20 x 45` Series - Prime Crime Collection


20 x 45` Series - Prime Crime Collection
20 x 45’
Facts for your success
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Facts for your
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location in vibrant Cologne
Many episodes enhanced by outstanding, internationally known guest stars
Intriguing cases reflecting Cologne’s multi-ethnic society
Joining “old hands” Frank and Vanessa are policewoman Julia
Marschall (Lilia Lehner) and her young colleague Daniel Winter
dral. But to the special investigator team of the Cologne
(Steve Windolf). Julia, an expert sportswoman whose physical
P.D., the name evokes a unique blend of cliquishness, car-
prowess often comes in handy, is an easy-going type who
nival and corruption. Cologne, strategically situated be-
quickly makes friends. Daniel, happily married, is the youngest
tween the criminal hotspots of Amsterdam and Frankfurt,
team member but also the most grounded, and a brainy spe-
is a multicultural city whose proverbial good cheer masks
cialist in criminological literature, whose sharp wit is his most
abysses of evildoing. Navigating these hurdles is the job
dangerous weapon.
of police inspectors Frank Hansen (Jophi Ries), Vanessa
Haas (Kerstin Landsmann) and their colleagues.
“Cologne P. D.” follows the lives of an intriguing assortment of
men and women. We share their highs and lows
on the job and off, we root for them
As the team’s new head, Karin Reuter (Sissy Höfferer) adopts
when a situation seems hope-
a light style that showcases her innate warmth and humor.
less, and we hope, in the
Maybe a light touch is the best way to keep a grip on her di-
back of our minds, that Co-
verse and highly individualistic squad. Her criminological
logne will continue to pro-
background and expert intuitiveness prove to be valuable as-
duce enough bad guys to
sets in her new post, and she quickly endears herself to her
keep these good guys
team members, both new and experienced.
busy for years to come!
Format Cast Script
Director Series
20 x 45’
Sissy Höferer, Jophi Ries, Lilia Lehner,
Steve Windolf, Kerstin Landsmann,
Hans-Martin Stier, Thomas Clemens
Mathias Aicher, Jörg Alberts, Christoph Benkelmann
Torsten Wacker, Axel Barth and others
Address ZDF Enterprises
Sales, Merchandising and Coproductions
Lise-Meitner-Strasse 9
D-55129 Mainz
Contact [email protected]
Phone:+49 (0) 6131 - 991 281
Fax: +49 (0) 6131 - 991 259
ZDF Enterprises | 09.09
hat comes to mind when you say Cologne? To
most people it’s the Rhenish city’s colossal cathe-

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