Thank You! - Diocese of Marquette
Thank You! - Diocese of Marquette
Mass Intentions Weekly Offering St. Anthony of Padua St. Anthony Masses Adult…………………………..……………….………..$3,233.00 Loose……………………………..…………………..…….$84.00 Students…………………………………..…….……..……$14.25 Utilities……………………………………………………..$40.00 Easter flowers…………………………………………...….$30.00 UP Catholic Newspaper………………………………..……$5.00 TOTAL…………………………………………………$3,406.25 Catholic Relief Services—$75.00, SVdP—$35.00 St. Thomas Masses St. Thomas the Apostle Adult………………………………..……………….…..$2,381.00 Loose……………..……………………………...….…….$123.00 Students………………………….……………………..……$7.00 Utilities……………………………………………………..$57.00 Easter flowers………………………………………………$10.00 Parish Improvements/Savings………………………….…$300.00 TOTAL………………………………….…….…….….$2,878.00 Catholic Relief Services—$7.00, SVdP—$5.00 Thank You! When making decisions in your estate planning, please give prayerful consideration to St. Anthony of Padua and St. Thomas the Apostle Parishes. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Francis Hospital Chapel Prayer Partners are needed. To sign up for a Holy Hour, please call Jim or Jean Simon at 786-1450. St. Thomas Ceiling and Lighting Project to Begin! The St. Thomas complex will have new lighting and ceiling tiles installed. The contractors will begin March 30th on the office-end of the complex and work their way toward the Church. The Parish Offices will be Closed Monday, March 28th and Friday, April 1st. Office Hours March 29th - 31st will be 11am—2pm. St. Thomas breakfast is cancelled on April 3rd. The AA meeting is canceled on Monday, April 4th. There will not be Bingo on April 5th. Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting on April 7th to be determined. All daily Masses will be held at St. Anthony Church April 18th - 29th. All weekend Masses April 23 & 24 will take place at St. Anthony Church. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Funeral Luncheon Leaders for the month of March are needed. Please volunteer to help! Tue. Fri. Sun. NO MASS 8:00 AM †Christine Quaghebeur by Jim & Arlene Castle 9:00 AM †Murt Cunningham by Margaret Inglesby (The Rosary will be said 20 minutes before daily Mass.) Wed. NO MASS Thu. 5:15 PM †Betty Juneau by Tim & Carole Boucher In Thanksgiving by Penelope Totten †Lawrence & Cleo Wils by Wils family †Kathleen Svoboda by Wils family †James Dubord by Joe, Mike, Laurie & Kelly Pepin Sat. 4:00 PM For all living & deceased parishioners Sun. 11:00 AM †Richard LaCrosse by Carol Winling, Ed & Mary Lambert *Our Bulletin is online at* Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord "But Peter got up and ran to the tomb." Peter was unique in this response to the news of Jesus' resurrection. The other apostles disregarded the reports from the women who had seen the empty tomb and heard the angels because "their story seemed like nonsense and they did not believe them." But Peter took action. He got up and ran to see the evidence and "went home amazed at what had happened." On this Easter day, we have a choice to make. We too have heard a remarkable report. We have been told that two thousand years ago, a man named Jesus defeated death and rose from the grave. To many people in today's world, this sounds like nonsense, just like it did when it first happened. Some would like to dismiss the story entirely as a myth at best, or an outright lie at worst. Others try to spiritualize the miracle, suggesting that the Resurrection narrative is a story that is meant to symbolize the power of God, but whether or not Jesus actually rose from the dead is irrelevant. Finally, there are those who simply believe--those who, with Peter, make an act of faith and choose to take the Gospel literally. This of course is the Christian way. It was not the Crucifixion that brought confidence to the early followers of Christ; it was the Resurrection. This momentous event has always made all the difference! We will only water down our faith if we reduce Easter to anything other than a true miracle. But to accept it as such will bolster our faith. As St. Paul wrote in the Epistle to the Romans, "Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life." This Easter, may we experience the great joy of new life in the risen Christ. Attention Liturgical Ministers: Please submit schedule requests for May 14/15 through September 3/4, 2016 by April 24th. Please email to [email protected] or call 786-4627. Tri-Parish Faith Formation Easter Blessings to all of our students, catechists, assistants, helpers, parents and grandparents! First Communion information: There are more First Communion dresses available - sizes 8, 10, 12, and youth 18 for loan. Please call our office at 233-9566 for more information. Special prices for boys ties and veils for girls are available; please call the office before the middle of April to ensure delivery before May 1. We need one more high school or adult person to assist with the retreat for First Communicants on April 30 10:00-1:00 PM at Holy Name School. Please consider volunteering - it is a lot of fun! Current High School Sophomores and parents: Our NET retreat (required) is scheduled for Sunday, October 30, 2016, 9:00 AM—3:00 PM at St. Thomas. The retreat will begin with Mass. All area high school juniors preparing for Confirmation have been invited to join our group. Please mark you calendars and plan your fall activities around this very special day. Catechism resumes April 6 for elementary students, and April 10 for high school students. A Day at the Movies Fundraiser for Pregnancy Services of Delta County! Willow Creek Cinema in Escanaba will be showing a special screening of God’s Not Dead 2 on Saturday, April 2nd at 10am. They will be donating 50% of the proceeds from ticket sales to Pregnancy Services! Cost for the matinee showing is $6.00. Spend some time with family and friends, and support this vital ministry at the same time. Spread the word! This Christian movie is rated PG. Knights of Columbus Auxiliary The ladies of the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary will be having their annual Rummage Sale/Bake Sale on Friday, April 22 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Escanaba. It will run from 9am-5pm. Please have your donated items at the Clubhouse by April 20. St. Anthony Calendar Raffle Winners for March! $75 $60 $50 $25 $25 $25 $25 Grady Way #534 St. Anthony Church #468 Dave Smith #309 Lynn Fudala #360 Gena Hyde #310 John Clairmont #446 St. Anthony Church #456 Calendar Raffle Tickets are still available for purchase in the Parish Office! Proceeds go toward the St. Anthony Building Project. Volunteers needed at St. Vincent de Paul Flexible days and hours. No commitment necessary. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and talents at St. Vincent de Paul warehouse. We are in need of volunteers to sort clothing, help with miscellaneous tasks, and help with maintenance. If interested, call 789-1281. Diocese of Marquette Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Wisconsin~ Reservation deadline is Monday, June 20th. Contact Emily at (906) 226-7772 Ext 3 for more information or to make reservations. Holy Name Catholic School You are cordially invited to the Holy Name Catholic School Spring Fling Super Heroes Unite! Saturday April 30, 2016 Registration 5:00pm - Dinner at 6:15pm Holy Name Catholic School Gymnasium Dinner Tickets Now Available in the Holy Name School Office $35/ticket Reserve a table of 8 for $250 Each ticket includes a delicious buffet dinner, a drink ticket, and a great night! There will be games, silent and live auction items, bucket raffle items, 50/50 drawing and plenty of music! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Pearson, Patricia Barra, June Kirschner, Susan Quinn, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bugay and Jean Berres for your donation. Your support helps to make Holy Name Catholic School great! Thank you! April 13th - PS-DK parent/teacher conferences April 20th - Council meeting 6:30 PM April 21st - Senior Mass 9:10 AM April 22nd - Early release after lunch, dismiss at 12:40 PM Please register early at Holy Name Catholic School for the 2016-2017 school year! Knights of Columbus News: “Tootsie Roll Drive” - No, the Knights of Columbus has not taken to selling Tootsie Rolls. The nick name is due to the nature of the fundraiser, in which Knights distribute Tootsie Rolls in exchange for donations used to support programs geared to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. The drive will be held April 1-3 at local stores and parishes. Brother Knights and Ladies Auxiliary, there will be a Social meeting on Monday, March 28th at 7:00 PM. Rice Bowl Donations are due: Please do not submit coins in your donations, but exchange the amount with cash or a check made out to your Parish. Please write your donation amount on the Rice Bowl envelope, along with your Parish envelope number if needed. One check from each Parish will be submitted to the Diocese of Marquette, who in turn, combines all of the UP offerings and sends to CRS Operation Rice Bowl to distribute. Please turn in your donation as soon as possible. Thank you! The last day to turn in 2015 Super-One slips for the Community Dollars Program, is this Monday morning, March 28, 2016. Attention Junior Class Students and Parents: May 15th is the date for the Senior Mass and Brunch for our parishioners graduating from High School this year! Your help is needed for this event. Please call the Parish Office to volunteer, 786-4627. Thank you!