
famous technical school;
mfrs .., 1588.
Kreisler (kri'zler), Fritz (b. 1875). Austrian violinist and composer, generally
conceded to be the greatest of liv ing
violinist s ; in Austrian army 1914,
wounded at Lemberg (" Caprice Viennois ").
Krem' lin, citadel of :Moscow, 2482, pictures, 2481, 3149, 3151, 3159, 3165;
Tsar Kolokol bell, 421.
Kreutzer (kroit'zer), Rudolph (1766- 1831).
Fr. violinist of Ger. extraction ; friend of
Beethoven, who dedicated to him his
" Kreutzer Sonata."
Kriemhild (krim' hi lt), in the Nibelungt>nlied, wife of the h ero Siegfried, 3292,
2598- 9 ..
Kriemhilde Line (in World War), rearmost
Ger. defensive p osition in MeuseArgonne r egion.
Kris, Malay s·w ord, 3479, picture, 3480.
Krish'na, a Hindu god, 1845.
Kris Kringle or Christ Child, name a corruption of Ger. Christ Kindlein, " the
little Christ Child" ; supposed to bring
gifts, 860.
Kronborg Castle, Elsinore, 964.
Kronos or Cronos, in Gk. myth., Titan
ruler of universe, 3656, 3195.
Kronstadt (kron' stiit) or Brasso (bra-sho'),
Rumania. City 85 m . N.W. of Bucharest;
pop. 41,000 ; commanded by Schlossbcrg
citadel ; " Black Church " (14th cent.) ;
m etal and wood mfrs.
Kronstadt, Rus. Port and fortified city on
isl. of Kotlin in Gulf of F inland 31 m.
w. of Petrograd; pop. 68,000; founded
1710 by P eter the Great. Naval cath.,
p ictures, 201, 3155.
Kropot'kin, Peter, Prince (1842-1921), Rus.
geograph er and anarchist; first to show
that structural lines of physical Asia
run s.w.-N.E. ; exiled and imprisoned
for advocating peaceful anarchy; anarchistic doctrine, 3319.
Kriiger (kru'ger), Paul (1825- 1904), Boer
p atriot, known as u Oom Paul " (Uncle
Paul) ; of S. African Republic
(Transvaal) 1883-1901 ; 3583, 3329,
Krupp (kr1:£p), Alfred (1812- 87).
~~ cannon king," discoverer of method
of casting steel in large pieces ; made
great guns used (1870-1) in the siege
of Paris.
Krupp, Friedrich (1787-1826), Ger. ironmaster, founder of house of Krupp and
of great Krupp works at Essen ; introduced manufacture of cast steel into
Ger. ; died in poverty ; 1326.
Krupp, Friedrich AHred (1854-1902). Son
of Alfred and grandson of Friedrich ;
richest man in Ger . ; handed on the
Krupp business to his daughter Bertha.
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Bertha
(b. 1886). Eldest daughter of Friedrich Alfred; brought up to manage
Krupp works, which slie inherited at the
age of 16: married 1906 Baron von
Bohlen und Halbach, who was then
made chief <}.irector of Krupp works;
known as richest woman in Europe.
Krupp Steel Works, 1326, 1588, picture,
Kryp' ton, a rare gaseous element, 3042;
contained in air, 75.
Kshatriyas (ksh llt' ri-ya), a Hindu caste,
1845, 1928.
Kuban' River, 500 m. long, flows across w.
half of N. Caucasia and receives many
affluents from Caucasus Mts. ; outlet,
Kubelik (ky/be-li k), Jan (b. 1880). Bohemian violinist ; acquired extraordinary
technique at early age and for a decade
was the most p'opular concert virtuoso.
Kublai Khan (lqi.'bli ktin) (1216-94), one
of greatest. njost intelligent, and most
cultured of Mongol rulers, grandson of
Genghis Khan; completed conquest of
China ; 2448- 9, 2933•
Kuenlun (kwen-ly.n') Mts., in cent. Asia on
N. border of Tibet: highest peak estimated 20,000 ft. ; 239, 3827, map, 844.
Kufr2lo, group of 5 oases in Sahara, N. of
Tropic of Cancer ; 7, 000 sq. m. ; pop.
6,000 nomads; tn. of Kufra. on caravan
route ; 31 78.
Kuh-fu' , China, temple of Confucius, 846.
Kiihlmann, Richard von (b. 1873). Ger.
diplomat ; Sec. of State for Foreign
Affairs 1917- 18, negotiating treaties
with Rus. and Rumania ; opposition of
higher command of army and the Cha ncellor, Count H ertling, caused him to
r esign.
Kuka (kg'ka), tn. in N .E . corner of N jgeria,
Africa; pop. 50,000; slave-mart prev ious to 1894 ; 3178.
Kuku-Nor. Same as Koko-Nor.
Ku Klux (ku klilks) Klan, secret societ y
in U.S.A. , which at close of Amer. Civil
War sought to frighten negroes into
obedience and to counteract influence of
" carpet-baggers " ; originated ~n Ten~--
....... --··
K UT-E.L-A ll1ARA.. -Litt le p eople
street as it appears to-day.
nessee in 1865, other societies formed,
and in 1871-2 laws wer e passed for their
suppression. In 1915 it was revived in
Georgia as a fraternal organization,
and quickly spread from the North to
the South ; the power of the mask ed
men is growing in opposition to negroes,
Jews, and Roman Catholics.
Kulm (ky.lm), Czecho-Slovakia. Vil. in
Bohemia, where t h e French defeated
allied Rus., .Aust rian, and Prussian
troops 1813.
Kumasi (ky.-ma-se). Cap. of Ashanti,
Brit. W. Africa; pop. 20,000; exports
cocoa, rubber, cattle, and other products ; captured by Brit. in 1874, 1896
and 1900; chief distributing centre for
Ku' miss, a drink made from milk, 2424.
Kum' quat, a plum-shaped citrus fruit, 2702.
Kun, Bela (b. 1886), Hungarian Communist leader ; while prisoner of war in
Russia instructed by Lenin, and after
collapse of Central Powers sent back to
Hungary 1918 to found Soviet R epublic;
after its fall, escaped 1920 to Russia,
where h e was employed by Soviet; in
Budapest, 603 .
Kunersdorf (k¥' nerz-dQrf). Vil. in Prussia,
4 m. N.E. of Frankfort-on-the-Oder ;
Prussians defeated by Russians and
Austrians 1759 (Seven Years' War).
Kur, principal r. of Transcaucasia, flowing
s.w. 820 m.; navigable for 350 m. from
mouth; outlet, 738.
Kurdistan', mountainous country in E . of
Asia Minor and extending into Persia ;
peopled by the Kurds; Tigris R., 3542.
Kurds, 1\fohammedan tribes of .Asia Minor,
descended from the Carduchi ; . they
number about 2,500,000; rug-making,
Kure (k1?' ra), Japan. Important naval
port on H onshu Isl. !l.nd Inland Sea;
pop. 130,000; armament factory.
Ku.r ia Muria (ky'ri-a my'xe-d) Islands.
Group of 5 isls. off s. coast of Arabia ;
28 sq. m. ; part of Brit. colony of Aden;
cable station.
Kurile (lv"Y' ril) or Chishima Islands, group
of volcanic isls. stretching N .E . from
Hokkaido, Japan; 6,068 sq. m.; name
comes from Rus. kurit ("to smoke ")
in allusion to active volcanoes ; map,
2036; seal h erds, 3241.
Kuroki (k¥-r o' ke), Itei, Count (b. 1844).
J apan ese general and samurai; 'listinguished in Chino-Japanese War of
1894-5; in R usso-J apanese War of
1904- 5 commanded First Army, d ~feated
Russians at Yalu R ., and assisted Oyama
at Mukden.
Kuropatkin (ky-r o-piit'ki n), Alexei Nikolaievich (1848-1921) .. Rus. general ; in
suprem e command in East during RussoJapan ese War. unt il after battle '">f
1\fukden; a gain commanded an q,rmy
1916 in World War ; r etired to private
life 1917 ; 3173.
Kuro Siwo (Jap. " black tide"). Same as
Japanese current.
Kus' kokwim River, one of chief rivers of
Alaska ; flows 550 m. to Bering Sea ;
map, 83.
Kustendje (k¥ -sten'jii). Same as Constantsa.
Kutb Minar, tower at Delhi, 1075, picture,
Kut-el-Amara (ky t-el-ci-mii'rci), Irak. Tn.
on Tigris R., 105 m. s.E. of Bagdad;
rly: t erminus ; coaling p oint ; strategic
p oint in W orld War ; Brit. force under
T o\.vnsh end surrendered to Turks after
severe siege, 3808.
Kutenai (ky:'te-nii) or Kootenay, tribe of
N . A m er. Indians ; ranged through N.
Mont., U.S.A., and s. Brit. Columbia.
Kuweit, Arabia. Same as Koweit.
Kvalo or Whale Island, Norway, picture,
Kwang'chow, Wan or Kwang'chow Bay.
Coaling station on s. coast of China
between Hongkong and the I 3land of
Hainan leased to France ; 190 sq. m. ;
pop. 182,000.
Kwangsi (kwting' Ne). Inland prov. of s.
China; 77,200 sq. m. ; pop. 5,425,000;
cap. Nanning (Kweilin); commercial
cent re Wuchow; casJia, grain, metals,
Kwang-Su or Kuang-Hsu. Title assumed
by Tsai T'ien (187.2-1908), emperor of
China: during his r eign occurred the
war with Japan, the Boxer r eb ellion, and
the occupation of Peking by the United
Powers ; under domination of the Empress Dowager, Tsze-H si.
Kwang' tung or Kwantung. Prov. of S.E
China; 99,970 sq. m. ; pqp. estimated
23,700,000; considerable mineral wealth
(gold, coal, iron) ; large exports of silk ;
chief cities Hongkong, Macao, Canton.
Kwan-tung Peninsula, .most s. portion vf
Manchuria ; in prov. of Shenking ; Port
Arthur, 2321.
Kweichow (kwi' chou). Prov. of S:.w.
China ; 67,160 sq. m. ; pop. 9,265,000 ;
cap. Kweiyang; gold, silver, mercury,
tin, c<;>al, and iron. ·
Kyd (kid), Thomas (1558 ?-94). Eng.
dramatist, one of most important predecessors of Shakespeare(" The Spanish
Tragedy ").
Kyk'ka, Finnish pasture, p icture, 13d9.
Kyo' to or Kioto, former cap. of Japan ;
pop. 592,000; 2136, 2037, 2047.
Kyrie - Eleison (ki r'i-a e-la'i-s on).
words, meaning "Lord, have mercy,"
used as form of prayer in both Gk. and
Rom. Cath. Churches, and also (translated) in Angli-can Church.
Kyrle, John (1637-1724), Eng. philanthropist, known as the Man of Ross " ;
his family had lived long at Ross,
H erefordshire, and h e did everyth.i:ag
he could to benefit the tn., spendi:.1g all
his money in good works ; his 1nemory
p erpetuated in the Kyrle aociety.
Kyushu or Kiushu (kU,-shy,'), southernmost
of 4 large isls. forming Japan pro-per;
13,870 sq. m . ; mountainous and volcanic;
map, 2()36; coal, 20&9.
ry,dc, f1tll, dune (French u), burn; go, gem; canyon, Jean (nasal); G=German ·g (guttural); ·x =German eh (guttural).