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Deze download wordt u gratis aangeboden door Web : Email : [email protected] Facebook : Twitter : Google+ : (DrrloNEER' ORDERNO. ARP-109-O STEREOTURNTABLE PLI 93c! WE,WB, wP,R,R/G MODEL PL.93OCOMESIN FIVE VERSIONSDISTINGUISHEDAS FOLLOWS: Type o Voltage Remarks WE 220V -240V Europemodel WB 220V -240V United kingdom model WP 220V - 240V Oceania model R 11OV- 12OVl22OV-24OV (Switchabte) General export model R/G 1 10V - 12OVl22OV - 24OV(switchabte) U.S. military model The basicperformanccof the PL-930/WE,WB, WP, R and R/G types is the sameasthe PL-7IKUT type. Pleaserefer to the PL-7IKUT Wpe servicemanual(ART-701)with the exceptionof those supplements. PIGINEEFI ELECTFICINIC CCIFIPCIFIATICIN 4-'t, Mesuno'1-chome, Mesuno-ku, Tokyo,ls3, Japan PIONEEFI ELECTFICINTCS IUSAI lNC. 1925 E. Dorninguez St., Long Beach, Catifonnia gO81O U.S.,,A. g, eoso Antswenp, E]etgium PIONEEFI ELEcrFloNlc N.v. Luirhagen-Heven [EuFloPEl PfONEEFI ELECTFICINICSi AIJSiTFTALIA PTY. Lltrt. 178-184 Boundany Fload, Bnaeside, Victonie 3195, Ausrnalia P r i n t e di n J a p a n FU @MAY 1982 1. SPECIFICATIONS Motor and Turntable PC-3MCSpecifications DriveSystem Direct-drive Motor. . . . . O u a r t z P L L H a l lm o t o r T u r n t a b l eP l a t t e r . . 3 1 O m md i a m .a l u m i n u ma l l o yd i e c a s t . . 33-1/3 and 45rpm Speeds '0.012% (WRMS) Lessthan Wow and Flutter 0.025%(wRMS) 0 . 0 3 5 %( D t N ) * Values marked with an " " designatethe wow and flutter for motor, and do not include the cartridge or tonearm load. Signal-to-Noise-Ratio More than 78dB (DlN-Bl (with Pioneercartridgemodel PC-3MC) Type . Stylus. OutputVoltage Tonearm Type . .. . . Static-balancetype,straightpipearm EffectiveArm Length . . . . 221nm Overhang . . 15.5mm U s a b l eC a r t r i d g e Weight . . . 3 g ( m i n . )t o 8 g ( m a x . ) Subfunctions F u l l a u t o m e c h a n i s mA, n t i - s k a t i n gf o r c e c o n t r o l . S t y l u s pressure direct-readout counterweight, Cueing device, Freestop hinges Miscellaneous Power Requirements WE, WB, WP models R, R/G models . AC22O-24OV-,50,60H2 . AC11G120/22O-24OY( s w i t c h a b l e5l ,0 , 6 0 H 2 .. 1AN PowerConsumption x 1 0 8 ( H ) x 3 6 7 (D)mm Dimensions 4 2 0 ( W ) ' 16-112(wlx 4'1/alHl x 14-7116(Dlin. . . 5.9ks/131b weisht 2 . . . M o v i n g c o ti yl p e 0 . 5 m i ld i a m o n d( P N - 3 M C ) ....2.5mV (1kHz,50mm/s Peakvelocity,LATI TrackingForce. . . 1.7gto 2.39 (proper29) FrequencyResponse 10 to 32.000H2 Recommended Load 50kQ Weisht .....3.1S Accesories EP Adapter OperatingInstructions 1 1 NOTE: Specifications and design subject to possiblemodification without notice, due to impromements. 2. CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUSPARTS NO?ES: o Parts without part number cannot be supplied, o The [, mark found on some cotnponent parts ind.icates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be surc to use parte of identical designation. o For your Parts Stock Conttol, the fast mouing items are indicated with the and * marks ** MOVES FASTER THAN * ** GENERALLY This clusification shall be adjusted by each distributor because it depends on model nurnb er, te mp erature, humid ity, e tc. Part No, Mark a** A* A* A* ,A A** A PL.7/KUT PL-930/WE PL-930/WB PL-930/WP PL-930/R PL.93O/R/G Panel Front nameplate (Al S/Sknob(A)unit S/S knob (C) unit R knob (A) unit R knob (G)unit PNX.346 PAMO74 PADO85 PNX.461 PAM-087 PNX461 PAM.O87 PNX461 PAM.O87 PNX472 PAM{87 PNX472 PAM-087 PAD-097 PAD.GIT PAD.O97 PAD-O97 PAD-O97 pno-ioo pno-roo peo-roo pno-ioo pno-ioo SE knob {A) unit SE knob (C) unit SP knob (A) unit SP knob (E) unit Rubbermat assembly PADO87 PAD.O99 PAD{)99 PAD.O99 PAD{99 PAD.$'9 pno-oge pno-oge pno-oge pno-oga pno-ose PE4-057 PEA.O57 PEA.O57 PEA-057 PEA-057 Microswitch Powertransformer(120Vl Power transformer l22Ol24OVI Pon€r transformer 1110-120V 1220-240V1 PSF-020 PTT.I 19 PSF-O20 PSF-O20 PSF-O20 '::::' '::'::' PTT.143 PTT.143 PTT-143 PTT.121 PTT.121 Powercord Strain relief Strainrelief(AC cord) Line voltageselector Operatinginstructions PDG-023 PEC-056 PEC-058 PDG.O25 'il:l'u PDG.O26 PDG-027 PDG{28 PDG{28 PRB.188 PRD-076 P R8 . 2 1 O PRB-210 PEC{)58 PSBOl1 PRB.21O PEC-058 PSBOl1 PRB.21O Packingcase Top protector PU cord Powersupplyassembly Control assembly PHG438 PHG.5OO PHG€OO PHG.5OO PHG.5OO PDE.(T4 xwRo05 xwvt.()56 PDE.120 XWR.O24 xwM-085 PDE.l20 XWR{)24 xwtvl{)85 PDE.l20 XWR-024 XWMO85 PDE-120 XWR.O29 PHG-5OO PHC{92 PDE-l20 xwMo85 xwR-029 xwM{85 LED assembly XWX-061 XWXO82 XWXO82 XWX.O82 XWX{82 XWX.O82 SYmbol & Description PAD.O86 PAD-088 pie-osz ':::* 'il:l* 3 3. ELECTRICALPARTS LIST NO?8S; o lllhen ordering reeistort, first convert resistanceualuesinto code form u shown in the following examples. Ex. 1 Wen there are 2 effectiue digrte (any digit apart ftom 0), cuchu 560 ohm and 47h ohm (tobrance is ehown by J=5%, and K=IO% ). 560a 56 x 101 6 6 1. . . . . R D % P S6 E i l E J 47ha 47 x 103 473 . . . .. RD%PS EAE,F,J 0.5n IO 0R5.. . . . . n N 2 Ht o t r t d t ( 010.. . . . . a s r P @ t r t or Ex. 2 Wen there are 3 effective d,igits (euch u in high precieion metal film resistorc). 5.62ha 562 x 101 5621 . .. . RN%Sn E@EE ^F c The [, marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. t For your Parts stoch control, the fast moving itemc are indicated with the marhs ** and * ** GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN * This clasification shall be aQjusted by each dietributor becauseit depends on model number, tempetature,humidity, etc. PowerSupplyAssembly(XWR-024) PowerSupply Assembly(XWR-029) CAPACITOR Mark Mark A Part No, Symbol & Doscription PcL-041 Cl Capacitor Control Assembly(XWM-0851 SWITCH AND SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part No, Symbol & Description * * PSG-029 52 i* ** o1 02,03 2sD985 2SC2458 (2SC945) (2SC1815) * PCX-010 (wL02) D1 * wz-300 (Mz-300) * wz-l00 D2 (MZ-100) Pushswitch D4 CAPACITORSAND R E S I S T O R S Mark Part No. Symbol & Description C E A 1 O 2 Ms O L CEA4TOM35L C K D Y F 1 0 3 25 0 cEA330M 6.3L c2 c3 c4 c6 RS1PF222J RDI/4PMtrtrflJ R1 R2- R4 LED Assembly(XWX-082) Mark Part No. * GL.gPR2 Symbol & Description LED A Part No. Symbol & Deecription PcL-o4o c1 Ej lrl 4. P.C. BOARD CONNECTIONDIAGRAM 3 L MOTOR Ass'v(PWM-O6 t |) POWER TRANSFORMER D I 2 l_ 5 BRN V'HT BLU YEL BLK POWER SUPPLY Ass'y (X\ryR-O24) d.J D 5O/60,A2 lo I 2 3 5. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM M O T O R A s s ' y P W M- O 6 l r c 3 P o {o o 3 O S C , /F R E Q . D I V I D E R I v00 OPERATING POINT AOJ ( 33 r e m ) PCP-O52 O P E R A T I N GP O I N T A O J ( 4 5 r p m ) P C P- 0 5 2 r6 a9 sP2 vccz C R Y S T A LP : SS-O33 xl x2 4 SB t5 F OUT z sP/LocK l4 ST 6 RT 45/33 RFV t'7rro, atO ll V OUT REF,' //sfoP 5 il x/cR R t0 t/2, /t vR2 M OUT CT F GI N 3 CHF t4 FGOU' 2 CHP t3 FG REF I CO E t6 GNO L E DA s s ' y ( B )I n Prr - r43 l\ t-----------1 Ol SIRBAIOoTWLO2 ( P C X- O r O ) PSF-OzO WHT Cll ac 220v 240v 50/ 60H 2 PCL-04 | A C P O W E RC O R D P D G - O 2 5( W E ) P D G- 0 2 6 ( W A ) P0G-O27{ WP) POWER SUPPLY Ass'y xwR-o24 D2 WZ - 3OO 3-4 Q2,3 zSC245A i:---.i C O N T R O LA s s ' y X W M - 0 8 5 SWITCI]ES: LED Ass'y (A) X W X- O 8 2 AU TO FUNCTIO N 51: POWER ON- OFF S2:SPEED 3373rpm-45rpm The underlinedindicatesthe switchpositio POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FOR R, R/G TYPES At. lr .-?+- {/- XWM. A C I I O ^l 2 0 V 2 2 O- 2 4 O v 50/60Hz '! alnS A C P O W E RC O R O PDG-O28 sra SIiP0WER POWERSUPPLYAss'y xwR-o29 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 NOTE: The indicated semiconductors are repre*ntatiue ones only. Other alternatiue semiconductorc may be used and are listed in the parts list. PA2008 tc2 PA200a M O T O RO R I V E R t c2 78 vcc I HA+ 69 VIN HA- 5 V REF lo HB+ 4 v cc2 x 8- 3 CC t2 LA I RF LBz tt4 L8r c22 ro / 3 5 tl TA8 - PA2007 PD1003 ,,frrl((qlrt'{ ruJil+0*4fl LA2 ___{ B 2SD985 lc\ la-rl rvoe no--_]\vof-fzn" I ffil-r-ot ,,tt)l r'ro / lt1l / il\ E A -(Y 1. RESISTORS: ac 220v 5Ol60 a2 ---\____r- 240v 2SC245A A C P O W E RC O R O P D G - O 2 5( W E ) P D G- O 2 6 ( W B ) PoG-027(WP) 2, CAPACITORS: Indicated in capacity (! F)/voltage (V) unless otheryis noted p : pF capacitor. Indication without voltage is 50V except elstrolytic 3. VOLTAGE, CURRENT: : DC voltace (V) at no input signal [ Ass'y f,= |,|\ cq *"J'ffi""" - f ndicated in 9, %W, !5% tolerance unless othemise noted k : kQ. l \ 4: M 0 , ( F ) : r 1 % , ( G ) : r 2 % , l K l : r 1 0 % , ( M ) : 1 2 0 % t o l e r a n c e mA: DC current at no input signal 4. OTHERSI S: )WER ON_ OFF )EED sslsfiil:asrpm jerlined indicates the switch position A : Ad,usting point. mark found on some component pans indicatc the imThe I portance of the safety factor of the pan. Therefore, when replacing. be sure to use parts of identical designation. This is the basic schematic diagram, but the actual circuit may v.ry due to improvements in design. I t 4 5 6 a I 6. POWERSUPPLY Ass'y(XWR-O291
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This claseification shall be adjusted by each distributor becauseit dependson model
number, temperature,humidity, etc.