Brochure 1 - Neuropatholator


Brochure 1 - Neuropatholator
Be a Patient Magnet With Eye-Catching 3D Graphics,
Stunning Animations and Amazing Interactivity.
You’ll Increase Patient Confidence, Visits and Referrals.
Movie clips from the iScanimation™ Modules
Teach about organ function with exciting animations
Do You Have State-Of-The-Art Technology
That Separates You From Your Competition?
For over three decades,
9,000+ Happy Chiropractors grew their practices
with Visual Odyssey’s cutting edge
“Patient Empowerment Charts & Programs.”
NOW, you can use the NEW
Neuropatholator® 3D Interactive Software and
enjoy innovative, simple and powerful demonstrations.
Add credibility to your recommendations with
research-based Visceropatholator.
The NEW Visceropatholator, ‘evidenced based’
patient education sub-module
Viscero Chiropractic
Turn the daily routine
of educating patients into
an interactive, exciting and
memorable moment that
translates into more informed
and loyal patients. Patients who
understand that, in addition to
pain management, chiropractic
is also helpful for visceral
The Visceropatholator™ is a
unique program based on over
20 years of chiropractic and
nutritional research provided by
Tariq Faridi.
Visual Odyssey has created this submodule for Tariq to work in conjunction
with the fabulous
Neuropatholator 3D core module
software (sold separately).
Nutritional Health
This saves you time and
helps more patients pay
attention to their chiropractic
and nutritional health needs.
It will increase your ability to
communicate with research.
The latest research in support of the role Chiropractic plays in Wellness...
• Scientific Proof that Somatic Dysfunction Causes Visceral Diseases and Visceral Dysfunction causes Vertebral Pain.
• Scientific proof that Chiropractic Adjustments and OMT reverses this disease process.
• Nutritional Bioavailability is impaired when the CNS is compromised due to Subluxations.
• Scientific Proof of Recommended Nutrients that complement Chiropractic Care and restore healing.
Visual Odyssey is Patient Education... at the Speed of Sight!
Call NOW: 800-541-4449
Neuropatholator is a registered trademark and Speed of Sight is a trademark of Visual Odyssey, Inc.
iScanimation and Visceropatholator are trademarks of Wellnesss Odyssey, LLC.
Get more Referrals, Retention, & Revenue!
Neuropatholator 3D Software
The Neuropatholator 3D core module
ROFs • Screenings • Daily Discussions • Kiosks • Lectures!
Get more ROF
power with the
Neuropatholator 3D
It’s like having
a turbo charged
Visual Odyssey
wall chart
on your computer.
Now, bring
chiropractic to life
everyday in your
This amazing ROF
and daily discussion
computer module
is simple to use,
memorable, and fun
as you watch your
patients “get it”.
Are you generating more new patient referrals than you can handle?
Save explanation time everyday while you experience
greater compliance and referrals!
Just a click or touch (if you have a touch screen monitor) on a vertebra, and
the nerves and organs instantly flash and dramatically come to life.
Symptoms, conditions, and consequences automatically become crystal clear.
Just one more click and the spinal segment in question magnifies and
demonstrates the health robbing properties of a subluxation.
Visual Odyssey is Patient Education... at the Speed of Sight!
Call NOW: 800-541-4449
Neuropatholator is a registered trademark and Speed of Sight is a trademark of Visual Odyssey, Inc.
iScanimation and Visceropatholator are trademarks of Wellnesss Odyssey, LLC.
Patient Education Software That Grows With You!
l Odys
Add modules at any time to expand your discussion.
Create dynamic lectures from nearly 1,000 easy to use screens and animations. The built-in presentation
creator puts you in control of your chiropractic story. Customize your talk with slides and images from our
library plus your camera, or other programs, all integrated easily as you click and drag images and ‘movies’
into your own custom-crafted discussion.
Make as many talks as you desire. Access 60 daily discussion points with just two clicks. Now every patient
visit can easily include educational moments that increase understanding, follow-through, and referrals.
Sublux / Causes / Degen / Nerve Function
Disc Anatomy / Degen / Decomp
Phases of Care / Healing
Muscles / Dermatomes
Additional Software Modules Available
Whiplash / DMX
Nutritional Research
Posture w/ webcam capabilities
Spinal Health Orientation
Neuropatholator is a registered trademark and Speed of Sight is a trademark of Visual Odyssey, Inc.
iScanimation and Visceropatholator are trademarks of Wellnesss Odyssey, LLC.