ions. Maria Guadalupe Tenorio Arvide*, Ines Kannewischer and Joe B. Dixon, Texas A&M Univ Surface Charge and Phosphate Adsorption Characteristics of ZrO2/Fe3O4 Compounds. Kosuke 139-38 1140a 139-39 1140b 139-40 1141a 139-41 1141b 139-42 1142a 139-43 1142b 139-44 1143a 139-45 1143b Okamoto*1, Masanori Okazaki1, Tadashi Shimizu2, Ichiro Midorikawa2 and Akihiro Omori2, (1)Tokyo Univ of Agriculture and Technology, (2)Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation Phosphorus Availability as Influenced by Different Application Rates of Elemental Sulphur to Soils. Mohamed Abbas Rasheed*, Soils and Water Use Dept, National Research Centre Phosphorus Sorption Related to Extractable Aluminum and Iron in Some Podzols (Spodosols) in Michigan, USA. Antoni Szafranek*, Dept of Soil Science and Soil Conservation, Warsaw Univ of Technology and Delbert L. Mokma, Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State Univ Specific Surface of Oxisols Determined by SoilMoisture Potential. Roberto R. Filgueira*1, Hugo A. Ruiz2, Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer2 and Guillermo O. Sarli1, (1)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesUniversidad Nacional de La Plata, (2)Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa Distribution Coefficient (KD) of Heavy Metals in Brazilian Soils. Marcio Roberto Soares*, Federal Univ of São Carlos and Luís Reynaldo Ferracciú Alleoni, Univ of São Paulo Comparative Study of Cadmium, Copper, Nickel and Zinc Adsorption by Brazilian Variable Charge Soils. Ernesto Rinaldi Mouta*, José Carlos Casagrande and Marcio Roberto Soares, Federal Univ of São Carlos Surface Electric Properties of Mucks from Potentiometric Titration. Dorota Matyka-Sarzynska*, Institute of Agrophysics Phosphorus Status of Red Soils as Influenced by Continuous Fertilization under Finger Millet– Hybrid Maize System at Bangalore–India. C.M. Vinutha*, S.M. Jayaprakash, B.R. Jagadeesh, N. Vasuki and K. Sudhir, Univ of Agricultural Sciences Soil Hygroscopicity as Related to Water Vapour Adsorption Isotherms and Surface Area Prediction of Certain Soils. Abdel-monem Mohamed Amer*, Soil Science Dept, Faculty of Agriculture,Menoufia Univ SESSION NO. 140 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution in Soils—Poster Convenor: Richard Dick, Ohio State University 140-1 140-2 140-3 848b Rapid Biosynthesis Process of Amino Sugars in Soil by Using NH4+ and Glucose. Hongbo He* and Xudong Zhang, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 849a New Analytical Techniques in Rhizodeposit Chemistry: Pyrolysis Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Liquid Injection Field Desorption Ionization – Mass Spectrometry and Synchrotronbased XANES. Peter Leinweber*, Univ of Rostock, André Schlichting, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Soil Biotechgnology and Tom Regier, Canadian Light Source Inc. 849b The Role of Microbial Chitinoclastic Complex in Soil. Natalia A. Manucharova* 1 , Alexeys M. Yaroslavtsev1, Elvira V. Belova1 and Alexei L. Stepanov2, (1)Moscow Lomonosov State Univ, Dept 115 POSTERS SESSION NO. 140 SESSION NO. 140 140-4 851a 140-5 851b 140-6 947b 140-7 948a 140-8 949a 140-9 949b 140-10 950a 140-11 950b 140-12 951a 140-13 951b 140-14 1046a 140-15 1046b 140-16 1047a 116 of Soil Science, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Moscow State Univ Decomposition of Cotton Residues in Australian Soils. Gupta V.S.R. Vadakattu*, M. Hicks and M. L. Kasper, CSIRO Entomology Role of Algobacterial Associations in Soil Forming Process. Elena O. Omarova*1, Galina M. Zenova1, Natalia P. Chizhikova2 and Vladimir K. Orleanskii3, (1)Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Soil Science, (2)Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, (3)Institute of Microbiology, Russian Academy of Sciences Enumeration, Isolation and Identification of Diazotrophic Bacterial Species from Paddy Rice in Korea. Ui Gum Kang*, Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science Pedobiological Action of Soil Fauna. Angela PINZON PINTO*, Corporación tecnológica de Bogotá and Maria ROMERO PINTO, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano Phosphate Solubilization and Growth Promotion of Maize (Zea mays L.) by the Rhizosphere Soil Fungus Penicillium oxalicum. Wansik Shin 1, Jeounghyun Ryu1, Yongjoo Kim*2, Jinchul Yang2, Munusamy Madhaiyan 1 and Tongmin Sa 1 , (1)Chungbuk National Univ, (2)KG Chemical Corp. The Effectiveness of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Inoculation of Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer) Seedlings. Eun Ju Cho1, Seo Young Jin1, Chi Do We1, Ju Sik Cho1, Hong Lim Kim2 and Bo Kyoon Sohn*1, (1)Dept of Biological Environment, Sunchon National Univ, (2)National Horticultural Research Institute Characterization of Bacterial Communities Isolated from Rhizosphere Soil of Field Grown Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp pekinensis) by Cultivation Dependent Methods and Screening of Potential Plant Growth Promotion. Selvaraj Poonguzhali1, Munusamy Madhaiyan1, Kyounga Kim1, Daesuck Suh2, Bumki Park2, Jaijoung Kim*3 and Tongmin Sa1, (1)Chungbuk National Univ, (2)Namhae Chemicals Corp, (3)Chungbuk National University Proteome Analysis of Differentially Displayed Proteins as a Tool for Evaluating the Effect of the Natural Soil Mineral Illite Applied as a Soil Conditioner on the Growth of Lettuce. Keun-Yook Chung*, Chungbuk National Univ Characterizing Biological and Physical Soil Properties across a Spatial Gradient from In-Row to Inter-Row in a Long-Term Vegetable Tillage Study. Laura F. Overstreet* and Greg D. Hoyt, North Carolina State Univ Phylogenetic Characterization of a Polychlorinated-Biphenyl-Dechlorinating Microbial Community under Different Anaerobic Treatments. Andres E. Nunez* and Elisa M. D’Angelo, Dept of Plant and Soil Science, Univ of Kentucky Indicative Values of Enzimatic Activity and Biological Properties about Soils from Oaxaca Mexico. Reyes-Ortigoza Amada Laura*, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Microbial Populations Response to Tillage and Residue Managements in a Calcareous Soil. Mojtaba Yahyaabadi*, Dept of Soil and Water Research, Isfahan Agriculture Research Center Relationship of Glyphosate Application and Foliar Amendment on IAA-Producing Bacteria and Urease Activity in the Rhizosphere of GlyphosateResistant Soybean. Su-Jung Kim*, Dept of Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of 140-17 1047b 140-18 1048a 140-19 1048b 140-20 1049a 140-21 1049b 140-22 1050a 140-23 1050b 140-24 1051a 140-25 1051b 140-26 1146b 140-27 1147a 140-28 1147b Missouri-Columbia and Robert J. Kremer, USDAARS, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit Identification of Rare Species of Actinomycetes in Soils of Mongolia. Norovsuren Jadambaa*, Laboratory of Microbiology, Biology Institute of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Vitalii I. Savich, Russian State Agricultural Univ–ÌÑÕÀ Timiryazev and Galina M. Zenova, Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State Univ Correlation between the Secondary Metabolism of Fluorescent Pseudomonases spp. and their Rhizospheric Competence. Messaoud Benchabane*, Univ de Blida and Rabah Bakour, USTHB Occurrence of C. perfringens from Different Cultivated Soil. Crisa Voidarou*1, Sotirios Kandrelis1, Dimitrios Vassos2, Athina Tzora1, Ioannis Skoufos1, Athanasios Alexopoulos 3 and Eygenia Bezirtzoglou3, (1)T.E.I. of Epirus, Laboratory of Animal Health and Infections Diseases, Dept of Animal Production, (2)Univ of Ioannina, Medical School, Hygiene Lab, 45110, (3)Democritus Univ of Thrace, School of Agricultural Development, Microbiology Lab The Influence of Natural Process Steppe Formation on the Complex of Microarthropods (Acarina, Collembola) of Ordinary Chernozem of Nizhnii Don. N. I. Bulysheva*, A. A. Kazadaev and A. M. Kremenitsa, The Rostov State Univ Effect of Waterlogging and Drought on Mycorrhizal Colonisation in Lotus Glaber Roots in a Saline-Sodic Soil. Rodolfo Mendoza* and Garcia Ileana, MACN (Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales – CONICET) Short-Term Dynamics of Organic Matter and Microbial Biomass of Soils after Simulated Rainfall on Dry Cropland under Different Climate, Soil Texture, and Crop Residue Management. Sugihara So*1, Funakawa Shinya1, Kilasara Methods2 and Kosaki Takashi3, (1)Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Sokoine Univ of Agriculture, (3)Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto Univ The Study of Salinity and Drought Tolerance of Sinorhizobium Meliloti Isolated from Province of Kerman In Vitro and In Vivo Condition. Mahboobeh Abolhasani*1, Amir Lakzian2 and Gholamhossein Haghnia2, (1)MSc student, (2)Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad Abundance and Distribution of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Fungi in Some Soil Samples from North of Iran. Alireza Fallah*, SWRI The Ecology of Earthworms on Five UK Golf Courses. Mark D. Bartlett*, National Soil Resource Institute, Karl Ritz, The National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield Univ, Jim A. Harris, Institute of Water and Environment, Cranfield Univ and Iain T. James, Cranfield Centre for Sports Science The Increase of Fertility and Productivity of Salt Affected and Poor Arid Soils by Using Biodiversity of Rhizobacteria. Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva*, Tashkent State Univ of Agriculture Postradiating Restoration of Ammonifying Bacteria of Chernozem Ordinary in Modelling Experiment. Tatyana V. Denisova*, Rostov State Univ Viral Ecology in the Floodwater of a Japanese Rice Field. Natsuko Nakayama*1, Mami Okumura1, Katsuhiro Inoue2, Susumu Asakawa1 and Makoto Kimura1, (1)Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,Nagoya Univ, (2)Aichi-ken Anjo Reserch and Extention Center 140-29 140-30 140-31 140-32 140-33 140-34 140-35 140-36 1148a Distribution Peculiarities of Microflora Numerosity in Sandy Soils of the South of Russia. Marina A. Repyah* and Vera I. Strelkova, Rostov State Univ 1148b Effect of Acid Rain on A M Fungi Present in Affected Soils. Payal Mago*, Delhi Univ 1149a Ecological Distribution and Seasonal Change of Soil Microorganisms under Different Agricultural Crops Grown in Semi Arid Soils of Uzbekistan. Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva* and Zulfiya Kucharova, Tashkent State Univ of Agriculture 1149b Microbial Community Structure in Soil as Dependent on the Rates of N Fertilization. Ilya V. Yevdokimov*1, Andreas Gattinger2, Michael Schloter3 and Jean Charles Munch3, (1)Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, RAS, (2)GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute of Soil Ecology, (3)GSF – National Research Center for Environment and Health, Institute for Soil Ecology 1150a Using of Bioindicators in Soil-Ecological Researches. Kamil Sh. Kazeev*, Rostov State University 1150b About the Stability of Soils to Oil Contamination along North Export Pipeline. Babayev Magerram Najafova Samira* and Magerram P.; Samira I. Babayev; Najafova, Institute of Soil Science an Agrochemistry, Institute of Microbiology of Academy of Sciences 1151a Microbial Communities and Enzymatic Activities as Affected by Various Poultry Litter Application Rates to Pasture and Cultivated Soils of the Texas Blackland Prairies Ecosystem. Veronica AcostaMartinez* and Daren Harmel, USDA-ARS 1115b Biotic and Abiotic Factors Contributing to P Movement in the Landscape. Jane E. Hill*1, Barbara Cade-Menun2 and Menachem Elimelech1, (1)Yale Univ, (2)Stanford Univ 141-4 141-5 141-6 141-7 141-8 141-9 141-10 141-11 SESSION NO. 141 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 141-12 2.3B Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology in Soils —Poster Convenor: James M. Tiedje, Center for Microbial Ecology 141-1 141-2 141-3 853b Microbial Diversity, Activity and Nitrogen Mineralization in Organic Matter Amended Soils. Christine H. Stark*1, Leo M. Condron1, Alison Stewart 2, Hong-jie Di 1 and Maureen O’Callaghan 3, (1)Lincoln Univ, (2)National Centre for Bio-protection Technologies, (3)AgResearch 952a Effects of P and N Enrichments on Sediment Bacterial Communities in Florida Bay: Estimation by PCR-DGGE Analysis. Makoto Ikenaga* and Joseph N. Boyer, Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International Univ 953a Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Soils as Revealed by PLFA Analyses and ∆13C Measurements. Andrea Watzinger*1, Frank Rasche2, Michael Pfeffer3, Thomas Reichenauer2 and Michael Stemmer4, (1)Univ of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, (2)ARC Seibersdorf Research, (3)Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape, (4)Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety 141-13 953b Controls on Biological Activity in Soils from Antarctic Dry Valleys. David W. Hopkins*, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Ashley D. Sparrow, Dept of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Edward G. Gregorich, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Bo Elberling, Institute of Geography, Laurence G. Greenfield, Univ of Canterbury and Phil Novis, Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research 954a Soil Chemistry and Bacterial Sulfur Oxidation in Naturally Metalliferous Peat Soils. Tarah S. Sullivan*, Janice Thies and Murray McBride, Cornell Univ 954b Changes in Soil Microbial Amount and Biomass During the Development of Chinese Fir Plantation. Ruzhen Jiao*1, Chengdong Yang1, Qiwu Sun1 and jiacheng Zhang 2, (1)Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, (2).The Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, CAF 955b Screening of Natural Multi-functional Bacterium Strain. Ruzhen Jiao* Sr., Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry 1052b Irrigation with Effluents Affects Microbial Population and Activity in Soil. Dror Minz*1, Tamar Oved1, Larissa Kautsky1 and Avi Shaviv2, (1)Institute for Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, (2)Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engn. 1053a The Impact of Long-Term Fertiliser Amendments on the Community Structure of Different Microbial Groups. R. Husband*1, Adrian Blackburn1, David A. C. Manning2 and Anthony O’Donnell1, (1)Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability, (2)School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Univ of Newcastle 1053b Impact of Soil Storage on Soil Microbial Biomass, Total DNA Yield, Enzyme Activities and Fatty Acid Microbial Biomarkers. Nicola Lorenz*, Yong-Bok Lee, Linda Kincaid Dick and Richard Dick, The Ohio State Univ, School of Environment and Natural Resources 1054b The Influence of Humic Substances on the Metabolism Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Mikhail S. Golubkov* and Serafim N. Chukov, Saint-Petersburg State Univ 1055a Effect of Plant and Soil on the Diversity of the Rhizospherical Fluorescent Pseudomonases spp. in Algeria. Messaoud Benchabane*, Univ de Blida and Rabah Bakour, USTHB 1055b Histochemical and Histological Studies in Root Nodules of Mucuna Pruriens. B. Mamatha1, T. N. Shivananda*2 and R. Siddaramappa1, (1)Univ of Agricultural Sciences, (2)Indian Institute of Horticultural Research SESSION NO. 142 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.3P New Strategies for Management of Plant Pathogenic Soil Microorganisms–Natural Soil Suppression or Genetically Modified Plants—Poster 142-1 853a Soil Structure-Influenced Population Shifts of Methanogens in Paddy Soil. Stefan Knauth* and Rolf Tippkötter, Univ of Bremen, Institute for Soil Science 117 POSTERS SESSION NO. 142 SESSION NO. 142 142-2 142-3 142-4 142-5 142-6 142-7 142-8 142-9 142-10 142-11 142-12 142-13 142-14 142-15 118 854a Root Exudates of Apple Seedlings (Malus x Domestica Borkh.): What is the Role of Phloridzin in Apple Replant Disease?. Anett Hofmann* and Lutz Wittenmayer, Martin Luther Univ, Halle Wittenberg 854b Humic Fractions from Compost can Modulate the Mycelial Growth of Plant Pathogenic and Antagonistic Soil-Borne Fungi. Elisabetta Loffredo, Mariagrazia Berloco and Nicola Senesi*, Dip. Biol. Chim. AgroForest. e Amb. 855a Pathogenic Fungi of Olive Orchards in La Rioja Soils, Argentina. Beatriz A. Pérez*1, Gervasio Carboni2, Julio M. Sánchez2 and Gustavo A. Cruzate2, (1)INTA-IMYZA-Castelar, (2)INTA-CIRN-Instituto de Suelos 856a Effects of Field Management Practices on Plant Health and Rhizosphere. María Soledad Benítez*, Fulya Baysal-Tustas, Amara Camp and Brian B. McSpadden-Gardener, Dept of Plant Pathology, Ohio State Univ, OARDC 856b Survival and Reproduction of Phytophthora ramorum in Forest Soils. Elizabeth J. Fichtner*, Shannon C. Lynch and David Rizzo, UC Davis 857a Identification and Antimicrobial Activity of 2Aminobenzoic Acid from Pantoea spp. Strain HB22. Hwangbo Hoon* Sr., Jin Rong De, Cho Min Young, Na Sang su, Lim Hyoung Woo, Kim Kil Yong and Kim Yong Woong, Division of Applied BioScience and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National Univ 857b Inhibition of Meloidogyne Incognita Reproduction by Gelatinolytic Bacteria in Tomato. Jin Rong De* Sr., Cho Min Young, Jung Na Young, Kim Yong Woong and Kim Kil Yong, Division of Applied BioScience and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National Univ 858b Impact of Long-Term Orchard Ground-Cover Management Practices on Apple Seedling Growth in an Orchard Soil. Angelika Rumberger*, Dept for Crop and Soil Science, Ian Merwin, Dept for Horticulture and Janice E. Thies, Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell Univ 956a Biological Control of Verticillium Wilt of Cotton by Salt Tolerant Rhizobacteria in Extreme Soil Conditions. Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva*, Tashkent State Univ of Agriculture 956b Isolation and Characterization of Antifungal Substances from Culture Broth of Burkholderia sp. Mao Sopheareth*, Jin Rong De, Park Mi Jung, Kim Yong Woong and Kim Kil Yong, Division of Applied BioScience and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National Univ 957a Role of Chitinase and Beta-1,3-Glucanase Activities of Fluorescent Pseudomonad NDN1 In Vitro Inhibition of Macrophomina Phaseolina and its In Vivo Control. Naveen K. Arora*, Dept of Microbiology, Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnology, C S J M Univ 957b Blueberry Fungi under Different Soil Conditions in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Beatriz A. Pérez*1, Gervasio Carboni2 and Julio M. Sánchez2, (1)INTA-IMYZA-Castelar, (2)INTA-CIRN-Instituto de Suelos 1056a Influence of Cultivation and Agricultural Practices on Metabolic Quotient in Venezuelan Entisols and Inceptisols. Magaly Ruiz*, Univ Romulo Gallegos and Jorge E. Paolini, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) 1056b Biocontrol of Late Blight (Phytophthora capsici) in Pepper by Chitin Broth Containing Multitude 142-16 1057a 142-17 1057b 142-18 1156a 142-19 1157a 142-20 1157b of Chitinolytic Bacteria. Kim Sung Jae* Sr., Jin Rong De, Ryu Ji Yeon, Yun Kyoung Mi, Kim Yong Woong and Kim Kil Yong, Division of Applied BioScience and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National Univ Effects of Combined Cultural Practices on Suppression of Soilborne Pathogens and Microbial Community Patterns in a Plainfield Sandy Loam. Mafmudije Selimi*, Teresa Balser, Douglas I. Rouse and Ann MacGuidwin, Univ of Wisconsin–Madison Reduction of Phytophthora Stem Rot Disease on Soybeans by the Application of CaCl 2 and Ca(NO3)2. Takuma Sugimoto*, Kazuhiko Watanabe, Minoru Matsuyama, Masataka Aino and Shinya Yoshida, Hyogo Agricultural Institute for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The effect of Inorganic Elements on the Reduction of Phytophthora Stem Rot Disease of Soybean. Takuma Sugimoto, Kazuhiko Watanabe*, Minoru Matsuyama, Mikihiro Sugimoto and Shinya Yoshida, Hyogo Agricultural Institute for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Zinc Efficient Rice Genotypes Resistant to Nematode Infection?. Ramasamy Krishnasamy*1, Chinnappan Sudhalakshmi1, U. Surendran1 and A. RajaRajan2, (1)Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, (2)Regional Research Station Induced Resistance Against Pseudomonas Syringae pv. Lachrymans in Cucumber by Pantoea spp. Strain HB-22. Hwangbo Hoon* Sr., Jin Rong De, Kim Byung Chun, Kim Kil Yong and Kim Yong Woong, Division of Applied BioScience and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National Univ SESSION NO. 143 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.4B Soil Mineralogy and Geophysics: Environmental and Soils Management and Mineral Exploration—Poster 143-1 1158a Soil Evolution as a Function of Parent Material in Some Forest Areas of Northern Iran. Hassan Ramezanpour*, Raheleh Hesami and Mohammad Ali Zanjanchi, Guilan Univ 143-2 1158b Zeolite Synthesis in Polluted Soils Treated with Coal Fly Ash: a Tool for Heavy Metal Stabilization. Roberto Terzano*1, Matteo Spagnuolo1, Bart Vekemans2, Laszlo Vincze3, Luca Medici4, Koen Janssens2, Fabio Tateo5 and Pacifico Ruggiero1, (1)Dipartimento di Biologia e Chimica Agro-forestale ed Ambientale–Univ of Bari, (2)Dept of Chemistry–Univ of Antwerp, (3)Dept of Analytical Chemistry–Ghent Univ, (4)I.M.A.A.–C.N.R., (5)I.G.G. C.N.R. 143-3 1159a Yields and Leaf-Nitrate Accumulation of Leaf Vegetables by Different Fertilization. Ju-Young LEE*, Division of Plant Nutrition, NIAST 143-4 1159b The Study on the Changes of Physico-Chemical Properties in Salty Paddy Field in Korea. ChulHyun Yoo*1, Byeong-Su Kim1, Chang-Hyu Yang2, Ji-Ho Jeong3, Jae-Duk Kim1 and kwang-Yong Jung2, (1)Honam Agricultural Research Institute NICS, RDA, (2)Honam Agricultural Reasearch Institute NICS, RDA, (3)Honam Agricultural Rearch Institute 143-5 143-6 143-7 NICS, RDA 1160a Long Term Contribution of K from Different Mineral Phases in Agricultural Soils as Estimated by Differential XRD. Ylva Andrist-Rangel1, Magnus Simonsson 2 , Ingrid Öborn* 2 and Stephen Hillier1, (1)The Macaulay Institute, (2)Dept of Soil Sciences, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1161a Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Iron and Aluminum Waste Green Foundry Sands. Jason De Koff*1, Brad D. Lee1 and Robert Dungan2, (1)Purdue Univ, (2)USDA-ARS-AMBL 1161b Impacts of Palygorskite and Calcium Carbonate on the Strength of Their Sand Mixtures. Mohammad Reza Mosaddeghi*1, Mohammad Hajabbasi2 and Hossein Khademi2, (1)Bu-Ali Sina Univ, (2)Isfahan Univ of Technology 144-8 144-9 144-10 144-11 SESSION NO. 144 144-12 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.5A Soil Physicochemical-Biological Interfacial Interactions: Impacts on Transformations and Bioavailability of Metals and Metalloids—Poster 144-13 Convenor: A. Violante, Università di Napoli- ITALY 144-1 144-2 144-3 144-4 144-5 144-6 144-7 861a Adsorption of Cadmium on Three Soils with Different pH Values as Influenced by Dissolvable Organic Matter. Hongqing Hu*, Jing Liu, Suwan Chen and Yongguan Zhu, Huazhong Agricultural Univ 861b Towards a National Soils Database in the Republic of Ireland. Deirdre Fay* and David McGrath, Teagasc 862a Silica Polymerization on Goethite and its Influence on Ligand Promoted Dissolution. Todd Luxton* and Matthew Eick, Virginia Tech 863a Feasibility of Zerovalent Iron to Stabilize Cd in the Paddy Soils Adjacent to the Closed Metal Mines in Korea. Jae E. Yang*1, Kyung-Yoal Yoo1, Yong-Sik Ok 1 , Jai Joung Kim 2 and Yi Nam 3 , (1)Kangwon National Univ, (2)Chungbuk National Univ, (3)National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Nonghyup) 863b Zinc Uptake in Phaseolus Vulgaris (CV. Borlotto ). Marco Sciortino1, Tanja Mimmo*1, Andrea Simoni1, Claudio Marzadori1 and Giorgio Gianquinto2, (1)Dept of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum – Univ of Bologna, (2)Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Produzioni Vegetali, Univ degli Studi di Padova 864a Bioremediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals Using Phosphate Rock and Biosolids. Lenom J. Cajuste*1, Lenom Cajuste Jr.2, Patricia Hernández-R1, Cecilia García-O1 and Jaime Cruz-Díaz1, (1)Colegio de Postgraduados, (2)Univ of Arizona 864b Phytoextraction of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil by Hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance with Mixed Chelant in a Co-Crop System. Ze-Bin Wei1, Qi-Tang Wu*1, Ying Ouyang2 and Jean Louis Morel3, (1)College of Natural Resource and Environment, South China Agricultural Univ, (2)Dept of Water Resources, St. Johns River Water Management District, (3)INPL(ENSAIA)/INRA, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement 144-14 144-15 144-16 144-17 144-18 144-19 865a Potassium Solubilization from Silicatic Rocks by Aspergillus Niger. Márcia M. Rosa, Maria-Leonor Lopes-Assad* and Sandra-Regina Ceccato-Antonini, UFSCar- Univ Federal de São Carlos 865b Mixing of Anthropogenic and Geogenic Lead Through Biogeochemical Cycling at a Temperate Moist Forest Ecosystem in Japan. Yuko Itoh*, Kyotaro Noguchi, Masamichi Takahashi and Shuichiro Yoshinaga, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan 866b Kinetics of Radiocesium Released from Contaminated Soil by Fertilizer Solutions. Po-Neng Chiang*1, Ming-Kuang Wang1, P.M. Huang2 and JengJong Wang3, (1)National Taiwan Univ, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan, (3)Institute of Nuclear Energy Research 867a Characteristics of Heavy Metal Contamination in Residual Mine Tailings Near Abandoned Metalliferous Mines in Korea. Goo-Bok Jung*, Won-Il Kim, Jong-Sik Lee, Jin-Ho Kim and Jeong-Taek Lee, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 867b Fractionation and Potential Mobility of Heavy Metals in Tailings and Paddy Soils near Abandoned Metalliferous Mines. Goo-Bok Jung*, WonIl Kim, Jong-Sik Lee, Jin-Ho Kim and Mun-Hwan Koh, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 868a Bio-Availability of Heavy Metals in Soils Treated with Lime-Stabilized Biosolids and Irrigated with Wastewater. Juan Pedro Flores-Margez*1, Esaul Jaramillo-Lopez1, Naomi Waissman Assadian2, George D Di Giovanni2, Federico Perez-Casio1 and Baltazar Corral-Diaz1, (1)Univ Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, (2)Texas A&M Univ 868b Adsorption and Redox Reactions of Heavy Metals on Synthesized Manganese Oxide Minerals. Fan Liu*, Huazhong Agricultural Univ, Xiong Han Feng, College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural Univ and Wen Feng Tan, Faculty of Resourcs and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural Univ 869a Effect of Organic Matter, Zinc and Phosphorus on the Mobilisation of Lead in Soils. Dilip Kumar Das*, Sumita Subudhi and Pintu Sur, Dept of Ag. Chem. and Soil Science, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 869b Birnessite Reduction by Iron(II) Organic Complexes. Jonathan L. Edwards* and Christopher J. Matocha, Univ of Kentucky 960a Aluminum Status of Synthetic Al-Humic Substance Complexes and their Influence on Plant Root Growth. Tadashi Takahashi* 1 , Masami Nanzyo1 and Syuntaro Hiradate2, (1)Faculty of Agric. Tohoku Univ, (2)Natl. Inst. of Agro-Env. Sci. 960b Clay Mineralogy and Trace Elements Content in Volcanic Polluted Soils from South Italy. Mariavittoria Zampella1, Paola Adamo*1, Laurent Caner2, Sabine Petit2 and Dominique Righi2, (1)Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e dell’Ambiente, Univ di Napoli Federico II, (2)Univ de Poitiers, UMR CNRS 6532 HydrASA 961a Extractability of Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in Some Chilean Biosolids-Amended Soils Using BCR Sequential Extraction Procedure. Inés Ahumada*1, Adolfo Maricán1, Cristina Pedraza1, Pablo Richter1, M. Adriana Carrasco2, Gabriela Castillo3 and Loreto Ascar1, (1)Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas Univ de Chile, (2)Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas Univ de Chile, (3)Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Univ de Chile 119 POSTERS SESSION NO. 144 SESSION NO. 144 144-20 144-21 144-22 144-23 144-24 144-25 144-26 144-27 144-28 144-29 144-30 144-31 144-32 144-33 120 961b The Effect of Soil Sterilization on Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn Uptake by Maize. Samaneh Aryabod, Amir Fotovat*, Amir Lakzian and Gholamhossein Haghnia, Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad 962a Modelling the Impact of Microbial Activity on Iron Discharge from Saturated Soil Columns. Andreas Fritzsche*1, Britt Pagels1, Kai Totsche2 and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner 1 , (1)Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde (Soil Science), TU München, (2)Universität Jena 962b Experimental Study of Heavy Metals Distribution, Attenuation and Mobility inTwo Oklahoma Soils Amended with Sewage Sludge. Kefeni Kejela*, USDA/NRCS and Dee Ann Sanders, Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma State Univ 963a Distribution and Contamination of Zn, Cd and Pb, and Establishment of Local Referende Value for the Vazante (MG)–Brazil. Meubles Borges Junior*, UNEC, Jaime W. V. Mello, Univ Federal de Vicosa and Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer, Depto do SolosUniv Federal de Viçosa 963b Lead Phytoextraction from Soil by Corn, Sunflower, and Cotton Species Applying EDTA and Sulfuric Acid. Ebrahim Fattahi Kiasari, Amir Fotovat*, Alireza Astaraei and Gholamhossein Haghnia, Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad 964a Colloid Mobilization and Heavy Metal Transport in Reclaimed Soils Following Coal Mining. Jarrod Miller*1, Anastasios Karathanasis1 and Ole Wendroth2, (1)Univ of Kentucky, Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences, (2)Univ of Kentucky 964b Weathering of Ni-Bearing Minerals in the Rhizosphere of Hyperaccumulator Plants. Vanessa Chardot 1, Guillaume Echevarria 1, Emmanuelle Montargès-Pelletier2, Geneviève Villemin1, Laurent Michot2 and Jean Louis Morel*1, (1)LSE ENSAIAINPL/INRA, (2)LEM INPL/CNRS 965a Lead Behavior in a Contaminated Calcic Cambisol Profile. Marie CECCHI*1, Camille DUMAT2, Philippe PRADERE3, Ricardo BIDEGAIN4, Eric PINELLI 1 and Maritxu GUIRESSE 1 , (1)INPENSAT AEE, (2)Pierre et Marie Curie Univ, (3)STCM, (4)LAra Europe Analyses 965b Crop Rotation and Crop Residue Biocycling Affect on the Availability of Heavy Metals to the Subsequent Crop. Lisa M. Eastley*1, Cynthia Grant2, Don Flaten1 and Mario Tenuta1, (1)Dept of Soil Science, (2)Agriculture & AgriFood Canada, Brandon Research Centre 966a Metals-Organic Interactions and Their Ecological Significance.Symposium 2.5A. Galina V. Motuzova* Jr., Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Soil Science 966b Forms and Q/I relationship of Potassium in SubMontane Region of Maharashtra, Western India. Kashinath Ragho Sonar*, Mahatma Phule Agricultural Univ 967a Impacts of Long-Term Land Application of Poultry Litter on Metal Status in Soil. Irenus A. Tazisong1, Zhongqi He*2, Zachary N. Senwo1 and Donglin Zhang3, (1)Alabama A&M Univ, (2)USDAARS, (3)Univ of Maine 967b Obtaining environmentally Sound Mixtures of Anthropogeomorphic Materials for Land Restoration. Marta Camps Arbestain*, NEIKER and Felipe Macias, Univ de Santiago de Compostela 968a The Biogeochemical Cycling of Manganese in a Forested Ecosystem of the Canadian Shield. Nathalie Gingras*, Dépt de geographie, Univ de 144-34 968b 144-35 969a 144-36 969b 144-37 1060a 144-38 1060b 144-39 1061a 144-40 1061b 144-41 1062a 144-42 1062b 144-43 1063a 144-44 1063b 144-45 1064a 144-46 1064b Montréal and François Courchesne, Dépt de Géographie, Univ de Montreal A Column Study Using Mixtures of Anthropogeomorphic Materials. Ander Santesteban1, Rocio Melendez1, Fernando Blanco1, Miriam Pinto1, Maria Luisa Ibargoitia1, Felipe Macias2 and Marta Camps Arbestain*1, (1)NEIKER, (2)Univ. Santiago de Compostela Heavy Metals in Contaminated Calcareus Soils: Distribution, Mobility and Bioavailability. Ivanka Anguelova 1 , Gueorgui Anguelov* 1 and Ivan Atanassov2, (1)Florida A&M Univ, (2)Institute for Sustainable Development Maize Genotype Responses to CaCO3 in Soils. Hero Gollany*, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center and Thomas Schumacher, South Dakota State Univ Chemical Interactions of Arsenate, Arsenite, Phosphate, and Silicate with Iron(II,III) Hydroxycarbonate Green Rust. Chunming Su* and Richard T. Wilkin, United States Environmental Protection Agency Transformations in the Speciation of Arsenic in Poultry Litter. Jennifer Seiter*, William W. Saylor and Donald Sparks, Univ of Delaware Oxidation and Mobilization of Selenium by Rhizosphere Processes and Chemicals. Libbie Oram*1, Daniel G. Strawn1, Greg Moller1, Jodi L. Johnson-Maynard1, Mathew Marcus2 and Sirine Fakra2, (1)Univ of Idaho, (2)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Kinetics and Mechanism of Mineralogically- and Biologically- Assisted Arsenic Transformation: A Macroscopic Assessment. Brandon Lafferty*, Michael Borda, Andrew Madison, Jeffry Fuhrmann and Donald Sparks, Univ of Delaware Relation between Selenium Immobilisation and Anoxic Conditions in Soil Columns at Constant Water-Table. Claire-Sophie Haudin1, Elisabeth Leclerc-Cessac 1, Pierre Renault 2 and Siobhán Staunton*3, (1)Andra, (2)Institut National de la Recherche Agronomiqe, (3)INRA, Rhizosphère & Symbiose The Volatilization of Arsenic in Poultry Litter and Litter Amended Soils. Masayuki Shimizu* and Donald L. Sparks, Univ of Delaware Competitive Sorption of Arsenate and Phosphate onto Synthetic Hematites with Different Particle Morphology. M. Pigna 1, Claudio Colombo* 2, Giuseppe Palumbo2 and Antonio Violante3, (1)Univ di Napoli, (2)Dip. SAVA Molise Univ, (3)Univ of Naples FedericoII, Portici (Napoli) I Arsenic Fractions, Adsorption and Potential Release of Arsenite and Arsenate from Two Soils of South West Bangladesh Irrigated with As Contaminated Water. Maria Martin*, DIVAPRA, Univ of Turin, Grugliasco (Torino), Elisabetta Barberis, DIVAPRA, Univ of Turin and Antonio Violante, Univ of Naples FedericoII, Portici (Napoli) Effect of Soil Ageing on Selenium/Particulate Organic Matter Association. Christophe Chabroullet*1, Frederic Coppin1, Arnaud Martin-Garin1 and Jean-Paul Gaudet2, (1)IRSN, (2)Univ of Grenoble– BP 53 Predicting Anion Adsorption Affinity on Andisols by the Triple Layer Model. María de la Luz Mora*, Paula Cartes, Erika Vistoso and Alejandra A. Jara, Univ de La Frontera 144-47 144-48 144-49 144-50 144-51 144-52 144-53 144-54 144-55 144-56 144-57 1065a Fate, Transport, and Bioavailability of Arsenic in Poultry Amended Soils. Sheila Gardner* and J. Thomas Sims, Univ of Delaware 1065b Arsenic Attenuation upon Bioreduction of Ferrihydrite. Yoko Masue*, Thomas Borch, Ben Kocar and Scott Fendorf, Dept of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford Univ 1066a Effect of Humic Acid Coating on Arsenite Adsorption on Ferrihydrite-Kaolinite Complexes. Maria Martin*1, Luisella Celi1, Elisabetta Barberis1, Antonio Violante2, Leonard M. Kozak3 and P. M. Huang3, (1)DIVAPRA, Univ of Turin, Grugliasco (Torino), (2)Univ of Naples FedericoII, Portici (Napoli), (3)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan 1066b Structural Perturbations of Aluminum Hydroxides and the Impact on their Kinetics of Arsenate Adsorption. Maria Martin*1, Guifen Yu2, Elisabetta Barberis1, Antonio Violante3, Leonard M. Kozak4 and P. M. Huang5, (1)DIVAPRA, Univ of Turin, Grugliasco (Torino), (2)Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (3)Univ of Naples FedericoII, Portici (Napoli), (4)Dep. of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Canada, (5)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan 1067a Validation of a Multicomponent Freundlich Type Equation to Describe Mutual Interactions of Selenite and Phosphate on Andisols. Paula Cartes*1, Alejandra A. Jara1, Noora Hyyryläinen2 and María de la Luz Mora1, (1)Univ de La Frontera, (2)Univ of Helsinki 1067b Thermodynamic Description of Sulfate Behavior on Allophanic Synthetic Compound. Alejandra A. Jara*, Paula Cartes and María de la Luz Mora, Univ de La Frontera 1068a Biogeochemical Cycling of As in a Paddy SoilRice Plant System in Bangladesh. Jessica Dittmar*1, Andreas Voegelin1, Ruben Kretzschmar1, Linda C. Roberts2, Stephan J. Hug2, Ganesh C. Saha3, M. Ashraf Ali3 and A. Borhan M. Badruzzaman3, (1)Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), (2)Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), (3)Bangladesh Institute of Engineering and Technology 1068b Culturable Bacterial Populations in Arsenic Polluted Soils of the South West Bangladesh. Elena Dell’Amico1, Lucia Cavalca1, Laura Terruzzi1, Luigi Allievi1, Maria Martin2 and Vincenza Andreoni*1, (1)Univ degli Studi di Milano, (2)DIVAPRA, Univ of Turin 1069a Kinetics and Mechanism of Mineralogically- and Biologically-Assisted Arsenic Transformation: A Spectroscopic Assessment. Michael Borda*1, Brandon Lafferty1, Andrew Madison1, Michael Martin2, Jeffry Fuhrmann1 and Donald Sparks3, (1)Univ of Delaware, (2)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, (3)University of Delaware 1162a Impact of Microbial Processes on the Fate of Metals in Groundwater. Piet Seuntjens, Ludo Diels*, Karolien Vanbroekhoven, Sandra Van Roy and Kristof Tirez, Flemish Institute for Technological Research 1162b Effect of Organic Matter Inputs on Copper Speciation, Bio-Availability and Leaching in Two Vineyard Soils. Jean M. F. Martins*1, Marianne Griesel2, Christophe Barnier2 and Lorenzo Spadini3, (1)CNRS–LTHE, (2)LTHE, (3)LGIT/Univ. Grenoble I 144-58 144-59 144-60 144-61 144-62 144-63 144-64 144-65 144-66 144-67 144-68 144-69 1163a Soil Copper Impact as Affected by Organic Inputs: A Biological and Chemical Approach. Julien Sebastia1, David Lejon2, Jean M. F. Martins*3, Isabelle Lamy4, Lorenzo Spadini5, Jean Leveque6 and Lionel Ranjard2, (1)Unité de Science du SolINRA, (2)Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Géochimie des sols, INRA/CMSE,, (3)CNRS– LTHE, (4)Unité de Science du Sol- Versailles, (5)LGIT/Univ. Grenoble I, (6)Microbiologie et Géochimie des Sols–INRA Univ de Bourgogne 1163b Interaction of Phosphatase with a Chilean Andisol Clay in the Presence of Manganese and Molybdenum. Maria De la Luz Mora1, Roxana López1, Maria A. Rao2, Liliana Gianfreda*2 and Analí Rosas1, (1)Depto de Ciencias Químicas, Univ de La Frontera, (2)Dept of Soil, Plant and Environment Sciences, Univ of Naples Federico II 1164a Cell-Surface Electrical Potential: A Demonstration of its Importance for Ion Bioavailability and a Simplified Method for its Computation. Thomas B. Kinraide*, Agricultural Research Service, USDA 1165a Plant Growth in a Chromium Contaminated Site Affected by Different Fertilizers. Farideh Karbasi*, Bu- Ali Sina Univ 1165b Change In Soil Biological Activity Under ManCaused Factors Of The Landfills of Solid Municipal Wastes’. Dina Nevidomskaya*, Rostov State Univ 1166a Geochemical and Biochemical Properties of Coalmine Tailings of North Eastern Collieries of Assam, India. Hari Prasanna Deka Boruah*, Regional Research Laboratory, (CSIR), Jorhat 1166b The Dissolution and Bioavailabilty of Cu from a Cu-contaminated Orchard Sandy Loam under the Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter. Jonathan WC Wong*, Dept of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist Univ 1167a Bioavailability and Phytoremediation of Mercury Contaminated Soils. Fengxiang Han*, Yi Su and David Monts, Mississippi State Univ 1167b Temporal and Spatial Variability of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Populations in Metalliferous Sulfur-Rich Organic Soils. Carolina Yáñez*, Mary Ann Bruns and Carmen Enid Martínez, The Pennsylvania State Univ 1168a Bioavailability of Contaminant Metals in a Mining Impacted Region of Ontario, Canada. Graeme A. Spiers and Joinal Abedin*, MIRARCO, Laurentian Univ 1168b Physical , Chemical and Morphological Properties of the Soils Developed on 5 Parent Materials in Northface of Elborz Mountain in Iran. Hassan Ramezanpour* and Raheleh Hesami, Guilan Univ 1169a Study of Interactions Between Thiobacillus Bacteria and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Some Growth Characteristics of Wheat Under Greenhouse Conditions. Hosein Besharati*, Soil and Water Institute of Iran 121 POSTERS SESSION NO. 144 SESSION NO. 145 SESSION NO. 145 145-15 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 2.5B Interactions between Clays and Organic Matter and Their Impact on Sorption and Availability of Organic Compounds in Soil Environments—Poster Convenor: Baoshan Xing, University of Massachusetts 145-1 145-2 145-3 145-4 145-5 145-6 145-7 145-8 145-9 145-10 145-11 145-12 145-13 145-14 122 774a Study on The Adsorption of Bensulfuron-methyl by Main Zonal Soils in Central-South China Region. Tian-Zhi Ouyang, Dept of Applied Chemistry, Wuhan Univ of Technology and Xue-yuan Li*, College of Resources and Environment, Central China Univ of Agriculture 775a Leaching of Pesticides in Tea Soil. Shivani Jaggi*, Institute of HImalayan Bioresource Technology 776a Studies on Sorption, Movement and Persistence of Soil Applied Pesticides in Different Soils. Rajannan Jayakumar*, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 776b Effects of Urea on Interaction Between Sulfonlurea herbicides and Catalase by Flurescene Spectroscopy. Fabing Ye*, Dept of Chemistry, Huazhong Agriculture Univ, Tian-Zhi Ouyang, Dept of Applied Chemistry, Wuhan Univ of Technology and Yuanyan Dong, Dept of Chemistry, Huazhong Agriculture Univ, 872a Layered Double Hydroxides for Efficient Delivery of Pesticides. Man Park*, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National Univ and Sridhar Komarneni, Pennsylvania State Univ 872b Behaviors of Layered Double Hydroxides in Soils. Man Park1, Young Jin Seo*2, Choong Lyeal Choi3, Jong Hee Lee4 and Pyoung Yeol Kim4, (1)Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National Univ, (2)Kyeongsangbukdo Agricultural Technology Administration, (3)Kyungpook National University, (4)Kyungpook National Univ 873a Soil Organic Matter Amphiphility and WaterStable Aggregates Formation. E.Yu. Milanovsky* and E.V. Shein, Moscow State Univ, Soil Science Faculty 873b Humus Regime, Colloid Forms and Fractional Structure of Humus in Red-Brown and Brown Soils. Saeed Zeraat Kar*, Kharkov National Agrarian Univ 874a Higher Accumulation of Organic P in Chemical Fertilizer Treatment than Compost Treatment. Chang Hoon Lee* and Pil Joo Kim, Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang Univ 874b Release of DOM from Mucks in the Presence of Phosphates. Dorota Matyka-Sarzynska* and Zofia Sokolowska, Institute of Agrophysics 875a P Desorption in Andisols with Anion Exchange Resin Membranes Sequential Extraction. Miguel A. Negrin1, Jose Manuel Hernández-Moreno*1, Francois Bartoli2 and Montserrat Espino1, (1)Univ de La Laguna, (2)Laboratoire Sols et Environnement ENSAIA/INRA 875b Transport and Concentration of Allergens and Light Organics in Dust. Richard E. Zartman* and William F. Jaynes, Texas Tech Univ 876a Pedotransfer Functions for Mineralization and Retention of Waste Waters. Francisco Bautista*, Depto de Ecología, FMVZ. Univ Autónoma de Yucatán and Yameli Aguilar, Univ Autónoma de Yucatán 876b Adsorption of Carbofuran in Wet Zone Soils of Sri Lanka. Janitha A. Liyanage* 1, Ransilu C. Watawala 1, Ananda P. Mallawatantri 1 and Rai Kookana2, (1)Dept of Chemistry, (2)CSIRO Land and Water 145-16 145-17 145-18 145-19 145-20 145-21 145-22 145-23 145-24 145-25 145-26 145-27 145-28 145-29 877a Molecular Ratio of PAH as a Tool to Reveal Ancient Farming Practice from Paleo-Paddy Soils in the Yangtze Delta of China. Yuanhua Dong*, Zhihong Cao, Jiuhai Li, Hui Wang, Qiong An, zhengyi Hu, Linzhang Yang, Xinggui Lin and Rui Yin, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 877b Importance of Kerogen Carbons in Soils and Sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Estuary, China. Yong Ran*1, Ke Sun1 and Baoshan Xing2, (1)Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, (2)Dept of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Univ of Massachusetts 878a Are Soil Organic Colloids Effective in Entrapping Prion Proteins?. Maria A. Rao*, Fabio Russo and Liliana Gianfreda, Dept of Soil, Plant and Environment Sciences, Univ of Naples Federico II 878b Dynamics of Chemical and Biochemical Soil Properties in the Presence of Organic Pollutants. Maria A. Rao, Rosalia Scelza, Giuseppina Iamarino, Fabio Russo and Liliana Gianfreda*, Dept of Soil, Plant and Environment Sciences, Univ of Naples Federico II 972a The Effects of Tillage on the Amount and Distribution of Carbon in a Clay Loam Soil. Xueming Yang*, C. F. Drury, W. D. Reynolds and C. S. Tan, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada 972b Selection of Chilean Native Wood-Rot Fungi for Bioremediation of Allophanic Soil Contaminated with Chlorophenols. Gonzalo R. Tortella, Rubilar Olga Margarita, Mora Maria de la Luz and Diez Maria Cristina*, Univ de La Frontera 973a Bioremediation of PAHs Contamination Soil by Biosurfactants Producing Bacteria A. calcoaceticus BU03 under Thermophilic Composting Systems. Jonathan WC Wong*, Dept of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist Univ 973b Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils by Lime Addition. Chris D. Collins*1, Dan Lothian1 and Vito Schifano2, (1)Reading Univ, (2)Arcadis GMI 974a Sorption of Chlorinated Phenols by Allophanic Soils. Mara X. Cea, Barbara S. Fuentes, M. Cristina. Diez* and María de la Luz Mora, Univ de La Frontera 974b Quantity and Chemical Composition of Dissolved Organic Carbon (Doc) in B and C Horizons of an Arable Soil. A. Lavaud 1, A. Chabbi* Sr. 2, C. Rumpel2, V. Jacquemet3, E. Gherman3 and J.-P. Croué Sr. 4, (1)LCEE-CNRS-Univ de Poitiers, (2)INRA, (3)Anjou Recherche-Véolia Water Maisons Laffitte, (4)LCEE-CNRS-Université de Poitiers 975a Surfactant Adsorption and Movement in a HighHumic Andisol. Munehide Ishiguro*, Yoshihumi Kameoka and Takahiro Torigoe, Okayama Univ, Faculty of Env. Science and Tech. 975b The Adsorption/Desorption of Metal Ions, Phosphate, Organic Substances on Goethite and Influence Factors. Feng-lin Xu* and Xue-yuan Li, Huazhong Agricultural Univ 976a Transport and Degradation of Isotopically Labelled Black Carbon Subjected to Incubation under Controlled Laboratory Conditions. André Hilscher* and Heike Knicker, Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkunde, TU-Muenchen 976b Oxidation of Black Carbon Along a Climosequence. Chih-Hsin Cheng* and Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University 977a Physical and Physico-Chimical Stabilization of Organic Matter in the Subsoil. Christophe Moni*, 145-30 145-31 977b 978a 145-32 978b 145-33 1072a 145-34 1072b 145-35 1073a 145-36 1073b 145-37 1074a 145-38 1074b 145-39 1075a 145-40 1075b 145-41 1076a 145-42 1076b 145-43 1077a Abad Chabbi, Cornelia Rumpel and Claire Chenu, INRA Thermal Analysis of Humic and Fulvic Acids Extracted from Composts Prepared with Different Materials and Mineral Enrichments. Claudivan C. Lima*1, Eduardo de S. Mendonça2, Ivo R. Silva2 and Asunción Roig3, (1)Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Satuba, (2)Univ Federal de Viçosa, (3)CEBAS-CSIC Study on the Contents of Shallow Profile Soil and Biomass Carbon under Different Plant Processes. Kun Shi*, Dalian Jiaotong Univ Theoretical Calculations of Glyphosate Adsorption in Montmorillonite Interlayers. George Khoury, Todd Gehris and Lorena Tribe*, Penn State Berks Glyphosate Adsorption on Pure Soil Component (Montmorillonite): Mineral Structure Modifications View by XPS and DRX Techniques. Guillermo Zampieri, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Centro Atómico Bariloche, Maria Dos Santos Afonso, INQUIMAE-FCEyN-UBA and Rosa Maria Torres Sanchez*, CETMIC Sorption of Glyphosate and Phosphate by Tropical Variable-Charge Soils. Ole K. Borggaard*, Anne Louise Gimsing and Casper Szilas, Royal Veterinary & Agricultural Univ Sorption of Aflatoxin by Clays and Modified Clays. William F. Jaynes*, Richard Zartman and Wayne Hudnall, Texas Tech Univ Water-Stable Aggregates of Back Soil under Long-Term Application of Chemical Fertilizers and Recycled Organic Manures. Xiaozeng Han*1, Shouyu Wang1 and Baoshan Xing2, (1)Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro-ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2)Dept of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Univ of Massachusetts Properties of Organo-Mineral Particles. Joan Breiner*, Michael Anderson, Harry Tom and Robert Graham, Univ of California, Riverside Sorption, Desorption, and Biodegradation of Alanine in Soil. Holger Fischer* and Yakov Kuzyakov, Univ of Hohenheim The Effect of Catechol Interaction with the Maillard Reaction on Abiotic Humification as Catalyzed by Birnessite. A.G. Hardie*1, L.M. Kozak2 and P.M. Huang2, (1)Univ of Saskatchewan, (2)Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Saskatchewan Tracing the Fate of Lignin-Derived Carbon in Particle Size Fractions of Soils by Compound Specific 13C isotope Analysis. Alexander Heim* and Michael W. I. Schmidt, Dept of Geography, Univ of Zurich Protection of DNA by Clay Minerals and Various Colloidal Particles from an Alfisol. Qiao Yun Huang*, Faculty of Resourcs and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural Univ Characterization of Adsorbed Dicarboxylic Acids onto Minerals. Seunghun Kang* and Baoshan Xing, Dept of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Univ of Massachusetts DRIFT Infrared Spectroscopy Studies of Organic Matter Interactions at Mineral Surfaces. Joan Elizabeth Thomas*1, Robert Schmidt1, Michael Kelley1 and Elizabeth Canuel2, (1)Jefferson Laboratory Free Electron Laser Group and Dept of Applied Science, The College of William and Mary, (2)Dept of Physical Sciences, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences 145-44 145-45 145-46 145-47 145-48 145-49 145-50 145-51 145-52 145-53 145-54 145-55 145-56 145-57 1077b Adsorption of Humic Acid on Minerals as Examined by FTIR, NMR, and Elemental Analysis. Saikat Ghosh*, Seunghun Kang, Prasanta C. Bhowmik and Baoshan Xing, Dept of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Univ of Massachusetts 1078a Sorption of Sulfonamide Antimicrobials to Humic-Clay Complexes. Juan Gao*, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison and Joel A. Pedersen, Univ of Wisconsin 1078b Investigating the Role of Organo-Clay Complexes in Phenanthrene Sorption. Xiaojuan Feng*, André J. Simpson and Myrna J. Simpson, Dept of Physical and Environmental Sciences, Univ of Toronto, Scarborough College 1169b Humin as a Fractal Nanomaterial. James A. Rice*, South Dakota State Univ 1170a In-Situ U Stabilization by Microbial Metabolites; Sequestration of U by Melanin and its Sorption to Minerals. Anna S. Knox* and Charles Turick, Savannah River National Laboratory 1171a Phenanthrene Sorption and Leaching Dynamics in Two Agricultural Soils. Samira Amellal*, Arnaud Boivin, Michel Schiavon and Corinne Perrin Ganier, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement, ENSAIAINRA/INPL 1172a Effects of Ionic Strength on MES Sorption and Ni Sorption Kinetics at the Goethite-Water Interface. Brian Rosen*, Ryan Tappero, Kristian Paul and Donald Sparks, Univ of DE 1172b Some Unique Characteristics of Humic Acid in the Vertisols of Central China. Shanmei Wu*, Nanjing Agricultural Univ/Univ of California, Xirong Gao, Nanjing Agricultural Univ, Changqing Lu, Institute of Soil Science and Qing Xu, Cotra Costa College 1173a Phytoremediation and Site Management of Soil Contaminated with Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and Heavy Metals in New Zealand. Siva (Sivalingam) Sivakumaran*, Tessa Mills, Iris Vogeler, Brent Clothier, Cara Norling and Ian McIvor, HortResearch 1173b Quantification and Qualification of Clay Minerals of Tropical Soils by the Rietveld Method of Structure Refinement. Marcelo Metri Correa, Univ Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Mauricio P. Fontes*, Dpto de Solos, Joao Carlos Ker, Univ Federal de Viçosa and Vidal Barrón, Univ de Córdoba 1174a The Role of Organic Acids in Manipulating Nutrient Levels in Calcareous Soils. Zahra Khademi*, Soil and Water Research Institiute, David L. Jones, Univ of Bangor and MJ Malakouti, Tarbiat Modares Univ, Soil and Water Research Institute 1174b Effect of Tillage Practices on Soil Organic Carbon as Affected by Soil Texture in Southwest Michigan. X. Hao* 1, Alexandra Kravchenko 2, Senthil K. Subramanian2, G. P. Robertson3 and A.J.M Smucker4, (1)Dept Crop and Soil Science, Michigan State Univ, (2)Michigan State Univ, (3)Crop & Soil Sciences Dept, Michigan State Univ, (4)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences , Michigan State Univ 1175a Study of the Stability of Organic Matter in Forest Soils from the Basque Country (N Spain). Zuriñe Madinabeitia1, Marta Camps Arbestain*2 and Felipe Macias1, (1)Univ de Santiago de Compostela, (2)NEIKER 1175b Fortified Water and Soils Extraction-Efficiency of Triclopyr (3, 5, 6- trichloro-2 pyridinyloxyacetic acid) with Four Organic Solvents. Desh Duseja* and Gary Kriner, Tennessee State Univ 123 POSTERS SESSION NO. 145 SESSION NO. 146 SESSION NO. 146 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.0A Long-term Agronomic Experiments: Their Importance for Science and Society—Poster 146-1 1225a Long-term Agricultural Experiments: The Necessity for Change and the Need for Continuity. David S. Powlson*1, Paul R. Poulton1, Andrew J. Macdonald1 and Zhao Bingqiang2, (1)Agriculture and Environment Division, Rothamsted Research, (2)Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning 146-2 1225b Soil Water Profiles Using TDR with Strip Lines. Giuliano Vitali*, DiSTA–Univ.Bologna and Eugenio Magnanini, DCA–Univ. Bologna 146-3 1226a Long-Term Application of Farmyard Manure and Fertilizers Effects on Soil Quality in Northwestern China. Shengmao Yang*1, Shengmao YANG2, Sukhdev.S. Malhi3, Feng-Min Li2, Dongrang Suo4, Yu Jia2, Ping Wang2, Tianwen Guo5 and Jianguo Wang5, (1)Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, (2)The Key Laboratory of Arid and Grassland Agroecology, Lanzhou Univ, Ministry of Education, (3)Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (4)Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Zhangye Prefecture, (5)Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences 146-4 1226b Soil Chemistry After Fifteen Years Intensive Applications of Swine Lagoon Effluent. Ardeshir Adeli*, Dennis E. Rowe and Karamat R. Sistani, USDA-ARS 146-5 1227a Accumulative Effect of Long-term Conservation Tillage Methods on Irrigated Corn in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Miguel A. Martinez-Gamiño* and Cesario Jasso-Chaverria, INIFAP 146-6 1227b Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Soil and Crop Management Efficiency of Winter Wheat in Long-term Experiment. Peter Pepo*, Agricultural Univ of Debrecen 146-7 1228a The Bioassay Procedure for N & P Availability Determination: Can We Learn More?. David Bonfil*1, Israel Mufradi1, Silvia Asido1 and Gershon Kalyan2, (1)Agricultural Research Organization, (2)Fertilizers and chemicals LTD. 146-8 1228b Long-Term Fertilization on Sustenance of HighProduction Farming in an Inceptisol. Malarvizhi Palaniappa pillai*, Selvi Duaisamy and Gopalakrishnan Mylesamy, Professor, Dept of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 146-9 1229a Soil Nutrient Availability and Balance under Long-Term Fertilization and Garden Land Cropping System. Malarvizhi Palaniappa pillai* and Selvi Duaisamy, Professor, Dept of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 146-10 1229b Sustainable Soil Management in Lowland Rice Ecosystems: Experiences from Long-Term Experiments. Roland J. Buresh*, W.M. Larazo, E.V. Laureles, M.I. Samson and M.F. Pampolino, International Rice Research Institute 146-11 1325a Crop Rotation, Nutrient Management, and Biomass Removal Effects on Soil Organic Matter Content. Krisztina Eleki*1, Richard Cruse1, László Fodor2, Lajos Szabó2 and Sándor Holló3, (1)Iowa State Univ, (2)Károly Róbert College, (3)Fleischmann Rudolf Agricultural Research Institute 146-12 1325b Simulation on Nitrogen and Soil Organic Matter in Paddy Soils under Long-Term Application by WNMM. KI-DO PARK*1, Chang-Young Park2, 124 146-13 1326a 146-14 1326b 146-15 1327a 146-16 1327b 146-17 1328a 146-18 1328b 146-19 1329a Yong Li3, Deli Chen4, Jae-Saeng Lee2, Il-Soo Son2, Dong-Wook Lee2, Ui-Gum Kang2 and Sung-Tae Park2, (1)Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA, (2)National Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, R.D.A, (3)The Univ of Melbourne, (4)The University of Melbourne Effects of Long-Term Application of Compost and Silicate on Nitrogen Mineralization and Soil Chemical Properties of Korean Paddy Soil. Chang-Young Park*, Ki-Do Park, Il-Soo Son, DongWook Lee, Ui-Gum Kang and Ho-Young Kim, Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA Net Soil Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification of a Lowland Subtropical Rain Forest in Southern Taiwan. Chun-Chih Tsui*, Dept Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ and ZuengSang Chen, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ Effect of Long-Term Application of Rice Straw on the Plant Available Silicon of Paddy Soil. Noriko Kobayashi*1, Akiko Chida2 and Masahiko Saigusa1, (1)Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ, (2)Miyagi pref. Motoyoshi Agricultural Extension Center Long-Term Agroecosystem Experiments and Sample Archives at USDA-ARS-NGPRL. Mark A. Liebig*, John R. Hendrickson and Kristine A. Nichols, USDA-ARS Changes in Soil Properties after 10 Years at the Beltsville Farming Systems Project, a Long-Term Experiment to Assess the Sustainability of Conventional and Organic Cropping Systems. Michel A. Cavigelli*, USDA-ARS-SASL Nitrogen Sufficiency Diognosis in Corn in the Southwest of Paraná, Brazil. Alexson Bobato*1, Tangriani S. Assmann1 and Luiz A. C. Lucchesi2, (1)CEFET, (2)Univ Federal do Paraná Long-Term Agronomic Trials from The Mediterranean Region: A Critical Perspective. John Ryan*, ICARDA SESSION NO. 147 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.0B Emerging Topics in Soil Use and Management —Poster 147-1 1329b The role of nitrification inhibitors in mitigating nitrogen and cation losses in grazed pasture. Jagrati Singh1, Nanthi Bolan*1 and Surinder Saggar2, (1)Soil and Earth Sciences, (2)Landcare Research 147-2 1425a Use of slow release type nitrogen fertilizer and its effect on soil quality. Jorge Hernandez and Rosalia I. Garcia*, Southern Illinois University 147-3 1425b Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on biological yield and morphological characteristics of balm (Melissa officinalis L.) under field condition. mohammad reza Ardakani*1, bohloul Abbaszadeh2, ebrahim Sharifi ashourabadi2, farzad Paknejhad3 and mohammad hossain Lebaschi2, (1)nuclear research center for agriculture and medicine-atomic energy organization of iran, (2)research institute of forests and rangelands, (3)islamic azad universitykaraj branch 147-4 1426a Effect of solid nitrogen application on biological yield, essential oil percentage and essential oil SESSION NO. 148 1426b 147-6 1427b 147-7 1428a 147-8 1428b 147-9 1429a 147-10 1429b 147-11 1525a 147-12 1525b 147-13 1526a 147-14 1526b 147-15 1527a 147-16 1527b 147-17 147-18 1528a Korean Soil Database: Perspectives on Geospatial Information for Agri-Environment. Suk Young Hong*, Sang Kyu Rim, Gab Sue Jang, Yi Hyun Kim, Jee Min Lee and Han Kang Kwak, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA 1528b A new way to measure soil salinity comes with a conversion factor. Tina Dalby, Agronomy and Soil Science and Peter Cull*, ICT International Pty Ltd SESSION NO. 148 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.0W Sustainable Soils and Life on Land—Poster 148-1 1432a Romanian Soil Irrigation Feasibility. Ion Seceleanu* Sr., National Institute for Research and Development for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environmental Protection-ICPA 148-2 1433a Preliminary Results from Special Lysimeters on the Recultivated Dump of the Former Lignite Mine Witznitz, Germany. Ulrike Haferkorn*, Staatliche Umweltbetriebsgesellschaft 148-3 1433b Microbial Community Composition and Function in Hardwood and Coniferous Forests in the Basque Country: Effect of Forest Management Practices. Nahia Gartzia-Bengoetxea*1, Ander González-Arias1, Javier Aróstegui2, Ellen Kandeler3 and Inazio Martínez de Arano1, (1)NEIKER-Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, Forestry Unit, (2)Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, (3)Institute of Soil Science, Soil Biology Section, University of Hohenheim 148-4 1434a Dynamics of N Leaching Losses of a Haplic Phaeozem with Agricultural Use in the Central German Dry Region on the Basis of Long Term Lysimeter Measurements. Steffi K. Knoblauch*, Thuringian State Institute of Agriculture 148-5 1434b Leaching of Some Pollutants into Drainage Water in Croatia. Ivan Šimunic* and Franjo Tomic, Faculty of Agriculture 148-6 1435a Why Soil Exists?. Davit Kirvalidze*, Georgian State Agricultural Univ, Soil Science Dept and Izolda Jacobashvili, Georgian State Agricultural Univ, Dept of Agrochemistry 148-7 1435b Long-Term Trends in Soil Fertility under Agricultural Plantations in Tropical Regions. Alfred Hartemink*, ISRIC–World Soil Information 148-8 1436a Extractable Phosphorus Following Fertilizer Application from Rice Soils. Md. Rafiqul Islam* and Md. Abu Saleque, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh 148-9 1436b Use of the Nutrient Management Expert System NuMaSS to Improve Management of Nitrogen in Maize-Based Systems in Hillsides of Honduras and Nicaragua. Marco Trejo* Sr., MIS Consortium, Miguel Ayarza, CIAT, T. Jot Smyth, NC State Univ and Denise Finney, Crop Science Dept 148-10 1532a Select Enzyme Activities as Affected by LongTerm Management Practices. Frieda Eivazi*, Lincoln Univ and M.R. Bayan, The E-TEC Group, LLC. 148-11 1532b Transition of the Natural 15N Abundance (∆15N) in Paddy Soil Affected by Long-Term Application 125 POSTERS 147-5 yield of balm (Melissa officinalis L.) under greenhouse condition. bohloul Abbaszadeh*1, ebrahim Sharifi ashourabadi1, mohammad reza Ardakani2, farzad Paknejhad3, davood Habibi3 and mojtaba Adraki3, (1)research institute of forests and rangelands, (2)nuclear research center for agriculture and medicine-atomic energy organization of iran, (3)islamic azad university-karaj branch Estimation for Nitrogen Status of Rice Plant by Reflectance Indices of Ground-Based Remote Sensors. Soon-dal Hong* 1, Seong-Soo Kang 1, Hyun-Cheol Jeong1, Sukyong Hong2 and Yi-Hyun Kim2, (1)Chungbuk National University, (2)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA Extractability of Trace Elements in Raw, Heated, and Granulated Poultry Litters. Gurpal Toor*, University of Arkansas and Brian Haggard, USDAARS/Bio & Agric. Eng. Dept. Poultry Litter Application Creates Nutrient Accumulation in Sorghum-Sudangrass Soils. Rebecca Gilfillen*, Byron Sleugh and Todd Willian, Western Kentucky University Site-Specific Soil Management for Pineapple Production in a Tropical Peat. Siva Balasundram*, Ahmad Husni and Osmanu Ahmed, Universiti Putra Malaysia Soil and leaf nutrients norms for sweet orange(citrus sinensis osbeck) grown on marathwada region of maharashtra. Sahebrao More*, Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani , Maharashtra ,India and Harihar Krishnarao Kausadikar, Marathwada Agricultural University , Parbhani , Maharashtra , India Liming in Green Harvested Sugar Cane Cultivated under Conventional and No-Tillage Systems. Denizart Bolonhezi*1, Heitor Cantarella2, Fábio L.F. Dias2, Osvaldo Gentilin Junior1, Antonio L. Cerdeira3, Manoel Dornellas3 and Miguel A. Mutton4, (1)Estação Experimental APTA–Centro Leste, (2)Instituto Agronômico, (3)EMBRAPA–Environment, (4)UNESP Soil Fertility Degradation and Management in the Highlands of Kenya. Solomon Ngoze*1, Susan J. Riha1, J.M. Kinyangi1, Johannes Lehmann1, Louis Verchot2, David M. Mbugua2 and A.N. Pell1, (1)Cornell University, (2)World Agroforestry Centre The characteristics of soil organic matter under different stages of degraded grassland in a sandy desertification aera on Ordos Plateau, northwestern China. Yizhong Lv*, College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University Cemetery soils: A window on the past?. Samuel B. Geleta*, Christopher H. Briand, Kimberly C. Clark, Michael E. Folkoff, Irene K. Miller and Brent J. Zaprowski, Salisbury University Spatial variability of microbial properties in prairie soils. Eirini Katsalirou*, Shiping Deng and David Nofziger, Oklahoma State University Utilizing green normalized difference vegetation indices (GNDVI) for production level management zone delineation in irrigated corn. T.M. Shaver*, R. Khosla and D.G. Westfall, Colorado State University Classification and Mapping of Soils of Sri Lanka for Sustainable Land Management. Ranjith B. Mapa*1, Anil R. Dassanayake1, Robert G. Eilers2 and Tee B. Goh3, (1)Soil SCience Society of Sri Lanka, (2)Canadian Society of Soil Science, (3)Canadian Society of Soil SCience SESSION NO. 148 148-12 1533a 148-13 1533b 148-14 1534a 148-15 1534b 148-16 1535a 148-17 1535b 148-18 1536a 148-19 1536b 148-20 1537a 148-21 1537b 126 of Compost in the Cool Region of Japan. Mizuhiko Nishida*1, Kaori Iwaya2, Hirokazu Sumida3 and Naoto Kato1, (1)National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region, (2)Aomori Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center, (3)National Agriculture and Bio-oriented Research Organization Brassicaceae Seed Meal as a Soil Amendment to Improve Plant-Available Nitrogen and Yields in Organic Farming Systems. Jodi Johnson-Maynard*1, Alina Rice2 and Matthew Morra1, (1)Univ of Idaho, (2)USDA-NRCS Water Quality and the Relation with Different Types and Uses of Soil in Distrito Federal (Df), Brazil, Using GIS. Marina R. Bilich* and Marilusa P. C. Lacerda, Univ of Brasilia Earthworm Communities in Different Soil Habitats of the Eastern Palouse Region. Yaniria Sanchez-de Leon*, Katherine Smetak and Jodi Johnson-Maynard, Univ of Idaho Indicators of Soil Health: Rapid Assessment of Soil Quality Using Laboratory Procedures and VNIR Reflectance Spectroscopy. Bianca N. Moebius*1, Harold M. Van Es1, George Abawi1, David Wolfe1, Omololu J. Idowu2, Janice E. Thies3, Daniel J. Clune3, Robert R. Schindelbeck1, Ali Volkan Bilgili1, W. Dean Hively4 and Beth Gugino1, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, (3)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell Univ, (4)USDAARS Environmental Quality Laboratory Production of Dry Matter of Corn and Mobility of P and K in Soils That Received Application of Dejections of Swine. Lani Joao Luiz*, Univ Federal de Viçosa and Correa Gilberto Fernandes, Univ Federal de Uberlandia Tillage and Rotation Effects on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Long-Term Corn-Soybean Systems. Rex A. Omonode*, Purdue Univ, Dept of Agronomy, Anita Gal, Szent Istvan Univ, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Dept, D.R. Smith, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory and T. J. Vyn, Purdue Univ Long-Term Effects of Cropping Systems on Soil Aggregate Stability. Kulbhushan Grover* and Heather Karsten, The Pennsylvania State Univ Crop Intensification—Forage Production and the Soil Water Balance. Ymène Fouli* 1 , Sjoerd Duiker1, Al Rotz1, Marvin Hall1 and David Johnson2, (1)Penn State Univ, (2)Penn State South East Research and Extension Centre Soil Nutrients Capture, Availability and Recycle Potentials of the Locally Available Woody and Non-Woody Species in the Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. Oluwole A. Fatunbi*, Univ of Fort Hare, Yukihiro Hayashi, Nihon Univ, Guanglong Tian, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago and Gideon O. Adeoye, University of Ibadan Response of Soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) to Lime and Phosphorus Fertilizer Treatments on an Acidic Alfisol of Nigeria. E. A. Akinrinde* and M. O Anetor, Agronomy Dept, Univ of Ibadan SESSION NO. 149 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.1A Land Use Planning: Environmental, Economic and Social Trade-offs—Poster 149-1 1234a Analysis of Different Statistical Models forAssessing Potential Distribution of Forest Types in Southern Spain. Maria Anaya*1, Rafael Pino2, Antonio Jordan1, Lorena Martinez-Zavala1, Nicolas Bellinfante1 and Isidoro Gomez1, (1)Dept Cristallography, Mineralogy and Agricultural Chemistry (Univ of Sevilla), (2)Dept of Statisthics and Operational Research 149-2 1234b Crop Yield Assessment in Traditional Cordia Africana Lam. Tree Intercrop Based Farms in West Wellega. Diriba Nigusie Debele*, Forestry Research Center 149-3 1235a Spatial Changes of the Main Land Use Types in Beijing Suburban from 1993 to 2004. Xiao-gang Cui*, De-hai Zhu and Tai-lai Yan, College of Information and Electronic Engineering,Chinese Agriculture Univ 149-4 1235b A Decision Support System Based on Soil Ecological Criteria: Results from the European ECOGEN Project. Jerome Cortet*1, Marko Bohanec2, Martin Znidarsic2, Marko Debeljak2, Bryan Griffiths3, Sandra Caul3, Jacqueline Thompson3 and Paul H. Krogh4, (1)Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine–ENSAIA, (2)Jozef Stefan Institute, Dept of Knowledge Technologies, (3)Scottish Crop Research Institute, (4)National Environmental Research Institute 149-5 1236a Analysis of Landscape Pattern Using GIS According to Land Use at Agricultural Area in Korea. Myung Chul Seo*, Seung Gil Hong, Yeon Kyu Sonn, Kwang Lai Park and Pil Kyun Jung, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 149-6 1236b Analysis of Landscape Patterns Based on Land Use Using GIS Application at Two Agricultural Areas in Korea and Its Comparison. Seung Gil Hong*, Myung Chul Seo, Yeon Kyu Sonn, Kwang Lai Park and Kee Kyung Kang, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 149-7 1237a Non Polluting Eco-Friendly Herbal Weed Management for Crop Production. Mohd. Afroz Sultan*, Institute of Agriculture, Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Srineketan, G.C. De, Institute of Agriculture, Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Anisur Rahman Khan, ICAR Research Complex For Eastern Region and S.S. Singh, RWC-CIMMYT, India 149-8 1237b European Soil Visual Assessment—Field Guide. Beata Houskova* and Luca Montanarella, Institute for Environment & Sustainability, Joint Research Centre 149-9 1238a Influence of Household Characteristics on Land Use/Management and Holding Size in the Subhumid Agroecosystems of Western Ethiopia. Nega Emiru* and Abebe Yadessa, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute 149-10 1238b Using the Logic Model to Build Partnerships for Abating Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms. J. Mark Powell*1, Ellen Taylor-Powell2, Richard Klemme2, Timm Johnson3, Larry Bruss4 and Tom Misselbrook5, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)Univ of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension, (3)Wisconsin Dept Ag. Trade and Consumer Protection, (4)Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, (5)Institute for Grasslands and Environmental Research 149-11 1239a Sustainable Agriculture in Azerbaijan (East Shirvan). Chingiz K. Alekperov*, Tel-Aviv Univ George 149-12 149-13 149-14 149-15 149-16 149-17 149-18 149-19 149-20 149-21 149-22 149-23 149-24 149-25 S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences 1240a Groundwater Quality Parameters in Hassan District under Different Land Use Cover. Bhanu Prakash*, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1240b Impact of Engineering Interventions on the Soil Management-a Success Story. Ajay Sehgal*, Indian Forest Service 1334a SWAT Model of Phosphorus Transport to Lake Allatoona. David E. Radcliffe* and Zhulu Lin, Univ of Georgia 1334b Study of Physical and Chemical Soil Properties Variations in Relation to Forest Types and Some Topographic Factors in the North of Iran. Ali Salehi*, Natural Resources Faculty, Guilan Univ and Ghavamoudin Zahedi Amiri, Natural Resources Faculty, Tehran Univ 1335a Fluxes of Carbon and Sulfate Dynamics in SaltAffected Coastal Soils in Northern Germany. Md. Harunor Rashid Khan* 1 , Hans-Peter Blume 2 , Tadashi Adachi3, Ulrich Pfisterer4 and Udo MuellerThomsen4, (1)Dept of Environmental Management Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, (2)Univ of Kiel, (3)Dept of Environmental Management Engineering, (4)Division of Soil Ecology, Res. and Tech. Center-West Coast, Univ of Kiel 1335b Soil Reclamation and Optimal Land Use in the Coastal Area of the Red River Delta, Northern Vietnam. Thai Hung Dinh*1, Shigeko Haruyama1 and Van Tiem Le2, (1)Institute of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The Univ of Tokyo, (2)Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute 1336b Change without Stick or Carrot: Adoption of Improved Soil Management Practices in Pennsylvania. Sjoerd Duiker*, Penn State Univ 1337a Assessing Potential Changes in Soil Salinity from Irrigation Using Electrical Resistivity Technology. Mike Sharp*, David Hopkins, Dean Steele and Ramesh Gautam, North Dakota State Univ 1337b Conservation Agriculture Approach for Poverty Reduction and Food Security in Sofala Province, Mozambique. J.P.C. Taimo*, PROMEC, Ademir Calegari, Iapar and Manfred Schug, Direcção Provincial de Agricultura de Sofala / CIM 1338a Organic Matter and Soil Aggregation under Crop-Pasture Rotation in Tropical Environment. Julio Cesar Salton*1, João Mielniczuk2 and Cimélio Bayer2, (1)Embrapa Western Agriculture, (2)Federal Univ of Rio Grande do Sul 1338b Soil Use and Management Effects on Aggregate Stability and Hydraulic Conductivity Within River Njoro Watershed in Kenya. Isaiah I.C. Wakindiki*, Zachary G. Mainuri and Maina Gichaba, Egerton Univ 1339a Terrain Analysis as a Base of Soil Productivity in Tushka Basin, Upper Egypt. Alaa Eldin H. Elnahry*, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 1339b Soil Resource Assessment of Garhwal Himalayan Mountains in India. D. Martin*, S.K Mahapatra, C.B Sachdev, Tarsem Lal, Kalpana Kambli and J.P Sharma, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, ICAR 1437b Productivity Index in Typic Natrudolls in CenterSouthwestern of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Gustavo A. Cruzate*, Julio M. Sánchez, Gervasio Carboni and Ricardo C. Díaz, INTACIRN-Instituto de Suelos 149-26 149-27 149-28 149-29 149-30 149-31 149-32 1438a Sugarcane Productivity in Acrustox under Different Water Availability Conditions. Hélio do Prado*1, Antônio Carlos Machado Vasconcelos1, Marcos Guimarães de Andrade Landell1, Dilermando Perecin2, Quirijn Jong Van Lier3 and Mauro Alexandre Xavier 1 , (1)Centro de Cana IAC, (2)FCAV UNESP, (3)Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, USP 1439a Irrigation Sustainability and Economic Evaluation in South Italy Based on the Land Use/Soil System: a Gis Approach for Water Managment. Rosario Napoli*1, Paolo Bazzoffi1, Andrea Fais2, Pasquale Nino2, Nicola Laruccia3, Francesco Abbattista1 and Silvia Vanino1, (1)Istituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo, (2)Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, (3)Private Consultant 1439b The Use of the Lands and Its Adequacy in Distrito Federal, Brazil. Fabio Alves de Carvalho* and Marilusa Pinto Coelho Lacerda, Univ de Brasilia 1538a Devils Lake Basin Water Utilization Test Project. David Hopkins*, Dean Steele, Mike Sharp and Ramesh Gautam, North Dakota State Univ 1538b No-Till Requires Better Soil. Frédéric Thomas*, Farming Communication 1539a Land Use Plannning for Andhra Pradesh (India). Alluri Padma Raju*, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ and Poonam Mala Kondaiah, Dept of Agriculture 1539b Experiences of the Introduced Hungarian National Agri-Environmental Program. Viktor Grónás1, Márta Belényesi2, Julianna Magyari2 and Csaba Centeri*3, (1)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Landscape Ecology, (2)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Geoinformatics, (3)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Nature Conservation SESSION NO. 150 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural & Environmental Policy—Poster 150-1 1340a Decoupling Indicators of Soil Erosion for AgroEcosystem Assessment. Xiubin He* Sr., Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Junliang Tian Sr., Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS and Wei Jie Sr., Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS 150-2 1340b Soil Survey of the United States: National Cooperative Soil Survey—Committees and Partnerships. M. Levin*, NRCS-USDA 150-3 1341a Managing Soil Quality for Agricultural Sustainability: A Review with Emphasis on Chinese Mollisols. Xiaobing Liu*1, Stephen J. Herbert2, A. M. Hashemi2 and Xingyi Zhang1, (1)Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2)Dept of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, Univ of Massachusetts 150-4 1341b The European Perspective on Soil Quality. Gergely Tóth*, Luca Montanarella, Nicola Filippi, Vladimir Stolbovoy and Florence Carre, European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability 150-5 1342a Folad-Mobarekeh Industrial Effluent Water Quality and Effect on Ground Water Resources. 127 POSTERS SESSION NO. 150 SESSION NO. 150 150-6 1342b 150-7 1343a 150-8 1343b 150-9 1440a 150-10 1440b 150-11 1441a 150-12 1441b 150-13 1442a 150-14 1442b 150-15 1443b 150-16 1540a 128 Hamid Reza Rahmani*, Esfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center Long-Term Effects of Conservation Tillage on Soil Quality under Rainfed Semi-Arid Conditions (Southwestern Spain). Felix Moreno*1, Jose M. Murillo1, Engracia Madejon1, Ignacio F. Giron1 and Francisco Pelegrin 2 , (1)IRNAS (CSIC), (2)EUITA (Univ of Seville) Productivity and Soil Quality as Affected by Fencing in Mixed Mub-catchment in North-east Tract of Punjab, India. M. S. Hadda*, Dept of Soils and K. B. Thapa, Dept of Soils Mathematical Decision Theory Applied to Soil Quality. Juan Grau*1, Jose M. Anton1, A. Saa2, M. Cruz Díaz 2 and Ana M. Tarquis 3 , (1)Dpto. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid, (2)Dpto. Edafología–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid, (3)Dpto. Matemática Aplicada–E.T.S. Ing. Agrónomos–Polytechnic Univ of Madrid Soil Functional Capability Classification Map of the World. Sonya Ahamed1, Deborah Balk1, Rafael Flor1, Marc Levy1, Cheryl Palm1, Pedro Sanchez*1, Adam Storeygard1 and Stanley Wood2, (1)Columbia University, (2)IFPRI Background Levels of Potentially Toxic Elements in NW Argentinian Soils. Nuria Roca1, Mabel Pazos* 1 and Jaume Bech 2 , (1)Facultad de Agronomía–UNCPBA, (2)Univ de Barcelona Transition of Korean Soil Quality. Won Kyo Jung*, You Hak Kim, Myeong Sook Kim and Han Kang Kwak, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology The Water Quality Status of River and Groundwater in Fluvio-marine Deposit Area in Southeastern Korea. Jeeyeon Ko*, Jae-saeng Lee, Choonsong Kim, Ki-yeol Jung, Yeong-dae Choi, Eul-soo Yun, Choon-sik Kim and Seong-tae Park, National Institute of Crop Science, Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute Framework and Components of a New Land Evaluation System in Hungary. Tamás Németh*1, András Bidló2, Zoltán Gaál3, Bálint Heil2, Tamás Hermann4, András Makó4, Ferenc Máté5, Ferenc Speiser6, István Szûcs7, Gergely Tóth1, Tibor Tóth1, György Várallyay1 and József Vass8, (1)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (2)Univ of Western Hungary, (3)Univ of Veszprém Faculty of Economics, (4)Univ of Veszprém Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture, (5)Univ of Veszprém Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture, (6)Univ of Ve szprém Faculty of Information Technology, (7)Szent István Univ, (8)Univ of Veszprém Faculty of Information Technology Nature and Causes of Soil Fertility Gradients: Defining Soil Organic Carbon Thresholds for Improved Nutrient Use Efficiency on Granitic Sandy Soils. Paul Mapfumo*, Univ of Zimbabwe Evolution of the Mineral Status of Soil Plant Continuums: The Case of Sugarcane Grown on Tropical Ferralsols of Northern Côte d’Ivoire. Nguessan A. Kouassi* Sr., Centre national de recherche agronomique de Côte d’Ivoire Available Micronutrients Status in the Traditional Arecanut Growing Soils of Karnataka. Vishwanath Shetty*, C. Narayanaswamy, H.V. Rudramurthy, T.S. Vageesh and M. Hegde, College of Agriculture and Zonal Agricultural Research Station 150-17 150-18 150-19 150-20 150-21 150-22 150-23 150-24 150-25 150-26 1540b Simulated Rainfall Impact on Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems on a Mollisol. Roop Kamal*1, Diane E. Stott2, Doug Smith2 and Dennis L. Bucholtz3, (1)Univ of Nebraska, (2)USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, (3)USDA-ARS-MWA, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory 1541a Phosphorus Indices: Southern Similarities and Differences. Sam E. Feagley*, Texas A&M Univ, Deanna Osmond, North Carolina State Univ, Miguel Cabrera, Univ of Georgia, Gene E. Hardee, USDA/NRCS, Charles C. Mitchell, Auburn Univ, R. Mylavarapu, Univ of Florida, Philip Moore, USDAARS, James L. Oldam, Mississippi State Univ, William Thom, Univ of Kentucky, Agronomy, Forbes Walker, Univ of Tennessee, Hailin Zhang, Oklahoma State Univ and J. Stevens, New Mexico State Univ 1541b Soil Quality Indicators Response to Long-Term Grazing Exclusion as a Recovering Strategy in Some Rangelands in Central Iran. Mohammad A. Hajabbasi*, Isfahan Univ of Technology, College of Agriculture, Dept of Soil Science, Mehdi Sharifi, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Mohsen Sheklabadi, Isfahan Univ of Technology, College of Agriculture, Soil Science Dept 1542a Effect of Farming Production in Peri-Urban Small-Scale Vegetable Farming Systems on N, P and K Balances at Plot Level. Biao Huang*1, Xuezheng Shi1 and Ingrid Öborn2, (1)State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2)Dept of Soil Sciences, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1542b Incorporating N Fixation Uncertainty into Nitrogen Budgets for Organic Vegetable Farms. Katie Monsen* and Carol Shennan, Univ of California Santa Cruz 1543a A Proposal for the Formal Designation of Rare and Threatened Soils. Patrick Drohan* and Timothy Farnham, Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas 1543b Phosphorus Loss from Agriculture to Water in Ireland. Hubert Tunney*1, Ger Kiely2, Phil Jordan3, Richard Moles4, Karen Daly1, Ger Morgan2, Isabelle Kurz 1, Declan Ryan 5, Eleanor Jennings 6, Ken Irvine6, Nicholas Holden7, Donnacha Doody1, David Bourke1, Paul Byrne4, Colin O’Reilly1, Owen Carton1 and Deirdre Fay1, (1)Teagasc, (2)Univ College Cork, (3)Univ of Ulster, (4)Univ of Limerick, (5)Teagsc, (6)Trinity College Dublin, (7)Univ. College Dublin 1544b Soils in Distance Education Programs—an Essential Science Online. Ronald J. Reuter*, Oregon State Univ and Carol Bronick, Oregon State University 1545a Evaluation of the Texas Phosphorus Index. Sam E. Feagley*1, Fred Jacoby1, Laura Harstad1, Todd Carpenter1, Jim Akin1, Tom Hallmark1, Frank Hons1 and Robert Knight2, (1)Texas A&M Univ, (2)Rangeland Ecol. & Mgmnt. Dept 1545b N Rapid Assessment in Relation to Crop Production in Zimbabwe. Justice Nyamangara*, Univ of Zimbabwe, Dept of Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering SESSION NO. 151 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.2A Environmental Impacts of Soil Erosion–Measuring and Modeling On- and Off-Site Damages of Soil Erosion —Poster 151-1 1244a The Potential Effect to Flocculate Clay Particles by a Biopolymer, Fe and Al Alone and Combined. Manuel Antonio Henríquez Rodríguez*, UCLA, José María Gascó Montes, ETSIAAgrónomos UPM and Juana Pérez Arias, ETSI Agrónomo UPM 151-2 1244b Soil Wind Erosion on Agricultural Field and Its Impact on Air Quality: Measurement and Modelling. Guanglong Feng*, Washington State Univ and Brenton Sharratt, USDA-ARS 151-3 1245a Wind Erosion Effects on Soil Properties: A Case Study at Big Spring, Texas. R. Scott Van Pelt* and Ted M. Zobeck, USDA-ARS 151-4 1245b Direct Suspension as an Important Process of Wind Erosion within the Columbia Plateau. Brenton Sharratt*, USDA-ARS and Guanglong Feng, Washington State Univ 151-5 1246a Reducing Phosphorus Movement from Soil Contaminated by Over Addition of Manure. L. Darrell Norton*, S. J. Livingston, A. I. Mamedov and C. Huang, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory 151-6 1246b The Environmental Effects of Phosphorus Losses Due to Runoff and Erosion from Agricultural Fields. Ghasem Rahimi*, Steve Robinson and Stephen Nortcliff, Dept of Soil Science, The Univ of Reading 151-7 1247a Development of an Environmental Soil Test to Determine the Intrinsic Risk of Sediment and Phosphorus Mobilization in Runoff from European Soils. Paul Withers*, ADAS Consulting UK 151-8 1248a Phosphorus Fractions in the Soil Surface as Affected by Tillage System. Antonio Delgado*, Juan Velasco, Concepcion Saavedra, Purificacion Pajuelo, Maria Dolores Hurtado and Francisco Perea, Univ of Seville 151-9 1248b Effect of Soil Condition and Amendments Application on Phosphorous Loss. A.I. Mamedov*, C. Huang, L.D. Norton and D.R. Smith, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory 151-10 1249a Predicting Transport of Soil Phosphorus in Landscape in Response to Manure Application. Yongsheng Feng*, Univ of Alberta and Xiaomei Li, Alberta Research Council 151-11 1249b Catchment Characterization and Targeting of BMPs to Control Sediment and Phosphorus in Land Runoff Using the PSYCHIC Decision Support Tool in the UK. Paul Withers* and Eunice Lord, ADAS Consulting UK 151-12 1250a Effectiveness of Cropping on Runoff and Soil Losses on Diverse Environmental Settings in Brazil. Sonia C. F. Dechen*1, Isabella C. DeMaria1, Jerry A. Ngailo2, Orlando M. Castro1 and Sidney R. Vieira1, (1)Instituto Agronômico, (2)Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Agricultural Research Institute Mlingano, National Soil Service 151-13 1250b Effect of Strip Cropping System on Reduction of Soil Loss in Korean Highland. Gye-Jun Lee*, Chol-Soo Park, Jeong-Tae Lee, Yong-Seon Zhang and Seon-Woong Hwang, National Institute of Highland Agriculture, RDA 151-14 1251a Assessment of Water Quality near the Sloping Uplands in Nakdong River Basin, Korea. Jinho Joo*, Jae E. Yang, Yeong Sang Jung, Dae-Hoon 151-15 1251b 151-16 1252a 151-17 1252b 151-18 1253a 151-19 1254a 151-20 1254b 151-21 1255a 151-22 1255b 151-24 1256b 151-25 1257a 151-26 1257b 151-27 1344a 151-28 1344b Kim, Su-chan Yang, Kyung-Yoal Yoo and Yong-Sik Ok, Kangwon National Univ Changes of Chemical Properties from Runoff and Leachate in Soil Applied with Different Agricultural By-Products. Jinho Joo*, Chol-Soo Park, Won-Jung Lee, Kyung-Yoal Yoo, Jae E. Yang and Yong-Sik Ok, Kangwon National Univ Effectiveness of PAM in Controlling Soil Erosion in a Highly Degraded Soil of the Tropics Under Steep Slopes. Gustavo Martínez* and Rafael Ramos-Santana, Univ. of Puerto Rico The Impacts of a Severe Rainfall on Soil Properties in Steep-Slope Agricultural Areas. ByungKeun Hyun*, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Chemical Treatment to Reduce Turbidity in Borrow Pit Discharges. Joshua W. Vetter* and Richard A. McLaughlin, North Carolina State Univ New Data on Comparison of Soil Erosion Models. Csaba Centeri*1, Zoltan Szalai2, Gergely Jakab2 and Karoly Barta3, (1)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept. of Nature Conservation, (2)Geographical Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (3)Univ of Szeged, Dept. of Physical Geography and Geoinformatocs Mathematical Representation of the Morphological Evolution of Rills. Ruth Maria Bianchini de Quadros*, Environment Ministry Effects of Soil Slaking and Sealing on Infiltration – Experiments and Model Approach. Juergen Schmidt*, Technical Univ Freiberg Assessing the Impact of Soil Erosion by Water on Soil Particle Size Fractions and Soil Organic Matter Pools in an Eroding Landscape. N.S. Nwokporo*, S. Nortcliff and J.S. Robinson, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Reading Using Magnetic Spherules for Measuring Soil Erosion and Pollutant Transfer. Alexander N. Gennadiyev*1, Kenneth Olson2 and Serge S. Chernyanskii1, (1)Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Geography, (2)Univ of Illinois, Dept of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences The Effects of Forest Clearance and Subsequent Land Use on Erosion Losses and Soil Properties in the Golestan National Park, Iran. Mohammad K. Kianian1, Sadat Feiznia2, Amin Saleh Pour Jam*2 and Alireza Zahirnia1, (1)Univ of Tehran, (2)Univ of Tehran Effect of Tillage and Chemically-Weeded Fallowing on Measured Wind Erosion on Sunflower Stubble Land in the Northern Great Plains, USA. Stephen D. Merrill*1, Ted M. Zobeck2, Donald L. Tanaka1, Lawrence J. Hagen3, Joseph M. Krupinsky 1 , John E. Stout 2 and Brenton Sharratt 1 , (1)USDA-ARS, (2)USDA-ARS, Cropping Systems Research Lab, (3)USDA-ARS, GMPRC, Wind Erosion Research Unit The New Italian Atlas of Sediment Yield from Basins. Paolo Bazzoffi*1, Francesco Abbattista2, Silvia Vanino1 and Rosario Napoli2, (1)Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura Istituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo, (2)CRA Experimental Institute for Soil Study and Conservation An Extreme Close-Range Photogrammetric Method for Monitoring Soil Erosion. William Ypsilantis*, Neffra Matthews, Tom Noble, Victoria Josupait and Dennis Murphy, USDI, Bureau of Land Management 129 POSTERS SESSION NO. 151 SESSION NO. 151 151-29 151-30 151-31 151-32 151-33 151-34 151-35 151-36 151-37 151-38 151-39 151-40 151-41 151-42 130 1345a Erodibility Status of Soils under Different Landuses in Shiwalik Hills of Himachal Pradesh, India. J.C. Sharma*, Dept of Soil Science & WM, Dr Y. S. Parmar Univ of Horticulture and Forestry and Vipin Kumar, Dept of Soil Science & WM, Dr Y. S. Parmar Univ of Horticulture and Forestry 1345b SWAT for Soil Erosion Simulation at Highland Watershed. Jae-Hoon Ahn*1, Sung-Gu Heo2, KiSung Kim2, Myung Sagong3, Kyoung Jae Lim2 and Chol-Soo Park1, (1)National Institute of Highland Agriculture, (2)Dept. of Agricultural Eng., Kangwon National Univ, (3)Korea Railroad Research Institute 1346a Use of DEMs for Predictive Gully Soil Erosion Mapping in Lebanon. Rania C. Bou Kheir*, National Council for Scientific Research, Remote Sensing Center and John Wilson, Univ of Southern California, Dept of Geography, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, GIS Research Laboratory 1346b Modeling Soil Erosion in Central Greece. Sid. P. Theocharopoulos*1, Heleni Florou2, F. Tsouloucha1, Stamatina Karagianni-Christou1, Panagiotis Tountas1 and Maria Ntoula1, (1)National Agricultural Research Foundation, Soil Science Institute, (2)Democritos, Environmental Radioactivity Lab 1347a The Impact of Climatic Changes on Land Capability in the Picasa Lagoon Area, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Gervasio Carboni*, Julio M. Sánchez and Juan C. De La Fuente, INTA-CIRN-Instituto de Suelos 1347b Tillage and Crop Rotation Affect Bulk Density and Penetration Resistance. Ivica Kisic*, Ferdo Basic, Milan Mesic, Krunoslav Sajko and Zeljka Zgorelec, Faculty of Agriculture 1348a Influences of Soil Types and Slope Gradients for Nutrient Loss and Soil Erosion in Korean Highland. Cholsoo Park*, Gye-Jun Lee, Jeong-Tae Lee, Yong-Seon Zhang and Yong-Ik Jin, National Institute of Highland Agriculture, RDA 1348b The Roles of Clay Minerals and Gypsum on Marl Soils Stability South of Tehran, Iran. Toraj Asadi*, Islamic Azad Univ, Bandar Abbas Branch and Ali Reza Zahirnia, Soil and Watershed Managment Research Institute 1353a Evaluation of Modeled Soil Erodibility Estimates Using Lab-Scale Simulated Rainstorms in Submountainous Region of Northern India. Anshuman Kohli*, Regional Agricultural Research Station and K. L. Khera, Dept of Soils 1353b Using Vetiver Technology to Mitigate Sediment Transport for Erosion Control and Water Quality Improvement at a Typical Watershed in Southern Guam. Mohammad H. Golabi*, Univ of Guam 1354a Space-time Kalman Filtering of Soil Redistribution. Gerard B.M. Heuvelink*1, Jeroen M. Schoorl1, Tom Veldkamp1 and Dan J. Pennock2, (1)Wageningen University and Research Centre, (2)University of Saskatchewan 1354b Evaluating Soil Survey Data for Optimum Producing of Watermelon and Cucumber. Sug Jae Jung*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 1355a Erosion Rates of Different Particle Sizes from Roads and a Wildfire, Colorado Front Range. Zamir Libohova* 1 , Lee MacDonald 2 and Jay Pietraszek2, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)Colorado State Univ 1355b The PO4/NO3 Ratio in Seepage Waters as an Indicator for the Macropore Contribution to Leach- 151-43 151-44 ing. Martin Kuecke*, Deok Hoon Yoon and JoergMichael Greef, Institute of Crop and Grassland Science, Federal Agricultural Research Center 1356a Runoff, Sediment Loss, and Aggregate Stability Under Center Pivot Irrigation. Gary A. Lehrsch* and D. C. Kincaid, USDA-ARS 1356b Effects of Hydraulic Parameter, Bed Slope and Rock Fragment Cover on Soil Detachment Rates. Ali Jafari Ardakani*, Soil Conservation and Watershed Managment Institute and Ali Reza Zahirnia, Soil and Watershed Managment Research Institute SESSION NO. 152 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.2B Dryland Conservation Technologies: Innovations for Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability—Poster 152-1 1453a Effect of 20 years of Cropping, Fertilization, Farm Yard Manure and Groundnut Shells Application on Water Retention, Chemical and Biological Properties of Alfisol and Pod Yields of Rainfed Groundnut under Arid Climate. Cherukumalli Srinivasarao*, M Vijayasankar Babu, KPR Vittal, B Venkateswarlu, T Yalamanda Reddy, Sumanta Kundu and PN Gajbhiye, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture 152-2 1453b Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Corn Crop Under No-till in Brazilian Cerrado. Edson Cabral da Silva1, Takashi Muraoka*2, Paulo C. O. Trivelin 1 , Salatier Buzetti 3 and Geovane Lima Guimarães3, (1)Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, (2)Center for Nuclear Energy in AgricultureUniv of S. Paulo (USP), (3)UNESP 152-3 1454a Landscape and Conservation Management Effects on Soil Hydraulic Properties for an Epiaqualf. Pingping Jiang*1, Stephen H. Anderson2, Newell Kitchen3, E. John Sadler3 and Kenneth A. Sudduth3, (1)Univ of Missouri, (2)Department of Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, (3)USDA-ARS 152-4 1455a Drought Avoidance Using Skiprow Corn at Akron, Colorado. Merle F. Vigil*, David Nielsen, Brien Henry, Joseph Benjamin, Robert Klien and Francisco Calderon, USDA-ARS, Central Great Plains Research Station 152-5 1549a Agricultural Use of Residues of the Cotton Acid Deleting Process. Evangelia Vavoulidou, Anthi Dinirkou, Periklis Papadopoulos* and Christos Paschalidis, Soil Science Institute of Athens, NAGREF 152-6 1549b Management of Vertisols with Limited Water Availability for Improving the Productivity of Durum and Aestivum Wheats. Uma Kant Behera*1, Hira Nand Pandey2 and P. K. Varma2, (1)Indian Agricultural Research Institute, (2)IARI, Regional Station 152-7 1550a Conservation Agriculture for Cotton Production in a Coastal Plain Soil of Central Alabama, USA. Francisco J. Arriaga*, Kipling Balkcom, Andrew Price, Jason Bergtold, Ted Kornecki and Randy Raper, USDA-ARS 152-8 1550b Influence of Tillage, Crop Rotation and Phosphorus Fertility on Grain Sorghum Yields. John E. Matocha* 1, M. Richardson 2 and Steve Livingston1, (1)Texas A&M Agricultural Research and 152-9 152-10 1551a 1551b 152-11 1552a 152-12 1552b 152-13 1553a 152-14 1553b 152-15 1554a 152-16 1554b Extension Center, (2)Texas Agricultural Experiment Station–Corpus Christi Effect of Tillage, N Fertilizer and Crop Residue on Yield, Nutrient Uptake, Soil Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Sukhdev.S. Malhi*1, Reynald Lemke 1 , Z. H. Wang 2 and Baldev S. Chhabra3, (1)Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (2)Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Univ, (3)Univ of Alberta Potassium Availability, Distribution and Categorization of Various Soil Types Under Different Rainfed Production Systems of India. Cherukumalli Srinivasarao*, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture Effect of in situ Moisture Conservation and Nutrient Management Practices on Soil Properties and Yield of Redgram in a Rainfed Alfisol. A. Raja Rajan* and R. Sabarinathan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Ground Cover and Irrigation Effects on Soil Fertility, Mineral Nutrition, and Productivity of Sweet Cherry. Xinhua Yin*1, Janet Turner1, Clark Seavert1, Rita Guiliani2, Roberto Núñez-Elisea1 and Helen Cahn1, (1)Oregon State Univ, (2)Oregon State University Recycling and Integrated Ue of Agriculture Based Organic Sources of Nutrients in Rainfed Sunflower Crop (Helianthus annus L.) in Semiarid Tropical Alfisol. Kishori Lal Sharma*, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture Sugar-beet Vinasse Increases the Effectiveness of Iron Sulphate and Vivianite Correcting Iron Chlorosis. Antonio Delgado* and Ana De Santiago, Univ of Seville Effect of Nitrification Inhibitor Combined with Nitrogen Fertilizers on Soil Microbial Activity and Net Nitrification Under Cotton Cultivation. Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva*, Tashkent State Univ of Agriculture and Swetlana Poberejskaya, Institute of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Earthworm Activity and Physical Soil Quality of Maize-based Cropping Systems under Conventional vs. Conservation Agriculture in the Highlands of Central Mexico. Mirjam Pulleman*1, Antonio Castellanos Navarrete2, Lijbert Brussaard2, Ron de Goede2 and Maja Kooistra3, (1)CIMMYT, (2)Wageningen Univ and Research Centre, (3)Kooistra Micromorphological Services SESSION NO. 153 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.2C Water Use Challenges for the Future—Poster 153-1 1258a Modeling Floodplain Filtration for Improvement of River Water Quality. Jong-Bae Chung*1, SeungHyun Kim2, Byeong-Ryong Jeong1 and Young-Deuk Lee1, (1)Daegu Univ, (2)Yeungnam Univ 153-2 1258b Effect of Saline Irrigation and Zinc on the Concentration and Uptake of Zinc by Mustard (Brassica Juncia). Micky Gupta* and R.D Kaushik, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univ 153-3 1259a Potable Quality of Hand Pump Water as Influenced by Irrigation with Metals Contaminated 153-4 1259b 153-5 1260a 153-6 1260b 153-7 1261a 153-8 1261b 153-9 1262a 153-10 1262b 153-11 1263a 153-12 1263b 153-13 1264a 153-14 1264b 153-15 1265a 153-16 1265b 153-17 1358a Effluents. Sanjay Sachan, S.K. Singh* and P.C. Srivastava, G.B.Pant Univ of Agriculture and Technology Set Points for Scheduling Potato Irrigation Using Capacitance Probes. Ashok Alva*, USDA-ARS The Effects of the Interaction between Sodium and Potassium on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomato in Southwestern Nigeria. Mary K. Idowu* and Emmanuel A. Aduayi, Dept of Soil Science Mycorrhizal Colonization Promotes Nutritional Qualities of Tomato under Water Deficit Conditions. Kizhaeral S. Subramanian*, Dept of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry The Physiologycal Role of Nitrate on Resistance of Water Stress in Two Sainfoin Species. A.Z. Yaghobi* and K.F. Rahimzadeh, Tehran Univ Microbial Biomass and Different Extractable Organic Carbon Pools as Influenced by Sodic Water Irrigation, Gypsum and Organic Amendemnts under Rice-Wheat System. Joginder Kaur*, O.P. Choudhary and Bijay Singh, Dept of Soils, Punjab Agricultural Univ Water Productivity Functions of Onion (Allium Cepa L) Under Micro Sprinkler Irrigation in Lower Gangetic Plain of India. Supradip Sarkar* and Subhendu B. Goswami, Bidhan Chandra Krishi ViswavidyalayaI Does Drip Irrigation Degrade Soil Structure in Vineyards?. Dougal R. Currie* 1, Cameron D. Grant1, Robert S. Murray1 and Michael McCarthy2, (1)Univ of Adelaide, (2)SARDI Effect of Irrigation Management and Planting Methods on Broccoli under Stored Rainwater Resource. Sheetal Sharma* Sr.1, O. C Kapur2 and S.S Masand2, (1)CSKHPKV, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, (2)CSK HPKV Palampur Heavy Metals in Waters and Sediments of Natural Lakes of District Nainital, India. Ajay P. Singh*1, Prakash C. Srivastava1 and Prashant Srivastava2, (1)Dept of Soil Science, G.B. Pant Univ of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263145, Uttaranchal, (2)Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, The Univ of Sydney, Australia Performance of HYDRUS-1D to Simulate Water and Salt Movement in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Crop in Relation to Different Salinity Irrigations. Vinod Phogat*, A.K. Yadav and Sanjay Kumar, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ The Effects of Strategic N Fertilizer Application During the Cool Season on the Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in a Perennial Ryegrass-White Clover Pasture in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Johan Labuschagne*1, M. B. Hardy1 and G. A. Agenbag2, (1)Dept of Agriculture Western Cape, (2)Univ of Stellenbosch Agricultural and Climatic Impacts on the Groundwater Resources of a Small Island: Measuring and Modelling Water and Solute Transport in Soil and Groundwater on Tongatapu. Marijn Van der Velde*1, Steve R. Green2, Marnik Vanclooster3 and Brent E. Clothier2, (1)Univ of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), (2)HortResearch, (3)Univ of Louvain Water and Nitrogen Dynamics as Influenced by Agro-Management Practices under Rice Crop in Haplustalf. S. Kar* and Samarendra Sahoo, Indian Institute of Technology Soil Matric Potential under Two Moisture Levels with Surface Irrigation. Rafael Figueroa*, Antonio 131 POSTERS SESSION NO. 153 SESSION NO. 153 153-18 1358b 153-19 1359a 153-20 153-21 1359b 1360a 153-22 1360b 153-23 1361a 153-24 1361b 153-25 1362a 153-26 1363a 153-27 153-28 1363b 1364a 153-29 1364b 153-30 1365a 132 Gallegos, Cirilo Vazquez, Salvador Berumen, Enrique Salazar and J. Dimas Lopez, Univ Juárez del Estado de Durango Evaluation on the Reuse Efficiency of Drainage from Plastic Film House in Korea. Jong-Sik Lee*, Goo-Bok Jung, Jin-Ho Kim, Won-Il Kim and JeongTaek Lee, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Delineating Site-Specific Irrigation Management Units Using Geospatial ECa Measurements. Dennis Corwin*1, Scott M. Lesch2, Peter Shouse1, Richard Soppe3 and James Ayars4, (1)USDA-ARS, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory, (2)Univ of California, Riverside, (3)Water Watch, (4)USDAARS, Water Management Research Laboratory Bioavailability and Toxicity of Residual Boron Originating from Saline Irrigation Water. Uri Yermiyahu*1, Joon Zilberman2, Alon Ben-Gal1 and Rami Keren1, (1)Agricultural Research Organization, (2)Shaham Effect of Tillage, Irrigation and Nutrient Levels on Seedling Emergence, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Rabi Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) in Rice Based Cropping System. Singarao Meduri* and Praveen Kumar, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ Mitigating the Effects of Electrical Conductivity, Soil Texture, and Temperature on a Low-Cost Soil Moisture Sensor. Colin S. Campbell*, Gaylon S. Campbell, Douglas R. Cobos and Brody Teare, Decagon Devices, Inc. Distributed Water Transfers in an Andosol under Banana Plant. Sansoulet Julie*1, Cabidoche YvesMarie1 and Cattan Philippe2, (1)Institut National Recherche Agronomique (INRA), (2)Centre International de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) Arsenic Accumulation in Evaporation Basins for Agricultural Drainage Disposal, California, USA. Suduan Gao*1, Ji-hun Ryu2 and Kenneth K. Tanji2, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)Univ of California, Davis Fertigation Effect on Corn Yield and its Compounds in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Cesario JassoChaverria*1, Miguel A. Martinez-Gamiño1 and Jesus Huerta-Diaz2, (1)INIFAP, (2)Facultad de Agronomia, UASLP Assessment of Water Purification by Estimating Nitrogen Balance Combined Different Data at Paddy Farming in Korea. Myung Chul Seo*, Kee Kyung Kang, Hong Bae Yun and Byung Geun Hyun, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Partial Root Drying: an Alternative Irrigation Management to Improve the Water Use Efficiency of Potato Crops. Adolfo Posadas*, Roberto Quiroz, Guliver Rojas and Miguel Malaga, International Potato Center Nitrate Leaching in Different Soils and Cropping Systems in Lombardy (Italy). Stefano Brenna* and Marco Pastori, ERSAF Analysis of Water Flux and Solute Transport for a Clay Soil under Different Groundwater Conditions in Southern Italy. Domenico Ventrella*, Nicola Losavio, Luisa Giglio, Rita Leogrande and Mirko Castellini, CRA-Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico The Speciation and Accumulation of Selenium in Agricultural Evaporation Basins in California, USA. Ji-hun Ryu1, Suduan Gao*2 and Kenneth K. Tanji1, (1)Univ of California, Davis, (2)USDAARS 153-31 153-32 153-33 153-34 153-35 153-36 153-37 153-38 153-39 153-40 153-41 153-42 153-43 153-44 153-45 1365b Growth, Yield and Water Productivity of Tomato under Different Watering Level and Plastic Mulches. Salvador Berumen-Padilla*, Rafael Figueroa-Viramontes, Juan Jose Martinez-Rios, Cirilo Vazquez-Vazquez, Jose Dimas Lopez-Martinez and Enrique Salazar-Sosa, Facultad de Agricultura y Zootecnia de la Univ Juarez del Estado de Durango 1458a Effect of Irrigation Using Wastewater on Heavy Metal Contents of Soils under Vegatable in Tabriz, Iran. Azita Behbahaninia*, Azad Univ, Rodehen Branch, Dept of Environment and Ramin Salmasi, Azad Univ, Rodehen Branch, Dept of Environment 1458b Ten Years of Phosphorus Best Management Practices in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Samira Daroub*, Timothy Lang, Orlando Diaz and Ming Chen, Univ of Florida 1459a Changes in the Conservative Features of Chernozems under the Impact of Secondary Hydromorphism. Svetlana O. Rozhdestvenskaya*, Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow Sate Univ 1459b Preferential Nitrate Leaching in the Hill of Potato. Peggy Macaigne*, François Anctil and Léon-Etienne Parent, Univ Laval 1460a Performances of Three Late-Season Sugarcane Varieties under Soil Water Deficit at the Yield Formation Stage in Northern Ivory Coast. Crépin Péné*, Ferké Research Station/Sugarcane Program and M. Kéhé, Regional Scientific Coordination of Korhogo 1460b Nitrate-N Leaching to Subsurface Drains as Affected by Drainage Intensity and Agronomic Management Practices. Eileen J. Kladivko*, Purdue Univ 1461a The Environmental Evolvement of the Hetao Irrigation District : An Equilibrium between the Combat Facing Irrigation Induced Soil Salinity and the Respect of the Receiving Media. Bernard Vincent*1, Jingwei Wu2, Alain Vidal1, Jinzhong Yang2, Sami Bouarfa1 and Juxiu Tong2, (1)Cemagref, (2)Wuhan Univ 1461b Effect of Water Availability on Sugarcane Responses to N Fertilization. Robert Wiedenfeld* and Juan Enciso, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station 1462a Nitrogen Spatial Distribution and Transformation in a Florida Sandy Soil Cropped with Tomatoes under Seepage Irrigation. Shinjiro Sato*, Monica Ozores-Hampton and Kelly Morgan, SWFREC/Univ of Florida 1462b Modelling the Processes of Soil Salinization and Sodification in Irrigated Lands: New Approaches. Ildefonso Pla* Sr., Lleida Univ 1463b Water Use Efficiency of Potato Between Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation Systems Under Field Condition. Kyung-Hwan MOON*1, Han-Choel Lim1 and Hae-Nam Hyun2, (1)National Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, (2)Cheju National Univ 1560a Leaching of As from Arid Calcareous Soil under Wheat and Safflower Cultivation – a Column Study. Gholamabbas Sayyad*1, Majid Afyuni1, Karim Abbaspour2, Mousavi Sayed-Farhad1 and Rainer Schulin3, (1)Isfahan Univ of Technology, (2)EAWAG, (3)ETHZ Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITÖ) 1560b Improving Input Efficiency in Agriculture. Charan Jeet Singh Sethi*, Punjab Agricultural Univ 1561a Effect of Saline Water Irrigation and Zinc Application on Post Harvest Soil in Mustard (Brassica 153-46 153-47 153-48 153-49 1561b 1562a 1563a 1563b juncea). Micky Gupta* and R.D Kaushik, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Univ Soil–crop Response under Wastewater Irrigation: A Case Study in Sub-Humid Orissa. Madhumita Das*, R. B. Singhandhupe, K. Kanan, E. Antony and H. Chakrabarty, Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region Reduced Tillage for Efficient Management of Crop Residue, Irrigation Water, and Fertilizer Nitrogen in Wheat Grown in Rotation with Rice. N.S. Pasricha*, S.K. Bansal, Komal Singh and Moin Deen, Potash Research Institute of India, Gurgaon, Haryana Effect of Irrigation Levels and Emitters Depth on Soil Moisture and Salinity Distribution and Water Use Efficiency of Tomato. Abdrubalrasol Al-Omran* and Sami Al-Damry, Soil Science Dept, King Saud Univ Effect of the Moisture Sensor-controlled Automatic Irrigation System on Potato Production in the Plastic Film House. Kyung-Hwan Moon*1, Han-Choel Lim1, Seung-Jong Jun1 and Hae-Nam Hyun2, (1)National Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, (2)Cheju National Univ SESSION NO. 154 154-7 154-8 154-9 154-10 154-11 154-12 154-13 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.3A Future Challenges in P Fertilization and the Environment—Poster 154-1 1178a Effect of Different Compacted Phosphatic Fertilizers on Enzymes Activity in. C.A Srinivasamurthy*, M.V. Ravi, Sujata F Harlapur, G.N. Thippeshappa, A.S. Kumaraswamy, S. Bhaskar, N.G. Basavaraju, B. Gayathri, M.N. Ravikumar, K.G. Ankegouda, M.V. Bhargavi, G. RAVI, V.R. Ramakrishna Parama and R. Siddaramappa, Univ of Ag Sciences 154-2 1266a Effect of Nitrogen and Phoshorus Fertilizers on Seed Quality and Yield of Commom Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L). Joshua O. Belle*, Forest Dept 154-3 1266b Enriching Sugarcane Bagasse Compost by Sulfur, Nitrogen Fixing (Azotobacter chroochoccum) and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (Enterobacter cloacae) Bagasse Decomposition and Produced Compost Enrichment. ladan Razikordmahalleh*, Department of Environment 154-4 1267a Dynamics of Water-Soluble Phosphorus in Surface-Applied Broiler Litter. Liliana Ines Picone*, Facultad Ciencias Agrarias-Univ Nacional Mar del Plata, Miguel Cabrera, Univ of Georgia, Armando S. Tasistro, Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories, Univ of Georgia and David E. Kissel, Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories, Univ of Georgia 154-5 1267b Speciation of Phosphorus in Manures and Manure-Amended Soils. Babasola Ajiboye*1, Olalekan Akinremi1 and Yongfeng Hu2, (1)Univ of Manitoba, (2)Canadian Light Source Inc. 154-6 1268a Comparative Efficiency of Sulphur Fortified Mono-Ammonium Phosphate. N.S. Pasricha*, Potash Research Institute of India and Ramendra Singh, Mosaic India Pvt. Ltd., 154-14 154-15 154-16 154-17 154-18 154-19 154-20 1268b Changes in Soil PAvailability as Affected by Plant Extracts. Paulo S. Pavinato* and Ciro A. Rosolem, College of Agricultural Sciences–São Paulo State Univ 1269a Latex Sludge—An Alternate Cheap Phosphorus Source in Crop Production. Simi Sathyaseelan, Dept of Soil Science & Ag Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani and Sumam George*, Dept of Soil Science & Ag Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani. 1269b P-Fertilizer Use Efficiency of Tomato on Two Soil Types in Viet Nam Studied Using 32p Labelled Technique. Tran Kong Tau* Sr., Vietnam National Univ, Hanoi 1270a Studies on VA-Mycorrhizal Fungi (VAM ) as a Potential Biofertilizer in an Acid Alfisol of Northwestern Himalayas. V.K. Suri*, Anil K. Choudhary, Girish Chander and T.S. Verma, CSK HP Ag Univ, Dept of Soil Science 1270b Managing Phosphorus-Enriched Soils: Effects of Iron Amendment on Temporal Dynamics of Bioactive Phosphorus Pools. Thanh H. Dao*, Eton E. Codling and Robert C. Schwartz, USDA-ARS 1271a P-dynamics in the Hypersaline Ponds Used for Cultivation of Artemia Franciscana in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Khoi Chau Minh*1, Guong Vo Thi1, Margriet Drouillon2, Pieter Pypers2 and Roel Merckx2, (1)Soil Science and Land Management Dept, Can Tho Univ, (2)Division of Soil and Water Management, Dept of Land Management, K.U. Leuven 1271b Utilization of Solid Waste from Phosphoric Acid Industry as a Phosphorus Source to Upland Rice. Ramegowda Suma*, Chengappa Preethu and Reddy Prabhakara, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1272a Agronomic Evaluation of Two Phosphate Rocks and Preliminary Testing of a Phosphate Rock Decision Support System. L. I. Prochnow*1, L. C. Tessaro2, S. H. Chien3, U. Singh3, S. A. Smalberger3 and M. M. Cunha4, (1)Dept of Soil and Plant Nutrition, ESALQ-Univ of Sao Paulo, (2)Mato Grosso Research Foundation, (3)IFDC, (4)Intertrade Group 1272b Soil Phosphorus Fractionation Dynamics and Phosphorus Sorption in a Continuous MaizeWheat Cropping System. K. N. Sharma* Sr., Punjab Agricultural Univ 1273a Direct Application of Phosphate Rock in Bangladesh Agriculture. S. A. Haque*, Bangladesh Agricultural Univ 1273b The Effect of Different Phosphoric Fertilizers: Fluoride and Strontium in a Soddy-Podzolic SoilPlant System. Olga V. Shelepova*, Potatueva Yalia, Karpova Elena, Sidorenkova Nadezhda and Ignatov Vitalij, Dolgoprydnaya Agrochemical Experimental Station 1274a Phosphorus Release and Bioavailability Form Agri-Waste Amended Soils under Chloride and Sulphate Salts. Zahoor Ahmad*, Haytham El Sharkawi, Toshimasa Honna, Sadahero Yamamoto, Muhammad Irshad and Faridullah n/a, Tottori Univ 1274b Phosphorus Leaching in Soils: Effect of Soil Type, Soil Phosphorus Saturation, and Animal Manures Generated from Modified Diets. Gurpal Toor*, Univ of Arkansas, J. Thomas Sims, Univ of Delaware and Brian Haggard, USDA-ARS/Bio & Ag Eng. Dept 1275a Genotypic Responses of Corn to Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates in Calcareous Soils of Turkey. Hayriye Ibrikci*1, Can A., Ulger1, Kursat Korkmaz1, Abdullah Oktem 1 , Gokhan Buyuk 1 , Omer 133 POSTERS SESSION NO. 154 SESSION NO. 154 154-21 1275b 154-22 1276a 154-23 1276b 154-24 1277a 154-25 1277b 154-26 1278a 154-27 1278b 154-28 1366a 154-29 1366b 154-30 1367a 154-31 1367b 154-32 1368a 154-33 1368b 154-34 134 1369a Konuskan1, Boujamaa Amar2, Ebru Karnez1, Gonul Ozgenturk 1 , Hacer Oguz 1 and John Ryan 3 , (1)Cukurova Univ, (2)Institut Mondial du Phosphate, (3)ICARDA Direct and Residual Effects of Phosphorus Fertilization of Rainfed Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare L.) and Its Effect on P Adsorption and Availability in Semi-Arid Tropical Alfisols. Kishori Lal Sharma*, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture Drying and Rewetting Cycles and Phosphorus Dynamics. Clayton R. Butterly*1, Petra Marschner1, Ann McNeill1 and Jeff Baldock2, (1)The Univ of Adelaide, (2)CSIRO Land and Water Evaluation of Differential Phosphorus Uptake and Utilization Efficiency of Brasscia Cultivars to Applied Phosphorus. Akhtar M. Shahbaz*1, Adachi Tadashi1, Oki Yoko1, Khan M.H. Rashid1, Murata Yoshiyuki2 and Kurimoto Hiroyuki1, (1)Dept of Environmental Management and Engineering, Graduate School of Environmental Science, (2)Dept of Biological Resources Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Effects of Soil Management and Fertilization on Phosphate Accumulation in Andisols of Northern Japan. Chihiro Mizota*, Masayuki Tani, Masanori Koike and Katsuhisa Kuramochi, Obihiro Univ of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Residual Effects of Phosphorus and Soybean Crop on Maize in the Guinea Savanna. Iheanyichukwu J. Ogoke*, Federal Univ of Technology and Adeniyi O. Togun, University of Ibadan Models Estimating Fertilizer Requirements to Increase Available Soil Phosphorus. Gerardo Rubio*, Maria Julia Cabello and Flavio Gutierrez Boem, Univ Buenos Aires Fac. Agronomia Alum WTR Amendments to Field Plots Having Soils with High Soil Phosphorus Test Levels. Lee W. Jacobs* and Brian J. Teppen, Michigan State Univ Phosphorus Runoff Losses from Beef Production Systems as Affected by the Field Slope on a Volcanic Ash Soil. Marta A. Alfaro*, Francisco Salazar, Nolberto Teuber, Sergio Iraira and Luis Ramirez, INIA Remehue The Effect of Residue Characteristics on Phosphorus Availability and Plant Phosphorus Uptake. Shahriar M. Iqbal*, Else Bünemann, Petra Marschner and Annie McNeill, The Univ of Adelaide Relative Availability of Manure Phosphorus Compared to Fertilizer. Carrie A.M. Laboski*1, Emily G. Sneller1 and Sarah K. Marshall2, (1)Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, (2)USDA-ARS The Use of Industrial Byproducts as Liming Agents and Phosphate Fertilizers. Baiq Emielda Yusiharni* and Bob Gilkes, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The Univ of Western Australia Biosolid Applications of Phosphorus to Agricultural Soils in the UK. N. J. Flynn*, Univ of Reading, Dept of Geography and Paul Withers, ADAS Consulting UK Use of Struvite, a Novel P Source Derived from Wastewater Treatment, in Wheat Cultivation. Sanussi Y. Ahmed1, Robert S. Shiel1 and David A. C. Manning*2, (1)School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Univ of Newcastle, (2)School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Univ of Newcastle Dynamics of Forms of Phosphorus in an Inceptisol under Long-Term Cultivation with Rice- 154-35 1369b 154-36 1370a 154-37 1370b 154-38 1371a 154-39 1371b 154-40 1372a 154-41 1372b 154-42 1373a 154-43 1373b 154-44 1374a 154-45 1374b 154-46 1375a 154-47 1375b 154-48 1376a Wheat-Jute Cropping System. G.C. Hazra*, Sukanta Chakrabortty and Biswapati Mandal, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya Differences in Plant Growth and Phosphorus Uptake Among Three Riparian Grass Species. John Kovar*, USDA-ARS Natl. Soil Tilth Lab. and Norbert Claassen, Institute of Agricultural Chemistry Relative Efficacy of Graded Levels of Coated Diammonium Phosphate in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Gopalakrishnan Mylesamy*, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ and Subbiah Karuppan, Agricultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Stability of the South Russian Black Soil Phosphate Stock. Nataliya Kravtsova* 1 , Olga Biryukova 1, Vladimir Kryshchenko 1 and Ivan Yel’nikov2, (1)Rostov State Univ, (2)Soil Institute after V.V. Dokuchaev Assessing Phosphorus Dynamics in Calcareous Soils Amended with Organic Matter. Paul Grossl*, Utah State Univ, Richard Koenig, Washington State Univ and Stephen Trolove, Crop and Food Research Impact of Soil Calcium Carbonate Content and Phosphorus Source on Phosphorus Runoff. Adriane L. Elliott*1, Ronald Schierer2, Jessica G. Davis1 and Reagan M. Waskom1, (1)Colorado State Univ, (2)USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Effects of Phosphorus-Based Manure Compost Applications on Corn Production and Soil Phosphorus Accumulation in Upland Andosol. Toyoaki Ito, Teppei Komiyama* and Masahiko Saigusa, Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ Phosphorus-Based Application System of Animal Manure Composts for Environmentally Conscious Paddy Rice Production: Two-Year Estimation. Toyoaki Ito, Norimasa Tanikawa* and Masahiko Saigusa, Graduate School of Agriculture Science, Tohoku Univ Impact of Subsurface Hydrology on Phosphorus Translocation in Karst Topography. Janice Branson*, Tennessee Tech Univ Properties of Phosphorus Forms in Leachate from Soils with Long-Term Manure Additions. Charles Hyland*1, Shinjiro Sato2, Zhongdong Lan3, Quirine Ketterings 1 and Johannes Lehmann 1 , (1)Cornell Univ, (2)SWFREC/Univ of Florida, (3)Chinese Academy of Sciences Phosphorus Risk Indicators: Correlation with Water Quality in the Eastern Prairie Region of Canada. Esther Salvano and Don N. Flaten*, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Manitoba The Role of Oyster Shell Meal in the Reactions of Phosphate with Soils. Byeong yeon Ha, Chang hoon Lee, Chang oh Hong and Chan Yu*, Division of applied Life Science, Gyeongsang Univ Effect of Long-Term Tillage Treatments and P Fertilizer on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization and Growth of Sunflower. Aiguo Liu*, Shabtai Bittman and Tom Forge, Pacific Research Center, AAFC Effects of Rock Phosphate and Triple SuperPhosphate on Orange Trees. Akbar Gandomkar*, Esfahan Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center Response of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Phosphorus Fertilization of Soils as Affected by Soil Conditions. N. Mathimaran, R Ruh, J Jansa and E. Frossard*, ETH 154-49 154-50 154-51 154-52 154-53 154-54 154-55 154-56 154-57 154-58 154-59 154-60 154-61 1376b Transformations of Inorganic-P Fractions in Soil and their Bio-Availability to Plants in Raya-Soybean (B. Juncea L.-Glycine max L.) Crop Rotation. N.S. Dhillon* and Varinderpal Singh, Dept of Soils, Punjab Agricultural Univ 1464a Effect of Long-term Fertilization and Cropping on Forms of Potassium and Fixation Characteristics of K in a Red Soil. S.M. Jayaprakash*, C.M. Vinutha, K. Sudhir and H.C. Prakasha, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1464b Assessment of Phosphate Release from Agricultural Soils Using a Flow-Through Reactor System. Emmanuel Frossard*, Paolo Demaria and Sokrat Sinaj, Group of Plant Nutrition ETH 1465a Phosphorus Storage Capacity of Soils under Various Animal Operations. Vimala D. Nair*, Willie Harris, P. K. R Nair and Donald Graetz, Univ of Florida 1465b Phosphorus Enriched Soils in the Mid Atlantic USA: Leaching Potential and Response to Cropping Systems. Robert Kratochvil* and Frank Coale, Univ of Maryland 1466a Soil Phosphorus De-Stratification to Reduce Export of Phosphorus in Surface Runoff from a Sub-Catchment Used for Intensive Grazing. Warwick J. Dougherty*1, Phil Davies2, David Chittleborough1, Jim Cox2 and David M. Nash3, (1)Soil and Land Systems, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, (2)CSIRO Land and Water, (3)Dept of Primary Industries 1466b Sequential Fractionation as an Operational Tool to Study P Forms and P Release Potential in Soils and Sediments. Antonio Delgado* and Concepcion Saavedra, Univ of Seville 1467a Spatial Variability of Soil Test Phosphorus Across Manure Amended Dairy Soils. Anil K. Somenahally*1, David Weindorf2, Landon Darilek2, James Muir3 and Roger Wittie1, (1)Tarleton State Univ, (2)Tarleton State University, (3)Texas A&M Experiment Station 1467b Use of Water Treatment Residuals as a Best Management Practice to Bind P in Upland and Wetland Ecosystems. Jeff Novak*1, Ariel A. Szogi2, Don Watts1, Nicholas Basta3, Elizabeth Dayton1 and Thecan Caesar4, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)USDA-ARS Coastal Plain Soil, Water and Plant Research Center, (3)The Ohio State Univ, (4)USDA-ARS-NPARL 1468a The Utilization of Different Organic Acids as Models for Studying the Influence of Organic Matter on Phosphorus Insolubilization Process in Calcareous Soils. Camilla Giovannini*, Ilaria Braschi, Ornella Francioso, Andrea Simoni and Carlo Emanuele Gessa, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali 1468b Sorption-Desorption Behavior of Phosphorus and Potassium in Four Soil Series of Isfahan. Khodabakhsh Panahi Kordlaghari*, Isfahan Agricultural and natural Resources Research Center 1469a Dynamic and Abailability of Potassium in Soils Andisols and Inceptisols Dedicated to the Potato Cultivation in the Highland Cundiboyacense. Francisco Jiménez* Sr., Monomeros 1469b Identification and Quantification of Organic and Inorganic forms of Phosphorus in Animal Manures Generated by Dietary Modification. Gurpal Toor*, Univ of Arkansas, Derek Peak, Univ of Saskatchewan, Barbara Cade-Menun, Stanford Univ, J. Thomas Sims, Univ of Delaware and Brian Haggard, USDA-ARS/Bio & Agric. Eng. Dept. 154-62 154-63 154-64 154-65 154-66 154-67 154-68 154-69 154-70 154-71 154-72 154-73 154-74 154-75 1470a Soil Quality. Richard Doe*, Univ of Cape Coast 1470b Novel Soil Amendment to Restrain Movement of P and Other Anions from Pastures for the Protection of Water Bodies: Laboratory, Pilot and Field Studies. Gordon J. Churchman*1, Britta Pittan2 and David J. Chittleborough1, (1)Univ of Adelaide, (2)Christian-Albrechts-Univ zu Kiel 1471a Modelling Phosphate Adsorption by Agricultural and Natural Soils. You Jiao*, William H. Hendershot and Joann K. Whalen, McGill Univ 1471b Phosphorus Foraging Root Growth of Brassica Plants in Humus-Rich P-Deficient Soils. Masami Nanzyo*, Hitoshi Kanno and Tadashi Takahashi, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ 1472a Statewide, County-Based and Whole Farm Phosphorus Balances. Quirine M. Ketterings*, Caroline Rasmussen, Johan C. Mekken and Karl J. Czymmek, Cornell Univ 1472b Improvement of Rice Productivity by Application of Azotobacter Inoculum. Narayan C. Mandal*, Arijit Mukhopadhyay and Ramhari Pal, Dept of Botany; Visva-Bharati 1473a Utilization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus by Some Promising Rice Parental Lines. Velugubantla Adinarayana* and Karu Koteswar Reddy, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ 1473b Influence of REDOX on the Rhizosphere Chemistry of Upland Soils. A.B. De–Campos*1, C.T. Johnston1, C. Huang2 and L.D. Norton2, (1)Agronomy Dept, Purdue Univ, (2)USDA-ARS 1474b Phosphorus Balance and Changes in P Fractions over Time and Soil Depth on a Long-Term N x P Fertility Trial on a Black Vertosol, North Eastern Australia. Xiaojuan Wang* 1 , David Lester 2 , Christopher Guppy1 and Peter Lockwood1, (1)Univ of New England, (2)Nutrient Management Systems 1475a Optimization of Phosphorus and Potassium Management in Lowland Rice in Bangladesh through Site Specific Nutrient Management Approach. M. Murshedul Alam*1, Roland J. Buresh2, J.K. Ladha2 and Mrs Shanta Foyjunnessa3, (1)International Rice Research Institute Bangladesh Office, (2)International Rice Research Institute, (3)Bangladesh Rice Research Institute 1475b Long-Term (43 years) Fate of Soil Phosphorus as Related to Cropping Systems and Fertilization. T.Q. Zhang*, C.S. Tan, C.F. Drury and D.W. Reynolds, Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 1476a Soluble Phosphorus Availability in Subsurface Drip Irrigated Agriculture: Transformations of Soluble Inorganic and Organic Forms from Reclaimed Water in Soil and the Effect of the Rizosphere. M. Pino Palacios-Díaz*1, Vanessa MendozaGrimón1, Esteban Del-Nero1, Juan Ramón Fernández-Vera2, Francisco Rodriguez-Rodriguez2 and Jose Manuel Hernández-Moreno3, (1)Univ de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, (2)Granja Agrícola Experimental del Cabildo de Gran Canaria, (3)Univ de La Laguna 1476b Performance, Soil Phosphorus Mobilization and Rhizospheric Effects of some Grain Legumes Grown in Oxisols of Western Kenya. Jane J. Kapkiyai* and John M. Duxbury, Cornell Univ, Crop and Soil Sciences Dept 1564b Evaluation the Effects of Substitute of Triple Super-Phosphate with Rock Phosphate in Citrus Tree Nutrition. Akbar Gandomkar*, Esfahan Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center 135 POSTERS SESSION NO. 154 SESSION NO. 155 SESSION NO. 155 155-14 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.3B Nutrient Use Efficiency and Global Agriculture —Poster 155-1 1609a Varietal Differences in Mineral Nutrition of Corn. Lykashov Aleksei Georgievic*, Rostov State Univ, Dept of Soil Science and Agrichemistry 155-2 1609b Effect of Vermicompost, Inorganic and Bio Fertilizer Application on Fodder Yield and Quality in Maize + Cowpea Intercropping System. M.R. Backiyavathy* and G. Vijayakumar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 155-3 1610a Mineralization of Crop Residues and the Fate of Residue-Nitrogen as Affected by Tillage Practices and Litter Quality. Martin Potthoff*1, Horst H. Steinmann2, Friedrich Beese3 and Rainer G. Joergensen1, (1)Dept of Soil Biology and Plant Nutrition, Univ of Kassel, (2)The Research Centre for Agriculture and the Environment, (3)Institute of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition 155-4 1610b Horticultural Crop Biofertilization with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Cabrera A. Rodriguez* Sr., Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agricolas 155-5 1611a Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mineralization in Soils Amended with Native Shrub Residues in Semi-Arid Senegal. E. Dossa*, Oregon State Univ, Richard Dick, Ohio State Univ, Mamadou Khouma, ISRA and Aminata Badiane, USAID 155-6 1611b The Effect of the Grazing System on Nitrogen Losses, Production and Quality of a Mixture of Pasture in Southern Chile. Rolando Demanet*, Carlos Canseco, Pedro Núñez and María de la Luz Mora, Univ de La Frontera 155-7 1612a Nitrogen and Sulfur Supply to a Degrading Signal Grass Pasture: Soil and Plant Concentrations. Francisco A. Monteiro* and Edna M. BonfimSilva, Soils and Plant Nutrition Dept, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, Univ of São Paulo 155-8 1612b Copper Fertilizer Management for Optimum Crop Yield and Quality in the Canadian Great Plains. Sukhdev.S. Malhi*, Agriculture and AgriFood Canada and Rigas Karamanos, Western Co-operative Fertilizers Limited 155-9 1721b Sustaining Crop Production in the Developing World through “The Nutrient Buffer Power Concept”. K.P.Prabhakaran Nair*, Government of Kerala, Agricultural Reforms Committee 155-10 1613a Optimization of Corn Grain Composition with Variable Rate Nitrogen Fertilization. Matias L. Ruffo*1, Matt Wiebers2 and Frederick E. Below1, (1)Univ of Illinois, Dept of Crop Sciences, (2)Mosaic Crop Nutrition 155-11 1613b Sulphur Fertilizer Management for Optimum Seed Yield and Quality of Canola in the Canadian Great Plains. Sukhdev.S. Malhi*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Jeffrey Schoenau, Univ of Saskatchewan and Cynthia Grant, Agriculture & AgriFood Canada 155-12 1614a Movement of Water, N-forms and Potassium in a Sandy Soil Cropped with Vegetables under Drip Irrigation. Kamal A. Mahmoud*, Peter NkediKizza and Kelly Morgan, Univ of Florida 155-13 1614b Cover Crop and Nitrogen Rate Management for Sustainable Production of Sweet Corn under NoTill. Muchha R. Reddy*, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ, Nishantha W.A.R. Fernando, North Carolina A&T State Univ and Carl R. Crozier, North Carolina State Univ, Soil Sci. Dept 136 155-15 155-16 155-17 155-18 155-19 155-20 155-21 155-22 155-23 155-24 155-25 155-26 1615a Wastewater Re-Use in Soilless Environments. R. Michitsch*1, C. Chong2, R.P. Voroney2 and B.E. Holbein3, (1)Dalhousie Univ, (2)Univ of Guelph, (3)SUBBOR 1615b Yields and Sugar Content in Melon(Cucumis melo) by the Different Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization Levels in Protected Cultivation. Ju Young Lee* 1, Jae-Hong Park 1, Byoung-Choon Jang1, Suck-Kee Jung1, Byung-Koo Ahn2, So-Hyeon Park3, Su-Yeon Lee3, Yang-Ho Park3, Ku-Suk Jung3, Ki-Sang Lee3 and Young-Sang Yoon3, (1)Division of Plant Nutrition, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA, (2)Kochang Watermelon Experiment Station, (3)Kongju National University 1616a Issues with Re-Using Organic Based Wastewaters in Soilless Applications. R. Michitsch*1, C. Chong2, B.E. Holbein3 and R.P. Voroney2, (1)Dalhousie Univ, (2)Univ of Guelph, (3)SUBBOR 1616b Effect of Steelmaking Slag and Converter Sludge on Some Properties of Acid Soil under Tea Planting. Seyedeh Fatemeh Kiaee Jamali* 1 , Akbar Forghani1 and Ahmad Shirinfekr2, (1)Guilan Univ, (2)Tea Research Center 1617a Defining Useful Limits for Spectral Reflectance Measures in Corn. W.E. Thomason*, S.B. Phillips, J.G. Warren and F.D. Raymond, Virginia Tech 1617b Study on Availability of Phosphorus in Amendment Soils with Different Organic Matters. Akbar Forghani* and Ebrahim Javanmard, Guiln Univ 1618a Temporal Change of Soil Phosphorus Fractions Observed by Field Microplot Cylinder Experiments. Zhongqi He*, C. Wayne Honeycutt, Timothy Griffin and Ann-Marie Fortuna, USDA-ARS 1618b Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Microelements on Agronomic Characters and Growth Analysis of Forage Maize(S.C 704). Mohammad Reza Ardakani*1, Nour Ali Sajedi2, Mojtaba Jafarzadeh3, Mohammad Ali Khodshenas3 and Mojtaba Adraki4, (1)Nuclear Research Center for Agriculture and Medicine, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, (2)Islamic Azad Univ, Arak Branch, (3)Islamic Azad Univ, Broujerd Branch, (4)Islamic Azad Univ, Karaj Branch 1619a The Study of Effects Zn, Fe and Mn on Quantity and Quality of Grain Wheat. Mohammad Reza Pol Shekane Pahlavan*, Gholam Ali Keykha, Gholam Reza Eatesam, Hossein Akbarimoghaddam, Shir Ali Koohkan and Mohammad Reza Naroueirad, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center 1619b Effect of Foliar Application of Iron and Sulphur in Alleviation of Iron Chlorosis in Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle). Pravinchandra C. Patel*, Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural Univ, Anand-388110(Gujarat State) 1620a Soil Water Micronutrients and Heavy Metals Under Turf. Zhongchun Jiang*, SUNY Cobleskill 1620b Sulfur and Nitrogen Deficiency Reduces Radiation Interception, Biomass Production and Grain Yield in Wheat. Fernando Salvagiotti*, Univ of Nebraska and Daniel Miralles Sr., Faculty of Agronomy, Univ of Buenos Aires 1621a Meeting the Rice Production and Consumption Demand Of West Africa with Improved Soil and Water (Sawah) and Nutrient Management Technologies. Kwame Osafredu Asubonteng*1, Benjamin Adiyiah1, Tsugiyuki Masunaga2 and Toshiyuki Wakatsuki3, (1)Soil Research Institute, (2)Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane Univ, (3)Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Univ 155-27 155-28 155-29 155-30 155-31 155-32 155-33 155-34 155-35 155-36 155-37 155-38 1621b Effect of Traditional Range Burning on ShortTerm Soil Chemical Changes and Perfomance of Introduced Forage Legumes in Semi-Arid Rangelands of Kenya. P.N. Macharia*, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute-Kenya Soil Survey, C.K.K. Gachene, Univ of Nairobi and J.G. Mureithi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute-Legume Research Network Project 1622a Mineralization of C and N from Banana Crop Residues in Soil and Role of N from Residues in Banana Nutrition during a Crop Cycle. Line Thieuleux*1, Recous Sylvie1, Sierra Jorge1, OzierLafontaine Harry1, André Lassoudière2 and Oliver Robert 2 , (1)Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, centre Antilles-Guyane, Unité Agropédoclimatique, (2)Centre de coopération International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement 1622b Ammonia Volatilization from Nitrogen Fertilizers in Pampean Agroecosystems of Argentina. Roberto Alvarez* and Haydee Steinbach, Facultad de Agronomía, Univ de Buenos Aires 1623a A Novel Approach to Regulate Nitrogen Mineralization Using Protease Inhibitors. Kuldip Kumar*1, Carl Rosen1 and Michael P. Russelle2, (1)Univ of Minnesota, (2)USDA-ARS-PSRU and Dept of Soil, Water and Climate 1623b Nitrate Nitrogen Production during Fallow Periods in Pampean Soils of Argentina. Roberto Alvarez* and Haydee Steinbach, Facultad de Agronomía, Univ de Buenos Aires 1624a Advanced Screening Method for the Selection of Salt Tolerant Crops Using Agar Plate. Sei Joon Park1, Myoung Yong Shim1, Ju-Young Lee2, Sang Eun Lee2, Su-Yeon Lee2, Sung Yung Yoo2 and Tae Wan Kim*3, (1)Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, Hankyong National Univ, (2)Division of Plant Nutrition, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (3)Department of Plant Resources Science, Hankyong National Univ 1624b Effect of Lignite Fly Ash Application on the Amount of Certain Heavy Metals in Lychee Orchard’s Soils of Northern Thailand. Jiraporn Inthasan*1, Niwat Hirunburana2, Ludger Herrmann3 and Karl Stahr3, (1)Dept of Soil Resources and Environment, Faculty of Ag Production, Maejo Univ, (2)Dept of Soil Science and Conservation, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai Univ, (3)Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Hohenheim Univ 1625a Genotypic Variability in Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency in Wetland Rice. KV Rao*, Kavitha B, Rama Prasad AS, Surekha K and Gandhi G, Directorate of Rice Research 1625b Zinc Fractions of Selected Calcareous Soils of Tehran Province, Iran and Their Relations with Soil Properties. Adil Reyhani Tabar*, Najaf Ali Karimian, Mohamad Ardalan and Gholam Reza Savaghebi, Univ of Tehran 1626a Effect of Long-term Application of FYM and Fertilizer N on Available P, K and S Content of Soil. Ram Phal Narwal* and Manju Chaudhary, Dept of Soil Science 1626b Effects of Growing Corn Plant and Some Fertilizers on Zinc Fractions in a Calcareous Soil. Adil Reyhani Tabar*, Mohamad Ardalan, Najaf Ali Karimian and Gholam Reza Savaghebi, Univ of Tehran 1627a Evaluation of Nitrogen Status in Japanese Agricultural Soils. Shuji Sano*, Laboratory of Soil Science, Graduate School of Agricuture, Kyoto Univ, 155-39 1627b 155-40 1628a 155-41 1628b 155-42 1629a 155-43 1709a 155-44 1709b 155-45 1710a 155-46 1710b 155-47 1711a 155-48 1711b 155-49 1712a 155-50 1712b 155-51 1713a 155-52 1713b 155-53 1714a Junta Yanai, Kyoto Prefectural Univ and Takashi Kosaki, Kyoto Univ Interaction Effect Between Zn and P on the Yield Attributes and Content of Zn in Stevia rebaudiana. Kuntal Das*, St. John’s Pharmacy College and Raman Dang, Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy Monitoring Nitrogen Uptake and Mineralization by Brassica Cover Crops in Maryland. Amy Kremen* and Ray R. Weil, Univ of Maryland Simulation of Nutrient Requirement and Use Efficiency in Irrigated Wheat Using the QUEFTS Model. Debtanu Maiti*, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, WB A Review of the Green Manuring Work Conducted at the South African Sugarcane Research Institute over the Past 80 Years. Ruth Rhodes*, South African Sugarcane Research Institute Illite Layer Dynamics in Soils: Evidence and Implications. Pierre Barré*1, Bruce Velde2 and Luc Abbadie1, (1)Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Continental Environment Laboratory UMR 7618, (2)Geology laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supérieure UMR 8538 Potassium Dynamics in Greek Red Mediterannean Soils. A. D. Simonis*, P. H. Koukoulakis and N. Gandidis, NAGREF–Soil Science Institute Effects of Vermicompost, Urea and Zinc Sulfate on Zinc Fractions in a Calcareous Soil. Adil Reyhani Tabar*, Mohamad Ardalan, Najaf Ali Karimian and Gholam Reza Savaghebi, Univ of Tehran Assessment and Use of Accumulated Fertilizer Phosphorus in a 30-Year Study in Subtropical Region for Sustainable Crop Production and Environmental Safety. Milkha S. Aulakh*, Punjab Agricultural Univ A New Buffer that Mimics the SMP Buffer for Determining Lime Requirement of Soil. Frank Sikora*, Univ of Kentucky Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Nitrifying Bacteria and N Transformation Rates in Tropical Rainfed Rice Soil. Paromita Ghosh* 1 , A.K. Kashyap2 and P. P. Dhyani1, (1)G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, (2)Dept of Botany, Banaras Hindu Univ Imapct of 10-Year Rice-Wheat Cropping System and Integrated Nutrient Management on Soil Properties and Crop Productivity in a Gypsum Amended Sodic Soil. Anand Swarup* Sr. and N.P.S Yaduvanshi, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Soil Available N: Relationships between PPNT and PSNT Test. Bao-Luo Ma*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Can Sorghum Genotypes Avoid Phosphorus Poisoning?. Rafael G. Camacho* Sr.1, Euripedes Malavolta Sr.2, Jose P. Guerrero Sr.1 and Tomas Camacho Jr.1, (1)Romulo Gallegos Univ, (2)CENA/USP Sustaining Productivity of Wheat-Soybean Cropping System through Integrated Nutrient Management Practices in the Vertisols of Central India. Uma Kant Behera*, Indian Agricultural Research Institute and Hira Nand Pandey, IARI, Regional Station Assessment of Soil Test Based Potassium Requirement for Low Land Rice in Udic Haplustalf under the Influence of Silicon Fertilization. Palanisamy Balasubramaniam* and Sanjeeviraja Subramanian, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 137 POSTERS SESSION NO. 155 SESSION NO. 155 155-54 155-55 155-56 155-57 155-58 155-59 155-60 155-61 155-62 155-63 155-64 155-65 155-66 155-67 155-68 138 1714b Trying a New Potassium Uptake Model by Wheat. Ghorban Ali Roshani*1, G. Narayanasamy2 and S.C. Datta2, (1)Golestan Agricultural Research Center, (2)Indian Agricultural Research Institute 1715a Nutrient Dynamics and Balance in Sole Soybean in a Nigerian Derived Savanna. Vincent O. Aduramigba-Modupe*, Institute of Agricultural Research and Hassan Tijani-Eniola, Dept of Agronomy, Univ of Ibadan, 1715b Nature and Properties of Soil Humic Substances and the Available Nutrient Status as Influenced by the Incorporation or Organic Residues. D. Shirisha* and Palli Chandrasekhar Rao, College of Agriculture, Angr Agricultural Univ 1716a Can Potassium Affect Root Influx Parameters of Wheat?. Ghorban Ali Roshani*1, G. Narayanasamy2 and S.C. Datta2, (1)Golestan Agricultural Research Center, (2)Indian Agricultural Research Institute 1716b Targeted Yield Concepts for Fertilizer Requirements of Wheat in Vertisols. Kashinath Ragho Sonar*, Retired From Mahatma Phule Agricultural Univ, Rahuri, Maharashtra and Ashok Patil, Mahatma Phule Agricultural Univ 1717a Yield and P-Use Efficiency of Five Maize Cultivars under Two P Levels in a Derived Savanna of Nigeria. Vincent O. Aduramigba-Modupe*, Institute of Agricultural Research 1717b Optimization of Mineral Nutrition of Plants on the Basis of Information-Logical Models. Elena G. Pivovarova* and Lidiya M. Burlakova, Altai State Agricultural Univ 1718a Critical Soil Nutrient Level for Carrot under Targeted Yield Approach in Integrated Plant Nutrition System for Ultic Hapludalf. Ramar Uma Devi* and Palanimuthu Murugesaboobathi, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 1718b Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Forage Production under Subsurface Drip Irrigation Interacting with Manure. Cirilo Vazquez*, Enrique Salazar, Jose Dimas Lopez, Rafael Zuñiga, Fernando Jasso, Rafael Figueroa, Antonio Gallegos and Salvador Berumen, Durango Univ 1719a Chlorosis in Sugarcane. R. B. Somawanshi*, Mahatma Phule Agricultural Univ, Rahuri 1719b Ecological Monitoring of the South Russian Plants Nutriment Quality. Olga Biryukova*1, Natalya Kravtsova1, Ivan Yel’nikov2 and Vladimir Kryshchenko1, (1)Rostov State Univ, (2)Soil Institute after V.V. Dokuchaev 1720a Productivity of Iron Efficient Spanish Bunch Groundnut Genotypes as Influenced by Iron Management in Calcareous Vertisols under Rainfed Farming Situations. Lokanath H. Malligawad* and Narayan S. Hebsur, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 1720b Increasing Efficiency of Applied Fertiliser Phosphate Using Tools of Source, Dose and Method of Application: World Phosphate Institute, Morocco Experience at Farmer’S Fields in India. G. Dev*, Consultant in India, World Phosphate Institute and A. Nassir, World Phosphate Institute 1721a Fertilizer Optimization for Cassava (India). S. Kamaraj and Palaniappan Muthuvel*, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 1722a Residual Benefits of Two Cowpea Genotypes and Natural Fallow to Subsequent Maize in the Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. E.N.O. Iwuafor*1, Yusuf A.A.1, Olufajo O.O1, R. Abaidoo2 and N. Sanginga3, (1)Soil Science Dept, Faculty of 155-69 1722b 155-70 1723a 155-71 1723b 155-72 1724a 155-73 1724b 155-74 1725a 155-75 1725b 155-77 1726b 155-78 1727a 155-79 1727b 155-80 1728a 155-81 1728b 155-82 1809a 155-83 1809b Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello Univ, (2)International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, (3)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT(TSDF-CIAT) P utilization Efficiency of Mycorrhizal (Glomus fasciculatum) Peanut in the Coastal Soils of South India. Panchaksharam Tholkappian* and Muthukumara Deiveekasundaram, Dept of Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai Univ Effect of Zinc and Cadmium Concentrations on the Rates of their Absorption by Rice (Oriza sativa L.) Part 1: Vegetative Growth. MJ Malakouti*, Tarbiat Modares Univ, Soil and Water Research Institute and A. Charati, Azad Islamic Univ, Science and Research Division Nitrogen Mineralization in Alkaline Soils Treated with Lime-Stabilized Biosolids and Residual Wastewater at the North of Mexico. Juan Pedro Flores-Margez*, Federico Perez-Casio, Zulema Poncio-Acosta and Erika Salas-Galvan, Univ Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez The Effects of Integrated Application of Micronutrient on Wheat in Low Organic Carbon Conditions of Alkaline Soils of Western Iran. Reza Soleimani*, Soil and Water Research Institute Effect of Zinc and Cadmium Concentrations on the Rates of Their Absorption by Rice and on Some Growth Characteristics of the Plant (Oriza sativa L) Part 2: Yield and Composition. MJ Malakouti*, Tarbiat Modares Univ, Soil and Water Research Institute and A. Charati, Azad Islamic Univ, Science and Research Division Study of Balanced Fertilization Technology and Nutrient Management for Bamboo Forest. Dekui Niu*, College of Land Resource and Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural Univ and Xiaomin Guo, College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural Univ Long-term Effects of Fertilizer Application on the Fertility of Paddy Field. Masoud Kavoosi*, Rice Research Institute of Iran Tillage and Residue Management Effects on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat Following Rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Yadvinder Singh*1, Bijay Singh1, J.K. Ladha2, Rajiv Gupta1 and Ravinderpal Pannu1, (1)Dept of Soils, Punjab Agricultural Univ, (2)International Rice Research Institute Nutritional Disorders in Fruit Trees on the Calcareous Soils of Iran. MJ Malakouti*, Tarbiat Modares Univ, Soil and Water Research Institute Precise N Fertilizer Recommendation Based on Available Organic and Inorganic Soil N Is Essential for Optimum Grain Yields and Farmers’ Profit. Konrad Mengel*, Justus Liebig Univ Interaction of Potassium with Nitrogen on Rice Plant. Masoud Kavoosi*, Rice Research Institute of Iran Effect of Root Exudates on Potassium Dynamics in Wheat and Sugar Beet Rhizosphere. Kambiz Bazargan*, Soil and Water Research Institute, Norbert Claassen, Institut fur Agrikulturchemie and MJ Malakouti, Tarbiat Modares Univ, Soil and Water Research Institute The Effect of Fertilizer Application with Zinc on Yield and Some Yield Components of Chickpea Varieties. Aysen Akay*, Sulcuk Univ Agricultural Faculty, Dept of Soil Science The Transformation of Nitrogen in Paddy Soil under Different Climatic Conditions and Differ- 155-84 1810a 155-85 1810b 155-86 1811a 155-88 1812a 155-89 1812b 155-90 1813a 155-92 155-93 155-94 155-95 155-96 1814a 1814b 1815a 1815b 1816a ent Chemical Fertilizers. Kyeong-Bo Lee*1, ChanWon Park2, Deog-Bae Lee3 and Jae-Duk Kim2, (1)Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA, (2)Honam Agricultural Research Institute NICS, RDA, (3)National Institute of Agricultural Science Technology, RDA The Effects of Three Split Applications of Nitrogen on Spring Safflower in Low Organic Matter Soils of Western Iran. Reza Soleimani*, Soil and Water Research Institute New York Statewide Assessment of N2O Losses from Maize under Different Crop Management Scenarios Using GIS and the LEACHMN Model. Ivy Y. S. Tan*, Harold M. van Es, Jeffrey J. Melkonian and Stephen D. DeGloria, Cornell Univ Effect of Secondary Nutrients Application on a Long-Term Yield of Two Crop Sequences in Pampean Argentina. Ricardo J. Melgar* 1 , Hillel Magen2, Patricia Imas2, Fernando Salvagiotti3, Ricardo Melchiori1, Edgar Lovera1, Alfredo Bono1 and H. Echevarria1, (1)INTA, (2)International Potash Institute, (3)Univ of Nebraska Long-term Assessment of Nitrogen Management Practices on Grain Yield, Nitrogen Uptake and Use Efficiency in Irrigated Corn. Kefyalew Girma*, Kyle Freeman, Brian Arnall, Roger Teal, Starr Holtz and William Raun, Oklahoma State Univ Continuous Application of Fertilizer and Manure on Crop Yield and Uptake of Nutrients in Maize—Wheat Cropping System. P. C. Kanthaliya* and Arvind Verma, Dept of Soil Science , Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Mahara Pratap Univ of Agriculture and Technology Effect of Sources and Doses of Magnesium on Two Varieties of Potato in Highland Soils of Colombia. Leila A. Rojas*, Clemencia Gómez and Edgar Villaneda, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación agropecuaria, CORPOICA The Effect of Various Periodic Silicate Fertilizations on Yield of Rice, Characters of Nutrient Adsorption and the Change of Silicate Amount in Soil. Yang Ju Park1, Byung Hwa Kang2, Sun Jin Sung1, Myung Hoon Han1, Jong Ho Sun1, Dong Cheol Seo3, Yong Hwa Cheong1, Bo Kyoon Sohn1, Jong Soo Heo3 and Ju Sik Cho*1, (1)Dept of Biological Environment, Sunchon National Univ, (2)Hyoseok Co. Ltd., (3)Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National Univ NIitogen and Phosphorus Contributions from Litterfall in Shade Gown Coffee (Coffea arabica) Plantations in the Venezuelan Andes. Arellano Rosalva*1, Jorge Paolini2, Miguel Robles1 and Elda Villegas1, (1)Univ de Los Andes Núcleo Univ Rafael Rangel, (2)Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) Evaluation the Effect of Endomycorrhiza (Glomus spp.) on Tomato under Stress Conditions. Huang Shan-Ney* Sr., TDARES,R.O.C The Effect of Green Revolution Technology during the Period of 1970-2003 on Sawah Soil Properties in Java, Indonesia in Relation to the Land Management Practices. Darmawan Darmawan*1, Kazutake Kyuma 2, Arsil Saleh 3, H. Subagjo 3, Tsugiyuki Masunaga4 and Toshiyuki Wakatsuki5, (1)Shimane Univ, (2) Kyoto Univ, (3)Center for Soil and Agroclimatic Research and Development, (4)Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane Univ, (5)Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Univ Nitrogen Management in Lowland Rice by the Use of Leaf Color Chart through Farmer Partic- 155-97 1816b 155-98 1817a 155-99 1817b 155-100 1818a 155-101 1818b 155-102 1819a 155-103 1819b 155-104 1820a 155-105 1820b 155-106 1821a 155-107 1821b 155-108 1822a 155-109 1822b 155-110 1823a ipatory Approach in Bangladesh. M. Murshedul Alam*1, J.K. Ladha2, Roland J. Buresh2, Harun U. Rashid3 and Akhter Khan3, (1)International Rice Research Institute Bangladesh Office, (2)International Rice Research Institute, (3)Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Effects of New Nitrogen Technologies and Rates on Corn in Southern Illinois. Stephen A. Ebelhar*1, Carl. D Hart1 and Jorge D. Hernandez2, (1)Univ of Illinois, (2)Southern Illinois Univ Relationship between Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Response to Fertilizer in Winter Wheat. D.B. Arnall*, B. S. Tubana, K. Girma, W. R. Raun, K. W. Freeman and R. K. Teal, Oklahoma State Univ Total N and Nitrate-N Concentrations Through the Soil Profile as Affected by Soil Management Practices. Byron Belvitt*, Robert Taylor and James Shuford, Alabama A&M Univ Uptake into Rice Grain by Different Spilt Dressings of Nitrogen Using N15. Ju-Young Lee*, Division of Plant Nutrition, NIAST Nitrogen and Irrigation Management to Improve Water Use Efficiency and Reduce Nitrate Leaching of Pepper and Tomato Crops in Florida. Lincoln Zotarelli*1, Johannes M. Scholberg1, M. D. Dukes2 and Rafael M. Carpena2, (1)Univ of Florida, Agronomy Dept, (2)Univ of Florida Nitrogen Dynamics in Paddy Soil Applied with Sewage Sludge by 15N—Dilution Method. Naomi Asagi* 1 , Hideto Ueno 1 and Toyoharu Ando 2 , (1)Univ Farm, Fac. Agr., Ehime Univ, (2)NishidaKosan Co. Ltd. Mulch and Nitogen Fertilizer Effects on Pumpkin Yield and Quality. A. Wyenandt* and J. Heckman, Rutgers Univ Comparison of Two Passive Sampler Methods for Measuring Ammonia Losses. Miguel Cabrera*, Nicolas Vaio, John Rema and David Kissel, Univ of Georgia Spatial Yield Response of Corn to Two N Levels. William Cox*1, Harold M. Van Es1 and Tawainga Katsvairo2, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Univ of Florida Increasing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Use Efficiency by Using the Nitrification Inhibitor 3, 4-Dimethylpyrazole Phosphate (Dmpp) in Chile. Rodrigo Ortega*, Univ Técnica Federico Santa María, Joaquin Orellana, Compo Agro Chile Ltda. and Mauricio Molina, Pontificia Univ Católica de Chile Application of Rice Straw Compost for Sustainable Rice Production. Vien Minh Duong*1, Takeshi Watanabe2, Man Hong Luu3, Tien Khang Vu3 and Thi Kim Phuong Nguyen1, (1)Cantho Univ, (2)Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, (3)Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute Effect of Application of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur Fertilizers for Yield and Quality on Sugarcane Production in an Acid Red Soil Area. Hongwei Tan*, Liuqiang Zhou, Rulin Xie and Meifu Huang, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Effect of K Application with Varying Temperature and Moisture Regimes on Different Forms of Soil K and Other Nutrients in Vertisol. S. C. Gupta*1, K. R. Vegh2 and Josef Koncz2, (1)RAK College of Agriculture, (2)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Direct and Residual Effects of Balanced Fertilization in Field Crops of the Pampas of Argentina. Fernando Garcia* 1 , Miguel Boxler 2 , Jorge 139 POSTERS SESSION NO. 155 SESSION NO. 155 155-111 1823b 155-112 1824a 155-113 1824b 155-114 1825a 155-115 1825b 155-116 1826a 155-117 1826b 155-118 1827a 155-119 1827b 155-120 1828a 155-121 1828b 155-122 1901a 140 Minteguiaga2, Hugo Blanco2, Raul Houssay2, German Deza Marin3 and Angel Berardo4, (1)PPI-PPIC Southern Cone, (2)CREA Southern Santa Fe, (3)ASP, (4)Fertilab-FCA-INTA Interaction of Organic Manures and Granular Size of Inorganic NPK Fertilizers on Nutrient Uptake and Grain Yield of Irrigated Rice in Vertisols. Subbaiah SV*, Rama Prasad AS, Kumar RM and Surekha K, Directorate of Rice Research Effect of Gel-Based Controlled Release Fertilizers on Crop Yield and Nutrient Use Efficiency. Ding Hong* and Zhang Yu-shu, Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Distribution of Non-Exchangeable K in Soil Profile in a Brachiaria-Maize Cropping System. Rodrigo A. Garcia, Juliano C. Calonego, Carlos A.C. Crusciol and Ciro A. Rosolem*, São Paulo State Univ Nitrate Leaching Pattern from Slow Release Fertilizer under Polyethylene Film Mulching and Non-Mulching in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Dong-Wook Lee**, Ki-Do Park, Chang-young Park, Il-Soo Son, Ui-Gum Kang and Sung-Tai Park, National Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, R.D.A Differences in the Temperature Quotients of Ammonia Emission on the Fertilized Soils from Florida and Washington. Guodong Liu*1, Yuncong Li 1 and Ashok Alva 2 , (1)Univ of Florida/TREC, (2)USDA-ARS Nitrous Oxide Emission from Two Soils under Commercial N Fertilizer and Swine Slurry Application in a Rhizotron Experiment. Marek K. Jarecki*1, Timothy B. Parkin2, Alvarus S.K. Chan1, Jerry L. Hatfield3, David W. Meek4 and Raymond A. Jones5, (1)AgCert Services, Inc., (2)USDA-ARS, (3)National Soil Tilth Lab, (4)National Soil Tilth Laboratory, (5)AgCert Canada Co. Residual and Cumulative Effect of Boron Use in Rice-Wheat System in Calcareous Soils of Pakistan. Abdul Rashid*1, M. Yasin1, R. Ullah1 and M.A. Ali2, (1)National Agricultural Research Center, (2)Adaptive Research, Agriculture Dept In-Season Nitrogen Fertilization to Improve Nutrient Use Efficiency in Maize. M. A. Al-ali* and Thomas Morris, Univ of Connecticut Leaf Sampling Period Effect on the Efficiency of the DRIS Method Applied to Apple Culture in South Brazil. Gilmar R. Nachtigall, Embrapa Grape and Wine and Antonio R. Dechen*, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” Root Growth, Nutrition and Yield of Common Bean as Affected by Surface Application Lime and Gypsum under a No-Tillage System. Carlos A.C. Crusciol*, São Paulo State Univ and Rogério P. Soratto, Mato Grosso do Sul State Univ, College of Agronomy Multinutrient Extraction of Soils by EDTA Ion Exchange Resin. Bernardo van Raij*, Aline R. Coscione, Heitor Cantarella and Monica Ferreira Abreu, INstituto Agronômico Potassium Release and Fixation in Contrasting Soil Parent Materials and K Fertilizer Application Rates: Estimates Using Soil Balances and Changes in the Exchangeable Pool. Magnus Simonsson* 1 , Stefan Andersson 2 , Ylva AndristRangel3, Stephen Hillier3, Lennart Mattsson4 and Ingrid Öborn1, (1)Dept of Soil Sciences, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, (2)Dept of Soil Sciences, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), 155-123 1901b 155-124 1902a 155-125 1902b 155-126 1903a 155-127 1903b 155-128 1904a 155-129 1904b 155-130 1905a 155-131 1905b 155-132 1906a 155-133 1906b 155-134 1907a (3)The Macaulay Institute, (4)Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Soil Sciences Long-Term Rye-Ryegrass Forage Yields and Changes in Soil Profile Inorganic Nitrogen as Affected by Rate and Date of Nitrogen Application. Jagadeesh Mosali*1, Kefyalew Girma2, Jeffrey B. Ball1 and W.R. Raun2, (1)The Noble Foundation, (2)Oklahoma State Univ Corn Yield Response to Spring Applied Controlled-Release Urea vs. Spring Applied Urea. Jeff Moore*, Randy Killorn and Marianela Gonzalez, Iowa State Univ Kinetics of Nitrification in Selected Iowa Soils Treated with Stay-N 2000. D. Rovita* and Randy Killorn, Iowa State Univ Nitrogen Management Lessons from Long-Term Agroecological Trials on Alfisols. Sieglinde Snapp*1, G. P. Robertson2, Claire McSwiney1 and Brook Wilke3, (1)Michigan State Univ, (2)Crop and Soil Sciences Dept, Michigan State Univ, (3)Dept Crop and Soil Sciences Nebraska Soil Fertility Project Revisits Corn Recommendations under High Yield Environments. Charles Shapiro*1, Achim Dobermann2, Richard Ferguson2, Gary Hergert1, David Tarkalson3, Daniel Walters2 and Charles Wortmann2, (1)Univ of Nebraska, (2)Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture, (3)West Central Research and Extension Center Changes in Phosphorus Fractions of a Mediterranean Calcareous Sandy Soil Following LongTerm Application of P Fertilizer. Dang Thanh Vu*1, Caixian Tang1 and Roger D. Armstrong2, (1)La Trobe Univ, (2)Primary Industries Research Victoria Quantifying the Impact of Subsurface Drip vs. Pivot Irrigation on Nitrogen Leaching to a Shallow Aquifer. Omar R. Harvey* and Cristine L.S. Morgan, Texas A&M Univ, Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences Enhancing Nitrogen Efficiency of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Silicate Application in Korean Paddy Soil. Ki Woon Chang1, Pil Joo Kim*2, Chang Hoon Lee2 and Yong Bok Lee2, (1)Chungnam National Univ, (2)Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang Univ Effect of Application of Porous Hydrate Calcium Silicate on Rice Growth and Yield. Hironori Heinai*1, Masahiko Saigusa1, Hitoshi Okazaki2 and Kazuo Yoshida2, (1)Field Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ, (2)Residential Systems and Materials Laboratory, Asahi Kasei Corporation Effective P Fertigation Increases Yield and Quality of Fruit in High Density Apple. Gerald Neilsen*, Denise Neilsen and Peter Toivonen, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Permanent Raised Bed Cultivation Improves Nitrogen and Water Use in Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems of South Asia. J.G. Lauren* 1 , J.M. Duxbury1, M.I. Hossain2, G. Sah3, A.S.M.H.M. Talukder4 and C. A. Meisner5, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)Regional Agricultural Research Station, (3)Agricultural Implement Research Centre, (4)Wheat Research Centre, (5)IFDC Sawah System and Power Tiller, Necessities for Sustainable Rice Production in Sub-Saharan Africa—the Case of Nigeria. Oluwarotimi O. Fashola*, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Joshua Aliyu, Watershed Initiative in Nigeria 155-135 1907b 155-136 1908a 155-137 1908b 155-138 1909a 155-139 1909b 155-140 1910a 155-141 1910b 155-142 1911a 155-143 1911b 155-144 1912a 155-145 1912b 155-146 1913a 155-147 1913b 155-148 1914a (WIN 2001) and Toshiyuki Wakatsuki, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University Potassium Fixation in Silt, Sand and Clay Fractions of Soils Derived from Granitic Alluvium of the San Joaquin Valley, California. M. Murashkina, R. J. Southard and G. S. Pettygrove*, Univ of California Potassium Dynamics in Vertisols Following Potassium Fertilization and Plant Uptake. Kathryn Taylor1, Balwant Singh*1 and Graeme Schwenke2, (1)The Univ of Sydney, (2)NSW Department of Primary Industries Citrus Nitrogen Uptake and Nitrification Rates in Sandy Soils. Kelly Morgan*, Johan M. Scholberg and Thomas Obreza, Univ of Florida Cation Exchange Capacity and Nutrient Contents in Red-Brown and Brown Soils of Crimea. Saeed Zeraat Kar*, Kharkov National Agrarian Univ N Transformations of Fresh Poultry Manure Composts. S. Agyenim Boateng*, Soil Research Institute Development of Leaf Nutrient Diagnosis Standards and its Application to Fertilizer Recommendations for Durian in Thailand. Sumitra Poovarodom* and Nutcharee Boonplang, Dept of Soil Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Changes of Nitrate Assimilation and Ascorbic Acid Content in Artificially Wilted Spinach by Nutrient Solution of High Nitrogen and Low Potassium. Yang Ho Park*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA Determination of Optimum Application Rates of Nitrogen Fertilizer for Head Rice Yield in Korea. Yo-Sung Song*1, Ki-Sang Lee1, Beung-Gan Jung1, Hee-Joong Jun1 and Young-Sang Yoon2, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA, (2)Kongju National Univ Diagnosis of Leaf-wilting Symptoms of Melon(Cucumis melo) Caused by an Excess Salinity in Protected Farming System. Byoung Choon Jang*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA Diagnosis of Leaf-wilt Symptom of Watermelon(Cucurbita ctrullus L.) in Protected Cultivation Caused by Different Factors. Byoung Choon Jang*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA Nitrate Reductase Activity in the Coffee Tree Affected by Levels and Nitrogen Application Systems. Enes Furlani* Jr., Andre Rodrigues dos Reis and Kuniko Iwamoto Haga, São Paulo State Univ Changes of Nitrate and Carbonate Contents in Leaves of Tomato ( Lycopersicon pnennellii) by Salt Stress. Byoung Choon Jang*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA Boron Soil Test and Leaf Analysis Correlate with Fruit Yield of Sweet Oranges. Dirceu Mattos Jr.*1, José A. Quaggio1, Heitor Cantarella2 and Eduardo S. Stuchi3, (1)Instituto Agronômico (IAC), (2)Instituto Agronômico, (3)Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura e Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro Sewage Sludge Application Treated by N-Viro Process in No-Till Soils. Agronomic and Environment Effects. Jetro Turan Salvador*1, Luiz Antonio Corrêa Lucchesi1, Tereza Cristina de Carvalho1, Uéliton Trindade de Oliveira1 and Antonio Carlos Lacerda2, (1)Univ Federal do Paraná, (2)Alto Iguaçu Engenharia, Agronomia e Ambiente Ltda 155-149 1914b Physiological Adaptability of Seeding Tomato Cutivars Under Low Phosphorus Stress. Han Xiaori*, Wang Jing, Zhan Xiumei, Gong Liang, Yu Chengguang and Yin Hongbin, College of Land and Environment Science, Shenyang Agricultural Univ 155-150 1915a Emissions of Nutrients on Alpine Cropping Area of Korea. Kwang Lai Park*, Myung Chul Seo, Kee Kyung Kang, Deog Bae Lee and Pil Kyun Jung, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 155-151 1915b Fertilizer Application Methods for Cotton. Enes Furlani* Jr.1, Nelson Machado da Silva2, Luiz Henrique Carvalho2 and Marcelo Andreotti2, (1)São Paulo State Univ, (2)Insituto Agronômico 155-152 1916a Soil Fertility Impact on Sandy Soil of Kuwait. Mahdi Abdal* and Majda Suleiman, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 155-153 1916b Nitrogen Deficiency Diagnostic by the Chlorophyll Meter Evaluation. Enes Furlani* Jr., Andre Rodrigues dos Reis and Marcelo Andreotti, São Paulo State Univ 155-154 1917a Site Specific Nutrient Management for Rice in Alkali Soils of India. Abdul Rahim Mohamed Haroon*, R Nagarajan, S Marimuthu, Nagappan Bhuvaneswari, Arumugham Bhaskaran, S Pazhanivelan, S Ravichandiran and M Sheik Dawood, Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute (TNAU) 155-155 1917b Dynamics of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Availability in Soils Amended with BananaTrash Compost. Venecio U. Ultra* Jr.1, Danilo A. Mendoza2 and Angelina Briones2, (1)Univ of Eastern Philippines, (2)Univ of the Philippines Los Banos 155-156 1918b Rock Phosphate a Cheap Source of ‘P’ for Crops in Acidic and Neutral Soils of Karnataka. M.V Ravi*, Sujata F Harlapur, G.N. Thippeshappa, C.A. Srinvasamurthy, A.S. Kumaraswamy, V.R. Ramakrishna Parama, R. Siddaramappa, S. Bhaskar, M.V. Bhargavi, N.G. Basavaraju, G. Ravi, M.N. Ravi Kumar, B. Gayathi and K.G. Ankegowda, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 155-157 1919a Use of Indigenous Indian Rock Phosphates as Cheap Source of P to Increase Rice Production. C.A Srinivasamurthy*, Sunil Kumar, M.V. Ravi, S. Bhaskar and R. Siddaramappa, Univ of Agricultural Sciences 155-158 1919b Soil and Crop Nitrogen as Influenced by Tillage, Cover Crops, and Nitrogen Fertilization. Upendra Sainju*1, Bharat Singh2, Wayne Whitehead2 and Shirley Wang2, (1)USDA-ARS-NPARL, (2)Fort Valley State Univ 155-159 1920a Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation for Carrot on Ultic Hapludalf of Tamil Nadu,India. Palanimuthu Murugesaboopathi*, Ramar Uma Devi, Ramasamy Natesan and Subramanium Thiyageshwari, Tamilnadu Agricultural Univ 155-160 1920b Assesing Optimum Management for Nitrogen and Fungicides in High Yielding Cultivars of NoTill Wheat. Adriana García Lamothe* and Martha Díaz de Ackermann, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria, INIA Uruguay 155-161 1921a Responses of Maize-Bean Intercrops to Minjingu Phosphate Rock and Lime in Terms of Nutrient Use Efficiency and Economic Benefits on Acid Soils of Western Kenya. Abigael O. Nekesa*1, John Robert Okalebo1, Caleb O. Othieno1, Ruth Njoroge1, Mary Kipsat1, Moses Thuita1 and André Bationo2, (1)Moi Univ, (2)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT 141 POSTERS SESSION NO. 155 SESSION NO. 155 155-162 1921b Micronutrients Uptake by Wheat as Affected by Genotypes, N and P. Deepak Kumar*, M.L. Dixit and Kuldeep Singh, Dept of Soil Science 155-163 1922a Interaction Effect of Phosphorous, Sulphur and Rhizobium on Growth Yield and Composition of Black Gram (Phaseolus mungo L). R. P. Singh*, R. K. Singh, S. N. Singh, P. K, Yadav, J. Singh and R. S. Singh, Dept of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Udai Pratap Autonomous College 155-164 1922b Combining Field and Simulation Studies to Improve Fertilizer Recommendations for Irrigated Rice in Burkina Faso. Zacharie Segda* Sr., Institut de l’environnement et des recherches agricoles (INERA), Stephan M. Haefele, International Rice Research Institute, Marco C.S. Wopereis, Cirad, Abdoulaye Mando, IFDC and Michel P. Sedogo, INERA 155-165 1923a Survey, Modelling, Diagnosis of Nutrient Constraints and their Validation in Nagpur Mandarin Ochards of Central India. Anupkumar Srivastava* Sr., National Research Centre for Citrus 155-166 1923b Split Application and Levels of K on the Yield of Maize and Different Fractions of K in Soil. Santhy P. Bala* Sr., Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 155-167 1924a Role of Potassium in Crop Production in India. N.S. Pasricha* and S.K. Bansal, Potash Research Institute of India, Gurgaon, Haryana, India 155-168 1924b Application of Inorganic Nitrogen Levels and Placements on the Growth and Yield of Wheat. Fateh C. Oad*, Sindh Agriculture University 155-169 1925a Efficient Use of Fertilizer Phosphorus in Crops in India. Rayappan Kumaresan*1, Nassir. A. Abderrahim Nassir2 and Tayub Tayub Mrabet2, (1)Tamilnadu Agricultural Univ, (2)World Phosphate Institute, IMPHOS 155-170 1925b Long-Term Effects of Organic and Inorganic Inputs on the Yield, Soil Nutrient Changes and Use Efficiency in Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. P. K, Mani*, P. K. Sahu, A. L. Kundu, M. Pramanick, D. Majumdar and R. C. Samui, Bidhan Chandra Krishi VIswavidyalaya(BCKV) 155-171 1926a Increasing Fertilizer Efficiency by Sulphur Fertilizer through Balanced Fertilization and Fertilizer Interaction in Chinese Agriculture. Mingxian Fan*, The Sulphur Institute 155-172 1926b Nitrogen Isotope Signatures in Grain Crops Treated with Organic and Chemical Fertilizers in a Four-Year Canola-Barley-Wheat-Canola Rotation. Woo-Jung Choi, Dept of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Chonnam National Univ, Muhammad Arshad, Dept of Renewable Resources, Univ of Alberta and Scott X. Chang*, Univ of Alberta 155-173 1927a Aggregate Associated Sulphur Fractions in Soils under Long-Term Fertilization Experiment. Bal Ram Singh*1, Zhihui Yang1 and Sissel Hansen2, (1)Norwegian Univ of Life Sciences, (2)Norwegian Centre for Ecological Agriculture 155-174 1927b Plant Nitrogen Recovery from an Enriched 15NManure. Hector Mario Quiroga–Garza*1, Jose Antonio Cueto–Wong1 and William C. Lindemann2, (1)INIFAP Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias, (2)NMSU Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture 155-175 1928b The Effects of Organic Resource Quality on Soil Profile N Dynamics and Maize Yields on Sandy Soils in Zimbabwe. Florence Mtambanengwe*, Univ of Zimbabwe 142 SESSION NO. 156 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.4A Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation I. Agroecosystems: Processes & Assessment—Poster 156-1 1636a Evaluation of the Enzymatic Activity of the Deshidrogenase, Urease and B-Glucosidase in a Submit Soil to Different Agricultural Uses. Mariela J. Navas*, Instuto Navional de Investigaciones Agricolas (INIA-Venezuela) and Marta Benito, Univ Politecnica de Madrid 156-2 1636b Long-Term Human and Biophysical Dynamics of Soil Degradation in the Kenyan Highlands. S. J. Riha*1, C. B. Barrett1, L.E. Blume1, J.M. Kinyangi1, C.J. Lehmann1, P.P. Marenya1, David M. Mbugua2, C.F. Nicholson1, S.O. Ngoze1, D. Parsons1, L.V. Verchot2 and A.N. Pell1, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)World Agroforestry Centre 156-3 1637a Transformation Processes of Soil Formation and Fertility of Chernozems of the Steppe Zone of the Altai Region. Gennady G. Morkovkin* and Nina B. Maksimova, Altai State Agricultural Univ 156-4 1637b Fatigue Evidence of Soil Organic Matter in the Northeastern Mollisol Area of China. Xudong Zhang* and Hongtu Xie, Key Lab. of Terrestrial Ecological Process, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 156-5 1736a Soil Borne Saprophytic Nematodes on Nutrient Mobilization in the Western Ghats Region of Tamil Nadu, India. Selvi Duraisamy*1, Deepa Subramanian2, Subramanian Shanmugam3, Jayakumar Jayaraman3, Senthamizh Kasinathan4, Thiyageshwari Subramanian4 and Rajkannan Bellie5, (1)Dept of Soil Science,Tamil Nadu Agricultral Univ, (2)Dept of Soil Science,TNAU, (3)Dept Agricultural Nematology, TNAU, (4)Dept of Soil Science, TNAU, (5)Dept. of Soil Science, TNAU 156-6 1736b Influence of Land Use on Soil Nutrient Recovery in Previously Shifting Cultivation Areas in Lower Northern Thailand. Jaruntorn Boonyanuphap*, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Ehime Univ and Katsutoshi Sakurai, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi Univ 156-7 1737a Effects of Upland Rice Cultivation on Soil Characteristics in the Arid Region of Iran. Hossein Torabi-Golsefidi*, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed Univ 156-8 1737b Temporal-Spatial Distributions and Variabilities of Soil Cd, Pb and Zn in Szia, China. Lina Sun*, Shenyang Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering and Yaohua Zhang, Liaoning Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources 156-9 1834a Geomatics Based Soil Mapping and Hazard Assessment of Cultivated Land in El-Fayoum Depression, Egypt. Rafat Ramadan Ali*, Soils and Water Use Dept, National Research Centre and Fouad H. Soliman, Cairo Univ 156-10 1834b Relationships between Extractable Al and Properties of Soil in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia. Tania Liaghati*1, Robert Gilkes1 and Chris Gazey2, (1)Univ of Western Australia, (2)Dept of Agriculture, Western Australia 156-11 1835a Penetration Resistance under Zone and StripTillage for Vegetable Cultivation in New York State. Omololu J. Idowu*1, Anusuya Rangarajan2 and Donald E. Halseth2, (1)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, (2)Cornell Univ 156-12 1835b Geographic Information System to Monitor the Development of Negative Soil Processes in the Russian Federation. Natalya V. Kalinina*, Lud- SESSION NO. 158 1836a 156-14 1836b 156-15 1837a 156-16 1837b 156-17 1934b 156-18 1935a 156-19 1935b 156-20 1936a 156-21 1936b 156-22 1937a 156-23 1937b SESSION NO. 157 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems: Reclamation Strategies—Poster 157-1 1638a Indigenous Farming System for Soil Conservation on Sloping Farmland in Sichuan, China. Xiubin He* Sr., Xinbao Zhang and Anbang Wen, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment 157-2 1639a Effects of Arsenic Contaminated Irrigation Water, Zinc and Organic Matter on the Mobilization of Arsenic in Soils in Relation to Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Dilip Kumar Das*, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 157-3 1639b Managing Soils in the Hills of Nepal through SiteSpecific Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems. Basu D. Regmi* Sr.1, Neeranjan P. Rajbhandari1, Chhabi L. Paudel1, Bishnu K. Dhital1, Juerg Merz2 and Juerg Merz2, (1)Sustainal Soil Management Programme, (2)Sustainable Soil Management Programme 157-4 1640a Using Adaptive Cluster Sampling Based on Both the First Sampling Density and the Regulation Thresholds for Delineating Contaminated Soils with Kriging. Dar-Yuan Lee*1, Kai-Wei Juang2 and Wan-Jiun Liao1, (1)Dept of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ, (2)Dept of Post-modern Agriculture, Mingdao Univ 157-5 1640b Ethno-Management of Plinthic and Ironpan Soils in the Savanna Regions of West Africa. Rexford D. Asiamah* and Owusu Dwomo, Soil Research Institute 157-6 1641a Degradation of Farmers’ Plots and Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation in Western Ethiopian Agro-Ecosystems: Evidence and Lessons Learned from the Field. Nega Emiru*, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute 157-7 1641b Agroforestry and Soil Sustainability. P. K. R. Nair*, Univ of Florida 157-8 1738a A New Approach of Soil Structure Characterization in Field Conditions Based on Soil Electrical Resistivity Measurements. Guy Richard*1, Arlene Besson2, Philippe Cosenza3 and Isabelle Cousin1, (1)INRA, (2)geocarta, (3)UMR 7619 SISYPHE 157-9 1738b pH Buffer Capacity and Lime Requirement for Korean Acid Soils. Yoo-hak Kim* and Han-Kang Kwak, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 157-10 1739b Plant Response to Salinity in Gypsum-Saturated Solutions. Juan Felipe Martinez-Montoya* and Victor M. Ruiz-Vera, Colegio de Postgraduados 157-11 1740b Coal-Fines as a Potential Amendment for Subsoil Acidity in Western Australia. Y. Pal*1, M. T. F. Wong2 and R. W. Bell1, (1)Murdoch Univ, (2)CSIRO SESSION NO. 158 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.5C Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation III. Agro- and Forest Ecosystems: Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes—Poster 158-1 1642a Relationship between the Agricultural Management of Broccoli Crop and Microbial Activity of a Semi-Arid Soil. José Luis Moreno*, Felipe Bastida, Teresa Hernández and Carlos García, Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura. CEBAS-CSIC. 143 POSTERS 156-13 mila Kolesnikova and Elena Birukova, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute Unravelling the Mysteries of the Quesungual Slash and Mulch Agroforestry. Luis Alvarez Welchez*1, Miguel Ayarza Sr.2, Edgar Amezquita3, Edmundo Barrios3, Marco Rondon3, Idupulapati Rao3, Mariela Rivera3, Jellin Pavon4, Oscar Ferreira5, Denis Valladares5, Naman Sanchez5 and Aracely Castro3, (1)MIS Consortium, (2)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT, (3)CIAT, (4)INTA, (5)ESNACIFOR Towards a Better Understanding of the LongTerm Yield Response of Corn to the Repeated and Random Seasonal Effects of Fertilizer Nitrogen and Tillage. J. H. Grove*, Plant and Soil Science Dept and Eugenia Pena-Yewtukhiw, West Virginia Univ Effects of Application Fertilization Organic on Soil Organic Matter, P, K; Tissues N, P, K and Yield of Corn. Isabel Arrieche* and Orlando Mora, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas de Venezuela Soil Compaction and Fertilization Effects on Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Weeds Nutrition. Jaan Kuht*, Endla Reintam, Katrin Trükmann, Liina Edesi and Virgo Rääts, Estonian Univ of Life Sciences Erosion, Nutrient Loss and their Effects on the Landscape on Hungarian Sites. Csaba Centeri*1, Marton Vona2, Akos Malatinszky2 and Akos Pottyondi2, (1)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Nature Conservation, (2)Szent Istvan Univ, Dept of Landscape Ecology Land Degradation and Agricultural Productivity in Bangladesh. S. A. Haque*, Bangladesh Agricultural Univ Impact of Soil Typology and Land Use on Microfungal Communities in the Alma – Kerem-BenZimra Area, Upper Galilee, Israel. Isabella Grishkan*1, Alexander Tsatskin2 and Eviatar Nevo1, (1)Institute of Evolution Univ of Haifa, (2)Zinman Institute of Archaeology Univ of Haifa Recent Evolution of Soil Salinization in China and its Driving Processes. Jingsong Yang*, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Identification and Characterization of Hotspots of Desertification in Southern Karnataka. Naveen Kumar,v.,Natarajan,A.and Anil Kumar,T.S. Badrinath*, UAS,GKVK,Bangalore-65 Diversity of Biological Forest Ecosystem and their Impact in Semi-Arid Land, Analysis and followed by Remote Sensing (ALSAT-1 Data, Steppe of Algeria). Ahmed Zegrar*, National Center of Spaces Technics Copper-Chromium-Arsenic Leaching from Treated Vineyard Posts. Siva (Sivalingam) Sivakumaran*, Iris Vogeler, Steve Green, Carlo Van Den Dijssel, Marc Greven, Brent Clothier, Rob Agnew, Sue Neal and Rogerio Chichota, HortResearch SESSION NO. 158 158-2 158-3 158-4 158-5 158-6 158-7 158-8 158-9 158-10 158-11 158-12 158-13 158-14 158-15 144 1642b Pollution of Soils and Vegetation by Reforestation of Exotic Conifers in Pilembera. Maziar Razavi*, Ph.D. Student of Azad Univ 1643a Assessment of Copper Biotoxicity in Agricultural Soils of the Aconcagua River Basin (Chile). Alexander Neaman*1, Marco Cisternas1, Gonzalo Ávila2 and Hernán Gaete2, (1)Catholic Univ of Valparaiso, (2)Univ of Valparaiso 1643b Development of Biofertilizer Package for Rehabilitation of Degraded Forestland and Enhancement of Soil Organic Carbon in North India. Prity Sagar* Sr. and Ravindranath N.H., Indian Institute of Science 1644a Fate and Transport of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban. Elizabeth A. Hodges* and George A. O’Connor, Soil and Water Science Dept, Univ of Florida 1644b Improvement of Low Fertility Soils (Oxisols) for High Productivity and Sustainability of CropLivestock Systems in Tropical Savannas of Colombia. Edgar AMEZQUITA*1, Idupulapati Rao2, Marco Rondon2, Edmundo Barrios2, Miguel Ayarza Sr.2, Phanor HOYOS1 and Diego Molina3, (1)Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), (2)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT, (3)Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical–CIAT 1645a Fate of Fecal Coliforms and Salmonella in Class B Biosolids-Amended Farmlands. Lakhwinder S. Hundal*, Albert Cox, Richard Gore, Geeta Rijal, James Zmuda and Thomas Granato, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago 1645b Restoring Soil Quality and Forests on Mined Land in the Appalachians: Results and Outcomes of a 25-year Research Program. James A. Burger*1, Beyhan Y. Amichev2 and Carl E. Zipper2, (1)Virgnia Tech, (2)Virginia Tech 1740a Phytostabilization of a Industrial Residue Contaminated with Zn and Cd. Fabiana S. Santos*, Márcio O.L. Magalhães, Nelson Mazur and Nelson M.B. Amaral Sobrinho, Soil Department, Federal Rural Univ of Rio de Janeiro 1741a Reduction of Cd Uptake by Rice in the Winterflooded Paddy Fields. Tadao Aoda*, Niigata Univ 1741b Heap Leaching of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil Using Advanced Oxidation Processes for Treatment of Extractants in a Closed Loop. Domen Lestan* and Neza Finzgar, Biotechnical Faculty, Univ of Ljubljana 1742a Efficacy of Organic Amendments Integrated with Gypsum on Amelioration and Crop Productivity of Sodic Land. Dr. B.R. Gupta* Sr., CSA Univ of Agriculture and Technology 1742b Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation on Arsenic and Phosphorus Uptake by Trifolium repensin and Oenothera odorata Jacq. in Arsenic Contaminated Soil. Dae-Yeon Kim*1, Yun-Jeong Lee2, Nam-In Goo1, Jinho Jung1 and Jeong-Gyu Kim1, (1)Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea Univ, (2)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 1743a Application of Cupriavidus Metallidurans CH34 and Escherichia coli to Bio-Remediate Zinc, Cadmium and Copper Contaminated Soils. Jean M. F. MARTINS* and Veronique Guiné, CNRS–LTHE 1743b Soil Microbial Biomass and Activity under Different Soil Management in a Brazilian Oxisol. Elcio L. Balota*, Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR) and Richard P. Dick, The Ohio State Univ 158-16 158-17 158-18 158-19 158-20 158-21 158-22 158-23 158-24 158-25 158-26 158-27 158-28 1744a Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Three Ecosystems in Tropical Peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia. Lulie Melling1, Ryusuke Hatano2, Kah Joo Goh*3 and Takashi Inoue2, (1)Dept of Agriculture, (2)Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ, (3)Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn Bhd 1744b Toxicities of Soil Cadmium towards Wheat Triticum aestivum and Its Bioremediation Potential. JUN GONG*, CK Life Sciences Limited and Siu-Wai Chiu, Dept of Biology, The Chinese Univ of Hong Kong 1745a Impact of Phosphate on Iron Oxide Bioreducibility and Mineralization. Thomas Borch*1, Yoko Masue2 and Scott Fendorf2, (1)Colorado State Univ, (2)Stanford Univ 1745b Nutrient Leaching from Coal Refuse Amended with Reclamation Rates of Composted or Fresh Poultry Layer Manure. Richard Stehouwer*, Pennsylvania State Univ 1840a EDTA-Assisted Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals in Biosolids: Comparison of Composted Biosolids and Soil with Injected Biosolids. M. B. Kirkham*, Kansas State Univ and M. Stanley Liphadzi, Water Research Commission 1840b Reclamation of Coal Mine Wastes Using Lime Cake By-Products in Korea. Jae E. Yang*1, KiCheol Eom2, Jai Joung Kim3, Kyung-Yoal Yoo1 and Yong-Sik Ok1, (1)Kangwon National Univ, (2)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (3)Chungbuk National Univ 1841a Microbial Effects on the Fractionation of Cu and Zn in the Rhizosphere of Forest Soils. Benoît Cloutier-Hurteau*, Dépt de Géographie, Univ de Montreal, Sébastien Sauvé, Dépt de Chimie, Univ de Montréal and François Courchesne, Dépt de Géographie, Univ de Montréal 1841b Carbon Dynamics Following the Conversion of Pasture to Rubber-Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) Plantations in Brazil. Maren Oelbermann*1, Dalziza Oliveira 2 , Claudia Wagner-Riddle 3 , Paulo H. Caramori2 and Monique Leclerc4, (1)Univ of Waterloo, (2)Instituto Agronomico do Parana (IAPAR), (3)Univ of Guelph, (4)Univ of Georgia 1842a Degradation of Naphthalene-Benzene-Ul-14c in a Brazilian Diesel-Contaminated Oxisol. Miriam A. Albuquerque*, Centro Univ Caratinga, Bruno M.G. Alves, UNEC and Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer, Dpto do Solos, Univ Federal de Viçosa 1842b The Fate and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in the Solution Phase of Biosolids during Phytoextraction Using Salix reichardtii and Populus balsamifera. Trang T. Huynh*1, Alan J.M. Baker1, W. Scott Laidlaw1, Balwant Singh2 and David Gregory3, (1)Univ of Melbourne, (2)Univ of Sydney, (3)Melbourne Water 1844a Excess Phosphorus Loading in Soils Receiving Swine Waste Inputs. Paul Smithson*, Berea College 1844b Enhancing Petroleum Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Efficiency by Indigenous Microbial Consortia in Semi-Arid Australian Soils. Suman J. George*, Mark Tibbett, Alyssa Barron and Alexis Davie, Centre for Land Rehabilitation, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, Univ of Western Australia 1845a Distribution and Relocation of Manure Borne Natural Estrogens in Agricultural Soils. Josefine Beck*1, Kai Totsche2 and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner1, (1)Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde, (2)Universität Jena, Fachgruppe Hydrogeologie SESSION NO. 159 158-30 158-31 158-32 158-33 158-34 158-35 158-36 158-37 158-38 158-39 158-40 158-41 1845b Soil Reclamation and Surface Stabilization at Owens Dry Lake Using Irrigated Saltgrass. John B. Dickey*1, Mica H. Heilmann1, Jason K. Smesrud1, Jim L. Jordahl1, Richard Coles1 and Richard Harasick2, (1)CH2M HILL, INC, (2)LADWP 1941a Speciation of Pb and Zn in Soils Contaminated by Tailings: An Environmental Risk Study. Nadia Martínez-Villegas*1, Luisa Ma. Flores-Vélez2, Carmen E. Martínez1 and Karen Turrubiartes-Higuera2, (1)Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Penn State Univ, (2)Univ Autónoma de San Luis Potosí 1942a Nitrate Leaching from Gorse – A Study from New Zealand. Guna Magesan*1, Hailong Wang1, Peter Clinton1 and John McIntosh2, (1)Ensis, (2)Environment Bay of Plenty 1942b Plant and Soil Responses to Biowaste Application in a Degraded Semi-Arid Ecosystem. Ingrid Walter*1, Fernando Martinez2 and Gabriela Cuevas1, (1)INIA, Dept of the Environment, (2) INIA, Dept of the Environmental 1943a Soil Pollution Assessment by Spectroscopic Analysis. Fawkia Labib Bahna*, A.B. Bishay and M.S. Abdel Aal, National Research Centre 1943b Reducing Sludge-P Phytoavailability as a Means to Maximize Soil Capacity for Sludge Disposal. Xiao-Lan Huang*1, Moshe Shenker 2 and Yona Chen2, (1)Miami Univ, (2)The Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem 1944a The Role of Scattered Agroforestry Trees in Soil Fertility Management in Ethiopia: Synopsis of Research Results on Indigenous Tree Species. Abebe Yadessa*1, Tadesse Woldemariam2, Mohammed Adilo2 and Shimels Tadesse2, (1)Center for Development Research (ZEF), Univ of Bonn, (2)Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization, Forestry Research Center 1944b Soil Indicators for Determining the Impact of Management on the Stability of Grasslands in Cattle Exploitation. Sandra Lok*, Institute of Animal Science 1945a Belowground/Aboveground Biodiversity Relationships in the Humid Forest Zone of Southern Cameroon. Madong A. Birang*, Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD) and Lijbert Brussaard, Wageningen Univ and Research Centre, Dept of Soil Quality 1945b Ten Year Response of Forest Soil Mesofauna to Soil Compaction and Organic Matter Loss. Shannon M. Berch*, BC Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, Jeff Battigelli, Earthworks Research Group and Jan Addison, Royal Roads Univ 1946a The Research on Dynamic Variations of Soil Nutrient Content of Young Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia Lanceolata) Plantation of Second Rotation. Chengdong Yang*, Xingnan Tu and Ruzhen Jiao, Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry 1946b Hydrological Consequences of Native Shrubs in Semi-Arid Sahel: Implications on Sahelian Soils and Agroecosystems. F. Kizito*1, Maria Dragila1, M. Sène2, J. R. Brooks3, Abel Lufafa1 and Richard Dick4, (1)Oregon State Univ, (2)Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA)/CERAAS, (3)Western Ecology Division, US EPA/NHEERL, (4)Ohio State Univ 1947a Soil Sampling to Certify the Changes of Organic Carbon in Mineral Soils. Vladimir Stolbovoy*, Luca Montanarella, Nicola Filippi, Senthil-Kumar Selvaradjou and Javier Gallego, European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability 158-42 1947b Nutrient and Trace Metal Cycling in Small-Scale Peri-Urban Vegetable Farming Systems in Southeast Asia – A Case Study in Peri-Urban Hanoi. Manh Khai Nguyen1, Quang Ha Pham2 and Ingrid Öborn*1, (1)Dept of Soil Sciences, (2)National Institute for Soils and Fertilizers (NISF) SESSION NO. 159 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.5D Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation IV. Salinization, Sodification and Other Forms of Degradation in Agricultural and Native Ecosystems—Poster 159-1 1646a Elemental Sulfur and Broadleaf-4 Effects on Physical and Chemical Properties of Arid Soils. Abdulrazag Falatah*, King Saud Univ, College of Food and Agricultrial Sciences 159-2 1646b Genesis of a Saline-Sodic Soil in Tucupido (Guárico, Venezuela). Jose P. Guerrero*1, Ildefonso Pla2, Rafael G. Camacho1 and Angel Valera1, (1)Romulo Gallegos Univ, (2)Lleida Univ 159-3 1647a Irrigation by Saline Waters & Controlling Soil Salinity; A New Approach. Alireza Guiti* Sr., Islamic Azad Univ, Karadj Branch 159-4 1647b Evaluating Management-Induced Changes from Drainage Water Reuse Using ECa-Directed Sampling: Salinity, Sodicity, and Trace Elements. Dennis Corwin*, USDA-ARS, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory, Scott M. Lesch, Univ of California, Riverside, James Oster, Univ of California , Riverside and Stephen Kaffka, Univ of California , Davis 159-5 1648a Soil Salinity Control: a New Approach. Alireza Guiti* Sr., Islamic Azad Univ, Karadj Branch 159-6 1648b Verification of Annual Irrigation Requirements by Means of Assessment of Indirect Impact on Soil Quality. Iourii Nikolskii Gavrilov*, Oktiabrina Bakhlaeva, Adolfo Exebio Garcia and Ma. Eugenia Delgadillo Pinon, Colegio de Postgraduados 159-7 1649a Salt-Affected Soils in the Baikal Region, Russia. Galina I. Chernousenko*, V.V.Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 159-8 1649b Structural Aggregates’ Stability in Soils Irrigated with Sodic-Saline Water and Subsequently Reclaimed. Giovanna Cucci*, Angelo Caliandro and Giovanni Lacolla, Università di Bari–Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali 159-9 1746a The Spatial Distribution of Soil Salinity: Detection and Prediction. Akmal Akramhanov, CIMMYT, Christopher Martius*, Center for Development Research (ZEF) and Paul L.G. Vlek, Center for Development Research 159-10 1746b Black Carbon from Rice Residues as Soil Amendment and for Carbon Sequestration. Stephan M. Haefele*1, J.K. Ladha1 and Yothin Konboon2, (1)International Rice Research Institute, (2)Ubon Rice Research Center 159-11 1747a Assessment of the Origin of Surface Salinity Problems in the Surroundings of Evaporation Ponds in a Semi-Arid Environment. Thomas Baumgartl*, Kate Secombe, Mansour Edraki and David Mulligan, Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation 145 POSTERS 158-29 SESSION NO. 159 159-12 159-13 159-14 159-15 159-16 159-17 159-18 159-19 159-20 159-21 159-22 159-23 159-24 159-25 146 1747b Evaluating the Effects of Tailwater Irrigation on Soil Salinity and Discharge Water Quality. Heather V. Graham*1, Nigel W.T. Quinn2 and Kate Hucklebridge2, (1)Occidental College, (2)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1748a Soils of Taiga and Their Evolution in the Course of Forest Successions. Lev O. Karpachevskiy*, Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Soil Science, Mikhael L. Karpachevskiy, Moscow State Univ and Tatiana A. Zubkova, Moscow State Univ, Facultty of Soil Science 1748b Effect of Flooding Treatment to Desalinize Greenhouse Soil after Vegetable Cropping. Minkyeong Kim*, Keean Roh, Myungchul Seo, Yeonkyu Sonn, Namjong Lee and Munhwan Koh, Division of Agricultural Environment and Ecology, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 1749a Soil Genetics as Affected by Topography and Depth of Saline and Alkali Ground Water under Semi-Arid Condition in Southern Iran. MK Kianian*, Univ of Tehran 1749b Soil Salinity in the Gobi (Mongolia). Ye.I. Pankova*, V.V.Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 1846a Salinity Hazard Assessment of Paddy Soils in Thailand Using Innovative Ground Geophysics. Jean-Pierre Montoroi* Sr., Institut of Research for Development, Olivier Grünberger Sr., IRD–Land Development Dept, Nordine Bouzid Jr., Zonge Engineering and Research Organization, Inc., Yannick Enet Jr., Paris XII Univ, Jean-Luc Maeght Sr., IRDLDD, Somsak Sukchan Sr., LDD-Office of Soil Survey, Kriengsak Srisuk Sr., GroundWater Research Center and Suwanchai Nadee Sr., GWRC, Khon Kaen Univ 1846b Weeds and Wildfires: Soil Temperature and CO2 Affect Plant Diversity at a Mine Fire. Daniel Ressler* and Erin Markel, Susquehanna Univ 1847a Effects of Salinity, Sodicity, and Clay Mineralogy on Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties. Victor M. Ruiz Vera, Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus San Luis Potosi and Laosheng Wu*, Univ of California-Riverside 1847b Soil Quality Classification of Salt Affected Sites Using Two Combined Multivariate Analysis Methods and Vegetation Associations: A Case Study at the Former Texcoco Lake, Mexico. Norma Fernandez-Buces* and Christina Siebe Grabach, Instituto de Geología, Univ Nacional Autónoma de México 1848a Chemical Properties of Soil and Yield of Sunflower as Influenced by Application of Saline Water and Gypsum. J.R. Kadam*, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth and AM Deokar, Dept of Agri Chem & Soil Sciences 1848b Effect of Irrigation-Induced Salinity and Sodicity on Sugarcane Yields, Soil Chemical and Microbial Properties. Richard John Haynes* and Diana N. Rietz, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal 1849a Micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo) Status of a Sodic Soil under Cultivation of Aromatic Crops. R. P. Singh*, R. K. Singh, S. N. Singh and R. S. Singh, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Udai Pratap Autonomous College 1849b Spatial Variability of Soil Salinity Due to the Presence of Atriplex spp. (saltbush). Reza Soleimani*, Soil and Water Research Institute 1948a Modelling of Prevention of Salt Affected Sandy Soil Degradation on Upper Sieo Watershed by Different Tree Species Plantation. Bubpha Toparkngarm*1, Vidhaya Trelo-ges1, Samang Homchuen1 159-26 and Somsak Sukchan Sr. 2, (1)Khonkaen Univ, (2)LDD-Office of Soil Survey 1948b Halophytic Shrub Plantations and Their Role in Rehabilitation of Salt-Affected Soils at the Coast of the Aral Sea. Nina I. Shevyakova1, Lev O. Karpachevskiy* 2 , S. Lutts 3 and Vladimir V. Kuznetsov1, (1)Timiriazev Institute of Plant Physiology, (2)Moscow State Univ, Faculty of Soil Science, (3)Univ Catholique de Louvain SESSION NO. 160 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 3.5P New Methods for Large-Area Assessment of Soil Degradation—Poster 160-1 1650a Anthropogenic Soil Contamination on Large Scale: Methods of Investigation, Assessment and Rehabilitation by Examples of Eastern Germany. Karsten Grunewald* Sr., Univ of Technologies Dresden 160-2 1650b Thermal Conductivity in Clayey and Sandy Materials. Juana Pérez Arias*1, Manuel Antonio Henriquez Rodríguez2, Ana M. Tarquis1 and José María Gascó Montes 1 , (1)ETSI Agrónomos-UPM, (2)UCLA-agronomía 160-3 1651a NIR Spectroscopy for Large Area Assessment of Ecosystem Responses to Everglades Restoration. Matthew Cohen*, Sabine Grunwald, Mark Clark and Ramesh Reddy, Soil and Water Science, Univ of Florida 160-4 1651b Spatial Modelling of Soil Organic Carbon in a Tropical Agricultural Landscape of Western Kenya. Tom Owiyo*1, Keith Shepherd2 and Stephen D. DeGloria1, (1)Cornell Univ, (2)World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 160-5 1652b Instruments to Evaluate the Agroecological and Environmental Deterioration in Motatan River Basin, Venezuela. José Mendoza*1, Edgar Jaimes1, Neida Pineda1, Yalitza Ramos2 and Juana Linares3, (1)Soil and Water Reasearch Group, Los Andes Univ, (2)Univ Bolivariana de Venezuela, (3)Univ de Los Andes 160-6 1653a Mapping Soil Salinity Using a Combined Spectral Response Index for Bare Soil and Vegetation: A Case Study in the Former Lake Texcoco, Mexico. Norma Fernandez-Buces* 1 , Christina Siebe Grabach1, José Luis Palacio2 and Silke Cram3, (1)Instituto de Geología, Univ Nacional Autónoma de México, (2)Dirección General de Estudios de Posgrado, Uinv Nacional Autónoma de México, (3)Instituto de Geografía, Univ Nacional Autónoma de México 160-7 1653b VNIR (350-2500 nm) and MIR (2500-25000 nm) Diffuse Reflectance of Soil Organic Matter for Calcareous Soils in North Central Montana. David J. Brown*, Montana State Univ, Genevieve Steward, Montana State Univ–Bozeman and Keith D. Shepherd, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 160-8 1750a Land Degradation Surveillance: A Spatial Framework for Characterization, Research and Development. Markus Walsh*, K. D. Shepherd, A. Awiti and T-G Vagen, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 160-9 1750b Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity: Past, Present, and Future Trends in Application. Dennis SESSION NO. 161 1751a 160-11 1751b 160-12 1752a 160-13 1752b 160-14 1753a 160-15 1753b 160-16 1850a 160-17 1850b 160-18 1851a 160-19 1851b 160-20 1852a 160-21 1852b 160-22 160-23 160-24 Beef Pastures in New Zealand. J.L. Moir*1, U. Fertsak2, K.C. Cameron1 and H.J. Di1, (1)Centre for Soil and Environmental Quality, (2)Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management 1853a Assessment of Total, Stable and Labile Carbon Using Visible, Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. Gustavo M. Vasques*1, Sabine Grunwald2 and James O. Sickman1, (1)Soil and Water Science Dept, Univ of Florida, (2)Soil and Water Sci. Dept, Univ of Florida 1853b Chesapeake Bay Riparian Forest and Wetland Buffer Inventory and Analysis Using a Geographic Information Systems Approach. Raymond C. Crew* and Rick L. Day, Penn State Univ 1953a Spatial and Continuous Soil Information Monitoring by Field Server. Masaru Mizoguchi* 1, Masayuki Hirafuji 2, Tokihiro Fukatsu 2, Takuji Kiura2, Kazuya Fujisawa3, Mitsuru Wada3 and Seishi Ninomiya2, (1)The Univ of Tokyo, (2)National Agricultural Research Center, (3)Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd SESSION NO. 161 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.0A Bridging Soil Science, Environmental Policy and Communications—Poster 161-1 1654a Country Almanacs: Geo-Referenced Soil, Social, and other Data for Modelling, Analysis and Policy Planning. Craig A. Meisner*1, Paul Wilkens1, Md. Anwar Iqbal2, A. Kamrul Habib3, D.N.R. Paul4, Abed H. Chowdhury2 and Donbox Sarker5, (1)IFDC, (2)Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council, (3)Soil Resources Division Institute, (4)Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, (5)CIMMYT 161-2 1654b Junior Master Gardener. Sonnie Feagley*, Randy Seagraves and Lisa Whittlesey, Horticultural Sciences 161-3 1655a Web-Based Technology Transfer (the “Open-Access File Cabinet”): An AFSRC Example. K. Dale Ritchey*, Douglas Boyer and David P. Belesky, USDA-ARS Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center 161-4 1655b Regional Nutrient Quota System for Reducing Nutrient Input in South Korea. Youn Lee* and Hongbae Yun, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA 161-5 1754a Improving the Relevancy of Soil Science to Nutrient Management Policy: A Multidisciplinary Investigation of Soil and Manure Management. Peter Kleinman* 1 , Andrew Sharpley 1 , John Schmidt 1 , Curtis Dell 1 and Douglas Beegle 2 , (1)USDA Agricultural Research Service, (2)Penn State Univ 161-6 1754b Participatory Process to Develop a General Permit for Regulation of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in Connecticut. Thomas Morris* 1, Walter Smith 2, Joseph Neafsey 2 and Joseph Wettemann 3 , (1)Univ of Connecticut, (2)USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, (3)Connecticut Dept of Environmental Protection 161-7 1755a Activities of the Southern Extension-Research Activity Group 17 (SERA 17) to Develop ScienceBased Policies and Best Management Practices to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture. 147 POSTERS 160-10 Corwin*, USDA-ARS, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory Rapid Techniques for Large-Area Detection of Soil Physical Degradation. C. T. Omuto*, Univ of Nairobi and K. D. Shepherd, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Mapping Soil Salinity Risk Using Multivariate Geostatistics. Annamaria Castrignanò*1, Nicola Lopez1, Stefania Fanni2 and Rita Puddu2, (1)CRA– Agronomic Research Institute, (2)CRAS-ERA Sardegna Evaluation of the Fitorremediation in Soil Polluted by Diesel. Osmar R. Brito*, Alex G. Pavanelli, Carmen L.B. Guedes, Lucimara J. Koga and Rafael M. Brito, UEL Crop Production and Soil Salinity in the Tsunami Affected Areas of the Eastern Coast of Aceh Province, Indonesia. Teuku Iskandar1, Achmad Rachman*2, M. Nur1, Malem McLeod3, Kasdi Subagyono2, Natalie Moore4 and Peter Slavich4, (1)Aceh Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, (2)Indonesian Soil Research Institute, (3)NSW Dept of Primary Industries, Tamworth, (4)NSW Dept of Primary Industries Impact of Intensified Agriculture Practices in the Nazas-Aguanaval Watershed, Northern Mexico. Jose L. Gonzalez Barrios*1, Luc Descroix2, Juan Estrada Avalos1, Rodolfo Jasso Ibarra1, Ignacio Sanchez Cohen1, Guillermo Gonzalez Cervantes1 and Ignacio Orona Castillo1, (1)INIFAP, (2)IRD Development of a Geographic Information System to Map Salinity Hazard in the Lower Macquarie River Valley. John Triantafilis* 1, Sam Buchanan1 and Inakwu Ominy A. Odeh2, (1)The Univ of New South Wales, (2)The Univ of Sydney Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture from a Rover and Robotic Areial Platform: The Alabama Experiments. Frank Archer*1, Anatolij Shutko1, Tommy L. Coleman1, Alexander Haldin2, Igor Sidorov3 and Evgeniy Novichiknin2, (1)Center for Hydrology, Soil Climatology and Remote Sensing (HSCaRS); Alabama A&M Univ, (2)Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE); Russian Academy of Science (RAS), (3)Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Effects of Sample Preparation on VNIR (3502500 nm) Diffuse Reflectance Predictions of Soil Organic and Inorganic C for Soils in North Central Montana. David J. Brown*, Montana State Univ and Genevieve Steward, Montana State Univ– Bozeman Salinity Risk Modelling in Semi-Arid Australia: A Case Study in the Bourke Irrigation District, NSW. Sam Buchanan* and John Triantafilis, The Univ of New South Wales Long-Term Salinization Dynamics of Irrigated Soils in the Golodnaya Steppe (Uzbekistan) as Determined from the Remote Sensing Data. Ekaterina V. Vilchevskaya* and Natalya V. Kalinina, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute Quantifying Effects of Afforestation and Deforestation on Soil and Forest Floor Carbon Budgets throughout the Conterminous USA from 1900 to 2050. Peter B. Woodbury*1, Linda S. Heath2 and James E. Smith2, (1)Crop and Soil Sciences Dept, Cornell Univ, (2)USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station The Spatial Distribution and Area Coverage of Urine Depositions in Grazed Dairy or Sheep and SESSION NO. 161 161-8 161-9 Forbes Walker*1, Chris Gross2 and Jerry Lemunyon2, (1)Univ of Tennessee, (2)USDA/NRCS 1755b Quantifying Sprawl and its Threat to Prime Farmland. Maaike J. Broos* and Rick L. Day, Penn State Univ 1854a The New York CAFO Program: Succesfully Connecting Science, Policy, Regulation, and Implementation. Karl J. Czymmek* and Quirine M. Ketterings, Cornell Univ 162-12 1661b 162-13 1756a 162-14 1756b 162-15 1757a 162-16 1757b 162-17 1758a 162-18 1758b 162-19 1759a 162-20 1759b 162-21 1856a 162-22 1856b 162-23 1857a 162-24 1857b SESSION NO. 162 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.1A Organic Farming – Advantages and Disadvantages for Soils, Water Quality and Sustainability—Poster 162-1 1656a Effect of Organics on the Productivity of Spanish Bunch Groundnut under Rainfed Farming Situations. Lokanath H. Malligawad* and Parameshwarappa K.G., Univ of Agricultural Sciences 162-2 1656b Organic Approach to Soil and Crop Management for Eco-Friendly Green Chilli Production. Kalpana Rengabashyam*1, Kaleeswari.Kutralingam Ramaiah2 and Devasenapathy Palanisamy2, (1)Dept of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, (2)Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 162-3 1657a Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities Estimated by Biolog GN Substrate Utilization Patterns under Organic Land Use in Korea. Yun-Jeong Lee*1, Jae-Hong Roo1, Sang-Beom Lee1, Yong-Hwan Lee1 and Hyo-Jin Lim2, (1)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, (2)Hankyong National Univ 162-4 1657b Impact of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients on Quality and Yield of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Veerabhadraiah, Chamegowda, Badrinath*, UAS,GKVK,Bangalore560065 162-5 1658a The Effects of Hairy-Vetch and Rye, as Green Manure Crops, on Biomass Production and Nitrogen Utilization of Red Pepper. Jwa-Kyung Sung*, Organic Farming Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 162-6 1658b Application of Innovative Biotechnology in Composting Fish Waste and Improving Nutrient Value. Fu-Hsian Chang*, Bemidji State Univ 162-7 1659a Evolution of Soil-Crop System after Three Year of Aplication the Pig Slurry with Fertilizer Organic in Crop of Broccoli. Miriam Llona* Sr. and Ángel Faz II, Univ Politecnica de Cartagena 162-8 1659b Effect of Enriched Compost on Crop Growth and Soil Properties. K. Srikanth*, Gopalan organics, Gopalan Enterprises International Pvt. Ltd 162-9 1660a Organic Farming Increases Nitrate Leaching from Soils under Cold-Temperate Conditions. Gunnar Torstensson, Lars Bergström, Lennart Mattsson and Holger Kirchmann*, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Soil Sciences 162-10 1660b How Will an Increase in Ecological Agriculture Affect Soil Carbon Balances in Sweden?. Olof Andrén*1, Thomas Kätterer1 and Holger Kirchmann2, (1)SLU, Dept of Soil Sciences, (2)Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Soil Sciences 162-11 1661a Influence on Agricultural Environment by Application of Food Waste Compost. Kyu Ho So*, Jong Sik Lee, Ki Seog Seong and Myung Chul Seo, Na- 148 tional Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Factors Influencing the Soil Nutrient Status of Organic Vegetable Farms in Northeastern US. Thomas Morris*1, Jianli Ping1, Robert Durgy1, George Hamilton2, Stefan Seiter3, Eric Sideman4 and Karen Anderson5, (1)Univ of Connecticut, (2)Univ of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, (3)Linn-Benton Community College, (4)Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, (5)Northeast Organic Farmers Organization-New Jersey Influence of Plant Litter and Animal Excreta on Leaching of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen and Carbon in Pastoral Soil. Anwar Ghani*, Moira Dexter, Martin Kear, Stuart Lindsey and Stewart Ledgard, AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre Correlation of Land Management Practices to the Incidence of Fusarium Wilt of Tomato. Dan O. Chellemi*1, Erin N. Rosskopf1 and Jim H. Graham2, (1)USHRL, USDA-ARS, (2)CREC, Univ of Florida Assessing the Quality of Plant Residues and Managing their Breakdown Rate to Enhance the Sustainability of Lowland Rice Cropping Systems. Gina Villegas Pangga*, Farming Systems and Soil Resources Institute and Graeme Blair, Dept of Agronomy and Soil Science, Univ of New England Vermicompost : A Potential Organic Nutrient Source for Organic Farming. K. Ushakumari*, Sailajakumari M S and Sheeba P S, Kerala Agricultura Univ, College of Agriculture, Effect of Organic Farming on Soil Quality, Nutrient Uptake, Yield and Quality of Indian Spice. Sadanandan A.K Dr* and S. Hamza, Indian Institute of Spices Reseach Effects of Organic Farming on the Labile Carbon Pool in Soils. Katia Liburdi*, Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, Univ of Tuscia, Karsten Kalbitz, Univ of Bayreuth, Dept of Soil Ecology, Sara Marinari, Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, Univ of Tuscia and Stefano Grego, Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, University of Tuscia Effect of Pre-Treated and Enriched Coirdust Compost on the Yield and Uptake of Major and Micronutrients by Corn Crop. Anand H.S.*1, Suseela Devi L.2 and Pardhasaradhi V1, (1)Advinus Therapeutics Private Limited, (2)Univ of Agricultrural Sciences Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Age Chronosequence of Organic Farms. Yoshiaki Ikemura*, New Mexico State Univ and Manoj K. Shukla, Dept of Agronomy and Horticulture Fungal/Bacterial Ratios in Grasslands with Contrasting Nitrogen Management. Franciska T. De Vries1, Ellis Hoffland1, Jaap Bloem2, Nick Van Eekeren3 and Lijbert Brussaard*1, (1)Wageningen Univ and Research Centre, Dept Soil Quality, (2)Wageningen Univ and Research Centre, Alterra, (3)Louis Bolk Institute, Dept Organic Agriculture Study on the Utilization of Food Waste Slurry. KYU HO SO*, Jong-Sik Lee, Ki-Seog Seong and Gun-Yeob Kim, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Difference in Nitrogen Mineralization Properties of Various Organic Inputs in Korean Paddy Soil. Jae-Hoon Shin*, Jong-Chul Yun, Du-Hoi Choi and Han-Myeong Kim, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Organic Production Systems for Pecans. Joe Bradford*, USDA-Agricultural Research Service SESSION NO. 163 162-26 162-27 162-28 162-29 162-30 162-31 162-32 162-33 162-34 162-35 162-36 162-37 162-38 1858a The Effects of Phosphate Solubleizing Bacteria (PSB) on Potato Yield at Iran Environment. Hamid Madani*, Islamic Azad Univ Arak Branch 1858b The Effects of Applied Organic Materials for Improving Soil Physico-Chemical Properties in Paddy Fields. Yong Hwan Lee*, Sang Min Lee, Jwa Kyung Sung, Young Ho Kim, Du Hoi Choi and Gab Hee Ryu, Organic Farming Division, NIAST(National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) 1859a Cow Manure Biodegradation in Corn Under Drip Sub-Irrigation System. Enrique Salazar*, Jose Dimas, Cirilo Vazquez, Manlio Ramirez, Manuel Fortiz and Rafael Zuniga, Durango Univ 1859b Nutrient Supply Ability of Hairy Vetch and Rye as Green Manure in Organic Farming System. Sang-Min LEE*, NIAST 1953b Tillage Systems and Organic Fertilization in Maize Forage. Jose Dimas Lopez 1 , Enrique Salazar*2, Alfonso Avalos Jr.1, Cirilo Vazquez Jr.2 and Rafael Zuniga Jr.2, (1)Univ Juarez del estado de Durango, (2)Durango Univ 1954a Ragi Crop Yield and Physical Properties of the Vertisols as Influenced by Residual Effect of Coir Pith Based Compost with other Organics and Inorganics. A. R. Sushma1, Basavaraja P.K.*2, M. S. Badrinath1 and S. Sridhara3, (1)Univ of Agricultural Sciences, (2)AICRP on STCR, (3)College of Agriculture and Zonal Agricultural Research Station 1954b Potassium Balances and Changes of Exchangeable Potassium in Swedish Long-Term Soil Fertility Experiments on Different Soil Types. Stefan Andersson*1, Magnus Simonsson1, Lennart Mattsson1, Anthony Edwards2 and Ingrid Öborn1, (1)Dept of Soil Sciences, Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), (2)The Macaulay Institute 19555a Assessment of the Influence of Organic Farming on Water Quality by Measuring and Modelling Drainage Water Quality. Frauke Deunert and Nicola Fohrer*, Dep. Hydrology & Water Ressources Management, Ecology Centre CAU Kiel 1955b Comparing Phosphorus Budgets under Biodynamic and Conventionally Managed Irrigated Dairy Farms. Lucy L. Burkitt*, Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, Univ of Tasmania, Doug R. Small, Environmental & Agricultural Consulting Pty Ltd, John W. McDonald, Veterinary & Nutrition Consultant and William J. Wales, Dept of Primary Industries 1956b Production of Plant Growth Hormones and Subtilin from Organic-Biodynamic Manures. Karuppan Perumal* V and Varadarajan Stalin, Shri Amm Murugappa Chettiar Research Center 1957a Impact of Air-jection™ on Yield and Quality of Vegetables Grown in California. Dave Goorahoo*1, Diganta Adhikari1, David Zoldoske1, Angelo Mazzei2 and Richard Fannuchi3, (1)California State Univ-Fresno, (2) Mazzei Injector Corporation, (3) Mazzei Injector Corporation, 1957b Soil Fertility Status of Ultisols as Influenced by Arecanut Based Cropping System and Nutrient Management through Organic Matter Recycling. Ravi Bhat* and Sujatha S, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Regional Station 1958a Productivity and Quality of Wheat and Basmati Rice as Influenced by Organics. Ajit S. Kharub*, Directorate of Wheat Research (ICAR) 1958b Germination of Maize as Affected by Rates and Time of Poultry Manure Application. S. Agyenim Boateng*, Soil Research Institute 162-39 162-40 1959a Composting of Rice Straw and Hardwood Bark with Oilseed Sesame Cake and Rice Bran. SangBeom Lee*, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 1959b Effect of Inoculation of Trichoderma harzianum on the Rate of Sugarcane Bagasse Decomposition and Produced Compost Enrichment. ladan Razikordmahalleh*, Dept of the Environment SESSION NO. 163 Convention Center, Room 104AB, First Floor 4.1B Role of Organic Matter for Soil Properties and Consequences for Environmental Functions—Poster 163-1 2501a Long-Term Fertilization and Rainfall Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Changes of a Haplic Luvisol. László Márton*, Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 163-2 2501b Nitrogen Mineralizing Ability of Gray Forest Soil and Leached Chernozem. Tatyana V. Kuznetsova* 1 , Anastasiya Tulina 1 , Alexander Kuznetsov1, Nataliya Semenova1, Elena Nadezhkina 2 and Vyacheslav Semenov 1, (1)Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, (2)Penza State Agricultural Academy 163-3 2502a Towards a Common Humus Form Classification, A First European Approach: Few Generic Top Soil References as Functional Units. Augusto Zanella*1, Michael Englisch2, Bernard Jabiol3, Klaus Katzensteiner4, Rein de Waal5, Herbert Hager6, Bas van Delft7, Ulfert Graefe8, Jean-Jacques Brun9, Silvia Chersich10, Gabriele Broll11, Eckart Kolb12, Roland Baier13, Rainer Baritz14, Roger Langohr15, Nathalie Cools16, Martin Wresowar4, Gerhard Milbert17 and Jean-François Ponge18, (1)Dept. TeSAF, Univ of Padova, (2)Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Dept. of Forest Ecology and Soils, (3)ENGREF, (4)Institute of Forest Ecology, (5)Alterra, Centre for Ecosystem Studies, (6)Boden Univ, (7)Alterra, Soil Science Centre, (8)IFAB Institute for Applied Soil Biology, (9)CEMAGREF, (10)Centro Ecologia Alpina, (11)Univ of Vechta, (12)Univ of Munich, (13)TU–Munchen, (14)Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, (15)Univ of Ghent, (16)Institute for Forestry and Game Management, (17)Geological Survey of Northrhine-Westphalia, (18)Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle 163-4 2502b Soil Enzyme Activity as Affected by the Integrated Use of P Sources with Vermicompost and Phosphobacteria in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum) – Pulse (Vigna Ungigulata) MIX in an Inceptisol. Subramanium Thiyageshwari* and Duraisamy Selvi, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 163-5 2503a Glomalin and Water-Stable Aggregation Measurements in Northern Plains Rangeland Management Studies. Kristine A. Nichols*, USDAARS, John R. Hendrickson, USDA-ARS, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory and James E. Millar, USDA-NRCS 163-6 2503b Effect of Organic Manures on Micronutrients Availability in Different Soils. Sogol Rasoli* and Akbar Forghani, Guilan Univ 149 POSTERS 162-25 SESSION NO. 163 163-7 163-8 163-9 163-10 163-11 163-12 163-13 163-14 163-15 163-16 163-17 163-18 163-19 163-20 150 2504a Dynamics of Macro and Micronutrients in Lowland Rice as Affected by the Continuous Adoption of STCR-IPNS Technology in Typic Haplustalf. Subramanium Thiyageshwari*, P. Murugesa Boopathi and R. Natesan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 2504b Sustaining Soil Health Using Biodigested Organic Manures and Inorganic Manure in a Rice-Based Cropping System. Maragatham Narayanan*, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ 2505a Soil Specific Surface Area After 40 Years of Different Organic and Mineral Fertilizer Use. Francesco Morari* and Chiara Pagliarin, DAAPV, Univ of Padova 2505b Soil Pore Size Distribution after 40 Years of Different Organic and Mineral Fertilizer Use. Francesco Morari*, Chiara Pagliarin and Luigi Giardini, DAAPV, Univ of Padova 2601a Application of a General Relationship between Soil Particle Density and Organic Matter to Mollisols of Santa Fe (Argentina). Miguel A. Pilatti, Pablo J. Ghiberto and Silvia Imhoff*, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral 2601b Analytical Investigation of Surface Soil Associated with Revegetated Riparian Sites in Gippsland’S Dairy Industry. Yvette F. Cole*, Antonio F Patti and Samuel B Adeloju, Monash University School of Applied Sciences & Engineering/Centre for Green Chemistry 2602a CO2 emission from agricultural soil after green manuring. Roberto Mancinelli1, Sara Marinari*2, Alessandra Di Tizio2 and Enio Campiglia1, (1)Dept. Crop Production, (2)Dept. Agrobiology and Agrochemistry–University of Tuscia 2602b Interactions of recPrP with organic matter of soil aggregates. Luigi P. D’Acqui*1, Amaranta Pucci1 and Luca Calamai2, (1)Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi CNR–ISE, (2)Università di Firenze 2603a Maturity and stability parameters of composts prepared from farm wastes. Devraj Chauhan*, V.S. Mor and C.P. Singh, CCS, HAU, HISAR, HARYANA 2603b Influence of Selected Organic Mulches on Soil Temperatures, Soil Moisture and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Production under Tropical Monsoon Climate. (None) Komariah*1, Kengou Itou 2 , Senge Masateru 2 and (None) Afandi 3 , (1)United Graduate School of Gifu University, (2)Agriculture Faculty, Gifu University, (3)Agriculture Faculty, Lampung University 2604a Soil Organic Matter quality after 40 years of different organic and mineral fertilizations in three soils. Francesco Morari*1, Serenella Nardi2, Antonio Berti1, Emanuele Lugato1, Paolo Carletti2 and Luigi Giardini 1 , (1)DAAPV, University of Padova, (2)Dipto Biotecnologie Agrarie 2604b Response Of Cmic-To-Corg To Land Use And Fertilization In Subtropical Region Of China. Liu Shoulong* 1 , Wu Jinshu 2 , Su Yirong 2 , Huang Daoyou 2 , Xiao Heai 2 and Tong Chengli 2 , (1)Huazhong Agricultural Univ, (2) Chinese Academy of Sciences 2605a Variation in Some Properties of a Soil Conditioned by Oil Waste. Giovanna Cucci*, Università di Bari- Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali, Giovanni Lacolla, Università di Bari-Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali and Leonardo Caranfa, Liceo Scient. Polivalente 2605b Cosequences of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients on Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil 163-21 2606a 163-22 2606b 163-23 2701a 163-24 2701b 163-25 2702a 163-26 2702b 163-27 2703a 163-28 2703b 163-29 2704a 163-30 2704b 163-31 2705a 163-32 2705b 163-33 2706a under French Bean Land Use Cover. Veerabhadraiah,T.N.,Chamegowda,T.C Badrinath*, Agriculture college,UAS,GKVK,Bangalore-560 065 Effect of Lignite Humic Acid and Fertilizers on the Yield of Onion and Nutrient Availability. Mani Sangeetha*, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Soil Organic Matter at Steep-Slopes under Coffee Cultivation. Norma Eugenia García-Calderón*1, Gustavo Alvarez1, Pavel Krasilnikov1, María del Socorro Galicia1 and G. Almendros2, (1)Univ Nacional Autónoma de México, (2)Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC Heavy Metal Content in Humic Acids by PIXE of Hyposodic Calcaric Phaeozems and Rendzic Leptosols Irrigated with Wastewater, DDR-063, Mexico. Iván E. Reyes Solis* 1 , Norma E. García Calderón1, Diana E. Servín Ruíz1 and Corina Solís2, (1)Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, (2)Instituto de Física, UNAM Rotation and Tillage Affects on Soil Organic Carbon and Management of No-Till Acid Soils. Chad Godsey, Gary Pierzynski*, David Mengel and Ray Lamond, Kansas State Univ Optimum Broiler Litter Application Date on Bermudagrass in Southeastern U.S. K. R. Sistani*1, A. Adeli1, Haile Tewolde1 and Geoff Brink2, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)USDA-Agricultural Research Service Influence of Lignite Humic Acid on the Micronutrient Availability and Yield of Blackgram in an Alfisol. Ramasay Natesan*, S. Kandasamy, S. Thiyageshwari and P. Murugesa Boopathy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Carbon Dynamics in Salt-Affected Soils. Vanessa N.L. Wong*1, Richard S.B. Greene1, Ram C. Dalal2, Brian W. Murphy3 and Surender Mann4, (1)School of Resources, Environment and Society, The Australian National Univ, (2)Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, (3)New South Wales Dept of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, (4)Western Australia Chemistry Centre Effect of Municipal Waste Compost Leachate on Yield and Trace Elements Uptake by Lettuce and Maize in Calcareous and Non-Calcareous Soils. Samaneh Aryabod1, Amir Fotovat*1, Amir Lakzian2 and Gholamhossein Haghnia1, (1)Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad, (2)Ferdowsi Univ Soil Carbon Mineralization in Mediterranean Environment: Effects of Land Use and Management Practices. M. Cristina Moscatelli, Sara Marinari*, Alessandra Di Tizio and Stefano Grego, Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry–Univ of Tuscia Refining Algorithms in the Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool for the Lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Laura A. Dell’Olio*, Rory Maguire and Deanna Osmond, North Carolina State Univ, Dept of Soil Science The Organic Carbon stock in the Soils and Forests of Lombardy (North Italy). Stefano Brenna* and Silvia Solaro, ERSAF Long-Term Effects of Inorganic and Organic Inputs on Yield and Soil Fertility in the Rice-Wheat Cropping System in India. D.S. Mehla 1, J.P. Singh*1, K.S. Sekhon2, D. Sihag3 and K.K. Bhardwaj1, (1)Dept of Soil Science, (2)PAU Regional Research Station, Bhatinda, (3)Dept of Agriculture, Haryana Influence of Orchards Soil Management Practices on Soil Chemical Properties. Enio Campiglia1, Roberto Mancinelli1, Sara Marinari*2 SESSION NO. 164 2706b 163-35 2801a 163-36 2801b 163-37 2802a 163-38 2802b 163-39 2803a 163-40 2803b 163-41 2804a 163-42 2804b 163-43 2805a 163-44 2805b 163-45 2806b SESSION NO. 164 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.1PA Soils and Natural Hazards (Knowledge, Assessment and Mitigation)—Poster 164-1 1662a Phytoextraction of Lead (Pb) with Applied Radish (Rhaphanus Sativa L.). Mehdi Homaee1, M. Hadi Ghaffariyan* Jr.1 and Mohhamad Bybordi2, (1)Tarbiate Modarres, (2)Tehran Univ 164-2 1663a Fate of Arsenic in Some Soils of Bangladesh. S.M. Imamul Huq*1, AFM Manzurul Hoque2, J.C. Joardar3 and J.U. Shoaib2, (1)Dept of Soil, Water and Environment, Univ of Dhaka, (2)Soil Resources Development Institute, (3)Bangladeh-Australia Centre for Environmental Research (BACER-DU) 164-3 1663b Variability of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties as Affected by Flood Spreading in Musian Station (South Western Iran). Reza Soleimani*, Soil and Water Research Institute 164-4 1664b Engineering Property of Marl and its Effects on Instability of Slopes. Reza Shahalipour*, ZPA 164-5 1762a Influence of Soil Characteristics on Profile Distribution of Trace Elements in Indo-Gangetic Alluvial Plain of India. Kuldeep Singh*, Dept of Soil Science 164-6 1762b Soil -Plant Transfer of Radiocaesium (Cs-137) and Dependance on Soil Properties. Sadhasivam Meena*, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ and A. RajaRajan, Regional Research Station 164-7 1763a Remediation of Soil Cadmium Toxicity Using CdZn Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture. D. Mazumdar, SS Das and SK Patra*, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya 164-8 1861a Improvements to Peroxide Oxidation Procedures for Analysis of Self-Neutralizing Acid Sulfate Soils. Angus E. McElnea*, Col R. Ahern and Niki P. Finch, Queensland Dept of Natural Resources and Mines 164-9 1861b Distribution of Man Induced Mineral Salts and Arsenic in the Irrigated Lands of Semi-Arid North Ethiopia. Fassil Kebede Yimamu*, Mekelle Univ 164-10 1862a Degradation of Naphthalene-Benzene-Ul-14c in Microbial- Inocculated Soils from Keller Peninsula, Antarctica. Miriam A. Albuquerque*1, Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer2, Victor V. Pereira2 and Bruno M.G. Alves3, (1)Centro Universitário Caratinga, (2)Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa, (3)UNEC 164-11 1862b The Preference for Electron Acceptors during Nitrate Reduction. Teresa Wodarczyk*1, Witold Stêpniewski2, Magorzata Brzezinska1 and Urszula Kotowska 1 , (1)Institute of Agrophysics PAS, (2)Technical Univ of Lublin 164-12 1961a Effect of Applied Phosphorus and Vermicompost on Removal of Heavy Metals by Leafy Vegetables in Polluted Soil. Velugubantla Adinarayana* and Sukruth T. Kumar, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ 164-13 1961b Use of Extractable Iron as a Differentiating Criterion for Soil Series Separation. Shawn McVey*, USDA-NRCS and The Univ of Connecticut, Harvey D. Luce, Dept of Plant Science and Thomas Morris, Univ of Connecticut 164-14 1962b Compared Micromorphology of Alpine Debris Flow Deposits and Parent Materials. Pascal Boivin*, Institute of Research for Development, Carole Theler, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and John Menzies, Brock Univ 151 POSTERS 163-34 and Andrea Cavalieri1, (1)Dept. Crop Production, (2)Dept Agrobiology and Agrochemistry–Univ of Tuscia Corn Residue Incorporation and Manure Application History Influence Soil Enzyme Activities and Inorganic Nitrogen Dynamic. Farshid Nourbakhsh*1, Nazila Khorsandi1 and Richard Dick2, (1)Isfahan Univ of Technology, (2)Ohio State Univ Study on soil use and management effects on soil property in different areas of Italy. rossella Papini*, Experimental Institute for Soil and Study Conservation, C.R.A., Biochemical,enzymatic and humic fraction transformations during composting of urban and agricultural residues. Bhargavi M.V*, University of Agricultural Sciences Effects of Long-Term Nitrogen Fertilization and Crop Rotation on Soil Quality in Westcentral Illinois. Sindhu Jagadamma*1, Rattan Lal2, Robert G. Hoeft3 and Eric A. Adee3, (1)Ohio State Univ, School of Natural Resources, (2)Carbon Management and Sequestration Centre, School of Environment and Natural Resources, FAES/OARDC, The Ohio State Univ, (3)Univ of Illinois Indexing Organic Material Quality: a Novel Approach to Sustain Soil and Crop Productivity. M. I. Khalil*1, K. Inubushi1 and U. Schmidhalter2, (1)Chiba Univ, (2)Technical Univ of Munich Geochemistry, Microstructure and Micromorphology of Brown Isohumic Soils and Calcimagnesic Soils Amended by Organic Residue Composts and Manure (Sfax and Nabeul Regions , Tunisia). Hafedh Rigane*1, Imen Ben Mahmoud1, Mounir Medhioub1, Tahar Gallali2 and Khaled Medhioub3, (1)Earth Sciences Dept, (2)Laboratory of Pedology, (3)Preparatory Institute of Engineering Studies Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on the Availability of N, P, K and Cationic Micronutrients in Soils Growing Cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. Capitata L.). Pintu Sur* and Dilip Kumar Das, Dept of Ag. Chem. & Soil Science, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya Relationship between Various Soil Organic Matter Pools with Nitrogen Uptake by Wheat. A.P. Gupta*, Dept of Soil Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ and Ranjan Laik, Dept of Soil Science, Rajendra Agricultural Univ, Pusa Evaluation of Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Soils Amended with Sewage Sludge. Paramasivam Sivapatham* 1, Kenneth Sajwan 1, Gamola Fortenberry2, Eric Stidum3, LaShasta Robinson1, Adeniyi Moses1, Ashok Alva4 and Ali Fares5, (1)Savannah State Univ, (2)Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Univ, (3)Rust College, (4)USDA-ARS, (5)Natural Resources and Environmental Management Dept Study of Organic Amendments Effect on Chemical and Biological Degredation of Atrazine in Soil. Gholam Hosain Haghnia*, Ehsan Ranjbar, Amir Lakzian and Amir Fotovat, Ferdowsi Univ The Effect of Organic Materials on the Uptake of Heavy Metals by Maize (Zea mays) in Heavy Metals Polluted Soil. Jolanta Kwiatkowska* and Alina Maciejewska, Warsaw Univ of Technology Duration of Continuous No-Tillage Management and Soil Nitrogen Status in the Virginia Coastal Plain. John Spargo* and Marcus Alley, Virginia Tech SESSION NO. 164 164-15 164-16 1963a Screening Ricinus communis L. (Castor) Cultivars. Ramasamy Krishnasamy*1, M. Malarkodi1 and T. Chitdeshwari2, (1)Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, (2)Agricultural Research Station 1963b Arsenic Uptake of Five Vegetables from Two Natural Arsenic Contaminated Soils and One Soil Treated with Arsenic. Majid Afyuni*1, Mohammad Hajabbasi 1 , Mostafa Mobli 1 and Rainer Schulin2, (1)Isfahan Univ of Technology, (2)ETHZ 165-9 165-10 1665b Effect of Soil Properties on the Quality and Productivity of Coffee in Mountainous Regions of Sierra Madre del Sur (Southern México). LouisPierre Comeau*, Lab. Edafología, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. and Pavel Krasilnikov, (1) Institute of Biology, KarRC, RAS (2) Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM 1666b Soil Characteristics for Qualitative Sangiovese Wine Production in Tuscany (Italy). From the Experimental Vineyard to the Land Evaluation. Edoardo A.C. Costantini*1, Pierluigi Bucelli1, Sergio Pellegrini1, Paolo Storchi2 and Roberto Barbetti1, (1)CRA-ISSDS, (2)CRA-ISV SESSION NO. 165 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.1PB Soil, Wine and Other Quality Crops—Poster 165-1 1565a Yield and Quality of Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus) as Influenced by Micronutrients in Comparison with Microfood with/without Organics and Bio-Fertilizers in an Inceptisol. Selvi Duraisamy*, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Thiyageshwari Subramanian, Dept of Soil Scienceand Agricultural Chemistry, TNAU and Rajkannan Bellie, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, TNAU 165-2 1565b Soil Suitability for the Cultivation of the “Mantuan” Pear (Lombardy, Italy). Stefano Brenna*, ERSAF and Lucio Andreoli, Provincia Mantova 165-3 1566a Effect of Phosphorus and Sulphur application on Forage Yield, Quality, Nutrient Uptake and Cyanide Content of Forage of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Pravinchandra C. Patel*, Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural Univ 165-4 1566b On-Farm Nutrient Management in Cigar Tobacco. Malarvizhi Palaniappa Pillai*, Professor, Dept of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, Sharmila Banu Santhu Mohamed, Professor, Dept. of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ and T. Nagendra Rao, Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada-India Programme 165-5 1567a Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium application on Forage Yield, Quality, Nutrient Uptake and Persistence of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Pravinchandra C. Patel*, Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural Univ and Anilkumar V. Kotecha, Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388110(Gujarat State), India 165-6 1567b Soil, Wine and other Quality Crops, a New Frontier of Soil Science. Edoardo A.C. Costantini*, CRA-ISSDS, Susan Southard, USDA-NRCS and Jessica G. Davis, Colorado State Univ 165-7 1664a Soil Influence on Nitrogen Availability for Sugar Beet. Rosa Marchetti*1, Enrico Biancardi2, Piergiorgio Stevanato2 and Gilda Ponzoni1, (1)Agricultural Research Council–Agronomical Research Institute, Modena Section, (2)Agricultural Research Council–Experimental Institute for Industrial Crops, Rovigo Section 165-8 1665a Soil Influence on the Ripening and ChemicalOrganoleptic Characteristics of “Frantoio” and “Moraiolo” Monocultivar Oils. Antonio Cimato1, Edoardo A.C. Costantini* 2 , Elena Franchini 1 , Cristina Attilio1 and Roberto Barbetti2, (1)CNRIVALSA, (2)CRA-ISSDS 152 SESSION NO. 166 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.2A Soil Care and Quality Soil Management—Poster Convenor: David Dent, ISRIC–World Soil Information 166-1 166-2 166-3 166-4 166-5 166-6 166-7 166-8 166-9 166-10 1568a Mulching for a Healthy Landscape-A Case Study Iranian Soils. Naser Bassirani*, Zabol Univ 1568b Effect of Cultivation on Some Soil Quality Indicators in Irrigated Arid Lands. Abdelaziz S. Sheta*, Ain Shams Univ, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Dept 1569a Effects of Long Term Fertilizer Application and Intensive Cropping on Dynamics of Soil Micronutrients under Tropical Agro Ecosystem. Duraisamy Selvi*1, Palaniappa Pillai Malarvizhi2 and Ponnusamy Santhy2, (1)Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, (2)Dept of Soil Science,TNAU 1570a The Effect of Forest Clearance and Subsequent Land Use on Erosion Losses and Soil Properties in the Golestan National Park, Iran. Ali Reza Zahirnia*, Soil and Watershed Managment Research Institute and Toraj Asadi, Islamic Azad Univ, Bandar Abbas Branch 1570b Current Status of Land and Soil Appraisal in Russian Federation. Oleg A. Makarov* and Maria V. Guchok, Moscow State Lomonosov Univ 1571a Interactions between Soil Microbial Communities, Erodability and Tillage Practices. Kathryn E. Allton*1, Karl Ritz1 and Jim A. Harris2, (1)The National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield Univ, (2)Institute of Water and Environment, Cranfield Univ 1571b Soil Assessment of New Zealand Apple Orchards with different Management Practices. Siva (Sivalingam) Sivakumaran*, Iris Vogeler, Rogerio Cichota, Brent Clothier, Ian McIvor and Markus Deurer, HortResearch 1572a Tillage and Rotation Effects on Pore Size Distribution and Soil Hydraulic Conductivity in a Sandy Clay Loam Soil of the Indian Himalayas. Ranjan Bhattacharyya*, Ved Prakash, S Kundu and H S Gupta, Vivekananda Institute of Hill Agriculture 1668a Vermicompost for Sustaining Soil Productivity. Dhandapni Vasanthi*, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ (TNAU) 1668b Long-Term Effect of Continuous Fertilization on Rice Yields, Nutrient Response, Nutrient Uptake and Soil Quality Parameters in Rainfed RiceRice Cropping Sequence. T. J. Ghose* and A. K. Pathak, Assam Agricultural Univ 166-11 166-12 166-13 166-14 166-15 166-16 166-17 166-18 166-19 166-20 166-21 166-22 166-23 166-24 166-25 166-26 166-27 1669a Evaluation of Different Land Use Systems on Physical Properties of Rainfed Alfisols. Prabhu Prasadini*, Nagender Rao, Sreeman Narayana and Rajya Lakshmi, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ 1669b Quality Indices and Optimum Levels of Nutrient in Fruits Grown on the Calcareous Soils of Iran. MJ Malakouti*, Tarbiat Modares Univ, Soil and Water Research Institute 1670a Effect of Organic Manure and Hydrogels and their Mixtures on the Nutritional and Botanical Properties of Tomato. Abd El-Kader Abd El-Fattah*, National Research Center–Soils and Water use Dept. 1670b Alternative Anlytical Technique for Determination of Soil Fertility. Karuppan Perumal* V, Shei Amm Murugappa Chettiar Research Center and Jayaraman Arunkumar, Shri Amm Murugappa Chettiar Research Center 1671a Effectiveness of No Tillage in Reducing Runoff and Erosion in a Piedmont Location. Charles W. Raczkowski*1, Gudigopuram B. Reddy1, Manuel R. Reyes1 and Keith R. Baldwin2, (1)North Carolina A&T State Univ, (2)North Carolina A & T State Univ 1671b Management of Coastal Salt Affected Soils of India Using Bio-Resource Technology. Ramaiyan Singaravel*, Annamalai Univ 1672a The Changes of Soil Quality of the Successive Chinese Fir Plantation. Qiwu Sun* Sr. and Chengdong Yang, Research Institute of Forestry,CAF 1672b Soil Degradation and Sustainability on Humid Tropical Islands–Palau. Robert T. Gavenda*, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1768a The Influence of Land-Use on the Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter in Northern Kazakhstan. Yusuke Takata*1, Shinya Funakawa1, Kanat K. Akshalov 2 and Takashi Kosaki 1 , (1)Kyoto Univ, (2)Barayeb Kazakh Research and Production Center of Grain Farming 1768b Integrated Nutrient Management for Rice. Poli Raghava Reddy* and Alluri Padma Raju, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ 1769a Effect of Annual Wormwood (Artemiesia annua) Crude Extracts on the Biological and Chemical Properties of Alfisol Soils. M.G. Solomon*, Dept of Soil Science, Univ of Calabar and O.S. Bello, Dept of Soil Science ,Univ of Calabar 1769b Test of Active Organic Matter as a Measure of Soil Quality. K. R. Islam*, Soil and Water Resources, The Ohio State Univ South Centers 1770a Biosolids-Amended Pasture and Cattle Grazing Impacts on Soil Solution and Water Quality. Gueorgui Anguelov* and Ivanka Anguelova, Florida A&M Univ 1770b Restoring the Productivity of Sandy Soils by the Application of Bio-Solids in Saudi Arabia. Ali A. Al-Jaloud* and Ghulam Hussain, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) 1771b Residual Effect of Long-Term Cattle Manure Application on Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Xiying Hao* and Chi Chang, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada 1772a The Effect of Sugar Industry Wastes on Extractable Heavy Metals in Soil. Bhanooduth Lalljee*, Faculty of Agriculture,Univ of Mauritius 1772b Effect of Animal Waste Application on Crop Yield, Soil Physical and Chemical Properties. Mohammed Zerkoune*, USDA/NRCS 166-28 166-29 166-30 166-31 166-32 166-33 166-34 166-35 166-36 166-37 166-38 166-39 166-40 166-41 166-42 166-43 1867a Effect Tillage and Soil Type on Weed Seed Bank. Zoheir Yaghobi Ashrafi*, Tehran Univ 1867b Assessment of Crop Residue and N Management for Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Rotation by DSSAT3.5. Reshmi Sarkar*, Dept of Agriculture and Food and Sandipta Kar, Department of Agriculture and Food 1868a The Study of the Characteristics of Hard Pan of Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts (Jeonbug series) in Korea. Jae-Duk Kim*1, Chul-Hyun Yoo1, ChangHyu Yang2 and kwang-Yong Jung2, (1)Honam Agricultural Research Institute NICS, RDA, (2)Honam Agricultural Reasearch Institute NICS, RDA 1868b High Fertilizer Input Resulted in High Yield and Improved Soil Fertility as Well. Fengrong Zhang* Sr., Yan Xu and Xiangbin Kong, Dept of Land Resource Science, China Agricultural Univ 1869a Features and Properties of Chernozemic Soils and Humic Substances in the Eurasian Steppe. Masayuki Tani*1, Hitoshi Shinjo2, Nobuhide Fujitake3, Hiroaki Sumida4 and Takashi Kosaki2, (1)Obihiro Univ of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, (2)Kyoto Univ, (3)Kobe Univ, (4)Nihon Univ 1869b Nutrient Release from Petrofertilizer (Khondalite) in an Acidic Laterite Soil of South Kerala, India. Rehana Cottage Soudamini Shehana*, Kerala Agricultural Univ, College of Agriculture 1870a Kinetics and Phosphorus Solubilization during Composting of Rice Straw with Rock Phosphate and Industrial Effluents. Singh Kuldeep* II and Ram Singh Dhaliwal, CCS Haryana Agricultural Univ 1870b Physiological Mechanism on Interspecific Facilitation for N, P and Fe Utilization in Intercropping Systems. Long Li* and Fu-Suo Zhang, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural Univ 1871a Study the Effect of Calcium on Salt and Cold Resistance During Seed Germination Stage of Medicago polymorpha. Zoheir Yaghobi Ashrafi*, Kazem Postini and Mohamad Bagher Hoseini, Tehran Univ 1871b Distribution of Some Micronutrients in Four Pedons of Madhupur Tract in Bangladesh. Md. Hasibur Rahman* and Syed Elahi, Dhaka Univ 1872a Sustainable Agricultural Production. Peter A. Kramer*, Biological Design 1872b Organic Amendment Based on Wheat Straw: Influence on Soil Biological Properties. Manuel Tejada1, José Luis Moreno*2, Felipe Bastida2, Teresa Hernández2 and Carlos García2, (1)EUITA-Univ de Sevilla, (2)Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura. CEBAS-CSIC. 1966a A Study of the Effects of Land Disposal of a Water Treatment Residue on Soil Chemical Properties and Growth of Pasture Grass under Field Conditions. Jeffrey C. Hughes*, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal and Sicelo M. Buyeye, Mangosuthu Technikon 1966b Sorption and Transformation of Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Soils following Addition of a Water Treatment Residue. Sicelo M. Buyeye*, Mangosuthu Technikon and Jeffrey C. Hughes, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal 1967a Evaluation of Common Lime Requirement Methods. Chad Godsey, Gary Pierzynski*, David Mengel and Ray Lamond, Kansas State Univ 1967b Liming and Lime-Broiler Chicken Manure Interactions in Two South African Acid Soils: Effects on Nitrogen and Carbon Mineralization. Gcinuh- 153 POSTERS SESSION NO. 166 SESSION NO. 166 166-44 166-45 166-46 166-47 166-48 166-49 166-50 166-51 1968a 1968b 1969a 1969b 1970a 1971a 1971b 1972a langa G. Jezile*1, Dwayne G. Westfall1, David P. Turner2 and Wim Van Averbeke3, (1)Colorado State Univ, (2)ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water, (3)Tshwane Univ of Technology Development of Heavy Metal Adsorbed by Granulation of Natural Zeolite. Yong-Seon Zhang*, Jae-E Yang, Gye-Jun Lee and Seon-Woong Hwang, National Institute of Highland Agriculture, RDA Synthesis and Properties of MCPP-LDH Hybrid. Modabber Ahmed Khan*, Choong-Lyeal Choi, Dong-Hoon Lee, Man Park, Bu-Kug Lim, JongYoon Lee and Jyung Choi, Kyungpook National Univ Pencycuron Application to Flooded Tropical Soils with or without Cow Manure: Degradation and Effect on Microbiological Parameters. Raktim Pal*, Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management Effect of High Levels of Vinasse Application on Soil Fertility and Potash Leaching. Danila Dal Poz Gonzalo*, José Casagrande, Marcio Soares and Ernesto Mouta, Federal Univ of São Carlos Micronutrient Soil Testing by Electro-UltraFiltration (EUF). Diedrich Steffens* Sr., Justus Liebig Univ and Dietmar Horn Sr., EUF Working Group of Soil Fertility , South Sugar Beet Co. How Does Raised Bed Tillage Change Soil Properties, Hydrology and Nutrient Export under Grain Cropping in South Western Victoria, Australia?. Robert Edis*, Philip Newton, Tim Johnston and Jonathon Holland, The Univ of Melbourne How are Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in an Irrigated Maize System Impacted on by Nitrogen and Stubble Management?. Robert Edis*1, Deli Chen1, Debra Turner1, Gailing Wang1, Mick Meyer2 and Clive Kirkby 3 , (1)The Univ of Melbourne, (2)CSIRO Atmospheric Research, (3)CSIRO Land and Water Characterization, In Situ Treatment of Sewage Effluents and their Impact on Soil Micronutrient and Heavy Metal Concentrations. Gopi Ramesh*, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Univ 167-5 1574b 167-6 1575a 167-7 1575b 167-8 1576a 167-9 1576b 167-10 1577a 167-11 1577b 167-12 1673a 167-13 1673b 167-14 1674a 167-15 1674b 167-16 1675a 167-17 1675b 167-18 1676a SESSION NO. 167 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.2B Biologically Intensive Agriculture: an Approach to Combating Hunger for the Poor—Poster 167-1 1572b Sawah Hypothesis for Green Revolution in West Africa. Toshiyuki Wakatsuki*, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Univ, Moro M. Buri, Soil Research Insititute and Oluwarotimi O. Fashola, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 167-2 1573a Use of Leguminous Shrubs for Improved Soil and Crop Productivity in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Daniel N. Mugendi*, Kenyatta Univ 167-3 1573b Economic Evaluation of Locally Available Inputs for Soil Fertility Replenishment in the Smallholder Farming Systems of Meru South District, Kenya. Monicah W. Mucheru-Muna* and Daniel N. Mugendi, Kenyatta Univ 167-4 1574a Role of Potato in Biologically Intensive Agriculture for Food Security and Management of Soil 154 and Environment in Developing Countries. J. P. Singh*, Central Potato Research Station and S.S. Lal, Central Potato Research Institute Treat the Earth Well. Nanga Mady Kaye*, Univ of Nebraska The Need to Formally Assess Bio-Intensive Agriculture Practices and their Impact on Kenyan Smallholder Agriculture. Beth A. Medvecky*, Cornell Univ The Impact of Biointensive Cropping on Yields and Nutrient Contents of Collard Greens in Kenya. Gatua W. Mbugwa*1, Erick C.M. Fernandes2, Max J. Pfeffer2 and Eloy Rodriguez2, (1)Univ of Wyoming, (2)Cornell Univ Biologically Intensive Agriculture—Renewing Earth and Its People. John Beeby*, Molecular Diagnostic Lab, Cornell Univ, John W. Doran, Univ of Nebraska and USDA-ARS cooperator and John Jeavons, Ecology Action Allelopathic Potential of Neem Extract in Horticultural Crops. Rudramuni M.S Rao V.K and Ravindra V*, Indian Intitute of Horticultural Research Intensive Agriculture and Precision Farming for Poverty Alleviation in India. Subhash Chandra*, D. K. Singh and A. K. Singh, Indian Agricultural Research Institute Organic Rice Production for Export by Integrated Management under Sustainable Agriculture Concept. Niyomtham B. and Niyomtham V.*, Rajamangala University of Technology Essan, Kalasin Campus and Kalasin Pithayasan School Nutritional Enhancement of Life for People with HIV/AIDS in Kenya. Eleonore Fosso Seumo and Eric Rusten*, The Academy for Educational Development Biointensive Agriculture in Crete, Greece: A Companion for the Poor and the Rich. Kostas Bouyouris*, Mediterranean Association for Soil Health, Farm Planning and Management, Ken Cassman, Univ of Nebraska and Sotiris Babagiouris, Extension Services, Medditeranean Association of Soil Health Toward Sustainable Farming Systems in the Republic of Moldova. Boris P. Boincean*, Reearch Institute of Field Crops “Selectia” and John W. Doran, Univ of Nebraska and USDA-ARS Cooperator Organic Matter for Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency in Cereal/Legume Cropping Systems in the West Africa Savanna. Generose Nziguheba*1, Chike Nwoke1, Gerd Dercon2 and Jan Diels3, (1)International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, (2)Univ of Hohenheim, (3)Katholieke UnivLeuven Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Integrating Multiple Soil Quality Impacts from Brassica Cover Crops. Ray R. Weil*1, Guihua Chen1, Jill Dean1, Amy Kremen1, Lisa Stocking1, Yvonne Lawely1, Bahram Momen1, Sandra Sardanelli1, Inga Zasada2, John Teasdale2 and Stacy Williams1, (1)Univ of Maryland, (2)U.S. Dept. of Agriculture- Agricultural Research Service Organic Iron-Fertilizers from Hornbeam-Leaves, Outer Tice-Husks, and Charcoal. Pirouz Azizi*, Dept of Soil Science, Univ Guilan and Bruno Glaser, Institute of Soil Science and Soil Geography, Univ of Bayreuth Nitrogen Transfer between Clover and Wheat in an Intercropping Experiment. Agathi-Valentini Pappa*1, Robert M. Rees1 and Christine A. Wat- 167-19 1676b 167-20 1677a 167-21 1677b 167-22 1773a son2, (1)The Univ of Edinburgh–Scottish Agricultural College, (2)Scottish Agricultural College Green Manure Impacts on Nematodes, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Pathogenic Fungi in Tropical Soils Planted to Common Beans. Edmundo Barrios*1, George Mahuku2, Jorge Navia3, Lorena Cortés4, Neuza Asakawa1, Carlos Jara2 and Jenny Quintero1, (1)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), (2)Bean Project, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), (3)Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad de Nariño, (4)Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Valle Denitrification and Nitrate Ammonification by a Rhizobial Agrobacterium Strain in the Presence of C2H2 and C2H4. Gero E. Benckiser* Sr., Institute of Applied Microbiology, Justus-Liebig Univ Giessen Growth of Six Pistachio Cultivars with Respect to their Mycorrhizal Status, Soil Types and Phosphorus Uptake. Narges Rohani* and Ali AhmadiMoghadam, Shahid Bahonar Univ of Kerman N P & K Balance in Swell-Shrink Soil (Vertisol) as Affected by IPNM in Pigeonpea + Soybean (2:4) Intercropping System under Rainfed Conditions in Central India. Ramesh Chandra Jain*, R.A.K. College of Agriculture 168-7 168-8 168-9 168-10 168-11 SESSION NO. 168 168-12 Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, Second Floor 4.2C Soil Quality as it Affects Nutrients in Food Crops and Human Health—Poster 168-1 1773b Investigating the Fate of Residual Organophosphonate Nerve Agent in Soil. Ronald T. Checkai*1, Mark V. Haley 1 , Michael Simini 1 , Carlton T. Phillips1, Charles L. Crouse2 and Kathy L. Matson2, (1)U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, (2)Geo-Centers, Inc. 168-2 1774a Effects of season and daily changes in nitrate (NO3°¥) contaminant levels of lettuce. mohammad reza Momayezi* Sr., agriculture college, Varamin un 168-3 1775a Heavy Metals in Soil-Plant System in a City with Non-Ferrous Ores Extraction and Processing Industry. Radu LACATUSU* 1 , Anca Rovena Voiculescu 2 , Beatrice Kovacsovics 2 , Mihaela Lungu2, Iuliana Gabriela Breaban1, Constantin Rusu1 and Alexandru Bretan3, (1)“AL.I.Cuza” University IASSY, (2)Research and Development National Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment Protection-RISSA, (3)Soil Survey and Soil Testing Office 168-4 1775b Soil Type and Precipitation as Lyme Disease Risk Indicators. Joseph E. Bunnell*, USGS, US Dept. of Interior 168-5 1776a Using by-products of steelmaking industry as soil pH corrective and their effects on Zn, Cu and Cd of soil and tea plant. Seyedeh Fatemeh Kiaee Jamali* and Akbar Forghni, Guilan University 168-6 1776b Influence of land use change on soil nutrients in southern Beijing Municipality following land reform. xiangbin Kong*, China Agricultural University 168-13 168-14 168-15 168-16 168-17 168-18 1777a Human Health Risk Due to Food Produced from Soil Contaminated with Urban Industrial Toxic Wastes. Asim K. Bhattacharyya*1, Sudarshana Chandrayan2 and Sutapa Bose2, (1)Jawaharlal Nehru University / School of Environmental Sciences, New Delhi-110067. ( India )., (2)Jawaharlal Nehru University / School of Environmental Sciences 1777b Cancer and Non-Cancer Health Risk from Eating Cassava Grown in Some Mining Communities in Ghana. Samuel Obiri* and David.K Dodoo, Environmental Research Group,Department of Chemistry 1873a Carcinogenic factors in soil-plant-water system of some areas from Romania. Radu LACATUSU*, Mihaela Lungu, Beatrice Kovacsovics, Doina Plaxienco and Carolina Constantin, Research and Development National Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment Protection-RISSA 1873b Improving zinc availability in rice grains: the role of the soil-plant system in the food chain. Xiaopeng Gao*1, Chunqin Zou2, Fusuo Zhang2, Wen Jiang1, Kai Chen1, Sjoerd Van Der Zee3 and Ellis Hoffland3, (1)China Agricultural University, Dept. Plant Nutrition; Wageningen University, Dept. Soil Quality, Netherlands., (2)China Agricultural University, Dept. Plant Nutrition, Beijing, PR China, (3)Wageningen University, Dept. Soil Quality 1874a Antioxidative and Growth-promoting Effects of Selenium on Soybean Varieties Under Water Deficit. Davood Habibi*1, Masoud Mashadi Akbar Boojar2, Mohammad Reza Ardakani3, Ali Mahmoudi3 and Siamak Shafei3, (1)Islamic Azad University-Karaj Branch, (2)University of Tarbiat Moalem, (3)islamic azad university-karaj branch 1874b Epidemiological study of coccidioidomycosis (valley fever). Joseph Tabor*1, Mary Kay O’Rourke2, Marc Orbach1, Lisa Shubitz1 and Bridget Barker1, (1)University of Arizona, (2)Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health 1875a Crop Cadmium Concentration as Affected by Cadmium Addition in Phosphorus Fertilizers, Across Soil Types. Cynthia Grant*, Agriculture & AgriFood Canada, Don Flaten, Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba and Eugene Gowalko, Canadian Grain Commission 1875b Reduction of cadmium content in Eggplant (Solanum melongena) by grafting onto root stock Solanum torvum. Tomohito Arao* 1, Hiroyuki Takeda2, Eiji Nishihara2 and Takashi Nakano2, (1)National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, (2)Niigata Horticultural Research Center 1876a Prediction of Cadmium Uptake by Rice in Paddy Soils near Closed Mine Area. Won-Il Kim*, GooBok Jung, Jong-Sik Lee, Jin-Ho Kim and JeongTaek Lee, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 1876b Study on Nutrition Absorption Pattern of Vegetable Crops with the Height above Sea Level in Korean Highland. Jeong-Tae Lee*, Gye-Jun Lee, Yong-Ik Jin, Chol-Soo Park and Choon-Soo Lee, National Institute of Highland Agriculture, RDA 1877b Cadmium in Austrian wheat and potatoes—an inventory of sites and varieties. Heide Spiegel*, Georg Dersch, Michael Oberforster, Klemens Mechtler and Andreas Baumgarten, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety 1973a Seed priming with molybdenum alleviates molybdenum deficiency and poor nitrogen fixation of chickpea in acid soils of Bangladesh and India. C. Johansen1, A.M. Musa1, J.V.D.K. Kumar Rao2, D. 155 POSTERS SESSION NO. 168 SESSION NO. 168 168-19 1973b 168-20 1974a 168-21 1974b 168-22 1975a 168-23 1975b 168-24 1976a 168-25 1976b Harris3, A.K.M. Shahidullah1 and J. G. Lauren*4, (1)Peoples’ Resource Oriented Voluntary Association (PROVA), (2)International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), (3)CAZS Natural Resources, (4)Cornell University Arsenic contamination of waters, soils and crops in Bangladesh. G.M. Panaullah*1, Z.U. Ahmed2, G.K.M.M. Rahman3, M. Jahiruddin4, A.T.M. Farid5, M.A.M. Miah6, C. A. Meisner7, R.H. Loeppert8, J.M. Duxbury2, B. Biswas8, J.G. Lauren2, D.N.R. Paul9, S.C. Sinh1 and S.R. Waddington1, (1)CIMMYT Office in Bangladesh, (2)Cornell University, (3)BSMRAU, (4)BAU, (5)BARI, (6)BRRI, (7)IFDC, (8)Texas A&M University, (9)Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Aluminum concentration and forms in tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Masanori Okazaki*, Arata Okuyama, Naoya Nakagawa and Shoji Matsumura, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Iron, Zinc, and Cadmium Status in the Food Chain (Soil-Plant-Human) in Central Iran. Amir Hossein Khoshgoftar*1, Hossein Shariatmadari1 and Penelope Nestel2, (1)Isfahan University of Technology, (2)HarvestPlus Some Aspects of Soil Enzyme Activity Application. Evgenia V. Dadenko*, Rostov State University Chemical extraction methods for various K pools in a dynamic soil K model. A case study in intensive rice cropping in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. My Hoa Nguyen*, Cantho University, Vietnam, Bert H. Janssen, Wageningen University, Oene Oenema, Wageningen University and Research Centre and Achim Dobermann, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Effect of Nitrogen, Potassium and Magnesium on Tuber Yield, Grade and Quality of Potato Cv.Kufri Giriraj. Sharmila Banu Santhu Mohamed*1, Malarvizhi Palaniappa Pillai1, Thiyagarajan T.M. 1 and T. Nagendra Rao 2 , (1)Dept. of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, (2)Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada-India Programme Native Nutrient Supplying Capacity of Potato grown Acid Soils of Nilgiri Hills in South India. Sharmila Banu Santhu Mohamed*1, Malarvizhi Palaniappa Pillai1, Thiyagarajan T.M.1 and T. Nagendra Rao2, (1)Dept. of SS&AC, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, (2)Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada-India Programme SESSION NO. 169 Convention Center, Room 105AB, First Floor 4.3A Land Use Modeling as a Tool to Combat Soil Degradation—Poster 169-1 2001b Effect of Anthropic Activities on Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Different Soil Uses. Jose A. Acosta*, Ángel Faz Cano and Silvia MartínezMartínez, Technical University of Cartagena 169-2 2002a How does the upland settlement program restrain land degradation? Experience from Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. Tapan Kumar Nath*, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo and Makoto INOUE, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate 156 School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo SESSION NO. 170 Convention Center, Room 105AB, First Floor 4.3P Intensification of Agricultural Production Systems and the Environment—Poster 170-1 2002b Effect of Industrial, Municipal and Agricultural Wastes on Peanut Production. Sumana Sarkar*, Young Collaborator, ICTP, Trieste, Italy ; Export-Import Bank of India and Anisur Rahman Khan, ICAR Research Complex For Eastern Region 170-2 2003a Soil Erosion Risk in Croatia. Stjepan Husnjak*, Bogunovic Matko, Vidacek Zeljko, Sraka Mario and Bensa Aleksandra, Faculty of Agriculture 170-3 2003b Subsurface Drain Losses of No3-N from Stagnosols Fertilized with Different Nitrogen Rates. Milan Mesic*, Faculty of Agriculture 170-4 2004a Assessment of Nitrate Leaching under Vegetable Crops: A Case Study of Fluvisol in Southern Bulgaria. Dimitranka I. Stoicheva*, Milena Kercheva and Venelina Koleva, Nikola Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science 170-5 2004b Earthworm Communities along a Gradient of Land Use Intensification in Southern Cameroon. Madong A. Birang*, Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD), Stefan Hauser, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Humid Forest Ecoregional Centre (IITA), Csaba Csuzdi, Systematic Zoology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, ELTE Univ and Lijbert Brussaard, Wageningen Univ and Research Centre, Dept Soil Quality 170-6 2005a Phosphorus Sequestration Ability of Soil in the Upper North Bosque River Watershed. Landon Darilek*, David Weindorf and Anil Kumar Somenahally, Tarleton State Univ 170-7 2005b The Risk of Ground Water Contamination by Chlorate Leaching from Longan Plantations. Somchai Ongprasert* and Winai Wiriya-alongkorn, Mae Jo Univ 170-8 2006a Cause-Effect Analysis of the Agroecological and Environmental Deterioration in High Motatan Subbasin, Miranda Municipality, Merida State, Venezuela. José Mendoza*1, Edgar Jaimes1, Neida Pineda1, Yalitza Ramos2 and Juana Linares3, (1)Soil and Water Reasearch Group, Los Andes Univ, (2)Univ Bolivariana de Venezuela, (3)Univ de Los Andes 170-9 2006b Evaluation of Waste from a Brazilian Siderurgy Industry as Alternative for Soil Acidity Correction. Renildes Fontes*, Univ Federal de Viçosa 170-10 2007a Nutrient Movement below Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Gary Pierzynski*1, Thomas M. DeSutter 2 , Grace Vaillant 1 and J. Ham 1 , (1)Kansas State Univ, (2)USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory 170-11 2007b Measured and Simulated Soil Carbon Content after 50+ Years of Management. Kenneth N. Potter*, USDA-ARS 170-12 2008a Effect of N Inhibitors on Urine Patches in Grazed Pasture System. M. Zaman* and J.D Blennerhassett II, Summit-Quinphos NZ (Ltd) 170-13 170-14 170-15 170-16 170-17 170-18 170-19 170-20 170-21 170-22 170-23 170-24 2008b Ready Insights for the Future: Digital Dissemination of Agronomic and Environmental Knowledge Involved in the Agricultural Development of Central Brazil. George C. Naderman Jr., NC State Univ, Mary A. Ochs, Mann Library, Cornell Univ, David Bouldin, Cornell Univ and K. Dale Ritchey*, USDA-ARS Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center 2101a Assessing River Water Quality in Watersheds of Different Agricultural Land Use and Soil Types. Krishna Prasad Woli*1, Atsushi Hayakawa2, Kanta Kuramochi 2 , Ryusuke Hatano 3 and Toshiyuki Nagumo4, (1)Laboratory of Soil Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ, (2)Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ, (3)Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ, (4)Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka Univ 2101b Georgikon Map-Server and its Role in Reducing Soil and Phosphorus Loss from the Watershed of Lake Balaton, Hungary. István Sisák*, Balázs Bámer and János Busznyák, Univ of Veszprém Georgikon Faculty 2102a Monitoring the Application of Sewage Sludge to Agricultural Fields Using Spectral Reflectance and Remote Sensing. Maruthi Sridhar Balaji Bhaskar* and Robert K. Vincent, Bowling Green State Univ 2102b Indicators for a Sustainable Agriculture: A Farmstead Approach to Model N-Trace Gas Emissions from Agricultural Crop Production Systems in Germany. Brigitta Szyska*1, Martin Bach1, Lutz Breuer1, Hans-Georg Frede1 and Changsheng Li2, (1)Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management (ILR), (2)Complex Systems Research Center–Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space 2103a Land Disposal of Urban Industrial Solid Waste of Wazirpur, Delhi: Effect of pH on Plant Available Sulfur. Gurmeet Singh* and Asim Kumar Bhattacharyya, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ 2103b Soil Microbial Biomass and Diversity Associated with Crops Genetically Modified for Pesticide Resistance. Newton Z. Lupwayi*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Robert E. Blackshaw, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2104a Modeling Nitrous Oxide Emission from Farm Dairy Effluent Irrigation in Grazed Pasture Soils Using NZ-DNDC Model. Rita Bhandral*, Institute of Natural Resources 2104b The Effect of Water-Field Pore Space on N-Losses from Arable Soils. Irina N. Kurganova*1, Valentin Lopes de Gerenyu1, Reinhard Well2, Norman Loftfield2 and Heiner Flessa2, (1)Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, (2)Institute of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition, Univ of Göttingen 2105a Experimental Results and Practical Experiences with the Fluid Fertilizers Point Injection Fertilization in Europe and Potentials to Optimize Fertilization and to Minimize Environmental Pollution. Martin Kücke* and Joerg-Michael Gref, Instituteof Crop and Grassland Science, Federal Agricultural Research Center 2106a Zn and Pb Sobility in Soil at Various Ameliorants Applying. Tatiana Minkina*, Alexei Samokhin and Saglara Mandzhieva, Rostov State Univ 2106b Emerging Resource Conservation Technology through Zero Tillage in Eastern Indo Gangetic 170-25 2107a 170-26 2107b 170-27 2108a 170-28 2108b 170-29 2206a 170-30 2206b 170-31 2207a 170-32 2207b 170-33 2208a 170-34 2208b Plains. Anisur Rahman Khan*1, Alok Kumar Sikka2, S.S. Singh3 and Raj K. Gupta3, (1)ICAR Research Complex For Eastern Region, (2)ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, (3)RWC-CIMMYT, India Plant Water Status and Root Dynamics of Winter Corn under Varying Natural Resource Management. Abdhesh K. Singh1, J.P. Singh*1, S.S. Singh2 and Anisur Rahman Khan3, (1)Rajendra Agricultural Univ, (2)RWC-CIMMYT, India, (3)ICAR Research Complex For Eastern Region Soil Test Crop Response Ttudies on Carrot under Integrated Plant Nutrition System in Ultic Hapludalf of Tamil Nadu (India). Ramar Uma devi*, Palanimuthu Murugesa Boopathi and Mani Sangeetha, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ Dinitrotolune (DNT) Transport and Fate in a Field Controlled Soil Ecosystem. Fawzy M. Hashem* and Arthur L. Allen, Univ of Maryland Eastern Shore Driving Factor Analysis of Typical Salination Area Land Use Changes in Northeast of China. Xin Lin*, Tieheng Sun, Lina Sun and Haibo Li, Shenyang Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering Effectiveness of Liming Material to Amend Acidic Upland Soil and Wheat Productivity. Keshav Raj Adhikari*, Tribhuvan Univ, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Sangam Shrestha, Center of Excellence, Univ of Yamanashi, Padam Prasad Adhikari, Dept of Agriculture, Regional Soil Testing Laboratory, HMG/Nepal and Zueng-Sang Chen, National Taiwan Univ, Dept of Agricultural Chemistry Influence of Steam-Treated Plant Residues on Soil Properties, Plant Growth and Drainage Water Quality. Silvio Yoshiharu Ushiwata*, Graduate School of Science and Techonology, Chiba Univ, Kazuyuki Inubushi, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba Univ and Hiromi Sasa, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Uncertainty Analysis of Human and Environmental Factors on Nitrogen Flow at Different Spatial Scales. Sonoko D. Kimura*, Graduate School of Bio-Application and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Univ of Agriculture and Technology and Ryusuke Hatano, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ Residual and Contact Herbicide Losses in Surface Runoff from Conservation Tilled Watersheds Planted with Transgenic, Herbicide-Tolerant, Corn and Soybean. Martin J. Shipitalo*1, R. Malone2 and Lloyd Owens1, (1)USDA-Agricultural Research Service, (2)USDA-ARS, National Soil Tilth Laboratory Glyphosate and Nutrient (N-P) Addition Effect on Residue Decomposition and Soil Global Biological Activity in the Flooding Pampas (Argentina). Silvia A. Mestelan*, Facultad de Agronomia– UNCPBA and Martin Arzadun, Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios–Chacra Experimental Pasman and Facultad de Agronomia–UNCPBA Nitrogen Transformation in Soils Amended with Urban Industrial Waste and Crop Response. Sutapa Bose* 1, S. Chandrayan 2 and A. K. Bhattacharyya2, (1)Jawaharlal Nehru Univ / School of Environmental Sciences, (2)Jawaharlal Nehru Univ/ School of Environmental Sciences 157 POSTERS SESSION NO. 170 SESSION NO. 171 SESSION NO. 171 Convention Center, Room 105AB, First Floor 4.4A Case Histories of the Relationships Among Soils and Societies—Poster 171-1 2201a Marketing Soil Survey Information. Jon Hempel*, USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Development Center and Lynn Betts, Valadis Corporation 171-2 2201b The Use of Sustainable Green Wastewater Treatment Technology Across the Andes , Ecuador, South America. Ronald L. Lavigne*, University of Massachusetts 171-3 2202a Finding Common Ground: A New College Course Examines the Intersection of Soil Science and Public Health. Elizabeth A. Hodges* and George A. O’Connor, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida 171-4 2202b A Pilot Project:Initiating Production of Upland Rice in Virgin Inland Swamps of Sierra Leone, Africa. Eugene Brams*, Texas AM/Prairie View AM 171-5 2203a Soil and Art—the Aesthetic of Dirt. Gerd Wessolek*, Technical University Berlin 171-6 2203b The Status of Soil Science. Gordon J. Churchman*, University of Adelaide 171-7 2204a Educating Future Soil Scientists: Using Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. Rosalie T. Carpenter*, Washington and Jeffeson College and Stephen Carpenter, USDA Natural Resources Conservation 171-8 2204b Cartoon As a Teaching Aid for Soil Sciences. HaeNam Hyun*, Cheju National University, Yi Nam, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Nonghyup) and Jae E. Yang, Div. of Biol. Environ. Coll. of Agri. & Life Sciences, Kangwon National University 171-9 2205b The ‘Cycle of Life’ in Soil Science. Lloyd Ackert*, Yale University SESSION NO. 172 Convention Center, Room 105AB, First Floor 4.4P Soil Science and International Organizations —Poster 172-1 2301b An Overview of the Recent Soil-Water-Plant Research and Technical Activities of the FAO/IAEA Programme. Gudni Hardarson*, Lee Heng, Lionel Mabit, Rachid Serraj, Claude Bernard and Minh Long Nguyen, FAO/IAEA 172-2 2302a An accessible digital archive of soil maps. SenthilKumar Selvaradjou*1, Luca Montanarella1, Otto Spaargaren2 and David Dent2, (1)European Commission, (2)ISRIC–World Soil Information 172-3 2302b Dr.Elena Grigorieva. Elena E. GRIGORIEVA*, Russian Trade Mission in Canada 172-4 2303a ACSAD Experiences in Desertification Combating and Rehabilitation of Degraded lands. Farouk Saleh Fares*, Gilani Mhimed Abdelgawad and Abdul Rahim Loulou, ACSAD 172-5 2303b Technical Cooperation and Research Activities of NRD-UNISS in Northern Africa. Claudio Zucca*1, Giuseppe Enne1 and Franco Previtali2, (1)Centro Interdipartimentale di Ateneo NRD–Nucleo Ricerca Desertificazione, Università di Sassari, (2)Dip. 158 172-6 2304a 172-7 2304b 172-8 2305a 172-9 2305b 172-10 2306a 172-11 2306b Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Università di Milano–Bicocca Soil Science Issues in International Organizations. Elena E. GRIGORIEVA*, Russian Trade Mission in Canada Is there a link between soil properties and anthrax outbreaks?. Mabel Pazos*1, Nuria Roca1, Ramón Noseda2 and Gustavo Combessies2, (1)Facultad de Agronomía–UNCPBA, (2)Laboratorio Azul Diagnóstico S.A. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Soil Issues. Freddy O. Nachtergaele*, Rudi Dudal and Louise Fresco, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Simplified Delivery System for Internet-based Soil Science Lessons. George Van Scoyoc*, John G. Graveel and William W. McFee, Purdue University History of Dredged Material Management and Usage in the United States. Christina C. Kennedy*, US Army Corps of Engineers Historic and Future Perspectives of 1890 Universities and National Cooperative Soil Survey. Leslie Glover* II, Natural Resource Conservation Service SESSION NO. 173 Convention Center, Room 105AB, First Floor 4.5A History of Soil Science in Developing Countries —Poster 173-1 2401a Landmarks of History of Soil Science in Sri Lanka. Ranjith B. Mapa*, Department of Soil Science 173-2 2401b The main moments in the development of soil classification in Romania. Ioan M. Munteanu*, RISSA–Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry 173-3 2402a Discovering Soils in the Tropics: Charter’s Interim System of Tropical Soil Classification. William R. Effland*1, Rexford D. Asiamah2, T. Adjei-Gyapong3, E. Boateng3, Christian Dela-Dedzoe4 and Andrew Manu5, (1)USDA/NRCS Soil Survey Division, (2)Soil Research Institute, (3)CSIR/SRI, (4)CSIR Soil Research Institute, (5)Iowa State University 173-4 2402b Historical development of soil science in Malaysia. Selliah Paramananthan*1, Lah J. Uyo2 and Lulie Melling2, (1)Param Agricultural Soil Surveys (M) Sdn. Bhd., (2)Soil Division, Department of Agriculture Kuching 173-5 2403a The Soil Management Support Services: training the trainers overseas. Richard Arnold*, USDANRCS (retired) 173-6 2403b Colonial Soil Science in the Former British West Indies. Benno Warkentin*, oregon state university 173-7 2404a Soil Survey in Puerto Rico: A Brief History. Douglas Helms*, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Friedrich Beinroth, University of Puerto Rico and Hari Eswaran, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 173-8 2404b The History of Soil Science in the Caucasus. Tengiz Urushadze*, Georgian State Agricultural Univer- 173-9 2405a 173-10 2405b 173-11 2406a 173-12 2406b 173-13 2407a 173-14 2407b 173-15 2408a 173-16 2408b sity, Eric Molchanov, V.Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, and Unan Kazarian, Armenian Soil Science, Agro chemistry, Melioration Institute Soil science publications – History and current trends. Alfred Hartemink*, ISRIC–World Soil Information Pedophilosophy (Pedosophy) – a new field of philosophy of science. Ioan M. Munteanu*, RISSA– Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Soil Science and Philately. Hans-Peter Blume*, University of Kiel What has soil science learnt from an early volcanic landscape study in south-east Australia?. Jonathan E. Holland*, University of Melbourne Historical evolution of the scientific method and its application to soil science. Pierfrancesco Nardi*, Fabio Tittarelli and Paolo Sequi, CRA–Italian Agricultural Research Council–Experimental Institute for Plant Nutrition New opportunities of chemical amelioration of sodic-saline soils in the Ararat Plain in Armenia. H. S. Hovhannisyan and Gagik Karamyan*, Metta Group, LLC The Benguet State University Soil Science Research Information Compendium. Tessie Miga Merestela*, Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Benguet State University Hugh Hammond Bennett’s Journey: Soil Scientist to Soil Conservationist. Douglas Helms*, Natural Resources Conservation Service 174-5 174-6 174-7 174-8 174-9 174-10 SESSION NO. 174 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better Management—Poster 174-1 2901a Formation of Fe oxides from K-jarosite: effect of temperature, pH, phosphate, and salt concentration. Vidal Barrón* and José Torrent, Universidad de Córdoba 174-2 2901b Acidification of groundwater caused by a falling water table in a sandy aquifer in the Perth Region, Western Australia. Troy JF Cook*1, Ron Watkins1, Steve Appleyard2 and Ryan J. Vogwill3, (1)Curtin University of Technology, (2)Department of Environmental Protection, Perth, Western Australia., (3)Department of Environment 174-3 2902a The influence of metal leakage from acid sulphate soils on estuarine sediments in western Finland. Linda Nordmyr*1, Mats Åström2, Peter Österholm1 and Pasi Peltola2, (1)Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Åbo Akademi University, (2)Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar University 174-4 2902b Effect of toxic metals mobilised from Finnish acid sulphate soils on terrestrial and aquatic biota and human health: a literature review. Rasmus Fältmarsch*, Department of Geology and Mineralogy at Åbo Akademi University and Mats Åström, Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar University 174-11 2903a Revegetation of acid sulfate soil scalds in coastal New South Wales, Australia. Mark Allan Rosicky1, Leigh Sullivan*1 and Peter Slavich2, (1)Southern Cross University, (2)NSW Department of Primary Industries 2903b Identification and Characterization of AcidityTolerant and Al-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Tea Soil. Chau Thi Tuong Ngo*, Hue University of Sciences and Shinjiro Kanazawa, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 3001a Role and the effectiveness of phospho-microorganisms with rock phosphate. Bunjirtluk Jintaridth*1, Pittayakorn Limthong2, Tippawan Inthasothi3 and Charoen Charoenchamratcheep2, (1)University of Kentucky, (2)Land Development Department, (3)Office of Science for Land Development 3001b Adaptive Excretion of Ammonia of Ludwigia adscendens, an Adapted Plant in Highly Acidic Swamps in an Acid Sulfate Soil Area of Viet Nam. Tomoko Aizawa* 1 , Ve B. Nguyen 2 , Hiroyuki Kashima1, Noriyuki Iwabuchi1, Isao Hasegawa1, Satohiko Sasaki1, Mutsuyasu Nakajima1 and Michio Sunairi1, (1)Nihon University, (2)Can Tho University 3002a Distribution and behaviour of sulfur species in acid sulfate soils, western Finland. Anton Boman*1, Petri Lintinen2, Sören Fröjdö1 and Mats Åström3, (1)Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Åbo Akademi University, (2)Geological Survey of Finland, (3)Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar University 3002b Physico-chemical amendments of acid sulfate soil for rice production in Bangladesh. Md. Harunor Rashid Khan*1, SM Kabir2, MMA Bhuiyan2, HansPeter Blume3, Tadashi Adachi1, Yoko Oki1 and K. R. Islam4, (1)Department of Environmental Management Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University, (2)Dept. of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka, (3)University of Kiel, (4)Soil and Water Resources, The Ohio State University South Centers 3016a Information transfer between studies of acid sulfate soils and acid rock drainage. D. McConchie*1, M. Clark1, J. Jonas2, J. Rouse2 and N. Bardach2, (1)Southern Cross University, (2)Virotec North America SESSION NO. 175 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change—Poster 175-1 2910a Chemical attributes of Ornithogenic Cryosols on volcanic rocks from Maritime Antartica. Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer*, Felipe N.B. Simas, Manoel R. Albuquerque, Liovando M. Costa, Luiz E. Dias, Victor V. Pereira and Roberto F.M. Michel, Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa 175-2 2910b The project “Carbon Pools in Permafrost Regions” (CAPP) and the Cryosol Working Group (CWG): International Platforms for Soil related Topics of the International Permafrost Association (IPA). Eva-Maria Pfeiffer*, University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science, Peter Kuhry, University of Stockholm and Sergey V. Goryachkin, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences 159 POSTERS SESSION NO. 175 SESSION NO. 175 175-3 175-4 175-5 175-6 175-7 175-8 175-9 175-10 175-11 175-12 175-13 175-14 160 2911a Soil organic carbon content and its distribution in Northern Canada database and overview. MF Hosssain*, CCRS, Natural Resources Canada 2911b Soils Developed from Volcanics in Keller Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica: Formation and Mapping. Marcio R. Francelino* Sr.1, Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer2, Elpidio I. Fernandes Filho2, Felipe N.B. Simas2 and Manoel Ricardo Albuquerque3, (1)Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, (2)Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa, (3)EMBRAPA 2912a Micromorphology and microprobe study of phosphate reaction in ornithogenic cryosols from Antarctica. Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer*1, Felipe N.B. Simas1 and Bob Gilkes2, (1)Departamento do SolosUniversidade Federal de Viçosa, (2)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The University of Western Australia 2912b Cambisols and Luvisols—“Zonal” Soils of EastEuropean Tundra. Valentine D. Tonkonogov*, Dokutchaev Soil Institute, Russian Agricultural Academy and Sergey V. Goryachkin, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences 2913a Are Cryosols on the move? A reflection on the classification of permafrost-affected soils during the development of the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). Otto Spaargaren*, ISRIC– World Soil Information 3009b Problem of Gley Diagnostics: Color and Iron Chemistry in Cryosols of Kolyma Lowland. Yuriy N. Vodyanitskii, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and Nikita S. Mergelov*, Institute of Geography, RAS 3010a Frost Action in the Mountain Soils of Central Europe (Tatra Mts.)—Relict or Contemporary Processes. Marek Drewnik* Sr., Jagiellonian University 3010b Maps of Cryogenic Conditions and Phenomena in Soils of Russia. Tatiana V. Ananko, Dmitry Ye. Konyushkov*, Yevgeny M. Naumov, Ilia A. Sokolov and Tatiana Ye. Yakusheva, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute 3011a Phosphate minerals in ornithogenic Cryosols of Maritime Antarctica. Felipe N.B. Simas*1, Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer1, MArtin Saunders2, Vander Freitas de Melo3, Marcelo B. Guerra4 and Robert Gilkes5, (1)Departamento do Solos-Universidade Federal de Viçosa, (2)University of Western Australia, (3)Universidade Federtal do Parana, (4)Universidadde Federal de Viçosa, (5)School of Earth and Geographical Sciences The University of Western Australia 3011b Quantitative Mineralogical Indices to Diagnose Cryogenic and Pedogenic Weathering in Soils of the Northern Part of the East European Plain. Victor V. Rogov and Dmitri L. Golovanov*, Geographical Faculty, Moscow Sate University 3012a Methane and Carbon Dioxide Release from Eroding Coastline of North Slope, Alaska. Gary J. Michaelson*1, Ping Chien-Lu1, M. Torre Jorgenson2, Fugen Dou1, Yuri Shur1 and Laodong Guo1, (1)University of Alaska Fairbanks, (2)Alaska Biological Research Inc 3012b Use of Paleo-Cryosols in Reconstructing Late Pleistocene Full Glacial Environments of Central Yukon, Canada. C.A. Scott Smith*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Paul Sanborn, University of Northern British Columbia, Duane G. Froese, University of Alberta, Grant D. Zazula, Simon Fraser University and John A. Westgate, University of Toronto SESSION NO. 176 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics —Poster 176-1 3101a Comparative Estimation of Influence of a Variable Magnetic Field by Induction of 1500 and 6000 Mktl on Number of Microflora of Chernozem Ordinary, Brown Forest Soil and Grey Forest Soil. Elena U. Starovoitova*1, Marina A. Repyah2 and Tatyana V. Denisova1, (1)Rostov State University, (2)Rostov state University 176-2 3101b Productivity of the Grassland in China and the Restricting Factors for Its Sustainable Utilization. Liming Liu*, Department of Land Resources Management, China Agricultural University 176-3 3102a Effect of Anthropogenic Wastes on Heavy Metal Mobility after 6 Months of Stabilization. Andrea Zanuzzi and Angel Faz*, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena 176-4 3102b Soil chemistry and mineralogy changes induced by calcium peroxide injection. Michael J. Kirby*, Shaw Environmental, Inc. 176-5 3201a Heavy Metal Leaching in an Alluvial Mining Soil Amended with Pig Manure: Soil Column Tests. DM Carmona G. Sr., Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena and Ángel Faz Cano*, Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia Agraria, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena 176-6 3201b The use of rainfall simulators in the quantification of infiltration, run-off and soil losses. Alberto Sfeir1, Marcelo Varni2, Marcela Piscitelli1, Roberto J. Crespo*3, Guadalupe Ares3 and Eduardo Usunoff2, (1)Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, (2)IHLLA–Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, (3)Becario CIC–Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 176-7 3202b Biodegradation of the Soil Caused by the Man in River Basin Amajac, Hidalgo, Mexico. Enrique Rubinos* Sr.1, Carmen Gutierres Castorena1, Patricio Sanchez Guzman1, Jesus Amado Alvarez1 and Rafael Zuñiga Sr.2, (1)Instituto de Educacion , investigacion en Ciencias Agricolas del Esdtado de Mexico, (2)Durango University SESSION NO. 177 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor SCE Evaluating Management Impacts on Forest Soils —Poster 177-1 3014a Water Quality Originating from Forest Roads in Southern Brazil. Carla M. Camargo Corra*1 Glaucio Roloff2 and Jorge R. Malinovski1, (1)Forest Science Dept.–Federal University of Paraná, (2)Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering Dept.–Federal University of Parana 177-2 3015a Micronutrient Status in a Dry Deciduous Tropical Forest of the Scrub Jungle of Mettupalayam, Coimbatore, India. Subramanium Thiyageshwari*, Duraisamy Selvi and Sundarajan Amutha, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 177-3 177-4 177-5 177-6 177-7 177-9 177-10 177-11 177-12 177-13 177-14 177-15 3015b Determining relationship between energy and C/N during leaf litter decomposition of Fagus oreintalis in north of Iran under laboratory conditions. vahid Hosseini*, Kurdistan University 3113a Atmosferic deposition and soil solution monitoring in the National parks of Croatia. Boris Vrbek* and Ivan Pilaš, Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko 3113b Participatory Assessment of Soil Properties and Ecological Diversity across Mt. Malindang Landscape, Southern Philippines. Renato D. Boniao*, Mindanao State University-Naawan, Rosa Villa B. Estoista, MSU-Mindanao State University-Marawi, Ron De Goede, Wageningen University & Research Centre and Sam James, Kansas University Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center 3114a Study on Spatial Variance of Soil Nutrients for Moso Bamboo Forest of fertilization. Xiaomin Guo*1, Dekui Niu2, Xi Guo2, Guoshi Zhang1, Bin Zhang1, Dongnan Hu1 and Fang Chen (Corresponding Author)3, (1)College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural University, (2)College of Land Resource & Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural University, (3) Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3114b Forest Management Effects on Extreme Flooding Events: Evaluating Hydrologic Modeling Approaches. Mary B. Adams*1, Mark H. Eisenbees2, W. Michael Aust2 and James A. Burger2, (1)USDA Forest Service, (2)Virgnia Tech., Department of Forestry 3115b Changes in soil nutrient availability following land application of biosolids to forest in virginia. Eduardo C. Arellano* and Thomas R. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 3116a Soil Properties along a Toposequence in Mountainous Cloud Forests in Sierra Juárez, Southern Mexico. Pavel Krasilnikov*1, Norma Eugenia García Calderón2, Noé Velázquez Rosas3 and Elizabeth Fuentes Romero2, (1)(1) Institute of Biology, KarRC, RAS (2) Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, (2)Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, (3)Instituto de Ecología, UNAM 3116b Soil Properties Influencing Compactability of Forest Soils in British Columbia, Canada. Maja Krzic*1, Chuck Bulmer2, Francois Teste1, Lesley Dampier1, Margaret Schmidt3 and Yihai Zhao1, (1)University of British Columbia, (2)BC Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, (3)Simon Fraser University 3213a Evolution of phosphorus forms, phosphatae activity, and the relationship between soil nutrition and tree growth in Larch plantations in northeastern China. Lixin Chen*, College of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China; Research Institute of Forestry,CAF, Berjing,100091,China and Wenbiao Duan, College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China 3213b Sediment Yield from Secondary Forest Roads on Pinus taeda Commerical Plantation in Southern Brazil Highland. Carla M. Camargo Corra*1, Renato A. Dedecek2 and Jorge R. Malinovski1, (1)Forest Science Dept.–Federal University of Paraná, (2)Embrapa CNP Florestas 3214a Pine Straw Harvesting Effects on Water Content of the Soil Vadose Zone. Daniel H. Pote* and David M. Burner, USDA-ARS 3214b Using ∆15N to trace biosolids-derived nitrogen in a forest ecosystem. Hailong Wang* and Guna Magesan, Ensis 177-16 177-17 177-18 177-19 177-20 177-21 177-22 177-23 177-24 177-25 177-26 177-27 177-28 177-29 3215a Clay mineralogical characterization of a toposequence of perhumid subalpine forest soils in northeastern Taiwan. Chuangwen Pai*, The experimental forest, college of bioresource and agriculture, National Taiwan University, Ming Wang, National Taiwan University and Chih-Yu Chiu, Research Center for Biodiversity 3215b Free oxides properties of Japanese forest soils developed from volcanic ash and other parent materials. Akihiro Imaya*, Kyusyu research center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Seiichi Ohta, Kyoto University, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Shikoku research center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Insitute and Nagaharu Tanaka, Hokkaido research center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 3311a Carbon sequestration and SOM decomposition depending on land use change of gray forest and sod-podzolic soils. Alla A. Larionova*, Sergey S. Bykhovets, Ilya V. Yevdokimov and Alexandr M. Yermolayev, Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science RAS 3311b Soil Losses from Fire Breaks and Pinus taeda Commercial Plantation in Southern Brazil. Carla M. Camargo Corra*1, Renato A. Dedecek2 and Jorge R. Malinovski1, (1)Forest Science Dept.–Federal University of Paraná, (2)Embrapa CNP Florestas 3312a Changes in soil quality indicators, in adjacent protected forest and deforested lands in central Iran. Mohammad A. Hajabbasi*1, Mehdi Sharifi2 and Mohsen Sheklabadi1, (1)Isfahan University of Technology, (2)Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 3312b Impact of prescribed management treatments on selected soil properties in a disturbed forest ecosystem of Northern Alabama. Maria Nobles*, Wallace Dillon and Monday Mbila, Alabama A&M University 3313a Sulfate Adsorption in Forest Soils Affected by Acid Deposition. Autumn L. Bryson* and Louis M. McDonald, West Virginia University 3313b Forest Ecosystem Management Practices and Carbon Storage in North Alabama Soils. Monday Mbila*, Wallace Dillon Jr. and Maria Nobles, Alabama A&M University 3314a The long-term effects of a single phosphorus fertilizer application on phosphorus availability in forest soils. Bradley W. Miller*, Virginia Tech and Thomas Fox, Virginia Tech University 3314b The relationship between soil conditions and declining growth rate of famous aged Pinus tabulaeformis at Jietai temple in Beijing China. Lishui Nie*, Michigan State University 3315a Influence of different tree species on the chemical properties in rhizosphere and bulk soils. Pura Marcet Sr., J. Carlos Souto, Saleta Gonzalez* and Dolores Baamonde, Universidad de Vigo. Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica Forestal. 3315b Soil C, N, δ13C and δ15N within Size Fractions Along an Experimental Forest Disturbance Regime in Atlantic Canada. Asfaw Bekele*, Lisa Kellman and Hugo Beltrami, Environmental Sciences Reearch Center, St. Francis Xavier University 3410a Effect of applying sewage sludge and Mitilus galloprovincialis Lam. shells on degraded mine soil. P. Marcet, J. Rey and S. Gonzalez*, Universidad de Vigo. Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica Forestal. 3410b Stimulation of microorganisms in a mediterranean litter after sewage sludge addition. Sylvie Neble*1, Lionel Ranjard2, Virginie Nowak2, Jean Le Petit1 and Steven Criquet1, (1)Laboratory of Mi- 161 POSTERS SESSION NO. 177 SESSION NO. 177 177-30 3411a 177-31 3411b 177-32 3412a 177-33 3412b 177-34 3413a 177-35 3413b 177-36 3414a 177-37 3414b 177-38 3415a 177-39 3415b 177-40 3515a 177-41 3515b 162 crobial Ecology, (2)INRA–UMR Microbiologie et Geochimie des sols Nitrogen Mineralization Rates as a Function of the Free Organic Matter in Highly Saturated Chilean Rain Forest Soils. Francisco Matus*, Private, Christopher Lusk, Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University and Christian Maire, Centro Tecnológico de Suelos y Cultivos, Departamento de Producción Agrícola, Universidad de Talca Litter decomposition study in young and old forest by chemical and structural analyses. Ornella Francioso1, Paola Gioacchini*1, Daniela Montecchio 1 , Claudio Ciavatta 1 , Andrea Masia 2 and Giustino Tonon2, (1)Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali Università di Bologna, (2)Dipartimento di Colture Arboree Università di Bologna Soil NO3 and NH4 over 14 years on a Long Term Soil Productivity study on the Lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Robert J. Eaton* and Kim Ludovici, USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station Validation and Implementation of a Geospatial Soil Erosion Model for Forest and Rangeland Management. Chris Renschler*, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), William J. Elliot, USDA-Forest Service, Jerry Ritchie, ARS-BARC-HRSL and Mary H. Nichols, USDA Agricultural Research Service Modeling the spatial variability of soil organic matter in a deeply dissected landscape—Bisley Watershed, Puerto Rico. Kristofer Johnson* and Fred Scatena, University of Pennsylvania Soil Organic Matter Stabilization in a Transect of Forest Types on Soils with Diverse Mineralogy and Environmental Conditions in the Pacific Northwest USA. Mark G. Johnson*, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Christopher Swanston, Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry CH4 uptake and N2O emission from the forest soils in Japan. Tomoaki Morishita*, Shigehiro Ishizuka, Tadashi Sakata and Masamichi Takahashi, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute Organic Profiles of Forest Soils in Northern Europe: Characteristic Features and Classification Problems. Olga Bakhmet*, Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences Assessing Forest Soil Productivity in Northen Europe. Natalia Fedorets* and Rozalia Morozova, Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences Do Presences of a Ground Flora Affect Variations in Soil Chemistry in a Fagus Sylvatica Forest Soil?. Frida Andreasson*, Bo Bergkvist and Anna-Maj Balsberg-Pahlsson, Lund University Assessment and studying micromorphological and mineralogical charactricitics of some forest soils of nowshahr kheyrudkenar(mazandaran province),iran. m.k kianian*, university of tehran Deforestation effects on soil bacterial population: A case study of Guilan province. Amir Bahrami*1, Maryam Ranjbar Atashi1 and Mahmood Shabanpour2, (1)Guilan University, (2)Iran-Rasht- Guilan University- Agricultural Faculty- Soil Sci. Group SESSION NO. 178 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor SU Soils in Urban Ecosystems: Characteristics and Functioning—Poster 178-1 3202a Soil Evaluation for Natural and Anthropogenic Soils (the TUSEC-Method). Andreas Lehmann*, Susanne David and Karl Stahr, Hohenheim University (310) 178-2 3301a Aggregation proccess in vegetalised polluted industrial soils: effects on pollutant bioavailability. Marie-France Monsérié*, Françoise Watteau, Geneviève Villemin and Jean-Louis Morel, INPL(ENSAIA)/INRA, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement 178-3 3301b Mapping of soil environmental hazards in urban areas. Jaroslava Sobocka* and Marian Jaduda, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute 178-4 3302a Soils of New York City. Luis A. Hernandez*1, Richard K. Shaw1, Steven Fischer1 and John Galbraith2, (1)USDA-NRCS, (2)Virginia Tech 178-5 3302b Soil development by urban land use and management in semi-arid regions, example from Tehran. Mohammad Baharvand* II, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Fb. Biologie und Geographie, Dept. Angewandte Bodenkunde and Wolfgang Burghardt, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Fb. Biologie und Geographie, Abt. Angewandte Bodenkunde 178-6 3303a Urbanization Leading to Alteration of Soil Function of the Zhengzhou City in China. Ke-ning WU*, Department of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geoscience 178-7 3303b Impact of Soil Degradation on Water and Life in a Tropical Region. Shadananan K. Nair*, Centre for Earth Research & Environment Management 178-8 3304a Effect of Copper in Soil on Bioaccumulated Copper in Earthworm. Kye-Hoon Kim*1, Youn-Seok Choi1, Ho-Jin Kim2 and Hyun-Haeng Lee2, (1)The University of Seoul, (2)National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 178-9 3304b Measures of body size and body condition in the black-striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius) as indicators of chronically disturbed environment. Miroslava V. Velickovic*, .Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic” 178-10 3305a Gaseous Losses From Nitrogen Fertilizers Applied to Vegetable Fields in Nanjing Suburb. Bing Cao1, Fayun He1, Qiuming Xu2, Bin Yin1 and Guixin Cai*1, (1)State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, (2)Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences 178-11 3305b Importance of historical and present-day land use for the lability of soil C and N. David Lewis*1, Jason Kaye2, Charles Redman1 and Ann Kinzig1, (1)Arizona State University, (2)The Pennsylvania State University 178-12 3306a Legacies of agriculture in carbon and nutrient pools of arid urban soils. David Lewis1, Jason Kaye*2, Corinna Gries1, Ann Kinzig1 and Charles Redman1, (1)Arizona State University, (2)The Pennsylvania State University 178-13 3306b Bihourly Soil Moisture Depletion Patterns in an Urban Ecosystem. Charles Kome*, East National Technology Support Center, USDA/NRCS 178-14 3307a Soil and Site Assessment Card for Connecticut Rain Gardens. Marjorie Faber*, USDA NRCS 178-15 3307b Lead Distribution in Urban Residential Soils of Portland, Maine. Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh* and Travis Wagner, University of Southern Maine SESSION NO. 178 178-17 178-18 178-19 178-20 178-21 178-22 178-23 178-24 178-25 178-26 178-27 3308a Heavy Metals in Murcia City (Se Spain): Preliminary Data. Jose A. Acosta*, Ángel Faz Cano and Silvia Martínez-Martínez, Technical University of Cartagena 3308b Magnetic Properties of Urban Topsoil in Shanghai and Their Environmental Implications. Xuefeng Hu*, Xiao-qing Li, Rong Ye, Yun Pan and Yu Su, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai University 3309a Mineralogy and Geochemistry of urban soils of different age and land use in Qingdao, China. Stefan Norra*1, Nabil Fjer1, Thomas Neumann1, Doris Stüben1, Fanwei Lee2 and Xianfeng Shu2, (1)Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Universitaet Karlsruhe, (2)Qingdao Environmental Protection Bureau 3309b Contribution of technologic materials to the metal bioavailable fraction of urban soils in Marrakech (Morocco). Hicham El Khalil* 1 , Christophe Shwartz1, Ali Boularbah2 and Jean Louis Morel1, (1)Laboratoire Sols et Environnement, INPL (ENSAIA)/INRA, (2)Laboratoire de Biosurveillance de l’Environnement 3310b Methodology to study contaminant transport in variably saturated soils at the bench scale. MarieOdile Simonnot*1, Valérie Gujisaite1, Stéphanie Ouvrard2 and Jean-Louis MOREL2, (1)Laboratory of Chemical Engineering Science (CNRS-INPL), (2)Laboratory of Soils and Environment (INRAENSAIA-INPL) 3405a Degradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil: Fenton’s reagent versus potassium permanganate. Marie-Odile Simonnot*1, Paula Tereza De Souza e Silva1, Marie-Noëlle Pons1, Benicio Barros Neto2, Valdinete Lins Da Silva3, Mauricio Motta3 and Michel Sardin1, (1)Laboratory of Chemical Engineering Science (CNRS-INPL), (2)Departemento de Quimica Fundamental, Universidade Federal de Pernambucco, (3)Departemento de Engenharia Quimica, Universidade Federale de Pernambuco 3405b Alteration of secondary minerals along a time series in alkaline soils derived from carbonatic wastes of soda production. Reinhold Jahn*1, Gritta Grünewald1, Klaus Kaiser1 and Herbert Pöllmann2, (1)Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Martin Luther University, (2)Institute of Geo Sciences 3406a Total and Extractable Lead and Arsenic Concentrations in US Long-Term Orchard soils. Eton E. Codling*1, Carrie E. Green1, R. L. Chaney2 and Andy K. Piri3, (1)USDA-ARS, (2)USDA-ARSANRI, (3)USDA-NRCS 3406b Decontamination of two contaminated soils using chelating agents applied to leaching cells. D. Kh. Naghipour*1, H. R. Thomas2 and R. Franciss2, (1)Guilan University of Medical Sciences, (2)Cardiff University 3407a Metal Contamination in Urban Soil-Water Environment and Remediation Strategies. Palanisamy Singaram*, K Lalsuna and Santiago Mahimairaja, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 3407b Ecological assessment of a constructed soil on degraded sites. Geoffroy Séré*1, Stéphanie Ouvrard1, Christophe Schwartz1, Jean-Christophe Renat2 and Jean Louis Morel1, (1)INPL(ENSAIA)/INRA, Laboratoire Sols et Environnement, (2)TVD-Groupe PE 3408a Distribution and Abundance of Chironomidae (Diptera) in Tropical Rice Agroecosystem. Salman Abdo Al-Shami*1, Che Salmah Rawi2, Siti Azizah Noor3 and Abu Hassan Ahmad3, (1)Univeriti Sains Malaysia, (2)School of Biological Science, Univer- 178-28 178-29 178-30 siti Sains Malaysia, (3)Scoolh of Biological Science 3408b Compost Use in Urban Landscapes. John J. Sloan*, Cynthia McKenney, James Heitholt, Wayne Mackay and James McAfee, Texas Agric. Exp. Stn. 3409a Effectiveness of Biosolids Amendments in Enhancing Soil Fertility and Microbial Ecology in Golf Course Greens. Guanglong Tian*1, Thomas Granato1, Dan Dinelli2 and Albert Cox1, (1)Environmental Monitoring and Research Division, R & D Dept, Metro Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD-Chicago), (2)North Shore Country Club 3409b A Comparative Study of Soil and Other Adsorbents on Decolorizing Livestock Wastewater. Xin Chen*1, Kuniaki Sato1, Toshiyuki Wakatsuki2 and Masunaga Tsugiyuki1, (1)Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, (2)Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University, Japan SESSION NO. 179 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Poster 179-1 3108a Immobisol as a Proposed Reference Soil Group of the World: Some Evidences in Ethiopia. Bipin Bihari Mishra*, Soil Survey & Land Use Planning Centre and Heluf Gebrekidan, Alemaya University, Ethiopia 179-2 3108b Genesis and Classification of Soils in Alborz region in the north of Iran. Hossein Torabi-Golsefidi*, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University 179-3 3109a Albic Soil Classification Reference in the Northern Subtropical Region of China. Ke-ning WU*, Department of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geoscience 179-4 3109b Principles, structure and suggestions for modernization of the Hungarian Soil Classification System. Erika Micheli* 1 , Peter Hegymegi 1 , Gabriella Sz. Kele2 and Zsofia Bakacsi3, (1)Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department, (2)Plant Protection and Soil Conservation Service, Hungary, (3)Research Institute for Soil Science and Ag. Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 179-5 3110b National Classification of “Hydromorphic” and Salt affected soils and their correlation with the WRB. Marta Fuchs* 1 , Erika Micheli 1 , Peter Hegymegi1 and Tibor Tóth2, (1)Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department, (2)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 179-6 3208a National Classification of “Chernozem like” (steppe) soils and their correlation with the WRB. Gabriella Sz Kele*, Plant Protection and Soil Conservation Service, Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department and Judit Berényi Üveges, Central Service for Plant Protection and Soil Conservation 179-7 3208b Wrb Explained. Otto Spaargaren*, ISRIC–World Soil Information 179-8 3209a National Classification of forest soils and their 163 POSTERS 178-16 SESSION NO. 179 179-9 correlation with the WRB. Tamas Szegi*, Pal Stefanovits and Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department 3209b WRB activities 2002-2006. Erika Micheli*, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department, Otto Spaargaren, ISRIC and Peter Schad, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde (Soil Science), Department of Ecology, Technische Universität München SESSION NO. 179 Convention Center, Room 103ABC, First Floor RB Developments in the World Reference Base (WRB), Soil Taxonomy (ST) and Other National Soil Classification Systems for Soil Resources—Poster 179-1 3108a Immobisol as a Proposed Reference Soil Group of the World: Some Evidences in Ethiopia. Bipin Bihari Mishra*, Soil Survey & Land Use Planning Centre and Heluf Gebrekidan, Alemaya University, Ethiopia 179-2 3108b Genesis and Classification of Soils in Alborz region in the north of Iran. Hossein Torabi-Golsefidi*, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University 179-3 3109a Albic Soil Classification Reference in the Northern Subtropical Region of China. Ke-ning WU*, Department of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geoscience 179-4 3109b Principles, structure and suggestions for modernization of the Hungarian Soil Classification System. Erika Micheli* 1 , Peter Hegymegi 1 , Gabriella Sz. Kele2 and Zsofia Bakacsi3, (1)Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department, (2)Plant Protection and Soil Conservation Service, Hungary, (3)Research Institute for Soil Science and Ag. Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 179-5 3110b National Classification of “Hydromorphic” and Salt affected soils and their correlation with the WRB. Marta Fuchs* 1 , Erika Micheli 1 , Peter Hegymegi1 and Tibor Tóth2, (1)Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department, (2)Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 179-6 3208a National Classification of “Chernozem like” (steppe) soils and their correlation with the WRB. Gabriella Sz Kele*, Plant Protection and Soil Conservation Service, Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department and Judit Berényi Üveges, Central Service for Plant Protection and Soil Conservation 179-7 3208b Wrb Explained. Otto Spaargaren*, ISRIC–World Soil Information 179-8 3209a National Classification of forest soils and their correlation with the WRB. Tamas Szegi*, Pal Stefanovits and Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department 179-9 3209b WRB activities 2002-2006. Erika Micheli*, Szent Istvan University, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department, Otto Spaargaren, ISRIC and Peter Schad, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde (Soil Science), Department of Ecology, Technische Universität München 164 A A.A., Yusuf, 155-68 Abadie, J., 79-3 Abaidoo, R., 155-68 Abakumov, Evgeniy V., 28-2 Abawi, George, 148-15 Abbadie, Luc, 15-2, 155-43, 58-3 Abbaspour, Ali, 139-25 Abbaspour, Karim, 153-43 Abbaszadeh, Bohloul, 147-3, 147-4 Abbattista, Francesco, 151-27, 149-27 Abd El-Fattah, Abd El-Kader, 166-13 Abdal, Mahdi, 155-152 Abdel Aal, M.S., 158-33 Abdelgawad, Gilani Mhimed, 81-1, 172-4 Abderrahim Nassir, Nassir. A., 155-169 Abdullaev, Ikrom, 75-17 Abe, Kaoru, 116-59 Abedin, Joinal, 118-23, 144-67 Abekoe, M.K., 138-24 Ablett, James, 134-1 Abney, Scott, 138-70 Aboim, Marcela C. R., 16-5 Abolhasani, Mahboobeh, 140-23 Abramova, Tamara, 135-34 Abreu, Cassio Hamilton, 11-2 Abreu, Maria E., 107-9 Abreu, Monica Ferreira, 155-121 Abreu, Xiomara, 75-6 Abtahi, Ali, 129-5, 127-1 Accoe, F., 5-1 Acevedo Sandoval, Otilio A., 126-4 Ackermann, Juliane, 51-3 Ackert, Lloyd, 171-9 Acosta, José Alberto, 93-6, 169-1, 17816, 127-6 Acosta-Martínez, Verónica, 138-61, 138-83, 140-35 Acree, Steven, 63-6 Adachi, Tadashi, 149-16, 174-10 Adamo, Paola, 144-18 Adams, Mary B., 17-5, 177-7 Adani, Fabrizio, 138-14 Addison, Jan, 158-38 Adee, Eric A., 163-37 Adeli, A., 163-25 Adeli, Ardeshir, 146-4 Adeloju, Samuel B, 163-12 Adeoye, Gideon O., 148-20 Adhikari, Diganta, 162-35 Adhikari, Keshav Raj, 170-29 Adhikari, Padam Prasad, 170-29 Adiku, Samuel G. K., 116-31, 138-24 Adilo, Mohammed, 158-35 Adinarayana, Velugubantla, 164-12, 154-68 Adiyiah, Benjamin, 155-26 Adjei-Gyapong, T., 173-3 Adkins, W., 115-56 Adler, Gert, 62-5 Adraki, Mojtaba, 118-7, 147-4, 155-21 Adriano, Domy C., 51-6 Aduayi, Emmanuel A., 153-5 Aduramigba-Modupe, Vincent O., 751, 155-55, 155-59 Afandi, (None), 163-16 Afyuni, Majid, 153-43, 164-16 Ageeb, Gamil W., 121-5, 45-20 Agenbag, G. A., 153-14 Aggarwal, Brajesh, 104-8 Aggarwal, P. K., 138-66 Aggarwal, Vaneet, 79-4, 110-6 Agnelli, Alessandro, 138-25 Agnew, Rob, 156-23 Aguilar, Yameli, 145-13 Aguilar-Márquez, Armando, 93-10 Aguilera, María, 138-47 Aguirre-Gómez, Arturo, 93-10 Agyenim Boateng, S., 162-38, 155-139 Ahamed, Sonya, 150-9 Ahern, Colin, 39-24, 164-8, 10-5, 97-4, 39-17 Ahmad, Abu Hassan, 178-27 Ahmad, H.R., 93-5 Ahmad, Zahoor, 154-18 Ahmadi-Moghadam, Ali, 167-21 Ahmed, Osmanu, 147-8 Ahmed, Sanussi Y., 154-33 Ahmed, Zia Uddin, 168-19, 115-29 Ahn, Byung-Koo, 155-15 Ahn, Jae-Hoon, 151-30 Ahrens, Robert, 42-2 Ahuja, Lajpat, 37-2, 4-1, 116-52, 11615, 25-4 Ahumada, Inés, 144-19 Ailan, A. J., 7-2 Aino, Masataka, 142-17 Aita, C., 2-1 Aizawa, Tomoko, 174-8 Aizpurua, Ana, 60-9 Ajiboye, Babasola, 154-5 Ajmone Marsan, Franco, 95-9 A.K Dr, Sadanandan, 162-17 Akagi, Junko, 123-3 Akay, Aysen, 155-82 Akbarimoghaddam, Hossein, 155-22 Akbas, Fevzi, 115-28 Akef, Mehdi, 125-1 Akin, A., 10-1 Akin, Jim, 150-25 Akinremi, Olalekan, 154-5 Akinrinde, Ezekiel. A, 89-7, 104-13, 148-21 Akis, Rifat, 115-28 Akiyama, Hiroko, 118-11 Akramhanov, Akmal, 159-9 Akshalov, Kanat K., 166-19, 68-4 Al Majou, Hassan, 137-32 Al-Adamat, Rida, 138-80, 36-5 Al-Agely, Abid, 45-26 Al-Ali, M. A., 155-118 Al-Ani, Abdullah Najim, 115-11 Al-Damry, Sami, 153-48 Al-Jaloud, Ali A., 166-24 Al-Kayssi, Abdul Wahab A. R., 115-11 Al-Kirshi, A., 7-2 Al-Omran, Abdrubalrasol, 153-48 Al-Saad, Ziad, 83-10 Al-Shami, Salman Abdo, 178-27 Alam, M. Murshedul, 154-71, 155-96 Alam, T., 81-3 Alary, Karine, 126-9 Albabili, M., 7-2 Albrecht, Stephan, 99-3 Albuquerque, Manoel R., 106-4, 175-1, 175-4 Albuquerque, Miriam A., 89-6, 164-10, 158-24 Alekperov, Chingiz K., 149-11 Alekperov, Sh. Sh., 137-23 Aleksandra, Bensa, 170-2 Aleksei, Samokhin, 139-8 Alex, Thomas C., 127-18 Alexopoulos, Athanasios, 140-19 Alfaro, Marta A., 154-28 Ali, M. Ashraf, 144-53 Ali, M.A., 155-117 Ali, Rafa Ramadan, 91-10 Ali, Rafat Ramadan, 156-9 Alipbeki, Onggarbek, 135-27 Aliyu, Joshua, 155-134 Alkaraghouli, Ali Abas, 115-11 Allan, Deborah, 138-82 Allaway, Mark, 32-1 Allen, Arthur L., 85-4, 170-27, 116-50 Allen, B.L., 127-12, 129-7, 117-11 Allen, Fred, 138-71 Allen, H. Lee, 47-2 Allen, Herbert, 86-1 Allen, Michael F., 129-16 Alleoni, Luís Reynaldo Ferracciú, 13941 Alley, Marcus, 163-45 Allievi, Luigi, 144-54 Allmaras, Raymond, 99-3 Allton, Kathryn E., 166-6 Almendros, G., 163-22, 15-1 Alva, Ashok, 153-4, 163-42, 155-115 Alvarez Villanueva, Felipe Carlos, 11-2 Alvarez Welchez, Luis, 156-13 Alvarez, Gustavo, 163-22 Alvarez, Roberto, 155-31, 155-29 Alves, Bruno J. R., 1-2 , 138-33, 2-3 Alves, Bruno M.G., 158-24, 164-10 Alves, Caroline M., 111-3 Alves, M.C, 123-8 Alves, Ruy V., 128-12 Alyabina, Irina O., 109-6 Amada Laura, Reyes-Ortigoza, 140-14 Amado Alvarez, Jesus, 176-7 Amado, Jesus, 134-4 Amado, Telmo, 138-60, 76-5 Amar, Boujamaa, 154-20 Amaral Sobrinho, Nelson M.B., 158-9 Amellal, Samira, 145-49 Amelung, Wulf, 134-2, 133-21 Amemiya, Yu, 116-10 Amer, Abdel-Monem Mohamed, 13945 Amezquita, Edgar, 16-1, 156-13, 13868, 158-6 Amichev, Beyhan Y., 17-18, 158-8 Amiotte Suchet, Philippe, 47-4 Amos, Dan F., 125-2 Amundson, Ronald, 14-2 Amutha, Sundarajan, 177-2 An, Qiong, 145-15 Anandacoomaraswamy, Aruliah, 45-11 Ananko, Tatiana V., 175-10 Anaya, Maria, 149-1 Anctil, François, 153-35 Anda, Markus, 57-10 Anderson, Daniel J., 138-31 Anderson, Edwin, 109-5 Anderson, Geoffrey, 139-6 Anderson, Karen, 162-12 Anderson, Michael, 145-37 Anderson, Stephen H., 137-5, 31-11, 136-16 , 137-12, 152-3 Andersson, Stefan, 162-31, 155-122 Andina, D., 115-15 Ando, Tadashi, 115-33 Ando, Toyoharu, 155-102 Andraski, Brian J., 45-8, 135-21 Andreasson, Frida, 177-39 Andreoli, Lucio, 165-2 Andreoni, Vincenza, 144-54 Andreotti, Marcelo, 155-151, 155-153 Andreux, Francis, 60-5, 47-4, 139-31, 17-17, 116-62 Andrews, Susan S., 16-4, 103-5 Andriesh, Serafim V., 114-5 Andrist-Rangel, Ylva, 155-122, 143-5 Andrén, Olof, 162-10 Andy, Whitmore, 64-5 Anegundi, K.M., 4-2, 104-1 Anetor, M.O., 148-21 Angers, Denis A., 54-7 Anguelov, Gueorgui, 144-35, 166-23 Anguelova, Ivanka, 144-35, 166-23 Angus, John, 23-6, 31-8 Anjos, Lúcia Helena C., 128-6, 42-10, 118-16, 133-13, 130-2, 128-5, 1305 Ankegouda, K.G., 154-1, 155-156 Anne, Victoria, 135-22 Ansari, Abdullah A., 23-5 Anton, Jose M., 150-8 Antony, E., 153-46 Anusontpornperm, Somchai, 42-8 Aochi, Yukiko O., 110-4 Aoda, Tadao, 158-10 Appleyard, Steve, 174-2 April, Richard H., 126-16 Araki, Tomohiro, 104-4 Arao, Tomohito, 168-14 Araujo, Ednaldo Da S., 3-2 Araujo, Quintino R., 45-26 Araújo, Júlio César Lucena, 130-2 Arbelo, Carmen D., 127-13, 126-21, 126-3 Arce, A., 60-3 Archer, Frank, 160-16 Archibald, Douglas, 138-82, 44-5, 1318 Ardakani, Mohammad Reza, 168-11, 118-7, 155-21, 147-4, 147-3 Ardalan, Mohamad, 23-12, 155-35, 155-45, 155-37 Arellano, Eduardo C., 177-9 Arellano, Rosalva, 122-12 Ares, Guadalupe, 176-6 Argolo, Valéria, 135-31 Arkhangelskaya, Tatiana A., 6-6 Armas, Cecilia M., 126-21 Armas-Espinel, Silvia, 126-1, 126-7 Armstrong, Roger D., 23-2 , 155-128, 70-2 Arnalds, Olafur, 126-18, 126-12, 12613 Arnall, Brian, 155-88, 155-98 Arnold, Richard, 173-5, 32-2, 62-1 Arocena, Joselito M., 92-2 Arora, Naveen K., 142-12 Arora, Sanjay, 139-5 Arriaga, Francisco J., 152-7 Arrieche, Isabel, 156-15 Arrouays, Dominique, 119-20 Arruda, Murilo R., 72-3 Arshad, Muhammad, 155-172 Arunkumar, Jayaraman, 166-14 Aryabod, Samaneh, 163-28, 144-20 Arzadun, Martin, 170-33 Aróstegui, Javier, 148-3 As, Rama Prasad, 155-111, 155-34 Asadi, Toraj, 166-4, 151-36, 23-4 Asagi, Naomi, 155-102 Asakawa, Neuza, 167-19 Asakawa, Susumu, 118-13, 20-5, 14028, 20-6 Ascar, Loreto, 144-19 Ascough, James, 25-4, 116-52 Aseyeva, Elena N., 124-7 Asfary, A. Fares, 9-2 Ashburner, John, 111-2 Ashinov, Yunus N., 113-4 Ashley, Gail, 119-8 Ashraf, Muhammad, 99-5 Ashrafi, Zoheir Yaghobi, 166-36, 16628 Asiamah, Rexford D., 173-3, 157-5 Asido, Silvia, 146-7 Asio, Victor B., 125-8, 124-6 Assmann, Tangriani S., 146-18 Assouline, Shmuel, 136-16 Astaraei, Alireza, 144-24 Åström, Mats, 1-10, 174-4, 39-4, 1743, 174-9 Asubonteng, Kwame Osafredu, 155-26 Atanassov, Ivan, 144-35 Atkinson, Brian. S., 136-6 Attanandana, Tasnee, 4-4 Attilio, Cristina, 165-8 Aulakh, Milkha S., 155-46 Aust, W. Michael, 177-7 Austin, Rob E., 3-3 Avalos, Alfonso, 162-29 Ávila, Gonzalo, 158-3 Avramidis, Elisabethe, 115-44 165 AUTHOR INDEX Author Index Awiti, A., 160-8 Ayars, James, 153-19, 100-3 Ayarza, Miguel, 156-13, 158-6, 16-1, 148-9 Azab, Mohamed, 83-6 Aziz, Muhammad A., 93-5 Azizi, Pirouz, 167-17 Aznaurjan, Diana K., 114-3 Bardoux, G., 15-18 Baritz, Rainer, 47-3, 163-3, 62-5, 1714, 28-5 Barker, Bridget, 168-12 Barnes, Melanie A., 117-11 Barnier, Christophe, 144-57 Barouchas, Pantelis E., 127-7 Barrett, C. B., 156-2 Barrios, Edmundo, 16-1, 158-6, 16719, 156-13 B Barron, Alyssa, 158-27 Baamonde, Dolores, 177-26 Barros Neto, Benicio, 178-21 Baasansuren, Jamsranjav, 132-8 Barrow, Christopher, 68-1 Babagiouris, Sotiris, 167-13 Barry, Glenn, 39-17 Babayev; Najafova, Magerram P.; Barré, Pierre, 155-43 Samira I., 140-34 Barrón, Vidal, 139-21, 29-3, 174-1, 56Bach, Martin, 170-17 16, 145-53 Bachmann, Jörg, 137-2 Barta, Karoly, 151-19 Backiyavathy, M.R., 155-2 Bartlett, Mark D., 140-25 Bacon, Jeffrey R., 33-1 Bartoli, Francois, 126-13, 145-11 Baddeley, John A., 59-4 Bartoly, Flavia, 135-31 Badiane, Aminata, 155-5, 31-14 Basavaraju, N.G., 155-156, 154-1 Bado, Vincent, 116-54 Bashar, Nseir, 75-7 Badrinath, M. S., 162-30 Basic, Ferdo, 151-34 Badrinath, Naveen, 156-21 Basile, Angelo, 101-1, 136-26 Badrinath, Veerabhadraiah, 115-49, Baskar, Kolappan, 138-22 162-4, 163-20 Bassirani, Naser, 166-1 Badrinath, Chamegowda,, 115-49, 162- Basta, Nicholas, 154-57 4, 163-20 Bastida, Felipe, 166-39, 158-1 Badruzzaman, A. Borhan M., 144-53 Bationo, André, 155-161, 76-4 Baeumler, Rupert, 83-10 Batistoni, Elisa, 136-5 Bagheri, Farid, 137-22, 57-1 Batjes, Niels, 138-86, 36-5, 138-80 Baghernejad, Majid, 129-5 Battigelli, Jeff, 158-38 Baharvand, Mohammad, 178-5 Baujard, Elise, 116-62 Bahrami, Amir, 177-41, 57-1, 125-1 Baumgarten, Andreas, 168-17 Bahraminezhad, Alireza, 75-15 Baumgartl, Thomas, 136-13, 159-11 Bahri, H., 15-18 Baumhardt, R. Louis, 116-30 Baier, Roland, 163-3 Bautista, Francisco, 145-13, 108-3 Bailey, Neal, 138-69 Baveye, Philippe, 60-5, 139-31 Baize, Denis, 90-7, 119-20 Baxter, Christopher, 139-23 Bakacsi, Zsofia, 179-4 Bayan, M.R., 148-10 Baker, Alan J.M., 158-25 Bayer, Cimélio, 138-79, 149-21 Bakhlaeva, Oktiabrina, 159-6, 123-1 Baysal-Tustas, Fulya, 142-5 Bakhmet, Olga, 177-37 Bazargan, Kambiz, 155-81 Bakour, Rabah, 141-12, 140-18 Bazilevskaya, Katya A., 44-5 Bala, Santhy P., 155-166 Bazzoffi, Paolo, 151-27, 149-27 Balaji Bhaskar, Maruthi Sridhar, 170Beach, Timothy, 8-5 16 Beauchemin, Suzanne, 134-1 Balamerzoev, Marat A., 127-19 Beaudette, Dylan, 115-41 Balasubramaniam, Palanisamy, 155-53 Becerra, Ligia, 122-12 Balasubramanian, Vethaiya, 31-6 Bech, Jaume, 6-7, 124-3, 124-5, 137Balasundram, Siva, 147-8 17, 150-10 Balbino, Luiz Carlos, 64-2 Bechet, Beatrice, 89-10 Baldock, Jeff, 154-22 Beck, Josefine, 158-28 Balduff, Danielle M., 118-20 Becker, Ole, 80-4 Baldwin, Keith R., 166-15 Beckmann, Felix, 101-2 Balesdent, Jerome, 116-44 Beckmann, S., 136-17 Baligar, Virupax, 31-7, 104-14, 45-26 Becx, Gertjan, 133-22 Balk, Deborah, 150-9 Bednarek, Renata, 90-5 Balkcom, Kipling, 152-7 Beebe, Stephen, 104-3 Ball, Bruce C., 59-4 Beeby, John, 167-8 Ball, Jeffrey B., 19-8, 155-123 Beegle, Douglas, 161-5 Ball, William P., 135-9 Beeri, Ofer, 48-9 Balogh, Akos, 33-10 Beese, Friedrich, 155-3 Balota, Elcio L., 158-15 Behbahaninia, Azita, 153-32 Balsberg-Pahlsson, Anna-Maj, 177-39 Behera, Uma Kant, 155-52, 152-6 Balser, Teresa, 142-16, 138-43, 15-13 Beinroth, Friedrich, 16-2, 42-3, 173-7 Balzotti, Chris, 8-5 Bekbaev, U., 23-11 Banerjee, Amlan, 129-15 Bekele, Asfaw, 177-27 Banning, Natasha C., 47-5 Belesky, David P., 161-3 Bansal, S.K., 155-167, 23-15, 153-47 Belinsky, Andrey B., 132-1 Baoguo, Li, 137-27 Bell, J.C., 2-12 Bar-Tal, Asher, 138-81 Bell, R. W., 157-11 Barbagelata, Pedro, 138-60 Bell, Richard, 31-2 Barbarick, Ken, 26-2 Belle, Joshua O., 154-2 Barberis, Elisabetta, 144-49, 144-50, Bellie, Rajkannan, 156-5, 156-1 144-44 Bellinfante, Nicolas, 149-1 Barbetti, Roberto, 165-8, 165-10 Bello, Olanrewaju S., 89-7, 166-21 Barbier, Bruno, 58-3 Belnap, Jayne, 87-2 Barbosa, Inara O., 115-26, 115-45 Belova, Elvira V., 140-3 Barbosa, Joyce C., 16-5 Below, Frederick E., 155-10 Barczi, Attila, 78-9, 33-10 Beltrami, Hugo, 177-27 Bardach, N., 174-11 Belvitt, Byron, 155-99 166 Belyaev, V. R., 8-1 Belényesi, Márta, 149-32 Ben Mahmoud, Imen, 163-39 Ben-Gal, Alon, 153-20 Benchabane, Messaoud, 141-12, 14018 Benckiser, Gero E., 167-20 Benedetti, Anna, 54-2 Benham, Ellis, 74-1 Benites, Vinícius De Melo, 42-10 Benito, Marta, 156-1 Benjamin, Joseph, 152-4 Bensa, Aleksandra, 107-5 Benítez, María Soledad, 142-5 Berardo, Angel, 155-110 Berch, Shannon M., 158-38 Berding, F., 108-4 Berezkin, Arkadi, 116-26 Berger, Klaus U., 45-16 Berger, Wolfgang, 45-4 Berggren Kleja, Dan, 139-13, 73-2 Bergkvist, Bo, 177-39 Bergström, Lars F., 59-2, 162-9 Bergtold, Jason, 152-7 Berloco, Mariagrazia, 142-3 Bernard, Claude, 172-1 Bernoux, Martial, 25-1, 36-5, 133-19, 11-4 Bernsdorf, Sabine, 45-6 Berntsen, Jorgen, 138-8 Berry, Peter, 136-27 Berthelin, Jacques, 21-5 Berthelin, Jacques, 135-32 Berti, Antonio, 163-17 Bertrand, Isabelle, 36-2, 138-50 Bertsch, Paul, 93-7 Berumen, Salvador, 155-62, 153-17 Berumen-Padilla, Salvador, 153-31 Berényi Üveges, Judit, 179-6 Besharati, Hosein, 144-69 Besson, Arlene, 157-8 Bestelmeyer, Brandon T., 16-4, 53-5 Betts, Lynn, 171-1 Beyene, Sheleme, 85-16 Beyerlein, Patrick, 126-14 Bezirtzoglou, Eygenia, 140-19 Bezuglova, Olga S., 33-4, 118-8 B.G., Vasanthi, 83-3 Bhadraray, Subhendu, 138-23 Bhandral, Rita, 170-20 Bharadwaj, Venkatesh, 115-3 Bhardwaj, Arvind, 23-14 Bhardwaj, K.K., 163-32 Bhargavi, M.V., 155-156, 154-1 Bhaskar, S., 155-156, 154-1, 155-157 Bhaskaran, A, 16-3 Bhaskaran, Arumugham, 155-154 Bhaskaran, Usha Pankajam, 39-2 Bhat, Kamala N., 126-16 Bhat, Ravi, 162-36 Bhattacharya, Amlan, 138-1 Bhattacharyya, A. K., 170-34, 168-7, 170-18 Bhattacharyya, Ranjan, 166-8 Bhattacharyya, Tapas, 36-5, 38-3, 13886, 138-80 Bhaware, Kalpana O., 22-3 Bhowmik, Prasanta C., 145-44 Bhuiyan, Mma, 174-10 Bhuvaneswari, Nagappan, 155-154 Biancardi, Enrico, 165-7 Biart, M., 12-1 Bidegain, Ricardo, 144-27 Bidló, András, 150-13 Bielska, Anna, 115-43 Biggam, Pete, 115-41 Biggs, Andrew Jw, 112-3 Bigham, Jerry M., 44-7 Bilgili, Ali Volkan, 115-28, 148-15 Bilich, Marina R., 148-13, 115-45 Bills, Brian W., 115-46, 12-13, 115-39 Bilong, P., 128-13 Binford, G.D., 45-13 Bingqiang, Zhao, 146-1 Birang, Madong A., 170-5, 158-37 Bird, Nigel R. A., 64-5 Birukova, Elena, 156-12 Biryukova, Olga, 155-64, 154-37 Bishay, A.B., 158-33 Biswas, B., 168-19, 51-12, 128-4 Biswas, S., 128-4 Bitire, Daniel, 122-14 Bittar, Sheila Maria B., 122-18 Bittman, Shabtai, 154-46 Bityukova, Liidia, 13-1 Bizoux, Jean-Philippe, 27-3 Blackburn, Adrian, 141-9 Blackshaw, Robert E., 170-19 Blair, Graeme, 162-15 Blanco, Fernando, 144-34 Blanco, Hugo, 155-110 Blank, Rebecca, 118-21 Blank, Rebecca R., 107-12 Bleam, William, 63-12 Blengino, Jorge L., 116-12 Blennerhassett, J.D, 170-12 Bloem, Jaap, 162-21 Blue, Rebecca A., 124-8 Blum, Winfried E.H., 11-3, 113-3 Blume, Hans-Peter, 90-3, 173-11, 14916, 174-10 Blume, L.E., 156-2 Blumenberg, Martin, 106-7 Blumenstein, Eric, 93-11 Bluszcz, Andrzej, 68-2 Boaretto, A. Enedi, 15-1 Boaretto, Antonio Enedi, 11-2 Boateng, E., 173-3 Bobato, Alexson, 146-18 Bock, Laurent, 124-4, 27-3 Boddey, R. M., 2-1 Boddey, Robert, 138-33 Boddey, Robert M., 3-2 Bodily, Jedd M., 18-3 Bodruzzaman, M., 105-2 Boe, Arvid, 138-39 Boeckx, Pascal, 5-1, 17-9 Boettinger, Janis L., 18-3 Bogaert, Patrick, 124-4 Bogatyrev, Igor, 91-1 Bogunovic, Matko, 107-5 Bohanec, Marko, 149-4 Boincean, Boris P., 167-14 Boivin, Arnaud, 145-49 Boivin, Pascal, 164-14, 136-18 Bolan, Nanthi, 97-2, 147-1, 1-14 Bolger, Kathleen F., 132-7 Bolonhezi, Denizart, 147-10 Boman, Anton, 174-9 Bonadeo, Elena, 23-13 Bonagamba, Tito J., 72-2 Bond, C. Ryan, 89-11 Bonfil, David, 146-7 Bonfim-Silva, Edna M., 155-7 Bongiovanni, Marcos, 23-13 Boniao, Renato D., 177-5 Bono, Alfredo, 155-86 Bonté, Philippe, 71-5 Bonzi, M., 46-4 Boojar, Masoud Mashadi Akbar, 16811 Booker, Jill, 70-3 Boonplang, Nutcharee, 155-140 Boonyanuphap, Jaruntorn, 156-6 Borch, Thomas, 158-18, 73-5, 144-48 Borda, Michael, 144-55, 144-40 Borges Júnior, Meubles, 89-6, 144-23 Borggaard, Ole K., 73-8, 145-34 Borie, Fernando, 138-47 Borie, Gilda, 138-47 Borino, Melisa L., 10-12 Borisov, Alexander V., 132-1 Borneman, James, 80-4 Bortoletto, Marco A. M., 131-1 Boruvka, Lubos, 85-5 Bose, Sutapa, 168-7, 170-34 Brzezinska, Magorzata, 89-5, 164-11 Brückner, Helmut, 109-8 Bucelli, Pierluigi, 165-10 Buchanan, Sam, 160-18, 74-5, 160-15 Bucholtz, Dennis L., 150-17 Buck, Brenda, 127-4, 127-8, 92-3, 11646, 127-5, 135-8, 132-2 Buckley, Daniel H., 94-3 Buegger, Franz, 35-8 Buitrago, Maria, 104-2 Bullard, Valerie, 115-41 Bulmer, Chuck, 177-11 Bulysheva, N. I., 140-20 Bunnell, Joseph E., 168-4 Buol, Stanley, 128-1 Burdon, James, 138-7 Buresh, Roland J., 155-96, 146-10, 154-71, 24-4, 76-3 Burger, James A., 177-7, 158-8, 17-18 Burges, Stephen, 119-8 Burghardt, Wolfgang, 30-2, 178-5, 30-1 Buri, Moro M., 167-1 Burkitt, Lucy L., 162-33 Burlakova, Lidiya M., 155-60 Burner, David M., 177-14 Burns, Scott, 60-2 Burt, James E., 115-42, 85-1, 12-7, 1211 Burt, R., 117-2 Burton, David, 31-9 Burton, E. D., 39-15, 39-16 Burton, Edward, 39-1, 39-11, 39-12, 39-8, 132-12, 39-18, 139-19, 10-2 Busacca, Alan, 5-6 Busch, Dennis L., 139-23 Bush, Richard T., 39-12, 39-11, 39-8, 39-1, 39-13, 39-3, 39-14, 10-2, 3915, 39-16, 132-12, 39-18 Busznyák, János, 170-15 Butler, David, 119-21 Buttafuoco, Gabriele, 75-5 Butterly, Clayton R., 154-22 Buurman, Peter, 126-13 Buyeye, Sicelo M., 166-41, 166-40 Buyuk, Gokhan, 154-20 Buzetti, Salatier, 152-2 Bybordi, Mohhamad, 164-1 Bykhovets, Sergey S., 177-18 Byrne, Paul, 150-23 Byung Chun, Kim, 142-20 Bámer, Balázs, 170-15 Bärlund, Ilona, 39-4 Böttcher, Jürgen, 48-8 Bünemann, Else, 154-29 C Cabello, Estrella, 29-3 Cabello, Maria Julia, 154-26 Cabello, M.J., 60-3 Cabot, Yasmin, 39-18 Cabrera, Miguel, 155-104, 150-18, 154-4 Cabrera, Miguel L., 107-9, 119-21, 5612 Cade-Menun, Barbara, 154-61, 140-36 Cady, Ralph E., 48-12, 48-4, 119-4 Caesar, Thecan, 154-57 Cahill, Sheri L., 45-23 Cahn, Helen, 152-12 Cai, Guixin, 178-10 Cai, Hai-Sheng, 89-12 Caimi, Angelo, 89-1 Cajuste, Lenom, 144-6 Cajuste, Lenom J., 144-6 Calabretta, Maria Luisa, 95-7 Calamai, Luca, 163-14 Calderon, Francisco, 152-4 Caldwell, Peter V., 34-1 Caldwell, Todd, 53-4 Calegari, Ademir, 149-20, 66-5, 111-2 Caliandro, Angelo, 159-8 Callaham, Mac A., 78-11 Calonego, Juliano C., 155-113 Calus, Joe, 122-10 Camacho, Rafael G., 155-51, 159-2 Camacho, Tomas, 155-51 Camargo Corrêa, Carla M., 177-13, 177-19, 177-1 Cameron, K.C., 160-21, 97-1 Camp, Amara, 142-5 Campbell, Colin S., 153-22, 12-4 Campbell, Gaylon S., 153-22, 12-4 Campiglia, Enio, 163-13, 163-33 Camps Arbestain, Marta, 144-32, 14434, 145-56 Canali, Stefano, 95-7 Canarache, Andrei, 66-2 Canellas, Luciano P., 133-13 Caner, Laurent, 144-18 Cannon, William F., 13-2, 117-4 Canseco, Carlos, 155-6 Cantarella, Heitor, 155-121, 147-10, 155-147 Cantero-Martinez, C., 75-8 Cantón, Yolanda, 136-10, 136-1, 11910, 119-12 Canuel, Elizabeth, 145-43 Cané, Maria Angela, 35-9 Cao, Bing, 178-10 Cao, Zhihong, 145-15, 17-16 Capezzuoli, Enrico, 132-3 Caramori, Paulo H., 158-23 Caranfa, Leonardo, 163-19 Carboni, Gervasio, 42-22, 142-13, 1424, 149-25, 151-33 Carcaillet, Christopher, 78-5 Cardona Estrada, Américo, 127-17 Carey, Lawrence, 122-10 Carletti, Paolo, 163-17 Carlin, Geoffrey D., 39-9 Carlisle, Eli, 60-1 Carlson, Gregg, 75-11 Carmo, Marciléia S., 133-14, 133-20 Carmona G., Dm, 176-5 Carpena, Rafael M., 155-101 Carpenter, Rosalie T., 171-7 Carpenter, S.G., 137-16, 116-45 Carpenter, Stephen, 171-7, 12-9 Carpenter, Todd, 150-25 Carrasco, M. Adriana, 144-19 Carre, Florence, 100-2, 150-4 Cartagena, M.C., 60-3 Carter, David, 15-16 Cartes, Paula, 144-51, 144-46, 144-52 Carton, Owen, 150-23 Carvalho, Fabio A., 115-45, 149-28 Carvalho, Luiz Henrique, 155-151 Carvalho, Morel De Passos, 19-13 Carvalho, Tereza Cristina De, 155-148 Casagrande, Ailto Antonio, 45-10 Casagrande, José Carlos, 139-42, 16647 Casanova, Sebastián, 123-9 Casby-Horton, Susan, 117-11, 127-12 Casey, Francis, 115-14, 137-28 Cass, A., 11-1 Cassel, Florence, 115-40 Cassman, Kenneth G., 76-1, 105-1, 167-13 Castellanos, Javier Z., 38-4 Castellanos, M.T., 60-3, 137-29 Castellini, Mirko, 153-29 Castellón, Ander, 60-9 Castenson, Karen, 85-6 Castillo Alvares, Marcial, 123-1 Castillo, Gabriela, 144-19 Castrignanò, Annamaria, 160-11, 75-5 Castro, Aracely, 156-13 Castro, Orlando M., 151-12 Catala-Luque, Rosa, 138-44 Caul, Sandra, 149-4 Cavalca, Lucia, 144-54 Cavalieri, Andrea, 163-33 Cavallaro, Nancy, 69-2 Cavani, Luciano, 35-9 Cavigelli, Michel A., 59-5, 146-17 Cayci, G., 10-1 Cea, Mara X., 145-23 Ceccato-Antonini, Sandra-Regina, 1448 Cecchi, Marie, 144-27 Ceddia, Marcos Bacis, 91-8, 115-53, 115-48 Celada-Tornel, Eduardo, 35-12 Celi, Luisella, 144-49 Centeri, Csaba, 78-9, 33-10, 149-32, 151-19, 156-17 Cerdeira, Antonio L., 147-10 Cerri, Carlos C., 25-1, 36-5, 133-19, 93, 11-4 Cerri, Carlos E.P., 36-5, 25-1, 138-80, 133-19, 9-3, 11-4 Chabbert, Brigitte, 138-50, 36-2 Chabbi, Abad, 145-24, 145-29 Chabroullet, Christophe, 144-45 Chadwick, Oliver, 41-4, 71-1, 119-8 Chahal, D.S., 139-5 Chaignon, Valérie, 21-4 Chakrabarty, H., 153-46 Chakrabortty, Sukanta, 154-34 Champdavoine, Vincent, 119-20 Chan, Alvarus S.K., 155-116 Chander, Girish, 154-10 Chander, Subhash, 116-15 Chandra, Subhash, 167-10 Chandran, P, 138-86, 38-3 Chandrayan, S., 170-34 Chandrayan, Sudarshana, 168-7 Chaney, R. L., 21-2, 178-23, 51-11 Chang, Chi, 166-25 Chang, Chia M., 138-63 Chang, Fu-Hsian, 162-6 Chang, Hong Hee, 89-9 Chang, Ki Woon, 155-130 Chang, Scott X., 155-172 Channal, Hanumant, 31-1 Chantigny, Martin H., 54-7 Chapin, F. Stuart, 40-2 Chappell, John, 49-4 Chappell, Mark A., 63-4 Charati, A., 155-73, 155-70 Chardot, Vanessa, 144-26 Charkhabi, Amir H., 115-12 Charles, Simone, 65-1 Charoenchamratcheep, Charoen, 174-7 Charoulis, Athanasios, 115-44 Charzynski, Przemyslaw, 90-5 Chatskikh, Dmitri, 138-8 Chaturvedi, R.K., 81-2 Chau Minh, Khoi, 154-12 Chaudhary, Manju, 155-36 Chauhan, Devraj, 163-15 Chauvet, Thomas, 100-5 Chaves, Alba, 104-2 Chaves, Aurelio. A. A., 115-45 Checkai, Ronald T., 168-1 Chefetz, Benny, 110-5 Chekushin, Victor, 91-1 Chellemi, Dan O., 162-14, 102-5 Chen, Fang, 177-6 Chen, Chengrong, 17-11 Chen, Deli, 23-6, 146-12, 166-50, 11656 Chen, Dong, 138-42 Chen, Feng, 115-56 Chen, Gang, 135-24 Chen, Guihua, 167-16 Chen, Jie, 28-4 Chen, Kai, 168-10 Chen, Lixin, 177-12 Chen, Ming, 153-33, 95-5, 38-5 Chen, Rong Fu, 104-9 Chen, Suwan, 144-1 Chen, Wenli, 51-2 Chen, Xi, 119-23 Chen, Xin, 178-30 Chen, Yona, 158-34 Chen, Zhiming, 137-20 167 AUTHOR INDEX Bosshard, Christine, 59-3 Bostick, McNair, 116-54 Bottner, Pierre, 138-76 Bou Kheir, Rania C., 151-31 Bouarfa, Sami, 112-2, 153-38 Boularbah, Ali, 178-19 Bouldin, David, 170-13 Bouma, Johannes, 103-1 Bourennane, Hocine, 19-7 Bourgeon, Gérard, 126-9 Bourke, David, 150-23 Bourrié, G., 139-24 Bousserhine, Nouredine, 21-5 Boutton, Thomas W., 138-4 Bouwer, Edward J., 135-9 Bouyouris, Kostas, 167-13 Bouzid, Nordine, 159-17 Boxell, Joshua, 127-14 Boxler, Miguel, 155-110 Boyd, Stephen A., 65-1, 110-6, 110-9 Boyer, Douglas, 161-3 Boyer, Joseph N., 141-2 Bradford, Joe, 162-24 Brams, Eugene, 171-4 Branson, Janice, 154-42 Brantley, Susan, 5-6 Brar, Mukand Singh, 97-5 Braschi, Ilaria, 154-58 Brauckmann, Hans-Joerg, 90-7 Brauer, Neil, 119-6 Bravo, Miguel, 33-2 Bray, Steven, 17-12 Breaban, Iuliana, 124-10 Breaban, Iuliana Gabriela, 168-3 Breidt, F. Jay, 138-37 Breiner, Joan, 145-37, 71-4 Brenna, Stefano, 153-28, 163-31, 165-2 Bres, Aurélie, 58-2 Bretan, Alexandru, 168-3 Breuer, Lutz, 170-17 Breus, Irina P., 110-2, 65-4 Breus, Vladimir A., 110-2, 65-4 Brevik, Eric C., 78-2 Briand, Christopher H., 147-13 Briggs, Crystal, 8-12 Brink, Geoff, 163-25 Briones, Angelina, 155-155 Brito, Osmar R., 160-12, 99-8 Brito, Rafael M., 160-12 Brittan, Kent, 31-12 Brock, Amy, 135-8, 127-8, 127-4, 1275, 132-2 Broek Van Den, Joep, 133-22 Broll, Gabriele, 62-5, 90-7, 163-3 Bronger, Arnt, 49-2 Bronick, Carol, 150-24 Brookes, P.C., 138-27 Brooks, J. R., 158-40 Broos, Maaike J., 161-8 Brosky-Dorsey, Rebekah T., 93-8 Brossard, Michel, 137-35, 64-2 Brouder, Sylvie, 76-2 Brough, Daniel M., 107-8 Brown, David J., 160-7, 160-17, 12-10 Brown, Jerry, 40-3 Brown, Joel R., 16-4, 53-5 Brown, K. W., 13-1 Brown, Katharine L., 53-3 Bruand, Ary, 64-2, 137-32, 137-35 Bruland, Gregory L., 115-5, 118-1, 842 Brun, Jean-Jacques, 163-3 Brunet, Didier, 133-19 Brunetti, Gennaro, 115-57 Bruns, Mary Ann, 144-66 Brus, Dick J., 100-1 Bruss, Larry, 149-10 Brussaard, Lijbert, 95-3, 82-5, 95-8, 54-8, 152-16, 158-37, 162-21, 1705 Bruulsema, Thomas, 31-3 Bryant, Steven L., 139-1 Bryson, Autumn L., 177-22 Chen, Zueng-Sang, 170-29, 85-8, 1216, 122-15, 123-2, 146-14 Cheng, Chih-Hsin, 145-28 Cheng, Guang, 15-13 Cheng, H. H., 38-5 Cheng, Weiguo, 118-11 Chengguang, Yu, 155-149 Chengli, Tong, 163-18 Chenu, Claire, 15-18, 64-4, 102-8, 431, 145-29 Cheong, Yong Hwa, 155-92 Chernousenko, Galina I., 28-7, 159-7 Chernyanskii, Serge S., 151-24 Chersich, Silvia, 163-3 Chertov, Oleg, 138-5 Chesworth, Ward, 87-3 Chhabra, Baldev S., 152-9 Chiang, Po-Neng, 144-10 Chiaretti, J.V., 117-2 Chiariello, Nona, 3-7 Chibirka, John, 124-2, 107-11 Chichota, Rogerio, 156-23 Chida, Akiko, 146-15 Chidanandappa, Guruprasad, 23-8 Chien, Norman, 67-4 Chien, S. H., 154-14 Chien-Lu, Ping, 175-13 Chilom, Gabriela, 52-4 Chitdeshwari, T., 164-15 Chittleborough, David J., 34-3, 154-63, 96-4, 154-54, 31-10 Chiu, Chih-Yu, 135-15, 94-5, 177-16 Chiu, Siu-Wai, 158-17 Chizhikova, Natalia P., 140-5, 125-6 Cho, Eun Ju, 140-9 Cho, In Jae, 118-17, 118-18 Cho, Ju Sik, 155-92, 140-9, 118-17, 118-18 Choate, Ladonna, 93-11 Choi, Choong-Lyeal, 145-6, 166-45 Choi, Du-Hoi, 162-23, 162-26 Choi, Jong-Seo, 116-40, 116-38 Choi, Jyung, 166-45 Choi, Woo-Jung, 155-172, 116-37, 11638 Choi, Yeong-Dae, 150-12 Choi, Youn-Seok, 178-8 Choi, Young-Dae, 116-40 Chong, C., 155-16, 155-14 Chotte, Jean-Luc, 58-3 Choudhary, Anil K., 154-10 Choudhary, O.P., 153-8 Chowdhury, Abed H., 161-1 Chowdhury, J., 95-4 Christy, Colin D., 56-11, 56-12 Chua-Ona, Teresita, 115-51 Chude, V.O., 108-4 Chukov, Serafim N., 141-11, 138-51 Chun, Hyen Chung, 48-15, 137-18 Chung, Doug Y., 138-39 Chung, Haegeun, 138-65 Chung, Jong-Bae, 153-1 Chung, Keun-Yook, 140-11 Churchman, Gordon J., 171-6, 154-63 Ciavatta, Claudio, 138-74, 177-31 Cichota, Rogerio, 166-7 Cihacek, Larry J., 138-82 Cimato, Antonio, 165-8 Ciolkosz, Edward J., 115-46, 115-35, 115-39 Ciolkosz, E.J., 137-16 Cirino, Yamille, 118-5 Cisternas, Marco, 158-3 Claassen, Norbert, 154-35, 155-81 Claessens, Lieven, 111-1 Claff, Salirian, 39-11, 39-25, 10-2 Clapp, C. Edward, 138-42, 138-7 Clark, Gary J., 54-6 Clark, Kimberly C., 147-13 Clark, M., 174-11 Clark, Mark, 160-3 Clark, Mark W., 118-3 Clay, David, 75-11 168 Clay, Sharon, 75-11 Clechenko, Elizabeth, 132-7 Clemente, Eliane P., 128-12 Clinton, Peter, 158-31 Clode, Peta, 43-4 Clothier, Brent E., 9-3, 45-15, 153-15, 30-3, 166-7, 112-5, 145-52, 11-5, 156-23, 123-11 Cloutier-Hurteau, Benoît, 21-4, 158-22 Clune, Daniel J., 148-15 Clune, Tim S., 138-49 Cluzeau, Daniel, 120-8, 137-3 Coale, Frank, 154-53 Cobos, Douglas R., 153-22, 12-4 Codling, Eton E., 154-11, 178-23 Cody, George D., 17-6 Coehlo, Antonio Marcus, 139-35 Coelho, Maurício Rizatto, 128-5 Cohen, Matthew, 160-3 Cohn, Corey, 86-3 Cole, David R., 109-9 Cole, James, 3-7 Cole, Nephi J., 18-3 Cole, Yvette F., 163-12 Coleman, David, 94-5 Coleman, Kevin, 138-80, 36-5, 25-1, 138-86 Coleman, Tommy, 116-33, 160-16 Coles, Richard, 56-8, 158-29 Colinet, Gilles, 27-3, 124-4 Collin Bellier, Céline, 119-20 Collins, Chris D., 145-22 Collins, Mary, 85-12 Colombo, Claudio, 139-21, 56-16, 14443, 126-17 Colvan, S.R., 67-3 Combessies, Gustavo, 172-7 Comeau, Louis-Pierre, 165-9 Comerford, Nicholas B., 45-26, 115-5, 133-5 Cometti, José L., 72-5 Compton, Jana E., 115-20 Conant, Richard, 15-4, 138-16, 15-16 Condron, Leo M., 82-4, 141-1 Constantin, Carolina, 168-9 Conte, Pellegrino, 138-67 Contreras, Sergio, 119-12, 136-1 Cook, Freeman J., 39-9 Cook, Troy Jf, 174-2 Cookson, W. Richard, 47-5 Cools, Nathalie, 163-3 Coppin, Frederic, 144-45 Cornish, Peter S., 115-55 Cornu, Jean-Yves, 21-4 Cornu, Sophie, 78-10, 85-3 Corradini, Danilo, 139-30 Corral-Diaz, Baltazar, 144-13 Correa, Guilherme R., 133-2 Correa, Marcelo Metri, 145-53 Correia, João Roberto, 130-5 Cortet, Jerome, 149-4 Cortés, Lorena, 167-19 Corwin, Dennis, 153-19, 56-4, 159-4, 160-9 Coscione, Aline R., 155-121 Cosentino, Diego J., 64-4 Cosenza, Philippe, 157-8 Costa, Jucilene A., 133-10 Costa, Liovando M., 106-4, 175-1, 12812 Costa, Marcondes L., 72-5, 133-14, 133-20, 133-10 Costantini, Edoardo A.C., 165-6, 1658, 165-10, 109-2, 132-3, 90-10 Courchesne, François, 21-4, 158-22, 144-33 Courty, Marie-Agnes, 92-1 Cousin, Isabelle, 157-8, 64-2, 137-32, 137-35, 78-10 Coutinho, Heitor L. C., 16-5 Cowan, Angela, 127-3 Cox, Albert, 178-29, 158-7 Cox, Jim, 154-54 Cox, Jim W., 34-3 Cox, Michael, 124-9 Cox, William, 155-105 Cram, Silke, 160-6 Crawford, Michael C., 32-1 Crawford, Stephen, 12-13, 115-39 Cremeens, David, 83-11 Crespo, Roberto J., 176-6 Cresser, Malcolm, 117-1, 33-1 Cresswell, Hamish, 116-39 Crew, Raymond C., 160-23 Cripps, Reed, 119-1 Criquet, Steven, 177-29 Crosson, Pierre, 68-1 Crouse, Charles L., 168-1 Crouse, David A., 89-11 Croué, J.-P., 145-24 Crowley, James K., 131-7 Crozier, Carl, 45-23 Crozier, Carl R., 155-13 Crusciol, Carlos A.C., 155-120, 155113 Cruse, Richard, 146-11 Cruz-Díaz, Jaime, 144-6 Cruzate, Gustavo A., 42-22, 142-4, 149-25 Csuzdi, Csaba, 170-5 Cucci, Giovanna, 163-19, 159-8 Cueto - Wong, Jose Antonio, 155-174 Cuevas, Gabriela, 158-32 Cui, Xiao-Gang, 149-3 Cull, Jim, 93-8 Cull, Peter, 147-18 Cullum, R.F., 89-3 Cunha, M. M., 154-14 Cunha, Tony J. F., 72-2, 133-13 Curbelo, S., 15-2 Currie, Brian S., 127-3 Currie, Dougal R., 153-10 Czanik, Peter, 139-29 Czinkota, György, 116-21 Czinkota, Imre, 116-21, 116-60 Czymmek, Karl J., 154-66, 161-9 D Di Giovanni, George, 144-13 D’Acqui, Luigi P., 163-14 D’Angelo, Elisa M., 140-13 Da Silva, E. Cabral, 15-1 Da Silva, Valdinete Lins, 178-21 Dabney, Seth M., 22-1 Dadenko, Evgenia V., 168-22 Dadfar, Hunaira, 70-4 Dahiya, S.S., 83-12 Dahlgren, Randy, 119-6 Dahlhaus, Peter G., 107-14 Dalal, Ram C., 23-3, 163-27 Dalby, Tina, 147-18 Daly, Karen, 150-23 Dampier, Lesley, 177-11 Dana Sanchez, Elias D., 115-47 Danfeng, Sun, 66-3 Dang, D. N., 9-1 Dang, Raman, 155-39 Danga, Benjamin O., 138-81 Daniel, Heiko, 54-5 Daniel, Jami, 99-9 Daniels, Lee, 125-2 Daniels, W. D., 115-4 Dao, Thanh H., 59-5, 154-11 Daoyou, Huang, 163-18 Daquiado, Nonilona P., 136-29 Darcheville, Olivia, 135-13 Darilek, Landon, 170-6, 154-56 Darmawan, Darmawan, 155-95 Daroub, Samira, 153-33, 95-5 Darwish, Khaled Mohamed, 115-13, 19-1, 115-2 Das, Dilip, 60-8 Das, Dilip Kumar, 144-15, 157-2, 16340, 116-1 Das, Kuntal, 155-39 Das, Madhumita, 153-46 Das, Narendra, 116-47 Das, S. S., 89-4 Dasog, G.S, 31-1, 4-2, 104-1, 66-1 Dassa, Maoz, 49-3 Dassanayake, Anil R., 147-16 Dathe, Annette, 63-11 Datta, S.C., 155-54, 155-57, 139-18 Daughtry, Craig S. T., 48-4 David, Susanne, 178-1 Davidson, Donald A., 33-1, 77-2, 117-1 Davidson, Rob, 96-4 Davie, Alexis, 158-27 Davies, Phil, 154-54 Davis, Jessica G., 99-9, 83-4, 154-39, 165-6 Day, Rick L., 161-8, 160-23, 124-2 Dayton, Elizabeth, 154-57 Dazzo, Frank, 15-3 De Angelis, Paolo, 138-85 De Azevedo, Eduardo R., 72-2 De Bakker, Alexandre Pereira, 121-1 De Bona, Fabiano D., 138-79 De Goede, Ron, 177-5, 152-16 De Graaff, Marie Anne, 138-30 De Gruitjer, Jaap J., 100-1 De Gryze, Steven, 138-44 De Jong, Reinder, 116-58 De Koff, Jason, 143-6 De Koning, Free, 45-25 De La Fuente, Juan C., 151-33 De La Luz Mora, Maria, 144-59 De León-González, Fernando, 35-12, 121-2 De Mascellis, Roberto, 136-26, 101-1 De Nolf, Wout, 51-9 De Pauw, Eddy F., 75-7 De Santiago, Ana, 152-14 De Souza E Silva, Paula Tereza, 178-21 De Souza Martins, Eder, 64-2 De Souza, A., 115-23 De Vries, Franciska T., 162-21 De, G.C., 149-7 Dean, Jill, 167-16 Dear, Sue-Ellen, 5-10 Deb, Sanjit Kumar, 136-2 Debele, Diriba Nigusie, 149-2 Debeljak, Marko, 149-4 Debusk, William F., 118-1 Dechen, Antonio R., 155-119 Dechen, Sonia C. F., 151-12 Decker, David L., 135-21 Deckers, Jozef, 90-4, 75-9, 55-5 Dedecek, Renato A., 177-13, 177-19 Deen, Moin, 153-47 Degaetano, Arthur T., 25-3 Degloria, Stephen D., 115-28, 115-29, 115-31, 155-85, 160-4 Deiveekasundaram, Muthukumara, 155-69 Dejong, Reinder, 116-28 Deka Boruah, Hari Prasanna, 144-63 Del Gaudio, S., 139-2 Del Pino, Y. Amabelia, 6-1 Del-Nero, Esteban, 154-73 Dela-Dedzoe, Christian, 173-3 Delbarrio, Gabriel, 136-10 Delft, Bas Van, 163-3 Delgadillo Pinon, Ma. Eugenia, 159-6 Delgado, Antonio, 154-55, 151-8, 15214 Delgado, Gabriel, 137-17 Delgado, Rafael, 137-17, 6-7 Dell’abate, Maria T., 54-2 Dell’amico, Elena, 144-54 Dell’olio, Laura A., 163-30 Dell, Bernie, 31-2 Dell, Curtis J., 54-3, 161-5, 136-23 Delve, Robert J., 115-21, 25-2 Demanet, Rolando, 155-6 Demaria, Isabella C., 151-12 Demaria, Paolo, 154-51 Ditzler, Craig A., 61-3 Dixit, M.L., 155-162 Dixit, Prakash N., 23-6 Dixon, Barnali, 115-19 Dixon, Joe B., 139-36, 126-4 Dlapa, Pavel, 57-8, 119-17 Do Nascimento, V., 123-8 Doai, Meysam, 137-22 Dobermann, Achim, 168-23, 76-2, 155127, 76-3 Dobos, Robert R., 95-2 Dobos, Steven, 10-5, 39-17 Docampo, Roberto, 123-9 Dodgshun, Nathan, 54-6 Dodonov, Andrey E., 132-9 Dodoo, David.K, 168-8 Doe, Richard, 154-62 Doelsch, Emmanuel, 126-10 Domingo, Francisco, 119-10, 119-12 Donagemma, Guilherme K., 89-6 Donath, Tilman, 101-2 Dong, Yuanhua, 145-15 Dong, Yuanyan, 145-4 Donohue, Sean W., 120-2 Doody, Donnacha, 150-23 Doolittle, James, 74-1, 56-5 Doolittle, James J., 138-39, 124-8 Doran, John W., 105-1, 167-8, 167-14 Dornellas, Manoel, 147-10 Dos Santos Afonso, Maria, 139-15, 145-33 Dossa, E., 155-5 Dossa, Ekwe, 31-14 Dosso, Mireille, 58-2 Dou, Fugen, 175-13 Dougherty, Warwick J., 154-54 Dousset, Sylvie, 60-5, 139-31 Dovriki, Eleni, 115-34 Dowuona, G.N.N., 138-24 Dragila, Maria, 158-40 Drapelova, Ida, 17-19 Drees, L. R., 41-3, 51-12 Drees, L.R., 128-4 Drevon, J. J., 15-2 Drewnik, Marek, 40-4, 175-9 Drijber, Rhae, 15-16, 138-82 Drohan, Patrick, 150-22, 127-14, 11646, 127-16, 119-18 Drori, Yaron, 110-5 Drosos, A, 115-54 Drouillon, Margriet, 154-12 Drury, C. F., 145-19 Drury, C.F., 154-72 Drury, Craig, 123-10 Drury, Craig F., 116-28, 116-58 Duaisamy, Selvi, 146-8, 146-9 Duan, Wenbiao, 177-12 Dubey, S. K., 81-2 Dubois, David, 59-3, 8-3 Dudal, Rudi, 172-8 Dudal, Yves, 126-10 Duenas, G., 1-12, 2-15 Duff, Martine C., 135-4 Dufkova, Jana, 22-4 Dugan, Emmanuel, 116-31 Duijnisveld, Wilhelmus, 48-8 Duiker, Sjoerd, 149-18, 148-19 Dukes, M. D., 155-101 Dumat, Camille, 144-27 Dunbabin, Vanessa M., 70-2 Dungan, Robert, 143-6 Dunmola, Adedeji S., 8-6 Dunne, Ed, 118-3 Duong, Vien Minh, 39-10, 155-107 Duquène, Lise, 135-14 Duraisamy, Selvi, 54-4, 156-5, 165-1 Durgy, Robert, 162-12 Duris, Michal, 57-8 Duseja, Desh, 145-57 Dutin, Gilles, 71-5 Duval, Odile, 137-32 Duxbury, J.M., 105-2, 168-19, 81-3, 138-72, 155-133 Duxbury, John M., 115-29, 115-31, 244 Dwomo, Owusu, 157-5 Dworkin, Steve I., 129-15 Dyszynski, Greg, 94-5 Déjardin, P., 79-3 Díaz De Ackermann, Martha, 155-160 Díaz, M. Cruz, 150-8, 19-6, 115-23 Díaz, Ricardo C., 42-22, 149-25 Dümig, Alexander, 126-14 Düring, Rolf-Alexander, 66-6 Enowashu, Esther, 20-1 Entry, James, 35-2 Eom, Ki-Cheol, 57-6, 51-4, 158-21, 426 Epstein, Brian, 137-47 Erber, Claudia, 90-7 Eriksson, Jan, 13-1, 42-7 Erlandsson, Maria, 47-3 Ermolaeva, Olga S., 19-11 Erskine, Robert, 25-4 Escott, Boyd, 7-5 Espindola, Carlos Roberto, 136-14 Espino, Montserrat, 145-11 E Espinoza, Yusmary, 138-83 Eallonardo, Anthony S., 116-41 Espíndola, Carlos Roberto., 136-12 Earls, Julie, 115-19 Essington, Michael E., 51-1 Easter, Mark, 138-86, 36-5, 138-80, 25- Estoista, Rosa Villa B., 177-5 1 Estrada Avalos, Juan, 160-14 Eastley, Lisa M., 144-28 Estrada Medina, Héctor, 108-3 Eatesam, Gholam Reza, 155-22 Estradamedina, Hector, 129-16 Eaton, Robert J., 177-32 Eswaran, Hari, 42-4, 115-9, 16-2, 42-3, Ebelhar, Stephen A., 155-97 173-7 Ebeling, Adierson Gilvani, 128-5, 42Etchevers, Jorge E., 33-2 10, 118-16 Etyemezian, Vic, 53-4 Ebrahim, Shibu M., 138-66 Everett, Charles J., 125-2 Ebrahimi, Babak, 137-25 Everett, Karen, 94-5 Ebrahimi, Soheila, 137-25 Evett, Steven R., 100-3, 116-30 Echevarria, Guillaume, 135-16, 129-11, Evreinova, Alena V., 114-3 144-26 Exebio Garcia, Adolfo, 159-6 Echevarria, H., 155-86 Eynard, Anna, 64-3 Eckelmann, Wolf, 28-5, 115-25 Ezeh, K. N, 104-13 Eckmeier, Eileen, 120-12 Edelkott, Iris, 35-11 Edesi, Liina, 156-16 F Edis, Robert, 166-50, 116-56, 166-49 F Harlapur, Sujata, 155-156, 154-1 Edraki, Mansour, 159-11 Faber, Marjorie, 178-14 Edwards, Anthony, 162-31 Fabianek, Tomas, 17-19 Edwards, Jonathan L., 144-16 Fabrizzi, Karina, 138-60 Effland, William, 122-16 Fadnes, Kjetil, 90-11 Effland, William R., 173-3, 14-4 Fageria, N. K., 31-7 Egamberdiyeva, Dilfuza, 152-15, 140- Fageria, Nand K., 104-14 26, 140-31, 142-10 Fais, Andrea, 149-27 Egerton-Warburton, Louise M., 71-4 Faivre, Pierre, 78-5 Eggleston, K., 115-39 Fakra, Sirine, 144-39 Egli, Dennis, 116-32 Falatah, Abdulrazag, 159-1 Eguchi, Sadao, 137-46 Falcao, Newton Paulo De Souza, 133-5 Egwu, Samuel E., 45-22 Falen, Anita, 125-10 Eick, Matthew, 19-9, 144-3 Falkenberg, Gerald, 51-9 Eickhorst, Thilo, 43-5 Fallah, Alireza, 140-24 Eilers, Robert G., 147-16, 56-2, 117-4 Falloon, Pete, 138-86, 25-1, 36-5 Eisenbees, Mark H., 177-7 Fan, Mingxian, 155-171 Eivazi, Frieda, 148-10 Fang, Huajun, 138-52 Ekschmitt, Klemens, 15-15 Fang, Xie, 138-45 El Khalil, Hicham, 178-19 Fank, Hans, 45-3 El Sharkawi, Haytham, 154-18 Fanni, Stefania, 160-11 El-Esawy, M. A., 13-2 Fanning, Delvin S., 3-10 El-Motaium, R. A., 13-2 Fannuchi, Richard, 162-35 Elahi, Syed, 166-37, 121-7, 115-9 Fares, Ali, 137-14, 163-42 Elberling, Bo, 141-4 Fares, Farouk Saleh, 172-4 Eleki, Krisztina, 146-11 Farhangisabet, Mojgan, 96-5 Elena, Karpova, 154-17 Farid, A.T.M., 168-19 Elimelech, Menachem, 140-36 Farmer, Walter, 110-4 Elizalde, Graciano, 122-2 Farnham, Timothy, 150-22 Elizarova, Tatiana N., 125-3 Farshad, Abbas, 122-11 Ellerbrock, Ruth, 85-13 Fashola, Oluwarotimi O., 167-1, 155Elliot, Thomas, 5-5 134 Elliot, Thomas R., 101-3, 131-12 Fattahi Kiasari, Ebrahim, 144-24 Elliot, William J., 177-33 Fatunbi, Oluwole A., 148-20 Elliott, Adriane L., 154-39 Faure, Pierre, 139-7 Elliott, E. T., 20-3 Fauziah, Che Ishak, 57-10 Elnahry, Alaa Eldin H., 149-23 Fawcett, Jon, 107-14 Elrashidi, Moustafa A., 116-3 Fay, Deirdre, 144-2, 150-23 Elustondo, David, 124-3 Faz Cano, Ángel, 176-5, 127-15, 93-6, Emile, Temgoua, 109-7 178-16, 127-17, 127-6, 169-1 Emiru, Nega, 149-9, 157-6 Faz, Angel, 176-3 Enciso, Juan, 153-39 Faz, Ángel, 162-7 Endo, Akira, 116-11 Feagley, Sam E., 150-25, 150-18 Endo, Akira, 116-9 Feagley, Sonnie, 161-2 Enet, Yannick, 159-17 Feder, Frédéric, 126-10, 126-9 Engel, Robert J., 61-3 Fedorenko, O. L., 135-12 Englisch, Michael, 163-3 Fedorets, Natalia, 177-38 English, Michael, 106-5 Fedotov, Gennady, 116-29 Enne, Giuseppe, 172-5 Feiznia, Sadat, 151-25 169 AUTHOR INDEX Demattê, José Alexandre M., 131-1, 131-9 Demetriades-Shah, Tanvir H., 138-31 Demidenko, Galina A., 123-4 Demin, Dmitriy, 14-2 Demiral, Tijen, 104-15 Demkin, Vitaly A., 132-4 Demkina, Tat’ana S., 132-4 Denevan, William M., 133-6 Deng, Jaiyou, 119-6 Deng, Minjiang, 119-23 Deng, Shiping, 147-14 Deng, Youjun, 135-24 Denisova, Tatyana V., 140-27, 176-1 Dent, David, 172-2 Deokar, Am, 159-21 Depew, Steve, 124-9 Derby, Nathan E., 115-14 Dercon, Gerd, 167-15 Dergacheva, Maria, 109-3 Derrien, Delphine, 116-44 Dersch, Georg, 168-17 Descroix, Luc, 160-14 Deshmukh, Ashish, 79-1 Dessogne, Jean-Baptiste, 60-5 Desta, Lulseged T., 103-3 Desutter, Thomas M., 170-10, 19-12 Deunert, Frauke, 162-32 Deurer, Markus, 166-7, 112-5, 123-11, 48-8 Dev, G., 155-66 Devereux, Olivia H., 117-10 Dexter, Moira, 162-13 Deza Marin, German, 155-110 De–Campos, A.B., 154-69 Dhaliwal, Ram Singh, 166-34 Dharmakeerthi, R.S., 70-4 Dhillon, N.S., 154-49 Dhital, Bishnu K., 157-3 Dhyani, P. P., 155-48 Di Bartolomeo, Emanuela, 95-7 Di Cerce, Antonella, 139-21 Di Matteo, Bruno, 136-26 Di Tizio, Alessandra, 163-13, 163-29 Di Toro, Dominic, 86-1 Di, H.J., 160-21 Di, Hong J., 97-1 Di, Hong-Jie, 141-1 Diack, Mateugue, 103-4 Dianou, Dayéri, 20-6 Dias, Fábio L.F., 147-10 Dias, Luiz E., 175-1 Diaz, M.C., 42-15 Diaz, Orlando, 153-33, 95-5 Diaz-Zorita, Martin, 76-5 Dick, Richard P., 138-82, 141-10, 1021, 155-5, 158-40, 163-34, 31-14, 158-15 Dick, Warren, 102-2 Dickey, John B., 56-8, 158-29 Dicosty, Ralph J., 78-11 Diedhiou, Ibrahima, 31-14 Diels, Jan, 167-15 Diels, Ludo, 86-2, 144-56 Dieudonné, Bitom, 109-7 Diez, M. Cristina., 145-23 Dighton, John, 135-1 Dignac, M.-F., 15-18 Dilkova, Rayna, 57-4 Dillon Jr., Wallace, 177-23 Dillon, Wallace, 177-21 Dilly, Oliver M., 15-12 Dimas, Jose, 162-27 Dimes, John P., 25-2 Dinelli, Dan, 178-29 Ding, Feng, 24-5 Dinh, Thai Hung, 149-17 Dinirkou, Anthi, 152-5 Diop, Amadou Makhtar, 130-1 Disnar, Jean-Robert, 64-2 Dittmar, Jessica, 144-53 Ditzler, Craig, 33-7, 42-17, 42-16, 1213 Feller, Christian, 38-2, 36-5, 54-1, 13319, 58-3, 99-8, 15-2 Felli, Osvaldo, 137-44 Fendorf, Scott, 158-18, 51-5, 99-7, 501, 73-5, 144-48 Feng, Guanglong, 151-4, 151-2 Feng, Ting, 138-80 Feng, Xiaojuan, 145-46, 52-5 Feng, Xiong Han, 144-14 Feng, Yongsheng, 4-6, 15-7, 151-10 Feng, Yucheng, 116-22 Ferdous, Soheli, 118-10 Ferguson, Dennis, 125-10 Ferguson, Richard, 155-127 Fernandes Filho, Elpidio I., 175-4 Fernandes, Erick C.M., 167-7 Fernandez-Buces, Norma, 160-6, 15920 Fernandez-Getino, Ana-Patricia, 129-8, 138-62 Fernando, Nishantha W.A.R., 155-13 Fernández, Francisco, 119-10 Fernández-Vera, Juan Ramón, 154-73 Ferreira, Ana C., 135-31 Ferreira, Cristhian S., 115-45 Ferreira, Maria Da G. De V. X., 128-7, 113-5 Ferreira, Oscar, 156-13 Ferré, Ty P.A., 137-8 Fertsak, U., 160-21 Fesha, Iyassu, 116-22 Fey, Martin V., 90-9 Fichtner, Elizabeth J., 142-6 Field, Chris, 3-7 Fifield, Keith, 49-4 Figueiró, N., 60-3 Figueroa, Rafael, 155-62, 153-17 Figueroa-Viramontes, Rafael, 153-31 Filgueira, Roberto R., 136-11, 48-15, 139-40, 136-22 Filippi, Nicola, 150-4, 158-41 Finch, Niki P., 164-8 Findeling, Antoine, 126-10 Fink, David, 49-4 Finney, Denise, 148-9 Finzgar, Neza, 158-11 Fiore, Saverio, 51-9 Fiorin, Jackson, 138-60 Fischer, Holger, 2-4, 145-38 Fischer, J., 101-2 Fischer, Steven, 178-4 Fischer, Walter R., 137-2 Fishkis, O., 2-5 Fitzgerald, Michelle M., 56-2 Fitzpatrick, John, 125-7 Fitzpatrick, Robert, 10-4, 74-2, 55-4, 12-5 Fjer, Nabil, 178-18 Flanagan, Dennis C., 59-5 Flannagan, Christopher T., 4-6 Flaten, Don, 168-13, 144-28, 31-13 Flaten, Don N., 154-44 Fleisher, David, 3-4 Flerchinger, Gerald, 116-18, 116-52 Flessa, Heiner, 170-21, 15-15 Fliessbach, Andreas, 3-8 Flinn, Sally, 83-11 Flor, Rafael, 150-9 Flores, Francisco, 47-2 Flores-3gez, Juan Pedro, 155-71, 14413 Flores-Velez, Luisa Ma., 93-9 Flores-Vélez, Luisa Ma., 158-30 Florinsky, Igor V., 56-2 Florou, Heleni, 151-32 Flury, Markus, 135-24 Flynn, N. J., 154-32 Fodor, László, 146-11 Fohrer, Nicola, 162-32, 22-5 Folkoff, Michael E., 147-13 Follain, Stéphane, 120-8, 71-5 Follmer, Leon, 122-8 Fomina, M., 21-3 170 Fonseca, Francisco, 75-6 Fontana, Ademir, 128-6 Fontes, Mauricio P., 145-53 Fontes, Renildes, 170-9 Ford, Robert, 63-6 Forge, Tom, 154-46 Forghani, Akbar, 155-19, 155-17, 1636 Forghni, Akbar, 168-5 Fortenberry, Gamola, 163-42 Fortiz, Manuel, 162-27 Fortner, Jim, 13-12 Fortuna, Ann-3ie, 155-20 Fotovat, Amir, 163-43, 163-28, 139-25, 144-20, 144-24 Fouli, Ymène, 148-19 Fournier, Lidia L., 136-11 Fox, Thomas, 177-24, 47-2, 120-1 Fox, Thomas R., 177-9 Foyjunnessa, Mrs Shanta, 154-71 Francelino, Marcio R., 175-4, 106-4 Franchini, Elena, 165-8 Francioso, Ornella, 138-74, 177-31, 154-58 Franciss, R., 178-24 Franklin, Dorcas H., 119-21 Franks, Carol D., 54-3 Franzluebbers, Alan, 82-2 França Borges, Lillian, 133-5 Frazão, Francisco J., 72-5 Frazão, Francisco J. L., 133-10 Frede, Hans-Georg, 170-17 Freeman, Chris, 138-21 Freeman, K. W., 155-98 Freeman, Kyle, 155-88 French, Vic, 112-3 Freppaz, Michele, 89-1 Freschet, Grégoire, 58-3 Fresco, Louise, 172-8 Frey, Crystal J., 120-7 Frey, Serita, 138-82 Frisbee, Adrienne E., 118-24 Fritzsche, Andreas, 144-21 Froese, Duane G., 175-14 Frossard, E., 154-48, 2-13 Frossard, Emmanuel, 154-51, 59-3 Frías-Ramírez, José E., 42-14 Fröjdö, Sören, 174-9 Fuchs, Marta, 179-5 Fuentes Romero, Elizabeth, 177-10 Fuentes, Barbara S., 145-23 Fuhrer, Jürg, 138-59 Fuhrmann, Jeffry, 144-40, 144-55 Fuhrmann, Mark, 135-5 Fujii, Kazumichi, 125-5, 138-29 Fujii, Yoshiharu, 139-11 Fujisawa, Kazuya, 160-24 Fujitake, Nobuhide, 166-32 Fujiwara, Hideshi, 135-26 Fukatsu, Tokihiro, 160-24 Fullen, M., 11-1 Funakawa, Shinya, 138-29, 125-4, 16619, 68-4, 125-5 Furlani, Enes, 155-145, 155-153, 155151 Furtaw, Michael D., 138-31 Furubayashi, Akihiro, 139-11 Fyfe, Diane M., 39-3, 39-25 Fältmarsch, Rasmus, 174-4 Février, Laureline, 135-13 G G, Anandakumar, 138-64 G, Gandhi, 155-34 Gabchenko, Maria V., 28-7, 56-3 Gachene, C.K.K., 61-2, 155-27 Gad, Abd-Alaa Gad Abda-Alla, 91-10 Gad, Nadia, 139-16 Gadd, Geoffrey M., 21-3 Gaete, Hernán, 158-3 Gafurova, Laziza, 138-57, 138-55 Gagarina, Elvira I., 28-2 Gaiser, Thomas, 116-24 Gajbhiye, Ks, 138-86 Gajbhiye, Pn, 152-1 Gal, Anita, 123-3, 138-70, 148-17 Galbraith, John, 178-4 Galbraith, John M., 27-1, 42-17, 42-16, 33-7, 118-25 Gale, Paula, 15-5 Galicia, María Del Socorro, 163-22 Gallali, Tahar, 163-39 Gallardo, Felipe O., 83-2 Gallardo, Juan F., 33-2 Gallego, Javier, 158-41 Gallegos, Antonio, 155-62, 153-17 Gama Castro, Jorge E., 90-2 Gamba, Camilla, 138-25 Gami, S.K., 138-72 Gamzikov, Gennady P., 31-4 Gamzikova, Olga, 31-4 Gandidis, N., 155-44 Gandomkar, Akbar, 154-75, 154-47 Ganjala, V. Siva Prasad, 104-8 Ganry, Francis, 54-1 Gantner, Stephan, 3-7 Gantzer, Clark J., 136-16, 137-5, 13712 Gao, Bin, 63-11 Gao, Chao, 48-5 Gao, Juan, 145-45 Gao, Rutai, 31-5 Gao, Suduan, 153-24, 153-30 Gao, Xiadong, 63-5, 63-10 Gao, Xiaopeng, 168-10 Gao, Xirong, 145-51 Gao, Yanzheng, 65-5 Garcia Y Garcia, Axel, 116-53 Garcia, A., 15-2 Garcia, C. Amanda, 135-21 Garcia, Carlos Eduardo, 133-16 Garcia, Claudio, 123-9 Garcia, Fernando, 155-110, 76-5 Garcia, M. Rosario, 19-6 Garcia, Marcos V.B., 133-21, 95-12 Garcia, Richard L., 138-31 Garcia, Rodrigo A., 155-113 Garcia, Rosalia I., 147-2 García Calderón, Norma E., 163-23 García Calderón, Norma Eugenia, 17710 García Lamothe, Adriana, 155-160 García, Carlos, 166-39, 158-1 García, M. Elena, 93-9 García-Calderón, Norma Eugenia, 16322 García-Fragoso, Roberto G., 93-10 García-O, Cecilia, 144-6 Gardner, Sheila, 144-47 Gardner, Ted A., 39-9 Garibov, Geys, 137-23 Garlato, A., 85-10 Garman, Stephanie M., 19-9 Garrett, Robert G., 117-4 Garrigó, Jordi, 124-3 Garrison, Virginia H., 88-2 Garten, Charles T., 135-18 Gartzia-Bengoetxea, Nahia, 148-3 Gasco, G., 42-15, 115-23 Gasco, Jose-3ia, 138-62, 129-8 Gascó Montes, José María, 151-1, 1602 Gascón O., Norma, 93-9 Gattinger, Andreas, 140-32 Gaudet, Jean-Paul, 144-45 Gautam, Ramesh, 149-29, 149-19 Gauthier, Anthony, 47-4 Gavenda, Robert T., 166-18 Gavi Reyes, Fransisco, 134-4 Gayathi, B., 155-156 Gayathri, B., 154-1 Gazey, Chris, 156-10 Gaál, Zoltán, 150-13 Ge, Yufeng, 115-24 Gebrekidan, Heluf, 179-1, 85-16 Gee, Glendon W., 45-15, 45-8, 112-5, 45-11 Gehris, Todd, 145-32 Gelati, Pablo R., 136-11 Geleta, Samuel B., 147-13 Gellis, Allen, 117-10 Gendler, Tatyana S., 29-2 Gennadiyev, Alexander N., 151-24 Genries, Aurélie, 78-5 Gentilin Junior, Osvaldo, 147-10 Genu, Aline M., 131-1 Genxing, Pan, 36-1 Genú, Aline M., 131-9 Geoff, Kerr, 39-21 George, Sumam, 154-8 George, Suman J., 158-27 George, Timothy S., 2-7 Gerard, Patrick, 124-9 Gerayzade, Akif P., 116-7 Gerba, Charles, 24-2 Gerlach, Renate, 120-12 Gerson, Andrea, 39-23 Gerzabek, Martin H., 110-1, 139-12 Gessa, Carlo, 93-3, 93-1 Gessa, Carlo Emanuele, 154-58 Ghabour, Tharwat K., 56-7 Ghaffari-Nejad, Seyed Ali, 129-3 Ghaffariyan, M. Hadi, 164-1 Ghafoor, A., 93-5 Ghahreman, Nozar, 116-17 Ghani, Anwar, 162-13 Gharabaghi, Bahram, 101-3 Gherman, E., 145-24 Ghiberto, Pablo, 137-41 Ghiberto, Pablo J., 137-44, 163-11 Ghidin, Andre Ademir, 128-8 Ghose, T. J., 166-10 Ghosh, H., 95-4 Ghosh, Paromita, 155-48 Ghosh, Saikat, 145-44 Ghosh, Subhadip, 54-5 Ghoshal, S.K., 95-4 Giacomini, S., 2-1 Gianakopoulosi, Christos, 83-13 Gianfreda, Liliana, 144-59, 145-17, 145-18 Giani, Luise, 90-3, 138-5 Gianquinto, Giorgio, 144-5 Giardini, Luigi, 163-10, 163-17 Gichaba, Maina, 149-22 Gicheru, Patric, 61-2 Gicheru, Patrick, 36-5 Gierlowski-Kordesch, Elizabeth H., 132-6 Giglio, Luisa, 153-29 Gijsman, Arjan J., 70-1 Gilbert, Jennifer K., 116-51 Gilberto Fernandes, Correa, 148-16 Gilberto, Vela Correa, 122-22 Gilfillen, Rebecca, 147-7 Gilkes, Bob, 175-5, 29-5, 154-31 Gilkes, Robert, 122-7, 156-10, 106-9, 33-5, 175-11, 53-3, 120-4 Gilkes, Robert J., 85-7, 128-11, 119-22 Gill, Muhammad Islam, 99-5 Giller, K. E., 3-1 Giller, Kenneth E., 76-4, 25-2, 15-6 Gilucis, Aivars, 13-1 Gimenez, Daniel, 48-15, 119-16, 13622, 137-18 Gimsing, Anne Louise, 73-8, 145-34 Ginder-Vogel, Matthew, 50-1 Gingras, Nathalie, 144-33 Gioacchini, Paola, 138-74, 177-31 Giordani, Gianni, 138-74 Giovannini, Camilla, 154-58 Girma, K., 155-98 Girma, Kefyalew, 19-8, 155-88, 155123 Giron, Ignacio F., 150-6 Gish, Timothy, 48-4 Gitz, Dennis, 70-3 Gladysheva, Maria A., 98-4 Gray, Jonathan M., 55-5, 90-4 Greef, Joerg-Michael, 151-42 Green, Carly, 47-3 Green, Carrie E., 178-23 Green, Steve, 112-5, 123-11, 156-23 Green, Steve R., 153-15, 45-15 Green, Timothy, 116-52, 25-4 Green, V. Steven, 59-5 Greenberg, Wendy A., 128-2 Greene, Richard S.B., 163-27 Greenfield, Laurence G., 141-4 Gref, Joerg-Michael, 170-22 Grego, Célia R., 53-2, 100-4 Grego, Stefano, 163-29, 138-85, 13930, 162-18 Gregorauskiene, Virgilija, 13-1 Gregorich, Edward G., 123-10, 141-4 Gregory, David, 158-25 Gregory, Linda J., 2-3 Gregory, Peter J., 20-2 Grela, Sylwia, 121-9 Grenon, Daniel, 116-55 Greven, Marc, 156-23 Grewal, Mohinder Singh, 56-9 Grierson, Pauline F., 43-4 Gries, Corinna, 178-12 Griesel, Marianne, 144-57 Grieve, Catherine, 81-4 Grieve, Ian C., 138-41 Griffin, Timothy, 155-20 Griffiths, Bryan, 149-4 Grigorieva, Elena E., 172-3, 172-6 Grinev, Dimitry V., 20-2 Grishkan, Isabella, 156-19 Groffman, Peter, 120-2 Gronas, Viktor, 33-10 Grosclaude, J., 79-3 Gross, Chris, 161-7 Grossl, Paul, 154-38 Grossman, Julie, 133-17, 133-16 Grove, J. H., 156-14 Grove, John H., 138-65 Grover, Kulbhushan, 148-18 Grube, Walter E., 45-14 Grubišic, Mirko, 135-30 Grundy, Mike J., 107-8 Grunewald, Karsten, 160-1 Grunwald, Sabine, 160-3, 115-5, 118-1, 118-2, 160-22 Gräfe, Markus, 44-4, 29-4, 79-5 Grónás, Viktor, 149-32 Grünberger, Olivier, 159-17 Grünewald, Gritta, 178-22 Guber, Andrey, 48-12, 48-4, 119-4, 139-28 Guchok, Maria V., 166-5 Guedes, Carmen L.B., 160-12 Guedes, Rosa, 116-43 Guerra, J. Asterio, 127-13, 126-21, 126-3 Guerra, Larry C., 116-53 Guerra, Marcelo B., 175-11, 106-9 Guerrero, Francisca, 138-62, 129-8 Guerrero, Jose P., 155-51, 159-2 Guggenberger, Georg, 15-15 Gugino, Beth, 148-15 Guiliani, Rita, 152-12 Guimarães, Geovane Lima, 152-2 Guimarães, Maria De Fátima, 99-8, 665 Guiné, Veronique, 158-14 Guiresse, Maritxu, 144-27 Guiti, Alireza, 159-5, 159-3 Gujisaite, Valérie, 178-20 Gulati, Inderjeet, 23-14 Gunin, Petr D., 83-5 Gunst, Lucie, 3-8 Guo, Laodong, 175-13 Guo, Tianwen, 146-3 Guo, Xi, 177-6 Guo, Xiaomin, 177-6, 155-74 Guong, Vo Thi, 33-9 Guppy, Christopher, 154-70 Gupta, A.P., 163-41 Gupta, Dr. B.R., 158-12 Gupta, H S, 166-8 Gupta, Micky, 153-2, 153-45 Gupta, Raj K., 170-24, 95-11 Gupta, Rajiv, 155-77 Gupta, S. C., 155-109 Gupta, Subhas C., 24-1 Gupta, Umesh C., 24-1 Gury, Michel, 129-11 Gustafsson, Jon Petter, 73-7, 73-2, 13913 Gustavsson, Nils, 117-3 Gutierres Castorena, Carmen, 176-7 Gutierrez Boem, Flavio, 154-26 Gutiérrez-Castorena, Ma. Del Carmen, 42-14, 121-2, 108-1 Gvirtzman, Gdaliahu, 49-3 Gyori, Zoltan, 51-6 Gäth, Stefan, 66-6 Gómez, Clemencia, 155-90 Günther, Reinhard M., 45-5 Hanson, Paul, 135-18 Hao, X., 145-55 Hao, Xinmei, 138-36 Hao, Xiying, 166-25 Haque, S. A., 156-18, 154-16 Hara, Michihiro, 116-11, 116-9, 137-33 Harasick, Richard, 158-29, 56-8 Hardarson, Gudni, 172-1 Hardee, Gene E., 150-18 Harden, Jennifer W., 102-6, 87-1 Hardie, A.G., 145-39 Hardy, M. B., 153-14 Hargreaves, Caroline E., 20-2 Harikrishna, B. L., 2-4, 104-1 Harmanen, Heikki, 39-4 Harmel, Daren, 140-35 Harms, Ben, 17-12 Haroon, Abdul Rahim Mohamed, 155154 Harper, Richard J., 17-3, 122-7 Harper, Steve, 51-6 Harrington, Laura, 29-1 Harris, D., 168-18 Harris, Jim A., 166-6, 140-25 H Harris, Willie, 154-52 Ha, Byeong Yeon, 154-45 Harrison, J. Bruce J., 128-3 Ha, Sang-Keun, 137-9, 137-34 Harrower, Mark, 7-12 Haase, Susan, 35-11 Harry, Ozier-Lafontaine, 155-28 Haberhauer, Georg, 139-12, 110-1 Harsh, James, 135-24 Habib, A. Kamrul, 161-1 Harstad, Laura, 150-25 Habibi, Davood, 168-11 Hart, Carl. D, 155-97 Habibi, Davood, 147-4 Hart, Murray R., 115-55 Hadas, Aviva, 138-81 Hartemink, Alfred, 173-9, 148-7, 95-1, Hadda, M. S., 150-7 26-1 Haddix, Michelle, 138-16, 15-16 Hartley, Anne, 118-11 Hadizadeh Yazdi, Mohamad Hadi, 116- Hartshorn, Tony, 41-4 5 Hartwich, Reinhard, 28-5 Hadji, A., 5-2 Haruyama, Shigeko, 149-17 Haefele, Stephan M., 159-10, 155-164 Harvey, Omar R., 155-129 Haferkorn, Ulrike, 148-2 Hasegawa, Isao, 174-8, 104-10, 104-11 Hafsi, M., 5-2 Hasegawa, Shuichi, 137-46 Hageman, Philip L., 13-3 Hashem, Fawzy M., 170-27 Hagen, Lawrence J., 151-26 Hashemi, A. M., 150-3 Hager, Herbert, 163-3 Hashemimajd, Kazem, 138-2 Haggard, Brian, 147-6, 154-61, 154-19 Hashimoto, Yohei, 135-22 Haghnia, Gholam Hosain, 163-43 Hatano, Ryusuke, 158-16, 170-31, 170Haghnia, Gholamhossein, 144-20, 14414 24, 163-28, 140-23 Hatcher, Patrick G., 79-1 Haidara, A., 7-2 Hatfield, Jerry L., 155-116 Hajabbasi, Mohammad, 164-16, 143-7 Haudin, Claire-Sophie, 144-41, 135-6 Hajabbasi, Mohammad A., 177-20, 75- Haulon, Mathieu, 33-2 2, 150-19 Haungyutitham, Varisa, 94-3 Hajrasuliha, Shapoor, 139-25 Hauser, Stefan, 170-5 Haldin, Alexander, 160-16 Havlin, John, 89-11 Haley, Mark V., 168-1 Hawker, Darryl W., 139-19 Halitligil, M. B., 10-1 Hay, Anthony G., 63-11 Hall, Marvin, 148-19 Hay, Michael, 29-1 Hallaire, Vincent, 137-3 Hayakawa, Atsushi, 170-14 Hallett, Paul, 64-4 Hayakawa, Kae, 104-4 Hallmark, Charles T., 128-4 Hayano, Michiko, 137-37 Hallmark, Tom, 150-25 Hayashi, Keiichi, 95-6 Halseth, Donald E., 156-11 Hayashi, Yukihiro, 148-20 Ham, J., 170-10 Hayes, Michael H., 72-2 Hamazaki, Tadao, 3-6 Hayes, Michael H.B., 138-7, 138-42 Hamdhani, Syamsuddin, 137-14 Haynes, Richard John, 159-22 Hamell, Michael, 46-1 Hazelton, Pamela A., 58-1 Hamilton, George, 162-12 Hazra, G.C., 154-34, 95-4 Hammer, David, 107-3, 107-2 He, Fayun, 178-10 Hammond, Lawrence, 67-4 He, Hongbo, 140-1 Hampp, Eugenio, 23-13 He, Ji Zheng, 139-4 Hamza, S., 162-17 He, Ji-Zheng, 102-7 Han, Fengxiang, 144-65 He, Li-Ming, 139-26 Han, Han, 119-16 He, Xiubin, 157-1, 150-1, 120-10 Han, Myung Hoon, 155-92 He, Zhenli, 73-6 Han, Seung-Gap, 138-84 He, Zhongqi, 144-31, 155-20 Han, Xiaozeng, 145-36 Heai, Xiao, 163-18 Handayani, Iin Purwati, 46-3 Heath, Laura A., 116-41 Hanna, Khalil, 89-10 Heath, Linda S., 160-20 Hansakdi, Ekkanit, 122-11 Hebsur, Narayan S., 155-65 Hansen, D.J., 45-13 Heck, Richard, 127-1, 121-4 Hansen, Sissel, 155-173 Heck, Richard J., 131-12, 101-3, 5-5 Hansen, Soren, 138-8 Heckman, J., 155-103 Hanson, Jon D., 41-2 Hedley, Mike J., 67-2 171 AUTHOR INDEX Glaser, Bruno, 167-17 Glenn, Denning, 69-1 Glinski, Jan, 89-5 Globus, Alexandr M., 137-1 Glover, Leslie, 172-11 Glover, Mark, 116-39 Goddard, Matt, 15-5 Godoy, Roberto, 17-9 Godsey, Chad, 166-42, 163-24 Goebel, Marc-Oliver, 137-2 Goh, Kah Joo, 158-16 Goh, Tee B., 31-13, 147-16 Goilo, Eduard A., 44-6 Golabi, Mohammad H., 151-38 Golchin, Ahmad, 138-2 Gold, Arthur J., 120-2 Goldberg, Sabine, 51-10 Goldfarb, Maurício C., 116-16, 116-20 Goldhaber, Martin, 117-8 Goldhaber, Martin B., 117-4, 117-8, 13-3, 13-2 Golding, Kirsty A., 77-2 Gollany, Hero, 99-3, 144-36 Golosov, V. N., 8-1 Golovanov, Dmitri L., 5-6, 175-12 Golubkov, Mikhail S., 141-11 Gomes, Jose Elias, 133-16 Gomes, José Elias, 133-17 Gomez, Isidoro, 149-1 Gong, Jun, 158-17 Gong, Zi-Tong, 78-3, 78-4 Gonzalez Barrios, Jose L., 160-14 Gonzalez Cervantes, Guillermo, 160-14 Gonzalez Moreno, Alberto, 115-47 Gonzalez, Javier M., 38-4 Gonzalez, Marianela, 155-124 Gonzalez, S., 177-28 Gonzalez, Saleta, 177-26 Gonzalez-Estrada, Ernesto, 25-2 Gonzalo, Danila Dal Poz, 166-47 González Romo, Claudia E., 127-17 González-Arias, Ander, 148-3 González-Chávez, María Del Carmen, 121-2 González-Perez, Jose A., 15-1 González-Vila, Francisco J., 15-1 Gonçalves, Maria C., 48-11 Goo, Nam-In, 158-13 Goorahoo, Dave, 162-35 Gordon, James, 124-1 Gore, Richard, 158-7 Goreham, John, 137-47, 53-4 Goryachkin, Sergey V., 129-9, 175-6, 27-2, 175-2 Goss, Kai-Uwe, 79-2 Goswami, Subhendu B., 153-9 Gough, Larry P., 117-3 Goulding, Keith, 59-1 Govaerts, Bram, 75-9 Gowalko, Eugene, 168-13 Goyel, Barkha, 81-2 Gradusov, Boris, 44-3 Graefe, Ulfert, 163-3 Graetz, Donald, 154-52 Graham, Heather V., 159-12 Graham, Jim H., 102-5, 162-14 Graham, Robert, 145-37, 85-11 Graham, Robert C.., 129-16, 71-4, 1279 Granato, Thomas, 178-29, 158-7 Grand, Stephanie, 125-9 Grant, Cameron D., 153-10 Grant, Carl D., 47-5 Grant, Cynthia, 155-11, 37-5, 168-13, 144-28, 31-9 Grant, Lewis, 99-9 Grathwohl, Peter, 110-8 Gratson, David, 63-6 Grattan, Stephen, 81-4 Grau Corbi, Jose Manuel, 91-6 Grau, Juan, 150-8 Graveel, John G., 172-9 Gray, Adam, 119-19 Hegde, M., 150-16 Hegymegi, Peter, 179-4, 179-5 Heil, Bálint, 150-13 Heilmann, Mica H., 56-8, 158-29 Heim, Alexander, 145-40, 138-73 Heinai, Hironori, 155-131 Heine, Paul, 123-7 Heinson, Graham S., 55-4 Heister, Katja, 137-40 Heitholt, James, 178-28 Heitman, Josh L., 19-12 Hellal, Farid, 31-1 Heller, Friedrich, 29-2 Helmke, Philip, 93-2, 117-5 Helms, Douglas, 173-16, 173-7 Helsel, Dennis R., 117-8, 13-3 Hempel, Jon, 171-1, 85-1, 12-13, 1211, 12-2 Henault, Catherine, 47-4 Hendershot, William H., 154-64 Henderson, S. P., 39-15, 39-16 Hendrickson, John R., 163-5, 146-16 Hendrickx, Jan M.H., 128-3 Hendrix, Paul F., 71-4 Heng, Lee, 172-1 Henriquez Rodríguez, Manuel Antonio, 160-2 Henry, Brien, 152-4 Henríquez Rodríguez, Manuel Antonio, 151-1 Heo, Dae-Kil, 138-39 Heo, Jong Soo, 118-18, 155-92, 118-17 Heo, Sung-Gu, 151-30 Herbert, Stephen J., 150-3 Herbst, Ruprecht, 131-4, 131-5 Hergert, Gary, 155-127 Herkelrath, William N., 137-13 Hermann, Tamás, 150-13 Hernandez, G., 15-2 Hernandez, Jorge, 147-2 Hernandez, Jorge D., 155-97 Hernandez, Luis A., 178-4 Hernandez, M., 12-1 Hernandez-Moreno, Jose M., 126-7 Hernández, Teresa, 166-39, 158-1 Hernández-Moreno, Jose Manuel, 15473, 126-1, 145-11 Hernández-R, Patricia, 144-6 Herre, Andrea, 33-8 Herrero, G., 15-2 Herrero, Mario, 25-2 Herrick, Jeffrey E., 16-4, 53-5 Herrmann, Anke, 43-4 Herrmann, Ludger, 155-33 Herrmann, Paulo Sergio De P., 110-3 Hesami, Raheleh, 144-68, 143-1 Hesterberg, Dean, 63-2 Hesterberg, Dean L., 45-12 Hettiarachchi, Ganga, 31-10 Heuvelink, Gerard B.M., 151-39 Hewitt, Allan E., 107-6 Hicks, M., 140-4 Hidalgo-Moreno, Claudia, 35-12 Hien, Edmond, 54-1 Higashi, Naoko, 137-39 Higashi, Teruo, 133-4 Hignett, C., 11-1 Hill, Jane E., 140-36 Hill, Robert, 95-10 Hillel, Daniel, 98-5, 112-1 Hillier, Stephen, 155-122, 143-5 Hilscher, André, 145-27 Hinckley, Eve-Lyn S., 99-7 Hinkel, K.M., 40-3 Hinsinger, Philippe, 21-4, 35-6 Hinz, Christoph, 53-3 Hipple, Karl W., 42-18, 16-4 Hiradate, Syuntaro, 144-17, 139-11 Hirafuji, Masayuki, 160-24 Hiranuma, Shin, 126-19 Hiraoka, Mario, 133-4 Hirmas, Daniel R., 127-9 Hiroyuki, Kurimoto, 154-23 172 Hirunburana, Niwat, 155-33 Hiruta, Atsuko, 104-11 Hisamatsu, Shun’ichi, 135-25, 135-17 Hitchcock, Adam P., 43-2 Hively, W. Dean, 148-15, 118-21, 11528 Hobbs, Peter, 105-4 Hodges, Elizabeth A., 171-3, 158-5 Hoefer, Hubert, 133-21 Hoeft, Robert G., 163-37 Hoepfner, Uwe, 45-7 Hoffland, Ellis, 162-21, 168-10, 24-3 Hoffman, E., 6-1 Hoffman, G., 5-1 Hoffman, Josias Eduard, 116-36, 11634 Hofmann, Anett, 142-2, 138-73 Hofwegen Van, Guido, 133-22 Holbein, B.E., 155-14, 155-16 Holdaway, Heather, 15-3 Holden, Nicholas, 150-23 Holland, Jonathan E., 173-12, 137-11 Holland, Jonathon, 166-49 Hollis, John, 70-5 Holloway, Joann M., 13-3 Holló, Sándor, 146-11 Holtz, Starr, 155-88 Homaee, Mehdi, 137-25, 164-1 Homchuen, Samang, 159-25 Honeycutt, C. Wayne, 155-20 Hong, Chang Oh, 154-45 Hong, Chang Oh, 89-9 Hong, Ding, 155-112 Hong, Li, 66-3 Hong, Seung Gil, 149-6, 149-5 Hong, Soon-Dal, 147-5, 45-21 Hong, Suk Young, 115-32, 147-17, 5613, 56-6 Hong, Sukyong, 147-5 Hongbin, Yin, 138-45, 155-149 Hongjie, Cao, 138-45 Hongjun, Lei, 137-27 Hongtu, Xie, 117-9 Honna, Toshimasa, 154-18 Hons, Frank, 150-25 Hoogenboom, Gerrit, 116-53, 116-54, 70-1 Hoogmoed, W.B., 95-8, 95-3 Hoon, Hwangbo, 142-20, 142-7 Hoover, David, 85-6 Hopkins, David, 149-29, 149-19 Hopkins, David W., 141-4, 138-41 Hopmans, Jan, 45-9 Hoque, Afm Manzurul, 164-2 Hoque, M. M., 115-9 Horikawa, Takumi, 45-19 Horn, Rainer, 136-3, 53-1, 15-3, 136-7, 137-49, 136-9, 101-2, 136-23, 1374, 64-1 Hornung, Andrew, 19-10 Horton, John D., 117-4 Horton, Robert, 19-12 Horwath, Jennifer, 122-6 Horwath, William, 31-12, 138-35, 8-2 Horwath, William R., 138-82 Hoseini, Mohamad Bagher, 166-36 Hossain, M.I., 155-133 Hosseini, S. M., 104-7 Hosseini, Vahid, 177-3 Hosssain, Mf, 175-3 Houskova, Beata, 149-8 Houssay, Raul, 155-110 Hovhannisyan, H. S., 173-14 Howell, David W., 91-4 Howell, Michael, 127-16 Howell, Michael S., 127-5, 127-4 Howell, Terry, 100-3 Howitt, Richard, 138-44 Hoyle, F.C., 138-27 Hoyos, Phanor, 158-6 Hoyt, Greg D., 140-12 H.S., Anand, 162-19 Hseu, Zeng-Yei, 85-9, 123-2 Hsieh, Chin-Lin, 35-5 Hsieh, Y. Ping, 138-10 Hsu, Cheng-Peng, 138-63 Hsu, Shi-Fang, 94-3 Hu, Dongnan, 177-6 Hu, Hongqing, 144-1 Hu, Tai-Lee, 138-63 Hu, Xue-Feng, 109-1, 178-17, 132-5 Hu, Yongfeng, 154-5 Hu, Zhengyi, 145-15 Huang, Biao, 24-5, 150-20 Huang, C., 154-69, 151-9, 151-5, 13617, 22-2 Huang, Ching-Chung, 135-15 Huang, Hongxia, 51-2 Huang, Meifu, 155-108 Huang, P. M., 144-50, 144-49 Huang, P.M., 52-2, 134-3, 144-10, 14539 Huang, Qiao Yun, 139-4, 145-41 Huang, Qiaoyun, 51-2 Huang, Wen-Shu, 123-2 Huang, Xiao-Lan, 158-34 Huang, Yuanfang, 31-5 Hubbard, Bernard E., 131-7 Hubbard, Robert K., 54-9 Hubbs, Michael, 22-1 Hucklebridge, Kate, 159-12 Hudnall, Wayne, 145-35, 129-7 Hudnall, Wayne H., 42-12 Huerta-Diaz, Jesus, 153-25 Huffman, Ted, 116-28, 116-58 Hug, Stephan J., 144-53 Hughes, Jeffrey C., 166-41, 5-7, 166-40 Huh, Chih-An, 135-29, 135-28 Hulugalle, Nilantha, 54-5 Humphreys, Geoff S., 90-4, 49-4, 55-5, 77-1 Hundal, Lakhwinder S., 158-7 Hungate, Bruce, 138-30 Hunt, Tom, 115-42, 139-23 Huq, S.M. Imamul, 164-2 Hur, Seungoh, 137-9, 137-34 Hurt, G. W., 115-5 Hurtado, Maria, 138-68 Hurtado, Maria Dolores, 151-8 Husband, R., 67-3, 141-9 Husni, Ahmad, 147-8 Husnjak, Stjepan, 170-2, 107-5 Hussain, Ghulam, 166-24 Hussain, M. S., 115-9 Hussain, Mohammad Sultan, 118-10 Hussain, S.I, 93-5 Hussein, Ahmed, 78-6 Hutchison, Jessica, 115-51 Hutchison, Kimberly J., 63-2 Huygens, Dries, 17-9 Huynh, Trang T., 158-25 Huynh, Tri Cuong, 39-20 Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong, 17-6 Hwang, Seon-Woong, 151-13, 166-44 Hyakumachi, Mitsuro, 80-2 Hyland, Charles, 154-43 Hyoung Woo, Lim, 142-7 Hyun, Byung Geun, 153-26 Hyun, Byung-Keun, 151-17 Hyun, Hae-Nam, 171-8, 153-42, 15349 Hyun-Cheol, Jeong, 45-21 Hyyryläinen, Noora, 144-51 Hénault, Catherine, 116-62 Hüttl, Reinhard F., 17-1 Idris, Aswandi, 34-5 Ikazaki, Kenta, 95-6 Ikeda, Akiko, 15-11 Ikemura, Yoshiaki, 162-20 Ikenaga, Makoto, 141-2 Ileana, Garcia, 140-21 Imas, Patricia, 155-86 Imaya, Akihiro, 177-17 Imhoff, Silvia, 137-41, 136-21, 137-44, 115-36, 163-11, 116-55 Imoto, Hiromi, 137-10 Imoto, Yukari, 116-10 Inaba, Jiro, 135-17 Inagaki, Yoshiyuki, 177-17 Indorante, S.J., 117-2 Inglett, Patrick W, 84-3 Ingwersen, J., 2-5 Ingwersen, Joachim, 20-1 Inman, Brad L., 56-8 Inman, Danny, 19-10 Inoue, Jun, 126-5 Inoue, Katsuhiro, 140-28 Inoue, Makoto, 169-2 Inoue, Mitsuhiro, 137-39 Inoue, Takashi, 158-16 Inoue, Yudzuru, 132-8 Inozemtsev, Svyatoslav A., 132-9 Inthasan, Jiraporn, 155-33 Inthasothi, Tippawan, 174-7 Intrigliolo, Francesco, 95-7 Inubushi, K., 163-38, 2-10 Inubushi, Kazuyuki, 170-30, 80-2 Ipsalantis, Ioannis, 118-12 Iqbal, Javed, 48-10 Iqbal, Md. Anwar, 161-1 Iqbal, Shahriar M., 154-29 Iraira, Sergio, 154-28 Irigoyen, H., 12-1 Irshad, Muhammad, 154-18 Irvine, Ken, 150-23 Ishida, Motohiko, 116-59 Ishiguro, Munehide, 145-25 Ishii, Nobuyoshi, 135-3 Ishikawa, Nao, 135-19 Ishikawa, Tetsuya, 116-59 Ishizuka, Shigehiro, 177-36 Iskandar, Teuku, 160-13 Islam, K. R., 174-10, 166-22 Islam, Md. Rafiqul, 148-8 Ismail, Sultan A., 23-5 Issa, Ibrahim, 116-60 Ito, Toyoaki, 154-40, 115-33, 116-35, 139-32, 154-41, 45-19 Itoh, Yuko, 144-9 Itou, Kengou, 163-16 Ivanov, Alexander, 98-4 Iwabuchi, Noriyuki, 174-8 Iwamoto Haga, Kuniko, 155-145 Iwasaki, Kozo, 45-24 Iwaya, Kaori, 148-11 Iwuafor, E.N.O., 155-68 Izquierdo, Carlos G., 115-57 J Jabiol, Bernard, 163-3 Jackson, Brian P., 93-7 Jackson, Bruce, 126-16 Jackson, Grady, 124-9 Jackson, W. Roy, 15-9 Jacob, Jack Deodato C, 24-4 Jacobashvili, Izolda, 148-6 Jacobs, Lee W., 154-27 Jacobs, Peter, 49-5 I Jacobsen, Eric, 135-23 Iamarino, Giuseppina, 145-18 Jacobsen, Ole H., 137-8 Ibanez, Juan Jose, 42-2, 14-4, 62-1, 14- Jacobson, Astrid, 60-5, 139-31 1 Jacoby, Fred, 150-25 Ibargoitia, Maria Luisa, 144-34 Jacquat, Olivier, 50-2 Ibrikci, Hayriye, 154-20 Jacquemet, V., 145-24 Idowu, Mary K., 153-5 Jacques, Diederik, 119-4, 48-11, 48-12 Idowu, Omololu J., 75-1, 148-15, 156- Jacquier, David W., 3-2, 107-8 11 Jadambaa, Norovsuren, 140-17 Jiexiong, Fu, 8-2 Jimenez Pérez, Jorge, 127-17 Jimenez, Jason, 125-10 Jimenez-Osornio, Juan Jose Maria, 129-16 Jiménez, Concepción, 42-13, 126-1 Jiménez, Francisco, 154-60 Jin, Ji-Yun, 76-3 Jin, Seo Young, 140-9 Jin, Yong-Ik, 151-35, 168-16 Jinfeng, Li, 138-78 Jinfeng, Yang, 138-45 Jing, Wang, 155-149 Jing, Yuan-Shu, 120-9 Jingkuan, Wang, 138-78, 83-14 Jinshu, Wu, 163-18 Jintaridth, Bunjirtluk, 174-7 Joa, Jae-Ho, 138-84 Joao Luiz, Lani, 148-16 Joardar, J.C., 164-2 Jobes, Jack A., 71-4 Joergensen, Rainer G., 155-3 Johansen, C., 168-18 Johnson, David, 148-19 Johnson, Diana N., 122-6, 122-4 Johnson, Donald L., 122-6, 122-4, 1228 Johnson, Kristofer, 177-34 Johnson, Mark, 115-20 Johnson, Mark G., 177-35 Johnson, Michael J., 135-21 Johnson, Sarah E., 24-4 Johnson, Scott N., 20-2 Johnson, S.E., 105-2 Johnson, Timm, 149-10 Johnson, William H., 135-8 Johnson-5nard, Jodi, 148-12, 148-14, 125-10 Johnson-5nard, Jodi L., 71-4, 144-39 Johnston, A.E.Johnny Johnston, 1-8 Johnston, Arthur E., 67-1 Johnston, Cliff, 139-35, 110-9 Johnston, Cliff T., 110-6, 128-9 Johnston, C.T., 154-69 Johnston, Tim, 166-49 Jokic, Alexander, 65-3 Jokura, Miku, 15-11 Jonas, J., 174-11 Jones, David L., 145-54, 35-1 Jones, Franklin S., 44-7 Jones, James, 116-54 Jones, Raymond A., 155-116 Jong Van Lier, Quirijn, 149-26 Joo, Jinho, 151-15, 151-14 Joo, Katalin, 78-9 Joost, Richard, 15-5 Jordahl, Jim L., 158-29 Jordan, Antonio, 149-1 Jordan, Mark, 105-5 Jordan, Phil, 150-23 Jorge, Sierra, 155-28 Jorgenson, M. Torre, 175-13, 106-8 Jose, Geo, 138-11 Joseph, Laura, 25-3 Joshi, P.K., 81-2 Joshi, Renuka, 23-15 Josière, Olivier, 78-10 Josupait, Victoria, 151-28 Joyce, E. Bernie, 122-3 Jozefaciuk, Grzegorz, 83-9, 137-15 Juang, Kai-Wei, 157-4 Julie, Sansoulet, 153-23 Jun, Hee-Joong, 155-142 Jun, Li, 83-14 Jun, Seung-Jong, 153-49 Jung, Beung-Gan, 155-142 Jung, Goo-Bok, 168-15, 144-11, 14412, 153-18 Jung, Jinho, 158-13 Jung, Kang Ho, 115-32 Jung, Kang-Ho, 137-34, 137-9 Jung, Ki-Yeol, 150-12 Jung, Ki-Yeol, 117-6 Jung, Ki-Yuol, 122-20 Jung, Ku-Suk, 155-15 Jung, Kwang-Yong, 143-4, 166-30 Jung, Pil Kyun, 155-150 Jung, Pil Kyun, 149-5 Jung, Suck-Kee, 155-15 Jung, Sug Jae, 151-40 Jung, Won Kyo, 103-2, 150-11 Jung, Yeon-Tae, 42-6 Jung, Yeong Sang, 151-14, 115-32, 137-34 Jusop, Shamshuddin, 57-10 Karyotis, Theodoros, 115-44, 115-54 Kasbohm, Joern, 44-6 Kashima, Hiroyuki, 174-8, 104-10, 104-11 Kashulina, Galina, 91-1 Kashyap, A.K., 155-48 Kasinathan, Senthamizh, 156-5 Kasper, M. L., 20-3, 140-4 Kasraian, Ali, 137-38 Katbehbader, Nedal, 100-3 Kato, Naoto, 148-11 Katsalirou, Eirini, 147-14 Katsvairo, Tawainga, 155-105 Katzensteiner, Klaus, 163-3 K Kaufhold, Annett, 51-3 K, Surekha, 155-111, 155-34 Kaupenjohann, Martin, 33-8 Kabir, Sm, 174-10 Kaur, Joginder, 153-8 Kabir, Zahangir, 31-12 Kaur, Navdeep, 44-4, 29-4 Kadam, J.R., 159-21 Kausadikar, Harihar Krishnarao, 147-9 Kadono, Atsunobu, 138-29 Kaushik, R.D, 153-2, 153-45 Kaffka, Stephen, 159-4, 8-2 Kautski, Larissa, 138-81 Kaffka, Steve, 31-12 Kautsky, Larissa, 141-8 Kaiser, Klaus, 178-22 Kaverin, Dmitry, 42-11 Kaiser, Michael, 85-13 Kavitha, B., 155-34 Kakavas, Kostas, 115-34 Kavoosi, Masoud, 155-75, 155-80 Kalbasi, Mahmoud, 139-25 Kawamoto, Ken, 137-31, 137-8 Kalbitz, Karsten, 162-18 Kay, Beverly, 70-4 Kaleeswari, Ramaiah Kutralingam, Kaye, Jason, 178-12, 178-11 138-13 Kaye, Nanga Mady, 167-5 Kalinina, Natalya V., 160-19, 156-12 Kazadaev, A. A., 140-20 Kalinina, Olga, 138-5 Kazarian, Unan, 173-8 Kalyan, Gershon, 146-7 Kazeev, Kamil Sh., 140-33, 118-9 Kamal, Roop, 150-17 Kazuya, Nishina N., 118-6 Kamaraj, S., 155-67 Kear, Martin, 162-13 Kambli, Kalpana, 149-24 Keirstead, Donald R., 115-18 Kamei, Hiroyuki, 132-8 Kejela, Kefeni, 144-22 Kameoka, Yoshihumi, 145-25 Kele, Gabriella Sz, 179-6 Kamoni, Peter, 138-80, 36-5 Keller, Jason, 45-8 Kampf, Nestor, 133-10 Kelley, Michael, 145-43 Kanan, K., 153-46 Kelling, Keith A., 81-5 Kanazawa, Shinjiro, 174-6 Kellman, Lisa, 177-27 Kandasamy, S., 163-26 Kelly, D. Clay, 132-7 Kandeler, Ellen, 148-3, 20-1, 35-11 Kemner, Ken M., 21-1 Kandrelis, Sotirios, 140-19 Kendall, Carol, 17-13 Kang, Bo-Goo, 45-21 Kendawang, Joseph Jawa, 130-4 Kang, Byung Hwa, 155-92 Kennedy, Brendan J., 44-4 Kang, Kee Kyung, 149-6, 153-26, 155- Kennedy, Christina C., 172-10 150 Keppler, Angelique M., 118-26 Kang, Seong-Soo, 147-5 Ker, Joao Carlos, 145-53 Kang, Seunghun, 145-42, 145-44, 52-5 Kercheva, Milena, 170-4 Kang, Ui Gum, 140-6, 155-114, 146Keren, Rami, 153-20 12, 146-13 Kern, Dirse C., 72-5, 133-20, 133-14, Kania, Angelika, 35-11 133-9, 133-10 Kannewischer, Ines, 139-36 Kern, Jeffrey S., 115-20 Kanno, Hitoshi, 154-65, 126-2 Kerry, Ruth, 122-13, 91-5, 129-10 Kanthaliya, P. C., 155-89 Kersebaum, K. Christian, 116-32 Kapkiyai, Jane J., 154-74, 115-31 Ketchum, Blake, 5-6 Kapur, O. C, 153-11 Ketterings, Quirine M., 154-43, 161-9, Kapur, Selim, 92-2 154-66 Kar, S., 153-16 Kew, Geoffrey, 33-5, 120-4 Kar, Sandipta, 166-29 Keykha, Gholam Ali, 155-22 Karagianni-Christou, Stamatina, 151K.G., Parameshwarappa, 162-1 32 Khademi, Hossein, 143-7 Karajeh, F., 23-11 Khademi, Zahra, 145-54 Karak, Tanmoy, 60-8 Khalil, M. I., 163-38, 2-10 Karamanos, Rigas, 155-8, 31-13 Khan, Ajaz, 129-2 Karamyan, Gagik, 173-14 Khan, Akhter, 155-96 Karathanasis, Anastasios, 144-25 Khan, Anisur Rahman, 149-7, 170-25, Karavaeva, Elena N., 120-6 95-11, 170-24, 170-1 Karavaeva, Nina A., 27-2 Khan, Md. Harunor Rashid, 149-16, Karbasi, Farideh, 144-61 174-10 Karimian, Najaf Ali, 23-12, 129-3, 155- Khan, Modabber Ahmed, 166-45 35, 155-45, 155-37 Kharub, Ajit S., 162-37 Karimov, A., 23-11 Kheoruenromne, Irb, 42-8, 85-7, 128Karklins, Aldis, 90-6 11, 119-22 Karlen, Douglas L., 103-5 Khera, K. L., 151-37 Karnez, Ebru, 154-20 Khiel, Anthony, 1-12 Karpachevskiy, Lev O., 44-2, 44-1, Khitrov, Nikolai B., 99-4 113-4, 159-13, 159-26 Khodshenas, Mohammad Ali, 155-21 Karpachevskiy, Mikhael L., 159-13 Khokhlov, Sergei F., 116-25 Karsisto, Marjut, 118-19 Khormali, Farhad, 129-5 Karsten, Heather, 148-18 Khorsandi, Nazila, 163-34 Karuppan, Subbiah, 154-36 Khoshgoftar, Amir Hossein, 168-21 173 AUTHOR INDEX Jaduda, Marian, 178-3 Jaesche, Philipp, 36-4 Jafari Ardakani, Ali, 151-44, 23-16 Jafarzadeh, Mojtaba, 155-21 Jaffé, Rudolf, 138-15 Jagadamma, Sindhu, 163-37 Jagadeesh, B.R., 139-44 Jagadeeswaran, R, 16-3 Jaggi, Shivani, 145-2 Jahiruddin, M., 168-19 Jahn, Reinhold, 51-3, 62-5, 178-22, 139-17, 126-6, 124-6, 125-8, 71-3 Jai-Joung, Kim, 45-21 Jaimes, Edgar, 160-5, 170-8, 122-12 Jaimes, Edgar J., 122-2 Jain, Ramesh Chandra, 167-22 Jain, Shashi, 56-9 Jain, Sunil Kumar, 122-5 Jakab, Gergely, 151-19 James, Bruce R., 107-12 James, Iain T., 140-25 James, Sam, 177-5 Jana, Kalyan, 116-1 Janardhan Gowda, N.A., 138-11 Jandl, Robert, 47-3 Jang, Byoung Choon, 155-146, 155143, 155-144 Jang, Byoung-Choon, 155-15 Jang, Gab Sue, 147-17 Jankovic-Karasoulos, T., 20-3 Jansa, J, 154-48 Jansen, Boris, 4-5 Janssen, Bert H., 168-23 Janssen, Imke, 136-7 Janssens, Koen, 51-9, 143-2 Jantalia, C. P., 2-1 Janzen, H. H., 3-9 Jara, Alejandra A., 144-52, 144-46, 144-51 Jara, Carlos, 167-19 Jaramillo, Raul, 116-49 Jaramillo-Lopez, Esaul, 144-13 Jardine, Philip, 135-18 Jarecki, Marek K., 155-116 Jaron, Dov, 88-1 Jashimuddin, M., 42-19 Jasinska, Emilia, 15-3 Jasso Ibarra, Rodolfo, 160-14 Jasso, Fernando, 155-62 Jasso-Chaverria, Cesario, 153-25, 1465 Jassogne, Laurence T.P., 96-4 Jastrow, Julie, 15-10, 135-18 Javanmard, Ebrahim, 155-19 Jayakumar, Rajannan, 145-3 Jayaprakash, S.M., 139-44, 154-50 Jayaraman, Jayakumar, 156-5 Jaynes, William F., 145-12, 145-35 Jeannotte, Richard, 36-3 Jeavons, John, 105-3, 167-8 Jegadeeswari, D., 104-16 Jendele, Libor, 137-6 Jenkins, A.B., 117-2 Jenkins, Anthony, 9-12 Jennings, Eleanor, 150-23 Jeon, Seung–Jong, 138-84 Jeong, Byeong-Ryong, 153-1 Jeong, Hyun-Cheol, 147-5 Jeong, Ji-Ho, 143-4 Jespersen, Jennifer, 55-2 Jessup, Kirk, 138-4 Jetten, Victor G., 41-5 Jezile, Gcinuhlanga G., 166-43 Ji Yeon, Ryu, 142-15 Jia, Yu, 146-3 Jiang, Peikun, 17-15, 17-16 Jiang, Pingping, 152-3 Jiang, Wen, 168-10 Jiang, Zhongchun, 155-24 Jiao, Ruzhen, 158-39, 141-6, 141-7 Jiao, You, 154-64 Jie, Wei, 150-1 Jien, Shih-Hao, 121-6 Khosla, Rajiv, 19-10, 147-15 Khouma, Mamadou, 31-14, 155-5 Khoury, George, 145-32 Khresat, Sa’eb, 68-3 Kiaee Jamali, Seyedeh Fatemeh, 168-5, 155-17 Kianian, Mohammad K., 151-25, 15915, 177-40 Kiely, Ger, 150-23 Kienast-Brown, Suzann, 18-3 Kihou, Nobuharu, 135-26 Kikawa, Naoto, 139-32 Kil Yong, Kim, 142-8, 142-15, 142-7, 142-20, 142-11 Kilasara, Method, 61-2 Kilburn, James E., 117-4, 13-2 Killian, K., 138-86, 138-80 Killian, Kendrick, 36-5, 25-1 Killorn, Randy, 155-124, 155-125 Kim, Byeong-Su, 143-4 Kim, Choon-Sik, 150-12 Kim, Choon-Song, 150-12 Kim, Dae-Hoon, 151-14 Kim, Dae-Yeon, 158-13, 97-3 Kim, Gun-Yeob, 162-22 Kim, Han-Myeong, 162-23 Kim, Ho-Jin, 178-8 Kim, Ho-Young, 146-13 Kim, Hong Lim, 140-9 Kim, Jae-Duk, 143-4, 155-83, 166-30 Kim, Jae-Min, 116-40 Kim, Jai Joung, 57-6, 144-4, 158-21 Kim, Jaijoung, 140-10 Kim, Jeong-Gyu, 42-6, 158-13, 97-3, 137-9 Kim, Jin-Ho, 168-15, 153-18, 144-11, 144-12 Kim, Ki-In, 75-11 Kim, Ki-Sung, 151-30 Kim, Kye-Hoon, 178-8 Kim, Kyounga, 140-10 Kim, Min-Kyeong, 116-19, 159-14 Kim, Myeong Sook, 150-11 Kim, Pil Joo, 89-9, 145-9, 155-130 Kim, Pyoung Yeol, 145-6 Kim, Seung-Hyun, 153-1 Kim, Soo-Hyung, 3-4 Kim, Su-Jung, 140-16 Kim, Sun Kwan, 103-2 Kim, Sung-Hwan, 97-3 Kim, Tae Wan, 104-6, 155-32 Kim, Won-Il, 168-15, 153-18, 144-11, 144-12 Kim, Yi Hyun, 56-13, 56-6, 147-17, 115-32, 147-5 Kim, Yongjoo, 140-8 Kim, Yoo-Hak, 157-9 Kim, You Hak, 150-11 Kim, Young Ho, 162-26 Kimble, John, 40-2, 9-3 Kimmelshue, Joel E., 56-8 Kimura, Makoto, 118-13, 20-5, 140-28, 20-6 Kimura, Sonoko D., 170-31 Kincaid Dick, Linda, 141-10 Kincaid, D. C., 151-43 King, Dominique, 119-20 Kingery, William, 124-9 Kinraide, Thomas B., 144-60 Kinyangi, James, 134-2, 138-54, 13315, 63-3, 133-1, 138-3 Kinyangi, J.M., 156-2, 147-11 Kinzig, Ann, 178-11, 178-12 Kipsat, Mary, 155-161 Kirby, Michael J., 176-4 Kirch, Patrick V., 41-4 Kirchmann, Holger, 59-2, 42-7, 162-9, 162-10 Kirkby, Clive, 166-50 Kirkham, M. B., 158-20 Kirkwood, Valerie, 116-58 Kirschenmann, Frederick, 105-1 Kirvalidze, Davit, 148-6 174 Kiryushin, Valeriy I., 111-4 Kish, László B., 119-5 Kishné, Andrea Sz., 119-5 Kisic, Ivica, 151-34 Kislal, H., 10-1 Kissel, David, 155-104 Kissel, David E., 56-11, 56-12, 154-4 Kissel, D.E., 115-56 Kissou, Roger, 130-3 Kitchen, Newell, 56-13, 152-3 Kitunen, Veikko, 118-19 Kiura, Takuji, 160-24 Kizito, F., 158-40 Kladivko, Eileen, 138-48 Kladivko, Eileen J., 153-37 Kladivko, E.J., 138-46 Klassen, Rodney, 117-4 Kleinman, Peter, 161-5, 67-5, 85-4, 116-50 Klemme, Richard, 149-10 Klien, Robert, 152-4 Kluepfel, Daniel A., 20-4 Kluitenberg, Gerard, 45-9 Knauth, Stefan, 142-1 Knicker, Heike, 15-1, 145-27 Knicker, Hiecke, 138-2 Knight, Robert, 150-25 Knoblauch, Christian, 106-7 Knoblauch, Steffi K., 148-4 Knotters, Martin, 100-1 Knox, Anna, 135-4 Knox, Anna S., 145-48 Ko, Jee-Yeon, 117-6, 150-12 Kobayashi, Noriko, 146-15 Kocar, Ben, 144-48 Kocar, Benjamin, 73-5, 50-1 Koch, John M., 33-5 Kochenderfer, James, 17-5 Kocárek, Martin, 137-36 Kodes, Vit, 101-5 Kodesová, Radka, 101-5, 137-36 Koegel-Knabner, Ingrid, 138-18, 13877 Koelbl, Angelika, 138-18, 138-77 Koenig, Richard, 154-38 Koga, Lucimara J., 160-12 Koga, Nobuhisa, 138-75 Koh, Mun-Hwan, 144-12, 116-19 Koh, Munhwan, 159-14 Kohl, Robert A., 64-3 Kohli, Anshuman, 151-37 Kohok, Manmath, 126-14 Koike, Masanori, 154-24 Koiso, Hiroyuki, 135-3 Kojima, Michinao, 137-42 Kolb, Eckart, 163-3 Kolesnikov, Sergei I., 114-3, 114-4 Kolesnikova, Ludmila, 156-12 Koleva, Venelina, 170-4 Komariah, (None), 163-16 Komarneni, Sridhar, 145-5, 135-20 Komatsu, Toshiko, 137-31, 137-8 Kome, Charles, 178-13 Komiyama, Teppei, 154-40 Konboon, Yothin, 159-10 Koncz, Josef, 155-109 Kondaiah, Poonam Mala, 149-31 Kong, Angela, 43-3 Kong, Xiangbin, 166-31 Kong, Xiangbin, 168-6 Konuskan, Omer, 154-20 Konyushkov, Boris D., 27-2 Konyushkov, Dmitry Ye., 129-13, 17510 Koohkan, Shir Ali, 155-22 Kooistra, Maja, 152-16 Kookana, Rai, 145-14, 110-7 Kopittke, Peter Martin, 139-20 Koposov, Alexander S., 138-51 Koppi, Tony, 26-3 Korenkova, Lucia, 57-8 Korkmaz, Kursat, 154-20 Kornecki, Ted, 152-7 Koroleva, Polina V., 115-50, 120-11 Kosaki, Takashi, 138-29, 125-5, 16619, 95-6, 155-38, 68-4, 125-4, 16632, 35-4 Koski, Anthony, 116-57 Koskinen, William, 139-10, 139-9 Koskinen, William C., 110-7 Kosse, Alan, 90-8 Kostka, Joel, 63-12 Koszinski, Sylvia, 107-7 Kotecha, Anilkumar V., 165-5 Kotowska, Urszula, 164-11 Kouassi, Nguessan A., 150-15 Koukoulakis, P. H., 155-44 Koulopoulos, Athanasios, 127-7 Kovacs, Dalma, 99-6 Kovacsovics, Beatrice, 168-9, 168-3 Kovar, John, 154-35 Kovda, Irina V., 71-2, 132-11 Kovács, Balázs, 116-60, 116-21 Kovács, Zoltán, 139-29 Kozak, Josef, 85-5 Kozak, Leonard M., 144-50, 144-49 Kozak, L.M., 145-39 Kozybaeva, Farida E., 114-2 Kozák, Josef, 137-36 Kraemer, Thomas F., 135-23 Kramer, Peter A., 166-38 Krasilnikov, Pavel, 165-9, 177-10, 16322 Krasilnikov, Pavel V., 78-8 Kratochvil, Robert, 154-53 Kravchenko, A. N., 138-34 Kravchenko, Alexandra, 145-55 Kravchenko, Alexandra.N, 115-6, 13836 Kravtsova, Nataliya, 154-37 Kravtsova, Natalya, 155-64 Kremen, Amy, 167-16, 155-40 Kremenitsa, A. M., 140-20 Kremer, Robert J., 140-16 Kretzschmar, Ruben, 50-2, 144-53 Kriner, Gary, 145-57 Krishnamurti, G, 73-4 Krishnasamy, Ramasamy, 104-16, 14219, 164-15, 2-2 Krogh, Paul H., 149-4 Kruemmelbein, Julia, 136-9 Kruglova, Olga, 77-3 Krull, Evelyn, 17-12 Krupinsky, Joseph M., 151-26 Kryschenko, Vladimir S., 120-6 Kryshchenko, Vladimir, 155-64, 15437 Krzic, Maja, 177-11 Kubicki, James D., 93-4, 73-1 Kubota, Mayumi, 80-2 Kucharova, Zulfiya, 140-31 Kuecke, Martin, 151-42 Kuhad, M.S., 56-9 Kuhn, Dieter, 62-5 Kuhry, Peter, 106-3, 175-2 Kuht, Jaan, 57-7, 156-16 Kuldeep, Singh, 166-34 Kulhavy, Jiri, 17-19 Kumada, Shoushi, 104-4 Kumar Rao, J.V.D.K., 168-18 Kumar, Deepak, 155-162 Kumar, Kuldip, 155-30 Kumar, Praveen, 153-21 Kumar, Sanjay, 153-13 Kumar, Sukruth T., 164-12 Kumar, Sunil, 155-157 Kumar, Suresh, 22-3 Kumar, Vipin, 151-29 Kumaraswamy, A.S., 155-156, 154-1 Kumaresan, Rayappan, 155-169 Kundu, A. L., 155-170 Kundu, S, 166-8 Kundu, Sumanta, 152-1 Kunii, Daisuke, 116-35 Kuo, Yueh-Hsiung, 35-5 Kuper, Marcel, 112-2 Kuramochi, Kanta, 170-14 Kuramochi, Katsuhisa, 154-24 Kurasako, Sayuri, 104-11 Kurganova, Irina N., 138-32, 170-21 Kurle, James, 136-19 Kurz, Isabelle, 150-23 Kusahara, Taiki, 3-6 Kutilek, Miroslav, 34-2, 137-6 Kutrovskiy, Mihail A., 129-4 Kutuk, C., 10-1 Kutzbach, Lars, 106-2 Kutílek, Miroslav, 101-5 Kuyper, Thom, 133-22 Kuznetsov, Alexander, 163-2 Kuznetsov, Roman V., 120-6 Kuznetsov, Vladimir V., 159-26 Kuznetsova, Inna V., 78-13 Kuznetsova, J. S., 8-1 Kuznetsova, Tatyana V., 163-2 Kuzyakov, Yakov, 15-17, 35-1, 145-38, 35-7, 1-4, 2-4, 138-58, 99-2, 35-11, 2-14 Kwak, Han Kang, 103-2, 150-11, 5613, 147-17, 115-32, 56-6 Kwak, Han-Kang, 157-9, 42-6 Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra, 90-5 Kwiatkowska, Jolanta, 163-44 Kyoung Mi, Yun, 142-15 Kyuma, Kazutake, 155-95 Kätterer, Thomas, 162-10 Kéhé, M., 153-36 Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid, 36-4, 126-14, 144-21, 63-8, 15-15, 158-28 Kücke, Martin, 170-22 156-21, L L., Suseela Devi, 162-19 Labib Bahna, Fawkia, 158-33 Laboski, Carrie A.M., 154-30 Labuschagne, Johan, 153-14 Lacatusu, Radu, 168-9, 168-3 Lacerda, Antonio Carlos, 155-148 Lacerda, Marilusa P. C., 148-13, 11545, 115-26 Lacirignola, Cosimo, 68-5 Lacolla, Giovanni, 163-19, 159-8 Ladha, J.K., 155-96, 76-3, 154-71, 15577, 31-6, 159-10 Lafferty, Brandon, 144-40, 144-55 Lagomarsino, Alessandra, 138-85 Laguna Luna, Ana M., 137-13 Lai, W.-R., 35-5 Laidlaw, W. Scott, 158-25 Laiho, Raija, 118-19, 138-21 Laik, Ranjan, 163-41 Lair, Georg J., 139-12 Laird, David, 110-9 Laird, David A., 110-6 Lakshmi, Rajya, 166-11 Lakzian, Amir, 163-43, 144-20, 140-23, 163-28 Lal, Rattan, 41-2, 68-1, 138-6, 163-37 Lal, S.S., 167-4 Lal, Tarsem, 149-24 Lalljee, Bhanooduth, 166-26 Lalor, Briony M., 47-5 Lalsuna, K, 178-25 Lamb, Dane T., 139-19 Lambert, Jean-Jacques, 20-4, 60-1 Lamond, Ray, 163-24, 166-42 Lamp, Juergen, 131-2, 131-3, 131-4, 131-5, 18-4 Lamparelli, Rubens A. C., 66-4 Lamparter, Axel, 137-2 Lampert, Jordan, 93-2 Lamsal, Sanjay, 115-5 Lamy, Isabelle, 144-58 Lan, Zhongdong, 154-43 Landell, Marcos Guimarães De Andrade, 45-10, 149-26 Landi, Ahmad, 99-1 Lee, Sang Eun, 104-6, 155-32 Lee, Sang Min, 162-26 Lee, Sang-Beom, 138-28, 102-4, 162-3, 162-39 Lee, Sang-Min, 162-28 Lee, Sang-Phil, 51-4 Lee, Sanghwan, 97-3 Lee, Su-Yeon, 155-32, 155-15 Lee, Sunhoon, 116-10 Lee, Won-6g, 151-15 Lee, Yong Bok, 155-130 Lee, Yong Hwan, 162-26 Lee, Yong-Bok, 141-10 Lee, Yong-Hwan, 162-3 Lee, Youn, 161-4 Lee, Young-Deuk, 153-1 Lee, Yun-Jeong, 158-13, 102-4, 162-3 Leffelaar, Peter, 138-66 Lefèvre, Irène, 71-5 Legrand, P, 21-4 Lehmann, Andreas, 61-4, 178-1 Lehmann, C.J., 156-2 Lehmann, Johannes, 134-2, 145-28, 721, 63-3, 133-15, 133-16, 133-17, 147-11, 154-43, 133-1, 133-8, 13310, 133-12, 138-3, 138-54, 138-68 Lehrsch, Gary A., 151-43 Leifeld, Jens, 138-59 Leinweber, Peter, 65-3, 140-2 Leite, Fabio De L., 110-3 Lejon, David, 144-58 Lelentjis, Telemachus, 83-13 Lemercier, Blandine, 71-5 Lemke, Reynald, 152-9 Lemunyon, Jerry, 9-1, 161-7 Lenoir, Dana, 138-32 Leogrande, Rita, 153-29 Leopold, Donald J., 116-41 Leroy, Maya, 58-3 Lesch, Scott M., 56-4, 51-10, 153-19, 112-4, 159-4 Lessovaia, Sofia N., 44-6 Lestan, Domen, 158-11 Lester, David, 154-70 Levay, George, 39-23 Leveque, Jean, 47-4, 17-17, 144-58 Levin, M., 150-2 Levy, G.J., 136-17 Levy, Marc, 150-9 Lewis, David, 178-12, 178-11 León-Rodríguez, Frida Ma., 93-10 Li, Baoguo, 31-5 Li, Changsheng, 170-17 Li, Feng-Min, 146-3 Li, Haibo, 170-28 Li, Hong, 23-10 Li, Hui, 65-1, 110-6, 110-9 Li, Jianwei, 123-7 Li, Jiuhai, 145-15 Li, Long, 166-35 Li, Owen, 63-12 Li, Tao, 6-4 Li, Xiao-Qing, 178-17 Li, Xiaomei, 151-10, 4-6, 15-7 Li, Xue-Yuan, 145-26, 145-1 Li, Yan, 93-2 Li, Yong, 146-12, 116-56 Li, Yuncong, 129-14, 155-115 Liaghati, Tania, 156-10 Liang, Aizhen, 138-52 Liang, Biqing, 134-2, 133-16, 133-17, 63-3, 133-1, 133-8, 133-15 Liang, Chao, 15-13 Liang, Gong, 155-149 Liao, Wan-Jiun, 157-4 Libohova, Zamir, 19-5, 151-41 Liburdi, Katia, 162-18, 139-30 Liebig, Mark A., 146-16, 116-48 Lilburne, Linda, 107-6 Lilly, Allan, 137-30 Lilly, Michael, 124-9 Lim, Bu-Kug, 166-45 Lim, Han-Choel, 153-42, 153-49, 13884 Lim, Hyo-Jin, 162-3, 102-4 Lim, Kyoung Jae, 151-30 Lim, Soo-Kil, 42-6 Lima, Antonio Carlos Souza, 130-5 Lima, Claudivan C., 145-30 Lima, Edmilson S. De, 128-7 Lima, Hedinaldo N., 133-2 Lima, Jose Fernando W. F., 122-18 Lima, Valmiqui Costa, 128-8 Lima, Virginia H. B., 89-6 Limthong, Pittayakorn, 174-7 Lin, Chenfang, 138-63 Lin, Chuxia, 39-5 Lin, Hangsheng, 107-10 Lin, Henry, 48-6, 48-14, 119-8, 119-24, 107-11 Lin, Xin, 170-28 Lin, Xinggui, 145-15 Lin, Zhulu, 149-14 Linares Fleites, Gladys, 126-4 Linares, Juana, 170-8, 160-5 Lindbo, David, 119-14 Lindbo, David L., 107-1 Lindemann, William C., 155-174 Lindsey, Stuart, 162-13 Lintinen, Petri, 174-9 Liphadzi, M. Stanley, 158-20 Lischka, Hans, 139-12, 110-1 Litaor, Michael, 119-15 Litoria, P.K., 115-52 Liu, Aiguo, 154-46 Liu, Fan, 139-4, 144-14, 102-7 Liu, Gang, 116-4 Liu, Guobin, 120-10 Liu, Guodong, 155-115 Liu, Jing, 144-1 Liu, Liming, 176-2 Liu, Shuzhen, 85-14 Liu, Xiaobing, 150-3 Liu, Yu T., 134-3 Livingston, R. L., 115-4 Livingston, S. J., 151-5 Livingston, S.J., 22-2 Livingston, Steve, 152-8 Liyanage, Janitha A., 2-1, 145-14 Llona, Miriam, 162-7 Lobb, David, 8-6 Lobe, Ingo, 134-2 Loch, J.P. Gustav, 137-40 Lockwood, Peter, 154-70 Lockwood, Peter V., 54-5 Loeppert, R.H., 81-3, 168-19 Loeppert, Richard, 128-4 Loeppert, Richard H., 104-17, 51-12 Loffredo, Elisabetta, 142-3, 35-10 Loftfield, Norman, 170-21 Logsdon, Sally D., 115-1 Lok, Sandra, 158-36 Lokupitiya, Erandathie, 138-37 Lokupitiya, Ravindra, 138-37 Lombi, Enzo, 31-10 Lomsky, Bohumir, 17-19 Long, Xainzhou, 119-25 Longan, Lluís, 7-6 Loomis, Lynn E., 127-18, 12-6 Lopatovskaya, Olga, 15-17 Lopes De Gerenyu, Valentin, 170-21, 138-32 Lopes De Oliviera, Maria Inês, 64-2 Lopes-Assad, Maria-Leonor, 144-8 Lopez Arias, Manuel, 91-6 Lopez, J. Dimas, 153-17 Lopez, Jose Dimas, 162-29, 155-62 Lopez, Nicola, 160-11 Lopez-Capel, Elisa, 15-8 Lopez-Martinez, Jose Dimas, 153-31 Lopukhina, Olga V., 127-2 Lord, Eunice, 151-11 Lorenz, Klaus, 138-6 Lorenz, Nicola, 141-10 Losavio, Nicola, 153-29 Loshali, D.C., 115-52 Lothian, Dan, 145-22 Loulou, Abdul Rahim, 172-4 Love, Charles, 19-5 Lovera, Edgar, 155-86 Lowery, Birl, 81-5 Lowrance, R. R., 116-51 Lowrance, Richard, 84-1 Lozada, Tannya, 45-25 Lu, Changqing, 145-51 Lubich, Kenneth, 85-1 Lucchesi, Luiz A. C., 146-18 Lucchesi, Luiz Antonio Corrêa, 155148 Luce, Harvey D., 164-13 Lucke, Bernhard, 83-10 Luckow, Kenneth, 122-1 Ludovici, Kim, 177-32 Ludovici, Kim H., 123-6 Ludwig, Bernard, 15-15 Ludwig, Christian, 63-1 Lufafa, Abel, 158-40 Lugato, Emanuele, 163-17 Luizão, Flavio, 133-1, 133-15 Lukashev, Valentin K., 13-1 Lund, Jennifer J., 124-8 Lungu, Mihaela, 168-9, 168-3 Lunlenen, A., 10-1 Luo, Lifang, 48-14 Lupwayi, Newton Z., 170-19 Lusk, Christopher, 177-30 Lutts, S., 159-26 Lutz, Harald, 63-1 Luu, Man Hong, 155-107 Luvall, J.C., 115-56, 115-17 Luxton, Todd, 144-3, 19-9 Lv, Yizhong, 147-12 Lyakhov, Sergey V., 132-1 Lychuk, Taras E., 57-3 Lykashov Aleksei Georgievic, -, 155-1 Lynch, Jonathan P., 96-1, 116-49 Lynch, Shannon C., 142-6 Lynn, Ian H., 107-6 Lyuri, Dmitry I., 27-2 Lázaro, Roberto, 136-10 Lévêque, Jean, 116-62 López Blanco, Jorge, 122-22 López, Roxana, 144-59 López-Ulloa, Magdalena R., 45-25 M M. Duxbury, John, 154-74 M S, Sailajakumari, 162-16 M, Dhakshinamoorthy, 138-64 Ma, Bao-Luo, 155-50 Ma, L., 116-52, 4-1 M.A, Ravikumar, 66-1 Maassen, Sebastian, 17-6 Maatman, Arno, 76-4 Mabit, Lionel, 172-1 Macaigne, Peggy, 153-35 Macdonald, Andrew J., 146-1 Macdonald, Lee, 151-41 Macewan, Richard, 107-14, 119-7 Macewan, Richard, 5-11 Macguidwin, Ann, 142-16 Macharia, P.N., 155-27 Machida, Isao, 116-10 Machinet, Gaylord E., 36-2, 138-50 Macias, Felipe, 144-32, 144-34, 145-56 Maciejewska, Alina, 163-44 Mackay, Wayne, 178-28 Macmillan, Robert A., 10-12 Madani, Hamid, 162-25 Madari, Beata E., 72-2, 133-13 Madejon, Engracia, 46-5, 150-6 Madhaiyan, Munusamy, 94-4, 140-8, 140-10 Madinabeitia, Zuriñe, 145-56 Madison, Andrew, 144-40, 144-55 Madsen, Rodney A., 138-31 Maeda, Morihiro, 89-8 175 AUTHOR INDEX Lang, Timothy, 153-33 Lang, Timothy A., 95-5 Langergraber, Guenter, 48-11 Langley-Turnbaugh, Samantha, 178-15 Langlinais, Jerome, 19-5 Langohr, Roger, 163-3 Lanier, Gerren, 107-1, 119-14 Lannuzel, Frederic, 139-7 Lansac, Alejandro, 6-7, 124-5 Lapierre, C., 15-18 Larazo, W.M., 146-10 Larionova, Alla A., 177-18 Lark, R. Murray, 115-22, 138-56, 14-3 Larkin, Robert P., 80-1 Larouche, Francis, 54-7 Larre-Larrouy, Marie Christine, 15-2 Laruccia, Nicola, 149-27 Lascano, Robert J., 70-3 Lassoudière, André, 155-28 Lau, Kevin, 74-5 Lauchli, Andre, 81-4 Laureles, E.V., 146-10 Lauren, J. G., 168-18 Lauren, J.G., 105-2, 81-3, 168-19, 13872, 155-133 Lauren, Julie G., 24-4 Lavaud, A., 145-24 Lavigne, Ronald L., 171-2 Lawely, Yvonne, 167-16 Lawrence, Gregory, 116-41 Lawton, Timothy F., 132-2 Lazarovitch, Naftali, 137-45 Le Forestier, Lydie, 78-10 Le Guernevé, C., 79-3 Le Petit, Jean, 177-29 Le, Quang Tri, 39-7 Le, Van Tiem, 149-17 Leao, Tairone P., 48-13 Lebaschi, Mohammad Hossain, 147-3 Lebedeva (Verba), Marina P., 127-2, 56 Leclerc, Monique, 158-23 Leclerc-Cessac, Elisabeth, 135-33, 135-16, 139-7, 144-41, 129-11 Ledgard, Stewart, 162-13 Lee, Dong-Wook, 155-114 Lee, Brad D., 143-6 Lee, Chang Hoon, 145-9, 155-130 Lee, Chang Hoon, 154-45 Lee, Choon-Soo, 168-16 Lee, Dar-Yuan, 157-4 Lee, Deog Bae, 155-150 Lee, Deog-Bae, 155-83 Lee, Dokyoung, 138-39 Lee, Dong-Hoon, 166-45 Lee, Dong-Wook, 146-12, 146-13 Lee, Fanwei, 178-18 Lee, Gye-6, 151-35, 151-13, 168-16, 166-44 Lee, Hong Jae, 118-18, 118-17 Lee, Hyun-Haeng, 178-8 Lee, Jae-Saeng, 146-12 Lee, Jae-Saeng, 150-12 Lee, Jae-Seng, 117-6 Lee, Jaehoon, 137-28 Lee, Jee Min, 56-13, 147-17, 56-6 Lee, Jeong-Tae, 151-35, 151-13, 16816 Lee, Jeong-Taek, 168-15, 153-18, 14411, 116-19 Lee, Jong Hee, 145-6 Lee, Jong Sik, 162-11 Lee, Jong-Sik, 168-15, 153-18, 144-11, 144-12, 162-22 Lee, Jong-Yoon, 166-45 Lee, Ju Young, 104-6, 155-15 Lee, Ju-Young, 155-32, 155-100 Lee, Ju-Young, 143-3 Lee, Kangwon, 63-12 Lee, Ki-Sang, 155-142, 155-15 Lee, Kyeong-Bo, 155-83 Lee, Nam-Jong, 116-19 Lee, Namjong, 159-14 Maeght, Jean-Luc, 159-17 Magalhães, Ivone C., 133-11 Magalhães, Márcio O.L., 158-9 Magen, Hillel, 155-86 Magesan, Guna, 158-31, 177-15 Magnanini, Eugenio, 146-2 Mago, Payal, 140-30 Magomedova, Tatiyana M., 120-6 Magrini, Kimberly A., 36-3, 123-6 Maguire, Rory, 89-11, 163-30 Magyari, Julianna, 149-32 Mahamane, Sabiou, 104-17 Mahapatra, S.K, 149-24 Maher, Crystal A., 39-14, 39-21 Mahimairaja, Santiago, 178-25 Mahjoory, Ramez A., 42-21 Mahmoud, Kamal A., 155-12 Mahmoudi, Ali, 168-11 Mahuku, George, 167-19 Maie, Nagamitsu, 138-15 Maillant, Sophie, 129-11, 139-7, 13516, 135-33 Mainuri, Zachary G., 149-22 Maire, Christian, 177-30 Maiti, Debtanu, 155-41 Major, Julie, 133-12, 138-68 Majumdar, D., 155-170 Majumdar, Debashis, 95-4 Majzlan, Juraj, 29-1 Makarov, Oleg A., 166-5 Makeev, Alexander O., 109-6, 132-10 Makhdum, Muhammad Iqbal, 99-5 Makore, J., 13-1 Maksimova, Nina B., 156-3 Makó, András, 119-9, 150-13 Malaga, Miguel, 153-27 Malakouti, Mj, 166-12, 145-54, 15570, 155-73, 155-78, 155-81 Malarkodi, M., 164-15 Malarvizhi, Palaniappa Pillai, 138-20, 166-3 Malatinszky, Akos, 156-17 Malavolta, Euripedes, 155-51 Malcolm, Don T., 39-24 Malgwi, W.B, 108-4 Malhi, Sukhdev.S., 155-11, 152-9, 1558, 146-3 Mali, Vijay Shankar, 23-15 Malinovski, Jorge R., 177-13, 177-19, 177-1 Mallants, Dirk, 48-11 Mallawatantri, Ananda P., 2-1, 145-14 Malligawad, L Okanath H., 75-4 Malligawad, Lokanath H., 162-1, 15565 Malo, Douglas D., 64-3, 124-8 Malone, R., 170-32 Mamatha, B., 141-13 Mamedov, A.I., 151-5, 151-9, 136-17, 116-6 Mamedov, Nemat, 137-23 Manceau, Alain, 1-7 Mancinelli, Roberto, 163-13, 163-33 Mandal, Biswapati, 154-34, 95-4 Mandal, C, 138-86 Mandal, Narayan C., 154-67 Mando, A., 46-4, 54-8, 37-4 Mando, Abdoulaye, 76-4, 155-164, 825, 75-10 Mandzhieva, Saglara, 170-23, 139-8 Mani, P. K,, 155-170 Mani, Thamotharan, 45-27 Manlay, Raphaël, 58-3 Mann, Surender, 163-27 Manning, David A. C., 15-8, 141-9, 154-33 Manrique, German, 104-3 Mansour Shahsavar, Amir, 23-9 Manton, William, 93-12 Manu, Andrew, 173-3 Manucharova, Natalia A., 140-3 Mao, Meng, 137-20, 137-21 Mapa, Ranjith B., 173-1, 147-16 176 Mapfumo, Paul, 150-14 Marano, Roberto P., 136-21, 115-36 Marcet, P., 177-28 Marcet, Pura, 177-26 Marchetti, Rosa, 165-7 Marcus, Mathew, 144-39 Mardigian, Sandra, 105-3 Marechek, Maria S., 109-6 Marenya, P.P., 156-2 Margherita, Emanuela, 115-57 Marguerie, Dominique, 71-5 Marhan, Sven, 20-1 Maria Cristina, Diez, 145-20 Maria De La Luz, Mora, 145-20 Maricán, Adolfo, 144-19 Marimuthu, S, 155-154 Marinari, Sara, 163-13, 138-85, 13930, 162-18, 163-29, 163-33 Marinova, Svetla, 57-4 Mario, Sraka, 170-2 Marion, Daniel A., 122-1 Mariotti, A., 15-18 Mark, Clark, 118-24 Markel, Erin, 159-18 Markelov, M. V., 8-1 Markewitz, Daniel, 77-5 Markgraf, Wibke, 136-3 Marlet, Serge, 112-2 Marol, Christine, 116-44 Marques, Flavio Adriano, 122-18 Marschner, Bernd, 15-15 Marschner, Petra, 35-13, 154-22, 15429, 35-11 Marshall, Sarah K., 154-30 Martens, Dean, 18-5 Martens, Michelle A., 97-4 Marth, Péter, 119-9, 99-6 Martin Laurent, Fabrice, 102-8 Martin, D., 149-24 Martin, George, 19-5 Martin, Kendall J., 102-5 Martin, Maria, 144-50, 144-54, 144-44, 144-49 Martin, Michael, 144-55 Martin-García, Juan Manuel, 137-17 Martin-Garin, Arnaud, 135-6, 135-13, 144-45 Martinez, Adrian, 75-9 Martinez, Fernando, 158-32 Martinez, Gonzalo, 115-38 Martinez-Gamiño, Miguel A., 146-5, 153-25 Martinez-Montoya, Juan Felipe, 157-10 Martinez-Rios, Juan Jose, 153-31 Martinez-Zavala, Lorena, 149-1 Martins, Eder De Souza, 137-35 Martins, Gilvan C., 72-3 Martins, Jean M. F., 144-57, 144-58 Martins, Jean M. F., 158-14 Martins, Mariana Ventura, 19-13 Martius, Christopher, 95-12, 133-21, 75-17, 159-9 Martínez De Arano, Inazio, 148-3 Martínez Martínez, Silvia, 93-6 Martínez, Carmen E., 158-30, 44-5, 139-14 Martínez, Carmen Enid, 144-66 Martínez, Gustavo, 151-16 Martínez-Martínez, Silvia, 127-6, 17816, 169-1 Martínez-Villegas, Nadia, 158-30, 13914 Maruthan, Malarkodi, 115-16 Marvanek, Steven, 5-12 Marx, Marc, 35-8 Marzadori, Claudio, 93-3, 93-1, 144-5 Marzari, Rosana, 23-13 Masand, S.S, 153-11 Masaoka, Yoshikuni, 104-4 Masateru, Senge, 163-16 Mase, Hitomi, 104-10 Mashal, Kholoud, 135-24 Masia, Andrea, 177-31 Mask, Paul, 115-17 Mason, Joseph A., 49-5 Massucati, Luis Felipe, 75-17 Masue, Yoko, 158-18, 73-5, 144-48 Masunaga, Tsugiyuki, 155-95, 155-26 Masutti, Carmem S. M., 139-33, 113-5 Mathews, Dhanya, 104-1 Mathieu, Olivier, 116-62 Mathimaran, N., 154-48 Matinian, Natalia N., 13-1, 118-14 Matko, Bogunovic, 170-2 Matocha, Christopher J., 144-16 Matocha, John E., 152-8 Matokwe, Memory, 104-12 Matos, Flávia Araújo, 19-13 Matson, Kathy L., 168-1 Matson, Pamela A., 99-7 Matsumoto, Eiji, 133-4 Matsumoto, Hideaki, 104-15, 104-5 Matsumura, Shoji, 168-20 Matsuyama, Minoru, 142-17, 142-18 Matthews, Neffra, 151-28 Mattos Jr., Dirceu, 155-147 Mattsson, Lennart, 162-9, 162-31, 155122 Mattusch, Juergen, 51-3 Matula, Svatopluk, 119-13, 119-11 Matus, Francisco, 177-30 Matyka-Sarzynska, Dorota, 145-10, 139-43 Matzner, Egbert, 15-15 Mayer, Claus D., 59-4 Mayer, Lawrence M., 52-3 Maynard, Jonathan, 119-6 Mays, Dewayne, 116-3 Mazahrih, Naem, 100-3 Mazhitova, Galina, 40-3, 106-3 Mazur, Nelson, 158-9 Mazzei, Angelo, 162-35 Mazzoncini, Marco, 33-2 Mbila, Monday, 177-23, 177-21 Mbugua, David M., 156-2, 115-31, 138-54, 147-11 Mbugwa, Gatua W., 105-3, 167-7 McAfee, James, 178-28 McBratney, Alex, 131-13, 100-5, 85-2, 100-2, 56-15, 26-1, 12-14, 18-2 McBride, Murray, 141-5 McCarthy, John, 48-7 McCarthy, Michael, 153-10 McCarty, Greg, 118-21 McCarty, Gregory, 1-7, 18-5 McClintock, Nathan C., 130-1 McConchie, D., 174-11 McDaniel, Paul, 85-6, 125-10, 61-3 McDermitt, Dayle K., 138-31 McDermott, Greg, 63-6 McDevitt, M.P., 115-35 McDonald, Andrew J., 105-4 McDonald, Eric, 53-4 McDonald, John W., 162-33 McDonald, Louis M., 177-22 McElnea, Angus E., 164-8, 97-4, 39-17 McFee, William W., 172-9, 138-46 McGlynn, Rob, 131-13 McGrath, David, 144-2 McGrath, Steve, 86-1 McInnes, Kevin, 115-15 McIntosh, John, 158-31 McIvor, Ian, 166-7, 145-52, 123-11 McKane, Robert B., 115-20 McKay, Larry, 48-7 McKenna, T.E., 45-13 McKenney, Cynthia, 178-28 McKenney, Don W., 123-10 McKenzie, Neil J., 107-8, 3-2 McLaughlin, Michael, 31-10 McLaughlin, Richard A., 151-18 McLeese, Robert L., 56-5 McLeod, Malem, 160-13 McMaster, Gregory S., 116-52 McMichael, Bobbie, 70-3 McMillen, D.C., 115-4 McNear, David, 51-11 McNeill, Ann, 154-22, 96-4 McNeill, Annie, 154-29 McSpadden-Gardener, Brian B., 142-5 McSwiney, Claire, 155-126 McVey, Shawn, 164-13 Meadows, Darren, 53-4 Mechtler, Klemens, 168-17 Medhioub, Khaled, 163-39 Medhioub, Mounir, 163-39 Medici, Luca, 143-2 Meduri, Singarao, 153-21 Medvecky, Beth A., 167-6 Meek, David W., 155-116 Meena, Sadhasivam, 164-6 Megonigal, J. Patrick, 10-3, 118-11 Mehla, D.S., 163-32 Meira, Anete D., 115-45 Meisner, C. A., 168-19, 155-133, 1052, 81-3 Meisner, Craig A., 161-1 Meissner, Ralph, 45-1, 45-6, 45-2, 45-4 Mejia Zaens, Enrique, 134-4 Mekken, Johan C., 154-66 Melchiori, Ricardo, 155-86, 138-60 Mele, Giacomo, 136-26, 101-1 Melendez, Rocio, 144-34 Melgar, Ricardo J., 155-86 Melio, Joel, 61-2 Melkonian, Jeff, 25-3 Melkonian, Jeffrey, 70-4 Melkonian, Jeffrey J., 155-85 Melling, Lulie, 158-16, 173-4 Mello, Jaime W. V., 51-8, 144-23 Melo, Vander De Freitas, 128-8 Melo, Vander F., 128-12 Melo, Vander Freitas De, 175-11, 106-9 Mendonça, Eduardo De S., 145-30 Mendoza, Arlene, 123-7 Mendoza, Danilo A., 155-155 Mendoza, José, 160-5, 122-12, 122-2, 170-8 Mendoza, Rodolfo, 140-21 Mendoza-Grimón, Vanessa, 154-73 Meney, Kathy, 118-4 Menezes, Carlos Eduardo, 135-31 Mengel, David, 163-24, 166-42 Mengel, Konrad, 155-79 Mensik, Ladislav, 17-19 Menzies, John, 164-14 Menzies, Neal W., 23-3 Menzies, Neal William, 139-20 Merchán Paniagua, Sara, 31-11 Merckx, Roel, 154-12 Merestela, Tessie Miga, 173-15 Mergelov, Nikita S., 40-5, 175-8 Merino, Enrique, 129-15 Merkler, Douglas, 119-18, 92-3, 116-46 Mermut, Ahmet, 42-4, 139-33 Mermut, Ahmet Ruhi, 92-4 Merrill, Stephen D., 151-26 Mersiovsky, Edgar, 119-1 Merwin, Ian, 142-9 Merz, Juerg, 157-3, 157-3 Mesic, Milan, 151-34, 170-3 Mestelan, Silvia A., 170-33 Methods, Kilasara, 140-22 Metzl, Robert, 116-33 Meyer, Mick, 166-50 Meyer, Tim, 11-12 Mezbahuddin, M., 42-19 M.H. Rashid, Khan, 154-23 Mi Jung, Park, 142-11 Miah, M.A.M., 168-19 Michaelson, Gary, 40-2 Michaelson, Gary J., 175-13 Michalski, Gregory, 127-5, 127-3 Michaud, Aurelia, 35-6 Michaud, Aurélia, 21-4 Michel, Jean-Charles, 64-4 Michel, Robert L., 135-21 Michel, Roberto F.M., 175-1 Molina, Jean-Alex E., 138-42 Molina, Mauricio, 155-106 Moller, Greg, 144-39 Momayezi, Mohammad Reza, 23-1, 168-2 Momen, Bahram, 167-16 Monger, H. Curtis, 109-9 Moni, Christophe, 145-29 Monneveux, P., 5-2 Monsen, Katie, 150-21 Monsérié, Marie-France, 178-2 Montagne, David, 78-10 Montanarella, Luca, 172-2, 150-4, 9-2, 158-41, 149-8 Montargès-Pelletier, Emmanuelle, 14426 Montecchio, Daniela, 93-1, 138-74, 177-31 Monteiro K. F. G., Monteiro K. F.G, 133-18 Monteiro, Francisco A., 155-7 Monteith, Steven, 128-1 Montes, Cristian, 47-2 Montoroi, Jean-Pierre, 159-17 Monts, David, 144-65 Moon, Kyung-Hwan, 138-84, 153-42, 153-49 Mooney, Sacha J., 107-13, 64-5, 136-6, 136-27 Moore Kucera, J., 102-1 Moore, Amanda, 13-12 Moore, Amanda C., 3-3 Moore, Jeff, 155-124 Moore, Natalie, 160-13 Moore, Nikki, 5-10 Moore, Philip, 150-18 Mor, V.S., 163-15 Mora Palomino, Lucy, 33-8 Mora, Claudia, 132-11 Mora, Claudia I., 71-2 Mora, Juan L., 126-21, 126-3 Mora, María De La Luz, 145-23, 14452, 155-6, 144-46, 144-51 Mora, Orlando, 156-15 Mora-Vallejo, Alejandra, 111-1 Morales, Alfredo, 138-47 Morari, Francesco, 163-17, 163-10, 163-9 Moratón, M.C., 137-29 Moravej, Kamran, 115-10 More, Sahebrao, 147-9 Moreau, Stéphane, 58-2 Morel, Jean Louis, 144-7, 98-2, 178-26, 178-19, 144-26 Morel, Jean-Louis, 178-2, 135-16, 12911 Morel, Jean-Louis, 178-20 Moreno, Felix, 150-6, 46-5 Moreno, Inés, 23-13 Moreno, José Luis, 158-1, 166-39 Morgan, Cristine, 115-24 Morgan, Cristine L.S., 155-129, 119-5 Morgan, Ger, 150-23 Morgan, Kelly, 155-137, 153-40, 15512 Morgun, Evgeny, 138-4 Mori, C., 6-1 Mori, Yasushi, 45-9, 137-39 Morisada, Kazuhito, 17-2 Morishita, Tomoaki, 177-36 Morkovkin, Gennady G., 156-3 Morman, Suzette A., 13-3 Moro, María José, 119-10 Moroke, T. S., 13-1 Morozov, Igor V., 19-4 Morozova, Irina, 19-4 Morozova, Rozalia, 177-38 Morra, Matthew, 148-12 Morris, Catherine, 107-13 Morris, Richard V., 44-8 Morris, Thomas, 162-12, 164-13, 155118, 161-6 Morrison, Jean M., 13-3, 117-4 Mortensen, Annette P., 45-9 Morton, Janice L., 92-3 Morón, Alejandro, 76-5 Mosaddeghi, Mohammad Reza, 143-7 Mosali, Jagadeesh, 155-123, 19-8 Moscatelli, M. Cristina, 163-29, 138-85 Moscol, Marcela, 4-5 Moses, Adeniyi, 163-42 Motavalli, Peter, 138-82, 138-69 Motavalli, Peter P., 31-11 Motta, Mauricio, 178-21 Motuzova, Galina V., 144-29 Mourier, Brice, 78-5, 122-17 Moustakas, Nikolaos C., 127-7 Mouta, Ernesto, 166-47 Mouta, Ernesto Rinaldi, 139-42 Mowlavi, Ali Asghar, 116-5 Mozzi, P., 85-10 Mrabet, Rachid, 46-5 M.S., Nagaraja,, 83-3 Mtambanengwe, Florence, 155-175 Mualem, Yechezkel, 116-26 Mucheru-Muna, Monicah W., 167-3 Mueller-Thomsen, Udo, 149-16 Mufradi, Israel, 146-7 Mugendi, Daniel N., 167-2, 167-3 Muhhuku, Fred, 4-4 Muhlbachova, Gabriela, 119-11 Muir, James, 154-56 Mukhamedjanov, F., 23-11 Mukhopadhyay, Arijit, 154-67 Mukhopadhyay, Dibyendu, 138-1 Muktamar, Zainal, 46-3 Mukuralinda, Athanase, 83-1 Mulder, Jan, 126-11 Mulegwa, Elijah, 105-3 Mulligan, David, 159-11 Munch, Jean Charles, 140-32, 35-8 Munier-Lamy, Colette, 135-32 Munsuz, N., 10-1 Munteanu, Ioan M., 173-2, 173-10 Murambakania, Baldas, 105-3 Muraoka, Takashi, 152-2, 2-11, 1-15 Murashkina, M., 155-135 Murdock, Lloyd W., 75-12 Mureithi, J.G., 155-27 Murillo, Jose M., 150-6, 46-5 Murphy, Brian W., 163-27 Murphy, Daniel V., 43-4, 47-5 Murphy, Dennis, 151-28 Murphy, D.V., 138-27 Murray, Robert S., 153-10 Murtaza, Ghulam, 96-3 Murugappan, V., 16-3 Murugesa Boopathi, P., 163-7 Murugesa Boopathi, Palanimuthu, 17026 Murugesa Boopathy, P., 163-26 Murugesaboobathi, Palanimuthu, 15561 Murugesaboopathi, Palanimuthu, 155159 Murwira, Herbert, 25-2 Musa, A.M., 168-18 Musharo, Chipo, 104-12 Muthuvel, Palaniappan, 155-67 Mutton, Miguel A., 147-10 Muñoz García, Mª Ángeles, 127-15, 93-6, 127-17 M.V, Bhargavi, 163-36 Mylavarapu, R., 150-18 Mylesamy, Gopalakrishnan, 146-8, 154-36 Myneni, Satish, 29-1 Márton, László, 163-1 Máté, Ferenc, 150-13 Mäder, Paul, 59-3, 8-3 Méndez, V., 137-29 Mérot, Philippe, 122-17 Müller, Christoph, 17-9 N N’diaye, Mamadou K., 112-2 N/A, Faridullah, 154-18 Na Young, Jung, 142-8 Nacci, Silvana, 75-6 Nachtegaal, Maarten, 63-1 Nachtergaele, Freddy, 90-7 Nachtergaele, Freddy O., 62-2, 172-8 Nachtigall, Gilmar R., 155-119 Nadal, Viviana, 95-5 Nadee, Suwanchai, 159-17 Naderman, George C., 170-13 Nadezhda, Sidorenkova, 154-17 Nadezhkina, Elena, 163-2 Nadimikeri, Jayraju, 123-12 Nadporozhskaya, Marina, 138-5 Nagarajan, R, 155-154 Nagaraju, A., 85-15 Naghipour, D. Kh., 178-24 Nagumo, Toshiyuki, 170-14 Nair, K.P.Prabhakaran, 155-9 Nair, P. K. R, 154-52, 157-7 Nair, Shadananan K., 178-7 Nair, Vimala D., 154-52 Najafova Samira, Babayev Magerram, 140-34 Nakagawa, Naoya, 168-20 Nakajima, Mutsuyasu, 174-8 Nakamaru, Yasuo, 135-10, 135-19 Nakamura, Satoshi, 133-4 Nakamura, Toshio, 15-11 Nakano, Masashi, 135-11 Nakano, Takashi, 168-14 Nakatsu, Cindy, 94-2 Nakayama, Natsuko, 140-28 Nam, Yi, 171-8, 144-4 Nam, Young-Jun, 116-38 Nanzer, Simone, 59-3 Nanzyo, Masami, 144-17, 154-65, 11533, 126-2 Napoli, Rosario, 90-10, 151-27, 149-27 Narayana, Sreeman, 166-11 Narayanan, Maragatham, 163-8 Narayanasamy, G., 155-57, 139-18, 155-54 Narayanaswamy, C., 150-16 Narco, Hassan Bismarck, 15-2 Nardi, Pierfrancesco, 173-13 Nardi, Serenella, 163-17 Naroueirad, Mohammad Reza, 155-22 Narwal, Ram Phal, 83-12, 155-36 Nasarenko, Olga G., 139-8 Nash, David M., 154-54 Nassir, A., 155-66, 156-21 Natesan, R., 163-7 Natesan, Ramasamy, 155-159 Natesan, Ramasay, 163-26 Nath, Tapan Kumar, 169-2 Naumov, Yevgeny M., 175-10 Navarrete, Antonio Castellanos, 152-16 Navarrete, Ian A., 124-6 Navas, Mariela J., 156-1 Navia, Jorge, 167-19 Nazarizadeh, Farzad, 19-2 N.B, Tejaswini, 104-1 Neafsey, Joseph, 161-6 Neal, Sue, 156-23 Neaman, Alexander, 158-3 Neble, Sylvie, 177-29 Neckludov, Sergey A., 110-2 Needelman, Brian, 85-4, 117-10, 11650 Needelman, Brian A., 1-3 Neenu, S., 45-18 Nefedova, Tatiana G., 27-2 Negrin, Miguel A., 145-11 Nehls, Thomas, 137-15 Neilsen, Denise, 155-132 Neilsen, Gerald, 155-132 Nekesa, Abigael O., 155-161 Nelson, Frederick E., 40-3 Nelson, Kelly, 138-69 Nelson, Kelly A., 31-11 177 AUTHOR INDEX Micheli, Erika, 179-4, 179-9, 179-6, 179-5, 179-8, 123-3, 61-3 Micheloud, Hugo A., 136-21 Michels, Jerry, 23-10 Michitsch, R., 155-14, 155-16 Michot, Didier, 91-9 Michot, Laurent, 144-26 Midorikawa, Ichiro, 139-37 Mielniczuk, João, 149-21, 138-79 Mikailsoy, F., 116-6 Mikha, Maysoon M., 138-61 Mikheeva, Irina V., 78-1 Milanovsky, Evgeny Yu., 138-38 Milanovsky, E.Yu., 145-7 Milbert, Gerhard, 90-7, 163-3 Miles, John, 104-2 Miles, Randall, 120-7 Millar, James E., 163-5 Millar, Neville, 102-6 Miller, Bradley W., 177-24 Miller, Charles, 83-11 Miller, D.A., 137-16, 115-39 Miller, David M., 79-4 Miller, Douglas A., 115-46, 12-13 Miller, Irene K., 147-13 Miller, J. C., 104-17 Miller, Jarrod, 144-25 Miller, Julie, 53-4 Miller, Stuart, 39-23 Miller, Wesley L., 107-4 Miller, William P., 78-7 Milloux, Marie-Jeanne, 116-62 Mills, Tessa, 145-52, 123-11 Millán, R., 93-6 Milne, E., 36-5, 138-80, 138-86 Milne, Eleanor, 25-1 Milori, Débora, 133-13 Mimmo, Tanja, 93-3, 93-1, 35-9, 144-5 Min Young, Cho, 142-8, 142-7 Minansy, Budiman, 56-15 Minasny, Budiman, 85-2, 100-2, 12-14, 18-2 Ming, Douglas W., 44-8 Minh, Vo Quang, 33-9 Minhas, P.S., 81-2 Minkina, Tatiana, 170-23, 139-8 Minteguiaga, Jorge, 155-110 Minz, Dror, 141-8, 138-81 Minzenmayer, Fred, 74-1 Miralles, Daniel, 155-25 Miralles, Isabel, 137-17 Mironenko, Eugene, 95-10 Mirzoev, Anver M-R., 127-19 Mishchenko, Artem A., 110-2, 65-4 Mishra, A.K., 95-4 Mishra, Bipin Bihari, 85-16, 179-1 Misselbrook, Tom, 149-10 Mitchell, Charles C., 150-18 Mitchell, Jeff, 31-12 Mitchell, Jeffrey, 138-35 Mitchell, Myron J., 17-13 Mitsimponas, Th, 115-54 Mitsuishi, Shoichi, 121-11 Miyamoto, Kazuyoshi, 137-33 Miyamoto, Tsuyoshi, 126-2 Miyao, Gene, 31-12 Miyazaki, Tsuyoshi, 137-42, 137-43, 121-11, 136-2, 137-10 Mizoguchi, Masaru, 137-10, 160-24, 121-11, 136-2, 137-43 Mizota, Chihiro, 154-24 Mobli, Mostafa, 164-16 Moebius, Bianca N., 148-15 Moghiseh, Ebrahim, 121-3 Mohadesi, Ali, 118-7 Mohanty, Binayak, 116-47 Moir, J.L., 160-21 Mokma, Delbert, 41-3 Mokma, Delbert L., 139-39 Molchanov, Eric, 173-8 Moldrup, Per, 137-31, 137-8 Moles, Richard, 150-23 Molina, Diego, 158-6, 138-68 Nelson, Tyrrell, 94-3 Nemes, Attila, 82-3, 119-3, 119-4, 13730 Neptune, Dean, 63-6 Neris, Jonay, 42-13 Nestel, Penelope, 168-21 Neto, Ladislau Martin, 133-13 Neubert, Gert, 45-7 Neue, Heinz-Ulrich, 139-17, 51-3 Neumann, Günter, 35-11 Neumann, Thomas, 178-18 Neusypina, Tatiana, 137-1 Neves, Carmen S. V. J., 99-8 Neves, Delma Pessanha, 130-5 Nevidomskaya, Dina, 144-62 Nevidomskaya, Dina G., 33-4 Nevo, Eviatar, 156-19 Newby, Deborah, 24-2 Newman, Susan, 118-1 Newton, Philip, 166-49 Newton, Philip J., 138-49 Ngailo, Jerry A., 151-12 Ngatunga, Edward, 61-2 Ngo, Chau Thi Tuong, 174-6 Ngoze, S.O., 156-2 Ngoze, Solomon, 138-54, 147-11 Nguyen, Binh Thanh, 138-3 Nguyen, H. Q., 9-1 Nguyen, L., 1-1 Nguyen, Manh Khai, 158-42 Nguyen, Minh Dong, 39-10 Nguyen, Minh Long, 172-1 Nguyen, My Hoa, 168-23, 39-20 Nguyen, Q. L., 9-1 Nguyen, Thi Kim Phuong, 155-107, 39-10 Nguyen, Ve B., 174-8 N.H., Ravindranath, 158-4 Ni, Shijun, 85-14 Niacsu, Lilian, 124-10 Nichol, Gemma E., 136-20 Nichols, Kristine A., 146-16, 116-48, 163-5 Nichols, Mary H., 177-33 Nicholson, C.F., 156-2 Nicholson, Thomas J., 48-12, 48-4, 119-4 Nicomrat, Duongruitai, 102-2 Nie, Lishui, 177-25, 137-48 Niederer, Christian, 79-2 Nield, Shawn J., 18-3 Nielsen, David, 152-4 Nielsen, Donald R., 34-2, 4-5, 116-32 Nierop, Klaas G., 4-5 Niikura, Mai, 104-11 Nikolic, George, 53-4 Nikolskii Gavrilov, Iourii, 123-1, 159-6 Nilsson, S. Ingvar, 39-19 Nimmo, John R., 137-13 Nino, Pasquale, 149-27 Ninomiya, Seishi, 160-24 Nishida, Mizuhiko, 148-11 Nishihara, Eiji, 168-14 Nishimura, Seiichi, 118-11 Nishiwaki, Junko, 137-43 Nisini, Luigi, 95-7 Niu, Dekui, 177-6, 155-74 Njoroge, Ruth, 155-161 Nkedi-Kizza, Peter, 155-12 Nnabude, Peter, 45-22 Noble, Andrew, 96-3 Noble, Tom, 151-28 Nobles, Maria, 177-21, 138-4, 177-23 Nofziger, David, 116-27, 147-14 Noguchi, Akira, 104-10, 104-11 Noguchi, Kyotaro, 144-9 Noinville, S., 79-3 Nolte, C., 128-13 Noor, Siti Azizah, 178-27 Nordmyr, Linda, 174-3 Norfleet, M. Lee, 116-22 Norling, Cara, 145-52 Noronha, Norberto C., 133-19 178 Norra, Stefan, 178-18 Nortcliff, S., 151-22 Nortcliff, Stephen, 42-8, 151-6 Norton, L. Darrell, 151-5 Norton, L.D., 154-69, 151-9 Norton, Robert, 31-8 Norton, Robert M., 70-2 Norton, Shawn L., 19-8 Noseda, Ramón, 172-7 Notario, Jesús S., 127-13, 126-21, 1263 Nourbakhsh, Farshid, 163-34 Nout, Rob, 24-3 Novak, Jeff, 154-57 Novakova, Alla A., 29-2 Novichiknin, Evgeniy, 160-16 Novikova, A.F., 57-2, 28-7 Novikova, Nina M., 99-4 Novis, Phil, 141-4 Novoszad, Michael, 139-12 Novotny, Etelvino H., 72-2 Nowak, Virginie, 177-29 Ntoula, Maria, 151-32 Nunan, Naoise, 43-4, 43-1 Nunez, Andres E., 140-13 Nur, M., 160-13 Nussio, Carla M. B., 133-19 Nuttall, James Gray, 23-2 Nuviola, A., 15-2 Nwoke, Chike, 167-15 Nwokporo, N.S., 151-22 Nyamangara (Dr), Justice, 104-12 Nyamangara, Justice, 150-26 Nyambori, Rhoda, 105-3 Nyborg, Age, 90-11 Nziguheba, Generose, 167-15 Nébié Kanké, Alfred, 130-3 Németh, Tamás, 51-6, 150-13 Núñez, Pedro, 155-6 Núñez-Elisea, Roberto, 152-12 Okamoto, Kosuke, 139-37 Okazaki, Hitoshi, 155-131 Okazaki, Masanori, 126-11, 168-20, 139-37 Okereke, Gilbert U., 45-22 Oki, Yoko, 174-10 Okomba, John, 105-3 Oktem, Abdullah, 154-20 Okumura, Mami, 140-28 Okusami, Temitope A., 2-6 Okuyama, Arata, 168-20 Olatinwo, Rabiu, 80-4 Oldam, James L., 150-18 Olesen, Jorgen E., 138-8 Olga Margarita, Rubilar, 145-20 Oliveira, Dalziza, 158-23 Oliveira, Edivan C., 133-20 Oliveira, Maria De L., 133-11, 133-9 Oliveira, Uéliton Trindade De, 155-148 Oliver, Margaret A., 91-5, 122-13, 12910 Oliver, Robert, 54-1 Oliver, Toni, 7-6 Olivier, Romain, 126-9 Olk, Daniel, 138-82 Olson, Carolyn G., 122-16 Olson, K. R., 62-4 Olson, Kenneth, 151-24 Olsson, Mats, 47-3 Oltmanns, Meike, 3-8 Omarova, Elena O., 140-5 Omondi, Emmanuel Chiwo, 105-3 Omonode, Rex A., 138-46, 148-17, 138-48, 138-70 Omori, Akihiro, 139-37 Omuto, C. T., 160-10 Omuto, Thine, 83-1 Onaran, H., 10-1 Ongprasert, Somchai, 170-7 O.O, Olufajo, 155-68 Oram, Libbie, 144-39 Orbach, Marc, 168-12 O Ordoñez, Rafaela, 115-38 O’Callaghan, Maureen, 141-1 Orellana, Joaquin, 155-106 O’Connor, George A., 171-3, 158-5 Orellana, Jorge, 116-55 O’Donnell, Anthony, 67-3, 141-9 Orleanskii, Vladimir K., 140-5 O’Donnell, Anthony G., 43-4 Orona Castillo, Ignacio, 160-14 O’Geen, Anthony, 119-6, 115-41 Oropeza-Mota, J. L., 136-24 O’Leary, Garry, 23-6 Ortega, Raul, 137-17 O’Neill, Brendan, 133-16, 133-17 Ortega, Rodrigo, 155-106 O’Reilly, Colin, 150-23 Ortiz Escobar, Maria E., 126-20 O’Rourke, Mary Kay, 168-12 Ortiz-Solorio, Carlos A., 42-14 Oad, Fateh C., 155-168 Ortiz-Solorio, Carlos Alberto, 108-1 Oballos, Jajaira, 122-2 Osawa, Hiroki, 104-5 Oberforster, Michael, 168-17 Osborne, Todd Z., 118-1, 118-2 Oberman, Naum G., 106-3 Osher, Laurie J., 55-2, 6-4 Oberson, Astrid, 59-3 Osmond, Deanna, 163-30, 150-18, 45Oberto, Elisa, 89-1 23 Obiri, Samuel, 168-8 Oster, James, 159-4 Öborn, Ingrid, 155-122, 143-5, 162-31, Oster, Kenneth, 115-41 39-19, 150-20, 158-42 Österholm, Peter, 174-3 Obreza, Thomas, 155-137 Ota, Takeshi, 89-8, 116-59 Obura, Pamela A., 128-9 Othieno, Caleb O., 128-9, 155-161, Ochoa, Guido, 122-2 139-35 Ochs, Mary A., 170-13 Oudat, M. Al., 9-2 Ochsner, Tyson E., 110-7 Ouma, Josephine, 138-81 Odeh, Inakwu Ominy A., 42-20, 160Ouvrard, Stéphanie, 178-20, 98-2, 17815, 14-5 26 Odgers, Nathan, 12-14, 42-20 Ouyang, Tian-Zhi, 145-1, 145-4 Oechel, Walter, 40-2 Ouyang, Ying, 144-7 Oelbermann, Maren, 106-5, 158-23 Ouédraogo, Elisée, 82-5, 54-8 Oenema, Oene, 168-23 Oved, Tamar, 141-8 Officer, Sally J., 70-2 Overesch, Mark, 90-7 Ogoke, Iheanyichukwu J., 154-25 Overstreet, Laura F., 140-12 Ogram, Andrew, 45-26 Oweis, Theib, 75-7 Ogunwumiju, Omotomike, 118-21 Owens, Dave, 139-23 Oguz, Hacer, 154-20 Owens, Lloyd, 1-7, 170-32 Ohta, Seiichi, 177-17 Owens, Phillip, 48-10 Ojalammi, Matthew, 51-7 Owens, Vance N., 138-39 Ok, Yong-Sik, 151-14, 151-15, 51-4, Owiyo, Tom, 160-4 144-4, 158-21, 57-6 Owliaie, Hamidreza, 129-5, 127-1 Okalebo, J. R., 139-35 Oxenberg, Tanya Palmateer, 135-9 Okalebo, John Robert, 155-161, 128-9 Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto, 133-3 Ozgenturk, Gonul, 154-20 Ozores-Hampton, Monica, 153-40 P P S, Sheeba, 162-16 Pachepsky, Yakov, 48-4, 119-4 Pachepsky, Yakov A., 137-30, 48-1, 823, 139-28, 4-3, 48-12, 119-3 Padmanabhan, Eswaran, 42-4 Pagels, Britt, 144-21, 65-2 Pagliai, Marcello, 101-4, 138-25, 11557 Pagliarin, Chiara, 163-10, 163-9 Pai, Chuangwen, 177-16 Pajuelo, Purificacion, 151-8 Paknejhad, Farzad, 147-3, 147-4 Pal, Deo, 138-23, 104-8 Pal, Dilipkumar, 36-5, 138-86 Pal, D.K., 38-3 Pal, Raktim, 166-46 Pal, Ramhari, 154-67 Pal, Y., 157-11 Palacio, José Luis, 160-6 Palacios-Díaz, M. Pino, 154-73 Palaniappa Pillai, Malarvizhi, 45-27, 60-7, 146-8, 146-9 Palaniappa Pillai, Malarvizhi, 168-24, 168-25, 165-4 Palanisamy, Devasenapathy, 162-2, 138-13 Palazzo, Antonio J., 138-42 Paliatsos, Athanatios, 115-34 Palm, Cheryl, 105-1, 69-1, 150-9 Palumbo, Giuseppe, 144-43, 126-17, 139-21, 56-16 Pampolino, M.F., 146-10 Pan, Yun, 178-17 Panagiotopoulos, Leonidas, 127-7 Panahi Kordlaghari, Khodabakhsh, 154-59 Panaullah, G.M., 51-12, 81-3, 168-19, 128-4 Panaullah, Golam M., 115-29 Pandey, Hira Nand, 155-52, 152-6 Pangga, Gina Villegas, 162-15 Pankova, Ye.I., 159-16, 28-7 Pannu, Ravinderpal, 155-77 Panomtaranichagul, M., 11-1 Pansu, Marc, 138-76 Pantoja, Jose L., 95-5 Paolini, Jorge, 155-93 Paolini, Jorge E., 142-14 Papadopoulos, Apostolos, 64-5 Papadopoulos, Periclis, 115-44 Papadopoulos, Periklis, 152-5 Papaioannou, Agelos B., 115-34 Papini, Rossella, 163-35 Pappa, Agathi-Valentini, 167-18 Paramananthan, Selliah, 173-4 Parent, Léon-Etienne, 153-35 Park, Bumki, 140-10 Park, Chan-Won, 155-83 Park, Chang-Young, 146-13, 146-12 Park, Chang-Young, 155-114 Park, Chol-Soo, 151-13, 168-16, 15130, 151-15 Park, Cholsoo, 151-35 Park, Eun Jin, 136-23 Park, Eun-Jin, 15-3 Park, Jae-Hong, 155-15 Park, Ki-Do, 155-114, 146-13 Park, Ki-Do, 146-12 Park, Kwang Lai, 149-5, 149-6 Park, Kwang Lai, 155-150 Park, Man, 145-5, 145-6, 166-45 Park, Myoungsu, 94-4 Park, Sei Joon, 155-32, 104-6 Park, Seong-Tae, 150-12 Park, So-Hyeon, 155-15 Park, Sung-Hak, 117-6 Park, Sung-Tae, 146-12 Park, Sung-Tai, 155-114 Perfect, Edmund, 137-7 Perrin Ganier, Corinne, 145-49 Persson, Ingmar, 73-2, 73-7, 139-13 Perumal, Karuppan, 166-14, 162-34 Pervez, Humayun, 99-5 Pessagno, Romina C., 139-15 Petersen, Bjorn M., 138-8 Petersen, Gary W., 116-23, 124-2 Peterson, Gary A., 37-2, 75-8 Peth, Stephan, 136-3, 64-1, 136-9, 1012 Petit, Sabine, 144-18 Petrere, C., 2-1 Petri, Monica, 33-2 Petrova, Lidia, 57-4 Pettygrove, G. S., 155-135 Peña, Víctor, 125-12 Pfeffer, Max J., 167-7 Pfeffer, Michael, 141-3 Pfeiffer, Eva-3ia, 106-2, 175-2, 106-7 Pfisterer, Ulrich, 149-16 Pham, Quang Ha, 158-42 Phatak, Sharad, 54-9 Philippe, Cattan, 153-23 Phillips, Carlton T., 168-1 Phillips, Ian, 139-19 Phillips, Jonathan D., 28-1, 122-1 Phillips, Rebecca, 48-9 Phillips, S.B., 155-18 Phogat, Vinod, 153-13 Pia, Juan Fernando, 105-5 Piatek, Kathryn B., 17-13 Piccinin, Jorge L., 72-5 Piccinin, Jorge Luiz, 136-12, 136-14 Piccolo, Alessandro, 138-67, 15-9, 1514 Picking, Deborah J., 139-34 Picone, Liliana Ines, 154-4 Pierce, Danielle, 60-1 Pierzynski, Gary, 163-24, 166-42, 17010 Pietola, Liisa, 137-49 Pietraszek, Jay, 151-41 Pigna, M., 139-2, 73-4, 144-43 Pignatello, Joseph, 139-3 Pilatti, Miguel, 137-41 Pilatti, Miguel A., 137-44, 163-11, 11536, 116-55 Pilaš, Ivan, 177-4 Pineda, Neida, 160-5, 122-12, 170-8, 122-2 Pinelli, Eric, 144-27 Ping, Chien-Lu, 40-2, 106-8 Ping, Jianli, 162-12 Pino, Rafael, 149-1 Pinto Coelho Lacerda, Marilusa, 14928 Pinto, Francisco De Assis De Carvalho, 91-8, 115-53 Pinto, Miriam, 144-34 Pinzon Pinto, Angela, 140-7 Piovanelli, Carlo, 138-25 Pires Da Silva, Alvaro, 137-41 Piri, Andy K., 178-23 Piron, Denis, 120-8 Pisani, Oliva, 138-15 Pisante, Michele, 75-5 Piscitelli, Marcela, 176-6 Pittan, Britta, 154-63 Pivovarova, Elena G., 155-60 Piñuela, J.A., 115-15 P.K., Basavaraja, 162-30 Pla, Ildefonso, 75-6, 159-2, 153-41 Plageras, Panagiotis, 115-34 Plagge, Rudolf, 98-3 Plant, Richard, 60-1 Plante, Alain, 15-16, 138-16, 15-4 Platinetti, Marco, 138-25 Plaxienco, Doina, 168-9 Plowden, Y.K., 115-35 Plowden, Yuri K., 107-11, 54-3 Plumlee, Geoffrey S., 13-3 Poberejskaya, Swetlana, 152-15 Poggio, Laura, 95-9 Pointon, Shane M., 39-24 Poirier, Glenn, 134-1 Poirier, Vincent, 54-7 Pol Shekane Pahlavan, Mohammad Reza, 155-22 Polcik, Aleksandra, 115-43 Polizzotto, Matthew, 73-5, 50-1 Poll, Christian, 20-1 Pompili, Letizia, 54-2 Poncio-Acosta, Zulema, 155-71 Ponge, Jean-François, 163-3 Ponizovsky, Alexander, 86-1 Ponnuswamy, Santhy, 54-4 Pons, Marie-Noëlle, 178-21 Ponzoni, Gilda, 165-7 Poonguzhali, Selvaraj, 94-4, 140-10 Poovarodom, Sumitra, 155-140 Popova, Z., 75-16 Popovich, Anna A., 114-3, 114-4 Poreba, Grzegorz Jacek, 68-2 Portella, Cibele Masciolli R., 99-8 Porter, Gregory, 31-9 Portilho, Antonio Passos, 135-31 Posadas, Adolfo, 137-18, 153-27 Poss, James A., 81-4 Post, Wilfred, 135-18 Postini, Kazem, 166-36 Pote, Daniel H., 177-14 Potter, Kenneth N., 170-11 Potthoff, Martin, 155-3 Pottyondi, Akos, 156-17 Poulenard, Jérome, 78-5 Poulton, Paul R., 146-1 Powell, Bernard, 39-8, 12-5 Powell, J. Mark, 149-10 Powlson, David, 36-5, 138-86, 25-1 Powlson, David S., 146-1 Pozdnyakov, Anatoly, 116-29 Pozdnyakov, Lev A., 138-38 Pozdnyakova, Larisa, 116-29 Poznyak, Stepan P., 33-3 Prabhakara, Reddy, 154-13 Prabhakara, Reddy, G.V., 83-3 Pradere, Philippe, 144-27 Prado, Hélio Do, 45-10, 149-26 Prakash, Bhanu, 149-12 Prakash, Ved, 166-8 Prakasha, H.C., 138-11, 154-50 Pramanick, M., 155-170 Prasad, Paruchuri Ramakrishna, 57-5 Prasadini, Prabhu, 166-11, 129-2 Prat, Christian, 33-2 Prawito, Priyono, 46-3 Preethu, Chengappa, 154-13 Prellwitz, Joel, 127-5, 127-4 Premachandra, Gnanasiri, 139-35 Prescott, T.M., 116-45, 137-16, 115-35, 115-39 Presley, Deann, 129-6 Prestegaard, Karen L., 117-10 Preston, Caroline M., 17-7, 17-8, 47-1 Previtali, Franco, 172-5 Price, Andrew, 152-7 Prietzel, Jörg, 63-8 Pringle, M.J., 138-56, 115-22 Priori, Simone, 132-3 Priyantha, Yappa, 8-6 Probert, Merv, 115-21 Prochnow, L. I., 154-14 Prokisch, Jozsef, 51-6 Prokofieva, Tatiana, 77-3 Pronin, Andrej, 135-34 Protano, Giuseppe, 132-3 Pucci, Amaranta, 163-14 Pucci, M, 73-4 Puddu, Rita, 160-11 Puente, Aleix, 7-6 Puigdefábregas, Juan, 136-1, 136-10, 119-12 Pulleman, Mirjam, 82-5, 152-16 Punzel, Jürgen, 48-3 Pusineri, Graciela, 115-36 Puste, Anandamoy, 116-1 Pustovoytov, K., 2-5 Pustovoytov, Konstantin, 121-10, 99-2 Pypers, Pieter, 154-12 Pásztor, László, 115-27 Péné, Crépin, 153-36 Pérez Arias, Juana, 151-1, 160-2 Pérez, Beatriz A., 142-13, 142-4 Pérez, Daniel.V., 135-31, 118-16, 128-5 Pérez, Rufino, 42-2 Pérez-Alegría, Luis, 138-83 Pérès, Guenola, 120-8, 137-3 Pöllmann, Herbert, 178-22 Q Qadir, Manzoor, 96-3, 23-11 Qi, Feng, 7-12 Qian, Yaling, 116-57 Qiguo, Zhao, 120-9 Qiubing, Wang, 83-14 Quadros, Ruth Maria Bianchini De, 151-20 Quaggio, José A., 155-147 Quang, Nguyen Chi, 91-3 Quantin, Cecile, 21-5 Quantin, Paul, 126-13 Quebedeaux, Bruno, 3-4 Queitsch, Jürgen, 33-2 Quenet, Y., 79-3 Quideau, Sylvie A., 71-4 Quillerou, Emmanuelle, 135-6 Quinn, Nigel W.T., 159-12 Quintero, Jenny, 167-19 Quiquampoix, H., 79-3 Quiroga - Garza, Hector Mario, 155174 Quiroz, Roberto, 153-27 Quisenberry, Virgil L., 107-7 R R, Kumaraperumal, 138-64 Rabbi, Sheikh M. F., 121-7 Rabenhorst, Martin, 85-4, 118-21 Rabenhorst, Martin C., 10-3, 118-20, 119-19, 107-12, 44-8, 118-25 Rabuffetti, Armando, 123-9 Rachman, Achmad, 160-13, 137-5 Raczkowski, Charles W., 166-15 Radcliffe, David E., 107-9, 149-14 Radder, B.M., 66-1 Ragazzi, F., 85-10 Rahimi, Ghasem, 151-6 Rahimzadeh, K.F., 153-7 Rahman, G.K.M.M., 168-19 Rahman, Md. Hasibur, 166-37 Rahmani, Hamid Reza, 150-5 Raij, Bernardo Van, 155-121 Rajan, A. Raja, 152-11 Rajarajan, A., 2-2, 142-19, 164-6 Rajbhandari, Neeranjan P., 157-3 Raji, B.A., 108-4 Rajkai, Kálmán, 119-9 Raju, Alluri Padma, 166-20, 149-31 Ralisch, Ricardo, 66-5 Ramaiah, Kaleeswari.Kutralingam, 162-2 Ramakrishna Parama, V.R., 155-156, 154-1 Ramasamy, Krishnasamy, 115-16 Ramesh, Gopi, 166-51 Ramezanpour, Hassan, 144-68, 143-1 Ramirez, Juan, 138-68 Ramirez, Luis, 154-28 Ramirez, Manlio, 162-27 Ramos, Yalitza, 170-8, 160-5 Ramos-Santana, Rafael, 151-16 Ramsey, Mary Lou, 135-4 Ran, Yong, 145-16, 110-8 Rana, Kiran, 139-35 Ranatunga, Thilini D., 126-16 Randhawa, Rupinder K., 131-8 179 AUTHOR INDEX Park, Yang Ho, 155-141 Park, Yang Ju, 155-92 Park, Yang-Ho, 155-15 Park, Yeon-Kyu, 117-6 Parker, Shane R., 20-4 Parkin, Timothy B., 155-116 Parobek, Jeffery A., 83-11 Paroda, R., 23-11 Parr, Jeff, 138-26 Parra, Ramona R., 135-22 Parry, Roberta, 1-9 Parsa, Bahman, 135-23 Parsons, D., 156-2 Paschalidis, Christos, 152-5 Pasieczna, Anna, 13-1 Pasricha, N.S., 155-167, 153-47, 154-6 Passerat De Silans, Alain M.B., 116-20, 116-16 Pastori, Marco, 153-28 Pastukhov, Alexander V., 42-9 Patel, Bharat, 17-10 Patel, Pravinchandra C., 165-5, 155-23, 165-3 Pathak, A. K., 166-10 Patil, Ashok, 155-58 Patil, P. L., 2-4 Patil, P.L., 104-1, 66-1 Patil, S.G., 66-1 Patino, Gloria, 104-2 Patra, S. K., 89-4 Patti, Antonio, 93-8 Patti, Antonio F, 163-12, 15-9 Paudel, Chhabi L., 157-3 Paul, D.N.R., 168-19, 161-1 Paul, Eldor, 138-16, 15-16 Paul, Kristian, 145-50 Paul, Kristian W., 93-4 Paustian, Keith, 138-86, 36-5, 15-4, 138-37, 138-80, 25-1 Pavanelli, Alex G., 160-12 Pavinato, Paulo S., 154-7 Pavlova, Vera N., 25-5 Pavon, Jellin, 156-13 Payne, Margot K., 118-22 Payne, W. A., 104-17 Payne, William A., 23-10 Paz, Joel, 116-53 Pazhanivelan, S, 155-154 Pazira, Ebrahim, 23-9 Pazos, Mabel, 172-7, 150-10 Pazos, Mabel Susana, 42-5 Peak, Derek, 139-27, 154-61 Peaslee, Steve, 74-1 Peasley, Steve, 107-3 Pedersen, Joel A., 145-45 Pedraza, Cristina, 144-19 Pei, Xu, 83-15 Pelegrin, Francisco, 150-6 Pell, Alice, 138-54 Pell, Alice N., 115-31 Pell, A.N., 156-2, 147-11 Pellegrini, Sergio, 115-57, 165-10, 1365, 101-4 Peltier, Edward, 63-7 Peltola, Pasi, 174-3 Pena-Yewtukhiw, Eugenia, 75-12, 15614, 3-3 Peng, Xinhua, 64-1, 137-4 Penizek, Vit, 85-5 Penksza, Karoly, 33-10 Pennock, Dan J., 151-39, 6-8 Pepo, Peter, 146-6 Pepper, Ian, 24-2 Percich, James, 136-19 Perdomo, C., 6-1 Perea, Francisco, 151-8 Perecin, Dilermando, 149-26 Pereira, Marcos Gervasio, 42-10, 1302, 128-6, 118-16, 128-5 Pereira, Victor V., 164-10, 175-1 Pereira, Virginia, 122-9 Perez-Casio, Federico, 144-13, 155-71 Perfect, Ed, 48-13, 48-7 Rangarajan, Anusuya, 156-11 Ranger, Jacques, 17-17 Ranjard, Lionel, 177-29 Ranjard, Lionel, 144-58 Ranjbar Atashi, Maryam, 177-41 Ranjbar, Ehsan, 163-43 Ransom, Michel D., 129-6 Ranville, James F., 93-7, 93-11 Rao V.K And Ravindra V, Rudramuni M.S, 167-9 Rao, Idupulapati, 104-2, 104-3, 16-1, 158-6, 156-13 Rao, Kv, 155-34 Rao, Maria A., 145-18, 144-59, 145-17 Rao, Nagender, 166-11 Rao, Palli Chandrasekhar, 155-56 Rao, T. Nagendra, 165-4, 168-24, 60-7, 168-25, 45-27 Raper, Randy, 152-7 Rasa, Kimmo, 137-49 Rasche, Frank, 141-3 Rasheed, Mohamed Abbas, 19-1, 1152, 139-38, 115-13 Rashid, Abdul, 155-117, 96-2 Rashid, Harun U., 155-96 Raskatova, Tatyana V., 25-5 Rasmussen, Caroline, 154-66 Rasmussen, Craig, 15-12 Rasoli, Sogol, 163-6 Rassam, David W., 39-9 Rasse, D. P, 15-18 Rastegari, Seyed Jalal, 96-5 Raun, W. R., 155-98 Raun, William, 155-88 Raun, W.R., 19-8, 155-123 Raupp, Joachim, 3-8 Ravi Kumar, M.N., 155-156 Ravi, G., 155-156 Ravi, G., 154-1 Ravi, M.V, 155-156, 154-1, 155-157 Ravichandiran, S, 155-154 Ravikumar, M.N., 154-1 Rawajfih, Zahir, 36-5 Rawi, Che Salmah, 178-27 Rawls, Walter J., 137-30, 82-3, 119-3, 119-4 Ray, Sk, 138-86, 38-3 Raymond, F.D., 155-18 Razavi, Maziar, 158-2 Razikordmahalleh, Ladan, 162-40, 138-17, 154-3 Read, Derek B., 20-2 Reatto, Adriana, 137-35 Reatto-Braga, Adriana, 64-2 Rech, Jason, 127-5 Rech, Jason A., 127-4, 127-3 Recous, Sylvie, 36-2, 138-50 Reddy, Gudigopuram B., 166-15 Reddy, K. R., 118-26, 118-3, 118-2 Reddy, K. Ramesh, 84-3, 118-1 Reddy, Karu Koteswar, 154-68 Reddy, Muchha R., 155-13 Reddy, Poli Raghava, 166-20 Reddy, Ramesh, 160-3 Redman, Charles, 178-11, 178-12 Reed, D. W., 104-17 Reed, Kathleen, 31-12 Rees, David B., 122-3 Rees, Robert M., 167-18, 59-4 Reeves, D. Wayne, 116-22 Reeves, James B.,, 18-5 Regalado, Carlos M., 126-7 Regier, Tom, 140-2, 65-3 Reginato, Juan C., 116-12 Regitano, Jussara B., 139-10, 139-9 Regmi, Basu D., 157-3 Reich, Paul, 16-2, 42-3 Reich, Robin, 19-10 Reichenauer, Thomas, 141-3 Reicosky, Donald C., 41-2 Reid, D. Keith, 116-28 Reiher, Wolfgang, 66-6 Reimann, Clemens, 13-1, 91-1 180 Reimer, Goetz, 131-3, 131-2 Reintam, Endla, 57-7, 156-16 Rellini, Ivano, 109-11 Rema, John, 155-104 Remes, Michal, 17-19 Ren, Li, 137-20, 137-21 Renat, Jean-Christophe, 98-2, 178-26 Renault, Pierre, 144-41, 135-13 Rengabasham, Kalpana, 138-13 Rengabashyam, Kalpana, 162-2 Rengel, Zed, 118-4 Renschler, Chris, 177-33 Repyah, Marina A., 176-1, 140-29 Ressler, Daniel, 159-18 Resurreccion, Augustus, 137-31 Reuter, Ronald J., 150-24 Revault, M., 79-3 Reverter, Ferran, 7-6 Rey, J., 177-28 Reyes Solis, Iván E., 163-23 Reyes, J. L., 15-2 Reyes, Manuel R., 166-15 Reyhani Tabar, Adil, 155-35, 155-45, 23-12, 155-37 Reynolds, Dan, 101-3, 123-10 Reynolds, D.W., 154-72 Reynolds, W. D., 145-19 Rezaei, H., 79-3 Rhodes, Ruth, 155-42 Ribas, Fco., 60-3 Ribeiro Da Luz, Beatriz, 131-7 Ribeiro, Eliane, 133-11 Ribeiro, Lucedino P., 133-13 Ribeiro, Mateus Rosas, 122-18 Ribero, Mateus Rosasosas, 128-7 Ricciardella, M., 139-2 Rice, Alina, 148-12 Rice, Charles, 138-82, 138-60, 138-9, 138-53, 24-2, 11-1 Rice, James A., 145-47, 52-4 Richard, Guy, 157-8, 85-3 Richardson, Curtis, 84-2 Richardson, Jim, 107-4, 107-3, 107-2 Richardson, M., 152-8 Richardson, Matthew J., 125-11 Richter, Daniel, 123-7 Richter, Daniel D., 41-1, 123-6, 77-5 Richter, Pablo, 144-19 Rickman, D., 115-17, 115-56 Rietz, Diana N., 159-22 Rigane, Hafedh, 163-39 Righi, Dominique, 144-18 Rigou, P., 79-3 Riha, S. J., 156-2 Riha, Susan, 138-54, 105-4 Riha, Susan J., 147-11 Rijal, Geeta, 158-7 Rikiishi, Sanae, 104-15 Rim, Sang Kyu, 56-13, 147-17, 56-6 Ritchey, K. Dale, 170-13, 161-3 Ritchie, Jerry, 117-10, 99-8, 177-33, 17 Ritz, Karl, 140-25, 166-6 Rivera, Mariela, 156-13 Rizzo, David, 142-6 Rizzo, Rodnei, 131-9 Rm, Kumar, 155-111 Ro, Hee-Myong, 116-40, 116-42, 11637, 116-38 Robert, Oliver, 155-28 Roberto Soares, Marcio, 139-42 Roberts, Daniel, 60-4 Roberts, Linda C., 144-53 Robertson, G. P., 138-34, 145-55, 155126 Robertson, G. Phillip, 138-36 Robertson, Lindsay A., 118-23 Robins, Colin, 127-16 Robinson, J.S., 151-22 Robinson, Lashasta, 163-42 Robinson, Nathan J., 122-3 Robinson, Steve, 151-6 Robles, Miguel, 155-93 Roca, Nuria, 172-7, 150-10, 42-5 Rocchini, Andrea, 136-5 Roccuzzo, Giancarlo, 95-7 Rocha, Jansle V., 66-4 Rocha, João B., 72-5 Rochette, Philippe, 54-7 Rodgers, Toby, 8-12 Rodrigues De Lima, A.C., 95-3, 95-8 Rodrigues Dos Reis, Andre, 155-145, 155-153 Rodrigues, Tarcisio E., 72-5, 133-10 Rodriguez Martin, Jose Antonio, 91-6 Rodriguez, Cabrera A., 155-4 Rodriguez, Elena, 139-1 Rodriguez, Eloy, 167-7 Rodriguez, Karen, 118-5 Rodriguez-Rodriguez, A., 14-4 Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Francisco, 15473 Rodríguez Gamiño, Ma. De Lourdes, 122-22 Rodríguez Paz, Marianela, 42-13 Rodríguez-Blanco, M.L., 136-24 Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Antonio, 12713, 126-21, 126-3 Roembke, Joerg, 95-12 Roemer, Elizabeth, 86-3 Roget, David K., 80-3 Rogov, Victor V., 175-12 Roh, Kee-An, 116-19 Roh, Keean, 159-14 Rohani, Narges, 167-21 Rohosková, Marcela, 101-5 Roig, Asunción, 145-30 Rojas, Guliver, 153-27 Rojas, Leila A., 155-90 Rojkov, Vyacheslav A., 61-5 Roloff, Glaucio, 177-1 Rolong, Nelson, 127-12 Rolston, Dennis, 137-31 Romanenkov, Vladimir A., 25-5 Romanovsky, Vladimir, 106-3 Romanya, Juan, 47-3 Romero Pinto, Maria, 140-7 Romkens, Mathias J. M., 22-1 Romkens, M.J.M., 89-3 Rondon, Marco, 16-1, 158-6, 156-13 Rondon, Marco A., 133-12, 138-68 Rong De, Jin, 142-8, 142-15, 142-7, 142-20, 142-11 Roo, Jae-Hong, 102-4, 162-3 Rooney, Corinne, 86-1 Rosa Filho, Gilberto, 19-13 Rosa, Márcia M., 144-8 Rosado, Alexandre S., 16-5 Rosalva, Arellano, 155-93 Rosas, Analí, 144-59 Rosca, Bogdan, 124-10 Rosen, Brian, 145-50 Rosen, Carl, 155-30 Rosenzweig, Cynthia, 98-5 Roshani, Ghorban Ali, 19-3, 139-18, 155-54, 155-57 Rosicky, Mark Allan, 174-5 Rosolem, Ciro A., 154-7, 155-113 Ross, Philippe, 93-11 Rossignol, Jean-Pierre, 119-20 Rossiter, David G., 12-3, 41-5, 98-1 Rosskopf, Erin N., 162-14, 102-5 Roth, Mary R., 36-3 Rotz, Al, 148-19 Rouillier, Alain, 139-7 Rouse, Douglas I., 142-16 Rouse, J., 174-11 Roux, Florence, 17-17 Rovira, Pere, 47-3 Rovita, D., 155-125 Rowe, Dennis E., 146-4 Rowland, Randy, 118-21 Roy, William, 51-8 Rozhdestvenskaya, Svetlana O., 153-34 Rubiano, Yolanda, 91-2 Rubilar, Rafael, 47-2 Rubinos Pantal, Enrique, 134-4 Rubinos, Enrique, 176-7 Rubio, Gerardo, 154-26 Rubio, Rosa, 138-47 Ruddy, Barbara C., 117-8 Rudenko, Natalia A., 28-2 Rudramurthy, H.V., 150-16 Ruf, Andrea, 15-17 Ruffo, Matias L., 155-10 Ruggiero, Pacifico, 51-9, 143-2 Ruh, R, 154-48 Ruivo, Maria De Lourdes P., 72-5, 13311, 133-9 Ruiz Vera, Victor M., 159-19 Ruiz, Hugo A., 139-40 Ruiz, Magaly, 142-14 Ruiz-Vera, Victor M., 157-10 Rukhovich, Dimitry I., 74-3, 115-50 Rumberger, Angelika, 142-9 Rumpel, C., 145-24, 15-18 Rumpel, Cornelia, 145-29 Rupp, Holger, 45-1, 45-4, 45-6, 45-2 Ruppert, David, 85-4 Ruser, Reiner, 35-8 Rush, Charles M., 23-10 Russell, Dusten, 129-7 Russelle, Michael P., 155-30 Russo, Fabio, 145-17, 145-18 Rusten, Eric, 167-12 Rusu, Constantin, 168-3, 124-10 Ruthardt, Brice, 100-3 Ruzek, Pavel, 119-11 Ryan, Declan, 150-23 Ryan, James, 63-6 Ryan, James A., 63-4 Ryan, John, 154-20, 146-19 Ryan, Melva, 32-1 Ryu, Gab Hee, 162-26 Ryu, Jeounghyun, 94-4, 140-8 Ryu, Ji-Hun, 153-24, 153-30 Ryumin, Alexander G., 138-51 Räty, Mari, 137-49 Rääts, Virgo, 57-7, 156-16 Rékási, Mark, 139-29 Rétháti, Gabriella, 116-60 Römheld, Volker, 35-11 S S Paccini, Riccardo, 15-9 S. S, Ganesh, 138-64 S, Devarajan, 138-64 S, Sujatha, 162-36 Sa, Sandra M. O., 133-19 Sa, Tongmin, 94-4, 140-8, 140-10 Saa, A., 19-6, 42-15, 115-23, 150-8 Saavedra, Concepcion, 151-8, 154-55 Sabarinathan, R., 152-11 Sachan, Sanjay, 153-3 Sachdev, C.B, 149-24 Sachs, Jeffrey, 69-1 Sadeghi, Sohrab, 19-3 Sadeghian, Siavosh, 126-20 Sadler, E. John, 152-3 Sadler, John E., 31-11 Sadovnikova, Nadejda B., 75-3 Sadowsky, Michael, 139-10, 139-9 Sagar, Prity, 158-4 Saggar, Surinder, 147-1 Sagong, Myung, 151-30 Sah, G., 155-133 Saha, Ganesh C., 144-53 Sahoo, Samarendra, 153-16 Sahu, P. K., 155-170 Saif, A. A., 7-2 Saigusa, Masahiko, 126-19, 154-40, 115-33, 116-35, 139-32, 154-41, 155-131, 45-19, 146-15 Sainju, Upendra, 155-158 Saint Macary, Hervé, 126-10 Saito, Akira, 104-4 Saito, Genya, 115-33 Saito, Kimio, 115-33 Sathyaseelan, Simi, 154-8 Satio, Genya, 116-35 Sato, Koichi, 3-5 Sato, Kuniaki, 178-30 Sato, Shinjiro, 154-43, 133-8, 153-40 Satyanarayana, T.V., 57-5 Sauer, Daniela, 109-8, 127-11, 71-3, 127-10, 109-4 Sauer, Thomas J., 19-12 Saunders, Amy M., 18-3 Saunders, Martin, 106-9, 175-11 Saunders, Thomas J., 85-12 Sauvé, Sébastien, 158-22 Savaghebi, Gholam Reza, 155-35, 15545, 155-37 Savaghebi, Golamreza, 23-12 Savich, Vitalii I., 140-17 Sawamoto, Takuji, 138-75 Sayed-Farhad, Mousavi, 153-43 Saylor, William W., 144-38 Sayre, Ken D., 75-9 Sayyad, Gholamabbas, 153-43 Scatena, Fred, 177-34 Scelza, Rosalia, 145-18 Schaaf, Wolfgang, 17-1 Schad, Peter, 126-14, 179-9, 62-5 Schaefer, Carlos E.G.R., 139-40, 16410, 106-4, 106-9, 175-1, 175-11, 108-5, 175-5, 175-4, 133-2, 128-12, 144-23, 158-24 Schaefer, Garry L., 116-33 Schamschula, Marius, 116-33 Scheckel, Kirk, 63-6 Scheckel, Kirk G., 63-4 Schefe, Cassandra R., 15-9 Schellmann, Gerhard, 127-10 Schepers, James, 131-6 Scheuering, Ina, 45-4 Schiavon, Michel, 145-49 Schierer, Ronald, 154-39 Schifano, Vito, 145-22 Schiff, Sherry L., 106-5 Schindelbeck, Robert R., 148-15 Schlegel, Alan, 37-5 Schlichting, André, 140-2 Schloter, Michael, 140-32 Schmid, Brian, 56-8 Schmidhalter, U., 163-38, 2-10 Schmidt, John, 161-5 Schmidt, Juergen, 151-21 Schmidt, Klaus, 121-10 Schmidt, Margaret, 177-11 Schmidt, Max, 137-47 Schmidt, Michael, 83-10 Schmidt, Michael W. I., 17-8, 145-40, 120-12, 138-59, 138-73 Schmidt, Robert, 145-43 Schneckenberger, Katja, 138-58, 2-14 Schoenau, Jeffrey, 155-11 Schoeneberger, Philip J., 107-4 Scholberg, Johan M., 155-137 Scholberg, Johannes M., 54-9, 155-101 Schoonen, Martin A., 86-3 Schoorl, Jeroen M., 151-39 Schrader, Stefan, 137-3 Schug, Manfred, 149-20 Schulin, Rainer, 153-43, 164-16 Schulthess, Cristian P., 73-9 Schulz, Marjorie, 125-7 Schulze, Darrell, 139-35, 5-7 Schulze, Darrell G., 63-5, 128-9, 63-10 Schumacher, Thomas, 144-36 Schumacher, Thomas E., 124-8 Schumacher, Tom E., 64-3 Schumann, Russell, 39-23 Schwab, Gregory J., 75-12 Schwartz, Christophe, 98-2, 178-26 Schwartz, Robert, 13-1 Schwartz, Robert C., 154-11, 116-30 Schwarzenbach, René P., 79-2 Schwenke, Graeme, 155-136 Schwimmer, Wolfgang, 126-14 Schwärzel, Kai, 48-3 Schäfer, Klaus, 48-8 Schäfer, Thorsten, 134-2 Schülli-Maurer, Isabelle, 109-4 Sciortino, Marco, 144-5 Scott, John, 51-8 Seagraves, Randy, 161-2 Seavert, Clark, 152-12 Sebastia, Julien, 144-58 Seceleanu, Ion, 148-1 Secombe, Kate, 159-11 Sedogo, Michel P., 155-164 Seeger, Juliane, 45-1, 45-2, 45-4 Segda, Zacharie, 155-164 Segura-Castruita, Miguel A., 42-14 Sehgal, Ajay, 149-13 Seiter, Jennifer, 144-38 Seiter, Stefan, 162-12 Sekhon, K.S., 163-32 Seki, Katsutoshi, 137-10 Selim, H. M., 73-3 Selimi, Mafmudije, 142-16 Sellitto, Vincenzo Michele, 126-17, 5616 Selvaradjou, Senthil-Kumar, 172-2, 158-41 Selvi, Duraisamy, 163-4, 177-2, 13820, 166-3 Seman, Logie, 130-4 Semenov, Vyacheslav, 163-2 Semenov, Vyacheslav N., 137-19 Semenova, Nataliya, 163-2 Sencindiver, John, 116-45 Sene, Modou, 31-14 Senesi, Nicola, 35-10, 142-3, 115-57 Senwo, Zachary N., 126-16, 144-31 Seo, Dong Cheol, 155-92, 118-17, 11818 Seo, Myung Chul, 149-6, 149-5 Seo, Myung Chul, 153-26, 155-150, 162-11, 42-6 Seo, Myungchul, 159-14 Seo, Young Jin, 145-6 Seong, Ki Seog, 162-11 Seong, Ki-Seog, 162-22 Seong-Soo, Kang, 45-21 Sequi, Paolo, 173-13 Serpantié, Georges, 58-3 Serraj, Rachid, 172-1 Servín Ruíz, Diana E., 163-23 Sessay, Mohamed, 36-5 Sethi, Charan Jeet Singh, 153-44 Seumo, Eleonore Fosso, 167-12 Seuntjens, Piet, 144-56 Severson, Erik D., 107-1 Seybold, Cathy, 119-1 Seyfarth, Manfred, 45-1, 45-2, 45-7 Sfeir, Alberto, 176-6 Shaaban, S., 56-12 Shabanpour Shahrestani, Mahmoud, 137-22 Shabanpour, Mahmood, 57-1, 177-41, 125-1 Shafei, Siamak, 168-11 Shafer, David, 53-4 Shahalipour, Reza, 89-2, 164-4 Shahbaz, Akhtar M., 154-23 Shahidullah, A.K.M., 168-18 Shan-Ney, Huang, 155-94 Shanahan, John, 131-6 Shanmugam, Subramanian, 156-5 Shapiro, Charles, 155-127 Shariatmadari, Hossein, 168-21 Sharifi Ashourabadi, Ebrahim, 147-3, 147-4 Sharifi, Mehdi, 31-9, 177-20, 150-19 Sharifi, Mohammad Mehdi, 118-7 Sharma, J.C., 151-29 Sharma, J.P, 149-24 Sharma, K. N., 154-15 Sharma, Kishori Lal, 154-21, 152-13 Sharma, P.K., 115-52 Sharma, Pradeep K., 136-25 Sharma, Ram Baboo, 137-24 Sharma, Sheetal, 153-11 Sharp, Mike, 149-29, 149-19 Sharpley, Andrew, 116-50, 67-5, 161-5 Sharratt, Brenton, 151-4, 151-2, 151-26 Shaver, T.M., 147-15 Shaviv, Avi, 141-8 Shaw, George, 135-2 Shaw, Joey N., 116-22, 115-17 Shaw, Richard K., 178-4 Shehana, Rehana Cottage Soudamini, 166-33 Sheik Dawood, M, 155-154 Shein, E.V., 145-7 Shein, Evgeny, 34-4, 136-8 Sheklabadi, Mohsen, 150-19, 177-20 Sheldon, Anna R., 23-3 Shelepova, Olga V., 154-17 Shelton, Daniel, 139-28 Shen, Hong, 104-5 Shen, Ren Fang, 104-9 Shenker, Moshe, 158-34 Shennan, Carol, 150-21 Shepherd, K. D., 160-8, 160-10 Shepherd, Keith, 160-4, 18-1 Shepherd, Keith, 83-1 Shepherd, Keith D., 160-7 Sheppard, Marsha, 135-33 Sherrod, Lucretia, 75-8 Sheta, Abdelaziz S., 166-2 Shetty, Vishwanath, 150-16 Shevtsova, Lyudmila K., 25-5 Shevtzova, Ekaterina, 99-2 Shevyakova, Nina I., 159-26 Shi, Jianchu, 116-14 Shi, Kun, 145-31 Shi, Xuezheng, 62-3, 150-20 Shi, Xun, 91-7 Shibata, Mitsue, 17-2 Shiel, Robert S., 154-33 Shigehiro, Ishizuka S., 118-6 Shihragimov, Alamudin K., 127-19 Shiklomanov, Nikolay I., 40-3 Shillam, Laura-Lee, 126-15 Shillito, Rose M., 3-4 Shim, Myoung Yong, 104-6, 155-32 Shimizu, Masayuki, 144-42 Shimizu, Tadashi, 139-37 Shin, Jae-Hoon, 162-23 Shin, Wansik, 140-8 Shinjo, Hitoshi, 166-32, 95-6 Shinkarev, Alexander A., 65-4 Shinmachi, Fumie, 104-10, 104-11 Shinya, Funakawa, 140-22 Shipeng, Li, 138-78 Shipitalo, Martin J., 170-32 Shirinfekr, Ahmad, 155-17 Shirisha, D., 155-56 Shivananda T N, Shivananda T. N., 606 Shivananda, T. N., 141-13 Shoaib, J.U., 164-2 Shoaib, Ju Md., 128-4 Shoba, Sergey, 77-3 Shoba, Sergey A., 109-6 Shober, Amy, 45-12 Short, Michael, 56-15 Shoulong, Liu, 163-18 Shouse, Peter, 153-19 Shouse, Peter J., 71-4 Shrestha, Dhruba P., 122-11 Shrestha, Sangam, 170-29 Shrotriya, Anil Kumar, 122-5 Shu, Xianfeng, 178-18 Shuangyi, Li, 138-78 Shubitz, Lisa, 168-12 Shuford, James, 155-99 Shukla, Manoj K., 162-20 Shulga, Pavel S., 33-6 Shullenberger, Eric D., 132-7 Shur, Yuri, 175-13, 40-2, 106-8 Shutko, Anatolij, 160-16 Shwartz, Christophe, 178-19 Sickman, James O., 160-22 181 AUTHOR INDEX Sajedi, Nour Ali, 155-21 Sajko, Krunoslav, 151-34 Sajwan, Kenneth, 163-42 Sakata, Tadashi, 177-36 Sakharov, Alexei A., 109-6 Sakrabani, Ruben, 70-5 Sakurai, Katsutoshi, 45-24, 156-6, 1304 Salam, Abdul Kadir, 93-2 Salas-Galvan, Erika, 155-71 Salazar, Enrique, 162-29, 155-62, 15317, 162-27 Salazar, Francisco, 154-28 Salazar-Sosa, Enrique, 153-31 Sale, Peter, 54-6 Saleh Pour Jam, Amin, 151-25 Saleh, Arsil, 155-95 Salehi, Ali, 28-6, 149-15 Saleque, Md. Abu, 148-8 Saljnikov, Elmira, 68-4 Salmasi, Ramin, 153-32 Salminen, Reijo, 91-1 Salon, Paul R., 54-3 Salton, Julio Cesar, 149-21 Salvador, Jetro Turan, 155-148 Salvador-Blanes, Sebastien, 85-2 Salvagiotti, Fernando, 155-86, 155-25 Salvano, Esther, 154-44 Samantaray, R.N., 95-4 Samazaka, David Kaumba, 37-3 Sameni, Abdol Majid, 137-38 Samokhin, Alexei, 170-23 Samonova, Olga A., 124-7 Samouëlian, Anatja, 85-3 Samra, Jagir Singh, 111-5 Samson, M.I., 146-10 Samson-Liebig, Susan E., 116-48 Samui, R. C., 155-170 Sanborn, Paul, 175-14 Sanchez Cohen, Ignacio, 160-14 Sanchez Guzman, Patricio, 176-7 Sanchez, Naman, 156-13 Sanchez, Pedro, 150-9, 6-7, 69-1, 9-3, 11-4 Sanchez-Cortes, Santiago, 93-3 Sanchez-De Leon, Yaniria, 148-14 Sanchez-Diaz, Juan, 62-1 Sanchez-3anon, Manuel, 137-17 Sanders, Dee Ann, 144-22 Sandrelli, Fabio, 132-3 Sang Su, Na, 142-7 Sangakkara, U. R., 12-2 Sangeetha, Mani, 163-21, 170-26 Sanginga, N., 155-68 Sano, Oki, 115-33 Sano, Shuji, 155-38 Santana, Bayanor, 126-21, 126-3 Santana, Derli P., 128-9 Santesteban, Ander, 144-34 Santhu Mohamed, Sharmila Banu, 16824, 168-25, 45-27, 165-4, 60-7 Santhy, Ponnusamy, 138-20, 166-3 Santos, Fabiana S., 158-9 Santos, Gabriel De A., 133-13 Sanz Elorza, Mario, 115-47 Saraiva, Odilon Ferreira, 136-12 Saranva, Odilon Ferreira, 136-14 Sardanelli, Sandra, 167-16 Sardin, Michel, 178-21 Sarkar, Reshmi, 166-29 Sarkar, Sumana, 170-1 Sarkar, Supradip, 153-9 Sarker, Bikash C., 137-33 Sarker, Donbox, 161-1 Sarli, Guillermo O., 139-40, 136-11, 136-22 Sarmadian, Fereydoon, 115-10, 121-4 Sasa, Hiromi, 170-30 Sasaki, Choichi, 3-5 Sasaki, Satohiko, 174-8, 104-10 Sasaki, Takayuki, 104-15, 104-5 Sase, Takashi, 3-5 Saseendran, S. A., 1-4 Siddaramappa, R., 155-156, 154-1, 155-157, 141-13 Siddiqui, Samina, 74-4 Sideman, Eric, 162-12 Sidorov, Igor, 160-16 Siebe Grabach, Christina, 160-6, 15920, 33-8 Siebe, Christina, 125-12 Siewers, Ulrich, 13-1 Sihag, D., 163-32 Sikka, Alok Kumar, 170-24, 95-11 Sikora, Frank, 155-47 Silburn, D. Mark, 112-3 Silva, Edson Cabral Da, 152-2 Silva, Euzébio Medrado, 137-35 Silva, Ivo R., 145-30 Silva, Nelson Machado Da, 155-151 Silva, Steven R., 17-13 Silva, Wilson Tadeu L. Da, 133-13 Simas, Felipe N. B., 106-4 Simas, Felipe N.B., 175-4, 175-5, 1751, 175-11, 106-9 Simini, Michael, 168-1 Simkins, Stephen C., 118-15 Simkovic, Ivan, 57-8, 119-17 Simon, A., 89-3 Simon, Barbara, 123-3 Simon, Sanford, 86-3 Simoncini, Stefania, 138-25 Simoni, Andrea, 144-5, 154-58 Simonis, A. D., 155-44 Simonnot, Marie-Odile, 178-20, 17821 Simonson, Duane, 115-42, 12-6, 12-7 Simonsson, Magnus, 155-122, 162-31, 143-5 Simpson, Andre, 52-5 Simpson, André J., 145-46, 138-7 Simpson, Myrna J., 52-5, 145-46 Sims, J. Thomas, 116-51, 144-47, 15419, 154-61, 9-1 Sims, J.T., 45-12 Simunek, Jiri, 48-12 Simunek, Jirka, 48-11, 137-36, 119-4, 136-4 Šimunic, Ivan, 148-5 Simunji, Simunji, 37-3 Simões, Marcelo, 133-13 Sinaj, S., 13-2 Sinaj, Sokrat, 154-51 Sinclair, H. Raymond, 95-2 Singaram, Palanisamy, 178-25 Singaravel, Ramaiyan, 166-16 Singh, A. K., 167-10 Singh, Abdhesh K., 170-25 Singh, Ajay P., 153-12 Singh, Anil Kumar, 99-10 Singh, Anoop, 83-12 Singh, Bal Ram, 155-173 Singh, Balwant, 158-25, 44-4, 79-5, 294, 155-136 Singh, Bharat, 155-158 Singh, Bhupinder, 116-2 Singh, Bijay, 155-77, 153-8, 31-6 Singh, C.P., 163-15 Singh, D. K., 167-10 Singh, Gurmeet, 97-5, 170-18 Singh, J., 155-163 Singh, J. P., 167-4 Singh, Jagrati, 147-1 Singh, J.P., 170-25, 163-32 Singh, Komal, 153-47 Singh, Kuldeep, 164-5, 155-162 Singh, M. V., 104-18 Singh, Meharban, 31-6 Singh, R. K., 159-23, 155-163 Singh, R. P., 159-23, 155-163 Singh, R. S., 159-23, 155-163 Singh, Ramendra, 154-6 Singh, S. N., 159-23, 155-163 Singh, S.K., 153-3 Singh, S.S., 170-24, 170-25, 149-7, 9511 182 Singh, U., 154-14 Singh, Upendra, 4-4, 67-4 Singh, Varinderpal, 154-49 Singh, Yadvinder, 155-77, 31-6 Singha, Kamini, 48-14 Singhandhupe, R. B., 153-46 Sinh, S.C., 168-19 Sistani, K. R., 163-25 Sistani, Karamat R., 146-4 Sisák, István, 170-15 Sivakumaran, Siva, 112-5 Sivakumaran, Siva (Sivalingam), 15623, 166-7, 145-52, 123-11 Sivapatham, Paramasivam, 163-42 Six, Johan, 43-3, 8-2, 138-16, 138-30, 138-44, 15-4, 15-10 Six, Johan W., 82-5, 138-65 Sk Patra, D. Mazumdar, Ss Das And, 164-7 Skiba, Stefan, 40-4 Skierucha, Wojciech, 56-10 Skjemstad, Jan, 133-1 Skjemstad, Jan O., 120-12 Sklowodowski, Piotr, 115-43 Skoufos, Ioannis, 140-19 Skripnikova, Marina I., 120-3 Skvortsova, Elena B., 120-11 Slater, Brian, 115-37, 28-3 Slavich, Peter, 174-5, 160-13 Sleugh, Byron, 147-7 Slingerland, Maja A., 24-3 Sloan, J. L., 115-39 Sloan, James L., 13-12 Sloan, John J., 178-28 Smagin, Andrey V., 75-3 Smalberger, S. A., 154-14 Small, Doug R., 162-33 Smart, David, 60-1 Smart, David R., 20-4 Smart, Roger St C., 39-23 Smeck, Neil E., 62-4 Smesrud, Jason K., 158-29 Smetak, Katherine, 148-14 Smettem, Keith R.J., 17-3 Smith, C.A. Scott, 175-14 Smith, Chris J., 70-6 Smith, David B., 13-3, 117-7, 117-4, 117-3, 13-2 Smith, David W., 91-4, 115-41 Smith, Delbert, 137-47 Smith, Doug, 150-17, 97-4 Smith, D.R., 148-17, 151-9 Smith, James E., 160-20 Smith, Kevin, 15-5 Smith, Steven M., 13-2 Smith, Timothy E., 81-4 Smith, Walter, 161-6 Smithson, Paul, 158-26 Smucker, A.J.M, 101-2, 145-55 Smucker, Alvin, 136-23, 53-1, 15-3 Smucker, Alvin J.M., 138-36 Smyth, T. Jot, 148-9 Snapp, Sieglinde, 138-82, 155-126 Sneller, Emily G., 154-30 So, Kyu Ho, 162-22 So, Kyu Ho, 162-11 So, Sugihara, 140-22 Soares, Marcio, 166-47 Soares, Marcio Roberto, 139-41 Soaud, Abdou A., 75-14 Sobocka, Jaroslava, 178-3 Sobrino, E., 115-47 Sodhi, G.P.S., 31-6 Sogbedji, Jean, 70-4 Sogbedji, Jean M., 25-3 Sohi, Saran, 72-1, 138-19 Sohn, Bo Kyoon, 140-9, 155-92 Sojka, R. E., 35-2 Sokolov, Ilia A., 5-1, 175-10 Sokolovska, Maria, 6-7, 124-5 Sokolowska, Zofia, 145-10, 137-15 Solaiman, Zakaria, 35-13 Solari, Fernando, 131-6 Solaro, Silvia, 163-31 Solbakken, Eivind, 90-11 Sole-Benet, Albert, 136-1, 136-10, 11912, 119-10 Soleimani, Reza, 155-72, 155-84, 15924, 164-3 Soliman, Aiman S., 131-12 Soliman, Fouad H., 156-9 Soliman, Soliman M., 6-2 Solleiro-Rebolledo, Elizabeth, 49-1 Solomon, Dawit, 134-2, 133-15, 13316, 63-3, 133-1, 133-8 Solomon, Marian .G, 89-7 Solomon, M.G., 166-21 Solís, Corina, 163-23 Somawanshi, R. B., 155-63 Somenahally, Anil K., 154-56 Somenahally, Anil Kumar, 170-6 Sommer, Michael, 85-13, 55-3 Somogyi, Zoltan, 47-3 Somsak, Ladislav, 119-17 Son, Il-Soo, 155-114, 146-12, 146-13, 122-20 Sonar, Kashinath Ragho, 144-30, 15558 Song, Kwan-Cheol, 126-8 Song, Yo-Sung, 155-142 Sonn, Yeon Kyu, 149-6, 149-5 Sonn, Yeon-Kyu, 137-9, 137-34, 42-6 Sonn, Yeonkyu, 159-14 Sonneveld, Marthijn, 111-1 Sopheareth, Mao, 142-11 Soppe, Richard, 153-19 Soracco, C. German, 136-11, 136-22 Soratto, Rogério P., 155-120 Sorel, Luc, 100-5 Soriano Páez, José Miguel, 115-47 Soriano, Sonia, 93-9 Sorokina, Natalia P., 78-13 Sotomayor-Ramírez, David, 138-83 Soulis, Kostaninos, 115-44 Sousa, Jose Geraldo De A., 131-1 Sousa, José Geraldo De A., 131-9 Southard, R. J., 155-135 Southard, Susan, 165-6, 115-41 Souto, J. Carlos, 177-26 Souza Da Silva, Ana Cristina, 133-5 Spaargaren, Otto, 179-9, 172-2, 61-1, 175-7, 179-7 Spadini, Lorenzo, 144-58, 144-57 Spagnolo, Ralph, 118-25 Spagnuolo, Matteo, 51-9, 143-2 Spargo, John, 163-45 Sparkes, Debbie. L., 136-6 Sparks, Donald, 93-4, 144-38, 144-55, 145-50, 139-24, 144-40, 11-1 Sparks, Donald L., 21-2, 63-7, 144-42, 51-11 Sparrow, Ashley D., 141-4 Speiser, Ferenc, 150-13 Sperstad, Ragnhild, 109-4, 90-11 Speth, Phillip E., 81-5 Spiegel, Heide, 168-17 Spiers, Graeme A., 118-23, 51-7, 14467 Spiess, Andrea, 83-7 Spiteller, Michael, 15-14 Spokas, Lesley A., 118-15 Spongrova, Kamila, 119-13 Sprinkle, Amy L., 45-13 Sraka, Mario, 107-5 Sridhara, S., 162-30 Srikanth, K., 162-8 Srinivas, Dhanyamraju, 57-5 Srinivasamurthy, C.A, 154-1, 155-157 Srinivasarao, Cherukumalli, 152-10, 152-1 Srinvasamurthy, C.A., 155-156, 83-3 Srisuk, Kriengsak, 159-17 Srivastava, Aditi, 115-3 Srivastava, Anupkumar, 155-165 Srivastava, P., 38-3 Srivastava, P.C., 153-3 Srivastava, Prakash C., 153-12 Srivastava, Prashant, 79-5, 153-12 Stahnke, Alan, 124-1 Stahr, Karl, 155-33, 178-1, 33-8, 109-8, 127-11, 71-3, 125-8, 127-10, 109-4 Stalin, Varadarajan, 162-34 Stanga, Iulian, 124-10 Stanturf, John A., 78-11 Stark, Christine H., 141-1 Starodubtsev, V. M., 135-12 Starodubtsev, Vladimir M., 83-8 Starovoitova, Elena U., 176-1 Starr Peace, Dionne, 60-2 Starr, James, 48-1 Starr, Mike, 47-3 Staunton, S., 79-3 Staunton, Siobhán, 144-41, 135-6 Stavrova, Nina, 138-40 Steele, Dean, 149-29, 149-19 Steenhuis, Tammo S., 63-11 Steenwerth, Kerri L., 20-4 Stefanovits, Pal, 179-8 Steffens, Markus, 138-18 Stehouwer, Richard, 158-19 Stein, Christine, 109-8, 127-11 Steinbach, Haydee, 155-29, 155-31 Steiner, Christoph, 72-4, 72-3 Steinhilber, Patricia, 95-10 Steinmann, Horst H., 155-3 Steinnes, Eiliv, 88-3 Steinweg, Megan, 138-16, 15-16 Stemmer, Michael, 141-3 Stemmler, Sebastien, 21-5 Stensvold, Krista, 129-12, 6-1 Stepanov, Alexei L., 140-3, 138-38 Stephens, Brandon M., 110-7 Sternberg, Paul D., 71-4 Stevanato, Piergiorgio, 165-7 Stevens, J., 150-18 Steward, Genevieve, 160-17, 160-7 Stewart, Alison, 141-1 Stewart, B.A., 37-1 Stewart, Catherine, 15-4 Stewart, Warwick, 39-23 Stidum, Eric, 163-42 Stiles, Cynthia, 132-7, 117-5, 129-12, 132-6, 6-1 Stockdale, Elizabeth A., 43-4, 59-1 Stockert, Christine, 60-1 Stocking, Lisa, 167-16 Stockman, Emily K.D., 139-34 Stoffella, Peter J., 73-6 Stoffregen, Heiner, 98-3, 136-4, 137-15 Stoicheva, Dimitranka I., 170-4 Stolbovoy, Vladimir, 106-6, 158-41, 150-4 Stolt, Mark H., 120-2, 118-22, 125-11 Stomph, Tjeerdjan, 24-3 Stone, Alan T., 135-9 Stone, Alex, 138-82 Stonestrom, David A., 135-21 Stoops, Georges, 126-13 Stoorvogel, Jetse, 111-1 Storchi, Paolo, 165-10 Storeygard, Adam, 150-9 Stott, Diane E., 138-70, 150-17, 22-2 Stout Evans, Rachel M., 124-9 Stout, John E., 151-26 Strawn, Daniel, 50-3 Strawn, Daniel G., 144-39 Streck, T., 2-5 Streck, Thilo, 20-1 Strelkova, Vera I., 118-9, 140-29 Strickland, Timothy, 54-9 Stroganova, Marina, 98-4 Stroosnijder, Leo, 75-10, 54-8 Struis, Ruud, 63-1 Stuchi, Eduardo S., 155-147 Stucki, Joseph W., 51-8, 63-12 Stum, Alexander K., 18-3 Stêpniewski, Witold, 164-11 Stüben, Doris, 178-18 Su, Chunming, 144-37 Sylvia, David, 118-12 Sylvie, Recous, 155-28 Sz. Kele, Gabriella, 179-4 Szabo, Zoltan, 135-23 Szabó, József, 115-27 Szabó, Lajos, 146-11 Szafranek, Antoni, 139-39, 115-43 Szalai, Zoltan, 151-19 Szarlip, Pawe, 89-5 Szeder, Balazs, 123-3 Szegedi, Krisztian, 139-17, 51-3 Szegi, Tamas, 179-8, 123-3 Szilas, Casper, 145-34 Szogi, Ariel A., 154-57 Szyska, Brigitta, 170-17 Szûcs, István, 150-13 Sánchez G., Patricio, 42-14 Sánchez, Julio M., 149-25, 42-22, 14213, 142-4, 151-33 Sène, M., 158-40 Séguin, Véronique, 21-4 Séré, Geoffroy, 98-2, 178-26 Sørensen, Rolf, 109-4 T Taboada, T., 123-8 Taboada-Castro, M. M., 136-24 Taboada-Castro, M.M., 123-8 Taboada-Castro, M.T., 136-24 Tabor, Joseph, 168-12, 108-2 Tadashi, Adachi, 154-23 Tadesse, Shimels, 158-35 Tadesse, Wubishet, 116-33 Tagami, Keiko, 135-19, 135-7 Tagmann, Hans Ulrich, 59-3 Tahoun, Salah A., 113-2 Taimo, J.P.C., 149-20 Takada, Hisayoshi, 15-11 Takahashi, Masamichi, 144-9, 177-36 Takahashi, Tadashi, 144-17, 154-65 Takaku, Yuichi, 135-25 Takamatu, Rieko, 3-5 Takashi, Kosaki, 140-22 Takasu, Eiichi, 126-19 Takata, Yusuke, 166-19, 68-4 Takeda, Akira, 135-25, 135-17 Takeda, Hiroshi, 135-3 Takeda, Hiroyuki, 168-14 Takenaka, Chisato, 118-6 Talbott, Jonathan L., 51-8 Talukder, A.S.M.H.M., 155-133 Tamimi, Meysam, 118-7 Tamminen, Pekka, 47-3 Tamura, Kenji, 133-4 Tan, C. S., 145-19 Tan, Chin, 123-10 Tan, C.S., 154-72 Tan, Hongwei, 155-108 Tan, Ivy, 70-4 Tan, Ivy Y. S., 155-85 Tan, Manzhi, 28-4 Tan, Wen Feng, 144-14, 139-4 Tanaka, Donald L., 151-26 Tanaka, Nagaharu, 177-17 Tanaka, Sota, 45-24, 130-4 Tanaka, Ueru, 95-6 Tandarich, John, 122-8 Tang, Caixian, 155-128, 54-6 Tang, Jia-Liang, 48-5 Tangumonkem, Eric T., 93-12 Tani, Masayuki, 166-32, 154-24 Tanida, Hajime, 135-11 Tanikawa, Norimasa, 154-41 Tanji, Kenneth K., 153-24, 153-30 Tanneberg, Hartmut, 51-3, 126-6 Tappero, Ryan, 145-50 Tappero, Ryan V., 21-2 Targulian, Victor O., 78-8 Tarkalson, David, 155-127 Tarnocai, Charles, 40-2, 106-1 Tarquis, A.M., 60-3 Tarquis, Ana M., 19-6, 150-8, 42-15, 160-2, 115-15, 137-29 Tarvainen, Timo, 13-1 Tarzia, Domingo A., 116-12 Tasistro, Armando S., 154-4 Taskey, Ronald D., 122-21 Tateda, Y., 9-1 Tateo, Fabio, 143-2 Tattari, Sirkka, 39-4 Tau, Tran Kong, 154-9 Taubald, Heinrich, 121-10 Tauchnitz, Sebastian J., 45-6 Tawornpruek, Saowanuch, 85-7 Taylor, Henry, 56-15 Taylor, James A., 56-15 Taylor, Kathryn, 155-136 Taylor, Robert, 126-16, 155-99 Taylor-Powell, Ellen, 149-10 Tayub Mrabet, Tayub, 155-169 Tazisong, Irenus A., 144-31 Tchienkoua, M., 128-13 Teal, R. K., 155-98 Teal, Roger, 155-88 Teare, Brody, 153-22 Teasdale, John, 167-16 Tedrow, John C., 40-1 Tegtmeier, Ursula, 120-12 Teixeira, Wenceslau G., 72-4, 72-3 Tejada, Manuel, 166-39 Tejedor, Marisa, 42-13, 126-1 Tenorio Arvide, Maria Guadalupe, 1264, 139-36 Tenuta, Mario, 144-28, 6-8 Teppen, Brian, 65-1, 110-9 Teppen, Brian J., 154-27, 79-4, 110-6 Terribile, Fabio, 126-17, 126-13, 13626, 101-1 Terruzzi, Laura, 144-54 Terry, Dennis, 109-5 Terry, Richard E., 8-5 Terzano, Roberto, 51-9, 143-2 Tessaro, L. C., 154-14 Tessier, Daniel, 59-3, 64-4 Teste, Francois, 177-11 Teuber, Nolberto, 154-28 Tevez, Hector R., 139-15 Tewolde, Haile, 163-25 Thai, Truong Giang, 39-7 Thakali, Sagar, 86-1 Thanachit, Suphicha, 119-22 Thapa, K. B., 150-7 Thatikunta, Ramesh, 129-2 Theler, Carole, 164-14 Theng, Benny K.G., 52-1 Theocharopoulos, Sid. P., 151-32 Thery, Pierre, 19-12 Thiele, Stefanie, 28-5 Thieme, Jürgen, 63-8 Thies, Janice, 133-1, 138-54, 133-16, 133-17, 141-5, 133-15 Thies, Janice E., 142-9, 148-15 Thieuleux, Line, 155-28 Thimm, A., 120-9 Thiombiano, Lamourdia, 57-9, 11-6 Thippeshappa, G.N., 155-156, 154-1 Thiyageshwari, S., 163-26 Thiyageshwari, Subramanium, 163-4, 177-2, 163-7, 155-159 Tholkappian, Panchaksharam, 155-69 Thom, William, 150-18 Thomas, Doug, 1-12 Thomas, Frédéric, 149-30 Thomas, H. R., 178-24 Thomas, Joan Elizabeth, 39-23, 145-43 Thomas, Mark, 74-2, 55-4 Thomas, Stephon, 19-5 Thomason, W.E., 155-18 Thomasson, J. Alex, 115-24 Thompson, Jacqueline, 149-4 Thompson, James, 116-45, 3-3 Thompson, Michael L., 115-51 Thornton, Philip K., 70-1 Thuita, Moses, 155-161 Thwaites, Robin N., 28-3, 122-19, 1212 Tian, Guanglong, 178-29, 148-20 Tian, Junliang, 150-1 Tibbett, Mark, 158-27 Tiedje, James M., 3-7 Tijani-Eniola, Hassan, 155-55 Timlin, Dennis, 4-3, 48-1 Tinh, Tran Kim, 39-19 Tippkötter, Rolf, 43-5, 142-1 Tirez, Kristof, 144-56 Tischenko, Svetlana A., 118-8 Tisdall, Judy, 136-20 Tittarelli, Fabio, 173-13 T.M., Thiyagarajan, 168-24, 168-25 Todd, Tim, 138-53 Toderi, Giovanni, 138-74 Tognetti, Conrado, 105-5 Togun, Adeniyi O., 154-25 Toivonen, Peter, 155-132 Tojo Soler, Cecilia M., 116-54 Tokunaga, Ko-Ichi, 3-5 Tolaymat, Thabet, 63-6 Toledo, Luciano De Oliveira, 130-5 Tolk, Judy, 100-3 Tolmie, Philippa E., 112-3 Tolner, Lászlo, 139-29, 116-21 Tom, Harry, 145-37 Toman, Frantisek, 22-4 Tombacz, Etelka, 123-3 Tomic, Franjo, 148-5 Tong, Juxiu, 153-38 Tonkonogov, Valentine D., 42-9, 175-6 Tonneijck, Femke H., 4-5 Tonon, Giustino, 177-31 Toor, Gurpal, 147-6, 154-19, 154-61 Topalanchik, A.R., 137-16, 115-35 Topark-Ngarm, Bubpha, 159-25 Topazh, Alexandr, 137-1 Topp, G.Clarke, 100-4 Topp, Kairsty F.E., 59-4 Toppler, Nadia R., 39-13 Torab, Magdy M., 83-6 Torabi-Golsefidi, Hossein, 156-7, 39-6, 179-2 Torigoe, Takahiro, 145-25 Torn, Margaret, 135-18 Torrent, José, 174-1, 29-3 Torres Sanchez, Rosa Maria, 139-15, 145-33 Torres, Eleno, 138-33, 136-12, 136-14 Torrisi, Biagio Francesco, 95-7 Torstensson, Gunnar, 162-9 Tortella, Gonzalo R., 145-20 Totsche, Kai, 144-21, 158-28 Totsche, Kai Uwe, 36-4 Tountas, Panagiotis, 151-32 Trakoonyingcharoen, Punyisa, 128-11 Tran, Kim Tinh, 39-20 Trejo, Marco, 148-9 Trelo-Ges, Vidhaya, 159-25 Trevizam, Anderson Ricardo, 11-2 Tri, Le Quang, 33-9 Triantafilis, John, 14-5, 160-18, 16015, 74-5 Tribe, Lorena, 145-32 Triegel, Elly, 39-22 Trinchera, Alessandra, 95-7 Trinks, Steffen, 98-3 Trisorio Liuzzi, Giuliana, 68-5 Trivelin, Paulo C. O., 152-2 Trofymow, Tony, 17-7 Trolard, F., 139-24 Trolove, Stephen, 67-2, 154-38 Trombino, Luca, 109-11 Trumbore, Susan E., 135-18 Trükmann, Katrin, 57-7, 156-16 Tsai, Chen-Chi, 122-15 Tsai, Heng, 123-2 Tsai, Siu Mui, 133-16, 133-17 Tsatskin, Alexander, 92-5, 29-2, 156-19 Tsegaye, Teferi, 116-33 Tseng, Mei-Hwei, 35-5 183 AUTHOR INDEX Su, Jianping, 24-5 Su, Yi, 144-65 Su, Yu, 178-17 Suarez, Donald, 81-4 Suarez, Donald L., 51-10, 112-4 Subagjo, H., 155-95 Subagyono, Kasdi, 160-13 Subbotina, Irina, 4-1 Subbarayappa, Badrinath, 23-8 Subburayalu, Sakthi Kumaran, 115-37 Subramanian, Deepa, 156-5 Subramanian, Kizhaeral S., 153-6 Subramanian, Sanjeeviraja, 155-53 Subramanian, Senthil K., 145-55, 13836, 138-34 Subramanian, Thiyageshwari, 165-1 Subramanian, Thiyageshwari, 156-5 Subudhi, Sumita, 144-15 Sucre, Eric, 120-1 Suddhiprakarn, Anchalee, 119-22, 12811, 85-7 Sudduth, Kenneth A., 56-13, 152-3 Sudhalakshmi, Chinnappan, 104-16, 142-19, 2-2 Sudharmaidevi, C.R, 45-18 Sudhir, K., 138-11, 139-44, 154-50 Sudnitsyn I., Ivan I., 116-13 Sudo, Shigeto, 118-11 Sueta, Juvia P., 124-6 Suetsugu, Atsushi, 137-26 Sugihara, Soh, 95-6 Sugimoto, Mikihiro, 142-18 Sugimoto, Takuma, 142-17, 142-18 Suh, Daesuck, 140-10 Sukchan, Somsak, 159-17, 159-25 Suleiman, Majda, 155-152 Sullivan, Dana, 115-17 Sullivan, L. A., 39-15, 39-16 Sullivan, Leigh, 39-11, 39-8, 174-5, 102 Sullivan, Leigh A., 39-1, 39-12, 39-18, 39-13, 39-17, 39-21, 39-14, 39-3, 39-25, 132-12, 138-26 Sullivan, Tarah S., 141-5 Sultan, Mohd. Afroz, 149-7 Suma, Ramegowda, 154-13 Suman, Banwari Lal, 138-12 Sumida, Hiroaki, 166-32 Sumida, Hirokazu, 148-11 Sun, Jong Ho, 155-92 Sun, Ke, 145-16, 110-8 Sun, Lina, 156-8, 170-28 Sun, Qiwu, 166-17, 141-6 Sun, Tieheng, 170-28 Sun, Weixia, 24-5 Sun, Yanci, 28-4 Sunairi, Michio, 174-8 Sung Jae, Kim, 142-15 Sung, Jwa Kyung, 162-26 Sung, Jwa-Kyung, 162-5 Sung, Sun Jin, 155-92 Sunu, S., 45-18 Suo, Dongrang, 146-3 Sur, Pintu, 144-15, 163-40 Surabian, Deborah A., 42-1 Surendran, U., 16-3, 104-16, 142-19, 22 Suri, V.K., 154-10 Suryano, Shoshana, 138-81 Susaya, Janice P., 124-6 Susfalk, Richard, 137-47 Sushma, A. R., 162-30 Sutton-Grier, Ariana, 84-2 Sv, Subbaiah, 155-111 Swanston, Christopher, 17-7, 177-35, 135-18 Swarup, Anand, 155-49 Swathi, A., 85-15 Sweetwood, Ryan, 8-5 Swidinsky, Don, 56-2 Swihart, Jay, 137-47 Syed Rastan, Syed Omar, 57-10 Syers, John Keith, 67-3, 67-1 Tsouloucha, F., 151-32 Tsugiyuki, Masunaga, 178-30 Tsui, Chun-Chih, 146-14 Tsukada, Hirofumi, 135-25, 135-17 Tsuruta, Haruo, 138-75 Tu, Ching, 48-7 Tu, Denise, 119-6 Tu, Xingnan, 158-39 Tubana, B. S., 155-98 Tufano, Katharine, 73-5, 50-1 Tufano, Katharine J., 51-5 Tugay, Tatyana, 135-1 Tugel, Arlene J., 16-4, 53-5 Tuli, Atac, 45-9 Tulina, Anastasiya, 163-2, 138-40 Tuller, Markus, 137-8 Tume, Pedro, 7-6 Tunega, Daniel, 139-12, 110-1 Tunney, Hubert, 150-23 Tuovinen, Olli, 102-2 Tuovinen, Olli H., 44-7 Turco, Ronald, 138-82 Turcotte, David E., 119-2 Turekeldieva, Rimma, 114-1 Turetsky, Merritt R., 102-6 Turick, Charles, 145-48 Turk, J.K., 85-11 Turner, David P., 166-43 Turner, Debra, 166-50 Turner, Janet, 152-12 Turrubiartes-Higuera, Karen, 158-30 Tursina, Tatiana V., 1-5 Tuttle, Wes, 74-1 Tyler, Donald D., 45-17, 138-71 Tyler, Scott, 35-3 Tylianakis, Jason, 45-25 Tyufekchieva, Nora A., 63-8 Tziouvalekas, M, 115-54 Tzora, Athina, 140-19 Täumer, Karsten, 136-4 Tóth, Brigitta, 119-9 Tóth, Gergely, 150-4, 150-13 Tóth, Tibor, 179-5, 99-6, 150-13 U Uchida, Shigeo, 135-7, 135-10, 135-3, 135-19 Udawatta, Ranjith P., 137-5, 137-12, 138-69 Uddin, Mohammad Jashim, 118-10 Udomsri, Satira, 122-11 Ueno, Chihoko, 20-6 Ueno, Hideto, 155-102 Ugolini, Fiorenzo C., 113-1 Ulery, April L., 135-22, 135-8 Ulger, Can A.,, 154-20 Ullah, R., 155-117 Ultra, Venecio U., 155-155 Uma Devi, Ramar, 155-159, 155-61 Uma Devi, Ramar, 170-26 Umarova, Aminat, 136-8 Unamunzaga, Olatz, 60-9 Unang, Brangking, 130-4 Upchurch, Rima, 94-5 Uren, Nick, 136-20 Urquiaga, S., 2-1 Urquiaga, Segundo, 138-33, 2-3 Urrego, John, 47-2 Urushadze, Tengiz, 173-8 Ushakumari, K., 162-16 Ushiwata, Silvio Yoshiharu, 170-30 Usowicz, Boguslaw, 116-8 Uspenskaya, Olga N., 120-3 Usunoff, Eduardo, 176-6 Utkaeva, V.F., 136-15 Uyo, Lah J., 173-4 V V. Lützow, Margit, 15-15 V, Pardhasaradhi, 162-19 184 Vadakattu, Gupta V.S.R., 140-4, 20-3, 80-3 Vadas, Peter, 116-50 Vageesh, T.S., 150-16 Vagen, T-G, 160-8 Vaillant, Grace, 170-10 Vaio, Nicolas, 155-104 Val’kov, Vladimir F., 123-5, 129-4 Valente, Antonio, 45-9 Valera Perez, Miguel A., 126-4 Valera, Angel, 159-2 Valkova, Tatyana Y., 130-6 Valladares, Denis, 156-13 Valladares, Gustavo Souza, 118-16, 4210 Van Averbeke, Wim, 166-43 Van Breemen, Nico, 138-30 Van Cleemput, O., 5-1 Van Cleemput, Oswald, 17-9 Van Dam, Remke L., 128-3 Van Den Dijssel, Carlo, 112-5 Van Den Dijssel, Carlo, 156-23 Van Der Borg, Klaas, 120-12 Van Der Velde, Marijn, 45-15, 153-15, 112-5 Van Der Zee, Sjoerd, 168-10 Van Eekeren, Nick, 162-21 Van Es, Harold M., 70-4, 25-3, 115-28, 148-15, 155-105 Van Es, Harold M., 155-85 Van Genuchten, M. Th., 48-12, 48-11, 119-3, 119-4 Van Groenigen, Kees Jan, 138-30 Van Heel, Simon, 97-4 Van Huyssteen, Cornelius W., 90-1 Van Kessel, Chris, 138-30 Van Kessel, Chris, 17-7 Van Keulen, Herman, 138-66 Van Leeuwen, John, 34-3 Van Mourik, J. M., 77-4 Van Pelt, R. Scott, 151-3 Van Ranst, Eric, 47-3, 116-61 Van Roy, Sandra, 144-56 Van Schaik, Joris W.J., 73-2, 139-13 Van Scoyoc, George, 172-9 Van Vliet Lanoe, Brigitte, 129-11 Vanbroekhoven, Karolien, 86-2, 144-56 Vanclooster, Marnik, 45-15, 153-15 Vandenberg, Bruce, 25-4, 116-52 Vanderlinden, Karl, 115-38 Vanino, Silvia, 151-27, 149-27 Vanlauwe, Bernard, 138-24, 115-31, 76-4 Varcoe, Jon, 34-3 Varella, Carlos Alberto Alves, 91-8, 115-53, 115-48 Varghese, Thomas, 39-2 Varma, P. K., 152-6 Varni, Marcelo, 176-6 Vasanthi, Dhandapni, 166-9 Vasconcelos, Antônio Carlos Machado, 149-26, 45-10 Vasenev, Ivan I., 78-12 Vasilas, Bruce, 118-25 Vasilas, Lenore, 118-25 Vasilieva, Natalia A., 138-38 Vasina, E.N., 79-3 Vasques, Gustavo M., 160-22 Vass, József, 150-13 Vassos, Dimitrios, 140-19 Vasuki, N., 139-44 Vaughan, Robert, 85-4 Vavoulidou, Evangelia, 115-44, 152-5 Vazquez, Cirilo, 162-27, 162-29, 15562, 153-17 Vazquez-Vazquez, Cirilo, 153-31 Veenstra, Jessica, 138-35 Vegh, K. R., 155-109 Vekemans, Bart, 51-9, 143-2 Velasco, Juan, 151-8 Velde, Bruce, 155-43 Veldkamp, Edzo, 45-25 Veldkamp, Tom, 151-39 Velickovic, Miroslava V., 178-9 Velizarova, Emiliya, 124-5 Vellidis, George, 84-1 Veluci, Roberta M., 45-26 Velázquez Rosas, Noé, 177-10 Vemuri, Narasimham L., 135-29, 13528 Vendrell, Paul F., 56-12 Veneman, Peter L.M., 118-15 Veneman, Petrus L.M., 139-34 Venkateswarlu, B, 152-1 Venteris, Erik, 7-1 Ventrella, Domenico, 153-29 Ventura, Eusebio, 38-4 Vepraskas, Michael, 107-1, 119-14, 341 Vera, Andrea, 33-2 Vera, R., 93-6 Verchot, Louis, 138-54, 147-11 Verchot, L.V., 156-2 Verchout, Louis, 83-1 Verdoodt, Ann, 116-61 Verkhovets, Irina A., 125-6 Verma, Arvind, 155-89 Verma, Sudhir, 136-25 Verma, T.S., 154-10 Verma, V.K., 115-52 Verstraten, Jacobus M., 4-5 Vetter, Joshua W., 151-18 Vetterlein, Doris, 51-3, 139-17 Viana, Aline G., 135-31 Vidacek, Zeljko, 107-5 Vidal, Alain, 112-2, 153-38 Vidal, Iván, 33-2 Vieira, Frederico C. B., 138-79 Vieira, Sidney, 115-53, 53-2, 91-8 Vieira, Sidney R., 151-12 Vieira, Sidney R., 100-4 Vieublé-Gonod, Laure, 43-1, 102-8 Vigil, Merle F., 138-61, 152-4 Vignozzi, Nadia, 101-4, 115-57, 136-5 Vijayakumar, G., 155-2 Vijayasankar Babu, M, 152-1 Vilchevskaya, Ekaterina V., 74-3, 16019 Villagarcía, Luís, 119-10, 119-12 Villaneda, Edgar, 155-90 Villegas, Elda, 155-93 Villemin, Genevieve, 135-33 Villemin, Geneviève, 178-2, 144-26 Vincent, Bernard, 112-2, 153-38 Vincent, Robert K., 170-16 Vinci, I., 85-10 Vincze, Laszlo, 143-2 Vinutha, C.M., 139-44, 154-50 Violante, A., 73-4, 139-2 Violante, Antonio, 144-50, 144-43, 144-44, 144-49 Viscarra Rossel, Raphael, 56-15 Viscarra Rossel, Raphael A., 131-10, 131-13 Viscarra-Rossel, Raphael, 18-2 Vistoso, Erika, 144-46 Viswanathan, Thulasi, 138-23 Vitali, Giuliano, 146-2 Vitalij, Ignatov, 154-17 Vitousek, Peter M., 41-4 Vittal, Kpr, 152-1 Vladychenskii, Alexander S., 125-6 Vlek, Paul L.G., 103-3, 159-9 Vo Thi, Guong, 154-12, 39-7 Vo, Thi Guong, 39-10 Vodyanitskii, Yuriy N., 175-8 Voegelin, Andreas, 50-2, 144-53 Vogeler, Iris, 166-7, 145-52, 123-11, 156-23 Vogwill, Ryan J., 174-2 Voiculescu, Anca Rovena, 168-3 Voidarou, Crisa, 140-19 Volkova, Natalia A., 99-4 Volland-Tuduri, Nathalie, 64-2 Von Der Heide, Carolin, 48-8 Von Luetzow, Margit, 138-77 Von Unold, Georg, 45-3 Von Wilpert, Klaus, 17-14 Vona, Marton, 156-17 Vonella, A. Vittorio, 75-5 Voortman, J., 115-39 Voroney, R.P., 155-16, 155-14 Vrbek, Boris, 129-1, 177-4 Vrscaj, Borut, 95-9 Vu, Dang Thanh, 155-128 Vu, Tien Khang, 155-107 Vyn, T. J., 138-46, 148-17 Vyn, Tony, 76-2 Vyn, Tony J., 75-13, 138-70 Vyspolsky, F., 23-11 Vágó, Imre, 139-29, 139-22 Várallyay, György, 150-13 Vávrová, Petra, 138-21, 118-19 W Wodarczyk, Teresa, 89-5, 164-11 Waal, Rein De, 163-3 Wada, Mitsuru, 160-24 Waddington, S.R., 168-19, 81-3 Wagai, Rota, 52-3 Wagaw, Mezemir, 116-33 Wagner, Daniel, 3-10 Wagner, Stephen, 109-8 Wagner, Travis, 178-15 Wagner-Riddle, Claudia, 158-23 Wahbi, A., 9-2 Waissman Assadian, Naomi, 144-13 Wakatsuki, Toshiyuki, 178-30, 155134, 155-26, 155-95, 167-1 Wakindiki, Isaiah I.C., 149-22, 138-81 Walczak, Ryszard, 56-10 Waldrop, Mark, 102-6 Wales, William J., 162-33 Walker, Charles, 107-10, 48-6 Walker, Charlie, 31-8 Walker, Donald A., 40-2 Walker, Forbes, 161-7, 150-18 Walker, Robin L., 59-4 Wall, Diana, 46-2, 102-3 Walley, Fran L., 65-3 Walsh, Markus, 18-1, 160-8 Walter, Christian, 137-3, 100-5, 12217, 120-8, 71-5 Walter, Ingrid, 158-32 Walters, Daniel, 76-2, 155-127 Waltman, Sharon, 74-1, 115-39, 137-16 Waltman, Sharon W., 115-46, 116-45, 12-13 Waltman, William J., 115-46 Waltman, W.J., 137-16, 115-35, 116-45, 115-39 Wamalwa, Margaret, 105-3 Wander, Michelle, 138-82, 82-1 Wang, Bronwen, 117-3 Wang, Chih-Jung, 135-15 Wang, Dong, 56-14, 136-19 Wang, Dongmei, 35-13 Wang, Enli, 116-39, 70-6 Wang, Gailing, 166-50 Wang, Guo, 135-6 Wang, Hailong, 177-15, 158-31 Wang, Hongmei, 44-7 Wang, Hui, 145-15 Wang, Jeng-Jong, 144-10 Wang, Jianguo, 146-3 Wang, Ming, 177-16 Wang, Ming K., 134-3 Wang, Ming-Kuang, 144-10 Wang, Ming-Zhu, 120-9 Wang, Ping, 146-3 Wang, Rongxun, 11-12 Wang, Shirley, 155-158 Wang, Shouyu, 145-36 Wang, Xiaojuan, 154-70 Wang, Z. H., 152-9 Wanting, Ling, 65-5 Wanty, Richard B., 13-3 Ward, Andy, 45-8 Wilding, Larry P., 41-3 Wilding, Lawrence P., 71-2, 119-8, 132-11 Wilford, John R., 74-2 Wilke, Brook, 155-126 Wilkens, Paul, 161-1, 4-4 Wilkin, Richard T., 144-37, 63-6 Wilkinson, David E., 119-2 Wilkinson, Marshall T., 49-4 Willers, Jeffery L., 48-10 Williams, Aaron, 63-6 Williams, Aaron G.B., 63-4 Williams, Randy, 84-1 Williams, Stacy, 167-16 Williams, Steve, 138-86, 138-37, 13880 Williamson, David, 78-5 Willian, Todd, 147-7 Wilson, Clare, 117-1 Wilson, Clare A., 33-1 Wilson, Gail, 138-53, 138-9 Wilson, G.V., 89-3 Wilson, John, 151-31 Wilson, M.A., 117-2 Wilson, Mike, 9-12 Windhorn, Roger D., 56-5 Winiwarter, Verena, 113-3 Winkler, Peter, 139-12 Winklerprins, Antoinette, 133-7 Wiriya-Alongkorn, Winai, 170-7 Wirth, Christian, 47-3 Wirth, Stephan J., 17-6 Withers, Daniel L ., 56-5 Withers, Paul, 151-11, 154-32, 151-7 Witt, Christian, 76-3 Wittenmayer, Lutz, 142-2 Wittie, Roger, 154-56 Woche, Susanne K., 137-2 Woldemariam, Tadesse, 158-35 Wolf, Ruth E., 13-3 Wolfe, David, 148-15 Woli, Krishna Prasad, 170-14 Wong, Jonathan Wc, 145-21, 144-64 Wong, M. T. F., 157-11 Wong, Vanessa N.L., 163-27 Wood, C. Wesley, 116-22 Wood, James, 112-4 Wood, Stanley, 150-9 Wood, W. Raymond, 120-7 Woodbury, Peter B., 160-20 Woodruff, Laurel G., 13-2, 117-4 Woods, William I., 133-6 Wopereis, Marco C.S., 155-164, 76-4 Wortmann, Charles, 155-127 Wresowar, Martin, 163-3 Wu, Jindong, 56-14 Wu, Jingwei, 112-2, 153-38 Wu, Ke-Ning, 109-10, 178-6, 179-3 Wu, Laosheng, 159-19 Wu, Qi-Tang, 144-7 Wu, Sen-Po, 85-8 Wu, Shanmei, 119-25, 145-51 Wu, Tiehang, 102-5 Wu, Ya-Fang, 115-51 Wyenandt, A., 155-103 Wysocki, Doug, 107-3, 119-1 Wysocki, Douglas, 122-10, 107-4 Wösten, Henk, 34-5 X Xavier, Mauro Alexandre, 149-26 Xiaori, Han, 138-45, 155-149 Xie, Hongtu, 156-4 Xie, Rulin, 155-108 Xing, Baoshan, 145-44, 52-5, 110-8, 145-16, 145-36, 145-42 Xinyu, Zhang, 83-14 Xinzhi, Chen, 83-14 Xiubing, He, 8-2 Xiumei, Zhan, 155-149 Xu, Baizhong, 139-26 Xu, Feng-Lin, 145-26 Xu, Haiping, 73-6 Xu, Jianming, 65-5 Xu, Liqun, 139-26, 128-10 Xu, Liukang, 138-31 Xu, Qing, 145-51, 119-25 Xu, Qiufang, 17-15, 17-16 Xu, Qiuming, 178-10 Xu, Shengrong, 119-25 Xu, Xingkai, 17-4 Xu, Yan, 166-31 Xu, Zhihong, 17-10, 17-16, 17-11, 1715 Xudong, Zhang, 117-9 Yin, Rui, 145-15 Yin, Xinhua, 75-13, 152-12 Ying, Samantha, 73-5 Yirong, Su, 163-18 Yli-Halla, Markku, 137-49 Yli-Halla, Markku J., 41-3, 39-4 Yoder, Daniel C., 22-1 Yoko, Oki, 154-23 Yong Woong, Kim, 142-8, 142-15, 1427, 142-20, 142-11 Yongqing, Qi, 8-2 Yonovitz, Maureen, 127-14 Yoo, Chul-Hyun, 166-30, 143-4 Yoo, Kyung-Yoal, 151-14, 151-15, 514, 144-4, 158-21, 57-6 Y Yoo, Kyungsoo, 55-1 Yada, Saeko Kaburagi, 116-59 Yoo, Sung Yung, 104-6, 155-32 Yadav, A.K., 153-13 Yoon, Deok Hoon, 151-42 Yadav, Manav, 56-1 Yoon, Jung Hui, 103-2 Yadav, P. K,, 155-163 Yoon, Sung Won, 48-15 Yadav, Rashmi, 81-2 Yoon, Young-Sang, 155-142, 155-15 Yadav, R.K., 81-2 Yoshida, Kazuo, 155-131 Yadessa, Abebe, 158-35, 149-9 Yoshida, Shinya, 142-17, 142-18 Yaduvanshi, N.P.S, 155-49 Yoshida, Yoshiaki, 126-19 Yagasaki, Yasumi, 126-11 Yoshinaga, Shuichiro, 144-9 Yaghobi, A.Z., 153-7 Yoshiyuki, Murata, 154-23 Yagi, Kazuyuki, 118-11 Yost, Russell, 4-4 Yahyaabadi, Mojtaba, 140-15 Young, Anthony, 38-1 Yakusheva, Tatiana Ye., 175-10 Young, Iain M., 20-2 Yalamanda Reddy, T, 152-1 Young, Michael, 137-47 Yalia, Potatueva, 154-17 Young, Michael H., 53-4, 35-3 Yamada, Fumiei, 126-19 Youssef, Jawaad, 75-7 Yamada, Hidekazu, 35-4 Ypsilantis, William, 151-28 Yamaguchi, Noriko, 135-11 Yu, Chan, 89-9, 154-45 Yamamoto, Sadahero, 154-18 Yu, Guifen, 144-50 Yamamoto, Takehiko, 45-24 Yu, Qiang, 70-6, 116-18 Yamamoto, Yoko, 104-15, 104-5 Yu, Shen, 73-6 Yamnova, I.A., 28-7 Yu, Wantai, 15-19 Yamnova, Irina A., 83-5 Yu, Zhongbo, 35-3 Yan, Tai-Lai, 149-3 Yu-Shu, Zhang, 155-112 Yanai, Junta, 35-4, 155-38 Yuan, Lu, 118-17, 118-18 Yang, Chang-Hyu, 143-4, 166-30 Yuita, Kouichi, 135-26 Yang, Chengdong, 158-39, 166-17, Yulong, Zhang, 83-14 141-6 Yun, Eui-Yong, 116-37 Yang, Jae E., 151-14, 151-15, 51-4, 57- Yun, Eul-Soo, 117-6, 122-20 6, 171-8, 144-4, 158-21 Yun, Eul-Soo, 150-12 Yang, Jae-E, 166-44 Yun, Hong Bae, 153-26 Yang, Jinchul, 140-8 Yun, Hongbae, 161-4 Yang, Jingsong, 156-20 Yun, Jong-Chul, 162-23 Yang, Jingyi, 116-28, 116-58 Yun, Seok-In, 116-42, 116-37, 116-38, Yang, Jingzong, 112-2 116-40 Yang, Jinyan, 73-6 Yun, Seung Gil, 104-6 Yang, Jinzhong, 153-38 Yunusa, Isa Am., 138-49 Yang, Linzhang, 145-15 Yusiharni, Baiq Emielda, 154-31 Yang, Rongqing, 24-5 Yves-Marie, Cabidoche, 153-23 Yang, Shengmao, 146-3 Yáñez, Carolina, 144-66 Yang, Shengmao, 146-3 Yang, Su-Chan, 151-14 Yang, Xiaoe, 73-6 Z Yang, Xueming, 145-19, 116-28, 116Zaboyeva, Iya, 42-9 58 Zaghloul, A.M., 139-16 Yang, Zheng Ming, 104-5 Zagórski, Zbigniew, 121-8, 121-9 Yang, Zhihui, 155-173 Zaharihina, Lalita V., 109-6 Yanmei, Gao, 138-78 Zahedi Amiri, Ghavamodin, 28-6 Yaroslavtsev, Alexeys M., 140-3 Zahedi Amiri, Ghavamoudin, 149-15 Yasin, M., 155-117 Zahirnia, Ali Reza, 166-4, 23-16, 23-9, Yau, Sui-Kwong, 96-3 151-44, 151-36, 23-4 Ye, Fabing, 145-4 Zahirnia, Alireza, 151-25 Ye, Rong, 178-17 Zalibekov, Zalibek G., 127-19 Ye, Zhongjie, 128-10 Zaman, M., 170-12 Yeboah, E., 138-24 Zamora Tovar, Carlos, 127-17 Yel’nikov, Ivan, 155-64, 154-37 Zampella, Mariavittoria, 144-18 Yemefack, M., 128-13 Zampieri, Guillermo, 145-33 Yemefack, Martin, 41-5 Zanatta, Josiléia, 138-79 Yermiyahu, Uri, 153-20 Zanella, Augusto, 163-3 Yermolayev, Alexandr M., 177-18 Zanini, Ermanno, 89-1 Yevdokimov, Ilya V., 35-8, 140-32, Zanjanchi, Mohammad Ali, 143-1 177-18 Zanuzzi, Andrea, 176-3 Yi, Long, 8-2 Zapata, Emma, 33-2 Yim, Woojong, 94-4 Zapata, F., 1-1 Yimamu, Fassil Kebede, 164-9 Zapata, Raul D., 126-20 Yin, Bei, 80-4 Zaprowski, Brent J., 147-13 Yin, Bin, 178-10 Zarei, Mehdi, 71-3 185 AUTHOR INDEX Ward, Nicholas J., 39-3 Warkentin, Benno, 173-6 Warnemuende, E.A., 22-2 Warner, Eric W., 116-23 Warren, J.G., 155-18 Warrick, Arthur, 137-45 Waskom, Reagan M., 154-39 Wasli, Mohd Effendi, 130-4 Wasserman, Maria Angélica, 135-31 Watanabe, Akira, 15-11 Watanabe, Kazuhiko, 142-18, 142-17 Watanabe, Makiko, 132-8 Watanabe, Mio, 104-11 Watanabe, Takeshi, 118-13, 155-107 Watanabe, Tetsuhiro, 125-4 Watawala, Ransilu C., 2-1, 145-14 Watkins, Ron, 174-2 Watling, Kristie M., 5-10 Watson, Christine A., 167-18, 59-1, 594 Watteau, Françoise, 178-2 Watts, Don, 154-57 Watts, Jennifer D., 10-12 Watzinger, Andrea, 141-3 We, Chi Do, 140-9 Wearing, Catherine L., 138-41 Webb, Trevor H., 107-6 Weber, Paul, 39-23 Wehmueller, W.A., 129-6 Wei, Ze-Bin, 144-7 Weil, Ray R., 138-82, 167-16, 155-40 Weill, Mara De A. M., 66-4 Weindorf, David, 170-6, 154-56 Weippert, Heike, 116-24 Weisz, Randy, 45-23 Welch, R.M., 105-2 Well, Reinhard, 170-21 Welles, Jonathan M., 138-31 Welti, Ruth, 36-3 Wen, Anbang, 157-1 Wendroth, O., 75-12 Wendroth, Ole, 116-32, 144-25, 4-5 Weng, Yaofu, 128-10 Wenzl, Peter, 104-2 Weon, Hang-Yeon, 102-4 Were, Ana, 119-10 Werlang, Lovania M., 116-16, 116-20 Werner, Gerd, 33-2 Wersinger, Jm, 115-17 Werth, Martin, 35-7, 1-4 Wessolek, Gerd, 171-5, 98-3, 136-4, 137-15 West, L.T., 51-6, 107-9, 115-56 Westfall, D.G., 147-15 Westfall, Dwayne, 37-2, 75-8, 19-10 Westfall, Dwayne G., 166-43 Westgate, John A., 175-14 Wettemann, Joseph, 161-6 Whalen, Joann K., 154-64 Whelan, Brett, 56-15 Whish, Jeremy, 112-3 White, Art, 125-7 White, Ed, 107-11, 124-2 White, G. N., 128-4 White, G. Norman, 51-12 White, Maggie, 15-8 White, Paul, 138-53 White, R.A., 115-39 White, Robert, 116-56 Whitehead, Wayne, 155-158 Whitman, William, 94-5 Whitney, Greg, 122-10 Whittlesey, Lisa, 161-2 Wicks, Santhi, 138-44 Wiebe, Keith, 68-1 Wiebers, Matt, 155-10 Wiedenfeld, Robert, 153-39 Wieder, Moshe, 49-3 Wienhold, Brian J., 103-5 Wiesenberg, Guido L.B., 120-12 Wight, Jason P., 138-71 Wilczek, Andrzej, 56-10 Wildeman, Thomas, 93-11 Zartman, Richard, 145-35 Zartman, Richard E., 145-12 Zasada, Inga, 167-16 Zazula, Grant D., 175-14 Zdruli, Pandi, 68-5 Zebarth, Bernie J., 31-9 Zebchuk, Walter, 100-4 Zech, Wolfgang, 72-4 Zegrar, Ahmed, 131-11 Zegrar, Ahmed, 156-22 Zehetner, Franz, 78-7 Zeiger, Marcus, 22-5 Zeiliger, Anatoly, 19-11 Zeiliguer, Anatoli, 137-19 Zelazny, Lucian, 139-26 Zeljko, Vidacek, 170-2 Zende, Narayan, 23-15 Zenova, Galina M., 140-5, 140-17 Zepp, H., 48-5, 120-9 Zeraat Kar, Saeed, 155-138, 145-8 Zerihun, Ayalsew, 17-12 Zerkoune, Mohammed, 166-27 Zevi, Yuniati, 63-11 Zgorelec, Zeljka, 151-34 Zhang, Bin, 177-6, 48-5, 120-9 Zhang, Donglin, 144-31 Zhang, Fengrong, 166-31 186 Zhang, Fred, 45-8 Zhang, Fu-Suo, 166-35 Zhang, Fusuo, 168-10 Zhang, Gan-Lin, 78-4, 78-3, 30-2 Zhang, Guoshi, 177-6 Zhang, Hailin, 150-18 Zhang, Hua, 73-3 Zhang, Jiacheng, 141-6 Zhang, Jianhui, 85-14 Zhang, Li, 17-10 Zhang, Renduo, 137-20, 116-14 Zhang, T.Q., 154-72 Zhang, X., 8-2 Zhang, Xiaoping, 138-52 Zhang, Xinbao, 157-1 Zhang, Xingyi, 150-3 Zhang, Xudong, 156-4, 140-1 Zhang, Xuelei, 28-4 Zhang, Yaohua, 156-8 Zhang, Yi, 138-42 Zhang, Yong-Seon, 151-35, 151-13, 166-44 Zhang, Zhenhua, 118-4 Zhang, Zhuo, 117-5 Zhao, Chengyi, 119-23 Zhao, Fangjie, 86-1 Zhao, Shaohua, 15-19 Zhao, Yihai, 177-11 Zhdanova, Nelli, 135-1 Zheltonozhsky, Victor, 135-1 Zhong, Xianghao, 85-14 Zhou, Jianmin, 2-11 Zhou, Jizhong, 94-1 Zhou, Liuqiang, 155-108 Zhou, Xiaobo, 48-6, 119-24, 107-11 Zhu, A.-Xing, 12-7, 115-42, 12-11, 851 Zhu, De-Hai, 89-12, 149-3 Zhu, Dongquiang, 139-3 Zhu, Jianting, 116-47 Zhu, Qiguang, 115-42 Zhu, Qing, 48-6, 119-24 Zhu, Yong-Guan, 102-7 Zhu, Yongguan, 144-1 Zhuang, Jie, 48-7 Ziadi, Noura, 54-7 Ziemath, Ervino C., 110-3 Zigová, Anna, 101-5 Zilberman, Joon, 153-20 Zimmer, Daniel, 112-2 Zimmerman, Andrew, 133-3 Zimmermann, Michael, 138-59 Zimmermann, Uta, 106-7 Zinck, Alfred, 108-3 Zingore, S., 3-1 Zingore, Shamie, 15-6, 25-2 Zipper, Carl E., 158-8 Zirlewagen, Dietmar, 47-3, 17-14 Zmuda, James, 158-7 Znidarsic, Martin, 149-4 Zobeck, Ted M., 103-5, 151-3, 151-26 Zoldoske, David, 162-35 Zotarelli, Lincoln, 136-14, 138-33, 155-101 Zou, Chunqin, 168-10 Zou, Zhong, 24-5 Zougmoré, Robert B., 75-10, 37-4 Zsigrai, György, 139-29 Zsolnay, Adam, 123-3 Zubkova, Tatiana A., 159-13, 44-1, 442, 113-4 Zucca, Claudio, 172-5 Zuniga, Rafael, 162-27, 162-29 Zuo, Qiang, 116-14 Zurheide, Philip, 3-10 Zuñiga, Rafael, 176-7 Zuñiga, Rafael, 155-62 Zölitz-Moeöller, Reinhard, 115-13 IUSS Anthem Lifestream The virid land was lush and wild The unkempt beauty of a tousled child Its people nestled the red rocked land And ate the fruits from its dusty hand They drank the drams of ancient stores Primeval rains that soils did leach Through crusts of earth to hidden wells So deep that only time could reach From the roaring river underneath Surfaced a salt-savored flood The people drank and the ancient stream Became their briny blood White flames of fire may scorch the bush Tractors and scythes may hew But the deep dark stream will wash the roots And force the buds anew Sprinkle sculptured buildings On the scene that is erased But see who walks among them With dignity and grace The earth supports their barefoot steps Babes bulge on their backs Ancient streams pulse through their veins They walk the ancestral track Patricia Brams, Ph.D. Dr. Brams is an International Educator who has served as Professor in Communications at Njala University College Sierra Leone. We Call It Soil Chorus It is our life! We call it soil It is the stuff, in which we toil From soil we've sprung, to soil we'll go Protect the soil of this earth so we can grow Verse I From podsols beneath snow drifts To aridisols where few crops live Soil is as varied, as the rainbow And is as precious as a rainbow's pot of gold Chorus Verse II Some soils are dry, some soils are wet Some soils are fertile, and from them high yields you get But if you don't, give to the soil Then you will not reap a thing for all your toil Chorus Verse III We study chelates, leachates and porosity We learn our muck and peat and mineralogy Some study urban, some are in rural And we can tell, just by the smell, who's in manural Chorus Verse IV Soils are just like humanity With yellow, brown, red, black and white--You'll see That some are dull, and some are gray And can fall prey to greed of man, that's our decay Chorus (LEAD) Verse V A living world beneath our feet It even lives, beneath our streets With flora and fauna so complete It can save us from the brownfields of defeat Chorus (OUT) Music: "Boxturtle Bob" Chirnside Lyrics: "Boxturtle Bob" Chirnside and A.E. Hartemink 187 NOTES 188
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