2012-05-01 NCNC Newfspaper X6 - The Newfoundland Club of
2012-05-01 NCNC Newfspaper X6 - The Newfoundland Club of
MAY 2012 4 Our Water Seminar is coming up next month so get 6 The June picnic is around the corner so fill forget that we are 2 Don’t having the Health & Res- ready to get wet. Load up out registration cue raffle at the June pic- your gear and and go form on page 6 and sign nic also! Need some through your exercises be- up for our Potluck! ideas of what to donate? your cause we are gointo have a great time in Lincoln! WWW.NCNC.ORG PASSWORD: DROOLZCOOL WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ NCNCNEWFSPAPER Go on over to page 2 for a list of ideas. NEWFS PAPER A MONTHLY PUBLICATION DEDICATED TO OUR MEMBERS AND THEIR DOGS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA FROM THE PRESIDENT… Draft Test - Our spring draft test was given on April 1st. Thankfully, the weather cooperated with us. After having had several days of rain we ended up with a very nice spring day full of sunshine, slight breezes and moderate temperatures. Our six entrants comprised of 4 singles and two teams were greeted by our Judges, Laura Gallagher and Gina Bonnell . Laura and Gina began the morning by walking the entrants through the freight haul, maneuvering course and the basic control patterns. Five of the six entrants passed the basic control exercise. John Pearson and crew, who are known to set up challenging maneuvering courses, laid out a course which would truly test both dog and handler. From the start the handlers had to obtain their dog’s attention immediately. The first obstacle brought the entrants alongside a creek, to perform some sweeping turns around trees. A battery operated car was the intriguing distraction and showed up about midway through the maneuvering course. I am very happy to report none of the dogs failed the intriguing distraction. The final obstacle was the removable object challenging control to the bitter end. The freight haul took the entrants through a wooded area, then into a busy public park which provided challenges from loose dogs, children, BBQ’s then finally through a tight wheelchair ramp. Despite the challenges, I am very happy to report we had a 50% pass rate. Congratulations to Roland Parker with his team, CH Kevauras Dec of Independence, WD, WRD, DD (Indy) and CH Kevaura’s National Treasure, WD, DD (Riley); Cherrie Brown with her team, VN, WA, CH Nakiska Shines at Aukai, CDX, TDX, RE, WRD5, WRDX, TDD (Twinkle) and CH Tempest’s Ramble on to Aukai, CD, DD, RA, TD (Ramble) and last, but certainly not least, congratulations to Elisa Morozumi and her dog Royal Flush Kona Coast Showdown, WD, CGC (Kona). Huge thank you’s to our Judges, Laura and Gina, our Draft Test Committee, Pam Rubio, John Bonnell, Rick Humphreys, John Pearson, Merle Maggy, Dawn Druge, Colleen Cahill, Patti Sondgroth, Patti O’Brien, Laura Gallagher and June Gibson and our Stewards, Lynne Baker, Monica Brennan, Cherrie Brown, Dawn Druge, Kevin Gallagher, Rick Humphreys, Lori Littleford, Terry Parker, Joyce Taylor, Emma Taylor, Colleen Cahill, Patricia Roy and Donna Knight. As you can see it takes a large group of volunteers to put on a successful and well organized test. Our club has some amazing members! Davis Picnic- I could not participate in the Davis Picnic so I am ghost reporting for the event. I understand the day was very warm, heavily attended and yes, the NCNC newfs had a large audience. Thank you to Buzz and Patti Sondgroth who brought their dogs, Breezie and Captain, Jill Latchaw accompanied by her boys Axle and Que (Jill, forgive me if I misspelled here) and Hazel with Chex. Thank you for fielding the usual questions with grace and for sharing your newfs. Great job! Water Seminar- Our water seminar is right around the corner. The seminar will be held again at Martin and Gaby’s pond in Lincoln on June 3rd and 4th. Are you working on your take, hold and give commands? It’s not too early to start your land work. NCNC Picnic- Please mark your calendars to attend our club picnic being held on June 16th in Los Gatos. Elisa and John Morozumi have again graciously volunteered to chair this event. I know they have a wonderful menu planned, fun games, and this year we will also be giving the CGC test to anyone who may be interested. You’ve got a month and a half to practice. Gabe and I will give it a whirl. Come join in the fun! DAWN DRUGE NEWFOUNDLAND HEALTH RESCUE By Hazel Jacoby & June Gibson NCNC PICNIC JUNE 16TH, 2012! MAY DONATIONS The picnic is coming! And one of NH&R's major events is the raffle – a fund raiser for our rescue Newfoundlands. Please support us by buying tickets for wonderful raffle prizes! And if you have any new or “gently used” items to donate for the raffle and would like to get them out of your house, please contact June Gibson, 714-292-8461, [email protected], or Hazel Jacoby, 510582-9027, [email protected]. Otherwise bring them to the picnic by noon. We would like to thank and acknowledge the following for their donations: Samantha Westgate Mary Watt Michael & Karen Gantenbein Need ideas for raffle items? Mary Beth & Robert Stucky Here are a few gift basket ideas that you can whip up in time for the picnic! TREAT BASKET GROOMING BASKET CLEAN & GREEN Large biscuts Slicker Brush BASKET Training treats Rake Organic Carpet Cleaner Treat dispenser Tooth Brush Soy Candle Treat ball Shampoo & Conditioner Slime Scruber Training treat pouch Absorbant Towel Dog Bib Louise Ringo DOGS IN RESCUE Flower: Adopted! Violet: A landseer, 3 year old female. Recovering from a TPLO TRAINING BASKET PHOTO BASKET BLING BASKET Yogi: A black, 4 year old male. Water Work, Water Photo Frame Waterproof collar Has been vet checked and neu- Play by Judi Adler Gift Certificate for a QR Pet Tag Floating Bumper picture on canvas Bandanna Kong Wubba Flash Drives Leash Katies Bumpers Toys Photojojo Book Pick Up Bag Carrier tered BooBoo: A landseer, 4 year old male. Has been vet checked, DONATE TO NEWFOUNDLAND HEALTH & RESCUE! INSIDE EVERY ISSUE President’s letter 1 Health & Rescue 2 New Members 3 CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST Birthdays 3 At this year’s picnic we are holding a Canine Good Working Dog 4 Calendar 9 Board of Directors & 10 Chairs Advertising & Editorials 10 Memorials 0 Citizen Test! It will begin at 1:30 during the picnic and it is $10 per dog. The program rewards good dogs who have good ideas at home and in the community. Learn more at the AKC CGC site. Also, don’t forget to bring your own brush or comb, note the collar restrictions, and a 6’ or less leash! (No retractable leashes! Would you like to donate to Newfoundland Health & Rescue? There is a “Make Donation” button available on the NH&R website, newfhealthandrescue.org, or you can send a check to the following: Hazel Jacoby 5514 Greenridge Rd. Castro Valley, CA 94552 MAY BIRTHDAYS & ADOPTIONS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ADOPTION TO YOU! If you’ve adopted/rescued a dog and not sure what the “birthday” is, H&R uses the adoption date! BIRTHDAY DATE DOG OWNER 5/18/1999 Ch. Salty Dog's Isabella Angelina (Bella) Donna Masters 5/17/2000 Salty Dog's Nelson River (Nellie) CD, DD, WRD, TDD Tom & Liz Pulchny 5/17/2000 Ch Salty Dog's Heavens to Betsy (Bets) ROM, RN, WD,CD,WRD, DD Gaby Cohen/Martin Vroegryk 5/10/2001 Bacchanals Harbortown "Rose" Joy Alyea 5/9/2002 Aukai's Musta Karhu (Karhu) Michael Reyer/Ursula Cabalzar 5/23/2002 CH Alii Shores Tschetter's Girl CD, RA, DD, CGC, WD Debbie & Todd Bridge 5/26/2002 Capriccio's Satin Doll (Sadie) ROM John & Gina Bonnell 5/25/2004 Karazan's Catch As Catch Can (Zack) Dawn Druge/Kathy Bracisco 5/8/2006 Coastal Seas Harbor Magic (Pooka) Vicki White 5/15/2006 Laela Fredrik (Frits) & Gail Cassee 5/23/2006 Springhaven's Roxalana (Roxie) Ostap Melnyk/Rupali Das 5/25/2007 GCH Win N Rome's One And Only Isabella (Bella) Terri & Dave Muro 5/29/2007 CH Tempest's Forecaster O'Lanikai CGC, RN, DD Debbie & Todd Bridge 5/28/2008 Springhaven's Storm Warrior (Bojangles) Carol & Jerry Stohlgren 5/10/2009 Kuma Donna Knight/ Fred Klaske 5/10/2009 Bella Donna Knight/ Fred Klaske 5/16/2009 Rare Bear's Ruby Darlin' Carl & Jackie Hudson 5/5/2011 Capriccio's El Rey (Sherman) Paul & Patricia Newbould 5/5/2011 Capriccio's Volver (Jeter) Randy Robinson 5/5/2011 Capriccio's El Gusto (Gus) George, Carol & Justin Chew 5/7/2011 Royal Flush's Know When To Hold Them (Holder) Dale & Edie Koster 5/22/2011 Capriccio's Cassanova (Nova) Linda & Merle Maggy 5/22/2011 Capriccio's Easy To Love (Schnucki) Linda & Merle Maggy 4/22/2010 Harley (sorry for the late birthday notice!) Linda Gillum & Joe Williams 13 GIVE HER A HOWL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR SENIOR DOG BELLA! My name is Bella Masters. I live with my mom, dad, Oscar the kitty, Doe my goofy (sometimes annoying) Newfie sister and my brother Gus (in spirit). I am in charge of making sure life runs smoothly at the Masters' home. Each morning I have to roust my mom out of bed at 4:30 a.m. First, I make the happy feet dancing sound and look over the bed for signs of life. Usually that doesn't do it - next I give the bed the chest bump. Most of the time that is enough and she staggers out of bed. If all of that doesn't work, the last resort is climbing up the ramp that's next to the bed. That always gets her up because mom thinks I am a senior and doesn't want me straining myself. My other job is to make sure mom knows it's time to eat. At dinner time, mom is usually working, so I have to get her attention to let her know it's time!. First, I go over to her and make sure I make eye contact. Eye contact is crucial. She doesn't always get it and I have to make sure I have her attention. As soon as I get that eye contact, I do my happy feet dance and them bark. While I am doing this I always smile - that's very important - gets her every time. After every breakfast and dinner, mom has to give me four carrots - two at a time. Some times she forgets to count and I get six - which is great. One would think she would get the routine after a while - but no - everyday I have to the same thing. It's ok though. I get a lot of pets, kisses, sweet talk and love from mom and dad. That makes it all worth it - Life is good! WORKING DOG- JUNE WATER SEMINAR! IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! TIME FOR WATER WORK! NCNC’s annual water work seminar is set for June 2 & 3, 2012 in Lincoln. Newfs (and handlers) of all ages and experience are welcome. Saturday is the best day for beginners or for those who would like to refresh their beginning water training techniques. In this full day of training, we work both on land and water, and a lunch is included. We will provide participants with a list of equipment and apparel to bring once they sign up. Sunday is generally a little bit more than a half day of training, with our emphasis on working the Water Test exercises for WD, WRD, and WRDX levels. Our experienced leaders and assistants will help us work through problems or introduce the exercises. Need help with your training this summer? Contact the following or join us for weekend training We’re looking forward to seeing lots of participants – so sign up soon! For more information, contact Gaby Cohen at [email protected] or (916) 434-8837. Our trainers this year will be Lori Littleford and Laura Gallagher. sessions at The Pond or at Del Valle! See you soon! Trainers at The Pond in Lincoln: WHEN: June 2nd and 3rd, 2012 WHERE: The Pond! Gabby Cohen and Martin Vroegryk 3255 Gladding Rd, Lincoln, CA 95648 Directions Laura Gallagher 707-447-9079 Gaby Cohen & Marin Vroegryk 916-434-8837 Trainers at Del Valle: Rick Humphreys REGISTRATION: SEE REGISTRATION FORM ATTACHED WITH NEWFS PAPER! 925-757-6196 John Pearson 408-859-3677 Training sessions will start after the June seminar. Please contact Gabby or Martin for training days and times at The Pond, and Rick for days and times at Want to get a head start so you get more out of the seminar? The following articles are helpful to get a basic understanding of the water test regulations are and how to prepare your Newfoundland for the exercises. Newfoundland Water Rescue Overview Regulations Junior Exercises Senior Exercises WRDX Del Valle. Directions for Del Valle are here. More information about times and days are going to be available in the June Newfs Paper. Water Training- The Voice of Experience by Lori Littleford Water Work, Water Play- Judi Adler You Tube videos: Are You Ready For This? Rescue Me PHOTO CONTESTMAY PHOTOS Wow! We had a great response to our DIRTY DOG contest this month. (Thank you everyone!) But Winnie actually was able to get it into her mouth too so she’s our Dirty Dog of the month! Congratulations Winnie and Nick You’ll be getting the PAWW Pick Pocket Pouch! 1st Poris ummer S y B ! Maggie Muddy Bella - Post Excavatio n By Sharal Cole k Hallas Up! By Nic h s a W a s ed Winnie Ne Sarah ’s Anjolie Bac khoe! By J e n Cy r and! in the S n ie h p o S rs e Jen La B y D r. Bonnell Dozer is Dirty! By John Dirty, dir ty Dexter! By Joyce Taylor DIRTY DOG, HAPPY HEARTS! Mud B laying ath! (She’ s By Li in the pud actually nda K dle) ennar d June is the perfect time to get your dog IN the water, but we tend to do the running when it is time for them to shake it all off! Send me your best “SHAKE IT!” Picture! Email your photos to [email protected] or post them on our Facebook page! The June winner will receive an Alite Boa Collar that fits a 18”-24” neck. It even has its own pouch attached! HOWLING GOOD TIME… NCNC JUNE SUMMER FUN PICNIC! JUNE 16TH, 2012 SAVE THE DATE! Our Summer fun picnic is coming up soon so put the 16th on your calendar right now and come down and join the party! John and Elisa Morozumi are chairing once again this year so it’s going to be another fabulous event! If you have a dog that has turned 10, or will turn 10 by June 30th can receive a Living Legend award! If you want to receive the LL award contact Pam Rubio (408-847-1641) by May 25th. Include the dog’s call name, birth date and owner’s name. Anika all dressed up and ready to party WHEN: June 16th, 2012. 12:00 noon. WHERE: Vasona Lake County Park (Peppertree Group Area) 333 Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 Google Directions Parking Fee $6 CONTACT: Elisa Morozumi [email protected] 408-395-3075 2012 SUMMER PICNIC REGISTRATION FORM-RSVP by June 9 Name(s): BBQ Food Choice: (Please indicate how many people for each) Steak: Chicken: Vegetarian: For the Potluck, I will bring - (Please Check one, if you aren’t sure what to bring, contact Elisa Morozumi for suggestions) Salad: Dessert: Appetizer: The NCNC club will cover members’ lunches this year! # of Guests: x $9.50 = Total Due: $ Mail Registration & Payment To: NCNC c/o Elisa Morozumi 20157 Thompson Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95033 PAWS TO THE GROUND EVENTS, DOG-FRIENDLY PLACES, WEB SITES, APPS, FUN DOG STUFF! PAWSOME WEBSITES! WOOFIN APPS! Are you looking for new apps for your iphone/Droid? These may help make life a little bit easier! Pet Acoustics- If you have the cd’s then this app will make it easier to calm your dog down on car rides! Check out these pawsome sites that make surfing for you and your dog entertaining and interesting! BojietheNewf- What are other newfs up to? Find out what goes on in the life of two Newfies from Colorado are doing lately! Are you on Instagram yet? Do you take a lot of pictures of your dogs with your phone? Then this is the place to share your favorite poochy pics with all your friends and family instantly! Get to know other Newfie owners around the world and hook up with people Pet Poison Help- Nice to have on your phone as a backup for those emergencies that alwways seem to pop up. For Whom The Tail Wags- Hemingway the Newf rules this blog! Just Ramblin- Read all about Miss Stella, a cute brown Newf an her adventures. Map My Dog WalkTrack your dog walks, count calories, and hit your fitness goals! Honey Pot Pet Studios- Looking for cool pet gear? This site posts the cutest pet products you’ll want to know about! DOG DAYS AT THE PARK! July 19 th Do you sit there and watch the Oakland A’s with your dog? Well now MEET DOG MEMBER SEA-ENNA! you can bring your dog to the game and help the Oakland A’s and AvoDerm break a Guiness World Re- Name: Sea-Enna cord for the most dogs at a game. Age: 10 Plus, you get to show off your pal at Loved by: Rick & Donna Humphreys the Pup Parade on the field! Special Favorite Toy: Anything soft & fuzzy tickets are needed to sign up early Favorite Food: Anything edible and let’s see how many Newfies we Nicknames: Old Lady, Girlfriend can get on the field! Bad Habit:Getting others riled up so You can get tickets on the A’s web- she can play site! and dogs in your area. Here are a few people to look out for! @Kittythenewfie @Northwestmommy @Kimgreenparlato @Nobonesabout @Dotmanvicar @Cee_jay3 @newfandhound MEETING & EVENT CALENDAR 2012 MEETING DATES NCNC Meeting Schedule (unless otherwise scheduled) MEETING TIMES: Board - 10:00 AM Potluck Lunch - 11:30 Noon General Meeting - 12:00 PM Please leave dogs at home for meetings unless host is contacted first. Thank You! WHEN June 2 & 3, 2012 WHAT EVENT June Water Seminar WHERE IT WILL BE WHO TO CONTACT Lincoln Pond Gaby Cohen 916-434-8837 3255 Gladding Road [email protected] Lincoln, CA June 16, 2012 NCNC Summer Picnic Vasona Lake County Park John & Elisa Morozumi 408-395-3075 333 Blossom Hill Road [email protected] Los Gatos, CA July 29 & 29, 2012 Early Water Test Lincoln Pond June Gibson 714-292-8461 3255 Gladding Road [email protected] Lincoln, CA August 12, 2012 General Meeting Hazel Jacoby Hazel Jacoby 5514 Greenridge Rd [email protected] Castro Valley, CA September 8-9, 2012 September 23, 2012 Late Water Test Del Valle Regional Park Dana Kuo 209-284-7679 Livermore, CA [email protected] WRDX Water Test Lincoln Pond Lynne Baker 530-587-5384 (WRDX Only) 3255 Gladding Road [email protected] Lincoln, CA October Regional Show Dixon, CA Pam Rubio & Gina Bonnell 408-847-1641, 408-779-2541 [email protected], December 8, 2012 January 12th, 2013 February 16th, 2013 Christmas Party General Meeting Club Banquet Linda & Merle Maggy [email protected] Linda Maggy 28103 Dobbel Ave. 510-886-9385 Hayward, CA Kevin & Laura Gallagher [email protected] Kevin & Laura Gallagher 337 Fruitvale Rd. 707-447-9079 Vacavill, CA [email protected] TBD TBD WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! John & Linda Little 17645 Arlington, Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-0112 [email protected] Newfs: Boo-Boo (newly adopted rescue) Sadie Daniel & Juliet Sohn 4160 Vista Grande Way, Mariposa, CA 95338 209-966-3670 [email protected] Newfs: Mtn High Oceano's Vail Vintage Vogue Karen & Mike Gantenbein 269 Topaz St., Redwood City, CA 94062 650-368-4215 [email protected] Newf: Flower (newly adopted rescue) NCNC BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Dawn Druge 707-326-1308 [email protected] Advertising & Editorials VICE PRESIDENT: Kevin Gallagher 916-847-4906 [email protected] CORRESPONDING SECRETARY/ RESCUE CHAIR June Gibson 714-292-8461 [email protected] HALF PAGE: $7.50 QUARTER PAGE: $4.00 BUSINESS CARD: $2.50 Articles and/or photos must be submitted RECORDING SECRETARY/ EDUCATION CHAIR: Lynne Baker 530-587-5384 [email protected] TREASURER: Hazel Jacoby 510-582-9027 [email protected] by the 20th of each month for publication in the next issue. Digital photos should be submitted in high resolution. NCNC COMMITTEE CHAIRS Send to: [email protected] Advertising, commercial or otherwise, will be accepted for publication in the Newfs Paper subject to the editor’s discretion. The Newfs Paper is a regular publication of the Newfoundland Club of Northern California (NCNC). Articles published are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the board of NCNC or those of the board of NCA. Articles published, which are of a medical nature, are the opinions of the authors only. Consult your veterinarian before attempting to diagnose, medicate, or severely change the dietary habits of your dogs. Monthly Photo Contest Rules 1. Each month’s winner will be chosen by the club president. 2. The photographer of the winning photograph will be given the prize. 3. Prizes are determined by the Newfs Paper editor. 4. Prizes may be donated to NH&R or the subject’s owner at the winner’s discretion. DIRECTORS: Patty O’Brien 916-726-609 [email protected] Debbie Bridge 916-340-5230 [email protected] Rick Humphreys 925-757-6196 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP John & Gina Bonnell 408-309-2991 [email protected] NEWFS PAPER EDITOR: Robin Welter 415-272-0914 [email protected] SUNSHINE COMMITTEE CHAIR: Linda Maggy 510-886-9385 [email protected] WAYS & MEANS: Patti & Buzz Sondgroth 530-809-1817 [email protected] WORKING DOG CHAIR: Dana Kuo 209-384-7679 [email protected] NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF AMERICA http://www.ncanewfs.org/ 2012 NATIONAL SPECIALTY http://www.ncanationalspecialty.org/ NCA MEMBERSHIP http://www.ncanewfs.org/members.shtml NEWFTIDE http://www.ncanewfs.org/newftide.shtml Board of Director’s Meeting Agenda April 19-May 1st Board of Director’s Approved Minutes January 19, 2012 Board of Director’s Meeting Summaries February 27, 2012 Board of Director’s Nominating Petition 2011-2012 Board
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