Tech Times January 2010 - Weld


Tech Times January 2010 - Weld
A publication
for students at
Texas State
Technical College
Vol. 24, No. 2
© Copyright 2010. Texas State Technical College Waco.
All rights reserved.
January 2010
Did you made the grade last semester?
Page 3-5
Find out which films made our film critic’s list.
Page 6
S a photo
Ri k Perry’s
’ visit
i i iin D
Page 7
S: Winners from the TSTC Holiday Parade Page 8
TSTC, Baylor to partner for new technology research facility
Tech Times staff report
TSTC is collaborating with Baylor
University along with several public and private partners to create a
300,000-square-foot technology research center located in Waco’s former General Tire facility.
The partnership, made possible with $10 million in state funds
awarded to TSTC through the efforts
of State Sen. Kip Averitt and Rep. Jim
Dunnam, will be called the Baylor
Research and Innovation Collaborative, or BRIC.
The refurbished facility at South
Loop Drive and Orchard Lane in
Waco will be the foundation of a
technology research park. Scientists
there will collaborate on projects including aviation, alternative fuels
and the manufacture of advanced
material, such as bulletproof and security components.
TSTC Vice President for Student
Learning Ron Sanders said he is ex-
cited about the opportunities for
TSTC and it students through BRIC.
“For the past 2 to 3 years we’ve
had discussions with the research
department at Baylor about more
collaboration that could result in a research center,” Sanders said. “We’ve
done work with them in a few areas,
and the result is that we’ve seen the
students who work with Baylor as
lab technicians graduate with more
See BRIC on Page 5
Courtesy|Baylor University
The BRIC program will be located in the former General Tire facility at South Loop Drive
and Orchard Lane in Waco.
In a league of her own
TSTC student wins national welding competition
Tech Times staff report
clamorous round of applause and cheers broke out
at the American Welding
Society’s 2009 Professional Welders
Competition in Chicago when an
unlikely welder stepped forward to
receive the first prize $2,500 check.
Carissa Love, a petite 19-yearold with long blond hair, took to
the stage to accept her award with
an unmistakably astonished expression. Winning the competition
meant she had beat out more than
138 other professional welders
from all over the U.S., including
one of her TSTC welding instructors. All smiles, Love stood on the
stage with the large award check
as the AWS President Victor Matthews addressed the still clapping
“You’ve heard it said that women make better welders than men,
Carissa Love, a fifth-semester welding student from
Billings, MT, works in a TSTC welding lab.
Staff Tech Times
and I believe with TIG welding
that’s true, but she has taken it to
the next level,” Matthews said.
Pursuing the next level is how
Love ended up at the AWS competition, her choice to begin a welding career started in high school.
She had taken classes and found
it came naturally to her. When the
time came to choose a college, instead of staying close to home in
Billings, MT, she researched to find
the best college in the nation and
decided on TSTC.
“This was the best school for
welding I found ... It’s been really
good and I’ve learned a lot,” Love
said. “I wouldn’t change it.”
Now in her fifth semester, her
instructors know her as a seriousminded student who constantly
self-analyzes her work, not because
she is in competition with males in
her field, but to constantly improve
her technique. Her career plan to
be a welding inspector after only
five years in the field is an indication of the high goals she’s set for
herself. Instructor Ryan Rummel
said it’s her determination that has
made her the welder she is today.
“She’s been a good student,”
Rummel said. “She works hard,
shows up on time and does what
she needs to do. She’s got the drive
to be a good welder.”
Her hard work and welding
critiques paid off when she competed in Chicago. In the professional competition, her instincts
and skills were all she could rely on
in the five-minute welding round.
Contestants received a pre-tacked
joint and a designated booth, and
had to quickly complete a vertical
fillet weld.
“You had to guess the temperature and just weld,” Love said.
See Welding on Page 5
Opportunities to be involved
with the TSTC SGA abound
The TSTC Student Government Association (SGA)
would like to welcome all new and returning students back for the spring 2010 semester.
As the spring semester begins, we would like to
inform the student body about upcoming events
and opportunities with your SGA. We have been
working hard gathering ideas and preparing the
our office so we may be more available and valuable to you, the students of TSTC.
Our next general assembly meeting will be held
Robin Reid
at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 3, in the multipurpose
room at the Student Recreation Center. The asGovernment
semblies will continue all semester on every other
Wednesday. Free lunch will be served! We highly
encourage a representative from each club to attend this meeting, as well as any other student who
would like to be informed on what is taking place at our school.
We will be announcing the details for another SGA giveaway. As
you recall, the last giveaway was a great success. This is an opportunity for the clubs on campus to participate in a purely profitable
fundraiser to raise money for their organization.
Again, we encourage you, the student body, to be a part of your
SGA. Feel free to stop by during office hours (to be announced) and
let us know what we can do for you. The SGA office is located at
the Student Recreation Center. We look forward to working for you.
Have a great semester!
What is your New Year
“My New Year resolution would be to cut down on the
fast food and hit the weights more. “
Noe Santos
“My resolution is to be a great mom for my child and
also to complete my semester here at TSTC with a
good performance.“
Jamie Spears
“I made my New Year resolution to stay in school,
because it was hard for me to make myself come
Jose Montelongo
Want to voice your
opinion on a national
or campus issue?
Tech Times January 2010
Dumping animals inhumane
I have been taking care of a feral cat colony here on
campus for over a year. They have been residing
near the Neches and Sabine buildings, and I have
slowly been getting them relocated from campus,
since these buildings will be torn down. I thought
it might be a good public service, as a gentle reminder through the Tech Times, as how inhumane
and hazardous life can be for free-roaming cats.
When cats are “dumped,” the population explodes when an animal is released that has not
been spayed or neutered. I speak from experience, since I now have seven cats in my house!
Beth Norlie
English Dept. Secretary
Thank you for library donations
The TSTC Library would like to extend a special
thank you to the following people/organizations
for their generous donations and contributions.
Your support of the library is appreciated.
Jan. 21: Casino Night, 6 p.m., SRC
Jan. 25: Personal Growth & Development
Seminar, 5:30-7 p.m.
Jan. 25: Rec Sports Sign Ups, 5:30 p.m., SRC
Jan. 26: X-Box Tournament, 5:30 p.m., SRC
Jan. 28: Student Appreciation Day,
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., SRC
Feb. 1: National Freedom Day
Feb. 1: Tech Times content due
Feb. 3: Brown Bag Lunch Discussion,
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Feb. 5-6: TSTC SkillsUSA Campus Run-off
Feb. 8: Parenting Today, 5:30-7 p.m.
Feb. 9: Bingo, 5:30 p.m., SRC
Feb. 11: Co-ed Pool Tournament,
5:30 p.m., SRC
Feb. 11: Women in Technology,
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Feb. 12: Last day to apply for graduation
Feb. 12: Lincoln’s Birthday
Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day
Feb. 15: Presidents’ Day
Feb. 16: X-Box Tournament, 5:30 p.m., SRC
Feb. 17: Ash Wednesday
Feb. 18: Tech Times distributed
Feb. 19: Brown Bag Lunch Discussion,
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
The “Frank J. Konecny Library Memorial
Fund” bequest from Mary Rose Konecny in memory of her deceased husband Frank J. Konecny,
(Dean of Engineering-JCTI) given to the library
on Nov. 30, 2009.
The many new book editions on psychology
from David Thomas and the Social & Behavioral
Sciences Department.
”Nuts and Bolts of Space Colonization” by
Warren R. Cozby, Jr., and “In the Nick of Time”
by Alexander Alston Jr. (local authors).
Texas State Technical
College Waco
Fiction books from student, Annaka Copeland
and staff, Elizabeth Tate-George and her husband,
Joseph George.
Sarah-Jane Sanders
”Say You’re One of Them” by Uwem Akpan
from the American Library Association.
The 400+ volumes donated by George Williams and department, relating to Diesel Equipment and Automotive technologies.
Anonymous donations of books and DVD
from students, faculty and staff.
Write us a letter!
There’s a 300-word limit and you must include your name
and technology with your submission.
E-mail to [email protected].
Autumn Bolton
Design Intern
Sofia Hernandez
Photography Intern
Tech Times is published by Texas State Technical College
Waco. The newspaper is produced monthly by the office of
Marketing & Communications located on the second floor of
Patterson Hall. Staff membership is open to any TSTC student.
Letters to the editor are welcome and may be submitted
to Tech Times Editor Sarah-Jane Sanders at the office of Marketing & Communications or e-mailed to her at [email protected].
Tech Times reserves the right to edit or refuse publication of
any materials submitted. There is a 300-word limit for letters.
Texas State Technical College Waco is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools to awards Associate of Applied Science degrees and
Certificates of Completion. Contact the Commission on Colleges
at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Texas State
Technical College Waco.
3801 Campus Drive Œ Waco, Texas Œ 76705
Office hours: 8 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Phone 254.867.3035 Œ Fax: 254.867.3044
E-mail news items to [email protected].
Honor Rolls
The faculty, staff and
campus administration
of TSTC Waco wish to
recognize the outstanding
scholastic achievements
of students who qualified
for honors during the Fall
2009 semester. Students
at TSTC Waco, the Texas
State Marine Education
Center in Palacios, and
the Fort Bend Technical
Center are included.
President’s Honor
Fall 2009
The TSTC President’s
Honor Roll recognizes
the accomplishments of
full-time students who
achieved a perfect 4.0
grade point for the
Fall 2009 term.
Arturo Acosta
Meredith Adams
Cody Alexander
Nicholas Allen
Patrick Allen
Justin Amburgey
Edgar Andrade
Richard Avery
Tom Bankhead
Clarence Banks
Edgar Barajas
James Bartlett
Renaud Bauman
Candice Baxendale
Kristen Baxendale
David Bell
Justin Beralek
Stewart Bounds
Bryan Bowling
Ruston Boyd
Brent Boyko
Eric Bradford
David Brewer
Keri Brieden
Markus Brock
Tyler Brodeur
James Brown
Brinson Bryan
Kevin Bryant
George Buchanan
Cameron Bunt
Kevin Burns
Ruth Butler
Alfonso Caballero
Connor Cacy
John Callahan
Rebecca Carr
Crespin Carrazales
Lisa Carroll
Matthew Cates
Christopher Chambless
Clay Charlton
Benjamin Clark
Rymone Clark
Scott Cleveland
Cammie Coffey
Sarah Connor
David Cornwell
Mark Coughran
Greg Courtney
Benito Covarrubia
James Crabb
Drew Crawford
Hector Cruz
Justin Dalby
Michael Daniel
James Dean
Michael DeMott
Peter D’Gracia
Justin Dickinson
Adam Dietrich
Shayne Dorotik
Christopher Du Pont
Jacob Duncan
Christopher Dunn
Jacob Durbin
Philip Earle
Russell Elhardt
Ian Ellis
Sean Eulenfeld
John Fabiszewski
William Fauver
Cesar Fernandez
Gregory Fields
Kody Followwill
Jennifer Fuentes
Ashley Gallegos
Rubid Garcia
Dennis Gardere
Taylor Garoutte
Arthur Garza
Daniel Garza
David Garza
Matthew Gaskill
Kristy Gatlin
Patrick Gentle
Shane Glazebrook
Edgar Gonzalez
Nick Good
Jerry Goodman
Andrew Gordon
Etoy Gossett
Steven Gravis
Daniel Guajardo
Richard Hall
Kendall Hardin
Ronney Harding
Russell Hardman
Paul Headen
Paul Heineman
Julianne Henson
Sofia Hernandez
Antonio Herrera
Willow Hibbard
Jay Hicks
Jeffery Hildner
Donn Hile
Brandon Hillin
Thoai Hoang
Robert Hoiten
Devin Holcomb
Robert Hudson
Kyle Ingram
James Ivy
Shane Janeke
Samantha Janes
Gabriel Jimenez
Heather Johnson
Aaron Jones
Khristy Jones
Jon Kadera
Dustin Keeter
Jaden Keeter
Nicholas King
Amanda Knight
Richard Kostroun
Joshua Lackey
Kayron Lalonde
Terence Lang
James Lavin
Marco Lebron
Jeremy Lester
Cindy Lind
David Linden
Mandi Lindley
Dalia Lopez
Beverly Love
Steven Lowry
James Lynn
Aaron Maggard
Jason Mai
Lewis Manship
Ellen Martin
Sonia Martinez
Michel Matus
Michael McCullough
Stephen McCuskey
Scott McDaniel
Meghan McGehee
Arnold McNutt
Michael McSpadden
Martin Mebane
Jason Meurer
Christa Michalk
Jeanette Miller
Albert Minugh
Ryan Moeller
Chris Montany
Roger Montellano
Jose Montelongo
Pamela Moody
Shane Moore
Fernando Morales
Samuel Mullen
Creed Murray
Travis Neese
Jamie Nelson
Graeme Newby
Karen Nors
Joshua Norvelle
Paul Obriant
John Odom
Edward Oliver
Garland Parks
Ike Patel
Cody Peitz
Henry Pelzel
Willie Perkins
Stewart Pessarra
Mark Pfeif
Halley Pierce
Kelly Pierce
Richard Poucher
Kyle Prasek
Jeremy Prnka
Martin Puente
H. Puryear
Lance Raeke
Jeremiah Ramey
Charles Ray
Jared Ray
Travis Recksiek
Kent Reinart
Danny Rejda
Julian Rendon
Valerie Reyes
Kevin Richards
Dusty Rivoire
Andre Ross
Steven Ruud
Juan Sanchez
Kellan Sanchez
John Sauer
Jeremy Scheffer
Joshua Schneider
Pete Sertuche
Joshua Sigala
Jonathan Silva
Charles Smirl
Steven Smith
Hayley Smith-Day
David Solomon
Toddrick Standifer
Marcus Strong
Kyle Sullivan
Tim Surprenant
Michael Swain
Brady Tallman
Larry Tatum
Christopher Teeter
Clayton Tenery
Jacob Tharp
Joshua Thompson
Howard Tomlinson
Seth Tull
William Turner
Brian Ulbricht
McCall Ulrich
Chance Underwood
Thomas Valenzuela
Robert Vaughan
Jordan Vincent
Eric Vitek
Stevie Walker
Matthew Walling
Larry Walters
Stephanie Warren
Joshua Watts
Scott Webre
Brian White
Tommy White
Nicholas Williams
Darren Wills
Jordan Winters
Matthew Wishon
Jason Wodack
Jarod Womack
Matthew Wood
Randy Woods
Samuel Woods
Sharon Ybarra
Clint Young
John Zygmontowicz
Dean’s Honor
Fall 2009
The TSTC Dean’s
Honor Roll recognizes
the accomplishments of
full-time students who
achieved a 3.5 to 3.9
grade point for the
Fall 2009 term.
Michael Adames
Justin Adams
Afolabi Adeboye
Meosia Alexander
Alan Alford
Michael Alley
Calvin Anderson
Colton Antis
Kongkiat Areenukul
Gracie Arias
Jordan Ash
Adam Avila
Jose Avila
Nydia Baez
Casey Baird
Jonathan Baker
Brett Ball
Dale Ballard
Bradley Ballesteros
Clarence Banks
Eric Banks
Rodney Barcak
Caleb Bare
January 2010 Tech Times
Honor Rolls (cont.)
Dean’s Honor
Fall 2009
John Barron
Alecia Basey
Lauren Basham
David Bates
Ross Beard
Cody Beddoe
Joshua Beers
David Belcik
Eric Bethea
Jimmy Bibb
Michael Biehle
Michael Biles
Michael Billman
Matthew Blackmon
Mark Blanco
Bradford Blezinger
James Boer
Lee Boggs
David Bohl
Justin Boleware
Autumn Bolton
Michael Bowe
Tyler Brackeen
Jonathan Bradford
Richard Bradley
Thomas Brami
Joe Brazil
Matthew Breivogel
Joshua Brenek
Sean Brennan
Renee Brewer
Matthew Brewster
Travis Bright
Devin Brocato
Tammy Brownlow
Justin Bruedigan
Ashli Bryant
Terry Buck
William Bugh
Julia Buhisan
Jared Bulin
Juan Burgos
Hoyt Burrows
Christopher Byrd
Shelby Campbell
Edward Campos
Emmanuel Campos
Eusbeio Campos
Michael Canatella
Christopher Cannon
Joshua Carmack
Robert Caro
Justin Carpenter
Willie Carr
Erasmo Carreon
Jason Carson
Kaytlin Carter
Stephen Carter
Harry Casiano
Clay Chappell
Richard Charles
Sharon Childress
Kyle Christen
Christopher Clater
Lee Clendennen
John Clesi
Calvin Cleveland
Alyouse Coats
Jonathan Cogan
Sarah Cole
Brigina Coleman
Carolyn Combee
Freddie Conner
Bryan Connor
Abel Contreras
Jonathan Coon
Giovanni Cotto
Pete Crabb
Deanna Craig
Robert Creasey
Brandi Croom
Christopher Crump
Jose Cruz
Rhonda Curtis
Jennifer Dansby
Aaron Davis
Phillip Davis
Thomas Dawson
Sean DeBord
Joedon Delaney
Brian Delany
Juan Diaz
Alexander Diehl
Evan Dillon
Michael Dillon
William Dingus
James Dixon
Kerby Doughty
Charles Douglas
Joseph Dudik
Walter Dunn
Christian Dyess
Tech Times January 2010
Arther Dykes
Stephon Edmond
Nathan Edwards
Cheryl Ellis
Cameron Ellison
Ryan Emerson
Geoffrey Ericson
Jeffrey Erlanson
Brent Eschete
Mark Eslick
Rick Evans
Brittany Farley
Luke Farley
Regina Farrish
Kramer Faul
Jessie Fernandez
Ausberto Ferrales
Nora Figlia
Jordan Flanigan
Cameron Fluitt
Kathryn Forbes
David Ford
Jonathan Fowler
Jose’ Fraire
Danette French
Daniel Frerich
Kevin Fruchey
Ross Fuchs
John Gagaza
Rosa Galaviz
Zachary Gann
Martin Garcia
Rodrigo Garcia
Yolanda Gardner
Colin Garner
Daniel Garza
Jeremy Geuder
Jeremy Gillaspy
Matthew Gillespie
Brittany Gilton
Carl Glatter
Roger Goeke
Christopher Gonzales
Johnny Gonzales
Roy Gonzales
Ragen Gossett
Rex Gossett
Gregory Grams
Bennie Grays
Jeremy Griffin
Joe Grimaldo
Jaime Gutierrez
Alex Hage
Kristen Hagerman
Biruk Hailu
Joel Hamilton
Rachael Hancock
Aaron Hansen
Matthew Hardy
Demetria Harris
Larry Harris
Nichole Harris
Kevin Hartensteiner
Christopher Hartig
James Haug
Sandon Helm
Nathaniel Henderson
Brooke Hernandez
Noe Hernandez
Aaron Herrera
Javier Herrera
Tyler Hibbitts
Boby High
Annie Hill
K. Hinkle
Masako Hino
Roger Hinojosa
Jeremy Hintze
Ross Hoffman
David Hoffmeister
Jordan Holland
Carrie Holt
Colt Houck
Slayton Hrncir
Matt Huber
Dustin Hughes
John Hulbert
Derek Hutyra
Nhat Huynh
Donald Ingalsbe
Nathan Ireland
Tyffine Jackson
John Janek
Matthew Jansen
Joe Jennings
Gregory Jensen
Justin Johnson
Keith Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Kyle Jones
Marcus Jones
Odis Jones
Eric Joseph
James Jumper
Bradley Kaiser
Elias Kari
Megan Karl
Cameron Keathley
Travis Keck
Rhonda Keel
Katherine Kelley
Lisa Kelly
Laramie Kennedy
Jacob Key
Daniel Kezele
Hunter Kilcrease
William King
Bryan Klekar
Benjamin Knight
Casey Koenen
Kyle Koncaba
Sterling Koopmann
Erich Korn
Jonathan Kosier
Gary Krenek
Dennis Kucera
Harvey Laake
Michael Lamb
Brandon Lankford
Benjamin Laster
Kayla Lawson
Ubaldo Lazalde
James Lee
Byron Leewright
Farris Lenamond
Reese Lester
Andrew Liesenfeld
Derek Lindeman
Francisco Lindo
Christopher Livingston
Travis Logan
Gary Long
John Long
John-Karl Looney
Jorge Lopez
Juan Lopez
Pedro Lopez
Merrick Lovell
Wesley Lucas
Matthew Luedke
Anibal Luna
Sergio Luna
Justin Lyles
Corey Mabe
Marshall Maciel
Ashley Macy
Stephen Malvaney
Sarah Marciel
Michael Markiewicz
Jason Marquart
Landon Martin
Alan-Michael Martinez
Phalen Martinez
Saul Martinez
Christopher Massey
Daniel Mathews
Steven McCauley
Matthew McCorkle
Brandon McDonald
Steven Meisner
Anthony Melvin
Steven Mendes
Matthew Menottis
Chelsea Mercado
Sheila Merimon
Melinda Merrell
Virginia Merryman
Gaspar Mesta
Philip Meuth
Jason Milliff
Trent Monk
Thomas Montelongo
Andres Montes
Clayton Moody
James Moore
Joshua Moorman
Roy Mora
Jeff Munoz
Zack Music
Paige Mutschink
Ashley Nance
Christopher Napps
Billie Needham
Stephen Nehring
Abram Nelson
Diane Ness
Gregory Nevarez
Philip Nguyen
John Nichols
Colt North
Jeffrey Novak
Tamara Nowlin
Luis O’Farrill
Chibuzor Okonta
Anastasia Ontiveros
Steven Otterson
Pierce Otto
Carmen Owen
Annette Parker
Colton Parker
Anthony Pascual
Ty Pedersen
Victor Pedroza
Kory Perrow
Steven Phillips
Cody Pickett
Amy Pierce
Jeremie Pitts
Chad Podraza
Phillip Pollard
George Price
Ethan Prikryl
Andrew Przybiski
Matthew Rader
Keith Rainosek
Rey Ramirez
Uriel Ramos
Robin Ray
Jonnathan Reed
Michael Reed
Honor Rolls (cont.)
Rex Reid
Mark Reinbold
Randy Reinders
Joshua Reno
Elizabeth Reyes
Jason Richard
Yasamin Richardson
Marlen Roberts
Brian Rodgers
Joaquin Rodriguez
Robert Roper
Samantha Roper
Jeffrey Rosas
Robin Rowell
Troy Ruiz
Manuel Sanchez
Brandon SanMigel
Dustin Satterwhite
Peter Saylors
Jonathan Schlentz
Benjamin Schmidtke
Adam Schopper
Reevis Schultz
Gary Scoggin
Andrew Sembera
Thomas Serrano
Daniel Sessions
Christopher Shaffer
Frank Shannon
John Shaw
Kevin Shelton
Brittani Shoukletovich
Richard Silva
Jacob Simmons
William Simmons
L. Simms
Brandon Sisneroz
Matthew Skoglund
Jimmy Smith
Robert Smith
Shyloh Smith
Joshua Snyder
Christopher Sorel
David Sorley
Nathaniel Sosa
Jacob Soule
Kacy Stanfill
McLean Stephens
Kenneth Stidham
Jessica Stiles
Joseph Stone
Jeffrey Stromberg
Ethan Summerlin
Kalden Swinson
Angela Sword
Stephen Tarver
Orville Taylor
Travis Taylor
Travis Taylor
Richard Thibodeaux
Herbert Thompson
Paul Thompson
Bryan Thornton
Melinda Thornton
Robert Tibbs
Danny Tolliver
Carlos Torres
Jose Torres
Martin Torres
Habtamu Tsehay
Shanna Tucker
Darren Turner
Kirstin Turner
Phillip Turner
Thomas Turnham
Bradly Ulman
Rene Valladares
Joshua Vanhooser
Gustavo Vargas Lara
Christopher Vasquez
Polo Villagomez
Michael Wagner
Robert Walden
Tina Wallace
John Walters
Jay Walthall
Britton Warren
Christopher Waters
Eric Watson
Jason Watson
Johnathan Watson
Mark Watson
Cory Webb
Michael Webb
Sabrina Westbrook
Allen White
Quinton White
Jonathyn Whiteley
Jonathan Whitely
Austin Whitescarver
Kyle Whiting
Cynthia Whitt
Fred Wicks
Nathan Wiles
John Wilkerson
Keith Wilkerson
Brian Williams
Jonathan Williams
Joshua Williams
Latrecia Williams
Robert Wilson
Mark Winter
Phillip Wise
Corey Witherow
Ronald Wood
Steven Wood
Travis Woods
Lucas Wright
Samuel Wright
Joe Wyatt
Jerry Ybarra
Don’t see your name in the
Honor Rolls?
The honor rolls are compiled from official college files and given to Marketing &
Communications for inclusion in Tech Times and also hometown newspapers.
Students who officially request their information NOT be released to the public
will NOT have their names published in the paper. To change your information release preferences, contact College Records at 867-2362.
SkillsUSA Campus Run Off
Feb. 5 & 6
(Continued from Page 1)
“You’ve only got five minutes to do
it, so I was focused on getting the job
done as fast as I could.”
After finishing the weld, the judges placed Love’s work on the top 10
table where, throughout the competition, new contestants’ work is judged
against previous contenders. On the
last day of competition, the top 10 are
laser profiled for accuracy and winners are chosen based on hard data.
“The way the judging is set up,
the competition actually gets stiffer
throughout the week,” Rummel said.
“We kept checking the judges’ table
and after mine was bumped off, we
cheered Carissa’s on. In the end it’s not
about just who the judges think should
win, it’s the laser profiler that chooses
the winner.”
As each person’s name from the top
10 were announced on the final day of
the show, third place to James Tucker
and second place to Keith Cusey, Rummel looked over at Love and told her
Carissa Love receives a $2,500 check
for placing first in the AWS Professional Welding Competition.
Courtesy WLT Dept.
to get ready as the AWS President announced her name. Love said winning
the professional competition was exciting, but it also proved what she had
known since choosing to be a welder.
“It felt good to win,” Love said. “It
shows girls can do it.”
(Continued from Page 1)
marketable skills. Many have ended
up working for top tier research labs
across the country, and we’d like to see
that opportunity expanded.”
Sanders said lab technicians are only
the beginning of what TSTC could offer BRIC. The college will be integrated
into the research process by providing
technical collaboration, fabrication services and testing support of research
projects. To improve the economic
competitiveness of the state, TSTC will
provide technical support to Texas
business and industry with workforce
training, design consulting, rapid prototyping and many other services.
Another component of BRIC will
be K-12 outreach. The facility will offer hands on activities for elementary,
middle and secondary school students
from across the state to excite the next
generation about science, technology,
engineering and math professions.
“This is a unique partnership,”
Sanders said. “There’s not another research park where a university and
technical college share a space with a
workforce development arm in addition to a focus on K-12 education.”
BRIC is not the first project Baylor
and TSTC have worked on together.
Long running collaborations between
Baylor’s Aviation Sciences program
and the Aircraft Pilot Training program
at TSTC and the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering
Research (CASPER) have proven the
institutions’ ability to work together
Baylor’s Vice Provost for Research
Truell Hyde said the partnership with
BRIC will be similar to the CASPER
success on a much larger scale.
“The CASPER program, which has
research, complex plasma and space
diagnostics, has its primary lab on the
TSTC campus,” Hyde said. “In that
program we have TSTC students from
all different technologies who work in
the lab alongside Baylor research faculty and students ... I think [BRIC] is
going to be just as good of a partnership. I’ve had good luck with TSTC
and our work for the past decade and
I can’t imagine this not being just as
Converting the former manufacturing plant to a high-tech center will
begin next month, with completion
planned for 2012.
Join the tradition of excellence and compete
in SkillsUSA. Talk to your department chair
for details.
January 2010 Tech Times
Top films from 2009
John Waller
Arts & Entertainment writer
Walking away from a year that
left us shirtless werewolves in “New
Moon,” furry guinea pigs in “GForce,” not to forget those huge robots out for revenge in “Transformers
2” while a team of soldiers are out to
save the world in “G.I. Joe,” it isn’t
hard to see that 2009 wasn’t the best
year for movies.
Never have I ever seen so many bigbudget-B-films fight back and forth
at the box office. This year did have
some surprises with a few features,
but it wasn’t a powerhouse year like
‘08 was with films like “The Curious
Case of Benjamin Button,” “Doubt,”
“Slumdog Millionaire,” “The Dark
Knight,” and countless other great
films that brought us pure entertainment for all ages. Apart from losing
count as to how many amazing films
2008 brought us, the year that closed
the decade only had about five great
films that will likely be remembered
10 years down the road.
And now, movie fans, let the wild
rumpus start, which brings us to our
first feature based on Maurice Sendak’s brilliant picture book “Where the
Wild Things Are.” Wonderfully told
and masterfully crafted, Spike Jonze
brought a gargantuan tale of a young
boy named Max who grinds up childlike mischief with monsters whom
he sees his reflections through in the
course of the story. Lance Acord’s
scratchy cinematography leaves the
film open for curiosity and wonder.
Absolutely everything is flawless
,from Casey Storm’s costume design
to Max Record’s performance; everything coincided immaculately with
the book and made us visit the wild
thing in all of us.
Bringing new heights to Disney/
Pixar was the fabulous family film
“Up.” Clouded with wonderful film
references [mostly from Indiana
Jones and the Star Wars films], “Up”
is a true winner for anyone who is
young at heart and who follows their
dreams while letting nothing get in
their way.
Wind the clock back to Nazi-occupied France during World War II
for Quentin Tarantino’s engrossing
war drama “Inglourious Basterds.”
The film is a highly entertaining and
a wonderfully silly bit of nonsense
to add to Tarantino’s collection of
gems. Chocked full of memorable
characters throughout, perhaps the
one who stands out the most is Christoph Waltz, who plays the deliciously
devious Col. Hans Landa. I bet right
now he is writing down his acceptance speech for the Oscars.
Boldly going past most films last
year, “Star Trek” had it all. Strategically casted with Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and Zachary Quinto as
Spock, the film had direction and
meaning unlike some of the older
Trek films. Anytime Hollywood gets
ready to revamp a series [i.e. Batman]
count me in, and in this case, it’s for
the better. The only thing that disappointed me about the film is William
Shatner didn’t have a cameo, and yes,
I’m being serious.
And lastly, who could forget the
zany night in Vegas in Todd Phillips’ “The Hangover.” This is a truly
hilarious comedy that had audiences crying from laughter. You‘ll find
something new to laugh at with each
viewing. People will probably forget
the rest of 2009’s films as fast as it took
the character from ’The Hangover’ to
forget everything in Vegas.
“Where the Wild
Things Are”
“Inglourious Basterds”
Steven Moss, TSTC English Department assistant
chair, will be spotlighted in a public radio documentary set to air across the nation in early February and
into March. Moss was interviewed for “Race and the
Space Race,” part of a three-hour documentary series “Out of This World” that explores race and the
NASA space program. Moss, who did his college
thesis on race and NASA’s impact on the South, gave
two interviews for the program, set to air on more
than two dozen public radio stations across the U.S,
reaching thousands of listeners. Various events will
be held in conjunction with the series, including at
museums across the country.
“Star Trek”
Upcoming Films to Check Out
Starring: Ethan Hawke and
Willem Dafoe
Release Date: Jan. 8
“Edge of Darkness”
Starring: Mel Gibson and
Danny Huston
Release Date: Jan. 29
Tech Times January 2010
“Dear John”
Starring: Amanda Seyfried
and Channing Tatum
Release Date: Dec. 25
“The Hangover”
Phi Theta Kappa is collecting
Box Tops for Education to support
G.W. Carver Academy. Turn in collected box tops
to Marta Getman in RDC 144, Robin Reid in the
SGA office or at Phi Theta Kappa meetings.
Campus News
The MCI Club will be hosting an art show
on Feb. 10 through 11. Submissions are $2 for
anyone who wants to submit photos, drawings, paintings or short films. Any submissions
must not be copyrighted by anyone except the
artist. Admission to the show is free. For more
information, contact the MCI department at
Congratulations to Advertising Design &
Print student Aaron Lugo, the Fall 2009 Best
Book Award Winner. Lugo’s portfolio was reviewed by professionals and earned the winning distinction for being the best of all portfolios reviewed. First runner up was Christi
Townsend, and second runner up was Bethany Stewart. ADP students who participated
in the Portfolio Review included, from left,
McKea Estes, Mary Owens, Kai Jones, Melinda Merrell, Townsend, Lugo, Jessica Luckey
and Stewart.
The TSTC Waco Library has resumed regular
hours. The library hours are: Monday through
Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5
p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 6
Staff Tech Times
Get a FREE lunch during Student Appreciation Day from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28, at the Student Recreation Center.
Lunch will be served by President Stuckly and
members of the TSTC faculty and staff.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry along with state and education leaders
stopped by TSTC in December to promote a $100 million initiative to help students pursuing degrees and certificates in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields
receive the education necessary to compete in the global workforce. Gov. Perry addressed a group of local educators and TSTC
employees for the announcement. The TSTC Student Ambassador Association represented the student body at the event.
Sign-ups for intramural sports are currently underway. Team roster forms are available at the Student Activities office in the Rec
Center. Rosters must be turned in by Monday,
Jan. 25. Don’t miss Casino Night, from 6 to 9
p.m. Thursday, Jan 22, at the SRC. There will
be games, free food and prizes for all students
with a valid TSTC ID. For more information on
Rec Center events, contact Student Activities at
Diesel Engine Technology took the spotlight
at the FFA Tractor Technician CDE competition Jan. 13. About 50 students from 16 high
schools throughout the state competed in the
event. TSTC students planted “bugs” in the
tractors that FFA students had to find and fix
within 30 minutes to get their tractors up and
TSTC Student Health Services will be holding free H1N1 flu shot clinics from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. on Friday, Jan. 22 at the JBC Auditorium.
The number of shots are limited and are available on a first come, first serve basis. These
clinics are for students and employees.
Students are no longer required to purchase and display
a parking permit. Students may park in spaces that are not
marked “Employee,” “Reserved,” “Handicapped” or “Visitor.” Only employees are eligible to park in reserved employee
spaces and must have a hang tag displayed. Employees may
also park in open parking spaces.
Vehicles parked in reserved spaces without displaying proper permit (i.e. handicapped or employee) will be issued warnings/citations. Repeat violations will result in the vehicles being
“booted” and the police department will be required to remove
If you have questions regarding the regulations, please contact Chief of Police Rob Williams at 867-3690.
E-mail news and event submissions to [email protected] by
Monday, Feb. 8, for inclusion in the next issue.
January 2010 Tech Times
People & Places
Holiday Parade
Powder Puff Football
Fall Graduation
1st Place Vehicle
Tech Times staff
1st Place Float
Village Oaks staff
Culinary Dessert Final
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Photos by Sofia Hernandez, Design by Autumn Bolton|Tech Times