iabpff “smoke”
iabpff “smoke”
IABPFF “SMOKE” International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters December 2008 Vol. 3, No. 3 President’s Welcome! Welcome to the first newsletter of the current administration. I want to thank the IABPFF membership for having the confidence in me to preside for the next two years. It is with great humility that I have accepted the challenge, and I thank my family for their sacrifice. Since its inception, our newsletter has been a source of information and inspiration. Our intention is to capture your attention with the quality of a first class periodical. The current and future events, proactive initiatives and rapidly emerging technology that need to be integrated in the fire service will continue to be the standard operating guidelines. Immediate Past President and Editor, Johnny J. Brewington, has been working tirelessly toward improving our newsletter. On our behalf, allow me to offer him a debt of gratitude. I also encourage you to submit innovative and motivating material. We will only be as productive as our contribution. This newsletter is just one of the projects that will help us measure our desire to inform and inspire for “the good of the organization”. The first three months of my presidency have been as challenging as it has been a blessing. I have gone from Detroit to Denver, to Washington, D.C. twice. I have met with leadership in the International Association of Fire Chiefs, National Fire Academy, Congressional Fire Service Institute and the Congressional Black Caucus. None of this could be possible without the genuine concern and dedication of our Executive Board, both elected and selected. At the same time, we have watched America and our membership battle hurricanes and wildfires, experience an unstable economic market, and are witnessing a historical and unprecedented Presidential campaign. As we move toward our next regional conference and Executive Council, let’s make sure we use our optimum communication skills so all our members are made aware of the time and what must be done. As I examine, analyze and attempt to make the necessary corrections for our future, I want to make sure we offer the best presentation possible. The ancestors expect nothing less, and the elders will be the witness bearers. The proverb is correct, “I am because we are, and because we are, therefore I am.” Congratulations to the recently retired, promoted, appointed, married, and new parents! Get well soon to our injured, sick and shut-in. My deepest condolence is offered to those whom have recently loss their dearly departed. Remember, “Weeping may endure for the night, but it is joy that comes in the morning.” To the Black Women in the Fire Service, I thank you and encourage you to keep your head up. To the Black Chief Officers Committee, I thank you as well, and humbly suggest, “To whom much is given, much is required.” All that I am, I owe. I live eternally in the red. Keeping the Fire Burning For Justice, Joseph B. Muhammad, President Contents President’s Welcome 1 Firefighter of the Year David Brooks 2 BCOC Syposium & IABPFF Annual Meeting 2 President-Elect Obama and the First Family 3 Los Angeles CARES Mentoring Movement 4 NFPA Call for Applications 4 IABPFF Endorses Barack Obama for President 5 Inaugural Theme: A New Birth of Freedom 6 Captain Penn Retirement Dinner 6 Fire 20/20 Gives New Diversity Recruitment Video 7 Essence of Fire–And Here We Go!!! 8 Charleston Retired and Active Firefighters Reunion 8 A Stroll Down IABPFF’s Convention Memory Lane 9 Why Marriage? 9 ABPFS (UK) In The Fire Service 10 Ralph Cothran Civil Service Officer of the Year 11 Do’s and Don’ts of Delegation 11 Photo Spotlight 12-14 From UTC to IABPFF 15 IABPFF Scholarship Winners 16 CAFA Purchases Old Engine 9 FIrehouse 16 NCR Annual Food Drive 17 Power to End Stroke! 18 CAAF Annual School Supply Drive 18 IABPFF member Vic Stafford Promotion 19 2009 NFPA Fire & Line Safety Educator of Year Award 19 Lt. Eric Massengale of Daytona Beach Fire Dept. 20 IABPFF STOP Fire Campaign 21 Nat. Assn. African-American Ath. Pre-Gala Reception/Mixer 22 Center for Campus Fire Safety 23 Calendar of Events 24 Firefighter of the Year David Brooks Captain Brooks is currently assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau, and serves as an Assistant Fire Marshal and Fire Safety Educator. He is a national and state certified fire inspector and is also a member of the National Fire Protection Association. He serves as an executive board member in several organizations and committees. Kimberly Brooks, Firefighter of the Year Captain David Brooks, and Exchange Club Member Rodney Strong. The Exchange Club of Chattanooga named Captain David Brooks as the Firefighter of the Year for 2008 at its meeting on Oct. 14. The presentation was made at the Exchange Club’s regular meeting at the Senior Neighbor’s Center at 10th and Newby. Captain Brooks is the president of the local chapter of the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters. He is a board member of the MLK Weed and Seed, the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America, and the Department of Justice Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program. He has earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee. Captain Brooks has played an integral role in, and served as a facilitator for, the City of Chattanooga Public Safety Education programs. Chattanooga native David Brooks is a Captain and Assistant Fire Marshal for the Chattanooga Fire Department. Captain Brooks has been with the Chattanooga Fire Department for 12 years, rising through the ranks while holding a number of vital positions at the department. He enjoys mentoring and assisting the elderly and underprivileged in his community. He received the United Way 2007 Volunteer of the Year Award for his invaluable involvement with the local United Way. Captain Brooks has been married to his wife Kimberly for 14 years, and they have two daughters, Jasmine and Cierra. The Black Chief Officer’s Committee and the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters 6th Annual Black Chief Officer Training Symposium March 9-11, 2009 and 2009 Annual Membership Meeting March 12-14, 2009 Memphis, Tennessee 2 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 3 Los Angeles Cares Mentoring Movement Susan Taylor, noted editor of Essence Magazine, recently retired from her post where served for many years, to launch the Essence Cares movement. The goal is to register one million people to become mentors throughout the United States to show an interest in helping our young African Americans. The Cares movement was partnered with Mr. Tommy Dortch, the chairman emeritus of the 100 Black Men of America. The first retreat of the Cares movement was held in Anaheim California. Many of the Cares Circle leaders attended this three day seminar/retreat and shared an exchange of ideas, views and visions on best practices to recruit mentors and solicit sponsorships from partnering organizations and funders. The retreat was very successful and served as an excellent start for the movement. Brent Burton of the Stentorians of Los Angeles County, serves as the co-chair of the L.A. Cares Circle and also as the co-chair of the 100 Black Men of Los Angeles’ mentoring committee. Burton plans to discuss bringing this movement to the I.A.B.P.F.F. to join as a supporting partner. Brent Burton, L.A. Cares co-chair, Susan Taylor founder of the National Cares Movement and Dr. Anthony Samad, President of the 100 Black Men of Los Angeles. Brent Burton with the National Cares Mentoring Movement founder Susan Tayloy NFPA Call for Applications Dr. Anthony Samad, President of the 100 Black Men of Los Angeles, Mrs. Barbara Perkins, Chairwoman of the L.A. Cares Mentoring Circle (wife of retired Stentorian member Captain Stanley Perkins) and Brent Burton, co-chair of the L.A. Cares circle and President of the Stentorians of Los Angeles County. 4 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters NFPA is seeking applications for the 2009 Rolf H. Jensen Memorial Public Education Grant, funded by the RJA Group. The award provides a $5,000 grant annually to a local fire department in the United States implementing a fire and life safety education program or campaign. Visit www.nfpa. org and under “Learning” click onto “training and professional development” on the drop down menu. Scroll to “scholarships, awards, grants” and then to “for public educators.” Mail application to the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169, Attention: Public Education/Jensen Application. Or e-mail the application to [email protected]. The application deadline is Feburary 6, 2009. www.iabpff.org International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters 1020 North Taylor Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63113 PH: 786.229.6914 Fax: 305.654.9666 For Immediate Release Press Advisory February 4, 2008 www.iabpff.org ADVISORY CONTACT: Johnny Brewington IABPFF President Ph: 216.702.4395 or 786.229.6914 International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) Announces Endorsement of Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Dallas, Texas– Adams Mark Hotel- At a meeting taking place during the first day of the Black Chief Officers (BCOC)/ International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) Annual Training Symposium; IABPFF Executive Board members in attendance formally announced the IABPFF’s decision to endorse Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. The IABPFF has over 5000 members throughout the United States and abroad, and its mission focuses on developing partnerships to increase diversity at all levels of the fire service and creating initiatives to promote fire safe communities. The decision to endorse Senator Barack Obama’s nomination comes at a time when this country needs a change of direction on many fronts. The IABPFF has often been a catalyst for change in the fire service and recognizes the importance of having a leader that speaks directly for change on many issues that affect our communities and the basic necessities of life. Presidential Candidate Barack Obama has consistently brought attention to this country’s need for a change of direction in healthcare, education, our economy and family. - End - International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 5 Inaugural Theme “A New Birth of Freedom” On January 20, as President-elect Obama takes the oath office. The 56th Inaugural Swearing-In ceremonies theme, “A New Birth of Freedom,” commemorates the 200th anniversary of Lincoln’s birth and expresses Lincoln’s hope that the sacrifice of those who died to preserve the nation shall lead to “a new birth of freedom” for our nation. Members of the public interested in attending the Inaugural Ceremonies should contact their Member of Congress or U.S. Senators to request tickets. The public should also be aware that no website or other ticket outlet actually has inaugural swearing-in tickets to sell, regardless of what they may claim. Tickets will not be distributed to Congressional offices until the week before the inauguration and will require in-person pick-up. “Any website or ticket broker claiming that they have inaugural tickets is simply not telling the truth,” said Howard Gantman, Staff Director for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. “Tickets for the swearing-in of President-elect are all provided through members of Congress, and the President-elect and Vice President-elect through the Presidential Inaugural Committee. We urge the public to view any offers of tickets for sale with great skepticism.” Captain Penn Retirement Dinner Captain Anthony Penn has served with the Los Angeles County Fire Department for over 36 years. He has served as Regional Secretary for the Southwest Region and Director for the Stentorians of Los Angeles County. The following photos are from his retirment dinner. L.A. County Stentorian Executive Vice President Robert Harris and Assistant Vice President Jonathan Bowers present a plaque on behalf of the Stentorians Captain Anthony Penn at his retirement dinner Assistant Vice President Jonathan Bowers presents Captain Penn with his 30 year service pin on behalf of the I.A.B.P.F.F. at his retirement dinner as Ex Vice President Robert Harris looks on. Chief Deputy Daryl Osby brings remarks at the dinner. Celebration Cake Former California State Assemblyman and soon to be California State Senator Rod Wright who served as the Master Ceremonies for the dinner. A former High School classmate of Anthony Penn. 6 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters FIRE 20/20 Gives New “Why I Chose Fire™” diversity recruitment video to Fire Departments at no cost FIRE 20/20, a nonprofit helping fire and EMS to recruit and retain qualified, diverse, inclusive and safe firefighters and paramedics will make available their new targeted recruitment video called ‘Why I Chose Fire’ to fire departments and college fire science programs beginning on September 15, 2008 at no cost. The six-minute, upbeat video is designed to educate, inspire and motivate 15-21 year old women of all cultures and men of color to explore a career as a firefighter and paramedic. ‘Why I Chose Fire’ features animation, popular music and interviews with diverse firefighters and paramedics talking about why they love their jobs. Fire departments will be able to freely stream or fill out a form to download one copy of the “Why I Chose Fire” video and a User Guide at no charge from the FIRE 20/20 website, www.fire2020.org. For a small fee, fire departments can work with FIRE 20/20 to customize the opening of the program with their logo, contact information and message from their chief. “We learned in a recent research study in Seattle, Milwaukee and Austin that many young men of color and women of all cultures in our communities were simply unaware of what a great career the fire service provides,” said Larry Sagen, Executive Director and Founder of FIRE 20/20. “We created ‘Why I Chose Fire’ as a tool that fire and EMS departments can integrate into their recruitment programs and use when they speak to schools, youth organizations and community groups.” The International Association of Fire Chiefs has endorsed the program. “We are committed to recruiting and retaining a qualified, diverse, safe and competent fire service. Our Human Resources committee and our Board of Directors have reviewed FIRE 20/20’s ‘Why I Chose Fire’ video. We feel it is an excellent piece that articulates key recruitment messages,” said Larry Grorud, IAFC President. Fireengineering.com, Firehouse.com, Firechief.com, FireRescue.com, Firelink.com, International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), National Association of Hispanic Firefighters (NAHF), Black Woman in the Fire Service and Fire & Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) will help to distribute the link to fire and EMS departments; community colleges and universities that teach fire science, EMT and paramedic programs; fire academies and Explorer and cadet programs. “Why I Chose Fire” is made possible by generous support from Lion Apparel (www.lionapparel.com), Scott Health and Safety (www.scotthealthsafety.com), TenCate/Southern Mills (www.southernmills.com) and PBI Performance Products, Inc. (www.pbigold.com). FIRE 20/20 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Bremerton, WA. In 2007, FIRE 20/20 completed a DHS Fire Prevention and Safety Research & Development Grant studying firefighter and civilian safety in multicultural communities. FIRE 20/20 also completed the first ‘Diversity by Rank’ survey collecting diversity numbers in 108 of the metro departments. Findings have been presented at major conferences and are available on FIRE 20/20’s website www.fire2020. org/MHSRP.html. For more information contact [email protected]. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 7 Essence of Fire—And Here We GO!!!!! Charleston Retired and Active Firefighters Reunion Charleston, South Carolina. September 25th through 28th, the Association of Retired and Active Firefighters held a reunion. Brothers and sisters came from the northeast and southeast region to once again connect and renew old friendships. The global economic downfall has been felt by Essence of Fire, Inc. Many of our sponsors and financial supporters have had to revamp and restructure their expenditures, thereby cutting down on what resources are available for outsourcings. With this being said, we were forced to put our 2009 Female Firefighter Calendar debut on hold. Don’t fret, we have done what women of our culture have done since the dawn of time “Duck and Recover”, and that is exactly what we have done. So, in the true meaning of following our motto, we will “RISE ABOVE the Rest”. At the Fall Southeast Regional Conference we will debut with a whole new style in mind. At our 2009 debut the ladies will send out a plea. You may ask, “ WHAT PLEA BREE”, well the sistah’s will go head to head as they vie for their very own full page centerfold spread in the 2010 Essence of Fire, Inc. calendar. Also, the model who wins this title will have free access to the 2010 photo shoot location. So, here’s your turn to support your favorite model or models, as the case maybe. Everyone will have the chance rep. their city, their chapter, or just their fave’s, by ordering. So Ladies, get you pads and pens ready to take those prepaid orders. The pre-paid calendars will sale for $15, S&H included, you can also encourage supporters to order on-line via pay-pal, @ www.essenceoffire.net. Please note, when ordering on line, calculate $2.95 for S&H. Sabrina Potter, Vice President Essence of Fire, Inc. http://www.essenceoffire.net [email protected] Cell: 386-405-4406 Fax: 866-493-3850 8 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Some of the states represented were Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. In total over one hundred and thirty brothers and sisters were there. The reunion was held at the same time as the Moja Festival in Charleston, S. C. There was plenty to do and see. A casual dinner was held on Friday where the group was entertained and enthralled by the telling of “gullah” stories, by a gullah storyteller, Mrs. Carolyn “Jublilie” White. The dinner was held at the Radison hotel in North Charleston, S.C. On Saturday, a southern cookout was held in the township of Lincolnville, South Carolina. This is a historic township developed by freedmen after the civil war. One of the highlights of the cookout was the barbeque pig, which was dressed out! Also, the southern peach cobbler! I must say that a grand time was had by all. Our next planned reunion is in Atlanta, Ga. next year, 2009! We, the Committee, do hope that we will see you in Atlanta! George Bryant A STROLL DOWN THE IABPFF’s CONVENTION MEMORY LANE Photos by Les Outebridge 6th Biennial IABPFF Convention, 1980, Detroit MI. L-R. Robert Watkins & Don Smith, Chicago, David Floyd, 1st IABPFF President (1970-1980). 6th Biennial IABPFF Convention, 1980, Detroit MI. - Memorial March. Front Row: David Floyd, NY, NY, Detroit Fire Commissioner, Jefferson. 7th Biennial IABPFF Convention, Lexington, KY, 1982. Outgoing President David Floyd swears in the new IABPFF Executive Board. 7th Biennial IABPFF Convention, Lexington, KY, 1982. Outgoing President David Floyd swears in the new IABPFF President, Charlie Hendricks. 7th Biennial IABPFF Convention, Lexington, KY, 1982. Founder of Educational Development Institute (EDI) Chief Carl Holmes conducts Management Workshop. 13th Biennial IABPFF Convention; New Orleans, LA. Front Row R-L: Chief Hershel Clady; Chief Ray Brooks; Unidentified; IABPFF President Romeo Spaulding, Chief of New Orleans Fire Department; Randolph; and Liz Sommers. Why Marriage? Author Unknown (edited by Teresa E. Harris) Why Marriage? Because to the depths of me I long to love one person, With all my heart, all my mind, all my soul, and all my body. Why Marriage? Because I need a forever friend to trust with the intimacies of me, One who won’t hold them against me. A forever friend who will love me when I’m unlovable, One who will search for the divine potential in me. Why Marriage? Because I need to cuddle in the warmth of the night, With someone who thanks God for me, with someone I feel blessed to hold. Why Marriage? Because marriage means opportunity to grow, In love, in friendship, in discipline and in self control... Marriage is the commitment to take full responsibility for the spiritual wholeness of a relationship. In Ecclesiastes Chapter 4, Versus 9–11, King Solomon declares; that two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, a friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him stand! And, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? So, I ask the question once again, Why Marriage? Because, together, two can dream far more than one could ever imagine alone! International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 9 ABPFS (UK) – Association of Black Professionals in the Fire Service (UK) Development Programmes September In the last few months members of the ABPFS(UK) have been running a number of workshops to encourage professionalism and to offer assistance in completing assessment centres to enable promotion for all Black staff. For the 2nd year running Chapter members have been supporting the community by participating and taking the lead in a peace rally called ‘Not Another Drop’. The subject matters have ranged from Firefighting procedures such as: This rally has been held in an inner city borough within London called Brent and the aim of the event is to reduce the growing number of deaths in the black community through gun & knife crime. Over the last 9 years there have been a total of 57 deaths amongst black youths aged between 14 & 25 in a 4 square mile range. • • • • • Breathing Apparatus Emergency Exchange of Air Command and Control of the fire ground Fire fighters & junior officers making tactical decisions Fire ground messages With the regular occurrences of these programmes and workshops we are now seeing a gradual rise in the interest amongst our black operational workforce in considering and actively making the decision to seek promotion. That said, our focus, as a Chapter, is also to encourage our non-operational members to be involved in seeking development opportunities. Some members have attended operational work shops to see what this involves and have found the sessions very useful. A series of development programmes to include non-operational Chapter members will be held throughout 2009. Other Events June Chapter member Patricia Robinson organised our attendance at an event in support of the 60th anniversary of the HMS Windrush - one of the first ocean liners which brought migrants from the Caribbean in 1948 to the UK. The shame of it is that most, if not all cases are suspected to be black on black deaths. Chapter members marched in fire uniforms (Turn out Gear) and were asked to take the lead in the procession by the organisers. Les Bowman (Secretary of the ABPFS (UK) was asked to make all the announcements along side the 14 other Black firefighters and local crews to show that there are positive role models within our community to inspire the youths and support parents in this struggle. Dawne Stephenson (recording Secretary) also supported a worth while charity by participating in a charity run and raising over £400 to support the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust (ACLT). At the Detroit Convention in August 2008, Chapter Member, Mike Ogwo, delivered a presentation about the ACLT who tirelessly work towards getting more African and Caribbean people to register as bone marrow donors. July Sadly, Daniel DeGale, the young gentleman whose parents founded this Charity in 1993, died after a short illness, not related to Cancer, on the 8th October 2008. Our thoughts go out to his family at this time. We were invited to attend West Minster Abbey to celebrate the Caribbean community making a difference to the British society and promoting its successes over the last 60 years. Chapter member Garret Brooks attended the Vitoria & Albert Museum to deliver a presentation on the changes that have occurred over the last 20 years in the fire service. Special thanks goes to Vice President Andy Phillips for organising our attendance and to Claiton Murray and others for their additional support. Garrett also showed a film called “Rise to the Challenge” which included many of our chapter member’s experiences over the last 2 decades. The film is a story about Black & Ethnic Minority Members in the UK Fire Service and aims to acknowledge the “pioneers” who took the first steps and hopefully give encouragement to those who have just stated their careers. 10 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Ralph Cothran Civil Service Officer of the Year At the 21st Annual Ruby Hurley Chattanooga Hamilton County Branch of the NAACP dinner, IABPFF Community Relations Committee Chair, Freddie L. Brooks was awarded the Ralph Cothran Civil Service Officer of the Year Award. This award is presented to a law enforcement officer or firefighter that has demonstrated strong community involvement and was named after the first African-American police chief in the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Freddie L. Brooks, Mrs. Catherine Cothran (wife of the late Police Chief Ralph Cothran) and their son David Cothran. Freddie L. Brooks, Ann Nesby (R&B vocalist), and Princess L. Brooks. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 11 photo Spotlight Fire Chief Rosemary Cloud of East Point, Georgia fights suspension. Firefighter Nona Allen of Austin, Texas sues the city for discrimination. Photographis taken at firefighters parade in New York. Captain Brent Burton, LA County Fire Stentorian President congratulates recently promoted Chief Deputy Daryl Osby, making him second in command of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. IABPFF Presidents. IAFC’s Fire-Rescue International conference. Black Women in the Fire Service. AAFL Past Presidents (L-R): Jim Winbush; Nick Russell; and Les Outerbridge at the 1985 NCR Operation PUSH regional conference. NAACP Black Chief Officers reception. Chief Carter and Chief Pryor at Baltimore third alarm city fire. For the second year running chapter members have been supporting the community by participating and taking the lead in a peace rally called ‘Not Another Drop’. This rally has been held in an inner city borough within London called Brent and the aim of the event is to reduce the growing number of deaths in the black community through gun and knife crimes. 12 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Nation Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service. photo Spotlight Photos from the 2008 convention were provided courtesy of retired member Richard Manson of Unique Photography in Dallas, Texas. Photos from the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. Photos from Safety Trailer & Future Connections. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 13 photo Spotlight David L. Brooks, Jr. President of The Brothers United (Chattanooga, Tennessee) with the staff of FranklinStrickland Funeral Home during their Community Appreciation Day held November 1, 2008. NCR members and Mayor Mark Mallory of Cincinnati, Ohio at the North Central region’s Fall Conference Health Fair. Brothers United President David L. Brooks, Jr. taking measurements for kids identification at the Community Appreciation Day. NCR members at a workshop on teen violence given by Dr. Odell Owens at the North Central region’s fall confernce. IABPFF Presidents at the 2008 convention. Photos taken at the 2008 convention. The CACDACFO 2008 conference will be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in December. Firefighter Leonard Riggins was helping a motorist after an accident and found himself confronted by an armed carjacker who shot him and left him dying in the street. Firefighter Riggins died at the hospital from a gusnshot wound to the chest. Firefighter Riggins was a 14-year veteran of the St. Louis Fire Department. He was 52 years old and left behind a wife and children. Coordinator Freddie L. Brooks and Tennessee Representative Randy Stargin, Jr. of The Brothers United (Chattanooga, Tennessee) take part in the Franklin-Strickland Funeral Home Community Appreciation Day. 14 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters From The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (U.T.C.) To the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters Growing up in the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee as a little boy in the 60’s, I never thought of attending U.T.C. as a student. I attended an all black school (Howard) from kindergarten to high school, where I graduated in 1978. I then attempted to further my education by enrolling at Tennessee State University, in Nashville, Tennessee. For some reason I didn’t complete my education at T.S.U. Retuning home I enrolled at U.T.C. and stayed there just one semester. Continuing on my journey, I found myself relocating to New Orleans and becoming an employee at Shell Oil Refinery. Living there and enjoying life for two years, I retuned to Chattanooga in the late 80’s, still wandering on a journey of finding my purpose in life, keeping in mind that I never completed my college career. My parents insisted that I needed to find a job or join the military. Army here I come, but once I got to Knoxville, Tennessee and was told the type of job that I would have, I knew this wasn’t for me. I asked to be sent back on the next greyhound bus to Chattanooga. Here’s the thing I find to be a strong part on my purpose, being hired in the fire service in 1987, without a clue of what was going on, Leroy Norwood and Tommie Maudlin asked me to join the Black Firefighters Association and I became a member of the I.A.B.P.F.F. The development of some wonderful relationships across the country have taken place. Meeting people with a concern for my development as a person, and a black firefighter, was new to me at this stage in my career. With the educational avenues within this organization, and the impact firefighters have had on the nation since 9/11, the education that had escaped me in 1978 has retuned. I am presently enrolled at the University of Memphis in my junior year. As the Community Relations Coordinator, we have joined others with the same interests in reducing fire deaths in our communities. The USFA Smoking and Homes Fires Campaign and our organization joined forces. The Brothers United of the Chattanooga, Tennessee chapter joined in the Wellness Fair on September 18, 2008 at U.T.C. and spoke with students about dormitory room fires. “Get Out and Stay Alive”, is a program for College Campus and Student Fire Safety. College dormitory fires are on an increase across the nation and we must join in to reduce theses events to ensure the growth of our young people. Our past President Johnny Brewington’s older son graduated from U.T.C. and my daughter is a freshman there this fall. We never know whose child is in your city, but that child is a key to the success of this nation while receiving their education in the universities and colleges in every community. We need each local chapter to assist in these efforts of educating our children. Freddie L. Brooks Community Relations Coordinator International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 15 2008 IABPFF Scholarship Winners Vanessa Monique Sheard Vanessa Monique Sheard is a Crestwood Senior High School graduate. Vanessa plans to attend Henry Ford Community College in pursuit of a degree in PreElementary Education. She plans to further her education at Wayne State University. Her goal is to become a teacher and ultimately a principle in the Detroit public school system, where she grew up. As a scholarship winner Vanessa was awarded $2,500. Erica Harris is a John J. Pershing High School graduate. Erica plans to attend Wayne State University in pursuit of a degree in Pre-Med. Her goal is to become a pediatrician. As a scholarship winner Erica was awarded $2,500 . Erica Harris Cincinnati African American Firefighters Association purchases old Engine 9 Firehouse for $1.00 The Cincinnati African American Firefighters Association (CAFA) purchased its first building in its history in Sept. 2008 from the City of Cincinnati for 1 dollar. After the Engine 9, Ambulance 9 unit moved to a brand new firehouse further down the road, the house was left vacant and the idea to buy it from the city was discussed at a monthly meeting earlier this year. With the help of President Pro Term Councilmember Laketa Cole, the idea became a realization after receiving the deed late September. It was a hard fought battle with some area neighbors who wanted to turn the firehouse into an Art Studio. State checks into CAFA’s non-profit status were made as well as debates at the council floor as well as the neighborhood community meetings. CAFA plans on turning the building into meeting space as well as a learning center for school age children, a staple for our mentorship program, food drives, and other community based projects that CAFA has dedicated itself to the citizens of the city of Cincinnati. The building also serves as a memorial to Oscar Armstrong III who was a member of Engine 9 and CAFA who lost his life in the line of duty on March 21, 2003. To serve and keep his memory in our presence at all times is an honor to say the least. 16 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters North Central Region International Association Of Black Professional Fire Fighters NORTH CENTRAL REGION OF THE IABPFF P.O. Box 29441 Phone: (513) 807-0323 Fax: (314) 558-4146 Kenyatta Smith—Director Cincinnati, Ohio [email protected] Bryan Tyner1st Vice Director Minneapolis, Minnesota [email protected] Carrie Edwards 2nd Vice Flint, Michigan [email protected] Julius Stoval 3rd Vice Indianapolis, Indiana [email protected] Tony Luke Treasurer Cleveland, Ohio [email protected] Melanie Anderson Recording Secretary Peoria, Illinois [email protected] Darryl BrownCorresponding Sec. Detroit, Michigan [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kenyatta Smith NCR Director/ IABPFF 513-807-0323 cell 513-731-1365 office NCR Annual Food Drive The North Central Region (NCR) of the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters (IABPFF) is extremely excited to announce it’s Annual Food Drive. The food drive will take place Nov. 20th—27th 2008 and will span across 10 states of which the region is made up. There are many city chapters involved such as Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Akron, Toledo, Indianapolis, Detroit, Flint, Lansing, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago, Peoria, Omaha, and many more. The purpose of the drive is to collect food for those families and individuals in need of help during this time of economic hardships. The donated food will come straight from the local chapters to the communities in which they serve. This will be a great event not only for those individuals on the receiving end but for those on the giving end also. The NCR/IABPFF is forever devoted to the communities that we work, live and serve on a daily basis. More information to follow, visit our website at www.iabpff.org John Victor Stafford Sgt.-at-arms Lansing Michigan [email protected] Carl Cunningham Sgt. –at-arms Cleveland, Ohio [email protected] International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 17 Power to End Stroke! This is the day to join the Movement! The American Heart Association’s Power To End Stroke movement needs your help to reduce stroke in the African-American community. African-Americans are almost twice as likely to suffer a stroke as whites. But we have the power to prevent it. How? Add some pep to your step with free music downloads to groove to. Get loose and get busy. Move until you break a sweat, as each step can help reduce your risk of having a stroke. This is the day to move for your health! Please visit the website below to get started. http://www.strokeassociation.org Cincinnati African American Firefighters Annual School Supply Drive The Cincinnati African American Fighters Association in conjunction with the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority handed out school supplies to Taft Elementary school in August 2008, every student pre-school thru 8th grade received book bags and a packet of school supplies for the upcoming year. This came as a surprise to the students as well as the staff of Taft Elementary, the school was picked in a lottery that both organizations holds each year to determine which school to donate school supplies. With each school year both organizations continue to visit and mentor the students of the school with the help of teachers and the Principle. This is the 5th year of the Annual School Supply Drive. 18 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters IABPFF member Vic Stafford receives promotion! John Stafford of the Lansing Fire Department has received a promotion. Stafford, who has been with Lansing Fire Department since 1984, has been promoted to Chief of the Training Division for the Lansing Fire Department. John is on the North Central E-Board as the NCR sergeant- at –arms and does community work for the city of Lansing and also contributes his time in Africa as well, we wish him the best in his new position! 2009 NFPA Fire and Line Safety Educator of the Year Award Applications are being accepted for the 2009 NFPA Fire and Life Safety Educator of the Year Award, which recognizes educators who play a leading role in making their communities safer. The application deadline is March 2, 2009. The Educator of the Year will receive a $1,000 honorarium and travel to Chicago, Ill., in June 2009, for an award presentation at the opening general session of the NFPA annual conference. The local fire department will receive a $1,000 donation to support public education activities. Go to www.nfpa.org/educator for application materials. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 19 Lt. Eric Massengale of the Daytona Beach Fire Department It is with great pride and pleasure that the Daytona Beach Fire Department announces, Daytona Beach native Lt. Eric Massengale for the Beachside Neighborhood Watch “Firefighter of the Quarter” for Fall of 2008. Eric was hired in November of 2002, promoted to Driver Engineer in July of 2005, and recently promoted to Lieutenant this past month. He scored number one on both promotional exams which he took to be promoted through the ranks. Lt. Eric Massengale is President of Precise Brotherhood and has received numerous commendations by his supervisors and residents, which include the City Wastewater Treatment Plant incident and The LPGA Brush Fires of 2008. He is currently team leader for the Motor Medic Team. He has assisted on the hiring board for new hires, training advisor for probationary firefighters, and a breathing apparatus technician. Eric is currently enrolled in the Fire Science program and he will receive his degree in mid-2009. He has attended leadership and diversity courses designed for the fire service. Once his Fire Science degree is complete, he plans on furthering his education in Public Administration. Members of Precise Brotherhood of Daytona Beach . 20 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Eric also helped make preparations for the opening of the new Fire Station #7 over the past year. Lt. Massengale is very involved within the community. He is one of the founders of the Precise Brotherhood of Daytona Beach Firefighters. This organization has given sponsorships and paid for vouchers allowing underprivileged children to receive free swim lessons at the Daytona Aquatic Center. In the beginning of the school year, this organization assisted with the “free backpack program” in Daytona Beach. They are in the process of adopting a local school that gives motivational speeches for drugs and alcohol awareness, as well as inspiring kids to “stay in school” for brighter futures. Lt. Massengale includes his 12-year old son Jaron and Ms. Lissette Deschamps, who is a Daytona Beach Police Officer assigned to Motors. Eric is recognized by his supervisors and peers as a dependable and self-motivated employee and is a true asset to the Daytona Beach Fire Department, the City of Daytona Beach and to the citizens in which he serves. Lt. Massengale received the award on November 13, 2008 at the Community United Methodist Church. Lt. Eric Massengale (left) scored #1 and Lt. Jason Hill scored #2 on the promotional examination. www.iabpff.org International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Office of the Grant Manager PH: 786.229.6914 Fax: 305.249.5230 www.iabpff.org STOP Fire Campaign Fact Sheet The IABPFF submitted a grant application for funding consideration under the 2007 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program- Fire Prevention and Safety Program. The IABPFF grant application was successful and was funded in the amount of $287,000 for a fire prevention campaign entitled “STOP Fire”. The funding period is August 15, 2008-August 14, 2009 (with ability to request a valid extension). Purpose: The STOP Fire Campaign is national fire prevention and public education campaign with emphasis on preventing residential cooking related fires; designed around traditional and African American holiday events. The campaign materials will feature actual African American fire fighters/fire prevention personnel (members of the IABPFF). Target Population: Approximately 500,000 African American children age 4-14 and adults 65 years of age and older. STOP Fire Campaign Overview: The IABPFF Regions will identify 10 cities from the states with more than 1 million African Americans: Alabama, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. The identified cities will utilize local IABPFF chapters and other organizations to launch campaign activities and host STOP Fire Campaign Train-the Trainer activities for IABPFF members and community representatives. IABPFF and IABPFF affiliated organization events will serve as primary venues for campaign activities. Members of the IABPFF will be identified to serve as Campaign Coordinators and Trainers. A nationally-recognized PR firm will assist in development of the campaign. Contact Information: For more information please contact Teresa Everett, IABPFF Grant Manager/Campaign Consultant, at 786.229.6914. IABPFF STOP Fire Campaign - FP&S Grant Communication International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 21 The National Alliance of African American Athletes Presents... L zee” “La tK am o n ing A Pre-Gala Reception/M ixer for the 2009 Watkins Aw ard Cl n orda J a audi Thursday, December 4, 2008 * 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Contact: Reginald Grant 323-376-1057 Donations: $20 with RSVP $40 at the Door [email protected] www.naaaa.com 350 South Grand Avenue * 18th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 This is the perfect opportunity to support the Watkins Award and mix and mingle with sports and business leaders. tK 009 Watkins Award d Clau o ia J rdan The National Alliance of African American Athletes was founded in 1989. The mission of The Alliance is to empower African American males through athletics, education and public programs. am o n Thursday, December 4, 2008 * 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Donations: $20 with RSVP $40 at the Door The Pre-Gala Reception/Mixer will be attended by numerous local celebrities, sports industry leaders, business leaders and community activists. Watkins Alumni will be in attendance including Chris Lewis (former Arizona Cardinals), J.R. Lemon (Actor and former Oakland Raider) and other Watkins Alumni. Athletes Advisory Chairman John Sally, Model/Actress Claudia Jordan, Comedian “Lazee” Lamont King and others, will be on hand to launch the drive toward the 2009 Watkins Award event. L zee” “La Contact: Reginald Grant 323-376-1057 [email protected] 350 South Grand Avenue * 18th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 22 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters www.naaaa.com The National Alliance of African American Athletes was founded in 1989. The mission of The Alliance is to empower African American males through athletics, education and public programs. This is the perfect opportunity to support the Watkins Award and mix and mingle with sports and business leaders. The Pre-Gala Reception/Mixer will be attended by numerous local celebrities, sports industry leaders, business leaders and community activists. Watkins Alumni will be in attendance including Chris Lewis (former Arizona Cardinals), J.R. Lemon (Actor and former Oakland Raider) and other Watkins Alumni. Athletes Advisory Chairman John Sally, Model/Actress Claudia Jordan, Comedian “Lazee” Lamont King and others, will be on hand to launch the drive toward the 2009 Watkins Award event. Center For Campus Fire Safety And The U.S. Fire Administration Seek A Safer “home Fire Season” Fatal Home Fires jumped nearly 68% during cooler months. Newburyport, MA — “Home fire season” starts now, and the Center for Campus Fire Safety is working in conjunction with the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) to make this yearís cold months safer than last years — when there was a dramatic increase in home fire deaths. According to the USFA, during the ìhome fire seasonî of October 2007 to March 2008, there was a 68% increase in the number of fatal home fires and a 67% increase in the number of people killed in home fires, compared to the warmer months. Not including arson-related deaths, from April 2007 through September 2007 at least 589 people were killed in home fires. When it became cooler, from October 2007 through March 2008, at least 982 people were killed in home fires. Through its Smoking & Home Fires Campaign, the USFA wants to make this season safer, especially as it relates to the number one cause of preventable home fire deaths in the nation — fires caused by smoking materials. “Every year, about 1,000 people are killed in smoking-related home fires,” says U.S. Fire Administrator Gregory B. Cade. “Smokers tend to smoke inside their homes more often because it’s cooler outside, so what’s important to remember is that smoking home fires can easily be prevented.” He added, ìIt just takes a few seconds to light up — and a few seconds to make sure that cigarette is really out. The Center is pleased to support the effort of the USFA and partner organizations with this campaign to prevent fires caused by the careless use and disposal of smoking materials. These are life-long lessons that we wish to instill on our campus population of students, faculty and staff,î said Amy Hamel, Executive Director of the Center for Campus Fire Safety. “Together, we can save lives.” Smoke-related fires can be prevented by taking a few simple precautions. Smokers and those who live with smokers should ensure the following: • If you feel you must smoke, it’s better to smoke outside. • Inside the home, use big ashtrays with a stable base. • Really put the cigarette out, don’t just tap it into the ashtray. • It’s not a good idea to smoke if you are drowsy, and never smoke in bed. • If people smoke while at your home, check for cigarette butts near the furniture and under sofa cushions before you call it a night. • Douse butts and ashes with water before you toss them into the trash. • If you or someone in your family smokes “Put It Out. All the Way. Every Time”! Launched in January 2008, the USFA’s Smoking & Home Fires Campaign is working in partnership with 17 national organizations to spread the message about fire safety including the: 1. American Fire Sprinkler Association 2. Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association International (BIFMA) 3. Burn Foundation 4. Center for Campus Fire Safety 5. Coalition for Fire-Safe Cigarettes 6. Fire and Life Safety Section (part of IAFC) 7. Florida Association of Fire and Life Safety Educators 8. Home Safety Council 9. International Association of Black Professional Firefighters (IABPFF) 10. International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) 11. National Association of Hispanic Firefighters 12. National Fallen Firefighters Foundation 13. National Fire Protection Association 14. National Volunteer Fire Council 15. Polyurethane Foam Association 16. Residential Fire Safety Institute 17. SAFE KIDS Worldwide The free campaign materials include a CD Toolkit with English and Spanish posters, brochures, fact sheets, public service announcements, powerpoint presentations, an engaging video of a smoking-home fire demonstration, and more. The USFA also has video and radio PSAs available. The materials are available online and can be ordered or downloaded by visiting www.usfa.dhs.gov/smoking. Fire departments and community organizations are encouraged to use these free materials. The Center for campus Fire Safety is a non-profit organization based in Newburyport, Massachusetts and is dedicated to protecting life and property from fire at college and university campuses in the United States. If You Smoke, Put it Out. All the Way. EveryTime. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters — 23 Calendar of Events 2008 Fall South East Regional Conference Birmingham, AL; November 5-9, 2008 http://www.iabpff.org/regions/ser/2008FallBirminghamRegForm.pdf North West Regional Training and Recognition Dinner Seattle, Washington; January 17, 2009 Northwest African American Museum BCOC/IABPFF 6th Annual Black Chief Officer Training Symposium Memphis, TN; March 9 -11, 2009 http://www.blackchiefofficer.com/Symposium.html North East Region http://www.iabpff.org/regions/ner/northeas.htm Southeast Region http://www.iabpff.org/regions/ser/southeas.htm North Central Region http://www.iabpff.org/regions/ncr/ncr.htm South Central Region http://www.webvertise.us/iabpffscr 2009 BCOC Annual Membership Meeting Memphis, TN; March 12 - 14, 2009 North West Region http://www.iabpff.org/regions/nwr/northwes.htm 2009 IABPFF Day On The Hill April 1 - 2, 2009 South West Region http://www.iabpffswr.org/index1.htm 2009 Spring South East Regional Conference Fairfax, VA; April 1 -5, 2009 Caribbean Region www.iabpffcar.org 2009 Spring South Central Regional Conference Austin, Texas; April 12 - 18, 2009 http://www.webvertise.us/iabpffscr Black Chief Officer’s Committee http://www.blackchiefofficer.com 2009 Spring North Central Regional Conference Peoria, Ill; April 30 - May 2, 2009 2009 Spring South West Regional Conference San Jose, CA Executive Council Location TBA; August 5 - 9, 2009 2009 Fall Conferences: NCR, SCR, & SER Atlanta, GA (Tri-Regional Conferences); November 4 - 9, 2009 2009 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference Washington, DC; September 2009 Black Women in the Fire Service http://www.bwfs.org Executive Development Institute http://www.edionline.net IABPFF “SMOKE” Editor Johnny Brewington If you have comments or would like to contribute to the next issue of the IABPFF SMOKE, please contact Johnny Brewington at 877.213.2170 #1 (voice mail) and via our website at www.iabpff.org. International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters 1020 North Taylor St. Louis, Misouri 63113 www.iabpff.org Postage Stamp Mailing Label 24 — International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters Design/Layout Danita Love
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