U and Th in Earth Reservoirs
U and Th in Earth Reservoirs
Uranium and Thorium in Earth Reservoirs Professor Ken Sims Dept of Geology and Geophysics University of Wyoming Earth’s Heat Output Earth’s heat energy is more than three times greater than annual human energy consumption on the entire planet. Earth Radioactivity • Long-lived radioactive isotopes “Present day geothermal heat (10’s TW) produced by U,Th series and 40K decay” • Decay of heavy elements heats the Earth • How much heat and from where are the main questions • U/Th/K distribution in the core, mantle, crust http://neutrino2004.in2p3.fr/slides/monday/fiorentini.pdf Where do geoneutrinos come from? – Nuclear reactors (fission products) – The crust (enriched in K, U, Th) – The mantle (what we’re really interested in) Araki et al, 2005 The Age of the Elements • An earlier generation star exploded (supernova) creating a cloud of debris and elements • Some time after, a compression occurs in the cloud, due either to UV-bubbles or another supernova • Gravitational collapse begins for our solar system and sun: – (our sun is a second-generation star) • What is the timing of this? Element building • During supernova, there is a massive efflux of neutrons: the elements are built upwards by n-capture toward increasing N (and Z) • Adjacent isotopes are created with similar abundances (ratios ~1) decreasing upward Uranium Isotopes • All Uranium isotopes are unstable, but two have very long half-lives: – 238U decays with a half-life of 4.5 x 109 years – 235U decays with a half-life of 710 x 106 years • The lighter isotope was more abundant during formation 235 U 238 U 1.3 Primordial Uranium Isotopes 235 235 235t 238 238 238t U • The isotopes decay at unequal rates U U 0e U 0e 235 235 U 238 U 1.3 Primordial U 238 U 0.0072 Present Uranium Isotopes 235 235 235t 238 238 238t U Given U U0 e U0 e We then have or or R R0 Uranium Isotopes • Taking natural log of both sides R ln R0 ±0.2 Ga due to 20% uncertainty in original ratio 238 235 238 t t or ln & substituting the numbers 235 e t 238 R R0 235 0.0072 ln 1.3 1.537 x10 10 9.763x10 5.196 8.226 x10 10 10 6.3 0.2Ga 232Th and 238U • A similar exercise: – (232Th:238U)0 ~ 1.6 ± 0.3 – 232Th half-life = 14.1 x 109 y – 238U half-life = 4.5 x 109 y – 238U decays faster than 232Th – (232Th:238U)present ~ 2.8 ± 0.8 R ln R0 t 232 238 t R ln R0 232 238 ln 4.916x10 11 2.8 1.6 1.5335x10 10 0.5596 1.0419x10 10 5.4Ga 232Th vs. 238U • Is 5.4 Ga different from 6.3 Ga ? – (and whom do you believe?) – If you vary the primordial ratios by ±20% (a reasonable uncertainty) you get: • T(235U/238U) = 6.1 - 6.5 Ga • T(232Th/238U) = 3.5 - 7.2 Ga – The better estimate for former is due to 235U’s short half-life • Also, there are many processes in nature (i.e. during the formation of the earth and subsequent reprocessing) that can affect Th/U ratios But wait… it’s more complicated than this! • If nucleosynthesis is occurring continuously – Nuclear “inventories” will grow until decay balances production – For U isotopes we have P N which gives N 235 N 238 ln t 238 R R0 Initial 235 235 235 P238 238 N 238 P235 P238 0.0072 0.20 1.537 x10 10 9.763 x10 235 238 ln 235 0.20 10 3.324 8.226 x10 10 4.04Ga Th & U K from McDonough & Sun, Chem. Geol., 120, 223-253, 1995 Earth is Structured (Differentiation) The interior of Earth is layered: – Lithosphere Continental crust Oceanic crust – Upper mantle Lower lithosphere, upper asthenosphere – Lower mantle – Outer core (liquid) – Inner core (solid) Mass Balance Total Earth= Core + Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) BSE= Mantle + Crust Mantle lower mantle and upper mantle; lithologically and chemically heterogeneous; mafic lavas- MORB, OIB, CFBs… Crust continental and oceanic; lower, middle, upper; lithologically and chemically heterogeneous; loess, xenoliths, shale composites, seismic inferences… 147Sm 143Nd 144Nd (alpha decay) stable isotope T1/2 of 147Sm = 106 Billion Years DNd < DSm ? Sims et al., 2008 Mantle Convection: Continuous Differentiation and Remixing What Does Mantle Convection Look Like? Seismic Tomographic Maps 232Th/238U of the depleted mantle and enriched crust determined from isotope systematics • Pb Isotopes=> time integrated 232Th/238U • 238U-230Th disequilibria (current 232Th/238U) U-Th-Pb governing equations 206 Pb 204 Pb 206 207 Pb 204 Pb 207 208 208 Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb 238 i U (e 204 Pb t 1) t 1) t 1) 235 i U (e 204 Pb 232 i Th (e 204 Pb * In all three decay schemes, 204Pb is used as a reference isotope You can measure a date with all three systems, and if those dates agree, then you have concordant dates. What processes can make U-Th-Pb dates Discordant? After Smith and Farquhar (1989) If x=(238U/1204Pb)m And y=(206Pb/204Pb)m We have y=b+mx Where intercept And slope b=(206Pb/204Pb)i m=(e t-1) The U-Pb system and the age of the Earth 238U = 206Pb + 8x4He 235U = 207Pb + 7x4He = 1.55125x10-10 (4.5 Ga half life) = 9.8485x10-10 (0.7 Ga half life) 204Pb is a stable isotope 238U/235U is (nearly) constant in nature = 137.88 206Pb 204Pb 207Pb 204Pb 207Pb 204Pb 206Pb 204Pb = = - 206Pb 0 204Pb 207Pb 0 204Pb 207Pb 204Pb + + 204Pb 235U (e t - 1) (e t - 1) 204Pb 0 204Pb 206Pb 238U = 0 1 (e t - 1) 137.88 (e t - 1) If x=(206Pb/204Pb)m And y=(207Pb/204Pb)m We have y=mx+(y0+x0) Pb-Pb isochrons 207 Pb 204 Pb 207 206 206 Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb i i 1 e 137.88 e 5t 8t 1 1 Where (y0,x0)=primordial Pb isotopic composition And slope 1 e 5t 1 m 137.88 e 8t 1 The Geochron & Initial BSE Pb Fe-S meteorite stony meteorites terrestrial sediment Patterson (1954) Pb-Pb dating meteorites and terrestrial sediments 1) Original Pb isotopic composition estimated from troilite (FeS) in iron meteorites. Troilite contains Pb but little U or Th (DTh ≈ DU ≈ 0). 2) Meteorite Pb ratios are representative of Bulk Earth initial ratios (i.e troilite represent ‘solar system’ at early stage of accretion) 3) ) Meteorites and Earth formed at the same time (Geochron) Isotope ratios of Canyon Diablo Meteorite: 206Pb/204Pb 9.3066 207Pb/204Pb 10.293 208Pb/204Pb 29.475 Common (whole-rock) Pb-Pb dating **Remember that this model only applies to single stage leads (that’s one special lead!) What geological circumstances would favor single-stage evolution? Or where might you find these special leads? What if you encounter a set of samples that indicate “future ages?” with a single-stage Pb model? (see below plot) Implies 2-stage evolution: Bulk Earth was differentiated into high- and low- reservoirs a long time ago (episodic) or continually differentiated Very radiogenic Pb’s are due to increasing partway through source evolution. “future” ages? Kappa = 232Th/238U 206 Pb 204 Pb 206 208 208 Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb Pb 204 Pb 238 i U (e 204 Pb t 1) Kappa Conundrum 232Th/238U measured ≠232Th/238U inferred by 208Pb/206Pb 232 i Th (e 204 Pb t 1) After Smith and Farquhar (1989) Elliott et al., 1999 Continental Crust Plumbo Tectonics- The Model Zartman and Doe, 1981 U in the Worlds Oceans There are about 1,344,420,000 cubic kilometers or about 342,543,511 cubic miles of water in the oceans of the world which equates to about 1.34 x 1021 liters, or about 3.552 x 1020 gallons- NOAA. The total amount of uranium dissolved in seawater at a uniform concentration of 3 mg 238U/m3 normalized to a salinity of 35 is 4.5 billion tons. Owens, Buesseler, Sims (submitted to Marine Chemistry)
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