
tastes good
Polish food specialities
Polish food specialities
Sector Promotion Project
Sector Promotion Programme for Polish
Food Specialities Sector
The Programme implemented under the system project
of the Polish Ministry of Economy
“Promotion of Polish Economy on International Markets”
Sub-measure 6.5.1 of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme
The system project is intended to boost the competitiveness of the Polish
economy by improving its image among the international partners and
increasing the access to the information on Poland and on possibilities
of business contacts with the Polish partners. The project is being implemented through sector promotion programmes designed to develop
a positive image of the Polish economy throughout the world.
Sector Promotion Programme for Polish Food Specialities Sector is
intended to create new strong Polish brands which will be recognizable
all over the world and, therefore, associated with the country of origin.
The project involves domestic producers and processors of food products: meat, including poultry, fruit and vegetables, milk, cheese, milled
cereal products, bread and fresh cakes, pasta, cocoa, chocolate, confectionery, tea and coffee, vodkas, cider, fruit wines, beer.
The promotional actions planned for the period 2012-2015 will allow
the Polish export specialities to become known and to make foreign consumers aware of a new brand called «Poland». The activities
arranged under the Programme are carried out in Russia, Germany,
China, France, Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates and consist
in participation in fairs and exhibitions abroad (World Food Moscow,
SIAL Paris, Gulffood, SIAL China, World Food Ukraine, Anuga), economic
missions and sector seminars abroad, production of a promotional film
on the Polish food specialities sector, study tours in Poland for foreign
journalists, conferences for the foreign food sector representatives
during the largest food fair POLAGRA FOOD.
The preparation and organization of the promotion scheme concerning the Polish food specialities is the responsibility of the Agricultural
Market Agency; it is a government institution which acts as a Paying
Agency and a body responsible for promoting agricultural and food
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy
Sector Promotion Project
Polish food – natural, wholesome,
innovative, available all over the world
Heart and effort put into the production of the Polish food give it its character. The specificity of the Polish food matches the personality of each Pole, and it certainly matches
the most famous figures in Polish history…
The Polish food specialities producers are like
our great countryman Pope John Paul II – open
to the world and ready to get through with
their products to every corner of the world –
from Iceland to Australia.
They are also brave and determined and do
not fear new challenges on their way to success – like Lech Wałęsa, a shipyard worker
who led a powerful anticommunist movement and later on was elected the first President of the free Poland and awarded with
the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Polish food industry draws extensively
on the most recent technological achievements, however, Polish food is mainly produced form natural components. We gladly
take advantage of the innovations, but
we do not forget about tradition. As Maria
Skłodowska-Curie who achieved everything
in the domain of science but spoke only Polish at home.
The tastes of the Polish food specialities are
out of this world. The taste of Toruń gingerbread, that Nicolaus Copernicus ate heartily when working on the heliocentric solar
system, is one of them. The Polish food sector also wants to change the prevailing
vogues and introduce innovative solutions as
the work of Copernicus has changed our perception of the solar system.
The romantic spirit which is so close to each
Pole is helpful in creating food which matches
all dishes of other cultures and delights
the palate like the music of Frederic Chopin,
the most famous Polish composer, delights
the soul.
Polish food makes us think about quality,
health and subtlety which helped Zbigniew
Boniek, the most talented Polish football
player, be a success on the pitch.
Polish Food Quality Systems
The consumers are more and more keen on the food quality and origin regardless of
the price. This attitude of a contemporary consumer promotes the demand for recognizable and acknowledged trademarks which reflect the guaranteed quality of the food
products. This demand is met by the domestic food quality systems in place for a number of years.
A plant production system which is particularly friendly to the environment and human health. It was adjusted to the Russian Federation standards and allows to obtain certificates of conformity with
the Russian requirements.
This is a mark awarded to high quality food products, in particular
to traditional products. The system covers products of outstanding
quality, reputation or other features which distinguish these products
from other in a given category. The system is run by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products.
The mark is owned by the Polish Association of Beef Cattle Producers. The system imposes standards for breeding, feeding, transport
and meat production. Beef marked with “System QMP” mark has
been obtained in a production process designed so as to ensure natural softness, tenderness and juiciness which exceed the commercial
quality standards applied in Poland so far.
A system developed and implemented by the Polish Pig Breeders and
Producers “POLSUS” and Polish Meat Association to obtain high quality pork. The typical feature of the system consists in that standards
for each stage of pork production procedures have been developed
to have impact on the final quality of the product.
The system has been established by the sector organization, i.e.
the Union of Producers and Employers of the Meat Industry UPEMI.
The system is not intended for one group of products only – it is continuously supplemented with new quality standards. So far, the sets
comprise standards for pork meat, for chicken and turkey breast meat
as well as for Polish oat goose meat.
Polish products in the EU system of quality assurance of food products
At present, 34 Polish food products have been registered by the European Commission
So far, 9 Polish products have been registered in this group. They
include meads (półtorak, dwójniak, trójniak and czwórniak), sausages
(jałowcowa, myśliwska, kabanos), oil (olej rydzowy) and pierekaczewnik (a speciality of the Tartar minority living in Poland for centuries).
Sector Promotion Project
So far, the right to the PDO logo has been granted to 9 Polish products:
cheese products (oscypek, bryndza podhalańska, redykołka), cherry
fruit (wiśnia nadwiślanka), a carp fish (karp zatorski), bean varieties
(wrzawska, Piękny Jaś z Doliny Dunajca), honeys (podkarpacki spadziowy and miód z Sejneńszczyzny).
The European Commission has registered 16 Polish products in this
group: a strawberry variety (truskawka kaszubska), apples (łąckie,
grójeckie), plums (szydłowska and suska sechlońska), a bean variety
(fasola korczyńska), honeys (drahimski, kurpiowski, wrzosowy z Borów
Dolnośląskich), bread (chleb prądnicki, obwarzanek krakowski), cakes
and confectionery (kołacz śląski, rogal świętomarciński, andruty kaliskie),
a sausage (kiełbasa lisiecka), cheese (wielkopolski ser smażony).
The share of the organic farming area is systematically growing
and now amounts to 2.8% of the total crop area. This is a response
to the growing consumer awareness, wealth, greater significance of
healthy lifestyle and most natural products.
“Discover Great Food” Programme, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is intended to award prizes for food products. It provides information to the consumers who are looking for high
quality products. Products bearing the Programme logo meet the highest safety and quality standards and are indeed tasty, even if they are
obtained using industrial methods and produced on a large scale.
In Poland there are obligatory systems which ensure food safety: Good Production Practice
(GMP) and Good Hygiene Practice (GHP), as well as HACCP. The meat processing establishments
also apply ISO standards and EUROP system for raw material evaluation.
Permanent health safety surveillance of the range of plant and animal products manufactured
in Poland on a large scale is carried out by the national veterinary and sanitary authorities such
as Inspekcja Jakości Handlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczych (Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection), Inspekcja Weterynaryjna (Veterinary Inspection), Państwowa Inspekcja Sanitarna (State Sanitary Inspectorate), Państwowa Inspekcja Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa (Main
Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection).
Polish bakery products
With bread and salt…
The Poles are known as the open, friendly and
hospitable nation who cherishes the tradition
of welcoming their guests “with bread and
salt”. This custom has been rooted in Poland
for ages and has been present countrywide.
While in Poland, one can enjoy tasting a lot of
unusual dishes, bonnes bouches and savouries which, due to their absolutely unique
taste, may conquer the palates of each and
every gourmet. However, it is bread that is
eaten most commonly and present on each
and every Polish table.
Modernity and tradition…
Polish agriculture and industry combine tradition with modernity. The tradition of bread
making is well established in Poland. Bakers offer umpteen forms and flavours (e.g.
baguettes, bread, kiflis, bread rolls and
sify flavour and to enhance nutrition values
of bread, Polish bakers use bran, grains, amaranthus cruentus, dried fruit, flakes, honey,
Contemporary trends…
halloth), which cannot be resisted even
by the most fastidious gourmets. Poland
excels in mixed wheat and rye breads. Among
the broad range of breads one has to highlight the types of bread which are recommended by diet experts: whole-grain bread
and bran bread. Apart from wheat and rye
flour, Polish bakers also use flour made of
rare grains such as spelt, or gluten free flour,
which means that the traditional sector can
embrace special purpose markets. To inten-
The market offer keeps including newer and
newer varieties of bread products, which
is a consequence of technological progress
on the one hand, and contemporary fashion,
changing life-style and eating habits of consumers on the other hand. Supermarkets are
full of i.a. long life bread, toast bread, crisp
bread, hamburger rolls, hot-dog rolls, as well
as specially packed half-products for baking
at home and deep frozen bread for the catering industry. Modern technologies of preparation and packing make it possible for bread
to be supplied to distant markets.
Not only the Polish market…
Polish bread products are more and more
demanded abroad. Our baking sector supplies the markets of the European Union as
well as Russia. Export from Poland includes
not only bread and rolls, but also wafers and
waffles which account for 20% of the total
exports of baked products.
Polish grains not only for bakery products
Family organic farms…
Poland is the EU leader in grain production. In
terms of the area under crops Poland ranks
second (following France) in the EU. Grains are
most often cultivated on family farms which
combine tradition and modernity. Crop rotation and methods of production used on such
farms feature lower usage of mineral fertilizers and crop protection measures in relation
to western European farming systems, therefore the impact on the natural environment
and landscape is not as high as elsewhere
in the EU. Clean environment provides excellent conditions for producing nutritious and
healthy agricultural products for food processing, including organic products.
European bread made of Polish
Natural and healthy Polish grain products are
competitive on international markets and their
Sector Promotion Project
flavour is appreciated by consumers. Wheat
flour is one of the dominating Polish export
commodities within the grain sector. Polish
wheat flour has been increasingly sought-after
by foreign recipients.
Other Polish specialities…
Attractiveness of the offer of Polish grain products (flours, groats, bran, muesli) is a consequence of skilful adjustment to the changing
needs of customers, even the most demanding ones.
Poland exports a lot of malt, which is highly
valued abroad, especially in Germany and
the UK, as well as in Malaysia and Cambodia.
Excellent quality of grain allows the production of malt featuring excellent qualities which
are valued worldwide. Foreign customers also
value Polish groats and granules. They are rich
in protein, fibre and vitamins. In north-eastern part of Europe buckwheat is popular, of
which Poland is an important producer. Due
to its nutritious value buckwheat is a valuable
component of the vegetarian diet.
Pasta – from Italy to Poland
Traditional, but modern…
There are nearly 200 pasta plants in Poland.
They produce noodles of better and better quality from selected grains with the use of state of
the art equipment and production technologies for preparing and drying dough. Pasta is
made based on natural ingredients, without
preservatives, artificial dyes or aromas.
New challenges…
Polish pasta manufacturing plants produce
pasta from durum wheat as well as from
common wheat. The use of durum wheat of
the highest quality guarantees the pasta being
cooked al dente. Pasta from common domestic
wheat is made to suit traditional Polish taste
of clients who prefer soft noodles. Apart from
pasta made of wheat flour, the Polish market
offers pastas made of buckwheat flour or soya
flour. Buckwheat pasta does not contain gluten, or wheat starch, or eggs or milk, therefore it can be eaten by persons forced to stick
to gluten free and low protein diet. Whole grain
pastas recommended in particular in various
types of slimming diets are becoming more
and more popular on the domestic market.
The Polish pasta industry adjusts its production to the clients’ needs.
Abundance of shapes and
An important feature of Polish pasta is
the variability of shapes. The range includes
ribbon-cut noodles, penne, gnocchi, fusilli,
filini, farfalle and stelline. Polish manufacturers also produce spaghetti, lasagne and
stuffed pasta. Some shops offer home-made
pasta produced based on a traditional recipe.
Export of Polish pastas following the accession to the EU has been rising steadily. The
top destinations include Germany, the UK,
Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania.
Pierogi are quite a common type of dumplings associated with Poland and much valued by domestic consumers. These dumplings made of unleavened dough can be filled
with various stuffings. The most common
stuffings include a mixture of boiled potatoes
and cottage cheese, meat, a mixture of sauerkraut and mushrooms or wild fungi, sweet
cottage cheese, lentils, blackberries, strawberries and other berries. A type of pierogi
called uszka (ear shaped) filled with wild
fungi or minced meat are served with borscht
or broth. Typical Polish flour based food products, commonly known and liked, include
various types of kluski, namely dumplings
without filling, made of wheat flour or starch
(kluski leniwe, kluski śląskie) as well as knedle which are prepared from dough made of
flour and mashed potatoes with fruit or meat
filling, or paszteciki – puff pastries.
Milk from Polish cows
Natural predispositions…
Due to natural conditions and a long-lasting
tradition of cattle breeding, Poland is particularly predestined to develop milk production.
Small concentration of herds makes it possible to use pastures which, apart from natural fodder, provide for animal welfare without
harming the environment.
European quality…
The application of the EU hygiene and veterinary standards to the process of milk acquisition, storage and transportation and rigorous
observance thereof resulted in improved milk
quality, and the restructuring of milk production contributed to the increase of production for trade purposes.
Volume (millions of milk equivalent litres)
millions €
Dairy product exports
Source: Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
National Research Institute.
Polish dairy products are very competitive
in terms of nutritional values as well as diversity, functionality, flavour and price.
Plenitude of flavours…
Investment in the dairy sector allowed
the development of production potential of highly processed products. Increasing domestic demand and increasing export
demand provided for a dynamic increase of
cheese production (especially cheese spreads
and fried cheese, as well as ripening cheese),
which have become Polish export hits. The
production of milk-based drinks and icecream has also been rising.
Sector Promotion Project
Polish fruit and vegetables – the best
Naturally and healthy…
Poland is one of the biggest European and
global producers of fruit and vegetables and
processed fruit and vegetables. We are the EU
leader in the production of apples, carrots and
soft fruit (mainly sour cherries, cherries, raspberries and currants), and one of the leading
producers of strawberries. The products of
Polish orchards and gardens, as well as processed fruit and vegetables, are greatly appreciated by domestic as well as foreign consumers and are the synonym of tasty, healthy
and safe food. Their unique flavour and look
comes from the type of soil and climate. One
cannot forget that reduced usage of pesticides in comparison to the biggest Western
European fruit and vegetable producers also
plays a role here. High quality horticultural
crops are an excellent basis for the production of quality and tasty fruit and vegetable
juices, frozen food and other preparations.
Warm heart to frozen
Poland is the EU’s biggest and leading world
producer of frozen fruit and vegetables. Their
production is based on domestic, healthy
and tested raw materials. In their production
indigenous, reliable and healthy raw materials are used.
Excellent food preparations…
Apple juice, sour cherry juice, raspberry juice,
blackcurrant juice, strawberry juice and
chokeberry juice are Polish export hits. Polish
juices are competitive because of their high
quality which is a consequence of an improvement in cultivation and production processes.
Apart from concentrated fruit juices, Polish
plants produce tasty and healthy table juices,
nectars and soft drinks made of fruit from
Polish orchards and plantations.
Polish frozen vegetables (carrots, broccolis,
zucchini, string beans, peppers, green peas,
tomatoes, vegetable mixes and vegetable
soups), and frozen fruit (especially strawberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, blackberries and gooseberries) are characterized
by rich, natural flavour.
The Polish fruit and vegetable sector supplies
the saturated western markets (mostly EU)
and dynamically developing eastern markets
(including AIS, and Russia). As far as the EU
market is concerned, Poland is the leading
supplier of frozen strawberries, cherries and
blackcurrants, and the second biggest supplier of frozen vegetables and raspberries.
Companies producing frozen fruit and vegetables possess relevant certificates for quality management and use state of the art
technologies. It must be emphasised that Polish fruit and vegetable processing companies
hold strong and well-known brands created
both domestically and abroad.
fruit and nuts, also have a unique flavour.
Apart from direct consumption, these products are used as additives to baked goods
and desserts. Preparations made of bilberries and cranberries are excellent side dishes
to cheese, meats or cold cuts.
Polish specialities in the category of processed fruit also include forest fruit preparations (mainly those made of blackberries
which are also known as medicinal plant) and
dog rose, including a unique preserve made
of dog rose’s petals.
Marinated wild fungi,
sauerkraut and pickled
Jam and marmalade…
Jam, marmalade, powidła, puree and dried
fruit made of fruit originating from Polish orchards, along with other preserved
As the EU leader in the production of vegetables, apart from frozen vegetables Poland
also offers pickled food, traditionally made
specialities, liked very much by Polish consumers, including sauerkraut (the main
ingredient of the Polish bigos) and pickled
cucumbers, marinated wild fungi and cucumbers, canned food, dried vegetables, as well
as tomato purees and sauces. Preparations of
fruits of the forest are also Polish speciality.
Among Polish marinated nibbles there are
also wild fungi, such as Chanterelles, Boletus,
Xerocomus, Tricholoma, Suillus. In Polish cuisine they are also used in a dried form, (especially Boletus and Xerocomus). Wild fungi are
also available in a frozen form.
Polish pork and beef – safe and tasty
Thousand tonnes
Rich tradition – rich taste…
Poland belongs to the biggest producers of
red meat in the EU. It has a very long and rich
tradition of pig breeding. Polish producers
were leaders in pig production at the beginning of the 20th century in terms of breeding
for bacon. Despite the development of intensive farming, over 80% of domestic pig herds
are bred in individual family farms, where
Pork and beef exports
Sources: AMA report based on Ministry of Finance figures.
Sector Promotion Project
they feed on natural fodder, mainly grains.
Poland has favourable natural conditions for
pig breeding as well as a potential for beef
High quality of Polish red meat has been
more and more appreciated not only by EU
consumers, but also by consumers from nonEU countries. In recent years, Polish pork
export has been hitting approx. 70 destinations worldwide.
Polish method for healthy poultry meat
Appreciated abroad…
Poland has been cherishing a long-lasting tradition of poultry breeding, i.e. chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks. The production of live
poultry is the most intensified branch of animal
production in Poland. Excellent taste of Polish poultry meat has been discovered by more
and more customers abroad. The 2012 volume of poultry export was over 5 times bigger
than in 2003. In recent years poultry meat from
Poland has been exported to approx. 80 countries of Europe, Africa, Asia and North America.
Migration of Polish geese…
Poland is the biggest geese producer in Europe.
Geese breeding is regarded as one of the specialities of the Polish agriculture. Polish
Thousand tonnes
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Poultry meat exports
Source: AMA report based on Ministry of Finance
geese guarantee not only delicious meat, but
also feathers and down for which Poland is
famous all around the world. From the earliest days of life Polish geese enjoy green open
air runs, meadows and pastures. They are
fed on variable fodder. The meat of geese fed
on oats for the last weeks of breeding is a Polish food speciality called “oat fed goose”. It
has a lot of enthusiasts and is referred to as
an example of good Polish food. The meat of
young oat fed geese includes over 23% proteins and approx. 4% fat. Because of the quality of Polish goose meat, 95% of production is
intended for export.
Poland is also famous for the fat of oat fed
geese, which is regarded as “healthy animal
fat” due to a significant content of unsaturated fats and vitamins.
Cured sausages and hams – every day and
on holiday
Polish speciality…
Poland has had a long tradition of producing cold cuts and other cured meat products.
Excellent quality of Polish cured meat products is manifested by a steady increase in
exports. The 2012 exports were over 6 times
bigger than in 2003.
Kiełbasa – cured sausage, it belongs to specifically Polish specialities. Its production is
based mainly on red meat (mostly pork) but
there are more and more poultry and beef
products on the market. The exceptional
taste of Polish kiełbasa is attributed to particular processes involving curing, smoking,
drying, steaming, frying or ripening, as well
as exceptional composition of spices. Cured
sausages differ a lot depending on the region
of Poland. One can choose among such
types as krakowska, żywiecka, myśliwska
jałowcowa, kabanos. Other delicious cold
meats produced in Poland include: hams,
sirloins, bacon, as well as mouth-watering
pâtés. Polish meat products are exceptional
for their taste as well as unique aroma.
Modern technologies…
Cold cuts and other cured meat products are
produced traditionally, according to old recipes, as well as with the use of modern production technologies, packing and portioning methods. The technological lines used
as well as multi-century Polish tradition and
practice of processing plants make it possi-
Sweet little biscuits…
Poland: a biscuit paradise…
Poland is a Promised Land for all the enthusiasts of the broadest possible assortment of intriguing tastes and shapes of biscuits. A variety of types of flour from Polish
grains and various types of bran successfully
address market requirements for healthy
half-products which guarantee the quality of end products. A recent hit, especially
ble to manufacture variable products featuring exceptional features and tailored to different consumer requirements. New technologies make it possible i.a. to extend the life of
cured meat products. It must be underlined
that the machinery used for meat processing
in Poland belongs to the most modern ones
in Europe.
Sector Promotion Project
among consumers whose diet is rich in fibre,
includes biscuits produced from rye, spelt
and wholegrain flour.
What we are proud of…
Delicious biscuits from Poland are popular
with European consumers as well as worldwide. The Polish biscuit sector closely monitors consumers’ preferences in order to manufacture products of the quality and taste
meeting even the highest expectations.
in aroma, spicy cookies containing honey and
flavoured with ginger, cinnamon, cardamom,
cloves and pepper, produced since the Middle
Ages. They can also be coated with chocolate,
glazed or filled with jam.
Sękacz is another dainty produced in Poland.
The cake is of golden colour and is made over
an open fire. A ready cake resembles tree
knots and branches. Sękacz is a long-life
cake – once made it remains fresh for many
weeks without any preservatives.
The advantages of the Polish biscuit industry include a variety of flavours and competitive prices. Part of the Polish biscuit sector is
the most modern in Europe and is highly evaluated during the audits of the American Institute of Baking (AIB) – a renowned institution
whose certificates are awarded to the best
food producing corporations.
Gingerbread, sękacz and
sponge cake…
The most popular Polish biscuits include produced for several decades delicje – Jaffa cakes
made of sponge cake, a layer of fruit jelly
and a coating of chocolate. Other acclaimed
form of cookie is Toruń gingerbread – rich
Chocolate and confectionery
Sweet madness…
Due to their top quality at world level, disregarding the economic fluctuations, Polish
sweets are sought-after by Polish as well as
foreign consumers. Poland is one of the leaders in the production of chocolate products
in Europe and worldwide. Thanks to technological progress and continuously implemented state of the art production processes
Millions €
Cocoa confectionery
Cocoa-free confectionery
Export of confectionery and chocolate products
Source: AMA report based on Ministry of Finance
it is possible to constantly improve the quality of products and to broaden their range.
Polish confectionery is exported to nearly 100
countries worldwide. A significant portion of
exports hit the EU Member States, but Polish
sweets are sought-after by Russians, Arabs
and Americans alike.
Finger licking good…
The most renowned and still operating Polish
sweets factories were founded in the 19th
century. Their brands and products were
rooted in the minds of generations of Poles
and foreigners. The most popular Polish
sweets include i.a.: ptasie mleczko – milk
mousse in chocolate coating, chocolate
coated dried plums, cherries, raisins, nuts,
and sezamki (flourless sesame seed and
honey sweets). Foreign consumers also like
krówki – kind of fudge (short or extending)
made of Polish milk as well as chocolate candies.
Hospitable nation treats you with tea and
Polish tea producers keep analyzing the market on an ongoing basis and try to satisfy even
the fussiest consumers. Polish tea plants use
imported raw material of tea plants as well
as domestic herbs and fruit. Along with black
tea, Polish stores offer green tea, white and
red teas, as well as herb and fruit teas.
Herb teas are produced from a single type
of herb (mint, chamomile, lemon balm, lime,
raspberry, cranberry, dog rose, chokeberry
and forest fruit), or as a medicinal herb mix
and mix of herbs and fruit. Polish producers
also manufacture tea in the form of soluble
powder or granule of different flavours to be
prepared as warm or cold drinks or ice tea.
Taste and aroma…
Coffee and tea are the most popular stimulants (despite that neither traditional tea nor
coffee is cultivated in Poland). Hardly anyone begins their day without a cup of coffee
or tea. We drink coffee or tea with meals and
Power of nature and diversity…
The habit of tea drinking was introduced
to Poland in the second half of the 17th century. Poles started from drinking green tea,
which was treated as medicine rather than
a drink enjoyed for pleasure. The situation
changed in the 19th century when green
tea was superseded by black tea drunk with
the addition of sugar and sometimes a slice
of lemon.
Coffee enthusiasts for
The tradition of drinking coffee is quite long
in Poland. The habit started at the end of
the 17th century. Coffee taste and aroma
fascinated the king of Poland John III Sobieski
as well as our most distinguished poet Adam
Mickiewicz. Coffee taste and aroma depend
on its variety, the place of cultivation and
the process of roasting.
There are several dozen industrial roasting plants and a number of small roasting plants where traditional methods and
tools for roasting coffee are used. Producers and sellers offer various blends of coffee
seeds, carefully selected by top class experts
in terms of rich taste and aroma. Polish market offers packages of coffee seeds, ground
coffee, instant coffee and cappuccino. Apart
from natural coffee, producers offer excep-
Sector Promotion Project
tional flavoured coffees (e.g. chocolate,
vanilla or eggnog). The roasted grain beverage (so called “grain coffee”) is also a valuable drink due to its benefits for health. This
caffeine free beverage is made of grains (rye,
wheat or barley), chicory, sugar beet and dandelion
root. The product has been manufactured in Poland
since the early 19th century.
“There is no coffee like the Polish kind;
In all well-ordered households you will find
A special coffee-maker – ‘tis Her charge
To purchase from the River-trader’s barge
Or from the city store the finest beans,
And to prepare it she Has secret means,
As black as coal, as amber clearly glowing.
As mocha fragrant, thick as honey flowing.
And cream is needed too nor hard to get,
For when the pots upon the fire are set,
She seeks the dairy at the milking hour,
And from the milk pans lightly skims the flower
Into the jugs, for each cup one a piece,
That each may have its little cap of fleece.”
Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz, Book II
(translated by Kenneth R. Mackenzie)
Proposing a toast? – Always with Polish
Polish power…
The history of alcohol production in Poland
is very long and reaches back to the 15th
century. Vodka is strongly rooted in the Polish culinary traditions and customs. The
production of vodka for a few centuries
resulted in the creation of original recipes
based on local ingredients as well as inimitable taste, valued worldwide. Basic ingredients used traditionally for vodka production
include cereals and potatoes. Herb additives
are also used. In Poland all types of vodka
are produced, i.e. plain vodkas in all quality
classes (ordinary, selected, luxury, premium
and superpremium) as well as a broad range
of flavoured vodkas which are becoming
more and more popular. In May 2012, the Polish Sejm passed a law defining Polish vodka,
which confirms that this type of alcohol can
be produced only from cereals and potatoes,
with no trace of maize or grapes whatsoever. There are about 200 varieties of Polish
vodka on the Polish market. Vodkas produced
in Poland are protected trademarks. Hitherto
three types of Polish Vodkas have been registered as PDOs. They include: herbal vodka
from the North Podlasie Lowland aromatised
with an extract of bison grass (żubrówka),
“Polish Cherry” liquor and “Polish Vodka”.
Branded products of the Polish alcohol industry have become renowned worldwide, and
win numerous rewards in prestigious international contests.
Export, export…
The branch saw a high rate of production
growth (higher than the growth of the whole
food sector) and significant growth in labour
productivity. In terms of vodka sales volume
Polish producers rate first in the EU and fourth
in the world. Vodka produced in Poland is
exported to dozens of destinations worldwide.
Polish wine is made of fruit…
Due to the abundance of fruit, the cultivation
of which was pursued for farm needs, and
later also for trade and processing, and due
to the lack of natural conditions for broad-scale
grape production, it is mainly apples, pears
and other stone fruit which have naturally
become a raw material for wine production
of mead produced in Poland with the use of
traditional recipes. The production is regulated by relevant administrative provisions.
Depending on the proportions of honey and
water used for production, mead is divided
into classes: półtorak, dwójniak, trójniak
and czwórniak. Meads are flavoured with
fruit juices (fruit mead), spices and herbs
(spicy and herb meads). The above mentioned meads have been registered in the EU
as Traditional Speciality Guaranteed under
the name staropolski miód pitny [Old Polish
Brewed in Poland…
in Poland. Polish market offers wines made of
blackcurrants, cherries, strawberries, plums,
chokeberries as well as dog rose and rowan.
Contemporary production of fruit wine is
developed on an industrial scale.
Seven shades of honey…
The production of mead is well entrenched
in Polish tradition. There is a broad range
Valued Polish hops, malt and spring water
enable Polish consumers to enjoy quality beer
which belongs to the oldest beverages drunk
in Poland since pre-Slavic times. Polish breweries operate on a various scale ranging from
huge industrial breweries to mini-businesses
which sell their produce directly to the liaising restaurants. A number of these minibreweries were founded in the 19th century.
The Polish beer industry offers several hundred types of beer. Annual production of beer
in Poland amounts to 38 million hectolitres,
which makes Poland one of the leading beer
producers in Europe. In order to address market demand, beer is flavoured with natural
Polish juices.
and address
Trade and Investment
Promotion Sections
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Berlin
Trade and Investment Promotion
Leipziger Platz 2, Berlin 10117, Germany
Phone: +49 30 206 226 70
Fax: +49 30 206 226 730
Email: [email protected]
Trade and Investment Promotion
Section in Cologne
An der Alteburger Mühle 6
D-50968 Cologne
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: 0049 221 34 99 11
Fax: 0049 221 34 99 10
Email:[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Paris
Trade and Investment Promotion
86, rue de la Faisanderie, Paris 75116
Phone: 0 033 1 45 04 10 20
Fax: 0 033 1 45 04 63 17
Email:[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Moscow
Trade and Investment Promotion
Agricultural Market Agency
ul. Nowy Świat 6/12, 00-400 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 661 72 26
E-mail: [email protected]
Trade and Investment Promotion
Section in Shanghai
Rooms 1906 1907, Tower B, City Center
of Shanghai
100 Zunyi Road, Shanghai 200051
P.R. China
Phone: +86 21 63758035
+86 21 62371726
Fax: +86 21 63758233
Email:[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Abu Dhabi
Corner of the Delma Str.
and Karama Str. (13th. and 24th Str.)
P.O. Box 2334
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Commercial and Political Section
Phone: +971 0 2 446 5200 ext. 116
Fax: +971 0 2 446 29 67
Email:[email protected]
The Network of
Investors and Exporters’
Service Centres (COIE)
COIE Dolnośląskie
Dolnośląska Agencja Współpracy
Gospodarczej Sp. z o.o. (Lower Silesian
Agency for Economical Cooperation)
Klimaszkina 4, Moscow 115127, Russia
Phone: +7 495 231 16 11
from Poland: +48 22 490 97 41
Fax: +7 495 231 16 15
Email:[email protected]
ul. Kotlarska 42
50-151 Wrocław
Phone: +48 71 344 02 86
Fax: +48 71 344 02 85
Email:[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Kiev
COIE Kujawsko-Pomorskie
Trade and Investment Promotion
Wołodymyrska 45, Kiev 01901, Ukraine
Phone: +380 44 279 18 31
Fax: +380 44 278 11 40
Email:[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Beijing
Trade and Investment Promotion
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Współpracy Regionalnej
i Rozwoju Gospodarczego
ul. Plac Teatralny 2
87-100 Toruń
Phone: +48 56 62 18 487
Fax: +48 56 62 18 264
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
COIE Lubelskie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Gospodarki i Innowacji
ul. Stefczyka 3
20-151 Lublin
Phone: +48 81 537 16 11
Fax: +48 81 537 16 37
Email:[email protected]
COIE Lubuskie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Rozwoju Regionalnego
i Współpracy Zagranicznej
Wydział Przedsiębiorczości
ul. Podgórna 7
65-057 Zielona Góra
Phone: +48 68 456 52 89
Fax: +48 68 327 14 29
Email:[email protected]
COIE Łódzkie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament ds. Przedsiębiorczości
ul. Moniuszki 7/9
90-101 Łódź
Phene: +48 42 291 98 40
Fax: +48 42 291 98 41
Email:[email protected]
COIE Małopolskie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Rozwoju Gospodarczego
Al. Jana Pawła II 41 L
31-864 Kraków
Mailing address:
ul. Racławicka 56
30-017 Kraków
Phone: +48 12 63 03 444
Fax: +48 12 63 03 445
No. 1 Ritan Road, Jian Guo Men Wai
Beijing 100600, P.R. China
Phone: +86 10 65321888 (Secretariat)
+86 10 65321235 (Embassy
Fax: +86 10 65324958
Email:[email protected]
Telephone and address details
COIE Mazowieckie
Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A.
(Mazovia Development Agency Plc)
ul. Bertolda Brechta 3
03-472 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 566 47 60
Fax: +48 22 843 83 31
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
COIE Opolskie
ul. Spychalskiego 1a
45-716 Opole
Phone: +48 77 403 36 00
Fax: +48 77 403 36 09
COIE Podkarpackie
Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju
Regionalnego S.A.
ul. Szopena 51
35-959 Rzeszów
Mailing address:
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Strategii i Planowania
Al. Łukasza Cieplińskiego 4
35-010 Rzeszów
Phone: +48 17 747 67 78
Fax: +48 17 747 67 65
Email:[email protected]
COIE Podlaskie
ul. kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 1
15-888 Białystok
Phone: +48 85 749 74 80
Fax: +48 85 749 74 40
COIE Świętokrzyskie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Polityki Regionalnej
Centrum Obsługi Inwestora
ul. Sienkiewicza 63
25-002 Kielce
Phone: +48 41 365 81 82
Fax: +48 41 365 81 91
Email:[email protected]
COIE Warmińsko-Mazurskie
Centrum Obsługi Inwestorów
i Eksporterów
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Departament Koordynacji Promocji
ul. Emilii Plater 1
10-562 Olsztyn
Phone: +48 89 521 91 77
Fax: +48 89 521 91 79
Email:[email protected]
COIE Wielkopolskie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Departament Gospodarki
ul. Przemysłowa 46
61-541 Poznań
Phone: +48 61 62 66 240
Fax: +48 61 62 66 241
Email:[email protected]
COIE Zachodniopomorskie
ul. Piłsudskiego 40-42
70-421 Szczecin
Phone: +48 91 44 67 105
Fax: +48 91 44 67 102
Email:[email protected]
COIE Śląskie
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa
Śląskiego w Katowicach
Wydział Gospodarki, Promocji
i Współpracy Międzynarodowej
ul. Reymonta 24
40-955 Katowice
Mailing address:
ul. Ligonia 46
40-032 Katowice
Phone: +48 32 774 00 77
Trade organisations
Krajowy Związek Spółdzielni
Mleczarskich – Związek Rewizyjny
(National Association of Dairy
Cooperatives – Revisory Association)
ul. Hoża 66/68
00-682 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 372 03 72
Fax: +48 22 372 03 25
Email:[email protected]
Związek Polskich Przetwórców
Mleka (Association of Polish Dairy
ul. Złota 59, budynek Lumen, piętro 6
00-120 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 266 02 71
Fax: +48 22 266 03 27
Email:[email protected]
Polska Izba Mleka (Polish Chamber
of Milk)
ul. Mickiewicza 7/23
15-213 Białystok
Phone: +48 85 674 73 29
Fax: +48 85 874 43 88
Email:[email protected]
Krajowa Rada Izb Rolniczych
(National Council of Agricultural
ul. Wspólna 30
00-930 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 623 21 65
Fax: +48 22 623 11 55
Email:[email protected]
Polska Federacja Hodowców
Bydła i Producentów Mleka (Polish
Federation of Cattle Breeders and
Dairy Farmers)
ul. Żurawia 22
00-515 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 502 33 43
Fax: +48 22 502 33 44
Email:[email protected]
Polski Związek Hodowców
i Producentów Trzody Chlewnej
„POLSUS” (Polish Pig Breeders and
Producers Association “POLSUS”)
ul. Ryżowa 90
02-495 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 723 08 06
+48 22 882 82 03
mobile: +48 509 399 643
Fax: +48 22 723 00 83
Email:[email protected]
Związek „Polskie Mięso” (“Polish
Meat” Association)
ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 830 26 56
Fax: +48 22 830 16 48
Email:[email protected]
Telephone and address details
Stowarzyszenie Rzeźników
i Wędliniarzy RP (Polish Butchers
and Cold Meat Producers
ul. Miodowa 14
00-246 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 635 01 84
Mobile: +48 507 130 369
Fax: +48 22 635 03 94
Email:[email protected]
Unia Producentów i Pracodawców
Przemysłu Mięsnego „UPEMI” (Union
of Producers and Employers of the
Meat Industry “UPEMI”)
Al. Ujazdowskie 18 lok. 16
00-478 Warszawa
Phone/Fax: +48 22 696 52 70
Email:[email protected]
Polski Związek Hodowców
i Producentów Bydła Mięsnego
(Polish Association of Beef Cattle
Breeders and Producers)
ul. Rakowiecka 32
02-532 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 849 19 10
Mobile: +48 609 843 729
Fax: +48 22 849 32 32
Email:[email protected]
Polskie Zrzeszenie Producentów
Bydła Mięsnego (Polish Association
of Beef Cattle Producers)
ul. Kruczkowskiego 3
00-380 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 622 09 87
Fax: +48 22 622 04 12
Email:[email protected]
Polski Związek Producentów Roślin
Zbożowych (Polish Association of
Cereal Growers)
Radzików, 05 870 Błonie, lab. II p. 86
Phone: +48 22 733 46 14
+48 22 733 46 16
Mobile: +48 502 25 78 74
Fax: +48 22 733 46 15
Email:[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Młynarzy RP (Polish
Millers Association)
ul. Rakowiecka 36
02-532 Warszawa
Phone/Fax: +48 22 606 38 45
Mobile: +48 601 236 221
Email: [email protected]
Polska Izba Makaronu (Polish Pasta
ul. Piłsudskiego 180
05-091 Ząbki
Phone: +48 22 460 24 09
Mobile: +48 512 253 675
Fax: +48 22 460 24 01
Email:[email protected]
Związek Sadowników RP (Polish
Fruit Growers Association)
ul. J. Piłsudskiego 59
05-600 Grójec
Phone/Fax: +48 48 664 37 79
Email:[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Krajowa Unia
Producentów Soków (Polish
Association of Juices Producers)
ul. Rakowiecka 36 lok. 339 i 340
02-532 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 606 38 63
Phone/Fax: +48 22 646 44 72
Email:[email protected]
Polski Związek Zrzeszeń Hodowców
i Producentów Drobiu (Polish Union
of Associations of Poultry Breeders
and Producers)
ul. Grójecka 204
02-390 Warszawa
Phone: +48 662 410 124
Email:[email protected]
Krajowy Związek Grup Producentów
Rolnych – Izba Gospodarcza
(National Union of Agricultural
Producers Groups – Chamber of
ul. Wspólna 30, pok. 31
00-930 Warszawa
Mailing address:
Szwarcenowo 90
13-340 Biskupiec
Phone: +48 56 474 54 01
Email:[email protected]
Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa – Izba
Gospodarcza (National Poultry
Council – Chamber of Commerce)
ul. Czackiego 3/5
00-043 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 33 61 338
Phone/Fax: +48 22 82 82 389
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Przetwórców
i Producentów Produktów
Ekologicznych „Polska Ekologia”
(“Polish Ecology” Association of
Processors and Producers of Organic
ul. Miodowa 14
00-246 Warszawa
Mailing address:
ul. Poprawna 76F
03-984 Warszawa
Phone: +48 791 999 724
Email:[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Branży Grzybów
Uprawnych (Mushroom Industry
ul. Rybickiego 15/17
96-100 Skierniewice
Phone: +48 46 834 80 53
Fax: +48 46 834 80 23
Email: [email protected]
Polski Związek Pszczelarski (Polish
Beekeepers Association)
ul. Świętokrzyska 20
00-002 Warszawa
Phone/Fax: +48 22 826 04 97
Email: [email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Pszczelarzy
Zawodowych (Professional
Beekeepers Association)
Pszczela Wola 9
23-107 Pszczela Wola
Mailing address:
ul. Fromborska 14
60-454 Poznań
Phone: +48 61 848 97 06
Mobile: +48 502 319 655
+48 507 050 133
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Polska Wódka
(Polish Vodka Association)
Warszawskie Centrum Finansowe
ul. Emilii Plater 53
00-113 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 597 10 22
Fax: +48 22 597 11 85
Email:[email protected]
Związek Pracodawców Polski
Przemysł Spirytusowy (Union of
Employers of the Polish Spirits
ul. Trębacka 4, lok. 338–342
00-074 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 63 09 891–4
Fax: +48 22 63 09 917
Email:[email protected]
Telephone and address details
Polskie Stowarzyszenie
Producentów Oleju (Polish
Association of Oil Producers)
Stowarzyszenie Regionalnych
Browarów Polskich (Association of
Polish Regional Breweries)
Polska Izba Produktu Regionalnego
i Lokalnego (Polish Chamber of Local
and Regional Products)
Stowarzyszenia Producentów
Żywności Metodami Ekologicznymi
EKOLAND (Association of Organic
Food Producers EKOLAND)
ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. 49
00-131 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 313 07 88
Fax: +48 22 436 39 66
Email:[email protected]
ul. Kruczkowskiego 3, pok. 9
00-380 Warszawa
Phone/Fax: +48 22 468 19 70
Email:[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Polskich
Producentów Wyrobów
Czekoladowych i Cukierniczych
Polbisco (Polish Association of
Manufacturers of Chocolate and
Confectionary Products ‘Polbisco’)
ul. Goszczyńskiego 28 A
02-610 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 856 86 61
Fax: +48 22 646 97 55
Email:[email protected]
Rada Gospodarki Żywnościowej
(Food Economy Council)
Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
ul. Wspólna 30 p. 171
00-930 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 623 23 64
Phone/Fax: +48 22 623 10 53
Email:[email protected]
Polska Federacja Producentów
Żywności Związek Pracodawców
(Polish Federation of Food Industry
Union of Employers)
ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 830 70 55
Phone/Fax: +48 22 830 70 56
Email:[email protected]
ul. gen. W. Sikorskiego 2
10-057 Olsztyn,
Phone: +48 89 535 41 37
Phone/Fax: +48 89 534 97 16
Email:[email protected]
ul. Jana Pawła II 2
89-200 Szubin
Phone: +48 52 3848110
Mobile: +48 668 527 624
Email:[email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników
Przemysłu Spożywczego (Science
and Technology Association of
Engineers and Technicians of the
Food Industry)
Krajowa Rada Przetwórstwa i Zamrażalnictwa Owoców (National Council of
Processing and Freezing of Fruit)
Krajowa Rada Gorzelnictwa i Produkcji
Biopaliw (Polish Association of Alcohol
and Biofuels Producers)
Krajowa Rada Piekarstwa i Cukiernictwa (National Bakery and Confectionery Council)
Krajowa Rada Przetwórstwa Spirytusu
(National Spirits Processing Council)
Krajowa Unia Producentów Soków i Napojów Bezalkoholowych (Polish Association of Juice and Soft Drink Producers)
Krajowa Rada Winiarstwa i Miodosytnictwa (National Winery and Mead Making Council)
Krajowa Rada Przetwórstwa Zbożowo-Młynarskiego (National Grain and Milling Processing Council)
Krajowa Rada Spółdzielcza (National
Cooperative Council)
ul. Jasna 1
00-013 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 59 64 300
+48 22 827 13 16
Email:[email protected]
Polski Związek Hodowców
Strusi (Polish Ostrich Breeders
ul. Krośnieńska 12
65-625 Zielona Góra
Phone: +48 68 324 28 90
Fax: +48 68 323 00 46
Email:[email protected]
Polski Związek Hodowców
i Producentów Gęsi z siedzibą
w Lublinie (Polish Association of
Goose Breeders and Producers with
its seat in Lublin)
ul. Pogodna 50, a lok. 2
20-337 Lublin
Mobile: +48 606 139 938
+48 609 411 832
Polski Komitet Zielarski (Polish
Herbalists’ Committee)
ul. Libelta 27
61-707 Poznań
Phone: +48 61 665 95 50
Email: [email protected]
Stowarzyszenie Przetwórców
Owoców i Warzyw (Association of
Fruit and Vegetable Processors)
ul. Mełgiewska 104
20-234 Lublin
Phone: +48 81 445 25 30
Fax: +48 81 445 25 31
Email:[email protected]
Biuro Zarządu Głównego
ul. Czackiego 3/5 (second floor)
00-043 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 826 63 44
Fax: +48 22 827 38 47
Email:[email protected]
Be our guest and have a taste for our delicious food
As a country of broad bio-diversity, rich culture and long history, Poland is abundant in exceptional and unique
food products. Polish agricultural and food products are natural, mouth-wateringly tasty and healthy, because
they are made of natural ingredients, their quality being high and stable. To complement its offer, the Polish
food industry recommends traditional and organic food, which is becoming more and more popular due to its
unique taste and safe production.
Copy free of charge
© ARR 2013
ISBN 978-83-64002-19-9
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy