TV Movies 3 x 90` / 2 x 90`


TV Movies 3 x 90` / 2 x 90`
TV Movies
3 x 90’ / 2 x 90’
Facts for your Success
Starring top actors Iris Berben,
Benjamin Sadler, Heino Ferch a.m.o.
Outstanding production values
heighten historical authenticity
Emotionally gripping family drama
embedded in major 20th-century events
urehead, a matriarch who clung to the past and to the fami-
with the destiny of their nation as Germany’s
ly’s privileged position. And in Alfried, we find a tormented
Krupp family. Arms manufacturers since the early
administrator who collaborated with evil and realized that the
17th century, builders of Germany’s first major
winds of change had to come ...
steelworks, the Krupps set up the largest munitions
“Krupp – A Family Between War and Peace” is directed by
factory in the world and became known as the
Carlo Rola, who reprises his successful collaboration with Iris
“armorers of the German Reich.” They served the
Berben in the ZDF three-parter “Die Patriarchin” (2004).
Kaiser. They served Hitler. And then they served the
Berben, one of Germany’s leading actresses, portrays Bertha
Allies. No government could do without this dynasty
Krupp; Benjamin Sadler (“Side Effects”) her son Alfried. Also
built of steel, arms and blood.
in the distinguished cast are Heino Ferch, Fritz Karl, Sunnyi
This high-gloss event miniseries relates the story of the
Melles, Marie Zielcke and Barbara Auer. Exceptional produc-
Krupps in the 20th century, the period of their greatest power
tion values allied with historical authenticity keynote this
– and of their downfall. Centered on two of the leading figures
drama of a family that fought for power, strove for wealth,
in the Krupp dynasty, Bertha and her son Alfried, the histori-
achieved renown – and yet never found
cal drama unfolds a sweeping panorama of major events,
such as the company’s active involvement in the two world
wars, and its coming to terms with its legacy after 1945.
Above all, however, it is the emotionally moving story of a
family whose children were raised to be first and foremost
Krupps before anything else. In Bertha we find a powerful fig-
TV Movies
ZDF Enterprises
Sales, Merchandising and Coproductions
Lise-Meitner-Strasse 9
D-55129 Mainz
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 - 991 281
Fax: +49 (0) 6131 - 991 259
3 x 90’ / 2 x 90’
Carlo Rola
Christian Schnalke
Oliver Berben
Iris Berben, Benjamin Sadler, Thomas
Thieme, Heino Ferch, Barbara Auer,
Fritz Karl and others
ZDF Enterprises | 09.09
ew families have been so intimately connected