N° 13 - January 2001


N° 13 - January 2001
Sankt Augustin, January 2001
From the Director's Desk
The most important news is a letter from the General that
invites the "members of the Anthropos Institute staff" to
Rome for a meeting to "discuss the upcoming election
process for the Director as well as the possibility of calling a
general assembly of the members of the Institute ." Frs.
Gachter, Mantovani, Piepke, Quack together with the treasurer of the Institute, Alkamper, will travel to Rome on January 26. At issue is the role ofthe Director of the Institute,
which in turn is linked with the structure of the Institute and
its functions in the Society today.
New Member
In the General Meeting of October 7, Fr. Dominic Gaioni,
SVD, was accepted as amember ofthe Institute. Gaioni was
born in Verona, Italy, in 1939 and after his novitiate in Rome
and college in Padua did his theology at Techny where he
was ordained in 1967 . He served as missionary among the
Tinggians of Northern Luzon, Philippines, from 1967 to
1979 . He obtained a M. A. in anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and taught anthropology at SVD College Seminary and Clarke College in Iowa
from 1983 to 1985 . He served as chaplain to the Mexican
immigrants from 1986-1995 while studying at the University of California Riverside where he obtained his Ph .D. in
medical anthropology in 1994. He taught anthropology at
the San Carlos University Philippines from 1995 to 1998
and presently he is doing migrant ministry in Italy and teaching anthropology at the University ofMaryland, European
Division, and atthe Istituto Farina ofVicenza. He is serving
part-time at the Missionsswissenschaftliches Institut, Sankt
Augustin, for the English and Spanish abstracts of Verbum
SVD . He is the Euro-zone SVD coordinator for migrant
ministry .
We are happy to have him among us and the Anthropos For-
mation Team is especially lucky to have somebody who is
fluent in Spanish and with pastoral experience among the
Latin Americans .
Activities of the Institute
Editors' Report
The Anthropos Journal 95 .2000 has 706 pages, contains
25 longer and 12 shorter articles, and 125 book reviews.
Studia Instituti Anthropos produced its 48th volume :
"Mahamba . The Transforming Arts of Spirit Possession
among the Luvale-Speaking People ofthe UpperZambesi"
by Boris Wastiau. 358 pp .
Anthropology & Mission N°21 appeared in July presenting 22 books and 17 articles . N°22 with 18 books and 14
articles is being printed. 12 books and 40 articles were
ordered this year.
The Anthropos' homepage http://www .anthropos-joumal.de
is updated twice a year in February and September by Fr.
Piepke .
The Members' Reports
It is difficult to do justice topeople involved not only in lecturing, tutoring, and publishing but in planning and organizing academic activities, and in administering various
institutes and faculties. It would need more than the few
pages ofInterlink to that purpose. What follows are excerpts
bringing only publications and special lectures and
addresses .
Mario I. Aguilar
Mario Aguilar is Chair of Ritual Studies of the American
Academy ofReligion and Senior Lecturer in Divinity at St.
Mary's College, University of St. Andrews, Scotland .
He published: "Localized Kin and Globalized Friends: Religious Modernity and the 'Educated Self in East Africa" in:
Bell, Sandra / Simon Coleman (eds .), The Anthropology of
Friendship . Oxford : Berg, 1999 . pp . 169-184. "Genuine
Concern for the Poor : Basis for Evangelization in Africa",
African EcclesialReview 41.1999: 2-16. "The Disappeared:
Ritual and Memory in Chile", The Month: Review ofChristian Thought and World Affairs 32 . 1999 : 472-475 .
"Rethinking the Judean Past: Questions of History and a
Social Archeology of Memory in the First Book of Maccabees", Biblical Theology Bulletin : Journal ofBible and
Theology 30 . 2000 (2): 58-67. "History, Religion, and the
Perils of Anthropology : A Response to T.O. Beidelman",
Anthropos 95. 2000 : 314-315 .
Book reviews: Brokensha, David (ed.), A River of Blessings : Essays in Honor of Paul Baxter. Africa 70. 2000: 326327. Lambek, Michael and Andrew Strathern (eds.), Bodies
and Persons: Comparative Perspectives from Africa and
Melanesia. AfricanAffairs 99 .2000:482-483.
Othmar Gachter
Othmar Gachter, beside lecturing at the Hochschule, Sankt
Augustin, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Anthropos journal
and, together with Anton Quack, is responsiblefor thebook
section ofAnthropology & Mission.
He wrote several articles for LThK, Bd. 9 . Freiburg i. Br .
3 ., vollig neu bearb. Aufl .: "Shakti, Shaktismus" pp . 539540 . "Sikhs, Sikhismus" pp. 581-582. "Skanda" p. 650 .
"'Anthropos' - Zeitschrift and Institut ." Steyler MissionsChronik2000 : 101 .
Book review : Huyler, Stephen P., Meeting God. Elements
of Hindu Devotion. New Yale University Press, 1999. 272
pp ., Anthropos 95 . 2000 : 278-279.
Dominic Gaioni
Dominic Gaioni, beside his already mentioned activities
published "Migrant Ministry in XXI Century: Filipino
Immigrants in Northern Italy", Verbum SVD 41 . 2000:653671 .
Philip Gibbs
Philip Gibbs is lecturing at the Holy Spirit Seminary,
Bomana, PNG, and doing and organizing field research in
the Enga Province of PNG. He published: "Missionaries
and Culture", Verbum SVD 41 . 2000 : 91-104; "Evangelization with Proverbs and Sayings", Verbum SVD 41. 2000 :
Josef Glinka
Josef Glinka lectured at the Airlanga University and at the
University Widya Mandala. He took part at the annual con-
ference of the Australasian Society for Human Biology and
gave a paper on: "Geopathic Fields Can Cause Infertility."
Hermann Hochegger
Hermann Hochegger took part in several conferences where
he presented the following papers : Munich : "Weltkonferenz
der Religionen fur den Frieden. Reflexion zur Situation der
Kirche von Burundi". Vienna, Agora: "Gut and Bose im
Leben der Volksgruppen von Zentralafrika" . Hyrtl Symposium: "Volkerkunde gestern, heute, morgen". He gave conferences at Admont, Sekau, and Knittfeld on the theme:
"Religionsbegegnung in Zentralafrika" . He presented a
paper at the Hochschule St. Gabriel on "Mission heute."
He published, all in Ceeba Publications, St. Gabriel :
Manieres de table. Risques et perils pour les insolents.
Recits congolais de tradition orale de 1906 a 1997 . 218 pp.,
1 carte, bibliographic. Anthroponymie d'origine rituelle .
(R .D .Congo). 158 pp ., l carte, bibliographic. Kreativitat in
Palisander. Kongolesische Schnitzer illustrieren die Bibel.
240 pp ., 211 Farbtafeln, 1 Karte, Bibliographic. La complainte des femmes aupres de Dieu. Variantes de tradition
orale de 1906 a 1997 . (R. D. Congo) 130 pp ., l carte, bibliographic.
He edited : Encyclopedia of Ritual Symbolics, Vol.2/1 Topics : Antelope to Aspersion. Translated by Laura Grillo &
Robert E. Smith. X-395 pp .
He published in www.steyler .at/ceeba : "Eigennamen die
von Gott sprechen." 4 pp . ; "Interkulturelle Verwandtschaften von alten Ritualen." 12 pp. ; "Muttervorrang
aberkeine vaterlose Gesellschaft" 5 pp.
Peter Knecht
PeterKnecht lectures at the Nanzan University, is directorof
the Nanzan Anthropological Institute, and the editor of the
Asian Folklore Studies. He is thehead of a research project
on shamanism among peoples speaking languages ofTungusic or Altaic groups and together with a Japanese and a
Chinese colleague undertook a preliminary period offieldwork in northeastern China and Inner Mongolia . He edited
and published a newsletter forthe Institute which contained
a report about a sizeable amount of field notes by the late
Professor Ogawa Naoyoshi concerning indigenous languages ofTaiwan . He attended the conference "Expanding
the Concepts of God" of the American Academy of Sciences and gave a paper entitled : "The Vicissitudes of a
Deity" . He presented a paper at a conference on healing in
Japan with the title: "Sacred Space and Belief'.
Zdzislaw Kupisinski
Zdzislaw Kupisinski, beside lecturing at the Catholic University ofLublin in the field of religion, gives courses also at
the SVD Mission Seminary in Pieniezno and at Lvov in
He presented a paper: "Death in the Tradition among the
People of Radom Region in the Background of European
Thanatology" at a Conference organized by the Ethnology
Department of the University ofSilesia in Cieszyn.
He published : "Wiosenne zwyczaje matrymonialne w
regionie opoczyriskim . (Spring Matrimonial Customs in the
Opoczno Region) in: Haponiuk, M, / M. Rajewski (eds .),
Wokol antropologii kulturowej . Lublin 1999, pp . 247-257.
"Wielkanocne zespoly obrzedowe w opoczyriskim" (Eastern Ceremonial Activities in the Opoczno Region) in:
Roczniki Teologiczne 44. 1999 : 139-152 . "Jan Aleksander
Karlowicz" in: Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 8. Lublin, 2000,
pp. 798-799. Wielki Post i Wielkanoc w regionie
opoczyriskim . Studium religijnosci ludowej . (Lent and
Easter in Opoczno Region . Study ofFolk Piety) Warszawa:
Verbinum, 2000. 256 pp.
Ennio Mantovani
Ennio Mantovani lectures in Missiology at the Hochschule
of Sankt Augustin . He presented papers at the Missionswoche in Sankt Augustin, Jun 26-30, "Paradigmenwechsel im Verstandnis von Mission. Eine religionshistorische Analyse" and at a missiological Symposium in
Pieniezno, October 14-15, "Mission and Reich Gottes ."
He published: Divine Revelation and Melanesian Religions.
A Missiological Manual . Goroka : The Melanesian Institute, 2000 . 126 pp. "Pur un dialogue avec la culture
melanesienne", Missionde l'Eglise No. 128 (2000) : 15-20.
"Die offene Begegnung mit anderen Kulturen als entscheidend fdr die Zukunft des Christentums" in : Mensen,
Bernard (Hrsg .), Die Weltreligionen zur Zukunft. Tendenzen and Entwurfe. Nettetal : Steyler Verlag, 2000 . pp . 5366. "Turbulente Denkmuster in Melanesien : Religiose
Erfahrungen and religioses Lernen im Pazifik" in: Gross,
Engelbert / Klaus Konig (Hrsg.), Religioses Lernen der
Kirchen im globalen Dialog . Munster: LIT Verlag, 2000,
pp. 241-152 . "The Anthropos Institute in the SVD after
2000", Verbum SVD 41 . 2000 : 593-607. "I problemi fondamentali del dialogo fra cristianesimo e cultura in Melanesia", Ad Gentes 4. 2000: 182-192.
Book reviews : Huber, Mary Taylor / Nancy C. Lutkehaus
(eds .), Gendered Missions . Women and Men in Missionary Discourse and Practice. Verbum SVD 41 . 2000 : 167169 . D'Costa, Gavin, The Meeting of Religions and the
Trinity. Verbum SVD 41 . 2000: 520-522. Irarrazaval, Diego,
Inculturation : New Dawn of the Church in Latin America .
Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2000. Verbum SVD 41 . 2000: 691693. Mihalic, Frank SVD, Readings in PNG Mission History . A Chronicle of SVD and SSpS Mission Involvement
on Mainland New Guinea between 1946 and 1996 . Madang :
DWU Press, 1999 . Verbum SVD 41 . 2000 : 699 .
Piotr Nawrot
Piotr Nawrot is in Paris studying French to be able to read
the French manuscripts in the Latin-America Archives
where he continues his research on the music from the
Reductions. He wrote: Indigenas y Cultura Musical de las
Reducciones Jesuiticas. Vol. 1. Guaranies, Chiquitos,
Moxos. pp. 153; Vol. 2. Cantos Chiquitanos. pp . 174; Vol.3.
Opera San Francisco Xavier . pp . 157 ; Vol. 4. Requiem
Chiquitano. pp. 86; Vol. 5. Cantos Guaranies y Moxenos.
pp . 143. Cochabamba : Editorial Verbo Divino, 2000.
He published 5 CDs : "Misiones de Chiquitos" Vol 1 & 2,
Bolivia: APAC, 1998 ; "Armonia Andina", Fundacion de
Musica Colombia, 1999 ; "Baroque Music from the Bolivian Rainforest" Vol l&2, Techny : DWM, 2000 .
Jacek Pawlik lectures at Pieniezno and at the Warminsko-Mazurski University in Olsztyn. He gave several lectures
also at the Cardinal S. Wyszynski University in Warsaw.
He published in LThK, Bd. 9. Freiburg i . Br. 3 ., vollig neu
bearb. Aufl . : "Schwirrholz" p. 352; "Tanz" : pp. 1257-1258.
"Mission im Umbruch von der Tradition zur Moderne. Die
Entwicklung der katholischen Kirche in Togo", Verbum
SVD41 .2000:25-35 .
Joachim Piepke
Joachim Piepke is the Director ofthe philosophical and theological Hochschule of Sankt Augustin where he lectures as
professor, is the Ass. Director of the Anthropos Institute,
member of the Editorial Board of the same, and responsible
for the updating of the Homepage . He published: "Die Engel
- Gottes traditionelle Boten. Zurchristlichen Engellehre in
Tradition and Gegenwart" in: Kochanek, Hermann (Hrsg.),
Engel im Aufwind . Gottes Boten auf der Spur. Modling Nettetal : Verlag St . Gabriel - Steyler Verlag, 2000 . pp . 4770. "Die Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule SVD St.
Augustin", Verbum SVD 41 . 2000: 583-591.
Antoon Postma
Antoon Postma is the co-founder and Board member ofthe
new NGO for theMangyans ofMindoro, named "Mangyan
Heritage Center" (MHC), for the purpose of assisting the
Mangyans to keep their culture alive, and promote the publication of the Mangyan culture. All the publications regarding the Mangyans ofMindoro are now available at the Center. Its e-mail address is: [email protected] and its provisional http :
He was occasional guest lecturer at the Ateneo de Manila
University on Pre-Spanish Philippine Culture, including the
Mangyan syllabic writing system .
He compiled and edited : VocabularioTagalo . Quezon City :
Pulong, 2000. pp . XXI, 285. He was adviserand coordinator
for the CD-ROM "Katutubo" : Glimpses of Philippine
Indigenous Culture of four Communities, which was
launched in March 2000.
Anton Quack
Anton Quack is Secretary of the Hochschule, professor for
Anthropology at the same, is Book Editor for the Anthropos
journal, and, together with Othmar Gachter, is responsible
for the book section ofAnthropology & Mission .
He wrote several articles for LThK, Bd. 9. Freiburg i. Br.
3., vollig neu bearb . Aufl . : "Schamane/Schamanismus" I.
Religionswissenschaftlich . pp . 106-107. "Schmidt, Wilhelm" p. 182. "Stamm" pp . 920-921 . "Steine, heilige" pp .
948-949. "Tatowierung" p. 1275 .
"Spiritualitat der Stammeskulturen" in: Mode, E. (Hrsg.),
Spiritualitat der Weltkulturen . pp . 159-186. Graz: Verlag
Styria, 2000.
Roger Schroeder
Roger Schroeder is Assistant Professor of Cross-Cultural
Ministries at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.
He published: "Oceania" in: Moreau, A. Scott (ed.), The
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, Grand Rapids,
MI Baker Books, 2000. pp. 702-704. "Entering Someone
Else's Garden : Cross-Cultural Mission/Ministry" in:
Bevans, Stephen, Eleonor Doidge, and Robert Schreiter,
(eds .), The Healing Circle : Essays in Cross-Cultural Mission, Chicago: CCGM Publications, 2000. pp . 147-161 .
"Women, Mission, and the Early Franciscan Movement",
Missiology 28 . 2000 : 411-424. Together with Stephen
Bevans he published: "Trading Stories : A Theological
Reflection ." Paper prepared for the U.S. Catholic Mission
Association, October, 199, and Mission Congress 2000 .
"Missionary by Its Very nature: A Reading of the Acts ofthe
Apostles", Verbum SVD 41 . 2000 : 199-234 .
He contributed to several Professional Conferences and
Henryk Zimon
Henryk Zimon beside his professorship at the Catholic University ofLublin, the courses at the Warmian-Masurian University ofOlsztyn, at the SVD Seminary in Pieniezno, and at
the Major Seminary in Gorodok (Ukraine), he also took part
in and gave papers at nine different scientific conferences.
He published in Polish : "The Earth Priests and the Earth
Shrines among the Peoples of Northen Ghana" Quaestiones
Selectee . Zeszyty Naukowe 6. 1999 (9) 5-23 . "The Religious
Dimensions ofSelected Rituals ofthe Konkomba people in
Northern Ghana" Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne 3 .
1999: 115-128. "The Dialogue between Christianity and
the African Traditional Religions" in: Kluj, W. (ed.),
Odkupienie a dialog mipdzyreligijny . Materialy z sympozjum w Obrze 20-21 kwietnia 1998 r. Poznan 1999, pp.
63-79. "The Search and Experience ofGod among the Nonliterate Peoples" in: Witaszek, G. (ed.), Tertio Millenio
Adveniente . U progu trzeciego tysiaclecia. Lublin 2000 .
315-337 . He edited : Religion in the Contemporary World. A
Compendium ofthe Religiological Issues. Lublin : The Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin, 2000.
pp. 653. He provided also the following articles for the same
book "Religions of the Primitive peoples" pp . 207-244;
"Buddhism" pp. 379-402; "Priesthood I" pp .710-713 ; (for
this book Ire received a reward from the University of
Lublin). "The Burial Rituals among the Konkomba people
in Northern Ghana" in: Kolbuszewski, J. (ed.), Problemy
wspolczesnej tanatologii. Medycyna-antropologiakulturowa - humanistyka. Materialy IV Krajowej Konferencji
Tanatos 2000, zorganizowanej przez Wroclawskie
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Karpaczu w dniach 15-18
listopada 2000r . Wroclaw 2000, pp. 267-277.
Franco Zocca
Franco Zocca, after a period in hospital to fix his heart
(bypasses), is back at the Melanesian Institute in PNG. He
wrote "The Plight ofthe Papuans in Irian Jaya (1963-1998)",
Verbum SVD 41 . 2000: 115-135.
Birthdays and Jubilees
This year we celebrate many jubilees . One of ordination Fr. Johannes Frick celebrates his 70th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood - and several of religious profession: Fr. Johnannes Frick celebrates 75 years, Fr. Josef
Glinka 50 years, Piotr Nawrot and Bernhard Guhs 25 years
of profession . We have a number of "full" birthdays also:
Ernest Brandewie and Hermann Hochegger 70 years, OthmarGachter 60, and Roger Schroeder 50.
To all we extend our congratulations and best wishes .
Ennio Mantovani