let us be on our way - St. Bridget Catholic Church
SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH May 24, 2015 1 May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday Rise, let us be on our way WORSHIP at SAINT BRIDGET Saturday: Sunday: Nursery: Mass Schedule 5:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 5:00 PM 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM year-round Children's Liturgy of the Word: 9:00 and 11:00 AM Daily Mass Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM Exceptions: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving at 9:00 am Reconciliation Saturday, 4:00 PM and by appointment. Following Jesus’ example, Saint Bridget Parish recognizes the inherent value of each member of our community as we travel on our faith journey. Just as Christ did, our parish welcomes and supports one another in love as we share our talents and resources with those in need. Believe: Inspire, Educate, Serve PARISH MEMBERSHIP INFANT BAPTISM MARRIAGE We welcome you to join our Parish Family. Please join us for Second Sundays. The second Sunday of each month we will be hosting a new member orientation in the Murphy Conference Room after the 9:00 AM Mass. The next Second Sunday is Sunday, June 14th. Parents attend a preparation session prior to scheduling a baptism. Contact Julie Koury, Pastoral Assistant, [email protected], 525.7890. Couples should contact the Wedding Coordinator, Pat Morrison, akmpm @juno.com, 741.6620 at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding. OUTREACH SUNDAY VISITING THE SICK On the third Sunday of the month, baskets are placed at the exits of the Church for food and money donations. Contact Paul Amrhein, Director of Human Concerns and Pastoral Care, [email protected], 525.7902 Regarding Communion and/or Anointing of the Sick. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Catholic faith inquiries and those seeking to join the Catholic Church are welcome! Contact RCIA Coordinator Teresa Lee, [email protected], 525.7896. 6006 Three Chopt Road Richmond, VA 23226 P: 804.282.9511 F: 804.285.7227 Priests’ Residence: 804.282.9318 www.saintbridgetchurch.org [email protected] SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 25th at 9:00 AM - Please join us. Bishops Issue Statement: Virginia Bishops Francis X. DiLorenzo and Paul S. Loverde have called on the faithful to help radically shift the Commonwealth’s ongoing death penalty debate. In a statement published in The Arlington Catholic Herald and The Catholic Virginian, the Bishops write that they want to shift the conversation from who should be executed or how to execute them to why the death penalty is still being applied in a society that has other adequate means to protect itself without taking a human life. The Bishops exhorted Catholics to fully embrace the “culture of life,” which affirms the sanctity of the unborn, the poor and vulnerable, immigrants and refugees, and even the “least lovable” members of society, those convicted of committing heinous crimes. The statement is available on the Virginia Catholic Conference www.vacatholic.org and the Diocese of Richmond www.richmonddiocese.org) websites. Saints and Sinners 11th Annual Dinner - The Great American Picnic! The St. Bridget Saints and Sinners invite you to a Great American Picnic! Grilled burgers, dogs, baked beans, fruit salad, and all the fixin’s. And, homemade apple pie with ice cream for dessert! Yum! Our social hour begins at 5:00 pm, and dinner served at 6:00 pm. Hearty American beer and tasty American wine will be available for purchase. We’ll be entertained by the Gentlemen of St. Bridget, led by our Minister of Music, Allen Bean. And, our own Alan Serafim will cater our dinner! Thursday, June 11th, 2015; 5:00 pm; Parish Commons. Please register by June 5th so we count you in! Cost will be $10 per person for dinner. Please sign up at the bulletin board in the Parish Commons, and pay at the desk in the Parish Office. Please call or write John McCulla for more information, at 342-1112, or [email protected]. We hope you will join us for a wonderful dinner to kick off our summer! Blood Drive Coming - Give the Gift of Life: Save lives and support our community. Please give blood at St. Bridget Church Sunday, June 7 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm The Summer months typically see a drop off in donations. Please use this opportunity to give blood and help save lives! To make an appointment go to www.vadonor.org Appointments recommended Walk-ins will also be welcome! May 24, 2015 2 SAVE THE DATE! St. Bridget Stew & Brew October 2, 2015 5 pm – 10 pm Featuring: The Bart Chucker Band Brunswick Stew Craft Beer Corn Hole A community event hosted by St. Bridget Church serving Brunswick stew and craft beer. Self-guided tour of church and reconciliation will be offered. All are welcome! Net proceeds will go to the needy in our community Announcing Armstrong Priorities Freshman Academy A new human concerns initiative supported by the Living Our Mission Diocesan campaign. Two thirds of the freshmen coming into Armstrong High School in the East end of Richmond are two to three grade levels below where they should be. The academy is seeking to get everyone up to grade level by the time they are sophomores. The Academy will be heavily reliant on volunteers and mentors and our hope is YOU will feel called by this good work to help out. You will hear more about it at the Masses on June 6 & 7 and be able to sign up to volunteer or express interest in finding out more. Ready to volunteer?? contact Paul Amrhein [email protected] or 525-7902. FRAUD PROTECTION The St. Bridget Saints and Sinners invite you to attend a program to help protect yourself against “FRAUD.” This program is sponsored by the Better Business Bureau to assist seniors (or near seniors) in Recognizing and Resisting fraudulent offerings and possible scams (either by phone or door to door solicitation). Mr. Jack Sanders, manager of the Senior Fraud Program of the BBB, will address this very timely and important topic. Mr. Sanders is formerly a principal in the Hanover School System. The date is Thursday, May 28th at 11:00 a.m. The presentation will be followed with a soup luncheon. Please sign up on the Saints and Sinners bulletin board in the Commons. Call Buddy Galli for more information at 516-5713. Join us for this important discussion and learn how to protect yourself! SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH East End Pregnancy Test and Help Center Walk for Life The East End Pregnancy Test and Help Center invites you to participate in our first Walk for Life. Join us for a 1.5 mile walk and family-friendly picnic celebration, on June 27th, registration at 9:00 a.m., walk begins at 10:00 a.m., gathering at Patrick Henry Park. For more information or to register online, please visit www.rva4life.org or contact Mary Ann Copetillo at [email protected] VCU Women’s Basketball will be hosting an individual Day Camp July 20-23rd at The Siegel Center on VCU's Campus. Camp is open to all boys and girls entering 2nd-8th grade in the Fall of 2015. Cost is $175/player before June 1st. Registration can be found at vcuwbbcamps.com. For more information contact Vanessa Moore at 804-827-1822. Please join us on any Saturday morning for 8:00 am Mass followed by the Holy Rosary. There is so much to pray for. Each decade is announced ahead of time, and then after that anyone is free to lead the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. The Good Lord and Blessed Mother will be listening! Hope to see you! CALLING ALL ALUMNI! All Saints, St. Paul’s, St. Elizabeth’s, St. Patrick’s, Van de Vyver Catholic Schools and all those who celebrate the tradition of Catholic education - Save the Date: The third annual “reyounion” Sunday, November 1st (All Saints Day) More information to come! To ensure you are on the invitation list, send your contact information (name, full address, e-mail address, phone number, school and year of graduation) to [email protected] or mail to 3418 Noble Ave., Richmond VA 23222, Attn: Alyssa McBride. Watch for more information on the Alumni page of our website - www.allsaintsric.org. If you would like to help with the planning of this event, please contact [email protected] or 804.329.7524. 3 May 24, 2015 Coordinator of Religious Education Saint Bridget Church is seeking a part-time Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE). The CRE works in collaboration with the Parish Director of Religious Education to plan and coordinate religious education programs and to maintain the parish catechetical programs for children in accordance with Diocesan catechetical norms and guidelines. The CRE is responsible for recruitment and support of volunteer catechists, supervision of religious education programs for children Pre-K thru 5th grade, coordinating Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Vacation Bible School, and providing support for DRE for Sacrament Preparation program. Applicant must be a practicing Catholic in good standing. The candidate must be a team player with excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills. Resumes will be accepted through Friday, May 29th. Please send resume to Saint Bridget Catholic Church, Attn: Teresa Lee, 6006 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23238 or TLee@saintbridget church.org Rosary Ministry at St. Mary’s Hospital The Mission Ministry of Bon Secours Richmond is in the initial stages of forming a Rosary Ministry at St. Mary's Hospital. For the past three years, there has been an active Rosary Ministry at St. Francis Medical Center, which has been very successful and has received much positive feedback from patients. In order to establish this ministry at St. Mary’s Hospital, we are in need of volunteers from the community to pray and to lead the Rosary in the St. Mary’s Hospital chapel, which will be televised through the closed circuit television system to the patient rooms. We need leaders and responders. You would be asked to do this only once per month. This is a wonderful opportunity to live the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy through Rosary Ministry. If you have any questions, or wish further information, I invite you to contact Peggy Seaton at [email protected], 804-358-2788, community project volunteer coordinator, or Betty Spencer, St. Bridget volunteer contact, [email protected], 804-285-3315. St. Bridget School is still collecting Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education! Please continue to clip from your grocery items and turn into the collection box in the church office. We have earned over $3500 in cash and educational equipment each year from the Box Tops and Labels for Education! Thank you! We appreciate all your support! Questions? Contact Christie Turnbull (804) 852-9735 or [email protected] or Florinda Chun at [email protected]. SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Contact Us! May 24, 2015 4 Mass Intentions & Readings for the week of May 24, 2015 Mass Readings Mass Intentions Saturday, May 23: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 8:00 am: Linda Stoneham 5:30 pm: Nancy Ansell Sunday, May 24: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23 7:30 am: John Gazzola 9:00 am: Vincent P. Donzanti 11:00 am: Nell & Ludwig Huber 5:00 pm: Special Intention Monday, May 25: Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 9:00 am: James Arsenault, Sr. Tuesday, May 26: Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a 8:00 am: Jody Jaeger Wednesday, May 27: Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 8:00 am: Special Intention Fr. Michael Boehling: Vicar for Vocations, In Residence [email protected] Thursday, May 28: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 8:00 am: Special Intention Rev. Mr. John Arkesteyn: Permanent Deacon, [email protected], 324 Friday, May 29: Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 8:00 am: The People Saturday, May 30: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 8:00 am: Dallas Phillips 5:30 pm: Mary Ann Siewers Next Sunday, May 31: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23 7:30 am: Chris Patton 9:00 am: Kathleen Brown Rodenburg 11:00 am: Merrill McCloughan 5:00 pm: Special Intention 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F Phone: 282.9511* Fax: 285.7227 *To contact staff, use this number with their extension or their direct line as noted below. Clergy Rev. Msgr. William H. Carr: Pastor, [email protected], 282.9511 Father Stefan Migac: Parochial Vicar, [email protected], 327 Rev. Mr. Robert Giovenco: Permanent Deacon, [email protected], 316 Rev. Mr. V.J. Petillo: Permanent Deacon, [email protected] Pastoral Staff Mr. Paul Amrhein: Director of Human Concerns and Pastoral Care, [email protected], 525.7902 Mr. Allen Bean: Music Minister, [email protected], 525.7892 Mr. Dan Harms: Youth Minister, [email protected], 525.7901 Mr. Ray Honeycutt: Saint Bridget School Principal, [email protected], 288.1994 Ms. Teresa Lee: Director of Religious Education & RCIA, [email protected], 525.7896 Please Pray for the Sick, Infirm and Those in Need Communion to the Sick Please notify the parish office (804.282.9511) when a parishioner is ill. Arrangements will be made for home or hospital visitation. Our Parishioners Elaine Coli, Connie McLaughlin, Emily Condlin, Jennifer Stivers, Joseph Stenger, Helen Wren, Lisa Hall, John McCaffrey, Joe Ragusa, Al Markow, Michelle Batty, Denyelle Mehfoud, Theodore Woods, Barbara Call, Lila Ann Roarty, Jean Cameron, Sr. Jean Solari, Max Tutt, Stanley Czajkowski, Dr. Bill Bruch, Tonya Henry, Robert M. Conlin, Carmel Miney, Christian Cozens, John Moreci, Betsy Haas, Elizabeth Goff, Ronnie Crawford and those facing long term illness and disability. Friends and Relatives of Parishioners Baby Riley Troyer, Suki Simpson, Jeanette Tippling, James Shaw, Jr., Sarah Von Bank, Larry Picano, Beau Simpson, Joy Zygmont, Lisa Belton, Jim Penfield, Beverly Flanagan, Jackson McGuire, Linda Smith, Brandyn Bailey, Anne Thomas, Anita McAllister, Stephen M. Dunn, Abigail Alvey, Mary Steiner, Tina Lustig and sons Bauer and Ethan and Valerie Jennison. Those who passed to eternal life & their family and friends who mourn Christopher Daniel Patton. “God sent His only Son into the world so that we might live through Him.” Are you open to the call to be sent into the world as a priest or consecrated religious, that others might live in Christ? If you think God may be offering you this grace, Call Father Michael G. Boehling at (804)359-5661, or write: [email protected]. SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH 5 May 24, 2015 Human Concerns Announcements Contact Us! 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F Phone: 282.9511 Fax: 285.7227 Administration Ms. Vicki Gazzola: Receptionist, [email protected] 282.9511 Ms. Michele Healy: Director of Communications, Communications@ saintbridgetchurch.org, 525.7899 Mr. Joel Keith: Parish Accountant, [email protected] 525.7889 Ms. Julie Koury: Pastoral Assistant, [email protected], 525.7890 Ms. Kimberly Lapkin: Director of Stewardship, [email protected], 525.7888 Ms. Pat Morrison: Wedding Coordinator, [email protected], 741.6620 Ms. Cheryl Peters: Director of Administration, [email protected] 525-7894 Ms. Joan Scarola: Pastoral Assistant, [email protected], 525.7898 Councils and Committees Building Committee: Rick Kastelberg, [email protected] 350-3951 Finance Council: John McCulla, [email protected] 306.2488 Liturgy Committee: Bruce Slough [email protected] 288-4675 Parish Pastoral Council: Paul Sinclair, [email protected] 353-3140 Haiti Ministry Meeting. The joint Haiti Ministry of St. Bridget and Sacred Heart meets typically on the fourth Monday of each month, but since that is Memorial Day we will meet on June 1, at 7 pm in the PCMR. God richly blesses our efforts. Announcing Armstrong Freshman Academy – A new human concerns initiative coming from the Living Our Mission, Diocesan campaign. We will have speakers at all Masses June 6/7 and training in July. Two thirds of the freshmen coming into Armstrong High School in the East end of Richmond are two to three grade levels below where they should be. The academy is seeking to get everyone up to grade level by the time they are sophomores. The Academy will be heavily reliant on volunteers and mentors and our hope is YOU will feel called by this good work to help out. This has the potential to lift the blight of poverty from our city and help these students finish high school successfully. Look for more info in the coming weeks and months. Are you ready to volunteer? Contact Paul Amrhein [email protected] or 525-7902. The Jobs Assistance Ministry, (JAM) a non-denominational job-search assistance and networking group, meets most Wednesdays at noon at St. Michael's Catholic Church, 4491 Springfield Rd. Glen Allen. Job seekers may come early at 11:30 AM to network. Check the JAM Linkedin site for the topics of upcoming meetings. For Details contact Ed Landry, (804)364-8124 or [email protected]. St. Bridget Partnering With Habitat - We are enthusiastic about starting this new project in June of 2015 and should be completed by December 2015. You are invited to participate. The Faith Build home will be located on 1227 North 29th Street in Richmond, Virginia. We will have 3 build days to ourselves. Let me know if you want to volunteer and which month is good for you – Paul Amrhein [email protected] or 525-7902. ! Project type: New construction ! Build timeframe: 3-4 months, starting in early June ! Build days: Wednesday-Saturday ! Build Times: 8AM-3PM Commonwealth Catholic Charities Announcements Spread the Blue for Foster Care Awareness! Commonwealth Catholic Charities is hosting a special awareness campaign in honor of National Foster Care Month. Are you interested in learning more about being a foster parent? Come meet the staff and learn about CCC’s foster care program at an Open House on Tuesday, June 2nd 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.at 1601 Rolling Hills Drive in Richmond. To learn more, please call Bebe at (804) 545-5949. CCC helps children deal with issues through counseling Did you know anxiety affects one in eight school-age children? Children who feel anxious can miss out on important social experiences and even have lower school performance. If you know a child who may be suffering from anxiety, CCC can help. Our experienced counselors work with children and their parents to reduce anxiety and promote healthy living for children, adults and families. Call us today at (804) 545-5907 to find out more. Volunteers needed to help reunite families Commonwealth Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services needs volunteers to help eligible parents from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, so their children can join them in the U.S. Volunteers are needed to work with clients in our Richmond office to collect information and complete the forms. To sign up as a volunteer or for more information, please call Bob at (757) 247-3600 ext. 12. Baby closet needs The CCC baby closet has been busy serving many clients and needs help replenishing several items! There is an urgent need for wipes, as well as clothing for Newborns and size 03 and diapers size NB. If you have items that you would like to donate, please call (804) 545-5942 or bring them to 1601 Rolling Hills Drive in Richmond. Thank you! SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Contact Us! Parish Life Groups Alpha: Michael Siewers, [email protected], 353.7884 Catholic Heart Work Camp: Andy and Anne-Marie Condlin, [email protected] 741.5305 or 426.5298 Haiti Committee: Paul Amrhein, Human Concerns and Pastoral Care Minister, [email protected], 525.7902 Knights of Columbus: Gary Port Membership Director, [email protected], 741-8666 Men’s Catholic Bible Study: Frank deVenoge, [email protected], 814.5607 Men’s Ministry: Leon Shadowen, [email protected], 740.2948 Micah Initiative/Blackwell School: Paul Amrhein, [email protected], 525-7902 Parish Nurse Ministry: Lucy Casey, RN and Betty Spencer, RN, 525-7905 Respect Life Committee: Mike Kozak, [email protected], 804-519-0696 Saints and Sinners: Gwen Glasser, [email protected], 364-4920 Saints Cyril and Methodius Society: Dan Yates, [email protected], 740.5695 Welcome Committee: Keri Inge, [email protected], 703-405-9666 Women’s Ministry: Kim Hulcher, [email protected], 426.3815 and Shannon Garbett, [email protected], 213.0772 6 May 24, 2015 Calendar of events for the week of May 24, 2015 SATURDAY, 5.23 Earthquake in Nepal Victims Second Collection Fair Trade Sales in Commons 7:00 AM: Men’s Catholic Studies Church Hall 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:00 AM: Rosary following Daily Mass Church 11:00 AM: Thurifer Training Church 1:00 PM: Thurifer Retraining - Church 5:30 PM: Mass - Church SUNDAY, 5.24 Earthquake in Nepal Victims Second Collection Fair Trade Sales in Commons 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM: Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church Hall 3:15 PM: Youth Choir/Band RehearsalChurch 5:00 PM: Mass - Church MONDAY, 5.25 MEMORIAL DAY 9:00 AM: Memorial Day Mass Church Parish Offices Closed TUESDAY, 5.26 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 6:00 PM: RCIA - Murphy Conf. Room 6:00 PM: Bible Study - Large Nursery WEDNESDAY, 5.27 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:30 AM: Bible Study - Church Hall 2:00 PM: Thurifer Training - Church 7:00 PM: Finance Council - PCMR THURSDAY, 5.28 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:30 AM: Mother Presentation Rosary Guild - PCMR 11:00 AM: Saints and Sinners - Fraud Protection - Commons, Kitchen 6:30 PM: Irish Lessons - Large Nursery FRIDAY, 5.29 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:30 AM: Divine Cenacle Croup - Murphy Conf. Room 5:00 PM: Wedding Rehearsal - Church SATURDAY, 5.30 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:00 AM: Rosary following Daily Mass Church 2:00 PM: Wedding - Church 5:30 PM: Mass - Church SUNDAY, 5.31 CHWC Blessing of the Campers at 5:00 pm Mass 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM: Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church Hall 3:00 PM: Confirmation Mystagogy Church Hall 3:15 PM: Youth Choir/Band RehearsalChurch 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 6:00 PM: CHWC Meeting - Church Hall IHM Homeschool Conference – June 19 & 20, 2015 The Immaculate Heart of Mary National Homeschool Conference will be held at the Fredericksburg Expo & Convention Center, 2371 Carl D. Silver Pkwy, in Fredericksburg, VA, on Friday, June 19 (9:00 am – 9:00 pm) and on Saturday, June 20 (9:00am – 4:30pm). Confirmed speakers include: Msgr. Charles Pope, Fr. Andrew Fisher, Fr. Christopher Pollard, Mr. Ken Cuccinelli, Mr. Patrick Madrid, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Dr. Jonathan Reyes, Prof. Mary Stanford, Mrs. Colleen Carroll Campbell, and many others! Visit www.ihmconference.org for full list of speakers, talk topics, and vendors! This year’s conference will also feature a Teen Program on Friday Afternoon and a Catholic College Fair on Friday evening! ADMISSION is FREE and PRE-REGISTRATION is NOT REQUIRED! Convenient, free parking! For more information, please call (540) 636-1946. Joseph E. McKeown, M.D., F.A.C.S. COSMETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 420 N. Ridge Rd. #100 Richmond, VA 23229 Ph (804) 288-0101 Fax (804) 288-0850 7016 Lee Park Rd. Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Ph (804) 730-7600 Member AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLASTIC SURGEONS, INC. (804) 744-6401 For All Your Plumbing, Heating and Air Needs Licensed • Insured S&S BODY SHOP, INC. Bucci Plumbing Inc. 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WOODY FUNERAL HOME SERVING RICHMOND SINCE 1905 Parham Chapel 1771 Parham Rd 804-288-3013 LOYAL Huguenot Chapel 1020 Huguenot Rd 804-794-1000 Atlee Chapel 9271 Shady Grove Rd 804-730-0035 THIS SPACE IS Termite & Pest Control, Inc. 3117 Norfolk St. • Richmond, VA Nick Lupini Va Contractor’s License # 0537634 eNGINEERING TOTAL ENVIRONMENT COMFORT HVAC Service & Maintenance • Plumbing/Pipefitting/Welding +"$,-'.).#.... !"#$%&'()$*+&,-./-$0$1112345"367892:4; +<-'$=2$>"?@";$A4"BC$AD:@;4EBC$FG$+*++& 2-D-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Office (804) 340-1801 Woody Advanced Planning 804-288-3013 Sheet Metal Fabrication & Installation Design/Build • Engineering Services Fire Sprinkler Service, Installation & Maintenance www.4LPi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0910/i Carey Burke !"#$%&' Quaility & Design at a Value Large selection of Area Rugs Monday-Saturday 10-5pm Carytown Visit us at www.careyburke.com 804-355-3512 3115 W. 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Independent Living Assisted Living KELLEHER HEATING/OIL • COOLING • ELECTRICAL PLUMBING • GAS PIPING • GENERATORS 649-7501 www.kelleherhvac.com 804-741-8624 804-360-1960 Paul L. Kastelberg GRI, REALTOR stmaryswoods.com ourladyofhope.com () - O () - C 1257 Marywood Lane Richmond, VA 23229 Sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond. Assisted Living Nursing Care Memory Care Rehabilitation 13700 N. Gayton Road Richmond, VA 23233 Marie Kelleher [email protected] St. Bridget’s Alumnus & Parishioner 1807 Libbie Ave., Ste. 100 (804) 288-9111 Email: [email protected] www.hackettdental.com Our hours are Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., close 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily Open First Friday of every month except holidays and holiday weekends. 2-D-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0910/o
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