Construction of Student`s Identity
Construction of Student`s Identity
Versão On-line ISBN 978-85-8015-075-9 Cadernos PDE OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE NA PERSPECTIVA DO PROFESSOR PDE Produções Didático-Pedagógicas SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO – SEED SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO - SUED DIRETORIA DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS - DPPE Ficha para Identificação da Produção Didático-Pedagógica Professor PDE/2013 TÍTULO: Construction of Student’s Identity AUTOR: DISCIPLINA: ESCOLA DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO: MUNICÍPIO: NÚCLEO REGIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO: PROFESSOR ORIENTADOR: IES: RELAÇÃO INTERDISCIPLINAR: RESUMO: Ivânia de Fatima Ferreira Língua Inglesa Colégio Estadual João XXIII EFM Clevelândia Pato Branco Profª Drª Lídia Stutz UNICENTRO (Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste) Linguagens, Geografia,História,Sociologia Esta Unidade Didática (UD) apresenta um conjunto progressivo de atividades de leitura e escrita a partir de um corpus de textos do gênero Autobiografia, com base nos pressupostos teóricos do ISD- Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999) A presente produção justifica-se pelas dificuldades dos professores de Inglês em trabalhar com leitura e escrita numa perspectiva discursiva (PARANÁ, 2008). Sendo assim, pretende apresentar uma possibilidade metodológica para o ensino de LEM e instigar os alunos para que comecem a refletir sobre os aspectos linguísticodiscursivos da língua, de modo que possam construir sentidos para o texto e tornarem-se, dessa forma, os sujeitos críticos e agentes de transformação que a escola pública se propõe a formar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: ISD, Discurso, Identidade, Autobiografia FORMATO DO Unidade Didática MATERIAL: PÚBLICO ALVO: Alunos do 1º ano do Ensino Médio Noturno APRESENTAÇÃO O Ensino Noturno é um desafio aos profissionais da educação que percebem que a escola não consegue cumprir sua função principal de ensinar, pois acaba tornando-se um espaço de transmissão de conhecimentos descontextualizados que não permite aos estudantes reflexão, criticidade, compreensão e transformação da realidade na qual ambos escola e aluno estão inseridos, conduzindo-o à exclusão. Portanto, torna-se oportuno um estudo que busque identificar quem é esse aluno, qual é a sua realidade e quais são as suas expectativas para que sejam pensadas práticas pedagógicas mais significativa. Portanto, faz-se necessário considerar esses aspectos para que ocorra uma aprendizagem que extrapole os conteúdos disciplinares distantes do contexto provocando transformações individuais e coletivas. Nesta Unidade Didática apresentamos uma proposta para o trabalho com gênero textual através da elaboração de uma Sequência Didática com o gênero Autobiografia. Este projeto tem como base metodológica as concepções teóricas do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo. Nossos objetivos consistem em explorar os elementos que constituem o referido gênero além de ampliar conhecimentos com relação a algumas estruturas linguísticas da língua alvo. A seleção desse gênero é justificada por ser um subsídio para a práxis pedagógica e também por trabalhar com o discurso proveniente do gênero autobiográfico que oportuniza ao aluno a reflexão sobre sua própria identidade e sobre o uso da língua para atingir seus objetivos comunicativos. Acredita-se que a autobiografia seja o gênero mais adequado para investigar as representações identitárias dos alunos, uma vez que permite ao aluno/escritor expressar sua subjetividade. Além disso, a liberdade que o escritor desse gênero tem para contar suas histórias pode tornar a produção mais relevante para ele. Conforme preconizam as DCE (PARANÁ, 2008, p.66), a escrita “deve ser vista como uma atividade sociointeracional, ou seja, significativa”. Para a efetivação desta Unidade Didática, construímos um Modelo Didático do gênero Autobiografia, com um corpus de textos selecionados na Web. Tais textos nortearam a construção das atividades da Sequência Didática que está dividida em quatro módulos sendo que no primeiro é proposta a primeira produção. Também neste módulo e no módulo dois são desenvolvidas atividades com o gênero Biografia, por considerar que o aprendizado do mesmo é importante para a SD. No módulo três são elaboradas atividades que caracterizam o gênero Autobiografia e para finalizar a SD, o módulo quatro traz atividades que buscam identificar as representações identitárias no discurso dos alunos e a produção final que será socializada no site da escola. Esta Unidade Didática é parte integrante do material didático de intervenção, implantação e implementação na prática pedagógica. É apresentado como requisito para a obtenção do cumprimento das atividades realizadas pelos professores PDE. Nesta Sequência Didática nós vamos aprender sobre Biografia e Autobiografia e as principais características deste gênero que nos permite escrever sobre nós. No final das atividades que faremos deste gênero você será capaz de escrever o seu próprio texto autobiográfico e compartilhar sua história de vida com os seus colegas. Task 1 – Diagnostic Test Write (escreva) a text about yourself (você). Escreva o máximo de English que você puder, no mínimo 10 linhas. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Objectives - Give personal information; - Ask about personal information. Task 2Complete these sentences about you. a) What’s your name?______________________________________ b) How old are you? _______________________________________ c) When were you born?____________________________________ d) Where were you born?____________________________________ e) Parent’s names__________________________________________ f) Do you have brothers or sisters?____________________________ g) If yes, what are their names? ______________________________ h) What’s your address? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ i) What’s your job?________________________________________ j) Preferences. Color______________________ Music______________________ Singer______________________ Sport_______________________ Subject_____________________ Place_______________________ k) In the future you intend to be____________________________ Let`s see the questions and answers structures that can be necessary to do give your personal information. TALK ABOUT YOU QUESTION What’s your name, birthday? Where/when are you born? ASNWER My name is… / I am…. / I was born in…/ I was born on… TALK ABOUT PREFERENCES QUESTION What is/are your favorite (sport(s)/ singer(s)/ music(s)/ color(s)? ASNWER My favorite… are… / They are… / My favorite… is… / It is… TALK ABOUT FUTURE PLANS QUESTION What do you intend to be in the future? ASNWER In the future, I intend to be a/an… TALK ABOUT YOUR RELATIVES’ NAMES QUESTION What is your (father’s/ mother’s/ brother’s/ brothers’/ sister’s / sisters’) name (s)? ASNWER My (father’s / mother’s/ brother’s/ sister’s) name is…/ His/her name is… My brothers’/ sisters’names are …. , ….. and …./ Their names are …. and … Task 3Now find a classmate who has the same answer as you and fill in the chart below with adequate information. Question Age Birth’s day Birth’s month Birth’s year Color Music Sport Answer Classmate Task 4Answer some personal questions in Portuguese now. a) Você gosta de ler?_________________________________________ b) Você já leu um livro que conta a história da vida de uma pessoa? ________________________________________________________ c) Se a sua resposta foi afirmativa, você consegue lembrar sobre quem era a história? ________________________________________________________ d) E quanto a escrever, você já escreveu um texto sobre a vida de alguém? ________________________________________________________ e) E sobre a sua vida, você já escreveu? _________________________________________________________________ DID YOU KNOW? Biography –A biography is a report or recount detailing the main the events in a person or person’s life/lives. Autobiography –An autobiography is a report or recount detailing the main the events in a person or person’s life/lives as written by them. Task 5 1- In the school lab, skim the text I and try to answer the following questions about it : (in English or Portuguesa) a) Where was this text taken from? _______________________________________________________ b) How do you know? ________________________________________________________________ 2- Access this link a)Tick (√) the kind of information you can find in this text: ( ) Personal information ( ) Likes and dislikes ( ) Professional information ( ) Physical description ( ) other(s) _______________________________________________ b)In your opinion, which is the most important information in this page? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ c) Is it an old text or not? Explain. _________________________________________________________ d) When do you think it was written? ( ) in the 1970’s ( ) in the 1980’s ( ) in the 2000’s ( ) in the 2010’s e) Would you read this text? Why? _______________________________________________________ f) Who wrote it? _______________________________________________________ TEXT I 3- Now, Read the whole text from this website and do the activities below: Copy from the text. a) The cognate word (s)____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ b) The universal word (s)___________________________________ _____________________________________________________ c) Other word (s) that you know__________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ d) Match each word to its meaning (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Child Teenager Footsteps Country League Championship Striker Underdog Scoring Haircut ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) placar ) artilheiro ) campeonato ) criança ) corte de cabelo ) adolescente ) liga ) passos ) país ) o mais fraco 4- In groups of three tell to your friends two things you know/learn about this famous soccer player. Write your answers here. YOU FRIEND- I FRIEND- II Task 6In this task we are study just a piece of the text extracted from the webpage approached above. Scan the text and complete the activities. NAME: NEYMAR OCCUPATION: Soccer Player BIRTH DATE: February Source: Biography/Images/Profiles/N/Neymar21333405-1-402.jpg (acessed Oct 2013) 05, 1992 (Age: 21) PLACE OF BIRTH: Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil FULL NAME: Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. NICKNAME: Juninho ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius Neymar’s life Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. was born on February 5, 1992, in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil. The son of a former professional soccer player, Neymar followed in his father's footsteps by playing street games and futsal, an indoor version of the game. He joined the Portuguesa Santista youth club in 1999, and within a few years was one of the most highly regarded young talents in the country. In May 2013, Neymar announced he was making the leap to Europe with a transfer to FC Barcelona, a powerful club that featured superstar Argentine striker Lionel Messi and several members of the Spanish national team. a)Read the profile (perfil) about Neymar and tick the information that there is in the text: ( ) Family ( ) Country ( ) Preferences ( ) Sport ( ) Soccer Club ( ) Study b) In order to sumarize the text, number sentences from 1 to 6. ( ) Neymar jogava na rua e também futsal ( ) Mudou-se para a Europa ( ) Nasceu no dia cinco de fevereiro de 1992 ( ) Em 1999 ele ingressou no clube Portuguesa Santista ( ) Sua cidade natal é Mogi das Cruzes , São Paulo ( ) O jogador seguiu os passos de seu pai c) In the text about Neymar there are (há) some information about Zodiac Sign. In your opinion, is zodiac sign information important? ( ) Yes ( ) No d) Using the information about Neymar organize the Wordmap below. Write the most (as mais)important information about him. (place and date of birth, parent’s names, occupation…) Objectives -Research a biographical text - Identify personal information - Write a small biographical text Task 7 Computer Lab Research Research (pesquise) biographical texts about a famous person you like and complete the profile (perfil) with his/her information. If you want you can access the sites / NAME FULL NAME OCCUPATION DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH PARENTS NAMES IMPORTANT EVENTS OF HIS/ HER LIFE NATIONALITY Task 8With the help of profile information, you have already looked for, fill in the blanks with appropriate information. ___________________ (name) ____________________________ was born (nasceu) in____________ (full name) ____________________________ on___________________________ (place of birth) (date of birth) His/her parent’s names are_________________________ and___________ _________________________________. The important events in his/her life are _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Task 91- In this task we are going to read (ler) an Autobiography written by a Tibetan guy. Look at the photos below and try to guess (adivinhar) who is him. Links: Answer in Portuguese your opinion about the pictures. a) Who are they? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ b) What are they doing? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ c) Where do they live? _______________________________________________________ Task 10- Discuss in class. a) What helped you to conclude who is the Tibetan guy? b) What do you know about the country and the people from Tibet? c) Look the World Map and circle Tibet? Source: eografia/mapa_mundi.jpg acessed nov 2013 DID YOU KNOW? Tibet is the highest region of the world? Tibet is called the “Roof of the Earth”? Text II Tsewang’s life My name is Tsewang and I’m twenty years old. I was living with my parents in the countryside, and I was never able to attend school before. I thought that I could never get a job because I was working on my parents’ farm with animals so I never got an opportunity to So these days I get up early every morning and study study. After I moved to the city, I decided to go to school. Because in this century, if we don’t have education, life is so hard and the future of a young man is harder. hard for my future so my dreams will become truth. (acessed Sept.2013) Task 11- THE CONTEXT OF THE TEXTS I and II Tick the correct alternative(s) for each question below. a)Where can people find these kind of texts? ( ) newspaper ( ) recipe’s book ( ) internet ( ) magazine ( ) manual ( ) ID card ( ) other (s) _____________ b)Who are the possible readers of these texts. ( ) players ( ) children ( ) students ( ) teenagers ( ) other (s) ______________ c)Who are the possible writers of these texts ? ( ) journalists ( ) student ( ) others ______________ ( ) reporter d)What is the objective of these kind of texts. ( ) To describe a person ( ) to tell someone’s life story ( ) to teach a recipe e)Look this Powerpoint , is about Tibet. Let’s to learn about it. Let’s see the videos about Tsewang’s country. e) Answer in Portuguese. -Is Tibet a big country? ______________________________________________________ - The Economy of Tibet is dominated by _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ -The dominant religion in Tibet is __________________________ _____________________________________________________ -The principal personality Tibetan is______________________________ Task 12 – Work in groups. Computer Lab. a)Using the information that you have researched in the Web complete the chart below. INFORMATION BRAZIL TIBET AREA POPULATION LANGUAGE CAPITAL COLORS OF FLAG ECONOMY CURRENCY RELIGION LIDER MUSIC SPORT FESTIVALS b)Now using the information above construct a painel the differences about the countries. Research in the Web, information about Neymar’s country (Brazil) and Tsewang’s country (Tibet) . (geography, culture, religion, sport) and to construct a a painel about the differences between these countries. Use texts and images. Task 13After reading the text bout Tsewang’s life, write T for True (verdade) or F for False (falso) and rewrite the false sentences. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Tsewang lived with his parents in a city. ) He is twenty years old. ) He has never studied before. ) He wasn’t working on his parent’s farm. ) Tsewang moved to the city. ) He decided not to go to school. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Task 14Search (procure) in the text, the English version (versão) for the following sentence. “Eu decidi ir para a escola. Porque neste século se nós não temos educação a vida é muito difícil e o futuro de um homem jovem é mais difícil.” ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Task 15a)Match the columns and underline your personal answer. For you is it important to study? Studying is important to... (1) conseguir um emprego melhor ( 2) ir para a universidade ( 3) ter autoconfiança ( 4) o futuro ( 5) ter informações ( ) to go to University ( ) to have ideas for the future ( ) to get a better job ( ) to have information ( ) to be self-confident b)What other things are important? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ c)Compare your ideas to classmates. Does the study have the same importance to you and your colleague? ( ) yes ( ) no c)What do you and your colleague think about it? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Some people say that studying never ends. What do you think about? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Task 16 In his text, Tsewang told us about him and now is your time to tell about you. a) Were you born in the countryside? _________________________________________________________ b) In the text the author said that he was never able to attended school before. And you? Did you have problems to attend school before? Why? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ c) Do you know any other classmate that has similar problems as Tsewang? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Objectives Identify personal pronouns; Identify the verb tenses. THINKING ABOUT THE LANGUAGE Task 17Look the verbs of these sentences. -Neymar followed in his father's footsteps PERSONAL PRONOUNS -He was born in Mogi das Cruzes. -Tsewang moved to the city. -He never got an opportunity. a) The verbs in the sentences above are in ( ( I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY ) Simple present tense ) Simple past tense b)In the text II, there are verbs in the present and past, read it again and underlining the verbs in the present and circle the verbs in the past. c)Read again the texts I and II. Which one of them: ( ) The personal pronoun used is first person. ( ) The personal pronoun used is third person. ( ) The author tell about your life. ( ) The other person tell about someone. SIMPLE PAST TENSE The Simple Past Tense is used to describe completed past events. The sentences often contain a time such as yesterday (ontem), last (último), Sunday (domingo), last week (semana passada), when…, (quando). Ex. I was here yesterday My friend went to Curitiba in July. We played soccer last Saturday. Most of the verbs in English are Regular Verbs and the Simple Past is formed by adding ED in the verb, except in some cases. Vowel+ Y Add ED Play-played Consonant + Y Changed Y to I and add ED Study- studied One vowel+ one consonant Double the consonant and add ED Stop- stopped Verbs ending in E Add only D Love- loved Source: Adapted from JULIANI, 2009, caderno PDE The verbs that don’t end in ED are irregular verbs, and they include some of the most basic verbs in English. There are some of the most important patterns in forming the past tense. However, the only way to know how an irregular verb will change in the past tense is to learn all of the important verbs. The three most important irregular verbs are BE, HAVE, and DO. The simple past forms for BE are different depending on the subject. Pronoun I You He/she/it We They Be Was Were Was Were Were Have Had Had had had Had Do Did Did Did Did Did Other irregular verbs There are three main categories of the other irregular verbs Category Verbs don’t change Present Cut hit Verbs change their vowel Get Sit Drink Verbs change Speak completely Teach Source adaptado JULIANI, 2009 Past Cut Hit Got Sat Drank Spoke Taught THINKING ABOUT LANGUAGE Task 18a)Read (leia) the sentences and write R for Regular Verbs and I for Irregular Verbs. ( ) Neymar was born on February 5th. ( ) Tseweng lived in a farm. ( ) Neymar played soccer in the street ( ) Tsewang and Neymar spoke Portuguese. ( ) They moved to Europe. ( ) Neymar’s father was soccer player. b)Write letters in the correct order to make past tense of verbs. LOVE ________________________ DVELO ARE ________________________ REWE STUDY ________________________ TIUDESD SPEAK ________________________ KPOSE c) Choose the correct form of the verbs in parentheses and complete the text. Emanuelle's Life by Emanuelle Floriano My name______ ( is/are) Marilena Emanuelle Bichara Floriano, but I __________ ( like/likes) Emanuelle best. I’m from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. I____________ ( was/were) born on October 31, 1978, in Queimados-RJ. I___________ ( have/has) a big family. There are three older brothers and three younger sisters. I’m right in the middle. I had a great childhood. My family always was together, especially in Christmas and New years. Also, I________ (have/ had) some bad times, too. When I was 5 years old, I had an accident. My brother and I________ (was/were) playing next to the construction site. He________ (hold/ held) a hoe up. It________ (were/) was heavy to him. He couldn’t hold it for a long time. Then, the hoe ________ (fall/ fell) and hit me on my head. My mother___________ (take/took) took me to the doctor immediately. I got well soon. Now, I’m an international student at ELC. I enjoy this time that I can learn about a new language and a new culture. I __________ ( wish/wishes) to stay more time here and to learn more English… Source: d) Complete using information about Emanuelle’s text. NAME FULL NAME OCCUPATION DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH PARENTS NAMES IMPORTANT EVENTS OF HER LIFE NATIONALITY e) Tick the correct alternative. The text was written by. ( ) a student ( ) a teacher ( ) Emanuelle The theme of the text is ( ) life ( ) travel ( ) school The support of the text is ( ) A site online ( ) A magazine ( ) A student’s book Today Emanuelle is a ( ) teacher ( ) doctor ( ) student f) Using Portuguese and English answer. -The author of text I and the text about Emanuelle is the same person? Why? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ -What’s the difference between this text and text I? Give examples that prove your answer. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ f) The following text was written on the Simple Past Tense. Identify the verbs and the time expressions that can be changed to the Simple Present Tense and rewrite it. (…)Everything began when brother Bergeson went to Brazil and visited my family. He invited me to come to the USA to live with his family, and to learn English. It was hard to me to decide if it was a good idea or not, because I needed to leave my family and friends in Brazil. It was scared, because I didn’t know to speak anything in English. I needed to learn a new language as a child.( Emanuelle’s life) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ i) Identifying in the sentences bellow what are: Biography and Autobiography. I had a very happy childhood and my earliest memory is that of waiting for my dad to come home from work on his motorbike. I would wait at the top of the driveway for him to get home. Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was born in 1985. He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world. The legendary Dutch genius Johan Cruyff said he's one of the best ever. Ronaldo became a soccer superstar playing for English team Manchester United, Spain's Real Madrid and for Portugal. He plays in midfield, from where he regularly scores spectacular goals. My name is Silvia Raquel Rodriguez Flores. I am 18 years old. I am from Honduras. I have in my family three brothers, one sister, and my mom. I am the third in my family. My birthday is on June 29th, 1981. In my life I have bad and good experiences, but a fantastic life overall. These experiences help me to be happy, and I learn from them every day of my life. Steve Jobs was the first child of two University of Wisconsin graduates, speech therapist, Joanne Simpson and Syrian political science professor, Abdulfattah "John" Jandali. He was adopted by Clara, an accountant, and machinist Paul Jobs, an ex Coast Guard. They named Steven Paul Jobs. j) Now, do you know (sabe) the difference between (entre) Biography and Autobiography? Then complete the chart below. AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND BIOGRAPHY CHECKLIST CHARACTERISTICS It is written in first person. It is written in third person. The person writes about himself/herself. The author writes about another person’s life. There are dates to show when events happened. It is written in a chronological order. The verbs are in Past/Present Tense. There are time connectors. Objectives -Reflect about personal information; - Write about personal information. Task 19THINKING ABOUT YOU a)Match the categories to the sentences. a)FAMILY d)MUSIC f)RELIGION I’m an international student at ELC. I enjoy this time that I can learn about a new language and a new culture I don’t like to play the violin, but I like listening to African music, because it’s so cool. b)WORK e)FUTURE g)STUDY My dream is to be a good tour guide. There are twelve people in my family, my father, mother, four elder brothers, five elder sisters and myself. c)PREFERENCE Nomads make many things by themselves. Such as blankets and clothes from yak and sheep wool. They also make cheese. I like to go to offerings at the weekends to pray for all-sentient beings. b) Read and reorganize the paragraphs of this autobiographical text. 1- There are six people in my family, my father, mother, two older brothers, a sister and myself. 2-I studied Tibetan for some years in Amdo and I come to Lhasa several months ago to study English, because I like learning English language. 3-My name is Snow Land. I’m from Amdo and I’m Tibetan. I’m an English student in Lansang language school. 4-My parents are nomads and one of my brothers is a language student. Another is an university student. My sister looks after my parents. c) This activity is about you. Complete your profile. NAME FULL NAME OCCUPATION DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH PARENTS NAMES IMPORTANT EVENTS OF YOUR LIFE NATIONALITY d)Use the boxes below and write sentences about you. Name/ where were you born/When were you born? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Your family ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Important events ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Now I want to… ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ In the future ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ e) Now write down the information constructing an autobiographical text. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Task- 20 Activity in pairs. Read the text that your classmate wrote about himself/herself and complete the chart below. REFLECTING ABOUT TEXT ORGANIZATION CHARACTERISTIC YES It is written in first person. The person writes about himself/herself. It is written in a chronological order. The verbs are in Past/Present Tense. There are time connectors. Task- 21 Rewrite your text. In the Lab post your text in the School Site. NO ORIENTAÇÕES METODOLÓGICAS As atividades desta Sequência Didática foram elaboradas para que os alunos percebam que em cada módulo há uma construção gradativa de aprendizagem. Para tanto utilizamos o gênero Autobiografia, as orientações das DCE e as concepções do ISD. Neste primeiro momento consideramos ser relevante conversar com os alunos sobre o Projeto e o gênero textual que será estudado, o número de aulas previstas para a realização das atividades planejadas e a importância de trabalhar com textos autênticos, nesta SD, Biografia/Autobiografia em língua inglesa. As atividades deste módulo oportunizam que o aluno informe, escreva sobre si (esta será a primeira produção) e que também obtenha informações pessoais dos colegas, para tanto, algumas estruturas linguísticas são retomadas (What/Where/When/How) e uma atividade oral socializa as informações obtidas. Esta primeira produção permite ao professor perceber o quanto os alunos dominam sobre o gênero e quais aspectos precisam ser desenvolvidos. Em seguida é proposta uma atividade no laboratório de informática, onde os alunos analisam um site com biografias de pessoas famosas, explorando as capacidades de ação. Desta página é utilizado um recorte de texto com informações sobre o jogador Neymar para que os alunos relembrem as características do gênero Biografia, para finalizar este módulo é produzido um “wordmap” com informações sobre a pessoa biografada. Sugestão de Sites Este módulo inicia no laboratório com a pesquisa de um texto biográfico (pode ser utilizado a mesma sugestão de site do módulo 1), de uma personalidade que seja interessante para o aluno (atleta, artista, escritor, cientista, etc), pois o objetivo desta atividade é que os alunos possam ler várias biografias e reconhecer algumas características deste gênero. Com as informações do texto biográfico escolhido, os alunos completam um perfil e com os dados deste perfil escrevem uma pequena biografia, que será exposta na sala em cartazes. Neste momento são iniciadas atividades de pré-leitura, para a introdução do gênero Autobiografia, onde os alunos observam imagens e utilizando-se de estratégias como a inferência, para deduzir quem é o autor do texto autobiográfico. Após a leitura do texto autobiográfico de Tsewang e as atividades referentes ao mesmo, as atividades instigam os alunos para que eles observem o lugar de onde é Tsewang, e se gostariam de viajar para esse país algum dia e quais seriam as diferenças entre este país e o nosso. Em seguida faz-se necessário utilizar o PowerPoint e os vídeos sugeridos para a contextualização da autobiografia. Após este momento, são formados grupos e retorna-se ao laboratório para que seja feita uma pesquisa em sites de busca, sobre informações a respeito dos países de Neymar e Tsewang para completar uma tabela. Acreditamos que colocá-los em contato com a sua cultura e com a do outro faz com que ampliem seus conhecimentos de si e do mundo. Para finalizar o módulo, os grupos transformam as informações em painéis utilizando os dados da pesquisa, textos e imagens para expor na sala de aula. O objetivo deste módulo é explorar as marcas linguísticas recorrentes aos gêneros Biografia e Autobiografia- o uso dos tempos verbais- Simple present, Simple Past, Personal Pronouns e Time Adverbs . É relevante aproveitar o momento para relembrar aos alunos o uso destes tópicos gramaticais e que esta atividade não se configura num exercício estanque. O trabalho proposto aqui se realizará com o intuito de explorar estas marcas linguísticas, as quais, dentre outras, caracterizam o gênero textual em questão. Para tanto, são retomados os textos estudados e acrescentado mais um texto autobiográfico (Emanuelle´s life) onde também são exploradas as ações linguísticodiscursivas presentes. Para finalizar o módulo, uma atividade de checklist com as características dos gêneros é proposta. Neste módulo buscamos reconstruir as representações e identidades dos alunos quando estes refletem sobre situações relevantes de suas próprias vidas. Retomamos com os alunos o texto da primeira produção, pois neste momento eles já reconhecem as características do gênero e possuem embasamento para a segunda produção (pode ser feita a reescrita coletiva de um texto, para ser modelo para os individuais) Na sequência outras atividades são propostas para ampliar a compreensão das características do gênero, possibilitando que o aluno perceba o desenvolvimento de sua aprendizagem. Em duplas é proposta uma atividade de checklist do gênero que precede a produção final. Para finalizar a Sequência Didática os alunos postam seus textos Autobiográficos no suporte de circulação, o site da escola. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS BACCIN, E.J. Modelo didático de gênero e sequência didática: gênero textual autobiografia. Artigo (Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional – PDE). Secretaria de Estado do Paraná – SEED, Dois Vizinhos, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: Out. 2013 BRONCKART, J.P. 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