Minutes - Honolulu Community College


Minutes - Honolulu Community College
Associated Students of the Universitv of Hawaii
Honolulu Community College
Student Senate 2oo9-2o1o
Minutes for ASUH-HCC Student Senate Meeting
Date of Meetingt oglr3l2olo at B:4o pm in Bldg. z-u6
Mission Statement
We, the Senate of theAssoctated Studentsof HonoluluCommunity College,will acttuely represent
the student uoicesand improue the quality of student life at Honolulu Communtty CoIIege."
Call to Order
Motion: President Poima Sataua callsthe Senatemeetingto order at 3:4o p.m. Sheasks
that if anyonewas using a recording deviceto turn them off. The Director of Student Life, Emily
Kukulies,was using a LiveScribePulseSmartPen& Notebookand did not announce,during the
closed-doorportion of the meeting,that shewas using the deviceto record the meeting.
Roll CaIl
ASUH-HCC Senate Members
Poima Satatn
Vice President:
NaheleHoku Kaneakalau
David Sakaria
to rtur SenateMtg.
Hillary Brown
ASUH-HQC Club Representatives
AEC Club Rep:
MELE Club Rep:
PTK Club Rep:
Stzume No Kai Rep:
Hui'Oiwi Club Rep:
COSMEClub Rep:
FashionClub Rep:
Human Services:
Stuart Featheran
Tevin Makishima
GeorgeVierra III
Present-Proxyto run E.C.Portion
Elections Committee Members
Tevin Makishima
Mary Bernard
E.C.Member #r:
Kiana Yasana
Guest Members Presenting Proposals/Issues to Senate
SenateAdvisor #r:
SenateAdvisor #z:
Director of Student Life:
Establish Quorum
PTK Presidentzoog-2o10
Alexander Ribao Jr.
PTK Presidentzoro-2o 11
Bobby Wen
PTK Member
Robert Oliveira Jr.
AS(IH-HCC Senate Advisors
Jim Poole
Wayne Sunahara
Emily Kukulies
Is Quorum Established, Yes or No?
Questionwasneverasked,andaccordingto the Constitution,with the memberspresent
at the meeting,quorumwasNOTestablished.
Elections Comrnittee Issue
The Chairperson has to present to Senate an issue that arose during the Spring 2o1o
Elections. The voting Senate Members & Club Representatives will hear the
Chairperson's case behind closed doors. Both candidates, and all guests will be
asked to leave the room until the Senate's decision is rendered. The decision to be
made by the voting Senate mernbers, is whether to overturn the Election's
Comrnittee's decision for disqualifrcation. Chairperson Tevin Makishirna does not
call the Elections Comrnittee Meeting to order.
The Chairperson, Tevin Makishima will present the following:
Presidential Candidate, Poirna Sataua's complaint asking for the
disqualification of the other Presidential Candidate, Howard Kam III. See
To: Elections Connmlttee
Froml Poima Sataua
oate: o5/o4l10
Subject:Violation of ElectlonsCode
Biasfor particularcandidate
1. Violation of 4-a. Must adhere to universityand campus policiesas outllned in the
Universrty& campus web5ltesend catalogs.
Violation 4-b. Are expected to adhere to the utmost ethicat standardsthroughout the
ilection proreEs
SLDdoet not represent rni$sionstatement of hcc I and 9 and it goes egeinstaruh hcc core values
2. Vlolation of 5-a 1r campaign n'laterialrnust be approved by election committee
--commiftee was not aware of the rnaterial and Jennifer the SLDrep told me that she had posted the other Presidential
candidatesflyer already in the prime spot on the bulletin board and that she would rernove it and then put it bac from
SLDon the flyer
Violation --Obtained iltegallyboth parties should be responsiblefor uphotding the policiesand procedure.
Electioncode 5-a 7, be posted firrt come first serv€
Violation-- Candidatewas not the first to turn in his flyer to the electionscommittee everything should be routed
through the elecrionr committee
Electioncode 5a 11 Candidatemust not have any organi:at;onalor unit endorrement
Violation--aStudent Life representativeJenniferattended the meeting upon behalf of the other Presidentialcandidate
and entered the ASUH-HCC
office with the Student Life Directgr,
3. 4. 8 k support of backingbV an organiraticn 7-c ? StD staff member preven?edthe candidatefrom being disqualified
Violation- SLDis an organiration that should not be biasedbut SLOhad received,the paperwork from the candrdate,
advised,and has provided the candidate with a way to promote his fiyer first befcre everyone else and then also
provided a representativefrom their staff to be given the proxy for the o(her Prelidentlal candidate and ii now acting as
rhe voting pail for the electian. They do not heve tf!€ authoritv to do ro and are in violation of also providing false
information to another c;ndidate by interfering insteadof referring the candidate to emeil or call the Chair they had the
candidate run around getting lignetures and filfing out the wrong paper work and then In the initial meeting lried to
persuadethe committee to maks a recommendation to the Senateto sonfirm the candidate into the senste.
4. 6-j Utiliration of materialsof any organiraticn/unit or department, including {undeniablyprohibited}
caffipus organizations, sucn as paper, copying, or email list*
possibleviolation of appearingto have utilized the SLDmaterials luch as paper, and copying.
5- k. Support or backingof campus organirations
to consider
io; tevinmekrshime
Hon,tsy 10,20tSst {rlt Pl{
I bllcwedupafterSn ebchons
t0 seeil shewasondu'tyandI spoke
ta Hiltarysee
thatsln worked
1.iennwhois a lvorker
0ntnedayiln Fosters
ol 510iru,'ked
whoshehada praxy
tc fil{in hn plaeeal the
THISs a conflclofintaestkrswnbybothSLCardthecanriidate
fint meeung
fiat didnotreceffeanernailaboutihernitialrneeting
I saidohsornf;o{'}e
didntgetanenril andl'fowndr*isedhishstdandsaidyeahi diCn't
I didn'tfind
untilJentoldrne.HeblatanSlierjtous Hereceived
tin initiafemailfrnrnlseonF,snlSCth
withthescfnduleandtheoonil{ay3,?010fp wentintotheofficewherelsetoldhirnaboutgettirga proxyin his
4, Afterthemeeting
Jencameintotheofficeandsadsht rwuldputtheposters
sidebysidebutit yni lookatthe
aromixedin wrtfitnerestoflheartbtinbosrd.Alsomjnesre
withtLD arsroval
5. TherearBn0blaskandwhrteposters
he electrcn
signeotfearfyonthatfe understood
ccdeandyeihestiflchoseto pcka memFrsf
is unsccpetable
thegirlwas0ndutyirershrftsta{edsl 900andshe
gotoffat 5 same[iing
arealso0ntln candidales
whilesntle clock,
d:mcffbackts lheASUH
a inkcartridge
to methatsfieputtheflyersupan,Jshesardshew's;ldtaket cacnand
I saicwlrydoallthedouble
apdsl'esariokayfien I willpuiit sidnbysidaandthenshedirjnstfsltcw
Than ancbstru*bn
cf *ro?erprccedures
ofconflctof inleresi.I havea hugpmblem
andmt t0 SLn.SLO bacuirq
andBOIi-{ol themareiuslasguiltywhichamgrour$s
tad theelecioncodehehad
it sinceApril3oth,?0i0andhewroteEmily.
h doaldrrffilywi$ he
poweithatfie daction
youbutheu goingio eeeif Frc,feeesr
I denolknovrif Wayr*contec{ed
*odirgfiis out.5c.ds notrelaseanyinfurnatiwb anyone
or PmfFsEcsntacidyou*ackwitit
The Elections Comrnittee's finding, and letter of disqualification
to Presidential Candidate, Howard Kam III, citing its findings of violations of
the Elections Code. See below.
Election committee decision
Tcyln itakishlma <t*[email protected]>
To: HowardKarn <howadkarn@gr,rail.com>.
ft : Wayne N Sun'**ara.wsynen$etEv"aiiedu>, JirF <[email protected]>
Tuo, Hay 11, 1010 rt E:27 Pil
Sear preeidentislcandis6i€3,
This letter s to *rJonnyoL sn the deci$ionrender*d 5y fie election f,,ornrnittee
$at the cornplenr nled by
cardsate Poima Sataua has bear heard arg revlew by the cornmittp€rnernbersafl'd rr,ysetf We have corne
to g conclusionthat the StudentLile afld Devaloprnent{SLDI oflice hao been backingl"{cwarc(am tll.
Pleaserefar to th€ ASIJH-HCCElectionCode:thue. tho candioatEHswardKam lll ,s disaualifiedfrom the
6. l"he Fdlawing are afwa.ysand uncieniabtyprahtbitd
* Supporl ar backingof oampuso.gfanirations
There ie Byid$rcs that ffglerentiel trestmentw*s g,ivento one cand}dateov€r aftoth€r A ftyer was given tc
SLD prior to ilre elec*isncomrnitteeapp:'oval.A SLD rnembercarne back afier the crisntationrneeting{May
4th. 2S101cnd.rnentrcniF.atthey had p*sted tne flyer befcregettirq tte electioneomrnitteeappfoval.T\B
eleciion cominitteedelibe,rateand came to the decisicr,thal lraving SLD take d*wr, the llye. and tc put it
back up againwas toc much work. The SLD rnernbersaid and volunber that they wouldpost botn candidate
flyen side by stde on Lnebulletin bsard, ho'wever,thrs was nol the case. lYhen the bulletin board was
by the alectiop csllrnittee, !t i$ clean that one sandidatelfy8r stood out ovsr the cther candjdate
flyer. One candidale flyer was poste'Jin a group of other fliers while t,hsother candidate flyer was posted in
an oo€n sraa. Also, one coodidste'sset of flyers had bGthapprovalBtornpsfronr SIO while the other
candidatedid not fE'Ho$'the sarng procasswith th€ stampe.Ihie shows favorabteprefierencefor one
Gandidateover ar€ther. Also, there is evidencettrat a m€mberfrorn SLO nad been speakingon e candidate
behelf. Ihe c*ndidate snould had address tie i*sue tc the electriorcommittee.
lf edherc&ndrdatef
walltoappeal lhedecssnnoftheelectionoornm;tte€,
to r€rond to th6 decision.Pba*e refer fo Asull Ebetio* code;
i. Appeal
I Al{ Candrtd|,eshaee lhe fight to appeals d6as,bn mada by fia E/eclr'onsC,/t,mmittse,
fhts ng.,f is forfaied
*ven\1-four f24) iours attar the decisrrrnrs nrcsrvod.
r. ;ippeals rnust bo wrttlen, no tongw tfien 5OOrr,onds-and submtted by amail to tha Cqnmrfloe Chat/s
email add ress {!gt!flG.},1jgg11-eg.f.}
ri Appasns*ill ha mr-'rcwedattbe nsxt ragular rneattngof tfie AS{JH^N{CCsludeotson€fe.
iv. Oscisionsof tho &fitr$'ttga
Eg overruledby 'a A4 vofo of fhe ASUH-|,CC sludenl €enata.
f {Teun} will presentttE case {cornpbintsand appaals}to senale and a decisicn will be rendcrcr by CIfifif
$.ln"Snnfitg"Shgnftr_tbE:10*inim,b*.stmfrfdn* Jdl items d$srtssed am confdential end sfrou&donty b
discr,ss'*":lhihe carties inv,clwd a*d nnt mde svailabfe!o $e ge*oral public,All ather commutstic*
out*l& of a formal appeal will ba considorud badgnring of th€ aloctlon commit$*, Plmre refsr to
ASUH Election Codo;
6. ThE fallowtngam ai*,rrays
tnd undaniatdyprohibdod:
a. ga$ering oF ifttimdsuflgany mdfiMr at the Fieciions Comrn6tea.
"Tevin lttakishrma
lf ysu n#/e any queetieFrg,iwl .rree gs eon$qt rn€ o_n
The Presidential Candidate, Howard Kam III's, appeal of the
disqualifi cation. See below.
Election cornmittee decision
A$ Ulf - tlCC Fr*g idrfd <aauh.hcc.pr*l@m*l
To lse Staua <isataua@gnrarl,csm>
Tuo, llay lt, 20t0 at 11:55 Pfil
Forwarded trressage
Frorn: l{ owlrd Klm . .b-Aty.Af"dl$fif8€g"Bgg!,ggill
Sabs:Tue. May ',1.2O1gat 9:CGIrM
Subpct: Re: Etection comrnitteedecisbn
To: Tevin Makishima <[email protected]$u>
Cc. n0lgiAlighaffAliedU.Wayne N Sunahara <yrayne*, #hArtrAilft$ur. Jirn (tffdLl$C"haHan;.tdur
I hereby aopoal tll€ decisisn lor dagualiflcsiran
l\,ly appeal wll be outtined ss follovrcd. 1) SLD has neuer FnovfiJedany verbal or noo verbal support for my
campaigneithef expressedor implnd 2) SLD has mde the errcr and was responsiblefor Dunlngup cantpa;gn
ftysrs ah€ad of trme- 3J Conslusion.
The cornplaintclaimml 'JennfiaraltEndedthe first orientaton rn€etingar an Sl*O represertattu-e.'This fact rs
untrue Bs I have su.Smitted
:o Tavin ard bVayneher ofiiciattir"esneet pruvilg that sha was off-holrs and qot an
ernployeeof SLD; furthermore,any irnplieriporceptionol her reprg$entrngSLD s sirnplya perc€pion and rvithout
proof ln acdition,(he Eleclior-€Csrnmltteaapprovedthe ilyers for postingas Jennderbrought a sarrple fc the
on lv{ay1i' ,2010. Clearty,there is no actualevidencettat suppoltsthe decisrcnof my
and ihis entirs compfai4ti$ based ofl flereqy and false clairnsof which I w;lt turther gpsysin mt
$fith rsssrd lo lhe flyers lo( {fie fact3 siate tnat at nc tirne dld I ha,re any kna#ledge of whc w&s resgonsibtefor
putting up tl'!e fryers. nor dd I oek lor preferentlaltraatrnentin any rnannBr or I'nrn. q,s I drd not have tnou/ledgle
then how can I be held responsible{or the acuons of 6LD? lf perceptionof wrong doing is xnques{ion then alhy*l
ffie 10surlmarrzs with rny coflcluslon which | ''irill prove that al! ailBgatlons.against rne are false.
In coflcluglon I wauld l;ks trocite another point that wae rars€d agarnstrne was falsa. The cornpfaintalso clarmed
thst I used SLD rnatarisls ta prtnt rnv carnpaignflyers. As t Fave proof ihat mst€rials ond desrgns\sGrBprodrrcsd
at Ki*ko-s; this allagation mat(es the entire complaint seem s$ a pemonal nttack against SLO and ,"ne. ft rs my
$olBmnb€lief that tho current Presiosnt has a porsonal verrdattaagainst $tudsnt Life and Devalaprnentend has
creat€d an at'nospn€rc of anirnosltybaMrsan both organlzatlons.and has involved myseff and my cgrnpaign
becaueo ol my ftiendsirip wrth sotneone. OrE cannot place t|'te nmqht of an entrre decision based on krendshrps.
lf that were tfrc case trsed then one could easily accuse ttre current Presidentof rnanipulaton because of her
rnvolvefienl w{h differnctclubs anrl organizationeon cnrnpus.
Based on her last frvolou* accusation whlch she submittea in writlr,g. :escinded or otherwise. I nereby chage tfn
r.r'ithvid6*ng rule 6e of the ASUH-HCC Electicnscode whicn reads'Fifling frrvcloussr bad faittl
appealsand or charge$againstany other candidate,cornflitiec mernb€rGr third pa:ty or encouragingcthsrs i6 do
so." As a ren':inder.an accusatror of wrong doing wlthcnt prool rs construed as trivafous.
Thank you for your time. I !s* brwad ts your decieion and status of my cornplaintwith regard lo ASUI-{-FICC
Ethrcs code rule 6e.
l-{osard l(am lll
tf ;,ou bave hrst the orEir,ol cornplaint I do hsve the printad copy which *EE prcssnted to rne frorn the
cursnl Presirjent.
Election Comrnittee & Senate Members' Discussion:
' After the guestswere askedto leavethe room, Iseulaolemoana
Satauaasksthe Director of
StudentLife & Deveiopmentwhy she'sstill in the room, and the replywas that shewas the
' The Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies
kept interrupting the Chairperson
of the Elections Committee, Tevin Makishima, while he was reading the Cbmp"laint.
' Geolgevierra III starts to ask questionsregardingthe issue.
' IseulaolemoanaSatauaaskedthat the Chaiipersonget through
readingeverlthing beforewe
open the floor for discussion.
' Chairperson,Tgvin Makishima,finishesreadingthe Complaint,
the Decisionof the Elections
Committee,and the Appeal.
' GeorgeVierra III asksto seethe evidencethat was cited in the
Complaint and the email Election
F9 Chairperson,Tevin Makishima, tells GeorgeVierra III that the person,Howard Kam III,
had given his proxy to, was workingthe day (nAuV4th,zoro) that HorarardKam III's candidacy
postedon the Student Life & DevelopmentBulletin Boards.He alsopointed out t}iat
{"t-t w_ere
shehad placedthe Approval Stamp & SLD Stamp on all of Howard Kam III's fliers and that
Poima Sataua'sfliers were not given the samecourtesy.
' The other issuethat was brought up in the discussionwas
that Howard Kam III's fliers were
postedprior to getting the ElectionCommittee'sapproval,and that Jennifer (Howard's
proxy/SlD Emp,loyee)had cameback with a sampleflyer sayingthat it was her "bad" that the
posterswent up beforebringing it to the ElectionCommittee.eil of the ElectionCommittee
membersagreedthat it would be a wasteof time to haveher take all of his postersdown just to
put them back up on the boards,so the ElectionCommitteetook a look at the flyer, and told her
that the flyer looked okay.Sheopenly told the membersof the Election Commifteethat she
ryq"ld post Poima Sataua'sfliers right next to Howard Kam III's fliers, so that everyonewould be
ableto seeboth candidates'flierstogether.The Election CommitteeCirairperson,revin
Makishima,and members,Kiana Y3sana,Mary Bernard,and IseulaolemoanaSaiauaall agreed
that it would be fair, and told Jennifer that it would be a great idea if she did what she sug[ested
to the ElectionCommittee.
' The Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies,infers
to the Election Committee
membersthat their perceptionof what happenedmight be incorrect.
' The Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies,
alsoinfers that Howard Kam III's
proly (her employee)had brought his fliers to the meetingwith them.
' IseulaolemoanaSatauapoints out to her that there isn't aiything wrong
with the Election
Committee'sperception,and that shewasn't in the room when her emp-loyee
cameback with the
filers. Shealso points out that they di_
d not bring his fliers to the meeting,and that her employee
cameback after the meetingwith a flier for Appioval.
' GeorgeVierra III asks,"How would you know whether or not the
their Approval of the Candidates'fliers?" *Did you (the ElectionCommittee)sign anywhereon
the fliers?"
' IseulaolemoanaSatauaanswersGeorgeVierra III's question:The
membersin attendanceof that
meetingall agreed,it was a consensusamongstthe ElectionCommittee,and the SLD employee.
' The Chairperson,Tevin Makishima,tells GeorgeVierra III, that
the ElectionCommitteedid not
physically sign off on the fliers.
' Mary Bernard tells the other membersthat shefeelswhen
the girl had comeback and said she
wasgoing to post both fliers next to eachother that she expectJdher follow through with what
shehad suggested.
' GeorgeVierra III informs the Senatemembersin attendance
that "verbal contractsare hard to
prove and doesn'thold water if there is no proof." Everythingshould be in writing, so the
Electioncommittee should havesignedoffon eachof thoseflie.s.
GeorgeVierra III commentsthat the friendship betweenthe SLD employeeand Howard Kam III
doesnot mean that she showedhim preferentialtreatment in posting his fliers.
The Director of Student Life & Development, Emily Kuktrlies, concurs with GeorgeVierra III's
comment,and also announcesto everyonein the room that shehas never met Howard Kam III
everbefore-that this is the first time she'severmet him.
The Chairperson,Tevin Makishima, mentions that Student Life & Developmentdidn't follow
their own posting rules, while Howard Kam III's fliers had two stamps, Honolulu Community
CollegePostingstamp that containeddatesand employeesign off and a Student Life &
Developmentstamp and that it could be consideredpreferentialtreatment.
GeorgeVierra III again statesthat he wants to seeevidence.
The Chairperson,Tevin Makishima,prints out a few emailsto passto GeorgeVierra III.
GeorgeVierra III readsthe emails and passesthem to another Senatemember to read.
IseulaolemoanaSatauamentions that the SLD employeewho was also Howard Kam III's proxy
was working the day his posterswent up, and that she admitted to posting the posters.
GeorgeVierra III starts in on the "friends" who work in certain office settingsargument again.
SenateAdvisor, Wayne Sunahara,stepsin and informs Senatethat it doesmatter whether or not
shewas working during the time that the fliers went up, but we would needto look at the time
IseulaolemoanaSatauaand Mary Bernardboth speakup regardingthe time-sheetissue.
Jennifer signedout on the daily binder after 5 o'clockon May 4th,zoto; however,Howard Kam
III had sent her "official" time sheetto Tevin Makishima and it showsthat shefinished work at g
o'clock.It doesn'tmake sensethat both documentsdon't coincide.
IseulaolemoanaSatauapoints out that there'sa two-hour discrepancy,and that it would illegal
for a personto be working'off-the-clock". Shethen asksthe Director of Student Life &
Development,what is the purposeof the binder that her employeessign in and out of?
The Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies'answer:"It's an Activity Log." The
official time sheetis the one that we turn into Sharon Isa at the BusinessOffice.I can pull up her
time sheetif you all need to seeit. Shethen proceedsto pull out her iPhoneand finds Jennifer's
time sheet.Sheshowsher phone to SenateAdvisor, WayneSunahara.
GeorgeVierra III mentions that the Native Hawaiian Centerhas the samepractices.
GeorgeVierra III thinks it wor"rldbe a good idea to get Howard Kam III's side of the story.
KianaYasana,member of the ElectionsCommittee,announcesto the Senatethat the vote is
solelybasedon the Appeal,and that we're not supposedto be hearingfrom either of the
Candidatesbecauseeverythingwas alreadysubmitted.The ElectionsCommitteewas only
supposedto presentall of the information, and Senatewas supposedto vote on it.
IseulaolemoanaSatauaaskseveryoneif they're comfortablevoting the normal way or whether
they want to vote by secretballot.
SenateAdvisor, Jim Poole,speaksup and saysthat it wor-rldprobablybe a good idea if it were by
IseulaolemoanaSatauarips up a sheetof paper into 5 piecesand passesthe pile to the next
The votesare put into a bin, and handedto David Sakariato read the results.
Vote by Secret Ballot
Result:Howard Kam III is reinstatedas an eligibleASUH-HCCSenatePresidentialCandidate.
RegularMeetingcannowbegin,andthe dooropensto allowthe guestsin.
HowardKamIII rushesin to presenthis rebuttal/Appeal
to Senate.It is obviousthat he eitherdidn't
readthe ElectionsCodeor didn't understandit. He wasnot invitedto the SenateMeetingto present
his case.Oncehe found out that he was reinstated,he left in a hurry announcingthat he had to go
back to work.
SeeattachedElectionsCommitteeMinutes and attachedemails.
Elections CommitteeMeetine
Date.May I lth,2010
Location:Bldg. 2-l l6
Attendees:Tevin Makishima,Kiana Yasana,Mary Bernard,IseulaSataua,PoimaSataua
L Call to Order.Tevin Makishimais callingthe meetingto orderat 4:18pm.
Poima Sataua-bringing up her grievanceto the ElectionsCommittee.
Was therea conflict of interest?
. SLD was backingthe otherCandidatedueto the flyer.
. Candidatewas given the electionscodeon April 30'h
. Someonedidn't get an email aboutthe initial meeting:Howard raisedhis
hand.The first he found out aboutthe meetingwas from Jen.
. Foundthat Candidatelied, was offensiveto her.
. Thereis nothingwrong with him beingfriendswith the memberin SLD;
however,thereis somethingwrong when she'sthe personto initial olf for the
SLD Approval and post the fliers up.
. Did he bring his campaigningmaterialto the EC?
. He did not follow the instructions.
. Mary had no ideathat we had to be part of that process.Shewas informed of
nothinguntil shereceivedIseula'semail aboutdue process,and how we're
supposedto receivethe candidates'information.
. Did shestampthe flyers?Yes.
. Did sheposthis flyers?
. Howard had receivedthe information.
Iseulatalkedto Tevin aboutthe previousemailsthat were sentto him prior to her
steppingout of the ElectionsCommittee.
Tevin ran througheverysingleemail in his email box regardingthe Elections.
. IseulaSatauasendsTodd Kobayashian email askinghim if he could keep the
Candidate'sbios open,so that more ASUH memberscantry to get their
applicationsin-an extensionhadbeenmadefor the Elections.Todd
Kobayashialsomentionsthat he will be out of the office on certaindates04/28/2010.
. Howard Kam III turnedin the old ElectionsApplication Form to the Student
Life & DevelopmentOffi ce-0 412912010.
. IseulaSatauawent into the StudentLife & DevelopmentOffice to ask that
they postthe ElectionsExtensionflier up on the l6 HonoluluCommunity
College Bulletin Boards& the SLD Member on duty in the late afternoonhad
mentionedthat someonehad turnedin an application.The SLD employee
madea copy and gave it to her-she didn't botheraskingwhy SLD was going
to keep the original.
IseulaSatauacontactedthe Chair, Tevin Makishima,first thing in the morning
to announcethat therewas anotherPresidentialCandidatewho turnedin his
Applicationto SLD-0 413012010.
IseulaSatauasentan email to Howard, Tevin, and Wayne regardingthe old
form issues,bios & photo pertainingto Howard Kam III. This email had
attachedto it an Electionfor Spring2010 Schedule,Elections2010Flyer,
Howard Kam III sendsTevin Makishima his biography,and all of the
ElectionCommitteemembershis photo- -0413012010
Tevin Makishima forwardsHoward Kam III's biography-05/02/2010.
IseulaSatauacompilesHoward Kam III's biography& photo onto one email
and sendsit to Todd Kobayashi'semail address-O5103/2010.
The Director of StudentLife & Development,Emily Kukulies emailsTevin
Makishima speakingon Howard Kam's behalf regarding"work" related
as well
absenceto the OrientationMeetingthat is scheduledfor 0510412010,
postedwas not
as,expressingconcernas to why his biography&
Tevin and Waynereceivedthe sameemail.
involvedin the
IseulaSatauasendsout an email to all of the Candidates
Electionaboutthe first OrientationMeetingthat will be held on 0510412010
4 p m i n B l d g .2 - l 1 6 .
Howard Kam III stopsby the SenateOffrce to turn in the S-6 & S-7 forms that
shehad previouslysenthim via email.He mentionsto he was ableto log in
and vote on the Polling site,and IseulaSatauatells Howard that the site
shouldnot be up for peopleto vote becauseit was scheduledto go up on
Last thing that shesaidto Howard was that she'd haveto check
into it-05 /03/2010.
It is clear that CandidateKam III eitherdoesnot reador altogetherdisregardsitems sent
to him to read.
Note: Emily Kukuliessendsemail as SLD DirectoraskingTevin aboutHoward Kam's
Polling issue,and not as the ElectionsCommitteeAdvisor. Shestatesthat Howard Kam
III hasbeentrying to contactASUH, but that no one has beenresponding.Shealso states
that Howard Kam III stoppedby the ASUH-HCC Office on May 3'd,2010 and that he
saidno one was at the office. This is a blatantlie, and if you takea look at the timestamps
of the email that transpiredbetweenIseulaand Howard Kam III it will show that he met
his issue.In fact his visit was the first
with her in the ASUH Office, as well as,addressed
real issuehe broughtto ASUH regardingthe elections.If you look at Emily Kukulies'
email to Tevin, Wayne, and Sandyit clearly showsthat shesentthe email after the factmeaningHoward may havenot beenhappywith the answerthat Iseulahad given him
during his visit regardingthe polls being openedearly, and went to the Director of
StudentLife & Developmentto expresshis concernsfurther.
Also, afterthe 2ndOrientationMeetingon Friday,May 7th,2010Emily Kukulieslast
loggedonto JenniferKakio's OnlineTimesheetat0510712010
l0:48 AM, the Turn-In
Due (STD): I 1:59PM on A\|A\DAA, APPROVAL DUE (SUP): 1i.59 PM on
Why is therea little yellow starlocatedon the date?The timesheet
ultimately getsreviewed,and approvedthe supervisor.If the studenthad to turn in her
timesheetto her supervisorby 051A512010
then why is it that shehas05/06i2010filled
in? Furthermore,the ElectionsCommitteeChair had walked over to the SLD office and
retrieveda copy of the sign-in sheetfrom the SLD binder that showsthat the studentwas
working the eveningof the l" Orientationmeeting.CandidateKam III retrievedthe
student'stimesheetand forwardedit to the Chair and Advisor Wayne with the inference
that it was okay by Jennifer-Jennifer Kakio shouldhave forwardedit herself.
The Director of StudentLife & Developmentis namedas the Advisor of the Elections
Committee,and yet shedoesnot offer adviceon how to run the Electionsbasedon her
own experiencesin the pastor her own perceptions.Shecontinuouslyasksquestionsto
the Chairpersonof the ElectionsCommitteedespitethe Chairpersonbeing new to this
type of position,and in eachElectionsCommitteeMeeting that sheattendedmembersof
the Committeefelt as though shewas not attendingas an advisor,but as the Director of
StudentLife & Development.
Tevin Makishimaand otherCommitteeMembersfeel that Howard Kam III was in
violationof the itemsmentionedin the complaint.A letterwill be draftedand sentto both
parliesinvolved,as well as,the Advisors.
All emailsregardingthe decisionmadeby the ElectionsCommitteeare attached.
Meeting finally ndjourned at 8:15 pm.
I I'r8555!8S
Apr8. ?010
st tl;+l AM
lsr Saksa4uliu€gmdl,com>
if ii *ouldbsSsilb :eieave
t$ fesi0llre sludent
fie nsw'Jales
a$w ngve
Tlur* sonucf.airdsorryforhe inconvanience.
lYcd,AprA, m10d'11:46
Il.atwiilbefineFYi,; ni! beoutofUuc,fwnsxl$€ekMmday
ilm $a
lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Tevin Makishima<[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Sat,May 29, 2010at 11:53AM
[Ouotedtext hidden]
From: Emily<[email protected]>
To: TevinMakishima<[email protected]>
Date:Thu, 29 Apr 2O1010:17:27-1000
Subject:Re: ASUH Elec{ions
was offeredtwicein casepeoplecouldnot attendbecauseof class.lf it's afterelectionsstartthen I
The orientation
of the rules.Maybeyou can use
is to remindall candidates
am not sureyou needit. The agendaof the Orientation
checkedBEFOREyou put
the seconddateto addressany issuesthat may arise.Be sureyou are havingeligibility
& votinginfo.lf you are
peopleon the ballot.Also,be sureeveryfee payingstudentis gettingthe announcements
doingemailonlyand excludingpeoplethey couldsay the electionis invalid.
Just let me knowif you have morequestions.
at 11:05PM, TevinMakishima
On Apr 28,2O1O,
So we'vediscussedwith the otherboardmembersthat sincewe don'thave muchpeoplecurrently
date.I'vewent overthe 2009scheduleand I was
running,that we shouldextendthe application
Sincewe will be runninga littletighton time, I
wonderingwhy therewas two Orientation
Meetingduringthe durationof the election?
alsowonderif it is OK have
ls it okayto havejust one insteadof two?
Also,what is discussedduring
this is the timethat is so far set.
of Elections
dueto ASUHOffice;Students
May3rd,2010 Applications
is submitted.
May4th,2o1a Orientation
& MaliaBernard)
May7th,2010 2ndOrientation
& MaliaBernard)
May4th-l 1th ELECIONS
May17th,2O1O Resultsannounced
lf you haveany questions,feelfreeto contactme ^_^
lf you needto contactme, send a textor leavea voice. Stateyour nameand messageto
----- OriginalMessage----From:EmilyAnn Kukulies<[email protected]>
Date:Tuesday,April27, 20103:04 pm
Subject:Re: ASUH Elections
<[email protected]>
To: TevinMakishima
> The electionshavea few rules.lf electionsare startingthis
> soonyou
> needto be surethat theywere announced
to the studentbody
> enoughdays
> ago.Also,do peopleknowhowto be a candidate.
> websitestill
> hasthe old information.
That meanspotentialcandidates
may not
> know
> how to apply.As electionchairperson,
the electioncode,
> application
> timelineare your rules.They mustcomplywith the constitution
> bylaws.You may findyou needto changethe date of elections.
> You shouldfindcommitteemembers(any registered
HCC student
> nol
> runningin the election).
Thiswill be yourteam.
> All the filesare on the ASUHwebsiteand shouldbe in your
> bindertoo.
> http://honolulu.
h- hcclpdf/election
- hec/pdf/election
> http://honolulu.
> http://honolu
h- hcc/pdf/application.
- hcclpdf/constitution
> http://honolul
- hcclpdf/bylaws.
> http://honolulu.
> I can meetwith you or talk throughthingswith you on the
> phone.Please
> take a lookat thesedocumentsand let me knowif you wantto
> do. You
r"t call or text my cell phoneat 358-5829.
> Mahalo,
> Emily
> TevinMakishimawrote:
> > Emily,
> > Justwondering
what nextneedsto be done.I knowthat
> elections
> > on the 28th of April.Whatotherthingsneedsto be done?|
> knowthat
> > thereshouldbe the drop box in the Library,was I supposeto
> get it?
> > The tastthingthat I knowwas lhat we testedthe online
> electionwith
> > Todd and thatwas workingOK.
> > | also noticedthat I shouldhavereviewthe constitution,
> bylaws
> > and electioncode.Wondering
wherethey are located.Are they
> located
'" the blackbinderthat I recievedearlieron this semester?
I ]
> > -TevinMakishima
> > lf you have any questions,feel free to contactme ^_^
> > lf you needto contactme, send a text or leavea voice.
> Stateyour
t"r" and messaseto 180834es2e1
: :
> > From:Emily<[email protected]>
> > Date:Friday,April23, 2010 12:44pm
> > Subject:ASUH Elections
<[email protected]>
> > To: TevinMakishima
> > > Aloha.
> > > I'm checkingto see how you are doingon ASUH Elections.
Are you
> > > readyto meetwith me to giveme an updateor do you needsome
> > > moreguidance?Just let me know.
> > > Mahalo,
> > > Emily
Cr* ii
li9 Sdila
<[email protected]>
Fwd: Election Application, Bios & Photo
Sat, Iay
Tevln llaklsHma <ovkmghffi
To: lse Sataua <[email protected]@
29, 2010 d 1'l:5S Ail
Aiso. plea* rcfd to lhc Eeclions Schedrlc atlachcd. The 6rst
rceting is next rc€k I b€lierc thal the f Et qiBtatis
mee{ing will cw6 th. Elcction Cod€ the Chajrpgq,
and lhc othd
mefrb6 ot tho E.cti6 Cqfidtc
will be in attendance to greet the
candidat6. We l@k fward to see tqJ therc
Thank ya 9 ruch fotryqJr patien@, and yar underslanding \ /o hcpe
fecl frfr to
to hear frm ya wry sq. lf lou have any qradqs,
ad( Tevin q me. Ya wll llnd TeMn's addy in the CC and Wbyne €
the advis
- Teun MakishrM
if you have any questms feei free to cdlacl me ^-^
lf lou need to ctrtact riro.send a lert q leave s vdce slale ydr nan€ and message to 18083499291
--*-*-- Fmrded m6sag€ -----Fmr lse Sataua <[email protected]>
To: hilard([email protected]@
Dater Fri, 30 Apr 20'10 10:21:08 - 1000
Subject: Eedio Applicatio, B6 & Phdo
Aloha H@ard Kam lll.
Thsnk ya tq abmithng yar epplicatiq td the Presldent pciiio.
There arc a fry thinqEwc need lo addcss, so pleas. bear with us
while we ort cvcMhno at.
Tevin Makrshima is the Chairperso fd th€ Bectios Cmitte€,
and I
am de cf the tllffibers. lrly name is lseuisdem€na Sataua, but eryoe
calls mc "lsc" fq shqt. I picked up a copy of yqrr applicatiq lrom
SLD yesterday late allerrco. I wll lmrd
it to the sdvis wtro hEs
b€n chdking the GPAs fq the candidate submissiqs.
As is, this is wtrst will be sent to Todd lo post:
As a lmg{irc
Oahu Bsident, I undssland the ncds of ar
At 35 yeaE dd, lfecl I have squircd thc expqqnce and
msturity needed to r6pecttully assisl the dudst body. I lod(
lward to a degr€ in in Pditical Sciscc and Mnt to apply my
educatio and schod expgiences fq nry futurc €recr The Sdrod n@s
the flMgqathg excjtement that semcd to bc msgng this smdd
want lo deato a enviromenl wherc studonts low sciod
Awesme job wath y@ bi6, bul we we wddsing if )qr had I
phd€raph that ya'd want to post with yar bi6 as well. C@ld yd
plca* ssd it to Tevh li,laki$ina, his amil addy is
leunmohawar edu, q yd @ld send it to rc. Eg!g!3129!!g!E@,
w€1| pro€$ it straigilllaway, rt's up to yd. lf yd *nd it Va
email. it will get p6ted fastcr
The papcNqk o the Ecctids lntmatiO
rcbpag€ is @tdsted, and
lve already snl an mdl @t to the Webmsds fd him to up6te the
files, unfqlunatcly he's a very busy peco, so l'm nd $re hd lqg
it will take td him to do so. In the m.antim. plea$ llnd attachd
the applicatid papoNqk that has boen giwn @t to dher mcmbeE of
@r ASUH-HCC Sudst Elodywio were also intergsted in running tq a
pGitio within the Sldent Senate and the Boards We wre hoping lh6t
ya wold be willing to fill at the attachcd and rc$bmittng rl,
iust e that all of the papeMk is unifqm. \ /e apdogrze thal we
dilnt haw the proper fams readily swilable to ya vi8 lhc rcbpag?
This in no way atteF the fact that yo are runnhg tq the Pr€sidat
pGitim, nq will it cause I delay in the pr@essing of the papqwk
that ydle already submitted lt is ius:t a fcrmlity
4 attaclf,Mts
SENATE COrFlRlilAlloll
Elgctlons tor SFtng 2010 Sch.drte.pdf
Biographyfor HowardKam lll
3 nes*:ges
l$o Sertsua<[email protected]>
Tc: Tevin Makjsttirnat16v:nm@ha'rrra;i
Cc: h<r*adsrn@gr:ail.com, waynons$hawaii.edu. berr,ed9@hawa:iedl
Fri, A,pr3!, ?010ut 10:4?AM
A.oha Tev*n.
ftAChsd tc, thrs Bria:l ;S a b{ogfAphytor Horard KSrn lj'. wilFCLtfiy
g$e{iifi! errors Fe is runn,r,gfor Pros)den'.I sg:l: h,m an criar}
regarding a pholo s'ld lilling ou: thr6 years forrns {or
Freitilod od! 'Lhsc{d torm, oniy becsuse n wss ',he only
avariablson ihe webpcge Spaak"ngof 'ryEbpsgos,i haveFl hesro
csll hls
snytFiry bact hom Tcod. bu: ,'li BmE,llrtrnagain ..or l'11
vrF lai&r. Lst rn€ (nsw if thare B any""nrpgai8o rFs: i csn Fslp wiiF,
r Xarn ltl. Howerd BlOGRAPHY.docx
Tovin Matichimo <[email protected]>
To; lse Sa'.a1]a<igd:aila@rnaii c{h't"l>
Fri,Apr 30,20'10ol 11:32AM
Tt ank you for k6ep1r'€r6bs cn :tfs. I'll ksep a :ook oJ: v/nefl Fe scnds in his uFatec apo end p|tolo. i'lr b€ uro*,ng
trc+n2.*ign ta 1 1.00Fm so y€u migi: got ig it frrst haha
' Ts'-rir lv'!ekrsi:t'ra
ii yoL nave any gues:tcns 10s;frse :o r:o.llir5 rr,e ^-^
il Vorr t€Sd lc COnIAC:m€. send a tex:rrlesee a vo're Siate l'or]t nane and m{.'ssageto 1808i149?291
f .daici
HorvardKam <[email protected]>
To:ise Saia'Ja{isa:auaGArnsil
Fri. Apr 30, 2010at 5:09 PS
Cc. Tev;n llfsk€h;ma <levtnm@f:srilait adij). sisyncrs@hawaii ed.l. bernArdg@hawai,edu
: hB'rE subflr,hsd fiy upcal8d bicgrap'ry :0 Tovr|I. Aiaahsd lo lhis enrail Js rhe pl.gto for il'e etsilions lws eris
l-t$wnfC d"irnl
tgrl "t.:iJHr:
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
lse Sataua <isataua@grnail,corn>
To: HowardKam <[email protected]>
Cc: Tevin Makishima<[email protected]>,
[email protected]
Actually,it was you who broughtit up. I was slill workingunder the
assum$ion that Todd had disabledthe site lad week when we, the
Committeehad informedhim that we had to extend the nomination
period,so thank you for pointingthe error out.
Tevin and I were ted subjec'tsawhile ago, and the site itselfsaid
that lcan't vote again because l've voted on April 15th.I've already
notifiedthe Eledions Committee,and Todd Kobayashiof the issue.
Hopefullyhe will be able to fx it as soon as he can.
I rememberseeing you around campus, so it's actuallynice to put a
face to a name. Tevin and both have sent the informationthat you've
s€nt throughto Todd (Webmaster)for posting.We're just waiting for
him to post.
Everythingthat has to do with the Electionshas to be run throughthe
ElectionsCommittee,nqt the advisers,includingall campaigning
materials.The meetingtomonow was to cover the dos and don'ts which
is also coveredin the ElectionsCode. lf you have any other questions
or @ncerns,pleaseaddressthem with Tevin since he is the
I wish you luck with the Elec'tions,
and I'm really glad that you
decidedto participate.Have a nice evening!
On Mon, May 3, 2010at 2:31 PM, HowardKam <[email protected]>
> lse,
> Thank you for catchingthe error of the polls being actrvetoday on May 3rd
> insteadof startingon May 4th. I certainlyappreciateyour effortsin
> maintaining
a fair electoralprocess.
> Best Regards,
> Howard Kam
Mon,May3,2010at 2:49PM
lse Sataua <isataua@gmail,com>
Fwd: ElectionGoncernsasked of SLD
1 message
Tevln Makishima <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Sat, May 29,2010 at 12:30 PM
li you have any questions,feel free io contactnre A_^
It rctu;teedt.Jcor]tactll.le send a teit cr leavea rorce SfateVourrrameanCmessalle to 15063J99:91
From:Emily<[email protected]>
To: Tevin Makishima<[email protected]>
D a t e :M o n , 0 3M a y 2 0 1 0 1 5 : 1 7 : 2-01 0 0 0
Subjecl:ElectionConcernsasked of SLD
Aloha ElectionChairperson,
You mentionedcontaclingthe board in a previousemail but since I have not been includedin any election
conversationsor decisions, I am havingtroubleassistingstudentswho have electionconcerns.In additionto the
earlier questionI sent you regardingthe Orientation,anotherconcernabout electionshas been expressed.
CandidateHowardKam's bio is not postedonline with all the others and the voting portalis open. I would hope
there cannot be any votes counted until all the candidatesinformationis posted for voters. He says he is not
getting repliesfrom ASUH regardinghis concerns.I cannot speak to that since I am not sure who he is contacting
I only know that an ASUH representativewas not in the office at the time the questionswere asked. You should
have his applicationand contactinformation.
Could you please let me know the answersthat SLD has been asked:
ls the voting supposedto be open? Vvillvotes placed prior to Howard'sinformationappearingbe counted?When
can Howardexpeci his informationwill appear? ls the Orientationmandatoryif a candidatehas to work? Who are
concernedcandidatessupposedto contactand what contactinformationshould they use to do so. Will an
announcementbe sent out to tell all studentsto vote? Can studentsstill petitionin to ASUH is they chose not to
participatein the publicelection?Will they be treatedthe same as those who went throughthe electionprocess?
Thank you for addressingthese concernsso we can communicatethe answersto those who ask. Let me know if
you needany SLD assistance.
ils:* Ii
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Fwd: ElectionGandidatesOrientationMeeting
Tevin Makishirna<[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Sat, May 29,2O1Oat12:31 PM
lQuoted text hrddenl
Forwarded message
From:lse Sataua<[email protected]>
To: Sandy<[email protected]>,
PoimaSataua<[email protected]>
Date:Tue, 04 May 201000:24:54-1000
Subject:Fwd: ElectionCandidatesOrientationMeeting
From:lse Sataua<[email protected]>
D a t e :M o n ,M a y 3 , 2 0 1 0a t ' t 1 : 1 0A M
To: poimasataua<[email protected]>,
edu, Jonz
>, [email protected]
Cc: TevinMakishima<[email protected]>,
[email protected],
Aloha Kakou,
Thank you all for submittingyour paperworkfor the variouspositions
availablewithin Senateand the Campus Boards.
Please be advisedthat tomorrowis the 1st OrientationMeetingat 4 PM
in the StudentSenateOfiice(Building.2-116).The'lst Orientation
Meeting is suppos€dto give the candidateson the Eallotthe
opportunityto get acquaintedwith each other, go over a few rules,
and addressany concernsyou may have regardingthis years election.
Feel free to contactTevin Makishima,Malia Bernard,or myself if
there is somethingthat you would like addressedright away.We hope
to see you lomorrow.Have an awesomeMonday everyone!
{J{:IT ti
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Tevin Makishima <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Sat,May29, 2010at 12:40Ptvl
lf you have any questions,feel free to contactme ^_^
lf you need to contactme, send a text or leave a voice. Siate your name and message to 18083499291
From:SandyMatsui<[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<isataua@gmail,com>
Date.Tue, M May 2O1O12.11:23-10@
Thank you lse, Teven,and membersof the ElectionCommitteefor your work on elections. lappreciatethe infol
On Tue, May 4, 20'10at 11:32AM, lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Aloha Kakou,
The ElectionsCommitteehad receivedword from the Webmasterthat he
has updatedthe webpage,and the polls are now open for studentsto
The previoussite that was up and open was the Test Site-whichis why
I couldn't"vote"again, and why the site itselflookedextremely
messy yesterday.Howard,I apologizefor the delay in havingyour
informationup earlier.lt has been a hecticweek for all parties
involvedin the process,and due to varyingavailablework schedules
we could not get everythingrunningsmoothlyuntiltoday. Thank you
for your patiencein the matter,the ElectionsCommifteetruly
Don'tforgetthat there'san OrientationMeetingtoday at 4 PM in the
Senate Office2-116. lt you're a candidate,and you can't make it then
you need to send a representativein your place with a letterstating
that they'reattendingin your place due to [fill in the blankl
Also,just a quick reminderfor all partiesinvolved,it is okay to
let your classesknow that you're running,and that you need lheir
vote; however,you ARE NOT allowedto be in the same area as the
votingstudent(s).Keep the campaigningclean,abideby the Elections
Code that I know that everyonehas signedoff on, and good luck with
the Elections.I hope you all have an awesomeTuesday!ll
Sandv Matsui
Dean of StudentServices
874 DillinghamBlvd
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Fwd: Re: Questionregardingcandidatesactivecampaigning
Tevin litakishim <evinmtahMii.edu>
To: lse Sataua <istaua@gmailcom>
Sat May 29, m10 at 1:0'l PM
-Tevin Makrshima
lf ylru have any questions feel free lo contactme ^_n
lf you need to contactme *nd a text or leave a vorce Slate your name and message to 18083i99:91
- - - - - - - - - F o m r d e d m e s s a g e- - - - - - - - From:Wayne Sunahara<uaynens@hawaii
To: Tevn Makshima <tevnm@hawariedu>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 08:51:46
Sufject: Re: Question r€ardrng candidates activ€ campargnrng
The election code states advanced approval frm the elstDn committee lf by statjng that they are to keep things
clean, is considered by the comittee of advanced approval then it is wtlat it is Of concern E if there a€ mr€
than one person at a time in the courtyard - wuld the candidates be okay with that
However, for cleanliness of the prGss, it may be beneFEialto have a sign up sh€t wth a comment secton for
the candidates to state what they will b€ doing - but rts up to you
Let me know if you have questions
Tevin Makishimawote
\ /ayne,
During our flrst orientation meetjng, it ms brought up to our attention lhat canidates €n campaign (under ASUHHCC Elstion Code, 58) in the Furtyard of building 5 We reE wondenng on if there's like an sign up sheet or if
they lust need our word of mouth approval? There was no informatronregarding of keeprngt|ack of the canidates
(or an approvallist) like how it says in 58 i for us approv I So far, re just told them they can campaignas long
as it ts keot clean
-Tevin Makshima
lf you ha\€ any questions, feel free to coniacl re ^_n
lf you need to contactme, send a text or leave a voice. State your name and mesege to 18083499291
ilr:t ii
br Ue
To: bc gbu
&t, iay I, X10 I 1:g il
*= d re€roc*racr
me^ .
To:Whym N S6drr
[email protected]>
[email protected]>,
Sahdy MNi
<[email protected]>.
mdL bhed
5, 2010 i
Frm Ptu
htrrii du>
N &mhrn
6 Mry 2010 21rG:42 -1m0
I .6 d.$;E
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SLD Edly K*dG
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SLo Edty K*di6
nd fr.shng
k [email protected]
Th.nk yd,
po Su
z mr*r,
Ggrml M6.9.
R€: t
12, 2010 {
s M d 2 f r o o 7 : 1 7 : 3 5- 1 o m
: I^tF.
Comrunity cdlrgo
To: Poim
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To pim!
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t *do
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Potm Sire
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Po Srbu
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Krmbe dqualifrd.ndSn
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b. ibd
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Tevin Makishima <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Sat,May29,2010at 1:01PM
lf you have any questions,feel free to contactme ^ ^
lf you needlo contactme, send a text or leave a vdice Stateyour name and messageto 18083499291
From:PormaSataua<[email protected]>
To. Erika Lacro <[email protected]>
D a t e :W e d ,0 5 M a y 2 0 1 0 ' 1 4 : 1 6 : 2- 5
Subjecl:Re: nominations
On 5/5/20'10'l:41PM, Erika Lacrowrote:
Hl PoI have a studentthat is concernedthey did get the email specifing that nominationswere open for
the ASUH elections.,.whatis the processwe use to get the word out, email? Can I get a copy of
Erika Lacro
Hi Erika,
The electioncommitteehad eveythingout on the website at asuh and I do believeit was also posted on the
bulletinboards. lf they want to join senate and missed the electionthey can still apply in the Fall once school
bagins for the open positions.There are 16 senatorat large positionsavailable,also ihe BusinessManager,Vice
President, secretary,treasurer,ambassador,media chair and activitieschair.
The procedurewould be to fill out the s-1, s-2 and the s-3 forms, get 50 signaturesfrom studentsthis is fairly easy
to do and the senate usuallyhelps with acquiringthe signatures,then the app gets signed off by the presidentand
Vice Presidentafter thal the applicationgoes to th€ SLD office or the adviserfor GpA veriflcation.The GpA for
senator is 2.o and for the executivepositionsis a 2.5. Once lhe SLD returnsthe paper work it is motionedthrough
senate,voted on and then the candidateis confirmed.
We had anolher studentwith a similarsituationbut the electioncommitteewas able to get him on the bailot without
his bios because he was given inconectinformationby the SLD office.His name is Lance Lincolnand the
committeemade an exceptionfor him because he was misguided.I have to search my emails from the eledion
committee.i am not runningthe electionbecause I am runningagain. I serve only to advisethe committeeif the
have questions.Tevin Makishimais the Chair for the electioncommittee.lse is on the committeeans o is a oirl
named Kianaand also Malia Bernard.
I will send the copiesof what I have soon. But if you go on the hcc page then go to servicesfor studentsthen click
on ssuh there is a t menu and a tab for electionsthere is a scheduleof timelinefrom the committeelocatedthere.
Sorry this took so long.
tou ir
Ise Sataua <[email protected]>
Fwd: Attacmentresentfor ElectionsGomplaint
Tevin Makishinn <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Sat, May 29,2010 at 1:08 PM
lf you have any questrons,feel free to contactme n ^
lf you needto clntact me, send a text or leavea vorce. Stateyour name and message to 180g34gg291
From:PoimaSataua<[email protected]>
To: Wayne N Sunahara<[email protected]>,
tevin makishima<[email protected]>,
malia bernard
Date Thu, 06 May 2O1O11 0211 -1000
Subject:Attacmentresent for ElectionsComplaint
Plaasenfind attachedthe attachmentthat was sent earlier in cas€ you were not able to open it.
fhank you-PoSataua
complaint2010To- Copy.doc
lse sataua <[email protected]>
wd:Evidenceof time
Sat, fi/by E,?o1g at 1:16 PM
in Makishima <[email protected]>
lse Sataua<isataua@gmail
'vrri h4akishiiria
yo,l hijve ar,! qucslrrrs
vo! nired ti fcirtact nt
irre '_"
lllel iree
af leav€ e ''o ii:
t€tnC :j teil
State farii
-...-..-FoM€Red mseE
x.m <rbw6'd1€n@smr @m>
M.k.am6 <rev'm@t€€n ed-> @yRE@€$a
ar. Fr 07 Mry 201017 03 42 1000
i.lrrirl afi:i ''|asgr:ae
' r-lf::/jlj:l.lai1
le & Uew opmnl enploye at lrE trft or Ihe ret i0
€r ed lo provd. ihs irreio l&u ior ydr cmadeEfon .nd | EppEcEietour feedback fy@are!Mb]eiovewtlerleplea*ermekrcwas&onasp6eue
lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Fwd:Followup on the time sheetSLD
Tevin Makishima<[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Thu, Jun 10, 2010at 10:24AM
lf you have any questions,feel free to contactme ^_^
lf you needto contactme, senda lext or leavea voice. Stateyour nameand messageto 18083499291
<[email protected]>
To: KianaYasana<[email protected]>,
maliabernard<[email protected]>,
WayneN Sunahara
<[email protected]>
Date:Sat, 08 May 2O10O2:28:37
Subject:Followup on the time sheetSLD
OK, So I can'tsleepbecausethis is botheringme. I endedup scanningthe SLD time sheetthat I got today.Can
we havesomebodytake a lookat it alongwith comparingit to the one that Howardsentin for verification?
l'm way
to tired rightnow and everything
is blurryfor me.
The following
is a JPEGscanof the file ljust scanned.
Again,this is the timesheetfor the May4th 2010.
lf you haveany questions,
feelfreeto contactme ^_^
lf you needto contactme, senda text or leavea voice. Stateyour nameand messageto 18083499291
Pleasenotatethe time you checkedthe lounge,initial,and add status.lf you needto
add more notespleaseattach anothersheetof paper.
1. Her ofi€ app|@d thc Pmidential andidslcs poder and p6led it o all the bullelin bcrds bofde they re.e
authdized to do so by lhc electids cmtte
t*-rlvl . ti
ls. Salda
2. Sre al'qed a mmber oa her slafl lo reffEent lhc dher Prcad€ntial candldate in the initial candidacy
rccting. V\ftEh cdld bc taks as if SLD rs biased and pmotng thc dh€ rftendcntial candkiate
Tov|n ttaklshlma <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua <[email protected]>
- Teun Makrshrm
lf )ou have any questros feel hee lo.mtact me ^_.^
It )ou need lo ctrlacl nre :end a iext q leave a lqce
Sd, Hay 29, 2Ol0 a( 1:22 Pil
3. She has a!*ed hd staf to open I Isptcp and *t it 6 thc canter fq dudents to vde q when th€ elcctio
(mmiiee has nd authdEed it and the cmftiltee is respssblc lq ddng that The SLD ofi€ shald rcmain
uninv.av.d but b{au$
they haw reprcsentcd lhe cahd dnddate in a meeting, who rs to s8y they are nd
prmding that de canddale and inttumcing thc vdcs as dudents ch6c who to vde fo.?
4. Enly has alltued fd her dafi if nd her lo hdd @hveGatims w(h I canddatc nared Lancc Lincdn snd tdd
him an iFF{aper p.@dure lo fdlow whrch put the eleclro preess in ie@ardy and I had to step up after the
had asked ftr sdvi€ q whal to do.
5 Bea* ask SLD to refrain frm uing thoir cmputer fq lding purpces
fd thc R6idential candidsles lhey lhald rffin
Slate ydr naN aM message lo I 80834992E1
Thank )qJ very mch -Po
m6sage -----Frm: ASUH-HCC Rcadenl {sh
h€ pres@gmail c6>
To: [email protected]
Dste: Tue. 11 [ray 2010 17i19:5E
Sandy Matsul
Dean of Sudent SeMces
Hmdulu Cmnrunrty Cdlege
874 DrfinqhamBlvd
Hsdulu Hawari96817
message -----Frm: Sandy ilatsul <!14!gga[€]y4[9dq>
Date: i/|ff, l,lay 10, 2010 at 318 PM
To: pcima sataua <DdmaOhawari.edu>
Cc: Erika Lacro <ig!L@!4!glll!g>,
Wayre N Srnahara .!-O!g!S@,!gl&li-99!.>
Hl Po,
with thc AStjH-HCC Bectios Code, the Electids Cdmitt6
ls EgonsibL br enforcingh. Eldions
So in |wose
to the questis cf whal neads to
be done lo filc I tmal cqnplaint fd interfercne in the electios pr@ess, prop.r pr@edue wold be to sub.rit
this mplaint to the Electios Cffiittee.
ln ac@fdance
That being eid, I have discusscd thc issues with Emiy, as 8 mmber o{ nry stsll. To mainlain a pcitio of an
lhaveaskedthattheSLDOfrce discolinuethepastpraclicect
alwing studcntg to ue an SLD cqrputcr to vde in this dud€nt eleclio hstead, dudsts will bc rcfffed to
other mputers q campus (e 9., cmputd lab. library, ctc ) to cast their vcle In additpn. ar Direclq of S1ldenl
Life bas di$ussed and wll remird hcr studcnt staf cf,thc nced to aure of ahd awid wiat may be preiwd
"cqiict of ioteresl" ln their rde as a member ol SLO stafl and lhqr nghts 8s a student Vvhrlewc do nd mnl to
limit q intringe up6 thetr nghts as students but lhey do need to be c€nuant ol mcintaining a neutrsl pGitio in
lheir rde as slaff
Po, wtren it cmes to the specifics of vidstiqs of the Eledi6 Code pr@edures. I belreve lhis is fq the metrbers
I thaght ot fwarding y@r cdplaint to Teun, but thaot il may be bed to
ot the Eeciiff Clmitte
to revw
respsd to ya fiEt and let ya decide il ya Mnl to fqErd to Tryin
I h@e this helps to suppqt the tntegnty of the electj6!
On Wed l\,lay 5, 2010 at 6:01 PM poma sataua <pgl0ClabalAll_9ru>
Sandy and Erika.
I am asking yd to tell me wtlat I ned to do to bnng up fmal
eleclios preess
cmplaint against Enly tor her intcrfqsce
rn the
it is nol fq them to be €mpaigning
Lr*: ii
ls€ Sdila
<[email protected]>
Election committee decision
Tovln Laklshlma <[email protected]>
To: lsc Sstaua <istaua@gmail cm>
Sd, tay
'Te/ln Makrshrma
ll \€u have any questrms feel jlee to colacl me ^_^
lf to! need lo c*tact me send a tert d ieave a voce
29, ?Ot0 al 1:22 Pfit
Slate yer name and message to 18043499291
I horeby appeal the decision fq disqualificstio
tvly appeal will be atlined as fdl@ed. 1) SLD has newr prdided 8ny wrbal q ns verbal suppqt fd rny
camp€ign cithcr expressed q imdied 2) SLD has made lhe erd and Es respqsible tor putting up campaign
flyers ahead of timc 3) Codusis
The cmdaint claimd "Jennfer attcndcd the irst qicntatio m€1ing as an SLD rcpresentativc' This fact rs
untruc as I have submrttcd to Tevin and Wayne hcr oficial tim*heel prding that shc w6s o{l-hdF and nd an
emdo,yce of SLD; turthmde, any irp[ed perceptiO of h.r repr€sqting SLD is simpty I perccpltm and wth@t
pr@f. ln additid, the Bectids Cmmitt€ apprryed the iyers fq pGting as Jenniter braght I sample to the
oridtatio rceting d May 4tn. 2010 Clearly, thde is no actual eMdence that suppqts thc decisrq cf rrTy
disqlalifcatio and this entire Fmplaint is based q her.9y and fal* claims of whicfr I will turther plw in nry
Wrth relard to the fyers ld the ta.ls stalc that at ng tiru did I have any kndledgc ct who was respasiUc fq
putting up the liycrs, nd did I ask fd preferential tre.tmonl in any mnnar q fm
As I did nd have knryledge
then hd can I be held rcspdsible td the actios ot SLD? lf perceptio ofwr69 dqng is n questrq then a{lw
me to summsdE wjth nry codusion which lwill pr@e thal all allegations against me are fal$
In condudo I wdld like to cite andher pcint that was raised agajnsl m ms tal*
The cmplarnt also claired
t h a t l u * d S L D m a t e r i a l s t o p r i n t n r y c a m p a i g n i y e 6 .A s l h s v e p r 6 f t h a t m a t e n a l s a n d d e s E n s w e . e p r o d u c e d
al Kinko s: thjs alleq€tid rok6 the stre cmplsint sm as a p€rsml attack against SLD and me lt is my
sdemn bclief that the cur6l Pregdent has a peEoalwndetta againd Sudent Life and Devdopmsl and has
created 8n atm6phere of animity bet'res both qganizatias, and hss invdvcd m)Eelt and ryrymrtpaigf,
becsu* of my friendship with smcqe
One cannd place the weilhl c, an fftire decieon based 6 ftiendshjps.
lf lhat were the casc based then 6e cald easily accuse the cutrent Presidcnt of mnipulatio because of her
rhvdvsent uth clitrerenlciubs and qganEatios 6 campus
Based s her last frildas accusatis which she submitted in writing. rescinded fr dhcNise
I hereby charge the
current Resrdent wth udating rule 6€ ot the ,€UH-HCC Electpns code whidr reads "Filling frivd@s q bad faith
appeals and q drarges against any oahercanddate. cwiuee
milber q thrd psrty s encouragng clhcrs lo do
so As a reminder. an accusatiq of wrog dqng sthqJt pr@f is csdrued as fnvdas
I l@k lward
to lour decieon and status of nry cmplaint Mth regard to ASUH-HCC
Hward Kam lll
p.s. ' lf y@ have l6t the triginal cfrplaint
current ftesrdent
This letter is lo infm lpu on the decision rcndered by the electid cmmittee that the cmdiant fled by
€ndidat€ Pcima Sataus has been heard and rwiew by the cmmittea mmbers and nrys€lf We have
@rc lo a cmclusio that lhe Sudent Life and Dcwlopmdt (SLO) offce had b€n bachng Hward Kam
lll Ples* r.fer to the ASUH-HCC Elec.tionCode thus, lhe candidat. Hffird Kam lll is disqraliied frm
thc Sprinq 2010 election
6 TtE Follo||iv de atways and un&ntsAy proy'!,ibtted
k Su@tl q backing of crfipus dgf aniza lirrs
-----.-- Fmrded m6sage ---------Frm H@ard Kam <h*[email protected]>
Tor Tevin Makishim <[email protected]>
Dale: Tue. 11 ^4ay2010 21:06:49-'1000
Subjoct: Re: Eectio cmitte€
Thank yd fd )our time
Ethics code rule 6e
On Tue. May 11,m14a1827
PM. Twin Makrshim <!gU!.1!.@triEg!9d!.>mde
Dear p{esjdential candidgtes,
I do have the pnnted copy which was p.esented lo me frm lhe
lhtre is didence thal prefrrential treslment ms gren to qe candidate wer another. A fl)€r was given
lo SLD pnq to the electio cmmttec appr@I. A SLD member cam€ back aiter the qEntatiff rccting
(lvley4th 2010)andmcnuothatthryhadp6tedtheiyerbetoreg€itingtheelectiocmmittee
apprml The detio
delibmte 6hd came to thc dedsq that havng SLD take dwn the i\€r
and to put it back up agEin was t6 mudl wk.
Ihe SLD rembe. said sd vdunteer that they wdld post
bdh cmdidate t!ye6 iide by side m the bullctin b@rd, h4ewr
this ws nd the casc Vlieh the bullctin
b@rd was reused by the dec{o cmrtte.,
it is clean lhat 6e candidate ltyer stood flt wer thc dher
@ndidatc Der On€ €nddate ll)pr was posted in a qr@p of dher fricF while the clher cahdidele
wer wEs p6ted in an open area Aso, me candldate's set oi fycrs had bdh approwl stamps lrm
SLO wiile the dher candidat. did not fdlw the same pr@s with the stamps This $rffi favqable
prcteren@ fq oc canddatc {M andher. AJs, there is ryidence that a mcrber frm SLD had bccn
spcaking o I csndidate b€half The candidatc sh@ld had address the issue to the electro cmmittee
It eilher €ndjdates Mnt to appeal the deciskn c,fthe electio cmmin.c,
haF to rcspqd to the d€cisa Please refor to ASUH Beclim Code:
they hav. hdentyjar
I Nl CAndtdales hee tlE nght to eppeal a daison mde by llre Electbns CoMitte
lhis /r9l,l is
ffieited t$cnty-lo6 Q4) lbus aild lhe dtrFe
6 r6ar€d.
li ApD€als mug b witten rc longer lhan g0 wrds. aN submtt€d by emil lo ttE CMnne
ChaF s
emil addess (EyE4@E!!!!E!!)
ii ApEarc will be rcvi*ed
at tlE rext rcguls wtnq
of AE ASUH-HCC studenl $nrle
M Decisbns ot UE ffiitt@
my b owruled by I 3/4 wtc of ttE ASUH-HCC stu dcrt srafe.
I {Tevn) wiil present the case (@m9aints and 8pp€als) lo senate and a d€cisim will be
lho $nate should ttF doclsion bo owrnlod. All tfrs drscussedare cqfidential and
dr$uss with the parties rnvdved and nd made awrlsblc to thc gdeEl pJblic All othe.
odsldo of a tdmal appoal $lll bo cffildor.d
badgadng of tho oloctlon cmfituoo.
ASUH Eloc{ton Code:
6 The folrN[tg ile aways aN uNenably prohtbtted
a P€dgerilE q nlmiJatng any rcn M ot tlP Elebons Comin@.
-Tevn Makishrma
lf yqr have any qlestlos
feel free lo cqtacl me ^_^
rddered by gdl
shold oly be
Ploaso roler to
trm i$
lse Sataua<isataua@g
Tevln Makishima<[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Sat, May 29, 2010at 1:27 PM
lQuotedtext hidclen]
From:WayneSunahara<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
To: TevinMakishima
Date:Wed, 12 May 2O1O08:27:10-1000
Subject:Re: Electioncommitteedecision
You havehandledthis situationhonorably.At this pointin time, I will needto removemyselffromthis election
committee.As an adviserto the currentstudentadministration
with the contentiousness
includingthe president,
this currentelection,I findmyselfin a conflictof interest.Becauseof this position,I havealwaysstayedout and
that havebeen
the progressof the electionand of the complaints
was to verifoGPAsof potential
issuedto the electioncommittee.My functionand roleas part of this committee
for whichat this pointin time has beenfulfilled.
(facullyand or
I am unawareof the protocolfromthis pointin time, I am not sure if thereneedsto be an individual
staff)on this committee.Queslionsregarding
this can be madeto our Deanof StudentServices- SandyMatsui.
Shouldyou have any questionsor concerns,pleasefeelfreeto contactme at 845-9272or by email.
Dear presidential
This letteris to informyou on the decisionrenderedby the
that the compliantfiledby candidatePoima
Satauahas beenheardand reviewby the committeemembersand
myself.We have cometo a conclusionthat the StudentLife and
(SLD)officehad beenbackingHowardKam lll. Please
referto the ASUH-HCCElectionCode;thus,the candidateHowardKam
lll is disqualified
fromthe Spring2010election.
/6. The Followingare alwaysand undeniably
k. Supportor backingof campusorganizations./
Thereis evidencethat preferential
treatmentwas givento one
to SLD priorto the
candidateover another.A flyerwas
electioncommitteeapproval.A SLD membercamebackafterthe
meeting(May4th, 2010)and mentionthat they had posted
the flyer beforegettingthe electioncommitteeapproval.The
electioncommitteedeliberateand cameto the decisionthat having
SLD take downthe flyerand to put it backup againwas too much
work.The SLD membersaidand volunteerthat theywouldpost
bothcandidateflyerssideby sideon the bulletinboard,however;
this was not the case.Whenthe bulletinboardwas reviewedby the
it is cleanthat one candidateflyerstoodout
overthe othercandidateflyer.One candidateflyerwas postedin a
groupof otherflierswhilethe othercandidateflyerwas postedin
an openarea.Also,one candidate's
set of flyershad bothapproval
stampsfromSLD whilethe othercandidatedid not followthe same
processwith the stamps.This showsfavorablepreferencefor one
candidateover another.Also,thereis evidencethat a memberfrom
SLD had beenspeakingon a candidatebehalf.The candidateshould
had addressthe issueto the electioncommittee.
lf eithercandidates
wantto appealthe decisionof the election
they havetwenty-four(24) hoursto respondto the
decision.Pleasereferto ASUH ElectionCode:
/i. Appeal:
i. All Candidateshavethe rightto appeala decisionmadeby the
This rightis forfeitedtwenty-four(24) hours
aflerthe decisionis received.
ii. Appealsmust be written,no longerthan 500 words,and submitted
by emailto the CommitteeChair'semailaddress
edu/ <mailto
iii. Appearswill be reviewedat the nextregularmeetingof the
iv. Decisionsof the committeemay be overruledby a 314voteof the
| (-fevin)will presentthe case(complaints
and appeals)to senate
and a decisionwill be renderedby _*onlythe senateshouldthe
decisionbe ovenuled.*_
All itemsdiscussedare confidential
shouldonlybe discusswith the partiesinvolvedand not
madeavailableto the generalpublic*.All othercommutation
of a formalappealwill be considered
badgeringof the election
Pleasereferto ASUH ElectionCode;*
** /6. The followingare alwaysand undeniably
a. Badgeringor intimidating
any memberof the ElectionsCommittee./
lf you have any questions,feel free to contactme ^_^
ilr,n i;
ls! Sdila
<[email protected]>
Fwd: Social Network posting tfiat everyone can see,
regarding Candidate Howard Kam lll
Sd, lii.y 29, 2fi0 d 1:25 PL
TeVn t{aklshlma <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua <istaua@groil cm>
'Tevin Makrshima
li \ou have any q!e'l{s
1f you need to cfftact me
Al what pqnt dd re Screv/' Hward o the eledrds website & at what pdnt was hc gdng to m9ke rt knqn
thc Ec hm*lt
feel free lo colact
me ^ ^
a text q leave ? vqie
Slale yN,
name an.i message
'Kam tq H C C. Presiddl EARLY tffi*
'11fring...Kink6. thcn reke surc they trcnt sqwing
thc elac{ios wbsite, thon ci.ss, thd StD, th.n class, thcn wqk @Rsi- Vcting opans tqErq
SLOI Llake sure im fr the b8lld. &ing y@r friffdsl Thanksl May 3 at 8:45pm Flag"
me o
at the
He did nd emil ya. re q Malia regarding his coHn
ab@t 1 candidate and the pdls bcing opcn 'l day carly
Agarn, | 8d(. dd SLO cw ask the EC wieths d nd it w@ld b. d(ay to prJt a pdl up in thc S1D ofrce? As far as
I knry no When it cfts
to pdling studqts. as slated by th. Dean ol Sudcnts in an mail that t will print @t
fq Thursdays rccting, €n use any dhs cmpller o camprs lt is my underganding thd during the Orientatim
Mecting m Friday that Hmrd was sayng to the cmmittee ffithing
to the efiect thst .cveryse o campus
thnks that ASUH and SLO ac the sare thing. and thal theyle bed te{ing him to go vot. in SLD Excuse mc?
really? That's nd what he poded 6 I'lodqy. He had no problms sending his bic to ydr email addegs nq did
he have a problcm sen.Jinghis piclure lo rc q thc dher Fffiritt@ remb.rr
lo 18083433291
------" Fmrdcd
mGsage -----Frmr lse Sata!8 <igtaua@gmail cm>
To tryin Mahshima <twanm@h6%ii.edl>
Dalc: Vribd.'12 May 2010 02:44:55 -10m
Sutieclr Sodal Nctwork pGting thst everyoe can *e
Aloata Kakd & Konichiwa.
regarding Cmctrdate Hdard
Kam lll
Pleas. fdl@ this link to see Me anfmato
that HMrd fqm lll has posted o the saal netwqk
regtsrdingthe Bec{ids. hno /Ayw.laceb&& .ffioaoes/Kam-tor HCC-President/l2253€734430131
He openod up a speciic pagp fq hascsrpaigning. I dol have a problem with lhe fact thal hc opened the pagp,
that I ko@ that was supp6ed to
but I do hav. a problcm with him p61in9 I grplc cmmenl regarding sftthhg
stay betflecn him. the Ecctiss Cmitleel
'l<am fq H C C. Presidenl Damn near impGsible to get a fatr eleclio "
Wlry is Hryard turning in a time shect beidging to Jcnnrfer. an emplorye. of SLD to y@ (the Chair), ya
h8d no problem walking w6 to SLD and asking fd tha xdd ccpy of thc shcet frm thc band€r(wiich is
the oc that ercryde u*s every day to sign in and dt m)?
The nwdigatim is fq the Elcdios Cmmtte
lo cdduct ncl fd dther oe ot th6e €ndidatG to do
The lem that HMrd *nt in, and the physical copy of rhat ms rn thc brnder do not rotch
. lf Jcnnifer was nd wq*ing why did she cmc back with the nie€ and mke plahs to pod the ii€rs
up side by ede?
. lf Jennifer was ncl wqking. *hy dd she cme tod(ing fd an ink cartndge whrch I gaE back to her
right befse she €me to the rccting (4 PM)?
. Accqclng to th. x6rd copy thai yd retrievcd. rt shM thet she sgned @t aier 5 PM
Sludant Lilc
Regardrngthe pGting of his bios & phdo (Todd nd redily available waiting hand and to<l in the bad(grdnd to
p6t becolse he was dt q w€tron daF) Hdard had p6ted q thc scial netdqkr
Sddl dM the pagc to se. th8t he posled hrs campaign iycr No big deal, exccpt that at I 53pm 6 t lay 3rd he
is obvi@sly under the impresslon that SLD is going to push his iie6 thragh Fd smse
who rcad the Ecchos
Code. he must have skipped wer the part whqe the cstrpargning mat€riElsare suppGcd to be vettcd thragh lhe
Eleclids Cmmittee iEt.
. "Kam fq H.C.C. Piegdenl Nceds to be spprwed, blt all the gurdclincs have been follwcd
and Dewlopment sh@ld green light this. t\4ay3 at 9:53pm Flag'
Th. rmail whqc Emily Kukulics rs spcaking o Haards behalf regErding his cocdns abdt his bi6 &
phdo not b€ing posted Hffird shold havc emllcd lsy0nelg$giiflu
if he had any cocqns, alrying
yqJ lhe oppqlunity lo gNe him thc cxdanatio of thc test site, and rcbmster rsss. He did nd do this.
. Physicallywalking wq lo thc tulle tm b@rd and loddng 8t his o/er 8nd cqrparing il to thc dhcr
cmdidale's tl)€r Two stamps 8s an issuc, and thc dher is$e thst the HMrds prqy cam beck aicr lhe
mceting annonong hat it was her bad, that his iieE went up alrcady Looking at thc emple bulbtin b@rd,
thefe was rm fq lhe ilyer to b€ sel ncxt to his f,ys lke thc prqy sad il cdld haw bcd pctod-inslead
il wos pctcd atr thc my to the nght whsc rt wald hsw ben l6t amdgd the clhq llie6 6 the b@rd.
His proxy openly admlted to pGtrng thc tre6. F(s ltiffi sheld have ben glvcn to another pso
h SLD, dtr gve it to Emily to assgn s@mc
else to pod, as il cqid be a coftct of intqest
. Thc ffiail frm lhe Dean cf Sudents haung to teil htr rcrker, Emly Kukulies to stay unbiased, and to take
dM the cdnputd that us srning q thc canter li's s red iag hat therc is cdem that SLD is backing a
"lGm tq H C.C. Presidql Jusi fdnd dt today that smebody op6ed the pdls 1 day @dy with 6ly 1
candidatetovclefs,fdpresdent lrepo.tedtheerqandlvasassuredthatitMsfdtestingpuposes
only hdever, why was my nam nd listed atter all the proper papeNdk was filed and cdllrmed?"
Wrat I dq't undcrsland is why he didnt bnng this up to the Eeclios Cmittee?
He took il upo himelf lo pod
o a sdial netwqk, and hc tod( it to Emily. to the pcint thal Emily is speaking o Hdard's behalt in an cmil that
was sent to Wayne, Sandy, and yarsclf is a huge indicatid thal she's backing him The 'broper papwqk"?
submitted dd papeNqk s Apnl 29h An email was sent to him o April 30th asking htm to ilbml propef
papeNqt, and thst he just needs to make sure thst bi6 frm the Intial pap.r {Apnl 29th) was cffect and ready
fd submissio and that we wtre gdng to submit his intsmatio to the Webhager for p6ting. alog sth asking
hm whether q nd he had phdo to pod as well He sends y@ th€ bi6. and the Gd of the cmitiee
hrs photo
When he cms
in Moday to drop c,fi his papflqk,
he mentiffs to me that the voting pdls wqc opcn btrause
he went in and dic*ed ardnd o stufi-Davd Sakana was there in lhe ofice as a wtn6s I tdd him that that cant
be right bdause the Poll was nd to cpen until the 4th. but l'll check o il He imrEdiately disappeaE and in less
than ten minules emails re an er$y. sarcastrc email thanking me for catching thc errd He d€s admjts to
finding an errq wrth the poll accqdinq to his pct, why the hel is he \hankrng" rc? V\,hal a sarcastic dudel
The tacl that Hqard thrnks tiat the Eectioos Cmittee
is stupid, spceks ladly to re | say he thhks lhe EC is
stuprd because hd mly did he cotinu@sty NOT cxpress h6 cqcerns to th. gectios Cmminee, blt he
cotnues to disrcgard drectrves that are givd to hrm by lhe EC. lll ha€ to wait to see the Appeal 6 Thursday to
turlhq elab@le q thE partialar mrent
I wald advis everyoe ncl lo let Hffird knq that we see his electiq page Let it stay up. l-lc has al.eary
posted a cmrcnt lhat shald nd h8w even be€n pcded idplyng the decisis that was made by thc EC
Kam for H.C.C.President
K a i l f o r H . C . C .P r e s i d e n t T h a n L v o u e v e r y o n ew h o s u p p o r t e d m V
c a m p a i g n .I l o o L f o r w a r dt o w o r k i n g w i l h a l l t h e c a m p u sr l u b s a n d
o r g a n i z a t i o n st o e n s u r et h a t e a c h s t u d e n t i s a w a r eo f w h a t H o n o l u l u
C o m m u n i t vC o l l e q r h
: a s t o o f f e r . S o o n .w e w i l l b e r e a c h i n go u l t o t h e
c u r r e n t a n d i n c o m i n qs t u d e n t sl o q a u g e t h e i ( i n t e r e s ti n h o w t h e y w a n t t o
s h ap e . . .
' e c t : ; r :l r k e t h r s .
Cherie Pomar Drd u wrnT hope io rf rrt! lhen ur el€ctron was
i q g e d ! r l l i l r r r rl lr / . I P L A Cr rHr r i r l l r r r r l
i ari rurnrng fof ASUH - llca
Studcnt Body Presrden(. I am
ruilnrnq In thr5 electroil [recause I
belreve that students haJe been
neglecled dunng thi! pa!t year. I
want to create an atmosptrere
where tlrn and educatjon ,:dn ao
! la!
Danelle D€dee
Twi,ight Zone
Mvstic 9eer
From The Twrl ght /:one
ep sode
of Trnre
5 t a r n g W r l l r a mS h a t r r e r .
th s
bobl,le head
perfe, t fcr !,cr' iJes! I
rlnly 51.: -'r9.
I L.
dude! drd you
l ii i
Cei a free
Jcilnifer Kakio Congrats. Howardl Or slrould I cali you N4r.
Pre5rdentl lvlany luck on your succeir rn fhe futufe.
I r;al
I n form at ion
Kelin ito LcoL: lrkeycu drd it! On to wcrl, to be done ..Mr.
P r e sr d e n t I
, r1 ,u,
Honolulu, Hl
/07 -646-9273
2 Friends
Like This
76 People
| ln.jeii
r,t i
. rq c
Wall Pholos
Created aboul
a month ago
Ruby Lubera l-obetoi
l.lg gne has added tan phota:
Love Jungle
Tina Hunt Corlgfatulatrons. rrinl
' n9
K.rrn for H.C.C-P r e s i d e n t S t i l l a w a i t i n ge l e c t i o nr e s u l t s .
r l,r4
I h e n y o r r w i l l r e : l l v 1r v e
lungle leweisthe
Adventure Ton! of
m 1 5 5 r o n sC
. l r c f -h e r e .
I f i.
j . r s m i n e K a r n a i i m l o o k i n g f o r w a r dl o s e e i n ga w e s o m en e w b e q i n n i n q s&
p o s i l i v ec h a n q e st h a t w i l l b r i n g t h e H C C c o m m u n n i t v& s t u d e n tb o d y
t h r o u g h e n d l e s sp o s s i b i l i t e so f g r e a t s u ( c e s s& p r o s p e rf o r a l l a s p e c t so f
b e i n q a q r e a t p a n o f H C C I IH O W A R DK A I VFI O RP R t S I D E N T<. :< <
:l f.1 r'
il lilies thrr.
K a n r f o r l - l . C . CP
. r e s i d e n t C O N C R A T St o m y S i s t e rw h o r e c e i v e r Jh e r l r , l a s t e r
l ork.a
, n d H a r r y S i d h u w h o g o t h i s l r 4 a s t e rosf B u s i n e s s
o f S o c i aW
A dm i n i s t r a t i 0 n .
:l fe{ pi. lrkethrj.
Cet a free Mpj ol 5tone
5r.u, s n€w song [,1r5iron
S t a t e ' n e n t '! f f o f t h e r r
upcom[19 albur]r AU[,ilO
Y by jornrngthe
fiarlrno lr!l here
arrd the wrnner rs--..?
I i')
!l it:
Awercmel Cood lob Howardll
6rc9 fe!slet
[,licah Alac }.erisiano Bnng the p^fLrng loltery bacl:rrll
\,,i,i.j ,
AleJa.l.Jlmma reqrtler to HCC lusi for liou Howirdr
i a,,1
ffi3m &
for H.(-.C. Presideirt Man. rm 5o far behind
! :,:i,al
Onnelte Deedee Doernbrack no yoor notl you are nghl on ttme
fact. you re ahead of yourseif.. =l
; l;-,
1 . 1t . i i ? i l
Kant lor H.C.C. President Rrght onl
i :i i:l
llont Arlos Stephcnsolr nc you'!e not....\ou are rtrli ahead of
M E - . . - . ! o. r ' 9 ua r e J r s t f r n e . n o w o r r y . . . . r nt t n l e . _ . e v e r y t l t r n lgi l o u r
own lrrne have a nrae :iJmmer. I sttii have yDuf book. :ee you nert
s e m e 5 r e r r rR r g h t ? i ? l r 1
I 1..::
(ieare r l';r:ir:
':i.,i:ir ! Pi,le
Share i
H n r 5 i D r a n 5 i n g h T h a n k r H o w a r d . A p p i e o a t e t h a t . C o n g r a t s t a ,y o r r ,
5rtter as wel{.
r ;i;
Karr for H.C.C. President ,nRonr , Of corrsel
t irq
l \ a r n f o r H . C . CP
. r a s i d c n rA w a i t i n gt h e e l e c t i o nr e s u l t s .l w i l l p o s t t h e
r e s u l t sa s s o o n a s I f t n d o u t .
Kevirr lto Cood luck Howardl
Kevin Hatnilton And cf they are not t.j your lrkings. the revclutron
wtll betlrn
M a i l e H a r n V r v a l a l . : A M r l l L o n gl r v e t h e L A M r l l
O t . , . l K e r r l e r { t s n o r r e a l l yn v o l e f o r w h e t h e ry o i J ' l tb e p . r " r , 0 " u , . . .
j , , a r o t e t o r w h e r h e ' : , r o t w e h . i v ei c 5 t a q e . r. o l r p t { ) i r t t . l j l L r r . j
| a n ' r J h . r g h t l u l p r a c ec f p , o w e r
{.it -
[ 4 r c a h A l a c l ( c r i s i a n o D i d 1 , o uw i n ? C a n I c a l l y o u t l l r . p r e s i d e n rn o w ?
Kanr for H.C.CP
. r e s i d e n t D a r n r rn e a r i m p o s s i b l et o g e t a f a i r e l e c t i o n
c h r l s r i ^ a, , " , , - o : 1 , 1 , *
i w h a rh a p p e n e d ?
K a r r rf o r l l . C . C .P r c s r c l e n T
t o o b a d t h e r e a r e n o c a m p u s p o l i t i c a lc l e b a t e s
b e t w e e n( a n d i d a t e s .
Ruby Lubera Lobetos YAHI I'd organrze rt but you know I would be
i m r n e d r a l e l y d t s q u a l l f r e dd u e t o c o n f l r r t o f I n t e t e 5 t . . t o o b a d
A l e x a n c l e rP i c a z oo n l y l { C C P r e s i d e n t l H
? r t w a r dK a m s h o u l d b e p r e s i d e n t
o f I h e U N I T E DS T A . T E S ! !
Kam for H.C.C. Prc!id€nt
- r.i,J
LOLI One step at a tiftte.
u aiwavs got nty vctel
Travis Alejada drido...r mean drdo
i i;r'i
M e l o o r M e t c o l A n d b a b v . S Dl h a t n t a l . e : t w 4
1 i.r!
C h r i s t i t a N a i g a f r r s t ! . l C C . . . t h e nU l - i . .r h e n H l . . . i h e n t h e U S A . . . a n d
t h e n T H E W O R L D . . . i f ia l l p a r t o f h r s p l a n f o r W O R T D D O M t N A I t O N T I
hahahaha XD lk Jl.l
Karn for H.C.f. Prericlent LOL Re vore! for two ncw.
, -:,
. wards
K a r n f o r H . C . C .P r e s i d e n l B i q d a v t o d a y . A t t e n d e d S . T . A . R A
c e r e m o n ya n d h a d a c h a n c et o s p e a kl o C h a n c e l l o rt { i k e R o t a a n d t h e
D e a n S a n d yM a t s u i .V o t e r st u r n e d o u t a t t h e p o l l s .
: L . a o D l ai r k e t h l s .
Kevin lto Cood go(ng Howardl
i .ig
Micah Alae K-eririnno Let us l(now ri Vou wrn. Ficw was Cenl2S!l
Kan {o( H.C.C. Prcsi.lent I wont know untrl May 1i'th. rf I won. All
we drd tocjay 1n 2EO was fill out the rnstructors survey and take a
make up tei't ior those whc needeci extra credit.
K a r n f o r H . C . C .P r e s r c l e n tI l o v e a l l t h e s u p p o r t a n d v o t e s t h u s f a r l
?r'r' l1i \
, _I r r t l ! f , i !
tina Hunt Hrw arethe oollslc.okrnq.-
I "tr
. H- .- -
ham for H.CC. Prerident Unl<nown. srnce the candidates don'l
U.l: acceis to the nunrbersi however.I thrnk the campargn rs gorng
well as;nany haue pledged their 5upport and :ard they voled for rne
I guess I m ircprnc f,l. the best.
i r.l
K a n r f o r l ' l . C . C .P r e s i c l e n t H a p p Vd a V !
. r e s i d e n t T h e c a m p a i g nf l v e r t h a t w i l l b e p o s t e d .
K:nr for H.C.CP
. ,e-,rri! lrkethr5.
hanr for H.C.C. Preerd€nt Tneactual pinted
- hrgher qualrtv.
i rdq
flye' wrll be In a
Roni Arl05 Stephe05on rlri.e rtll
Kam for H.C.C. Prerideht EARLYtomorrow morning...l(ini.os. thetr
mai.e sure they aren t 5ar€wing me or the electron5 websrte, then
.:la:s, then SLD. then alas5. then wofli.
i Ronr - Votrng open5 tomorrow at the SLD! Make 5ure rm on the
bailot. 8flng your ffrendsl Thanksl
Roni Arlos Stephen5on I wrll spread ihe word In .l.1ss and maybe
by emarlliCood lurk. 5tart5torfrlfrow eod57T when. i wril 90 ir crl
wednesday lc !ote. take care I
garlene Loo Hey that look! pretty neat. Before you post rt up. don t
you have to get them approved bV adm ln frr5t?
F i:r !l
Lnrn {or H.c.c. prerident Need! to be appfovecj. but all the
g u r d e l r n e sh a ! e b e e n f o l l o w e d . 5 t u d e n t L r f e a n d D e v e l o p m e n t
should green lrght thr!.
i r,r1
Chri5tina Siu Simpeon You have the best !r9nrl 5errously, if I was a
student there and kn€w nothing about the people running I would
vote for you Jusi based on your awesome graphrcs
i::,i l
Lam ior H.C.C. President discu:sed liirat jreai er:i'I.- !i..,r::r vr-ir rte rr !ee 1l
r t . a -i . . : a r r t h e i r a , , t ) . t r 1 , c . . _ r ' r . : r , j . . ) r l d i 5 c u 5 : t o n b 0 a r c .
N e l s o n B a t a l i o n g o o c ll u c k o n y o u r e l e c t i o nf r o m l . a u a ic c
Kam tor H.a.C. Prerrdeht IhdnFs Ne,sch'
H a r s i m r a n S i n g h 5 u p c u z . . -w e n e e d t o h a v e t . A l l l F O RP R I S I D E NrTa l l y s
o n c a m p u s . . .t h i s w e e k
liam for H.C.C. Prerident Word. Posters gorng up tomorrow
, lr!
Kam for H.C.CP
. r e s i d e n tJ u s t f o u n d o u t t o d a v t h a t s o m e b o d vo p e n e dt h e
p o l l s i d a V e a r l y w i t h o n l V 1 c a n d i d a t et o v o t e f o r , f o r p r e s i d e n l .l r e p o r t e d
t h e e r r o r a n d I w a s a s s u r e dt h a t i t w a s f o r t e s t i n q p u f p o s e so n l y ; h o w e v e r ,
why was my name not listed after all the proper paperworkwas tiled and
K a m f o r H . C . C .P r e s i d c n t S p e n t t h e m o r n t n g b e f o r e a n d a f t e r n r y M a t h
t a s a f a i l u r e . "a n d
e x a n r g a u g i n g i n t e r e s t .H e r e i s w h a t l h e a r d" S p r i n g f e sw
i s b o r i n g . "W e n e e d t o m a k e s o m e c h a n g e s ^
Kcvrn lto Who's your competrtronl
Knrn fot H.(..C. Prerideht
The curient Pre!de'rl
l h e r y l i l l . \ ' o t s u d a I ' d v o t e f o r y o u i f i w e n t t o H C C: D
. Fi,i.)
K n m f o r H C . C . P r e e i ( t e n tB u r I a p p r e o a t ey o u r s u p p o r t
t ,ril
K a m f o r H . C . C . P r e s r d e n t I a p p r c . ( i a t ev o u r s u p p o r t l
, ' 2010
I anr for
I rn
for H.C.C. Fresrdent
therr Pnorir.
w,: rii
vlirr.t ilrcali!trii)
1:r Ft.(, C. P:eirJ.:!rt di:cussron
y,) ] i I..: ri) i.re.rl
B riirCi/
E' !j ,:1. ; 1'',
Chat (offline)
i'e srall
il ')i
t*x i*
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Fwd: ElectionMsg.
Tevin Maklshlma <[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Sat,May 29, 2010at 1:35 PM
lQLOte,J text .hlddenl
Forwarded message
From: lse Sataua <[email protected]>
To: Tevin Makishima <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 13:39:44-1000
Subject Re: Election Msg.
Don't respond to Hillary yet Let the flyers stay up until we get to school. I want b take down those two flyers from
the bottom floor to show Senate during the meeting. We can advise the candidabs during the meeting b take
down their fliers, afterwards and at the same we can let SLD know that we've told them to take the fliers down
themselves per the Election Code.
The Elec'ttonCode will have to be modified during the Summer b work out the kinks, like SLD goveming the
boards, but we don't have to worry about fixing it right now
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Tevin Makishlma<[email protected]>
Should we allow SLD to do it or follow by the election code 'by the candidates'?
-Tevin Makishima
lf you have any questions, fuel free to contact me A_^
l f y o u n e e d t o c o n t a c t m e , s e n d a b x t o r l e a v e a v o i c e .S t a t e y o u r n a m e a n d m e s s a g 1
eo 1 8 0 8 3 4 9 9 2 9 1
Forwarded message
From: Student Life Development< [email protected] >
To: [email protected]
D a b : T h u , 1 3 M a y 2 0 1 0 1 2 : 1 3 : 0 9- 1 0 0 0
Subjecl: Election Msg.
Good Aftemoon Tevin,
My name is Hillary and I am a team member at Student Life and Development. The Election code states, "BO
removedby the candidates
within24 hoursof the finalvotingperiod."regarding
the Election
Flyers.Howeverthe campusbulletinboardsare supervised
by SLD. Pleasereplyto thisemailwtthyourconfirmation
for StudentLifeand Development
membersto removethe electionflyersfor bothPoimaSatauaand HowardKam. In the reply
and stipulate
that it is okayfor an SLDteammember
to removetheminsteadof the candidateas the ElectionCodestates.I wouldalsoliketo let
you knowthat untilI receivea confirmation
fromyou the flyerswill remainup untiltheir
date. I haveadvisedthe otherteammembersthatthe flyersshouldremainup until
we havewrittenpermission
to removethemfromthe ElectionCommissioner.
Pleasefeelfreeto callus at 808-845-9498
or e-mailus at [email protected].
I lookfonruard
to hearingfromyou. Yourtimeand assistance
is greatlyappreciated.
Muchand ManyThanks,
Howard Kam III's flyens went up on the Bulletin Boards on May 4th,
2OlO pr{.or to the Electlons Commfttee approval.
Poima Sataua's flyers went up on the Bulletin Boards on May 5tn,
eOI O after galnln€ the H.ecUong Comm ittee approval.
You have
:---__ 1__ _ :r
t tLtv{. r -/UUl
You can niake a diffsr"srius, bu ia}:e .: *'ra;r*u,
howscHo ot PRIDE-let
YouRvorE CoIII\rr
Vote for "Po" as your
ASUH President!
- ^-\t
- l v
Go Yote for "Po"!!!
http :/ /honolulu. hawaii.e du/ele ctions
Date: May 7'h,2OlO
L o c a t i o nB: l d g .2 - 1 1 6
Attendees:Tevin Makishima,Kiana Yasana,Mary Bernard,Jonz Stoneroad,Poima Sataua,
HowardKam III, CholeMCarter,Jason,LanceLincoln,Wayne Sunahara,
David Sakaria
Call to Order:Tevin Makishimacallsthe meetingto orderat 8:05 am.
Meeting was scheduledto startat 8:00 am in the ASUH-HCC SenateOffrce
Mary Bernardwas designatedto take the Minutes of the meeting.
Chairperson,Tevin Makishima readsthroughElectionsCode thoroughly,and asksthat
if anyonehas any questionsthat they feel free to ask their questions,so that the
ElectionsCommitteecan addressthem.
Chairperson,Tevin Makishima,announcesto the attendeesthat only one persondidn't
receivean email regardingthe Orientationmeetings-Howard Kam III raiseshis hand.
Technically,the personTevin was referringis LanceLincoln, whosenamewas added
to the ElectionsBallot late.Howard Kam III receivednotificationof the Orientation
Meetingthatwasheldon May 4'r',20l0 on Friday,April 30th,2010at l0:2 | am and
againon Monday,May 4th, 2010at 12:24am.
Tevin Makishimaannounces
that a complainthasbeenfiled with the
ElectionsCommitteeabouta candidatethat is currentlvrunninsfor the ASUII-HCC
Poima Satauagave Howard Kam III a copy of the complaintprior to the meeting,and
they discussed
what was in the complaintby the Berlin Wall.
Guests& Candidatesare askedto leavewhile the ElectionsCommitteediscussesmore
detailsregardingthe complaintfiled.
PoimaSataua& WayneSunaharaleavearound9:30 am to attendthe CODA Rail
DiscussionaboutIseulaolemoanaSatauaresignationfrom the ElectionsCommittee
oncecandidatefiled complaint-she did not want to causea conflict of interestbecause
of her relationshipto the candidateand her participationon the ElectionsCommittee.
DiscussionaboutHoward Kam III's proxy/StudentLife Staff Member promisingthat
shewill postthe candidate'sposterssideby side.
Discussionaboutthe StudentLife Staffposting Howard Kam III's flyers prior to
gettingthe ElectionsCommitteeapproval,and that Howard Kam III's flyers were not
given to the ElectionsCommitteeuntil after it was alreadyposted,and after the first
orientationmeetinghad concluded.
Wayne Sunaharasuggeststhat if the staff memberof StudentLife was on the clock
then it would make a differenceas to whetheror not it showspreference.
DiscussionaboutHoward Kam III, and the StudentLife Office not following the
ElectionsCode.Everythingis supposedto be run by the ElectionsCommittee.
Satauarelayeda phonemessage
to the Chairperson,
Tevin Makishima,
that he shouldget a copy of the Sign-In Sheetsfrom the Binder in SLD-ask Hillary
Brown, the Staff Member on duty, and then sheleavesthe ElectionsCommittee.
Discussionsconveneregardingthe complaint.
Meeting is adjournedat 10'.44am.
Violationof Flections
Biasfor particular
Violationof promotingimproperelectionprocedures
1 . V i o l a t i o no f 4 - a . M u s t a d h e r e t o u n i v e r s i t y a n d c a m p u s p o l i c i e s a s o u t l i n iendt h e
U n i v e r s i t y& c a m p u sw e b s i t e sa n d c a t a l o g s .
V i o l a t i o n4 - b . A r e e x p e c t e dt o a d h e r e t o t h e u t m o s t e t h i c a ls t a n d a r d st h r o u g h o u t t h e
E l e c t i o np r o c e s s
S L Dd o e s n o t r € p r e s e n tm i s s i o ns t a t e m e n t o f h c c 8 a n d 9 a n d i t g o e s a g a i n s ta s u h h c c c o r e v a l u e s
2 . V i o l a t i o n o f 5 - a 1 : c a m p a i g nm a t e r i a l m u s t b e a p p r o v e d b y e l e c t i o n c o m m i t t e e
- - c o m m i t t e e w a s n o t a w a r e o f t h e m a t e r i a l a n d J e n n i f e rt h e S L Dr e p t o l d m e t h a t s h e h a d p o s t e d t h e o t h e r P r e s i d e n t i a l
c a n d i d a t e s f l y e r a l r e a d y i n t h e p r i m e s p o t o n t h e b u l l e t i n b o a r d a n d t h a t s h e w o u l d r e m o v e i t a n d t h e n p uftri o
t bma c
S L Do n t h e f l y e r
V i o l a t i o n- - O b t a i n e di l l e g a l l yb o t h p a r t i e ss h o u l d b e r e s p o n s i b l ef o r u p h o l d i n gt h e p o l i c i e sa n d p r o c e d u r e .
Election code 5-a 7, be posted first come first serve
V i o l a t i o n - -C a n d i d a t ew a s n o t t h e f i r s t t o t u r n i n h i s f l y e r t o t h e e l e c t i o n sc o m m i t t e e e v e r y t h i n gs h o u l d b e r o u t e d
t h r o u g h t h e e l e c t i o n sc o m m i t t e e
E l e c t i o nc o d e 5 a 1 1 C a n d i d a t em u s t n o t h a v e a n y o r g a n i z a t i o n aol r u n i t e n d o r s e m e n t
V i ol a t i on - - a S t u d e n t L i f e r e p r e s e n t a itv e Je n n i f er a t t e nd e d t h e m e e t i n g u p o n b e h al f o f t h e o t h e r P r e si d e n t i aI c a nd i d a t e
and enteredthe ASUH-HCC
o f f i c ew i t h t h e S t u d e n tL i f e D i r e c t o r .
3 . 4 . 8 k s u p p o r t o f b a c k i n gb y a n o r g a n i z a t i o n7 - c 2 S L Ds t a f f m e m b e r p r e v e n t e d t h e c a n d i d a t ef r o m b e i n g d i s q u a l i f i e d
V i o l a t i o n -S L Di s a n o r g a n i z a t i o nt h a t s h o u l d n o t b e b i a s e d b u t S L Dh a d r e c e i v e d , t h e p a p e r w o r k f r o m t h e c a n d i d a t e ,
a d v i s e d ,a n d h a s p r o v i d e dt h e c a n d i d a t ew i t h a w a y t o p r o m o t e h i s f l y e r f i r s t b e - f o r ee v e r y o n ee l s e a n d t h e n a l s o
p r o v i d e d a r e p r e s e n t a t i v ef r o m t h e i r s t a f f t o b e g i v e n t h e p r o x y f o r t h e o t h e r P r e s i d e n t i acl a n d i d a t ea n d i s n o w a c t i n g a s
t h e v o t i n g p o l l f o r t h e e l e c t i o n .T h e y d o n o t h a v e t h e a u t h o r i t y t o d o s o a n d a r e i n v i o l a t i o n o f a l s o p r o v i d i n gf a l s e
i n f o r m a t i o nt o a n o t h e r c a n d i d a t eb y i n t e r f e r i n gi n s t e a do f r e f e r r i n gt h e c a n d i d a t et o e m a i l o r c a l l t h e C h a i rt h e y h a d t h e
c a n d i d a t er u n a r o u n d g e t t i n g s i g n a t u r e sa n d f i l l i n g o u t t h e w r o n g p a p e r w o r k a n d t h e n i n t h e i n i t i a l m e e t i n gt r i e d t o
p e r s u a d et h e c o m m i t t e e t o m a k e a r e c o m m e n d a t i o nt o t h e S e n a t et o c o n f i r m t h e c a n d i d a t ei n t o t h e s e n a t e .
4 . 6 - j U t i l i z a t i o no f m a t e r i a l so f a n y o r g a n i z a t i o n / u n i to r d e p a r t m e n t , i n c l u d i n g( u n d e n i a b l yp r o h i b i t e d )
c a m p u s o r g a n i z a t i o n ss, u c h a s p a p e r , c o p y i n g ,o r e m a i l l i s t s
p o s s i b l ev i o l a t i o n o f a p p e a r i n gt o h a v e u t i l i z e dt h e S L Dm a t e r i a l ss u c h a s p a p e r , a n d c o p y i n g .
6 - k . S u p p o r t o r b a c k i n go f c a m p u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s
Fwd: ElectionApplication,Bios & Photo
Trvin flakirfiifirs <taylnm€ltlawali.edu>
To: lse Sataue<isat€[email protected]>
Sat, tlay 29, 2010at 11:39Afil
-Tevin lv{ai{rshima
lf you have arly questttf,)s,feel free !o contirt rne i 4
,t ycru ns€d to csntact Ine ser]d ; lexl of le*\,,6 a vorce State your 4afire and rll€ssage tcl :8083499?9:
From:lse Sataua<isal"[email protected]>
To: horvardksn@gmai:.cam
Dste:Fn. 30 Aor 201010:21:08
Subled. ElectionAppl+caton,8:os & Photo
Aloha HswardKa.rrlll
Thank yorr for subrntungyou/ appiicatroifor the Presidenlpcsition,
Thergare a few t4tngswe ised t0 addrsss.so phsssebear with is
whi:ewe sorl sverythingout.
TevinMakishlmais the Chairpersmfo{ the ElectionsCom'n,ttee.
and I
srn one of t\e nrembero.fu{yaame is ls€ubokaflroana
Sataga.but ever./oae
cails rne "lse" for shorl I p'cled up a copy c your aoplication{rorfl
SLD yesteday iate atber$oon.I wlli forwardit to the advisorwhc h8s
beel checkingthe GPAsfor th€ candidatesubrrrissions.
As is. this is what will b€ s€nl to Todd to posl
As a long-tirneOahu resi{tent,I und€r$landthe need$of our
community.At 35 yearsold, I ieel I have aquiredtne expereinc,o
malvrity nBedpdto respectfr;llyassist th€ studentbocy. I toon
fonvardto a osgrae in ir Pol'ucalSoeetceBtd want to ap$y my
educatior:and schml expefiencgsfor my fu{urecdr€er.The scrool nees
tle eflvlgofalirgexciternentthat seemedla be nlrssinglni$ ssm€stsi, I
want !o croate E env:ronfi)efitw'ler€ $tudfqts rovegchool
,4wesonrejob with y'oruoioe, but we were wonderng if you nad u
phctographthet irou'd$anl to po$twith yodr bios as we;|. Co;id you
pleases€nd * to TevinMsksnrma.his ernaiiaddy i$
of ycij coulc senc it to m€, :[email protected]. and
[email protected],
we'llprocessit strarghiaway,it's up ts you. lf yor send it uia
ernsi! il wiil get yJsted faste{.
The papenrorkon the Electionslnformatio,tu.,ebpage,souldated.and
t've alrssdy sent an email out to the Webmasterfor him to ucdateth€
frlgs.unforlunatelyhe's a very busy persori.$o l'm not sure \ow lsng
it rr.'ililrke tor hir lo do so. ln tire figantim€. o'€as€ frndattachd
tfie applicdtlonpapen{otl(that has oeen gi'.,€nout lo oth€r nreinbGrsof
our ASUH-HCCStldsnt Eody who were also inleresledin rr.iruring
for a
positiorl.r,ithrathe Stud€ntSenateand the Boards We were hopingthst
ycil inouldbe u{{lingtrcfili out lhe attachedend re$ubnrtlingii,
just so thal ai{ cf tfie paperwork-s ,.rni{*rm.We apolog;zethat,!,!e
diir't hsve the properfonns readilyava*abieIo yoi. via the webpege.
This rn 1o ,.l/ayaltBrsthe fact that you are rurdng for the President
gosillo:r,nor wil; rt cause a cletayin tne processingof the papenrr'ork
lhal you'vealr€adysubmitted.ft is ;ust a foflnality.
Fwd: Election CandidatssOrientation Mseting
Tovin l$eltishima <[email protected]>
To lse $ataua <[email protected]>
Sa{. ilry ?9, 2010d 12:31Ptl
lC{! rrfii*i;
From:lse Sataua <[email protected]>
To Sancy<[email protected]>
Dale: Tue, 04 May 20100S:?454 .1000
Subject:Fnd: ElectionCandidatesOrrcntalion&loeting
Fsviarded messagg
Frarn lse Salaus .rSalrua@gma!*s0If>
Dsle: F,{on,May 3. 2010at 11.'!0A,V
Subjec!.ElectionCandidalesGrientaipn l,leebng
To poin B sataua <p91614;Slgigli Fjii >. S1q&rta@liquqjt"e_djJ
. Jgne
Ston€rosd <l$tonc.rcsdcJlil$e* -fr,>, hn$a;d!*;:n@qmili r"-pm
Cc, Ttvrn futa*lfh,rna <1*rtcll3@fu*{Aircf'.u>.berna;:{9@hnrratlefu, HA}nenErehpu(elrf$U
Aloha Kakau,
Tharlt you all for-subn:ittingyouf paperwerkfor tF6 yEnouspositiofie
a'vailabret"ithin S€nale and lhe Campus Boarcs.
Plea$ebe advisedlhsl tornc{rowrs thc 1ct Ori€nh8tionMe€tirE Bt 4 PM
in the Sbdent Senateffico (Buildrng.?-116).Tha 1sl Onen?atign
p.{estingis sufposod to give the ca$cidalssofl the Eaifol t1e
opportunitylo gei acqusinl€dw:th each othar, [o over a few rules.
anc aocrsfs any ooncemsyo{Jrnay hsve rBgardingih;s yesrs siaction.
Fsal fre€ to con{sc'tTevrnMskgbima.fJalla Bernard,or rntself if
'ihsrets sorns{htngthst you wo'ulclxe addtBssscright away.We hqpe
io gae you tornorrow Have an :rwesorneMondayeveryone!
ilevl i;
lss Sat ua <is*[email protected]>
Fwd: Follow up on the time sheet$LD
Tsvln Salsrhinrs <[email protected]>
To. lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Thu, Jun 10, 2010rt 10:2{ A}l
lse. Tirnesheetforward$d.
lf yor.rhave any quesf*one,leet free to contactrne ^ ^
tt you rreeato contectrne,sand e t€xt or lea\€ a voice. Stgteyour name and message to 18S8M99291
Forsardad m€Bgage
From: Tevrn Maktshrma <l€[email protected],edu>
To Kiana Yarana <kyassns@hsweri.€du>.malls h€rn€rd <bemard9@hewaii-edu>,Wayne N Sunahara
<[email protected]>
Date. Set. 08 May 2010 02:28;37 -1000
SubFct: Follow up on the timc sheet SLD
OK, So I can't steep because this is bcfhedng m€. I erd€d up $canfling the SLD tims sh6et that I got today. Can
v*e haw somebody tsko I look at it along with cornparing it to ths one th6t Howard sent in for verification? l'm way
to tired right now and sverythrq is blurry for rne.
Tho following is a JPEG scan of the frm t just econned. Again, this i$ the titn€ sheet tor the May 4th ?010
-Tevifl Makishima
lf yo(.rhave any question$, fiaelfree to cont€d rne ^^n
lf yor noed to contacl me, send a text or ieave s voica. $tste your narfl€ and messsge to 18083499291
rt[ I cI))Of,{L tt
rjp,rt - -o.l.*
'\WI | - Lr"*
As alwaysplease
d Lnrougn 9ur your
'XI'L frttd"
: ' , ( At)
/Fi<r n
3lory: EIdtr
Stdt LqeCheckTime:
Stdt Loe CheckTime,
Stdt LqeCheckTtme:
Stdt LqeCheckTrme:
Pleasenotatethe time you checkedthe lounge,initial,and add status. lf you needto
add more notespleaseattachanothersheetof paper.
L,l''1 ,li
Fwd: Evidcncs of tiras
,F ri',r
} t * c ' ! , r * a ] r ! : ' r j , t . . ' ' ' r ' : ' : . . t ! * r | . t . . r . . ' : ' | 4 ) * | i r : i $ ' d t s , ' y r ' l t 1 , . n F 1 ' : . , . , t : ' . . :
"* f","d, !& a.
:# I
Date:May 4th,2ol0
Attendees:Tevin Makishima,Kiana Yasana,Mary Bernard,lseula Sataua,Jonz
Stoneroad(Tardy--4 l7 prn), Poima Sataua,Emily Kukulies (Director of StudentLife &
Developmen]),JenniferKakio (Howard Kam's Proxy & SLD Office Worker)
Call to Order:Tevin Makishimacallsthe meetingto orderat 4:03 pm
Meetingwas scheduledto startat 4 o'clock pm in the ASUH-HCC SenateOffice;
however,afterwaiting a few minutesthe ElectionsCommitteecould not wait any longer
for any stragglersto arrive.
Tevin MakishimareadsthroughElectionsCodethoroughly,and
asksthat ifanyone hasany questionsthat they feel free to ask their questions,
so that the ElectionsCommitteecan addressthem.
JenniferKakio hasvery little to sayon HowardKam III's behalf,but
that shewill passon the informationthat the Elections
Committeegoesover in the meetingto HowardKam lll.
Emily Kukulies,Directorof StudentLife & Development,asksthe Elections
Committeewhat would happenif therewere a studentwho was interestedin
joining Senate,but was not ableto get onto the ElectionBallot. Her referenceis
to LanceLincoln.Lancehad contactedASUH-HCC via email,and mentioned
thatthe SLD Office had given him the paperworkon Mondayand that he had
acquiredhis 50 signatures.
Satauamentionsthat shesentTodd Kobayashi,Lance
Lincoln's nameto add to the Polls becausehe was interestedin runningin the
ElectionscontactedASUH, but didn't want to penalizehim becausehis
paperworkwas furnedinto the StudentLife & DevelopmentOffice on Monday,
IVIay3'u.2010 Apparently,the SLD OfIce gaveLanceLincoln Seethe
attachedemail communications.
Emily Kukulies, Director of StudentLife & Development,suggeststo the
ElectionsCommittee,that they shouldrecommendto the Senatethe
appointmentof LanceLincoln to Senator-At-Large
positionin a meetingprior
to the summermonthsso that he would be ableto participatein the summer
activitiesthat Senatewill host.Shegoeson to mentionthat the recommendation
could go io the Incoming Senateor presentedto the Outgoing Senate.
The ElectionsCommitteeMembersare confusedby Emily Kukulies' remarks,
and discussthe issuea few more minutesbeforemoving on with the ASUHHCC Election Code review. The resultfrom this portion is that the Elections
Committeewill wait to seeif the Webmaster,Todd Kobavashi.will add Lance
Lincoln's nameto ElectionBallot.
The ElectionsCommitteeChair,Tevin Makishima,makesit very clearto the
attendeesthat everythingMUST come to the ElectionsCommitteefor
approval,includingall CampaigningFIyers-EVERYTHING that hasto do
with the Elections.
Kiana Yasanaalsomentionsthat peopleare not supposedto be handingout
"Vote for Me Cupcakes"-basicallyno one shouldbe handingout any type of
incentivesto swayvotesin candidates'favors.Tevin Makishimaenforces
Kiana'ssentimentaboutcampaigningand keepingthe campaigningclean.
The ElectionsCommitteedecidesto dismissboth JenniferKakio and Emily
Kukulies go aheadand leave.The CandidateOrientationMeeting for Jennifer
Kakio and Emily Kukuliesendsat 4'.22pm.
Meetingis adjournedat 4'.22pm.
The ElectionsCommitteeChair,Tevin Makishimagoesover the ElectionsCode
with Jonz Stoneroad,one on one after the meeting,becausehe camelate.
JonzStoneroadexplainsto the ElectionCommitteeMembersthat are still in the
office that he had a Doctor's Appointment,but madeevery effort to make it to the
The ElectionsCommitteeMembersstill in the office areTevin Makishima,Kiana
Yasana,Mary Bernard,IseulaolemoanaSataua.The candidatesstill in the office
after the meetins are Jonz Stoneroadand Poima Sataua.
ElectionsCommitteemember,Mary Bernardmentionsto the remainingElections
Committeemembersthat shefelt like Emily Kukulieswas backingLance's
candidacybecausesheseemedto havebeentalking on his behalfin the meeting.
PoimaSatauahandsthe ElectionsCommitteeher campaigningflyers for
The ElectionsCommitteememberspresentall reviewedher flyers and all agree
that her flyers are okay to post on the bulletin boards.
The ElectionsCommitteeChair,Tevin Makishima,walks candidatePoima
Sataua'sflyers over to the SLD offrce for them to post on the bulletin boards,and
returnsback to the SenateOffrce
A male SLD worker cameto the SenateOffice to ask if Poima Satauawanted
more copies,but it'll haveto be in black & white,if she'sokay with it. Poima
Satauadid not answerher. Instead,IseulaolemoanaSatauaspokeup and told him
yeah,just makethe copiesto cover the l6 HCC Boardsbecauselseulaolemoana
Satauaknew that Candidatesare not supposedto use any of the campus
organizationsmaterials.It was IseulaolemoanaSataua'sunderstandingthat the
ElectionsCommifteeis allowedto tell SLD whetheror not it is okay to postthe
candidatesflyers on their bulletin boards,so that is why IseulaolemoanaSataua
spokeup. The samecourtesyis offeredto the other candidatesas well, but we
were nevergiven the chanceto review Howard'sflyer, so we don't know whether
or not he broughtin all of his copies,or if SLD copiedit. Iseulaolemoana
had evenaskedJonzifhe had a flyer to postbeingas he is a candidate.
Satauahad alreadyinformedDavid Sakariaon Mondaywhen he
was in the Senateoffrcethat he neededto get his flyer into the Elections
Committeefor review.
JenniferKakio cameto the Senateoffice relievedthat the ElectionsCommittee
memberswere still in the oflice, with Howard Kam III's flyers and stated,"My
bad, I had alreadypostedhis flyers up on the bulletin boardsalready,but I can
takethem down if you want."
It did not makesensefor double-work,so the ElectionsCommitteedecidedthat
shedid not haveto takeHowardKam III's flyers down only to postthemback up
in the samespot,but mentionedthat they shouldhavebeenapprovedprior to
JenniferKakio handedthe singleflyer to the ElectionsCommitteefor review.The
flyer was passedaround,and the ElectionsCommitteeagreedthat the flyer looked
okay to post-noting that the StudentLife & Developmentoffice didn't follow
ElectionsCommitteeCode protocol.
JenniferKakio told the ElectionsCommitteethat shewill postcandidatePoima
Sataua'sflyer up right next to Howard Kam III's flyersjust to be fair, and so that
peoplecan tell that they are running againsteachother.
The ElectionsCommitteeUNANMOUSLY agreedthat this would be fair and
would expectJenniferKakio to follow throughwith her word.
JenniferKakio left the ASUH-HCC Senateoffice.
The ElectionsCommitteecleanedup, calledSecurityto lock up the ASUH-HCC
Senateoffice and left at 5:45pm.
(Last Revised August 7, 2O08)
1. The official websile for election informationwill be:
2. The Election Committee:
a. ls responsiblefor overseeingthe elections process and coordinating
the nominationsin orderto ensurea fair and ooen electionfor the
membersof ASUH-HCC.
b. ls responsiblefor enforcing the Elections Code.
c. May sanction,censure,or issuean orderto candidatesto end ac{ions
that are in violation of the Electbns Code or Universily policiesand
d. Candidate'swillfulness and intentionto violate the Election'sCode will
be taken into account and may result in disqualificabon.
3. GeneralRules:
a. No rec€nition of "slates'or "parties"in the electionprocesswill be
b. In the event that more than one candidate for the same position
receives the same number of votes, a runofi elec'tionwill be
i. The run-ofi election will take place three (3) school days
after the election results announcement.
ii. The run-ofielectionwill run for only one addilionalday of
balloting for the contested po$tion.
4. Candidates:
a. Must adhere to universityand campus policies as oullined In the
university& campuswebsitesand catalogs.
b. Are expected to adhere to the utmost ethical standards throughorrtthe
eleciion process.
i. Any tamperingwith postedcampaignmaterialwillbe
considered possible grounds for dismissal from the
electionand possiblecrininal charge.
5. Campaigning:
a. ALL campaignmaterialsmust:
i. Be approved by the ElectionsCommittee.
ii. Receive a stamp from Student Life and Develooment.
iii. Be in full accordancewith the StudentLife & Development
regular posting policy (bulletin boards only - NO other
surfaces of any type may be used).
iv. Be placed on the board designatedfor campus events. NO
other campus postirg locations may be used, even if
oermissronis obtained.
v. No more than one item can be placed per board.
vi. Only representone candidat€.
vii. Be posted first come, first serve with the space a\railableon
the board at the time of the posting.
viii. Not exceed8'1/2X 11.
ix. Be removed by the candidates within 24 hours of the final
voting period.
x. Reflect the candidatesupported and election related
xi. Not have any organizationalor other unit endorsements.
b. Active campaigning (irrcludingdistributing leaflets,assembliesof
supporters, speech€s, srgn waving and other visible physicalactivity):
i, Must have advance approval from the ElectionCommittee.
ii. May onty occur in the courtyard of building5.
iii. lf a room on campusis needed,room must be reservedwith
the Room/Facilityreservationforms and directed throqgh the
normal process within 5 business days. Using any facility not
specified in the request, on or off campus will be considered
possible grounds for dismissal from the elections.
The following are always and und€niably prohibited:
a. Badgeringor intimidatingany memberof the ElectionsCommiftee.
b. Failing to appear before the ElectionsCommittee or Judicial Board
after receiving 24 hours notice.
c. Ob6tructingan investigationby the Elections Committee.
d. \Mltfullydeslroying,defacing,covering,movingor removingfrom their
places any election related materials.
e. Filing frivolous or bad faith appeals and or charges against any other
candidate, committee membr of third party or encouragingothers to
do so.
f . Committing according to established legal standards,libel or slander
against another candidate or the Elections Committee/ASU+HCC
g. Marking on wakways, roadways, or other struc{ureswith any typ€ of
h. Distributionof materials in such a manner that rs considered liftering or
disruotion of academic activrties.
i. Dstributing ANY type of real or perceived incentivessucfr as candy,
drinks,accessto an eventor anythingelse deemedan incentive.
j. Lnilizationof materialsof any organization/unit
or department,including
campusorganizations,such as paper,copying,or emaillists.
k. Supportor backingof campusorganizations.
7. Nomination& Oualification:
a. BasicGrade Reouirements:
i. To qualifyas a Senatora s'tudentshall.
1. Be a memberofASUH-HCC.
2. Be aclively enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credits.
3. Maintaina cumulative2.0 grade pointaverageafter
his/her first semester.
ii. To qualify as a ExecutiveOfficer a student shall:
1. Be a registeredstudent of Honolulu Cornmunity
2. Be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credits.
3. Maintaina cumulative2.5 gnde pointaverageafter
hiJher ftrst semester.
b. InadequateGrade Situations:
i. Minimum grade point averag€ must be obtainedl Exceptions
will only be made when:
1. Students who are invol\€d in the orocess of a
grievance whose GPA qualificationis dependent on
the outcome shall be afiorded the status of Senator
until the mater is resolved,provided that all other
mattersare resolved.
2. Students who have a GPA of less than 2.0 or
Executive ofiicer with a GPA of less than 2,5 but have
received an incompletefor a class in the prbr
semester in question and can prove by staternentin
written form ftom the instructorthat upon completion
within a timely manner,the studentwill receivea
grade in the classwhich raisestheir GPA to or above
2.0, they shall be afforded the stats of Senator
orovided all other Droceduresare followed.
c. OrientationMeeting:
i. All candidates musl attend a Mandatory OrientationMeeting
cordrcted by the ElectionsCommittee at which time the
Elections Code and campaign rules will be fully revrewed.
ii. lf for any reasona candidateis unableto attendthis
meeting, they may send a representative(with a letter of
confkmation from the candrdate).
iii. Failureto attendthis meetingor send a representatiwshall
cause the candidate to be disqualified.
6. A candidatemay withdrawtheir nominationpetitionat any time duringthe
Election Process.
a. lf the Candidate withdraws after the deadline to declare candidacy,the
candidate may not run for any other position during that same election.
9. Election Code infrac-tionsand filing a complaint.
a. All candidateshave the rightto file a complaintregardinginfractions
of this Electiors Code.
b. This right is forfeited twenty-four(24) hours after the close of voting.
c. A comphint must be written,no longerthan 500 words,and
submifted by email to committee chair's email address (to be
announced al Candidate Orientation).
d. The committeechair may take immediateac{ionon a complaintand
issue an order or sanctionwithout a meeting of the Commiftee.
i. The order or sanction must be issued to the email
ii. Establishedby the candidate(s)involved.All Elections
Committee Members will also receive an email copy
e. The ElectionsCommittee will meet to review a complaint and hold a
hearingonly underthe followingcircumstances:
i. The committee chair determinesthat the comolaint
wafiants a meeting of the committee.
ii. 50% olus one member of the Election Committee will
determinethat the complaint warrants a meeting of the
committee and notify the Committee Chair within twentyfour (24) hours of receiving the comphint.
10. DisqualificationProcedures& Process ofAppeal
a. The Committee Chair will give a minirnumtwenty-four(24) hour
notice to all members of the Committee prior to cal|ing a meeting.
b. Quorum of the Elections Committee will be half of all Election
Committee members in addition to the Committee Chair.
c. The CommrtteeChair will give a minimum twenty-four (24) hour
notice of the meeting to the author of the complaint and the
d. lf the accused fails to attend the meeting ard does not give the
Committee notice of a valid reason before the meeting (valid
medical excuse, out of town commitment,death in the family, or
prior employment obligation)the Committee will proceedwithout
the accused. lf notice is given before the meeting aM accepted as
valid by the Committee, a second and final meeting will be called to
hear the authorand accused.
e. At the meeting, the author of the complaint and the accused will be
given no morethan 10 minuteseach to pr€sentand 5 minutesto
Deliberationsof the Committee will be closed. Neither the author of
the complaint,the accused,or othersmay be present.
The Committee may request the presence of the any college offrcial
that may be able to help assess the situation or possible sanclion.
Decisions by the Committee:
i. lf a decision by the Committee does not involve
disqualification,the Committee needs only a simple
majority vote (50oI + 1)
ii. lf a decision involves disoualification.the Committee
needs a 2/3 majority vote.
iii. Abstentionswill count to ouorum. but not to the vote
(neither positive nor negative).
iv. Decisions made by the Committee will be considered
final by the ASUH-HCCStudentSenale.The Committee
will rendera decisionregardinga complaintwthin four
(4) calendar days from receipt of the complaint unless a
delay is causedfor valid reasons.
v. Decisionswill be sent to the email address(es)
established by the candidate(s) involved.
i. All candidateshavethe rightto appeala decisionmade
by the Ebctions Committee. This right is forfeitedtwentytoot (24) hours after the de+ision is received.
ii, Appealsmud be written,no longerthan 500 words,and
submittedby emailto the CommitteeChai/s email
address (to be announced at Candidate Orientation).
iii, Appeals will be reviewed at the next reguhr meeting of
the ASUH-HCCStudentSenate.
iv. Decisions of the Committee may be ovenuled by a 34
vote of the ASUH-HCC Student Senate.
ln the event that all candidates are disqualified,the positionwill bo
available for appointment by the ASUH-FICCStudent Senate
according to procedures listed in the Constitrrtionand Bylaws.
The Election Committee reserves the right to amend, revise andor interpret
these rules as necessaryto run the most honest and fair election possible.All
modificationsand additionsto these rules will be posted at
Responsibilityof eachASUH positions:
President1. Hold the chief executiveoffice of the ASLI{-HCC.
2. Be the official representative
3. Be responsible
for the ExecutiveCouncilfunctioningaccordingto the
Constitutionand Bylaws.
4. Be responsible
for trainingof the ExecutiveCouncil.
5. Coordinateand assistthe activitiesof the ExecutiveCouncilofficers
6. Conveneand presideat all ExecutiveCouncilmeetings.
7. Perfiormall other dutiesdesignatedby the Constitutionand Bylaws or calleclfor
by ceremonyand protocol.
Vice-PresidentI . Assist the Presidentin dutiesof that office.
2. Fill a vacancyin the office of the Presidentduringabsenceor incapacityto
provide organizationalcompliancewith the Constitutionand Bylaws.
3. Be responsible
for trainingof the Senate.
4. Developrecruitmentactivitiesandprogramsto provicleactivemembershipand
continuityof leadership.
5. Provideawards,recognitionand appropriatesupportfor outstandingserviceto
6. Performotherdutiesdesignated
by the Presidentand the Constitutionand Bvla,*,s.
BusinessManagerl. Maintaina systemof accountingfor all fundsof ASUH-HCC.
2. Reportin writing all expenditures
andbalancesat SenateandExecutiveCouncil
3. Coordinatethe development
of an annualbudgetof ASUH-HCC.
4. Be responsible
for trainingcommitteesin mattersof accountancy.
5. Maintainrecordsand inventoryof all ASUH-HCC propertyand equipment.
6. Performotherdutiesdesignated
by the Presidentand the Constitutionand Bylaws.
Secretaryl. Maintaina systemof recordingand storingall minutesof meetingsandofficial
businessof ASUH-HCC and committeesthereof.
2. Make availableall infbrmationgenerallyrelevantto the public and fulfill requests
for specificinformationor documents.
3. Maintainpersonnelfiles and recordsactivities,accomplishments
of all activeASUH-HCC members.
4. Provide awards,recognitionand appropriatesupportfor outstandingserviceto
ASUH-HCC and assistthe Vice-Presidentand make recommendations.
5. Performother dutiesdesignatedby the Presidentand the Constitutionand Bvlaws.
AmbassadorL Act as the ASI-IFI-HCCrepresentative
to the University of Hawaii Student
2. Act as a communityand legislativelobbyistfor ASUH-HCC Senateinitiatives.
3. Be encouragedto seekout an advisorregardingASUH-HCC and caucus
4. Provide a Recordof CaucusMeeting Agenda's,Minute's, and providethe
ASUH-HCC Senatewith informativeReportsregardingsystemwide issues.
5. Perform other dutiesdesignatedbv the Presidentand the Constitr"rtion
and Bylaws.
Senatorl. Providea monthly scheduleof office hours
2. Attendinternalandexternalcommitteemeeting(list of committeeslocatedin
ASUH-HCC constitution)
3. Parlicipatein all scheduledASUH-HCC functionand activities
4. Attend all senatemeetingunlessexcusedby ASUH-HCC President
5. Performother dutiesdesiqnatedbv the ASUH-HCC President
Club Senatorl. Submitmonthlyclub updatesto ASUH-HCC Vice President
2. Submitminutesand agendasfiom club meetings
3. Submitscheduleof meetingtimesandlocationto ASUH-HCC Vice President
4. Participatein ASUH-HCC functionsand activities
5. Attendall senatemeetingsunlessexcusedby ASUH-HCC President
6. Performother dutiesdesisnatedbv the ASUH-HCC President
ASUI{-HCC Medial. Handlethe appointment,
evaluation,and removalof all consultant(s),
and staff for all of its publications.
2. Establishotherpowersand dutiesin the Bylawsthat do not conflictwith the
3. Becomeacquainted
with, striveto uphold,and work within the Bylaws.
4. Serveactivelyon committeesand participatein projects.
-5. Performotherdutiesassignedby the Presidentandthe ConstitutionandBylaws.
6. Administerall financesrelatingto all publications,which aresupportedor in part
by the HCC nrandatoryStudentPublicationsfee,advertisements,
ASUH-HCC Event Coordinatorl. Be responsiblefor coordinatingeventsfor HCC students.
2. Managerecordsand inventory of activities.
3. Reportall eventsto the Senateand Executivemeetings.
4. Be responsible
for approvingfundsfor clubsand studentproposals.
5. Maintaina systemof accountingfor all fundsof ASUH-HCC events.
6. Performotherdutiesassignedby the Presidentandthe Constitutionand Bylaws.
changes for the studenb
and advdat€
in the best intercst of
all stud.nts.
Our S€dtc
and I havc unfinishcd work that
needs to ba rmplemrnt€d,
and I have esbblished
my working
wrth the peopLe who can h€ip us to enh.nc€
student life on our c.mpus
! : : i:'.* !(..i. ar {:),.1 i:.; i,:1, {ir i; :':,.:,'1
iI',.;i i':r.lr \l
9i. r l,:l;.i,,:
I am cur€ntly
the Pr$ident
al.cted l.st year to serva from
2009-2010. I wa3 planning b
graduate this Spnng 2010, but
decided to wait and gGduate
with my daughter
As President, our Senata was
able to regain control over the
student fees and how our
account was being maintained,
Wa have becn successful in
complctlng thc "No Morc
Parking Loft.ry"
initiaEd by last,/ear's Senah.
we have bc.n able to
rapresent and have a student's voice on thc following
COSA, FSEC, Eudget PIanning, Strategi.
Planning, CODA, Articulatron, Student Cau€us, UHCCTask Force, and the Long Rahge
Under Pepa€d
Phnning Council.
Our Senate had the opportunity to run sore evenE for the
student body even though we wcre unfortunate enough to be
without a Chair Person for C.mpus Activitics or a fully sbffcd
Scnate. We have cleaned up thc senatc offlce, and h.ve
fo€uscd our anergics on being tcnsparent
as wcll as b€ing
held accountable .s wcll has holding evcryonr
else we
en<ountcr to the sme
I believe in building a team th.t c.n work togcther even
though thcre may be differences of opinions. I feel that I am
more th.n capable, if I am r€-elected, b make positive
My nam.6
Lance Lincoln and I
am intersted
rn becoming a
Senator in thc studcnt body at
Honoluiu Community
One of my goak when I
entered my college endcavors
at Honolulu CC was to bc .p.d
of Student 9overnment.
srncecly believc that I can be
a pDductiva
and €ontributing
forcc in the rtud€nt
government rt Honolulu
College. I b.lieve that I will
make a lasting imprcssion and
will make my fellow studenb
proud of my andeavors, I
beliave I will sarvc as an insDiration.nd motivation for othcr
studanE. I respectfullyand earnstly ask the studcntr at
Honolulu collega for the suppod t need to mk€ a positive
lasting impacl and impEssion on Honolulu college. i
r6p€ctfully, and humbly ask for th€ Honolul! CC student
help in helping me in my andeavoE and goals in becoming a
Sehator in the student gov.rnment at lionolulu CommunitY
Collage Again I would like to sbte that I beli€ve I can makr
a lasting, positive impact and sefre as a positive motivating
force at HCC. B.ing at Honolulu Collage I am very happy and
I truly love being in school. I am currahtly enrolled rn the
Human Seryjce's tcde While being a part of the Human
seruiceslnde; I wantto be ablc to help p€ople who.re less
fortunate or h.vc misfortunes in their liv6. I ask the
students at Honolulu Colbge Espectfully and humbly aqarn
for their help in hclping mc to aftain my goals in being
involved rn student governmant.
't.3 k i,i 1
i.l ;.r!, i:1
Hr my namc is David Sakarir
and am trying b get my
Associates in Human Service I
havc been hero since th€ timc
of Noah, LOL. I want b
bccome a CouNelor so I csn
work with children, teens,
young adulB, and also work as
a Criminal Profller. I have been
with thc AUSH-HCC for quite
some time as a Senalor at
Large, .nd in the Falllo I want
to run for Vice President. I am
motrvated, and detemrne
makc a differcnce in our
.1:7r1.'1't-. :;i-r'riirr:a {:,rt;:i
As a long-time Oahu resrdent,
I und€rstand the ne.ds of our
At 35, I fel I have
lcquired the exper€nce
maturity naeded to resp€ctfully
assist th. stud€nt body. I look
foruerd to a degEe in Political
Scien€c and want to apply my
€ducation and $h@l
cxpericnc€g toward my flture
carccr. If elected your Student
Body Pr6ident,
I will rcturn
the .nthusiasm
of campus
social life and mrkc Honolllu
Colbgc th. pl.ce
you want it too bc
kicking it with my friends, family. and my youth. So don't be
afraid to say hi, bacauscI won't brta.
I.m a full-time collage student
it Honolul! Community
collaga, ind am r.ally proud
of this c.mpus. I would like a
to volunteer my time and
en.rgies in nctiv'ti.s at
Honolulu Communrty Coll.ge
and I fecl that I can do my
best to h€lp. My 90.ls are to
help improve thc prcgrams
using my communication skills
to connect with othcr students
b also gct thcm involved.
Voting Has Ended
Form 5-6
(minimumof 6 creditsrequired):
Position Running For:
fl President
El vi.. President
E e-umsador
El T...r*..
E B*i.r.ss Manager
El Senator-At-Large
E St,rd..rtActivitiesChairperson
fl Stnd"r,tMediaBoardChairperson
If their
* Personsinterestedin specificofficesshouldalsorun for the positionof Senator-At-Large.
positionis contestedthey may still win a seat.
* Submityour photographfor the electionpoll.
.:. Completea brief biographyto useon the poll. lt shoLrldreflectyour reasonsfor nrnning,and your
fi"rturegoalsif electedto office,and a little backgroundinformationaboutyourself.
Please Initial:
I haveread and understandthe ASUH-HCCElectionsCode.
I haveread and understandthe duties of all of the ASUH-HCCpositions.
Date Received:
Associate Students of University of Hawaii of Honolulu Cornrnunity College
8z+ Dillingham BoulevardBuilding z Room 116
l-II nARrz
Forzn S-z
Name of Nominee (Print):
Student ID Number:
Term of Office:
to --
I, _*
am seeking(election/appointment)to the
AssociatedStudenisof th* U"i";ity
of Hawai'i at Honolulu Community CollegeSenate.I
trnderstandthe requirementsof eligibility, office and maintaining eligibility of office delineatecl
in the ASUH-HCCConstitution and Bvlaws.
Signatureof Candidate
Enrolled: CYes/No)Semester:
Current Credits:
Information CertifiedCorrect:(Yes/No)
Certificationby: _
Associate students of university of Hawaii of Honolulu community
874 Dillingham Boulevard
Room 116
Honolulu,HI g6BrZ
Elections ,Sprine2010Schedule
April 12th,2010 Announcementof Electionsemailblastedto entire
studentbody via email.
May 3'd,2010
Applicationsdueto ASUH Office; Studentsrnaybegin
campaigningonceapplicationis submitted.
May 4fl',2010
(4prn,SenateOffice, meetwith Tevin Makishirna&
Malia Bernard)
May 7th,2010
(4prn,SenateOffice,rneetwith Tevin Makishima&
Malia Bernard)
May 4'h-l l'h
Mav 17th-2010
via ernail
**Candidatesmeetingto be scheduledpendingconfirmationof candidatesand
availabilityof winning candidates.
rakea STAITD
"i:*iiilST"t,r,ipend) attheendofBACHSEMESTER
GainVOLUNTEER hoursfor your MAJOR
t *Hffi:i*i6"'ffIlt?"'
Be^L E AI)
E R nor
* r.'0r.r,*\,v*rrd.
Email us at [email protected]
or fill out an applicationfrom online
Visit httn:l/honolulu.hawaii.edu/electioTrs
to seeyour fellow applicants.
Messagefrom ASUH Student Government
il,:n ii
lso Sdrua <[email protected]>
Candidate for Senator-At-LargeFwd:Re: I came by yesterday
6 messages
Tue, t|ay 1, ?010 d 1t:36 Ail
lso Sataua <[email protected]
To: tkcby@hawaii edl
Cc: Poima Sslaua <a$hpres@hcc hawaii edu>. Tevin [email protected]>. walnensehawari cd.r
Hi Todd.
Pleme come dom md fill our m application while there rs still trme. You must have a GPA of 2.[) to
M for Semtor at Luge md be esolled for 6 qedis next
Fall 2it1t,t. Ttre applicatror can tr picked up lim
Bldg 3 rarm I l6 at I I oo a.m md someone should be
there to help ),ou
AppolntrneDls de not necessan' at lhrs pornt becarwe of tlc Amual electron deadlne, hwever the days
re passing bl quckll
l m also sendrng you emarl ard my reply to the electims commrttee, ro that
they know to exIrcr ) ou applicatron You will need a sna)l photo of yomelf
if possible to sutmit with
you applicatron. The electror cmmine
adviser u,ill revrew you apph@tion to check vo CPA md if
I knw that we're pushing it, but I just reeivrd an emajl tm the President, who recoivcd an marl trm a studcnl
i n t e r e s t e d i n r u n n i n g f d a S e n a t q - A t - L a r g e p G i t i o lns l h e r e a n y w a y t h a t y d c d l d d e a s e a d d j u s t h r s n a m e t o
the Pdl? His name is Lmce Karnoa Kalermmo
l.,incoln Thanks so muh Todd- for eveMhrru tlut
yofve done-you've been super awes@e.
Po Satau
atn 513'21)1r)I: 58 PN{. Lmce Llncolr *rote
- - - - - - - - - -F q w s r d c d m e s r a g e- - - - - - - - - .a:gD.@Lc!-ha!a!-.qgu'
Frm: Potma Sdila
Oat.: Tue, May 4. 2010 al 11.12AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: I came byyeslerda,
To: lse Sataua <rsatauaDomarlcm>
l , l _ vr r r r r , t r : L i r i r -r i - r r u L , i r irv r l i a r r l e r r ' t r ; t c ; r , : l t ' .ri r t l r ' : t r r r t r ga l u l o i l f r r . l u ' l c r l l
! . r . r 1 j I i t ( . j r t l " . , l r , r t l l ' t" l r i r \ c a ! t n t a l r s r f , l i r ) i l r i l u . l d l i t S c | r t ( ) r . r t l a r t r i , r s i L r ,I . r r "
h r ' . e b e g , r r r r l , c j r , l : . . ' 1 , 1 l , c r r 3 l b l e ' l o s a c u r ( . ' j , o r ) [ . { l w [ ] r t i r c s t r r l r n l S o n l t .I h r t , . '
: i l l l , l c f J f l i l l L n i w o u l i l l r f : c l n g i r . ! c r t J r er e . t r f t h c r c q L l r r l . l r l r n c l i l ; r l F i r f j h l l r l l g , l u
, , . ' . 1 11 . rl n ' , r l ] l e t , , r , r 1 : * i r i L . \ 5 1 i l : ! a s 0 r , l , : r lS ( ' i r l d P , r i r l r ( r ) I \ l u u l ( j l ( l ( r , , s c l r I r r I
n I r r ! n t j r ' r l 1 u r ' j ) , \ . S l l l L , 1 , " a l , l . ' t , . g i , o r c i r l h , r 1, - r s , i r r u r i . ' r t r r t r : n r t l r r t I r r a r r t . ' u Jl , r
d r f l r : e - , h l r l e r i:l, c r l t l i ! l , a r r t j , . ) i lI r r r r r r . . , r , r r r . l rr ' , ! i l r l u l ! n t t s i i r t : e L i o r i r- \ S I I I l l r r r r k
r , u r f i r l : ! | r L ! t ] r ( ' r r r i c , , r f . f \ ' r r l t b r L s r : r ' l ri c\ :r ll ! \ a a 1 r c \ \ ' t l u s c u r a r l t i n l l l r a . , c s e r i l
Bdd him to the eiectiq balld
OriginalMessage-----I camc by yesterday
Date:Tue, 4 i'tay 2010 10 53 55 -0700 (PDT)
From:Lance Lincdn -:14!g[!!gl!i!lo!ah@
TO:Poima Sataus <a:uhOhcc haw.1redu,
ktii 'fil Il rLI \
l ( : a ! r c l , \ _ \ ' e s l e r r ! r \ , lr l(r l r r n d t l r e r . ' u a s n i r , . n ! ' l n l i l e , r i l r f u l s l . h c r c d L l n l u \ ' ( ) u a a n s L0'1f , \ \ r l l r n r c i o
t ] ] n l j c m g d l l l l s I n f i u n a l r r ! r 1 , - \ ' , n r ' !i \ n \ - h t r l r a i l . ' r l t i r r r r n l l r c n r , . l i t r r s \ ' r l l t r c a r r c \ c r l l e n r r r r r i ! ' l ' . r
nrc iuxl I rvtll delirrlcl_L 1r lllere l.lust \raflt d)e lrrre tai'le l.)l us la rncel k) ir corvourr'rt li'i )(,il i,r'1
lnc kiow r1 \'oLr \!orrld irl,r: io set uJ) a tiln(' lin l!r to rilect i *'rll Lu drelc dl llrc rrriJeJl g1\ elIrn!']il
l . r l i c l t r r r c p r c r i , I r : 1 1 \ t ? d e ( il b d \ r ' a l l o f r n r i r t i l r 1 g o , i l u l ! ' i l i o i l l
stlrlc[Lj ircirlly$urttolr',r
f t u t ( r l - t l r r i e J ]gt o \ c a i l i l l { r t r l n o l l h i s u r r r c a r i u ) d a s s o r i a ; l a q t
m , r l . e a x r t a t n u F c s s r . , i lI u r ! r L s l l r J a i l l l l t c r l a r ( r u x l ' r , r n a r t , l l ^ - l l r r l l i a , i a l l : r ' ) r c i l f , r u l , : : l l l l f \ l
t L i l I R n n c ' s l l i M l l t . l ( ) 1 , ( r l ' d 1 1o l - t l r d ( r i l g r ^ c r r r n L n ll ^ ( ' k l , ) n \ , t r l 1t . r : e e t t t q i ' r ' L t , r t l t t t r , l
l{cspcct tirl l1'.
l,.nrc. I uifii
Polma Sataua [email protected]>
To: Wayie N SunaharaqaJnhs(Dhawariedu>
lse Sataua <[email protected]>
Cc: tevin makishima<[email protected]>,
Tu!, ilay '1, 201 0 ar 9:,15 Pfit
Can yo please check m the candidalesname lo se€ rf he qushfiesfq the Senalq at Large p6iti6
lfnot pleaseletleunandlsebdhkn@.buthaveTcunaskToddtoholdofiftmplacinghimqthcballd-BuT
if he rs d(ay to go with a GPA cf 2 0 thd email Tevn and lse lo let them know oficialtythat he qu8lrf€s so that
they have a rffdd thal yd checked and he met the electro reqirrement
l,,urce Kairrra Kolcrnr,urr<'Lrtcolr
Frcm: Pdma Satila SlsBeE!,belglggl!:
To: Lace Iincdn Sli$d$l9i45ggl3hp!.!!I0:;
tevin mdqshrm. ::191O!!g!SgEEds:;
W.yne N Sunahaa <wrynsrs@ha(a, -edu:i bemardgohawdi. ed!
S.nt: Tw, May 4, 2010 12:33:21AM
Subrcct: Rc: World like to schedule -d appontrcnt
ThurJ< you kurdly.
Thank y@ fq all ydr
Po Sataua
ASUH-HCC Preddot
Todd Kobayashl <koby@ha!.dl.edu>
Wed, ilay 5, 20'10at 5:57 Ail
Reply-To:[email protected]
To: lse Salaua <[email protected]>
Cc: Poima Sataua <asuhpreqphcchawaii.edu> Tevin Makishrma<[email protected]>,
waynen€hawar edl
Lincdn has been added to the electio site
lse Satgua wrde:
Hr Todd
I kndv thal we?4 pushrngrt bul i JustreceNed an email lrom lhe Fresrdenl oho receved an emartfrom a
studentinlerestedin runnrnqfq a Senatq. Al-Large posnion is lhere any +ay thal you calC please add jugt hrs
name tothe PollT Hrs name rs Lance KarnoaKalermamoLrncoln Thanks so m!ch Todd for ever\,thrno
you ve don€-you'vebed super awegme
Appqnlrenls are ocl necessaryat th s pont becauseof the Annudl elechondeadiine h@9ver lhe days are
0assrngby qulckly I am also sendrn9yo!f enrarland my reply lo the eleclids cwmtlee. so that they kno* lo
eypect yqr appllcatr., Ytu wrll need a gmall photo ot yo]rselt rf posgrbletc submttrith yolr app|celron The
el€cllo cffim{lee adrser ull reMewyour appltcalonlo aheckyd GpA and rf ya qualtfyy@r shod biagraphy
,{rll be posted You must acl qlickly beca!Be the pdls wrll be open s6n
Thank you kindly
Po Saiaua
On 5/31010 12 58 PM Lance Llncolnrrote
My name rs Lance Lrncdi and I am ve.J/ ntgfesledin becomrnga pa( oflhe studentgovernmentbody at
HCC ' am very"Intereied in the studenl Senatq al iarge p6rllo"
I have begun the process of betng able to
s e c u f e a p 6 r t r o n w i t h t h e s l u d e n t S e n a t el h a v e a l r e a d y a c q u r r e d a l l q f t h e r e q u r r e d f i i y s r g n a l u r e s t h a l l n e e d
lo be able to be acceptedas a student Senalq I dftld |ke lo go over the rest of the requireddcumentatrtr
Inat I mrghl need to be able lo work with ASUH rn a studenl S€nald p6jtion. I weld i ke to set up an
appontmenl wlth ASUH to be abie to qo der rhat ever ,locumentairong
that l may need to atterna student
Senatd p6rl16 I afr anxLdsly awadinga respdse ftom ASUH Thank you fof takhg the trre dt of your
busv scheduleto revew lh's emarl that I have 5ent
.. -' - rorsardedme5sage.
From 'Poima Sataua' <asuhohcc hawair edu <marlto esjf[l2lq)-lifljargdlt'r>
Dale Tue. ftray 4 20]0 at 11 12 AN4
Subject Fwd Re I came byyeslerday
To lse Sataua <l:alAuaOomarlcm .:marJtorsalaua@cmarl
ResFecttu l!
Lance Lrncqn
add hrm lo lhe electio balld
- -'- - Onginal Message-''''--Subl€ct
Re I came by yesterday
D a t e T u e 4 M a y2 0 1 0 1 0 5 3 5 5 . 0 7 0 0 ( P D T J
<marlto l-a!-!9!!-C-91!]19-@Ie-!-99_eg!.>
Lance Lrncoln <l9!!9!!99]!Il12Ig!9999&>
Pqme Sataua <asuh@hcc hawaii edu> <marltoeSqDl1i!q!3!A!j!E,
lancehocolnsgovahoo.com <marlto li!t9jt!!-d!-il@l&-b-e9.qen>
Polma Satea <[email protected].€du>
To L6nce Ljncdn <lancelrncdn59@yah@
Wod,ilry 5, mto at 1l:09 Al|
Aoha Lance
l a a m e b y y e s t e r d a y a l l p m a n d l h e r e w a s n o d e r n l h e o f f i cres l h e r e a l m e y @ c a n s e l u p w [ h m e s o l i a l l
can get lhls Intqmrtifr to y*? An\,trmeafler 10 am In the momrnqw'll be an excellenllme ftr me and wdl
d e i n r t e l y b e t h e r lel u s t w a n t t h e t r m c l a b l e f d u s t o m e e l l o b e c o v e n r e n l f o r y aL e t m e k n o w r f y d w o u l d
like to aet up a lrme ftr us to meel I wlll be there at lhe student govemmenlofiice today around elev€nsh Like I
have prevrouslystated i have all ot my 1iflysrgnaiuresfr@ shrdenls 1 reallywanl lo be a part of 5ludenl
qmrnment it not lhrs hme afound as som as I am able too I came to the ofirce al 1pm because I w3ntedto
have all of the reqlrred ggnalufes lo try lo make a qreat mpresslo I was at sludent tfe at ardno 9am and by
l pm I had all 50 ggnaturesiiled dl I eaflestly wanl lo be a part of sludentqdernment Lock f@ard to seerng
you afdnd campus.
Cog€tulatlmsl!! Gless what?
90 vote fq ya and you should
cficial el{liq
to end and it be
the 50 sigoatures? Did yd tum
The cleclions commttcc was able lo get you s the elec{i6 ballotl All yo need ts to gEt qe persm to
be 6 yqrr way to becming a Scnatq at Large fq the Fall d 2011, BUT we will haw to wait fq the
anndnccd to make ewMhing prcper within the elections cod€. \,y'heredid you g€t y@r application with
ydr applicatio in sme where?
lhis is very impqtant---YOU musl cme to an electionmeetrngat the ASUH-HCC cffic€ on Msy 7,2010 at 8:00 o"cl@k in the mqning
to reuw elecliq pr€edures. This is a m6ndaldy fteting.
Okay Lance haw a good dayl and lwill *e yd pmetirc sq. It y@ have any furtherquestios abat the elcctiss y@ sh@ld wck
with lhe electiqs cmrinec. Twin Makishrma is the Chair fd the cmmittec and his mail address is !SS!.!@!ggglljqg.
ls Sataua,
Kjafra.and Mali6 Bemard tjse the emarl addresseso the t.p of the rcssage if you necd to contactthom.
Thank yd fd ydr
Lance Karnoa Kalelmrmo Lhcoln
Mahale Po Sataua.Asuh-hcc-Pregdent
'Frm:' Pqma Sataus <asuh6) hcc i awail edu > <msrllo:e:U!_iiZELlE!g!€qq>
'To:'Lance Lincdn <b0!9llllgllul2yglsljglf>
tevin makishima
<tevinm(thawar edu> <maillolevrnmOhawail edu> lse Sataua <E4!g!g.leggell!pll>
wayne N Sunaha18 <le!!fa:labaaej]-9d[>
bernardgoha*ar edu <mailto:lgMjslgglStrgllglg>
'Senl:' Tue May a
2010 12 33 21 AM
'Subject ' Re Would |ke lo scheduieand apporntffent
Please cme dNn and fll oul an appltcalim whrle there rs shil trme Y@ musl have a GFA ct : I lc run for
Senatora! Large and be enrdled fq ii credilsne\l
F a l l : 0 1 0 T h e a p p i l c a t i o n c a n b e p r c k e d u p f r f f i B l d q : r o m 1 1 6 a l 1 1 6 a ma n d s m e m e s h o u i d b e t h e r e t c
help ya
Orignal Message-------Subiect:Re Candrdatefd Senstq-Al-LargeFwd:Re: I came by yesterday
Date:Wed, 05 May 2010 05 57:45 -1000
FfOm: Todd Kobayashi. tkobr'@nawaredu>
adair ed!
Organization : Hoolul! communrty college
TO:lse Sstaua <rsatauaOanra co.:
Tevin Makishima-.rer{nmoha+a| edu.. ranensonrwal
CC:Poima Sataua :3:g&Egqlsg!y4[g!!:
Polma Satam <[email protected]>
Wod, May 5, 20'10 at 2:54 PL
Tor leun makishima <[email protected]>,lse Salaua <isataua@gmarl
cm>. malia bernard <[email protected]>,
Wayne N SunahaG [email protected]>
Plcase read the studmls cmments d where he Eceiwd and turned in the fms to SLO He was misinfomed by
SLD snd then SLD csmo to the meeting trying to get exccdions and recmrcndatios
tq lhe el.ch@ committce
to propGe to Senato withdt sharing this vital intmation with the committee. Foong me to have lo resdve lhe
escalating into 8 negative siluation.
SLD must be held accountable o{ically lor their interference with the eieclio pr@ess.
OriginalMessaqe------Re: I came by yeslerday
Subject:Re: Fwd: Re: Candidatefd Senator-At-LargeFwd:
D a t e : w e d . 5 M a y2 0 1 0 1 7 : 1 1 r 1 2 ' 0 7 0 0
FfOm:Lance Lincdn <lancelrncdn59@vah6com:
TO:Poima Sataua <a5uhpresOhcchawaried!>
@:lancelincdn59Ovahoo cml
rrlohadunlivourenrnttctr Iloo|ti,rsurLlLrt,\.rlgntdt'rnrctlu
{)ne rrqorhre l [s Lht'sesrgratrrrc: lrom rlrrjcrus" t'r de t]iese:lqrjlutj
1r.dri lhe cllrtr )r ca,nrlnrtt.et i
rrcieve(l ln\ (louinilrrtnlrc)il 1,\r 1lle S.iator i{)sru()l irorn slil(leill lrlc rnd r,;rs atrlc ro sr.crlc rll oi'nti
l'illy srgLntures \vjliljr l_dlr futru"solthe srnrr'&y l !!.r! gr\cn ihc ,lccurrrcril,rtron I haic nrnre'l lt llloi
mv icqurred [email protected] t.) s1rr]eilt lrl'c l ira,i .r lncrrrl rrh,r rras.rt tho rr!'!'Luf thdt *il\ llL'1,i
s$tjl 'ecvou
l c s t e r . l z r l n r r i l u a s r n f o r r n e t l t l n t . \ S i , l l h d a c q r D r . r l a l l i \ i n l ] r r ' . l r [ r . . 1, i 1 \ i n r e [ t . d l r r ] r 1
at Sam rrr l"n,lal tlre'lir ol \1a} arri I ulll lr\. t(-.llel rll tlre qresti.rrri I reel ti be alsqrrtrL alsrvcrr,j
nltir.i llirc "Alotunrchc;lolrroe" l'ranshtion:'V, ltirlc\e.!r)d\\nl)Jll nrvliearl")i;trellaqartut
I]rirrtrLr:'rlrvavs n 1,4 In lteiu lilrfit vorratml \ P(-\illn
Respecllrrlll .
Larc,,, Kaurra Kalcrmanro l-rrcrirr
Fren: Pcima Satea Sggsb!!Sgp[E3-b!&!flLe!bi:
To: Lsce Lncoln !gllgt!!g!1:19ygb!9.!gB
S€nt: Wed, May 5,2010 11:09:24AM
Sr|biact: F{d: Re: Caddate for Senator-At-LageFwd: Re: I came by yGtsday
Polma SataE <[email protected]>
To: lse Sstaua <iseiaua@9mailcm>
Wod, ilay 12, m10 al 12:08 Alrt
lsesalaua<[email protected]>
. il
Sat,t{ay 29, 2010at 1:07PM
Teyin Makishima <[email protected]>
To lse Sataua <isataua@gmail.@m>
Fwd: Biographfor Senateetc, and picture
2 messges
Tovin Makishima<[email protected]>
To: Ise Sata@ <istaua@gmailcm>
--fevil i\,'lakrsfnila
ii you l1a\€ or)Y quEslrfis
ll vou need io conteci ne
Sat May 29, a)10 at t:O{ Pf{
[e:i i.ee !. cmlecl r€ '--"
*n4 a lei cr le*e a vaf€
S:dtt) y6i ililLe lfo nie$alie
tc i80:l4g:i:91
Fwarded message ---------From: Lance Lin@ln <lancelin@|n59@yahoo@m'
To: lflinm@hryaii
Date: Thu, 06 May 2010 12 15 43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject Bi€raph for Senate etc. and picture
..i,r.i(rr1 \if irif..rrl:ri r;, rj. i,rir
r, -'c I ie rL' c i:r.l
$i.l fr,ri.l
l t , t c l , , : r . l l , . t ( ' ; 1 . l _ tL, r . l I . r :
: ri ll .rri.,:.
. 1,n..:l\
r , l . t i r r : , t i ri r r ' .
/r c' i ,r ,. , r , .r !:!:!.t
Lane Lincdn wrcte
My name is Lan@ Lrncoin and I am Interested in beoming a Sanatq in the sttdent body at Hondulu
Community Cdlege One ol my goais when I entsed my @llege endeaws at Hdolulu CC was lo be aparl ot
shrdflt gdemment. I slnerely believe lhat lcan be a prcductve and cmtributing ftrce in tr|e student
at H6olulu Cdlege lbelieve thal lwrll make a lEsting imprGion and will make my tellow sludsts
pr@d ot my endeavffi. I believe I will *rye as an insprratm sd molivatjm ls oths studffts. I respectfully and
eamGty as* the studmts at Hmolulu @llege ftr thc sr.pport I ned to make a positive lading impact, and
impresson o Hsolulu cdlege. I respectfully, and humbly ask ftr the Honolulu CC sludtrt help in helping me in
my endeewF and goals in be(ming a Stralor in fle studmt gwmment
al Hoolulu Cmmmity College
posilive rmpact and serue as I pcitive motwting
Agan lwdld like to slate trlat I beliwe | €n make a lstng
fme al HCC Being al Hddrlu
College I am very happy and I truly love being in sh@i. I am arrently enrolled
in the Human Seruice's tEde V\fiile bdrE a part of tr|e Fiumtr *Mces tnde, I wanl to be able to hdp people
who are less fortJnale d have misfdtunes in t"leir liv6 | ask the studmts at Hmolulu College respecttully and
humbly again fc treir h€lp in helping me attain lo attain my goals in being invdved in student govemmenl.
-------- Fw{ded
mssage --------Frm: Todd Kcbayasbi <[email protected]>
To Lance Lin@ln <lacdinoln59@[email protected]>
Date: Thu 06 May 2010 09:20:55 -1000
Sublftt Re: Biograph tq S6ate etc, md prc1ure
Bio & pic added:
r' lt, r,,
R esp ectn"dly,
, . r . i . i l j t n , : l i , r a l i t i t ) - . l r ) f i i t , r ' t . l I t r r , r , , : , , , , t . l :l . ' : : . , t : t . . i i , : _ t .
lirr il,,f.
il:i r
..iu.lcrl irirl
t r.lrr:l .:. ' ( rL:|i:tL
1i i l
, r r r f i , , , , r , rI r .
rr'r,\ rir\iL.r,, r.
'r 'if!a
.'trritrii rL\
\r,riL I 1r.11r,f[r .]li\a'fri'.i
: r ' r L :l 4 .
L, l',',rir:r,:ilr,.,
1 . : . l r , r : l i . i . . i r i r l l i i ) . ' i r l. ll t r l r
l . \ : l . , r l L r J r r l f . i l r . ) . ,r . i . r r i i n ( - i
ijr'|iLi' rc.
I rLi1r..irl.i,l...iril,,ir. i
i'1,11g,1;r;1.1,-,it,tj,i i,.:.)i:t
Lance Lrncoln
. r i 1! ! r ' 1 ' ,1 \ a : , : . l l , . l r ' r r , r l ! . r l i . , r l
. l r ! . r r r t r ' , ' . , - : l r . lr
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t' -t11-r
Lf.'r-{e Lirr6t It-r -fC. Ya"
f terirrrlj ( cri.,rr iilcrcCirc,,r- 3i-D $t. c
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.r li
\iirt \
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C c ' tr t c i
I tr'\ \-r,i,
)1*-Ji t).11.flrt't Ptl/
Committee Listing
C a m p u sC l u b sC o m m i t t e e
JudicialBoard Committee
Weed and Seed
Committeeon Commiftepc
l7 i=:n|<'
L c r i - e Lr - 2 C - e L
) {-l
/ / u. ,,- !' L-f|r ,,f, r
|1t -'7-''- 'I
t /t7,
//1, i
f l.-. CU J 1t(tl
) 'lt' / ' / ' r | ) t / - -
Hllary Brown gave a cand.ldate the SenatorAt-Lar$e Appllcatlon ln which
the candldate had to obtaln 5O student's sl€lna,tr:1€sonMay5"d, 2OlO. She
also gave La,nceLincolnthe name and email address of the Webmaster' so
and emall a,ddr€ssto the Electlone Comrrlttee ChaF. Candidate sent hls
biogra,p$ a.nd photo stral€lht into the Webmaster. ASUH-HCC Student
Senate dld. not actuaUy r€celve his paperwork until weeks after the school
year ended.
AssociatedStudents of the University of Hawaii at Honolulu Community College
A. Responsiblefor the generalwelfare of ASUH-HCC, for enforcementof the
Constitutionand Bylaws and promotionor participationby the studentsin campus
B. Be the legislativeassemblyof the ASUH-HCC.
C. Transactall businessfor the ASUH-HCC subjectto the Universityof Hawai'i
regulationsand procedures.
D. Has completeauthorityover all ASUH-HCC funds,propertyand assets,
excluding StudentMedia Board assets,in accordancewith HCC regulationsand
E. Adopt an annualbudgetofprojected revenueexpenditures.
F. Make all allotmentsand appropriationsof ASUH-HCC funds.
G. Conductall ASUH-HCC electionsandratifr resultsthereof.
H. Give recognitionfor outstandingservicesto the community.
Make nominationsand appointmentsfor Senatevacancies.
J. Establishand conductrelationsas necessarywith other orsanizationsand their
K. Make all laws and decisionsnecessaryand proper for the conductof student
governmentconsistentwith the Constitutionand Bylaws.
L . Attend monthly (2) Senatemeetings.
M . Serveon two (2) HCC campuscommitteesand attendtheir meetings.Report
committeeactivitiesand news.
N . Commit to I hour a week within the Senateroom.
o. Participatein campusactivities.(i.e., New StudentOrientation,Welcomeback
week and other studentbody activities.)
P . Establishregularcommunication.
AssociatedStudents of the University of Hawaii at Honolulu Community College
lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Fwd:SLDemployeesign in and out sheet
Tevin Makishima<[email protected]>
To: lse Sataua<[email protected]>
Sat, May 29,2010at 1:46 PM
[Quotedtext hidden]
From:SandyMatsui<[email protected]>
To: Jim Poole<[email protected]>
D a t e :T u e ,1 BM a y2 0 1 01 0 : 4 0 : ' 1- 1
70 0 0
Subject:Re: SLD employeesignin and out sheet
MahaloTevin,Jim,and Wayne.
I appreciate
the additionalinfomation.Mostof all,thankyou for all your work on the electionsprocess.
On Tue, May 18, 2010at 10:26AM, Jim Poole<[email protected]€du>
I believethe "evidence"
that Po alludesto was alreadyaddressedduring
Senatemeeting.The Senaterealizedthattherewas a discrepency
in the
SLD records,but that it wouldnot significantly
alterthe outcomeof the
electionand thereforedid not wanantthe disqualification
of the
HowardKam. The Senatedecisionis finaland negated
the electioncommittee's
originaldecisionto disqualifiT
your concern,and I admireyour dedication
I understand
to followthe
however,it is out of the electioncommittees
must now go backto the Senateor raisethe issueto the Deanof Students
if shewantsto continuethe complaint.
I was at the Senatemeetingand I will verifothat properprocedures
followedin makingthe decisionto reversethe disqualification.
ActingSenateChairor Deanof StudentsshouldadvisePo to gracefully
concedethe election.
Jim Poole
On Tue, 18 May2010,TevinMakishima
> Jim & Wayne,
> I'm not surewhatwe reallycan do in this situation.The otherway is to disqualify
the electioncompletelyif it is
indeedthat therewas fraudulentrecordregarding
the SLD employeetime sheetwhichindeedcausedthe
electionsresultsto be affected.
> The resultsof the electionwas alreadysentto the candidates...not
yet to the school.Whatactionsshouldwe
> -TevinMakishima
> lf you have any questions,feel free to contactme ^_^
> lf you needto contactme, senda text or leavea voice. Stateyour nameand messageto 18083499291
> From:SandyMatsui<[email protected]>
> Date:Tuesday,May 18,20106:36am
> Subject.Re: SLD employeesignin and out sheet
> To: TevinMakishima
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
[email protected],
WayneN Sunahara
EmilyA Kukulies<[email protected]>
l' "'
> > Sorry,I accidentally
touchedthe sendinsteadof savekey and beforeI completed
the email. Let me
> > | receivedthe attachedrequestfromPo regardinga concemwith studenttimesheelsin the SLD officeand
the SenateElecfionsprocess.I am not sure (confused,
actually,as to) what one hasto do with the other,but
sincethis involvessenateelections,I am fonrardinga copyof the emailto you.
> > The decisionsmadeby the ASUH ElectionsCommittee
and ASUH Senaterestswith the authorityof those
groups. I trustthe processesyou have in placeto makethosedecisions.
The candidateaskedthatthis was
addressedbeforethe annoucement
of the electionresults.Again,that is a determination
to be madeby your
> > | havebeenaskedto respondto a queslionfroma candidateregardinga HumanResourcesmatterwithin
the Officeof StudentLifeand Development.I will addressths issue,but hopeyou understand
that I needto
seperatePersonnelmattersfromyour electionsprocess,as we movefonrard.
> > As always,let me knowif I can be of assistance.
> > Aloha.
> > sandy
t On Tue,May 18,2010at 5:56AM, Sandy<[email protected]>
I ]
*' Tevin,Jim,Wayneand Emily,
> > I receivedthe attachedrequestfromPo regardinga concernwith studenttimesheets
in the SLD officeand
the SenateElecfionsprocess.I am not surewhatone hasto do with the other,but sincethis involvesSenate
elections,I am fonrardingthis to you. Po askedthatthiswas addressedbeforethe annoucement
of the election
> > Sentfrommy iPhone
> > Beginfonryarded
> > From:PoimaSataua<[email protected]>
> > D a t e :M a y 1 3 ,2 0 1 0 1 0 : 1 8 : 4P1M H S T
> > To: SandyMatsui<[email protected]>
> > Subject:SLD employeesign in and out sheet
> > Hi Sandy,
> > Sorryto ask but its importantto me.
> > Okay,now I am writingto elaborateon an issuethat I encountered
with the decisionof the senateand the
I wouldliketo knowaboutthe recordkeepingin the SLD office,I feelthey have a huge
issuethat needsto be addressed.I am confusedon the outcomeof why the senatevotedto overturnthe
of HowardKam.
> > Accordingto the evidencepresented,
the time sheetwas the decidingfaclor.This is whereI havea huge
problemtryingto understand
whichone is the actualofficialtimesupposedto be used in this case.Becauseif
you lookat the signin and out recordof the aclualsheetthe employeeusesto recordtheir hoursit does reflect
whatthe actualtimetheywere on dutyfrombeginning
to end. Now the so calledoffiicialtimesheetturnedinto
the businessofficefor Sharonlsa to approveis the one that eachemployeeinputsintothe computerthemselves,
dailyand are toldto shaveoff any excess,so as not to go overlhe hoursreflectedon the scheduleand then
they can add those"banked"hoursfromthe previousdaysonto anotherday to makeit matchthe schedule,so
that there is no ovetimereflected,but yet the actualdocumentedtime they are at work does not refled what is
inputtedto the computer..
> > I am verydisappointed
and due to the factthat somepeoplesaidto usethis as lhe 'officialrecord"when it is
me and is not fair to me and the outcomeof the reasonas to why the Elections
committeedecsionwas overtumedby the senatebecauseof a discrepancy
the proper
in what is considered
mannerin whichto keepemployeeshourshereat HCC by all departments.
> > Wouldyou pleaselookintothis.Backin JanuaryHillaryBrownhad mentioned
that she had "banked"over80
hoursand thesehourswere due to her. I neverunderstoood
what she meantby "banked"hoursuntiltodaywhen
the lightwhenon.
> > | knowI am askingfor alot,but I wouldliketo knowthe answerto this beforeWayneannounces
the outcome
of the eleclionon Tuesday...just
to be fair.lt is SLD who consistently
with this Electionsprocessand I
am seekingclarification
on properprotocolfor recordingemployeehours.I feelas if the issuewere addressed
backin January,perhapswe wouldnot be in this dilemmanow,and I wouldhopethatthis wouldnot happento
someone else.I am seekingyour assistance
to clarifythatthe sign in and out sheetwas the actualofficialrecord
of the employees
time in and out.Accordingto the memberson the staffthis is commonpractice.ls there
somewhereI can findthis sortof documentation
that saysthat the manualsignin and out sheetis not the official
> > Thankyou for yourtime,
] ]
.rno, Matsui
Dean of StudentServices
874 Dillingham
Dean of StudentServices
874 Dillingham
Proposal from PTK Club:
Phi Theta Kappa(Alpha KappaIota) is planning to send two studentsup to Chapman
University for studentleadershiptraining. It will be from June r4-r8, 2o1o.Thesetwo students
will spenda week at ChapmanUniversity with other studentsthat are from around the world
and acrossthe nation. They will be learning about the current honors topic of "Democratization
of Information: Power,Peril, and Promise.'The chosenstudentswill be exploringthesetopics
from various professionalsin their respectedfields throughout the week. Thesestudents will
alsohaveworkshopsand discussionsin small groupsto help them reflect upon the various
subjects.The two studentswill be able to representHonolulu Community Collegeand the
StudentBody in this prestigiousleadershiptraining. By sendingthesestudentsto this training,
they will be able to bring back experienceand shareit with the entire studentbody of Honolulu
Commurity College.This will also help developthem into the next generationof student
leaderson campus.We havenoticed that in recentyearsthere is minimal participation by
studentsin ASUH or other leadershiproles on campus.Thesestudentswill not only learn to
better engagebut also empowermore studentsto havean activeinvolvementin leadership.
Motion: IseulaolemoanaSatauamotions that Senateallocates$297o to the Phi Theta Kappa
(Alpha KappaIota) Club to go to ChapmanUniversity for their Student Leadershiptraining
with an addednote that Senategetsa written contractbetweenASUH-HCCand PTK stating
that the two membersbeing sent,will comeback and train the Senatemembers.
Seconds:Stuart Featheransecondsthe motion.
Discussion:BradleyCasamina,BobbyWen, and AlexanderRibaoJr. all agreethat they will get
both a flyer and the written agreementto Senate.The two membersgoing to the
training is Alexander,and Christian.The RegistrationCostis $8ZSper student
per the week,and the ContinentalAirline Ticket is $6ro per student round-trip.
The totai costfor both studentsis $zg7o ($r4S5per student).
A ye :4
Nays: o
Abstain: o
Robert Oliveira
' Robert Oliveira is coming to Senateaskingfor clarification on the membershiprequirement of
the ASLIH-HCCStudent Senate.He is also askingthat Senatecorrect the interpretation of that
membershipwith the Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies.
' IseulaolemoanaSatauaaddressesRobert'squestion-the requirementis a studentwho has a
minimum of a z.o GPAfor Senatorpositions,2.5 GPAfor Executivepositions,and is enrolled
in 6 credit hours for the semester;however,in the past there was a precedentset where the
previousSenatehad alloweda studentwho didn't have a GPA establishedfor HCC yet and was
allowedto join Senate.
' Robert Oliveira is looking to Senatefor correctionof the processbecauseby the standardstated
above,he should havebeen allowed to join Senate.The Director of StudentLife &
Development,Emily Kukulies,tried to explain to Robert,that his casewas not as dry cut as he's
making it seemand that if he wants, she can discussthe detailsof his casein front of Senate.
Severalof the membersof Senatetold her that they don't want to hear the detailsbecauseit's
private-we're not supposedto know thesethings.
' The Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies, basically inferred that Robert
Oliveira didn't hear back from her office regardinghis applicationbecauseSenatedidn't fulfill
its side of the deal in which Senatewould give SLD a letter of Approval and a letter of NonApproval for applicants.
The Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies,suggestedthat in the past,
studentsdidn't mind if other studentssaw their GPAS,and often just printed them out for the
StudentSenateto checkover.
SenateAdvisor,Jim Poole,said that studentsare not supposedto be printing out their items
and handing it over to other studentsto checkover for their GPA requirementsdue to the
FERPApolicies-faculty needsto do the GPArequirementsNOT the students.
Robert Oliveira would alsolike Senateto reconsiderhis reinstatementas a member of ASLIHHCC Senatefor the AcademicYear of zoog-zo1o. It is not his fault that his paperwork never
passedthe eternalpersonwho checksthe GPArequirements.
o David Sakariatablesthe decisionon Robert Oliveira'smembershipuntil the next
BradleyCasaminabelievesthat as long as a student is in "good standing" then they should be
allowedto join, and he recallsthe incident where the previousSenatehad alloweda student to
join with a o.o starting GPA His insight into the matter was that oncethat incident happened,
then the Senatewas supposedto fix the Bylaws,but never got arotrnd to it.
IseulaolemoanaSatauasuggeststhat perhapsthe Bylawsneedto be looked at during this
summer break, and revisedto clearlyoutline the membershiprequirements,so that people
can't misinterpret them again.
IseulaolemoanaSatauaasksthe Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies,
whom the applicationforms belong to, and she states,"All of the S-formsare Senate
generated,"and that shehasnothingto do with thoseforms.
Robert Oliveira is okay with what we discussed,and will be waiting to hear an answerback
from Senateregardingreinstatement.
Robert Oliveira makesa positive comment about the STARAwards.
IseulaolemoanaSatauaasksthe Director of Student Life & Development,Emily Kukulies,why
the other clubswere not able to presentawardstoo, and her responsewas that a lot of the clubs
do not havevalid, working email addresses,so they could not get the messageabout the STAR
Motion: David Sakaria movesto adjourn Senatemeetingat 5:35 p.m.
Second:Iseulaolemoana Sataua secondsthe motion.
Minutes Submitted By:
Minutes Approved By:
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