OSH bulletin Bil 2 2015 - Jabatan Kimia Malaysia


OSH bulletin Bil 2 2015 - Jabatan Kimia Malaysia
BIL 2/2015
Tuan Haji Ismail Bin Talib
Dr. Seah Lay Hong
Ketua Editor
Mohd Riduan Md Bakhir
Nurul ‘Ain Azman
Nancy Gabril
Nurafina Nasid
Siti Halifah Mohamad Jasni
Hairunnisa Mohd Anas Khan
Norekhsan Sidek
Utama: Mercury Clean-up
Page 1 - 4
Tips for Getting Power Nap at Work
Page 5 - 6
Biohazard Waste Disposal Chart
Page 7
Houseplants for Improving Indoor Air Quality
Page 8 - 9
Apakah Sawan Separa?
Page 10 - 11
Mati Otak
Page 12
Fire Safety in the Laboratory
Page 13 - 15
Tergelincir, Tersadung dan Terjatuh di Tempat Kerja
Page 16 - 17
Bahaya Keracunan Plumbum Kepada Kesihatan
Page 18 - 19
Latent Health Problems of Latex Gloves on Glove Use
Page 20
Taburan Insiden 2012-2014 di Jabatan Kimia Malaysia
Page 21 - 22
By: Chen Siaw Mei
JKMC Kuching
Elemental mercury (Hg) is a heavy, silvery metal that melts at -38.9oC and boils at 357oC. It is the only metal
that is liquid at room temperature.
The liquid droplet is very mobile and combines with other metals such as tin, copper, gold, and silver to
form alloys (solid solutions called amalgams)
Mercury has the highest volatility of any metal, forming a colorless, odorless gas.
Acute exposure to high concentrations of mercury vapor causes severe respiratory damage.
Chronic exposure to lower levels is primarily associated with central nervous system disorder,
behavioral changes, and effects on the peripheral nervous system.
Mercury is not biodegradable and persists in the environment.
In aquatic systems, mercury is transformed into organic forms, such as methyl mercury which is more toxic
than inorganic forms and bio accumulates in fish and other wildlife as it moves up the food chain.
Cleanup Procedure of Mercury Spills
Step 1 – Quickly determine the extent of the spill
Determine on what surfaces the mercury spilled and how far the mercury beads traveled.
Step 2 – Immediately block off foot traffic
Do not allow anyone to go near areas where the mercury traveled. If the extent of a small spill is not
immediately obvious, block off traffic for a radius of about 2 meters around the center of the spill.
Step 3 – Contain the spill
Prevent the mercury beads from traveling further by blocking their path with rags or impervious material.
If shoes or parts of clothing were contaminated, they should be removed and left around the spill area before
allowing the person to leave.Skin that was in contact with mercury should be washed with an alkaline soap.
Step 4 – Evacuate the area
Ask everyone to leave the room. Seek assistance to provide first-aid to anyone requiring immediate medical
Step 5 – Minimize the spread of vapors to interior areas
Close all interior doors that lead to other indoor areas. Turn off central ventilation, heating or air conditioning
systems that circulate air from the spill site to other inside areas of the building.
Step 6 – Reduce vapor concentrations in the spill area if possible
After making sure that outside areas are free of people, open the windows and exterior doors to dilute the vapor
concentrations in the room. Leave the room to ventilate for at least 15 minutes before starting cleanup.
Step 7 – Prepare for cleanup
Remove jewelry, watch, mobile phones, and other metal-containing items. Get the mercury spill kit.
Step 8 – Put on personal protective equipment (PPE)
Change to old clothes if possible. Put on the apron or coveralls, disposable shoe covers, rubber or nitrile gloves,
goggles, and face mask before re-entering the spill site.
Step 9 – Remove visible mercury beads and broken glass
Use tweezers to remove broken glass pieces and place them in the jar or wide-mouthed container over the tray.
Using a playing card or piece of plastic, slide the mercury beads onto the plastic dustpan. Carefully place the
mercury beads into the plastic container partially filled with water or vapor suppression agent. Do this over the
tray to catch any spillage. You can also use an eyedropper or syringe for small beads.
Step 10 – Search for and remove tiny mercury droplets
Search for any remaining droplets by shining the flashlight at different low angles to the floor and looking for
reflections from the shiny droplets and glass. For very tiny droplets, it may be easier to pick them up using sticky
tape. Place the sticky tape in the sealable plastic bag.
Step 11 – Clean up cracks and hard surfaces
Sprinkle sulfur powder on cracks and on hard surfaces that had come in contact with mercury; a color change in
the powder from yellow to reddish brown indicates that mercury is still present and more cleanup is needed. If
so, sprinkle zinc flakes or copper flakes to amalgamate any residual mercury. Use the brush to remove the metal
flakes and place them in the sealable plastic bag. An alternative way to clean hard surfaces after adding sulfur
powder is to wipe them with vinegar-soaked cotton swabs, followed by peroxide-soaked swabs. Place the swabs
in a sealable plastic bag.
Step 12 – Remove contaminated soft materials
Carpets, curtains and other soft materials cannot be cleaned easily. Use the knife to cut out pieces of carpet and
other soft materials that are contaminated with mercury. Place the contaminated materials in a sealable plastic
Step 13 – Clean out contaminated drains
If mercury was spilled over a drain or sink, work with the facility engineer to remove and replace the “J”, “U” or
“S” trap. Put a sheet of plastic or plastic tray under the work area to catch any mercury that might spill out and
transfer the mercury to the air-tight container.
Step 14 – Dispose of or decontaminate cleanup material
Place all contaminated materials used during the cleanup (including cards, plastic pieces, rags, sticky tape, piece of
soap, brush, etc) into a leak proof, sealable plastic bag.
Other items (tweezers, scoop, tray, utility knife, etc.) should either be disposed with the contaminated items
cleaned thoroughly with the decontaminant solution.
Step 15 – Label and seal all contaminated material
Ensure that the jar and container are filled with enough water to cover the elemental mercury and broken
glassware, close the jar and container tightly, label, and place each in a re-sealable plastic bag. Place all sealed
plastic bags with mercury-contaminated waste inside a second plastic bag, seal the outer bag using duct tape, and
affix a label and include a brief description of the contents.
Step 16 – Remove and dispose or decontaminate PPE
Dispose of the gloves, shoe covers, apron in the sealable plastic bag, which should be stored along with the
mercury waste. Decontaminate goggles and respirators or specialty face mask using the decontaminant solution.
Step 17 – Wash hands and all exposed skin
Use soap and water to scrub all exposed skin and rinse thoroughly
Step 18 – Ventilate the spill area
Once the cleanup is completed, you may turn the heat or circulation systems back on, but keep the door to this
room closed and the window open for 48 hours or more.
Step 19 – Write a report on the spill incident
Document the incident. The report can be used to improve safety in the facility.
Never use a regular vacuum cleaner to pick up the mercury and mercury-contaminated items. The
mercury will become airborne by way of the vacuum’s exhaust and spread the contamination.
Never use a broom to sweep up the mercury. It can break the mercury into smaller beads, spreading
Never use household cleaning products to clean the spill, particularly products that contain ammonia
or chlorine. These chemicals will react violently with mercury, releasing a toxic gas.
Remove all jewelry before beginning cleanup as the mercury will bind to gold and silver.
Vapor suppression agents:
 Sulfur powder to absorb mercury by forming mercuric sulfide
 Zinc or copper flakes (available from hardware stores) to absorb mercury by forming amalgams
 Commercial absorbent pads or vapor suppressants (contains a foam pad saturated with a suspension
containing small amounts of sodium thiosulfate, copper sulfate, calcium chloride, and potassium iodide.)
Materials for decontamination
 Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and cotton swabs for final cleaning when using sulfur powder
 Decontaminant solution or commercial decontaminant
An environment conducive to napping
is quiet, dark and free from
interruptions. If you sleep on a floor at
work, keep a mat (like a yoga mat that
rolls up) at work, and possibly a pillow
and blanket, if that makes you more
comfortable. Other tools of the trade
to consider – eye shades, ipod or
walkman with restful music, or specific
MP3 files designed to help you wind
down and fall asleep.
At many companies, sleeping on the
job is a firing offense. If you work in
an anti-nap environment do not simply
put your head down on the keyboard
and doze off. however, power naps
should still be possible --for example,
most employers won’t mind if you nap
during your coffee break or lunch
break, and it may be possible for you
to nap just before or after work
Avoid consuming caffeine, fat,
carbohydrates or sugar in the hours
before your nap as these foods make it
harder to get to sleep. In an ideal
scenario drinking a glass of warm milk
about an hour before you plan to nap
will encourage you to sleep.
Plan the length of your nap and set an
alarm for your desired awakening
Napping is great for your health and
productivity. But even though most of
us know this, we often still feel as
though we are wasting time. This
feeling of guilt only impedes successful
power napping.
Sleeping at the same time of day, for the
same amount of time, and in the same
place will signal to your body that its
time to rest and rejuvenate with some
power shuteye.
1. Don’t put your job in
2. Get comfortable
3. Eat right
4. Wake up on time
5. Make it routine
6. Don’t feel guilty
Power Nap at Work
About 63% of people are getting
6 hours or less of sleep at
night,which is at least 1.5 hours
fewer than they need.
As a result,More and more
employees are spending a
significant part of their
afternoon staring blankly at the
computer screen, or pinching
themselves to stay awake during
an afternoon staff meeting.
The main benefits of power napping include
improving alertness and memory retention,
sharpening motor skills and increasing
stamina. NASA(National Aeronautics and
Space Administration)sleep researchers have
found that a nap of just 26 minutes can boost
performance by 34 percent. Another NASA
study found that napping significantly
increases “working memory”, the ability to
focus attention on one task while holding
other tasks in memory, which is critical when
performing complex work.
Power napping
Twenty minutes of
sleep in the afternoon
recharges your body
and mind and provides
the extra push required
to have a successful,
productive day;
pleasing both you and
your employer.
Do you know?
Power naps have recently been studied
more extensively by researchers and
found to yield many benefits such as
a boost in productivity at work,
lower stress, improved ability to
concentrate, and enhanced mood.
Researchers at the Salk Institute for
Biological Studies found that with a
nap, brain activity stays high
throughout the day; but without a
nap, brain activity declines over the
course of a day," says Dr. Deardorff.
By: Hairunnisa Mohd Anas Khan
JKMC Kuching
By: Nurafina Nasid
JKMC Kuching
Houseplants for improving indoor air quality
Prepared by: Nancy Gabril, JKMC Kuching
Source : Mdm. Nancy Lai
Sawan Separa berlaku apabila terdapat gangguan aktiviti elektrik yang berlebihan dalam otak.
2 jenis sawan separa yang paling biasa ialah Sawan Separa Mudah dan Sawan Separa Kompleks.
By: Siti Halifah, JKMC Kuching
Pesakit dengan epilepsy jenis sawan separa mudah tidak akan hilang kesedaran semasa epilepsi.
Ada kalanya, mereka dapat bercakap hampir normal dengan orang lain, dan biasanya, mereka
dapat mengingati dengan betul apa yang telah berlaku pada diri mereka semasa berlakunya
sawan. Walaubagaimanapun, sawan separa mudah boleh mempengaruhi pergerakan, emosi, deria
rasa dan perasaan dalam cara yang luar biasa.
Apakah yang berlaku?
Pergerakan = Pergerakan yang di luar kawalan boleh berlaku pada mana-mana bahagian badan.
Contohnya, mata mungkin bergerak dari sisi kesisi, pergerakan luar biasa lidah dan mengecapngecap bibir.
Emosi = Suatu perasaan takut yang datang secara tiba-tiba boleh berlaku akibat sawan separa
mudah yang berlaku dalam bahagian otak yang mengawal emosi.
Deria rasa = Kelima-lima deria rasa, sentuh, hidu, pendengaran, rasa dan pemandangan dikawal
oleh beberapa bahagian dalam otak.
Bagaimana saya tahu saya sedang mengalami
sawan ?
~Rasa tidak sedap perut
~Denyutan jantung menjadi cepat
~Sukar bernafas
~Rasa bukan realiti, seolah-olah seperti mimpi
~Perasaan gelisah, panik, bersemangat, takut,
sedih, atau gembira
~Rasa seolah-olah pernah pergi sesuatu tempat
atau melihat sesuatu benda– déjà vu
~Benda-benda yang biasa seolah-olah ganjil, tidak
dikenali–jamais vu
~Masa berlalu sangat cepat atau lambat
Sawan Separa Kompleks
Ia merupakan suatu bentuk sawan „separa‟ kerana menggangu sebahagian otak
sahaja, „kompleks‟ kerana gangguan itu mempengaruhi sebilangan fungsi-fungsi
otak yang berlainan lalu menyebabkan perubahan dalam kesedaran. Iaju digelar
sawan lobus temporal kerana paling kerap mengganggu bahagian otak ini. Aktiviti
elektrikal yang berlebihan biasanya bermula di lobus temporal, tetapi boleh juga
tersebar kebahagian-bahagian otak yang lain.
Lobus temporal mengawal banyak fungsi, iaitu fungsi-fungsi jantung, salur darah,
pernafasan dan gastrousus, ingatan jangka pendek, pendengaran, penghiduan,
percakapan, emosi dan perasaan seksual. Tanda–tanda dan simptom-simptom yang
muncul semasa serangan sawan adalah akibat gangguan fungsi-fungsi ini, biasanya
berupa psikologi kala tau psikiatrik, maka kadang-kadang ia juga digelar sawan
Biasanya ia lebih dialami dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Kebanyakan pesakit sawan
mempunyai corak sawan yang tertentu.Tempoh serangan mungkin berlanjutan
beberapa saat atau beberapa minit tetapi boleh juga berterusan sehingga 20 minit
atau lebih. Kecuali dalam keadaan yang jarang, biasanya otak akan memulihkan
serangan sawan dengan sendirinya.
Gangguan kesedaran yang berlaku semasa serangan sawan tidak bermakna
seseorang akan pitam tetapi ia menyebabkan seseorang mungkin berasa keliru
beberapa lama dan suka rmengingati apa yang telah berlaku selepas serangan
Apabila keadaan ini berlaku pada
orang yang tersayang, anda
seharusnya mengambil langkahlangkah untuk melindungi mereka
daripada bahaya persekitaran
sehingga serangan berhenti
dengan sendirinya. Jangan berasa
takut kerana tanda-tanda dan
simptom-simptom yang terhasil
tidak mengancam keselamatan
3. Penyebab Mati Otak
1. Definasi kematian
Kematian bermaksud semua fungsi di dalam badan
2. Jenis jenis kematian
Ada dua (2) jenis kematian:
a) Mati selepas jantung berhenti “Cardiac death”
b) Mati otak “Brain death”
a) Mati Secara Jantung Berhenti
 Ianya terjadi apabila jantung berhenti
berdegup dan pernafasan terhenti.
 Sekiranya jantung berhenti berdegup dan
tiada pernafasan, tiada aliran darah yang
membawa oksigen ke otak, maka otak akan mati.
 Apabila otak mati, bermakna seseorang itu
telah mati.
b) Mati Otak
 Mati otak boleh berlaku apabila
keseluruhan otak termasuklah batang otak/brain
stem (yang mengawal sistem pernafasan dan
jantung), berhenti berfungsi.
 Keadaan ini boleh berlaku sekiranya tiada
aliran darah dan tiada oksigen yang sampai ke
 Kehilangan fungsi otak ini adalah kekal dan
tidak boleh dipulihkan di mana seseorang pesakit
itu tidak bernafas dan tidak bertindakbalas
terhadap sebarang ransangan.
 Di unit rawatan rapi, pesakit diberikan
pernafasan melalui mesin ventilator.
 Jantung pesakit masih lagi dapat berdegup
buat sementara dengan bantuan sokongan,
namun akhirnya tetap akan berhenti.
“Mati otak adalah merupakan 1-2% dari jumlah
keseluruhan kematian di hospital, tetapi boleh
meningkat setinggi 10-13% di unit
rawatan rapi”
Strok Yang Teruk (Angin Ahmar)
Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
Jangkitan Kuman Pada Otak –
Menyebabkan Pembengkakan Otak
Otak Hypoxia – Selepas Jantung
Terhenti/Nafas Terhenti
Barah Otak – Menyebabkan
Pembengkakan Otak
4. Mekanisma kematian otak
Jika berlaku kecederaan/kerosakan pada otak,
contohnya, akibat dari kemalangan jalan raya, otak
boleh membengkak dan berlaku pendarahan dalam
otak. Oleh kerana otak dikelilingi rangka yang keras,
pembengkakan (± pendarahan otak) ini akan
menyebabkan tekanan yang tinggi di dalam kepala.
Tekanan yang tinggi ini akan seterusnya menghalang
aliran darah dari jantung sampai ke otak. Ini lebih
memburukkan keadaan yang sedia ada di otak itu.
5. Pengesahan mati otak
Ujian pengesahan perlu dilakukan untuk mengesahkan
kematian. Ujian ini dilakukan oleh dua doktor pakar
dalam dua peringkat iaitu ujian pertama dan ujian
kedua, 6 jam kemudian. Sekiranya ujian pertama
menunjukkan mati otak, ujian kedua hanya
mengesahkannya. Selepas ujian kedua menunjukkan
mati otak, maka kematian telah disahkan dan mesin
pernafasan akan dihentikan.
6. Kesimpulan
Mati otak adalah kematian/meninggal dunia.
7. Rujukan:
1. www.dermaorgan.gov.my
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Brain_death
3. http://www.livescience.com/42301-brain-deathbody-alive.html
Dise dia kan o le h :
Ais ha h Ab du l Azi z
JK M C Ku ch in g
Fire Safety in the Laboratory
Fire hazard is one of the hazards that can occur in a laboratory. Knowledge and awareness on
how to act when types of fire and which fire extinguishers to use can help prevent major accident
from occuring.
Do you know what the fire hazards that are in your laboratory?
Type of materials and how they should be used?
Reaction and hazard potential?
Proper storage methods?
Emergency response procedures?
Special considerations when working with material?
Have you inspected your lab for fire hazards?
Do you know the location of the safety equipment in and around your laboratory?
Take the time now to locate your nearest:
i) Fire extinguisher.
ii) Emergency eye wash station.
iii) Emergency showers.
iv) Spill clean up material.
v) Alarm pull box.
Do you know these additional fire safety tips?
i) Outlets should never be overloaded with multiple plugs.
ii) Do not use extension cords.
iii) Use multi outlet devices that have their own self contained circuit breaker.
Classification of Fires
Fires are classified according to the materials they burn.
Class A Fires –Combustibles such as: wood, paper, boxes, plastic, packing material etc.
Class B Fires – Ignition of flammable liquids such as: solvents, kerosene, grease etc..
Class C Fires – Fires arising from electrical equipment such as: AC outlets, wiring, appliances,
flammable gases etc.
Class D Fires – Combustible metal fires such as: Mg, K, Na, Al, Titanium, Lithium (includes
powders and swarfs).
Class K Fires – Fires in cooking utensils and appliances caused by oils and fats.
Summary of Fires and Fire extinguishers
Type of Fire
Examples of Fire type
Class A only
Ordinary materials, paper,
wood, boxes, plastics, packings
Not recommended for lab
or electrical fires; leaves
area water-logged
Water mist
Class A
Where possible
class C hazard
Hospital environments, books,
clean-rooms, MRI and NMR
Misting nozzle provide
safety from electrical shock
and reduce scattering of
burning material
Dry chemical
• BC - Na or
K carbonate
• ABC ammonium
Class A
Class B
Class C
Ordinary materials
Combustible liquids, solvents
and gases.
Electrical fires, appliances
Overlaying powder
reduces re-ignition
Leaves sticky or
corrosive residue
that can damage
electrical equipment
Isolate gas supply
first for gas fires
Disconnect power
for electrical fires
Dry metal
• Copper
• NaCl agent
Class D only
Class A
Class B
Class C
Combustible metal fires :
(Cu) Metal and lithium alloys
(Nacl) Mg, Na, K, Uranium and
Every day combustible
Flammable solvents and
electrically charged equipment
and appliances
Flammable gases
Class A
Class B
Combustible solids
Flammable liquids
Wet chemical
Class A
Class F
Class K
Wood, paper, fabrics etc..
Fats, Lard, vegetable oils
Animal oil, cooking oil, butter
(Cu) Powder adhere
to vertical surfaces
(NaCl) Cakes over
surface, excludes
air, dissipates heat
Leaves no harmful
residue, but may reignite with class A
Disable gas and
electricity supply if
Caution! Reacts
with class D fires
Not recommended but safer
than water if inadvertantly
used on electrical fires
Flash prevention
Soapy foam
prevents re-ignition
How To Use a Portable Fire Extinguisher
The easiest way to remember how to use a portable fire extinguisher is to use the acronym:
: Pull the safety pin.
: Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the flames.
: Squeeze the trigger while holding the extinguisher upright.
: Sweep the extinguisher from side to side, covering all areas of the fire with
extinguishing agent.
By: Amelia Lim Tzing Woon, JKMC Kuching
Disumbangkan oleh: Asfarina Jamal Mohideen, Haznan Hashim, Mohamad Zulfitri Rosli, Norhaiza Jamaluddin, Mohd Afiq Mohd Puzi (Jabatan Kimia Malaysia, Pulau Pinang)
Kejadian tergelincir, tersadung atau terjatuh mungkin sekali pernah dialami oleh kita semua. Ia
mungkin disebabkan oleh kelekaan kita ketika terlampau berfikir tentang masalah peribadi, atau kelalaian
ketika melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan. Tergelincir ketika menuruni tangga, atau tersadung ketika melalui
permukaan jalan yang tidak sekata merupakan antara contoh kejadian ini, yang boleh mengakibatkan kesan
seperti lebam biasa hingga kepada kecederaan yang serius seperti patah anggota badan.
Menurut satu kajian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2004 oleh “American Council on Exercise”, pekerja
dalam kumpulan yang menjalankan kerja yang kurang aktif (seperti kerja pejabat) mempunyai purata 4,327
langkah di tempat kerja, dan pekerja dalam kumpulan yang menjalankan kerja yang agak aktif (seperti kerja di
tapak pembinaan) mempunyai purata 18,904 langkah di tempat kerja. Dengan banyaknya langkah yang
dilakukan oleh kita pada setiap hari, peluang untuk kita terdedah kepada bahaya tergelincir, tersadung atau
terjatuh adalah sangat tinggi.
ANTARA Punca-Punca
Permukaan lantai yang
tidak sesuai - Contoh:
Memasang jubin yang licin
di tempat yang
kebiasaannya terdedah
kepada keadaan basah.
Keadaan permukaan lantai
- Contoh: Berminyak,
basah, atau berhabuk.
Permukaan lantai yang
tidak sekata atau senget
pengubahsuaian yang tidak
Sistem pengaliran atau
perpaipan yang tidak
sempurna - menyebabkan
air melimpah atau menitis
ke lantai.
Pemakaian kasut yang
tidak sesuai.
ANTARA Punca-Punca
Permukaan lantai yang
tidak diselenggara
dengan baik - Contoh:
permukaan simen atau
jubin telah retak atau
pecah, atau terdapat
permukaan karpet yang
Objek rendah yang sukar
dilihat - Contoh: wayar
elektrik atau plug di
Pandangan seseorang
terhalang disebabkan
membawa objek yang
besar seperti kotak.
Kawasan tangga gelap
atau tidak mempunyai
pencahayaan yang
Laluan untuk lalu lalang
dijadikan tempat
menyimpan barang.
ANTARA Punca-Punca
Sistem kerja yang tidak
betul - Contoh:
penggunaan tangga yang
rosak atau kerusi ketika
hendak mengambil barang
di tempat simpanan yang
tinggi, atau menuruni
tangga sambil membawa
Bekerja di tempat tinggi
tanpa memakai alat
keselamatan untuk
mengelakkan dari terjatuh.
Ruang kerja yang gelap.
Permukaan lantai yang
tidak sekata.
Tips mencegah Tergelincir, tersadung
dan terjatuh
Bersihkan sisa tumpahan di lantai seperti air atau
minyak dengan segera.
Elakkan daripada melalui laluan yang baru selesai
dilap atau dimop.
Pastikan wayar elektrik dan telefon dikemaskan dan
elakkan ia daripada terdedah di laluan.
Letakkan barangan yang selalu digunakan di
tempat yang mudah dicapai.
Pakai kasut yang mempunyai sokongan yang baik
dan tapak anti-gelincir.
Susun atur perabot pejabat untuk menyediakan
laluan berjalan yang terbuka dan tidak terhalang.
Pasang pemegang pada kedua-dua belah pada anak
Pastikan laluan pejalan kaki dan ruang tangga
mempunyai pencahayaan yang mencukupi.
Periksa secara berkala keadaan laluan atau tangga,
dan baiki jika terdapat kerosakan.
Jangan sesekali berdiri di atas kerusi, meja, atau
alatan lain yang mempunyai roda.
Jika menggunakan tangga lipat atau aluminium,
pastikan anda sentiasa mengekalkan ‘three point
contact’ pada setiap masa. Contoh - Dua kaki dan
satu tangan; atau dua tangan dan satu kaki.
Pintu-pintu masuk/keluar.
Laluan pejalan yang tidak tersusun.
Kawasan dengan permukaan tidak rata.
Kawasan yang terdedah kepada air.
Kawasan kerja yang tidak stabil.
Kawasan kerja yang tinggi.
Tangga lipat.
Anak tangga.
Bahaya Keracunan
Oleh: Asfarina Jamal Mohideen, Haznan Hashim, Mohd Zulfitri Rosli, Norhaiza Jamaluddin,
Mohd Afiq Mohd Puzi, Lee Li Fern
[Jabatan Kimia Malaysia Cawangan Pulau Pinang]
Keracunan Plumbum
 Masuk ke dalam badan melalui
makanan dan minuman
 Tertelan bahan yang tinggi dengan
plumbum contohnya seperti bateri
 Pencemaran
disedari kerana plumbum tidak
dapat dihidu, dilihat dan dirasa
Sumber Pencemaran Plumbum
 Cat lama pada bangunan lama, tin cat/ mainan
lama berasaskan plumbum
 Pencemaran bekalan air paip, saluran
penyambungan paip dan sistem paip itu sendiri
yang menghasilkan pencemaran akibat hakisan
dalam dinding saluran paip tersebut
 Pencemaran tanah serta sumber air dan udara
yang tercemar
Keracunan Plumbum Kepada Golongan
 Menyebabkan kerosakan buah pinggang &
Asfarina Jamal Mohideen, Haznan
Hashim, Mohamad Zulfitri Bin Rosli, NorhaizaJamaluddin,
 Keracunan paras tinggi boleh
MohdAfiqMohdPuzi (Jabatan Kimia Malaysia Pulau Pinang)
sawan, tidak sedarkan diri dan kematian
Simpton Keracunan
sakit dan kejang perut
tingkah laku agresif
sukar tidur
mudah marah
perkembangan kanak-kanak terencat
hilang selera makan
letih lesu
rasa kebas
muntah, lemah otot, sawan dan koma
(keracunan pada paras tinggi)
Keracunan Plumbum Kepada Golongan
 Pendedahan kepada plumbum dos yang kecil
boleh menyebabkan kerosakan kekal
dikalangan kanak-kanak dan janin dalam
 Keracunan plumbum boleh menyebabkan
kerencatan perkembangan otak dan saraf
 Semakin kecil kanak-kanak, semakin besar
 Janin yang masih dalam kandungan ialah
golongan yang paling berisiko tinggi
Rujukan :http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lead-poisoning/basics/definition/con-20035487
Latent Health Problems of Latex Gloves on Glove Use
Gloves play
very important
roles in protecting staff
who working in health care
services and laboratory
from exposure
of blood borne
viruses as well
as dangerous
chemicals used
in laboratory.
gloves only will
not give adequate
safety to the analyst
andshould be in combination with
other personal protective
equipment assurance.
Advisory Committee on
Dangerous Pathogen (ACDP)
recommends (1) gloves should be worn for
all work with material known or suspected of
containing hazard group 3 biological agents; (2) and
a supply of suitable disposable gloves in various sizes
and materials should be available in the laboratory. NOW,
a question arise: “Any latent health issuescamefrom latex
gloves on glove user such
as allergy?”The ANSWER
is YES. So what is the
situation now?Latex gloves
play a role in protecting
wearer from dangerous
blood born viruses and
dangerous chemicals or
introducing health
problems to the wearer?
In 1990s, there was a
steady increasing in
number of reported
cases of respiratory health
problem such as asthma and
skin problem such as allergy
particularly in health care
and bio-science laboratory.
Said Nigel Corby,anuniversity
safety adviser. Wearing
latex gloves can lead to
several health problems
such as Type l allergic
reaction which have symptoms including hives
(localized or generalized rash on contacted area,
nflammation of mucous membrane in nose, red and
swollen eye as well as asthma-like symptoms. In addition,
latex gloves also can lead toirritant contact dermatitis,
said Corby which giving symptoms including redness,
soreness or cracking of skin in areas where exposed to the
gloves. Those wearers who in the above reported cases also
experienced Type lV allergic reactionswhich having symptoms
including dermatitis and itching with oozing red blisters which
accelerators used in transforming
localized to the hands and arms of wearers.
latex to a firm rubbery consistency
in glove production
are known
Latex glove should have
Latex gloves
less than 50micrograms/gram,
usually powdered
with corn
suggested by
Nigel Corby and laboratory
should avoid
glove described by manufacturers
starch after its
as “hypoallergenic”
or “low protein” but does not
stated the protein
content clearly.In order to
which ensures gloves to
prevent such health
problems occurred to us
have tear-resistance
who practicing analysis in various laboratory, there
capability when user
are some suggestions regarding on hand hygiene and
disposable glove use.(1) Your hands should be washed and
wearing the glove without
dried thoroughly before puttingthe glove on and after removed
tearing the gloves.
the glove. (2) Never wash and re-use the disposable gloves and
This cornstarch
gloves must be disposed of between procedure to prevent cross
will binds with
contamination and/or cross-infections. (3) if need to stop work
the accelerator
immediately like to answer a call, kindly remove and discard the
glove and replace with new glove after back business. Last
proteins in gloves
and allow them to
in contact with skin. but not least, (4) always apply suitablehand moisturizing
cream after hand washing can
Besidesthat, it
also absorbs the oil,
prevent skin drying. In conclusion,
the natural barrier on our hands and caused
management of laboratory
hands become dry and easy to crack
shouldtaking this issue seriously by
ordering suitable gloves for the
which make the allergens to go into
staffs to prevent them risking their
our bodies and finally lead to health
own health even life due to health
problem stated above.
problem from their personal
protective equipment. Work safe!
Prepared by: Mr. GOH TEIK AUN, B.Sc (Forensic Science) (honors)USM
Jabatan Kimia Malaysia merupakan sebuah jabatan yang komited dalam
pengamalan OSH. Pelbagai aktiviti telah disediakan untuk kakitangan
dalam memastikan objektif OSH jabatan tercapai.
Taburan insiden sepanjang 2012 hingga 2014 telah menunjukkan Jabatan
Kimia Malaysia telah berada pada landasan yang betul dalam mencapai
objektif OSH yang pertama iaitu “Mencapai Kemalangan Sifar”.
Disediakan oleh:
Mohd Riduan Md Bakhir
Norekhsan Sidek
Sumber: Laporan Insiden 2012, 2013 & 2014