GatherinGs - The Putney School


GatherinGs - The Putney School
In March, alumni events took place in San Francisco,
Los Angeles and Boston where Putney alumni, parents and
friends around the country met our ninth director, Emily
Jones. From the rolling Pacific Ocean in San Francisco to
the Putney Sing on a bright afternoon in Boston, the events
celebrated the Putney spirit. We thank Kate Ganz ’62
and Dan Belin, and Diana ’73 and Kevin McDonald for
hosting these events.
Los Angeles
<top to bottom> Marcia Farrell ’59, Charis Horton ’63
(2nd from right) and Barclay Hudson ’58 enjoy a laugh
n Gordon Jones and Ryan Kim ’10 discuss the state
of the school n Jeremiah Burnham ’59 and wife Raun
Burnham n Kate Ganz ’62, gracious party host n Putney
Parent Kenneth Kim and Cindy Nathanson Rust ’74.
<top to bottom> David, Katharine and Ruthie Carter ’07
join the party during Ruthie’s spring break from Earlham
College n Gordon and Emily Jones with party hosts Diana
Krumholz ’73 and Kevin McDonald n Jackson Gillman ’72,
a happy face following a Putney Sing n John Graef ’56
and Joe Fineman ’54 n Classmates John Graef ’56 and
Ross Harris ’56 sing bass n Jon Rosenfeld ’59 and Rachel
Field ’68 n Penny Adams ’55, Suzy Pearce ’56, Dotty
Gonson ’56 and Sayre Sheldon ’44 n Sayre Sheldon ’44,
Suzy Pearce ’56 and Diana McDonald ’73 n Ted ’49
and Kitty Dreier, with (left to right) Katharine Carter,
Nate Chaffin ’52, Emily Jones and Jackson Gillman ’72 n
Betsy ’74 and Tom Tinkham at the Boston alumni event.
Putney post
San Francisco
<top to bottom> New Putney School Director Emily Jones
speaks to San Francisco area alumni n Also attending the
event was Alison Campbell ’79, the youngest daughter of
the renowned Putney English teacher Jeffrey Campbell
n Among the past Putney parents in attendance at the
San Francisco Event was Amy Quirk n Bob Hersey ’49
listens with Mark Hydeman ’77, Paul Irwin ’43 and Putney
parent John Diamante n Among those in attendance at
the San Francisco event were friends and family of Kendall
Wilcots ’09 n Alf Heller ’46 listens to the presentation n
Some alumni, like poet John Simon ’60, got a chance to
question Putney's new director about her vision n John
Bidwell ’78 shares a light moment with Cora Wen ’78,
Sally Stewart Christian ’78 and Mark Hydeman ’77 n Perry
Lloyd ’76 with his wife, Tricia Karasoff Lloyd ’75 n A l u m n i
M a n a g e r A l i s o n F r y e w e l c o m e s e v e r y o n e n Among
the Putney alumni who attended the San Francisco event
was Thacher Hurd ’67.
Putney post