Advance Auto Parts 6556 AARON ARONOV DR, FAIRFIELD, AL
Advance Auto Parts 6556 AARON ARONOV DR, FAIRFIELD, AL
ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 6556 AARON ARONOV DR, FAIRFIELD, AL 35064 OFFERING MEMORANDUM ™ C O N FID EN T I A L I T Y & DI SCL A IMER STATEMEN T T his Of f er ing M e m o r a n du m co n t a i n s s e l ec t i nform ati on pertai ni ng to the busi ness and affai rs of Advance Auto Parts located at 6556 Aaron Aronov Dr, Fairfield, AL 35064 ( “ P ro p e rt y ” ) . It h a s b een prepared by Matthews Retai l Advi sors . Thi s O fferin g M emoran d u m may n ot b e all-in clu s ive or c o nt a in a ll o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n a p r o s p e cti ve purc haser m ay desi re. The i nform ati on c ontai ned in t h is Offerin g M emoran d u m is con fid en t ial a nd f ur nis hed s o l e l y f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f a revi ew by a prospec ti ve purc haser of the Property. I t is n ot t o b e u s ed for an y ot h er pu rpos e or ma d e a v a ila b l e t o a n y o t h e r p e r s o n w i t h out the wri tten c onsent of Sel l er or Matthews Retai l Ad vis ors . Th e mat erial is b as ed in part u pon inf o r ma t io n su p p l i e d by t h e S e l l e r a n d i n part upon fi nanc i al i nform ati on obtai ned from sourc es it d eems reliab le. Own er, n or t h eir officers , emp lo y ee s , o r a g e n t s m a ke s a n y r e p r e sentati on or warranty, express or i m pl i ed, as to the accu racy or complet en es s of t h is Offerin g Me mo r a nd um o r a n y o f i t s co n t e n t s a n d n o l egal l i abi l i ty i s assum ed or shal l be i m pl i ed wi th res pect t h eret o. Pros pect ive pu rch as ers s h ou ld ma ke t heir o w n p r o j e ct i o n s a n d f o r m t h e i r own c onc l usi ons wi thout rel i anc e upon the m ateri al con t ain ed h erein an d con d u ct t h eir own d u e d ilig enc e. B y a c kno w le dg i n g y o u r r e ce i p t o f t h i s O fferi ng Mem orandum for the Property, you agree: 1. T he Of f e r i n g M e m o r a n du m a n d i t s c ontents are c onfi denti al ; 2. Yo u w il l h o l d i t a n d t r e a t i t i n t h e s tri c test of c onfi denc e; and 3. Yo u w ill n o t , di r e ct l y o r i n di r e ct l y, di sc l ose or perm i t anyone el se to di sc l ose thi s O fferi n g M emoran d u m or it s con t en t s in an y fas h ion o r ma nn e r de t r i m e n t a l t o t h e i n t e rest of the Sel l er. Ow ne r a nd Mat t h e w s Re t a i l A dv i s o r s e x pressl y reserve the ri ght, at thei r sol e di sc reti on, to reject an y an d all expres s ion s of in t eres t or o f f er s t o p ur ch a s e t h e P r o p e r t y a n d t o t erm i nate di sc ussi ons wi th any person or enti ty revi ewin g t h is Offerin g M emoran d u m or makin g an o f f er t o p ur c h a s e t h e P r o p e r t y u n l e s s a nd unti l a wri tten agreem ent for the purc hase and sal e of t h e Propert y h as b een fu lly execu t ed an d d e liv er e d . I f y o u w ish no t t o p u r s u e n e g o t i a t i o n s l e adi ng to the ac qui si ti on of the Property or i n the future you d is con t in u e s u ch n egot iat ion s , t h en you a g r ee t o p ur g e a l l m a t e r i a l s r e l a t i n g t o t hi s Property i nc l udi ng thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum . A p r o sp ec t iv e p u r ch a s e r ’s s o l e a n d e xcl usi ve ri ghts wi th respec t to thi s prospec ti ve transac ti on , t h e Propert y, or in format ion provid ed h erein o r in c o nne c t i o n w i t h t h e s a l e o f t h e P r o perty shal l be l i m i ted to those expressl y provi ded i n an execu t ed Pu rch as e Agreemen t an d s h all b e s ub je c t t o t he t e r m s t h e r e o f. In n o e v e n t shal l a prospec ti ve purc haser have any other c l ai m s again s t Seller or M at t h ews Ret ail Ad vis ors or a ny o f t heir a ff i l i a t e s o r a n y o f t h e i r r e s p ec ti ve offi c ers, Di rec tors, sharehol ders, owners, em ployees , or agen t s for an y d amages , liab ilit y, or c a us es o f a c t i o n r e l a t i n g t o t h i s s o l i ci t a t i on proc ess or the m arketi ng or sal e of the Property. T his Of f er ing M e m o r a n du m s h a l l n o t be deem ed to represent the state of affai rs of the Prope rt y or con s t it u t e an in d icat ion t h at t h ere h as b e en no c ha nge i n t h e s t a t e o f a f f a i r s o f the Property si nc e the date thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum. ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 6556 AARON ARONOV DR FAIRFIELD, AL 35064 TABLE O F CO NT ENTS 04. Executive Summary 06. Property Overview 08. Lease Abstract 12. Tenant Overview 14. Area Overview 15. Demographics ™ Michael Moreno Associate El Warner EVP & National Director License No. 01982943 O 949.432.4511 M 818.522.4497 [email protected] License No. 01890271 O 310.579.9690 M 858.752.3078 [email protected] Kyle Matthews Broker of Record License No. 00109289 E XECUTIVE S UMMARY Investment Overview Michael Moreno and El Warner of Matthews Retail Advisors are pleased to offer to qualified investors the fee simple interest in a free-standing Advance Auto property located in Fairfield, AL (Birmingham MSA). The subject property is strategically located in a major retail corridor within Fairfield, with the tenant successfully operating there since 1995. The subject property is located in an ideal market for Advance Auto, as shown by the tenant’s long-term history at the location. The current NN lease offers a potential landlord the ownership in an investment grade tenanted asset with limited landlord responsibilities. Advance Auto recently exercised their final option on the property with a substantial rental increase. Furthermore, the current rental rate provides a potential investor with strong market upside. The lease is corporately guaranteed by Advance Auto Parts, which is the country’s largest automotive replacement parts and accessory chain with more than 5,293 stores. Investment Highlights PROPERTY DETAILS • 4.3 Years remaining on NN Lease - Minimal Landlord Responsibilities • High Quality Construction - Steel Framed with Concrete Block • Tenant exercised last option with rental increase - showing tenant’s commitment to location • Below Market Rent - Current rental rate offers potential investor strong market upside • Strong Operating History - Advance Auto has operated at location since 1995 • Current Roof is still under warranty LOCATION • Well Visited Location - Subject property located in major retail corridor that includes national tenants such as Wells Fargo, Shell, Pizza Hut, KFC, Papa John’s, Burger King, Krispy Kreme, Walgreens, Sonic, Dollar Tree, McDonald’s, Chevron, Family Dollar, Hardee’s, Captain D’s, Burlington Coat Factory, Hibbett Sports, and Foot Locker - Vehicles per day in excess of 23,000 • Strong Demographics: Over 110,00 people within a 5-mile radius • Average Household Income falls within Advance Auto Parts “Sweet Spot” • Located in a “Do-It-Yourself” City, which fits into Advance Auto Parts ideal market TENANT 4 I Matthews Retail Advisors • • • • Investment Grade Credit Tenant | S&P Rated BBBMarket Cap of $11.84 billion 5.293 Stores Fortune 500 Company Executive Summary ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 6556 Aaron Aronov Dr Fairfield, AL 35064 List Price...............................................................................................$949,000 Annualized Operating Data Monthly Rent Annual Rent Rent/SF $6,050 $72,600 $9.35 Current - 2020 Cap Rate 7.65% CAP Rate - Current����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7.65% Gross Leasable Area�������������������������������������������������������������������������± 7,761 SF Lot Size .....................................................................± 0.83 Acres (36,216 SF) Year Built��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1995 Tenant Summary Tenant Trade Name Advance Auto Parts Type of Ownership Fee Simple Lease Guarantor Lease Type Roof and Structure Corporate NN Landlord Responsible Original Lease Term 10 years Lease Commencement Date 1/1/2016 Rent Commencement Date 1/1/2016 Lease Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Term Remaining on Lease 4.30 years Increases None Options None Matthews Retail Advisors | 5 P ROPERTY O VERVIEW 6 I Advance Auto Parts Physical Description Property Name Property Address Assessor’s Parcel Number Zoning Advance Auto Parts 6556 Aaron Aronov Dr Fairfield, AL 35064 30-00-14-4-001-001.002 B2 Site Description Number of Stories Year Built Gross Leasable Area (GLA) Lot Size Type of Ownership Parking One 1995 ± 7,761 SF ± 0.83 Acres (36,216 SF) Fee Simple ± 46 Surface Spaces Parking Ratio 5.93 : 1,000 SF Landscaping Professional Topography Generally Level Construction Foundation Concrete Slab Framing Wood Exterior Brick Parking Surface Asphalt Roof Pitched Matthews Retail Advisors | 7 Lease Abstract - Advance Auto Parts Tenant: Advance Stores Company, Incorporated, a Virginia Corporation Property Address: 6556 Aaron Aronov Dr. Fairfield, AL Date of Lease: May 1, 1995 Rent Commencement: January 1, 2016 Lease Expiration: December 31, 2020 Lease Term: 4.3 Years Current Rent: $72,600 Rent Increases: None Renewal Options: None Annual Rent: Current Term: $72,600 Real Estate Taxes: Tenant’s Responsibility Insurance: Tenant’s Responsibility Utilities: Tenant’s Responsibility Landlord shall maintain and keep in good order and repair the roof, guttering and downspouts, the structural walls and foundations, the electrical wiring, the water line, and the sanitary sewer serving the premises Repairs & Maintenance: Landlord shall maintain and repair the access easement and the parking lot, sidewalks, and all other areas of the building that are not structurally a part of the building Tenant shall maintain and repair the heating/air conditioning system; however, if, as and to the extent that there are major breakdowns in the system then tenant and landlord will share equally the expense of replacing the system with a new system or of repairing the same, including labor and parts 8 | Advance Auto Parts Regional Map Matthews Retail Advisors | 9 Tenant Map 10 | Advance Auto Parts Bird’s Eye 11 | Advance Auto Parts Matthews Retail Advisors | 11 T ENANT O VERVIEW 12 | Advance Auto Parts Tenant Advance Auto Parts Company Name Advance Auto Parts Ownership Credit Rating Rating Agency Revenue Net Income Stock Symbol Board No. of Locations No. of Employees Headquartered Web Site Year Founded Public BBBStandard & Poor’s $9.74 Billion $473.40 Million AAP NYSE ± 5,300 ± 74,000 Roanoke, Virginia Founded as Advance Stores Company in 1929, AAP was a general merchandise retailer until the ‘80s. From there the company shifted its focus to automotive parts retailing, targeting DIY customers. Advance Auto Parts (AAP) has taken the lead in the race to become the #1 provider of automotive aftermarket parts in North America. Serving both the do-it-yourself (DIY) and professional installer markets, AAP operates nearly 5,300 stores under the Advance Auto Parts, Autopart International (AI), Carquest, and Worldpac banners in the US and Canada. Its stores carry brand-name replacement parts, batteries, maintenance items, and automotive chemicals for individual car and truck owners. AAP’s Carquest, AI, and Worldpac stores cater to commercial customers, including garages, service stations, and auto dealers. AAP’s annual revenues and profits have been trending higher over the past several years with aggressive store expansion and as consumers continue to hold onto their cars and get them fixed more often. 1929 Matthews Retail Advisors | 13 A REA O VERVIEW FAIRFIELD, AL Fairfield is a city in western Jefferson County, AL. It is part of the Birmingham metropolitan area and is located 20 minutes outside of Birmingham. Miles College is located in Fairfield, a historically black college founded in 1898 and has a student population of about 2,000 students. BIRMINGHAM METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREA The Birmingham metropolitan statistical area has a population of about 1.14 million residents. Birmingham ranks as one of the most important business centers in the Southeastern United States and is also one of the largest banking centers in the United States. In addition, the Birmingham area serves as headquarters to one Fortune 500 company: Regions Financial, along with five other Fortune 1000 companies. Today, Birmingham has transformed itself into a medical research, banking and service-based economy, making it one of the nation’s most livable cities with a vibrant downtown, a burgeoning loft community, a world-class culinary scene and more green space per capita than any other city in the nation. In higher education, Birmingham has been the location of the University of Alabama School of Medicine and the University of Alabama School of Dentistry since 1947. Since that time it has also obtained a campus of the University of Alabama, University of Alabama at Birmingham one of three main campuses of the University of Alabama System. The university is one of the state’s largest employers and has a great economic impact on the area. The university has more than 18,000 students and 18,000 faculty and staff. Birmingham offers a wealth of entertainment and cultural possibilities, from Arts and Museums, multiple theater experiences to world class recreational facilities and some great urban parks. Birmingham is the cultural and entertainment capital of Alabama with numerous art galleries in the area including the Birmingham Museum of Art, the largest art museum in the Southeast. Birmingham is home to numerous cultural festivals showcasing music, films, and regional heritage. Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival brings filmmakers from all over the world to Birmingham to have their films viewed and judged. This festival usually is scheduled in late August at eight venues around downtown. Screenings are concentrated at the Alabama Theatre. 14 | AdvanceMatthews Auto Parts Retail Advisors | 14 Demographics Population 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2021 Projection 7,515 53,718 110,859 2016 Estimate 7,592 54,816 112,300 2010 Census 7,770 57,316 116,154 2000 Census 8,263 65,504 133,900 Households 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2021 Projection 2,969 21,058 43,913 2016 Estimate 2,974 21,337 44,212 2010 Census 2,991 22,011 45,228 2000 Census 3,131 24,261 50,578 Income 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile Income < $15,000 23.31% 24.49% 24.69% Income $15,000 - $24,999 16.56% 15.21% 15.03% Income $25,000 - $34,999 10.04% 13.66% 13.71% Income $35,000 - $49,999 17.28% 15.63% 14.96% Income $50,000 - $74,999 12.64% 14.60% 14.10% Income $75,000 - $99,999 8.02% 7.89% 7.92% Income $100,000 - $124,999 5.41% 4.73% 4.90% Income $125,000 - $149,999 2.53% 1.60% 1.99% Income $150,000 - $199,999 2.49% 1.28% 1.57% Income $200,000 - $249,999 0.76% 0.39% 0.50% Income $250,000 - $499,999 0.79% 0.36% 0.45% Income $500,000+ 0.17% 0.16% 0.17% 2016 Est. Average Household Income $49,355 $44,097 $45,355 2016 Est. Median Household Income $35,077 $32,542 $32,497 Matthews Retail Advisors | 15 ™ Michael Moreno Associate El Warner EVP & National Director License No. 01982943 O 949.432.4511 M 818.522.4497 [email protected] License No. 01890271 O 310.579.9690 M 858.752.3078 [email protected] Kyle Matthews Broker of Record License No. 00109289
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