Quadra - Poltrona Frau
Quadra - Poltrona Frau
La Collezione Quadra design Studio Cerri & Associati Quadra design Studio Cerri & Associati Design razionale ed elegante. La collezione si basa sulla ripetizione di uno stesso modulo dimensionale quadrato su cui possono venire associate tre varianti di bracciolo, alto, medio e basso, consentendo di realizzare una ricchissima varietà di configurazioni differenti. La struttura portante è in faggio stagionato con imbottitura in poliuretano espanso e dacron. Il molleggio della seduta è ottenuto con cinghie elastiche. Il rivestimento è in Pelle Frau®. L’appoggio a terra avviene per mezzo di un supporto metallico con finitura cromata. A rational and elegant design. The collection is based on the replication of a square shaped module that can be combined with three armrest variants – high, medium and low – to produce a great variety of configurations. The support structure is seasoned beechwood with polyurethane foam and dacron padding. Seat suspension is provided by elastic strips. Pelle Frau® leather upholstery. It is rested on the ground by means of a chrome-finished metal support. Un design rationnel et élégant. La collection exploite la répétition d’un même module dimensionnel carré auquel peuvent s’associer trois différents types d’accoudoir, haut, moyen et bas, pour obtenir une grande variété de configurations différentes. La structure portante est en hêtre séché avec rembourrage en mousse de polyuréthane et dacron. La suspension de l’assise est assurée par des sangles élastiques. Le revêtement est en cuir Pelle Frau®. L’appui au sol est garanti par un support métallique avec finition chromée. Quadra 2 seater asymmetrical sofa with 1 low arm (sx), Quadra 2 seater sofa armless sofa Pelle Frau® SC 0 Polare. Rationales und elegantes Design. Die Kollektion basiert auf der Wiederholung desselben quadratischen Moduls, mit dem drei verschiedene Ausführungen von Armlehnen, hoch, mittelhoch und niedrig, kombiniert werden können. Dadurch kann eine ungeheure Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Gestaltungen geschaffen werden. Das Gestell ist aus abgelagertem Buchenholz mit Polsterung aus PU-Schaumstoff und Dacron. Die Federung des Sitzes wird mit elastischen Gurten erzielt. Der Bezug ist aus Pelle Frau®-Leder. Das Aufstehen am Boden erfolgt durch ein Untergestell aus verchromtem Metall. Diseño racional y elegante. La colección se basa en la repetición de un mismo módulo cuadrado al que se pueden agregar tres tipos de reposabrazos (alto, medio y bajo), lo cual permite crear una extensa variedad de configuraciones distintas. La estructura portante es de haya seca con relleno de espuma de poliuretano y dacron. La suspensión del asiento se obtiene con bandas elásticas. La tapicería es de piel Pelle Frau®. Se apoya en el suelo mediante un soporte metálico con acabado cromado. 合理的で優美なデザイン。このコレクション は、一つの立体的なスクエアモジュールにハ イ・ミディアム・ロウと三種類のアームを組み合 わせることで、幅広いバリエーションを実現し たものです。 本体フレームは長期乾燥ビーチ材、クッショ ン材はウレタンフォームとダクロン。座面のス プリングはウェービングバンドを使用。張地は Pelle Frau® ペッレフラウ®。床との接触部分に は、 クロム仕上げのメタル製補強材を使用。 Quadra 2 seater large sofa low arms 71 28" 51 20" 43 17" 2 seater sofa low arms 132 / 52" 90 35"½ 222 87"½ 222 87"½ 2 seater large sofa medium arms 71 28" 61 24" 43 17" 2 seater sofa medium arms 266 104"¾ 176 / 69"¼ 90 35"½ 222 87"½ 222 87"½ 2 seater large sofa high arms 71 28" 43 17" 2 seater sofa high arms 266 104"¾ 176 / 69"¼ 90 35"½ 222 87"½ 222 87"½ 51 / 20" 2 seater asymmetrical large sofa 43 / 17” 71 / 28" 61 / 24" 2 seater asymmetrical sofa 266 104"¾ 154 / 60"¾ 90 35"½ 222 87"½ 222 87"½ 2 seater asymmetrical large sofa 71 28" 51 20" 43 17" 2 seater asymmetrical sofa 266 104"¾ 154 / 60"¾ 90 35"½ 222 87"½ 222 87"½ 266 104"¾ Quadra 2 seater asymmetrical large sofa 71 28" 61 24" 43 17" 2 seater asymmetrical sofa 90 35"½ 176 / 69"¼ 222 87"½ 222 87"½ 2 seater large sofa 1 low arm 71 28" 51 20" 43 17" 2 seater sofa 1 low arm 266 104"¾ 154 / 60"¾ 90 35"½ 199 78"¼ 199 78"¼ 2 seater larges ofa 1 backseat 71 28" 51 20" 43 17" 2 seater sofa 1 backseat 243 95"¾ 154 / 60"¾ 90 35"½ 199 78"¼ 199 78"¼ 2 seater large sofa 1 medium arm 71 28" 61 24" 43 17" 2 seater sofa 1 medium arm 243 95"¾ 176 / 69"¼ 90 35"½ 199 78"¼ 199 78"¼ 2 seater large sofa 1 backseat 71 28" 61 24" 43 17" 2 seater sofa 1 backseat 243 95"¾ 176 / 69"¼ 90 35"½ 199 78"¼ 199 78"¼ 243 95"¾ 43 71 17"28" 43 17" 176 199 78"¼ 78"¼ 03/14 MT 243 220 95"¾ 86"½ 35 13"¾ 30 11"¾ 43 71 17"28" 43 17" Footrest 90 90 35"½ 35"½ 90 35"½ 60 176 78"¼ 23"½ 176 69"¼ 60 23"½ 2 seater large bench 43 17" 2 seater bench 220 86"½ 176 69"¼ 90 35"½ 176 78"¼ 220 86"½ 35 13"¾ 30 11"¾ 2 seater large sofa 1 high arm 43 17" 4371 17"28" 2 seater sofa 1 high arm 90 90 35"½ 35"½ 90 35"½ 176 / 69"¼ 199 78"¼ 60 199 23"½ 78"¼ 60 23"½ 2 seater large sofa 1 backseat 71 28" 43 17" 2 seater sofa 1 backseat 243 95"¾ 176 / 69"¼ 199 78"¼ 199 78"¼ 243 95"¾ 43 17" 71 28" 90 35"½ 90 35"½ 176 69"¼ 176 78"¼ 220 86"½ Please note, the colour references must always be considered as purely indicative. 1:50 scale. All dimensions and sizes are in centimeter and inches; dimensional variations of +/- 2% are possible. Poltrona Frau reserves the right to modify the products and the components in this catalogue, without any prior notice. © Poltrona Frau 2014. 43 17" Company with certified Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001, certified Environmental Management system in accordance with ISO 14001 and certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001. Poltrona Frau S.p.A. I - 62029 Tolentino Via S. Pertini 22 Tel. +39 0733 909.1 Fax +39 0733 971600 www.poltronafrau.it [email protected] 90 35"½ 176 69"¼ 176 78"¼ 220 86"½ Quadra 2 seater sofa low arms Pelle Frau® SC 0 Polare. Geometrie table gunmetal structure with top in wengé stained glazed oak (33). Quadra 176 / 69"¼ 176 199 69"¼78"¼ 90 90 35"½ 35"½