Grizz September 2015
Grizz September 2015
the GRIZZ VOLUME 28 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 2015 P R I N C I P A L’ S M E S S A G E It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to the Goffstown High School 2015-2016 school year. I hope this year’s inaugural GRIZZ finds you enjoying the last weeks of summer. IN THIS ISSUE •Opening Day Schedule •Insurance •NEW SchoolMessenger Alert •Nurses’ News •Student Services •Parking 2015-2016 •Arts & Activities •Models Needed for Fashion Show •Yearbook •The GAP •Athletics •4th Quarter Honor Roll As we get ready for school to start, I will thank some hard working people, highlight information regarding the first day of school and share some thoughts on communication. Please join me in thanking our dedicated and committed custodial and maintenance staff. Additionally, my thanks to our students who worked hard this summer cleaning and beautifying our school. The school, both inside and out, has never looked better! New students are invited to the high school main office lobby on Tuesday, September 1st for an informal “open house” from 3-5 PM sponsored by Student Ambassadors. A copy of student schedules will be available and students can elect to receive a guided tour of the building. Tour groups will leave from the main office lobby. The goal of this event is to help students feel more acclimated and ready to have a successful first day at Goffstown High School. The first day of school for students is Wednesday, September 2nd. Students may await the first bell in any part of the building. At 7:50 AM, students will proceed to their homeroom where they will receive their schedule. Homeroom assignments will be posted in all of our lobbies, as well as on our daily announcements page. After homeroom, students will visit all eight of their classes for an abbreviated period of time. Additionally, students will have an extended lunchtime where they will have an opportunity to choose from a variety of activities and locations in which to spend this time. The day will conclude in homeroom prior to our 2:41 pm dismissal. See page 3 of the GRIZZ for the first day of school schedule. We will begin a “regular” schedule on Thursday; this will be an odd day (period 1, period 3, period 5, and period 7). The schedule for the rest of the school year will rotate odd day to even day accordingly. See page number 3 for a copy of our school bell schedule. Please join me in congratulating Joyce Lewis who has been promoted to Guidance Department Coordinator. With Ms. Lewis’ job change, we were fortunate to hire Ashley Lafond, 2006 GHS graduate, as a member of our guidance team. Please see page 6 of the GRIZZ for updated counselor assignments. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE......................................................continued on page 2 Goffstown High School, Wallace Road, Goffstown, NH 03045 603-497-4841 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Additionally, the following teaching staff will welcome students on the first day: Susan McFarland – English Sarah Fleck – Science 2003 GHS Graduate Deanna Goodwin – Special Education As we begin the school year questions may arise. A good place to address a question or concern is with the teacher or staff member who has direct knowledge of the particular situation. The best way to reach a teacher or staff member is via their e-mail address, which can be found on our website. You are always welcome to contact me directly at 660-5322, through my administrative assistant Lynn Cavagnaro at 660-5309, or via e-mail at [email protected]. We believe our effectiveness in communicating with parents is important to student success. Clearly, the GRIZZ is loaded with valuable information and is a key communication tool. After this month’s mailed issue, the GRIZZ will be sent home via SchoolMessenger. If you prefer to receive the GRIZZ via mail please complete the form at the bottom of this page. Another important communication tool that many of you have already discovered is our web-based database, PowerSchool, that allows 24-hour access to your child’s attendance, grades, and financial obligations. For questions about accessing PowerSchool, please contact Patty Easton at [email protected] or 660-5310. I hope you enjoy the last few days of summer. Once again, I would like to reiterate, if you have questions: please ask them. If you have concerns: please share them. Our goal is to meet your family’s needs. We look forward to working together to have another rewarding and successful school year. Regards, Francis J. McBride Principal DO NOT MISS OUT! Get Your Monthly GRIZZ Help us save paper. The September issue of the GRIZZ is mailed to all students’ families. The remaining nine issues are sent electronically. The GRIZZ is also available on the GHS website. REQUEST FOR the GRIZZ TO BE MAILED I would like to continue to receive a copy of the school newsletter in the mail. Please Print Parent Name:______________________________________________ Student name(s):____________________________________________ Please have your student drop this form off in the main office. 2 O P E N I N G D AY ’ S S C H E D U L E Wednesday, September 2, 2015 Student Schedule 7:56-8:20 Homeroom 8:25-8:55 9:00-9:30 9:35-10:05 10:10-10:40 10:45-11:15 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 - all academic, no lunch All MST students are to report to the theater 11:20-12:20 Lunch and Activities √ School lunch may be purchased in the café or pizza will be sold for $2 a slice in the Theater Lobby and outside across from the softball field. √ Organized games to participate in or enjoy watching Students may use this time to locate their lockers, classrooms, visit with friends, √ sign up for an extra-curricular club etc. Buses leave at noon for all MST students. √ 12:30-1:00 1:05- 1:35 1:40- 2:10 Period 6 - all academic, no lunch Period 7 Period 8 2:15-2:41 2:41 Homeroom Dismissal Following Days - Block Schedule Thursday, September 3rd = Odd Friday, September 4th = Even Monday, September 7th = No School, Labor Day Tuesday, September 8th = Odd Block Schedule Format Goffstown High School *** 7:50 First Bell *** 7:53 Warning Bell *** Periods: 1, 3, 5 & 7 Odd 1 7:56 – 9:26 a.m. Periods: 2, 4, 6 & 8 Even 2 7:56 – 9:26 a.m. 3 9:31 – 11:01 a.m. 4 9:31 – 11:01 a.m. 5 6 Class: 11:06 – 12:06 Lunch B: 12:06 – 12:36 Class: 12:36 – 1:06 Class: 11:06 – 12:06 Lunch B: 12:06 – 12:36 Class: 12:36 – 1:06 Class: 11:06 – 12:36 Lunch C: 12:36 – 1:06 Class: 11:06 – 12:36 Lunch C: 12:36 – 1:06 7 1:11 – 2:41 p.m. 8 1:11 – 2:41 p.m. Lunch A: 11:01 – 11:31 Class: 11:36 – 1:06 Lunch A: 11:01 – 11:31 Class: 11:36 – 1:06 Goffstown High School operates on an alternating block schedule of odd and even days. Each odd day is followed by an even day, regardless of the length of time between class meetings. As an example, if the odd classes met on a Monday, the next time classes met (whether it be Tuesday, Wednesday, or a week later) they would be the even classes. Ø Ø Ø Ø Odd / Even rotating days 90-minute classes 5-minute passing time 30-minute lunches 3 I N F O R M AT I O N The Art Department Can Always Use: • Broken or no longer wanted jewelry, chain belts and similar items for the jewelry classes. • Home, Interior Design and Architecture type magazines for interior design classes. • Clean pill bottles with covers. You may leave items at the main office. We greatly appreciate your donations! ATOMIC LEARNING Atomic Learning provides web-based training for over 90 applications that students and educators use daily. The Atomic Learning library contains more than 17,000 tutorial movies, a larger slate of curriculum integration tools, and numerous features that help administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents become more proficient using technology. To utilize Atomic Learning, visit: http://www.atomiclearning. com/ THE GRIZZLY DEN Welcome to the Grizzly Den! School’s back in and that means the Grizzly Den is open! Our menu features sensational salads, tasty entrees, fresh fruits & veggies and a variety of sides to round out your meal! Our team will continue to provide samplings of our new items including flatbreads and new breakfast entrees. Your feedback will help us continue to improve. We have just a few reminders to make your dining experience a great one! While we do allow charging of meals to a value of $2.85 it is much better to keep your account current (payments can be cash, check or online at Meal prices are $1.50 for breakfast and $2.85 for lunch with the reduced price at $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch. If you have forgotten your id number, don’t worry we’ll gladly look it up for you. If you need the free and reduced meal price program, please either complete the paper application or go to at anytime. We hope you have enjoyed your summer. We are looking forward to serving you soon! The Grizzly Den’s Team STUDENT INSURANCE Lefebvre Insurance LLC of Wrentham, MA will administer this Voluntary (optional) Student Accident Insurance program again this year. For the 2015-2016 school year, the insurance program will be underwritten by the Commercial Travelers Mutual Insurance Company. Once again this school year, the Voluntary Student Accident Insurance will be brochure-less.” There is a PDF file posted on the SAU 19 website containing the insurance brochure, enrolment form, completion instructions and a claim form. Parents and guardians have full access to these forms for completion at their convenience. Parents and guardians are to mail completed forms directly to the Lefebvre Insurance office. Please remember that this voluntary insurance program is optional. Enrollment of your student in the program is not necessary. SCHOOLMESSENGER NEW ALERT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM The district is excited to announce the launch of a new alert system, SchoolMessenger, which will continue to enhance communication by allowing us to deliver important information to parents via email, phone and SMS text messaging. The district will only use the SMS text messaging service in the event of an emergency and to provide information that is timely and relevant such as absent alerts and school delays and cancellations. In order to participate in the new service you must indicate your willingness to receive text messages to your phone. The process is simple and only takes a few seconds to complete. Simply text any one of the following words to the number 68453: subscribe, opt-in, yes You’ll know you were successful if you receive the following reply message: You’re now registered with SchoolMessenger notification service…Reply STOP to cancel, HELP for help. If desired, you’ll want to repeat the opt-in process for a second parent wireless number you have registered with the school. To insure we have accurate information in our student information database, PowerSchool, please make any necessary changes to the emergency verification forms that are sent home on the first day of school. Please note, although the district does not charge you for this service, it does not pay for text message charges that may be incurred by you for sending or receiving text messages. Check with your wireless carrier for possible charges. Go to the GHS website for daily announcements, the school calendar, links to staff and other important information. 4 I N F O R M AT I O N NURSES’ NEWS Students’ most recent physicals/immunization records need to be submitted to the nurses’ office. If immunizations need to be updated, Manchester Dept. of Health offers free immunization clinics on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week. They also offer flu clinics. The Dept. of Health is located on Elm St. in Manchester, and the phone # is 626-6466. On the first day of school, your student will receive an annual questionnaire and over-the-counter permission form. Please return these forms to the nurses’ office as soon as possible. If there is any specific over-the-counter medication that you would like your student to have that is not listed on this form, call the nurses’ office (660-5328) for a separate form. ALUMNI & STAFF NEWS Newbury Street. Amanda Waryasz-‘13 was recently featured in the May/June 2015 issue of Design New England magazine as the winner of the first-ever Design Showdown, a competition for interior design and interior architecture students that was sponsored by the magazine and the Boston Design Center. The challenge: Design a live/ workspace in a duplex apartment on Boston’s Amanda, who will begin her junior year at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston this fall, was inspired by people she knows from the Goffstown area when she created her imaginary client for the competition. She is a 40-year-old single woman, a free spirit, Information on special medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, etc.) who loves rock climbing and biking but also the cultural offerings also needs to be updated with the nurses’ office. Thank you. of the city. In her approach to the living space, Amanda removed part of the second floor to create a two-story living room with floorJennifer Franz, RN and Kathi Kendall, RN, BSN to-ceiling windows. “Some people are uncomfortable in an urban environment, “ says Amanda. “For them, creating an oasis in a cramped city seems vital, and opening up the space makes it feel less confining.” With an interest in sustainable design, Amanda used reclaimed industrial materials for the walls, floor, and ceiling and playful, energetic colors for the upholstry and fixtures. The magazine’s writer made this statement in the article about Amanda; “Our advice to potential employers: snatch this young designer now.” CALENDAR August 25-27 25 27 31 Student Parking Sign-up, Main Office 7:30am-2:30pm Senior Pictures 10:00am-1:00pm Senior Pictures 10:00am-1:00pm School Board Meeting, Info Center 7pm September 1 2 7 11 14 16 New Student Open House, Main Office, 3-5pm First Day of School No School – Labor Day Summer Reading Group Meetings 9th Grade Student Council Elections School Board Meeting, Info Center 7pm School Picture Day October 1 3 5-9 10 19 Open House 6:30pm SAT Testing Homecoming Week Homecoming Dance, Gym 7-10pm School Board Meeting, Info Center 7pm Do you know an alumni or staff member with an achievement, feat or accomplishment that is newsworthy, or that would be great to share with the GHS community? If so, send the information along to Lynn Cavagnaro, Principal’s Administrative Assistant, at: [email protected]. Be sure to include the year of graduation. GHS P HO NE OP T IONS Goffstown High School Phone #: 497-4841 Dial: 1 Staff Directory (say the name of the person you want to reach) 2 Attendance Secretary 3 General Delivery Mailbox 4 Other Options: 1 Adult Education 2 Athletics 3 Facilities Director 4 Guidance Office 5 Health Office 6 Special Education 7 Principal McBride 8 Back to Main Menu 5 S T U D E N T S E RV I C E S Student Services Staff Guidance Counselors: Ashley Lafond: Students with last names A-Com Cheryl Serodio: Students with last names Con-Gra Shara Morrison: Students with last names Gre-Man John Webb: Students in grade 9 & 10 with last names Mao-Q Students in grade 11, & 12 with last names Mao-R Marian Akey: Students in grade 9 & 10 with last names R-Z Students in grade 11, & 12 with last names S-Z Joyce Lewis: Guidance Coordinator Lisa Horne: School Psychologist Irma Robinson: Secretary Patty Easton: Secretary/Power School Office GUIDANCE IN SENIOR CLASSES Counselors will be in senior classrooms during the week of September 14th to talk to students about futures planning, career exploration and the college application process. Students will receive information packets that they should then bring home in order to involve parents in this critical discussion. This will include additional information about Naviance, the futures planning program students have been using since sophomore year. Students and parents can utilize Naviance now to begin the college exploration process. Please visit the Guidance web page with your student, click on “Naviance Family Connection”, and explore this valuable resource. In most cases, students used a home email as their log-in ID and chose their own password. The system gives the student the option to reset their password. If you need help, please contact Mrs. Lewis for assistance at 660-5320. We encourage all seniors to schedule fall appointments with their guidance counselor in order to develop individual plans for their This summer has been a busy one with schedule adjustments, life after high school. Counselors are also available to meet with new enrolls and working with students on credit recovery. It is students and parents together. Call 660-5301 after September 8th our hope that all of our students will have a great year and that we to schedule an appointment. will be able to support them as they pursue their goals. In addition, a College Process Overview seminar will be offered on Schedules were distributed to upperclassmen last June and Thursday, September 24th from 6:30-8:30 in the Information Cenmailed home to freshmen in July. Counselors were available ter. The New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation to make schedule changes throughout final exams and the Guid- (NHHEAF) will present information regarding the college search ance Coordinator has continued meeting with students and par- and application process. This presentation is designed for students ents throughout the summer. This means that only a few students and parents and is a great way to have your questions answered should need schedule adjustments at the start of the year. Coun- early in the year. selors will be available August 26-28 from 8:00-3:00 each day to SENIOR SAT/ACT TESTING make schedule changes or meet with parents and students. Please call 660-5301 to set up an appointment. If you are a senior, NOW is the time to register for the fall SAT and/or ACT. Registration test dates and deadlines are available Our primary goal is to get students off to as strong a start on the online at (for the SAT) or www.actstudent. academic year as possible and to have them be in the appropri- org. SAT testing dates for fall are 10/3 and 11/7. The registraate classes from the first day of school. Once the year begins, tion deadlines are 9/3 and 10/9, respectively. ACT testing dates are schedule changes should be limited to situations that are beyond 10/24 and 12/12 with commensurate registration deadlines of 9/18 a student’s control. Priority will be given to students who are in and 11/6. the following categories: • Student has an incomplete schedule for Semester I (fewer than SAT testing is being offered at GHS for the October and Novemsix classes). ber test dates. Please be sure to list GHS as your testing site. If • Student failed to complete a prerequisite last year. you have questions, see Mrs. Morrison or Mrs. Lewis in Guidance. • Class is an incorrect level. • Student is a junior or senior who needs to meet a graduation College and Career Planning requirement. 9/18 (F) NH Construction Career Day Event A SMOOTH START IN SEPTEMBER On the first day of school, all students should follow the schedule distributed in their homeroom regardless of their plans to drop or add a class. Changes will not be made to accommodate a desired late arrival or early release, teacher preferences, or to be in class with a peer. If you have an extenuating circumstance that does not meet the criteria above, please have a parent email or write Mrs. Lewis, the Guidance Coordinator, for further consideration. Our goal is to complete all class changes by Friday, September 4th. 9/24 (TH) 10/1 (TH) 10/6 (T) 10/15 (W) 11/12 (TH)- NHHEAF College Process Overview: 6:30-8:30pm Information Center Open House-Naviance Workshop Step Room College Fair @ UNH (11th & 12th grade optional Field Trip) PSAT testing GHS (gr. 10 Honors & all gr.11 students are automatically enrolled. Other soph- omores may request testing on a first come, first served basis in Guidance) NHHEAF Financial Aid Night 6:30-8:00pm 6 PARKING INFORMATION Goffstown High School 2015-‐2016 Student Parking Sign-‐up Information GHS will issue parking passes to Juniors and Seniors: August 25-‐27, 2015, 7:30-‐2:30 Parking passes are $100.00 and can be paid for by cash or check made payable to GHS. Please bring your vehicle registration and your driver license. Parking Rules and Eligibility Parking stickers will be assigned on a space-‐available basis. Parking on school grounds is a privilege that may be revoked or suspended due to failing grades, poor attendance or disciplinary action. Eligibility: • The student must be a junior or senior in good academic standing (passing all classes from the previous quarter). • The student’s financial obligations must be settled. • The student will have no past disciplinary issues involving illegal substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco). Rules: • The vehicle must be registered to the student or parent/legal guardian. • The vehicle must display a valid parking sticker on the rear window, driver’s side. • Students must park in designated areas only. • A parking sticker is not transferrable to any other vehicle or student. • Any illegally parked vehicle may be towed without warning. • A request for a refund will be issued under the discretion of the Principal. 7 STUDENT COUNCIL Our adventurous summer days are coming to an end and faculty and students are preparing for the new school year ahead of us. Teachers are beginning to organize and rearrange their classrooms and students are beginning to think about back to school shopping and have suddenly remembered that summer work they said they would do weeks ago! Similarly, Goffstown High School’s Student Council is busy planning and preparing events for our new school year. Student Council, consisting of student leaders with varied personalities, works throughout the school year to put on a variety of school-wide assemblies and events. As a group, we strive to provide opportunities for the student body to increase involvement, encourage student voice, and help facilitate activities to ultimately create a positive school environment. We are very fortunate to have our returning faculty advisors: Señora McKinnon and Señor Fitzpatrick. The members of the 2015-2016 Student Council are as follows: Executive Board Alexia Gorton –President Jose Martinez - Vice President Sierra Blondeau – Secretary Samantha Woodward- Treasurer School Board Representative Jacob Borges Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Alexia Gorton Jackson Brannen Mitchel Scacchi Jose Martinez Hunter Aldenberg Jac St. Jean Alyson CoteNicholas MattisonTeagan Collins Samantha Woodward Nykola Isaia Abby Poisson Sierra Blondeau Pamela Castillo-Diaz Hannah Tate Zachary Comeau Eric Choquette Harrison Blondeau Timothy Comeau Molly MacNeilly Allison Buckless Ayla Wamser Kayley Noterman Joseph Jackson Maya Harvey Emily Veilleux Benjamin Smith David Temeng Collin Wynn Ethan Smith Hannah Thomas Danielle Vermette Jack Bellemore This group of talented and hardworking individuals meets a few times before the school year begins to discuss a multitude of topics related to the upcoming school year, to work out the details and logistics of our events, and to cover feedback and new ideas from the student body. Student Council members will also meet with their respective class councils to plan individual class events. As we try and promote more student involvement, we expect each member to be thoroughly involved in both the entire Student Council and in his or her individual class meetings and activities. Student Council elections for the class of 2019 will be held on Friday, September 11th. Applications will be available in the Main Office and the Student Council Center (SCC) which is located at the top of the tech wing ramp, beginning on the first day of school and will be due to Sra. McKinnon in room 103 or Sr. Fitzpatrick in room 102 by the end of the school day on September 9th. Freshmen interested in running for Student Council are encouraged to attend our first full council meeting/pizza lunch and our Clough State Park outing. Both are opportunities to get to know who we are and what we do as a group and we would love to have you and to get to know you as well! Our first mandatory full Student Council meeting will be held Thursday, August 27th in the Step Room (Room 318) from 11am to about 2pm. Our first outing as a Council will be held at Clough State Park on August 31st from 11am to around 2pm. We will be playing games, getting to know new members, and enjoying the beach on one of our last days of summer. Lunch will be provided at both events. The first school-wide event that we will be organizing falls on the first day of school during the activity/lunch period. We will have a variety of activities available in which students can choose to participate. In the past these activities have included dodgeball, ultimate Student Council......................................................continued on page 9 8 STUDENT COUNCIL Frisbee, movies and karaoke. Throughout the extended lunch period, students will have time to reconnect with friends and teachers, enjoy lunch with the opportunity to buy pizza for $2 a slice, and relax before we have to get back into the swing of things. We are also eager to start preparations for Homecoming week, October 5th through 10th, during which students will have the chance to participate in dress up days and lunch time activities to show some Grizzly school spirit. There will be sports games to attend, the competitive homecoming assembly and dance competition, all ending with the traditional Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 10th from 7-10pm. This year’s Student Council is eager and excited to welcome new members and reconnect with our returning members as we strive for another fun-filled year with new levels of energy and increased participation. We look forward to spending another year together! -Alexia Gorton Student Council President VOLUNTEER MODELS NEEDED 9 A R T S & AC T I V I T I E S VISUAL ARTS opment opportunities. The Art Teachers have been busy planning and preparing for the new school year and are eager to incorporate many of the new things that they learned during their summer workshops and staff devel- Donna Karolian spent two weeks in Europe and was able to see many of the artworks and architectural sites that previously she had only read about and seen images of. Her favorite spots on the trip were the cities of Rome, Florence and Cinque Terra, with each being more magical than the last one. On the lower left, is a picture of the Pantheon she took while staying just down the street from this beautiful building, while in Rome. Ava-lyn Lane, Keith Martin and Sandee Nichols all attended the New Hampshire Institute of Art Summer Institute for Teachers for the last week of June. Mrs. Lane also attended the pre-week intensive two-day workshop prior to the main program. The GHS art teachers worked alongside art educators from all over the country, while participating in two, four-hour long workshops each day. Silver Jewelry Fabrication with Gemstone Setting, and Independent Advanced Design were the focus of Mrs. Lane’s week. To the upper right you can see some of the work that she completed during the week. A neckpiece with a dyed Kingman turquoise pendant and a dragonfly and flower ring that she designed and created in sterling silver. Mr. Martin explored drawing the the Human Figure in a variety of media and Surface Treatment of the Ceramic Form for his workshops. His three textured and beautifully decorated thrown pottery pieces are seen on the lower right. Mrs. Nichols created a recycled sculpture of an owl in her 3-D Design course and numerous watercolor paintings in the Plein Air Watercolor Painting. Her owl and painting of Lake Massabesic done as the final work in the class, can be seen to the upper left. Congratulations to the senior Art Honors students who, after an application process and interviews, were selected to participate in the program. Jaina Neri will be working with Mrs. Lane. Sydney Brey is doing her mentorship with Mrs. Nichols and Kelli Towsley is working under the direction of Mrs. Karolian. If you would like to be in an art class and did not receive one on your schedule, be sure to contact your guidance counselor before school starts, or during the first week of school. If you have decided that you would like to add an art class and did not sign up for one, your counselor will be glad to see if she or he can fit you into one that has an open space. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Goffstown High School’s Chapter of the National Honor Society is extremely excited for the kickoff of another great school year! NHS is a nationally recognized organization that features high school students that excel in the areas of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Goffstown’s NHS strives to strengthen the community through service, fundraising, and volunteering. NHS also offers wonderful tutoring resources in all subjects and levels for any student. As the new school year approaches, we would like to inform parents and students, especially incoming freshmen and their parents, that our services will be available again this year. Members from NHS are able to meet one-on-one with students before and after school or during PREP periods each week to review and advise over difficult schoolwork, as well as give students the tools they need to become more successful on their own. Tutor Request Forms are available in the high school’s Guidance Office. If you have any questions, please reach out to our advisor, Mrs. Jennifer Beauchemin ([email protected]). 10 A R T S & AC T I V I T I E S ART CLUB The GHS Art Club is preparing for another active and exciting year. The officers have been meeting and developing new and varied activities and events that will be sure to interest all levels of arts interested students. The first meeting of the year is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 22nd, at 2:50PM in Art Room A0-1. We will be going over the club mission and goals and filling out membership forms. A calendar of events for first semester will be provided and we will be looking for input on what you would like to do. Refreshments will be served and although our regular meetings normally end at 4:30PM this meeting will end at 4PM. This club is for any student who enjoys the arts. You do not need any special skills or talent in art to be a member, as all activities and projects can be adapted to suit your personal level and often you have a choice of what you would like to do. Field trips, workshops and community service are part of what we do. For fundraising, we run a jewelry and handcraft item business where, for several days throughout the school year, we design and make a lot of our own items to sell in a store-like setting. This year we are adding paintings on canvas and jewelry organizers to our items for sale. Freshmen are encouraged to come and be a part of our club. If you would like to be part of a large active group that is diverse and fun, meets on a regular schedule and allows for creative choice, then this club is for you! Please feel free to contact our advisor, Mrs. Lane, if you have any questions. She can be found in Art Room A-01 or you may email her at: [email protected]. PEER OUTREACH Join a fun, social and active club in the 2015-2016 school year! Looking to join a fun club next fall? Join Peer Outreach! Peer Outreach empowers young people to be good decision makers, exemplary leaders, and role models in both GHS and the greater community. Our events and activities include: WORKSHOPS PROJECTS COMMUNITY SERVICE FIELD TRIP & MORE Art Club Meets Tuesdays from 3-4:30 PM Room A-01 Mrs. Lane - Advisor Listen for announcements and look for our posters at the start of school in September. • • • • • Planning and putting on the Semi-Formal Dance. Participating in the national Red Ribbon Week. Leadership trainings such as going to a “high ropes challenge course” in the beautiful woods at the UNH Browne Center, where we do different team-building games and exercises. Giving money to worthy causes! We designed a grant program to provide other clubs and organizations with funding. We have fun! Each week we eat good food, play games and do fun activities! We meet every Tuesday in room 203 from 2:45 until 3:30, and our first meeting for the 2015-16 school year will be in early September. Hope to see you there! GEOMETRY STUDENTS Attention: Geometry Students and Parents: It would be to the benefit of all Geometry students (Open and Honors) to have a compass, a protractor, a straightedge, and a scientific calculator for the beginning of the school year. A graphing calculator is not necessary but acceptable. 11 A R T S & AC T I V I T I E S Have you ever thought about a career in business? Are you interested in marketing, management, or accounting? JOIN FBLA! Future Business Leaders of America is the largest student run business organization in the world! If you’re interested in community service, or are thinking about pursuing a business related career, FBLA is the club for you! Popular careers such as retail management, accountants, fashion buyers, and nearly every other career benefits from, if not requires, a background in business, and FBLA is here to help you gain the skills you need to build a strong foundation for your business future! Ask any of our members, and they can attest to the amount of fun our organization is. We host countless fundraisers, fairs, attend competitions, and take fieldtrips throughout the school year, and most importantly, give back to our local community! We meet every Thursday morning in T-11, at 7:30 – Our first meeting this year is on Thursday, September 10th at 7:30 am in room T-11. Hope to see you there! If you’re taking a business class next year, including economics, come to any meeting to see what we’re all about! You will NOT regret it! Questions? Contact Mrs. Scarlett at [email protected] or stop by and visit in room T-11. GHS 50th ANNIVERSARY This academic year, Goffstown High School is pleased to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its building at 27 Wallace Road. This is a story that started long ago. It is about a living building that has supported the intellectual and social growth of thousands of Goffstown residents. In many cases, multiple generations of families have studied between these walls. This fall we have three projects leading up to our official anniversary this December. First, brick and mortar come alive when we share our remembrances with each other and record them for future generations. Last spring, five former GHS students shared their stories with us and we invite you to do the same this school year. Hear Jim Beauchemin (class of 1975), Jennifer Cormier (class of 1989), Michelle Duguay (class of 1996), Mike Grady (class of 1966), and Dave Macrgegor (class of 1971) online as they talk about their time at GHS with some of our students. You may listen to our guests sharing stories with young 50th Anniversary Committee members Heather Beegan, Sierra Blondeau, Maeve Grant, Sammy Kimball, Rosie Melanson, and Hiba Sikander at Login by entering listener ID 5170 with the password 16472. Join us at the Public Library during the Pumpkin Regatta or make an appointment with librarian Melissa Mannon by writing [email protected] to share your own story with us. Additionally this fall, current students are writing their own thoughts about life at GHS. GHS English teachers are encouraging students to record special stories and feelings about our community. These writings will be stored in the school archives. Finally, we continue the search for a time capsule buried at the old high school building in the mid-1960s. We have much information about where it may be buried and are working with the current owners of the “Upper L” to uncover the item. If you have any information – if you attended the burial ceremony or know something about the time capsule – please contact GHS librarian Melissa Mannon. Our students are also putting together a new time capsule to represent this generation of Goffstown youth. Stay tuned for our special December events. We hope that you may join us! 12 A R T S & AC T I V I T I E S ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Goffstown High School’s Summer Reading Program is back! The Summer Reading Program is a unique summer reading opportunity designed to promote choice, engagement, and meaningful conversations among students and teachers at GHS. The program is modeled after book discussion groups; it offers about sixty titles, both fiction and non-fiction, and spans a wide array of topics. Over the last few weeks of school, students chose their title, from a staff-generated list, via Moodle. By now, both staff and students have read their books and are, no doubt, eager to talk about their book selection with others who read the same title over the summer. Our school-wide book discussions are scheduled to take place on Friday, September 11th. Students will be notified of the facilitator and location for their book discussion groups on that day. During this hour, students will discuss key topics of selected readings and will have the opportunity to share insight with peers. Summer reading work will be evaluated by individual English teachers throughout September and will be reflected in their first quarter English grade. CLASS DUES Class dues in the amount of $60.00 contribute to the costs of graduation and senior activities such as the cap and gown for graduation and the senior class trip. An envelope will be included in the paperwork that your student will receive on the first day of school to pay class dues. Class dues should be paid in full by the beginning of senior year. Dues can be paid in installments of $20.00 per year (Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior) or in full – as long as the dues are paid by the beginning of senior year. Please contact your class advisor with any questions. Class of 2016 Ms. Beauchemin or Ms. Therriault [email protected] or mtherriault@goffstown. Class of 2017 Mr. Bracy or Ms. Koffink [email protected] or [email protected]. Class of 2018 Mr. Hamel or Ms. Murchison [email protected] or [email protected]. Class of 2019 Ms. Connolly or Ms. Lussier [email protected] or [email protected]. LATIN CLUB If you are taking Latin this year, think about joining the GHS Latin Club, which is a part of the National Junior Classical League. We meet weekly on Mondays from 2:45 to 3:30 to learn more about the classical world in fun and interesting ways. In the past there have been cooking classes, academic competitions, art projects, holiday celebrations and the occasional movie. The club is whatever you want it to be, so we are always open to new ideas. Members of the Latin Club also go on a school field trip to Classics Day for Students in May, which is always very popular. The $10 membership fee for the club helps to cover the cost of the field trip as well as various adminstrative costs associated with the national organization. One of the benefits of belonging to the NJCL is the opportunity to become a member of the National Latin Honor Society. This is for students who are members of the Latin Club, have an A average, and are active and positive members of our program. However, many students participate happily in our club without being in the Honor Society. We really just want to spread our love of the classics. The first meeting of the year will be Monday, September 21st in room 105. At that time we will elect officers, make any changes to our schedule, and talk about our upcoming plans. If you think you might be interested, log into the GHS Moodle system and enroll in Latin Club (enrollment key: latin). We can always unenroll you if you change your mind. This may help you get some ideas about whether this is the club for you or not. We hope it is! A BRONZE AND A GOLD FOR HAYDEN MEATTEY! Hayden Meattey, who is a member of Team Uncanoonuc, a Goffstown Special Olympics team competed in the World Special Olympic Games held in Los Angeles, California during July and August. Hayden was a competitor in the 400-meter and 800-meter walks. He finished in third place to earn a bronze medal in the 400-meter competition. On August 1st, in the 800-meter competition, Hayden’s focus and hard work payed off as he won GOLD! 13 A R T S & AC T I V I T I E S YEARBOOK Senior Portraits for the 2016 Yearbook * Attention Class of 2016! You should have received information mailed to your home regarding the process for scheduling an appointment with Geskus Photography as well as selecting the photograph that will be included in the 2016 Nisa ‘Tin Yearbook. Just a few extra reminders: • There is no cost for this sitting. • Pictures taken by Geskus will be the only ones submitted for publication in the yearbook. • The entire 2016 yearbook will be printed in color again! This might influence what colors students wear. • It is most important for seniors to realize Geskus Photography, the school’s photographer, for yearbook photos, must photograph them. • If you could not make any of the dates to be photographed over the summer at GHS, please be sure to contact Geskus to set up a sitting time. • Seniors should not confuse school/ID pictures with senior yearbook portraits. ID pictures cannot be used in place of senior portraits. Seniors need to submit a picture choice by October 15, 2015 (please select your portrait online – follow the instructions mailed to your home from Geskus). *********************************************************************************************************** Congratulate Your Graduate! In The 2016 Edition Of The Nisa ’Tin Yearbook Send your graduate a twenty-five word message in the 2016 yearbook. Fill in the information below and send to GHS. The deadline for messages is December 19th, 2015. The price of a message is $20.00. Be sure to include your graduate’s name in the message. These messages are only for members of The Class of 2016 or students with early graduation. Please write clearly or attach typed copy. Twenty-five word message: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to Goffstown High School Mail to: Goffstown High School, 27 Wallace Road, Goffstown, NH 03045, Attn: Nisa’Tin Staff Please mark your students name on the memo line – thank you! Don’t forget to purchase a copy of the 2016 GHS Nisa ‘Tin Yearbook! Special savings now through 9/30/15 – Don’t miss out on the savings! 14 The GAP The GAP at GHS Goffstown Adult Education Program Adult Diploma, HiSet/GED, Lifelong Learning 27 Wallace Road Goffstown, NH 03045 Bill Ryan--- 603-660-5302 Course Registration Date of Birth: Your Name: Address: Town: Zip: Fall Semester 2015 Email address: Day Phone: Evening Phone: Tuition to be paid by cash, check or money order payable to Goffstown School District – GAP These Courses meet Tuesday or Thursday Genre Instructor Earn Credit Day Start and End Dates Time Tuition Civics/Economics Academic D.Pare ½ Tuesday Oct. 6-Dec.8 3-5pm $120 English Academic P.Galamaga ½ Tuesday Oct.6-Dec.8 3-5pm $120 HiSet/GEDLanguage N/A P.Galamaga N/A Tuesday 6-8pm $30 Algebra Academic C.Russo ½ Thursday 3-5pm $120 Biology Academic N. Lambert ½ Thursday 6-8pm $120 HiSet/GED-Math N/A B.Carey N/A Thursday 6-8pm $30 Earth/Space Science Academic K.Greeb ½ Thursday 6-8pm $120 Creative Welding Elective R.Caradonna ½ Thursday 3:455:45pm $120+$50 Creative Welding Elective R.Caradonna ½ Thursday 6-8pm $120+$50 Enrichment Oct.6-Dec.8 Oct.8-Dec.10 Oct.8-Dec.10 Oct.8-Dec.10 Oct.8-Dec.10 Oct.8-Dec.10 Oct.8-Dec.10 Open to 16+ Music-private lessons Music Contact- Josh Desrochers N/A Check web site By appoint. Career Exploration Enrichment A.Lafond N/A By appoint. By appoint. What should I do when I’m 65 Enrichment R.Cathcart N/A Tuesday Oct.6-Dec.8 Computer-Excel Enrichment M.Engelsen N/A Tuesday Enrichment M.Englesen N/A Enrichment M.Englesen Enrichment Hip-Hop Dance By appoint. By appoint. $40.00 per hour Free 6:30-8pm $95 Oct. 6 6-8pm $35 Tuesday Oct. 13 6-8pm $35 N/A Tuesday Oct. 20 6-8pm $35 M.Englesen N/A Tuesday Oct. 27 6-8pm $35 Enrichment C.Lauzon N/A Tuesday Oct.6-Dec.8 7-8pm $95 Yoga for Everyone Enrichment L. Federico N/A Thursday Oct.8-Dec.10 3-4pm $95 Creative Welding Enrichment R.Caradonna N/A Thursday Oct.8-Dec.10 3:455:45pm $95+$50 Creative Welding Enrichment R.Caradonna N/A Thursday Oct.8-Dec.10 6-8pm $95+$50 Computer-Microsoft Word Computer-Word Documents Computer-Power Point Attendance for all credit bearing classes is required Registration is secured with payment in full. You will be contacted ONLY if a class is cancelled or full. 15 ATHLETICS Steve Fountain Athletic Director We hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer, as we look forward to another successful year of Grizzlies Athletics. Please take advantage of any and all opportunities to participate whether it be as a team member, booster club member, or a fan, I urge you to get involved! Homecoming this year will be the week of October 5th, culminating on October 10th with our football team taking on the Bedford Bulldogs at 1:30 on Grizzlies Field. ATHLETICS WEBSITE You can find our team schedules, and track your favorite team(s) this coming fall season by signing up on the new GHS Athletics website by going to Make sure to “CREATE A FAN ACCOUNT” on the site so that you can favorite and sign up for alerts from the teams that you want to follow, get alerts on scores, cancellations and more! We would like to remind everyone that nomination forms for the Goffstown High School Hall of Fame are available at GHS and on the GHS athletics web site. Here is some important information regarding Grizzlies athletics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Our field hockey teams will practice at Lions Club Field, and play their games at GHS. Our girls and boys soccer teams will practice, and play their games at GHS. Our football team will practice and play freshmen and junior varsity games at Barnard Park. Home Varsity games will continue to be played at GHS. Our golf teams will practice and play all of their home matches exclusively at Stonebridge Country Club. We will continue to offer strength and conditioning as an after-school activity, utilizing our fitness center. The tentative schedule for the center will be from 3 to 5pm Mon-Wed-Fri. Students can develop their own fitness plans under the guid- ance of our strength and conditioning coach. We ask that when you come to the high school for an athletic event, please park in one of the school parking spaces in any of our parking lots. It is important that cars are not parked in fire lanes in the event of an emergency. GHS Athletics FAQ Question: I have passing grades and no incompletes in all of my classes for the semester. Will I be eligible to play a sport in the up coming season? Answer: Any student must have passed at least FIVE credit courses the previous QUARTER. Eligibility is not assessed on semester grades but previous quarter grades. (This is a common mistake made by individuals seeking athletic eligibility). Furthermore, a student ineligible under Goffstown High School policy but eligible under the NHIAA guidelines, may apply for a waiver hearing to determine their eligibility status. A waiver hearing is done on a case-by-case basis, can only happen once during a studentathlete’s high school career, and are subject to approval by the Principal. 16 Support Grizzlies Athletics ATHLETICS By going to the “Resources” page on the GHS Athletics website and clicking on “Grizzlies Gear” to buy any and all of your Maroon and White in preparation for the new school year! “GOAL” Goffstown Outstanding Athletic Leadership Made up of forty student athletes, “GOAL’s mission is to support strong leadership among members of Goffstown sports teams, to increase sportsmanship, team unity, and to unite the entire Goffstown athletic program into a single dynamic entity. Goal’s main functions will be to: *Unite Goffstown Athletics as “1 Team”. *Increase/Improve Sportsmanship at all athletic events. *Increase interest in Goffstown Athletics throughout the school and community. *Improve and increase School Spirit and Pride. *Improve all aspects of athletic “life” at GHS through goal setting. If you have community based volunteer opportunities for this group we’d love to hear from you. Finally, as we enter a new school year of Goffstown High School athletics, I would like to see our student-athletes and fans exhibit a great deal of positive sportsmanship in all of our athletic contests. Goffstown athletics expectations for fans are few and simple: 1. 2. 3. Cheer for your team not against the visitors. Don’t get personal in your comments to players, coaches or officials. No profanity, vulgarity, racist or sexist comments. BE LOUD, BE PROUD, BE POSITIVE! 17 QUARTER 4 HONOR ROLL Grade 12 Principal’s Honor Roll Meralee Allen, Luke Anderson, Andrew Armstrong, Nathanael Avery, Emily Bono, Erin Boyle, Hannah Buczala,Georgia Caine, Eryn Daly, Kathleen Deabill, Taylor Gagnon, William Galipeault, Mia Holm, Nicholas Houseman,Jenna Indingaro, Thomas Jore, Mackenzie Lindquist, Natalie MacPhee, Rachael Manchester, Parker McBride, Jenna Miles, Cody Murphy, Samantha Myrdek, Nicole Nanof, Kendra Ouellette, Kyle Ross, Dylan Schlange, Matthew Shaw, Julie Sheaffer, Madelyne St. John, Elizabeth St. Onge, Eric Surak, Abigale Teague, Bryannah Voydatch, Elias Williams, Cameron Wilson, Sydni Wolfendale Grade 11 Principal’s Honor Roll Nicole Andersen, Rachel Avery, Sarah Beattie, Sierra Blondeau, Kylie Britton-Doucette, Mary Collimore,Timothy Comeau, Sydney Eldridge, Makayla Fleming, Hannah Forest, Sarah Graham, Connor Hager, Jack Kennerson, Hannah Larochelle, Kelly Li, Xavier Morel, Natalie Murphy, Nicholas Ollila, Johanna Osiecki,Siobhan Pelletier, Kyle Perron, Daniel Previe, Benjamin Roy, Eileen Savinelli, Logan Schlange, Christopher Simpson, David Temeng, Samantha Woodward, Zilong Yuan, Rebecca Zylak, Grade 10 Principal’s Honor Roll Alisha Anderson, Abigail Bono, Jacob Borges, Jackson Brannen, Jakob Britton-Doucette, Christina Choquette, Kaylee Chouinard, Elizabeth Cronin, Janelle Fassi, Katie Galletta, Montana Harris, Max LaPointe, Kaitlin Leduc, Samantha Lewis, Sydney Lewis, Alyssa Lombardi, Melissa Mullen, Hannah Thomas, Emilie Veilleux, Grade 9 Principal’s Honor Roll Sujana Ahmed, Jonathan Blanchard, Harrison Blondeau, Ryan Cook, Sarah Doherty, Emily Forest, Michael Fortin, Sydney Gagne, Rose Gibney, Kevin Heroux, Joseph Jackson, Autumn Moody, Abby Poisson, Devin Pouliot, Caroline Prud’homme, Elizabeth Saucier, John Scacchi, Ethan Smith, Hannah Tate, Catherine Tilton, Allyson Vermette, Jenna Weigler, Grade 12 Honor Roll Madison Abeels, Madison Allard, Hannah Baldyga, Tess Barbaro, Samantha Bartolucci, Audrey Beaudoin, Alec Berube, Cassidy Blouin, Christopher Bouchard, Tucker Bowen, Megan Bradford, Cierra Brancato, Abigail Brand, Mikayla Brown, Molly Browne, Josephine Byam, Brittany Champagne, Anthony Ciarla, Matthew Collins, Alexis Condon, Hannah Curran, Chace Dearborn, Samantha Dever, Rejoice Dhliwayo, Christopher Dovas, Desiree Edwards, Alexander Ellsworth, Bryanna Fournier, Hannah Garcia, Ian Gately, Hana Geissenhainer, Liberty Gendron, Stuart Goldstein, Megan Grant, Lauren Gross, Tessa Guillemette, Molly Harris, Zachary Harris, Caylin Hayes, Marcus Haynes, Julia Humphrey, Alison Ives, Gregory Ives, Caitlin Keith, Nicholas Klotz, Seth Lafond, Jessica Langlois, Samantha Laplante, Alysha LeBlanc, Alexandra Lewin, Yang Li, Madyson Mackenzie, Jillian McCalvey, Taylor McCarthy, Meagan McGrail, Gavin McLellan, Calvin Meattey, Zachary Meisel, Alicia Minnich, Maura Mullen, Brianna Myers, Alexis Nickulas, Autumn Normand, Molly Norton, Kelly O’Brien, Kaylee Paquette, Abigail Pilloni, Ashley Pinault, Brennan Pouliot, Emily Prud’homme, Julia Przekaza, Michael Pyszka, Chase Reilley, Jake Richards, Megan Rockwell, Caleb Russell, Alyia Sharby, Samuel Shearin, Elisabeth Sheppard, Kayla Siegfried, Madison Smith, Hannah Soares, Alexandra Sortwell, Scott Stone, Victoria Stout, Joanna Tate, Emily Waller, Elijah Williams, Isaac Wilson, Morgan Yorkell, Lu Xing Zeng, Grade 11 Honor Roll Justin Almeida, Lindsey Andrews, Kora Barber, Taylor Beck, Shaughnessy Benoit, Kayleen Bertrand, Cameron Bond, Connor Bourque, Kailee Brace, Sydney Brey, Olivia Brigagliano, Mei Brown, Kathryn Buciak, Robert Cahill, Emma Campbell, Kaylee Cavagnaro, Andrew Chalbeck, Samuel Christy-Rubin, Catherine Cloutier, Amelia Colarusso, Alyson Cote, Emma Danielson, Kyle Davis, Briannah DeLorme, David Deschenes, Zoe Desmarais, Abigail Desrosiers, Thokozile Dhliwayo, Margaret Donaghey, Ryan Dubreuil, Sydney Duda, Sydney Edwards, Allison Fitzpatrick, Megan Flanders, Abigail Freeman, Peter Girard, Robert Girardin, Alexia Gorton, Colin Holt, Ethan Houle, Samantha Iarrobino, Tonya Jagodowski, Maddison James, Noah Johnson, Emily Keen, Keelin Kendall, Paige Labbe, Chantelle Lamy, Matthew Larochelle, Patrick Leahy, Grade 11 Honor Roll Continues on the next page… 18 QUARTER 4 HONOR ROLL Logan Lemay, Emily Locke, Xinglin Lu, Elizabeth Maurais, Megan Menard, James Mullen, Jacqueline Odell, Hannah Olkovikas, Cody Paquette, Adam Pinault, Isabelle Poliquin, Kasey Potvin, Haley Reed, Nicholas Richards, Ian Routhier, Kaitlyn Sawler, Alyssa Saykaly, Matthew Scanlan, Emily Schnebel, Joel Smith, Trevor Smith, Olivia St. Jean, Colby St. Pierre, Peter Steckowych, Anna Strong, Catherine Sudak, Brennan Vermette, Emilio Virzera, Mariah Vogeley, Meaghan Wallace, Drew Willard Grade 10 Honor Roll Sarah Allard, Elliot Allen, Lauren Beaule, John Bellemore, Elizabeth Berthiaume, Chantal Bolduc, Arden Brenan, Kasey BrittonDoucette, Alice Butcher, Rebekah Chabot, Kyleigh Cooley, Alexis Cox, Hannah Crowell, Casey Cupples, Casey Dalton, Kersten Daneau, Amber Davis, Matthew Dodge, Patrick Dodge, Morgan Fielder, Abigail Flegal, Rachel Foss, Hannah Gagne, Olivia Gagne, Anna GiConte, Ryan Hayes, Maya Heafield, Maddison Hebert, Elizabeth Herod, Joseph Hewson, Peter Hunt, Nykola Isaia, Julia Kilmister, Samantha Kimball, Joshua Kirsch, Jessie Laflamme-Lescault, Alexus-Marie Lansdown, Kaylie Leitner, Emily Lescatre, Kate Lescatre, Hailey Lesmerises, Jordan Lewis, Bailey Lord, Samuel Martel, Peyton McBride, Katherine McKim, Jenna McNeill, Grayson Morin, Colin Mower, Gavin Myers, Bailey Novakoski, Julia Paquette, Maggie Perrin, Hannah Pilloni, Anthony Pilotte, Gabrielle Proksa, Megan Purcell, Tyler Riendeau, Chloe Robinson, Holly Rollins, Julia Rourke, Kerri Roy, Ethan Skinner, Sean Smith, Emma Soucy, Rebecca Spaulding, Jocelynn St. Onge, Kate Stantial, Grace Tavis, Jennifer Vo, Nathaniel Wooding, Matthew Woodward, Courtney Wynands, Alexis Yianakopolos, Alexa Zienkiewicz, Grade 9 Honor Roll Taylor Almeida, Sidney Armstrong, Andrew Auger, Jeremy Barss, Sinead Behan, Katelynn Biederman, Taylor Brien, Cameron Brodeur, Kara Bryson, Allison Buckless, Connor Chapdelaine, Benjamin Cogswell, Teagan Collins, Daniel Comeau, Sarah Conley, Samuel Desrosiers, Carleigh Diamantoplos, Laura Donaghey, Amanda Dovas, Kate Duval, Jessica Edmonds, Serenah Freeman, Bailey Gagnon, Kalyn Gervais, Kayla Greene, Jazlyn Hale, Sophia Harkins, Madison Harrington, Christopher Hazen, Luke Heafield, Nafa Imamovic, Raegan Jacob, Hannah Jorczak, Keara Kendall, Bridget Kennerson, Keslyn Kime, Justin Labbe, Alison Larochelle, Jordyn Lavallee, Kara Lendry, Dakota Martel, Brianna McCuaig, Ainsley Miles, Savannah Monfette, Connor Ouellette, Kacey Paquette, Miah Parsons, William Peterson, Christopher Piekarski, Justin Pinard, Noah Rapazzo, Andrew Reed, Merecedes Sherwood, Madeline Short, Monique Sirois, Benjamin Smith, Brianna Snook, Jacques St. Jean, Emily Stelman, Ryan Ulcickas, Taylor Urella, Danielle Vermette, Catherine Verostick, Keara Welch, Ian Winrow, Abbigail Young, Dariya Zaporozhchenko, Cheyenne Zinnkosko, “It is important that you recognize your progress and take pride in your accomplishments. Share your achievements with others. Brag a little. The recognition and support of those around you is nurturing.” ~Rosemarie Rossetti~ 19 SEPTEMBER 2nd SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY GOFFSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL 27 Wallace Road Goffstown, NH 03045
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