March 20, 2016 - St. Bridget Catholic Church
SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH March 20, 2016 1 March 20, 2016 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Rise, let us be on our way WORSHIP at SAINT BRIDGET Saturday: Sunday: Nursery: Mass Schedule 5:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 5:00 PM 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM year-round Children's Liturgy of the Word: 9:00 AM Daily Mass Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM Exceptions: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving at 9:00 am Reconciliation Saturday, 4:00 PM and by appointment. Following Jesus’ example, Saint Bridget Parish recognizes the inherent value of each member of our community as we travel on our faith journey. Just as Christ did, our parish welcomes and supports one another in love as we share our talents and resources with those in need. Believe: Inspire, Educate, Serve PARISH MEMBERSHIP INFANT BAPTISM MARRIAGE We welcome you to join our Parish Family. Please join us for Second Sundays. The second Sunday of each month we will be hosting a new member orientation in the Parish Center Meeting Room after the 9:00 AM Mass. The next Second Sunday is Sunday, April 10th. Parents attend a preparation session prior to scheduling a baptism. Contact Julie Koury, Pastoral Assistant, [email protected], 525.7890. Couples should contact the Wedding Coordinator, Pat Morrison, akmpm, 741.6620 at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding. OUTREACH SUNDAY VISITING THE SICK On the third Sunday of the month, baskets are placed at the exits of the Church for food and money donations. Contact Paul Amrhein, Director of Human Concerns and Pastoral Care, [email protected], 525.7902 Regarding Communion and/or Anointing of the Sick. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Catholic faith inquiries and those seeking to join the Catholic Church are welcome! Contact RCIA Coordinator Teresa Lee, [email protected], 525.7896. 6006 Three Chopt Road Richmond, VA 23226 P: 804.282.9511 F: 804.285.7227 Priests’ Residence: 804.282.9318 [email protected] SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH March 20, 2016 2 Easter Vigil: The Mother of All Vigils The ancient Church celebrated Holy Saturday with strict fasting in preparation of the celebration of Easter. After sundown the Christians would hold an all-night vigil, which concluded with baptism and Eucharist at the break of dawn. The same idea (if not the identical timeline) is found in the Easter Vigil today, which is the high point of the Easter Triduum and is filled with an abundance of readings, symbols, ceremony, and sacraments. Celebrations of the resurrection continue with the Masses of Easter Sunday. The Easter Vigil, the Church states, ranks as “the mother of all vigils” (General Norms, 21). Being a vigil — a time of anticipation and preparation — it takes place at night, starting after nightfall. It consists of four general parts: the Service of Light, the Liturgy of the Word, Christian Initiation, and Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Service of Light begins when a fire is lit and blessed, and then the Paschal candle, which symbolizes the light of Christ, is lit from the fire by the priest, who proclaims: “May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.” The biblical themes of light removing darkness and life overcoming death suffuse the entire Vigil. Then the Exsultet is sung. This is an ancient and beautiful poetic hymn of praise to God for the light of Christ symbolized in the Paschal candle. It may be as old as Saint Ambrose (d. 397) and has been part of the Roman tradition since the ninth century. In the darkness of the church, lit only by candles, the faithful listen to this song of light and glory. The Liturgy of the Word follows, during which the faithful hear God’s unending love story through scripture Children’s Liturgy of the Word Updates Each week, volunteers work hard to provide the children of our parish with an age appropriate lesson on the readings from Mass. When the children come to Children’s Liturgy, it is not playtime but a time for them to hear the readings in words they can understand and receive a brief reflection on what it means for them. Please remind your children that just as they are expected to sit quietly and listen during Mass, the same is expected during Children’s Liturgy. Children who are not ready to participate in a respectful manner will be brought upstairs to sit with their parents. We are still looking for volunteers! If you are interested in finding out more about how to help, please contact Michelle Sesny at msesny@ Without new volunteers we may not be able to continue offering Children’s Liturgy on a weekly basis. and psalm. These readings constitute an overview of salvation history and God’s various interventions into time and space, beginning with Creation and concluding with the angel telling Mary Magdalene and others that Jesus is no longer dead; "You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here." Through these readings “the Lord ‘beginning with Moses and all the prophets’ (Lk 24.27, 44-45) meets us once again on our journey and, opening up our minds and hearts, prepares us to share in the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the cup” (General Norms, 11). From the early days of the ancient Church the Easter Vigil has been the time for adult converts to be baptized and enter the Church. After the conclusion of the Liturgy of the Word, the Sacraments of Initiation are celebrated. This is a joyous celebration of baptism for those over the age of seven, and for Confirmation for all those baptized, who may be joined by those who are received into the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church. If candidates for full communion are being welcomed at the Vigil they make a profession of faith and are also confirmed. The sacraments of initiation include Eucharist. The Easter Vigil culminates with the Liturgy of the Eucharist, during which those just baptized and confirmed will celebrate their first reception of the sacrament of all sacraments, the holy Eucharist. This is the time they have prepared for and longed for, and it is the time the faithful are once again united with the Lord around his table: one Body in Christ. The Triduum has reached its apex, but the celebration continues after sunrise…for He is Risen! See below for Triduum Mass Times The Triduum: Please Join Us Holy Thursday - March 24th 7:30 pm: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Good Friday - March 25th 3:00 pm: Stations of the Cross. 7:30 pm: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Veneration of the Holy Cross and Holy Communion. Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil - March 26th 7:30 pm: Solemn Easter Vigil. Easter Sunday - the Resurrection of the Lord – March 27th 7:30 am: Church, 9:00 am: MPH and Church, 11:00 am: MPH and Church, 5:00 pm: Church. Please note there is no 8:00 am Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday. “The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious.” Docility in prayer is essential to vocation discernment. Are you open to a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate or the consecrated life? Call Father Michael G. Boehling, Vicar for Vocations, (804) 359-5661, or write: [email protected] SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH 3 March 20, 2016 Annual Lenten Fish Fry – THANK YOU! A hearty thank you to all parishioners that came out for the final event of our Lenten Mission Week – the Annual Parish Fish Fry! We served over 440 people. The proceeds of the evening support the Knight’s Catholic High School Scholarship fund given to St. Bridget youth in 8th grade that will be attending Catholic High School. And, a special thank you to all our volunteers during the evening that made it possible, and to St. Bridget School for hosting the event in Mother Presentation Hall! Come again next year, everyone!!! The Original Image of DIVINE MERCY What do the singer/actor, Harry Connick, Jr., the comedian, Jim Gaffigan, and the Rwandan Massacre survivor, Immaculee Ilibagiza all have in common? All three plus Bishop Robert Barron are devotees of DIVINE MERCY and all of them are featured in an amazing film, THE ORIGINAL IMAGE OF DIVINE MERCY. Please come see it in the Church Hall! St. Bridget’s Divine Mercy Cenacle is sponsoring two showings of this important film; Tuesday, March 29th at 9:00 am and again that evening at 6:00 pm. The admission is free but an RSVP is required due to limited seating. Please contact Amanda Keller to register and with any questions at [email protected] . Sign Up Now! Spring Day Trip to Washington, DC. Thursday, April 7th (8 am to 8 pm). We will make our annual sojourn up to the nation’s Capital to visit the sights, take in a good meal, and enjoy a fun day together. We’ll enjoy the cherry blossoms, visit the FDR Memorial, return to the Franciscan Monastery, tour the National Building Museum in the beautiful historic Pension Building – site of many of the past Inaugural Balls – and finish with a wonderful dinner at Lyon Hall, a French brasserie serving delicious food! Please sign up on the Saints and Sinners bulletin board in the Parish Commons, or by registering in the Parish Office. Invite your friends from other parishes! Sign up now to reserve your seat! Adoration this Sunday All are invited to begin Passion Week with an Adoration service on March 20, 2016. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Adoration will take place in the church 7:15 to 8:00 pm. There is no cost for this event. We look forward to sharing a meal and joining together in prayer and praise of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Vacation Bible School 2016 – Volunteers Needed! Plans are underway for Vacation Bible School which will be held this summer during the week of June 2024th. We are currently seeking volunteers to help run Arts & Crafts, Music, Recreation, Stage Decorating and lead classes for students PreK through 4th Grade. Without the help of volunteers, we will be unable to offer this great program. If you would like to help or are interested in more information, please contact Michelle Sesny at [email protected] as soon as possible! Catholic High School Scholarship Opportunity Your Knights of Columbus Council 5476 at St. Bridget Catholic Church is proud to offer this valuable scholarship to worthy parish students. If you are an Eighth Grade or Home Schooled Parishioner of Saint Bridget Church and are planning to attend either Saint Gertrude or Benedictine College Preparatory Catholic High School this year, you are eligible to apply for the Knights of Columbus Catholic High School $1,000 MeritBased Scholarship. Scholarship Applications are available in the Commons Area or can be downloaded from our Knights of Columbus page http://knightsofcolumbus-council The deadline to apply for this scholarship award is May 16, 2016. Please contact Gary Port, Scholarship Chairman with any questions 741-8666. Considering a Monastic Vocation? Spend Easter Triduum with the Monks. The monks at Mary Mother of the Church, Benedictine Abbey in Richmond, invite men 18 to 45 to Vocation Retreat from March 24 to 27. Come experience the paschal mystery through monastic liturgies with the monks, Brothers and Priests. Contact the Vocation Director, Fr. John Mary Lugemwa, OSB, at (804) 708-9653 or vocations@ or visit Healing After Abortion, a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held April 8 – 10, 2016, at Shalom House Retreat Center in Montpelier, Virginia, for women and men who have known regret, sorrow, guilt, or shame from abortion. The weekend combines living scripture meditations, spiritual exercises, and discussions in a guided process that leads to the heart of God’s love and compassion. If you would like to learn more contact Marty MontgomeryJennings at 804-704-0429, or Maggie Carlson at 804-4322589 oremail: RV4hope@ or The Apple Raffle is a St. Bridget School fundraiser where students and families sell raffle tickets for five exciting prizes: iPad Pro, Apple Watch, Go Pro HERO, Fit Bit Charge HR, or an Amazon Fire TV. Please consider supporting the students of St. Bridget School by purchasing a ticket online. Students will also be selling tickets after all Masses on April 16th and 17th. The drawing will be held at the Bulldog Blast on April 22nd. You do not need to be present to win. Please join us on any Saturday morning for 8:00 am Mass followed by the Holy Rosary. There is so much to pray for. The Good Lord and Blessed Mother will be listening! Hope to see you! SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Contact Us! March 20, 2016 4 Mass Intentions & Readings for the week of March 20, 2016 Mass Readings Mass Intentions Saturday, March 19: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/ Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29/Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a 8:00 am: Mabel Williams 5:30 pm: Ruth C. Edwards Sunday, March 20: Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 2324/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49 7:30 am: Raymond Cullen 9:00 am: Claire Dufour 11:00 am: Wes Hamner 5:00 pm: Tony Keller Monday, March 21: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1-3, 1314/Jn 12:1-11 8:00 am: Cameron Gallagher Tuesday, March 22: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 8:00 am: Mary Alice Hulcher Wednesday, March 23: Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34/Mt 26:14-25 8:00 am: Irene Ortiz-Espinal Rev. Mr. Robert Giovenco: Permanent Deacon, [email protected], 316 Thursday, March 24: Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/Ps 116:12-13, 15-18/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 No Daily Mass 7:30 pm: George Cosmo, Sr. Rev. Mr. V.J. Petillo: Permanent Deacon, [email protected] Friday, March 25: Is 52:13--53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 1213, 15-17, 25/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 No Daily Mass Rev. Mr. Patrick White: Permanent Deacon, [email protected] Saturday, March 26: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/ No Daily Mass Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 7:30 pm: Charlotte Belton 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18 -28/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/Rom 6:3-11/Lk 24:1-12 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F Phone: 282.9511* Fax: 285.7227 *To contact staff, use this number with their extension or their direct line as noted below. Clergy Rev. Msgr. William H. Carr: Pastor, [email protected], 282.9511 Father George Prado: Parochial Vicar, [email protected], 327 Pastoral Staff Mr. Paul Amrhein: Director of Human Concerns and Pastoral Care, [email protected], 525.7902 Mr. Allen Bean: Music Minister, [email protected], 525.7892 Mr. Dan Harms: Youth Minister, [email protected], 525.7901 Mr. George Sadler: Saint Bridget School Principal, [email protected], 288.1994 Ms. Teresa Lee: Director of Religious Education & RCIA, [email protected], 525.7896 Next Sunday, March 27: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/ Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1 -12 or Lk 24:13-35 7:30 am: Gene Kastelberg 9:00 am: Jami Denton & The Peters Family (MPH) 11:00 am: William M. Rozario & The Hankes Family (MPH) 5:00 pm: Cameron Galagher Please Pray for the Sick, Infirm and Those in Need Communion to the Sick Please notify the parish office (804.282.9511) when a parishioner is ill. Arrangements will be made for home or hospital visitation. Our Parishioners Elaine Coli, Denyelle Mehfoud, Stanley Czajkowski, Robert M. Conlin, Christian Cozens, John Moreci, Betsy Haas, Elizabeth Goff, Ronnie Crawford, Megan Crawford, Pat Franko, Caroline Laing, John Calvin Barnard, Cornelius McLaughlin, Margaret Connelly, Joseph Ragusa, Valerie Jennison, Charlotte Conlin, Enos King, Mary Geary, Joe Jowaisas, Marcy Dillon, Theresa Ripley, Randall Vaughan, Linwood Sykes and those facing long term illness and disability. Friends and Relatives of Parishioners Ray Wiggins, Felicia Midulla, Maureen McNally Higgins, Susan Garvey, Kyle Sims, Robert Sacco and Gennette Branco, Jerry and Jerome Karim, Mary Louise Scioscia, David Hutcheson, Betty Jo Lau, Emma Mednikovo, William Galli, Jr., Phyllis Evans, Mary Ann McKenna, Suki Simpson, Larry W. Steele and Ron Cotton. Those who passed to eternal life & their family and friends who mourn Ruth McCarthy, Carmel Miney, Helen Wren And Mary McFadzen. SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH 5 March 20, 2016 Human Concerns Announcements Contact Us! 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F Phone: 282.9511 Fax: 285.7227 Administration Mr. William Buckley: Assistant Organist, [email protected], Ms. Louise Gallagher: Music Administrator, musiccoordinator@saint, 525-7893 Ms. Vicki Gazzola: Receptionist, [email protected] 282.9511 Ms. Michele Healy: Director of Communications, Communications@, 525.7899 Mr. Joel Keith: Parish Accountant, [email protected] 525.7889 Ms. Julie Koury: Pastoral Assistant, [email protected], 525.7890 Ms. Kimberly Lapkin: Director of Stewardship, [email protected], 525.7888 Ms. Pat Morrison: Wedding Coordinator, [email protected], 741.6620 Ms. Cheryl Peters: Director of Administration, [email protected] 525-7894 Ms. Michelle Sesny: Coordinator of Religious Education, [email protected], Councils and Committees Building Committee: Rick Kastelberg, [email protected] 350-3951 Finance Council: John McCulla, [email protected] 306.2488 Liturgy Committee: Bruce Slough, [email protected] 288-4675 Parish Pastoral Council: Kerri Inge, [email protected] 703.405.9666 Haiti Collection Last Weekend. Thank you for your generosity to our Haiti Ministry in last week’s collection. Haiti Ministry Meeting. The joint Haiti Ministry of St. Bridget and Sacred Heart usually meets the fourth Monday of each month, but since it is Easter Monday we will have no meeting this month. A Good Lenten Practice is taking time to pray - Centering or Contemplative Prayer, is an apophatic prayer form in which words are not used but rather we listen, except our listening is done with our heart rather than our ears. In this prayer God is allowed to well up inside us through the silence we create. This ancient prayer can be refreshing in our over scheduled lives. Join Sr. Kathy Persson and Paul Amrhein as your guides each Wednesday at 4 – 4:30 in the Murphy Conference Room. Please register with Paul Amrhein at 525-7902 or [email protected], thank you. Dear Saint Bridget Family, A giant Saint Bridget “thank you” to all of you who organized and participated in our inaugural Family Day of Service! We had over 350 parents, students, alumni, parishioners, teachers, priests, former teachers, and community members join forces to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus across Richmond today. By God’s grace, our school community was able to serve Housing Families First, Coal Pit Learning Center, Saint Francis Home, Little Sisters of the Poor, Saint Bridget School, Saint Bridget Church, Children's Hospital, and Commonwealth Catholic Charities! While only God knows all the stories of love and service this morning, we tried to capture some of them in this video found at: v=wGIyzj0U1S8& May today be just one day in a lifetime of service! Commonwealth Catholic Charities Carnevale Ball 2016 April 9 @ 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm On Saturday, April 9, 2016, Commonwealth Catholic Charities will be holding its signature Carnevale Ball at the Westin, Richmond. The Carnevale Ball is a Venetianthemed evening of fun and elegance with a silent auction. Cocktail or Carnevale attire is encouraged as traditional festive food will be served. The funds raised from Carnevale will assist CCC in continuing to provide services such as counseling, foster care, financial and housing assistance, pregnancy counseling, refugee resettlement and emergency food assistance. For any questions, to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, or to buy tickets please contact Hannah Kehrer at 804.545.6954 or [email protected]. Alternatively, visit http:// Save the Date: 14th Annual Asian and Pacific Island Catholics Marian Pilgrimage 2016 - Saturday, May 7, 2016, 12:00 pm-4:00 pm Where: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception/ 400 Michigan Avenue, N.E., Washington DC 20017 Schedule: - Confession: 12pm, Procession and Call to Prayer: 1pm Rosary: 2pm, Mass: 2:30pm Celebrant and Homilist: Archbishop Bernardito C. Auza Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Transportation available as follows: Cost: $30 per a person Sign up at: For more information contact Office of Asian Ministry: (804) 622– 5179 Or email: [email protected] SAINT BRIDGET CATHOLIC CHURCH Contact Us! Parish Life Groups Alpha: Michael Siewers, [email protected], 353.7884 Catholic Heart Work Camp: Andy and Anne-Marie Condlin, [email protected] 741.5305 or 426.5298 Evangelization Committee: Ann Gill, 387-8031, [email protected] Kay Pangraze, 308-4901, [email protected] Haiti Committee: Paul Amrhein, Human Concerns and Pastoral Care Minister, [email protected], 525.7902 Knights of Columbus: Gary Port Membership Director, [email protected], 741-8666 Men’s Catholic Bible Study: Frank deVenoge, [email protected], 814.5607 Men’s Ministry: Leon Shadowen, [email protected], 740.2948 Micah Initiative/Blackwell School: Paul Amrhein, [email protected], 525-7902 Parish Nurse Ministry: Lucy Casey, RN and Betty Spencer, RN, 525-7905 Respect Life Committee: Mike Kozak, [email protected], 804-519-0696 Saints and Sinners: Gwen Glasser, [email protected], 364-4920 Saints Cyril and Methodius Society: Dan Yates, [email protected], 740.5695 Welcome Committee: Keri Inge, [email protected], 703-405-9666 Women’s Ministry: Kim Hulcher, [email protected], 426.3815 and Shannon Garbett, [email protected], 213.0772 6 March 20, 2016 Calendar of events for the week of March 20, 2016 SATURDAY, 3.19 Second Collection for the Needy of this Area 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 8:30 AM: Rosary following Daily Mass Church 8:30 AM: Endow Group - Church, Commons 9:00 AM: Haiti Retreat - Church Hall 9:00 AM: Oblate Meeting - MCR 10:00 AM: Palm Sunday Lector Practice Church 1:30 PM: Holy Thursday Liturgy Practice Church 3:00 PM: Altar Servers - PCMR 3:30 PM: Altar Server Holy Thursday practice - Church 5:30 PM: Mass - Church SUNDAY, 3.20 PALM SUNDAY Haiti 2nd Collection Heart to Heart Sales - Commons Blood Pressure Checks 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 9:00 & 11 AM: Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church Hall 12:30 AM: First Eucharist Preparation Church/Church Hall 12:30 PM: Religious Education - School 2:30 PM: Altar Server Good Friday Practice - Church 3:15 PM: Youth Choir/Band RehearsalChurch 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 6:00 PM: Adoration - Church MONDAY, 3.21 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 9:00 AM: Mathew Bible Study - Church Hall 7:00 PM: New Evangelization Meeting PCMR 7:00 PM: Human Concerns Meeting - MCR TUESDAY, 3.22 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 4:00 PM: Boy Choir Rehearsal - Church Hall 6:30 PM: Middle School Youth GroupChurch Hall WEDNESDAY, 3.23 8:00 AM: Daily Mass - Church 4:00 PM: Centering Prayer - MCR 4:30 PM: Religious Education - School 6:00 PM: Finance Council Meeting - PCMR 7:00 PM: Adult Choir - Church Hall THURSDAY, 3.24 HOLY THURSDAY NO DAILY MASS 8:30 AM: Mother Presentation Rosary Guild - PCMR 4:00 PM: Girl Choir Rehearsal - Church Hall 6:00 PM: ALPHA - Kitchen, PCMR, Commons 6:30 PM: Irish Lessons - Small Nursery 7:00 PM: Bible Study - Bible Timeline Church Hall 7:30 pm: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Church FRIDAY, 3.25 GOOD FRIDAY Parish Offices Closed No Daily Mass 8:30 AM: Divine Mercy Cenacle - PCMR 10:00 AM: Parish Playgroup - PCMR 3:00 PM: Stations of the Cross & Benediction - Church 7:30 pm: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Veneration of the Holy Cross and Holy Communion - Church SATURDAY, 3.26 HOLY SATURDAY 7:00 AM: Men’s Catholic Studies -Church Hall NO DAILY MASS 8:30 AM: Rosary following Daily Mass Church 9:00 AM: Easter Vigil Practice - Church 12:00 PM: Altar Server - PCMR 1:00 PM: Altar Server Vigil Practice Church 1:30 PM: Holy Thursday Liturgy Practice Church 7:30 pm: Solemn Easter Vigil - Church SUNDAY, 3.27 EASTER SUNDAY 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM: Mass - Church 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM: Mass - MPH 3:15 PM: Youth Choir/Band RehearsalChurch 5:00 PM: Mass - Church Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Italy - May 25 - June 3, 2016: Please join Deacon Bob Giovenco and other deacons from the diocese along with parishioners on a pilgrimage to Italy in conjunction with the Deacon Jubilee. We will journey with the deacons through the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica as well as a special Papal Mass in their honor. Please contact Gerry Mancuso at 804-622-5264 or [email protected] for further information or a tour brochure. Joseph E. McKeown, M.D., F.A.C.S. COSMETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 420 N. Ridge Rd. #100 Richmond, VA 23229 Ph (804) 288-0101 Fax (804) 288-0850 7016 Lee Park Rd. Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Ph (804) 730-7600 Member AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLASTIC SURGEONS, INC. (804) 744-6401 For All Your Plumbing, Heating and Air Needs Licensed • Insured S&S BODY SHOP, INC. Bucci Plumbing Inc. Commercial & Residential Repairs Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Auto Body Repairs & Painting THE SCOTT FAMILY 9205 Freestone Ave. • Richmond, VA 5001 W. 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