Mortal Guide (Levels 1-400)


Mortal Guide (Levels 1-400)
Introduction & Training Camp
Mortal Guide (Levels 1-400)
1. Introduction
2. Getting Started
a. Creating Character
b. Game Interface
3. Newbie character Guide (1-35)
a. First steps
b. Training Camp
4. Low level character guide (40-191)
5. Intermediate level character guide (191-301)
6. High level character guide (301-400)
7. Game Aspects Guide
a. Character classes
b. Leveling
c. Items
d. Upgrading system
e. Guilds and Kingdoms
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Introduction & Training Camp
1. Introduction:
So, now you are new to Supreme Destiny! You are so excited to start playing the game, that you
want to know everything about the game in no time? Here is what you will need to achieve your
goals. Supreme Destiny’s biggest Mortal Guide!!
Supreme Destiny is a massive multiplayer online game with great popularity. It is primarily based
in historical times of sword and axe. You will enjoy playing Supreme Destiny for its simple game
logic and its ease of dealing with game system and interaction with other players. Furthermore,
Supreme Destiny has a unique game system that covers everything from trading up to headiest
battles you will ever see.
Supreme Destiny is not just a game; it’s a world full of adventures, ambitions, passion and even
Get yourself ready to sail in the huge ocean of Supreme Destiny!!
2. Getting Started:
a. Creating your Character:
After creating your account and activating it,
• Open the game launcher (latest client is available through )-Or you can directly open the game client through the file called “SD.exe” in the game
• Click start. A new screen will appear which contains servers list, choose the server you
wish from the left panel and then choose your desired channel from the right panel and
click on connect.
• You can now see the log in screen. Type your account name and password in the
provided fields respectively and press login.
• What you see now is the character selection screen. You will also see a lock password
window which is there to insure maximum security for accounts. Being your first time so
be careful the password you choose will be your lock password and you will need to
remember it to log on every time.
• Next, click on create to be taken to the creation screen and choose the type of your new
character. Now choose a name but be careful; names should be 12 characters long as a
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maximum and only contain alpha-numerical characters. No special character allowed
except “-“.
After successfully creating your desired character, you will be back to the character
selection screen. Now choose your character and the basic info will be displayed in a
new window beside the chosen character. Click on connect to log into the game and
begin your long awaited adventure.
Figure A: Choose the server you want to start
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Figure B: Login with your account ID and password
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Figure C: Character Creation, choose your character class
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Figure D: Barracks – showing your characters.
Delete button can be used to delete a character but be aware that you need to type in
your password in order to delete a character
You are permitted to create 4 different characters in the 4 available slots inside a single
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b. Game interface:
With the newly created interface Supreme Destiny provides a very friendly game interface that
iss easy to learn in few minutes and will greatly ease your mission to develop a strong character.
Figure E: Game interface
1- Name bar: Shows you the name of your character and also your current level.
2- HP bar : Shows you how many Hit Points your character has, and it also has a numerical
value is shown inside the bar for times when needed.
3- Mana bar: Shows you how many Magic or Mana points your character got, also a numerical
value is shown inside the bar for times needed.
4- Menu : Contains icons for game interactivities as:
a. Character (C): Contains all the information about your character like Character name,
level, class, experience, stat points, mastery skill points, attack, defense, speed, critical
rate, resistance and also chaos points. Each one of these will be described in details later
through the guide.
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Figure G: Stats and skills
Figure H: Inventory
b. Inventory (I): This is basically your portable storage. Everything you get from quests
monsters or shops and even gold is placed in here. If you look at the inventory bottom
you will find that you have two available free bags to store your things in, while two
additional bags are locked until you unlock them. (we will show how to do this later on).
Finally the recycle bin which works as the recycle bin on your PC, you will be notified
once when you are about to delete an item. Deleted items are gone forever and cannot
be restored.
c. Quests (X): This is where you can check your new quests and info about your current
quests. There are mainly 4 tabs in this window.
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Figure I: Quests
1. 350 Quests: which are the Mortals’ Quests in another words
2. Event Quests: which are special quests that you will be doing in the game and
that’s where the FUN part comes in.
3. God Quests: Which are quests for god level characters, which is the advancement
of your character after level 400.
4. Quest: This is currently under development.
Note: A god is a new character with desirable class not dependable on a mortal’s
character class; gods are different in many ways than mortals and they will be covered
in another stand alone guide.
d. Auto Trade: This is the way to trade your items with players through the game trading
system. Unlike normal trade, auto trade will put a tax on all your sold or bought items
within the certain server and town your shop is based in.
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e. Help Window: the game main help source and contains many useful info. Tabs are :
1. Hotkeys: Useful shortcut buttons for many actions inside the game.
2. Command: Very important part of the game which depends on command system
that be accessed through the command windows by clicking “Return” or “Enter”.
3. Others: A simple guide for some actions inside game like C.C mode, Auto trade,
Skills, Party and Item Upgrading. All these will be covered in details inside this
4. Message: The place where you can receive messages from other players or
notification messages.
Figure J: Shortcut Keys
System Menu: Contains main system buttons as:
1. Chg Svr: Switching between different servers while staying connected to the
game server and with the same character. You will be relocated to the last visited
town if you use this function.
2. Chg Char: Takes you back to the character selection screen to switch between
characters. Can be used to relocate to the last visited town.
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3. Leave game: Quits Supreme Destiny Client window.
4. Cancel: Exits current window.
g. Community: One of the most important icons in the game which takes you to the
Supreme Destiny main board forum. There you can find many useful threads, interact
with many players, post questions and suggestions or look for help.
Skills bar: Contains 10 slots so that you can arrange your skills just as you wish. You will also
notice there are 4 small red bars over the last 4 slots; these bars are used for auto skill use
with C.C magic mode which we will discover in the next section of this guide.
• Skills window can be opened by pressing (S) key on your keyboard; this window
shows you skills you have already learnt.
• Number of the red bars can be increased by pressing (-) key on your keyboard to
suit you needs.
6- Chat window (also used as command window): This is mainly you way to communicate with
others through the game. The chat window is divided into 4 main channels, each channel
has a different group that one can reach and shows different conversations. To open the
chat box you need to press “Enter” key on your keyboard.
1. Normal: This is shown in “White” for all players but when you type something into
normal it is shown in “Red”. Everyone can see what you write here but in a certain
2. Party: This is shown in “Purple” for all players including you. To write in this channel you
need to add (=) before typing. All players in a party can see what is written here
independent on place.
3. Whisper: This is shown in “Yellow” for all players including you. To whisper someone
you need to type in the following format (/playername “Message”). You can also reply
to someone’s whisper by typing (/r) before you message. No one can see this except the
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person you are whispering. This works throughout the game, independent of your
location or server.
4. Guild: This is shown in light blue for all players including you. To write in guild chat you
need to add (-) before typing. All players within your same guild can see what is written
here independent on place.
If you have not joined a guild yet, then no one will be able to see your messages
when you type in guild channel.
For Alliance channel (--) is used instead of (-) in guild chat. Please make note of the
difference of the double dash versus the single dash. This is shown in blue and all
players within an alliance will be able to see your messages here.
Special commands will be explained in due time.
: Supreme Destiny is one of the first games to introduce the idea
7- C.C
of a built-in game macro, which acts like a helper through different stages of the game.
When you click on C.C button a small bar will appear. It consists of 4 icons and will be
described in details as follows:
1. C.C mode
: This is the on/off and also the operation mode button. It has 3 different
a. Physical attack mode
: When this mode is on, your character will attack
physically and independent on the class or type of weapon.
b. Magic attack mode
: When this mode is on, your character will attack using its
skills from the skill bar. This will be covered through the “Getting started” section,
so do not worry if you just cannot understand it all for now.
c. Potion use mode
: When this mode is on, your character will not attack neither
physically nor magically, but it will only be able to use these potions for HP/MP
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Note: For all modes, Potion usage will also be done automatically.
2. Potion dose percentage
: This can adjust the minimum level of HP/MP to start
using potions for auto recovery. It can be adjusted from 0% to 100%.
3. Mount feed dose percentage
: This can adjust the minimum level of Mount HP to
start using mount feed for auto recovery. It can be adjusted from 0% to 100%.
4. Movement type: Contains 3 types for motion when attacking
a. Static
: Your character will attack only within its range and will not move
automatically to any other point unless you do it manually.
b. Free movement
: Your character will move freely to put targets within his range.
c. Ranged movement
: Your character will move just like the free movement to put
targets in his range, but it will be within a small ranged area. When the character is
furthest from the set point that you have defined before choosing this type, it will
automatically move back to that point.
8- Experience bar: This bar shows graphically the amount of experience you have gained
through a certain level. In Supreme Destiny, a level is a sum of 4 full experience bars –called
quarters. Full bars are shown as red dots to the right of the skill bar. One complete level
means 3 red dots and a full bar of experience. To check the amount of experience
numerically; you can press (C) for character menu and it will be listed in there.
9- Movement and Camera: Supreme is an easy user controlled game. As most games you can
use your mouse to move to different places by left clicking on the spot you wish to move to.
You can also keep the left mouse button down for continuous movement.
Camera can be controlled via two different methods:
1. Keyboard and mouse: Using Alt + dragging with left mouse button vertically for zooming
in and out, Alt+ dragging with right mouse button horizontally for screen rotation.
2. Mouse only: Using mouse scroll to zoom out and in, Dragging with mouse scroll to
rotate the screen.
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3. Newbie character Guide (1-35):
Now that we are familiar with the game interface and simple movement and rotation, let’s get
started with the real fun.
When you first log in you will find yourself in a place called “Training Camp”. This place is just
like a real training for the game. Here you will get to know how to use what we learnt about the
game to reach our goals.
You will start with level 1 character of any class; you will notice that you have a new quest to
start with. Clicking on the quest notice, the Quest window will appear and you will see that the
available quest is highlighted in white.
The first thing you need to do is to get help from the nearest helper. Such helpers are located all
around the game to help new players. You need to move east to find “Cabungkle Wind”, click on
him and he will give you buffs that will help you get through the training camp.
Now open your inventory – by clicking (I)—and you will find a weapon inside. Equip it in the slot
that is just beside the helmet slot.
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By doing this, you are ready for some action. Now click on monsters beside or near you to start
killing and gaining experience from these kills.
You can also use your C.C mode to be able to automate the killing process and make it faster.
Click on C.C and change the mode from “off” to “Physic attack”. Also for making your range
wider choose the “Free movement” type.
For every experience you get you will be notified by a message that appears in the bottom right
corner of your game screen. When you increase Quarter a level or a complete level you will be
also notified and your HP/MP bars will be fully recovered.
You will notice also that Supreme Destiny drop system is unique for which is collects the drops
from a monster into your inventory automatically in most cases, so you don’t have to worry
about missing a drop. But be careful, if you inventory is full, then items will be dropped on the
ground and you will not be able to pick them up. So always be sure to leave an open spot or
slot in your inventory.
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In Supreme Destiny, due to the presence of C.C mode, a concept different from most other
game is “AFK hunting”.
So, what does AFK hunting means? Actually, AFK mean “Away From Keyboard” and the term
“AFK Hunting” means that you can leave your character to level and hunt monsters and get auto
drops while you are not playing. This gives you a huge advantage because you can increase your
playing hours from not only your active hours but also your passive hours where you can do
anything else or even sleep.
b. Training Camp:
Go back to our training camp and take a look at your character. What level is it now? Do you
think you are ready to advance through the camp? Yes, you are ready but you probably forgot
one important thing already. What do you get when you increase in levels?
To answer this question, open your character window – by clicking (C)—and take a look. What
can you see now? Yeah, there are some spare stat points you may have received. But how do
you distribute these points? And how much of them you get?
Stat points are one of the most important things in the game. It is totally different from
character to another depending on the class and the planned build for that character as well.
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Stat points and all the elements of most, if not all MMOs come from a game playing system
known as Dungeons and Dragons (MMOs are just a computerized version these paper and dice
games). Hence this concept of applying different values to a characters’ attributes is very
important and creates more individuality. It creates characters that are stronger or smarter or
faster of the character. Usually, there are about 10-12 of these.
Stat points are divided into four main points:
1- Strength: Defines the physic of a character and the amount of its physical attack, Strength is
preferred in classes as Transknights and some build of hunters and Beastmasters.
2- Intelligence: Defines the energy of a character and the amount of magic attack and MP,
Intelligence is preferred in character classes such as Foemas and some builds of
Transknights and Beastmasters.
3- Dexerity: Defines the agility of a character and ability of dodging and critical attacks,
Dexerity is preferred in classes as Hunters and also is needed with a minimum values for
most classes.
4- Condition: Defines the endurance of a character and HP, It is a must for all characters
although it varies in amounts for different classes and build.
Since the character is still a low level one, you will need to pay special item to the levels of your
stats. Depending on your class and level you are and the item (weapon, etc.) you will need to
have a minimum stat level, otherwise you will not be able to use such items or to its fullest
potential. Much like a person needs training, stats are a way to track your training and mastery,
before you can use an item. If you do not meet these certain criterias, then it will be highlighted
in red.
Conditions can be a level restriction, a certain minimum stats amount or class restriction.
If you check your inventory again, you will see that you have a higher weapon, but you can not
put it on because it needs more stats.
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Now, increase the needed stats to meet the weapon conditions so you can put on your new
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After replacing your weapon with the higher one, check your character window again. Did you
see the difference? See how certain weapons do increase your attack ability according to their
specific stats.
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To advance in the training camp you need to pass consecutive gates. All gates need keys. Where
do we get those keys then?
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In front of every gate you will find many monsters, but only one different monster and that is
called a “Boss monster”. You need to kill that monster to get the key.
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Once you have been able to kill it, check your inventory for the key and go to the gate guard.
Just click on the guard, he will give you a reward for killing the boss monster and then click on
the gate to mark that you have finished this part of the training.
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The first gate is located to the south west of the “Carbungkle Wind”. If in any case you die, you
will get a message window telling you to revive by relocating to the nearest town. You will be
relocated in Armia town which is the nearest town to the training camp. Now you have to walk
through the southern gate to the training camp again and start from the beginning.
Note: Normally you would lose a constant amount of experience every time you die. But if you
are below level 20, then you will not lose any experience.
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But if you have already passed a gate then you will not get another reward. You will just need
another key for continuing to the next gate.
After passing the first gate, you will find another “Carbungkle Wind”. It gives you the same buff
{define buff for new users} for help but resets its time to maximum again. Now you need to
choose either to kill some monsters and get more experience and more stat points, or to go
directly to the second gate and kill that boss monster.
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• Remember to always check your inventory and character window for changes and for
adding new stat points. If you are not sure where to put your stat point, just leave them
for now until we finish our training.
• Be careful when using C.C mode and the free movement type, because your character
movement will be unpredictable and it may end up hitting a boss monster!
A boss monster gets harder successively according to gates. It is recommended that you
stay after the first gate till you reach level 20 at least so you can withstand the monsters
of the next part of the training camp.
It is recommended that you start using your recovery potion mode in C.C ;you can set it
to 30% to avoid being killed by monsters.
Second Gate is located to the north east of the second “Carbungkle Wind”. Like what we did
with the first gate; we will kill a boss monster and get a key for the gate. Check your inventory
for it.
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This time the reward will not be an item. The reward will be adding new stats to your weapon.
But what does that mean? Well, every weapon has its basic stats which will be always in white.
There are also additional stats that can be added to items in Supreme Destiny.
If you talk to the guard and then check your weapon, you will find it has new stats written below
the basic stats. Every certain stat has its effect on one of your character’s aspects. Wither it is
additional Stat points, Damage, Defense, Skill mastery points, Resistance, etc…
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• Character window contents will be fully explained in separate section within this guide.
• The items stats and upgrade system will be covered in a separate section in this guide.
Do not worry; you will get to understand all of this in in due time.
In order to increase your attack, if you have two one-handed weapons, you can hold
them together at the same time. The slot used for the second weapon is also used for
shields. But notice that when you use two one-handed weapons, only a percentage or
fraction of the damage stats of the second weapon will be added to you attack.
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Passing through the second gate was easier, wasn’t it? Yes, that means that you have already
got the grips of how to hang around the game. That’s your first step towards adventure.
Let’s move to the next gate. Third gate is the most important step in the training camp quest.
Why? You want to figure out why? Then let’s continue…
The Third gate is the last gate of the training camp and behind its door holds the mission of this
quest. That is the last boss monster in the training camp. It is located to the south west of the
second gate.
One more thing, the reward you get from the third gate is a unique reward. We will see what it
is in a moment.
You have to kill the boss which holds the key to the third gat as usual. I guess you have already
done this by now! Check your inventory for the key, Talk to the guard and check your inventory
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You will get a double reward this time. The first one will be a triple upgrade to your whole armor
and including your weapon(s) also. The second reward will be 5 replication upgrades.
What is a replication upgrade? How does it work? Well, the answer for the first question is
simply that replication upgrades are armor-only option upgrades. More information about
replication upgrades will be available through the upgrade system section. While the answer for
the second question is very simple, just pick one of them and add them to your armor. But be
aware; your armor should be placed in your inventory slots first. When the replication upgrade
is added to armor, it will add new stats to it but those new stats are unpredictable. They could
be any combination of different options that are available in the game system. This will be fully
explained also in the upgrade system section.
Now put one replication upgrade on each piece or your armor to get additional stats on all your
armor pieces.
After doing that, check your character window once more, you will notice a change in your
attack, defense, critical rate, HP and MP, etc.
Now you are ready for the last boss that you have strengthen your character with additional
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If you wish you can put some stat points in the condition, this will increase you HP and will aid
you kill the last boss.
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Now head for the last boss, kill it and check your inventory. Did you get quest item? If yes, then
congratulations you have finished your very first quest. If no, then wait for the boss monster to
respawn – it will take like 5 minutes—and kill it again.
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The only thing you need now is to collect your reward. To do that you need to get back to where
your character first started in the training camp ground. You can easily do that by using “Char
change“ from the system window viewed by pressing “Esc” button in your keyboard.
There you will find Trainer Chief. Talk to him and he will give you your reward. This reward can
be a piece of armor, experience box, a jewel or potions. This quest is repeatable meaning that
you can do it again for the reward. But you will not get any of the gate guard rewards again for
the same character.
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Note: Training camp quest is available only for characters below level 35. If you are over level 35
you will not be able to enter the training camp ground. And will be placed in towns when you
log in from now on.
Congratulations, you have finished you training phase. Now get ready for the real adventure.
Your first steps towards an ultimate game experience.
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