Port Royal: Just one more contract... - Rules


Port Royal: Just one more contract... - Rules
Just One More Contract ...
A canny expansion
for 1-5 players
by Alexander Pfister
I ntroduction
Calls for expeditions are not enough anymore, now you also must complete contracts—either in competition against each
other or racing against the clock together. Even if you have nobody else to play with, you do not need to pass on a game of
Port Royal! With all the new challenges ahead, support from new persons is more than welcome …
New Components
14 Persons
5 Clerks
4 Gunners
10 Ships, 2 of each colour
5 Vice Admirals
18 Contracts as large cards
15 wooden cubes,
3 of each colour
New Components
You can use the new Persons and Ships with the base game, without also using the Contracts.
If you do use the Contracts however, you must also use the new Persons and Ships.
The New P ersons
S hips
Shuffle the new Persons and Ships into draw pile. No further adjustments are necessary.
As in the base game, you can use your Persons’ abilities regardless of whether you are the active player or not. The abilities in detail:
Clerk (1 per ship colour)
Gunner (4x)
Vice Admiral (5x)
In Phase 2: Trade & Hire, if you
trade with a Ship matching
a Clerk’s colour, you can take
another card from the harbor
display according to the
normal rules (and, if you are
not the active player, pay 1
more coin to the active player).
Whenever it is your time to
take a card / cards during
Phase 2: Trade & Hire, you
number of coins equal to
the number of Ships in the
harbor display minus 1.
Whenever it is your time to
take a card / cards during
Phase 2: Trade & Hire, if
there are 3 or 4 cards in
the harbor display, you
immediately receive 1 coin
per Vice Admiral in your
personal display.
The Contracts
Seal (objective for the
cooperative game)
1 Victory Point
On top of the 3 coins you receive,
another player of your choice receives
1 coin. (As usual, take the coins from
the draw pile. If you are not the active
player, you must also pay the active
player 1 coin.)
The Contract cards introduce a new component to the game. You
can use them in 2 different ways:
in the competitive base game as an additional source of
victory points
in the cooperative variant as objectives you must complete
Coin Space
(space for a wooden cube,
depicting the coin income)
This expansion introduces 2 new Ships
per colour. One Ship in each colour has
a new effect:
In both variants, each player receives 3 wooden cubes in a colour of
their choice.
Competitive Variant
First sort out the 2 white Contracts with a blue seal – they are only used for the cooperative variant.
Shuffle the remaining 16 Contracts. Draw 4 Contracts and place them face up on the table; place the
remaining Contracts face down aside. In this variant, ignore the seals in the top right corner. The course
of play remains the same as in the base game – in addition, you can now complete Contracts.
To complete a Contract, you must meet the Requirements (see the overview for details). You can do this at
any time on your turn, regardless of whether or not you are the active player. If you do, place 1 of your 3
wooden cubes on the leftmost free coin space of the Contract. The cube remains there for the rest of the
game. Each player can only complete each Contract once.
Completing a Contract, you most often receive coins from the draw pile – the earlier you complete it, the
more you get. For your second completed Contract, you also receive 1 victory point. If you even complete
a third Contract, you also receive 2 victory points. You cannot complete more than 3 Contracts.
For each victory point you receive from Contracts, take a Contract card from the face down pile and place
it in front of you. (The back sides of the Contract cards show 1 victory point. If the pile runs out, use the
sorted out Contract cards instead. If even those do not suffice, use something else as replacement.) The
game ends as usual.
Klemens (red) is the second to
complete this Contract, so he
receives 3 coins from the draw
pile. Since this is also his second
completed Contract, he also
receives 1 victory point, drawing
a Contract card and placing it face
down in front of him.
Cooperative Variant
In the cooperative game, you must complete a certain number of Contracts together in a certain amount of time. Time is being
measured in form of a separate draw pile comprised of normal cards – called the Time Pile. At the start of each player’s turn, you must
draw a card from the Time Pile. You can play this variant solo.
First shuffle all 18 Contract cards and turn a number of Contracts face up,
according to the following table:
Then shuffle the normal cards, forming a face-down draw pile as usual. Draw a certain number of cards from it to form the Time Pile,
keeping it clearly separate from the normal draw pile. Determine the number of cards in the Time Pile as follows:
13 cards (regardless of player count)
+ the total sum of numbers (-1, 1, 2) in the seals of the face-up Contract cards
+ 1 card for each different letter in the seals of the face-up Contract cards (each letter only counts once; e.g.
3x “A” only results in 1 additional card)
To raise the Difficulty Level, decide together how many cards you want to remove from the Time
Pile. Collect the cards you remove in a separate pile – the Victory Pile.
0-1 points
2-3 points
During the course of the game, you can remove 1 more card from the Time Pile and place it in
the Victory Pile each time you draw a Tax Increase. If you complete all the face-up Contracts in
time, each card in the Victory Pile is worth 1 point. The number of points in your Victory Pile tells
you how successful you were as a team:
4-5 points
6-7 points
8+ points
Ruler of the Seas
These are the Contracts Klemens has to complete in a
solo game. The Time Pile consists of 13 + (1 + 0 - 1) + 2
(G&H) =15 cards. Since he has a lot of games under his
belt already, he is confident enough to move 5 cards to
the Victory Pile. This leaves him with 10 turns in which
he must complete 3 Contracts.
The course of play remains as in the base game, except for the following change: The first card the active player draws on their turn
they must draw from the Time Pile and each subsequent card from the normal draw pile as usual.
As in the competitive variant, you can complete a Contract at any time whenever it is your time to take a card / cards during Phase 2:
Trade & Hire, regardless of whether or not you are the active player (see the overview for details).
When you take a card during Phase 2: Trade & Hire as the not active player, you must pay the active player 1 coin as usual. Even 1 coin
Ships can be valuable this way – you may not gain anything, but the team does.
Each Contract must be completed by at least one player. (Even in this variant, each player can only complete up to 3 Contracts, and
each Contract only once.) When you cannot draw a card from the Time Pile while you have not completed all the Contracts yet, you
lose the game. If you manage to complete all the Contracts before the Time Pile runs out, you win. The Victory Pile determines how
successful you were.
D etails
on the
The Contract Requirements tell you what you are supposed to have in your supply or what you must do in order to complete the Contract. The depicted
numbers are considered to be minimum values, e.g. you can have more swords in your supply than required. Usually, you are not required to complete a
Contract as soon as you meet its requirements – you can do so later, if you wish. Only the Tax Officer, the Jinx, the (Little) Gamester, the Frigate Foe, and
the Galleon Foe require you decide immediately. Only the active player can complete the Pack of Pirates, the (Little) Gamester, and the Jinx.
Comedian, Lady Killer, Maritime Supremacy, New Colony, Trade Outpost,
Trader Prince:
You must have both depicted Persons in your personal display. (Once
you complete the Contract, you can use Settlers, Priests, and Captains
for Expeditions.)
Cheap Staff:
You must have 4 Persons in your personal display each costing 3 coins
(or less in the future …). (Discounts from Mademoiselles do not count.)
You must have 3 swords in your personal display.
You must have 1 Expedition in your personal display.
Frigate Foe:
If you trade with a Frigate and decline the coins (including those from
a matching Trader), immediately place a wooden cube on space “1.”.
The next time you decline this way, move the wooden cube to space
“2.”. The third time you do so, you complete the Contract immediately.
You cannot use the wooden cube on space “1.” and “2.” for another
Contract. Each player can have a wooden cube there.
Galleon Foe:
Like Frigate Foe, the only difference being you must immediately
decline a trade with a Galleon twice.
Tax Officer:
You must pay taxes. Immediately decide whether to place a wooden cube
on the Contract or not.
As the active player, you must end your turn due to two ships of the same colour.
Immediately decide whether to place a wooden cube on the Contract or not.
Tiny Gamester:
As the active player, you must have 3 Ships of different colours in the harbor
display. Immediately decide whether to place a wooden cube on space “1.”
at right or not. You cannot use this cube to complete another Contract.
Each player can have a wooden cube there. The next time there are 3 Ships
of different colours in the harbor display on your turn, you complete the
Contract immediately.
As the active player, you must have 4 Ships of different colours in the harbor
display to complete this Contract immediately.
Pack of Pirates:
As the active player, you must repel Ships with your Sailors and Pirates. Place
the first repelled Ship of each colour in front of you and the rest on the
discard pile. Collect all 5 ship colours. Once you do, place a wooden cube on
the Contract and place the 5 Ships on the discard pile.
Only in the cooperative variant:
Tiny Royal Household and Ransom:
Either have 12 victory points or pay 15 coins.
C redits
Game Design: Alexander Pfister
Illustration: Klemens Franz
Graphicdesign: Andrea Kattnig (atelier198),
Hans-Georg Schneider
English Translation: Grzegorz Kobiela
Realisation: Klaus Ottmaier
© 2015 Pegasus Spiele GmbH, Am
Straßbach 3, 61169 Friedberg, Deutschland.
All rights reserved.
A big “thank you“ to Manuel Uzelmaier.
Reprinting and publishing of game rules, game
components, or illustrationswithout license holder’s
permission is prohibited.