Afiordability Will Stay In Refreshed Downtown East
Afiordability Will Stay In Refreshed Downtown East
60 cents | MICA (P) 029/11/2012 22 March 2013 Affordability Will Stay In Refreshed Downtown East It Will Keep Serving Union Members And Public Throughout Five-Year Redevelopment Process By Naseema Banu Maideen E ven with thrilling plans shaped up for a refreshed Downtown East, NTUC Club remains steadfast in its mission of providing affordable services to union members and the public. NTUC Club Chief Executive Officer Yeo Khee Leng reaffirmed this commitment at the groundbreaking ceremony held on 18 March 2013. This was also a day that celebrated the first phase of construction of the redevelopment project that will kick off with the construction of a brand new resort. NTUC Club made the official announcement that it was redeveloping Downtown East as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations in July 2012. The $200 million redevelopment of Downtown East promises an integrated leisure experience with a new resort, a bigger water park and expanded MUCE (Member, Union, Community and Engagement) facilities. Targeted to be completed by end 2017, this five-year plan’s new platforms will enable NTUC Club to extend its reach to union members and communities at a larger level, Mr Yeo added. The total area of the Costa Sands Resort will be expanded from the current three hectares to 3.8 hectares. The new resort will also be linked seamlessly to Wild Wild Wet and other facilities via an elevated walkway with retail, dining and entertainment choices. 6 C100 M0 Y0 K0 NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say (in red shirt), joins NTUC Club Chief Executive Officer Yeo Khee Leng (in blue shirt) and Chief Operating Officer Lim Eng Lee (in orange shirt) in piecing together a three-part backdrop depicting the land scape of the new development. As one of the largest lifestyle providers in Singapore, we will keep our facilities open throughout so that we can continue to engage our members and workers in Singapore and will have affordable recreation and leisure choices. NTUC values every worker and, in particular, every member.” NTUC Club Chief Executive Officer Yeo Khee Leng Housing close to 400 rooms, up from the 360 rooms now, the six-storey resort main block and three clusters of chalets will cater to the different needs of guests; the shared rooms will be about 35 per cent bigger than the ones currently available. These expansion works bring with them jobs that will be created. NTUC Club Chief Operating Officer Lim Eng Lee said that as it continues to hire older workers, there will be a key focus on productivity. “As we are refreshing physically, we are also refreshing our processes. We will be looking at more automation systems for better productivity for our workers,” he cited. The groundbreaking ceremony that unfolded at the site of the former Escape Theme Park, situated at the northern end closest to Pasir Ris Park, brought together Guest-of-Honour NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say who is also NTUC Club Management Council Chairman, as well as union leaders, representatives from associations, NTUC’s Social Enterprises and the Pasir Ris East community. THE NEWS IN 3 Minutes Better Productivity Must Always Be The Upshot NTUC welcomes the new Job Flexibility Scheme and a market-based skills framework for businesses in the service sector to better optimise their foreign manpower. – pg 2 New Wave For Aspiring Cadets Nineteen cadets graduated from the first phase of the Tripartite Nautical Training Award programme as they next gear up for an 18-month sea training on board oceangoing ships. – pg 5 The Science Of Family Fun NTUC’s U family hosted an exclusive and funfilled Family Night Out at the Science Centre for 500 families. – pg 8 7 Working Preparing Now For The Future Youths Explore Affordability... With Young NTUC 11 Helping To Build Community The Labour Movement, Now Closer To U On The Go! Scan here for mobile app My NTUC featuring exclusive content: get the latest news, special offers, merchants listing and a lot more! iPhone & iPad C50 M0 Y100 K0 Android C15 M0 Y100 K0 2 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Raising Productivity Must Be The Upshot By Naseema Banu Maideen E mployers in the service sector now have new initiatives to help them better optimise their foreign manpower. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has rolled out two measures – the Job Flexibility Scheme (JFS) and a market-based skills framework for businesses in the service sector. Focus Must Be Raise To Productivity The Labour Movement welcomes these initiatives, said NTUC Hospitality and Consumer Business Cluster Lead Yeo Guat Kwang, who is also Migrant Workers’ Centre Chairman. Through the Job Flexibility Scheme, from 1 July 2013, businesses in the services sector can offer their Work Permit Holders (WPHs) the opportunity and flexibility to work across different job functions within the same firm. This will help them reduce the need for additional manpower, as well as better optimise and adjust the deployment of their staff according to the demands of their businesses. “We urge employers to tap on the JFS sensibly and reasonably as part of a holistic plan to raise productivity,” he said. In a gist, he said employers must keep in mind these issues. n Workers’ consent must be sought and their health and safety cannot be compromised. n Employers must share the productivity gains with employees. n Employees be trained properly before being tasked to take on the enhanced work functions and scope. MWC requests for MOM to increase its efforts to closely monitor the implementation of this scheme (market-based skills framework) and take firm action against employers who abuse the system. MOM must ensure that all workers – locals and foreign – are valued and treated fairly.” NTUC Hospitality and Consumer Business Cluster Lead and Migrant Workers’ Centre Chairman Yeo Guat Kwang He added: “We support the JFS and are working with MOM and the Singapore National Employers’ Federation (SNEF) on a set of tripartite guidelines to help companies implement this responsibly and ensure our workers, locals and foreign, are duly protected. The proposed guidelines should apply to both unionised and non-unionised companies.” Focus On Quality Over Quantity Of Foreign Workforce The current skills framework for WPHs to upgrade from the ‘Unskilled’ (R2) to ‘Skilled’ (R1) status was first introduced to encourage employers to hire and retain skilled foreign workers. The levy rate for R1 WPHs is lower than that for R2 WPHs. In addition to the current qualifications and skills test based criteria for a WPH to be considered skilled, the market-based skills framework allows WPHs in the services sector to upgrade from R2 to R1 status. MOM will also extend the 10-year cap for WPHs in the services sector to 16 years to encourage employers to retain experienced and skilled foreign workers. Mr Yeo said that this is in line with MWC’s call for tripartite partners to focus on quality over quantity for our foreign workforce. Local workers will also benefit because employers are discouraged from recruiting foreign workers who are less experienced and regarded as cheaper labour alternatives, who are more likely to hold down salaries for locals, he explained. He also called on MOM to curb companies from merely increasing salaries of their WPHs who meet the years of experience to $1,600 to enjoy the skilled levies. 3 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Cadets sharing happy moments at the Tripartite Nautical Training Award (TNTA) programme pre-sea graduation ceremony. Turning Dreams Into Reality With TNTA By Joshua Joseph T here were dreams realised and invaluable lessons learned as the Tripartite Nautical Training Award (TNTA) programme pre-sea graduation ceremony for its fourth intake came to a memorable close on 27 February 2013. The ceremony held at Lighthouse Bistro saw some 19 cadets graduate after completing the first phase of the TNTA programme which is a six-month pre-sea training programme. The next phase for these cadets will be an 18-month sea training on board ocean-going ships. The TNTA is a tripartite initiative between the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute), Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU) and supported by the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA). WDA, e2i and SMOU collectively contribute S$4.2 million towards the Place and Train scholarship programme. The pre-sea training is conducted by Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI). First incepted in 2009, this 31-month training programme is the first continuing education route that trains and places young Singaporeans with at least GCE ‘N’ Level qualifications as Certificate of Competency (CoC) Class 3 Officers. With the CoC qualifications, cadets will be licensed to work on board international vessels, and qualify for further upgrading to obtain higher level licenses. Seafarers starting their careers and sailing as Class 3 Officers are estimated to earn between US$2,000 to US$2,500 monthly, The TNTA provides a good avenue for many people who want to get involved in this (seafaring) career. We believe that this is a way into the career for many people and this provides good opportunities for people who would want to enjoy a seafaring career and still earn a good salary. “It also provides a structured way to give people the pre-requisite skill sets that will let them do well in their job at sea. The programme has actually evolved and I think it’s becoming more and more impactful. We hope to grow this programme beyond what we have today to allow more people into this job.” NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) Acting Chief Executive Officer Gilbert Tan with earnings estimated to climb to at least $US5,000 monthly for those who reach the rank of Ship Captain. With a current global shortage of seafaring officers, there is a need to train more people for the jobs here in Singapore to strengthen the Singaporean core in maritime, to have a constant pool of officers to meet industry demands and build national resilience. This education route has paved the way for more Singaporeans to get into seafaring. Among the cadets who graduated from the first phase of the programme was Mr Raja Muhamad Asyraf. He paid tribute to his lecturers for their commitment and passion in the last six months. He shared: “Not only do they help us during class, but they will also be ever ready to stay back after hours just to ensure that we understand the lessons for the day. Stories that they shared during their sailing years really kept the learning fresh and interesting.” Mr Raja expressed his gratitude to those who made it possible for him to undertake a programme like this.“ I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to WDA, e2i, SMOU, WMI, the shipping companies and all of you who have made our dream, clearly mine, a reality,” he added. Also sharing on his joy at the ceremony was cadet Mr Omar Bin Mohamed Said who shared on being able to fulfil his dreams in pursuing a career in seafaring. Once faced with limited opportunities in pursuing his passion, the TNTA has paved the way to making his dreams a reality. “This programme not only created an opportunity for me but this programme changed me a lot in terms of character building. The programme opened a new path in life for me. If not for this (programme), my options would have been limited, it now gives me a wide range of choices for what I want in life. “It doesn’t matter where you come from, as long as you are willing to learn. If your attitude is right and you want to change your life, this is the programme for you.” Said SMOU General Secretary Thomas Tay said: “It heartens me to see that the programme attracts the younger Singaporeans who want a second chance at life, to have better careers and better wages. Our greatest satisfaction is seeing these cadets through their careers, where they progress to eventually become Masters of a ship. Currently, we have also just accepted the fifth intake of cadets, which also happens to be our largest intake and we are excited at the potential we have in the TNTA programme.” 4 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Parliament This Week Valuing Every Worker Labour Members of Parliament (MPs) continued to raise their heartfelt concerns for Singaporeans from all walks of life at this year’s Committee Of Supply (COS) debates held in Parliament from 8 to 15 March 2013. Here are some highlights. By Joshua Joseph and Nicholas Lee Influx Of Foreign Workers Labour NMP Mary Liew raised the issue of the question on Singaporeans’ minds on whether there will be another influx of foreign talents to support new industries that the Government will be exploring as announced during the recent Budget. She asked the minister on how the ministry will balance the influx with the current promise to reduce or maintain the numbers of employment passes being issued. Incentives For Single Parents Nominated Labour MP Mary Liew voiced her concerns for unwed mothers. She commended the Government for accepting a number of NTUC proposals and for introducing a range of maternity and childcare benefits in the recent Marriage and Parenthood Package. However, she believed that incentives should also be extended to unwed mothers as "what matters most is the child." She believes that these unwed mothers who choose to keep their babies despite the difficulties need help from the Government as they have to take care of the child single-handedly. Measures “MND (Ministry of National Development) recently announced measures to support divorced and widowed single parents, we're happy for that. To better support their care-giving responsibilities, the Government will extend infant care and childcare leave provisions to unwedded single parents. This means that like other parents, single unwedded parents will receive the same childcare leave support. Six days of childcare leave a year for children below seven years of age and two days for those aged between seven and 12. “Single unwedded parents will also enjoy six days of unpaid infant care leave if they have a child below age two. This will come into effect on 1 May this year. We will continue to strive to provide better support for our families under duress.” Acting Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing Measures In response, Acting Minister for Manpower Tan ChuanJin said that the ministry is monitoring the growth rate of the foreign workforce so that the proportion does not exceed beyond the one-third ratio that was adopted in 2010. “We will be watching the numbers closely this year, sector by sector… Last year, our foreign workforce grew by about 67,000. This is still too large, and we have tightened our policies further to bring it down.” Acting Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin Professional Development For Early Childhood Educators Labour MP Ang Hin Kee called for greater and better recognition of early childhood educators as professionals. He shared that teachers he has met are highly inspired and it was important to recognise early childhood educators as professionals, beyond academic qualifications professional development is important. He proposed a new Professional Development Incentive Scheme to retain and upskill early childhood education teachers. An early childhood educator will receive incentives after completing professional development courses and remaining in the job for three years. Having put forth the idea to operators and teachers, Mr Ang believes that many are open to such a scheme which will enable more to be attracted to the industry to remain and to develop themselves professionally. Measures “We agree with Mr Ang Hin Kee that many of these skills go beyond academic qualifications. Some may not have the necessary academic qualifications but they have a certain way with children that can bring them up with the correct values and the correct attitude to learning. This is what we want - the feedback from the operators - and we will be prepared to work with the operators to see where there are these deserving cases for us." Acting Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing 5 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Measures Further Raising Of The Re-employment Age Band NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How urged the Government to seriously prepare raising the re-employment age band further to 67. This, he said, was to further help the manpower crunch that industries are facing now. Minister of State (MOS) for Manpower Dr Amy Khor revealed that the ministry will work with the Tripartite Committee on Employability of Older Workers to conduct more studies on the impact of re-employment, identify an appropriate timeframe to further raise the re-employment age, and find other ways to enhance employment opportunities for older workers. Cost Of Enforcing Small Claims Labour MP Patrick Tay voiced concerns of residents as well as freelance professionals who have shared on the limitations of the Small Claims Tribunal (SCT) route and the costs of litigation if one seeks to enforce the small claims judgment. For example, if the amount of the judgement claims is $1,000 or even $5,000, the costs to enforce if the losing party refuses to pay may render it not worthwhile to take further civil action. He called for the Ministry of Law to help plug this lacuna and provide some recourse for the claimants. Protecting Vulnerable Groups Of Workers And Professionals, Managers And Executives (PMEs) Labour MP Patrick Tay highlighted the need to revise laws to protect vulnerable groups of workers, especially PMEs and Freelance PMEs, and to review provisions in the Employment Act (EA) to stay current and relevant in light of the changing employment landscape. Measures Measures “We are conscious of the cost factor in our ongoing review of the Small Claims Tribunal (SCT) Act together with the Subordinate Courts, and will ensure that the Small Claims Tribunal stays true to its purpose of providing effective and swift redress for small claims." Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin said that the ministry will extend the general provision of the EA such as protection against unfair dismissal and sick leave benefits to 300,000 PMEs in the labour market. Also, the issue of Freelance PMEs will be dealt with in Phase 2 of the EA review to begin later this year as it requires more time for study. Senior Minister of State for Law Indranee Rajah Incorporate Progressive Wage Model For Low-Wage Sectors Measures Labour MP Yeo Guat Kwang said that he hoped the MOM will consider establishing sector-based or cluster platforms like the Tripartite Cluster Committee for Cleaning (TCC) for all lowwage sectors. He also asked the MOM whether it had plans to support the Labour Movement to ensure that it gives employers and employees effective ways to skill-up and build progressive wages. Recognise And Promote Fair Employment Climate Upkeep And Maintenance Of Injured Foreign Workers Labour MP Alex Yam spoke about the need to recognise good companies and profile them holistically. He mentioned that other companies will keep up when good employers have been set apart. Labour MP Zainal Sapari suggested that the MOM provide greater clarity on the responsibility of the employers on the ‘upkeep and maintenance’ of workers who file claims under the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA). He was concerned that foreign workers, who had filed claims under WICA due to serious leg or back injuries, were being given accommodation which required workers to climb up many floors as reported by NGO activists. Measures “I agree with Mr Alex Yam that it is important for us to recognise employers that go the extra mile to improve their HR practices to recruit and retain their employees, especially older workers,” said MOS Dr Amy Khor. She noted that such companies are recognised through the biennial TAFEP Exemplary Awards. Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Manpower Hawazi Daipi mentioned that the Government will form the Security Tripartite Cluster (STC). The tripartite body will develop Progressive Wage Model for the security industry. It will also plan to raise basic wages and reduce overtime hours in the coming few years. Measures Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Manpower Hawazi Daipi highlighted that MOM will take action against such cases. He reiterated that employers have the responsibility to provide acceptable accommodation under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Regulations. “Those who fail to do so face a maximum fine of $10,000 and/or jail term of up to 12 months,” said Mr Hawazi. 6 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Preparing Now For The Future A s part of a new milestone programme, members of the NTUC Central Committee (CC) met Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Teo Chee Hean Teo (pictured, with microphone) on 28 February 2013 for a closed door policy dialogue. Hosted by NTUC President Diana Chia (pictured, on the right of DPM) and NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say (pictured, on the left of DPM) , the session saw many CC members posing a myriad of questions and concerns to DPM Teo. DPM Teo started the session by talking about how Singapore is going through a challenging phase in our development. Our Singaporean population and workforce are no longer young, but ageing rapidly. Our workforce growth is also slowing. At the same time, with improved education, about two-third of Singaporeans are expected to be PMEs (Professionals, Managers and Executives) by 2030, compared to about half today. DPM Teo said that we need to prepare ourselves ahead of time, in order to sustain Singapore’s competitiveness and grow the economy to create the jobs of the future. Unions would also have to adapt themselves, to better cater to the needs of our evolving workforce. Even as we tighten dependency ratios for foreign workers and raise foreign worker levies, the government will continue to need some increase in foreign manpower to take care of our elderly Singaporeans, as well as to take up jobs that Singaporeans may not want to do. DPM Teo said that the unions have a role in working with companies to boost productivity, and the Government will continue to help companies and unions with this transition. NTUC Media Co-operative Limited Executive Chairman Dr Christopher Chia [email protected] Managing Director Shona Tan-James [email protected] The NTUC This Week Team Managing Editor Shona Tan-James [email protected] Executive Editor Marcus Lin [email protected] Assistant Executive Editor Nicolette Yeo [email protected] For example, the Wage Credit Scheme (WCS) announced in this year’s Budget is intended to help companies raise their employees’ wages over the next three years while they embark on productivity initiatives. Along with the WCS, the Productivity and Innovation Credit Bonus and Corporate Income Tax Rebate make up the three-year Transition Support Package, which will help companies as they go through economic restructuring. Some Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) may not survive during this period of restructuring. The unions and the NTUC's e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) must continue to play a big role in retraining workers, so that they are able to find new jobs. The Government will also continue to invest in training. NTUC CC members also asked about issues such as accessibility and affordability of public Senior Journalist Naseema Banu Maideen [email protected] Journalists Muneerah Bee Mohamed Iqbal [email protected] Joshua Joseph Marimuthu [email protected] Nicholas Lee [email protected] Florina Oo [email protected] Senior Executive Designer Mohamed Nasuhar Soeyoeti [email protected] Executive Editor (Chinese Section) Ho Seo Teck [email protected] Senior Journalist (Chinese Section) Hana Huan See Lai [email protected] Senior Executive Designer (Chinese Section) Charles Chong [email protected] Media Advertising Deputy Director Jimmy Lim [email protected] Associate Director Chris Seng [email protected] Account Managers Joanne Tan [email protected] Subscription Jenny Liau [email protected] transport and healthcare. DPM Teo said that the Government was looking at enhancing and expanding the public transport system, including putting in more buses, and building new rail lines. On healthcare, DPM Teo said that the basic policy of using insurance to cover the large items of health expenditure rather than all health expenditure was appropriate, as it helped to keep insurance premiums lower and cover the high-cost episodes that worry Singaporeans the most. The Government is now looking at how this assurance of covering such high-cost episodes could be strengthened. Singaporeans can also rest assured that they will not be deprived of medical care because of financial reasons. Besides Medisave and MediShield, needy Singaporeans can also tap on Medifund to pay for their subsidised healthcare costs. Last year, some 518,000 Medifund applications were approved, with an average assistance of $1,295 for hospitalisation and $103 for outpatient treatment. Responding to how the Government seeks to build trust with Singaporeans, DPM Teo said that it is important to do the right things and to do things right. The Government would continue to formulate the right policies to benefit as many Singaporeans as possible. However, it was equally important to execute the policies well so as to achieve the intended outcomes. Only then can we build a better future in Singapore, for all Singaporeans. Publisher NTUC Media Co-operative Limited Address 1 Marina Boulevard #14-01 NTUC Centre Singapore 018989 Phone 62360555 Fax 65381068 Printer KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd The NTUC Family Directory NTUC Switchboard 62138000 Customer Centre 62138008 Business Centre 62138811 [email protected] Care & Share 62138201 Social Enterprises Club 65829876 (Chalet Reservation) 65891666 (Banquet Sales) Choice Homes 62138822 Eldercare 64785480 Fairprice 64560233 First Campus 63919233 Foodfare 67570330 Healthcare 67440068 Income 63462663 LearningHub 64712223 Link 62235225 Media 62360555 Thrift & Loan 65347360 7 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Working Youths Explore Affordability ... With Young NTUC It is heartening to see young PMEs voice out issues close to their hearts at the dialogue. This platform certainly provided Young NTUC with an opportunity to gather their voices, so we can better represent them.” By Florina Oo Picture by TYN 20/20 D oes our salary keep pace with the increasing costs of living? Is Singapore becoming an expensive place to live in? These were just some of the concerns raised at the recent Young NTUC Coffeeshop Talk. Putting the topic of affordability into perspective, a group of participants gathered Participants engaging in a lively discussion over coffee. at TCC at Circular Road on 2 March 2013. The session, hosted by the The two-hour session saw participants Labour Movement’s youth chapter, saw sharing how rising costs have amplified over participants having the opportunity to the good quality of living, which Singapore voice their views and engaged in various continues to offer. Housing, disparity in wages discussions with others. and transport were themes that dominated the discussion, as participants acceded that The size and setting everyone should continue to be able to afford of this session is a the daily necessities. conducive platform to hear Suggestions were also made to invest in everyone’s views. After all, there technology to boost work productivity, ensuring that society does not lose sight of work-life are always two sides to a story.” balance. Ultimately, participants agreed that Marketing Professional Josh Goh the working society has to understand their Youth Development Unit Head (PME Engagement) Eric Lim needs and wants, and learn how to manage expectations and priorities. Steering ahead, Young NTUC will continue to provide platforms to collate the voices of young PMEs (Professionals, Managers and Executives). In addition, Young NTUC will be organising a monthly inspirational talk series in its effort to reach out to young workers, collate their voices and represent them as advocates, resulting in the youth chapter providing alternatives and aspirations to influence young workers for a better Singapore. Stepping Up For By Florina Oo Pictures by Young NTUC I t was back to the basics for Steve Ng , a regular participant at the NTUC Income RUN 350, organised by Young NTUC, when he suffered a knee injury a few years ago. Instead of slowing down, Steve was determined to get back on track and made a radical switch to barefoot running. Since then, the old adage of slow and steady has become part of his recovery ethos. As the youth representative for Steve Ng Young UWEEI (United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries), Steve saw the event as a platform for the union to reach out to their members who share a common athletic passion. He also shared green tips when possible: “At the training sessions, it’s a great initiative that runners are encouraged to bring their own bottles for refill to do their part to save the environment, minimising the usage of paper cups.” Steve was also present at the second training clinic, which saw more than 120 participants at NTUC Centre on 16 March 2013. During the two-hour session, participants heard from Dr Lim Baoying, a resident physician from the Changi Sports Medicine Centre. Focussing on how to tailor training programmes according to an individual’s race targets and goals, Dr Lim also shared how to minimise injuries from running. Along with a demonstration on proper stretching techniques, the training clinic concluded with a 6km run around the Marina Bay area which participants enjoyed. A Peek Into The Race Pack All runners will receive an eco-friendly race pack worth more than $200 containing an exclusive RUN 350 running singlet and many other sponsored products. Pick up your race entry packs at: Date : 29 to 31 March 2013 Venue : Orchard Central Time : 11am to 7pm See you at the start line on 7 April 2013. 8 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 The Science Of Having Family Fun By Muneerah Bee Mohamed Iqbal S cience came alive at U Family’s latest instalment of Family Night Out on 16 March 2013 at the Science Centre Singapore. 500 families enjoyed an exclusive entry to the venue after its normal operating hours for fun-filled activities, such as the Family Gallery hunt. The children also did some hands-on science experiments guided by the Mad Scientists there. NTUC member and Wedding Planner Florence Lim, 36, was enthusiastically taking photographs of her sons as they tried out the experiments and she found the activities to be beneficial to her children who are in Primary 5 and Primary 2. As her younger son will be taking Science as a subject next year, she hopes that this exposure at the event will give him a positive attitude towards learning Science. She said: “Science is supposed to be fun anyway, so they can learn through fun and play and not necessarily from textbooks only.” Participating in events by U Family saves Ms Lim the hassle of planning family outings on her own, and the family can focus on bonding and enjoying themselves. At the Family Night Out @ Science Centre, families were also treated to a screening of an IMAX Movie, `China - The Panda Adventure’ at the Omni-Theatre. U Families learning the gooey origins of plastic through the Slippery Slime experiment. Intrigued by the wonders of dry ice. Family bonding through exploring the exhibition galleries at the Science Centre Singapore. NTUC Membership Reaches Out To More By Florina Oo W ith the newly released U Privileges booklet, it was not surprising to see new and existing NTUC members curious to learn more about the benefits they could enjoy. Earlier this month, NTUC’s Membership Department (MED) held a roadshow at the Marina Bay Sands from 7 to 10 March 2013. Coinciding with the IT Show 2013, NTUC hopes to reach out to more Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs) as well as families in Singapore. The roadshow also marked the first time MED participated at the popular annual IT Show. New members who signed up and made an upfront payment of three or six months membership fees get to walk away with a complimentary OTO neck snuggler worth $78 or an OTO e-Twirl massager worth $268 respectively. By the end of the recruitment drive, 522 new members had joined. Besides the attractive sign up incentives, new and existing members had a go at the Grab ‘N’ Win activity. The interactive game play also saw more than 1,000 existing members walk away with fantastic prizes. These included the OTO Sweet Spot massager, OTO vouchers, travelling luggage amongst others. With the NTUC Membership Card, I will be able to join some of the development courses at a better rate. The free gift was definitely a bonus.” I have been using the NTUC Membership Card for more than six years. I decided to sign up for my wife, so that she can also shop independently and enjoy the benefits.” Newly-recruited NTUC member Leow Sheue Juan NTUC member Pavadaisamy Ramanan 11 workingfor • labourmovementforall NTUC THIS WEEK 22 MARCH 2013 Helping To Build Community By Nicholas Lee S ome residents living in the Braddell Heights Constituency had wall murals painted and restored around their estate recently when 800 Year One students from Nanyang Junior College (NYJC) took part in its school’s community effort to commemorate the school’s 35th anniversary. FairPrice Foundation, the philanthropic arm of NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Limited donated a total of $9,000 to FairPrice CEO Mr Seah Kian Peng joins NYJC students to paint the wall murals. the event to purchase painting equipment. FairPrice had earlier Organisation Seah Kian Peng said: “FairPrice is supported the initiative five years ago where 30 privileged to be a partner as the initiative not wall murals were painted to celebrate NYJC’s only created an opportunity for its students 30th anniversary. to express their creativity and imagination, The joint-collaboration by NYJC, Braddell it also enabled them to play an active role in Heights Citizens’ Consultative Committee contributing to the community.” (CCC) and NTUC FairPrice will cover 35 wall Mr Seah participated actively by joining the murals totaling about 550 square metres. students to paint the murals. He noted that the FairPrice Chief Executive Officer (Singapore) pictures on the murals depict the community and Grassroots Adviser to Marine Parade spirit of living and working together in Group Representation Constituency Grassroots harmony. “The art pieces, in addition to beautifying the residential estate, also create a unique identity of our own which residents can take pride in,” he said. NYJC Principal Kwek Hiok Chuang said: “The project symbolises our college-wide approach and commitment in contributing back to our community.” The wall murals painted around the estate by the students were designed entirely by the students from the Art Elective Programme. This is the second time since 2007 that NYJC’s Art Elective Programme students were tasked to design murals based on themes associated with National Education. “We find it quite meaningful. You will find a sense of achievement at the end of it because we started from scratch,” said one of the students. “From a FairPrice perspective, this is one of the things that we constantly want to do, to have this community engagement. Community engagements can take many forms. Today’s project is one such form, involving residents, and grassroots leaders,” shared Mr Seah. Participants at the seminar took back tips on financial management. UWEEI Members Get Tips On Financial Freedom T here are multiple efforts within the Labour Movement to reach out to engage more members, as well as to recruit new members. Along these efforts was the seminar themed `Learning The Essential Money Skills For Financial Freedom’ held on 5 March 2013 at NTUC Centre. United Workers of Electronics & Electrical Industries (UWEEI) had jointly organised this learning event with Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group (AKLTG), the U Associate partner of NTUC. This was the first learning event that NTUC Membership Department (MED) supported in helping unions reach out to their members. This initiative will help union members enhance and develop their personal and professional development skills. Many members, especially from UWEEI’s Engineering Professional Community (EPC), attended the workshop and took home useful financial tips such as generating passive income by investing in real estate investment trusts and the various strategies for selecting winning stocks with high profit potential. Shared Mr William Soh Kee Ann, an engineer with Seagate Technologies Private Limited, 48, who was one of the participants at the seminar: “The seminar was definitely very informative. It was a plus that it was conducted in a lively manner. I actually picked up useful information on smarter ways to invest my money and am certainly looking forward to more of such seminars.” Mr Soh was accompanied by his colleagues, who are also union members at the session. “Beyond just discussing about financial freedom, the speaker also encouraged positive thinking towards managing finances, which was something that I appreciated,” added Mr Poh Peng Wan, 49, also an engineer. Like Mr Soh, he too expressed interest in attending similar workshops organised by NTUC. For unions who are interested in arranging this session for their members, please contact Han Ying at 6213 8003 or [email protected]. 劳资政三方航海培训课程 13 职总周报 2013年3月22日 上航海培训课程让梦想扬帆 2013年2月27日,劳资政三方合 办的航海培训课程的第四届学员,参 加了正式出海前的结业典礼。该课程 让有志于从事海事业的学员圆梦。 19名学员出席了在灯塔酒馆举行 的结业典礼。他们完成了第一阶段为 期半年的出海前培训课程后,将在下 一阶段进行18个月的海上培训。 劳资政三方航海培训课程是由新 加坡劳动力发展局、职总就业与职能 培训中心、新加坡高级海员联合会合 办,Wavelink海运学院负责教导,并 得到新加坡航运协会的支持。劳资政 三方也共同拨出420万元用于发放安 置与培训奖学金。 航海培训课程是我国首个以持续 教育模式展开的海事业安置与培训课 程,整个课程为时31个月,自2009 年 以来,便面向至少考取N水准的新加 坡年轻人。此课程的目标是培养学员 考取海事业第三级合格证书。拥有合 格证书,学员才能取得在国际船只上 工作的执照,并可在未来持续提升以 获取更高级的执照。 海员的职业生涯从第三级海员开 始,可领取2000美元至2500美元的 工资。当他们晋升成为船长时,工资 至少可达5000美元。 目前全球海事人员短缺,因此亟 需培养人才,从而在海事业组建一支 19名完成第一阶段劳资政三方航海培训课程的学员,即将展开为期18个月的第二阶段海上培训。 以新加坡人为核心的劳动队伍,满足 此行业的人力需求。 拉惹是第一阶段课程的肄业生, 对于导师的孜孜教导,他表示感谢和 尊敬。 “ 老 师 不仅仅在 课 堂 上帮助 我 们,而且随时准备在课后给予我们辅 导,确保我们充分了解学习内容。老 师还在课堂上分享他们的航海经验 和见闻,让整个学习过程充满活力和 趣味。” “ 我 也 想 借 此 机会 向劳 发 局、 职总 就 业与职能培训中心、高级 海 联、Wavelink海运学院、船务公司表 示感激,是他们让我的梦想成真。” 另一名结业学员奥玛也分享他实 现梦想并能在海事业展开职业生涯 的心情。 “这项计划不仅为我带来了机会 和希望,同时改变了我的性格。倘若 不是这项课程,我的选择很受限,现 在我的路子宽广多了。” 奥玛 也想 对 还 没 上课 的年 轻 人 说:“不论你来自何方,只要愿意学 习,想改变生活,而且态度正确,这 项课程肯定对你有益。” 高级海联秘书长郑维华表示: “这 项课程吸引了希望有第二次机会改变 生活,希望有更好的职业前景和薪金 的年轻人参加,令我非常欣慰。我们 感到最满足的是看到这些学员不断在 这一行发展,最终成为船长。目前,我 们已开始招收第五届学员。新一届的 学员人数将会是有史以来最多的。劳 资政三方航海培训课程对年轻人的 吸引力,让我们雀跃万分。” U家族之夜 家长与孩子同游科学馆 U家族在2013年3月16日于新 加坡科学馆举办的家族之夜,让科学 活生生地呈现在参加者眼前。科 学 馆在开放时间过后,特别让500个家 庭进入馆内,参加家族画廊寻宝等各 项精彩活动。此外,孩子们还有机会 在“疯狂科学家”的指导下亲手做科 学实验。 当两个儿子在做科学实验时,职总 会员及婚礼企划员林小姐(36岁)不 停地为他们拍照。她认为这项活动令 目前分别就读于小五和小二的孩子获 22 Mar.indd 13 益匪浅。 由 于小儿子明 年 将 开 始 学 习 科 学,林小姐希望这次活动能激发他的 兴趣。她说: “科学应该是有趣好玩 的,因此不一定要局限于课本,还可 以通过趣味活动和游戏来学习。” 参加U家族举办的活动不但省却 了策划家庭活动的时间,更能专注于 亲子互动和享受家人相聚的时光。另 外,参加这次 活 动的家庭 还在全天 域影院观赏了IMA X电影“与熊猫共 探险”。 21/3/13 6:02 PM 职总平价合作社 15 职总周报 2013年3月22日 制作壁画为社区增添色彩 南洋初级学院为庆祝学校成 立35周年,最近组织了800名初院 一年级的学生到布莱德岭区修复部分 民宅的外墙,并在上面绘制了35幅壁 画,面积共计550平方米。 职总平价合作社支持这项社区活 动,特嘱其属下基金会捐赠9 000元 供 学 校 购买壁画用具。职总平价在 5年前南洋初级学院庆祝建校3 0周 年时,也支持当时绘制3 0 幅壁画的 计划。 这次活动是由南洋初级学院、布 莱德 岭公民咨询委员会 合办,职总 平价 合作社协办。职总平价 合作社 总裁(新加坡)及马林百列集选区基 层组织基层顾问谢健平表示: “能共 同参 与这项计 划,职总平价感到非 常荣幸。这不仅开启了学生的创意和 想象力,同时也让他们为社区贡 献 力量。” 活动举行时,谢健平和学生一同 作画。他说: “这些艺术创作,为居住 环境增添美感,也创造了属于居民的 独特认同感,令他们感到自豪。” 所有3 5 幅 壁画都 是由南洋 初 级 学院美术选修 课的学生设计。这是 他们自2007年设计爱国相关主题的 壁画之后,第二次接下这项任务。南 洋初级学院校长郭毓川表示: “这项 计划象征我们全校动员,贡献社区的 精神。”参与活动的其中一名学生表 示: “这次活动别具意义,从画草稿 到完成作品,整个过程让我们充满成 就感。” 谢 健平分享说:“从职总平价的 角度来看,我们持续在做社区参与活 动。社区参与有各种形式,今天的活 动人物就包括了居民和基层领袖。” 谢健平(图中)亲自和南洋初级学院学生一同作画,美化社区环境。 实施新计划 鼓励雇主采纳灵活工作制 人力部政务部长许连碹博士 在国会拨款委员会辩论人力部的开支 预算演说中表示,人力部将推出一项 新的WorkPro计划,以帮助新加坡人 重返劳动队伍。 WorkPro计划将全方位支持年长 工友及重返工作岗位的本地工友,同 时鼓励雇主在雇用这些工友时提供 协助和支援,从而创造渐进式薪金制 的运作环境。 许连碹博士表示: “WorkPro计划 将帮助雇主平衡工友的工作与生活, 同时加强工作吸引力及保留本 地工 友。其次,这项计划也将协助公司进 行重新设计工作、聘请和保留员工, 并为他们提供在职培训。” 此外,WorkPro计划将通过下列 方式资助雇主和工友: ◆ 重新设计工作津贴(每家公司高 达30万元):支付在工作场所重新设 计工作的费用,协助雇 主 聘请 和 保 留年长工友及重返工作岗位的本地 工友。 22 Mar.indd 15 ◆ 工作与生活平衡津贴(每家公司 高达16万元):包括发展津贴等,用 以支付雇主落实灵活工作制等工作 与生活平衡策略的开销。灵活工作制 奖励将能鼓励雇主持续实施灵活工 作制。 ◆ 年龄管理津贴(每家公司高达2万 元):帮助雇主取得必要的技术和运 用相关的知识,以落实年龄管理。 ◆ 在职培训津贴(每家公司高达5万 元):鼓励雇主培训新聘请的重返工 作岗位之本地工友。 ◆ 新雇佣保留津贴(每家公司高达5 万元):提供给雇主额外津贴,以落实 保留新雇用的年长工友和重返工作岗 位的工友。 ◆ 工作准备支援:重返工作岗位的 本地工友可参加免费的就业准备工作 坊,帮助他们掌握工作所需的正确技 能和知识。 ◆ 保留花 红(每 名工 友 高 达1 2 0 0 元):只要雇主参与了WorkPro计划, 他所聘用的重返工作岗位本地工友, 每月工资总额在4500元及以下者,将 获得这项花红奖励。 ◆ 交 通 津 贴(每 名 工 友 高 达 2 0 0 元):属于低收入家庭的重返工作岗 位本地工友和年长工友,当他们受聘 于参与WorkPro计划的雇主时,将获 得一次性200元交通津贴。 WorkPro是人力部、新加坡劳动 力发展局、新加坡全国雇主联合会及 全国职工总会携手推出的劳资政计 划。许连碹博士认为这对于现行的计 划,以及“工作与生活平衡办得到” 基金和优势计划具有补强和巩固的 作用。 此外,政府也将在未来三年拨出 共1.7亿元的款项支援工友和雇主。 许连碹博士希望占公司比例70%的中 小型企业将能从WorkPro计划获益。 21/3/13 6:03 PM 售价 60c | MICA(P)029/11/2012 2013年3月22日 翻新后娱乐城 收费合理 设施更多 职总秘书长林瑞生(红衣者)、职总俱乐部总裁杨启龙(蓝衣者)及职总俱乐部营运总裁林荣利共同为职总白沙娱乐城Downtown East主持翻新工程动土仪 式。所有工程预计将在2017年竣工。 尽管职总白沙娱乐城Downtown East计划增建许多新设施,负 责管理该城的职总俱乐部将继续秉持使命,为会员及公众提供价格合理 的服务。职总俱乐部总裁杨启龙在2013年3月18日职总Downtown East 翻新计划动土仪式上,再三强调俱乐部的一贯承诺。 当天也是首期工程启动的日子。职总俱乐部是在2012年7月庆祝成立 25周年时宣布建造全新度假村的计划。 作为新加坡最大的消闲度假胜地,我 们将继续开放,让会员及我国工友以合宜的 费用使用其中的设施。 — 职总俱乐部总裁杨启龙 按计划,整个翻新工程耗资2亿元,目标是建造一座综合度假村,内 设大型水上乐园,以及供会员、工会、社区及主办各类活动的设施。杨启 龙补充说,所有工程预计将在2017年竣工,届时,这项5年工程计划将让 职总俱乐部更有效地扩大接触工会会员和社区。 此外,白沙乐怡度假村的面积将从目前的3公顷扩大至3.8公顷,人 扩建工程完成后也为国人创造就业机会。职总俱乐部营运总裁林荣 们可通过高架步道从白沙乐怡度假村抵达紧邻的Wild Wild Wet水上乐 利表示: “我们要有令人耳目一新的服务,同时也要改进工作流程,因此 园、商店、餐厅和其它娱乐设施。 将加强运作系统的自动化,以提高工友的生产力。” 新建的白沙乐怡度假村客房将从目前的360间增加至近400间。度假 建造新度假村的动土仪式在原有的主题公园(Escape Theme Park) 村的主楼高六层,其余三栋能满足不同的住客需求,其双人房的面积比 进行。职总秘书长兼职总俱乐部管理委员会主席林瑞生、各工会领袖、 现有的大35%。 协会代表、职总社会企业和巴西立东社区等代表也出席了这项仪式。 The Labour Movement, Now Closer To U On The Go! MyNTUC手机应用程式:内容包括职总最新消息、优惠、参与商家等! iPhone及iPad 22 Mar.indd 16 Android 21/3/13 6:03 PM
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