first aid training for years 7-10


first aid training for years 7-10
A group of Year 10 and 11 Wardle
Academy students have recently
completed the final expedition of their
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.
The students travelled the distance of
33km, having walked for up to 6 hours
over two days. Starting from
Whitworth Cemetery on Saturday
morning, the group walked to
Ashworth Valley Scout Camp where
they stayed overnight. They then
walked back to Watergrove reservoir
on the Sunday, finishing the
expedition at 4.00pm.
Team Leader, Emma Hynes said: “The
two groups navigated the whole way
from a route card which they created
and wrote themselves. They all carried
a 65 litre rucksack which included
everything on the kit list including a
tent, clothes, compass, map, first aid
kit, food and water. They did really
well to complete the exhibition – it’s a
fantastic achievement!”
The four sections of the Duke of
Edinburgh Award are: volunteering,
physical activity, skill and practice and
the final expedition.
All the students in the two groups
completed the expedition and are yet
to do a presentation before they
complete the full award.
Following on from the success of Les
Misérables, early this term, Mr Brown
and Mr Lord decided that this year’s
school production would be ‘We Will
Rock You’.
 Harry Tait as Pop
Auditions took place in October and
Mr Lord and Mr Brown announced the
principal cast list for We Will Rock
 Abbie Mayor as Killer Queen
 Holly Smith as Meat
 Molly Lees as Scaramouche
 Daniel Smith as Galileo
 Harry Law as Brit
Mr Brown said: “We were over
whelmed with the amount of talented
students that came to audition for ‘We
Will Rock You’. It was once again a
very hard decision to choose the
principal cast, but rehearsals are now
well underway and it’s looking and
sounding fantastic!”
On Wednesday 2nd
December, Molly took part in
the Rochdale Schools Rowing
Competition. We are so
proud to announce that she
won Gold and has been
selected to represent
Rochdale at the School
Games Event early next year.
Well Done!
A huge congratulations to
Niamh who recently
competed in Greater
Manchester's Gymnastic
Competition. She was
rewarded for all her hard
work and dedication with
two silver medals for vault
and bars. Well done Niamh!
Thursday 8th October saw the final
Rochdale Schools Cross Country
Championship event held at Fallinge
Park. Wardle Academy performed
well across all three of the events,
picking up a number of medals along
the way.
Championships to represent the
borough in January – this is more than
any other school in the borough and
the most Wardle Academy has ever
had put through in one year.
Congratulations to William Blair,
Emma Blair, Ebony Flood, Haroon
Mohammed, Molly Bull, Jess Bull, Alex
Young and Mathew McGinty.
Well done to everyone who
Nine of our pupils are now through to
the Greater Manchester Cross Country
Elise Bland has reached her goal after
completing the trial to secure a place
on the Under 14s Greater Manchester
county netball team.
11 year old Elise, a Year 7 student at
Wardle Academy, currently plays for
the Oldham Sparrowhawks but was
invited to the try outs for the county
team in September.
Elise and some of her selected team
mates made their way to Wright
Robinson College in Manchester
where they were asked to play several
games in front of the scouts. A few
days later Elise got the email she had
been waiting for and was offered a
place on the team.
Elise said: “I couldn’t believe it when I
got the email to say I’d made the
team! I’m really excited to meet my
new team mates and start training”.
After starting at Wardle Academy in
September, Elise is now also part of
the Year 7 Netball team and the
school’s PE department are looking
forward to supporting her on the
England Pathway scheme.
This term, Year 9 girls at Wardle
Academy have been promoting
positive body image and trying to
tackle the many issues that drive
females away from sport with the help
of the Sky Sports Living for Sports
Miss Shepherd, PE Teacher, applied to
the project, with the support of
Headteacher Dr. Wright, after noticing
a significant drop in the Year 9 girls’
participation in extracurricular clubs
and declining determination displayed
within PE lessons.
A group of 15 girls, named the ‘This
Girl Can’ team, was formed to discuss
the issue and it became clear that the
problem amongst the girls was the
attitudes towards their bodies. With
the help of Miss Shepherd the girls
came up with a variety of ideas to
improve the atmosphere in the
changing rooms and to encourage girls
to have a more positive approach to
their bodies and physical activity.
Music in the changing rooms was one
of the first things put into place by the
‘This Girl Can’ team, aiming to
encourage a positive atmosphere as
the girls change into their kit, rather
than them being conscious of their
bodies. The PE corridors were also
filled with positive image quotes and
posters to help improve self-esteem
and confidence.
Throughout the team meetings, the
girls identified that bringing something
new and challenging to PE lessons
would help them enjoy and engage in
physical activity. Zumba was the most
popular choice of activity among the
team so the PE department agreed to
arrange for a local Zumba instructor to
deliver an introduction session to the
Year 9 girls.
On Monday 19th October, all the girls
in the year group experienced an
enjoyable 40 minute session of
Zumba. Several members of staff
including Mrs Fisher, Mrs Hope and
Mr Johnson joined in with the girls and
Mr Beresford, Head of PE, proved just
how unco-ordinated he was!
After the success of the Zumba session
the ‘This Girl Can Team’ went to
Headteacher, Dr Wright, to present to
him their ideas for the future of the
project. Dr Wright was really
impressed with the girls and
congratulated them on their work so
far. He also agreed to provide Zumba
within the curriculum for a block of 6
weeks so the Year 9 girls could
continue to enjoy the sessions during
Miss Shepherd, PE Teacher and Coordinator of the project said:
“I started the project with the idea
that the girls were embarrassed about
the boys seeing them exercise, but
after the first meeting the girls
showed me that in fact the real issue
was low self-esteem and low
confidence in themselves. So along
with the girls’ help we set about
changing the attitudes and the
atmosphere particularly within the
girls’ changing rooms.
“It has been an absolute pleasure
helping the girls put their ideas into
action and I really feel that they have
made a difference in the 6 weeks they
have been working together. The plan
is to keep moving forward with the
project and show that the girls at
Wardle Academy can!”
The final results for the Rochdale
Schools Netball Leagues are in and
Wardle Academy have had their most
successful year to date! All Wardle
Academy’s teams have finished in the
top three, the final results are as
Year 7 – Second (by 1 point)
Year 8 – First
Year 9 – Third
Year 10 – Second (on goal difference)
Miss Bowler, PE Teacher said: “The
girls have worked incredibly hard this
term and it has certainly paid off. They
have been a credit to themselves and
the school. We hope to build on this
success for the upcoming PGL Netball
Tour that we are attending in March
On Tuesday 17th November, Wardle
Academy’s class of 2015 were invited
to Rochdale Town Hall for a
Presentation Evening to celebrate the
remarkable success of the students
who left the school in July.
The past pupils were able to pick up
their GCSE certificates whilst having
the chance to catch up with their old
class mates. Several students were
awarded prizes for outstanding work
in individual subjects including Joe
Whatmough who did particularly well
in achieving the awards for Double
Science, Geography, Product Design
and PE.
Luke Taylor and Martha Southall were
awarded the Victor and Victress
Ludorem trophies which were
originally presented at the very first
Wardle High School prize giving event,
they are presented to the outstanding
boy and girl of the year.
Other success stories include Kyle
Rothwell, who achieved the best
individual GCSE results at Wardle
Academy in 2015 and was awarded
the subject prizes for Resistant
Materials and Chemistry.
Greer Hatchell was presented with the
Rotary Shield by Irene Davidson,
President of Rochdale Rotary Club.
This award celebrates the most
improved pupil in their last year of
Dr. G Wright, Headteacher said: “It
was great to see so many of our past
pupils collect their GCSE certificates
and well deserved prizes. I’d like to
thank them for attending and wish
them the best of luck in everything
they do in the future”.
Firstly, a massive thank you to all of
the Year 11 students who have been
taking their mock exams over the last
three weeks. They have approached
this process in a very mature manner
and should be proud of their efforts!
Year 11 students should have now
completed their application forms for
colleges next year. If they have not
managed to complete them it may not
be too late, please look on your
chosen colleges’ websites, check
through the prospectuses or speak to
Mrs Rigg who will be happy to help.
 Thursday 21st January – Year 11
parents evening
This year is a crucial time for Year 11.
If you have any concerns / issues
please feel free to get in touch with
either Mrs Adrio (Head of Year 11) –
[email protected] or Mrs
Kemp (Assistant Head Teacher –
Raising Standards) –
[email protected]
 Thursday 4th February – Parents
Drop In session
 Thursday 3rd March – Parents
Drop In session
 Various controlled assessment and
raising attainment evenings
throughout the term
Key dates coming up over the next
term for Year 11s:
During RESPECT lessons in November
Year 7-10 students were first aid
trained by St John Ambulance
Service. The students were taught
how to perform CPR and how to use
a defibrillator machine. At the end of
the session, each pupil was awarded a
basic first aid training certificate.
Mr Hemmings, RESPECT teacher said:
“Basic first aid skills are something
that every young person should have,
it could be the difference between a
life lost and a life saved. The students
enjoyed the sessions and learnt a lot
from them. We are hoping to continue
doing these sessions each year.”
Mr Rigg, one of the peripatetic music
teachers has been presented with the
prestigious Mortimer Medal from the
Worshipful Company of Musicians.
Intermediate bands which have won
titles nationally and internationally.
Lee also conducts several primary
school bands in the area.
The award is presented each year to
recognise the outstanding services for
the teaching of young people in the
Brass Band movement and was
presented during a ceremony at
Birmingham’s Symphony Hall which
followed the British Open Brass Band
After being presented with the award
at Birmingham Symphony Hall Lee
said: “It’s an honour to be recognised
for this award especially after such a
fantastic year. These children put
hours of practice and effort into
making great music and I wouldn’t be
able to do it at all without the other
members of staff working with us, not
to mention the support of parents and
Lee has taught music at Wardle High
School (now Wardle Academy) since
1993, beginning with conducting the
school’s Wind Band, to now
conducting the Youth and
Academy Youth Band with victories
from the Butlins Youth
Championships, the National Youth
Brass Band Championships and the
European Youth Brass Band
The award comes after a year full of
achievements for the Wardle
Wardle Junior Blast have had a busy
term performing at the Bridgewater
Hall and the Royal Albert Hall.
a massed ensemble back in March and
were delighted with the success and
positive feedback.
The 170 children who play under the
name of ‘Wardle Junior Blast’ and
come from Wardle and Kentmere
Academies and St James, Smithy
Bridge, St Andrews, Littleborough,
Holy Trinity and St Marys Primary
On Saturday 12th September, the
Wardle Junior Band took to the stage
at Manchester’s Bridgewater Hall for
one of the largest brass band festivals
in the world, the 2015 Great Northern
Brass Arts Festival.
Mrs Smith, Mrs Conway and Mr Rigg,
the peripatetic music teachers, who
teach at Wardle Academy and
surrounding primary schools, decided
to put all the children they teach into
On Wednesday 25th November the
band made their way down to London
to perform at the Royal Albert Hall for
the final night of the School Proms.
Wardle Junior Blast were given the
honour of performing in the Royal
Albert Hall at the School Proms after
impressing the adjudicators during the
Music For Youth festivals which took
place at the Rochdale Town Hall in
March and the Birmingham Symphony
Hall in July.
Gwen, Jane and Lee said: “It was an
amazing experience for the children
who enjoy coming and playing
together at Wardle and meeting up
with all the other musicians in the
local area. We are so proud of all the
children!” with Gwen adding “I felt
very privileged to conduct this
talented group of children”.
Director of Music, Mrs Julie Morris
said: “I feel very proud to be a part of
what was an amazing experience for
the children. This is something they
will remember for years to come.”
During the weekend of 23rd – 25th
October, Wardle Academy hosted its
second annual Wardle Folk Festival.
played lively fiddle-driven ceilidh
tunes backed with stomping grooves
on piano and percussion.
Sunday saw a performance from The
Scattering, and a ‘Sunday Afternoon
After a very busy two years for the
Wardle Academy Folk Group, string
tutor, Cliff Woodworth was keen to
continue the festival in 2015.
The festival continued on Saturday at
Wardle Academy with a range of folk
workshops such as Morris dancing,
song writing, clog dancing, singing,
guitar and whistle. There was also
performances from live acts including
Harp And A Monkey, She Shanties,
Garron Frith, Jimmy Docherty,
Rosenblume and of course, the
Wardle Academy Folk Group.
The weekend was a fantastic success,
thank you to everyone who got
The festival ran over three days,
beginning with a performance from
‘Ceilidh and Co’ taking place at the
Littleborough Conservative club.
Ceilidh and Co are three musicians
hailing from the North West, they
On Saturday 14th November, the
Wardle Academy Youth Band
performed at the 800th Lord Mayor’s
Show in London.
The annual event which takes over the
streets of London featured a parade of
over 6,000 people, military marching
bands, Chinese acrobats, a procession
of decorated floats and a gilded State
Coach that the Lord Mayor travels in.
The band were invited to perform at
the Lord Mayor’s Show after
impressing the organisers with a series
of videos of them marching. The band
performed five marches through the
streets of London, including Slaidburn,
The Standard of St. George and 1914.
The band were seen on the televised
set of the show on BBC1.
Mr Lee Rigg, conductor of the Youth
Band said: “We had a fantastic time
marching at the Lord Mayor’s Show,
especially the moment we were
cheered by our fantastic supporters. It
was a very overwhelming experience
that we will all never forget.”
On Friday 11th December, Wardle
Academy hosted its annual Christmas
musical evening, and once again, it
was a sell-out. The forever growing
school’s musical groups now consist of
Show Band, Musical Theatre
Ensemble, Wardle Tooters, Rock Band,
Wind Band, Intermediate Band, Guitar
Group, Folk Group and Youth Band,
who all performed on the night.
Director of Music, Julie Morris said: "It
was a wonderful evening and fantastic
to see such a talented and varied
programme. The students were a
credit to the Academy and a delight to
listen to. Well done to everybody
The Youth Band were conducted by
Mr Lee Rigg, the Wardle Tooters and
Intermediate Band were conducted by
Mrs Gwen Smith and the Show Band
and Wind Band were conducted by
Mrs Jane Conway. The Folk Group and
Guitar Group was trained by and
performed with Mr Cliff Woodworth
and the Musical Theatre Ensemble
was directed by Mrs Julie Morris and
Mr Richard Lord.
A group of 90 year 8 students went on
a trip to the Museum of Science and
Industry in Manchester on Wednesday
9th December 2015.
The aim of the trip was to raise
awareness of the impact of technology
on society and to introduce some
potential career options in Technology
and Engineering. As well as guided
tours around the museum there were
inspirational talks by volunteer adults
(called STEM ambassadors) who work
for a variety of Engineering and
Industrial companies and topics
included: supplying fresh water to our
homes, providing and managing
energy and airplane design and
people from industry and learn how
classroom topics can link to careers in
the future.
There was also time for students to
explore some of the interactive
exhibits in the museum.
It was a great opportunity to meet
Earlier in December Wardle Academy
pupils continued their annual help to
Operation Christmas Child by donating
50 shoeboxes to the charity. The
majority of the shoeboxes were put
together by forms.
children. They give shoeboxes to
children based on need, regardless of
their background or religious beliefs.
Operation Christmas Child is the
world’s largest children’s Christmas
project, run by the Christian
charity Samaritan’s Purse. They have
been sending gift-filled shoeboxes
around the world since 1990, bringing
joy to over 100 million underprivileged
Mrs. Julie Holden said: ‘Thanks to
everyone who got involved and
brought something in for our
shoeboxes. We were overwhelmed
with the generosity of students and
Following on from the success of last
year’s Santa Run Wardle Academy
held another fun run on Saturday 5th
December. This year however, we also
held Christmas Markets and a Santa’s
Members of the public were treated
to a selection of Christmas Carols from
Junior Band as they arrived and were
able to purchase a selection of
refreshments such as bacon butties,
orange juice, tea and coffee.
They were then able to browse the
Christmas Markets and even take a
trip to see Santa in his Grotto.
We are pleased to announce that the
Christmas Market Stalls and Santa’s
Grotto raised £250 for the Year 7 and
8 charities, Mind and Water Aid. And
£287.40 was raised from the
Christmas themed fun run which will
go to the Pindersfield Spinal Injuries
Unit in memory of Miss Leone.
Thanks to everyone who got involved!
This year Wardle Academy joined up
with Key 103 to become part of the
Mission Christmas Campaign. Not only
were we a drop off point for families
who wanted to donate gifts but we
also held a non-uniform day to raise
funds. On Friday 11th December, Year
7-10 pupils donated £1 to dress in
their own clothes and we managed to
raise a fantastic £806.84.
The funds went directly to Key 103
Cash for Kids – Mission Christmas,
which our Head-boy and Head-girl,
Joshua Fletcher and Hannah Sprotson
have recently got involved in. They
took part in a radio interview earlier in
December and on Thursday 17th
December they went to Key 103 to
drop off all our donated presents.
Next term we have organised for our Year 7 students to have their own social space at morning break time. This does mean
that they will not be in the dining room at break-times. However, there will be the opportunity to purchase food before
school or students may bring a snack from home if they wish, to be eaten at break-time.
Monday 4th January 2016
Spring Term Begins
Monday 15th February
Half Term Break
Monday 22nd February
Return to School
Thursday 24th March
Term Ends
Monday 11th April
Summer Term Starts
Monday 2nd May
Bank Holiday
Monday 30th May
Half Term Break
Monday 6th June
Return to School
Wednesday 20th July
School Year Ends