Lower Silver Update 9, 5
Lower Silver Update 9, 5
Project update #9 Neighborhood Work Lower Silver Creek Flood Protection Project About the project The Santa Clara Valley Water District is making great progress on the Lower Silver Creek Flood Protection Project. Work on this significant flood protection project will resume in early May at several neighborhood locations from Interstate 680 to Story Road. Construction will continue on the wider creek channel and new flood walls. w Cr ee k New pr ojec t c o n str uc tion ar ea Summer 2012 - - - - - Nueva ár ea de c onstr uc c ión er e W ee S Cr hi e v aA Rd l Oca te k ay sw N h b lv Av es pr Ex ol pit Ca n so Ro ut b Ba Si ck y or St So er ad Ja The construction of a wider creek channel and new flood walls, has required new longer bridges at both Capitol Expressway and Jackson Avenue. Extensive long-term lane closures were required as workers constructed new bridges over Lower Silver Creek - a single lane at a time. The accelerated construction schedule at Capitol Expressway has allowed all lanes to reopen in both directions. - - - - - Á re a de c o n s t ru c c ió n de l pro ye c t o ac t u al Lo S. 680 The summer of 2012 will also mark the beginning of a new construction phase from Story Road to Moss Point Drive to widen the creek channel, add flood walls and lengthen the Story Road bridge to accommodate high flows from winter rains. Traffic update C u rre n t pro je c t are a San Jose c o n s t ru c t io n b ab k .B e N Cre Fli nt Lake Cunningham P ro je c t s t u dy are a - f o r f u t u re c o n s t ru c t io n Cr ee k Ruby C re e k ----- 101 Área de estudio para construcción del futuro proyecto ad lly Tu Ro The current Lower Silver Creek Flood Protection Project construction area is shown in lavender. The light blue areas show neighborhoods to be protected from a 1% or 100-year flood event when the remaining portion of the project is completed through the Lake Cunningham area. El área actual del Proyecto de Protección contra Inundaciones de la Parte Baja de Silver Creek se muestra en color violeta. Las áreas en color azul claro muestran las comunidades que serán protegidas contra un evento con 1% de probabilidad o un evento de inundación que ocurra cada 100 años cuando el resto del proyecto sea terminado a través del área de Lake Cunningham. Solicite una copia en español Si desea recibir una copia en español de esta actualización # 9 de la información, por favor comuníquese con Yolanda Pérez llamando al (408) 265-2607, ext. 2297 y solicite que un ejemplar actualizado le sea enviado por correo a su hogar. Si al llamar escucha una grabación, por favor deje su nombre y dirección en la máquina contestadora. Una versión traducida de esta información actualizada también se encuentra a sus órdenes en el sitio web del proyecto en www.valleywater.org/services/ LowerSilverCreekReportsAndDocuments.aspx. Construction work on the new bridge at Jackson Avenue is on-schedule with a single lane closure continuing through fall 2012. The neighborhood will notice occasional traffic controls at Lower Silver Creek and Story Road this summer as trucks enter and leave the work area. The bridge replacement for Story Road (which will require a single lane closure) will occur in early 2014. Our partners: The Dobern pedestrian bridge (seen above in an older photo) will be raised to clear the new flood walls and the new maintenance access road. A similar bridge in the Lyndale neighborhood will also be raised this season. Pedestrian bridges The 2012 construction season will see significant work on flood walls and pedestrian bridges in the Dobern and Lyndale neighborhoods. The steel pedestrian bridges over Lower Silver Creek at both neighborhoods will be raised to clear the new flood walls. The Lyndale Bridge replacement will begin in spring 2012 and extend through fall of 2012. The Dobern Bridge replacement will begin after school is out of session for summer vacation in June. The construction schedule for this bridge replacement is accelerated to ensure completion before school begins again in late August. Caution Please use caution around all areas of Lower Silver Creek for the next two spring-through-summer seasons. Simultaneous construction of flood walls, creek excavation and new bridges will result in heavy construction traffic. Please keep children and pets away CAUTION from the construction areas. New funding to complete the project The Santa Clara Valley Water District has been awarded a $25 million state grant which will fund the completion of this project through the Lake Cunningham area. The Lake Cunningham phase of this project will find a solution for taming flood waters from several creeks which converge at the edges of the park. The park location is a former swamp area which flooded frequently in the past. The grant is funded by the Disaster Preparedness and Flood Protection Bond Act, passed by the voters as State Proposition 1E in 2006. The current project construction, in addition to the future work at Lake Cunningham will protect homes, schools and businesses from a 1% flood event * (also known as a 100-year event) and will make the area eligible for removal of the mandatory flood insurance requirement currently imposed by FEMA. * a 1% flood event is sometimes also called a 100-year event, but is actually a storm event which has a one in 100 chance of occurring in any given year. Contáctenos Contact us Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Ted Ibarra at (408) 265-2607, ext. 2067, o visite nuestro sitio web en www.valleywater.org para utilizar nuestro sistema de peticiones, Access Valley Water. Con tres sencillos pasos, usted puede utilizar este servicio para encontrar la información más reciente sobre el proyecto o para enviar preguntas, quejas o cumplidos directamente a un miembro del personal del distrito. For more information, contact Ted Ibarra at (408) 265-2607, ext. 2067, or visit our website at www.valleywater.org and use our Access Valley Water customer request and information system. With three easy steps, you can use this service to find out the latest information on the project or to submit questions, complaints or compliments directly to a district staff person. © 2012 Santa Clara Valley Water District •4-30-12 gu [5000]
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