iabpff “smoke” - The African American Firefighter Museum
IABPFF “SMOKE” International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters September 2013 Online Fall Edition President’s 2013 Convention Recap Members of the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF), the 2013 Convention is in the books with members attending from all over the country, Europe and the Caribbean. I would like to thank the Progressive Firefighters of Central Florida for their fantastic southern hospitality. A special thanks to our Convention Committee and IABPFF Executive Board, for their tireless work in making this a great convention. The hotel was a great venue for us as it enabled us to have a great flow. To my knowledge there were no incidents in the hotel or with the hotel staff. In fact, the hotel was very accommodating and helpful. Thanks Mr. Rosen and staff for the hospitality. Brother Joe Hoyle did a wonderful job with our vendors, which seem to be quite a few this year. Did anyone see the ducks? Last, but more importantly, I want to thank the membership for their participation and patience working through all the processes. The convention began with an eye opening and moving “historical” presentation by Past President Oshiyemi Adelabu, Darren Hyson and Immediate Past President Joseph Muhammad, which gave insight on the direction our leaders were heading, the obstacles they faced, and the triumphs they shared. It went from mild-mannered to a poignant in your face thought-provoking lecture, to analytical facts and truths about the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters. Our presenters, Brothers John Hughes and Les Bowman brought us their fire service perspective from the United Kingdom (UK). Ray McClain of the Lawyers Committee brought President James Hill and Vice President Kenyatta Smith reality of the “declining numbers of African Americans in the Fire Service”, the impact of Ricci and New Haven with solution-based dialogue to each. The business meeting ended with a motion from the floor to donate $2,000 to the Trayvon Martin Foundation (owned and operated by the family of continued on page 22 21st Century Diversity Recruitment Workshop This eight hour workshop is designed to embrace and support diversity in the Fire, EMS and Public Safety fields and provide tools of support. Our target attendees include: Fire senior staff, recruit staff, EMS agencies, fire HR staff, dity or dounty HR staff, public high school and college staff, union staff, fire diversity-based organization members and vommunity support organizations. Overview: Eight hour workshop dedicated to diversity in recruitment, outreach, in-house tools, partnerships with public high schools, colleges, community members, community organizations, diverse fire-related organizations, fire senior staff, fire recruitment staff, fire HR staff, agency HR staff and other public safety organizations such as EMS and police. Desired Outcome: • Foster a better working relationship between senior staff, recruitment staff and HR staff as it relates to diversity and recruitment, and a commitment to long range goals. • Provide a better understanding of partnerships with diverse organizations within your served community. • Discuss ways to better connect with your target candidate years prior to the testing process. • Provide an overview of how best to make use of your Firefighter Diversity Recruitment Council tools—this is for fire departments and other council members. • Provide an overview of how best to make use of your affiliate membership tools—this is for non-fire department members such as public high schools. • Provide a forum to discuss your testing process as it relates to adverse impact. • Open discussion as it relates to your department’s current and long range goals and current situation, Why A Multi-Agency Workshop: The desired goal is to present materials to like organizations, and/or organizations with like goals, toward diversity. Having a multi-agency workshop allows: • Networking with other like organizations. • Feedback from other like organizations. • A support system towards cost savings via partnerships. • A total cost savings for the sponsorship of the workshop. • Each of your targets to most likely be the same candidate. 2 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Member Tools: • FFABC’s – FDRC – NRD and the FFABC’s Online Internship Program. • An overview of each tool during the workshop. Why Attend: One can never invest to much as it relates to the most important investment in your organization—your personnel—and hopefully this workshop will support your effort in securing a diverse personnel pool. Most Important: • Provide a forum where all stakeholders may discuss the important issues, free of constraints. Request Your Nationally Presented Workshop: Partnering with other local agencies works best in terms of cost and the ability to network with others. $145 per fire department or organization with a required minimum of ten departments and/or organizations (however, any agency may elect to sponsor the entire cost). Travel and lodging fees are based on your location. [email protected] 408-842-8326 PST www.FirefightersABCs.com Sample Content: Content 1 • Overview of diversity and recruitment • Recruitment from the top down Content 2 • How do your numbers look • Diverse candidates • Senior staff Content 3 • Women in the fire service • What can be done to increase these numbers Content 4 • The core of diversity as it relates to your department. Content 5 • Your Ambassador. • Your recruitment team, recruitment officer relate, your community and the needs of your organization. • Selecting the right person(s) for this assignment. Content 6 • Students and schools. • Your public high schools. • Special programs to expand your pool of students. • Overview—Firefighter’s ABC’s Online Internship Program. • A “Free” program for all public high school students in your served area. • Development of savings plans for EMT and paramedic school. Content 7 • Critical issues relating to your department. Content 8 • Goals for the next one – three – five years. Content 9 • Quiz (support quiz will be given throughout the workshop). 3 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Sample Presentation* Locations: Orlando, Fl Supported by Orange County Fire & Rescue Orlando Fire Department & IABPFF Vallejo, CA Hosted by Vallejo and Benicia Fire Department jointly Battle Creek, MI and hosted by Battle Creek Fire, HR Department. Sponsored by – I/O Solutions Houston, TX Hosted by Houston Fire Department, Bellevue, WA Sponsored by Public Safety Testing Dallas, TX Hosted by I.A.B.P.F.F., Portsmouth, VA Hosted by Portsmouth Fire & Equity Conference Henderson, NV Hosted by I.A.B.P.F.F. Detroit, MI Sponsored by The Hartford Dallas, TX Hosted by IAFC – Fire Rescue International San Jose, CA Sponsored by Fire Police Selection Inc. Hosted by FFABC’s Fire Department HR department, EMS agency, testing agency or firebased diversity organization may host this workshop in your community via contact at Firefighter’s ABC’s: [email protected]/408-842-8326 (PST) Workshop Requirements: Venue, A/V equipment, etc. are arranged based on the needs of each host location as the needs of each hosting organization differ. You may also visit us at www.FirefightersABCs.com *We regret these presentations are not duplicated for public use. 4 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Note: convention photographs were provided courtesy of Brother Franz Edwards and Brother Freddie Brooks. June 3, 2013 - City of Atlanta Fire Department Battalion Chief Cameron Dixon and President of the IABPFF’s Atlanta, Georgia chapter receiving the Phoenix Award from the Mayor of Atlanta for his dedication and service to the Atlanta Fire and Rescue Department. May 9, 2013 - Vulcan Blazers, Inc. of Balitmore City, Maryland donates fifty carbon monoxide alarms to the Baltimore City Fire Department. July 19, 2013 - Chief Willie Owens of Fire Fighters Limited; Jackson, Mississippi appointed Fire Chief of the Jackson, Mississippi Fire Department. Pictured left to right: Fire Marshall Shawn Belton, volunteer, and Vulcan Blazers President Henry Burris. Pictured left to right: Newly appointed Jackson, Mississippi Police Chief Lindsey Horton and newly appointed Jackson, Mississippi Fire Chief Willie Owens. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 5 6 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters 2013 SER Fall Conference November 13-16, 2013 Ideally located in downtown Baltimore, the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace is within steps of Baltimore’s famed Inner Harbor and an array of other popular attractions. Discover all this great city has to offer while enjoying the comforts of our Baltimore Harbor Hotel. Renaissance Harborplace Hotel 202 East Pratt Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Phone: 1.410.547.1200 Fax: 1.410.539.5780 Toll-free: 1.800.535.1201 Room rates: $149/night http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bwish-renaissance-baltimore-harborplace-hotel/ International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 7 ISSUE 2 FIRE SAFETY NEW CHALLENGES NEW MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES ARE MAKING FIRE-RELATED RISKS MUCH GREATER AND THE CHALLENGES OF FIRE SAFETY VERY DIFFERENT TODAY. every 30min 67% A CIVILIAN FIRE INJURY IS REPORTED 5 INCREASE IN FIREFIGHTER DEATHS DUE TO TRAUMATIC INJURIES OVER THE PAST 30 YEARS 1 49% OF U.S. HOME FIRES INVOLVE SOME TYPE OF ELECTRICAL FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION 4 today in less than 3min EVERY 85sec A HOUSE FIRE CAN BECOME UNCONTROLLABLE 2 ONE RESIDENTIAL FIRE IS REPORTED 3 NEW SCIENCE IS THE FUNDAMENTAL DISCOVERY, TESTING, EQUIPMENT, PROCEDURES, SOFTWARE AND STANDARDS UL IS CREATING TO MAKE THE WORLD SAFER. WIRELESS CHARGING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES STATISTICALLY PREDICTING ELECTRICAL ARCING ADVANCED COMPUTER MODELING NEW DYNAMICS OF BASEMENT FIRES UL pioneered a methodology for testing UL engineers are conducting research UL is using sophisticated computer Basement fires are among the most technical expertise and advanced quantify risk and advance standards materials behave in specific situations. critical role in examining the hazards wireless EV chargers. Leveraging our engineering capabilities, we created new computational modeling techniques to gauge safety, compatibility and efficiency. and using predictive modeling to help related to electrical arcing. We showcase a broad range of updates on arc-related research initiatives. NEW CHALLENGES. NEW RISKS. NEW SCIENCE. modeling to understand and predict how We focus on the behavior and structural response of steel fire doors and wood beams in a fire environment. challenging and dangerous. UL plays a associated with various types of residential flooring systems to better understand this important topic. LEARN MORE: UL.COM/NEWSCIENCE UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2013. New Science Fire Safety cannot be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without UL's express written permission. V.2 | 1. “Examination of the Impact of Ventilation and Exterior Suppression Tactics on Residential Fires,” FDNY, NIST and UL, July 2012. 2. “Performance of Home Smoke Alarms,” NIST, February 2008, http://www.nist.gov/el/fire_protection/buildings/upload/ExecSummaryfromNIST_TN_1455-1_Feb2008.pdf. 3. “The U.S. Fire Problem,” National Fire Protection Association, 2013, http://www.nfpa.org/categoryList.asp?categoryID=953. 4. John R. Hall, Jr., “Home Electrical Fires,” National Fire Protection Association, January 2012, http://www.nfpa.org/itemdetail.asp?categoryid=2439&itemid=55501&url=research/statistical%20reports/major%20causes/. 5. “The U.S. Fire Problem,” National Fire Protection Association, 2013, http://www.nfpa.org/categoryList.asp?categoryID=953. 8 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters The IABPFF releases its fire safety activity / coloring book! Premiered at the 2013 IABPFF annual convention in Orlando, the coloring book follows main characters Michael and Mya as they walk home from school and encounter a book of matches. Should Michael pick the matches up? Should an adult only touch them? Children will learn fire safety tips and have fun doing so as they read and color every page even earning a fire safety certificate at the end of the book! The IABPFF is proud to have an activity book with fire safety tips can be shared with all children and a purpose message to the parents. This activity book depicts African American children in a positive light and created by the IABPFF Executive Vice President Kenyatta Smith; this will surely become a hit with children and adults. If your chapter is interested in receiving activity books please contact Executive Vice President Smith at: [email protected] International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 9 10 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 11 12 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 13 14 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 15 KEEPING THE FIRES BURNING FOR JUSTICE International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Joseph James B Muhammad F. Hill President 2014 Convention August 4-8, 2014 Jeff Harris Executive Director REGISTRATION ****REGISTRATION FORMFORM ON PAGE 18**** Wyndham Nassau Resort West Bay Street Cable Beach, Nassau, BS 242-327-6200 Room Rate: $105 sgl, dbl, $35 ea add’l person. CUT OFF July 18, 2014 $300.00 $350.00 $400.00 $250.00 $275.00 $300.00 $250.00 $275.00 $300.00 MEMBER *Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014] Regular Registration [April 2 – July 15, 2014] Late/Onsite Registration [after July 15, 2014] GUEST *Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014] Regular Registration [April 2 - July 15, 2014] Late/Onsite Registration [After July 15, 2014] RETIRED *Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014] Registration [April 2 – July 15, 2014] Late/Onsite Registration [After July 15, 2014] HOST/BOARD MUST BE MEMBER OF INTERNATIONAL BOARD OR BARBADOS CHAPTER $250.00 $275.00 $300.00 *Early Bird Registration [Through April 1, 2014] Registration [April 2 – July 15, 2014] Late/Onsite Registration [After July 15] Registration includes Information Package, Host Night Reception, Wednesday Midweek Program and Banquet/Dance at Convention end. Please make check payable to IABPFF Convention 2014 and mail it along with registration form to P. O. BOX 331866, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77233 Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City, State, and Zip: ___________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________________ Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________ For more information, visit our website at www.iabpf.org. 16 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Sickle Cell Awareness Month September is National Sickle Cell Awareness month. Because it is also “back to school” month for most children, the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America wants the public to reflect on the children and adults whose lives, education and careers have been affected by this disease. The observance originated in 1975, when the Association and its Member Organizations began conducting month-long events to call attention to sickle cell disease and the need to address the problem at national and local levels. The Association and its Member Organizations sponsor public educational programs and fundraising activities during the month. State and local government officials issue Sickle Cell Month proclamations, and are introduced to local poster children. The tradition of selecting a National Poster Child from local candidates began in 1976 ,with President Gerald Ford greeting the first winner at the White House. Presidents’ Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton have also greeted the National Poster Child. The effort to have Sickle Cell Month officially recognized at all levels succeeded in 1983, when the House of Representatives unanimously passed the resolution introduced by the Congressional Black Caucus, asking President Reagan to designate September as “National Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month.” The President signed the resolution in August 1983. To become a Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. member or affiliate, please visit their website at http://www.sicklecelldisease.org/index.cfm?page=become-a-member-affiliate. 2014 Bahamas IABPFF Convention August 4-8, 2014 Wyndham Nassau Resort & Crystal Palace Casino 8306 West Day Street Cable Beach Nassau Bahamas For more information about this convention, please call 877.999.3223 or 242.327.6200. You can also visit our website www.iabpf.org. The registration form is on page 18. Wyndham Nassau Resort & Crystal Palace Casino http://www.wyndhamnassauresort.com/ Tour Our Resort: http://www.wyndhamnassauresort.com/tour-our-resort International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 17 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS RESERVATION & DEPOSIT FORM August 2 – 9, 2014 NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARRIVAL DAY: ___________________________________________DEPARTURE DAY: __________________________________ NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN ROOM: _____________________________BEDDING REQUESTED: KING_____DOUBLE/DOUBLE______ BILLING ADDRESS: _______________________________________CITY/STATE___________________ZIP CODE: ___________ PHONE: ________________________________________________E-MAIL: __________________________________________ CREDIT CARD TYPE: ______AMEX____MC____VISA____DISCOVER____DINERS CREDIT CARD NUMBER: ___________________________________EXPIRATION:______________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ DATE:_____________________________________________ I herby authorize Wyndham Nassau Resort to charge the aforementioned credit card for the following deposit: Deposit & Credit Card approval DEPOSIT DUE Per Room One Night Deposit Guestroom including tax and resort fee $105.00 Signature for Credit Card approval X Group rates are valid 3 days pre and post of the group block dates. Non-refundable deposit due on or before June 18, 2014. In order to guarantee reservations, the Wyndham Nassau Resort requires a major credit card for the amount listed above as your deposit. Cancellation policy: Check in time is after 4:00pm. Early arrivals cannot be guaranteed check-in prior to 4:00pm. Checkout time is before 11:00am. Late checkouts are subject to availability and a surcharge may apply. This reservation/credit card authorization form must be received to guarantee your room reservations. A copy of the front and back of your credit card should also be included to verify signature. Cutoff date for reservations is June 18, 2014. After this date any reservations made may be subject to higher rates. E-Mail to: [email protected] or Fax to: 1-242-327-6818 18 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Captain George Baker Scholarship Fund Recipients and support from our sponsors awards each recipient (total of eight) up to a $1,000 dollar scholarship in their name to two different educational facilities for the Captain George Baker Scholarship Fund. One of the facilities is operated by one of our own, Paramedic Douglas Randle of I Educate U. The other facility is the St. Louis Community College system. Urban League President & CEO Michael McMillan (formerly the License Collector for the City of St. Louis); James Clark, Vice President of Better Family Life (BFL); Retired Fire Chief Sherman George; Retired Deputy Chief Spike Jones and scholarship committee members Retired Captain Addington Stewart & Retired Firefighter Miles Strickland. The young men pictured are six of the eight from the first recipients of the Captain George Baker Scholarship Fund. The Urban League of St. Louis donated $1,000 and also committed to supporting next year. Better Family Life, lead by CEO Malik Ahmed, has given us the use of their foundation to receive donations and use of their facilities. The F.I.R.E. Retiree’s donates $5 per member, per month to the tune of $5,100 a year; and also raised $4,500 this year through their annual Tunnica trip. Retired B/C Chief's Robert Grady, Chairman of F.I.R.E. Retiree and Stanley Johnson, Interim Chair receives a $2,000 donation from Ameren MO Shirley Stennis towards our next group of scholarship recipients next semester beginning in January 2014. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 19 EVERY CHILD IS A WINNER FUNDRAISER Dear School Administrators, We are excited to have you participate with the “No Bully Here” wristband 2013-2014 fundraisers. This year all students who meet the fundraising goal of selling 30 bracelets, and follow all of the fundraiser rules, will receive the new wireless MP3 headphones as an incentive. These new style MP3 headphones retail value is $149.00!!! Fundraiser Objective: The objective of the fundraiser is to have all students working together for one common goal. The reward (mp3 wireless headphones) is being used as a reinforcement tool to keep students conscious about their actions and prevent bad behavior. The bracelet is $3.00 and the school receives .50 from the sale of each bracelet. Fundraiser Rules: The following is a list of violations that will disqualify a student from receiving their fundraising incentive: (1) multiple disciplinary write-ups; (2) fighting; (3) stealing; (4) causing bodily harm to others; (5) cyber bullying; (6) use of vulgar language; (7) being disrespectful to peers, teacher and administrators; and (8) witnessing a fellow student being bullied or harassed and failing to report it. The school may also customize these violations as well. How It Works: The student will take the data order form into their communities and ask for support from their community by buying a 2014 “No Bully Here” bracelet for $3.00. When the student sells 30 bracelets they will receive the wireless MP3 headphones. The student will be responsible for collecting and delivering the monies and the order form to their school. This fundraiser will only last for 15 calendar days!!! NBH Wristband: The “No Bully Here” bracelets are one-size fit all and comes in the organizations colors of red, black and white. The color red represents the violence and bloodshed amongst youth and young adults. Within 90 days the color red will fade and the bracelet will remain black and white. The fading of the bracelet represents that time heals all wounds. The Contract: All participating students will sign a contract stating that they accept the challenge of adhering to the school and NBH fundraiser policies. The guardian of the students must sign the contract as well. Join Our Network: Our cyber bully-free network allows you to interact and share ideas without any harassment. We have zero tolerance for negative cyber behavior, so please have your students join today at www.nobullyhere.com. GOOD BEHAVIOR WITH BENEFITS FUNDRAISER CONTRACT I, _______________________________, will participate in the “No Bully Here” fundraising campaign for fall 2013. I will follow the discipline policies of the fundraiser and the policies of my school ___________________________ (school name). I understand if I fail to comply with the school policies or fundraiser policies, I will lose the privilege of receiving the wireless MP3 headphones. I also understand that the following actions will disqualify me: (1) multiple disciplinary write-ups; (2) fighting; (3) stealing; (4) causing bodily harm to others; (5) cyber bullying; (6) use of vulgar language; (7) being disrespectful to peers, teacher and administrators; and (8) witnessing a fellow student being bullied or harassed and failing to report it. I will work hard at being a positive person at school and in my community. Student Signature_________________________________________________ Date____________________________ Parent Signature___________________________________________________ Date____________________________ 20 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters “No Bully Here” Wristband Order Form Dear School Administrators, We are excited to have you participate with the “No Bully Here” wristband 2014 fundraiser. This year all participants of the fundraiser who meet their fundraising goal of selling thirty (30) bracelets, and follow all of the fundraising rules, will receive the new wireless MP3 headphones as an incentive. These new style MP3 headphones retail value is $149.00!!! Campaign Rules: The following is a list of violations that will disqualify a student for receiving their fundraising incentive: (1) multiple disciplinary write-ups (2) fighting (3) stealing (4) causing bodily harm to others (5) cyber bullying (6) use of vulgar language (7) being disrespectful to peers, teacher and administrators (8) witness a fellow student being bully or harassed and failing to report it. The school may also customize these violations as well. Campaign Objective: The objective of the fundraiser is to have a bully student and tier 1 student working together for one common goal. The reward is being used as a reinforcement tool to keep students conscious about their actions and prevent bad behavior. The bracelet cost is $3.00 and the school receives .50 from the sale of each bracelet. Wristbands come in youth and adult sizes! Campus: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Student Name: _______________________________________________________ Teacher: ________________ #Wristbands: ___________ Youth ___________ Adult Please return this form along with cash payments only to your child’s teacher. Order Summary #Wristbands: ___________ Youth + ___________ Adult x $3.00 = $ ________________________ Payments are accepted via cash or credit card. For online payments email [email protected] Please return this form to your child’s teacher by October 1, 2014. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 21 Trayvon Martin) and the Northeast Region deferring the 2016 Convention to Barbados, the presentation for the 2014 Convention in Nassau Bahamas at the Wyndham Resort and Crystal Palace Casino. A huge thank you goes out to the Northeast Region and Director Coward for their leadership and assistance. Information referencing both the 2014 and 2016 Conventions are in this newsletter and on the IABPFF website. 2014 is an election year for the IABPFF. Sister Sabrina Potter is the IABPFF’s 2014 Election Committee Chairperson. You will be hearing and seeing more on the election process from her and the committee members in the immediate future. Please refer to the IABPFF website and your Regional Directors for written information and times. The workshops and training were established and overseen by Director Simmons and Director Stewart. As always their focus was on educating and training our membership. There were “Recruitment Programs” by BCOC/Chief Mike Randolph, “Development of a Diverse Recruitment Program Within Municipalities” by ABC’s Russell Hayden, “Company Officer” by Demond Simmons, “Chapter President Development” by Brent Burton and “Chief Officer Development” by Kwame Cooper and Dwayne Dodwell. The training and development sessions concluded on Friday with a “panel discussion”—moderated by Div. Chief Vince Preston. The panel consisted of Chief Teresa Everett, Gary, IN; Chief Greg Summers, Little Rock, AR; J.D. Rice, Valdosta, GA; Retired Chief Dwayne Dodwell, Fairfax County, VA; and Chief Daryl Osby, Los Angeles, CA. Topics included “Fiscal Changes in the Fire Service”, “Recruitment in the Fire Service”, “Legal Issues in the Fire Service”, “Social Media and the Fire Service”, “Promotions and Testing” and finally “Professional Development”. The Convention culminated with our Friday night awards dinner and the IABPFF presented two “Star Students” with stellar academics scholarships of $2,500 each. 22 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters As President, I concluded the convention challenging members to get involved by volunteering for committee work. Your organization needs your involvement at every level. African Americans are leaving the fire service every day at an alarming rate, and are not being replaced in the numbers as we were in the past. We declined significantly since 1999, which was the peak in documented percentages of African Americans in the fire service. Presently we stand at some 6%-8% projected for 2014, and moving in the wrong direction, down. No one cares about whether African Americans are in the fire service but us. We need your help in moving these numbers back to the 1999 levels and beyond. I challenge each of you to get involved nationally, by volunteering to serve on the established committees, to put a plan in place to stop the erosion of African Americans in the fire service. Each of you has a particular skill set. We need that skill set (your skill set) to be put to use to better position ourselves as a fire service organization. Your commitment does not begin and end with the payment of your dues, .47 cents a week. As members of the IABPFF, we come to conventions in cities all across the country, and dignitaries taunt us to patronize their businesses. We patronize stores, shows, restaurants, bars, clubs and the like. We leave thousands of dollars at establishments for a day or week of work and fun. I challenge you to join me in my pledge to commit a one-time donation of $500 to the IABPFF. Your commitment will contribute to stopping the downward spiral of our existence in the fire service and will fund programs YOU establish. The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBC) (http://www.cbcfinc.org/), under the leadership of Chairperson Rep. Chaka Fattah and A. Shunaise Washington as President & CEO of the foundation, will have its “Annual Legislative Conference” September 18-21, 2013 in Washington, DC. There will be various brain trusts and seminars established by selected elected officials to cover areas such as the “Affordable Care Act”, which will be headed by my congresspersons, Reps. Eddie Bernice Johnson and Marc Veasey, as well as other key legislation and programs. It is vital that we be involved on a grassroots level with our legislators. Congresspersons are in their home states now on recess conducting town hall meetings and the like. That is the perfect opportunity for you to meet with your Congressperson and get to know them while also letting them meet and know who you are. Give your legislator’s the local, state and national numbers of how African Americans are diminishing in their respective fire departments. Let them know what your issues are! But MOST of all, let them know you are there for them. Set an agenda with your legislator’s while they are in their home state for our “DAY ON THE HILL” in Washington, D.C. from April 29-May 1, 2014. Get your issues before them now, so when April 30, 2014 (DAY ON THE HILL) gets here, your meeting will already be established and they will be expecting you. We are diligently working to develop and post all the information from the convention. DVD’s of the history presentation, memorial and luncheon, as well as First Fire Chiefs, are being made available to the membership at a very modest cost to support our foundation. DAY ON THE HILL Please contact Ollie Linson, treasurer for the foundation via email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or visit the website www.iabpf.org. Ladies and gentlemen as I close, I want to deeply thank President Emeritus Johnny Brewington on his undertaking for the re-deploying of our newsletter “SMOKE” Please help by sending articles about what’s going on in the fire service, your chapter, city, region or anything else that affects us as African Americans. When sending pictures, articles or any other items, please make sure to identify what the article is about and include names, titles, locations and dates. IT’S ABOUT OUR LEGACY, OUR HISTORY! May God bless each of you and your families as we all work to “keep the fires burning for justice”. President James Hill April 30, 2014 International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 23 IAPBFF Calendar of Events For information about upcoming IABPFF events please visit these websites: North East Region http://www.iabpffner.org/ Northeast Region 2013 Conference October 25–27, 2013 Holiday Inn Boston-Dedham Room rate $119.00 (free parking) Cut-off date is 9/27/13 Southeast Region http://www.iabpff.org/iabpffser.htm North Central Region http://www.iabpffncr.org South Central Region http://www.iabpffscr.org North West Region http://www.iabpff.org/iabpffnwr.htm South West Region http://www.iabpffswr.org/ Caribbean Region http://www.iabpffcar.org/ Black Chief Officer’s Committee http://www.bcoc.us/ Black Women in the Fire Service http://www.bwfs.org Executive Development Institute http://www.edionline.net For reservations please call 781.329.1000 and ask for the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters Northeast Region group block booking code VUL. You can also visit their website www.holidayinn.com/bos-dedham, type in dates and enter group code. Double beds are limited, however a king bed with pull-out sofa queen bed is available. IABPFF “SMOKE” Editor Johnny Brewington Design & Layout Danita Love If you have comments or would like to contribute to the next issue of the IABPFF SMOKE, please contact your Regional Director or visit our website www.iabpf.org. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters 1200 G Street, NW; Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005 www.iabpf.org Postage Stamp Mailing Label International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 24
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